Post Your War Mounts

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Post Your War Mounts

Unread post by slappy »

I've noticed a lot of ideas on various posts and I would love to see everyones fleshed out War Mounts like the Gore Sharks, Man O War, and whale carriers.
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Unread post by slappy »

I'm confused why no one has posted anything. This forum is swarmed with ideas, and I figured this topic would fill up quick. Doesn't anyone write stuff down? :-D

Oh well. I thought I'd try to get the ball rolling again with one of my ideas.

Tunnel Rat War Mount

The Tunnel Rat was originally created as sort of a joke to mock and aggravate the Machine. The N.E.X.U.S. despises rodents as much as humans, so about a century ago, a Librarian designed a giant armored rat to draw fire from the Machine’s robot forces while the human warriors struck elsewhere. Although the rodents were expendable, they were given the means to defend themselves in order to create a decent diversion. They were used with great success on several occasions, and the Splicers in the field realized that these giant rats were fierce combatants and excellent diggers. They would confound their robotic adversaries by quickly tunneling through the earth and popping up in random locations, and their thick claws cleaved through robotic armor as easily as dirt. The design was determined to be worthwhile, and it was refined over the years until the Tunnel Rat War Mount was perfected.

This powerfully built War Mount looks like a hairless black skinned rat, except it is as big as a rhinoceros and has a thick, armored hide. Its oversized fore limbs end in enormous claws that help the Tunnel Rat burrow through the earth and stone at incredible speeds (plus they make formidable close range weapons). It can dig through the earth and let the dirt collapse behind it, or the Tunnel Rat can chose to excavate a seven-foot wide tunnel so others can follow. The War Mount cannot build tunnels as quickly as it can burrow because it needs to carefully pack down the soil and reinforce weak points with resin secreted from its palms, but it can still excavate at incredible speeds. In order to keep the Tunnel Rat streamlined, the Outrider pilots the War Mount lying on his stomach, hugging the back of the beast. The War Saddle surrounds the pilot and slopes up and over his head. It does not block his view while riding the Tunnel Rat, but when the beast digs, the rider can duck his head to funnel dirt away from his face.

The War Mount is a Lithovore, and since Lithovores create a more powerful casting projectile, the Tunnel Rat has a Casting Launcher mounted on each shoulder. It also has a score of Trench Foot Mines attached to its hind legs in order to “discourage” pursuit through the tunnels. It can drop these mines or kick them at the tunnel walls in order to collapse them (and burrow to safety in the confusion).

The Tunnel Rat is lightly armed compared to other War Mounts, but its construction capabilities are what make it an incredible asset in the field. The War Mount can use its resin ducts and spinneret launcher to quickly build armored fortifications (with plenty of underground escape routes) for allied forces, or it can create spikes, pitfalls, walls, webbing trip lines, nets, and other obstacles to slow advancing robot ground troops. The skilled use of Tunnel Rats can split the Machine’s forces, stall reinforcements, or funnel the enemy into a kill zone. Tunnel Rats are preferred by Outriders that rely on cunning and trickery over brute force, and it is also the favorite War Mount of Skinjobs.

Class: Construction and Excavation War Mount
Crew: One rider
M.D.C. by Location:
• Casting Launchers (2): 60 each
• Tail: 150
• Front Legs (2): 180 each
• Hind Legs (2): 200 each
• Clawed Hands (2): 150 each
• Feet (2): 130 each
• Trench Foot Mines (20): 5 each
• Head: 215*
• Main Body: 480*
• Rider’s War Saddle: 100

*Depleting the M.D.C. of the Head or Main Body kills the Tunnel Rat.

Running: 150 mph maximum. The act of running does not tire out the War Mount or the rider.
Leaping: 20 feet high our across, increase by 50% with a short running start and double when running at full speed.
Digging: 50 mph through sand or dirt. 40 mph through clay, rock or stone. 10 mph when excavating and constructing a stable tunnel. Digging does not tire out the War Mount.
Swimming: 50 mph.
Underwater Depth: Maximum depth is 200 feet.
Flying: Not possible.

Statistical Data:
Height: 5-7 feet
Width: 4-6 feet
Length: 10 feet, 16 feet including the tail
Weight: 1.5 tons
Cargo: Can carry 1200 lbs. on its back are drag 2000 lbs. behind it.
Physical Strength: 1D6+30
Production Cycle: 2 year gestation period plus 2 year growth cycle.
Operational Lifetime: 50 year life span.
Bio-Regeneration Rate: 4D6 per hour to the main body and 2D6 per hour to all other locations.
Horror Factor: 10, 15 when it gets angry.
Feeding: The Tunnel Rat is a Lithorvore. It needs to eat 80 pounds of dirt, rocks, and minerals each day.
Color: It is solid black with blood red eyes.
Sleep Requirements: As an artificially created organism, the Tunnel Rat only requires 6 hours of sleep per day.

Other Data:
An unmanned Tunnel Rat is able to operate independent of a rider using its animal-like intelligence and instincts to respond to any given situation. It will attack when threatened and will burrow underground in order to sneak around behind its attacker. The Tunnel Rat is an aggressive fighter. It will not initiate combat, but once it perceives a threat, it will continue to attack similar targets (robots) until none are left or it is ordered to withdraw. It will only obey the commands of an Outrider or Packmaster.
Alignment: Miscreant. Tunnel Rats are a bit ornery and do enjoy tearing apart any creature or robot that threatens them. They also enjoy digging and building, so as long as they are allowed to pursue these constructive activities, they can be quite passive and focused.
War Mount Attributes: I.Q.: 1D6+2, M.E.: 1D6+10, M.A.: 2D4, P.S.: 31-36, P.P.: 1D4+14, P.E.: 1D6+15, P.B.: 1D4+1, Spd.: 150 mph. on the ground
Number of Attacks per Melee: 4
Combat Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +3 to strike in hand to hand combat, +2 to strike with ranged weapons, +3 to parry, +2 to dodge, +3 to roll with punch, +3 to pull punch, +2 to disarm, impervious to horror factor, disease, and poison.
Equivalent (Instinctive) Skills of Note: Climb 85%/80%, Land Navigation 90%, Prowl 75%, Swim 90%, Excavation/Mining 85%, Masonry 85%, and Dowsing 60%
Combat Capabilities:
• Bite: 3D8
• Restrained Claw Strike: 1D8
• Claw Strike: 5D8
• Power Claw Strike: 2D4x10, but counts as two attacks
• Kick: 4D6
• Leap Kick: 7D6, but counts as two attacks
• Tail Whip: 2D8
• Body Block/Ram: 4D6

Senses and Features: Standard for War Mounts plus:
• Seismic Sense: Can feel vibrations of earthquakes, thunder, explosions and even the approach of heavy vehicles, troops, and stampeding animals up to 12 miles away. The approach of smaller beings can be sensed within 200 feet.
• Chemoreceptors: Can diagnose by taste the exact chemical composition of dirt, stones, rocks, soil, clay, and minerals.

Bio-Weapon Systems:
1. Casting Launchers (2): A forward-facing Casting Launcher is mounted on each shoulder. When the Tunnel Rat burrows, the launchers press tightly into the beast’s sides to make sure they do not get hung up or caught on anything.
Primary Purpose: Assault
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: 3D8+3 per single shot, a burst of four rounds does 1D8x10+10. Both launchers can fire at the same target for double damage.
Rate of Fire: Each shot or burst counts as one melee attack. A dual attack from both launchers counts as one melee attack.
Effective Range: 1400 feet
Payload: 60 casting rounds per launcher (120 total). The payload for both launchers is completely replenished 2D10+20 minutes after a meal.
Bonuses: +1 to strike on an aimed shot only.
2. Resin Ducts (2): A resin duct is located in the palm of each hand. They are primarily used for construction, but the Tunnel Rat can throw globs of quick drying resin at opponents. Note: Resin is released more slowly during tunnel construction. One glob is required for every 20 feet of the tunnel.
Primary Purpose: Field Construction
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: No damage. The M.D.C. from a hardened glob of resin is 3D4x10. To see the effects of being encased in resin, look on page 88 in the Splicers RPG.
Rate of Fire: Producing a glob of resin counts as two melee attacks, but each resin duct can only be used once per melee round.
Effective Range: By touch or can be hurled 50 feet.
Payload: Enough for 20 uses per hour per resin duct (40 uses total).
3. Spinneret Web Launcher: In the mouth of the Tunnel Rat is a spinneret launcher that can fire a super strong filament of webbing. It can entangle an opponent directly or it can be used to construct ropes and netting.
Primary Purpose: Field Construction
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: No damage. Uses for the webbing can be seen on page 88 in the Splicers RPG.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of attacks per melee.
Effective Range: 100 feet
Duration: The webbing dissolves 6D6+10 minutes after it is released.
Weight Limit: Can support 1 ton and has 10 M.D.C. for every 10 feet.
Payload: Enough for 15 uses per hour.
Bonuses: +3 to entangle
4. Trench Foot Mines (20): Each hind leg has multiple Trench Foot Mines mounted on the foot, ankle, and lower leg. They are primarily used to attack pursuers within the tight confines of underground tunnels. The mines can either be laid in the path of robotic forces or they can be kicked into the walls of the tunnel in order to collapse them.
Primary Purpose: Defense
Secondary Purpose: Assault
Mega-Damage: 4D12 per mine to a 10-foot blast radius.
Rate of Fire: Takes one melee action to remove or drop a mine.
Effective Range: Can be thrown or kicked 30 feet.
Duration: A dropped mine can remain dormant for up to 3 years before it dries up and becomes inert.
Payload: 10 per hind leg (20 total).
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Unread post by NMI »

nice idea on the mines
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Unread post by TechnoGothic »

as i dont have the book yet i cannot stat one out.
I can post a Few ideas floating in my head.

(a) Heavy Armored Beatle-like mount.
Alot like you Tunnel rat, burrows, builds tunnels, and a resin *like the Xitcix Bugs from Rifts...the Tunnel builder ones*
Used to build Artifical Towers of sand/mud and stone with its resin mixed in...

as i said just rough ideas ;)

(2) Worm War trains
*not a conversion, but just picture the dune worms for now for a rough idea*
These Organic Trains of the desert, swim on the surface or below it.
These things are Huge...300 ft+ in length. Only a small portion of the beast is used to transport people/cargo though. Maybe 100ft in total.
The Conductor has special shielded place in the Bone plated head where it might appear to have an Eye. This is a False Eye, since it doesnt see, it navigates through feeling vibrations in the ground. Rows of Spikes line its body, more as for protection any anything else. These spikes can launch out into opponets getting to near, where they explode on impact.

Some are made for Aquatic regions for use in Water Ways and the like.
These aquatic versions have bio-torpetos it can launch to replace the spikes.

They cannot however travel over hard land or through rocks.
A Few have Large Cannons mounted on the back...

(c) Centipede Crawlers
Large Centipede like things...
The are used to make quick Bridges over various terrain.
*think of those miltary bridges that are built for temporary bridges, ect so troops can go across.
Many houses use them as semi-permant bridges if need be.
Weapon wise each are diffenent, but casting guns seem to common.
All have Steam Valves to release super heated steam when noone is allowed to pass.


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Unread post by slappy »

Very cool. That's all I was looking for. You don't need to post complete stats, just the basic idea and maybe what armaments and features you would equip on your War Mount.

The War Mounts are my favorite piece of organic technology, and it's probably going to be a while before I see anymore in a Sourcebook. Hopefully everyone's ideas can fill the void.

Unread post by Kyo »

A giant amoeba like creature. The pilot rides in a hard shell with in the morphable mass. Possesses acidic blood and it's main weapon is to envelope a machine and use a battery of acidic pustules against the target. I'm thinking the morphable body has lower MDC with a great regen rate while the pilot housing is high MDC slow regen, can fit through any space the housing can be squeezed in, and as long as the housing survives the morphable mass can be regrown. Flesh it out more when I get home.
Mike Taylor

Unread post by Mike Taylor »

Demon Ray--

Massive aquatic War Mount resembling a giant manta ray. Organic thrusters in its body allow it to fly, but it is unable to function well on land. Demon Rays are used like amphibious fighter aircraft and most are armed with bore launchers and electromagnetic cannons.
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Land Shark
this four legged Shark, can swim through sand and softer soils at high speeds.
The Fins are like Knives, razor sharp and large.
The Massive Mouth filled with "teeth" than can bite through anything.
This mount is a Predator and must hunt food to keep itself going.

The rear tail fins can rotate to act like propelers of a boat/sub...
Used as a weapon the tail is devestating to witness chopping up oppenets with easy.


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Unread post by abtex »

I like it also.

slappy wrote:Tunnel Rat War Mount


Digging: 50 mph through sand or dirt. 40 mph through clay, rock or stone. 10 mph when excavating and constructing a stable tunnel. Digging does not tire out the War Mount.

It can really dig at 50 Miles per Hour through sand and dirt.
And 40 MILES Per Hour through clay, rock and stone.
That seems a little fast.

Not sure what would be a better speed.
Any ideas?
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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Unread post by abtex »

Came across a picture the other day. That would make a good War Mount.

It was of a sedan size lobster with an armored knight on its back. Around it was a number bodies of other knights and lobsters. Some of the bodies were on fire and smoking.

Has a small War saddle, 8 legs, tail and two large claws to start with. Smoke and fire means a Bio-Napalm thrower (borrowed from Dracos), a acid sprayer or something like that. Being a lobster it would be amphibious.

The only thing you would need for it would a large bowl of butter. 8)
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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Unread post by slappy »

I agree with Abtex that the digging speed seems way too fast. Another post subject mentioned that all the digging speeds in the game were too high. I think 10 miles per hour is an incredible digging speed, but I wanted to make the Tunnel Rat the fastest digger of all the War Mounts and the Levithan can go 35 mph. If anyone has a better idea, let me know.
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Unread post by TechnoGothic »

abtex wrote:Came across a picture the other day. That would make a good War Mount.

It was of a sedan size lobster with an armored knight on its back. Around it was a number bodies of other knights and lobsters. Some of the bodies were on fire and smoking.

Has a small War saddle, 8 legs, tail and two large claws to start with. Smoke and fire means a Bio-Napalm thrower (borrowed from Dracos), a acid sprayer or something like that. Being a lobster it would be amphibious.

The only thing you would need for it would a large bowl of butter. 8)

post a link to that picture, please :lol:


"The best things in life are to crush your enemies, drive them before you, and hear the lamentations of their women."-Conan

Hmmm Warmount

Unread post by DarkTidings »

Think Big Mean Green and Powerful

Think Godzilla

We have the biotech to build him

The ultimate answer to rook towers and assualt robots
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Unread post by abtex »

TechnoGothic wrote:
post a link to that picture, please :lol:

Find it on an Email list . Donot have a web site. If you want I can sent it to you. Or if someone want to put it up on their site I can sent to them.
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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Unread post by abtex »

On a different Topic, the following message was posted:

Stormseed wrote:
Mike Taylor wrote:
Tinker Dragoon wrote:Favorite Bio-Tech creation: The Behemoth War Mount. It very much reminds me of a living MAC II Destroid from Robotech.

It looks like a semi knock-off of one of the Techno Spawn action figures (Gray Thunder) by McFarlane.

Turnabout is fair play, I suppose. :demon:
The above link will take you to a list of several different toys. Some of which could make good War Mounts. (That are pictures of each). They show metal armor and weapons, but that can be fixed. Here is the text from the cute critters:

WARZONE will turn you into bacon if you're not careful! He's equipped with a bulldozing snout, horns, body armor, numerous gun pods, and a missile-firing Hog Howlitzer. Warzone stands 6 1/2" tall and has articulation at the neck, shoulders, hips, knees, and ankles.

