I.C: Imperium Calendar
BCE: Before Christ Era
CE: Christ EraSpecial Note:
Given that UEEF connection to Tyrol, thus Terrans exploits during early EF & Pioneer Mission, including later development of UEEF recent history is also included in this chronology.
12100 B.C.E (Archaic Age)Humans (Homo Sapien Sapiens) are transplanted to Praxis & Tyrol by enigmatic Settlers (Haydon?).
11800 B.C.E (Archaic Age)'Settlers' vanish. Tyrolians scatter over the planet, some carrying agriculture with them, others adopting pastoralism. Advent of hunter-gatherer societies.
11630 B.C.E (Archaic Age)Traditional date for the birth of Zor'de, first incarnation of the Tyrolian deity Fanto, who drove away the enslaving P'tok demons, according to the Tyrolian epic Zor'deroma.
6500 B.C.E (Ancient Age)First appearance of walled city-states, in De'ver river valley.
5970 B.C.E (Ancient Age) Traditional date for the birth of Lanack, third incarnation of the Tyrolian deity Fanto, who defeated the armies of the evil god-king Moltok & taught the Dev'erians the art of civilization, according to the ancient Tyrolian epic Lanack Estdo're. (1 A.L.)
5800 B.C.E (Ancient Age)Writing developed in the Dev'er river valley civilization. (c. 30 A.L.)
4700 B.C.E (Ancient Age)Earliest versions of the myths contained in the Lanack Estdo're & Zor'deroma are likely written down. (c. 225 A.L.)
2340 B.C.E (Ancient Age)Oldest extant fragments of the Lanack Estdo're & Zor'deroma are composed (642 A.L.)
1200 B.C.E (Ancient Age)De’ver city states overrun by Tettelian desert & steppe barbarians. Establishment of Tettelian Empire, adopting Dev’er culture in the process.
721 B.C.E (Antiquity Age)Ein'liba Empire reaches its furthest extent, overrunning Forasi city-states & competing with Tettelian successive dynasties. (928 A.L.)
301 B.C.E. (Late Antiquity Age)Ein'liba Empire collapses due to internal strife. Start of world-wide Ranaath epidemic that consumed more than 2/3rd of the entire Tyrolian populations. (1002 A.L.)
360 C.E. (Medieval Age)Tiresians emerge as a powerful nation. (1119 A.L.)
450 – 550 C.E (Colonial Age)Industrial revolution begins in Su'tone region. (1135 A.L.)
Su’tonean states (including Tiresia & Rylac) launch aggressive colonisation expansions towards Tettelian region & Paerana continent.
570 – 660 C.E (Modern Age)Rapid modernization of all Tyrolian nation-states. The start of three consecutive Tyrolian World Wars, pitting the Republican states & Monarchists factions. The usage of nuclear weaponry by both Rylac-Tiresia Republican alliance ending the 3rd World War.
Rapid growth in both technology & population.
652 C.E (Modern Age)Tyrolians launch first satellite into Tyrolian orbit. (1171 A.L.)
668 C.E. (Modern Age)Tyrolian mathematician & physicist Rogelo Turbin formulates a Superstring Theory of Everything, uniting all four fundamental forces. This result is used to derive a classical General Relativity, & predicts the existence of a six-dimensional hyperspace in addition to four dimensional space-time. Fold drives become a theoretical possibility. (1174 A.L.)
816 C.E. (Space Age)Explorer Tovaal Lureq leads Tyrol's first attempt at colonization of the other moons. Their ships, lacking power, cannot escape Fantoma's gravity to explore other planets. (1200 A.L.)
850 – 950 C.E (Space Age)Establishment of in-system colonies, with Tyrolians expanded from their moons to other planets within Valivarre System.
992 C.E. (Space Age)Monopoles are isolated in Fantoma's rings, paving the way for the first fold-drives. (1231 A.L.)
1036 C.E. (Stellar Age)Tyrolian civilization develops first fold-capable ship. Extensive exploration efforts by Tyrolian space voyagers to discover new worlds outer Valivarre system for colonisation. (1238 A.L.)
Massive off-world colonisation efforts carried out by Tyrolian merchant trade blocs.
1116 C.E. (Stellar Age)Karbarrans first contacted, initiating first contact between two races. (1252 A.L.)
1131 C.E (Stellar Age)The largest off-world colony colonised, mainly by Tyrolians of Rylacian origin. (1255 A.L.)
1166 C.E (Stellar Age)Tyrol unites into the Stellar Republic. Modern Tiresia founded on Tyrol near the site of the old city. (0 I.C., 1261 A.L.)
