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Re: Combating the Morlock problem on the SDF-1
Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 5:58 pm
by Kargan3033
Chronicler wrote:Regis: "Contrary to belief we are not crabs. We designed are mechs based on crabs of our home world. As for the Red Lobsters we only nuked them so we can corner the market on cheddar bay biscuits"
So basiclly the reason for the Invid invsation was not for the flower of life but because the Regis need comfort food after her brake up with Zor?
Re: Combating the Morlock problem on the SDF-1
Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 11:11 pm
by SRoss
Are you saying we could have avoided the whole third ROBOTECH War with A TUB OF CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM!?!
Re: Combating the Morlock problem on the SDF-1
Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 11:31 pm
by Kargan3033
SRoss wrote:Are you saying we could have avoided the whole third ROBOTECH War with A TUB OF CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM!?!
Well given that the Regis took on a female humanoid form I would that the chances of that being true are quite high