"Grey Thunder"
This combat-ready rhinoceros is 7" tall and 6 1/4" long nose to tail. He's equipped with an eight-barrel Gatling gun and a missile launcher that fires missiles and pivots 360 degrees. Encased with industrial body armor, GRAY THUNDER has articulation at the neck and at all four shoulders, knees, and ankles.

"Iron Express"
Not your average feathered friend, IRON EXPRESS stands 9 1/2" tall, is coated with a ballistic-proof exoskeleton, and has articulation at the head, neck, hips, ankles, on the large wing on his body, on the small wing on the large wing, and on two pivot points at the jaw. Weapons include a gun on top of his head, a machine gun at his lower torso, and a chest-mounted missile launcher that you can fire missiles with.

"Code Red"
Don't monkey around with this beast! The 7 1/2" gorilla comes with several guns on his shoulder pads and a back-mounted missile launcher that fires missiles. He's also equipped with a flip-up bubble helmet for hostile environments. CODE RED has articulation at the neck, shoulders, hips, elbows, ankles, and helmet.

"Steel Trap"
The world's most ancient reptile goes techno-modern. He's hydraulic powered and has armored scales and a bone-breaking fighting tail. STEEL TRAP is 7" tall due to the 3 gun turrets on his back; in front, there is a pivoting one-gun turret. He has articulation at the neck, shoulders, hips, elbows, jaw, and three sections of his whipping-action tail.

Any ideas on what they would be as War Mounts?
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
Mike Taylor

Unread post by Mike Taylor »

Sand Scorpion-- This is an extreme variation of the genetic code behind the Zephyr War Mount. As its name implies, it is a desert/wasteland combat model. The wings are gone, but it gains a pair of massive pincers similar to the Leviathan's and it is uparmored. It also gains the ability camouflage itself against desert and wasteland terrain.

I am undecided as to how the armaments would be changed. The tail cannon would be kept, but I'm not sure about the spore dischargers.
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Unread post by TechnoGothic »

Mike Taylor wrote:Sand Scorpion-- This is an extreme variation of the genetic code behind the Zephyr War Mount. As its name implies, it is a desert/wasteland combat model. The wings are gone, but it gains a pair of massive pincers similar to the Leviathan's and it is uparmored. It also gains the ability camouflage itself against desert and wasteland terrain.

I am undecided as to how the armaments would be changed. The tail cannon would be kept, but I'm not sure about the spore dischargers.

acid dischargers or acid blood would help out.
Big freaking Blade on the tail, with dual Tail mounted cannons on each side of the blade to capture the scorpion feel/look.
Maybe some Bio-Missiles launchers in the back, and Death Blossem ;)


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Unread post by abtex »

TechnoGothic wrote:
Mike Taylor wrote:Sand Scorpion-- This is an extreme variation of the genetic code behind the Zephyr War Mount. As its name implies, it is a desert/wasteland combat model. The wings are gone, but it gains a pair of massive pincers similar to the Leviathan's and it is uparmored. It also gains the ability camouflage itself against desert and wasteland terrain.

I am undecided as to how the armaments would be changed. The tail cannon would be kept, but I'm not sure about the spore dischargers.

acid dischargers or acid blood would help out.
Big freaking Blade on the tail, with dual Tail mounted cannons on each side of the blade to capture the scorpion feel/look.
Maybe some Bio-Missiles launchers in the back, and Death Blossem ;)

This is a good example. Created a basic War Mount with it's main weapons. Then give it's an amount of Bio points to enchance/customize it with. There could be a set list of weapons and other upgrades or be limited to a set part of the BioEnchancement tables in the book. So it can be a stock House mount or a personal one (for an Outrider).

This can all ready be done with just the rules in the book. But some gamers might need a little help. So having more that one way to do it would just make it user friendly. :D
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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Unread post by taalismn »

SteelEater Pigeons---Not really a War Mount as a semi-autonomous weapon. Recently conceived of by a Librarian after a close call from a Rat Bomb. Genetically engineered parthenogenically replicating pigeons tinkered with to use their electromagnetic homing senses to seek out large concentrations of metal such as Machine facilities, to roost. Herbivores, their excrement is far more acidic than that of their ancestors, with a particular affinity for breaking down metals. Given enough time, a large flock can effectively dissolve a factory complex or cause catastrophic damage to pipes, refinery towers, structural supports, and the like. Also possess acidic blood(tastes bad to natural predators like hawks, but does a eal job, again, on metals), so simply blasting them just spreads more joy...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Unread post by TechnoGothic »

taalismn wrote:SteelEater Pigeons---Not really a War Mount as a semi-autonomous weapon. Recently conceived of by a Librarian after a close call from a Rat Bomb. Genetically engineered parthenogenically replicating pigeons tinkered with to use their electromagnetic homing senses to seek out large concentrations of metal such as Machine facilities, to roost. Herbivores, their excrement is far more acidic than that of their ancestors, with a particular affinity for breaking down metals. Given enough time, a large flock can effectively dissolve a factory complex or cause catastrophic damage to pipes, refinery towers, structural supports, and the like. Also possess acidic blood(tastes bad to natural predators like hawks, but does a eal job, again, on metals), so simply blasting them just spreads more joy...

you are so evil :ok: :demon:


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Unread post by taalismn »

TechnoGothic wrote:
taalismn wrote:SteelEater Pigeons---Not really a War Mount as a semi-autonomous weapon. Recently conceived of by a Librarian after a close call from a Rat Bomb. Genetically engineered parthenogenically replicating pigeons tinkered with to use their electromagnetic homing senses to seek out large concentrations of metal such as Machine facilities, to roost. Herbivores, their excrement is far more acidic than that of their ancestors, with a particular affinity for breaking down metals. Given enough time, a large flock can effectively dissolve a factory complex or cause catastrophic damage to pipes, refinery towers, structural supports, and the like. Also possess acidic blood(tastes bad to natural predators like hawks, but does a eal job, again, on metals), so simply blasting them just spreads more joy...

you are so evil :ok: :demon:

I could probably improve these buggers by grafting in some cliff swallow genes(those birds like nesting in cliffs by digging their own test holes) and making thme lithovores with a taste for certain chemical lubricants, synthetic electrical insulation, and reinforced concrete... Give them a woodpecker-like beak, adding another (slow) form of attack, and another incentive to nest in Machine factories...Even if they congregate in old ruined cities, SteelEaters could be conditioned to attack any robots(detecting them via their electrical fields)...

Actually I'd love to see(and am considering working on) a version of the Packmaster who instead uses genetically-engineered birds(sort of a Gene-Falconer) for advance scouts, couriers, and light attack beasts(birds for daylight ops, maybe gene-mutated bats for night ops?). Their bioarmor would have distinctive padded gloves for handling, seed bags on web harness, and a pair of perch-rods on the back.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Unread post by slappy »

Everyone's been posting great ideas. Most are based on real animals, so I wanted to create something that was a bizarre amalgam of creatures. As it came together I realized it worked better as a dark and twisted War Mount.

Let me know what you think.

Abomination War Mount

The struggle for survival has turned brother against brother countless times during the humans’ great struggle against the Machine, but most of the Blood Feuds between the Great Houses are surprisingly civilized with little collateral damage (few Splicer casualties and civilians are never targeted). However, some Houses are willing to cross any line to ensure their own survival. The most vile predators within the Resistance will stalk and kill their fellow Splicers just to loot what little scraps they can from their shattered corpses. The worst of these fiends pilot a horrid War Mount known as the Abomination. The War Mount is built to attack and kill at close range, so it has a Stealth Field to help it safely stalk its prey from the shadows. Once the beast is ready to strike, it will usually drop the field in order to terrify its victim with its horrific appearance. The Abomination is as much a weapon of psychological warfare as it is an instrument of death and destruction.

The Abomination War Mount looks like it crawled out of a Librarian’s nightmare. This large, barrel-chested War Mount has a black chitinous exoskeleton covering powerful wiry, grey muscles. Its monstrous head looks like that of a giant spider with over a dozen black insect eyes, a pair of enormous articulated mandibles, and a mouth full of shark-like teeth. The “small” mouth in the head can inflict relatively damaging bites, but the horrific nature of the War Mount’s design becomes apparent when the beast opens its true mouth. The jaw in the head splits down the middle and spreads wide open, and the chest and neck of the beast tears open along the sternum to reveal an enormous seven-foot long, five-foot wide gaping maw filled with row upon row of razor sharp teeth. Within this giant mouth is a long prehensile tongue that is strong enough to grab a suit of Host Armor and drag it to its doom. The true mouth can deliver a powerful bite, but the main purpose is to hold prey tight while it is bathed in a stream of deadly acid. Two extra pairs of insect limbs are mounted below the head on either side of this enormous maw to attack prey that is putting up too much of a fight or to pin an opponent to the ground in order to make it easier to bathe him in the corrosive liquid. The acid can also be sprayed up to 60 feet away in order to melt victims from afar, but most attacks from the Abomination will be delivered up close and personal. Unlike other organic technology designs, the acid spray and acidic blood does equal damage to robotic and organic targets. The War Mount is immune to its own deadly acid, but any Outrider that pilots the beast must have his Host Armor enhanced with the same chitinous skin in order to protect himself from the lethal corrosive spray.

The legs may seem somewhat short, but they are capable of impressive speed and leaping power. At full height, the Abomination stands a little taller than a Grendal, but it generally leans forward on the knuckles of its oversized arms like a gorilla. The Abomination has prehensile hands and feet, and a prehensile tail to provide the beast with incredible agility, maneuverability, and climbing skills. The War Saddle locks the Outrider in place, so he will not be tossed off during acrobatic maneuvers. However, it does take some time to get used to piloting such an agile beast. The War Mount can strike from any angle, which is what further adds to its terrifying reputation. Any tree, rafter, or innocuous pile of debris may contain an Abomination patiently waiting for prey. This fearsome creature could be hiding anywhere, and its built-in Stealth Field makes detection even more difficult. No one knows when or where an Abomination will strike.

Additional armaments include a Tendril Injector mounted on each forearm and a row of eight-foot long barbed tentacles that runs down each side of the rib cage from the shoulders to the hips. These tentacles can entangle prey or tear them apart with wicked bone hooks. The beast (and the Outrider pilot) has total control these tentacles, but when not in use, they flail about wildly to add to the fearsome appearance of the Abomination and to shield the pilot from attack.

Much like the acid within this War Mount, the Tendril Injectors have had their safety mechanisms removed so that they can be used against Splicers and other human targets. Some Great Houses have tried to alter this design to be used solely against the Machine by using standard acid and reinstalling the safety mechanisms for the Tendril Injectors. Unfortunately, the history of this War Mount is steeped with tales of mass murder, wholesale slaughter, and other horrible atrocities, so most Splicers that see an Abomination will strike first and ask questions later (even then most answers are assumed to be lies). Everyone in the Resistance knows that the Abomination was spawned from the darkest depths of organic technology, and only the most depraved people will ever pilot this revolting creature.

Class: Splicer Hunter/Killer War Mount
Crew: One rider
M.D.C. by Location:
• Arms (2): 180 each
• Legs (2): 200 each
• Clawed Hands (2): 100 each
• Prehensile Feet (2): 100 each
• Prehensile Tongue: 85
• Prehensile Tail: 150
• Insect Limbs (4): 180 each
• Barbed Tentacles (16): 50 each
• Tendril Injectors (2): 85 each
• Mandibles (2): 95 each
• Chest-Mounted Giant Mouth: 200
• Head: 205*
• Main Body: 470*
• Rider’s War Saddle: 100**

*Depleting the M.D.C. of the Head or Main Body kills the Abomination.
**In order to strike the rider, he must first target the War Saddle. Even then, the attacker must roll a 12 or higher to strike the saddle through the mass of writhing barbed tentacles. A roll of 11 or below means the attack struck one or more tentacles (1D4 tentacles). If the damage is greater than the M.D.C. of the tentacles, it severs the appendage and the remaining M.D. of the attack travels through and strikes the War Saddle.

Running: 150 mph maximum. The act of running does not tire out the War Mount or the rider.
Leaping: 40 feet high our across, increase by 50% with a short running start and double when running at full speed.
Digging: 15 mph through sand or dirt. 10 mph through clay, rock or stone. Digging does not tire out the War Mount.
Swimming: 40 mph.
Underwater Depth: Maximum depth is 200 feet.
Flying: Not possible.

Statistical Data:
Height: 13-14 feet standing straight up, but 9-11 feet when hunched over on its knuckles.
Width: 5-6 feet
Length: 4-5 feet with an 8-foot long tail
Weight: 1.5 to 2.3 tons
Cargo: Can carry 1200 lbs. on its back are drag 2000 lbs. behind it.
Physical Strength: 1D4+34
Production Cycle: 2 year gestation period plus 2 year growth cycle.
Operational Lifetime: 50 year life span.
Bio-Regeneration Rate: 6D6 per hour to the main body and 3D6 per hour to all other locations. Severed tentacles can be completely regenerated, as can a destroyed prehensile tongue or tail.
Horror Factor: 18
Feeding: The Abomination is a Carnivore. It needs to eat 30 to 60 pounds of animal matter a day, and may gorge on up to 300 pounds at one time. After gorging, the War Mount can go 2D4 days without feeding and without suffering any ill effects. Although the true mouth is enormous, the throat in the back is relatively small. In order to digest large prey, it must be held in the giant maw and dissolved into sludge with acid.
Sleep Requirements: As an artificially created organism, the Abomination only requires 4 hours of sleep per day.

