An Alternate History of Zor's Life & Death:

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An Alternate History of Zor's Life & Death:

Unread post by Colonel Wolfe »

I’ve always felt the Idea that the RDF Mecha using Protoculture Power plants, When Protoculture by many sources is derived by Placing Flower of Life seed under Constant Pressure, was Kind of Weak. Until 2030 the Humans place no Connection between Seeds and Protoculture, but if RDF Mecha used it wouldn’t they notice the Seeds in their Power plants?

Zor’s Conquest, The Fall of Optera: (aprox: 50,000 BC)
(Or: Slug-world)

The Tirolian Empire was in a Crisis, There Fledgling Empire was beginning to Fall apart as their Dependence on Nuclear Fission for Power was polluting The Planet as a Faster Rate then there Technology Could Clean it up. The Young Scientist Zor was placed in Charge of an Expedition to find a new Of World Power Source.

The Expedition spent nearly 25 years searching nearby system for Cleaner more Efficient Power Sources from other Civilizations. Thou Passive in many cases, the Tirolians were more then willing to Steal and Kill when a Technology they wanted was out of Reach. With luck the Tirolian Force came upon a Yellow Dwarf system, thou none of the Planets fit the Traditional Models for Carbon based Life, the 4th Planet was of Particular Interest to Zor.

The Atmosphere of the Planet was thick* , some of the Scientist swore on cold days you could swim through the Mess. But the Atmosphere wasn’t what Brought Zor her. The Sensors has Picked up Strange Reading on their Scanners, Radio Transmissions on an Extremely high Frequency coming from this Planet, Thou the Reading Showed no Amount of true Technology. The Radio wave were Emitted from a Kilometer Wide Hive Structure Build by Semi-Bipedal Slugs. The Structures were Compressed Mud domes that protected the Slugs form the Acidic Rains and the Terrible Electrical storms common to the Planet.

The Creatures lead Simple Lives, Collecting Seeds from the Local Flora and storing them. Seeing no Possible use for anything on the Planet he ordered the Force to Launch. Several Specimens were Taken, 2 Slug-men and Several of the Flower Samples. When Exposed to the Tirolian Atmosphere the Slugs began to choke. One of them Died the other was Place in a Stasis Chamber. The Ships Launched to the next system on the Chart writing off the Slug-world as another waste of time. A Week after the Launch, while in Subspace they Discovered the Captured plants has Developed Spores and these Spores had Began to Bond with the other Plant Samples in the Hold, after the original Plants Died, The Scientist Discovered the Spores had Mutated the other Plants. Causing them to produce Flowers Similar to the one found on Slug-World.

After Dissecting the Dead Slug the Scientist concluded a similar thing would not happen to them. Thus calming the Panic about Mutating in to Slug-men. They Found an Interesting Chemical in the “Bowls” of the Slug man. A Bye product of the Slug men eating these Seed was a Chemical Similar to the Industrial Coolant but with a much higher Boiling point, and Amazing conductive properties. Their Return to Tirol was Much less prestigious then they had hoped. Little fan fair was given and the Mission was deemed a Failure. Zor and his Team Spent several years Experimenting with the uses of this new Mystery Fluid, Nicknamed Proto-culture, being the Creatures used there Bowl movements to help Culture the Plants they harvested from.

Finally a break Trough was made by one of the Team, Using the Fluid in a 50-50 PC-H2 they were Able to Build the First Cold fusion Reactor. This process Made them able to Harness the complete Reaction process, yielding a higher Energy output then the Biggest Fission Reactors on the Planet did, with Zero Pollution, the only by product was Helium gas.

With These Findings and sample readings, Zor brought his Finding to his Superiors in the Military. Surprised with the Results the Authorized a Full Military Expedition to Slug-World, to conquer and Gather these Slugs for Production of the new Protoculture. The military campaigning was extremely successful, 14 Hives were taken over and the Slugs enslaved. In 13 of the Cases the “Queen” of the Hive was Killed, This rendered the other Hive members useless and many died with in a day of the Death of their Queen. Even The hive that had the Queen Alive was not useable. As these Slugs would Display a Savage Side while trying to defend “Her”. After Several weeks on Planet the Forces began to Experience Sever nightmares, they attributed this to a Homesickness syndrome, as the extreme Alien terrain and 26 hour days were stressful for the Tirolians sent there.

