what is most evil your PC's been

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what is most evil your PC's been

Unread post by DBX »

running over a bunch of refugees, because you were late & you didn't want to stop & help them? isn't that extremely evil?

what do you think is evil or just plain downright nasty that your PC's been?
& examples of when you think your PC's been good or nice in scenarios
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Unread post by Mech-Viper Prime »

Killing a coalition officer and his entire family him, his wife and three kids
Ravenwing wrote:"Killing Dbee's isn't murder, they aren't human, it's pest control!"

Zardoz wrote:You have been raised up from Brutality, to kill the Brutals who multiply, and are legion. To this end, Zardoz your God gave you the gift of the Gun. The Gun is good!
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Unread post by Sentinel »

I don't have the issue of players doing evil things because I enforce a "No Evil Alignments" policy in the game.
I have had players want to use their powers for nasty personal vengence, torture, or battle tactics more ruthless than necessary to get the job done (psionic characters especially), but usually, a word or two will get them back on track.

Particularly good acts included helping to purge Ciudad Juarez of it's Vampire problem for no money, right down to organising the attacks, paying for all the necessary weapons, getting beat down to within hit points of their lives, and after winning (destroyed or banished the Vampire Intelligence), helping to rebuild the city: Buildings, government, economy, the works.
when you get right down to it, Sentinel's right.~Uncle Servo.

Sentinel. you'll be always loved by the German Princess.~Nelly

That's twice in one day Sentinel has cleaned up my mess.~The Galactus Kid.

That's the best place to start. Otherwise, listen to Sentinel~lather

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Unread post by Nekira Sudacne »

my most evil? getting an evil dragon to destroy a town so I could loot the burning remains. also finishing off survivors as I found them.

can't remember why I did it. . .it was twords the end of a one shot game 20 hour marathon of RPing.
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Unread post by Kalinda »

My PCs are all good, no alignments worse then unprincipled. :angel:

being evil, thats the GMs job. :twisted:
Personally, I think that we have a duty as role-players to try to anchor each other to reality a bit. To keep other gamers from being complete freaks and weirdos, or even psychopaths, if we can. Killer Cyborg
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Re: what is most evil your PC's been

Unread post by DBX »

Then he realized it was pointless and he threw me my guns(nina and trina).[/quote]

isn't it amazing how a dying PC just happens to leave everything for the other players!!!!!!!!!!!

GM: well that last shot is enough to kill you, i'm afraid & you fall of the cliff
dying PC player: ****, ****, wouldn't this save me, ok, i throw my rifle to this player's character, my magic weapons to this players character, & my bag of tricks to this players PC, my armours totally destroyed, well i keep that on then.

or PC group, well he is about to die, you mean we can't do anything to save him, OK then, well then i will take his customised suit of power armour.

other player: you ******** i wanted that, guess i'll take his magical hammer & money

3rd palyer, **** & double **** guess that leaves me all your **** stuff

& all to the player whose character has bit the bullet
you don't mind us using your persoanlised **** do you mate!
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Unread post by DBX »

K20A2_S wrote:
The-Mighty-Buddha wrote:And at which point the rest of the PC group killed me, took three of the bastards with me though.

I love that feeling when you know you're going to die so you give it all you got.

its worse when you go ape & you are the only one rolling up a new character.

it is also annoying when you get suckered in. yes mate we're with you, just tell that quite little npc in the corner, that we gonna take what we want one way or another. five us munchking PC's & he is ordinary, pointless him resisting. we're right behind you.

PC to quite little man in corner, so you gonna give us what we want, or do me/& my mates take it from you.

little man looks up at you, smiles & snaps his fingers, & says if you wnat to discuss somegthing, you should talk to bob. you turn round to where he is pointing, & the biggest,ugliest mother you've seen asks you, what mates you talking about.

you look behind you & see them leaving by the back door as soon as they see bob walking in

now that is nasty
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Unread post by Svartalf »

Serving the Splugorth as a scout and condemning hundreds of civilians to gruesome death and slavery.
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Unread post by Svartalf »

K20A2_S wrote:
Svartalf wrote:Serving the Splugorth as a scout and condemning hundreds of civilians to gruesome death and slavery.
If you're just working for the Splugorth in itself is evil enough. I would never be able to do that, I hate being somebody elses biatch in order for them to get richer.