Other Data:
An unmanned Abomination is able to operate independent of a rider using its animal-like intelligence and instincts to respond to any given situation. Despite its horrible reputation, an unmanned Abomination is surprisingly docile. It will not attack a robot or human until it is struck first, and even then it will likely try to flee. However, if the beast is cornered, it will fight back ferociously. It will obey the general orders of any human, but it will only attack if commanded to do so by an Outrider or Packmaster.
Alignment: Anarchist. The Abomination has no personality and functions more like a living machine than a sentient being. It is not inherently evil, the Outriders who guide it are.
War Mount Attributes: I.Q.: 1D6+1, M.E.: 1D6+12, M.A.: 3D6+6, P.S.: 35-38, P.P.: 1D4+17, P.E.: 1D6+22, P.B.: 1D4, Spd.: 150 mph on the ground
Number of Attacks per Melee: 4
Combat Bonuses: +6 on initiative, +4 to strike in hand to hand combat, +6 to parry, +4 to dodge, +5 to entangle, +3 to roll with punch, +3 to pull punch, +4 to disarm, impervious to horror factor, disease, and poison.
Equivalent (Instinctive) Skills of Note: Climb 98%, Land Navigation 90%, Prowl 90%, Swim 90%, Acrobatics 70%, Track by Scent 80%, and Hunting 70%
Combat Capabilities:
• Bite: 3D8
• Mandible Sting: 2D8
• Bite from the True Mouth: 3D4x10+15
• Clamping Bite from the True Mouth: 1D4x10+10, plus the victim is pinned/incapacitated within the giant maw. It requires a combined Splicer P.S. of 50 to break free from the enormous maw.
• Restrained Claw Strike: 2D4
• Claw Strike: 4D8
• Power Claw Strike: 1D6x10+10, but counts as two attacks
• Insect Limb Strike: 3D6 per limb
• Kick: 6D6
• Leap Kick: 10D6+20, but counts as two attacks
• Tail Whip: 1D8
• Body Block/Ram: 5D8, but counts as two attacks

Senses and Features: Standard for War Mounts plus:
• Stealth Field: The field makes the War Mount and Rider semi-invisible. The Abomination is 90% undectable when standing still, 80% when moving slow, 60% moving at a walking pace or slower, and only 33% when moving at full speed. Invisible to infrared optics, thermal-imaging systems, heat sensors, and nightvision.
• Acid Blood: The blood of the Abomination inflicts 3D8 points of M.D. damage to metal, plastic, and organic tissue. The acid burns for 1D4+1 melees. Humans and other living creatures sprayed with the acid will be in horrible pain and suffer the following penalties: reduce attacks per melee by 2 and they are -2 to strike, parry, and dodge the entire time the acid is inflicting damage and for 1D4 melees after.
• Impervious to Acid: The tissue of the War Mount is impervious to its own deadly corrosive acid as well as all other types of acid. Note: Any Outrider that pilots an Abomination War Mount will need to have their Host Armor enhanced with this feature as well. The color of the armor’s skin is always dark grey and any heavy armor plating is pitch black. The cost of this upgrade is 25 BIO-E points.
• Butcher’s Organ: The pilot can relive the last 1D6x10 minutes of a victim’s life by having the War Mount eat the flesh of a person that has died within the last 24 hours. This can only be done through the smaller mouth in the head since the acid from the true mouth destroys the tissue.
• Multiple Eyes: The head of the Abomination has over a dozen insect eyes that provide a 270 degree field of vision.
• Reinforced Exoskeleton

Bio-Weapon Systems:
1. Prehensile Tongue: Within the true mouth is a large prehensile tongue that is strong enough to hold the weight of the War Mount. The end of the tongue has a large ball of muscle that can grip most any surface like a toad, or it can wrap itself around objects like a whip. It can be used like an additional limb or to help the beast climb, but it is primarily used to ensnare prey and drag it into the giant maw.
Primary Purpose: Assault
Secondary Purpose: Climbing
Mega-Damage: None.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of attacks per melee, but using the tongue adds one extra melee attack.
Effective Range: 30 feet.
Bonuses: +3 on initiative, +5 to strike, +5 to entangle, and +4 to dodge. These bonuses only apply to the prehensile tongue and no other bonuses apply.
2. Prehensile Tail: The tail of the War Mount is prehensile and is strong enough to hold the weight of the Abomination. This also means that it is more than strong enough to ensnare human prey. It is not designed for whipping, so it cannot deliver a very powerful strike.
Primary Purpose: Climbing
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: 1D8
Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of attacks per melee.
Effective Range: 8 feet.
Bonuses: +3 to strike and parry and +5 to dodge. These bonuses only apply to the tail and no other bonuses apply.
3. Insect Limbs (4): Four insect limbs are mounted in the chest just below the head. One pair of armored limbs is located on either side of the sternum. Each limb ends in a sharp spike. They cannot be used like hands to hold anything, but they do make formidable weapons. All four limbs can strike the same target simultaneously. When not in use, they curl up close to the chest like the claws of a praying mantis.
Primary Purpose: Assault
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: 3D6 from one insect limb. Up to four limbs can engage the same target for a combined damage of 1D6x10+12.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of attacks per melee. When multiple limbs engage the same target, it counts as one melee attack.
Effective Range: 7 feet.
4. Barbed Tentacles (16): Running down the sides of the rib cage are 16 writhing tentacles. Each tentacle is eight feet long with a wicked barbed hook mounted on the end. They can be used to entangle a victim or tear his flesh apart with whipping strikes. Multiple tentacles can engage the same target for increased damage. These are a secondary weapon of the Abomination and are mainly used to attack opponents that try to climb on the War Mounts back or attack the rider. When not in use, the tentacles thrash about wildly to add to the beast’s menacing appearance and to protect the rider from ranged attacks. Anyone trying to strike the rider, must roll a 12 or higher. A roll of 11 or below means the attack struck one or more tentacles (1D4 tentacles). If the damage is greater than the M.D.C. of the tentacles, it severs the appendage and the remaining M.D. of the attack strikes the War Saddle. Note: The tentacles do remain still when the Stealth Field is engaged.
Primary Purpose: Defense
Secondary Purpose: Assault
Mega-Damage: 2D8 per tentacle whip. Up to 4 tentacles can whip the same target for a combined damage of 8D8.
Rate of Fire: A combined strike with up to 4 tentacles counts as one melee attack.
Effective Range: 8 feet.
Bonuses: +3 to strike, +4 to parry, +3 to entangle, the tentacles themselves flail about wildly when not in use, which gives them a bonus of +3 to dodge directed attacks. These are the only bonuses that apply to the tentacles.
5. Acid Sprayer: In the back of the Abomination’s true mouth is an acid sprayer that can launch a 10-foot wide spray of deadly organic acid up to 60 feet away. Unlike most organic technology designed by the Resistance, the acid within this War Mount inflicts the same damage to metal, plastics, and organic tissue. The acid spray is the Abomination’s only ranged attack, but it is also used to devour large prey held within its giant maw. In this case, the damage is much greater since the victim is covered with a larger amount of acid, and the deadly corrosive liquid flows into the many cuts and puncture wounds caused by the War Mount’s razor sharp teeth. Only the Abomination (and the enhanced Outrider) is immune to the acidic spray.
Primary Purpose: Assault
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: 4D8 for the initial blast plus an additional 4D8 per melee round for 1D8 rounds or until it is washed off. If the target is held within the War Mount’s mouth when the spray is launched, damage is 6D8 per melee for 1D6+2 melees. Humans and other living creatures sprayed with the acid will be in horrible pain and suffer the following penalties: reduce attacks per melee by 3 and they are -3 to strike, parry, and dodge the entire time the acid is inflicting damage and for 1D4 melees after.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of attacks per melee.
Effective Range: 60 feet with a width of 10 feet.
Payload: 25 spray attacks. The acid continuously regenerates at a rate of one spray every 1D6 minutes.
Bonuses: +4 to strike. This is the only bonus that applies to the acid sprayer.
6. Tendril Injectors (2): A Tendril Injector is mounted on each forearm. This hollow bone tube is used to inject its prey with tiny filaments that rip and tear the victim’s insides to shreds. In order to inject these deadly tendrils, the character must call his intention to make an impalement strike and then roll a natural 18, 19, or 20 (or 22 or higher with strike bonuses). It only requires a 14 or higher if the M.D.C. of the Main Body has been reduced by 50 percent. The injectors on the Abomination have been altered so they can be used against Splicers and other human targets. When used against a human in Living Armor, there is a 50 percent chance that the tendrils will pierce completely through the armor and attack the human within. The tendrils can also pass through Host Armor to damage the pilot, but there is only a 20 percent chance of this occurring.
Primary Purpose: Assault
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: 5D8 for the initial attack. Once the tendrils are injected into the target, they inflict an additional 5D8 every two melee actions against robots, Living Armor, or Host Armor. The tendrils inflict 1D8x10 points of S.D.C. damage to humans. Against a living target, the horror of this invasive attack causes the victim to lose initiative and half his normal attacks per melee.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of attacks per melee.
Duration: The attack cannot be maintained for more than one melee round.
Payload: The War Mount can manufacture enough tendrils for 15 uses per day for each Tendril Injector. Spent tendrils regenerate at a rate of one use every two hours.
Last edited by slappy on Sat Jan 01, 2005 9:23 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Unread post by TechnoGothic »

i agree, great job slappy :D :ok: :demon: :twisted:


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Unread post by slappy »

I appreciate the kind words. I give my props to Carmen. The setting he created is so incredible that it just has my head swimming with ideas. I'm trying to refine my stuff here on the forum before I submit it for the Rifter, so please feel free to critique whatever you want.
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Unread post by slappy »

Hey taalismn, I really love the idea of the Falconmaster. You need to write that up. I like the extra perches mounted on the shoulders and the padded gloves.

If I can throw out a few ideas:

-Have it so his Falcons transmit back visual data (maybe audio too), and the only way he can interpret the info from multiple birds is to have a special helmet that actual blocks his own eyesight. (maybe add radar so he is not totally helpless if his falcons fly off too far).

-For armaments, you would have to go light like a Lightning Discharger or Plasma Breath. I would do Plasma Breath since no other War Mount has it (that's usually how I chose my enhancements).

-Or you could just make it a bombadier. The Falconmaster could have a sack full of Migs that he gives to his birds to "deliver."

I really love this idea and I'm begging you to stat it out. It's great.
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Unread post by taalismn »

slappy wrote:Hey taalismn, I really love the idea of the Falconmaster. You need to write that up. I like the extra perches mounted on the shoulders and the padded gloves.

If I can throw out a few ideas:

-Have it so his Falcons transmit back visual data (maybe audio too), and the only way he can interpret the info from multiple birds is to have a special helmet that actual blocks his own eyesight. (maybe add radar so he is not totally helpless if his falcons fly off too far).

-For armaments, you would have to go light like a Lightning Discharger or Plasma Breath. I would do Plasma Breath since no other War Mount has it (that's usually how I chose my enhancements).

-Or you could just make it a bombadier. The Falconmaster could have a sack full of Migs that he gives to his birds to "deliver."

I really love this idea and I'm begging you to stat it out. It's great.

Thanks...Your work is also suitably inspired(after all, even in desperate times, we have blackhearted villians, and it's already been implied that not all Librarians are so inclined to act with the best for ALL humanity in mind...).

Since I have a few days off coming up, I'll get to work on it....I'd already sketched out what the Falconmaster(though, technically these guys aren't simply into falcons...) looks like(the vulture-like helemet leading itself well to the sort of 'blinders' for the HUD you suggest), but have the difficulty of giving them a good range of various flying 'pets' to work with(ranging from relatively expendable spy-jays to much more intelligent and capable kill-dors), and those are just the critters that look like their originals(another way of disguising them, in light of the Gaia persona's 'kill the humans, but save the whales' attitude)...and I haven't considered the really weird looking flying forms like giant insects or flatulence-powered 'buzzbombs'(upsaled versions of the bio-missiles).
As for lightning blasters and plasma casters? I figured super light cells are the best for smaller birds because of their light(no pun intended) weight and simplicity, but larger weapons might lend themselves to larger birds(after all, the Russian legend of the condor-like Lammergeyer is that it was born of a Russian fok hero's 'firey ax', so a plasma caster might not be so farfetched for a phoenix)...Of course, at the extreme end of this line of development, you might end up with a critter that was little more than a flying cannon...little in the way of brains, but MASSIVE(weight to firepower-wise) damage dealing...
So, looks like I have my next project cut out for me!
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
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TechnoGothic wrote:(2) Worm War trains
*not a conversion, but just picture the dune worms for now for a rough idea*
These Organic Trains of the desert, swim on the surface or below it.
These things are Huge...300 ft+ in length. Only a small portion of the beast is used to transport people/cargo though. Maybe 100ft in total.
The Conductor has special shielded place in the Bone plated head where it might appear to have an Eye. This is a False Eye, since it doesnt see, it navigates through feeling vibrations in the ground. Rows of Spikes line its body, more as for protection any anything else. These spikes can launch out into opponets getting to near, where they explode on impact.

I THOUGHT about something akin to these critters....Give them large airtight 'pouches' for carrying cargo, lots of motion detection and seimsic sensors for feeling vibrations through the sand, and a big acid-speweing mouth with Predator-style outer valved jaws....Really tough throat and crop-gut...anything that isn't taken apart by this baby's vertical lunge to the surface and its acid spray, gets dissolved inside. Maybe start working on tunneling 'missiles' that can worm their way to surface, then light off to attack any robots in the vicinity.

A mean trick would be to have several of these things excavate a sinkhole under the sand using thin resin walls to open up the space, lure a patrol of 'bots over it, then collapse the whole thing when the tinheads crash in through the dome...sprinkle the bottom liberally with bio-explosives for insurance...

Pity magic doesn't exist there....I would LOVE to give these things the ability to whistle up sand storms on demand...Hmmmm, maybe, going with the 'Dune' analogy and spice blows, creating big piles of fermenting waste under the surface, then exploding them onto the surface as massive Fuel Air Explosives? Would require some preparation, but could be fun...Or just give the big worms a massive plasma blaster in the tail, powered by the same principle....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Here's another idea for a semi-autonomous weapons system meant to further deny the Machine access to the water....Jellyfish mines....simple boneless, pulpy, seemingly harmless bits of translucent organic matter that float in huge floats just beneath the surface, or are disperded byorganic subs behind them to discourage pursuit...Harmless, until they're touched, when that soft pulpy tissue breaks and releases a powerful acid(dilutes twice as fast in the water as in air, though)...Maybe sticks first to the target, then starts dissolving....Maybe triggered by metallic ions or other machine traces... Could also be particularly useful against any Machine shore installations that draw in sea water for filtration or coolant....wreaks merry havoc with such systems.
Downside: a successful sabotage might result in water pollution incidents from simple chemical spills to radiation. Machine might use other synthetics or ceramics to waterproof its gear.
Splicers might elect, at increased risk to themselves, to create jellyfish mines that self-destruct, but fire off a large bio-electric charge first, or are made of bio-explosives. OTher variants might release 'super barnacle' seed that quickly grows to engulf enemy machines ina thick imprisoning stoney jacket, clogging propulsion systems, and dragging them down into the depths where they cannot communicate and are eventually crushed by pressure.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Mantis Support Cannon

The Mantis Support Cannon was first created to guard the entrance ways to the underground havens, but the loyal beasts have fulfilled their role so well that many Splicers have begun leading them into the field for direct combat with the Machine. This simplified War Mount is nothing more than a walking cannon. The creature is a giant eight foot long praying mantis with a nine foot long chitinous cannon that runs the entire length of its back and protrudes two feet past the head. There are various types of high powered cannons, but each Mantis War Mount can only be equipped with one. The armaments these beasts carry are larger than anything a Host Armor (or even most War Mounts) can support. In fact, some of the cannons have such tremendous recoil that the Mantis must drive its powerful scythe-like claws into the ground before hand in order to lock it in place.

The Mantis is incredibly loyal and will follow almost any order given by a human to the letter. It will stand perfectly motionless at its post until it actually starves to death, and it will even sacrifice itself if ordered to do so. The only thing it will not do is attack a human being or other Bio-Tech creature unless ordered to do so by an Outrider or Packmaster. The Mantis is capable of slowing down its metabolism in order to help it stand at its post for extended periods of time. While in this semi-hibernative state, it is still alert and aware of everything going on around it. When the Mantis does detect a threat, it is able to snap back to combat speed in an instant. In battle, they do not display any type of tactics or judgment. They just fire everything they have at the enemy until it is either destroyed or they run out of ammunition.

Class: Artillery Support Cannon and Sentry Guard
Crew: None
M.D.C. by Location:
• Fore Limbs (2): 140 each
• Legs (4): 120 each
• Main Cannon: 150
• Head: 115*
• Main Body: 320*

Running: 50 mph maximum. The act of running does not tire out the War Mount.
Leaping: 10 feet high our across, increase by 50% with a short running start and double when running at full speed.
Digging: Not possible.
Swimming: Not possible.
Flying: Not possible.

