Whats your Nightbane look like?

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Unread post by Prince Cherico »

I go for kens though I like mixing in some insect
or robot traits
Svartalf- if Cherico were a character created in a point game system, he'd have all his scores in geeky skills and his youtube and weird net stuff schticks all paid through a a Terminal Bad Luck (with more nasty GM intervention) disadvantage, and probably an Uncouth (can not have social skills) disad as well...
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
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Unread post by acreRake »

Were-raccoon with enormous hands, goat horns and hooves, beady eyes and an extra face chewing almost all the way through the skin on his back.
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Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

A jade statue
a blue dragon
Lina Inverse
Chinese goddess w/tiger
Smart chick in a PA
There is something odd about that guy
Valkaree (macross) blue w/red trim
chick w/short white fur wearing a nighty

Those are all the morphus of my NB/NS chars.
Mike Taylor

Unread post by Mike Taylor »

In his morphus form, Honus Walker looked like a corpse-like version of his human form (that of a slim 18th century southern gentleman in his late forties/early fifties), but with empty eye sockets and his arms wrapped in barbed wire.
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Unread post by GhostKnight »

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Unread post by BookWyrm »

Take the "Dragonoid" from AU, give it forest-green coloring, a muzzle like the one seen on Vermithrax in Dragonslayer, increase height to maximum, a custom-fit shoulder-rig (like the pic in AU)...and a pair of wrap-around sunglasses.

If I remember the original listing of my Morphus idea it was;

Large Bat Wings (separate from arms)
Dragon's Head w/ Frills & Muzzle (automatic Oversized Bite)
Serpent-articulated Neck & Throat
Retractable Taloned Hands & Feet
Raptor's Legs
Scaly Skin
Large & Small Horns
Spiked Ridge
Large Prehensile Tail
Talent-Firebreath (as per Shadowblast)

You can just picture it, rising up from Facade to full Morphus, a squad of Preverts watching, the shadow covering them going through the transformation...wings speading...then the head & muzzle lower right into the lead HM's face, smoke/steam drifting from the nostrills, a menacing growl making the point.... 8) 8-) 8) 8-)
Last edited by BookWyrm on Sun May 01, 2005 3:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by Specter »

In his morphus form... his skin becomes covered in scales, and razors cover his forearms. He's covered in charred rags.
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Unread post by Gomen_Nagai »

for looks?
I'd go Ken look, Leather suit Perfect physique, Chains, Bloody hook

for my Phobias:
Elemental water statuesque figure with slug, insect, and Goat features

For my Passions?

two headed - Half Cat, Half Dog, Angelic, with Razor laced Exoskeleton with Machined - computer/limbs (overlarge pistoned/hydraulics), Jet turbined back, Large energy cannons on back.
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Unread post by Marcethus »

Well My one and only bane that I have made Alias Shadow Dragon Looks thus: Black scaled skin with four arms and a tail (has spikes like a stegasaur on the tail) two upper arms are normal humanoid arms, the two lower; one looks like a Sci-fi pulse cannon (it's a focus for his Shadow blast) the other arm looks humaniod, all three of the hands are clawed he's got a maw like dragon with sharp teeth (don't have the chara infront of me so I can't recall the damage on his bite) wings spring forth from his shoulder blades and his eyes glow crimson. He has spines (not too long only about an inch or two long running down his spine.

This is the bane I use as my Chara on the Shadowboards under the name Dreadlord.
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Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

Mine has Patrick Duffy for a leg.
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Unread post by velcRomanceR »

patrick duffy for a leg....that's some funny shiite.

But seriously...

I had a Bane who was a Humanoid Triceratop, yellow with green splotches. The Horn on the nose was gone and only a hole remained from which a radar would pop up when surveillance or tracking was needed. The other two horns were three times their normal size. He had four arms. Two were normal and the other two were gatling guns. Instead of legs he manuevered with tank treads. His name was Tri-Dozer.

Another Bane I had was a very yound boy covered with about 7 mouths...yes, each with a different personality. It was like 7 characters in one body sharing the same stats. All personalities were dominant and in control. It was just the GM and I, and we really wanted to play. I pulled off playing an entire group. We played that particular game so much that my character ended up heading his own faction.......all by himself.
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Unread post by Levi »

I have only run NightBane, but I have a couple pretty cool NPCs.

