New N&S Adventure

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New N&S Adventure

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Introductory Note: This is a moderately difficult scenario, appropriate for mid-level characters with Military, Police, Espionage, or Martial Arts O.C.Cs. Civilians and Gizmoteers may be useful, but aren't likely. Criminals may be independently called in, but again, this isn't likely. Player characters should start out the game as employees or agents of a national agency from North Korea, South Korea, the United States, and/or Japan. In addition, this adventure works best if used after the events in Shining Dragon Terrorism (N&S, pages 167-189).

Player Introduction
Brief the players by reading the following:
"You've been asked by your government to assist in the investigation of a group called the Shining Dragon Path to Eternal Unity. This lunatic, terrorist group is demanding that the government of the United States unilaterally withdraw all troops and personnel from South Korea as well as the lifting of several sanctions on North Korea by Japan and the US. There have been indications that recent bombings and other acts of violence against US servicemen stationed in Korea are the work of this group.
A military flight to a US Amphibious Ready Group enroute to South Korea to perform joint operations with the Republic of Korea near the coast at Pohang, Korea will be provided. You are to fly to the ARG's flagship immediately. Your accommodations and local briefing will be handled by a Captain Lee Parker of the U.S. 27th Marine Expeditionary Unit."
Give the players an opportunity to prepare, allowing three hour's time before their departure. They will be told that everything they need will be waiting for them in Korea or provided by the US military. A dossier on the Shining Dragon Path to Eternal Unity is available (especially if this adventure takes place after the introductory Shining Dragon adventure), but will be provided only if a player character demands to see it. Even then, copies will be provided only if the player makes a stink about it. Once they've finished, be sure to question them about what they will actually take with them on the airplane. Any items (especially weapons) the characters forget may be requested from the US military, but there is a limited amount of resources available. When they finally land on the ship, read the following:
"After exiting the helicopter, you see major activity underway on the flight deck. At least it seems that no one is here to greet you. Then you see the a hatch open and three figures break head in your direction. All three are wearing US military fatigues with battle gear. What are you doing?"
"The officer walks straight up to (name of the player characters' leader, or oldest member, or whichever character is most impressive looking) and looks at you (point at player). He says, 'We have no time to waste. Come this way for your briefing. Your luggage will be taken care of by some ratings.' What are you doing?"
Map of South Korea-Coming Soon

Captain Parker’s Intelligence Summary:
"Last Monday a delivery truck driven by an unidentified person crashed into the gate at Camp Stanley. After crashing into the gate, a bomb in the truck detonated, wiping out the entire gate area and killing four guards. On Tuesday, three US soldiers stationed at Camp Carroll, on liberty in Taegu, were attacked an killed by unknown assailants armed with 5.56mm assault rifles. During the rest of the week, sniper attacks were carried out wounding six soldiers and killing four. These sniper attacks have occurred at (roll percentile ten times and consult US Military Bases of Korea table). Yesterday, a videotape was received by the government of South Korea, claiming credit for these attacks and calling for the withdrawal of all US military forces in South Korea, as well as lifting sanctions against Korean exports. A recent report from the Republic of Korea military forces informs us that one of their munitions depots was robbed two weeks ago, however, they have not provided any details on what has been stolen, saying only that this "internal South Korean problem" is being investigated.
The 27th Marine Expeditionary Unit is still scheduled to undergo joint amphibious operations with the ROK marines in two weeks. We'd like your investigation into the perpetrators of these attacks as well as your plans to deal with the problem by then. There is a platoon of Special Operations Capable marines on one hour notice if you need additional strike forces as well as a squad of Navy SEALs for any black operations. Military transport can be provided in the form of helicopter transportation, Hum-Vees or LCAC naval transport. With that in mind, we can get you anywhere in South Korea within six hours.
Please fill out these forms if you have any equipment or personnel needs and submit them to me. I'll do my best to see that we can accommodate any needs you may have. Staff Sergeant Smith will show you to the staterooms set aside for you use. If you have any personal needs, please inform SSGT Smith and he will see what can be done about them. If we receive anymore information, I'll do my best to have it passed to you immediately. Are there any questions?"
Map of Military Bases in Korea-coming soon

