What do you, as the GM do on a natural 1

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Unread post by Vrykolas2k »

BBBAAADDD things happen on 1's and 100's, o yesh...
1's can mean anything from a jammed weopon to an explosive discharge, to a blood-slick sword flying in a random direction from one's grasp.
Skills can be anything from "I shoulda cut the green wire." to "But I thought you said..." to "Oh, damn, I burned the muffins."
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Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

A 1 is a miss at best.
Usually something bad happens... exactly what is up to me when the die roll is made. It could be that you hit a friend, possibly yourself, or you hit an innocent bystander/hostage. If nothing else: your weapon could jam, your sword could get caught, etc.
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Unread post by Adam of the Old Kingdom »

I was in a group once that had a hat (cap if you prefer) with "Sucks to be me" emproidered on the front.

A natual 1 scored the roller the hat.

and some in game nastyness.
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Unread post by Larsen »

I as a PC have had two or three characters die because of a bad roll. :( As a Gm it more depends on how the character has been throughout the roleplay whether or not a bad roll kills them. If the person has played in character and not been a royal pain in my side then a really bad roll ends in a comatose character or a semi-critical or critical injury instead of the death it should have been.
If your a thorn in my side throughout the game then if you have a bad roll at a critical time you can try your hand at my house rule of a snowballs chance in hell luck roll (you ask for something that could happen but is highly unlikely and if you roll a natural 20 you get it)

But most of the time my players don't make me mad at them enough to not fudge their deaths.
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Unread post by Dr. Doom III »

Although officially there is no critical miss in Palladium games I use it anyway.
You just miss. No penalties other then that.
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Unread post by Athos »

Vrykolas2k wrote:BBBAAADDD things happen on 1's and 100's, o yesh...
1's can mean anything from a jammed weopon to an explosive discharge, to a blood-slick sword flying in a random direction from one's grasp.
Skills can be anything from "I shoulda cut the green wire." to "But I thought you said..." to "Oh, damn, I burned the muffins."

Seems a little much. Statistically a 1 comes up 5 out of a 100 times. That is quite often. Weapons just aren't that unstable to explode or jam, 5% of the time. I spent over 7 years in the army and fired everything from mines to rockets, machineguns to grenades and never once had one hurt me. The worst that happens is they don't go off. If your weapon is dirty it might jam, but it is fairly easy to un jam it, I would say a melee action at most.

I know it is very common to make "bad" things happen on a natural one, but it just isn't realistic for modern weaponry. And I would think that they are even better made in the Rifts future than they are today, so there would be even less of a chance of serious failure. Just my two cents.
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Unread post by cornholioprime »


On a Natural 1 (''.....I'm the One, natural One, take it easy [shameless ''Kids'' Movie reference].......''), the Character ALWAYS hits HIM/HERSELF, and for Critical Damage......unless, of course (s)he has Automatic Dodge, Psychic Omni-Sight, etc., in which case, I will allow the Character roll to dodge....His/Herself........ lol.......
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Unread post by Uncle Servo »

Let's just say that unfortunate, yet entertaining things happen to the poor soul who rolls a natural 1... be it NPC or PC... :demon:
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Unread post by Vrykolas2k »

Athos wrote:
Vrykolas2k wrote:BBBAAADDD things happen on 1's and 100's, o yesh...
1's can mean anything from a jammed weopon to an explosive discharge, to a blood-slick sword flying in a random direction from one's grasp.
Skills can be anything from "I shoulda cut the green wire." to "But I thought you said..." to "Oh, damn, I burned the muffins."

Seems a little much. Statistically a 1 comes up 5 out of a 100 times. That is quite often. Weapons just aren't that unstable to explode or jam, 5% of the time. I spent over 7 years in the army and fired everything from mines to rockets, machineguns to grenades and never once had one hurt me. The worst that happens is they don't go off. If your weapon is dirty it might jam, but it is fairly easy to un jam it, I would say a melee action at most.

I know it is very common to make "bad" things happen on a natural one, but it just isn't realistic for modern weaponry. And I would think that they are even better made in the Rifts future than they are today, so there would be even less of a chance of serious failure. Just my two cents.

Well, if my players rolled that many 1's, I'd agree... but I watch them roll, and they don't. Actually I hardly ever see it. My NPC's do it more than my PC's do, and since I roll where everyone can see... every now and then they get a relatively easy prisoner.
Eyes without life, maggot-ridden corpses, mountains of skulls... these are a few of my favourite things.

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