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Unread post by MrTwist »

I showed my group some of the Dread Transformation stuff, and the response I got back was that because of the sheer amount of modifications that can be made, it's almost another power category. I disagreed, mainly on the basis that it's not very reliable. Plus, it will change every time you use it.

Sorry about how long everything is taking.
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Unread post by Iczer »

Object Fusion
The character has the ability to fuse two objects together to form new and varied equipment. This power, while Taxing, makes the character a provider of unique items.
1) Optimise: The character takes two similar objects and meshes them by physically pushing them together. Formed from these remains are a single object (and some leftover pieces) with the combined capacity of both. Fusing 2 handguns is most likely to produce a double barrelled version. Fusing two automobiles will produce a high speed, heavily armoured version. The new creation has abilities equal to the sum of it’s parts, minus any redundant pieces. The only drawback to this are that mass is conserved and that power and energy requirements are also conserved (so the dual automobile now needs twice as much fuel). This ability can also be used as a method of assembly, fusing essential components together to create a single device in a fraction of normal assembly time.
2) Distribution: The character can mesh two items together to create 2 items. One the pinnacle of engineering, the other a cheap piece of trash. The Pinnacle of engineering has the best attributes of both items, while the other has the worst. Each item looks a lot like a fusion of technologies, resembling both parent items but matching neither. Essentially, the better of the two gets the best of 2 properties, while all other features are simply averaged. An additional property may be selected at levels 3,6,9 and 12. (Example. Mixer combines his shotgun with a friends Revolver. Being 3rd level, his new creations are a Revolver sized shotgun (better size, better damage) with 8 round capacity (ammo feed). Of course this power also produces a shotgun sized weapon that fires .38 rounds with a six round capacity. Range for both weapons (un unselected feature) is the average of both.)
3) Levelling: The character can also take a large group of items and mesh all their qualities so that all are average. By taking a dozen or so miscellaneous handguns, the character can create a dozen handguns with identical (average) abilities (range, size, ammo capacity, damage)
4) Merging: The character can simply combine two objects to make a new item. Merging a clock radio with a shotgun would make a shotgun radio. Merging a microwave with a refrigerator would produce a refrigerator with an in built microwave.
5) Materiel merge: The character can also swap construction materials around as well. A character with a ceramic knife and a Samurai sword, can create a ceramic samurai sword and a metal knife. Other properties are compensated for in this power, so the samurai sword will inflict the same damage. And switching the materiel properties of a powersuit with concrete could be both interesting and potentially debilitating.
6) Other bonuses: Obviously, when used for repairs and rebuilds, this power adds +10% to electronic and mechanical skills, as well as to carpentry and general repair and maintenance
7) Notes: Obviously this power has a little GM intervention required. If the player meshes a Porsche with a Train the GM may have to step in to deliver a final verdict. Also there are practical limits to the ability, and the GM may make mass rulings if need be to prevent an player from meshing his car with a goliath class spacecraft.. He must be able to touch both (or all) items at once, and with the exception of levelling, he can only affect 2 items at once (with a third at 5th level, and a fourth at 9th level) The process takes a minute, requiring constant contact, so is inadvisable in combat. No new abilities are created when the power is used. Combining a torch with a sword will not produce an energy weapon. Items that are merged stay merged until the Player, or someone else with the same power reverses the process. Merging a microwave oven with a sword could make either a sword too heavy to hold or a microwave oven with a blade that can hold items about an inch thick. Objects once combined meshed merged or whatever, cannot be merged again.

Adrenal Morph:
The character gains strength and power in response to pain and damage.
1) Heightened Strength: For every 10 full points of damage taken, the character gains +1 PS and grows ½ inch in size and gains 5lbs of mass. After 50 points of damage, the character’s skin increase to an AR of 9 (or by +1) at 50 damage, with another +1 every 10 damage after that, settling in at AR 16.
2) Heightened fury: After the character has sustained 50 points of damage, and every 25 points thereafter, he gains +1 attack and +10 spd.
3) Torture: Every save vs pain acts as 5 points of virtual damage for morphing purposes. A failed save counts as 10 points.
4) Other bonuses: Gains 25 SDC and +1d4+1 PE. Character heals at 2 times normal rate, and can remain functioning until negative 40 HP.
5) Notes: The character recovers quite quickly from these rages. 5 minutes after damage or torture, his bonuses slip away without any side effects (except the lingering damage). If the character is damaged again, then the counter is set to zero again. Thus this power does not benefit characters receiving periodic damage. Benefits kick in at the start of a new round.
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Lynx8882 wrote:Is it just me or does that Forge link seem a little too powerful to be a minor due to the possibilities it can add to a game?

or i could just be ignorant to it i dunno :P


To be truthful I was concerned over its classification.

Essentially however, it's a power that allows you to halve damage. It's not really halving either, as you need a frind to take half of that for you, or to have someone fail a sve vs the link. and even then, if they don't want to be hurt, they get ANOTHER save. and 14 isn't so bad.

On the same note it does allow the other members in to share this limited resistence. If combined with Ex-PE then you could 'link' with a bunch of squishies. any damage they take can be halved, absorbed by the character.

The only Real Offensive issue with it is forging a link with an enemy. He has an average save to resist being linked (and each link takes an attack to perform, thats an attack that could be spent doing damage.) and after that he gets the ability to transfer half any damage inflicted on him to his enemy. if the enemy makes the save though he's SOL.

All in all:
No autododge
No extra SDC
No extra attacks.
Limited to touch
Can be saved against
and lastly: characters can move out of range.

despite it's ability, I would probably amp it up a bit if I wanted it to be a major power.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Unread post by dark brandon »

Tag: Minor

Range: Line of sight
Duration: 5 hours per level
Save: 14 or higher with ME bonuses

This allows the mutant to "tag" an someone. Once a person is tagged, the mutant can locate the person as if a beacon from "heaven" is constantly upon them, wether they are indoors or not. While cloudy weather conditions will not hinder this power, things that limit vision, such as fog or heavy rain may, as well as the person being out of visiual distance

The number of people that can be tagged is ME + 1 per level at any one time. The beacon itself is invisible and can only be seen if a person can see the invisible. (note: while the mutant can see his own "tag" this does not allow him to see invisible)

*I'm not too sure on the 'visiual' distance on this, other than "line of sight". Since this is the line of sight from the sky, rather than a direct line of sight, Guesing on distance is a little harder. I'm thinking maybe a maximum of 15 miles*
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Unread post by znbrtn »

how's this for a final writeup for coil arms?

coil arms-minor
the character has redesigned arms that are made for reaching and crushing prey. this can, and often is displayed in many different ways. while one character might have snake-like arms, another character might have arms similar to gigantic bendy straws. the actual effect is largely up to the player and/or gm.the basics, however generally stay the same.
the character's arms are capable of extending up to 3 feet, plus 1 per level.
their arm strength is considered superhuman.also, the character gets +1 ps at levels 2, 5, 7, 10, 12, and 15.
they automatically receive the wrestling skill.
a crush/pin attack by this character does 2d4+1d4 per even level(2,4,6,etc) +p.s. bonus. also, at 3rd level and above, the character will be able to execute a crush/pin attack with one arm as long as the arm is long enough to fully restrain the target.
the character is immune to joint locks of the arms and hands.
each arm has 50 sdc, and, if severed, grows back to normal length in 1 week, after which it gains a foot each day until it's back to full length.
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Hey Werebear (well, and everyone else who's looking), how's this for Supernatural P.B.?

Divine Beauty (Major)

The character possesses physical beauty beyond that of mere mortals. He/she will be thought to be an angel, god or goddess. Merely having been in the presence of one of these beautiful beings for a few moments can haunt a person for the rest of his life.