Actually, that was part of the character's concept... he's a Maxi T man out on a spying mission, and his High Lord Handle can scan his thoughts and memories through a mindlink and thus know if he's been in any good target locations... when the party occasionally learned that places we'd been through had been attacked, I'd put it down to hunting parties trying to get me back...
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Unread post by Sentinel »

K20A2_S wrote:
Sentinel wrote:I don't have the issue of players doing evil things because I enforce a "No Evil Alignments" policy in the game.I have had players want to use their powers for nasty personal vengence, torture, or battle tactics more ruthless than necessary to get the job done (psionic characters especially), but usually, a word or two will get them back on track.

Particularly good acts included helping to purge Ciudad Juarez of it's Vampire problem for no money, right down to organising the attacks, paying for all the necessary weapons, getting beat down to within hit points of their lives, and after winning (destroyed or banished the Vampire Intelligence), helping to rebuild the city: Buildings, government, economy, the works.

Why is that? Isn't that unfair don't you think?

Not really. It encourages more group unity, less inter-party infighting and backstabbing, and allows me as GM to not have to become adverseral to the PCs . I have no desire as a GM to run games that cater to the sorts of things that truly evil characters would want to do, and for the most part, when people say'evil' they really mean'unprincipled' or 'anarchist'. At least, that has been my experience. They still get to do a lot of what they want, but all good campaigns have a way of not breaking down and falling apart the way evil campaigns I've been in do. Plus, the munchkin factor is kept to a minimum as I can allow a powerful character, with no fear that his/her alignment will allow for gross abuses of power. I'd allow a Cosmo-Knight: they have a code of conduct that works in my campaigns. The evil Dominators are better suited as NPCs.
Like it's often said in these discussions, "If you don't like it, don't let it in your game", so, I do not allow evil alignments.
when you get right down to it, Sentinel's right.~Uncle Servo.

Sentinel. you'll be always loved by the German Princess.~Nelly

That's twice in one day Sentinel has cleaned up my mess.~The Galactus Kid.

That's the best place to start. Otherwise, listen to Sentinel~lather

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Unread post by Kalinda »

One of my friends once commented that when most gamers talk about wanting to play evil characters, what they actually want is to be able to run around and do whatever they want and get lots of loot.

characters like that can be evil, but they are really more selfish then anything. Evil is different, evil is genocide and mass rape, evil is brainwashing someone and sending them to kill others, evil is poisoning the only well in a village because they tried to fight back when you attacked them.

One time at a late night bull session I and a group of friends talked about truly evil acts and PCs that would commit them. two guys who had been agitating for an evil game ended up leaving the table after hearing some of our ideas. they never brought up the idea of an evil game again.

Personally, I think that we have a duty as role-players to try to anchor each other to reality a bit. To keep other gamers from being complete freaks and weirdos, or even psychopaths, if we can. Killer Cyborg
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Unread post by Sentinel »

K20A2_S wrote:All my characters are abberant in order to do whatever I want but always maintain my loyalty to my friends.

Why can't you do that with Unprincipled?
Or, why does your character have to be Evil, as opposed to Selfish in order to accomplish his ends?
when you get right down to it, Sentinel's right.~Uncle Servo.

Sentinel. you'll be always loved by the German Princess.~Nelly

That's twice in one day Sentinel has cleaned up my mess.~The Galactus Kid.

That's the best place to start. Otherwise, listen to Sentinel~lather

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Unread post by Vrykolas2k »

The aberrant allignment fits me best. Honourable, loyal, but merciless when it comes down to whether foolishly allowing an enemy to live or not. As such, I find I play that allignment more than any other. Or torturing someone to get needed info, and to make an example to any other prsoners who might not want to tell me what I want to know. The ends justify the means; if I have to methodically cut off the top layer of a kidnapper's skin and sprinkle the area with salt until I find out where the victim is hidden, well, sux to be the kidnapper.
I don't play miscreant {I see little difference between miscreant and anarchist, really} or diabolic {I wouldn't enjoy torturing the people, after all}; however, if someone in my group has a cool idea for playing such an allignment, then I won't detract from their enjoyment of the game. That said... they'd better be VERY careful not to let the rest of the party know what they're up to. I have three players who pass notes in-game at times. If the other party members catch them at certain nefarious deeds, well, they are mature enough to know that they brought it upon themselves, whatever the other players do.
It's a GAME, made to have FUN; if some-one's idea of fun is to explore their own "dark side" a little in-game, that's fine. In fact, I even some-what encourage it, since they can look at the effect this type of thing has on others, and are there-for less likely to explore it in real life.
Eyes without life, maggot-ridden corpses, mountains of skulls... these are a few of my favourite things.