As Stellar Republic absorbs many Tyrolian off world colonies, other independent colonies banded together with the largest Rylac colony to form autonomous Tyrolian Colonies Republic.
1172 C.E (Stellar Age)Comprehensive Karbarran-Tyrolian trade pact signed, benefited both parties. Joint space exploration by Karbarran Hegemony & Stellar Republic. (1262 A.L.)
1274 -1306 C.E (Stellar Age)V'loxian War between Karbarra-Tyrol alliance against V’loxian sauroids. Republican troops released bio-agent (modified Ranaath virus) to V’loxian homeworld, ensuring the extinction of the sauroid race. (1280-1285 A.L.)
1308 – 1315 C.E (Stellar Age)A small V’loxian sauroid refugees of 55,000 survivors are given safe haven on Peryton. Stellar Republic launch pre-emptive strike to subjugate Peryton, stopped short after Karbarra issued dire warning of economic & dire political sanctions if the sauroid refugees are harmed. Tyrolian Stellar Republican troops establish permanent military garrison on Peryton with large Tyrolians colonists migrated there, displacing other Perytonian natives & recent alien migrants.
Half a dozen minor wars between Stellar troops & Emaan migrants to control Perytonian surface erupted occasionally.
1331 C.E (Stellar Age)Peryton properly annexed into Stellar Republic. Karbarra Hegemony – Stellar Republic relationship worsens.
1339 C.E (Stellar Age)Karbarra severs ties with Tyrol, & gives preferred trading status to autonomous Tyrolian Colonies Republic. Stellar Republic slowly suffers from economic loss & eventual energy crises with Sekitan ores no longer available. Stellar Republic launches several techno-voyager research & survey teams to deep space to find viable energy source.
1343 C.E (Stellar Age)Tyrolian deep space survey ship - Azstraph enters Tzuptum system, discovers Optera & Zor Derelda discovery of Invid Flower of Life & derives Protoculture from it. (1293 A.L.)
1343-1360 C.E (The Great Transition)Cloning technologies accelerate at a great pace, thanks to discoveries associated with Protoculture. Zor Derelda become 1st Robotech Master, & wins Protoculture-associated patents while his colleagues set up Robotech consortium. (1293-1296 A.L.)
1351 C.E (The Great Transition)Fold drives perfected. (1294 A.L.)
1355 C.E (The Great Transition)Zentraedi are created under Republican Senate’s behest as source of free off-world laborers. (1295 A.L.)
Robotech consortium secretly establishes bases on Fantoman moons, Stonol & Falcaro, over-produced the number of Zentraedi as supply outgrows demands.
Robotech consortium wins a contract to become military contractor in supplying Zentraedi in charge of security to Stellar Republic’s monopole mining facilities throughout Stellar vast territories.
1361 C.E (Imperial Age)Robotech Elders overthrow the Tyrolian Stellar Republic & install the Triumvirate system of Government. Establishment & eventual subjugation of former Stellar colonies into Robotech Tyrolian Mercantile Empire. (139212 I.C., 1296 A.L.)
1379-1382 C.E (Imperial Age)Karbarra invaded & conquered by the Zentraedi Regular Armies. (152000-154100 I.C.)
1393 C.E (Imperial Age)Zentraedi ordered to defoliate Optera. Robotech Mercantile Empire starts to expand its influence over the Tyrolian colonies & other worlds. (161000 I.C.)
1382 - 1450 C.E (Imperial Age)Eventual subjugation of entire Local Group worlds by Zentraedi under Imperium orders.
Elders & Masters retire to their motherships & live in their new triumvirate clone-society, abandoning Tyrol's surface. Invid begin a fold-guerrilla campaign of terror against the Masters' outermost worlds. (202000 I.C.)
1450 C.E (Imperial Age)Zentraedi Punitive Fleet arrive near Optera & proceeds to bombard the entire planet, but majority of Invid forces already escaped to parts unknown. Punitive Fleet continues with savage & brutal Opteran terrestrial campaign, wiping out the surviving Invid & irradiated Optera surface.
1481-1502 C.E (Imperial Age)Zor retires briefly to Tyrolian Colonies Republic to continue his researches & collaborate with colonial colleagues. While there, he pseudonymously pens a series of political & philosophical tracts favoring federalist republicanism over the current Imperium. Zor is recalled by the Elders & is severely reprimanded, but his writings strike a chord in the Tyrolian Colonies Republic’s populace & in the old patrician families on Tyrol & elsewhere. Republican nationalism blossoms. (224000-239000 I.C.)
