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Re: Whats your most HATED occ?

Posted: Tue May 13, 2008 10:56 pm
by Vrykolas2k
I voted other...
I haven't found an OCC/ RCC I really hate yet.
Only ones I realy dislike are the Preacher and the Saloon Bum. You could make a Vagabond who could do the same jobs...
But, I still don't really hate the OCCs, I just consider them useless.


Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 9:04 am
by Vrykolas2k
dark brandon wrote:
Misfit KotLD wrote:Are we not allowed to want both, but in seperate settings? :?

I think what he's saying is that since Phase world is a dimention book, people treat it like a source book, thus wanting to play phase world character in a rifts setting.

Which is, of course, allowable.
The name of the game being RIFTS...

Re: Re:

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 10:21 am
by dark brandon
Vrykolas2k wrote:
dark brandon wrote:
Misfit KotLD wrote:Are we not allowed to want both, but in seperate settings? :?

I think what he's saying is that since Phase world is a dimention book, people treat it like a source book, thus wanting to play phase world character in a rifts setting.

Which is, of course, allowable.
The name of the game being RIFTS...

Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.

Re: Whats your most HATED occ?

Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 2:06 pm
by Rimmerdal
I voted The original non-specialized Techno-Wizard, I have the Rifters issue with the variant TW's that I can respect though.

Making them specialized makes them more versitile and team orinetated.

Re: Whats your most HATED occ?

Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 1:52 pm
by Nxla666
ak-73 wrote:
Dead Boy wrote:
clinto1022 wrote:i gotta go with the entire "Coalition War Campaign" book. It was the book that changed rifts forever. From cool, in the beginning, to "munchkin" where it is now. I loved the coalition, in the main book. Then they had to go too far, IMO. otherwise i always hated the cyber-knights...........Super-SAMAS, why?

Actually that was one of my favorites. Why? Because it turned the CS from the over rated bad guys that even your typical Vagabond could eff with, into the guys that genuinely make the players and PC's wet their pants on sight.

I don't see that. Take a squad of 8 classic Deadboy Grunts, for example, and put them against a group of 4 or 5 low-level PCs (no PAs please) and your party will probably struggle to not lose the one or the other PC.

Let's face it: the Grunts are by default the Stormtroopers(tm) of the Rifts world. In my mind they're supposed to be way better than most npc mercs/bandits/etc but still not as good the players. And yes, in my book a Vagabond PC should probably be at least equal if not better than an average npc merc - they're the heroes of the story, no?

As for PAs or high-level PCs - I don't want them to wet their pants on sight of such a Deadboy squad. ;) Unless they have to fear reenforcements... :D


Responding to the bolded part:

Which is wrong, the players should be afraid to get into a shooting match with an enemy ready, willing and able to kill them.

Wet their collective pants, no, be concerned that getting into a battle may end their lives, yes.

I recall nowhere in Star Wars did the heros say anything along the lines of "Oh bother, its more of those pesky Storm Troopers. Mayhaps we should do something."

It was more like "Oh ****, Storm Troopers!!!"

The infamous Storm Trooper Syndrome is due to the perception that heros need to off hundreds of no-name extras to prove just how heroic they are.

I agree that PCs are the heros of the game but even the heros need a lesson in humility occasionally and nothing serves it up better than an ass-handing-to-them by a squad of Grunts.

Re: Whats your most HATED occ?

Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 12:05 am
by Rockwolf66
csbioborg wrote:Amazons come in second. While its quite cool and out reaching to female players to have these SN Str MD girls wearing from the SA WB pict lepord fur runing around slaying the bad guys it just dosen't make sense. In the broader scheme wouldn't the world's females or at leasat those of that alanatean comunity slowly have been bred out by Amazons over the centuaries.

Crunching the statistics it seems that after the first couple of children there is a decent chance that an Amazon will have at least one male child. Given the longer life span of the Atlanteans that are the usual mates of Amazons...Basically the Amazons will grow in population but rather slower than what some people might think.

My personal disliked class is the Paratrooper. I'm sorry but the writer should have spent time with my favorite Major in the 101st Airborne. Paratroopers are not fearless. they are just willing to face their fear and work through it.

Re: Whats your most HATED occ?

Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 3:54 am
by Shorty Lickens
Its been so long I dont even remember.
I think I was the one guy who voted for Psychic.