Game Master Background
Shining Dragon Path to Eternal Unity is a pretty suicidal organization. Their goals are still ridiculous, however, there is growing approval of their actions in North Korea. Their original goals of uniting North and South Korea have changed somewhat, with the group focusing more on removing the influence of foreign governments such as China, Russia, the US and Japan in both North and South Korea. They believe that this is the first true step to uniting North and South Korea. Depending on whether or not the last adventure was played, there may be a change in leadership. If the last adventure was played prior to this one, any NPCs killed will not be present in this adventure. If the nuke from the last adventure was set off, most of the organizations members will be new recruits by anyone who did survive the blast (not likely). Some new NPCs are provided to fill in any gaps that may be present and to provide the PCs with additional opponents to face.
Shining Dragon Headquarters. The Shining Dragon are currently based in a six story hotel in the city of ? As they currently own the hotel, and it is “closed for renovations” the large number of people coming and going with large objects as well as the flow of delivery trucks is believed to be part of the renovation project and is fairly unremarkable. The agents will not discover this headquarters unless they can successfully tail one of the terrorists both to their immediate rendezvous point, but from that rendezvous point back to the hotel (where the terrorists engage in mild R&R, training, and await the next mission).
US Military Bases of Korea
1. CP Oscar (Army)
2. CP Tango (Army)
3. Camp Ames (Army)
4. Camp Bonifas (Army)
5. Camp Carroll (Army)
6. Camp Casey (Army)
7. Camp Castle (Army)
8. Camp Chinhae (Army)
9. Camp Coiner (Army)
10. Camp Colbern (Army)
11. Camp Dartboard (Army)
12. Camp Eagle (Army)
13. Camp Edwards (Army)
14. Camp Essayons (Army)
15. Camp Falling Water (Army)
16. Camp Garry Owen (Army)
17. Camp George (Army)
18. Camp Giant (Army)
19. Camp Gray (Army)
20. Camp Greaves (Army)
21. Camp Henry (Army)
22. Camp Hialeah (Army)
23. Camp Hovey (Army)
24. Camp Howze (Army)
25. Camp Humphreys (Army)
26. Camp Jackson (Army)
27. Camp Kim (Army)
28. Camp Kitty Hawk (Army)
29. Camp Kwangsari (Army)
30. Camp Kyle (Army)
31. Camp La Guardia (Army)
32. Camp Libby (Army)
33. Camp Liberty Bell (Army)
34. Camp Long (Army)
35. Camp Market (Army)
36. Camp McNabb (Army)
37. Camp Mobile (Army)
38. Camp Morse (Army)
39. Camp Nimble (Army)
40. Camp Page (Army)
41. Camp Pelham (Army)
42. Camp Red Cloud (Army)
43. Camp Salem (Army)
44. Camp Sears (Army)
45. Camp Stanley (Army)
46. Camp Stanton (Army)
47. Camp Walker (Army)
48. Camp Yongin (Army)
49. Chinhae Naval Station (Navy)
50. Cheong Ju AB (Air Force)
51. Kimhae AB (Air Force)52. Kunsan AB (Air Force)
53. Kwangju AB (Air Force)
54. Osan AB (Air Force)
55. Pusan AB (Air Force)
56. Sachon AB (Air Force)
57. Suwon AB (Air Force)
58. Taegu AB (Air Force)
59. Yechon AB (Air Force)
60. Alamo ASA [Det L] (Army)
61. Brooklyn (Army)
62. Bull's Eye #1 (Army)
63. Bull's Eye #2 (Army)
64. Charlie Block (Army)
65. Concord (Army)
66. FED Compound (Army)
67. Freedom Bridge (Army)
68. H-112 (Army)
69. H-220 Heliport (Army)
70. H-401 (Army)
71. Hannam Village (Army)
72. Joint Security Area (Army)
73. K-16 Airfield (Army)
74. Kamaksan ASA [Det M] (Army)
75. Koryosan ASA (Army)
76. Kunsan (Army)
77. Madison Site (Army)
78. Niblo Barracks (Army)
79. RC #4 (Army)
80. Shinbuk Relay [Hill 754] (Army)
81. Songnam (Army)
82. Swiss-Swede Camp (Army)
83. Warrior Base (Army)
84. Yongpyong (Army)
85. Yongsan Garrison (Army)
86. Camp Carroll, ROK (Army Logistics)
87. Camp Market, ROK (Army Logistics)
88. Masan Ammo Depot (Army Logistics)
89. Pusan Pier #8, KR (Army Logistics)
90. Pusan Storage Area, ROK (Army Logistics)
91. Taegu Storage Area (Army Logistics)
92. Bayonet TA (Army Training)
93. Gimbols TA (Army Training)
94. Hwaakson Evn ATC (Army Training)
95. Indian Head TC (Army Training)
96. Korea Trng Ctr (Army Training)
97. Kotar Range (Army Training)
98. Nightmare Range (Army Training)
99. Papyonsan ATC (Army Training)
00. Watkins Range (Army Training)

Background attacks include a car bomb being used to destroy the gate at a US army base, the theft of several weapons from a ROK military base (unless the characters are South Koreans, they will not be able to get a list of what weapons were stolen or any details on the theft), several US servicemen being attacked near a bar in Pyongyang, and sniper attacks on another US army base.
How well the agents fare against the major encounters depends on their actions. If they are present for any given attack, they have a chance to attack/stop the perpetrators (with the exception of the North Korean harassment). If they haven't been able to garner any clues or information, then they may well be out of place to deal with the problem.
Weapons Theft: If the characters have South Korean intelligence connections, they will find out that several Daewoo K-2 assault rifles (48), Chinese-built mortars and machine guns (4 mortars, 4 machine guns), and both chemical (sarin gas) and biological (anthrax) rounds for the mortars have come up missing.
Shining Dragon Terrorists: Chang Bok Soo is training several squads of followers to act as military squads for the scheduled attacks as well as testing them by having small teams perform isolated minor attacks against US forces (examples include dropping a single mortar round on a military base, rigging a vehicle to explode, taking sniper shots at people standing around, and assaulting 1-2 troops out on liberty (especially those who have been drinking), and machine gun or assault rifle attacks on groups of US troops traveling in a single vehicle). Meanwhile, Kim Suk Dan (if he's still alive) is conducting his own operations by using a small group (4 of the senior followers) of demolitions experts to plant even more car bombs as well as arranging suicide bombing runs against base gates (the drivers of the vehicles are junior followers chosen for their zeal and fanaticism). Sergeant Joon Suk, unless he has been previously exposed as mole, is still passing intelligence to the group from South Korean police and military reports.

