HLS Adventures for N&S

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HLS Adventures for N&S

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Assassination Attempt
Hook:A character's vehicle blew up and took his girlfriend's with it. The relationship broke up fast. The day is still going downhill.
Line: "(Deadpan) There's a bomb in my food." "What do you mean my bank says I'm dead?!? I'm gonna be unless I can get some money out." "The last item on the menu says 'Death au gratin.' The way this day's been going. I'm not trying it."
Sinker:Having been positively identified on a previous mission, an assassin has be dispatched to take care of the character. The assassin has studied his target for weeks, now he's ready to move in and neutralize the target, per instructions. The hitman has a superiority complex that won't quit. He's canceled the character's bank account, life insurance policy, other insurance policies, credit cards, and any memberships the character might have. The character will not have much trouble realizing someone's after him. The only questions are who and why. In any case, between bombs in the most improbable places and accidents a Warner Brothers character would never suffer, the character will find it near impossible to conduct any missions. He will also learn why it's tough to be a secret agent. That is, if he lives.

Battle Royale
Hook:An emergency communique from the characters' agency orders them to get the main assistant of a scientist who has been working on a top secret project and recently disappeared (assumed to be kidnaped or killed). The assistant is believed to have copies of the data about the scientist's project.
Line:The assistant has gone into hiding at a log cabin by a small lake.
Sinker:The PCs aren't the only ones looking for the assistant, an organized crime syndicate, terrorists, local law enforcement and agents from an agency loosely allied to the characters' agency are all trying to get scientist's main assistant who has vital information. Chaos ensues!

Beam Me Up
Hook:PCs sent to a remote location to investigate missing agents. Agents have been disappearing from the region without a trace.
Line:Local police, reporters, and other investigators have no real leads except for a wild-eyed drunken farmer who claims he's seen glowing lights in the night sky.
Sinker:The agents, along with several other people have been abducted by aliens for fun things like medical experimentation, anal probing, and the like.

Hook:PCs called to emergency briefing at home base (or other major base).
Line:The PCs must stop a double agent from defecting to the enemy agency.
Sinker:A long time senior agent of the PCs agency, one who has helped them out several times, has been identified as a double agent. Either through PC discovery or some other manner. The PCs must take care of the problem by eliminating the agent before he can reach the enemy. This is a great way to use chase and/or vehicle combat rules as the PCs try to stop the double agent from fleeing.

Bug Hunt
Hook:The agents are sent to remote research station which has recently sent some garbled messages before completely losing contact.
Line:PCs encounter an abandoned base with some traces of the operatives stationed there.
Sinker:PCs also encounter cause of the problem, giant bugs out for blood. Use Mutants in Orbit or After the Bomb Second Edition to generate some mutant bugs.

Damsel in Distress
Hook:The agents have been ordered to perform a routine courier drop (i.e. standard agency documentation to destination)
Line:On the way to the drop, the characters see a girl and her body guard are attacked by the local crime syndicate.
Sinker:The girl is the only daughter of characters' agency's front company president. Her death will reflect really badly on PCs.

Hook:The PCs are enjoying some well earned vacation time at a resort area.
Line:Terrorists or thieves cause trouble (hijacking, kidnaping, etc.).
Sinker:So much for the PCs nice vacation...

Escort Duties
Hook:The agents are ordered to escort an female agent back their home base from an overseas location.
Line:Due to terrorist activity at the overseas location, the agents must travel by ship. However, the terrorists know this and have secured a few small ships and boats to take the agent out.
Sinker:The agent has vital information on the primary enemy agency. Pirates may also take a hand in attacking the PCs boat.

ET Phone Home
Hook:The agents must deliver a message to a field agent
Line:Characters must travel to field agent's location and successfully deliver the message.
Sinker:No complications or plot twists.

Field Testing
Hook:The characters are ordered to field test some new equipment at a remote location or in an extreme environment.
Line:Based on what equipment the GM can come up with, several tests should be devised to run the equipment through it's paces.
Sinker:All of the equipment isn't working quite right yet.

Hook:The agents are sent to recover a shipment of valuable equipment which has been stolen during transport.
Line:Analysts have tracked the goods to a warehouse near the docks of a major city. Criminals are in the process of moving the goods.
Sinker:The criminals won't give up goods without a fight and there are at least three times as many criminals as there are characters.

For the Damsel's Honor
Hook:The agents are at home base performing routine duties when they are ordered to do an investigation on the boyfriend of a prominent politician's daughter.
Line:The daughter has recently gotten involved with a new boyfriend, one not particularly cared for by her father, however an enemy agent has discovered something about the boyfriend that could ruin the relationship and is blackmailing the boyfriend to get more information on the politician.
Sinker:The enemy agency may use this opportunity to get back at the agents for past encounters and have set a trap.

