Dragon kings

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Re: Dragon kings

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newbee2004 wrote:I just finished the 6th tolkeen book. In it it talks about dragon kings being kicked out of their home world.

Is that in some book and if so which?

Not yet. Maybe Rifts: Dragons & Gods.
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Unread post by RockJock »

As of now there old kingdom is just one of the many alternate worlds in the Megaverse.
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Re: Dragon kings

Unread post by Josh Sinsapaugh »

newbee2004 wrote:I just finished the 6th tolkeen book. In it it talks about dragon kings being kicked out of their home world.

Is that in some book and if so which?

Not sure that it does, there homeworld is supposed to be a mystery.
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Re: Dragon kings

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newbee2004 wrote:I just finished the 6th tolkeen book. In it it talks about dragon kings being kicked out of their home world.

Is that in some book and if so which?

First and only mention.

I expect it will stay that way.
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Re: Dragon kings

Unread post by Athos »

Dr. Doom III wrote:
newbee2004 wrote:I just finished the 6th tolkeen book. In it it talks about dragon kings being kicked out of their home world.

Is that in some book and if so which?

First and only mention.

I expect it will stay that way.

No way. :) Those homeless dragon kings gotta go somewhere now that Tolkeen is destroyed. I see them being a recurring player in that part of the world. "Hey buddy, can you spare some gold and maybe a villager". Nothing sadder than a homeless dragon.
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Unread post by Svartalf »

And where the people were nasty to the exiled Dragon Kings, there was much death and burnination
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Unread post by Vrykolas2k »

Svartalf wrote:And where the people were nasty to the exiled Dragon Kings, there was much death and burnination

*Smiles beatifically.
I still don't get why the Dragon Kings would leave their homes to the talking monkies like that. Makes no sense. There should be a pile of smoking stones, some ticked off dragons, and a massacre of CS troops.
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Unread post by cornholioprime »

Geronimo 2.0 wrote:"C'mon, man, Give a scaley-brother a virgin..."

This is one Black Man that finds that Quote pretty damn funny. :lol:
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Unread post by chaserone »

Rifts Novels? Adam Chilson wrote them. You could probably find them at Pal Books site or on ebay.
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Unread post by Vrykolas2k »

evilgeek wrote:i've never even seen a rifts novel...

i've never actually looked but... darn it, where do you get them.

if i have to order them, my stoner I'm-to-lazy-to-order-them genes will take over and I'll never get around to it.

are they actually any good? who writes them?

I read one of them. It would have been a good book, if it had been complete, had been written by a sober adult, and wasn't full of cheese. To wit, "The dragon dRifted..." or somesuch... the atrocity has been indelibly inscribed in my nightmares since I read it.
Eyes without life, maggot-ridden corpses, mountains of skulls... these are a few of my favourite things.

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Unread post by Hystrix »

The 2nd and 3rd Novels had better editting. They were ok. Someone had commited that they sounded like an adventure being done by an amature GM... :-?

Be that as it may, I really think one of the Dragon Kings was ...

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