Statistical Data:
Height: 5-6 feet standing straight up, but 3.5 feet when it locks into firing position.
Width: 3.5 feet
Length: 8 feet, 10 feet including the barrel
Weight: 1200 lbs.
Cargo: Can carry 200 lbs. on its back are drag 600 lbs. behind it.
Physical Strength: 1D6+20
Production Cycle: 1 year gestation period plus 1 year growth cycle.
Operational Lifetime: 40 year life span.
Bio-Regeneration Rate: 4D6 per hour to the main body and 2D6 per hour to all other locations.
Horror Factor: 10
Feeding: The Mantis Support Cannon is a Carnivore. It needs to eat 10 to 20 pounds of animal matter a day, and may gorge on up to 80 pounds at one time. After gorging, the Mantis can go 2D4 days without feeding and without suffering any ill effects.
Color: The Mantis is bright green in color with yellow accents along the cannon and scythe-like fore limbs.
Sleep Requirements: To fulfill the Support Cannon’s role of mobile sentry, it was designed so that it can operate at peak efficiency for 6 days without a need for sleep or rest. After which time, the Support Cannon must sleep for 3D6 hours to completely revitalize itself. Periodic one hour rest breaks every 10 hours allows the Support Cannon to operate at peak efficiency indefinitely.

Other Data:
A Mantis Support Cannon places loyalty towards humans over its own preservation. It will sit at its post until it starves to death unless someone tells it to go eat or brings it food. It will only attack a human if commanded to do so by an Outrider or Packmaster.
Alignment: Anarchist. The Mantis has no personality and functions more like a living machine than a sentient being.
War Mount Attributes: I.Q.: 1D4, M.E.: 1D6+10, M.A.: 2D4, P.S.: 21-26, P.P.: 1D4+10, P.E.: 1D6+15, P.B.: 1D4+1, Spd.: 50 mph on the ground
Number of Attacks per Melee: 4
Combat Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +3 to strike in hand to hand combat, +4 to strike with ranged weapons, +3 to parry, +2 to dodge, +3 to roll with punch, +3 to pull punch, +2 to disarm, and impervious to horror factor, disease, and poison.
Equivalent (Instinctive) Skills of Note: Climb 85%/80%, Land Navigation 90%, and recognizes robots and machines as enemies to be destroyed or chased away.
Combat Capabilities:
• Bite: 2D4
• Restrained Claw Strike: 1D8
• Claw Strike: 4D8
• Power Claw Strike: 8D8, but counts as two attacks
• Kick: 4D6
• Leap Kick: 6D6, but counts as two attacks
• Body Block/Ram: 3D6

Senses and Features: Standard for War Mounts plus:
• Compound Eyes: The Mantis Support Cannon has a 180 degree field of vision, which allows it to see over each shoulder without having to turn its head. The War Mount cannot be surprised by attacks from the sides or overhead.
• Bio Comm: A standard Bio Comm that allows the Mantis to alert nearby humans when the perimeter is under attack. Maximum range is 6 miles.

Bio-Weapon Systems:
1. Bio-Cannon Options:
A Mantis Support Cannon can be equipped with any one of the following heavy cannons. Some cannons require that the War Mount secures itself to the ground with its massive claws before firing. If the Mantis is not secure before firing these types of armaments, the recoil will knock the beast back 10 feet. This inflicts a penalty of -5 to strike on the initial shot, plus the Mantis loses initiative and one melee attack the next round.
A. Casting Cannon: The cannon fires an enormous casting shell filled with a powerful explosive chemical. Mantis War Mounts equipped with this weapon are generally used in the field since the enormous blast inflicts too much residual damage within the underground havens.
Primary Purpose: Assault
Secondary Purpose: Bombardment
Mega-Damage: 3D4x10+30 per shell with a blast radius of 30 feet.
Rate of Fire: 4 attacks per melee.
Maximum Effective Range: 10,000 feet
Payload: 25 casting shells. The payload is completely replenished 2D10+10 minutes after a meal.
Bonus: +1 to strike on an aimed shot only.
Recoil Note: The Mantis must spend one melee attack to drive its enormous front claws into the earth before it can fire this weapon in order to counter the tremendous recoil.
B. Acid Shell Cannon: The cannon fires an enormous casting shell filled with a powerful acid. The shell explodes on impact, and showers a 20-foot radius with deadly corrosive liquid. Mantis War Mounts equipped with this weapon often do operate within the underground havens, but they are mainly used in the field in order to take advantage of the cannon’s superior range.
Primary Purpose: Assault
Secondary Purpose: Bombardment
Mega-Damage: Inflicts 3D8 per melee round to inorganic matter and only 1D4 S.D.C. damage to organic matter. The acid burns for 1D4+2 melees.
Rate of Fire: 4 attacks per melee.
Maximum Effective Range: 10,000 feet
Payload: 20 acid shells. The War Mount can produce one replacement shell every 2D6 minutes.
Bonus: +1 to strike on an aimed shot only.
Recoil Note: The Mantis must spend one melee attack to drive its enormous front claws into the earth before it can fire this weapon in order to counter the tremendous recoil.
C. Gore Cannon: The cannon fires a combination of corrosive stomach acid coughed up from the digestive tract and Bio-Energy generated by the nervous system. Mantis War Mounts equipped with this weapon are generally used in the field in order to take advantage of the cannon’s superior range.
Primary Purpose: Assault
Secondary Purpose: Bombardment
Mega-Damage: 12D8
Rate of Fire: 4 attacks per melee.
Maximum Effective Range: 8000 feet
Payload: 30 blasts per full meal over a 24 hour period (double if the War Mount was allowed to gorge before hand).
Bonus: +1 to strike on an aimed shot only.
Recoil Note: The Mantis must spend one melee attack to drive its enormous front claws into the earth before it can fire this weapon in order to counter the tremendous recoil.
D. Omega Cannon: This is an enormous version of the Omega Blaster. The tremendous energy output required by this weapon means the Mantis needs to eat twice as often. It is only used outside the underground haven since its incredible destructive power is bound to cause massive collateral damage.
Primary Purpose: Assault
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: 3D8x10 with a blast radius of 10 feet.
Rate of Fire: 2 attacks per melee.
Maximum Effective Range: 6000 feet
Payload: Effectively unlimited.
Bonus: +2 to strike on an aimed shot only.
E. Acid Sprayer: The cannon can launch a 20-foot wide spray of deadly organic acid up to 200 feet away. Mantis Cannon’s armed with this weapon are the ones most often used in the underground havens.
Primary Purpose: Assault
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: Inflicts 4D8 per melee round to inorganic matter and only 2D4 S.D.C. damage to organic matter. The acid burns for 2D4 melees.
Rate of Fire: 4 attacks per melee.
Maximum Effective Range: 200 feet
Payload: 25 spray attacks. The acid continuously regenerates at a rate of one spray every 1D6 minutes.
Bonus: +2 to strike on an aimed shot only.
F. Quill Storm Cannon: The enormous cannon barrel is actually a bundle of fifty smaller gun barrels. Each one of these narrow barrels is capable of firing one razor-sharp quill every second. When all fifty quill launchers fire in rapid succession, the weapon unleashes a nearly continuous stream of deadly spikes. This anti-infantry weapon will quickly mow down everything in its path, but it will also exhaust its payload just as quickly. This is another weapon primarily used within the underground havens because stray quills do little structural damage to the human’s home. Not to mention, the payload is exhausted too quickly to be used effectively in massive engagements.
Primary Purpose: Assault
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: 3D4x10 to a 5 foot area per burst of 100 quills, 5D4x10 to a 10 foot area per burst of 200 quills, or 7D4x10 to a 20 foot area per burst of 400 quills.
Rate of Fire: 4 attacks per melee.
Maximum Effective Range: 1000 feet
Payload: 2000 quills. Spent quills are completely replenished after 24 hours.
Bonuses: +1 to strike.
2. Burning Vapor Sprayer: The Mantis has a chemical sprayer mounted on each side of the body and one on its back. When a robot gets too close or sneaks up behind the War Mount, it uses these glands to excrete a powerful corrosive cloud. The cloud stays in the air for 1D4+1 melee rounds before it dissipates.
Primary Purpose: Defense
Secondary Purpose: Close Combat
Mega-Damage: Inflicts 3D6 per melee round to inorganic matter for 1D4+1 melee rounds, but the cloud only inflicts 2D6 S.D.C. damage to organic matter.
Rate of Fire: 4 blasts per melee.
Effective Range: 20 feet.
Payload: 10 blasts per 24 hours.
Last edited by slappy on Wed Jan 05, 2005 11:40 am, edited 2 times in total.
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taalismn wrote:
TechnoGothic wrote:(2) Worm War trains
*not a conversion, but just picture the dune worms for now for a rough idea*
These Organic Trains of the desert, swim on the surface or below it.
These things are Huge...300 ft+ in length. Only a small portion of the beast is used to transport people/cargo though. Maybe 100ft in total.
The Conductor has special shielded place in the Bone plated head where it might appear to have an Eye. This is a False Eye, since it doesnt see, it navigates through feeling vibrations in the ground. Rows of Spikes line its body, more as for protection any anything else. These spikes can launch out into opponets getting to near, where they explode on impact.

I THOUGHT about something akin to these critters....Give them large airtight 'pouches' for carrying cargo, lots of motion detection and seimsic sensors for feeling vibrations through the sand, and a big acid-speweing mouth with Predator-style outer valved jaws....Really tough throat and crop-gut...anything that isn't taken apart by this baby's vertical lunge to the surface and its acid spray, gets dissolved inside. Maybe start working on tunneling 'missiles' that can worm their way to surface, then light off to attack any robots in the vicinity.

A mean trick would be to have several of these things excavate a sinkhole under the sand using thin resin walls to open up the space, lure a patrol of 'bots over it, then collapse the whole thing when the tinheads crash in through the dome...sprinkle the bottom liberally with bio-explosives for insurance...

Pity magic doesn't exist there....I would LOVE to give these things the ability to whistle up sand storms on demand...Hmmmm, maybe, going with the 'Dune' analogy and spice blows, creating big piles of fermenting waste under the surface, then exploding them onto the surface as massive Fuel Air Explosives? Would require some preparation, but could be fun...Or just give the big worms a massive plasma blaster in the tail, powered by the same principle....

i thought she said it "breaths" fire ?? - Charles Gunn :lol:


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Unread post by slappy »

I was inspired to create this War Mount after watching the Riders of Rohan mow down thousands of orcs in the battle of Pelennor Fields.

I was struggling to figure out new and interesting weapons to arm it with, so I used an EMP weapon. I think it's pretty balanced, but I would definitely appreciate feedback.

Marauder War Mount

While the Strider War Mount was designed to rapidly respond to the ever changing conditions on the battlefield, the Marauder was built to run over them. The thick bone plating on this Heavy Cavalry War Mount allows it to charge straight into the Machine’s lines and trample the enemy beneath its powerful hooves. Any robot that gets out of the path of its devastating charge will be cut down by five-foot long hooked bone swords mounted on the Marauder’s forearms. These fearsome close-quarters combatants hack and smash their way through the enemy’s ranks. When they reach the point where they are about to be overwhelmed under the crushing mass of the Machine’s army, they fire a powerful electromagnetic pulse that fries nearly every electronic circuit within a 50-foot radius. Simple electronic devices are completely destroyed, but the energy weapons and robots built by N.E.X.U.S. are heavily shielded and have many redundant systems to protect them from this attack. The pulse will not completely destroy robots, but it will impair them long enough for the Marauder to tear them apart.

The War Mount is a heavily armored centaur with the lower body of a horse, a humanoid upper body, and a thickly reinforced lizard-like head. Its powerful legs can drive it through even the densest crowd, and its thick exoskeleton protects it from the tremendous impact from dozens of full speed collisions. The bone armor on the “chest” of the lower body extends forward to form a razor sharp ram prow that the War Mount uses to batter its way deep into the enemy’s lines. The heavily reinforced triangular head comes to a thick sword-like point at the nose which the Marauder uses as a short lance when charging. The forward-sloping neck is much thicker than the head to protect the spine from heavy impact. It is covered in overlapping, segmented bone plates to further reinforce the neck and protect the War Mount when it lowers its head into ramming position. The lizard-like head has a relatively small mouth filled with sharp teeth and two pairs of red eyes. One pair points forward to help the War Mount bear down on its prey, and the other pair is slightly recessed behind them on the sides of the head to give the Marauder a 180 degree field of vision. The hunched back of the humanoid upper body contains the bizarre organism used to generate the electromagnetic pulse. This organism is covered by heavy bone armor, but it needs an exposed firing point to release the pulse. The spiky brain-like masses on the back of each shoulder are what actually fires the pulse.

In massive engagements, squads of Marauders stampede back and forth across the battlefield, crushing scores of Steel Troopers, Slicer Robots, and Skitter Pods beneath their feet, and fracturing the Machine’s organized platoons into smaller, disorganized groups. Large concentrations of robots are further softened with a few well-placed electromagnetic pulses. The remaining splinter groups are then easy prey for the rest of the human’s forces. Marauder War Mounts are lethal in close combat, but they are designed for a very specific function and are not very versatile outside of their role of stampeding force of destruction. Many Outriders further augment these mounts with long-range Bio-Weapons, but the Marauders most powerful weapon is useless unless it is fired within the heart of the Machine’s army. This War Mount is only effective when it tackles the enemy up close and personal. N.E.X.U.S. knows this as well, and programs her robots to target Marauders with everything they have before they can close the distance. Any Outrider that chooses to pilot a Marauder needs to realize that he or she will be drawing the brunt of the Machine’s fury. The Heavy Cavalry (often called the White Knights due to the color of the Marauder’s bone plating) has claimed victory for the Resistance hundreds of times in their history, but the brave men and women that lead the charge into the heart of the Machine suffer the highest casualty rate of all Outriders.

Class: Heavy Cavalry War Mount
Crew: One rider
M.D.C. by Location:
• Arms (2): 180 each
• Legs (4): 200 each
• Clawed Hands (2): 100 each
• Hoofed Feet (2): 130 each
• Whipping Tail: 150
• Forearm Bone Blades (2): 95 each
• Nose Mounted Bone Lance: 80
• Ram Prow: 190
• EMP Generator: 250
• EMP Nodules (2): 45 each
• Head: 285*
• Main Body: 590*
• Rider’s War Saddle: 100**

*Depleting the M.D.C. of the Head or Main Body kills the Marauder.
**In order to strike the rider, an attacker must first destroy the War Saddle.

Running: 210 mph maximum, but normal cruising speed is only 80 mph. The act of running does tire out the War Mount but not the rider. The Marauder can run at top speed for up to two hours straight before needing to rest for 1D6x10+30 minutes. However, it can fight or trot along at cruising speed almost all day (20 hours) without needing rest.
Leaping: 30 feet high our across, increase by 50% with a short running start and double when running at full speed.
Digging: 15 mph through sand or dirt. 10 mph through clay, rock or stone. Digging does not tire out the War Mount and it can dig an adequate hole to cover itself in 3D4 melees.
Swimming: 30 mph.
Underwater Depth: Maximum depth is 200 feet.
Flying: Not possible.

Statistical Data:
Height: 7-8 feet tall at the shoulders of the horse body, 12-13 feet to the top of the head.
Width: 5-6 feet
Length: 10-12 feet with an 8-foot long tail
Weight: 2.1 to 2.7 tons
Cargo: Can carry 2400 lbs. on its back are drag 4000 lbs. behind it.
Physical Strength: 1D4+40
Production Cycle: 2 year gestation period plus 2 year growth cycle.
Operational Lifetime: 50 year life span.
Bio-Regeneration Rate: 4D6 per minute to the main body and 3D6 per minute to all other locations.
Horror Factor: 14
Feeding: The Marauder is a Carnivore. It needs to eat 30 to 60 pounds of animal matter a day, and may gorge on up to 200 pounds at one time. After gorging, the War Mount can go 2D4 days without feeding and without suffering any ill effects.
Color: The thick bone plating covering the Marauder’s body is bleached white in color and the skin that shows through the armor is light tan. This is why Outriders that pilot these War Mounts in heavy cavalry units are often called White Knights.
Sleep Requirements: As an artificially created organism, the Marauder only requires 4 hours of sleep per day.