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Unread post by AllMightyRCB »

Well the first time I played Rifts I was using an Elf, Fire/Air Warlock, Diabolic of course. I had what today is still one of my all time favorite guns, a NG-E12 Heavy Plasma Ejector with power pack. I hadn't yet met up with the other PCs. I was coming up on a town. There was a forested area with trees and bushes on both sides of the road. I went off the trail to check out the town through my binocculars before entering. I saw 2 people leaving the town. One (Apok) had on a demon looking mask, armor, and a sword, and the other (Burster) had a large shield in one hand and a gun in the other (no armor) so vulnerable. So I waited patiently in the bushes while they passes me by not knowing I was there. Then once they were about 1000' away, I carefully aimed my NG-E12 Heavy Plasma Ejector and shot the Burster in the back. :demon: He was obliterated in one shot. The Apok then turned around and didn't see anyone so he ran off cowardly. Then when the area was clear, I went over and collected the Bursters equipment and among it was a nice dragon shield that fetched quite a sum of creds. After that there was alot of group hostility in the game, and the PCs seemed to attack eachother alot. :lol: That is still my most memorable Rifts moment.
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Unread post by Sentinel »

My point is, a Scrupulous character can be merciless, even ruthless in combat. When not in combat though, you're still evil. Aberrant is evil.
If all you want is to be ruthless in combat, well evil does not have a monopoly on violent combat.
I never counsel my players against killing their opponents in the heat of battle, heck the EXP chart gives the award for "Killing/Subduing" your menaces.
So, if your character were Scrupulous, with the disposition of Mean, Suspicious, Vengeful, or Tough Guy, Self-Reliant, A Lone Wolf, what is it that you can't do that needs doing so badly only an evil alignment can do it? Assuming that, again, killing in combat is not sufficient grounds for an alignment change.
when you get right down to it, Sentinel's right.~Uncle Servo.

Sentinel. you'll be always loved by the German Princess.~Nelly

That's twice in one day Sentinel has cleaned up my mess.~The Galactus Kid.

That's the best place to start. Otherwise, listen to Sentinel~lather

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Unread post by Vrykolas2k »

Sentinel wrote:My point is, a Scrupulous character can be merciless, even ruthless in combat. When not in combat though, you're still evil. Aberrant is evil.
If all you want is to be ruthless in combat, well evil does not have a monopoly on violent combat.
I never counsel my players against killing their opponents in the heat of battle, heck the EXP chart gives the award for "Killing/Subduing" your menaces.
So, if your character were Scrupulous, with the disposition of Mean, Suspicious, Vengeful, or Tough Guy, Self-Reliant, A Lone Wolf, what is it that you can't do that needs doing so badly only an evil alignment can do it? Assuming that, again, killing in combat is not sufficient grounds for an alignment change.

No, but not accepting surrenders usually, is.
A scrupulous person would accept surrenders, and is unlikely to dispatch wounded foes. And they help people, outside of mission perameters.
Play it how you want, and let others play it how they want. Forcing your views on others is wrong.
Eyes without life, maggot-ridden corpses, mountains of skulls... these are a few of my favourite things.

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Unread post by Sentinel »

Vrykolas2k said:

Forcing your views on others is wrong.

If I can change the rules on Megadamage because I don't like them, not use certain RCCs or magic spells, or powers, or anything else I feel doesn't fit the campaign, then I don't see disallowing Evil alignments any differently, especially if it keeps the game from breaking down.
when you get right down to it, Sentinel's right.~Uncle Servo.

Sentinel. you'll be always loved by the German Princess.~Nelly

That's twice in one day Sentinel has cleaned up my mess.~The Galactus Kid.

That's the best place to start. Otherwise, listen to Sentinel~lather

Listen to the Sentinel...he speaks truth.~ Shadyslug

Sentinel you have the biggest sig I've ever seen~Natasha
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Unread post by Mack »

K20A2_S wrote:All my characters are abberant in order to do whatever I want but always maintain my loyalty to my friends.

Also known as the Munchkin alignment... :P

(Had to be done. It's there a rule that Munchkin is mentioned in every thread for Feburary?)
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Unread post by finn69 »

the most evil thing i did was in a phase world campaign where my changeling temporal wizard was working for the naruni to start wars between planets i use my shapeshifting ability to impersonate one race and bomb a childrens school of the other race thus re igniteing a shooting war and majorly boosting weapons sales etc since naruni was suppling both sides of the fighting.
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Unread post by Vrykolas2k »

Sentinel wrote:Vrykolas2k said:

Forcing your views on others is wrong.

