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Mr Scorpio
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Unread post by Mr Scorpio »

Hey ZEN, I've been working on a rewrite of Emulate Super Abilities to make it less like Mimic. I thought that breaking it up a little might help with that. So anyway, here we go (again).....

Mr Scorpio wrote:Emulate Super Abilities (Major)

The character has the ability to temporarily simulate certain Major Super Abilities. The specific super abilities that the character can simulate are limited to those that fit into a certain category such as those that alter the character’s physical structure or those that control force or even those that create matter. The character can simulate any of the super abilities that fall into those categories at will. This flexibility comes at a cost however; the simulated powers are only temporary and not quite as powerful as the true Super Abilities they emulate (all emulated powers treated as one level below the true level of the character). Further, the character is only able to approximate the basic power and will not show the expertise of someone who actually possesses one of the powers he emulates (the character cannot adjust the damage of powers the way someone who actually has the power would be able to).

Range: Self

Duration: The character can maintain the emulated power(s) for 1 melee round + 1 melee per level of experience.

Attacks per Melee: Emulating a super ability or switching to a new one takes one full melee (15 seconds).

Emulation Category Roll on the following table or choose the most appropriate type.
01-16: Absorption
17-34: Alter Physical Structure
35-52: Control Powers
53-67: Dimensional Manipulation
68-84: Enhanced Biology
85-00: Matter Creation

01-16: Absorption
Absorb Bio-Mass (PU1)
Bio-Ghost (HU2)
Borrow Power (PU1)
Copy Animal Attributes (PU1)
Copy Physical Structure (HU2)
Energy Absorption (HU2)
Mimic (HU2)
Negate Super Abilities (HU2)
Re-Channel and Expel Energy (PU1)
Sonic Absorption & Reflection (HU2)
Weapon Melding (PU1)

17-34: Alter Physical Structure
A.P.S.: Acid (PU1)
A.P.S.: Crystal (PU1)
A.P.S.: Electricity (HU2)
A.P.S.: Fire (HU2)
A.P.S.: Ice (HU2)
A.P.S.: Lava (PU1)
A.P.S.: Light (PU1)
A.P.S.: Liquid (HU2)
A.P.S.: Liquid Metal (PU3.0)
A.P.S.: Metal (HU2)
A.P.S.: Oil or Tar (PU1)
A.P.S.: Plant (HU2)
A.P.S.: Plasma (HU2)
A.P.S.: Putty (PU1)
A.P.S.: Rubber (PU1)
A.P.S.: Sand (PU1)
A.P.S.: Shadow (PU1)
A.P.S.: Smoke or Mist (HU2)
A.P.S.: Stone (HU2)
A.P.S.: Vapor or Fog (PU1)
A.P.S.: Wood (PU1)
A.P.S.: Void (AUGG)
Adapt to Environment (HU2)
Alter Facial Features & Physical Stature (HU2)
Alter Limbs (HU2)
Animal Metamorphosis (HU2)
Dread Transformation (PU3.0)
Lycanthrope (HU2)
Shapechanger (HU2)
Tentacles (HU2)

35-52: Control Powers (Matter & Energy)
Control Density (PU1)
Control Elemental Force: Air (HU2)
Control Elemental Force: Earth (HU2)
Control Elemental Force: Fire (HU2)
Control Elemental Force: Water (HU2)
Control Elemental Force: Void (AUGG)
Control Insects & Arachnids (HU2)
Control Kinetic Energy (HU2)
Control Others (HU2)
Control Radiation (HU2)
Control Static Electricity (HU2)
Darkness Control (HU2)
Direct Force (PU2)
Distort Space (PU1)
Energy Doppelganger (PU1)
Friction Control (PU1)
Geothermal Energy (PU1)
Gravity Manipulation (HU2)
Magnetism (HU2)
Mechano-Link (HU2)
Plant Control (HU2)
Slow Motion Control (HU2)
Sonic Power (HU2)
Super Energy Expulsion (HU2)
Vibration (HU2)
Weapon Energy Extensions (PU1)
Weight Manipulation (HU2)

53-67: Dimensional Manipulation
Dimensional Room (PU1)
Gateways (PU1)
Intangibility (HU2)
Karmic Power (HU2)
Mirror Mastery (PU1)
Negative Matter (HU2)
Superluminal Flight (AUGG)
Teleport (HU2)

68-84: Enhanced Biology
Alter Metabolism (HU2)
Amphibious (PU1)
Animal Abilities (HU2)
Chameleon (HU2)
Divine Healing (PU1)
Growth (HU2)
Invulnerability (HU2)
Mega-Wings (PU1)
Power Touch (PU1)
Regeneration: Ultima (PU1)
Shrink (HU2)
Stretching (HU2)
Space Native (Major) (AUGG)
Super Consumption (PU1)
Supernatural Bite/Jaws (PU1)
Supernatural Strength (HU2)
Super Regeneration (AUGG)
Super Power Punch (PU2)
Venomous Attack (Major) (PU1)

85-00: Matter Creation
Bio-Armor (HU2)
Chemical Secretion (PU1)
Generate Fog & Smoke (PU1)
Liquefaction (PU1)
Matter Expulsion: Crystal (PU1)
Matter Expulsion: Metal/Steel (PU1)
Matter Expulsion: Stone (PU1)

Other Bonuses:
+ 1D4 to M.E. attribute.
+ 2 to save vs. psionics attacks.
+ 2 to save vs. magic.
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Unread post by MrTwist »

I find the Emulate Super Abilities to be an interesting power, but I do want to make some suggestions. First off, being able to change your powers(well, one) to just about anything that suits your needs is quite powerful. The limited duration and time it takes to emulate a power keeps it rather nicely in check. The other suggestion I want to make is that this is best done in context of a new Power Category, at least in my opinion. Maybe as an add on option to the Mutant or Experiment categories. Just expand the power determination chart so it includes the 'Adaptoid' option. No set powers, just a few powers that can be changed under specific circumstances.

Just an idea.
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Unread post by Prince Cherico »

Dance Revolution

The charater is a lord and master of music
and dancing. He can create music out of Nowhere
and compel people to stop what ever their doing
and dance.


1. Music generation- the charater can make music eminate
from the very core of his being. The music can be any thing
the carater wishes, treat this as a music skill at 98% percent.

