Your alignment

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are you good bad or just confused? only have palldium and old dnd alignments

No votes
Law good (princepled noobs)
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law neutral
Law evil (aberrant noobs)
No votes
nuetral good
true neutral (I can't decide! rewind please)
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neutral evil
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chaotic good (unprincipled(sic i think)
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Chaotic neutral (anarchist) choose above noob
Total votes: 63

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Unread post by MADMANMIKE »

Rhett2.3 wrote:ignore the sic's you don't know what sic means blow a ballon up. give it to a kid


I'm apparently abearrent(sic)

..I don't know about that, aberrant is the most difficult alignment to pull off...

..Unprinicipled with strong leanings towards Scrupulous.

..Best Deed: as an adult, sadly this would be helping others in a minuscule way, like giving my last dollar to a charity.

..Worst Deed: as an adult, this is hard to quantify. In the opinions of people less mature, it would be pointing out other peoples flaws, but in the eyes of a mature adult that's a good deed helping them grow.

..I'll have to go with either downloading mp3's a few years back without making some sort of contribution to the artists, or cutting people off in traffic when they aren't paying attention or being considerate themselves.

..I don't rationalize being unlawful as being acceptable for the most part, but some laws are nothing more than rules for rules sake, and those I will skirt at any opportunity. I make an effort to help others every day, whether it be by yielding to them or trying to enlighten them. I feel I would be remiss in my duties as a good person if I did not.

-Mike >8]
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Unread post by Nekira Sudacne »

Your forgetting Taoist, an which is also an offical palladium alingment.

it's the one that discribes me best :)
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Unread post by Vrykolas2k »

Rifts: China has that silly version of an allignment.
I fit Aberrant best; I actually am rather cold and merciless when I need to be, but have somehow managed to never break my word.
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Unread post by Dead Boy »

I've been feeling less ethicly-challenged lately, so today I think I'll call myself Unprincipled.
From the author of The RCSG, Ft. Laredo & the E. St. Louis Rift in Rifter #37, The Coalition Edge in Rifter #42, New Chillicothe & the N.C. Burbs in Rifter #54, New Toys of the Coalition States in Rifter #57, and The Black-Malice Legacy in Rifters #63, 64 & (Pt. 3, TBA)

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Unread post by Prince Cherico »

Unpricabled discribes me best
Svartalf- if Cherico were a character created in a point game system, he'd have all his scores in geeky skills and his youtube and weird net stuff schticks all paid through a a Terminal Bad Luck (with more nasty GM intervention) disadvantage, and probably an Uncouth (can not have social skills) disad as well...
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
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Unread post by MADMANMIKE »

Vrykolas2k wrote:Rifts: China has that silly version of an allignment.
I fit Aberrant best; I actually am rather cold and merciless when I need to be, but have somehow managed to never break my word.

..It's Mystic China that has that. I haven't read through Rifts China 1, nor have I seen 2, so it may be in one of them, but Mystic China is where it was introduced.

..And I find the notion of anyone being Aberrant quite dubious... I have only seen one player actually play it well, but many have thought they could. The problem lies in defining who you respect/consider honorable...

-Mike >8]
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Unread post by MADMANMIKE »

rellik wrote:there isnt one for me cause im not really insane but i should be, and im a constant liar and an ass and just kinda both nice and evil at the same time.

..That sums up the Taoist Alignment.

-Mike >8]
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Unread post by Guest »

sadly, I would say I fall more towards Scrupulous.

mainly due to awareness of the consequences of my actions.

Unread post by Guest »

Vrykolas2k wrote:Rifts: China has that silly version of an allignment.
I fit Aberrant best; I actually am rather cold and merciless when I need to be, but have somehow managed to never break my word.

..It's Mystic China that has that. I haven't read through Rifts China 1, nor have I seen 2, so it may be in one of them, but Mystic China is where it was introduced.

..And I find the notion of anyone being Aberrant quite dubious... I have only seen one player actually play it well, but many have thought they could. The problem lies in defining who you respect/consider honorable...

-Mike >8]

I play aberrant great...It's like Scrupulous, except it goes by it's own set of rules...

Imagine Dirty Harry, except starting as a Criminal, not a Cop.

that kinda sums it up, methinks.
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Re: Your alignment

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A go between principled and scrupolous.
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aberrant or unprincipled.