1. Continued terrorist attacks on US service members on and off base. 2D4 additional attacks will occur, divided among the first three days the characters are on scene. Attacks include bombs placed in the vehicles of US troops, sniping attacks on military formations from locations off base, gang attacks on US troops enjoying the Korean bars, terrorist assaults on off base troop movements, petty theft and robberies of US troops on liberty, mortar attacks on guard positions, deliberate car accidents, etc.
Each day after the third day, there is a 50% chance of 1D4 further attacks occurring, until the nuke is detonated. Any captured terrorist (remember, they will fight to the death and commit suicide before surrendering) may be able to provide information on Shining Dragon's next planned operation. Roll on the US Military Bases of Korea table to determine where additional attacks have occurred.
However, if SGT Joon Suk is still alive and any captured terrorists are held in a South Korean police station, he will be used to eliminate the prisoner as per Inside Job from Shining Dragon Terrorism (N&S, pages 167-168). If the prisoner(s) has been detained by US military forces, he will pretend to have authorization to transfer the prisoner(s) to South Korean custody and will be accompanied by 2-4 junior followers disguised as South Korean Police and using a stolen Korean Police Passenger Van. Due to the Status of Forces Agreement with South Korea, the US military commander in charge of the facility will have no choice but to release the prisoner(s) to Joon Suk's custody (he has the proper paperwork, though the authorizing signatures are forged...something the US military commander will not be able to check). If the forgeries are questioned by someone literate in Korean (especially a Korean agent familiar with the South Korean bureaucracy), Joon Suk will leave in apparent anger, but will later stage an attempted breakout of the prisoners, using 1D4+4 junior Shining Dragon followers armed with assault rifles and explosives.
US Military Response: While liberty won't be canceled for US service members, troops will be required to travel in groups of four or more.
South Korean Military Response: ROK troops will all be recalled to active duty with no liberty and await further instructions.
North Korean Military Response: The North Korean forces will be quietly put on alert.

2. Chemical Attack on US Army Camp Hialeah near Pohang. Occurs on the fifth night after the characters arrive on the scene. The attacking force will consist of the Mortar Squad under the command of Chang Bok Soo and an Assault Rifle Squad. There is also a 60% chance that Hyuk Suh Dan and his younger brother will be present. The attack is scheduled to begin at midnight, and the Shining Dragon terrorists will schedule their insertion one hour before hand to ensure everything is in place and ready for the attack. The mortars will be stationed at least two kilometers from the base and will concentrate on lobbing Sarin Gas rounds at barracks, security buildings, motor pools, and the base headquarters building. After firing four rounds (takes one melee), the mortar teams will pack up and move to their extraction point. Extraction for the mortar team will be accomplished by a delivery truck, the driver will be in the vehicle with one SMG armed guard, ready to go at a moment's notice. The truck will be 15 minutes travel from the mortar team's location. The assault rifle squad will be dispersed following the attack in two-man teams who will leave the area by bus and taxi. The driver, his guard, and the assault rifle squad leader will be from among the Senior Shining Dragon Followers.
Sarin Gas: Onset: 2D6 minutes. Damage: 6D6 direct to hit points, per exposure. Saving Throw: 16 or better for every minute of exposure. A properly fitted gas mask with cannister provides a +8 to the saving throw. An improperly fitted gas mask, one without a cannister, or attempting to hold one's breath only results in a +2 to save.
US Military Response: The military will upgrade their CBR Defense to issue of Protective Clothing, gas masks with canisters and mandate having both ready for immediate donning. The 6th ARG and 27th MEU will cancel the exercise and go to full standby alert for quick deployment to any other base attacked.
South Korean Military Response: Essentially the same as the US military response.
North Korean Military Response: The North Korean forces will be publicly acknowledged as being in a state of alert, and chemical protective measures will be adopted by the troops (basically the same as the US response, but no protective clothing).

3. North Korean Surveillance Ships/Submarine Warfare in the Sea of Japan. Occurs every third day, starting with the sixth day after the characters arrive on the scene. Several surveillance ships and North Korean submarines will be used to harass US and Japanese forces in the Sea of Japan. The surveillance ships will attempt to closely follow all military vessels, get in their way, and transmit insulting radio messages to the crew, and other minor harassing tactics (such as firing off flares in the middle of the night at the ships, engaging in electronic jamming, using lasers to try and blind the crew of the military ships, etc). The submarines will attempt to follow and shadow any military vessels in the area, making their presence known to surface ships or playing a deadly game of cat and mouse with any submarines in the area.
US Military Response: Naval vessels will warn off any ship approaching within 1000 yards and fire warning shots for vessels which approach closer than 1000 yards. If the North Koreans press the issue, the US Navy will be authorized to fire on encroaching vessels.
South Korean Military Response: ROK naval vessels will also be deployed in an effort to counter North Korean naval forces and incursions.
North Korean Military Response: If any North Korean Ships are directly attacked, North Korean naval forces will begin deploying near all US naval ships (about five nautical miles away).

