PHASE WORLD: Splugorth domination...?

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Braden Campbell
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PHASE WORLD: Splugorth domination...?

Unread post by Braden Campbell »

My players are in the midst of fighting a Splugorthian Mothership...and loosing very badly. They have biten off waaaay more than they can chew.

One of my guys asked me how advanced the kydian/kitani forces were. And so I looked it up...and they have been minions of the Splugorth for 50-someodd and 30-someodd thousand years respectivly. So, obviously, we can infer that the Splugorth have been invovled in MegaVersal affairs for quite some time.

So, if the Splugorth are even 5% older than all the current mortal races running around the 3 Galaxies, then they are 500 million years ahead of us! I don't want to upset game ballance too much, but shouldn't the Splugorth be ruling most of the 3 Galaxies by now?
Braden, GMPhD
Braden wrote:Thundercloud Galaxy has a flock of ducks in it that can slag a Glitterboy in one melee.

If that doesn't prompt you to buy it, I don't know what else I can say.
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Besides most of their victims are low tech worlds and dimensions. There is no need to get that much more powerful. Also if they build weapons that are too powerful what is to stop their minions from revolting and turning them against the Splugorth?
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Carl Gleba
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Unread post by Carl Gleba »

I was under the impression that the Kittani basically had the only pure tech in the Splugorth Empire. However as I recall the Splugs keep them from advancing any further. I would suspect the same for the Kydians.

I would probably give the Kydians something on par with a TW style ship comparable to maybe the Kittani. Thats just my opinion of course.

In terms of star ships I can see the Splugorth mother ships being exactly like the Goa'uld from SG1. Darn those intellectual properties!! :x

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Unread post by DrBeau »

Carl Gleba wrote:In terms of star ships I can see the Splugorth mother ships being exactly like the Goa'uld from SG1. Darn those intellectual properties!! :x

Dimension Book 11: The Slugorth Empire

Pg. 147

"...and they DO NOT, at all, look like the non-ships of a non-race from a non-movie/TV series. Not at all...."

ANYWAY...back to topic...

Braden, GMPhD wrote:So, if the Splugorth are even 5% older than all the current mortal races...

That's the key there. They've had to deal with quite a bit in their time. There are good dragons, competing AIs, troublesome rebellions, Gods of Light, Gods of Darkness...did I mention competing AIs (including their own race)? It's a testament to their race that they are even still around, with all the people I'm sure they've pissed off over many millennia.
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Unread post by Braden Campbell »

Carl Gleba wrote:
In terms of star ships I can see the Splugorth mother ships being exactly like the Goa'uld from SG1. Darn those intellectual properties!! :x


Actually, I just took the Slaver Mothership from Rifts Book 6, and brought it up to Phase World standards.


Splugorth “Servitude”-class Mothership
This bulbous Splugorth cruiser is three times bigger than a 20th Century aircraft carrier. These vessels are more like space-born cities than a ship. The Servitude combines Kittani and Kydian technologies into a strange design that vaguely resembles a four-legged creature with floaters on its feet. Beneath the ship are docking spaces for up to eight KYHSS Slaver Raider ships.

During the war against Rynncryyth, both CCW and TGE commanders learned the hard way that Splugorthian spacecraft employ “triple-redundant shielding”; meaning that the variable force fields surrounding them are far stronger than one might expect. While the ship itself is structurally on par with the Consortium Warshield cruiser, it’s deflective shielding is easily 3 times more powerful.

