Revisiting Bursters and Lasers

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Do lasers inflict "heat-based" damage or something else?

Lasers inflict "heat" damage.
Laser damage is "light-based" damage.
Lasers fall into the category of "general energy".
Lasers are "heat-based", but it doesn't matter. It's a game balance issue.
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Lasers damage is "heat", "light", AND "energy", (does 1/2 damage)
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Other (please explain).
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Re: Revisiting Bursters and Lasers

Unread post by Qev »

Dead Boy wrote:Oooo... A strike-two concession. Technically bullets transfer heat too, but we call them kinetic based attacks and not thermal or heat based.

While true enough - all the energy transferred to a target by a bullet eventually becomes heat - thermal effects aren't a bullet's primary method of doing damage, but rather physical displacement of the material making up the target (and related effects). I mean, heck, the energy of stabbing someone with a knife winds up as heat in the end, too. :lol:

I'm not sure what's being conceded here, anyway. I thought it was pretty well established that IRL lasers are 'thermal weapons', whereas Rifts lasers - by authorial fiat - are not thermal weapons. I mean, they don't have recoil, and don't make any sound blasting their way through the atmosphere, and don't cook their operators with enormous amounts of waste heat, so why should they do heat damage to the target? :lol:
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Re: Revisiting Bursters and Lasers

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

Dead Boy wrote:That said, with the two major advocates (unintentionally?) conceding this crucial scientific point, that the laser itself is not "hot" but it's its interaction with mater that creates the heat, (not to mention the best canon evidence I could think of falling flat), I have to call it. The given FAQ answer stands: Lasers do indeed do full damage to Bursters, though I strongly suggest that the FAQ be edited to include this relevant information and explanation instead of essentially saying "it's that way because we said so". ... So without further adieu...
Answer Accepted

Okay, then.
Last edited by Killer Cyborg on Sat Jun 27, 2009 2:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Revisiting Bursters and Lasers

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

Lobo wrote: I still think bursters would take reduced or no damage to lasers and other energy attacks that cause heat.

It's fine for you to think that they would, or even should, but of the three options (full damage, no damage, half-damage) the half-damage notion is the one most obviously not valid.
IF lasers counted as heat weapons, it could be (and IIRC, has been) argued that the writers may have simply assumed that people would use "common sense" to understand that bursters are immune to lasers just like any other heat weapon (though they do spell it out with plasma).
But with half-damage, there's no real way to intuit that from the text.
The writers wouldn't assume that people would come up with that one on their own.
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Re: Revisiting Bursters and Lasers

Unread post by Dead Boy »

Qev wrote:
Dead Boy wrote:Oooo... A strike-two concession. Technically bullets transfer heat too, but we call them kinetic based attacks and not thermal or heat based.

While true enough - all the energy transferred to a target by a bullet eventually becomes heat - thermal effects aren't a bullet's primary method of doing damage, but rather physical displacement of the material making up the target (and related effects). I mean, heck, the energy of stabbing someone with a knife winds up as heat in the end, too. :lol:

In Physics class, did you ever do that experiment where you took two steel balls and smack them together with a sheet of paper held between them? The kinetic energy is transformed into thermal energy, thus causing a whole to be burned in the paper. Bullets act much the same way. To use an extreme example, it is technically against the Geneva Convention to use the .50 BMG bullet against human targets because on impact it transfers so much kinetic energy into thermal energy, it doesn't puncture a whole through the human body, but instead vaporizes a big-ass whole through people instead, making it darn near impossible to surgically repair, (we still use .50 BMGs that way, but technically that's a no-no). Regardless of this effect, in the context of the game, we still count bullets as kinetic-based attacks and not heat-based attacks. That was the basis for my acceptance of the status quo. That being that based on the mechanics of bullets in this regard, attacks that rely on a conversion of one kind of energy into thermal energy, or simply stimulate mater to generate thermal energy in the target, are not truly heat-based attacks because the generation of heat is a secondary effect not inherent to the attack itself, (though I still think the FAQ needs added clarification). Plasma and fire are essentially preheated gasses that are already in a thermally excited state when they impact the target surface, causing that thermal energy to be directly absorbed by the target as opposed to the heat being created as a secondary effect.