4. Biological Attack on US Army Camp Casey near Demilitarized Zone. Occurs on the eighth night after the characters arrive. This time the attacking force will be comprised of the Mortar Squad, two Assault Rifle Squads, and the Special Weapons Squad. The mortar team is under the command of Chang Bok Soo unless he has been killed, in which case Hyuk Suh Dan will command the mortar team (unless dead). The Assault Rifle Squads will be under the command of Hyuk Suh Dan if Chang Bok Soo is still alive or Kim Juk Dan. If Chang Bok Soo, Hyuk Suh Dan AND Kim Juk Dan are all alive, the Special Weapons Squad will have Kim Juk Dan along. All troops will be equipped with CBR protective clothing and gas masks, as well as atropine injectors and other protective measures. Each two man team will also have gas detectors to monitor the situation.
This attack will be scheduled for four A.M. and insertion to the area will occur starting at midnight, from several directions, with the assault rifle squads arriving at midnight to infiltrate the area and perform reconnaissance as well as secure the area for the mortar team and special weapons squad. The special weapons squad will arrive at two A.M. and set up in positions selected by Hyuk Suh Dan. The mortar team under Chang Bok Soo will arrive at three A.M. and setup in a pre-selected location 2.5 kilometers away from the base. The actual mortar attack will happen the same way as the earlier chemical gas attack, with four rounds being fired at the usual targets.
The assault rifle teams have secured a bus with driver and guard for extraction from this mission and the special weapons squad will use taxis for the sniper teams and another delivery truck for the machine gun teams. The same mortar squad truck driver and guard will be present for the Mortar Squad's extraction.
Anthrax: Onset: 1-2 days, Duration 1D4+1 days, Damage: Phase I: 1D6 damage direct to hit points every six hours for the first 1D4 days, victim is -1 to all combat rolls, -3 to speed and -5% to all skills. Phase II: 2D4 damage direct to hit points for every six hours of the remaining duration, plus for every six hours the penalties listed in Phase I are cumulative. Saving Throw: Very Virulent Disease: 15 or higher, the saving throw can be re-rolled every three days after exposure. A properly fitted gas mask provides a +4 save, An improperly fitted gas mask, one without a cannister, or attempting to hold one's breath only results in a +2 to save. Wearing both gas mask and JSLIST results in a +8 to save.
If the attacks up to this point have been successful, a video tape will be delivered to the South Korean government in Pusan the next day declaiming the South Korean's alliance with the "capitalistic American pig-dogs and their simian Japanese lackeys," claiming credit for the chemical and biological attacks using the "foreign devils' own evil weapons against them" and claiming that if their demands are not met, they will "cleanse the evil corrupting influence of foreign animals from sacred Korean soil with holy fire."
US Military Response: The Carrier Battle Group stationed in Yokosuka Japan will be immediately deployed to the Sea of Japan with standby orders to deliver air support. All military forces in the area will upgrade to wearing of protective clothing and constant CBR monitoring will take place at all facilities and vessels. Naval vessels will warn all ships approaching within one nautical mile (2000 yards), with warning shots on vessels approaching closer than that, Combat Air Patrols from the Carrier Group will prevent any aircraft from approaching military facilities & vessels.
South Korean Military Response: The same protective measures as the US military response, and all reserve units will be transferred to the DMZ to help defend against any North Korean incursions.
North Korean Military Response: All naval forces will go to full alert and essentially at condition “yellow,” with permission to engage if they are fired upon. All ground forces will go to active CBR protective measures and be prepared for immediate attacks across the DMZ.