2. Dancing ability- this charater has a natural sense of Rythum
He can put himself in a moving dancing state. He has a natural
dancing skill at 98% His dancing is so good it has a Awe factor
of 14. With each round every one friend and foe must roll aganst
Awe factor. The charater also has a natural Auto doge +2 and
+2 to stike, and roll with damage

3. Dance feild- the charater can create a field of energy that
complese all with in to dance. Only those who roll over 15 are
uneffected. Those who fail there saves can do nothing but dance.
the range for this feild is 200 feet pluse 100 feet per level of experence.

4. other bounese +2 to PP +4 to PB +2 to MA
Svartalf- if Cherico were a character created in a point game system, he'd have all his scores in geeky skills and his youtube and weird net stuff schticks all paid through a a Terminal Bad Luck (with more nasty GM intervention) disadvantage, and probably an Uncouth (can not have social skills) disad as well...
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
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Unread post by MrTwist »

Interesting revision of your page 20 power. The save might need some explaining. Is there any bonuses based on attributes and such. Also, as an addition to that 'everyone must dance' clause, you may want to add that being attacked will break someone out of the dancing trance.

But, if you were intending it as a silly power, it's pretty nice.
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Unread post by Mr Scorpio »

ZEN wrote:"If"? I think it has just got to be a silly power 8-)

Adaptoid eh? The advantage to having a whole new Power Category (or sub category) is that you can beef it up a bit and add unique abilities exclusive to the character type..

I've kind of already done the Adaptoid thing with the Ultra-Mimic so I was kind of going for a little different feel here.

ZEN wrote:As a Major super ability, yes, I like the latest version better, however, a first level character with this power who is trying to expell fire... at zero level?

How does that work?
What if the character starts out being able to emulate powers at 1st level, but the damages and ranges are always half that of the normal power for the character's existing level.

Ah, I like that. I'll see about adding that in to the description.

ZEN wrote:"I think you will find that in the actual playing of the game, range is not always a factor, it normally comes down to timing (hence the switch and activation delay is a really potent balancer), strike bonuses (thus another potent balance is included) and damage potential (which is why any good GM knows that 5D6 renders very different results than 1D6x5).

Guess I hadn't thought enough about the range thing. I was just trying to keep it balanced against the flexability. I'll see about removing the range penalty later as well.

Thanks for the feedback you two. I really appreciate it.
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Unread post by MrTwist »

Well Scorpio, the Ultra Mimic was just a mimic. It copied things people around it. An adaptoid power category could have a smaller amount of powers available to them, and start off with a base set. Maybe 1 major and 2 minor.

From there, they can change their powers to suit their needs, although changing a power would take some time. They would always be able to change back to their base powers faster though.

Just an idea.
"Do you even know what the word theory means? You must think it means '**** that you make up'."
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Unread post by Mr Scorpio »

MrTwist wrote:Well Scorpio, the Ultra Mimic was just a mimic. It copied things people around it. An adaptoid power category could have a smaller amount of powers available to them, and start off with a base set. Maybe 1 major and 2 minor.

From there, they can change their powers to suit their needs, although changing a power would take some time. They would always be able to change back to their base powers faster though.

Just an idea.

Ah, sorry I must have misunderstood. You have an interesting idea there, MrTwist. Could make an interesting new category.
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Prince Cherico
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Unread post by Prince Cherico »

Emotional Vampire

Minor power

This charater can feed on peoples emotions
for sustenance.

1-The charater has a natural
empathy ability and always knows what emotion
a given person is experencing.

2-The charater must feed at least 2 times a day.
Unwilling people get have to roll over 15 with ME
bounesis to advoid the effects. If they fail the save
then they are completly unable to feel a given emotion
for 1d4 days.

3-The charater has the ability to null peoples pain this
ability lasts one hour per level of experence

4. the charater acts as a natural lie detector and can detect
lies at 60% +2% per level of experence

5. Other bounesis +2 to MA +1 to ME
Svartalf- if Cherico were a character created in a point game system, he'd have all his scores in geeky skills and his youtube and weird net stuff schticks all paid through a a Terminal Bad Luck (with more nasty GM intervention) disadvantage, and probably an Uncouth (can not have social skills) disad as well...
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
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Unread post by MrTwist »

Lord Cherico wrote:Emotional Vampire

Minor power

This charater can feed on peoples emotions
for sustenance.

1-The charater has a natural
empathy ability and always knows what emotion
a given person is experencing.

2-The charater must feed at least 2 times a day.
Unwilling people get have to roll over 15 with ME
bounesis to advoid the effects. If they fail the save
then they are completly unable to feel a given emotion
for 1d4 days.

3-The charater has the ability to null peoples pain this
ability lasts one hour per level of experence

4. the charater acts as a natural lie detector and can detect
lies at 60% +2% per level of experence

5. Other bounesis +2 to MA +1 to ME

Interesting. A few suggestions. Change the ability to know what emotion is feeling to a percentage based one. Maybe state it only detects the most powerfully felt emotion, as people can feel multiple emotions at once. You might want to add in some penalties for what can occur when you don't feed on an emotion. The nullifying of someone's pain doesn't quite fit in with an emotional power in my opinion, but I could be wrong. The ability to detect lies is pretty cool though.
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Unread post by MrTwist »

Anyone create a power, or seen one, that can detect residual energies from super power, psionic, or magic that was used in the past? I know there's a few to detect current stuff, but I can't remember if there's anything for residuals.

Maybe even something sensitive enough to be able to detect specific powers. "Well, I figured out how they got the money out. I detect some residual super power energies, specifically Teleport. I can also feel some left over residue of Power Touch on the lock over there. They knew where to hit; I can feel recent usage of some kind of X-Ray vision." That kind of stuff.
"Do you even know what the word theory means? You must think it means '**** that you make up'."
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Unread post by Mr Scorpio »

MrTwist wrote:Anyone create a power, or seen one, that can detect residual energies from super power, psionic, or magic that was used in the past? I know there's a few to detect current stuff, but I can't remember if there's anything for residuals.

Maybe even something sensitive enough to be able to detect specific powers. "Well, I figured out how they got the money out. I detect some residual super power energies, specifically Teleport. I can also feel some left over residue of Power Touch on the lock over there. They knew where to hit; I can feel recent usage of some kind of X-Ray vision." That kind of stuff.

