Favorite Character

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Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

My favoret PF char is a NS/b style Weretiger/juggler. I Used this In Damien MageCraft's Lopan Campain last year, but sence then it has had litlle play time.

Coming in second place is my card mage (R24), an elf that comes from beyond the black wall ("Wall of Purity" as its know from the other side ). Having a elf that is 4'-11" and has a chinese look to them gets a few strange looks.
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Adam of the Old Kingdom
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PF 1E Ogre Wizard by the name of Adam and he comes from The Old Kingdom.
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Unread post by Yisterwald »

My favorite is my first PFRPG character -- a human Wizard I began playing with the 1st printing of 1st Edition. He's been cheating death ever since.
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Unread post by sinestus »

a hytril thief with a disturbingly monsterous MA... wound up serving the group as a PR specialist up until he made a killer profit by buying most of a city at reasonably discounted prices after it was practically burnt down by the group's battle with a mad-powerful fire warlock...
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Unread post by Levi »

Unfortunately I haven’t played or GMed PF enough to have a favorite character yet. I have had a lot of fun with an assassin for a couple of sessions and a Mind Mage for a few sessions in another game. Both were human. I have written up several really cool characters but I haven’t had the chance to play them. I really like the Quorians from the Baalgor Waste Lands and would like to play one as a warrior monk and I would love to play a Minotaur.

I am running a PF game currently, and my favorite player character so far is the fire warlock Minotaur. But we have only played 4 or 5 sessions so far, so one of the other characters could gain my favor.
As a man's shadow follows his footsteps wherever he goes, so will destruction pursue those who commit evil deeds.

Unread post by Guest »

3rd Lvl, Human Warrior Monk with Ch'in-Na and enough medical knowledge to qualify as a full fledged healer (Surgeon, Holistic Medicine, Biology), but is very much...not nice to anyone who would hurt an innocent...

He uses a large Bokken, instead of a Staff, just as stylistic choice.

Pretty fun, named Alt..he's paired with my girlfriends Gypsy Illusionist.
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Unread post by Sentinel »

My all time favorite PFRPG character was a Titan palladin named Castor Acrissius.
He made it fifth level before that campaign ran down.
He had been given a task to bring an end to the Elf-Dwarf war that was raging at the time.
when you get right down to it, Sentinel's right.~Uncle Servo.

Sentinel. you'll be always loved by the German Princess.~Nelly

That's twice in one day Sentinel has cleaned up my mess.~The Galactus Kid.

That's the best place to start. Otherwise, listen to Sentinel~lather

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Sentinel you have the biggest sig I've ever seen~Natasha
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J. Lionheart
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Unread post by J. Lionheart »

See my signature and custom-title.

Character is over 10 years old now, maybe 11. TGFR.
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Unread post by Narsis »

My favorite character was the first one i ever played. He was a 1st edition Wolfen Mind mage named Wolffange. I know the name was very original.

I think when it comes to picking your favorite character it has to do alot with the GM of the game. Cause you can make a character that you think is going to be bada$$ but if the GM sucks then you really start to dislike the character.

Unfortunately for me, if i want there to be a PFRPG going on i have to run it. Cause the other guys in my group would rather play Rifts or AD&D. NOt that those games are bad, but come on, they could never be better than Palladium Fantasy.
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