5. Nuclear Attack on the 6th ARG. To help support the Shining Dragon's goals, North Korea has provided a nuclear weapon in the 100 Kiloton range to be used against the US military forces in South Korea. The weapon will be delivered to a smuggler operating a fishing boat near the border between North and South Korea (China side). From a small South Korean fishing village, the nuke will be transported by delivery truck in a roundabout route designed to avoid all major military and police encounters to a small fishing village near Pohang. US military intelligence will be able to decode a North Korean military message vaguely mentioning the delivery dates of the nuke to South Korea and the nuke's estimated arrival time in Pohang. While Pohang will be clearly mentioned, the initial port of entry for the nuke will be only guardedly mentioned with some vague details about how many people and what kind of vehicle will be used to pick up the package. The timing for this operation will be scheduled delivery of the nuke to South Korea on the tenth day after the characters arrive. The scheduled arrival in Pohang will be on the fourteenth day. That day, a list of four US military bases to be attacked will be leaked to the South Korean government, which will warn the US military. The US military responds by deploying Company-sized units of marines with helicopter transportation and CBR gear to those bases to act as quick-response teams in case of attacks. Each of the bases on the leaked list will be attacked by Mixed Squads consisting of one three-man mortar team from the mortar squad, using conventional rounds (with another set of six reloads, for a total of 12 per mortar), backed by two, two-man Assault Rifle teams, one, two-man Sniper Team, and one, two-man Machine Gun team. The remaining experienced Shining Dragon Followers (two, two-man Assault Rifle teams, as well as any other remaining Senior Followers), as well as their leaders will be detailed to the boat, with the remaining Shining Dragon followers being assigned as extraction drivers and guards for the base assault squads. Assault rifles, pistols and some grenades will be well hidden, required a 14 or better Perception roll or a Detect Concealment/Find Contraband skill check at -20%.A fishing boat will be loaded with the nuke on the first night after the majority of troops are ashore to attack the LHD, disguising it's approach as that of a fishing boat from the nearby fishing waters in distress. The crew will attempt to decline any offer of help from smaller vessels and insist on approaching the LHD for help. Language difficulties, no radio communications, crew confusion (maybe by having a small fire break out or other obvious emergency), and an obstinate pilot will all be used to get the fishing boat as close to the LHD as possible. The crew will also resist any attempt to have anyone board the fishing boat. If pressured into letting someone on the boat, they will be very uncooperative, and ready to instantly attack anyone let on board.
Who is in charge of the operation will depend on who is still alive among the Shining Dragon leadership. Kim Suk Dan, Chang Bok Soo, and Hyuk Suh Dan, in that order will be present as the leader of the operation. If all three have been killed, Joon Suk (if alive) or another leader can be chosen. Whoever is in charge will be in the main fishing hold pretending to be performing tasks in the hold, but in reality, guarding the nuclear bomb to prevent anyone from stopping their planned detonation of the device. The nuke must be manually detonated, so the leader will wait until the last possible moment before detonating the device. If the nuke is detonated, the LHD will be destroyed, as will any other ships within 5 nautical miles of the detonation..
US Military Response: The Quick-Response teams will locate the Shining Dragon Base Assault Squads within one melee round of the first shots fired. Since the Shining Dragon squads will remain until all mortar rounds have been launched, or they're all killed, it's likely that the Shining Dragon Followers will be mostly eliminated, with the possible exception of the sniper teams and extraction crews. The fishing boat will be hailed as it approaches the one nautical mile warning of the LHD, however, with no radio, they won't be able to respond to the call. After the warning shot, the crew of the fishing boat will attempt to visibly signal their need for aid, using flares, flag & hand waving and even a bull-horn as means of indicating distress (though they'll refuse to use English to communicated). As an LCAC has little ability to help a distressed fishing boat, a cutter will be launched from the LHD with a crew of sailors and marines to attempt to stop the fishing boat from approaching, however, since it will take several minutes (15) for the boat to be crewed and launched, the fishing boat will be able to close most of the distance to the ship, even with additional warning shots fired at 1000 yards. Korean translators will use a bull-horn on the LHD to warn off the fishing boat, even in it's distress, to a minimum of 1000 yards. The fishing boat will try to get closer and act confused, dumb, and ignorant even to the Korean translators, however, they will slow their approach. From this point, the characters' actions (if they were smart enough to be stationed on the LHD, especially so if they're on the cutter launched to assist the fishing boat) will determine how much closer the fishing boat can close. If the fishing boat reaches a distance of 100 yards from the LHD, the nuke will be detonated. Attempts at inspecting the fishing boat will be met with very little cooperation, and if the leader in charge of the nuke suspects that his mission has been blown (i.e. by the PCs being suspicious of his activities in the fishing hold, not by the fishing boat being boarded), he will attempt to detonate the nuke (requires one melee round to arm the nuke and manually detonate it...which gives the PCs some time to respond, if they happen to be within site of the leader in the fish hold) . Of course, PCs failing to stop the leader from arming the nuke, but making verbal and/or radio comments about the nuke being armed, will result in the LHD firing just about everything at the fishing boat in the hopes of sinking it before the nuke goes off, even with their own troops, cutter, and/or the agents in harm's way. Which means, that a radio warning has a 50% chance of successfully sinking/destroying the fishing boat before the nuke is detonated, preventing it from detonating.
South Korean Military Response: If the nuke is detonated, South Korea will be too busy trying to defend against North Korean incursions across the DMZ to provide any aid, and will in fact request aid from the US (who will already be doing it’s share of the fighting). If the nuke isn’t detonated, but the fishing boat is sunk the South Koreans will begin an immediate investigation into the matter, involving ever-ascending levels of politicians and bureaucrats from South Korea, China, Japan, and the US. If the fishing boat is secured without being sunk or detonating the nuke, the remaining Shining Dragon members will be held by the South Korean government for trial and eventually executed or give long prison terms. If Chang Bok Soo is captured alive, he is treated as a spy, and his capture is used as a political lever to make some demands on North Korea. If he has been killed, his existence will be used to defuse the mounting military tensions.
North Korean Military Response: If the nuke is detonated, all hell will break loose and the North Koreans will use their political leverage to declare that the US has used nuclear weapons and will announce that it is prepared to retaliate with nuclear weapons if any of it’s forces are attacked by CBR methods. Reserve forces will be brought up to reinforce the assault across the DMZ currently underway. If the nuke isn’t detonated, but the fishing boat is sunk, the North Koreans will remain at high levels of readiness and it will take quite a bit of diplomatic work to lower tensions in the region. If Chang Bok Soo is captured alive or killed, the North Korean government will deny that he ever worked for him, but will quietly downgrade their military forces to the lowest readiness they usually have.