Hmmmmm, sounds a little familiar but the version I saw wasn't for HU. Not sure which system it was for. Sounds like a cool addition for HU though.
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Unread post by MrTwist »

Residual Detection(minor)
Through some sort of new sense, the character gains the ability to detect the residue of super power usage in a limited area. At higher levels, they might even be able to detect the actual power used, or who used it.
Range: 5ft per level of experience radius.
Duration: 1 minute per level of eperience.
Note: Activating this extra sense takes two melee actions, and uses up one action per melee round it is active.

1. Detect Residue. This allows the super being to see the recent usage of super powers. Up to 1 hour in the past per level of experience. To recognize where in the radius the power took place - 60% +5% per level.

2. Identify Power. At third level, the ability gets fine tuned. There is a chance to recognize exactly what power was used. By now, the character has experienced enough powers they get a certain 'feel' for the 'flavor' of a power. 50% + 4% per level

3. Identify User. At fifth level, the super being can recognize who used the power. Whenever they successfully identify a power used in the past, it is added to a stored memory. If they have encountered it before, they will remember with a 70% chance. The sense is now fine tuned enough they can almost taste a particular user's 'flavor'. If they encounter the user of a power they have identified, and the power is used again, they will have the same 70% chance to realize that this person is the user of the power.

Needs to have some fine tuning, but it's decent for a first draft. Anyone else wanna take a go at editing it?
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Unread post by MrTwist »

ZEN wrote:Dang thats a good idea! I think it can do with a little tweak.. lets see what I can come up with.

Give it a better name too. :)
"Do you even know what the word theory means? You must think it means '**** that you make up'."
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Unread post by MrTwist »

Nice job ZEN. :ok:

I'm kind of confused on the initiative bonus though. I figure an added note might be nice. The power cannot detect the presence of super powers. Well, not exactly. Someone who has to activate their power doesn't register. Someone with an activated power, or an 'always on' one does. An Invulnerable character shows up. Someone with EE: Plasma doesn't show up. Just the power.

Of course, a major version of this power could include this ability, and the power that let's you detect mutants and such in the first place. That could be your super detective.
"Do you even know what the word theory means? You must think it means '**** that you make up'."
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Unread post by Prince Cherico »

The Beloved

"You would not understand the bond we share"

Life can often be lonely, some people go to dating services,
Some people, ask people out. Then there are the beloved
people who are so desperate they turn to the dark arts to
ease their loneliness. The mage casts a spell at a ley line
nexus at the opropiate time to summon a being to be their
lady love. Most die killed by the creatures they summon but
some succeed...

The beloved OCC

The beloved automatically gains following skills at +20%
Demon and monster lore
Holistic Medicine

Beloved abilitys
The beloved is a strong if rather limited mage
he charater begins with 8 spells from levels 1 to 10
the charter will gain a new spell automatically every
other level.

The charter has 2d4X10 +PE PPE at first level and gains
10 PPE every level of experience after that.

Familiar link- this is the only special ability the mage
has the mage has made a familiar link with a sentitant
Being! The being loses their free will, suffering almost
as if under a love spell. Unfortunity magic can have almost
Ironic repucutions. The beloved gains a obession with the
mage on the same scale as a deranged stalker!
The magical energys mutate the Being whatever their PB
before contact was made it is now at 20 +1d6
They also gain One magor super ability and one minor ability

the mage and beloved can telepathically comunicate telepathically
up to 6 miles away, The mage can now see feel, taste and hear
what ever his beloved experiences. The both mage and beloved
can sense where the other one is. If ether mage or beloved dies
the other dies as well.
Svartalf- if Cherico were a character created in a point game system, he'd have all his scores in geeky skills and his youtube and weird net stuff schticks all paid through a a Terminal Bad Luck (with more nasty GM intervention) disadvantage, and probably an Uncouth (can not have social skills) disad as well...
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
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Unread post by Iczer »

Rocket Run
"lookit me mama....zoooooooom"
The character has the ability to perform bursts of brief but potent accellerated running, causing the air to burst and shoes to ignite, all the while offering a kind of kinetic resistence while he does so.
Duration: One action, once per melee, but not more times per hour than his PE attribute.
The character is moves forward 60 feet +20 feet per level and then stops utterly with the following effects:
* Creates a small wall of fire, four feet high to well up in the path the character moved. this fire lasts for around 3-7 seconds under normal circumstances (half a melee) but will remain for up to a minute if the ground is reasonably flamable.
* Also creates a mighty whooshing sound as the character passes.
* Anyone within 5 feet of the character at any point of this movement has a 30% chance of being knocked off their feet by the rush of air
* Anyone in the character's path takes 6d6+PS bonus damage and must save vs balance or be sent flying 3d6 feet, losing 1 action and initiative. If they do not move, then the character ricochetes. Targets more than 3 times the character's mass suffer no chance of being knocked down.
Other details:
* The character cannot slow down while performing this power, nor can he greatly reduce the distance. At best he can limit his normal distanceto half normal. He also can do no more than turn a complete 180 degrees during his movement.
* The character, limited to the restrictions above, Can target multiple opponents with this power, slaming into one after the other.
* When striking an opponent who keeps his feet, or a solid surface such as a wall, the character is sent back at an equal angle. this new direction does not count towards his maximum movement
* When 'bursting' the character absorbs all the punishment he dishes out by some unknown kinetic funnelling effect
Other bonuses:
* The character is resistant to fire and heat (Half damage)
* +20 SDC
* +2d4 Spd.

"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
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Unread post by Iczer »

Sacral Plexus
"Whoah..lookit dem feet go"
The character is in posession of a dinosaur like brain at the base of his spine, which grants superior control over his leg (and tail if applicable) movements, giving him superior lower body control.
* +10% to dance and balance.
* +1 attack per melee, only if applied to kicks or tail attacks. +2 to strike with kicks or tail attacks.
* +2d6 to speed. add 6 feet to high and long jumps.