Model Type: Kittani KSM-1000
Class: Fleet Command Ship
Crew: 100 officers, 1200 ship crew. Additionally, the ship carries a defense force with the following troops:
* 960 Kittani warriors in Manling Power Armor with jet packs
* 240 Overlords in Overlord Power Armor
* 240 Blind Warrior Women (may be replaced by Staphra warriors)
* 60 Splugorth Slavers
* 60 Powerlords in Power Armor
* Special Operations squad of 6 Conservators
* 4-6 Murex or Volute Metzla (giant monsters, described in Rifts Atlantis).
The leaders of the marine force are usually 2-8 High Lords. This does not include the crews of the eight Splugorth Slaver ships which add another 700 troops.
Slave Holds: These huge ships have four whole deck levels dedicated to holding the living cargo brought by the slaver ships. Up to 20,000 slaves can be carried in the 1,000 reinforced cells (20 humanoids in a cell under cramped conditions).

M.D.C. by Location:
Main Missile Batteries (6) - 2400 each
Gravimetric Slicer Beam Cannons (4) -1400 each
Fusion Beam Cannons (16): - 280 each
Neutron Cannons / Particle Beams (42) – 700 each
Exterior Walls & Hatches - 200 per every 50 sq. ft (4.6 sq, m)
Interior Walls & Hatches - 100 per every 50 sq. ft (4.6 sq. m)
Holding Cells (1000) - 400 per wall (reinforced)
Support Legs (4) - 6800 each
Secondary Command Post & Communications - 1400
** Main Command Post & Communications - 2800
*Main Body - 56,000
Variable Force Fields – 90,000 total (15,000 per side)
* Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will destroy the ship and anyone still aboard.
** Destroying the Main Command Post will immobilize the ship and its main weapon systems until the secondary command post comes on-line (this will take 1D4 melees). Destroying both posts will effectively cripple the ship's main systems, leaving it without its main missile launchers and long-range radar and communications. Individual gunners can continue fighting, of course.

Sublight: conventional CG-drive. Mach 25 in space.
FTL: Rift Generator. 120 light years per day. (Or 6 jumps of 5-20 light years.)

Statistical Data:
Height: 400 feet/122 m (100 feet/30.5 m of the height are the four support pillars).
Width: 800 feet (244 m)
Length: 800 feet (244 m)
Weight: 300,000 tons (270 million kg)
Cargo: Up to 20,000 slaves
Power System: Unconfirmed. Assumed to be anti-matter with a PPE battery for the rifts drive.
Market Cost: Never sold; it would go for 100 billion credits or higher!

Weapon Systems
1. Main Missile Batteries (6): These are giant turrets that fire volleys of special long-range torpedoes. These were assigned the code name “splinter missiles” by the CCW, because upon launch, the one large missile divides into ten sub-munitions. Therefore, the ship is capable of firing off the equivalent of 60 anti-matter torpedoes in 15 seconds! Note: If the M.D.C. of a missile battery is depleted, its missile magazine will explode, inflicting 1D4X1,000 to the ship's main body. The missile batteries are controlled and directed from the command post.

2. Gravimetric Slicer Beam Cannons (4): Mounted at the top of each support leg, this weapon is incredibly powerful and can decimate most ships very quickly. It uses controlled opposing gravimetric waves that shred the target. Due to the deep penetration of the weapon, it has a much better chance to do critical damage to the target and ships dread the slicer beam hitting their fusion reactors. The weapons have standard penalties to hit fighters and other small targets. MegaDamage: 3D6x1000 per Slicer beam strike. Several beams can be combined into a volley, if the ship is positioned correctly. (optional rule: gets a critical on a natural 18, 19, or 20 due to its high penetration)
Range: 187 miles (300 km) in an atmosphere and 187,000 miles (300,000 km) in space.
Rate of Fire: Once per melee (beam last for full melee)
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

3. Fusion Beam Cannons (16): The guns take high mass particles and compress them until they reach fusion. These particles are then fired in a beam. The weapons have standard penalties to hit fighters and other small targets. Each fusion beam cannon fires individually and have a 180 degree arc of fire.
Mega Damage: 5D6x100 per fusion gun blast.
Range: 62.2 miles (100 km) in an atmosphere and miles 62,200 miles (100,000 km) in space
Rate of fire: Equal to the number of attacks of the gunner (usually 5 or 6 per round)
Payload: Effectively Unlimited.