Other Data:
An unmanned Marauder is able to operate independent of a rider using its animal-like intelligence and instincts to respond to any given situation. It is an aggressive creature that loves to fight and has an instinctive hatred of robots. A Marauder will naturally come to the defense of any human, but that is mainly just for the thrill of combat. They will listen to any human that orders it to attack, but only an Outrider or Packmaster can convince it to back down.
Alignment: Anarchist. The Marauder was bred to charge fearlessly into overwhelming odds, and it was genetically programmed to love fighting. It is only happy when it is in the thick of battle, and these aggressive feelings tend to rub off on its Outrider.
War Mount Attributes: I.Q.: 1D6+2, M.E.: 1D6+12, M.A.: 1D6, P.S.: 41-44, P.P.: 1D4+16, P.E.: 1D6+22, P.B.: 1D4, Spd.: 210 mph on the ground
Number of Attacks per Melee: 5
Combat Bonuses: +4 on initiative, +5 to strike in hand to hand combat, +5 to parry, +3 to dodge, +3 to disarm, +3 to roll with punch, +3 to pull punch, and impervious to horror factor, disease, and poison.
Equivalent (Instinctive) Skills of Note: Land Navigation 90%, Prowl 60%, Swim 70%, Track by Scent 80%, and Hunting 70%
Combat Capabilities:
• Bite: 2D8
• Restrained Punch: 1D6
• Punch: 5D6
• Power Punch: 1D6x10
• Claw Strike: 5D8
• Power Claw Strike: 1D6x10+15, but counts as two attacks
• Forearm Bone Blades: Adds 1D6x10 to normal punch damage
• Front Leg Kick: 7D6
• Rear Leg Kick: 9D6
• Double Rear Leg Kick: 10D6+20, but counts as two attacks
• Leap Kick: 1D6x10+30, but counts as two attacks
• Tail Whip: 3D8
• Stomp: 2D6
• Trample: 5D6
• Body Block/Ram: 1D6x10+30 and has a 01-80% likelihood of knocking an opponent as large as 15 feet tall off his feet and onto his back. If knocked off his feet, the victim loses initiative and two attacks per melee, and is trampled beneath the Marauder which inflicts an additional 5D6 points of damage. A ram attack counts as two melee attacks against the first target, but only counts as one melee attack as long as subsequent targets are within the Marauder’s path.

Senses and Features: Standard for War Mounts plus:
• Extra Pair of Eyes: Extra pair of eyes is set on the sides of the head. This gives the War Mount a 180 degree field of vision. These eyes also have enhanced sight.
• Reinforced Exoskeleton
• Reinforced Skull
• Ambidextrous

Bio-Weapon Systems:
1. Forearm Bone Blades (2):
Mounted on each forearm of the Marauder is a five-foot long bone blade that curves inward like a sickle. Marauders are masters with these blades and can bring both down on a single target or strike at two separate targets at the same time (counts as one melee attack).
Primary Purpose: Assault
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: 1D6x10 per blade.
Number of Attacks: Equal to the number of attacks per melee. A double strike with both blades counts as a single melee attack.
Maximum Effective Range: The Marauder has an 11 foot reach (from shoulder to the end of the bone blade).
Bonuses: +2 to strike and parry
2. Nose Mounted Bone Lance: The triangular head of the Marauder tapers towards a two-foot long razor sharp wedge. It is much like a bone sword except it is three times as thick. The War Mount can lower its head during a charge to add to the destructive force of a ramming attack or target a different opponent with a head butt.
Primary Purpose: Assault
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: 4D6 for a head butt and 5D6 when used during a ramming attack.
Number of Attacks: Equal to the number of attacks per melee. When lowered into position for a ramming attack, it does not count as an additional attack per melee (but the ram attack already counts as two attacks per melee).
Maximum Effective Range: The blade is 2 feet long but the Marauder can extend its neck to hit targets up to 5 feet away.
3. Ram Prow: The heavy bone armor on the horse body extends outward from the “chest” to form a deadly ram prow. The edges of this triangular wedge are razor sharp and capable of shredding the thickest armor. Not only do opponents take damage from being rammed with this enormous spike, but they will also likely be knocked to the ground and trampled beneath the powerful hooves of the Marauder.
Primary Purpose: Assault
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: 1D6x10+30 (or 1D6x10+60 when the head is lowered into position) and has a 01-75% likelihood of knocking an opponent as large as 15 feet tall off his feet and onto his back. If knocked off his feet, the victim loses initiative and two attacks per melee and is trampled beneath the Marauder which inflicts an additional 5D6 points of damage. A ram attack counts as two melee attacks against the first target, but only counts as one melee attack as long as subsequent targets are within the Marauder’s path.
4. Whip Tail: The muscular tail of the Marauder can be used to whip opponents that sneak up behind the mount.
Primary Purpose: Defense
Secondary Purpose: Assault
Mega-Damage: 3D8
Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of attacks per melee, but using the tail adds one extra melee attack.
Effective Range: 8 feet.
Bonuses: +3 to strike, +2 to parry, and +3 to disarm. These bonuses only apply to the tail and no other bonuses apply.
5. Electromagnetic Pulse: The large armored hump on the back of the Marauder houses a strange organism capable of generating a powerful electromagnetic pulse. This short-range weapon can fry any type of electronic circuit, but the high-tech devices and robots built by N.E.X.U.S. are heavily shielded against EMP attacks. However, even with all their shielding, redundant systems, and capabilities to quickly reroute and repair damaged circuitry, the pulse is still capable of damaging the Machine’s creations. Simple electronic devices like clocks, cameras, radios, and computers are rendered completely useless and are damaged beyond repair, high-tech energy weapons are temporarily short-circuited, and although large vehicles and robots have many redundant systems, self-repair routines, and internal shielding that protects them from the electromagnetic pulse, the blast is still strong enough to inflict some level of damage.
Primary Purpose: Assault
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: Simple electronic devices like clocks, cameras, computers, radios, generators, and other consumer electronics are completely destroyed by the pulse. Hand held energy weapons are temporarily disabled for 4D4 melee rounds. Robots built by N.E.X.U.S. have many redundant systems, self-repair routines, and internal shielding to protect them from the electromagnetic pulse. Only robots with less than 1000 M.D.C. are even affected by the pulse, and even then, some robots only suffer minor damage while others are severely impaired. Any damage inflicted upon a robot lasts for 4D4 melee rounds until its internal systems can reroute or repair damaged systems. Roll on the following table to determine damage:
01-10% No effect.
11-20% Knocks out communications. The robot cannot be possessed and controlled by N.E.X.U.S. or call in reinforcements.
21-30% Knocks out primary weapon systems (most powerful weapon).
31-40% Minor impairment to motor functions. The robot loses one attack per melee and is -2 to strike, parry, and dodge.
41-50% Knocks out optics systems, but other sensor systems diminish the penalties. No initiative and -5 to strike, parry, and dodge.
51-60% Knocks out targeting systems, reduce all combat bonuses by half.
61-70% Loses force field or suffers power drain and all weapons do half damage with half their normal range.
71-80% All weapon systems are temporarily disabled.
81-90% Motor controls are severely impaired but still functional. Reduce attacks per melee to one, eliminate all combat bonuses plus the robot suffers further penalties of -3 to strike, parry, and dodge.
91-00% Total system failure. The robot is completely paralyzed and all weapon, sensor, and communication systems are offline. Internal repair routines will eventually restore the robot to full functionality.
Rate of Fire: The EMP can only be used once every 5 minutes.
Maximum Effective Range: 50 feet (half the range if one shoulder mounted node is destroyed).
Payload: The EMP Generator can only create enough of a charge for 8 pulses per hour; automatically regenerates.
6. Handheld Bio-Weapons: The Marauder does not have any standard issue hand weapon, but can be armed with any light or heavy Bio-Weapon, or handheld melee weapon.
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Unread post by taalismn »

slappy wrote:Mantis Support Cannon.

Blinks at the Mantis, the Marauder, the Deliveryman... you ever SLEEP? Or are you hardwired to your computer?
Or are you a giant Librarian brain mass on the verge of megalomania?
Egad, some of us hardly finish grinding through one of these and you've already belted out another...
I don't know whether to I should be awestruck worshipful or insanely jealous :ok:
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Unread post by Zenvis »

At this rate I am seeing a posibility of personalized war mounts. Just add some BIO-E points and... wah la... War Mount!
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And the Biotic said "I need a Mule. Not a rundown horse

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Are there stats for mules any of the Palladium books?
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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Re: And the Biotic said "I need a Mule. Not a rundown h

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abtex wrote:Are there stats for mules any of the Palladium books?

Check out Palladium Fantasy: Monsters and Animals.
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Re: And the Biotic said "I need a Mule. Not a rundown h

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Zenvis wrote:
abtex wrote:Are there stats for mules any of the Palladium books?

Check out Palladium Fantasy: Monsters and Animals.

Thanks, Now do you know where my copy is at?
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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The following was from my attempts to produce “Robotech”-themed War Mounts
Gault--(imagine across between a Regult Battlepod, a Starship Troopers Warrior Bug, and a Triceratops)

Gault BattleStrider
The Gault BattleStrider is a light, very fast, cavalry mount that was bred as a rival ‘design’ to the highly successful Strider. The Gault, however, is rather more expensive to produce, due to its greater firepower and mobility.
The Battlestrider resembles the head of a triceratops dinosaur, with oversized head shield, atop an oversized pair of velociraptor legs. A should stub tail helps provide balance. The Outrider sits behind the headshield, and further protected by side flanges, all but completely hidden by the organic armor, from the front and sides. The Outrider thus relies heavily on what he can see through his mount’s array of sensory optics and pits across its ‘face’, including an especially prominent cyclopean sensor in the middle of its forehead.
The Battlestrider’s already impressive landspeed is further enhanced by a small set of biothrusters on its ‘shoulders’, that while not able to give the War Mount true flight, do allow the beast to make truly impressive jet-assisted leaps. This also gives the creature a natural automatic dodge using short blasts from its bio-thrusters. With its powerful legs and thruster assist, the Gault is a fair swimmer, as well.
Armament-wize, the Gault sports a brace of medium bore cannon, a backup pair of lighter projectile cannon, and a set of super light cells for defense. Despite its lack of arms, the Gault also has some impressive close combat capabilities, though it is largely limited to kicks and bites. With its large jaws with their long external mandibles and wickedly barbed legs, the Gault favors clamping prey in its mouth while disembowling them with repeated kicks.
Class: Cavalry War Mount
Crew:One rider
MDC/Armor by Location:
*Head/Head Shield 200
Main Body/Torso 250
Chin Casting Rifles(2) 50 each
Head Bore Cannon(2) 100 each
Shoulder Thrusters(2) 120 each
Legs(2) 230 each
Foot Claws(2) 50 each
*Because of the protection offered the Outrider by the head and sides, the ‘rider is -5 to strike when being targetted, except from behind.
Speed: (Running) 300 MPH, and can reach short bursts of 400 MPH for 2d4 melees.
By firing low power bursts of its bio-thrusters in shallow lopping/skimming mode, the Gault can hit speeds of 450 MPH for up to 3d4 melees.
(Leaping)Can leap 50 ft high/ across(50% more with a short running start, and double with a full speed start).
Jet-assisted leaps can carry the War Mount up to 200 ft up/400 ft across
(Climbing) Modest climbing ability; 50%/20%
(Flying)Not possible; the best the Gault can do is achieve extra(1d8 seconds) hang-time at the top of a long leap
(Swimming)Can swim using its powerful legs and biothrusters in combination, moving at about 7 MPH
(Digging) 8 MPH through sand and dirt, but half as fast through clay, rock, or stone. Can excavate a hole large enough to hide in in one minute.
Statistical Data:
Size: 9 ft tall, 3.8 ft wide, 6 ft long(9 ft with beak raised)
Weight: 900-1,200 lbs
Cargo: 800lbs, slung behind the ‘rider, but can pull up to 2,800lbs(but anything over 1,000 lbs cuts speed by half)
Physical Strength: 1d4+26(Supernatural Strength)
Production Cycle: 1 year gestation time, plus 1.8 years growth time
Operational Lifetime: 50 years
Trade Value: 4 million credits
Bio-Regeneration Rate:4d6 MD per hour for main body, 1d8 MD per hour for all other locations.
Horror Factor: 10 against humans, none against machines
Feeding: Omnivore---Requires 50-90 lbs of food per day(typically about 50% plant/ 50% other
Sleep Requirements: 4 hours of sleep/rest per day

Alignment: Can be considered Unprincipled or Anarchist; works well in large groups
Metabolism: Omnivore, but prefers carrion and meat
Physical Attributes:
I.Q.: 1d4 +3(medium animal intelligence)
M.E.: 1d6+8
M.A.: 1d6+8
P.S.: 26-30(Supernatural Strength)
P.P.: 2d6+10
P.E.: 1d8+20
SPD:(see above)
Equivalent/Instinctive Skills of Note:
Climbing 50%/15%
Land Navigation 90%
Identify Plants and Fruits 80%
Understands Languages(3) at 80%
Recognizes Robots and machines as enemies to be avoided

Special Abilities:
Standard for War Mounts.
Special Senses:
Standard for War Mounts.

Combat Capabilities:
Bio-Weapons Systems:
1) Medium Bore Cannons(2) The main ranged weapons of the Gault are a pair of long-barrel(extended payload) Medium Bore guns. Can fire individually, or in synch(counts as one attack)
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage: 3d10 MD per grub, plus 1d10+3 MD per melee for 1d6 melees.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload:32 rds per gun; regenerates rds at 2d4 minutes for one; 1d4 hours to reload the whole magazine

2) Light Casting Rifles(2)----Mounted on the War Mount’s ‘chin’ are a pair of light casting cannons that typically fire in synch with one another.
Range: 2,800 ft
Damage: 3d6+3 MD per single shot, or a 4-pellet burst that does 1d8x10+6 MDl DOUBLE for dual simultaneous bursts from BOTH guns
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 60 rounds per cannon; regenerates 2d10+20 minutes after each meal)

3)Super Light Cells(2)---A cluster on the flanks, able to angle to fire to the sides and back, for discouraging pursuit
Range: 1,000 ft
Damage: 1d10+5 MD per blast, 2d10+10 MD for a dual blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Bonus: +1 to strike

4)Foot Sickle Claws---Each foot sports a wicked sickle-like disemboweling claw
Range: Melee
Damage: 4d6 MD + P.S. damage

5) Back Spur---Each leg also features a wicked backspur for back kicks
Range: Melee
Damage: 4d6 MD + P.S. damage
Hand to Hand/Melee Combat:
Combat Bonuses(in addition to possible attribute bonuses)
Actions/Attacks per Melee(without rider): 4
Initiative: +1
Strike:(Ranged Attacks) +2
(Close Combat) +2
(Kick Attacks) +4
Parry: +3
Dodge: +3
Automatic Leap Dodge(takes no APMs): +2
Roll: +3
Pull: +1
Head Butt/Slam 1d6 MD
Bite 4d6 MD
Restrained Kick 1d6 MD
Full Strength Kick 4d6 MD
Leap Kick Attack(2 attacks) 1d6x10 MD
Stomp 1d6 MD
Body Block/Ram 4d6 MD and has 01-50% chance of knocking opponents(up to size 12 ft) off their feet(lose initiative and 2 APMs getting back up)
Save Vs Mind Control +5
Totally Immune to Horror Factor
CAN be further augmented; particular favorites include adding a pair of Bio-Missile launchers or Spore Launchers on the shoulders, enhanced weaponry, and sensory add-ons.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: And the Biotic said "I need a Mule. Not a rundown h

Unread post by Zenvis »

abtex wrote:
Zenvis wrote:
abtex wrote:Are there stats for mules any of the Palladium books?

