Mooks & Fighting in Chains

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Mooks & Fighting in Chains

Unread post by Guest »

I was going through my old archives and came across some topics that looked like they still had some potential for discussion as well as being of possible interest to people who joined the message boards after they originally occured.

The Key wrote:I say Art of War with Wesly Snipes and I was wondering. What would be the penalties fro fighting in leg and wristhand cuffs linked by chains?

Also, "The Mook". I was wondering if this would be a quick way for Higher level characters to fight through hordes of baddies quickly rather then rolling for each low level combatant. Has anyone have any ideas on this?

Kuseru Satsujin wrote:[Addressing the first part of The Key's post]
Depending on the amount of movement/freedom of play based on the type of restricting device (i.e. length of chain), certain moves will become impossible. For instance, being handcuffed, with limited range of motion will impair hand strikes, limiting those requiring only the use of one hand, although the different striking surfaces of the hand should be unaffected (i.e. you could still strike with a knife hand, palm strike, the back of the hand, etc.). Kicks will likewise be impaired, especially if the legs are restricted from normal 'walking' movement (chains requiring the prisoner to shuffle for instance), in most cases, the majority of kicks will be impossible, limiting the character to snap kicks, Drop Kicks, Reverse Turning Kicks and tripping/leg hooks (i.e. those kicks possible at grappling range). While Elbow and Forearm attacks are likely to be relatively unimpared; Knee and Shin attacks suffer from the same limitations that normal kicks suffer from (i.e. grappling range kicks only). Grappling moves will be relatively unaffected, although the character might have to come up with a unique or novel way of applying holds and locks. Other moves, especiallly those requiring a good degree of freedom of movement will also be limited or restricted.
For Defenses and Moves, the limited range of motion will prohibit some of the more active moves like Cartwheel (as defined in N&S), Multiple Dodge (most likely this will still be performed, but with no bonuses to Dodge), Automatic Dodge (depending on your GM), Handstand (limited to Snap Kicks), Leap (very limited), Maintain Balance (no bonuses), Circular Parry (not possible), and Special Moves based on the GM's call.

[Addressing the second part of The Key's post]
There are many ways to deal with this, from simply having the character being able to eliminate such pathetic opponents based on their number of attacks (i.e. 4 attacks eliminates 4 bad guys (more if you can grab two in one action)), to knocking off weak opponents by eliminating their SDC (especially if they have really low SDC scores). My advice is to develop an easy method which works best in your games.

The Architect wrote:[Addressing the second part of The Key's post]
My best suggestion would be to change the knock-out rules. Here's my house rule.

Knock-out Revision (optional rule)
Knock-outs now require a called shot attempt (12 or higher, bonuses included). Victims may attempt any form of defense they know (parry, dodge, back flip, roll, etc.). If the victim does not defend against the Knock-out attack they must roll a save against the attacker’s Knock-out Strength with bonuses added from P.E. vs. Magic/Poison column. An attacker’s Knock-out Strength starts at 12 and is increased by Hand to Hand combat bonuses and skills.
Boxing adds +1 to the Knock-out Strength at levels 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 and 15. This replaces the Automatic Knock-out listed in the skill description.
Hand to Hand combat types that list an Automatic Knock-out in the level advancement chart replace that entry with a +2 to Knock-out Strength. Ex. Hand to Hand: Expert level 11 has: Knock-out/Stun on an unmodified roll of 18, 19 or 20. This should be replaced with: +2 to Knock-out Strength. This signifies an increase in the victim’s required save value, i.e. 14 instead of 12. This includes Knock-out/Stun From Behind but bonuses gained for attacks from behind only apply when attacking from behind, i.e. a character may have a K.O Strength bonus of +2 for a Knock-out from behind and a bonus of +4 from boxing. If this character attempts to Knock-out an opponent from behind his Knock-out Strength modifiers mean his victim must save @ 18 or higher (12+2+4), but if he were to attempt to Knock-out his opponent in Hand to Hand combat the victim requires only a 16 (12+4) or higher to avoid Knock-out.
Any Hand to Hand forms that include Knock-out or Stun attacks as special attacks at level 1 also gain a +2 bonus to Knock-out Strength.
Knock-out attacks can also be attempted with weapons. Knock-out attempts with Hand to Hand weapons that the attacker has a W.P. with are resolved normally. If the attacker does not have a W.P. with the weapon he is attacking with, the victim receives a +5 bonus to his saving throw. Attempts to Knock-out an opponent by striking him with a firearm requires W.P. Blunt to be resolved normally, otherwise the victim receives the +5 bonus.

I designed it for HU but it should work for Mook smashing in N&SS just as well.
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Unread post by Mantisking »

As for mooks, you could always import the "Mook Rule" from the Feng Shui RPG. Essentially, to eliminate a mook only requires a successful strike roll.
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Unread post by Mantisking »

A few ideas on fighting while bound in ankle and wrist restraints that are linked together.

You're screwed.

Just kidding. But seeing as you generally can't lift your hands above your waist, I hope you've got a good Dodge bonus. Shoulder Ram attacks seem possible. As do Knee Drops onto a prone opponent. If you can get the linking chain around an opponent's neck you should have some great leverage for a choke.
"I know twenty-six different points on your body I could hit and release enzymes into your brain to compel you to tell the truth -- Talk!"
Barry Ween, The Adventures of Barry Ween Boy Genius, Monkey Tales #3
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