The 3rd Week, Zor Experienced a Dream, his First one since the Arrival on planet. He was approached by a yellow skinned woman with emerald green eyes…. She asked him but one Question, “Why do you do this”. From this Zor Figured these Nightmares were not the fault of the syndrome, but Caused by the Radio waves Emitted by the Queen, the ones she used to Control and communicate with her Children. The Surviving Queen was trying to Drive off the Invaders, Zor’s Response was to have the Queen Killed after having 80% of her Children Killed and Dissected. The Nightmares Stopped that night.

The Break through came when a Biologist in Zor’s Service built a Machine to Process the Seed in to Protoculture; there was no need for the Slug men, or their World. Zor Ordered the Destruction of the Planet, as the First Test of a Protoculture-Powered Fusion bomb. Shortly after the Order was Given the Slug Men displayed There Mutable form, Flying on Wings and Emitting “toxic” radio waves** the Slug men Fought to Stop the Tirolians, but in the end Failed. For every one Tirolian they killed, they Tirolians Killed 100 Slugs.

In the End the Tirolians Tested Their New “Neutron” Bomb. The Worlds Atmosphere was ignited and, a 3 Km high Fire Ball spread out from the Blast point. Before the entire World was consumed a Single Streak of Light Shot out from a hive on the Southern Hemisphere, Headed for uncharted space. They wrote this off as a large explosion, Kind of a Victory Fire-works explosion, nothing more.

This Time Zor’s home coming was Grand and Prestigious, he was Given the Highest honor of His People, Named one of the “Robotech Masters” the First in 100 Generations. A faction of the Fellow Scientist felt betrayed by Zor. Many who had Made Key discoveries in to the Nature of the Slugs and their Habitats were given no Credit. The Dissenters went under ground.

Years Passed The New Generation of Robotech Masters Led by Zor Built an Incredible Empire, 36 Loyal systems, over 20 Controlled Slave Colonies, a Budding Cloned Police Force. But Zor was not Satisfied, He felt the Empire wasn’t Large enough, He Took to Building experimental Drive systems based off the Sub-space Jumpers they had used for years. The Final Product of this was the Hyper-space Fold Drive. Though not as Guaranteed as the Sub-Jumper, these systems Dropped a weeks journey to several Minutes.

Zor was very Secretive with his works; even the ones he stole form others. No longer feeling they were Safe on Tirol he had he Computers and Experimental Protoculture-Matrixes to a new Battle Fortress, Called the “Macross”, Named After His Pet Gerbil. At the Launch Ceremony the Rebel Faction the Dissenters of Zor, composed of Rebel Scientist and Military loyal to their cause (Fair Credit for there Work), Struck, They Assinated Zor and Set his new Battle Ship on a one-way Trip to the Far Side of the Galaxy. The Lose of Zor and his work sent the New Masters Empire in to Disarray, though they had a Large Mount of Flawed-Prototype Matrixes, These Matrixes Were Flawed and Prone to Infection by the Spores of the Mutated Flower-of-life. The Masters Empire Grew, the Flawed Matrixes were Sufficient to Produce enough Protoculture to Last until the end of the Empire, had the Disciples of Zor (Renamed the Disciples of Zor, to try and play up on Zor’s hero image to the empire) not Started their Civil War Using the Proto-Zentradi Warriors Developed from the Mistakable Slug DNA Crossed with Tirolian DNA. These Giants could double their Size, and were Able to carry weapons that were normally mounted on Power-Armors.

This Civil War waged for 50 Thousand years, Neither Side making any Progress or Major attacks for Fear of Losing more of the Last Protoculture Matrixes to Damage, and not Spore infection. This May have lasted until till both side had nothing left…. Had the Zentraedie General Breetia had not Came upon a backwater world…. And a Crashed Battle fortress.