1. Physical Beauty:
Increase P.B. to 26 + 1D4
Has the Rogue skill Seduction as a natural ability. Base skill: 40% + 3% per additional level of experience. Other bonuses apply normally per the skill.
+25% to investigation/research, interrogation, palming and pick pocket skills.

2. Physical Perfection: The character appears to be in perfect physical condition. The power is identical to the minor super ability of Physical Perfection with one exception: Do NOT add the P.B. attribute bonus, all other bonuses apply.

3. Awe Factor: 14 + 1 at levels 3, 6, 9, and 12.

4. Love Charm: Like the spell of the same name, the character has the ability to charm almost anyone causing them to fall madly in love with him/her. The victim must be of the appropriate sex and if he/she is already in love with another then add a +2 bonus to the saving throw. The victim will believe, trust and defend anything the character says or does. They will also obey any request by their lover, including murder (which requires another saving throw). The charmed person will constantly stay at the caster’s side and will often suggest amorous pleasures. This power can only be used on one person at a time. If there are no side effects the charmed person will return to normal at the end of the power’s duration.

Range: Touch
Duration: Five minutes (20 melee rounds) per level of experience
Saving Throw: Non-Psionics must roll a 15 or higher to save
Psionics must roll a 12 or higher to save

Side Effects: The side effects of this power are identical to those listed for the Love Charm spell (HU2, page 332).
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Unread post by MrTwist »

Hyperion, is that Vice power at all isnpired by the discussion on the Strength of Pong thread?
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Unread post by Mr Scorpio »

ZEN wrote:fractured my elbow after falling 10 feet onto concrete.. work related accident.. full story on Sound off.

Ouch! Don't worry about the editing for now (though there'll probably be a lot to catch up on once you get well). I've got a couple of more powers to post but I'm in no hurry. Just rest up and get well soon.

MrTwist wrote:Hence the 'maybe'. A supernatural PP power would be... well... extreme. Every combat monster will take it.

I tried not to let it get too out of hand it is....

Mr Scorpio wrote:Supernatural P.P. (Major)

The character possesses inhuman agility making him a natural gymnast and acrobat. The character’s build is thin and wiry with little body fat.

Increased Speed and Agility:
Increase P.P. to 22 + 2D4
+4D6 to Speed attribute.
Super flexible backbone (same as the Mustelid Animal Abilities sub-ability)
Some characters (01-20%) will also be Double-Jointed (see HU2, page 160 for details and bonuses)

Uncanny Acrobat: The super being can perform feats of physical agility not normally seen outside of the foremost displays of Olympic level gymnasts. This ability is identical to the minor super ability of Uncanny Acrobat. Note: bonuses from this ability have already been added in.

Other Bonuses:
Add two extra attacks per melee round.
+2 to initiative
+3 to dodge
+6 to roll with punch/fall/impact
+5 to automatic dodge; can dodge an attack without using up a melee action.
+2D6 S.D.C.
Paired Weapons
+25% to skills requiring dexterity and prowess, such as pick locks, escape artist, prowl, climb, etc.
+10% to Gymnastics and Acrobatics skills gained from Uncanny Acrobat.
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MrTwist, a while back you gave me the basics for a Copy Energy Structure power and now I've worked on giving it a write up so that it might make it on to PU3.0. I think it might need a little tweeking.

Mr Scorpio wrote:Copy Energy Structure (Major)

Much like the Copy Physical Structure major ability this power lets the character mimic the properties of any energy with which he comes into physical contact. The range and damage are noticeably less than those of the true Alter Physical Structure abilities. To copy the properties of a type of energy, the character must simply make physical contact.

Duration: The character can maintain his energy form for five minutes per level of experience.

Attacks per Melee: It takes two attack/actions to first absorb and analyze and to then transform into the energy form.

Traits of the Energy Form: The character takes on the particular qualities of whatever type of energy he has become. Just as with the A.P.S.: Fire major ability intense cold, ice, chemicals, or being doused with large amounts of water may force the character to return to his flesh and blood form. Such attacks have a 01-40% chance of successfully dousing/shorting-out/etc. the character’s energy form. System shock prevents the superbeing from using this power for 2D4 melee rounds.

Energy Traits
Electricity - Disrupts power tools and electronic equipment (for 1D6 melees)
Fire - Use the table under Dangerous Limitations section of APS: Fire
Light (artificial) - ?
Light (sunlight) - Can harm (and even kill) vampires
Microwaves - Attack rolls ignore non-metallic armors (roll to hit opponent as though he/she were unarmored)
Plasma - Use the table under Dangerous Limitations section of APS: Fire
Radiation - Anyone touching the character or being his by a blast has a 01-30% chance of contracting radiation sickness as described
in the Control Radiation major ability.

1. Energy Bolt: Once transformed into an energy being the character has the ability to release a short-range energy bolt from the hands or eyes.
Range: 50ft.
Damage: 1D6 +1D6 per experience level.
Attacks per Melee: Each bolt counts as one melee attack/action.
Bonus: +3 to strike

2. Full Energy Release: The character can choose to release all of his energy in an explosive blast doing damage to everything (and everyone) within range. Releasing all of his energy causes the character to automatically transform back into his normal flesh and blood form and he cannot use his power to copy any energy for 1D4 minutes and must rely on his other powers and abilities.
Range: The character is at the center of the blast with a radius of 50 feet
Damage: 1D6 X 10
Attacks per Melee: Focusing and then releasing all of the character’s energy uses up all of his attacks for the entire melee.
Bonus: +3 to strike

3. Energy Resistance: The character is resistant to all forms of energy, allowing him time to absorb enough energy to trigger the transformation. This ability is identical to the minor super ability of Energy Resistance. Note: Once a character transforms into an energy form he becomes immune to the kind of energy he is now mimicking.

Limited Invulnerability: Because the character’s body is composed almost entirely of energy he possesses limited invulnerability. All projectiles and hard weapons such as bullets, arrows, knives, swords, and even punches and kicks do half damage. Explosions do no damage to the character. Magic and Psionics do full damage.

Limitations: While the character is transformed, the touch of the character is dangerous. Making physical contact (the equivalent of a touch or punch) with flesh and blood creatures (humans, animals, etc.) inflicts 3D6 +1 points of damage per level. The energy being will also do damage to most objects he touches or tries to pick up.

Vulnerabilities: The character also takes on the vulnerabilities of the energy form. For example, as a fire creature, extreme cold or water based attacks will do double damage.

Other Abilities and Bonuses:
Extra S.D.C.: The energy form is more resistant to physical harm and adds 50 S.D.C. regardless of the type of energy the character is mimicking. Like normal Alter Physical Structure powers the extra S.D.C. regenerates at a rate of 4D6 points per every 10 minutes.

Horror Factor: 10 (14 if the opponent is particularly vulnerable to whatever energy the character has become).
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Unread post by MrTwist »

Detect Abilities(minor)
This ability allows a super being to 'scan' other beings and learn about their capabilities. It takes time to study another to determine abilities. Even the capabilities of supernatural beings can be discovered. Unfortunately, this power gives no insight into technologically generated abilities nor does it gives knowledge of abnormal weaknesses.

Range: 200ft + 50ft per level of experience. For the entire time spent scanning, the opponent must be visible and within range.

Duration: Concentration. During this time, the super being is reduced to two attacks per melee and half of all combat bonuses. The only time a super being can use this power with no real penalties is if the super being has the power of multi tasking. If so, they can continue with normal combat actions while still scanning, but only as long as they keep looking at the target. For blind super heroes with abilities that compensate, like Radar and the like, then this power can be used on conjunction with them. This is only the case as long as the compensating ability is some sort of sight-like power and not just a heightened ability in one of the other four senses.

