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Re: Invented Magic Tattoos

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2020 12:31 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
If it Broke one circuit, it would brakes all circuits.
So unless it has a magnetic stabilized explosive....oh...Anti-matter....*rolleyes*

Re: Invented Magic Tattoos

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2020 12:50 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
*picked out Rifter...9.5*
(I know why they combined about R71& 72 into one issue,.... so the numbers of the Rifters would match the number on the Rifters)

(Puny pre-face needed)


Picture: the user in a hat, Hawaiian shirt, and cargo shorts standing on a % sign. (or more gender/locations appropriate vacation clothing)
PPE: 25.
Duration: 30 minutes per level of user.
Limitations: The user much be touching the other to effect them. The user can't make any attacks to maintain the effects.
Description: Makes the user look like a tourist and causes other to perceive them as not a target of aggression. Even when the user is attacked the user only suffers only the minimum die roll of the effects.


Picture: the user in a hat, Hawaiian shirt, and cargo shorts and another standing on a % sign. (or more gender/locations appropriate vacation clothing)
PPE: 35.
Duration: 30 minutes per level of user.
Limitations: The user much be touching the other to effect them. The user & other can't make any attacks to maintain the effects.
Description: Makes the user and one other look like a tourist and causes other to perceive them as not a target of aggression. Even when the user is attacked the user only suffers only the minimum die roll of the effects.

Re: Invented Magic Tattoos

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2020 8:47 pm
by taalismn
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:*picked out Rifter...9.5*
(I know why they combined about R71& 72 into one issue,.... so the numbers of the Rifters would match the number on the Rifters)

(Puny pre-face needed)


Back when I actually had a cottage and could look down on them....It was summer-geeks and day-timers. :D

Re: Invented Magic Tattoos

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 7:21 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Resurrection Slime Tattoo

Picture: the user slain and the user healed & whole.
Duration: instant.
PPE Cost: The user looses access to 5% of their total PPE base.
Description: while called a resurrection tattoo it is more rightly called instant full regeneration tattoo. Upon failure of the body to stay alive this tattoo auto-activates, before the user’s spirit can leave, it repairs the user’s body to full health. As if the user had not been damaged at all. However, when it activates it it looks like some sort of blob of ectoplasm, a slime, emerges out of nowhere and swallows the user and in less than a second, the slime fades and the user is standing there. The user will loose the last five minutes of their memory. There is a 52% chance of the user to loose a PE point for 1D4+2 months.

GM notes:
The side effect of this tattoo is that each time it is activated there is a copy of the user that is generated somewhere else in the megavercial settings of the PB games. But this copy only has five minutes of memory from the original user, and doesn’t even have a name unless the user thought about it in that last 5 minutes. The copy will have all the tattoos of the user except the resurrection tattoo.

Re: Invented Magic Tattoos

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2020 10:12 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Inspired by Taalismn's Therapeutic Tattoos, in a general sense.

A Tree Seedling with green new leaves.
PPE Cost:5 per quarter hour maintained.
Description: The magic of these tattoos will heal the users of the damage done to them if they are outdoors and in the sun with minimal clothes (50% or more of their skin showing.) If they are Sunbathing the magic will regenerate the damage at a rate of +2d4 per 15 minuets. If excising, work or fun, the rate is only +1d4 per 15 minutes.

Note: that this tattoo only works when the subject is bathed in sunlight. Simulated sunlight or any other artificial lights do not provide what is needed for the tattoo to work.

Random rifter 2

(Gargoyle Wings)
A (wo)man flying in the air with leathery wings.
Duration: 30 minutes per level.
Cost: 40 PPE.
Description: The magic of this tattoo causes two leathery wings to appear on the user's back, listing the user fly: 15 mph per level. This flying is physical work for the user and they must pay a certain amount of attention to flying. At the end of the duration the user will be fatigued for 10 to 30 minutes.

Re: Invented Magic Tattoos

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2020 9:00 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Random rifter...24

Dino Mount
Picture: a dinosaur with a saddle on it.
Effect: creates a Terrible Lizard mount of the sort depicted in the tattoo. The mount will understand the user's commands however they are delivered. Herbavor Terrible Lizards will have have a top speed of 25 miles per hour. While carnivore Terrible Lizards will have a speed of 50 mph. Each will have the same attacks as their full size real versions and will have similar HP/xDC ratings, but both will be -50% scores for each if half sized.
No. of Tattoos Cost: 2
Duration: Half an hour per level.
PPE Cost: this is veriable dependent on the size of the Terrible Lizard....
(don't have the WB A out call this a 1st draft. Bur they should fall in-between the animal tats and the monster tats.)

Note: yes a full sized large Terrible Lizard is possible but costs another tat slot (ands a modifier tat that indicates it is full size..), Bloody claws instead of bloody weapon: yep, Fire covered claws: yep, added wings: nope not a dragon, ....basic questions answered so this tired person will finish for now.