* (90% Sulfur, 7% Carbon, less than 1% Oxygen, nitrogen CO2)
** These Caused Sever Epileptic seizures in the Tirolians. But they were only affective against 12% of the Forces there.
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OK so what caused the extreme sense of betrayal and fury that caused the Regis to black out and create the Regent? Why would the scientists have sent the ship off after his assassination? Instead of capturing it and securing the Protoculture Matrices for themselves?
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
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Regent who? Dosent Exist as a Core Canon Creation. and The Regsis is a Decendent of the Invid who left Slug-World. Zor never met the Regsis, She became Queen of the Invind Centirues after his Death. (This Idea is supported by the Series Scripts as the Invid Ancestors were assaulted by the Masters)

The Knowledge of his Perfected Matrix, and his Research being on the New Ship were not common knowledge, These Guys Simple sent the Ship away as Stealing the new design would force them to hide it and give the Masters a Chance to recover it, Sending it on a Space fold to a Random place was Much easier, Kinda a Scorched Earth Tatic, If we cant use it, neither can you.
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Colonel Wolfe wrote:Regent who? Dosent Exist as a Core Canon Creation. and The Regsis is a Decendent of the Invid who left Slug-World. Zor never met the Regsis, She became Queen of the Invind Centirues after his Death. (This Idea is supported by the Series Scripts as the Invid Ancestors were assaulted by the Masters)

The Knowledge of his Perfected Matrix, and his Research being on the New Ship were not common knowledge, These Guys Simple sent the Ship away as Stealing the new design would force them to hide it and give the Masters a Chance to recover it, Sending it on a Space fold to a Random place was Much easier, Kinda a Scorched Earth Tatic, If we cant use it, neither can you.

It was canon and as far as the RPG goes it is still canon. It is all personal choice.
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
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Zer0 Kay wrote:
Colonel Wolfe wrote:Regent who? Dosent Exist as a Core Canon Creation. and The Regsis is a Decendent of the Invid who left Slug-World. Zor never met the Regsis, She became Queen of the Invind Centirues after his Death. (This Idea is supported by the Series Scripts as the Invid Ancestors were assaulted by the Masters)

The Knowledge of his Perfected Matrix, and his Research being on the New Ship were not common knowledge, These Guys Simple sent the Ship away as Stealing the new design would force them to hide it and give the Masters a Chance to recover it, Sending it on a Space fold to a Random place was Much easier, Kinda a Scorched Earth Tatic, If we cant use it, neither can you.

It was canon and as far as the RPG goes it is still canon. It is all personal choice.

Yes, The RPG Canon & the Serise Canon are to very Diffren Things., I'm Simply Giving an ALTERNATE history. If a Regent Exists in this Universe, He is Nothing more then a Evolved Male Drone.
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Colonel Wolfe wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:
Colonel Wolfe wrote:Regent who? Dosent Exist as a Core Canon Creation. and The Regsis is a Decendent of the Invid who left Slug-World. Zor never met the Regsis, She became Queen of the Invind Centirues after his Death. (This Idea is supported by the Series Scripts as the Invid Ancestors were assaulted by the Masters)

The Knowledge of his Perfected Matrix, and his Research being on the New Ship were not common knowledge, These Guys Simple sent the Ship away as Stealing the new design would force them to hide it and give the Masters a Chance to recover it, Sending it on a Space fold to a Random place was Much easier, Kinda a Scorched Earth Tatic, If we cant use it, neither can you.

It was canon and as far as the RPG goes it is still canon. It is all personal choice.

Yes, The RPG Canon & the Serise Canon are to very Diffren Things., I'm Simply Giving an ALTERNATE history. If a Regent Exists in this Universe, He is Nothing more then a Evolved Male Drone.

OK...hey just a thought does the regis need to be impregnated? Is she like a queen bee? Can only produce males if impregnated.
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
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Zer0 Kay wrote:
OK...hey just a thought does the regis need to be impregnated? Is she like a queen bee? Can only produce males if impregnated.

The Slug-Queen can Produce both Males or Females, but will only Produce Females when she nears the End of her life cycle. These new Queens will Fight to establish Domonance. the Winner become the New Queesn, the Losers becoem "Brains" Effectvly Lesser Queens under the control of the New Queen.

until the Invid invaded Earth, The Greater Queen would Keep her Brains and Lesser Hives Spread Across the Galaxey.

the Regsis was the Most agressive of the Queens, Her Rule was Set in to Motion by the Weaking of the Anchient Enemy's Police Force. the Dissaperance of the Masters Zentradi Warriors allowed her to Take a More Agressive stance with her Children. and for the First time, She Evolved her Children Activly to Bring out more Agressive Tendencys.
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Slug Men: (aprox 50,000 BC to 2031 AD)

After the Savage defeat by the Forces of Zor, one of the Slug-Queens preformed the act of desperation. She transmuted herself and her children in to a Pure Energy Form. They Escaped the Solar system. The Masters who Destroyed there home World never Gave the Slug-Race a second Thought, zor became to busy making him self out to be a hero, and building an Empire to worry about if any of the Slugs Survived.