Effects: What is detected determines how much time is spent scanning. All knowledge comes at the end of the round.
1st Round - Super abilities not natural to the being in question are discovered.
2nd Round - Super abilities natural to the being(like in the case of some aliens) are discovered.
3rd Round - Presence of Psionic abilities becomes apparent. This does not include knowledge of exactly which powers are present, but they will know which category most powers are in. Also, they will know which categories of psionics are available to the target.
4th Round - Presence of magical potential is known. This cannot determine whether or not the being is a spell caster, but it will show they have an over abundance of some strange energies. With experience, the super being will associate this reading with high levels of PPE(more than 50). There is no set level at which they learn this, but the more they encounter, and scan, spell casters, the quicker they learn this. Magically enhanced beings will show up like this also.
5th Round - The abilities of supernatural beings becomes known. Instead of knowing the actual powers of these beings, they know approximations. So, for example, a vampire is scanned. The super being learns they are really strong, have some kind of shapechanging abilities, and also learn they probably have a hypnotic power.

There's the rough draft, most likely needs a bit of polishing. I'm thinking of maybe adding a table to determine the extent of the knowledge, instead of just automatically learning everything.
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Unread post by MrTwist »

Zen, one of my players suggested adding something to the Finger On The Pulse power. Since the power lets the super being find all the best stores and sales, there should be some kind of price reduction on equipment. Maybe something like 10-15% off listed book prices. Of course, this only applies to stuff available at stores. Contraband or stuff not available to the public(missiles, government issue stuff) don't get this discount.
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Unread post by MrTwist »

Got a little more work done on the Dream Hero. There's some differences between what I've posted so far, but it's starting to shape up a bit. I'm gonna change the magical stuff a bit. Originally, I put in the possibility of magical spells just because I've always seen magic as being powered by the will of the mage. Different techniques focus will in different ways, but see the same results, which is why differing Magic O.C.C.s sometimes have access to the same spells. I figured the Dream Hero was actively trying to use their willpower to focus the magical energies into specific effects, hence the availability of spells. The technique is different, but the result is the same.

Now I'm thinking it's a bad idea to allow for a true hybrid. Or, if I still use it, change it so that even though it seems like a spell was cast, and the effects are what was desired, the energy itself is not magic. Instead, it's just another manifestation of dream into the real world. Therefore, invulnerable characters and others vulnerable(or invulnerable) to magic wouldn't treat it as magical. It would be more like a super power.

Just wanted to bounce that idea off the people here.
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Unread post by MrTwist »

ZEN wrote:interesting idea, sort of like psionic effects then?

Sort of. I was thinking maybe all of it's abilities should be considered more like super powers. Basically, all of it's abilities are just approximations of the real thing. They actually are extensions of the realm of dreams. Unconsciously, the Hero taps into the malleable stuff of dream and wills it into a certain form.

Basically it keeps down possible problems where a Dream Hero lucky enough to get powers, psi, and magic from being able to take down many opponents because of the wide range of abilities. That's why heros group together(sometimes), so their varied abilities can work together to accomplish goals.

Of course, I may just leave it as an option during character creation.
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Unread post by MrTwist »

As far as posted powers, some of these already exist. See previous posts, and also see Zen's site for some powers that have been edited for better balance and such.
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Unread post by MrTwist »

Whiz Kid wrote:
MrTwist wrote:As far as posted powers, some of these already exist. See previous posts, and also see Zen's site for some powers that have been edited for better balance and such.

You'll forgive me if I don't have the time or patience to crawl through a 45-page thread for those things, won't you? :-) I have checked Zen's site, and the only ability I can find that any of mine are close to is the APS: Liquid Metal ability.

Besides, everything's been done before by someone. I'm just hoping that I've got something to add to it. 8-)

Forgot how long this thread has gotten. But yeah, they are some good additions. The Liquid Metal one stuck out, that's why I mentioned Zen's site.

The one other I noticed was Juxtaposition. I did a version of it a while ago, simply called "Switch Places". A few differences, but pretty similar. Believe me, it's not a minor power. Just the stuff you can do with it puts it on par with the most powerful of super abilities. Even with the range so small, it's still useful. If you don't believe me, find the most crafty and imaginative player you know and then give them access to that power.

I do like some of them quite a bit. Groovy.
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Unread post by MrTwist »

Whiz Kid wrote:
MrTwist wrote:The one other I noticed was Juxtaposition. I did a version of it a while ago, simply called "Switch Places". A few differences, but pretty similar. Believe me, it's not a minor power. Just the stuff you can do with it puts it on par with the most powerful of super abilities. Even with the range so small, it's still useful. If you don't believe me, find the most crafty and imaginative player you know and then give them access to that power.

Oh, I have. It was... entertaining, to say the least. I don't think it ranks on par with a major power, though. It's one of those 'Bend Light' types- it's too powerful to be a minor, but doesn't really have enough going for it as-is to be a major.

First, you can teleport. The short range really isn't much of a bother. Just being able to teleport at all is pretty useful. Then the stipulation. Must have a humanoid to switch places with. Ok, still not that bad.

Now, just about any opponent is easy to capture now. Bring up the big van thing strong enough to hold people, then get inside. Switch places, and they are captured. Or have the team's resident super strong guy(just about every team seems to have one) get you in a bearhug. Then switch places with the foe. Or jump up to leap on your friend's magical sword. Then switch places with that invulnerable opponent who keeps dodging. Hostage situations would be a thing of the past. Just switch places with the hostage takers. And if you can fly and your opponent can't, then the real fun begins.

It's just all the really vicious things you can do with it that makes it a major power.
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ZEN wrote:Cast comes off my arm tomorrow, Thagema's powers have been removed from the web page, server is back (the company shifted to a better bunker so the site was down for a while).. I've got lots of work to do when I get back to it.

Glad to hear that your arm is better. Thought I'd try to help ease (or more likely add to) your work load.... I've been thinking about Brannigan's Coil Arms power and came up with my own take on it. It's fairly different than his but I kinda like it.

Mr Scorpio wrote:Constrictor Arms (Minor)

Similar to the Alter Physical Structure of Limb Minor ability this power allows the character to transform both of his arms into powerful tentacle like appendages that resemble the body of a snake. The tentacles are stronger than the character’s normal arms and their strength becomes Superhuman when transformed allowing them to inflict damage to stone and metal (including characters with A.P.S.: Metal and A.P.S.: Stone).

Bonuses (for Arms only)
+10 to P.S. (becomes Superhuman)
+2 to Entangle and Disarm
+5% to Climb
Automatically gets the pin/incapacitate and crush/squeeze attacks without having to take the Wrestling skill
+4 to strike with both pin/incapacitate and crush/squeeze attacks if the character takes the Wrestling skill
The character is immune to joint locks of the arms and hands.
Each arm has 50 S.D.C., and, if severed, grows back to normal length in 1 week, after which it gains a foot each day until it's back to full length.

Length: Once transformed the character's arms are 3 feet long and capable of stretching an additional 1 foot per level of experience.

Damage: The crush/squeeze attack does 2D4 + 1D4 points of damage at levels 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 (in addition to P.S. bonuses). Beginning at 3rd level and above, the character will be able to execute a crush/squeeze attack with one arm as long as the arm is long enough to fully restrain the target. A one armed crush/squeeze attack does 1D4 points of damage + 1D4 at levels 4, 8 and 12 (in addition to P.S. bonuses).
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Unread post by MrTwist »

My point is I'm just stating my opinion on it. I just see any kind of teleportation as a major power, along with being able to control someone else's location. I'm sure we could discuss this for days, neither one giving up on their view of the ability. I see it one way, you see it the other.

Oh yeah, powers used by devious people can take on epic proportions easily. Color Manipulation has it's own limitations, enough to keep it in check. It is a very powerful minor in the right hands. And, it usually it only chosen by those devious people. At least, among those who choose their powers.