Check out Palladium Fantasy: Monsters and Animals.

Thanks, Now do you know where my copy is at?

Sold to the Spoogorth as an insider trade secret. (Go Martha!)
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Unread post by eggs_alamode »

Slappy, kudos on all your war mounts thus far. I was looking them over and would like to suggest that your Mantis Cannon have an additional sensory system. Either antennae or sesmic. With such incredible range and somewhat low rate of fire (artillery-like) they need some way to acquire their targets. Since they also are rider-less, these targets would have to be obtained by themself. Adding one or the other sensory system would also greatly aid in the mantis' role as a sentry guard.

Keep up the good work!
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Unread post by slappy »

I agree it needs something. I usually pick enhancements by what hasn't been done before (to make them unique). I already used Radar for my Falconer Armor and Seismic Sense for my Tunnel Rat. I couldn't think of what else to give it, so I was thinking of having it so they can home in on Squealers (something I created for Kamikaze Cruise Missiles). This way, Splicers can "lase" the target, and Mantis Cannons can accurately bombard it from nearly 2 miles away. Could work for Behemoths too.
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Unread post by eggs_alamode »

Does that mean the Mantis wouldn't be self-sufficient? It requires a perimeter patrol of some sort to spot its targets for it? If so, it wouldn't make that great of a "sentry". If I remember correctly the only optics it has is a compound eye, not even advanced eyes. So it would struggle to obtain targets unless it is in close range or is being supported.

Either of the enhancements mentioned would fit perfectly fine with the concept of the war mount, I don't see why it would be denied something that would greatly aid its ability purely because it is "unoriginal".

My Two Cents.
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Unread post by slappy »

It has compound eyes in addition to Enhanced Eyes (and Enhanced Senses) which comes standard on all War Mounts. This gives it a wider degree of vision.

It is self-sufficient as a sentry, but the point of the Squelers means it can accurately attack a target it can't even see. It can fire over a building, hill, or treeline. No line of sight necessary.
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Juggernaut War Mount

For years, the Resistance has relied on smaller, rapid strike War Mounts to fight their guerilla war against the Machine. This strategy has worked well, but the leaders of the Resistance have realized that they must prepare for the eventual day when the war escalates. The Machine has millions of robots held in reserve in the Robot Repositories, and eventually those repositories will be let loose upon the world. The Resistance is much better armed than the Machine realizes, but they fear it will not be enough. Their current War Mount designs work well in small skirmishes, but they may not be enough to hold back the rising tide.

In the past, Resistance leaders believed that employing giant War Mounts was a futile endeavor since these enormous beasts required tremendous resources to create and took a long time to grow. The Resistance needed to build their forces quickly, and they did not have the time to wait for these enormous war machines to mature. In addition, they thought large War Mounts would be too difficult to conceal once they were deployed to the surface and would be quickly overwhelmed and destroyed by the superior forces of the Machine. House Artemis’s success with their enormous submersible carrier known as the Kraken has caused Warlords all across the planet to rethink this belief. The sheer power of the Kraken has encouraged many Librarians from other Great Houses to experiment with their own giant War Mount designs. While many designs have proven to be worthless, the Juggernaut War Mount is already making an incredible impact on the battlefield. It is used as a mobile command carrier, heavy assault platform, and moral booster. The sight of this enormous beast wading into the thick of the Machine’s forces has given the most beleaguered Splicers the courage to plunge back into the fight.

The Juggernaut War Mount loosely resembles a gigantic elephant with a built-in carriage made of living tissue. The large elephant ears and tusks were deemed unnecessary and were removed, and the single trunk was replaced by over a dozen powerful tentacles. Actually, each of these tentacles is a cross between an enormous elephant trunk and a tentacle. They are lined with suction cups to help with grip, and each tentacle has a hollow tube running through the middle. The Juggernaut can drink through these tentacles like a straw, or it can spray a mineral rich fluid that is used to mark targets for an experimental Bio-Weapon system. In battle, these tentacles are in constant motion, snagging robots off the ground and throwing them hundreds of feet into the air or slamming them into other machines like an enormous club. When multiple tentacles combine their strength against one target, they are actually powerful enough to tear robots in half. Many Juggernaut pilots like to quickly disable robots like Steel Troopers and Slicer Robots by holding them steady around the waist with one tentacle, and then plucking off all their arms and legs with four other tentacles (six in the case of Slicer Robots).

It only takes one rider to pilot the mount, but the enormous Battle Carriage can hold up to thirty warriors in Host Armor in addition to the standard six Mantis Support Cannons that help defend the Juggernaut. This fifty-foot tall monstrosity is equipped with the latest breakthroughs in Bio-Technology. It has two massive shoulder-mounted Omega Cannons and sixty Clinger Missiles. These weapons are primarily used to quickly liquidate the Machine’s heavy hitters like Assault Slayers and Battle Tracks. The most dangerous threats like Land Dominators and Sentry Towers can be brought down in an instant by one of the two onboard Kamikaze Cruise Missiles.

Squads of Steel Troopers and other smaller robots are targeted by an experimental Bio-Tech weapon system called the Locust Hive. The gently sloping mound just behind the Battle Carriage is actually a massive organic insect hive that contains thousands of powerful Bio-Tech Locusts. These are the same bugs used by Swarm Lords, but the Juggernaut does not possess the same level of control as a Hive Armor pilot. Instead of issuing mental commands to the insects, the Juggernaut sprays large blasts of a mineral-rich syrup that the Locusts find delicious. Within seconds of firing this viscous liquid, thousands of insects pour out of the hive to devour the fluid and anything that it lands on. They will eat any rock, plant, animal, or patch or dirt the syrup covers, but they only inflict minor surface damage as they clean off this delicious substance and fly away. As a safety precaution, they were genetically programmed to be repulsed by the taste of living tissue. Locusts may accidentally take a few bites out of fellow Splicers, but they will quickly break off their attack before they can do any real damage. However, it is a totally different story when the fluid lands on a robotic target. Locusts love the taste of metal, and they will continue to voraciously devour robotic targets even after the fluid is gone. A few well placed blasts of fluid enables the Juggernaut to devastate large companies of robots single-handedly.

The organic hive also provides excellent defense against boarders. These insects recognize machines as natural enemies and will swarm attack any robot that climbs onto the Juggernaut or into the Battle Carriage. The standard complement of six Mantis Support Cannons also provide excellent defense against boarders. When threatened or upon command, these War Mounts can blanket the entire compartment with a deadly acidic mist that is lethal to robots but harmless to humans in organic armor. The riders in the Battle Carriage are further protected by thick armored walls that provide excellent coverage from ground fire, and the entire Juggernaut is shielded by a powerful Bio-Force Field.

The Juggernaut is one of the most powerful War Mount designs on the planet, but it must still be used with caution. Even with incredible war machines like these, the Resistance is still horribly outmanned and outgunned by the Machine. If this mount remains in the open too long, it will eventually be overwhelmed and destroyed by superior forces. Most Great Houses that have been using Juggernauts have only been deploying them from the Great Ocean or other large bodies of water. They lumber out of the water (usually flanked by squads of Leviathans), tear into the Machine’s forces, and then retreat back below the waves before the Machine can muster sufficient reinforcements. The Resistance has been using Juggernauts to shatter coastline defenses all across the planet. These attacks are done to harass the Machine and burn up her resources, but more often, they are done as a diversion to draw defenders away from nearby targets like Power Farms and Industrial Centers. Even when N.E.X.U.S. realizes these attacks are likely diversions, she knows that she has no other choice but to take the bait and divert her forces. These Juggernaut raids could completely destroy all her shoreline emplacements if they were left unchecked. The Resistance always pulls back when the opposition grows too strong, and the only way to ensure they retreat before they do too much damage is to divert all nearby forces to the disturbance. In addition, Juggernauts are such a dangerous threat to the Machine that she will spare no effort to destroy one whenever it reveals itself. They are a source of hope and inspiration to the Resistance, and N.E.X.U.S. simply cannot allow them to exist.

Unfortunately, not every Great House is near a large body of water, nor are the targets they most want to attack. Some of the most brazen Warlords have solved this problem by using the Nature Preserves to house their Juggernauts. This allows them to strike targets that are further inland, plus it is one of the few places on the surface that offers sanctuary from the Machine. The robot patrols around the perimeter of the Nature Preserves are nearly as thick as those along the coasts, but the Machine will never send her robots into the preserves. In fact, she will not even allow her forces to fire into them. The Nature Preserves may be safe from the Machine, but there are other dangers. Gaia is absolutely furious that the Resistance is defiling her carefully constructed sanctuaries, and she has begun flooding any Nature Preserve known to contain a Juggernaut with hundreds of the deadliest species she can find in her Cryo Zoos. So far, this strategy has not even been remotely successful. These War Mounts are just too powerful for these alien predators, and all Gaia has succeeded in doing is providing the Resistance with new gene samples to analyze.

Great Houses all across the planet are working hard to quickly build their own supply of Juggernaut War Mounts. Unfortunately, it takes 20 years to grow one of these mammoth war machines. Hundreds of these beasts are gestating within Resistance safe houses all across the planet, but they will not be ready for years. The Librarians have come up with a way to quickly shore up their forces while these Juggernauts mature. The current batch of Juggernauts have had their DNA altered so that they have incredibly accelerated growth rates. They can reach maturity in only one-tenth the normal time, but as a side-effect, their life spans are also reduced by ninety percent. These beasts are only meant to serve as a temporary alternative while the next generation matures. They are just as deadly as normal Juggernauts, but they require tremendous amounts of organic material to create and the Resistance does not like pouring so many resources into something that will only live for a short time.

Class: Command Carrier and Heavy Assault War Mount
Crew: One rider, plus an additional 30 passengers in Host Armor.
M.D.C. by Location:
• Legs (4): 1700 each
• Tail: 120
• Tentacles (15): 280 each
• Omega Cannons (2): 385 each
• Clinger Missiles (60): 13 each
• Locust Hive: 780
• Head: 850*
• Main Body: 3700*
• Battle Carriage: 1100**
• 10-foot Section of the Battle Carriage Wall: 100 M.D.C.
• Bio-Force Field: 800
• Rider’s War Saddle: 100***

*Depleting the M.D.C. of the Head or Main Body kills the Juggernaut.
**Anyone within the Battle Carriage is partially shielded from ground fire. Opponents trying to strike passengers within the Battle Carriage suffers a penalty of -4 to strike (aerial attackers do not suffer any penalties). Depleting the M.D.C. of the Battle Carriage means the passengers are completely exposed to enemy fire.
***In order to strike the rider, an attacker must first target the War Saddle. Even then, the attacker must roll a 12 or higher to strike or else he will hit the Battle Carriage. If the damage is greater than the M.D.C. of the carriage wall (100 M.D.C. per 10-foot area), the blast punches through the carriage wall and the remaining M.D. of the attack travels through and strikes the War Saddle.

Running: 70 mph maximum, but normal cruising speed is only 40 mph. The act of running does tire out the War Mount but not the rider. The Juggernaut can run at top speed for up to two hours straight before needing to rest for 1D6x10+30 minutes. However, it can fight or trot along at cruising speed almost all day (20 hours) without needing rest.
Leaping: Not possible.
Digging: 15 mph through sand or dirt. 10 mph through clay, rock or stone. Digging does not tire out the War Mount and it can dig an adequate hole to cover itself in 4D8 minutes.
Swimming: 40 mph.
Underwater Depth: Maximum depth is 1000 feet.
Flying: Not possible.

Statistical Data:
Height: 50 feet tall, plus the Battle Carriage adds another 5 feet.
Width: 21 feet
Length: 85 feet with 40-foot long tentacles.
Weight: 30 to 35 tons
Cargo: Can carry 10 tons on its back are can drag up to 25 tons behind it.
Physical Strength: 1D8+62
Production Cycle: 5 year gestation period plus 20 year growth cycle. Only a 6 month gestation period plus 2 year growth cycle for the temporary generation.
Operational Lifetime: 90 year life span. Only a 9 year life span for the temporary generation.
Bio-Regeneration Rate: 1D6x10 per minute to the main body and 3D6 per minute to all other locations. Severed tentacles can be completely regenerated within 24 hours. Destroyed limbs or weapon systems will regenerate after 48 hours.
Horror Factor: 15
Feeding: The Juggernaut is an Omnivore. It needs to eat 800 to 1200 pounds of animal matter or vegetation each day. They were originally designed as herbivores, but they were modified so that they could feed on fish while hiding beneath the waves.
Color: The entire thick hide is light grey or tan in color. The Battle Carriage is similar in color to the hide, but a slightly lighter shade.
Sleep Requirements: As an artificially created organism, the Juggernaut only requires 4 hours of sleep per day.

