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Unread post by omocron »

I just got teleported to the splicer world from rifts earth and I have no clue on anything in the book at all. I don't have enough money to buy the book so I want to ask the experts on the subject (yes I'm call anyone that has played the game an expert)

1. I'm a ley line walker and I already know that my magic is reduced in the splicers world, but does the book say anything at all about magic weapon? I mean if the object is made of metal does it spike out just like a vibro sword? If it does affect them what about rune weapons, they are completely indestructible so could those be affected also?

2. Since my GM kind of messed me up is there any way that I can get back at him My magic is limited so I really can't use that at least not that I can think of right now.

Any suggestions and information would be helpful. If you need more specific information about what got jacked up I can supply it. I'm just really mad because I lost over a half million in equipment and 300,000 in credits so i'm kind of screwed here if I can't get help. :?

Unread post by omocron »

are you kidding me is there nothing I can do?

Unread post by omocron »

A devine being would be my guess. So the only thing I can do is hope that the god **caugh** GM **caugh** sends me back right.
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Re: Quetions

Unread post by demos606 »

omocron wrote:I just got teleported to the splicer world from rifts earth and I have no clue on anything in the book at all. I don't have enough money to buy the book so I want to ask the experts on the subject (yes I'm call anyone that has played the game an expert)

1. I'm a ley line walker and I already know that my magic is reduced in the splicers world, but does the book say anything at all about magic weapon? I mean if the object is made of metal does it spike out just like a vibro sword? If it does affect them what about rune weapons, they are completely indestructible so could those be affected also?

2. Since my GM kind of messed me up is there any way that I can get back at him My magic is limited so I really can't use that at least not that I can think of right now.

Any suggestions and information would be helpful. If you need more specific information about what got jacked up I can supply it. I'm just really mad because I lost over a half million in equipment and 300,000 in credits so i'm kind of screwed here if I can't get help. :?

Magic isn't exactly reduced, it's more like nonexistant. NO ley lines, ambient PPE, nadda. You have half your permanent PPE base to fuel your spells with, they cast at half the normal level, double the normal cost and you regen PPE at a third of the normal rate (3x as long to regen).

As far as magical/rune items, rune is strong enough to be unaffected by the nanoplague, magical might get 10x the exposure time before a plague reaction sets in (you're dead in minutes as opposed to seconds) and any metal thats not inside an uncompromised environmental seal is your ass. Oh yeah, pray the first thing that finds you isn't a robot patrol (presuming you survive planetfall).

Splicers is a great survivalist setting if you start in it but anyone that gets rifted in is pretty well screwed from the word go. By and large however, it's one of the most balanced settings I can remember seeing.

Unread post by omocron »

unfortunatly I didn't get the techno jacker ability the good news is the gliterboy poilot in his armor did. So I'm not scragged in the first few seconds well thats good. I really hope he forgets about the magic section or next time i'm chosing a shifter and I can teleport home.

Unread post by omocron »

Well I have decided to do a couple of things. First the bs flag is going way up not only did I get sent there and there isn't a possible way to be sent there but a couple of the players already hed premade splicer charicters with them. I think that a couple of the guys wanted a splicers game and convinced the gm into it. So if there is no way back and I can't keep my charicter with at least some decent amount of power I might just quit. But I came up with a few ideas that might royally screw with him first.

Here are my ideas If the nanites detect if something is living and the other nanites react with the metal would the spell aura of death counter act the nanites?

We have a psi ghost in the party would his ability to control machines come in handy with the nanites or even the larger robots?

Plus I had 300,000 in credits on me and he siad there was metal in the cards acording to the ertta page they are like credit cards and are plastic does this mean I should still have my money?
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Unread post by demos606 »

Aura of Death *might* work if you can figure out a way to power it forever. However, they dont exactly react on wheter or not its contact with living tissue, just mammalian.
As for keeping a decent amount of power on a spellcaster, not unless he absolutely butchered the rules. I'm not familiar enough with Psi-ghosts to comment on those ideas but they might have potential.

As for your credits, if they're nonmetalic, you should still have em.... don't know how much good they're going to do you though.