I still don't agree with it being a minor, and I never will. But, I will give some suggestions on it. I think a saving throw is a good idea, just so it's not automatic. Maybe some reference to power combinations being impossible. For example, it can't be combined with intangibility. That would stop people from going intangible, sinking into the ground, then switching places with people for an instant kill. I'm sure some kind of blanket statement would stop those vicious kinds of combos.
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Unread post by MrTwist »

Here's one I can't figure out if it's major or minor, though I'm thinking it may be more along the lines of a major. Just popped into my head. It may even be better as a magical spell.

Rift Shield(or Mini Rift, or Void Shield)
This strange ability is similar to the minor power of Energy Shield. When used, a shield shaped two dimensional plane of complete darkness. Not just black, but stars are visible in it's depths along with other space phenomena. It's like looking into some deep empty area of space, and that is exactly what it is. There are innate safeguards in the power that keeps the rift as a one way portal. Things can go in, but nothing can come back through the portal. This includes smart missiles, probes, and even radio signals.
Duration: Can be summoned at will. For puposes of whether or not it can be summoned up in response to an attack, add +3 to the super being's initiative for purposes of comparing who is faster. The shield will last as long as the character wills it, but disappears if the hero dies or is rendered unconscious.
Effects: Anything blocked by this shield is lost in the unreachable depths of space. This only applies to things that fully go through the shield. With melee weapons and hand to hand attacks that are parried, they just enter the rift for a brief moment. They are not damaged by the effects of the void since they are only there for the briefest of moments. So, when a sword strikes the shield, the part that actually touches the shield disappears from sight, but is visible in the shield. The rest of the weapon is still visible outside of the shield. They are connected still, so it doesn't cut the weapon in half. Also, the shield cannot be turned off while something is partly inside it. It just doesn't work.

I'm sure there are ways to modify it to make it more major. Allow it to be made a two way portal for just a moment to decrease temperature or attempt to suck things in it. Why does light come through the other side when nothing else does? Because it looks cool that way. And no, nothing that shoots lasers can go through and turn around to fire out of the portal.

Tell me what you think. Heck, probably something like this is already around.
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Mr Scorpio wrote:
ZEN wrote:Cast comes off my arm tomorrow, Thagema's powers have been removed from the web page, server is back (the company shifted to a better bunker so the site was down for a while).. I've got lots of work to do when I get back to it.

Glad to hear that your arm is better. Thought I'd try to help ease (or more likely add to) your work load.... I've been thinking about Brannigan's Coil Arms power and came up with my own take on it. It's fairly different than his but I kinda like it.

Mr Scorpio wrote:Constrictor Arms (Minor)

Similar to the Alter Physical Structure of Limb Minor ability this power allows the character to transform both of his arms into powerful tentacle like appendages that resemble the body of a snake. The tentacles are stronger than the character’s normal arms and their strength becomes Superhuman when transformed allowing them to inflict damage to stone and metal (including characters with A.P.S.: Metal and A.P.S.: Stone).

Bonuses (for Arms only)
+10 to P.S. (becomes Superhuman)
+2 to Entangle and Disarm
+5% to Climb
Automatically gets the pin/incapacitate and crush/squeeze attacks without having to take the Wrestling skill
+4 to strike with both pin/incapacitate and crush/squeeze attacks if the character takes the Wrestling skill
The character is immune to joint locks of the arms and hands.
Each arm has 50 S.D.C., and, if severed, grows back to normal length in 1 week, after which it gains a foot each day until it's back to full length.

Length: Once transformed the character's arms are 3 feet long and capable of stretching an additional 1 foot per level of experience.

Damage: The crush/squeeze attack does 2D4 + 1D4 points of damage at levels 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 (in addition to P.S. bonuses). Beginning at 3rd level and above, the character will be able to execute a crush/squeeze attack with one arm as long as the arm is long enough to fully restrain the target. A one armed crush/squeeze attack does 1D4 points of damage + 1D4 at levels 4, 8 and 12 (in addition to P.S. bonuses).

very nice write-up, scorpio. the only thing i can suggest is to include the fact that the character KEEPS his hands while his arms are transformed. it just doesn't state that the character keeps them, and that could be slightly important. other than that, though, this might as well be the final write-up. :D
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Whiz Kid wrote:
MrTwist wrote:I still don't agree with it being a minor, and I never will. But, I will give some suggestions on it. I think a saving throw is a good idea, just so it's not automatic. Maybe some reference to power combinations being impossible. For example, it can't be combined with intangibility. That would stop people from going intangible, sinking into the ground, then switching places with people for an instant kill. I'm sure some kind of blanket statement would stop those vicious kinds of combos.

Actually, those are very good suggestions. The saving throw especially. I'm thinking maybe something about the oppenent having to be of a similar physical mass or something too, to prevent intangibility (and most APS powers)...

That was the main reason I disallowed my write up of the power in my games, or any write up of this power in general. I just saw it as having waaaay too much potential for abuse, even with a saving throw.
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Looks a bit less overpowered than before. But, it was just my opinion.

You want me to tackle Alchemy? :D Just kidding. I tried doing a version of it before, but never really had the desire to touch it up. Can't remember what page it's on, and don't feel like finding it.
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brannigan's law wrote:very nice write-up, scorpio. the only thing i can suggest is to include the fact that the character KEEPS his hands while his arms are transformed. it just doesn't state that the character keeps them, and that could be slightly important. other than that, though, this might as well be the final write-up. :D

Mr Scorpio wrote:Constrictor Arms (Minor)

Similar to the Alter Physical Structure of Limb Minor ability this power allows the character to transform both of his arms into powerful tentacle like appendages that resemble the body of a snake with the hand at the end instead of a tail or snake-like head. The tentacles are stronger than the character’s normal arms and their strength becomes Superhuman when transformed allowing them to inflict damage to stone and metal (including characters with A.P.S.: Metal and A.P.S.: Stone).

Bonuses (for Arms only)
+10 to P.S. (becomes Superhuman)
+2 to Entangle and Disarm
+5% to Climb
Automatically gets the pin/incapacitate and crush/squeeze attacks without having to take the Wrestling skill
+4 to strike with both pin/incapacitate and crush/squeeze attacks if the character takes the Wrestling skill
The character is immune to joint locks of the arms and hands.
Each arm has 50 S.D.C., and, if severed, grows back to normal length in 1 week, after which it gains a foot each day until it's back to full length.

Length: Once transformed the character's arms are 3 feet long and capable of stretching an additional 1 foot per level of experience.

Damage: The crush/squeeze attack does 2D4 + 1D4 points of damage at levels 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 (in addition to P.S. bonuses). Beginning at 3rd level and above, the character will be able to execute a crush/squeeze attack with one arm as long as the arm is long enough to fully restrain the target. A one armed crush/squeeze attack does 1D4 points of damage + 1D4 at levels 4, 8 and 12 (in addition to P.S. bonuses).

Sorry, how's this?
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Unread post by MrTwist »

You could revamp the Constrictor Arms into something along the lines of Enlarge Body Part. It would be more of "Enlongate Body Part". Different abilities depending on which body part you do it to.

Edit: I just had an idea. Not sure how to go about, or whether or not there is a version of it out there. It could be minor or major depending on it's effects. The idea, I call it 'Habitat', was for a power with a short range that just creates a bubble of comfortable surroundings for the user. Good, clean air, comfy temperatures, etc... The major would be a version of Adapt to Environment. Just call it 'Adapt Environment'. It alters even extreme environments to be safe and comfy for the user, but only within a limited range. Anyone got ideas how to work this, or seen something like it?
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Whiz Kid wrote:How's about a 'spring-loaded punch' attack? What about applying this to the legs, for stilts, extended kicks, and the like?

I think I've been watching too much Power Rangers... :-?

Wow, it's been forever since I saw the Power Rangers......mmmmm, Kimberly was sooooooo mean...... :oops:

MrTwist wrote:You could revamp the Constrictor Arms into something along the lines of Enlarge Body Part. It would be more of "Enlongate Body Part". Different abilities depending on which body part you do it to.