Qev wrote:I'm not sure what's being conceded here, anyway. I thought it was pretty well established that IRL lasers are 'thermal weapons', whereas Rifts lasers - by authorial fiat - are not thermal weapons. I mean, they don't have recoil, and don't make any sound blasting their way through the atmosphere, and don't cook their operators with enormous amounts of waste heat, so why should they do heat damage to the target? :lol:

I know, it was a long a winding road, but let's recap for clairity's sake. The original question of this string was, "Since the Burster's power of being Impervious to Fire & Heat makes them immune to Plasma, napalm, and heat-based attacks in general, regardless if those attacks be MD or SDC in nature, or based in magic or science, would this mean that Bursters should be immune to damage from lasers as well?" And the stated objectives of the string were...
(A) To see if the previously given explanation could be reasonably rationalized by anyone,
(B) To reopen this to discussion, and
(C) Barring a darn good reason to justify the notion of lasers not imparting heat to a target, to possibly overturn this very odd ruling.

Ultimately it came down to whether or not lasers were "heat-based attacks" in and of themselves, not whether the damage they inflict is due to the thermal effects they cause. As shown on other examples, technically powerful kinetic and electrical attacks ultimately cause thermal damage, but that doesn't make them "heat-based attacks". They stimulate heat through energy transformation, (not transference), but neither is "hot" to the touch per se. It's splitting hairs, I know, but that's what the answer to this long-standing question calls for.

So all in all, I think the objectives went pretty well.
(A) It was generally agreed upon that the previous explanation didn't stand up well, mainly because no explanation was given to justify the initial FAQ ruling, (which was the whole problem).
(B) Though there wasn't a unanimous consensus, we can at least agree on the fact that the issue was thoroughly discussed and explored.
(C) At least in my opinion, the rule did not need to be overturned because a darn good explanation did finally emerge that makes at least some sense. Like I said before, it's an extremely anal, nitpicky explanation that has to cut a distinction between the attack being "initially thermally excited" as opposed to "causing the target to become thermally excited", but it's a pretty good one that we can actually base in science to some extent. Hence why the Answer Accepted stamp of approval was slapped on it.

Even so, for a House Rule, I do see a strong case for lasers doing half damage to Bursters given that they take half damage from Electricity. But as the text is written in the books, there's zero wiggle room for that for a canon ruling. Here, it had to be all or nothing.

Lobo wrote:Dead Boy it's your thread, concede if you want but don't justify it by saying others conceded so you will too. I for one know lasers do damage from heat. PB seems to contradict itself on whether it's heat or not.

Sorry to be a traitor to the cause (so to speak), but this is a key fundamental point that I could not rationalize away, or ignore as fluff or strategic debate maneuvering.
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Re: Revisiting Bursters and Lasers

Unread post by Anthar »

Well as lasers agitate molecules and creates heat let's take a look at the nature of the Burster's immunity to fire and heat. The RUE states that this protection is a psionic aura radiating around the Burster. All the example given are existing heat/fire of an external nature. Now, Bursters are not immune to disease and can certainly get a fever when they are sick since their powers do not cover this and lasers agitate the molecules of a substance creating heat from within the Burster. The laser can bypass this aura by initiating the effect internally rather than externally. Also if there was some type of way to negate psionic powers a Burster would be vulnerable to fire and heat since the source of the immunity is psychic in nature and not a natural resistance.
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Re: Revisiting Bursters and Lasers

Unread post by Qev »

Dead Boy wrote:Ultimately it came down to whether or not lasers were "heat-based attacks" in and of themselves, not whether the damage they inflict is due to the thermal effects they cause. As shown on other examples, technically powerful kinetic and electrical attacks ultimately cause thermal damage, but that doesn't make them "heat-based attacks". They stimulate heat through energy transformation, (not transference), but neither is "hot" to the touch per se. It's splitting hairs, I know, but that's what the answer to this long-standing question calls for.

The part I've bolded up there is where, I think, you're going wrong. Heat isn't really a type of energy, it's the flow of energy between different regions not in thermal equilibrium. All forms of heat transfer are transformations, whether it's absorption of radiant photons or the kinetic energy of molecules and free electrons in conduction. And an energetic laser would absolutely feel hot, were you to put your hand in its path! :lol:

What I would call a 'thermal' or 'heat-based' weapon is one that uses heating of its target as its primary mechanism of inflicting damage, because there's nothing you can really call 'heat-based in and of itself'; any method of thermal attack I can think of involves some transformation of energy. Something as obviously 'hot' as setting someone on fire is a bunch of energy transformations, much of which is absorption of radiative energy; the formation of lower-energy bonds (oxidation) emits photons, which are absorbed by, and heat, the surrounding material, sustaining the reaction.