If I can change the rules on Megadamage because I don't like them, not use certain RCCs or magic spells, or powers, or anything else I feel doesn't fit the campaign, then I don't see disallowing Evil alignments any differently, especially if it keeps the game from breaking down.

Ah, but there's the rub; do your players agree with the changes? That's important. The game is for EVERYONE to enjoy, not just the GM and his/ her apple-polishers. :-P Like how I USUALLY don't allow godlings, and only allow Cosmo-Knights if they start out fallen and "earn the power back", as it were. To allow a godling or cosmo-knight, I have to know the player will not abuse the power of the character. Same goes with allignments; I allow any, but the player better know there may be consequences for certain actions. I have yet to have a game break down due to my choice of allowing any character into the game. Certainly, I haven't had any out-of-character grudges for that reason.
The only times my games break down is due to relationship pressures, usually out of game. I'm sure our experiences are different, but I have yet to be involved in any game where even in-character friction causes the whole game to collapse. Occasionally a new character has to be generated due to... unforseen circumstances, but whether caused by a PC or NPC, so far it hasn't been a problem.
Eyes without life, maggot-ridden corpses, mountains of skulls... these are a few of my favourite things.

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Unread post by RoadWarriorFWaNK »

my characters have never done anything particularly evil, but one of the other guys in our group has. he used to play a ley line walker who went about secretly using her powers to kill innocent people (hookers, children, others who were wounded or comatose), basically because she could. no other reason. Nice big price on her head because of that.
but now he's playing a necromancer with a much less subdued (and less entertaining) disposition .... :-(
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Unread post by DBX »

This is an example from books that i think is really really evil.

IN SDM book. there is hint that Merrlynn is trying to get Arthuu to send Percyval to Atlantis. this is what being evil is all about.
the above is so innocent, but just think on the storyline in England book

How do you GM set evil npc seen up. any subelty used.
where you know the PC's will do whatever it is to defeat NPC/threat
Last edited by DBX on Sat Feb 05, 2005 11:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: what is most evil your PC's been

Unread post by Josh Sinsapaugh »

I am an GM, no P.C.s, stop rubbing it in.

Oh, and many inexperienced players (and all but 1 of mine) don't seem to realize how to effectivly roll play any alignment. Just my two cents.
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Re: what is most evil your PC's been

Unread post by DBX »

Josh Sinsapaugh wrote:I am an GM, no P.C.s, stop rubbing it in.

Oh, and many inexperienced players (and all but 1 of mine) don't seem to realize how to effectivly roll play any alignment. Just my two cents.

many players don't know how to rp "evil". most players will tend to rp within their experience, hence why alot of comic, movies inspired stuff done by players.

BUt the GM should enforce players rp;ing their character's character, rather than rp'ing as they would do or how they want to rp.

to me merlin sending percival to Atlantis, is an example of how an evil character would do things! it is a really good example of being evil.

when players rp evil, they arn't neccessarily being evil, because we associate being nasty as evil. which is just one aspect.

my example of running over refugess was i think of being really evil because the player did it, because he could do it & for no other reason. The PC he was playing would not do that, doesn't matter what the provocation.

the same PC running over a bunch of say dragon refugees in the same situation would be absolutely none.
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Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

I have played several Diabolic characters, and when I play them I play them as truly evil... not "I'm going to kill whomever I want," or "I'll kill whomever I might enjoy killing."

I tend to go for the Conrad Bland school of evil; I kill anybody and everybody I can. Not because it's fun, not because it serves to help me in any way, but simply because it does not occur to me NOT to kill them.

Set up the party to die, poison wells in small towns, throw ground glass in random people's soup, irradiate crops and population centers, and provoke wars and strife whenever possible. Whatever, wherever, however I can.
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Unread post by Larsen »

Most evil pc? Killed another pc with a sledgehammer, sold the rest into slavery, and blew up their ride full of explosives thus blowing up half the nearby town, which got the before mentioned pc's blamed for multiple murder.(which made capturing the other PC's to sell them into slavery easier.) Then I left with all their gear(which was the reason I did all that to begin with, they all had really good gear) and started a band of theives that would go in and start trouble then ride into town about two weeks or so later on and tell whoever was in charge that I would get rid of the villians for a hefty fee. Eventually my character got bored with his group and disbanded the more powerful of the group and sacrifised the weaker ones to a demon intelligence for power. (the gm made up the demon I think it was the demon yesca or something) Anyway after that I had 50 mdc and strength x 50.