4. Neutron Cannons / Particle Beams (42): These guns fire bursts of atomic particles at close to the speed of light but unlike most Particle Beams, most of the beam consists of Neutrons. They are very effective against fighters but are not as effective against larger ships. The weapon does more damage to organic targets because of the nature of the beam. Each mount has a 360 degree rotation and 180 degree arc of fire. Weapon has a bonus of +4 to strike
Mega Damage: 4D6x10 + 20 per cannon. Weapon does double damage to organic targets.
Range: 9.3 miles (15 km) in an atmosphere and 932.7 miles (1,500 km) in space
Rate of fire: Equal to gunners hand to hand (Usually 4 or 5).
Payload: Effectively Unlimited.

5. Splugorthian Warding: The Servitude has a semi-mystical enchantment cast upon it during its construction. Attackers from major tech powers such as the TGE, the Golgan, or the CCW find their sensors slightly scrambled when trying to lock weapons on the ship. Such gunners have penalties of -4 to strike beyond visual range. Missiles are somewhat more effective: at first engagement missiles have a 60% chance of being unable to achieve a lock (miss the target, get another try if they are smart bombs though). After that, the jamming can be fully adjusted for and the missile achieve lock normally.

There. Watch your PC's die!
Braden, GMPhD
Braden wrote:Thundercloud Galaxy has a flock of ducks in it that can slag a Glitterboy in one melee.

If that doesn't prompt you to buy it, I don't know what else I can say.
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Unread post by Jefffar »

The Splugorth at one time ruled most of the three galaxies, but numerous slave revolts (particularly those by the kreeghor) reduced them to a few small enclaves.
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Unread post by Gomen_Nagai »

yes, the kreeghor overthrew the splugorth domination and brought about the strongest empire in the 3 galaxies.
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Carl Gleba
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Unread post by Carl Gleba »

Braden, GMPhD wrote:
Carl Gleba wrote:
In terms of star ships I can see the Splugorth mother ships being exactly like the Goa'uld from SG1. Darn those intellectual properties!! :x


Actually, I just took the Slaver Mothership from Rifts Book 6, and brought it up to Phase World standards.


Splugorth “Servitude”-class Mothership
This bulbous Splugorth cruiser is three times bigger than a 20th Century aircraft carrier. These vessels are more like space-born cities than a ship. The Servitude combines Kittani and Kydian technologies into a strange design that vaguely resembles a four-legged creature with floaters on its feet. Beneath the ship are docking spaces for up to eight KYHSS Slaver Raider ships.

During the war against Rynncryyth, both CCW and TGE commanders learned the hard way that Splugorthian spacecraft employ “triple-redundant shielding”; meaning that the variable force fields surrounding them are far stronger than one might expect. While the ship itself is structurally on par with the Consortium Warshield cruiser, it’s deflective shielding is easily 3 times more powerful.

Model Type: Kittani KSM-1000
Class: Fleet Command Ship
Crew: 100 officers, 1200 ship crew. Additionally, the ship carries a defense force with the following troops:
* 960 Kittani warriors in Manling Power Armor with jet packs
* 240 Overlords in Overlord Power Armor
* 240 Blind Warrior Women (may be replaced by Staphra warriors)
* 60 Splugorth Slavers
* 60 Powerlords in Power Armor
* Special Operations squad of 6 Conservators
* 4-6 Murex or Volute Metzla (giant monsters, described in Rifts Atlantis).
The leaders of the marine force are usually 2-8 High Lords. This does not include the crews of the eight Splugorth Slaver ships which add another 700 troops.
Slave Holds: These huge ships have four whole deck levels dedicated to holding the living cargo brought by the slaver ships. Up to 20,000 slaves can be carried in the 1,000 reinforced cells (20 humanoids in a cell under cramped conditions).