Personally I wouldn't add a 'spring-loaded punch' attack as it doesn't fit with the style of the power. It's all about that crushing attack. Just like a Boa Constrictor. In the end I suppose it's Brannigan's call, it is his power after all I just tweaked it a bit.

The Elongate Body Part power sounds like a cool idea though. I'll think about how to write that one up (unless you decide to do it first).

MrTwist wrote:Edit: I just had an idea. Not sure how to go about, or whether or not there is a version of it out there. It could be minor or major depending on it's effects. The idea, I call it 'Habitat', was for a power with a short range that just creates a bubble of comfortable surroundings for the user. Good, clean air, comfy temperatures, etc... The major would be a version of Adapt to Environment. Just call it 'Adapt Environment'. It alters even extreme environments to be safe and comfy for the user, but only within a limited range. Anyone got ideas how to work this, or seen something like it?

Sounds like a really cool power to me. I don't think I've seen it before either. I do like it better as a Major. I think it would be better that way.

As for how to work it.....I like the idea of a "bubble habitat". That gives it a definate area of effect and a nice visual. Make the bubble "squishy" to the touch and so that characters can push their way through it with only a little effort. I think that would work.
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It would be a very simple power to write up... in concept.

It's the details that make it slightly difficult. The reason why it works could be any number of things; it's a darn super power. The problem is with what it affects.

I figure upon first being used it reconfigures the radius around the character into an environment suited for the lifeform who activates it. So, the breathing medium would be perfect for the being, and clean. The ground is tough. Is it plain rock? Grassy? Filled with nourishing plant life? What happens when under water, or in the air? Is the ground still there in those cases?

Underwater, I figure there should be some sort of depth tolerance. After a certain depth, the bubble should start having problems with the pressure difference. Or maybe not.

Toxins in the air, poisonous gases, and smoke should be nullified within the radius. They can't enter into the environment, and any already inside lose all effects within one melee round. Radiation is tough to tackle.

How about fire? If used in a burning house, and the being walks through a flaming area, is the fire still there?

Oh yeah. Anyone have any ideas for the Rift Shield I posted a bit ago?

I know that's a lot to think about, and I may be looking too deep into it. But those thoughts stopped me from making a write up a minute after posting the idea.

I guess if it was major, then I could see the environment not being so automatic, but instead being mostly the choice of the user. So, when underwater, there can be a 'ground' if the user so wills it. That could stop them from sinking.
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ZEN wrote:Underwater the problem is pressure and boyancy.. so perhaps the bubble is able to adjust pressure.. but if the bubble can work in space, it must have a pretty good barrier.. so I think perhaps the character's concentration controls the permeability of the barrier, same thing goes with the transparency, so that it can protect against harsh stellar radiation and radiant heat.
Boyancy can be regulated by the same means that bad air is removed and good air created.. we don't need to know how.. but that is not to stop the character from using his Habitat Bubble to prop up and lift a sunken boat.. floating it to the surface with his very handy air bubble.
A big bubble of air can push aside flames, sure.. and if the bubble can summon air, why not small amounts of water? If it can maintain heat, why not provide a hovering globe of warm water with air bubbling through it and glass of chilled mineral water, providing a nice relaxing bubble spa?
The duration and durability of the bubble should be based on a Major version of the Super Hibernation & Stasis Field.. except this field can move, and so can the person inside.. can the character create more than one at a time? Do other powers of the character transfer into the habitat somehow?
All things to consider.
Very funky power that sounds like a lot of fun for a creative player.

Hmmm. Interesting stuff.
Let's see what I can do.

This odd power create a 'bubble' of sorts around the character. This area seems to be keyed into the natural physiology of the character, creating an enivornment suited for survival and comfort. For the average human, this means they have clean air, pressure, comfortable temperature, and a diffused light to see by. It's almost as if they are walking through a piece of another world. For those whose natural habitats are different, then the power creates still creates the optimum environment. There is even an earthy ground to walk on.
Range: 5 ft radius per level of experience. After 5th level, the character regulate the size of the habitat in increments of five feet, with the minimum being almost a body sheath of the environment.
Duration: Generally it is a continued power. Concentration is minimal, not affecting anything else. Can be brought up or dispelled at will. At 7th level, this power can be controlled in such a way to automatically turn on when the character is asleep, knocked unconscious, or in a coma. The player must make this intention known to the GM before such an event occurs.
Effects: This simply creates an environment suitable for the character. All natural, environmental, conditions are perfectly set for the character. The outside environment does not intrude on the habitat, no matter how extreme the conditions.
Gases, smoke, and other airborne irritants to the character are neutralized quickly upon entering the habitat. This only applies if the aforementioned irritants are not part of natural environment outside the habitat. If they are, just simply do not enter. Even a harmful liquid environment can't affect the interior.
Radiation levels are quickly neutralized. Flashes of radiation can overcome the compensating facotrs. Assume half the effects from such bursts. Low levels, or natural radiation levels, can't affect the interior.
If there is no ground for the character to stand on, one can be created. Plant life is transplanted from the outside environment to the inside habitat as the character travels. Of course, this may kill the plant life because it may not be able to survive inside.
There is enough diffused natural light for the character to see by, depending on their natural vision. Flashes of light are considered at half effect as the habitat compensates.
Outside weather conditions, like tornadoes, hurricanes, and even volcanic eruptions can't affect the interior. They harmlessly pass through to the other side of the habitat.
Unfortunately, magical, psionic, or super ability generated effects are at full strength. So a magically created tornado will still affect the interior.

Ok. Still needs a little work. Mainly work in reducing the amount of text needed to describe the effects. I'm sure I didn't cover everything either.
Ah well, it was an attempt.
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Re: You guys are awesome

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tvip wrote:Hey every one. Just joined this message board and I have to say I like what you guys are doing!!!!! Keep it up!!!! I love the superpowers that you have all come up with.



you can email me at

Well Graham, welcome aboard and happy posting.

MrTwist wrote:Ok. Still needs a little work. Mainly work in reducing the amount of text needed to describe the effects. I'm sure I didn't cover everything either.
Ah well, it was an attempt.

More than an attempt it's a great start. It's a groovy idea and I'll know you'll get it :ok:
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sounds very much like you were watching a cutie honey vidio whiel thinking this up.

However, it dosen't have the "magical girl' transformation for changing between each set of clothes conjured.

I still like my vertion of the clothes creating power.
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Unread post by MrTwist »

Ben Quash wrote:sounds very much like you were watching a cutie honey vidio whiel thinking this up.

However, it dosen't have the "magical girl' transformation for changing between each set of clothes conjured.

I still like my vertion of the clothes creating power.

What the heck is cutie honey?

I'm sorry, but what are you talking about? Please include quotes so someone like me isn't lost.
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Cutie Honey is an anime that the heroin is a android that makes her clothes out of hardend air. Each time she changes her clothes the privois set has to be totally dispelled before the next set can be made.
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Unread post by MrTwist »

I was just confused as to what that post was about. I'm guessing it was referring to the power Whiz Kid posted.
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ZEN wrote:Just had a thought (pondering matter transmutation powers).. what if, instead of a power that allows the hero to turn lead into gold, air into water, etc.. the power only allows the hero to turn things into one specific substance.. Alter Other Physical Structure?
One basic power write up with a random roll/selectable list of material that the character can transform objects into.
Being able to lay hands on a blanket, wrap it around a bad guy and turn it into iron for a while would be very handy.

that's actually a brilliant idea. alchemic powers are always really cool, but they're always completely unbalanced. this could solve the problem very well.

along the same lines, there could also be a power that reworks items into other items(hydrant to armor, bench to bike, etc..). it would probably require similar limiting factors, but i can see it being really cool.
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Here's another silly idea I came up with. Sort of like Matter Expulsion: Paint.