Powerful kinetic and electrical events would absolutely heat their targets, but heating isn't their primary means of damaging the target. Well, with electricity it really depends on the target's make up; people are typically killed by lightning because of shock to the nervous system, but trees explode from lightning strikes due to flash heating.

I guess it all comes down to Rifts being almost pure Hollywood action; you can't really rationalize a lot of what goes on using real-world physics without painting yourself into nasty little corners. :lol:
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Re: Revisiting Bursters and Lasers

Unread post by rbm10101 »

why not just read it ( the description of Burster or any OCC,RCC,PCC etc ) word for word and take it at that and dont infer anything that isnt stamped over and over in descriptions

typically writers of rifts material are very very very descriptive when it comes to defenses( any feature or benefit of a class for that matter ).

read impervious to energy or what mystic knights are immune and you will see my point.

If the writers had wanted bursters, dragons and anything else that is resistant or immune to fire and or heat to also be resistant and or immune to lasers then by golly I am pretty sure they would have written it in the description of that class and many many many other places over and over and over.

Fire is not heat is not cold is not ion is not radiation is not etc etc etc

they are all distinct different types of energy as far as the game is concerned ( who cares about real life we are playing a game here with its own set of rules ).

otherwise why did the writers waste the ink or space in a book that they ultimately wanted to reduce to the absolute fewest pages possible
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Re: Revisiting Bursters and Lasers

Unread post by rbm10101 »

Lobo wrote:
rbm10101 wrote:why not just read it ( the description of Burster or any OCC,RCC,PCC etc ) word for word and take it at that and dont infer anything that isnt stamped over and over in descriptions

typically writers of rifts material are very very very descriptive when it comes to defenses( any feature or benefit of a class for that matter ).

read impervious to energy or what mystic knights are immune and you will see my point.

If the writers had wanted bursters, dragons and anything else that is resistant or immune to fire and or heat to also be resistant and or immune to lasers then by golly I am pretty sure they would have written it in the description of that class and many many many other places over and over and over.

Fire is not heat is not cold is not ion is not radiation is not etc etc etc

they are all distinct different types of energy as far as the game is concerned ( who cares about real life we are playing a game here with its own set of rules ).

otherwise why did the writers waste the ink or space in a book that they ultimately wanted to reduce to the absolute fewest pages possible

Sometimes writers are very specific and other times they are not. For example they write that Cosmo Knights have a great vulnerability to magic but then the way it is written they are no more vulnerable to magic than most everyone else is(and in fact with their naturally high PE & PP are very resistant to any spells with save vs magic or dodge). So some GM's judge that they take more damage from magic and have less resistance to spell saves.

well then they are not reading it as it is written and are obviously houseruling that. FYI they are very vulnerable to magic in the form of magical spell dmg. Normally they would take 1/100 of the damage from non-kintic sources. apparently they are 100 times more vulnerable to magical non-kinetic damage because they take regular damage from it. Seems pretty clear to me that is a massive vulnerability without having to increase it further. I mean you would think they would be as specific as possible and or release errata on something like that( your interpretation of cosmo knights) until they do I play them and all classes as written.

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Re: Revisiting Bursters and Lasers

Unread post by rbm10101 »

Cosmo Knights are only vulnerable to magical energy attacks just like everyone else is. Everyone else doesnt take no damage from plasma and 1/100th the damage from non-magical energy.

For example SUperman from DC is just as vulnerable to magic as everyone else hence why it can hurt him. He can still bounce tank shells off his eyelids though.

All I stated was play each character with the abilities and drawbacks as it is written that is how it is intended. House rule all you want the writers even say as much. Some people however like to play the game as written and that is all I was talking about. The OCC,RCC,PCC whatever being played as written and not inferring anything that isn't blatantly written

Anyway who cares it isn't like I can convince you anymore than you can convince me. Let's just agree to disagree and play the game as we want to.
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