M.D.C. by Location:
Main Missile Batteries (6) - 2400 each
Gravimetric Slicer Beam Cannons (4) -1400 each
Fusion Beam Cannons (16): - 280 each
Neutron Cannons / Particle Beams (42) – 700 each
Exterior Walls & Hatches - 200 per every 50 sq. ft (4.6 sq, m)
Interior Walls & Hatches - 100 per every 50 sq. ft (4.6 sq. m)
Holding Cells (1000) - 400 per wall (reinforced)
Support Legs (4) - 6800 each
Secondary Command Post & Communications - 1400
** Main Command Post & Communications - 2800
*Main Body - 56,000
Variable Force Fields – 90,000 total (15,000 per side)
* Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will destroy the ship and anyone still aboard.
** Destroying the Main Command Post will immobilize the ship and its main weapon systems until the secondary command post comes on-line (this will take 1D4 melees). Destroying both posts will effectively cripple the ship's main systems, leaving it without its main missile launchers and long-range radar and communications. Individual gunners can continue fighting, of course.

Sublight: conventional CG-drive. Mach 25 in space.
FTL: Rift Generator. 120 light years per day. (Or 6 jumps of 5-20 light years.)

Statistical Data:
Height: 400 feet/122 m (100 feet/30.5 m of the height are the four support pillars).
Width: 800 feet (244 m)
Length: 800 feet (244 m)
Weight: 300,000 tons (270 million kg)
Cargo: Up to 20,000 slaves
Power System: Unconfirmed. Assumed to be anti-matter with a PPE battery for the rifts drive.
Market Cost: Never sold; it would go for 100 billion credits or higher!

Weapon Systems
1. Main Missile Batteries (6): These are giant turrets that fire volleys of special long-range torpedoes. These were assigned the code name “splinter missiles” by the CCW, because upon launch, the one large missile divides into ten sub-munitions. Therefore, the ship is capable of firing off the equivalent of 60 anti-matter torpedoes in 15 seconds! Note: If the M.D.C. of a missile battery is depleted, its missile magazine will explode, inflicting 1D4X1,000 to the ship's main body. The missile batteries are controlled and directed from the command post.

2. Gravimetric Slicer Beam Cannons (4): Mounted at the top of each support leg, this weapon is incredibly powerful and can decimate most ships very quickly. It uses controlled opposing gravimetric waves that shred the target. Due to the deep penetration of the weapon, it has a much better chance to do critical damage to the target and ships dread the slicer beam hitting their fusion reactors. The weapons have standard penalties to hit fighters and other small targets. MegaDamage: 3D6x1000 per Slicer beam strike. Several beams can be combined into a volley, if the ship is positioned correctly. (optional rule: gets a critical on a natural 18, 19, or 20 due to its high penetration)
Range: 187 miles (300 km) in an atmosphere and 187,000 miles (300,000 km) in space.
Rate of Fire: Once per melee (beam last for full melee)
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

3. Fusion Beam Cannons (16): The guns take high mass particles and compress them until they reach fusion. These particles are then fired in a beam. The weapons have standard penalties to hit fighters and other small targets. Each fusion beam cannon fires individually and have a 180 degree arc of fire.
Mega Damage: 5D6x100 per fusion gun blast.
Range: 62.2 miles (100 km) in an atmosphere and miles 62,200 miles (100,000 km) in space
Rate of fire: Equal to the number of attacks of the gunner (usually 5 or 6 per round)
Payload: Effectively Unlimited.

4. Neutron Cannons / Particle Beams (42): These guns fire bursts of atomic particles at close to the speed of light but unlike most Particle Beams, most of the beam consists of Neutrons. They are very effective against fighters but are not as effective against larger ships. The weapon does more damage to organic targets because of the nature of the beam. Each mount has a 360 degree rotation and 180 degree arc of fire. Weapon has a bonus of +4 to strike
Mega Damage: 4D6x10 + 20 per cannon. Weapon does double damage to organic targets.
Range: 9.3 miles (15 km) in an atmosphere and 932.7 miles (1,500 km) in space
Rate of fire: Equal to gunners hand to hand (Usually 4 or 5).
Payload: Effectively Unlimited.