Great White Hunter
Hook:The agents have just finished a mission which required a little gunplay or combat when they start getting shot at.
Line:The cliched Great White Hunter, complete with British accent, and British safari outfit has observed the agents' actions and decided they would make suitable game to hunt.
Sinker:The hunter is an honorable fellow who became bored with hunting animals all around the world. After trying a variety of other activities, from extreme sports, to gambling, to running a business and having affairs with women, he was involved in an altercation with a gang and discovered a new joy...hunting the most dangerous sport of all.

Hook:The agents are enjoying some well earned vacation time at near a major zoo. When they see zoo animals running amok nearby.
Line:Animal rights activists have freed the entire population of the local zoo and the animals go beserk. A copy of Monsters & Animals will come in handy for generating the stats for various animals.
Sinker:Lions, tigers, bears....and ostriches?

Little Old Lady from Pasadena.
Hook:A little old lady bustles up to the characters, pushing aside anyone in her way. She's got a duffel bag slung over her should and wears and absurd flowered hat.
Line:This little old lady's husband has been ripping off their company to support his mistress in style. The lady had been given the names and descriptions of the characters as people who can help her fix the situation. She wants to get back at him by stealing his illicit gains from the company.
Sinker:The little old lady is a fun woman who can provide a useful contact for the characters if she feels like it. Of course, the question on the agents' minds should be just how she knows about them and where she got the information from... The mistress of her husband is a syndicate ripoff artist employed by one of the criminal syndicates to make it possible for the syndicate to gain inroads into the market shares the company has been making which would provide additional income and good smuggling cover for the syndicate. As for who gave the little old lady the information, why that would be an FBI agent who knows about the characters' agency and wants to help the lady, but can't get involved due to jurisdictional commitments.

Minor Duties
Hook:The agents have screwed up their last assignment so the agency has assigned them, individually, to a variety of crap duty assignments. Duties to include installing alarms, scientific/technical lab work, handling routine communications, piloting trusted agents around, routine surveillance, and body guard duty (especially for minor and annoying targets like philanderers and angsty teens).
Line:Depending on the specific duties assigned a character (based on their skills), there will be a series (1D2+2) of problems and trouble ranging from minor problems to seriously major problems.
Sinker:If they succeed in dealing with most of the problems, they'll be allowed to return to regular duty, failure with the majority of problems will likely end the character's career at the agency.

Mistaken Identity
Hook:The characters are in a major city performing their normal duties
Line:A group of tourists mistake one of the agents for a famous actor/actress and constantly follow the character trying to get autographs, pictures, and other memorabilia.
Sinker:The agent actually closely resembles the actor/actress, who is actually in town and working on a new movie...could be a useful contact for the agent in question.

Out of Town
Hook:The characters are assigned to receive some information from the monks of a Tibetan Monastery.
Line:An allied Tibetan Monastery has information that the agency needs. The agents must travel there and retrieve the information.
Sinker:The Monastery is surrounded by Chinese Red Army doing maneuvers. The information is a monk's analysis of information about a new top secret product.

Prison Break
Hook:The characters have been incarcerated and imprisoned.
Line:Obviously the agents must escape from the prison.
Sinker:Naturally, the characters aren't the only ones who want to escape from prison, as many of their enemies are also in prison. In addition, the local crime boss has decided he finally wants to get back to his business after enjoying a nice little vacation in secure surroundings. Of course, what prison adventure can be good without the characters annoying a local gang who tries to kill the characters. Last, but not least, each of the characters has been befriended by their cell mate. Possibilities for the cell mate include:1. The insane mass-murders who decide the character is their best friend ever.
2. The picked-on prison geek.
3. The prisoner who falls in love with the character. 4. The con artist who thinks the character will want to team up.
5. The innocent prisoner.
6. A lawyer (always good for annoying people) who wants to handle the character's case.
7. The religious convert who has forsworn his wicked ways and seeks redemption.
8. The intelligent and deceptive professional criminal who wants to force the character into crime for their own purposes and gain.
9. The drug addict looking to score even more and newer drugs.
10. A mime who hasn't been able to effectively communicate yet, but doesn't stop trying.

Recruiting Drive
Hook:A fairly new agency is looking for prospective agents.
Line:Agent is contacted by a mysterious person and given a short test commensurate with their skills and abilities. Staging a fight for hand to hand specialists. Providing a coded message that has to be decrypted/deciphered. Setting up the character to tail someone. The old standby of having a "dying" agent entrust the character with a package. Hiring a thief to steal something. Recruiting a bodyguard. Steal a military vehicle and pilot it to a rendezvous point. Hiring a mercenary to deal with some small military trouble. Other ideas can also be used.
Sinker:Agent must pass the test and then rendezvous with the mysterious person to be considered for recruitment.

Return of Jefffar
Hook:The agents are sent to a high tech city to acquire (steal) a new high tech vehicle.
Line:The main henchman of the enemy agency has also been sent to get the new computer system. Works best if this occurs after the henchman has already been encountered.
Sinker:Much improved from his last encounter with the agents, the henchman will be a much more difficult opponent this time around. Foreshadowing of evil mastermind at the end of this adventure! Evil Mastermind's advisor will kill the henchman if it looks like characters are getting upper hand. The computer system requires a special operating code not available at this time.