Matter Striking
"Heh. Watch what I can do with my right hand"
The character has the ability to extend the essence of his limbs into and through solid matter, creating new limbs that rise from the ground to perform the character's bidding. The character simply plunges his hand into the ground, a wall or any solid object, and a new limb grows from that object.
* Range: New limbs form from up to 50 feet away +20 feet per level, but cannot form from substances not touched by the character. [if he plunges his hand into the wall of a nearby building, the armm cannot appear from across the street].
* Length of new limbs: 6 feet +2 feet per level.
Strength of new limbs: Normal PS for the character, with a bonus of 1/2 the AR of the formed material
* Combat bonuses: as the limbs seem to sprout from nearby surfaces, striking from any angle and having superior reach, the character gains +2 to strike using this mode of attack.
* The character's ability to use this power allows him to circumvent worn body armour of a foe (unless protected via forcefield) and allows him to inflict normal damage against foes tranformed into inorganic substances [APS stone and metal for example]
* SDC of limbs: 1/3rd SDC for a 10x10 section of wall made from the same materiel as the limbs. Should either limb take this damage, then the character is stunned for 1d4 rounds from the shock, but is otherwise OK.
*Semi posession: By forming limbs from a machine, robot, golem or other inanimate-made-animate, the character can attempt to exert physical control over said device. In the case of simple machines, the limbs he grows can easily work the controls [If locked in the trunk of a car, the character could grow limbs to work the steering wheel, gearstick and pedals. not that he could see where he would be going, and without the key he would be stuffed].

"Back off Man!"
The character has an ability to cause a kind of localised spatial distortion, effectively sending targets away from him with any significant strike.
* Dismissive strike. after striking an opponent with a bare body blow, the target must make a save vs spatial distortion [14+, ME bonuses apply] if unsuccessful, the target is violently teleported directly away from the character up to 60 feet, and must make a sense of balance check to remain standing after such a blow. the target cannot appear in a space occupied by another object, appearing just short of that deadly consequence, but will displace objects that weigh less than himself if need be.
* Warp attack: the character can also make a bare body blow against an inanimate object, teleporting that object into the path of another character. Such an attack counts as two actions, and inflicts normal strike damage, plus 2 for every 10 lbs of mass of the afflicted object.
* Repulsive defence: By halving his attacks for the entire melee round, the character sets up resonating warps all across his body. any missile or weapon attack that strikes him in this state are instantly flung away via warp up to 60 feet away. Anyone striking him is also flung away but only after damage is inflicted [or is parried]
* Disarm attack: By striking a person's body armour, his sword or shield, or other held posession, the character can fling these items from a character's grasp. this is a strike at -2, but any successful contact flings the item away. typically this is best used against the weapons of a foe, who, even by successfully parrying, will cause this contact. In the cas eof warping off a person's body amour [or costume], the character still needs to get past any parry defences.
*limitations: The character affects matter only with his warping. he cannot affect fire, electricity lasers or any form of energy. He is also limited to 150 lbs, plus 20 lbs per level. thus really big and powerful foes will be mostly immune to this power.

Thats it for now
"Sorry Drewkitty, the laws of physics were defeated by Iczer way back in like, the first ten pages of this thread." A.J. Pickett
“Iczer, you are a power generating machine.” - Mr Twist
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Unread post by MrTwist »

Interesting stuff Iczer. The Sacral Plexus power seems to be an interesting mutation effect. It has use as a power, but it actually seems like a really cool addition to the mutant characteristics table instead.

I do have some questions on the other two powers. First off, do you consider them to be major or minors? Also, I'm kind of confused on Repulsive. Is the last ability a teleporting or a flinging? It says fling(which makes being to disarm someone of their body armor sound kinda hard to do), but the other strikes say the object is teleported. If the flinging action described in the last two abilities is what happens, then how does different strength qualities affect the distance? If they are 'ported away, then this is pretty darn powerful. No more Mr. Magic Sword. Instant disarm. Nothing wrong with powerful though. Kind of dig it.

The matter striking power is pretty cool. I do have a question on what is considered the substance you are touching though. For purposes of this power, is the entire solid object considered the substance, like in the description of the car? Or is it just the metal, or whatever? If I put my hand into a car window(not to break it, but to create a limb), can I create a limb that pops out of the back seat? I don't quite get the ability to damage APS chars. Do you create a limb out of their own material to punch them? Same with being able to get past body armor.

Great ideas, so don't think I'm knocking them. I just want to understand them better. I do really dig that Matter Striking power.
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Unread post by Iczer »

MrTwist wrote:Interesting stuff Iczer. The Sacral Plexus power seems to be an interesting mutation effect. It has use as a power, but it actually seems like a really cool addition to the mutant characteristics table instead.

I'd knock down some of it's overall effectiveness if I did. Frankly, minor powers include 'tentacles of hair' 'multiple limbs' and 'quills' so I'm Ok with it as a minor power.

I do have some questions on the other two powers. First off, do you consider them to be major or minors? Also, I'm kind of confused on Repulsive. Is the last ability a teleporting or a flinging? It says fling(which makes being to disarm someone of their body armor sound kinda hard to do), but the other strikes say the object is teleported. If the flinging action described in the last two abilities is what happens, then how does different strength qualities affect the distance? If they are 'ported away, then this is pretty darn powerful. No more Mr. Magic Sword. Instant disarm. Nothing wrong with powerful though. Kind of dig it.

I'm of the opinion that they should be major powers, though possibly a little tweak needs to made for 'fine tuning' purposes. With repulsive, I wanted to get the feeling of being >sucked< through the teleport, kind of like acquiring velocity after the port [I'm sure there are a dozen or so actual physicists who could support this hypothesis vis a vis maintaining actual vector and velocity relative to the universe rather than to the ground but i digress]. The thrust of it was to say that yes, the item is teleported.

The matter striking power is pretty cool. I do have a question on what is considered the substance you are touching though. For purposes of this power, is the entire solid object considered the substance, like in the description of the car? Or is it just the metal, or whatever? If I put my hand into a car window(not to break it, but to create a limb), can I create a limb that pops out of the back seat? I don't quite get the ability to damage APS chars. Do you create a limb out of their own material to punch them? Same with being able to get past body armor.

The substance you are touching has to apply to a combination of comic book physics and a little common sense [though with different GM's your milage may vary] Essentially, the limbs are formed by a sort of matter manipulation, and you must be touching the source material, even if the source material and the point where arms are as distant from each other as range allows. Thus, If Armory shoved a hand into street, his faux arms could spring up anywhere along that street within range, straight out of the asphalt. Likewise, he could shove his hands into a wall, and have arms pop out to grapple foes on the other side [x-ray vision would help here of course]. BUT, if the arms were shoved into a Buick, they could not appear in a different buick, a different car or anywhere else other than that same automobile. Likewise, If you stuck your arms into the chrysler building, arms could appear from any surface on the chrysler building [within range] but not from a building across the street. essentially, its what the GM will let you get away with.