Unread post by omocron »

but would aura of death fool the nanites into thinking that i masn't mammal because i'm already dead?
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Unread post by RockJock »

I think the Psi-Tech should have resistance to the nanites somewhere along the lines of a Techno-Jacker, but I don't think there is anything official about that.
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If you can find a way to power it forever, Aura might give you legitimate grounds to be treated as a necrobot. However, the instant it drops the gig is up and you've been terminally infested because the nanites in your body recognize living tissue for what it is. All this hinges on the supremely improbable event of you having been under the affects of Aura (or more likely in environmental armor) when you made planetfall. Considering the fun mages have with environmental armor, I think your best bet is to find a librarian willing to accept a new scarecrow.

Unread post by omocron »

so the only spell that i can think of is a metamorph spell or play a non mamalian ley line walker next time. Am i right with this or just blowing smoke.
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Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

Geronimo 2.0 wrote:Your magic is nixed. The PPE is so low that even minor psionics don't exist. You are FUBAR'd. If the Nano-Plague doesn't kill you, you are stuck on a planet where magic simply cannot function. Shred your character sheet or pick up a new OCC.

It does so function it's just reduced :P
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Re: Quetions

Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

demos606 wrote:
omocron wrote:I just got teleported to the splicer world from rifts earth and I have no clue on anything in the book at all. I don't have enough money to buy the book so I want to ask the experts on the subject (yes I'm call anyone that has played the game an expert)

1. I'm a ley line walker and I already know that my magic is reduced in the splicers world, but does the book say anything at all about magic weapon? I mean if the object is made of metal does it spike out just like a vibro sword? If it does affect them what about rune weapons, they are completely indestructible so could those be affected also?

2. Since my GM kind of messed me up is there any way that I can get back at him My magic is limited so I really can't use that at least not that I can think of right now.

Any suggestions and information would be helpful. If you need more specific information about what got jacked up I can supply it. I'm just really mad because I lost over a half million in equipment and 300,000 in credits so i'm kind of screwed here if I can't get help. :?

Magic isn't exactly reduced, it's more like nonexistant. NO ley lines, ambient PPE, nadda. You have half your permanent PPE base to fuel your spells with, they cast at half the normal level, double the normal cost and you regen PPE at a third of the normal rate (3x as long to regen).

As far as magical/rune items, rune is strong enough to be unaffected by the nanoplague, magical might get 10x the exposure time before a plague reaction sets in (you're dead in minutes as opposed to seconds) and any metal thats not inside an uncompromised environmental seal is your ass. Oh yeah, pray the first thing that finds you isn't a robot patrol (presuming you survive planetfall).

Splicers is a great survivalist setting if you start in it but anyone that gets rifted in is pretty well screwed from the word go. By and large however, it's one of the most balanced settings I can remember seeing.

Not really if your well equipped with tech from Rifts then you shouldn't have to worry. There is little to no metal in most Rift's weapons and equipment.
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
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Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

thagema wrote:
omocron wrote:A devine being would be my guess. So the only thing I can do is hope that the god **caugh** GM **caugh** sends me back right.

That's really your only hope for survival. The robots will rip you to shreds in no time. Not to mention a scarecrow might kill you as well... among other things.

Basically, if I were you, I'd start making a new character because a ley line walker isn't going to last long, especially if you have metal on you.

Well, the exception would be if your GM has planned on making you a technojacker or has ignored the "no magic" section of the Splicers book.

In either case, good luck man. You're going to need it!

Why not try to find a human resistance group and start learning a different trade maybe become a Dreadknight or Packmaster while trying to look for a way home? Maybe that was your GMs idea, especially if he's never been a jerk before. He's trying to help you munchkin out. :D
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
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Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

omocron wrote:Well I have decided to do a couple of things. First the bs flag is going way up not only did I get sent there and there isn't a possible way to be sent there but a couple of the players already hed premade splicer charicters with them. I think that a couple of the guys wanted a splicers game and convinced the gm into it. So if there is no way back and I can't keep my charicter with at least some decent amount of power I might just quit. But I came up with a few ideas that might royally screw with him first.

Here are my ideas If the nanites detect if something is living and the other nanites react with the metal would the spell aura of death counter act the nanites?

We have a psi ghost in the party would his ability to control machines come in handy with the nanites or even the larger robots?

Plus I had 300,000 in credits on me and he siad there was metal in the cards acording to the ertta page they are like credit cards and are plastic does this mean I should still have my money?