5. Splugorthian Warding: The Servitude has a semi-mystical enchantment cast upon it during its construction. Attackers from major tech powers such as the TGE, the Golgan, or the CCW find their sensors slightly scrambled when trying to lock weapons on the ship. Such gunners have penalties of -4 to strike beyond visual range. Missiles are somewhat more effective: at first engagement missiles have a 60% chance of being unable to achieve a lock (miss the target, get another try if they are smart bombs though). After that, the jamming can be fully adjusted for and the missile achieve lock normally.

There. Watch your PC's die!

Nice :ok:

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Unread post by AzathothXy »

I always thought Rifts Underseas had some nice Splugorth stuff that could be converted for use in space(ships,armor,etc.).
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Unread post by RockJock »

I actually had the same idea about using the ships from Underseas. I just doubled everything and gave them a renewable magic force field.

While I am a proponent of the Kittani using more advanced, or at least diverse technology what they have now is none to shabby. The plasma lance is self charging, has the longest range of any energy weapon I can think of, and is multipurpose. All great things for raiding. The plasma sword and axe are better then most other tech based melee weapons and still have some ranged ability. Their power armor tends to be odd, but if you allow a Spider Gun as an option they match up fairly well in the 3Gs.

There are several examples of the Spulgoth coping magic weapons and equipment from other cultures, and I would think they would allow the Kittani to do so as well. Not advancement, but at least diversification. I would think that the Kittani would have access and the ability to manufacture most, if not all weapons designed and built on Rifts Earth.
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Unread post by cornholioprime »

DrBeau wrote:That's the key there. They've had to deal with quite a bit in their time. There are good dragons, competing AIs, troublesome rebellions, Gods of Light, Gods of Darkness...did I mention competing AIs (including their own race)? It's a testament to their race that they are even still around, with all the people I'm sure they've pissed off over many millennia.
Well said!!!

Canon thorughout the Rifts Books infers that the reasons you cited are EXACTLY among the reasons why the Splugorth haven't overrun the Universe by now....
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Unread post by DBX »

IMO. probably mentioned these on previous messages posted on this type of subject.

numbers. for every splugorth, how much is the potential slave/food population of one world, let alone thousands of worlds.

competitions especially amongst themselves. like many tyrants most rivals are taken care of long before they become a threat. those that aren't dealt with usually take over, and go through another cull. the cycle repeats itself.

(IMO) the splugorths lost a lot of territory in their civil war, after Krygorth was taken care of by his minion splugorths. these civil wars probably happened more than once, where a powerful splugorth lord is overthrown, then his territory is fought war by whoever is left.

IMO) the kittani tech should be just below NE. and Splyncryythhs Kittani are probably ahead of NE. they have had all the same reasons to advance tech quickly that CS/Triax and other powers have had, plus they have one huge advantage over these, they have a megaversal empires resourcers at their disposal, without a war on their doorstep, and rifts earth to test their new inventions.

we generally give the Splugorth tech lvl above that of the TE, mainly because their tech is taken from the Splugorths. this will be based of Kydian tech, enhanced by the splugorths. the kittani stuff will be above Kyddian tech.

kittani will probably have loads of tech developed from Mechanoid tech, probably more advanced than what archie-3 has done. they have had centuries to work on it, while he had a year or so

Splugorth magical stuff is meant to be superior to any tech outthere, that is why they don't rely on tech as much, but magic is way under powered in comparison to tech in Rifts/Phaseworld.
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Unread post by Josh Sinsapaugh »

Instead of quoting that massive piece of work, I'll simple say: Braden, nice job. :ok:

When you get done with that Wormwood article (2012? :P ) you should Rifter up some Splugorth Phase World Ships.