As for damaging APS characters. Physically, the character is a matter maniupulator now, able to distort matter he is touching [albeit in a limited fashion] when he strikes characters in these altered states, the AR gets distorted through the use of the power, allowing a temporary disregard for his natural AR. There is nothing intrinsically wrong howevere, with doing the latter option, and plunging your arms into said being's back, forming a new set of limbs under your control. [On a practical note, this power seems a bit weakened after it was written. On my checklist it needed another 4 points to qualify for a major power so I wrote in the extra function. after all, once you have used a major power up that's a good portion of your oomph gone.

I would have thought the ability to bypass worn armour was easy. When you strike someone, make plunge in the hand, and make a new limb out of their body armour. From the inside.

Great ideas, so don't think I'm knocking them. I just want to understand them better. I do really dig that Matter Striking power.

Happy to help man.

More powers coming.

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I'm curious about this checklist. I'd like to know more. I appreciate the clearing of things up a bit.
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Yeah, much like Zen said above.

I keep a list of If/Then statements in the front of the HU book (and the powers unlimted 1 book now).

Mostly it's a checklist to see how it stacks up against other powers. If I can pull up a minor power that seems to have similiar potential then the power gets shoved down to minor status [IMHO that is]. If it seems extremely broad and seems worth as much as at leats 2 minor powers, then I call it a major. and if it seems somewhere in between I either boost it or remove some potential.

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Unread post by Prince Cherico »

so when will dance revolution go up :D
Svartalf- if Cherico were a character created in a point game system, he'd have all his scores in geeky skills and his youtube and weird net stuff schticks all paid through a a Terminal Bad Luck (with more nasty GM intervention) disadvantage, and probably an Uncouth (can not have social skills) disad as well...
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I have always loved what has been done in this conversation. As for APS paint and ME paint, I'm working on it.
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I've been batting this one around for a couple of days. I've been playing X-Men Legends a LOT so I haven't had too much free time to work on it but I have been thinking about it at work. At first I thought about creating a whole new power category but then it dawned on me that I've seen two characters with a version of the power but it was limited to the A.P.S. powers so I thought it might work better if I went that route with the power. So here is a rough draft of a sort of A.P.S.: All type of power. Not sure what to call it otherwise. I'm also thinking about adding in a few minor powers to the bottom of the list just to fill it in a bit. Better get going to work now. I'll check back in later...

Mr Scorpio wrote:Alter Physical Structure (Major)

The character has the ability to temporarily simulate any of the A.P.S. powers. This flexibility comes at a cost however; the simulated powers are only temporary and not quite as powerful as the true Super Abilities they emulate: the simulated powers are available at half power. That is half damage, range and duration. S.D.C. bonuses are halved and any A.R. is also reduced to half (thus if the character simulated A.P.S.: Stone the A.R. of his stone body would be 8 with only 300 points of S.D.C.). Further, the character is only able to approximate the basic power and will not show the expertise of someone who actually possesses one of the powers he emulates (the character cannot adjust the damage of powers the way someone who actually has the power would be able to).

Range: Self

Duration: The character can maintain the emulated power(s) for 1 melee round + 1 melee per level of experience.

Attacks per Melee: It takes 2 melee attack/actions to activate any of the emulated A.P.S. powers.
Last edited by Mr Scorpio on Thu Dec 02, 2004 2:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by MrTwist »

I like the limitations on it's usefulness to offset it's... well... usefulness. The reduction of the emulated power's abilities keeps it from being too over powered.

I would suggest giving it some activation time, like maybe two actions. You could simplify the text a bit by just stated "Any Alter Physical Structure power". Possibly, you could state that any attribute, skill, or SDC bonuses given by the emulated power in it's Other Abilities and Bonuses section are not granted by this power. But, that might be limiting it a bit too much. Or, just cut all bonuses granted by the emulated power in half(not just range, duration, and such).

The half power limitations seem to only affect the APS powers to any major degree. Well, with the exception of Dread Transformation. What you could do is just call this power 'Alter Physical Structure' and let it emulate only the actual APS powers.

Just some ideas.
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Muscle Mimic
"Feel YOUR bicep...It's MY bicep now chump"

The character posesses an otherwise ordinary physique, except when around people with more powerful ones. After 60 seconds of close proximity (20 feet) the character's PS upgrades to match. This progression is slow under normal circumstances but can speed up depending on one's level of....intimacy.
* after 60 seconds, the character starts gaining 1 point of PS every minute until he matches his target, or his target leaves his area of effect. every 5 minutes after this, his PS jumps a category until he matches.
* If close personal contact is maintained, the character gains 1 point of PS every 30 seconds, and gains a category every 2 minutes.
* If the character is struck with a bare body blow [IE not melee weapons] then the character Gains 6 PS for every hit until he matches his target's PS. after that, every blow increases his strength Category one step.
Other bonuses and limitations:
* Character may also snatch other traits of a person's skin and muscle in place of a strength increase. Options include, skin colour, texture, natural AR [if a function of the target's skin and muscle]
* Gains an SDC boost when his PS equals half the target's numerical PS. This SDC boost is equal to 10% of the target's SDC +2% per level.
*Character mimics flesh and blood traits, and cannot mimic characters who are not currently in a flesh or blood form (like robots, some alien life forms and of course those in an altered physical state)
* Duration is for 12 minutes, +2 minutes per level, but this ability will not start winding down if the character remains in close contact (20 feet or so) of the target.

Probably a minor power.

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Unread post by MrTwist »

Interesting power. I was thinking maybe keep it so the maximum strength level is superhuman. I always figured any power that gives supernatural strength should be major. Also, what's the progression of the ability to gain the other traits of someone? Can this power be suppressed? Is there a visual physical change on the part of the super being?

Someone else - "Uhm, the Troubleshooter just busted out of his costume again."

the Troubleshooter - (looks over at the supernaturally strong hero right next to him) "Didn't I tell you to get the hell away from me? My elastic costume hasn't come in yet." (skull thumps the strong hero)

On another note. I had an idea for a power, but it might be better off as a psionic. Basically the idea would be a touch limited power that gives a HF save. The affected person would have all their senses fooled, almost like an illusion. They would experience their own personal interpretation of hell. Even those who didn't believe in hell would experience some kind of troubled vision. I guess it would kind of be like the mind trap animal psionic.
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MrTwist wrote:Interesting power. I was thinking maybe keep it so the maximum strength level is superhuman. I always figured any power that gives supernatural strength should be major. Also, what's the progression of the ability to gain the other traits of someone? Can this power be suppressed? Is there a visual physical change on the part of the super being?