Hook:A new underwater research station and amusement park is scheduled to open.
Line:The agents are sent to investigate and gather intelligence on the new technologies and materials designed for underwater use as they are being tested.
Sinker:Unfortunately the place is attacked by 1D4+2 giant octupi (use the stats for Giant Octopus from Monsters & Animals, pages 191-192). The intelligence gathered allows the agency to formulate a plan for later events.

Shichinin no Samurai
Hook:The agents assigned to guard remote outpost where special computer operating code is being developed.
Line:Pirates, brigands, or other criminals are raiding the outpost. There is an initial scouting probe which occurs before the agents arrive. The agents are tasked with setting up sufficient security systems and guards (1D4 squads of security guards are available for this assignment) to protect the facility while the computer code is being developed.
Sinker:The first actual attack by the criminals will be a daylight raid that should be relatively easy for the agents to foil. Next will be a night raid in much greater force that will present a more difficult challenge. Lastly, the agents will be ordered to locate and destroy the criminals hideout, with the help of a squad of special operations troops detailed for the mission. The code will take at least a week to finish, so space out the attacks to ensure plenty of boredom with high action attacks occurring at the worst possible time. For an added twist, give the agents the full week to find the criminal hideout. If it takes the characters longer to discover the hideout, schedule the last criminal raid to occur just as the characters are hitting the hideout (meaning very few criminals will actually be at the hideout since they will instead be hitting the outpost again).

Stop the Mad Scientist
Hook:Having gotten word that a captured or enemy scientist has completed his project, the agents are sent to eliminate him and acquire the project and all related material.
Line:This mission sets the stage for the final battle with the enemy agency and they are out in force to protect the project.
Sinker:During the course of the operation, the agency has become aware of the enemy agency's plot to destabilize the economy of several western nations and the agents are dispatched to stop him at all costs.

Hook:On the agent's flight back from the last mission, their plane goes down in a remote jungle/mountain region.
Line:The agents still have to get the information from their last mission back to home base. This is very difficult due to the difficult terrain and the distance the agents have to travel to get back to civilization (3D6x10 miles from the nearest town or city).
Sinker:The region is home to an obscure tribe of primitive natives, which resent intrusion into their territory. For an added twist, use this mission after the agents have been sent to capture a person or group. Not only do they have to get themselves back to base, they have to deal with unruly prisoners as well.

The Perfect Job
Hook:The agents are assigned to investigate a scientist with suspected links to enemy agency.
Line:This is a full investigation mission (i.e. data collection through surveillance, tailing, using contacts, possible breaking and entering to copy documents, possible computer hacking, , etc.). The scientist is initially unaware of any surveillance and no enemy agents appear to be in the area
Sinker:The scientist IS working on a project for the enemy agency. To protect their investment, the enemy agency has dispatched several (1D4) squads of agents to ensure the scientist is left undisturbed. Unless the characters seriously screw up, this mission goes normally.

Training Mission
Hook:The agents are assigned a test mission.
Line:The group must recover a removable hard drive containing valuable information from a remote island (training) facility without being discovered. There must be no evidence of the agents' visit to the facility and they are given a fake removable hard drive to substitute. Equipment can be requested based on how the agents plan to insert to the island facility, but the only weapons they can use are non-lethal weapons which don't leave much evidence of use (tasers, knockout drugs, etc).
Sinker:Obviously the characters aren't to know that this is a training mission and all occupants of the facility actually work for the agency and are carrying non-lethal weapons. Any character discovered or evidence of an intrusion will alert the facility and the occupants will actively begin searching for intruders to incapacitate. The target computer will be in a room with two other identical computers, all with removable hard drives, requiring the characters to do some real work in identifying their actual target. I recommend naming the computers Klatu, Berada, Nikto and randomly determining which computer actually holds the target hard drive.

Woman in Red
Hook:The agents have been assigned to routine safe house duties in Hong Kong, and currently enjoying a nice meal at a public restaurant.
Line:While the group is eating, they are approached by a mysterious woman in red who tries to seduce the character with the highest P.B.
Sinker:The woman is a bored and sexy (P.B. 18) housewife looking for some action. Careless characters may run into her jealous husband, the chief of Hong Kong police.

Wrong Place, Wrong Time
Hook:The agents are dispatched on a routine mission to a country that's not friendly to the characters' home country.
Line:While there, one (or more) of the agents gets accused of a crime they didn't commit and get chased by the just about everyone.
Sinker:The accuser is from an enemy agency, who is framing the agents in retaliation for the characters' actions against the enemy agency.

Hook:The agents are dispatched to prevent a criminal syndicate from taking over a small town with vital resources for agency operations.
Line:The characters have to travel to the town and come up with some way to counter the criminal syndicate.
Sinker:There are actually two different criminal syndicates engaged in a low-intensity battle for control of the town's resources. An enemy agency, willing to work with either organization, sends a team of their own agents on the third day after the characters have arrived.
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