They just bug the crap out of me.

Re: Whats your most HATED occ?

Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 11:39 pm
by Talavar
I really hate most of the OCCs from Rifts Japan, so I voted ninja, but the traditional samurai are just as bad. The hundred thousand nearly identical military OCCs have also earned my ire, mainly for being so redundant.

Re: Whats your most HATED occ?

Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 6:44 pm
by speedy_petey
None, I love them all equally!

Re: Whats your most HATED occ?

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 1:18 am
by slade the sniper
Sadly, I have to say that I despise magic users in all Palladium games. The special nifty powers for each OCC magic user are good, but the absolute silliness and boredom inducing magic spell list is too dull to ever elicit much reaction from myself or any player...ever.

As such, I took the spells from other nameless games and made them available instead of the regular spell list and finally got someone to actually play a magic user in a Palladium game.

The psionic characters, ninjas, anything else are very good, but magic users...they just aren't that good.


Re: Whats your most HATED occ?

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 3:57 pm
by Sureshot
I have alway disliked Floopers and Shapers. I'm not sure why. Both just bother me. I can't wait for FOM2 to come out. Imo the mages need a small boost in terms of power.

Re: Whats your most HATED occ?

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 12:50 am
by csbioborg
Rockwolf66 wrote:
csbioborg wrote:Amazons come in second. While its quite cool and out reaching to female players to have these SN Str MD girls wearing from the SA WB pict lepord fur runing around slaying the bad guys it just dosen't make sense. In the broader scheme wouldn't the world's females or at leasat those of that alanatean comunity slowly have been bred out by Amazons over the centuaries.

Crunching the statistics it seems that after the first couple of children there is a decent chance that an Amazon will have at least one male child. Given the longer life span of the Atlanteans that are the usual mates of Amazons...Basically the Amazons will grow in population but rather slower than what some people might think.

My personal disliked class is the Paratrooper. I'm sorry but the writer should have spent time with my favorite Major in the 101st Airborne. Paratroopers are not fearless. they are just willing to face their fear and work through it.

I'm saying the community has been in existence for quite some time. It would eventually become half male alatean and half amazonian without any normal women.

Re: Whats your most HATED occ?

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 12:58 am
by Sureshot
Rockwolf66 wrote:My personal disliked class is the Paratrooper. I'm sorry but the writer should have spent time with my favorite Major in the 101st Airborne. Paratroopers are not fearless. they are just willing to face their fear and work through it.

It's not so much that I dislike the Paratrooper OCC it's just that it's a class that I think is more approriate to Heroes Unlimited or Nightbane or Ninja and Superspies. When you have jetpacks who cost are pretty affordable and the skies over Rifts Earth are anyting but safe I just can't see why it was included.

Re: Whats your most HATED occ?

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 11:12 am
by csbioborg
femfan wrote:
I'm saying the community has been in existence for quite some time. It would eventually become half male alatean and half amazonian without any normal women.

Well you seem to be assuming that the atlanteans are all male. There are female ones for the guys to marry. They don't have to marry Amazons...Although I'd be afraid to turn one down :D

Of course not it just states that the Amazons feale offspring are all ways Amazons therefore the number of Amazons proportionate to female Altalteans would increase ever generation until all that remained were Amazons

Re: Whats your most HATED occ?

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 10:29 pm
by runebeo
Magic OCC I love them, but I find they should have more P.P.E. to start and I don't like how some magic items can cast more spells than a normal sorcerer can. Magic items should be more rare and mages should have more pride like Mind mages and depend on spells more over items. If you were a mage wouldn't you seek out magic tattoos to increase your P.P.E.?

Re: Whats your most HATED occ?

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 10:02 am
by dark brandon
K20A2_S wrote:
runebeo wrote:Magic OCC I love them, but I find they should have more P.P.E. to start and I don't like how some magic items can cast more spells than a normal sorcerer can. Magic items should be more rare and mages should have more pride like Mind mages and depend on spells more over items. If you were a mage wouldn't you seek out magic tattoos to increase your P.P.E.?

I agree to a certain level, seems like everyone who is a magic user always end up depending on their TW items and not their natural abilities.

As rare as TW items are suppose to be, KS and other writers hand them out like crazy to every NPC along with the splugorth slaver force field necklace..............feel like he hands one to everyone...