Ok let me see if I can answer them.
I think it should be able to max out to SN strength if need be. By limiting it to SH PS, you prompt players to decide between THIS power and the actual power of superhuman PS, which gives a far better strength overall. Perhaps half duration for SN PS.

Progression issues: Typically, no other physical traits should be absorbed untill half the target's PS is reached. Once again, selecting to copy a person's fleshy traits are optional. If you wanna copy the hulk, you don't need to take his green skin at any time.

Yes the power can be supressed. It's a voluntary thing (though an involuntary power is as fun as the campaign makes it. much like an uncontrollable energy blast).

Is there a visual aspect? I suppose that is a character orientated question rather than a mechanics question. If I had to add one, I'd say 1lb of muscle gained per PS point.

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Unread post by Prince Cherico »

Acupuncture touch

This charater has the abilty to heal
others with a touch.

Optical improvement- the charater touch
can stimulate optic nerves so that people can
see better. One week of sessions can get the average
person 20/20 vision. 2 weeks of sessions will get near
and far sighted people perfect vision. A mouth of sessions
will allow the blind to see with 20/20 vision

Improve nervous system- The charater can cure paralisis
with a touch, after a week of sessions a charater is cured
of even the worse paralisis

Touch of pleasure- the charater can manipulate a persons
pleasure centers. This increases a persons imunity to diease
providing +1 aganst diease per level of experence
abilitys for one day.

Healing touch- the charater can heal with a touch
each touch heals 1d6 +2 hit points per level of experence
Svartalf- if Cherico were a character created in a point game system, he'd have all his scores in geeky skills and his youtube and weird net stuff schticks all paid through a a Terminal Bad Luck (with more nasty GM intervention) disadvantage, and probably an Uncouth (can not have social skills) disad as well...
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
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Lord Cherico wrote:Acupuncture touch

Improve nervous system- The charater can cure paralisis
with a touch, after a week of sessions a charater is cured
of even the worse paralisis
That is awfully powerful. Especially for just a weeks work.
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yes it is but it takes time and there for
in game balance
Svartalf- if Cherico were a character created in a point game system, he'd have all his scores in geeky skills and his youtube and weird net stuff schticks all paid through a a Terminal Bad Luck (with more nasty GM intervention) disadvantage, and probably an Uncouth (can not have social skills) disad as well...
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
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MrTwist wrote:I like the limitations on it's usefulness to offset it's... well... usefulness. The reduction of the emulated power's abilities keeps it from being too over powered.


The half power limitations seem to only affect the APS powers to any major degree. Well, with the exception of Dread Transformation. What you could do is just call this power 'Alter Physical Structure' and let it emulate only the actual APS powers.

Just some ideas.

I checked in at lunch and saw your posts and thought about it a bit more and I think you're right. The characters I saw who had similar powers must have had other super abilities as well and they just worked together to get the overall effects. I'll edit the power description in a few. [edit] Ok, I changed the description so that it only works on A.P.S. powers.[/edit]

ZEN wrote:OK I was grasping on the second point, but I still think this power could do with some added permanent bonus.. damage resistance of some kind, maybe a damage reduction (like energy resistance) except for all sorts of elemental attacks.. fire. cold, acid, electricity, etc.
And a natural healing boost.. or the ability to eat just about anything (not super consumption, just the ability to eat normal amounts of material.. but that material can be just about anything).. oh, that implies toxin resistance as well..

I've been too afraid of overpowering an already borderline power by adding in any bonuses beyond the ability to switch between A.P.S. abilities at will. I'm just not sure about adding any free stuff. If you guys think that it wouldn't be unbalancing then I'd be happy to reconsider.

Now I'm thinking that if I reworked my original Emulate Super Abilities so that it only allowed the character to emulate Minor Super Abilities that it might be a lot more balanced than allowing him to emulate Majors. Just a thought.
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Unread post by MrTwist »

I was thinking of a temporal power. Something along the lines of a time stop, but with some big limitations. Mainly, you can't move anything. That would include doors, people, or bullets. It would effectively be a temporal teleport, since all you can really do is move yourself. I was thinking of giving it a decent duration, like a half hour or so, and take a couple melee actions to activate.

Or you could make a power like the effect of the watch from Trancers. Basically, you activate the power and extend a single second into fifteen. You would be able to take all of your melee actions at once, and no one would be able to defend themselves. The only way I could think of to keep it under control is only allow one activation every minute or so. You effectively would get an entire melee round of actions before anyone else could even move.

Temporal powers have way too much potential for being overpowered and abused.
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Unread post by MrTwist »

Sounds interesting. Also a pain in the butt for the GM to make a guess at exactly what everyone will be doing. I guess keeping it general would makes things a bit easier.
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Whiz Kid wrote:I still think a random roll is appropriate when activating this power. I know I'm not too keen on putting 20+ major powers in someone's hands whenever they call for one. The time/half strength limitations just don't seem to be enough.

Yeah, you're probably right. My girlfriend's son (he was 8 at the time, was and still is a total Munchkin) came up with the original power idea for Emulate Super Abilities (I think he called it the Any Power) when I told him that we were making up new super powers. I tried to hammer it out to a balance point but it doesn't seem to want to fit in. He came up with a couple more that I told him I would work on. We'll see how those work out.

I started working on a couple of new powers today. One is a new E.E. power. Not a replacement for S.E.E. because even though I don't like it so much I think it has it's place. My idea is just different.
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Unread post by Sir_Spirit »

Anyone made a APS:Energy that would give you similar powers as a Energy doppleganger?
And has anyonw made a modern version of APS;Astral?(from rifters one)
Damn ICE/BCP/BorderPatrol! Damn everyone who won’t damn ICE/BCP/Border Patrol!! Damn everyone that won’t put lights in his windows and sit up all night damning CE/BCP/BorderPatrol!!!
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The_Spirit wrote:Anyone made a APS:Energy that would give you similar powers as a Energy doppleganger?
And has anyonw made a modern version of APS;Astral?(from rifters one)

okay, that's almost creepy.... i was just gonna ask that same question.
look up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane, it's Airman, *****, and i'm bringin' the pain!
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Ok, here's the basic outlines for what I'm working on. First up I have Ultra Energy Expulsion. It's not a replacement for Super Energy Expulsion but it does step up the damage quite a bit with limits on attacks per melee and I threw in a control issue to help balance it a bit and make it different from S.E.E.....