Other Data:
An unmanned Juggernaut is able to operate independent of a rider using its animal-like intelligence and instincts to respond to any given situation. They quickly learn that robots are the enemy and will attack them whenever they get too close, but it will not chase them down. Juggernauts like humans, but they will not come to the aid of a human until commanded to do so by an Outrider or Packmaster.
Alignment: Considered Unprincipled or Anarchist. They fight for their own preservation and only battle on behalf of humans when ordered to do so.
War Mount Attributes: I.Q.: 1D6+1, M.E.: 1D6+6, M.A.: 1D6+7, P.S.: 63-70, P.P.: 1D4+10, P.E.: 1D6+22, P.B.: 1D4, Spd.: 70 mph on the ground
Number of Attacks per Melee: 8
Combat Bonuses: +3 on initiative, +6 to strike in hand to hand combat, +6 to parry, -2 to dodge, +5 to entangle, +3 to roll with punch, +3 to pull punch, +4 to disarm, pin/incapacitate on a roll of 14 or higher, and impervious to horror factor, disease, and poison.
Equivalent (Instinctive) Skills of Note: Land Navigation 90%, Swim 90%, and understands the Native Language of the Great House that created it and one other common language at 70%. Recognizes robots and machines as enemies to be destroyed or chased away.
Combat Capabilities:
• Bite: 3D8
• Restrained Tentacle Strike: 2D6
• Tentacle Strike: 7D8
• Power Tentacle Strike: 2D6x10+20, but counts as two attacks
• Tear: 5D8 per melee attack.
• Tentacle Crush: 8D8 per melee round.
• Kick: 6D8+10
• Stomp: 2D6x10+30, but can only be done to opponents that are less than 20 feet tall.
• Body Block/Ram: 8D8 and has a 01-85% likelihood of knocking an opponent up to 30 feet tall off his feet and onto his back. If knocked off his feet, the target loses initiative and two melee attacks. A ram attack counts as two attacks.
Special Attacks:
• Draw and Quarter: The Juggernaut’s tentacles are so strong that it can easily pluck the limbs off of robots like an insect. It can perform a standard tear attack (see above), or the Juggernaut can quickly disable a target be performing a Draw and Quarter attack. To perform this attack, the pilot must first seize the target around the waist, arms, and legs by declaring that he is trying to pin/incapacitate the target and then roll a natural 14 or higher to strike. The target can attempt to parry the attack as normal. Once the robot has been successfully ensnared, the Juggernaut must then attempt to tear off all four limbs at once (counts as three melee attacks). To see if the Juggernaut successfully tears the target apart, the attacker and defender must roll a twenty-sided die and add in their P.S. attribute number. However, the defender gets to double his P.S. attribute. If the attacker wins, all four limbs are completely torn off (or more if applicable). If the defender wins, he breaks free of the Juggernaut’s grip. For example, a Juggernaut successfully ensnares a Steel Trooper and tries to tear it apart. The pilot rolls a 14 and adds in the Juggernaut’s P.S. of 66 for a total of 80. The Steel Trooper only rolls a 3, which is not enough even after counting double its normal P.S. of 38 (76 when doubled) for a total of 79. All four limbs are ripped from the torso and the Juggernaut simply drops the disabled robot to the ground.
• Robot Toss: Another devastating tentacle attack is called the Robot Toss. The Juggernaut must first successfully entangle the target. This can either be done as a strike roll or as a parry to an attack. Once ensnared, the War Mount then hurls the robot hundreds of feet into the air or throws it into another robot, heavy object, or to the ground. Being hurled into an object or into the ground inflicts 2D4x10 M.D. to the victim and half damage to anything it hits. Anyone hit by this robot projectile has a 01-80% likelihood of being knocked off his feet and onto his back. If knocked off his feet, the target loses initiative and two melee attacks. Being thrown into the air only inflicts 1D4x10 M.D. In both cases, the robot that was hurled through the air loses initiative and two attacks per melee. The Juggernaut can pick up and throw targets weighing as much as 1800 pounds up to 800 feet away.
• Robot Club: This attack is similar to the Robot Toss, but instead of hurling the ensnared victim away, the Juggernaut holds its prey tight and continues to use it as a make-shift club. Each strike inflicts 1D4x10 to the “club” and does the same damage to anything it strikes. The impact is so powerful that there is a 01-75% likelihood that targets weighing less than 1500 pounds will be hurled 4D4x10 feet away. Opponents knocked back by the force of the blow lose initiative and two melee attacks. Each impact also stuns the “club,” causing it to lose its next melee attack. Continuously using the robot as a club means the victim will never be able to retaliate until it is eventually destroyed. Of course, every time the Juggernaut misses, the “club” has a chance to fight back. The Juggernaut can use any object weighing up to 2000 pounds as a club. Although objects weighing more than 1500 pounds impose a penalty of -2 to strike.
• Power Tear: Instead of just using one tentacle to perform a tear attack, the Juggernaut can wrap multiple tentacles around the same target in order to quickly rip the target in half. The War Mount wraps at least four tentacles around the upper half of the target and another four tentacles around the lower half and then tries to tear the victim in half like a sheet of paper. Once again, the rider must first ensnare the victim by declaring that he is trying to pin/incapacitate the target and then roll a natural 14 or higher to strike. Once successfully entangled, the Juggernaut just pulls in opposite directions until the body gives way. Damage is 10D8+15 per melee action to the main body of the target, but each Power Tear attack counts as two melee actions. The victim is totally incapacitated during this attack, and it can only retaliate if it has weapon systems mounted on its head or similar weapons that are not mounted on the arms, legs, or chest.

Senses and Features: Standard for War Mounts plus:
• Enhanced Regeneration: 1D6x10 per minute to the main body and 3D6 per minute to all other locations. Severed tentacles can be completely regenerated within 24 hours.
• Gills: The Juggernaut can operate underwater indefinitely. Passengers will need to secure themselves to the Battle Carriage or be swept away when the War Mount submerges, plus they will need to wear some type of diving equipment or Host Armor.

Bio-Weapon Systems:
1. Omega Cannons (2):
This is an enormous version of the Omega Blaster. These cannons run along the underside of the Battle Carriage and protrude out just over the shoulders. They can move up or down in a 45 degree arc. Both cannons can be brought to bear on the same target, but they cannot engage targets less than 15 feet tall if they are closer than 20 feet away.
Primary Purpose: Assault
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: A single blast does 3D8x10 and has a blast radius of 10 feet. A double blast does 6D8x10 and has a 20-foot blast radius.
Rate of Fire: Each single blast counts as two melee attacks, but dual blasts count as three melee attacks.
Maximum Effective Range: 6000 feet
Payload: Effectively unlimited.
Bonus: +2 to strike on an aimed shot only.
2. Clinger Missiles (60): Both sides of the Battle Carriage are lined with scores of Clinger Missiles. Each missile appears as a tiny starfish shaped projection on the side of the carriage wall. These starfish pseudo pods allow the missile to lock tight against any surface. The Clinger Missile tracks down and rams into its target at full speed, adheres to it with its pseudo pods, and then a millisecond after attaching to its target, it detonates. Unlike standard Organic Rockets, the unique design of the Clinger Missile directs the majority of the explosive force inward like a shaped charge. This drastically increases its destructive power, but it does decrease the blast radius. In the center of the pseudo pods is the same neurological bundle and eye that is found in the Organic Rocket, so the Clinger Missile can also continue to track down its target if it misses. However, the pseudo pods decrease the aerodynamics of the missile, so it is not quite as maneuverable as a standard Organic Rocket. The Clinger Missile has one attack per melee and has bonuses of +4 to strike and dodge, until it strikes its target, is shot down, or until it dies within 2D4 melee rounds after being launched.
Primary Purpose: Assault
Secondary Purpose: Defense
M.D.C. of the Rockets: 13 M.D.C. points, but the missile is a small target and is -3 to hit on a “Called Shot” when still located on the Battle Carriage. After launching, each missile is treated the same as a high-tech mini-missile and can be shot down as normal.
Mega-Damage: 8D10 per individual missile fired with a blast radius of 5 feet. The directed blast has a 20% chance of temporarily scrambling a robot’s internal circuitry. If this occurs, the robot is stunned for 1D4 melee rounds, loses one attack per melee round, and suffers penalties of -2 to strike, parry, and dodge. Note: The chance of stunning the robot is increased by 5% for every additional Clinger Missile in a volley.
Maximum Effective Range: One mile.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of 2, 4, 6, 8 or 12. Whether a single missile or an entire volley is fired, it counts as one melee attack. Roll once to strike, either all the missiles in the volley hit or they all miss.
Payload: 60 Clinger Missiles, it takes 6D6 hours to regrow spent missiles.
Bonus: +4 to strike and dodge, as noted above.
3. Locust Hive: This Bio-Weapon System is identical to the one mounted on suits of Hive Armor, only much larger. Unlike Hive Armor, the organic hive is large enough to house all of its Bio-Tech insects, so they do not need to crawl all across the War Mount and crew. They wait in the hive until the Juggernaut sprays the mineral-rich fluid from its tentacles. One fluid blast can cover everything within a 40-foot radius. Once this thick syrup is fired, a signal is sent throughout the hive to alert the insects that a target has been marked. Thousands of Locusts then pour out of the hive and hunt down the fluid and anything it lands on. The swarm is so large, that once the target is marked with the fluid, the only way to avoid the insects is to quickly run away. In this case, the target must roll an 18 or higher to dodge the attack, and then flee the area.
Locusts that land on a robot will continue to eat until they die, but insects that eat the fluid off of the ground, plants, or living creatures will quickly return to the hive when finished. This means only a small percentage of the devouring swarm are used up with each attack. A similar signal is also sent through the hive when robots invade the Battle Carriage or climb onto the War Mount. In this case, only a few hundred leave the hive to search out these targets (enough to attack 1D4+1 robots). However, the hive receives a new signal every melee round if the threat is not dealt with by the first wave.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Infantry
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: Every robotic target less than 15 feet tall suffers 6D8+30 M.D. per melee round for 2D4 melees. Robots that are larger than 15 feet tall suffer 7D8+40 M.D. per melee round for 2D4+2 melees. The damage is the same for robots marked by the fluid or for robots that have invaded the Battle Carriage. Living targets only suffer 4D4 M.D. or S.D.C. (based on the nature of the victim) before the bugs break off their attack and return to the hive.
Effective Range: The fluid can be sprayed up to 400 feet away and covers a 40-foot radius.
Rate of Fire: Can only be fired once per melee round.
Payload: 5000 Locust Hive Insects. The number of insects used up is dependent on the number of robots attacked. Every robot that is successfully struck burns up 100 Locusts (150 Locusts if the robot is greater than 15 feet tall). 6D6x10 insects are regrown every 10 minutes.
Bonuses: +4 to strike with the fluid spray. This is the only bonus that applies to the tentacle spray.
4. Kamikaze Cruise Missiles (2): The Juggernaut carries two Kamikaze Cruise Missiles. They sit bound and blindfolded in the Battle Carriage until the crew finds a suitable target. Once this happens, their restraints are removed and they rocket towards the biggest robot they see. It sounds like a rather unreliable strategy, but it actually works very well. Kamikazes are programmed to hunt down high-profile targets like Land Dominators and Sentry Towers, which is exactly what the pilots want. The pilot is unable to launch the missiles while sitting in the War Saddle. If the Outrider does not have another passenger to rely on, he must unstrap himself from the pilot chair and go cut the straps himself.
Primary Purpose: Assault
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Infantry
Mega-Damage: 1D4x1000 with a blast radius of 100 feet.
Effective Range: Can travel 1000 miles before needing to rest, but they will come across a robot and attack it long before then.
Rate of Fire: One at a time.
Payload: 2 missiles are stored in the Battle Carriage.
Bonuses: +6 on initiative, +7 to strike, +1 to parry, +4 to dodge, +3 to roll with punch, impervious to horror factor, disease, and poison. Each missile has 3 attacks per melee as it tracks down its prey.
5. Mantis Support Cannons (6): Each Juggernaut is also armed with a standard complement of six Mantis Support Cannons that it transports within its massive Battle Carriage. Pilots can request cannons of any type, but most use Quill Storm Cannons or Acid Sprayers to deal with large platoons of support troops. These mobile weapon systems are usually positioned along the sides of the Battle Carriage, but they can move to wherever they are needed. Up to five can squeeze in along the port or starboard sides of the carriage, but only two can fit along the front or back walls. For Mantis Cannons that need to brace themselves before they can fire, there are slots around the rim of the Battle Carriage where the War Mount can insert its large scythe-like claws (like sticking a knife in a sheath). All onboard Mantis Support Cannons are Bio-Enhanced with gills so that they can survive for prolonged periods of time underwater. Additional enhancements can be requested by the pilot (see below).
6. Bio-Enhancements: Juggernaut War Mounts are still very rare and very valuable to the Resistance. As such, Warlords make sure these War Mounts are always issued additional Bio-E to make them as combat capable as possible. Outriders issued a Juggernaut receive a one time bonus of 5D8+20 Bio-E to be used to enhance the Juggernaut or any of the onboard Mantis Support Cannons.
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How about Dinosaurs.

I like to see them.
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Unread post by slappy »

By popular demand, I replaced my Wing Board idea with a War Mount equivalent.

Skull Cracker War Mount

The Skull Cracker is a fast attack aerial War Mount. It looks like a large Pterodactyl with long muscular legs and dark green skin. Its carnivorous lizard head more resembles that of a stubby-nosed Raptor than a Pterodactyl, but what makes the design truly unique is its thick muscular neck and large ram horns. Its powerful wings allow it to reach impressive speeds, and its body is lined with multiple organic thrusters which makes it one of the fastest War Mounts in the Resistance. The beast is only slightly larger than an armored human, but it packs decent destructive power. Its only long-range armaments are a pair of Pod Launchers that it uses to soften up the Machine’s air forces or tear apart large concentrations of ground troops, but its real strength comes from its very unconventional attack.

The War Mount gets its name from its primary method of attack. The skull of the beast is nearly six inches thick, and it has an enormous pair of ram horns that allow it to crash into opponents at incredibly high speeds without ill effect. The unique design of the War Saddle helps protect the pilot during these collisions as well. The pilot lies in a prone position on the Skull Cracker’s back at a slightly elevated thirty degree angle to give the rider a better field of vision. While on the ground, the pilot can move his head freely, but when the War Mount takes flight, the War Saddle grows around the pilot’s head in order to completely immobilize it. This protects the rider from whiplash during high speed impacts, but it does limit the pilot’s peripheral vision. Most riders enhance their armor with radar or additional eyes on the sides of the head to deal with this little side-effect.

The Skull Cracker is the favorite War Mount among Archangels and Outriders that prefer speed and maneuverability over power. They are primarily used to support ground forces and cover the backs of the slower, more powerful War Mounts like Dracos and Zephyrs, but some field commanders have found that Skull Crackers or more effective when their crazy pilots are just allowed to cut loose. When this happens, it is truly a sight to see. These speedy beasts become an absolute blur as they blaze all across the battlefield. They constantly ram into Sky Fighters and other flyers, bombard ground forces with their Pod Launchers, and swoop down to seize Steel Troopers and Slicer Robots in their powerful talons. Only the best among the Archangels are ever issued a Skull Cracker, and it is the goal of nearly every one of these lunatic pilots to take to the skies on the backs of one of these beasts.

Class: Fast Attack Aerial War Mount
Crew: One pilot
M.D.C. by Location:
• Wings (2): 140 each
• Legs (4): 120 each
• Clawed Feet: 80 each
• Tail: 120
• Pod Launchers: 85 each
• Head: 225*
• Main Body: 190*
• War Saddle: 100

*Depleting the M.D.C. of the Head or Main Body kills the Skull Cracker.

Running: 60 mph maximum without a rider, but only 30 mph when carrying a pilot. The act of running does tire out the War Mount but not the rider. The Skull Cracker can run at top speed for 1D4 hours straight before needing to rest for 1D6x10+30 minutes.
Leaping: The legs are surprisingly powerful which allows it to leap 30 feet high our across. Organic thruster assisted leaps can propel the Skull Cracker an additional 200 feet high or 500 feet across.
Digging: Not possible.
Swimming: 120 mph. Maximum depth is only 500 feet.
Flying: Maximum speed is 650 mph, with a cruising speed of 350 mph. The Skull Cracker can reach speeds of nearly 1000 mph when performing a steep power dive. When the War Mount wants to fly silently (without the organic thrusters) it can only fly at a maximum speed of 400 mph and a cruising speed of 150 mph. It can fly all day long at cruising speed, but only eight hours at maximum speed before needing to rest for at least one hour.

Statistical Data:
Height: 7-8 feet standing straight up, but 2.5 feet when lying on its stomach.
Width: 3.5 feet with a wing span of 15 feet.
Length: 8-9 feet from the tip of its nose to the ends of its feet. Also has a 7-foot long tail.
Weight: 800 lbs.
Cargo: Can carry 500 lbs. Additional weight decreases the Skull Cracker’s speed. An extra 200 lbs. decreases speed by 25 percent, an extra 400 lbs. decreases speed by half, and any amount greater than 900 lbs. total makes flight impossible.
Physical Strength: 1D6+20
Production Cycle: 1 year gestation period plus 1 year growth cycle.
Operational Lifetime: 60 year life span.
Bio-Regeneration Rate: 4D6 per hour to the main body and 2D6 per hour to all other locations.
Horror Factor: 12
Feeding: The Skull Cracker is a Carnivore. It needs to eat 10 to 20 pounds of animal matter a day, and may gorge on up to 80 pounds at one time. After gorging, the War Mount can go 2D4 days without feeding and without suffering any ill effects.
Color: The Skull Cracker is dark green in color with light tan ram horns.
Sleep Requirements: As an artificially created organism, the Skull Cracker only requires 4 hours of sleep per day.