~ Josh
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Unread post by Braden Campbell »

Josh Sinsapaugh wrote:When you get done with that Wormwood article (2012? :P ) you should Rifter up some Splugorth Phase World Ships.

~ Josh


You want me to spend even less time with my wife, eh Josh?

I bet I could do the ships first, and then finish Wormwood. An article on the Splugorth Fleets would be short by comparison.

Hmmm..."Fleets of Three Galaxies". Splugorth ships, the Golgan Armada, Altess droid fighters... and a description of standard ship systems, which seems to be missing from all the books.
Braden, GMPhD
Braden wrote:Thundercloud Galaxy has a flock of ducks in it that can slag a Glitterboy in one melee.

If that doesn't prompt you to buy it, I don't know what else I can say.
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Unread post by Carl Gleba »

Braden, GMPhD wrote:
Hmmm..."Fleets of Three Galaxies". Splugorth ships, the Golgan Armada, Altess droid fighters... and a description of standard ship systems, which seems to be missing from all the books.

Braden, you have to do i demand it be done!! I want to see more hands in the pot doing stuff for Phase World!!

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Unread post by Braden Campbell »


Off the top of my head, something like this...

"Fleets of The 3 Galaxies" (a multi part, on-going rifter one issue it's the Slugorth, the next it's the Golgan, ect.)

First article deals with the differing sizes of spaceships (just where does one pilot skill end and another begin?), typical roles of those class sizes, and general fleet compositions (how many frigates should guard a cruiser, how much escort should a dreadnought have?) Plus a discussion on why use space fighters, and what they can and cannot damage.

Also: the common systems all ships have. This is important and seems to be missing from the Phase World books.

Then the different Fleets: history, ships, numbers, prominent commanders. Special weapons and rules as well.

I could have this ready to go in a week or two. Sound good?
Braden, GMPhD
Braden wrote:Thundercloud Galaxy has a flock of ducks in it that can slag a Glitterboy in one melee.

If that doesn't prompt you to buy it, I don't know what else I can say.
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Carl Gleba
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Unread post by Carl Gleba »

Thats a great start. I'd suggest submitting at much as possible and let PB decide what to break up, or if it should be done over the course of several Rifters.

Great job!

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Josh Sinsapaugh
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Unread post by Josh Sinsapaugh »

Sounds excellent, Braden.

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Unread post by Jesterzzn »

cornholioprime wrote:
DrBeau wrote:That's the key there. They've had to deal with quite a bit in their time. There are good dragons, competing AIs, troublesome rebellions, Gods of Light, Gods of Darkness...did I mention competing AIs (including their own race)? It's a testament to their race that they are even still around, with all the people I'm sure they've pissed off over many millennia.
Well said!!!

Canon thorughout the Rifts Books infers that the reasons you cited are EXACTLY among the reasons why the Splugorth haven't overrun the Universe by now....
I agree with all this, but would like to add that I think the Splugorth are not just interested in military dominance. but in economic dominance as well. They are kinda like the furangi(sp?) of the AI fraternity.
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Unread post by RockJock »

I could see the Spulgies and Kittani having one model of ship as a suppy/cargo ship built with modular construction. That way during war time they could be refitted as transports or landing ships, or even as Q-Ship or raider. Just a thought. Some might even be fitted as slave ships during peacetime.
RockJock, holder of the mighty Rune Rock Hammer!
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Unread post by Braden Campbell »

I named some of these myself ;)

The Consortium Armed Forces

The Imperial Armada (TGE)

The Warlock Navy

The Splugorth Repression Fleets

The Republikan Argosy (Golgan)

The Armoria (Altess)

Am I forgetting anyone?
Braden, GMPhD
Braden wrote:Thundercloud Galaxy has a flock of ducks in it that can slag a Glitterboy in one melee.