Korean Officials: All the Korean government and police personnel will be helpful, but not very effective. Despite the theft of chemical & biological weapons, they believe the whole thing is some kind of hoax or plot cooked up by the communists in North Korea.

Kim Suk Dan and Sergeant Joon Suk may still be around if they weren't eliminated in Shining Dragon Terrorism.
However, they've both become more experienced and their stats are modified to reflect this:
Kim Suk Dan
The retired professor is now a 9th level expert in Tae Kwon Do.
Hit Points: 34 S.D.C.: 15 Chi:25 Attacks Per Melee Round: 7 Special Abilities: Windmill Kata, Warrior Spirit Kata, Zanshin.
Joon Suk
Sergeant Joon Suk is now a 5th level Tae Kwon Do Martial Artist
Hit Points: 29 S.D.C.: 30+ Chi: 13 Attacks Per Melee Round: 5 Special Abilities: Tamashiwara & One Life/Shot/Hit/Kill

Hyuk Suh Dan: The eldest son of Kim Suk Dan, he has followed in his father's footsteps. If his father is dead, he has become the new leader of the Shining Dragon. He loves his younger brother very much and if his brother is killed, he will forgo further harassing attacks in favor of personally hunting down and killing his brother's killer(s). Hyuk Suh Dan is a 6th level Tae Kwon Do Martial Artist.
Hit Points: 37S.D.C.: 40Chi: 20
Attacks Per Melee Round: 5
Special Abilities: Zanshin & Iaijutsu

Chang Bok Soo: A disaffected military instructor from North Korea, he has retired from active service and willingly joined the Shining Dragon, fervently believing in their goals. His military experience in all types of weapons makes him a particularly dangerous opponent. Chang Bok Soo is a 7th level master of Hwarang-Do and Moo Gi Gong.
Hit Points: 44 S.D.C.: 91 Chi: 17
Attacks Per Melee Round: 8
Special Abilities: Stone Ox, Kangeiko/Shochu Geiko, Kanshu, Tamashiwara, Chagi, Chi-Gung

Kim Juk Dan: The younger son of Kim Suk Dan, he also follows in his father's footsteps, but adores his elder brother. If he is killed, Hyuk Suh Dan will not rest until he eliminates his brother's killer(s). Kim Juk Dan is a 4th level Moo Gi Gong Martial Artist.
Hit Points: 26 S.D.C.: 45 Chi: 13
Attacks Per Melee Round: 3
Special Abilities: Chi-Gung

Shining Dragon Followers: There is total of seventy nine (79) followers, each a first level Tae Kwon Do martial artist. Any Shining Dragon Followers among the original forty will be fourth level TKD martial artists who have learned how to use one type of gun (W.P. Pistol, Submachine gun and Assault Rifle are most common). They all fight to the death, preferring kick attacks and jump kicks.
Junior Followers: Hit Points: 14 S.D.C.: 30 Chi: 11 Attacks per Melee: 4 Special Abilities: Falling Technique, Tamashiwara.
Senior Followers: Hit Points: 25 S.D.C.: 30 Chi: 11 Attacks Per Melee: 5 Special Abilities: Falling Technique, Tamashwiara.
Assault Rifle Squad A: Composed of five, two-man teams, all armed with Daewoo K-2 assault rifles (Use M-16 stats). Each two-man team consists of a Senior Shining Dragon Follower and a Junior Shining Dragon Follower.
Assault Rifle Squad B: Composed of five, two-man teams, all armed with Daewoo K-2 assault rifles (Use M-16 stats). Each two-man team consists of a Senior Shining Dragon Follower and a Junior Shining Dragon Follower. Note: If the Assault Rifle Squad was killed in the chemical attack or aftermath, the second Assault Rifle Squad in the biological attack will be composed of entirely Junior Followers.
Mortar Squad: Composed of four, three-man mortar teams armed with one Type 53 82mm mortar (Range is 3 kilometers with a minimum range of 100 meters, damage is 3D4x10 with a blast radius of 70 feet (21m)) and one case containing six mortar rounds (only 4 of which will be CBR rounds). Composition of the teams is one Senior and two Junior Shining Dragon Followers.
Special Weapons Squad: Composed of two, two-man sniper teams and two, two-man Machine Gun teams. The Sniper teams are armed with two Dragunov SVD rifles. The Machine Gun teams are armed with Norinco Type 85 12.7mm Heavy Machine Guns and three 100 round box magazines.