As you might have guessed that PC was diabolic. That session happened becuase two of the other players were continusouly playing evil characters. All the while they would continually mess with me because I play good guy/heroes most of the time. So I played an evil to character to show what true evil is.
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Unread post by Larsen »

Killer Cyborg wrote:I have played several Diabolic characters, and when I play them I play them as truly evil... not "I'm going to kill whomever I want," or "I'll kill whomever I might enjoy killing."

I tend to go for the Conrad Bland school of evil; I kill anybody and everybody I can. Not because it's fun, not because it serves to help me in any way, but simply because it does not occur to me NOT to kill them.

Set up the party to die, poison wells in small towns, throw ground glass in random people's soup, irradiate crops and population centers, and provoke wars and strife whenever possible. Whatever, wherever, however I can.

So you play evil like the intelligent michael myers or the intelligent doomsday? I tend to play evils that are evil to get ahead in life. When I play evil the characters tend to be scrawny types that you wouldn't expect to be evil. Only catching them in the act or having see aura would be able to see the darkness that lies inside. Putting glass in random peoples soup is evil but I prefer the thought process that serial killer type evil characters have. To have a plan of attack. Set the pieces up and then put them in motion.
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Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

Larsen wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:I have played several Diabolic characters, and when I play them I play them as truly evil... not "I'm going to kill whomever I want," or "I'll kill whomever I might enjoy killing."

I tend to go for the Conrad Bland school of evil; I kill anybody and everybody I can. Not because it's fun, not because it serves to help me in any way, but simply because it does not occur to me NOT to kill them.

Set up the party to die, poison wells in small towns, throw ground glass in random people's soup, irradiate crops and population centers, and provoke wars and strife whenever possible. Whatever, wherever, however I can.

So you play evil like the intelligent michael myers or the intelligent doomsday? I tend to play evils that are evil to get ahead in life.

Me too. They just have different priorities than most people.

When I play evil the characters tend to be scrawny types that you wouldn't expect to be evil.

Generally, I like the same thing... unassuming looking people that will slaughter people just to see their expressions change.

Heck, one of the few Diabolic characters I have is a Flooper (he secretely hates being laughed at).

Only catching them in the act or having see aura would be able to see the darkness that lies inside. Putting glass in random peoples soup is evil but I prefer the thought process that serial killer type evil characters have. To have a plan of attack. Set the pieces up and then put them in motion.

I often do that too.
The ground glass is just for giggles.
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"Your Eloquence with a sledge hammer is a beautiful thing..." -Zer0 Kay

"That rifle on the wall of the laborer's cottage or working class flat is the symbol of democracy. It is our job to see that it stays there." -George Orwell

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Like Scrupulous, but driven just a bit farther...

Almost a good guy, but a little too quick to mete out punishment when he sees fit...

I love Aberrant...only recently have I developed a taste for Scrupulous...principled is just too boy scout for me to ever do..
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Killer Cyborg
Posts: 28123
Joined: Thu Nov 08, 2001 2:01 am
Comment: "Your Eloquence with a sledge hammer is a beautiful thing..." -Zer0 Kay
Location: In the ocean, punching oncoming waves

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Edge wrote:I love Aberrant...only recently have I developed a taste for Scrupulous...principled is just too boy scout for me to ever do..

I dunno... playing Principled is kind of like playing Anarchist... you get to be the jerk who constantly gets the party into more trouble than they can handle.
There's a certain joy in that.
Annual Best Poster of the Year Awards (2012)

"Your Eloquence with a sledge hammer is a beautiful thing..." -Zer0 Kay

"That rifle on the wall of the laborer's cottage or working class flat is the symbol of democracy. It is our job to see that it stays there." -George Orwell

Check out my Author Page on Amazon!

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Killer Cyborg wrote:
Edge wrote:I love Aberrant...only recently have I developed a taste for Scrupulous...principled is just too boy scout for me to ever do..

I dunno... playing Principled is kind of like playing Anarchist... you get to be the jerk who constantly gets the party into more trouble than they can handle.
There's a certain joy in that.


but I just can't play an alignment that is better than I am in real life...it's just not stylish..
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