Animal looks questions

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Animal looks questions

Unread post by Snowtiger »

I'm pretty sure that at least some of these have been asked before.

1. Does having humanlike legs have anything to do with Stance, or is it a matter of Looks?

Example: If I take Full biped stance, that means that the character can move on its hind legs as well as human does. Taking Partial, Full or Perfect looks, would mean that instead of being bipedal with digitigrade legs & hooves/paws, the character has legs and feet similar to a human. (example is based on the wolf pic on the page 76 of AtB2).

2. Could Vestigial Ears be either larger/longer or smaller/shorter or even stay the same size, instead of just being huge and ugly, depending on the player's vision of the character?

Example: A lynx's ears are about third as tall as their skull is. If I take vestigial ears, the character's ears would become longer and bigger, thus effectively spoiling the looks. If I could keep the look of the ears normal while still having some of the disadvantages(no bonuses in hearing, MA -1, PB penalty would be dropped if the size/looks doesn't change), I would do that instead.
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Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

Could Vestigial Ears be either larger/longer or smaller/shorter or even stay the same size, instead of just being huge and ugly, depending on the player's vision of the character?

as long as they still qualify as a drawback, i don't see why not.
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Unread post by Kalinda »

I allow players to choose between digigrade legs and humanlike legs, based on their vision of the character.

Vestigial ears is a trait I've had problems with from the first time I read it, I just don't like how it's presented. I'm thinking of modifying the penalties to get rid of the minus to PB and add skill penalties to represent the fact that although your ears are of normal size, you don't have control over them. Thus any time you use a skill that in any way involves deception or hiding your true feelings, your ears give you away by expressing your true emotional state. I just haven't gotten around to making a list of skills that would be penalized.
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