Mr Scorpio wrote:Hyper Energy Expulsion (Major)

The ability to generate vast amounts of energy well beyond the limits of other energy expulsion powers and focus it into incredibly powerful blasts. The character's body produces so much energy that it is difficult for him to focus and direct it. As the character gains experience he becomes better at handling the energy, however he may never truly master it.

Dangerous Limitations: The character will never be able to reduce the damage done by this power. Attacks made with this power will always do full damage.

1. Aura Blast This is the easiest way for the character to release the energy, as it requires the least effort to control it. The character can unleash a spherical blast of energy that hits everybody and everything within 25 feet of the character.

Damage: 1D6 X 10
Duration: Instant
Attacks per Melee: Each use of this ability counts as one melee attack/action.
Bonuses: Automatically hits everything within range.

2. Energy Expulsion The characters most powerful attack as well as the most difficult to manage. The character must consciously focus his energies in order to direct the blast and keep it from dissipating.

Range: 200 feet + 20 feet per level of experience.
Damage: 1D6 X 10 + 1D6 per level of experience.
Duration: Instant
Attacks per Melee: Each use of this ability counts as two attack/actions.
Penalties: This power provides no bonuses to hit, only the character’s P.P. bonus applies.
Special: The character can “rush” his attack and use only one attack/action to release a blast however there is a very real danger when doing this. There is a 60% (-2% per additional level of experience) that the character will loose control of the blast. In the event that the character does loose control of the blast roll on the following table.
01-35: Blast looses cohesion. Reduce damage by 2D6 for each 10 feet the beam travels before it hits its target.
36-70: Aura Blast! The energy spills out of the character hitting everything (and everyone!) in a 10 foot radius + 2 feet per level of experience doing full damage.
71-00: Due to the amount of energy surging through the character’s body his arms begin to shake uncontrollably reducing his strike roll. Penalty increases as the character’s power level increases: -1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15.

3. Energy Resistance The character is resistant to energy attacks. This power is identical to the minor super ability of Energy Resistance.

Next, I've been thinking about this one for a while and decided to try to work it up. Hope it makes sense...

Mr Scorpio wrote:Techno-Transmutation (Major)

The character has the ability to restructure metal, plastic and even glass into almost any form he desires. Much like the Alter Limbs power this can be used to create working machines and even weapons as long as the character possesses the appropriate skills. Simple mechanical devices that do not require an outside power source (i.e. hand tools, most guns, etc.) will work normally for anyone while those items that do require a power source to work (electric screwdriver, drill, etc.) will operate normally only in the hands of the character who created them unless he has access to some form of independent power source (battery packs, E-Cells, etc.). While characters with this power can create anything they possess the skills to build they seem to have a natural ability to create mechanical replicas of their own bodies. At higher levels this allows them to create powered exoskeletons and even robotic duplicates.

Range: Touch
Attacks per Melee: Transmuting materials uses one attack/action per every 100 lbs.
Weight Limitations: 200 lbs. + 50 lbs. Per level of experience.

Available at 1st level and beyond:
Item/Material Needed

Hand Tools/3-7 lbs.
Ancient Weapons/same as individual weapons
Pistol/2-5 lbs.
Rifle/5-10 lbs.
Metal Armor (AR: 15, SDC: 75)/50 lbs.
Power Tools/5-10 lbs.

Available at 3rd level and beyond:
Item/Material Needed

Light Powered Exoskeleton (+5 to PS, +10% to Spd, AR:12 and 25 SDC)/250 lbs.

Available at 6th level and beyond:
Item/Material Needed

Heavy Powered Exoskeleton (+10 to PS, +20% to Spd, AR:15 and 75 SDC)/400 lbs.
Robotic Duplicate (Attributes identical to character)/Twice the characters weight

Other Bonuses & Abilities
+15% to all electrical and mechanical skills

Not sure what other bonuses to add. As usual, any feedback will be greatly appreciated :D
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Whiz Kid wrote:The last one, especailly, could use a LOT of work, but like I said, it wasn't really intended for widespread use. I haven't seen too much like it, however, so I thought I'd share it.

That vehicular metamorphasis reminds me of an OLD cartoon I use to watch where some kid would turn into some firebird I think whenever he got too hot and would change back whenever he got cold...haha, I can't believe I remember that show.

Maybe you could make it so that this creature has to choose a vehicle, and then is given a $$$ allowance...maybe PEx50000 (I don't have the book in front of me, so I can't really compare how much would be a fair value.) He then "builds" himself. Then it becomes something like a alter physical structure power...taking 1 melee to turn into the vehicle. SDC is equal to the vehicle, and returns at the same rate that SDC from APS metal returns. While in the vehicular form, character has complete control, can drive himself at say 80% + 4% per level. He can go above the 98%, but only counts when he is a vehicle himself. Can allow others to "drive" him allowing him to use his time to fire weapons that maybe on the vehicle, or annalize something or if he's unconsious.
"We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine And the machine is bleeding to death The sun has fallen down And the billboards are all leering And the flags are all dead at the top of their poles ...I open up my wallet And it's full of blood "~~Godspeed you black emperor.
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Unread post by Prince Cherico »

Summon Budda

The charater can summon budda

the budda knows ALL skills at 98%
and can be very usefull

unfortantly the budda can only stay
around for 10 minutes per level of experence

any questions about the past or future will
be answered by philosfical nonsense that
sounds wise
Svartalf- if Cherico were a character created in a point game system, he'd have all his scores in geeky skills and his youtube and weird net stuff schticks all paid through a a Terminal Bad Luck (with more nasty GM intervention) disadvantage, and probably an Uncouth (can not have social skills) disad as well...
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
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Unread post by Zenvis »

I just want to know why HU2 hasnt created a transformable mecha robot pilot or otherwise? Why did they hold out on the Gestalt on PU series? Wayne B. I know is creating Robots Unlimited. Maybe he has an answer.
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Whiz Kid wrote:Turbo Teen. We actually discussed that in a thread about a week ago. :D

Oh, god...yeah...jesus I remember it...(c:

The power was actually created for a robot character who was part of a group of shapshifters. He basically looked like a big, bulky mess of random vehicle parts (had part of a car angine on his leg, part of a plan cowling on an upper arm, etc). The players freaked when they realized this guy was, as one put it, "The ultimate Transformer." Not only was he able to show up and blend in virtually anywhere (thanks to creative use of disguise skills), but he was ready transport for the rest of his team.