If that doesn't prompt you to buy it, I don't know what else I can say.
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Unread post by Jefffar »


There's that small collective, mostly cybernetic, I think they have a small fleet.

Naruni made ships and the Naruni fleet (seperate ebcause they keep the best tech to themselves)
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Unread post by Braden Campbell »

You are thinking of the Central Alliance. They have almost no fleet to speak of... too poor.

The Naruni, I think, should be saved for another project concerning Trade Federations and Mercantilus Unions. Basically, these are corporations and conglomerates that are so economical powerful, they have their own fleets of ships for moving goods (and protecting those goods being moved).

Piracy would also figure prominently in such an article.

Now if Mercantilus Unions are abundant in The 3 Galaxies, the Central Alliance could just rent the space fleet it cannot afford to buy. And so could a lot of other "third-world" star systems...
Braden, GMPhD
Braden wrote:Thundercloud Galaxy has a flock of ducks in it that can slag a Glitterboy in one melee.

If that doesn't prompt you to buy it, I don't know what else I can say.
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Unread post by DBX »

Braden, GMPhD wrote:OK.

Off the top of my head, something like this...

"Fleets of The 3 Galaxies" (a multi part, on-going rifter one issue it's the Slugorth, the next it's the Golgan, ect.)

First article deals with the differing sizes of spaceships (just where does one pilot skill end and another begin?), typical roles of those class sizes, and general fleet compositions (how many frigates should guard a cruiser, how much escort should a dreadnought have?) Plus a discussion on why use space fighters, and what they can and cannot damage.

Also: the common systems all ships have. This is important and seems to be missing from the Phase World books.

Then the different Fleets: history, ships, numbers, prominent commanders. Special weapons and rules as well.

I could have this ready to go in a week or two. Sound good?

your suggestions

8) 8-) and :ok: :ok:

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Why Build a Space Fleet?
It is an unavoidable fact: if your species is going to live, work, play, do business, or just plain survive in The 3 Galaxies, you’re going to need a space fleet. If you don’t have one your race is as good as extinct.

In the most basic analysis, survival in The 3 Galaxies depends on the acquisition of “resources”. Once a technological civilization reaches the point where its numbers outweigh what its Homeworld can provide, it faces a critical choice. It can instigate measures to scale back its population, it can try to continue as is and ration out what little remains, or it can look elsewhere for new deposits of the things it needs.

Most of the species presently alive in the Three Galaxies have chosen the latter. This is called “expansionism”, and can include both economic and territorial development. Thus a society might bring in additional resources from off-world by selling goods or services. Two good examples being the Altess Dynasty, and the corporate called Naruni Enterprises. However, setting up such a system can be very difficult, as the society in question must possess unparalleled craftsman (like the Dwarven Guildmasters), or trade in a technology that cannot be duplicated by others. Thus, blatant territorial expansion is the norm in the Three Galaxies, with areas of influence growing outward from a species’ home world in vast, spherical empires.

Territorial expansionism then traps that society in a self-perpetuating loop. It goes out into space to collect more resources for its growing population. The influx of these assets causes a population explosion, which then drives the need for further territorial expansion. In short, space faring races soon become gluttons, staying just one step ahead of disaster. They always need more planets under their control, more space for housing and farming, and more raw materials to build ever-larger stellar fleets.

Which would be fine. Save for the fact that the people in the next stellar cluster are doing the exact same thing. Problems then arise when the sphere of one expanding empire comes into contact with another. Now two societies are competing for finite resources.

When such an empire comes to realize that it is not alone in the universe, the shock can prove overwhelming. The existence of “aliens” can undermine religious, cosmological, and governmental ideals, any of which might cause that race’s downfall. The one, inescapable conclusion that arises from Contact is that everyone is apparently compelled by nature to survive. And thusly, the previous period of expansion can either continue hand in hand with new friends, or continue over the dead bodies of the opposition.