6th Amphibious Ready Group (ARG):
Wasp class Amphibious Assault Ship (LHD)
S.D.C.: 16,000 A.R.: 18. Stops pistol, rifle, machinegun and fragments. Vulnerable to mines and antitank rockets. Heavy machine guns with penetration values of 11+ can also damage the ship.
Displacement: 40,530 tons full load
Dimensions: 844 x 140 x 26.5 feet/257.25 x 42.7 x 8 meters
Propulsion: 2 boilers, steam turbines, 2 shafts, 70,000 shp, 22 knots
Crew: 1,146
Well Deck: 267x50x28 feet/81.4 x15.2 x 8.5 meters; 3 LCAC
Troops: 1,893 + 200 surge capacity
Cargo: 22,000 square feet vehicle, 101,000 cubic feet bulk
Radar: SPS-48E 3-D air search, SPS-49(V)5 2-D air search, Mk23 target acquisition, SPN-35A air traffic control, SPN-43B air traffic control, SPN-47 air traffic control
Fire Control: SYS-2(V)3 combat system, 2 Mk 91 NSSM control with Mk95 radarsEW: SLQ-32(V)3 intercept/jammer, Mk36 SRBOC decoy RL, SLQ-25A Nixie torpedo countermeasure, SRS-1 Combat D/F ELINT
Aviation: full flight deck, half-length hangar, 2 deck-edge elevators; ~35-40 helicopters and VSTOL
Armament: 2 Mk29 8-cell NATO Sea Sparrow, 2 21-cell RAM, 2 20mm Phalanx CIWS, 3 25mm Bushmaster low-angle, 4 12.7mm MG

Whidbey Island class dock landing ships (LSD) There are Two of these in the 6th ARG.
S.D.C.: 14,000 A.R.: 15 Stops pistol, rifle, machine gun and fragments, can be penetrated by antitank rockets or heavy machine guns with armor piercing rounds (penetration value of 9+).
Displacement: 16,300 tons full load
Dimensions: 609 x 84 x 19.5 feet/185.6 x 25.6 x 5.9 meters
Propulsion: 4 diesels, 2 shafts, 41,600 bhp, 22 knots
Crew: 310-320
Well Deck: 440 x 50 feet/134 x 15 meters; 4 LCAC or 3 LCU
Troops: 400 + 100 surge capacity
Cargo: 12,500 square feet vehicle, 5,000 cubic feet bulk
Radar: SPS-49(V)1 2-D air search (LSD 45-48: SPS-49(V)5)
EW: SLQ-32(V)1 intercept, Mk36 SRBOC decoy RL, SLQ-25 Nixie torpedo countermeasure
Aviation: aft flight deck; landing for 4 helicopters
Armament: 2 21-cell RAM, 2 20mm Phalanx CIWS, 2 25mm Bushmaster, 8 12.7mm MG

Austin class amphibious transport docks (LPD)
S.D.C.: 12,000 A.R.: 15 Stops pistol, rifle, machine gun and fragments, can be penetrated by antitank rockets or heavy machine guns with armor piercing rounds (penetration value of 9+).
Displacement: 16,800-17,500 tons full load
Dimensions: 568.75 x 84 x 23.5 feet/173.4 x 25.6 x 7.2 meters
Propulsion: 2 boilers, steam turbines, 2 shafts, 24,000 shp, 21 knots
Crew: 386-400
Well Deck: 168 x 50; 1 LCU
Troops: 835 (LPD 4-6: 886)
Cargo: 12,000 square feet vehicle, 40,000 cubic feet bulk
Radar: SPS-40C 2-D air search
EW: SLQ-32(V)1 passive intercept, Mk36 SRBOC decoy RL, SLQ-25 Nixie torpedo countermeasure
Aviation: aft flight deck, telescoping hangar - 58-64 x 18.5-24 x 17.5-20 foot/17.6-19.5 x 5.6-7.3 x 5.3-6 meter; landing for 4 helicopters
Armament: 2 20mm Phalanx CIWS, 2 25mm Bushmaster low-angle, 8 12.7mm MG

LCAC 1 Class (LCAC) There are seven of these with the 6th ARG, three with the LHD, four with one of the LSDs.
S.D.C.: 5,000 A.R.: 14. Stops pistols, rifles, light machine guns under .50 caliber grenades, can be penetrated by antitank rockets or heavy machine guns with armor piercing rounds (penetration value of 9+).
Length: 88 feet
Beam: 47 feet
Displacement: 200 tons full load
Capacity: 60 tons/75 ton overload
Speed: 40 plus knots with payload
Armament: 2 - 12.7mm MGs. Gun mounts will support: M-2HB .50 cal machine gun; Mk-19 Mod3 40mm grenade launcher; M-60 machine gun
Crew: 5
Range: 200 miles at 40 kts with payload, 300 miles at 35 kts with payload

LCU 1610 class (LCU) There are four of these with the 6th ARG, three with one of the LSDs, one with the LPD.
S.D.C.: 6,000 A.R.: 14. Stops pistols, rifles, light machine guns under .50 caliber grenades, can be penetrated by antitank rockets or heavy machineguns with armor piercing rounds (penetration value of 9+).
Length overall: 135 feet
Displacement: 375 tons
Payload: 170 tons of cargo, 3 tanks or 400 troops
Crew size: 11