This is a relatively simple power. All it does is spray, from the hands, a fine coat of paint. The paint can be a single color, or come out as multiple colors. It is an organic based paint that is non-toxic. All the super being needs to do is visualize the design in their mind, and move their hand across whatever is being used as a canvas. A hand sized design can be done in an instant, and larger pieces take longer. The super being must move their hand slowly across the surface to be painted in larger pieces.
Range: The hand must be an inch or two away from the surface. Otherwise the paint sprayed out only goes about a foot per level. The design is ruined at larger ranges than a few inches, so all that happens is the target gets a fine coating of paint.
Duration: Permanent. Normal ways of removing paint also remove this paint.

Honestly, I can come up with some interesting comical uses for this power. Think of painting a kick me sign on a giant robot you're fighting. The name can be changed, but I like it. Here's a variation on the power.

Painter's Hands(minor)
This power is a variation on tagging. Instead of spraying paint, the user's hands are coated with a limitless supply of artistic material. The actual material is the choice of the character, so it could be chalk if they desire. The color is also the character's choice, and can be changed in an instant. The hands are only coated when the character wants them to be. The material doesn't drip or run down the hands, nor can it be splattered against something. The super being needs to touch something for it to be affected. Also, nothing coating the hands is toxic.
Duration: As permanent as the material the hands are coated with.[/b]
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ZEN wrote:No problemo.. I just added three more powers while you were posting that.. which reminds me.. Dread Transformation? Any progress?

The only progress I've gotten is more confusion on what a normal pool of points would look like. From my tests, the results are rather varied. I'm thinking of trying to find a decent dice program to roll saves for massive amounts of people, then counting the failed points just to see more examples of possible point pools. I am currently getting ready to move, so I got a lot of work on my hands. Plus trying to finish the Dreaming Hero. Work. Trying to come up with the next chapter of the Cheeseburger Chronicles(see Sound Off). Etc...
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Well, the save itself is tied into the character's HF. That's why I didn't want any increases to the HF. The reason I wanted to figure out an average points for regular people, with no bonuses to save, is to save a GM the pain of rolling. I'll include averages in the desc of the power.

Or you could assume the average of a d20 is 10. With a HF of 14, on the average you'd get about 4 points per person. So with 10 normals in the area, you'd get about 40 points to work with + whatever numbers are generated by any PC failures.

Actually, that's just a lot easier. I can't believe I just didn't go that way to start.
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I'm guessing this would be an evil power. It's been on the backburner for awhile in my head. I can't remember if someone else made a write up similar to this before, so please let me know if I'm wrong.

Death Aura(major)
Around this character is an invisible, spherical, area of utter death. This only affects living creatures. Even living creatures who don't fit in with the normal biology seen on planet Earth, such as mineral aliens, are still affected by this power. It attacks the life fore of the victim(s), not their direct biology.
Range: At first level, this power extends in a 10 foot radius of the character. At levels 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 15 another 5 feet are added to the radius. At 7th level, the field can be reduced to a minimum of a 10ft radius. Only at 15th level can the field be reduced to the point where it is only an inch away from the skin.
Duration: Unfortunately, this power is always on. Even when in a coma, this power is in effect. The only time it stops is the point of death.
Damage: Those within the area of affect take 3D6 damager per melee round. This damage is applied to the person itself; it bypasses all armor. Add another 1D6 at levels 4, 8, 12, and 15.
The touch of the character is the most deadly. At level 1, it has the same damage as the radius(3D6). At every even level, add 1D6 to the damage.
This is per touch, and not by melee round.
Notes: This only affects living creatures, organic or otherwise. Robots are technically artificial, but transferred AI and advanced AI might see some kind of effect from this power. For some strange reason, even though they operate on principles unknown to man, Mineral aliens are affected. The same may apply to mechanical aliens. It depends on whether or not the GM considers them to have a 'lifeforce'.
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MrTwist wrote:Tagging(minor)

Painter's Hands(minor)

I would have the player choose what type of "paint"/"pigment" that they "paint" with apon char creation. Because of your perm til cleaned in teh reguler way clause. The player need to choose like oil based paint, acrylic paint, water based paint...etc....
That is if you want to get into details. As Both are they are good as is. The detailes are just when you have a NPC tagging your PC's car/house/bot...and now the PC has to clean said item.
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I just wanted to say that I have viewed your site and found it quite impressive. A work in the making.

Heres some new powers that I just though of.

Matter Expulsion Paint and APS: Paint. Similar to their counter parts only more colorful. On the alternative for Matter Expulsion Paint that could be replaced by Matter Expulsion Paint Ball (colorful like a butterfly, stings like a bee!!). If you want I'll flesh out the idea if no one has already come up with it.
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Unread post by MrTwist »

Ben Quash wrote:
MrTwist wrote:Tagging(minor)

Painter's Hands(minor)

I would have the player choose what type of "paint"/"pigment" that they "paint" with apon char creation. Because of your perm til cleaned in teh reguler way clause. The player need to choose like oil based paint, acrylic paint, water based paint...etc....
That is if you want to get into details. As Both are they are good as is. The detailes are just when you have a NPC tagging your PC's car/house/bot...and now the PC has to clean said item.

I figure limiting the power to just one specific type of medium would be just... well... too limiting. It is easy enough to modify to suit specific campaign needs.
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ZEN wrote:2- Flamable Paint Fumes, oh yes indeed.. many types of paint can go up like napalm in the right conditions and I'm sure a super being able to generate paint at will can pump out enough of the right material to have his own little flame thrower.. you just need an open flame to set it off.
3- Camouflage, with the ability to create any pigment of paint, the character can perfect the ability to alter the paint skin cover to match the surroundings, and whats more, the character can harden and rumple bits of the paint, or stick bits of leaf and twigs or whatever into the paint skin to better match the surroundings.. similar to how an octopus can change it's skin colour and texture at will.
The paint body would also register as room temperature (after a while).
5- Blinding, paint, unlike water, is very nasty if hurled into someone's face.

Food for thought (and now it's sounding like a far more serious super power).

I thought of those things when I made the tagging power. I limited the range because of the flamethrower thing. You know, maybe I should add a skill bonus to cover for camo possibilities.
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Just thought I'd put in my "two-cents-worth" on the Dread Transformation power (can't help myself actually :D ). Anyway, here's my take on what I've seen so far....

Mr Scorpio wrote:Dread Transformation (Major)

This vile power transforms the user into a creature that feeds off the fear of others. The fear generated by those who view this monster actually cause it to grow stronger. The actual appearance of the creature is unique to each character with this power. For some this power turns them into demons or gargoyles while others become humanoid animals or simply brutish, deformed humanoids (the creature’s actual appearance is up to the player and GM).

1. Physical Change: The transformation is temporary but powerful. At first the change may seem to be “only-skin-deep” but as the character absorbs more and more fear he quickly becomes quite powerful.
Duration: 4 melee rounds + 2 per level of experience
Bonuses & Abilities:
Height increases by 4d6 inches.
Weight increases to 125% normal.
+40 to SDC.
Horror Factor: 14, +1 at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, 15

2. Feed on Fear
Anyone (including Heroes and Villains) within the radius who fail their saving throw aren't stunned and don't run away (as most normal humans would); instead they are paralyzed by the fear they feel.

Range: 200ft radius, centered on user.
Fear Points: Each person under the fearsome effects of this power generates the energies that the character absorbs and then uses to his advantage. After failing their save, a single adult human supplies the character with 1D4 Fear Points per full melee round they are in range (children, 10 years old and younger, give off twice as much fear as adults). Fear Points are accumulated during each melee round and the character gains access to them only at the end of each round (including the first).
Note: For large groups (i.e.10 or more people) roll one saving throw vs. Horror Factor for every 10 people and then simply multiply the number of Fear Points normally generated (1D4) by the number of those who failed their saves.