If pushed, I can be quite vendictive. But then again, I haven't been pushed for so long, I don't know if I'm still capable of doing what I did when I was younger.
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Unread post by Scooter the Outlaw »

Principled. I play by the rules. I don't like to see bad things happen. I don't lie, cheat, steal, or do anything that my mom would frown upon. So you could say I'm one of the 'good guys'.
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Unread post by Shadowfyr »

I voted for anarchist just because i still have my good side but there are a lot of problems that come my way and i just over look them and go the way i want not giving a flying *uck about it. But sometimes i feel more like aberrant because no matter how evil i feel like being i always keep my self honorable to my friends and family.

and then the days where im "enlightened" (lol funny word) i can be unprincipled. Being nice to everyone making new friends, helping out people i dont know. etc.

so yea talk about mixed personalities.
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Unread post by Sentinel »

I vascillate heavily between Scrupulous and Unprincipled.
I am fiercely idealistic, conservative and patriotic in many regards, while also socially and enviornmentally conscious as well.
I aways try to reamin true to my friends and my ideals, and try to uphold the strictures of society, law and order and a sense of Justice tempered with Mercy and Understanding.
I have my selfish bend as well, and sometimes, I want what I want.
I do not attempt to justify it, I am merely human, and I have desires. I do not wish for anyone to hurt by my desires however.
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Unread post by Guest »

Interesting thing to remember is, Morals aren't the only difference between the alignments, how you act on them is really what decides it.

someone who is Scrupulous and violent, and someone who is Aberrant and practices restraint could both have very similar morals...

they just act on them differently.
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Unread post by AllMightyRCB »

I put Miscreant for my alignment. If I don't know the person it doesn't bother me to lie to them, and I'd deffinately attack an unarmed or helpless foe. I do get pleasure from hurting someone that messes with me, it makes me feel good knowing they got what they had coming to them. I don't help people without something in it for me either. I used to help people sometimes, but when I needed it then nobody helped so that was the end of me helping hardly anyone. Like if someone has a broken down car, I just laugh and continue on my way. :lol: The only difference is I don't betray friends, steal, or harm innocents. :D
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Unread post by Marcethus »

Aberrant, I am honorable and will keep my word but I am in no way a good guy I will hurt, destroy or maim those that I do not respect if they **** me off. While I sometimes will do a good deed it is just a ruse so as not to reveal my dark tendencies.

on the note that not many can play aberrant just ask anybody that I have gamed with. Which is quite a large list of those that play online in the chats.
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Unread post by Colonel Wolfe »

LN or N...
in palladium...
unprincipled... its about as close as i gt to how i am
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Unread post by Wildfire »

definately scrouples (if I could spell it) since I believe that punching out a criminal is not a really bad thing to do, when they resist arrest. also aiming for the groin and the knees is a fair shot especially for a rapist or child molester come to think of it accidentally sliping them into general pop is not a bad idea either.
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Unread post by Wildfire »

not pansys just not a power hungry megolomaniac who would stab his own brother in the back and make the joke my mother makes more than your mother on the corner joke a reality, especially if your mom makes more the diabolical char will see to it that she won't any more (acid to the face anyone).
I hope you mis read the question man cause if not your one very disturbed individual
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K20A2_S wrote:
Wildfire wrote:not pansys just not a power hungry megolomaniac who would stab his own brother in the back and make the joke my mother makes more than your mother on the corner joke a reality, especially if your mom makes more the diabolical char will see to it that she won't any more (acid to the face anyone).
I hope you mis read the question man cause if not your one very disturbed individual
Good point, I didn't read the question. I thought it was asking about our PC's.

IG, I don't like playing diabolic any more than I like playing Principled. Just too extream on either side.
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Unread post by Larsen »

Unprincipled with anachist or abberant leanings. I'm mostly a good person but I have my selfish side and my twisted code of right and wrong.

Best thing I ever did: donated some clothes and food to charity

Worst thing: stole $500 worth of stuff from someone who stole a hundred dollar bill from me.

Honor and loyalty are everything.
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K20A2_S wrote:Abberant is the way to go..................I don't play nothing else.

Abberant or unprincipled. To me, to be abberant/unprincipled means to basically play a game as a Human. Other alignments work, but the majority of people would fall under these two catagories.
"We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine And the machine is bleeding to death The sun has fallen down And the billboards are all leering And the flags are all dead at the top of their poles ...I open up my wallet And it's full of blood "~~Godspeed you black emperor.
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