Robotech 2058: Franken-Mecha (AKA Moddies take 2)

Whether it is a Veritech or a Valkyrie, Robotech or Macross II, Earth is in danger eitherway. Grab your mecha and fight the good fight.

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Robotech 2058: Franken-Mecha (AKA Moddies take 2)

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

In 2058, the World is Still rebuilding from the many alien assualts it has suffered. Mecha Manufacturing facilities are rare, and New Mecha are virtually unheard of.

Salvage has become the new Commodity, the source of wealth for thousands of Down on their luck people. any operable parts can fetch a great price on the market, but the Greatest Value is in the Mecha. any halfway Intact Mecha can be rebuilt, and often these are the best a group can recieve. This has lead to many Salvagers Building new mecha out of Scrap, often from 3-4 different sources, with improvised weapons and components.

alright, this thread is a compainion to Zerebus' 2058 setting thread. feel free to post any scratchbuilt, rebuilt, salvaged, reconditioned, or improvised mecha designs here.

the rules as set down by Zerebus:

Try to keep the powerlevel between that of a CDC Light Battloid and an RDF Excalibur, with a general theme of "duct tape fixes everything".


The sole Battloid of the "Junkyard Warriors", this Mecha is more useful in Scavenging and Cargo work than combat. its origins lie in in their first Job. They uncovered an ancient Gladius Destroid, one not too beat up. its arms had been torn to shreds, and were too damaged to repair. Salvaged Arms from an equally old RDF Light Insurgence Battloid from the same battlefeild were substituted, which makes for a rather odd sight. The Missile pods of the Gladius were Inoperable, and proved too difficult to retain. Replacing them they mounted a pair of autoloading 90mm Recoilless rifles off of an old RDF Black knight tank, and a pair of ancient 2.75 inch rocket pods of a Museum peice Apache Helicopter. While these weapons are weak, their ammunition is simple and easy to make, allowing them to supply their own munitions for it.

The "Awesome" (named after the Exclamation their head scrounger used to describe their find) has had little combat experiance. mostly it has been used to move cargo's, as a makeshift crane, and to scare off any tech bandits which desire the Companies more Valuable finds. often just the sight of this Mecha (Which resembles an REF Gladiator to some degree) can scare off bandits. its weapons are more Bark then Bite, but against lightly armed and armored bandits they are more than enough. and anything the Awesome cannot scare off, the Companies 5 Cyclones can usually handle.

MDC by Location:
Upper Arms (2): 40 each
Lower Arms (2): 45 each
Hands (2): 10 each
Legs (2): 100 each
Shoulder Weapon Racks, Upper (2) 50 each
Shoulder Weapon Racks, Lower (2) 25 each
Main Body: 120
Reinforced Pilots Compartment: 55
Jet Pack: 50

Speed: 40 MPH Running, Can Perform Jump Assisted Leaps of up to 100 feet.
Height: 30 feet
Width: 18 feet
Weight: 14 tons

(2) Autoloading 90mm Recoilless Rifle (Upper)
Damage: 1D10 md per round (1D10x100 sd)
Range: 2000 feet
Rate of Fire: Twice Per Melee
Payload: 20 rounds per Gun.

(2) 2.75 Inch Rocket Pod (lower)
Damage: 2D4x10 sd per rocket
Blast Radius: 20 feet
Range: 11,500 feet
ROF: Single shot or in Volleys of 2, 5, 10 or all 19 rockets.
Payload: 19 rockets per pod.
Author of Rifts: Deep Frontier (Rifter 70)
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