1. Doll like (matted dirty stuffed animal), were-rabbit with large deer antlers, clawed hands, and vicious jagged tooth filled mouth. He was the Vorpel were-jackalope. Lots of fun…

2. Serpent lower body, humanoid upper body with a dog’s head and clawed hands. The scary part was that the entire upper half including the dog head had no skin!

3. Giant sized hulking sandstone were-rhino with glowing green eyes. He was just cool.

There were others, but those are only ones I can remember. Slag had a cool PC in that game.
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Unread post by foxlord999 »

I don't have the books yet, but I will make human with fox ears and a fox tail with silver fur and eight tails. He will have a npc girl-friend that is also part fox and they can both shoot fire. :D
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Unread post by Overlord Rikonius »

I made one once with giant leathery wings, elfin features, one glowing blood red bionic eye, biomechanical limbs with red glowing circuit lines and blood ripping from where the bionics merge with the flesh. He also had the zipper stigmata on his throat. When he opened this, he could shoot little darts at people. The darts were thin sharpened bits of circuit board with wires that protrude, and when they went in, they activated his infectous control power.
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Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

My PC is pure plagerism the morphous is Cernunnos from Dawn (comic). Everytime he changes he looks different http://www.linsner.com/gallery2.asp?i=160&c=14 or http://www.linsner.com/gallery2.asp?i=136&c=14 but keeps the same stats (even with wings he can't fly).

My NPCs... well there all munchkin anyway but...

Ashley Crane: Legs of a Deer, Human Torso, Leather Girl, Razored areas, endo-skeleton visible in areas around shins, forearms and colar bone. No face glowing eyes x2 (I mean twice not two eyes), Were-arachnid (scorpion) apparent in tail, second set of arms with pincers and dispersed armor plating. Large horns (from wear bovine same as legs), small horns, crystaline (evident on back of forearm, tips of shoulders, pincer ridges and crown on head. Also has bat wings and is plasmoid (which isn't evident until she's hit). Oh and she's doll like. 18 HF at all times

Alexandra Kersikof (the Evil Twin): She is well angelic. Avian Wings, pretty much all of the unearthly beauties (that make sense), glowing eyes, but she has leather girl... well zippered, leather, lingere girl. She also has gut tentacles, covered in mouths and living tatoos (which are hidden under the lingere (HF only when "exposed") She also has the pseudopod and weapon limb on her hands which she often uses to grab someone when she's touching their face, followed by pulling their head onto that now formed weapon limb in the center of all the pseudopods 6 HF normal 18 HF when exposed.

Oh and no it's not fulfilling a fantasy for those of you who like to read too deeply into thing... tell you the truth she scares the hell out of me... actually that probably happens more so when I think I made her a cannibal, Preying Mantis/Black Widdow style, Ewww. Where as her sister above is an Androphobe because of her, I don't like saying the word so, mistreatment by males, which explains the undisclosed locations of the razors and to some extend her morphous. While her evil "lost" twin (mind you they were orphans... as we all know now so were all the rest of the Nightspawn) learned to manipulate men and see them as play things and other women only as competition. So like her, her morphous draws them in with it's "innocense" then gets em.

Then... there is my last NPC who has the head and neck of a giant cobra, bat wings and face (wear-bat), two gatling style guns in his chest, is hulking, physically perfect, also crystaline like Ashley and Metallic. I'm sure there some other sillyness I put on him but I can't remember right now... the "girls" are just Nightspawn and he's a Nightspawn mystic. He has low self esteem and with his new found powers has become a bully and has summoned and controlled a few supernatural concubines... now that MAY be a fantasy... not the supernatural part, but any sane person knows it's hard enough to keep one lady happy.
Last edited by Zer0 Kay on Tue Sep 20, 2005 8:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
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Unread post by Zer0 Kay »

Cat Of Many Faces wrote:i had a fun one.

were tiger, real wide and bulky build. right arm was an absolutely gigantic cyberlimb. it was large enough to drag on the ground. had an almost steampunk look, not clean and smooth.

the jaw was metal too. looked like it had been rammed in over the flesh one. the top of the muzzle was intact, just the jaw was replaced.

and attached to both shoulderblades was a pair of very large fans that were mounted almost like wings.

all the tech on his body was heavily rusted, bulky, and had heavy metal cables running from it into his body and head. great fun

he owned a junkyard, don't think it had an impact any? nah...

an augmented cat

So he was a Warhammer 40K Orky cat?
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
BEST IDEA EVER!!! -- The Galactus Kid
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Unread post by Nekira Sudacne »

Sae is my first nightbane.