Fear Effects: Once the character has accumulated enough fear he can channel it to power a variety of powerful effects. The character can use any of the powers listed below simply by spending the Fear Points associated with each power.

Attribute Increases
The attributes P.S., P.P., P.E. and Spd. can be increased on a point-for-point basis. The maximum any attribute can be raised to is 30.
Extraordinary PS can be bought for 3 points (quality)
Superhuman PS can be bought for 6 points (quality)
SDC can be increased by 10 points for each Point spent (maximum +30 S.D.C. per level of experience).
AR 10 costs 3 Points. AR can be increased by one point at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 & 15 for a cost of 2 Points per point of AR.

Lesser Fear Powers Once activated the following powers may be used at will until the Dread Transformation ends.

Quick Healing: the character can heal himself. Cost: 1 Hit Point or 2 S.D.C. can be healed for each Point spent
Animated Cloak: functions like a weak prehensile tail (half the strength listed in HU2, page 160) Cost: 15 Points
Size Increase: the character grows 1 foot taller Cost: 5 Points
Razor Teeth: Bite attack that does 1D6 points of damage. Cost: 5 Points
Small Claws: small claws like those of a cat, 2D4 + P.S. bonus Cost: 10 Points
Poison Bite or Claw: + 1D4 damage (save vs. non-lethal poison) Cost: 15 Points
Touch of Frost: Add 1D4 cold damage to HtH attacks Cost: 5 Points
Burning Touch: Add 1D4 heat damage to HtH attacks Cost: 5 Points
Horrific Stunt (Rip off face, Eyes on stalks, Tentacle tongue, Bleeding eyes, etc. Just a cosmetic effect: +2 to Horror Factor for 1 melee round) Cost: 10 Points
Control Nocturnal Animals: can control 2D4 Rats, Bats, Cats, etc. Cost: 10 Points

Greater Fear Powers: Once activated the following powers may be used at will until the Dread Transformation ends.

Large Claws: large talon-like claws that do 3D6 points of damage Cost: 25 Points
Prehensile Tail (as listed in HU2 page160) Cost: 25 Points
Flight: Hover (PU1 page27, without the S.D.C. bonus) Cost: 40 Points
Extra Limbs: extra arms, legs or tentacles (two give 1 extra attack). Cost: 25 Points each
Quills/Thorns/Barbed Wire: H-t-H attacks cause 3D6 damage to attacker Cost: 35 Points
Reduce or Increase Temperature Cost: 15 Points per 10 degree change (maximum +/- 30)
Weapon Limb: Tail, Animated Chain, etc. 3D6 damage and 1 extra attack Cost: 35 Points

Probably not quite what you have in mind but hopefully it'll help.
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Unread post by MrTwist »

Mr Scorpio wrote:Just thought I'd put in my "two-cents-worth" on the Dread Transformation power (can't help myself actually :D ). Anyway, here's my take on what I've seen so far....

Mr Scorpio wrote:Dread Transformation (Major)

This vile power transforms the user into a creature that feeds off the fear of others. The fear generated by those who view this monster actually cause it to grow stronger. The actual appearance of the creature is unique to each character with this power. For some this power turns them into demons or gargoyles while others become humanoid animals or simply brutish, deformed humanoids (the creature’s actual appearance is up to the player and GM).

1. Physical Change: The transformation is temporary but powerful. At first the change may seem to be “only-skin-deep” but as the character absorbs more and more fear he quickly becomes quite powerful.
Duration: 4 melee rounds + 2 per level of experience
Bonuses & Abilities:
Height increases by 4d6 inches.
Weight increases to 125% normal.
+40 to SDC.
Horror Factor: 14, +1 at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, 15

2. Feed on Fear
Anyone (including Heroes and Villains) within the radius who fail their saving throw aren't stunned and don't run away (as most normal humans would); instead they are paralyzed by the fear they feel.

Range: 200ft radius, centered on user.
Fear Points: Each person under the fearsome effects of this power generates the energies that the character absorbs and then uses to his advantage. After failing their save, a single adult human supplies the character with 1D4 Fear Points per full melee round they are in range (children, 10 years old and younger, give off twice as much fear as adults). Fear Points are accumulated during each melee round and the character gains access to them only at the end of each round (including the first).
Note: For large groups (i.e.10 or more people) roll one saving throw vs. Horror Factor for every 10 people and then simply multiply the number of Fear Points normally generated (1D4) by the number of those who failed their saves.

Fear Effects: Once the character has accumulated enough fear he can channel it to power a variety of powerful effects. The character can use any of the powers listed below simply by spending the Fear Points associated with each power.

Attribute Increases
The attributes P.S., P.P., P.E. and Spd. can be increased on a point-for-point basis. The maximum any attribute can be raised to is 30.
Extraordinary PS can be bought for 3 points (quality)
Superhuman PS can be bought for 6 points (quality)
SDC can be increased by 10 points for each Point spent (maximum +30 S.D.C. per level of experience).
AR 10 costs 3 Points. AR can be increased by one point at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 & 15 for a cost of 2 Points per point of AR.

Lesser Fear Powers Once activated the following powers may be used at will until the Dread Transformation ends.

Quick Healing: the character can heal himself. Cost: 1 Hit Point or 2 S.D.C. can be healed for each Point spent
Animated Cloak: functions like a weak prehensile tail (half the strength listed in HU2, page 160) Cost: 15 Points
Size Increase: the character grows 1 foot taller Cost: 5 Points
Razor Teeth: Bite attack that does 1D6 points of damage. Cost: 5 Points
Small Claws: small claws like those of a cat, 2D4 + P.S. bonus Cost: 10 Points
Poison Bite or Claw: + 1D4 damage (save vs. non-lethal poison) Cost: 15 Points
Touch of Frost: Add 1D4 cold damage to HtH attacks Cost: 5 Points
Burning Touch: Add 1D4 heat damage to HtH attacks Cost: 5 Points
Horrific Stunt (Rip off face, Eyes on stalks, Tentacle tongue, Bleeding eyes, etc. Just a cosmetic effect: +2 to Horror Factor for 1 melee round) Cost: 10 Points
Control Nocturnal Animals: can control 2D4 Rats, Bats, Cats, etc. Cost: 10 Points

Greater Fear Powers: Once activated the following powers may be used at will until the Dread Transformation ends.

Large Claws: large talon-like claws that do 3D6 points of damage Cost: 25 Points
Prehensile Tail (as listed in HU2 page160) Cost: 25 Points
Flight: Hover (PU1 page27, without the S.D.C. bonus) Cost: 40 Points
Extra Limbs: extra arms, legs or tentacles (two give 1 extra attack). Cost: 25 Points each
Quills/Thorns/Barbed Wire: H-t-H attacks cause 3D6 damage to attacker Cost: 35 Points
Reduce or Increase Temperature Cost: 15 Points per 10 degree change (maximum +/- 30)
Weapon Limb: Tail, Animated Chain, etc. 3D6 damage and 1 extra attack Cost: 35 Points

Probably not quite what you have in mind but hopefully it'll help.

Nice job actually. I do like it. I'll be putting up my version a bit later on today.
"Do you even know what the word theory means? You must think it means '**** that you make up'."
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Unread post by MrTwist »

Dread Transformation(major)
This vile power transforms the user into a creature that feeds off the fear of others. Within a certain distance, the fear generated by people who view this monster actually cause it to grow stronger.
Duration: 2 melee rounds per level of experience.
1. Physical Change:
Height increases by 4d6 inches.
Weight increases to 125% normal.
Add +40 to SDC.
PB drops to 3.
Gain a HF of 14, +1 at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, 15

2. Feed off Fear
Radius: 200ft radius, centered on user.
Effect: Normal people within the radius who fail their saving throw don't run away with fear. Instead the fear they feel causes them to be paralyzed and they stay where they are. Assume for every 10 people within the radius generates 1D4x10 points to use. Add +10 points for every point of HF the user has about 14. The points stay as long as the transformation lasts. Whenever someone new enters the radius, they make a save. If they fail, the points are added to the total points available. At any time, the user can make a straight, unmodified, roll on a D20 in an attempt to change what they've spent points on. They need to spend two actions on the attempt, andmust roll a 16 or higher.