Thus the reality that any technological race, which does not develop the means to go out into the larger universe, smothers to death on its Homeworld. Even if they manage to keep their consumption of resources in check with what the planet can provide, some day their neighbors, who have not followed such a policy, will come and take their water. Or their air. Or their killerite deposits. Hence, even isolationist xenophobes must construct a fleet of starships, if for no other reason than to keep would-be pillagers off their planet.

So why build a space fleet? Defense from hostile neighbors is certainly a good reason. Aggressive expansion is another. If your race is peaceful and curious, the fleet may be highly scientific in nature and used to explore the stars. If you’re greedy, fleets can be used to engage stellar neighbors in trade. Finally, if your race is overtly insecure about themselves, you just might build a shiny new fleet for no other reason than to keep up with the Jones’.

From the introduction of "Fleets of The 3 Galaxies"
Braden, GMPhD
Braden wrote:Thundercloud Galaxy has a flock of ducks in it that can slag a Glitterboy in one melee.

If that doesn't prompt you to buy it, I don't know what else I can say.
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Spell out Three Galaxies.

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Braden, GMPhD
Braden wrote:Thundercloud Galaxy has a flock of ducks in it that can slag a Glitterboy in one melee.

If that doesn't prompt you to buy it, I don't know what else I can say.
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The splurgorth don't rule because they spend a lot of time and energy fighting each-other.

They are, without a doubt, the most numerous super-powerful race of beings around. if they could work togeather they would indeed rule the galaxies
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Unread post by KLM »

Speaking of intellectual properties, imagine a fighter, with twin canopies, one occupied by a Kydian, the other is housing a really big Eye of Eylor. Add some solar panels.

Seriously, I imagined the Splugorth force as
a, Kydians - using TW/Biowizardry based ships, but under the guidance
of High Lords. Kydians are not left unchecked, since they are considered
cannon fodder.
b, Kittanii - high tech fleet, still under High Lord supervision, but with
a lesser degree. Some "personal" craft have TW additions, but these
represent less, than 10% of the force - Splugorth paranoia
c, Rune statues, equipped with CG engines (internal compartment).

But still, one of the most basic rules for survival on any planet is never to upset someone wearing black leather - This is why protesters against the wearing of animal skins by humans unaccountably fail to throw their paint over Hell's Angels.
- Terry Prachett

Small font: use ctrl+c and copy it, so you can read. But since it is in small fonts, it is not important. I am not a NE salesperson.
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Unread post by Sir_Spirit »

Jefffar wrote:The Splugorth at one time ruled most of the three galaxies, but numerous slave revolts (particularly those by the kreeghor) reduced them to a few small enclaves.

Actually, they were are force to be feared in the Three Galaxies until Chuck Norris roundhouse kicked them.
Then they became a mere shadow of themselves...
Damn ICE/BCP/BorderPatrol! Damn everyone who won’t damn ICE/BCP/Border Patrol!! Damn everyone that won’t put lights in his windows and sit up all night damning CE/BCP/BorderPatrol!!!
If you support ICE/BCP/BorderPatrol at this point, you would have called the Gestapo on the people surreptitiously moving into your neighbor's attic and huffed that you were only following the law.

Unread post by Gomen_Nagai »

you watched too much walker texas ranger: spirit.
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Gomen_Nagai wrote:you watched too much walker texas ranger: spirit.

Is Texas Ranger:Spirit a spin off of Walker:Texas Ranger?
Damn ICE/BCP/BorderPatrol! Damn everyone who won’t damn ICE/BCP/Border Patrol!! Damn everyone that won’t put lights in his windows and sit up all night damning CE/BCP/BorderPatrol!!!
If you support ICE/BCP/BorderPatrol at this point, you would have called the Gestapo on the people surreptitiously moving into your neighbor's attic and huffed that you were only following the law.

Unread post by Gomen_Nagai »

Yeah. it's where a bad acting Cowboy saves the 3 Galaxies with Kung fu Action Chop.
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