Hargun Bikes left out of Southern Cross Book

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The Hargun is a mecha from the Megazone series. I think there is a poster here who has a pic in his sig. Lt. Fury, maybe??? Anyway I do believe that at one point there was a robotech m,ovie that was a combination of Megazone 23 and pieces from Southeern Cross thrown in. The Hargun was just a mecha used. Very cool. however not truly in the Sounthern cross series. There are several sites that give game stats for it. Someone will probably post the links here soon.
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it's fomr the Non-Canon Robotech:The Movie, Which was released in 2 Theaters in the US and frankly sucked.
The Movies was a Continuity Nightmare, it has the ASC dowing a Masters Mothership in Japan about 2 years before the Masters invasion. (which if it was canon... the whole Idea the masters are "peaceful allies" would be even more stupid than it is in the current canon). The Hargun/Garland are nice Designs, but havent been part of robotech for many years.

www.steelfalcon.com has a Garland page. Detrich hasnt done anything wiht it in years. His Ideas are heavly influenced by the RPG, Making his site a big turn of to many Robotech-nuts.
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the RT nuts Dispise the RPg for somereason, I'm not sure of it my self. but i think its Attributed to the amount of Errors they feel the RPG has which shoud have been corrected. Fast packs, the Whole SC book, lots of Errors in the invid book as well. RT fans are several factions.... Mckinny-ist, Palladium-fans and the Hardcore RT fans. and none seam to Agree on anything.
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unfortunatly, the RPG License Died in the late 90's.... no Robotech RPG for palladium, I'm half supprised they keep this board running.

as for a second ed. Stan bundy (basara 549) is working on a home made second ed... he's got close to 200 pages last he mentioned it.
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Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

Now that last part baffles me a little Colonel, why would Deitrich's RPG influence turn off Robotech nuts? Care to elaborate?

1) palladium took a lot of liberties to turn the show into a game (most were very needed), which offends the "purists" who think that anything other that the show itself is, well, ****.

2) Mckinney fans, since they think McKinney is god as far as how the show is, find the fact that palladium didn't use all of their pet timeline insulting.

3) much of the palladium material is either ill thoughtout (WW3 over a space station?), or really vague (can't avoid that) which offends alot of robotech gamers, since they have to revamp it themselves, and the additions of "non-canon" mecha, groups, and the like tend to muddy waters a bit as well.

4) alot of robotech fans game in non palladium systems, since to their minds palladium ****'s and they prefer mekton or heavily modified palladium base. the "high" MDC, "low powered weapons" and "absurd" speeds turn off many. (for some reason alot of robotech fans seem to think a redshirt appearance determains the actual toughness of something. because the majority of [STOCK] footage shows lots of VT's getting shredded after one shot, they assume that the VT's have to have so little armor as to die from a hand gun.)

5) the "third invid war" was a palladium creation, to give an excuse for playing the game after the timeperiod of the show. so anyone who hates palladium but likes robotech hates the TIW.
Last edited by glitterboy2098 on Tue Oct 26, 2004 10:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Harmony Gold.

the other 2 you mentiond have very little to do wiht Robotech anymore.

Tatsunoko just supplied the animation, and ol Carl the Wacky Ideas he put in to Rt... making it the Messed up continiuty nightmare it is today.
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Alex, I'm not sure who your post was directed at Glitterboy, Corradus or Me, but the amount of Time peopel have been posting here has little to do with weather peopel know or care about the Polotical situation around here.

Thou KS didnt Write every palladium book printed, he did Write the Majority of Robotech books. (a long with Kevin long doin 90% of the art).
sure every Game after time needs a Revision, but none more so than Palladium "Megaversal" system. With each new printing he adds a new rule, then claims it has always been in the game. thou I'm not a Writer, I do know Revission takes a large amount of Time, Playtesting and money. D20 did it when Weakness showed in the 3.0 system, Palaldium tried to Fix some problems in the rifts GMG, but Faild as it Contradicted many rules in the Rifts main book. I respect Kevin alot, I've met him in person, he's a Awesome guy. I Love his setting, but Find the system weak compared to others i play today.

From my point of View: Palladium did a fine job to start us of - cause they did the job, period, and im thankful for that. And before you go rushing off to judge the people of this message board, I suggest you get to know us first.

I agree, Palladium did a helluva job with what they had. could it have been a better Job? Sure, but cant pull a Lucas on RPG books.
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