I actually disagree with this. I think in many ways it's foolish for a mage to just rely on his "natural" abilities. Most mages start with a good amount of PPE (about 100 or more), and TW items seem to be a good "progression" of mages, especially if one plays magic the way the rules are stated. As for how rare TW items are, note that most of the TW items are usually fairly expensive.

If I was a mage, I'd probably wear EBA, learn to use a rifle and MA, as well as get some magic tattoos, mainly because there is little stopping me from actually getting all of that.

Mind mages to note, don't really have the fear of being killed in one hit (it can happen), where as the possibility of dieing in one hit is very real in RIFTS.

Re: Whats your most HATED occ?

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 1:51 pm
by Library Ogre
My most hated OCC?


Re: Whats your most HATED occ?

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 2:44 pm
by The Galactus Kid
Cosmo Knight. Hands down. I HATE the cosmo knight.

Re: Whats your most HATED occ?

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 2:59 pm
by csbioborg
The Galactus Kid wrote:Cosmo Knight. Hands down. I HATE the cosmo knight.

since your here there is a scene in one of the older Knights of the Forge rifter articles where the main cosmo knight goes through a star. Stars basically are in a constant state of nuclear fusion which should cause massive kinetic cuncusive force that I thought would rip a cosmo knight despite his immune from energy to shreds. Was the story just tasking liberty with canon or am I not understanding something

Re: Whats your most HATED occ?

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 1:45 pm
by dark brandon
csbioborg wrote:
The Galactus Kid wrote:Cosmo Knight. Hands down. I HATE the cosmo knight.

since your here there is a scene in one of the older Knights of the Forge rifter articles where the main cosmo knight goes through a star. Stars basically are in a constant state of nuclear fusion which should cause massive kinetic cuncusive force that I thought would rip a cosmo knight despite his immune from energy to shreds. Was the story just tasking liberty with canon or am I not understanding something

1) He wasn't the auther of that rifter article.

2) The cosmo-knight has an ability that lets him travel the speed of light...but in the description it says that he becomes a ray of kinetic energy force wouldn't have harmed him

3) It's a comic therefor not bound by the laws of reality. Just like in movies and cartoons people can do things they normally can't do IRL as long as it has the "Awesome" or "cool" factor.

Re: Whats your most HATED occ?

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 2:11 pm
by Phadeout
Ghost wrote:Nega-Psychic R.C.C.
"Oh, I just don't belive in magic - nevermind that the Shifter just ripped a hole in reality."
Bleh! :x
I have no problem with the Psi-Nullifier, for them it's a REFLEXSIVE defense from exposure to the supernatural. Not the "my will is stronger than the megaverse" crap from the Nega-Psychic.

Yes, ditto.

And to think they are in the same book as the Nullifier too... I really hate the Nega-Psychic and they basically don't exist in my version of Rifts.

Re: Whats your most HATED occ?

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 5:38 pm
by Library Ogre
Phadeout wrote:
Ghost wrote:Nega-Psychic R.C.C.
"Oh, I just don't belive in magic - nevermind that the Shifter just ripped a hole in reality."
Bleh! :x
I have no problem with the Psi-Nullifier, for them it's a REFLEXSIVE defense from exposure to the supernatural. Not the "my will is stronger than the megaverse" crap from the Nega-Psychic.

Yes, ditto.
And to think they are in the same book as the Nullifier too... I really hate the Nega-Psychic and they basically don't exist in my version of Rifts.

Have to agree, here. The Nullifier thinks "Magic can mess me up. I don't want any of that on me." The Nega-Psychic is essentially deluded.

Re: Whats your most HATED occ?

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 9:29 pm
by Sureshot
The Galactus Kid wrote:Cosmo Knight. Hands down. I HATE the cosmo knight.

I don't hate the CK per say. It just that they way their code of conduct is written up it's so hard to play one that does not break one of their rules of conduct. No one in my group wants to play one because of it.

Re: Whats your most HATED occ?

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 9:33 pm
by Killer Cyborg
Sureshot wrote:I don't hate the CK per say. It just that they way their code of conduct is written up it's so hard to play one that does not break one of their rules of conduct. No one in my group wants to play one because of it.

Which part makes it hard to play?