Originally posted by Chamalkan.
In some martial arts films I have seen a fighting style which involves the fighter wearing a series of heavy metal rings on their forearms (and sometimes their shins). A current example would be one of the characters from the freshly released to DVD film "Kung Fu Hustle".
Generally they're used to strengthen and condition the forearms. I can recall them being used by Shaolin and Hung Gar stylists.
Originally posted by Chamalkan.
My questions are...
In game terms would this be an entire martial arts or a W.P.?
I'd call it a W.P. But then you could build an entire martial art around this W.P. It might be a little limited, but you could do it.
Originally posted by Chamalkan.
IN either case... how would you handle it for stats?
Give me some time and I'll post them for you.
Originally posted by DBX
there is a martial art in Mystic China book, that uses a weapon like this, in the palm of their hands?
You're thinking of the Judges Pen from Bagua. Which is actually a mistake, they're supposed to be Emei Piercers.
"I know
twenty-six different points on your body I could hit and release enzymes into your brain to
compel you to tell the truth -- Talk!"
Barry Ween, The Adventures of Barry Ween Boy Genius, Monkey Tales #3