Just on the last one... yeah an entirely different dimension just happens to use the same credit system :nh: even if they used credits it's unlikely CS credits would mean anything to them. They use data disks a money.
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
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Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

demos606 wrote:If you can find a way to power it forever, Aura might give you legitimate grounds to be treated as a necrobot. However, the instant it drops the gig is up and you've been terminally infested because the nanites in your body recognize living tissue for what it is. All this hinges on the supremely improbable event of you having been under the affects of Aura (or more likely in environmental armor) when you made planetfall. Considering the fun mages have with environmental armor, I think your best bet is to find a librarian willing to accept a new scarecrow.

What's him suddenly becomeing recognized as human? If the spell goes down drop all metal no prob.
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
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Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

thagema wrote:
omocron wrote:but would aura of death fool the nanites into thinking that i masn't mammal because i'm already dead?

No, because the Machine uses dead bodies as 'soldiers' called necro-bots and necro-borgs. Though the process is slightly more involved than just the nanite plague, the nano-bots would still recognize a mammal and being dead doesn't change that. The nano-bots, if I remember correctly, make that determination from microscopic scanning or DNA scanning. On that level, even a dead mammal would still register as a mammal.

I hope that made sense. Not surprisingly, I confused myself...

OK so the necro bots and borgs aren't constantly attacked by the nano-bots even though they have metal and organic. I could of sworn it's organic not mammal, otherwise the various non-mammal Splicer armors would be able to use metal.
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
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Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

omocron wrote:so the only spell that i can think of is a metamorph spell or play a non mamalian ley line walker next time. Am i right with this or just blowing smoke.

Ack someone read the book. I'm sure it's organics (see above).
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
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Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

Alenvire wrote:Ok, so a couple things of note. First, all rune weapons/armor are perfectly fine. It is only TK wizard gear that slowly goes bad on you. So, if you have actual magic items, (not tk) you are fine. Your money should be fine, except useless. Your normal gear, if it has any metal what-so-ever and is not PERFECTLY sealed, will set off a nanobot plague reaction. Most normal rifts gear, even if not made of metal still has metal bits.

Now, magic is really shafted. Half normal ppe, double cost and half almost everything else. However, that death aura (lack actual knowledge on the spell. Assuming much here) should make you immune to the nanobot plague while it is up. Magic effects machines, it affects these also. As long as you can keep it up, remember half duration, the nanites will assume you are dead. There is no nanoplague reaction to dead bodies.

The rules run something like anything mamillian is affected by the plague. But, at the same time it says that the... xtixic or whatever that bug race is on rifts earth, would cause a plague reaction, but that it would take much longer for it to react.

My suggestion is that you go ahead and keep your character. Just become a roughneck or something. You might not be able to cast spells in the host armor (that is probably up to the GM, I would let you.) but it should in no way permanently affect your spell casting ability. You only have to pick up two skilsl. When you get those skills, you will be able to pilot and fight with any weapon on your host armor. Operate bio equipment, and pilot host armor. Besides, the host armor will greatly increase your capabilities if you build it right. You can gain a lot of attacks, auto dodge, strike bonuses, and everything else out there with the use of a host armor. You will find that you could probably rival that glitter boy with some effort. **** him off by takeing half damage from his boom gun. (One of my players made a biotic that I would give odds to every time. Of course it helps that he got a awesome roll, and good skills. His PE hit 41 and that alone gives him a base MDC of 410. Of course he made his character very well too. Made for takeing out those hard targets.)

I am currently running a straight Splicers game. I have been Considering all of this incase I wish to bring other NPC's in. Please, try and... go easy on the GM. Splicers is pretty hard to work with. Too much stuff that does not make sense that we have to deal with. :?

I could have sworn that you had to come into contact with the metal for the plague to activate so if the entire body of the weapon is plastic you shouldn't have to worry. The armor is dominantly MDC fiber and plastic and ceramic. The ones that have metal say so.
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
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Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

yup, pg. 9 second column "biological ANIMAL tissue." Not just mammal but fish, reptile, bird, insect, arachnid.
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
BEST IDEA EVER!!! -- The Galactus Kid
Holy crapy, you're Zer0 Kay?! --TriaxTech
Zer0 Kay is my hero. --Atramentus
The Zer0 of Kay, who started this fray,
Kept us laughing until the end. -The Fifth Business (In loving Memory of the teleport thread)
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