Aircraft of the 6th ARG:
6 AV-8B Harrier attack planes
4 AH-1W SuperCobra attack helicopter12 CH-46 Sea Knight helicopters
9 CH-53 Sea Stallion helicopters
4 UH-1N Huey helicopters

31st Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU):
The elements of a MEU are as follows:
1. MEU Command Element - which is a standing headquarters
2. Ground Combat Element- Built on an infantry battalion, which becomes a Battalion Landing Team (BLT) with the addition of tanks, artillery, engineers, amphibious vehicles, light armored vehicles, and other combat support assets
3. Aviation Combat Element- A composite squadron of both fixed and rotary wing aircraft-See Aircraft of the 6th ARG above.
4. Combat Service Support Element- MEU Service Support Group
5. 2200 Troops, 4 Tanks, 13 Amphibious Assault Vehicles (AAVs), and 6 Artillery Howitzers

New Equipment
Chemical Agent Monitor (CAM). The Chemical Agent Monitor (CAM) is a hand-held, automated device for monitoring chemical agent contamination on personnel and equipment similar to the ICAM. The CAM has two controls: an on/off push button switch and a mode select push button switch which selects the blister or nerve-agent mode of operation. The CAM detects vapors of chemical agents by sensing molecular ions of specific mobilities (time of flight) and uses timing and microprocessor techniques to reject inferences. It can detect and discriminate between vapors of nerve and blister agents and display the relative concentration. The Marine CAM also detects and discriminates between other agents.
M21 Remote Sensing Chemical Agent Alarm. The M21 Automatic Chemical Agent Alarm provides the Army with the first-ever capability of detecting chemical agent vapor clouds at a distance. The M21 Alarm detects nerve and blister agent vapor clouds at line-of-sight distances out to 5 km. The M21 Alarm will be issued to Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Reconnaissance teams for use either on its tripod or in conjunction with the NBC Reconnaissance Vehicle, known as the FOX, for surveillance or reconnaissance missions. The M21 Alarm needs to be stationary to make valid detection decisions. The improved FOX has an integrated mast assembly that stores the M21 Alarm and raises it during vehicle short halts to scan the area for agent clouds. The M21 Alarm automatically scans a 60-degree arc, in seven field-of-view segments, to detect agent clouds. It is a passive infrared device that views the infrared energy much like your eye views visible light. The incoming energy is processed and compared against known agent spectra. When a detection (Nerve or Blister) is made, the alarm light illuminates and the horn sounds. Additionally, small field-of-view lights will illuminate to inform the operator in which of the seven fields of view an agent was detected. It is possible for several field-of-view lights to be illuminated at the same time and, subsequently, track a moving agent cloud.
M40/M42 Series Chemical-Biological Mask. The M40 provides respiratory, eye, and face protection against chemical and biological agents. The mask consists of a silicone rubber face-piece with an in-turned peripheral faceseal and binocular rigid lens system. A face-mounted canister (gas and aerosol filter) can be worn on either the left or the right cheek. Microphone, hose and canister carrier are provided for combat vehicle applications. The mask is furnished in small, medium, and large sizes. Several mask improvements have been introduced through Pre-Planned Product Improvement (P3I) programs, which resulted in M40A1 and M42A1 configurations. The adopted initiatives included a quick-doff hood, second skin, canister interoperability (M42A1 only), and voice amplification (M7), new nosecup, two new carriers, and improved vision correction. An additional product improvement was adopted in Dec 94 which upgraded the M42 to the M42A2 configuration. This change provides detachable microphone that improves reliability, simplifies production, and permits field replacements.
Joint Service Lightweight Integrated Suit Technology. The Joint Service Lightweight Integrated Suit Technology or JSLIST consists of a two piece garment designed to replace the Navy's existing Chemical Protection Overgarment (CPO). The JSLIST garment offers a number of advantages over the Navy' s current CPO. The JSLIST garment features state-of-the-art chemical protective lining technology which provides increased chemical protection while allowing more mobility for the wearer, and can be laundered up to three times. The CPO suit contains a charcoal impregnated lining. During wear, this lining is leached onto the wearer causing inner garments to become coated with charcoal dust. The CPO suit would disintegrate if laundered. Components include an Overgarment to be worn over the Battle Dress Uniform (BDU), and the Multipurpose Rain/Snow/CB Overboot (MULO). These items allow complete MOPP and heat stress management flexibility while tailoring the protection levels relative to mission scenarios and threat.

Vehicle Quick Stats
Delivery Truck: A.R. 7, S.D.C. 400, Speed: 120 mph (193 km), Range: 200 miles (322 km), Crew: 1 driver & two passengers in cab, up to 10 passengers in back or up to 4000lbs cargo.
Taxi: A.R. 7, S.D.C. 450, Speed: 120mph (193kmph), Range: 250 miles (402km), Crew: 1 driver & up to four passengers.
Bus: A.R. 10, S.D.C. 500, Speed: 120 mph (193 km), Range: 150 miles (241 km), Crew:1 driver and up to 45 passengers.
Fishing Trawler: Length: 120 feet (36.6 m), Max. Speed: 15 mph (24 kmph) motorized, Crew: 35-39, S.D.C.: 900.
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