I rolled on the tables, and wound up with the ideal barbie. Animal Magnatisem and Living Tattoos, namely dragon tattoos that I picked.
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Unread post by Nekira Sudacne »

Misfit KotLD wrote:
Nekira Sudacne wrote:Sae is my first nightbane.

I rolled on the tables, and wound up with the ideal barbie. Animal Magnatisem and Living Tattoos, namely dragon tattoos that I picked.

You could give a little better description, or at least say she has a 24 PB in facade. :P

23 facade :P

ok, she's short, hot, and japanese. that good enough for ya? :P
Sometimes, you're like a beacon of light in the darkness, giving me some hope for humankind. ~ Killer Cyborg

You can have something done good, fast and cheap. If you want it done good and fast, it's not going to be cheap. If you want it done fast and cheap it won't be good. If you want something done good and cheap it won't be done fast. ~ Dark Brandon
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Unread post by TechnoGothic »

My first Nightbane had :
    Bones - Bio-mechanical
    Leatherboy - leather armor on the chest
    Wings - Batlike - Bio-mechanical
    Bio-Mechanical limbs
    Skull Head - on fire - biomechanical since all the bones are
    Rocket Pods
    Weapon Limbs - morphs into weapons...

He was basical a Bio-mechanical Ghost Rider/Archangel like character. I rolled this guy up too...

Others i had were simplier
*Hulking Monster, Were-reptile, with horns and spines...picture Diablo Toy
*Bio-Mechanical Werewolf...robo-werewolf as the group called him...or Metal Beast ;)
*Huge Reptile with Wings spines, etc...Picture a FANG Dragon from D&D.


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Unread post by GaredBattlespike »

Imagine a D&D DeathKnight with a Crown of Bones grown upon his head and the 'red gems' in it are actually his remaining blood. He is perpetually wearing a battered beastplate with tattered chainmail and has huge Bat-Wings upon his back and Skeleton Boy Stigmata, and Skull-Face features. He has no real flesh left at all, except his wings. (Drink "Dead Cow", it gives you bat wiiiiiingsss... :lol: )
Imagine seenig that flying around your appartment building some dark night....
"Save ARCHIE, save the world..."
-Sigging of rungok-
-Scenario 2-
(Demon 1):Woah, the hell happened to you?
(Demon 2):got my ass kicked by some guy with a knife and a handgun
(Demon 1):What? you gotta be kidding me!
(Demon 2):Thats what i was thinking...

anapuna wrote:
i rarely play a mage, but when i do... i do what GaredBattlespike does.

or i am a TW.
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GaredBattlespike wrote:Imagine a D&D DeathKnight with a Crown of Bones grown upon his head and the 'red gems' in it are actually his remaining blood. He is perpetually wearing a battered beastplate with tattered chainmail and has huge Bat-Wings upon his back and Skeleton Boy Stigmata, and Skull-Face features. He has no real flesh left at all, except his wings. (Drink "Dead Cow", it gives you bat wiiiiiingsss... :lol: )
Imagine seenig that flying around your appartment building some dark night....
GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Unread post by Sir_Spirit »

The Kraken:
Plasmoid body/shadow man/Aura of shadows and fear.
A giant Octopus with extra tantackes and shadow tentacles(LOTS of Freakin tentacles)!
Who was also Oddly unsettling...... :lol:
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Unread post by Stormseed »

I haven't played 'Bane yet, but I've got an idea. I was thinking of taking Were-Ankylosaur, Mechanical Limbs, Insect Wings, and maybe something from the feline table (I'm not sure yet.) The Ankylosaur shell would pop open like a beetle to expose the wings, and I was going to take Shadow Blast and have it look like a set of bionic forearm blasters.
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Unread post by SpiritInterface »

If you have read Outlanders mine looks like Kahm http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b163/SpiritInterface/outlanders1.jpg.