Other Data:
An unmanned Skull Cracker is able to operate independent of a rider using its animal-like intelligence and instincts to respond to any given situation. They quickly learn that robots are the enemy and will attack them whenever they get too close. These War Mounts live for the thrill of combat just like their riders, and they enjoy mixing it up in the skies with the Machine. They only follow the commands of Packmasters, Outriders, or Archangels (Skull Crackers have an affinity for these fearless daredevils).
Alignment: Anarchist. The Skull Cracker is an adrenaline junkie and quickly becomes bored and agitated when confined. They grow very close to riders with a similar personality type and will actually come to their aid when threatened.
War Mount Attributes: I.Q.: 1D4+2, M.E.: 1D6+8, M.A.: 1D6, P.S.: 21-26, P.P.: 1D4+20, P.E.: 1D8+14, P.B.: 1D4+1, Spd.: 60 mph on the ground, 650 mph in flight.
Number of Attacks per Melee: 4
Combat Bonuses: +4 on initiative, +4 to strike in hand to hand combat, +2 to strike with ranged weapons, +2 to parry, +3 to dodge, +6 to dodge while flying, +6 to roll with punch, +3 to pull punch, +4 to disarm, and impervious to horror factor, disease, and poison.
Equivalent (Instinctive) Skills of Note: Land Navigation 90%, Track by Scent 65%, and understands the Native Language of the Great House that created it and one other common language at 70%. Recognizes robots and machines as enemies to be destroyed or chased away.
Combat Capabilities:
• Bite: 3D8
• Restrained Talon Strike: 1D8
• Talon Strike: 3D8
• Power Claw Strike: 6D8, but counts as two attacks
• Kick: 4D6
• Leap Kick: 5D8, but counts as two attacks
• Tail Whip: 1D8
• Body Block/Ram: 3D8 per every 100 mph. See the Ram Attack below for complete damage.

Senses and Features: Standard for War Mounts plus:
• Radar: Maximum range is 6 miles in open spaces.
• Reinforced Skull.

Bio-Weapon Systems:
1. Pod Launchers (2):
Mounted over each shoulder of the Skull Cracker is a powerful Pod Launcher. They fire a burst of seed pods that explode on impact and shower the blast area with razor-sharp shrapnel. These weapons can devastate large concentrations of ground forces during high-speed strafing runs.
Primary Purpose: Assault
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: 5D8 M.D. per burst with a blast radius of 30 feet. When both launchers fire at the same target, damage is 10D8 to a 50-foot radius.
Rate of Fire: Each burst counts as one melee attack. A dual attack from both launchers counts as one melee attack.
Effective Range: 2400 feet
Payload: Each Pod Launcher grows enough seed pods for 32 bursts per hour (64 total); automatically regenerates.
Bonuses: +1 to strike with a burst of pods.
2. Barbed Talons: The feet of the Skull Cracker are prehensile with three toes in the front and the “thumb” on the back of the heel. Each toe ends in a four-inch long razor-sharp barbed talon. This allows the Skull Cracker to easily grab targets at high speed and keep them from breaking its grip. It may be difficult for the victim to break free, but the Skull Cracker can easily tear the talons out of its prey whenever it chooses.
Primary Purpose: Assault
Secondary Purpose: Grappling
Mega-Damage: Each foot inflicts 3D8 M.D. and a dual strike inflicts 6D8 M.D. (counts as one melee attack). It requires a combined Robotic/Splicer P.S. of 50 or higher to break free of the Skull Cracker’s grip. Whether the War Mount pulls the claws free or the victim does, this action inflicts an additional 1D10 M.D.
Effective Range: 6 foot reach.
3. Prehensile Tail: The tail of the War Mount is prehensile and is used to ensnare robotic prey. It is not designed for whipping, so it cannot deliver a very powerful strike.
Primary Purpose: Assault
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: 1D8
Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of attacks per melee.
Effective Range: 7 feet.
Bonuses: +3 to strike and parry and +5 to dodge. These bonuses only apply to the tail and no other bonuses apply.
4. Ram Attack: The Skull Crackers strongest and strangest attack. Even people familiar with this War Mount are often surprised it can survive such high speed collisions. Every 100 mph of speed inflicts 3D8 M.D. The War Mount and rider are protected from the impact, but at higher speeds the Skull Cracker does take some damage. Any ram attack at speeds greater than 500 mph means the War Mount also takes 20 percent of the damage. A ram attack has a 01-90% likelihood of knocking an opponent as large as 15 feet tall off his feet and onto his back. If knocked off his feet, the victim loses initiative and two attacks per melee. A ram attack counts as two melee attacks. Skull Crackers are also able to perform a head-on collision against other flyers. They have learned to blunt the impact so that it is not fatal. In these cases, the Skull Cracker inflicts 2D4x10 M.D. against its target and only suffers 5D6 points of damage (counts as two melee attacks).
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Unread post by demos606 »

I like!!!!!!!!!!
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Unread post by GundamChief »

I has been awhile since I post on the boards, This thread may be old but I saw the warmounts and had to make one.

Slappy, I know you've had tons of complements but, Your War mounts are pure Glory. These are up in my top ten Di-Mega Cool catagory, and Iv'e seen alot of stuff too. Keep it up.

anyway Heres my War Mount, Tell me what you think.

Horned Blade Shark War Mount

The one place that the great houses as well as the machines of N.E.X.U.S. aren’t able to take full control of is the sea. It is a great place to retreat to, as the Robots or drones can’t go in without damaging themselves or lose contact with the machine, under water where host armor is able to survive without much effort. The librarians felt that such a place would be perfect to set up attacks as well as make it a place where people eventually can live. However the best the resistance could do is send small underwater units in to launch a few amphibious attacks, meanwhile the machines patrol in the air and near the coastline. The librarians want to take advantage of this environment even more, so the set out to make a new type of War Mount, one suited to control the waters, one suited to make eventual underwater power bases a reality, so the Horned Blade Shark War Mount was made.

This war mount looks exactly as it sounds, a Shark like creature with lots of spiked horns and blade like protrusions. The body is colored in hues of gray and white, also it has color ranging from purple to red, none are green or yellow. The body is similar to a great white shark with the exception that body is longer making it look thin, there are spike like horns all over the body that can stick out and make the War Mount like a hedgehog to protect itself and be flattened to streamline the body. The War Mount also has four side fins opposed to having two, this increase maneuverability and the attack capabilities. On each side fin and on the tail fins are large Bone blades that are used for strafing and swiping enemies. The most interesting physical feature of this creature are the large horns, the dorsal fin is still able to be used as it normally would but instead of having a small bone blade on the front of the fin, the entire fin is bone. Also one the nose of this War Mount is a large Horn that looks like a rhinoceros horn. The close range weapons are quite apparent but this War Mount also has a fair share of long Range Weapons in its arsenal.

The War Mount is capable of attacking targets at long range underwater, on the surface and amazingly in the air. This is done by the hundreds of horn spikes on its body, they double as Organic missiles that can be used underwater and fired into the air above the surface. The War Mount also has a large Super Light Cell located on the nose horn on the underside where the horn connects with the nose. The most unusual weapon and most likely the best is the creatures roar, when made underwater sound will travel farther and will be much louder. When the War Mount roars on the surface, it is similar to that of a lion and can be heard for miles, underwater this sound becomes deafening and does damage to all in the path of the sound. It’s speed is unparallel and can strike out of nowhere, a favorite tactic when facing a opponent underwater is to rush in at high speed and swipe with the fins or ram with the nose horn then run off. The most interesting thing of all and major problem with this War mount is that there is no place the rider can sit or hang on, this makes the use of the war mount complete, but the only way to for the rider to control this creature as well as stay with it is to mount special reins in the mouth, get in a pod made to carry a passenger and hang on. Much like a stagecoach, only the horse is a giant shark and the coach is nothing more then an aerodynamic sled to sit in, but most who use this War Mount are kind of crazy anyway.

The Horned Blade Shark War Mount is only used in the great ocean but it has seen much combat use because of the constant patrols of machines in the sky as well as the shorelines. The Horned Blade Shark was made to compliment the Leviathan, with The Shark defending it as it goes inland. The War Mount is Most Popular with the Dread Guard because of the capabilities, but mostly of the symbolic power it represents, as Sharks are the kings of the sea, and they are creatures that can’t ever be truly controlled.

Class: Underwater Combat War Mount
Crew: One pilot
M.D.C. by Location:
· Fins (4): 110 each**
· Tail: 230**
· Head: 300*
· Main Body: 870*
· Dorsal Fin: 180**
· Nose Horn: 200
· Horn Spikes/ Missiles (1D4x100): 25 each

* Depleting the M.D.C. of the head or Main Body Kills the Horned Blade Shark
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the Tail, Dorsal Fin or any of the side fins will result in a loss of speed and control, each time one of these are destroyed, the pilot suffers –5% on skill rolls for control, also the creatures speed is reduced by 10%.

Running: Not Possible
Digging: Not Possible
Swimming: 380 mph without a rider, 190 mph when towing the rider pod behind. The act of swimming does tire out the War Mount but not the rider. The Horned Blade Shark can maintain top speed for 1D6 hour before needing rest for 2D6x10+20 minutes.
Leaping: At speeds of 120 mph or higher, the war mount can leap out of the water 60 feet high or across, at 240 mph or higher it can leap 190 feet high or across. This can be done even with a rider in tow, but requires a skill roll if War Mount has a rider, and is a –20% to succeed. If skill roll is failed, rider pays for it not the War Mount.
Flying: Not possible

Statistical Data:
Height: 20 feet from belly to tip of dorsal fin
Width: 48 feet from fin tip to fin tip
Length: 60-80 long from the tip of the nose horn to the tail
Weight: 13 tons
Cargo: Can carry 3-5 tons behind it in an underwater container. This weight reduces speed by 30%, 6-10 tons reduces it to 30%.
Physical strength: 2D6+20
Production Cycle: 2-year gestation period, 4 year growth cycle
Operational Lifetime: 100 years
Bio-Regeneration Rate: 1D6x10 per hour to Main Body, 6D6 per hour to all other locations.
Horror Factor: 14
Feeding: The Horned Blade Shark is a Carnivore. It needs to eat up to 250 to 380 pounds of animal matter a day, and may gorge up to 720 pounds at one time
Sleep Requirements: As an artificially created organism it requires only 5 hours of sleep a day.

Other Data:

An unmanned Horned Blade Shark is able to operate independent of the Rider using its animal-like intelligence and instincts to respond to any given situation. The Horned Blade Shark is very intelligent and knows that the robots are the enemy, and will quickly destroy them. These War Mounts are pack hunters, so they work well in groups and are able to calculate and coordinate attack patterns around an enemy, much like a group of wolves.
It will only obey the commands of the Out Rider, and Dread Guard only. When a rider uses this War Mount, the rider has to have Host Armor otherwise the force of water flowing around them whilst controlling the War Mount would crush them.
Alignment: Horned Blade Sharks have strong personalities, but the majority (70%) fall into good or selfish categories and are friendly towards humans, some even protective.
War Mount Attributes: I.Q.: 1D6+6 (High animal Intelligence), M.E.: 1D6+8, M.A.: 2D6+14, P.S.: 22-32 (Supernatural), P.P.: 2D6+18, P.E.: 2D6+15, P.B.: 1D6+3, Spd: (see Speed above)
Number of Attacks per Melee: five
Combat Bonuses (In addition to attribute bonuses): +3 to initiative, +3 to strike with ranged attacks, +4 to strike in hand to hand combat, +6 to dodge underwater, Impervious to disease, poison, Horror Factor and mind control (and possession).
Equivalent (instinctive) Skills of Note: Land (and Underwater) Navigation 80%, Swim 98%, Track by scent 70% (+30% when blood, Food or machine smell is involved), understands Languages (2) at 80%, Prowl (underwater) 45%
Combat Capabilities: The War Mount may use its long-range weapons (Each count as one melee action/attack) or engage in hand to hand combat, or combine the two.

Bite: 5D6 M.D.
Side/ Tail Fin Blades: 2D8 M.D. per fin
Dorsal Fin: 3D8 M.D.
Nose Horn: 1D4x10 M.D.
Body Block/ Ram: 4D6 per 100 mph, See Horn Strike attack below for complete damage (Plus standard rules apply for this attack)

Senses and Features: Standard for War Mount plus the following
Sonar: range is increased to 2 miles
Underwater Eyes: can see up to 2000 feet

Horned Blade Shark Bio-Weapons Systems:
1. Horn Spike Missiles: These spikes are mounted all over the body. They can be moved to suit a situation, making the War Mount Prickly or streamlined. The Missiles are powerful and can do devastating amounts of damage, especially in volleys against a single target.
Mega-Damage: 6D10 per individual missile fire with a blast radius of 15 feet, 30 feet underwater
Rate of fire: Can be fired one at a time or in volleys of 10, 20, 30 or 40. Volleys count as one melee attack. The War Mount can also do a special death Blossom attack in which all of the spike missiles are fired, this attack costs three attacks.
Maximum Effective Range: 2 miles underwater, 4000 feet above the surface
Payload: see M.D.C. for payload, it takes 2D4 hours to regenerate missiles that are used or destroyed.
Bonus: +3 to strike underwater, +1 when fired above the surface

2. Large Super Light Cell: This weapon is mounted where the horn connects to the body, This Cell is able to do large amounts of damage in a blast. This weapon would be considered a cannon.
Mega-Damage: 2D10x10 M.D. per blast
Rate of Fire: each blast cost two melee attacks
Maximum Effective Range: 6000 feet
Payload: Effectively unlimited
Bonus: +3 on an aimed shot

3. Roar Attack: When the War Mount roars, it causes sounds waves to collide with objects, much like an avalanche hitting a person. This causes major damage to targets, however this attack can only be used underwater. When used above or near the surface it sounds like a Lion Roaring. This can be heard for miles. When used, the roar becomes visible, it makes the water in the way warp and vibrate making it stand out.
Mega-Damage: 5D8 M.D. to objects caught in the wake.
Rate of Fire: This attack can be used once per Melee round
Maximum effective Range: The Roar can be heard for 6 miles, 15 miles underwater. The Roar however only damages targets that are 1000 feet or closer.
Payload: Unlimited
Bonuses: +2 to strike, when used on missiles, it has an 80% chance of blowing up a volley of missiles

4. Ram Attacks: The Horned Blade Shark’s most devastating attacks. Most people know how tough and fast this War Mount is but are often surprised how much damage these attacks do. Every 100 mph does 4D6 M.D., in addition to the damage done by the body part used (Example: War Mount is going 244 mph, it does 8D6 M.D. plus it uses both of its right side fins to strike doing 8D6 + 4D8 M.D. in that attack). The war mount is extremely tough and doesn’t take damage even at the highest speed. However attacks over 150 mph require the rider to roll a piloting skill roll, if the rider fails the pod that slams into the intended target and takes damage to the pod. This also causes the Pilot to lose initiative and all but one of their attacks. The Ram Attack has a 01-80% chance to knock an opponent target that is 20 feet or smaller off balance, causing the victim to lose initiative and all but one attack. A ram attack counts as two attacks.[/b]
"Your tricks are no match for Gundams immense power"-Amuro Rei
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Unread post by slappy »

According to the latest press release, I would say no.
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Unread post by slappy »

I appreciate that. I wouldn't say they don't want it, but I figure the majority of Rifter readers are not Splicers fans (at least, not yet).
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Unread post by abtex »

All it would take is 4 or 5 of your articles to make them Splicers fans. :D 8) :D 8) :D
Last edited by abtex on Wed Dec 03, 2008 10:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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