What Can Be Bought:
Attribute Increases
Increases are bought on a point-for-point basis. The maximum anything can be bought up is 1.5 times it's base number. Maximum SDC is double the base(including the 40 given by the power). Only physical attributes can be increased(except for PB).
Extraordinary PS can be bought for 3 points(quality)
Superhuman PS can be bought for 6 points(quality)
Increased SDC can be bought on a 1 for 5 basis

Other Abilities
AR 10 costs 3 points
Increased AR costs 2 points per point, to a max of 15

Cloaks(effectively an aura which surrounds the being)
Each cloak has two versions. The regular, and the superior cloak. Regular cloaks cost 15 points, while the superior cloak costs 30 points. The superior has all the abilities of the normal cloak, but also the effects can be launched at someone as a melee attack, with a range of 200ft.

Cloak of Souls: Surrouinding the character seems to be manifestations of disembodied souls. They all seem to be tortured, screaming in pain. They mesmerize whomever gets within 3 ft of the user. A roll of 14 or higher, ME bonuses included, to not just stare at the rapidly moving souls.
Cloak of Screams: This cloak has no visible effects. When within 10ft of the character, people will notice a slight humming sound. Anyone who touches, or is touched by, the character is affected by a sonic attack. It sounds just like a million people screaming. The damage done is only 2D6, but the disorienting nature of the screams can cause some problems. Unless they have some form of hearing protection, those struck suffer -3 on all combat actions for the rest of the melee round, unless they make a save vs. 14, PE bonuses included.
Cloak of Insects: A horde of insects coats the user. Also, anyone coming into physical contact with the user takes 2D4 damage per attack. Along with that, when someone does come in physical contact a horde of insects cover the offending limb and crawl up it to try to cover the person. The person can spend one melee action to remove the bugs, or they are considerd blind.
Cloak of Fire: A roaring fire coats the skin. Anyone touching the character takes 4D6 damage. The user also takes half damage from heat or fire.
Cloak of Frost: A bone chilling cold surrounds the character, doing 4D6 damage to anything they touch. Also they take half damage from cold attacks.
Cloak of Lightning: Little bolts of lightning contstantly run up and down the user's body, doing 3D6 damage to anything they touch. This also has a 30% chance of shorting out electrical equipment touched. They also take half damage from electrical attacks.
Cloak of Sludge: This covers the character in ooze. They become impossible to grapple. Also, the ooze is fairly toxic, doing 3D6 damage to anyone coming into contact with it.
Cloak of Rot: The character becomes covered my changing patterns of moss and mold. Any object touched also become coated. Any attack directed at the mold destroys it. Objects that are coated by the mold will rot in one melee round, becoming a pile of mold. Magical objects are unaffected. Objects with an AR over 12 take 1 extra melee round to rot per point over 12. This has no effect on organic materials.
Cloak of Wind: A howling wind covers the character. Any physical attack directed at them has a 35% chance of being pushed away by the force of the wind. This does not apply to any type of energy attack.

Altered Form(alters the physical body of the being)
Tentacles: Creates a 5ft long tentacle that can be used for whatever. The tentacles also have suction cups along the length, giving a +30% to climb rolls. They have the same PS(normal quality only) as the character. For every two tentacles created, add 1 APM. 8 points.
Extra Limbs: Creates an extra arm or leg. An extra leg gives a +30% to speed. Both types of limbs have the same PS as the user(including quality). For every two arms, add 1 APM. 7 points.
Weapon Limbs: Creates a new limb that is some kind of bladed weapon. Only two of these limbs can be created. They do 3D6 damage, plus strength bonuses. Each one gives an extra APM, but only usable for that limb. 10 points.
Gaping Maw: The character's mouth can now open to 5 times it's normal size. 4 points.
Razor Teeth: The character's teeth become razor sharp, doing 3D6 damage per bite. They can also chew through materials with an AR of up to 13. 6 points.
Claws(Short): The character sprouts claws on the ends of their hands. They do 2D4 damage, plus PS bonuses. 5 points.
Claws(Long): Long claws sprout. 3D6 damage. 8 points.
Really Long Tongue: The character's tongue becomes 8ft long. It has the same PS(and quality) as the character. The character gets an extra APM, but only useable for the tongue. 7 points.
Thorny Skin: The skin becoems coated with thorns, doing an extra 1D4 damage to anything they come into contact with. 5 points.

Attack Abilities:
Poisonous touch: Their become coated with a contact poison. Same as the Toxin ability of Venemous Touch. 6 points.
Acid Touch: The are covered in acid, doing 3D6 damage to anything they touch. Every melee round this acid is still on the object(person), they take another 1D6 damage. 6 points.
Chains: Chains sprout from the character's forearm. They have the same PS(not quality), and do 2D6 damage to whatever they strike, plus PS bonuses. They are 8ft long. 7 points.
Spit Sticky Stuff: Same as the Resin super ability, only the glob created is about 6 inches. Range is 100ft. 9 points.
Spit Acid: Same as acid touch, only with a range of 100ft. 10 points.
Spit Poison: Same as posion touch, only with a range of 100ft. 10 points.
Shoot Spikes: Spikes form on the backs of the hands. They can be fired up to 50ft, doing 1D4 damage each. Up to 4 can be fired in one melee action at one target. 7 points.

Ok, it still needs a bit of work and fixing the format, but there's my version.
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Mr Scorpio
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Unread post by Mr Scorpio »

Way cool MrTwist. The Cloak abilities could almost be a Super Ability on their own. Hmmm, could make a pretty cool Minor.....
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Unread post by MrTwist »

Well, it should work as is. It might a little formatting. Oh, if you want to add anything to it, go for it. If I get time, I might do a refined version later, but it's been getting hectic.
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Unread post by MrTwist »

Another silly power.

This power simply allows the user to squeeze a foodstuff and turn it into juice. The object to be squeezed must be food. This has no affect on things currently alive. The resulting juice contains all the nutrients and such of the original food. Even rotten food can be squeezed into a juice, but it's still rotten. The juice tastes exactly the same as the original food, and is also the same temperature. The original foodstuff is destroyed when juiced.

Damn infomercials.
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Unread post by Snowtiger »

That's actually a nice power, with this power you don't have to waste your money into those crappy "convenient and easy-to-use" juicers and stuff. :)
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Unread post by MrTwist »

Another silly one.

The Smack(minor)
This is just a minor attack power, mainly used to tick off your opponent.
Range: Touch.
Damage: 1 point of damage.
Effects: An opponent hit by this will feel it, even though it doesn't do any meaningful damage. Characters that are resistant to physical damage are still resistant to this power. Anyone hit by this will only get a -2 to initiative. This negative is not cumulative with further attacks. There will be a hand print on the opponent's body that lasts for 2 melee rounds.
Notes: This attack can't be dodged or parried. It automatically hits. The only way to prevent this attack is by rolling a natural twenty on the die. This is always an open palm strike; no other weapons can be used in conjunction with this attack. Any other power that does damage on touch(like APS: Plasma) does not add the damage to this attack, because this power overrides all other damage.
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Unread post by taalismn »

Forgive me if I've missed this...but has anyone done anything like 'Create Stasis Fields'(outside of Temporal Magic)? Even if one allowed characters a save to avoid unwillingly being popped into temporal stasis, it would be a useful ability(keeping artifacts and foods preserved, putting criminals on ice, and stabilizing the critically injured until help can be assembled/cures can be found).....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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