The World they came to received the brunt of the fury and lust for revenge. The Atmosphere was much to toxic for her Children. Her raw Mental Abilities Fueled by a new emotion “Hate” would be the closest human emotion to what she felt, She Burrowed below the Surface of this Planet and Created a new hive in the Rocks below the surface of this new world. The planet was home to a Race of Primate-like Bipeds. Never had the Ape-lings experienced a Predator as Savage as the Slug men. Now Sporting Savage Tri-Claws and Strength fueled by the Hate their Queen held for all bipeds, the slugs butchered the ape-lings. The Queen found this World to be sufficient. Thou the Improvements she made to her Children were Sufficient She found the high Oxygen content Still weakens them after Long periods of exposure.

The Slug-men’s Dominance of the Planet was Total. The Queen was the First of her Race to Reach a Level of sentience, thou her though process was only keen to mimicking other Species. Nearing the end of her Life cycle she prepared to create a new Queen… but this was the First time in 1000 life cycles that only one queen would be born. If another encounter with the Masters happened she it would spell the end of her people. She instead Laid 7 Queens. When the Queens were born they Fought over who would consume the remains of their Mother. The winning Queen inherited the former queens plans and hatred for Primates. The Revived the 6 other queens and sent them across the Galaxy to build other hives. But they were not to destroy the native species, but rather hide and wait in a stasis until one day the need for the warriors would come.

The cycle of 7 Continued for 50 thousand years. The Slugs observed the Master Empire grow wide and Divided, as Time went the queen adopted Technology Similar to the Masters Police force. These “Crab” mecha were based off some of the native creatures, tough and armed with Massive Tri-Claws These Were Semi Successful. The invid would Attack during the Engagements between DOZ and RM forces. Stealing Mecha and survivors on both Sides. Keeping these Attacks few and Far between neither Side of the Civil war noticed the signs of outside mecha.

The Birth of the Regsis was the beginning of a new era of the Slug-men; She was by far the most aggressive of the Slug-Queens to be born. Upon her birth she killed the other 6 queens and consumed them along with the mother. This increased her abilities and hatred for the masters to a Level unknown to any generation before. She began doing more intense Experiments, creating more evolved Males Drones and imbuing them with a Degree of intelligence similar to her own. One Day her scouts reported the Policing Force of the Masters were no longer Policing. At This time she began her Movements against the Masters Empire. The Masters were having a Tough time with the Disciples of Zor, With the Massive Zentradi fleet missing the DOZ took to more Aggressive assaults on the Masters. The Masters Dispatched a Fleet to discover what had become of there Lost Zentradi, The Regsis sent a Probe to Follow the Fleet, as she was concerned what was powerful enough to Destroy these Zentradi would either be a Powerful Ally or a Powerful Threat.

Years Passed before her Probe brought any News. It followed the Masters to a Blue Planet on the Far Side of the Galaxy. This planet was home to People who resembled the Masters Race, but were no allies to them. The “Humans” Had defeated the huge Warships of the Zentradi and were waging war against the Masters Forces. This would have never been an Much more than a Passing Interest, except for a Sense She had never her Self felt, but her Genetic Memory hungered for, The Sacred Flower of Life. When the Masters Mother ships fell to the Humans, She sent a Message across the Galaxy awakening every one of her Children in Stasis. Sending them to a New Promised Land.
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I like it definately more aggressive do you have a version for the RT Masters and Zentran that paints them in a darker color?

It's also definately not Robotech or Macross, whose main theme is that love will win the day and music being a passion will help it along. Though that can sometimes be far more lame (e.g. Macross 7). So your alternate universe is a refreshing injection of well WAR!!
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
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Colonel Wolfe
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My Essays Paint everyone ins a Dirfent light:

Zor: a Petty Scientist who lost his life not being Heroic. but because he screwed over the people who did 90% of the work he took credit for.

The Invid: Nearly Driven to extinction, they ingraned a Hatred for the Masters in to there very soul, Which Manifested its self in the Regsis, the Most Agressive and Dangerous Queen to live.
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