I like it, personally. I think changing into one vehicle is enough, but if the character has 2 major abilities, such as shapeshifting and Vehicular metamorphasis, I could imagine a wider variety of powers.
"We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine And the machine is bleeding to death The sun has fallen down And the billboards are all leering And the flags are all dead at the top of their poles ...I open up my wallet And it's full of blood "~~Godspeed you black emperor.
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Unread post by Sir_Spirit »

Zenvis wrote:I just want to know why HU2 hasnt created a transformable mecha robot pilot or otherwise? Why did they hold out on the Gestalt on PU series? Wayne B. I know is creating Robots Unlimited. Maybe he has an answer.

One word:
check it out.
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Doctor Vile wrote:So no one knows where this Time Manipulation power can be found? I swear I didn't make it up... :-?

You mean Slow-Motion Control?
Or Control Time?
The second one is found in Rifters # 1 and 12.
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Doctor Vile wrote:
The_Spirit wrote:
Doctor Vile wrote:So no one knows where this Time Manipulation power can be found? I swear I didn't make it up... :-?

You mean Slow-Motion Control?
Or Control Time?
The second one is found in Rifters # 1 and 12.

Nope, not either of those...this was a home made power I found on a web-site and I don't think the site is there anymore.

Have you seen either of those two issues of the rifter though, they might have what you want.
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Whiz Kid wrote:
the drunken werebear wrote:vehicular transformation
hm,m let see
okay how about he can only pick one type of vehicle at first leve but as he progresses he can be come different kinds and different sizes
level one yugo\ motorcycle\ motor scooter
level ten bi level bus /train car
level 15 nuclear submarine/ b-52 bomber

the possibiliteis with this power are endless unless regulated

I totally agree. That's why I made the limitations of the size/weight remaining fairly constant, and the cargo/passenger weight not being able to exceed the character's carrying able to enclose people. The intent was that it would be virtually impossib

Sure, you can make a Giant/Growth/SN PS character with this power, but when it's eating up 2 Major power slots in itself, it's unlikely you'll be able to acheive the size/strength necessary to be, for instance, a bomber jet.

and what about those riding in the car what happens if the character is forced to change before they can evacute (ala clerks the cartoon series, and yes a bear can drive a car)

That's why I made the limitation of not bele to crush people inside you. I suppose I could have also tossed in a line about passengers being ejected if they were in danger during the transformations.

The characters inside are safe because when a vehicle transforms into a human, the main "collection" sight is in the area of the motor. So the character sort of "melts" (Like Liquid metal) toward the engine block. So any characters inside will simply be 'melted' over and left harmlessly on the ground.

On that note: what about if a character goes in for a tune up. When they lift the hood, do they see a manly engine or a beating heart next to a pulsating brain?
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Unread post by MrTwist »

This power needs a better name. It does need some editing to make it less verbose. You could probably remove all mention of a kinetic field and call the power Floating.

Kinetic Field: Feet(minor)
Through some strange process that some researchers believe may be related to telekinesis, this super being has some kind of buffer between their feet and the ground beneath them. Even those with multiple feet, or even tentacles as the primary means of locomotion, show similar characteristics. There is a localized 'soft' kinetic field underneath the soles of the feet. The 'soft' part of the classification mainly means as opposed to applying pressure orginating from the source, or a 'hard' field, the field extending from the sole seems to be based on affecting the body itself.
Duration: Constant, though it can be turned off at 3rd level or higher.
Effects: The super being with this power leaves absolutely no trace of their passing. The exception is passing through underbrush and the like.
If tracking the person with this power relies on their actual tracks, there are none.
They hover between one and two inches above the ground at all times, which means they can never slip on ice or other low friction surfaces..
At 5th level, this power has advanced enough to allow the person with it to walk on water.
This localized field offers no protection for the foot.
The basis for the power is the power itself supports the weight of the person with it, so they also make no sound(except for clothing and the like) by walking. They can walk across the most thin piece of ice(or glass) without worrying about falling through because the power supports their weight. They can even walk across razor blades with no problem, because they never actually come into contact with the substance supporting their weight.
Special, soleless, shoes need to made for a character with this power. The reason behind it is the power 'sees' the shoe as a surface and tries to suspend the character above it.

If anyone wants to take a crack at making it less verbose, go for it.
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Unread post by Sir_Spirit »

OK, here's my try at your power:

Let's you float a few feet off the ground all the time. The down side is that you can't turn it off.

Was that really that hard to do?
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MrTwist wrote:This power needs a better name. It does need some editing to make it less verbose. You could probably remove all mention of a kinetic field and call the power Floating.

Kinetic float
There is a localized 'soft' kinetic field underneath the soles of the feet. The character floats about 3 inches in the air at all times.
Duration: Constant, Every 100 lbs the character lifts drops him down 1 inch.
Effects and bonuses: The super being with this power leaves no tracks and objects do not break under his step. People with tracking skills are at -30% to track this person, and a +10% to prowl +3 roll with fall/impact.

At 3rd the character can turn the power "off". At 5th level, this power allows a person walk on water.

Note: While the person is relitivly weightless, the person still has a stable center of gravity. (Treat Pushes/shoves/ if the person was still groundbased)..

I changed it to 3 in cause 3 ft would make picking anything up off the ground rather difficult. also, the shoe thing had to be removed cause the first time he put on any shoes he'd be launched into outerspace and would concequently die. A lot of what you wrote was mearly redundant. Still a decent idea of a power.
"We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine And the machine is bleeding to death The sun has fallen down And the billboards are all leering And the flags are all dead at the top of their poles ...I open up my wallet And it's full of blood "~~Godspeed you black emperor.
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Unread post by Mr Scorpio »

The_Spirit wrote:OK, here's my try at your power:

Let's you float a few feet off the ground all the time. The down side is that you can't turn it off.

Was that really that hard to do?

Wow, that's a bit harsh. And not quite an official sounding writeup. Maybe if you tried to make it sound a bit more like what you would find in HU2?

MrTwist wrote:This power needs a better name. It does need some editing to make it less verbose. You could probably remove all mention of a kinetic field and call the power Floating.

It's a great power MrTwist and I may take a stab at it after the weekend. I'll try to come up with a new name as well.
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