Physical perfection and Angelic features went along way to giving her a very high PB.
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Unread post by shiiv-a »

lets see .. anna is the name of mine.

facade pb of 20, overly thin with long chestnut brown hair, about 5'8" i think and about 120 pounds. she started off with leg braces. the braces and crutches are gone, but explained in the morpheous.

morpheous - a living centaur with a bio mechanical metal body, tail and legs of a horse, torso has gashes and oozes blood, the hair is a mess of strangely colored streaks from blonde to black and the main color is a dull mousy brown. i think the body also has razors and otherthings on it, with a hf of 18 - pb 20 .. height about 9 feet, length about 10 feet, weight about 1250 pounds

always wanted tohave a centaur for a char, now i do, that help? now i dont think mine was original, but there ya go

nightbane look

Unread post by bigwhitehound »

A werewolf. 6ft, 10 inches tall, 280lbs very powerful, but athletic build, bright jade green eyes, black, grey & brown fur. A long furry tail. Large black bat wings, growing out of his back.Wearing leather & chain mail knee length shorts, a chain mail vest & with stripes of chain mail around his forearms. 8)
Last edited by bigwhitehound on Sat Apr 01, 2006 1:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by BillionSix »

The character I made was odd.

The only thing he had was the weapon hand one. He could change his hands into Freddy Krueger type blades at will.

Apart from that he looked totally normal, as in a regular guy who doesn't stand out from the crowd.

He was a wanna-be independant filmmaker, as I recall.

Basically, the ultimate Ken doll, but not good looking.

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Unread post by Stattick »

I'm the GM, so this is one of my favorite NPC's.

Facade: Cindy. She's a bad girl, 19, cute but a little overweight. She's a groupie to a local heavy metal band. She's done a few "bad" movies, and she tends to be disturbingly promiscuous. She had a bad childhood, and has self-esteem issues. She drinks too much. One of her favorite things in the world are red hot cinnomon candies, gum, etc. She adores "red hot" schnapps.

Morph: Cinnimon (or Sin). physical perfection (and alot taller then normal - 6'1), no skin (whole body), leathergirl (red leather) with lots of straps buckles and "D" rings (very s&m looking), the leather doesn't cover her face or arms and leaves most of her stomach bare. She has pseudopods that erupt from her stomach, but they look like intestines. She still has hair, but it's black (she's a natural blond in facade). She also has a strong distinctive cinnimon odor (+2 to horror factor because that really disturbs people). The odor is actually in her blood and flesh; she tastes like cinnimon too. So, the more wounded she gets, the more it smells like cinnimon. If physically attacted, her attacker will end up reeking of it.

Wow, does it show that I'm a big Hellraiser fan?
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Unread post by shiiv-a »

well .. scratch NB #2 .. i guess i just don't understand them well enough to keep one alive for more than 1 game of combat.


c'est la vie
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Unread post by Stattick »

DavidGallaher1 wrote:The newsest player in our group is a rebel 53-year-old zionist in his facade.

His Morphus is a ritually scarred, Judaic rune-branded, tattooed with charred scaley skin and wisps of fire that dance across his body and huge firey wings.

too cool... would scare the crap out of Jews, and any other Jeudo-Christian types that recognized the runes. He'd probably be mistaken as a demon. Should'a had horns too... :demon:
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My nightbane descriptions

Unread post by Archmichael »

Here are my two favorites, the first is Silverwing, a ken doll who is a nocturne tomb-raider type, the second is a NPC named Apocalypse, an ancient Nightbane Sorcerer who once tore apart a nightlord avatar in 30 seconds. Yeah, he is the most munchkin NPC I could make. He has many forms from the Rifter (20?)

Silverwing: Nocturne Nightbane
Physical perfection, Glowing Silver Eyes, Metal Exoskeleton:Body is solid, polished black steel, Bat Wings Pair of large polished silver steel bat wings, Articulated Chains (2), Articulated Silver Spines.

NPC: Apocalypse: Ancient Nightbane Sorcerer
Ancient and Powerful Full Dragon with 4 Full Dragon Wings: 10 feet tall at shoulder, 50 feet long with tail
Fiery Breath
Heavy Dragon Scales
Unusual Skin Color:Metallic Black Skin
Bone Chains (4)
20 ft range, Can entangle, 4d6 base damage, has normal limb strength
Particularly Feral
Always in Shadows: Always appears cloaked in partial darkness at all times
Nightmare Beast:
Radiates fear, all creatures are -3 to combat rolls, must save vs. HF or flee, those creatures completely immune to fear are unable to see the Morphus form at all!
Metal Teeth and Claws: Claws and Teeth are made from razor sharp metal
Multiple Eyes (6)
Glowing Eyes: All six eyes glow a fiery red
Facial Tentacles
Extra set of Arms: Has 6 total limbs, are completely ambidextrous
Prehesile Spiked Tail
Articulated Spikes; The Morphus form has numerous articulated spines over the arms and back, these are made of razor sharp silver

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