1509 – 1519 C.E (Imperial Age)The chorus for Republicanism grow strong & infiltrate every corners of the Imperium. Karbarra & Peryton, alongside Tyrolian Colonies Republic lead the pack in favoring Republican system over Triumvirate system of governance.
1519 – 1520 C.E (Imperial Age)The ideological crisis begins. The Robotech Masters demand Tyrolian Colonies Republic surrender its sovereignty & that of its independent colonies to the Robotech Empire. Tyrolian Colonies Republic balks, & a major fleet of Zentraedi warships – Supervision Army is sent as a threat. The Zentraedi become contaminated by & enamored with rebel colonists culture, & eventually refuse to carry out their orders. When word arrives that an example is to be made of them, a third of the planet's population is hurriedly evacuated by their new Zentraedi allies, just as the Grand Fleet arrives to destroy the rebel colony. In all, 500 million rebel colonists & 1.7 billion rebel Zentraedi of Supervision Army escape into the vastness of space. (250700-251900 I.C.)
1562 C.E (Imperial Age)The rebellious Tyrolian Colonies Republic, their independent colonies & many Tyrolian aristocratic sympathizers & rogue Zentraedi Supervision Army, known collectively to the Elders & the Masters as "Zor's Disciples", declare Holy War on the Robotech Mercantile Empire. The Masters dramatically increase the numbers of loyal Zentraedi Regular Armies to counter the threat. (281412 I.C.)
1590-1790 C.E (Imperial Age)Caught between the Robotech Civil War on one front, & the attrition against outlying territories by the Invid, the Imperium begins to show signs of collapse. (301000-450000 I.C.)
1792 C.E (Imperial Age)The Robotech Rebel fleet arrives on Tyrol & launches a massive offensive against the Robotech Empire. The Tyrolian patricians, long stifled by the Triumvirates, throw their lot in with the "Disciples of Zor". The Zentraedi Regular Armies units loyal to the Empire are insufficient to defend the homeworld, & the Elders & Masters are forced to bring out their elite Imperial Bioroid Forces & newly created Tyrolian Border Fleet armies. The Robotech Rebels are driven back, but at great cost. The Tyrolian patricians go into exile among the retreating Disciples of Zor. (445000 I.C.)
1800 C.E (Renaissance Age)Elders' empire is broken. Robotech Masters seize reins of power from Elders, who remain on as figureheads. Though the foundations are weakened, an Imperial renaissance begins. (450000 I.C.)
Massive recolonization efforts to repopulate the entire Imperium with new Triumvirate clone societies begin in earnest.
1850 C.E (Renaissance Age)Invid military campaign intensifies, taking advantage of the chaos caused by the Robotech Civil War. (486000 I.C.)
1922 C.E (Renaissance Age)3 non-triumvirate original Robotech Masters; Zor, Vard & Cabell refuse the last life extension programme on Tyrol in pacifist rebellion against Masters’ excesses. From that moment onwards, the rebellious Robotech Masters vowed to age normally, avoiding youthful immortality that usually came with subservient Compulsion engrams to the Imperium.
1940 C.E (Renaissance Age)Loyal Zentraedi Regular Armies (of 101st Assault Combine Fleet – Breetai Kridanik Command) crush the rebels & all loyal Zentraedi are reprogrammed to remember the danger of contact with micronian races. The final Disciples of Zor stronghold is annihilated by the Zentraedi Borderers Taskforce & 101st Assault Combine Fleet of Zentraedi Regular Armies. Remaining rebel fleet limps away into the darkness, led by surviving Disciples of Zor. Protoculture supplies are dangerously low & Imperial renaissance nearly founders because of the imminent power crisis. (545000 I.C.)
1947 C.E (Renaissance Age)Adoclass Imperial Fleet under Dolza’s personal command locates Invid hideout in Large Magellanic Cloud, initiating the largest military expedition against the Invid entrenched on their adopted homeworld. 8 million Zentraedi locked in brutal mortal combat with 20 million Invid in Tawkhan campaign, which nearly become a stalemate, but a surgical strike led by joint Quadrono unit under Zentraedi ace, Miriya Paarino & commando raid by Breetai Kridanik against central Invid Hive marked the Zentraedi Regular Armies success against their ancient foes.
1950 – 1998 C.E (Renaissance Age)Zor sent to seed other worlds with Flower of Life under watchful eyes of Zentraedi Border Forces. Unbeknownst to them & Robotech Masters, Zor introduces only sterile mutant varieties instead of the fertile original batch on alien worlds he visited. (553000 I.C.)
Feb, 1999 C.E (Renaissance Age)Zor & his companion, Vard are killed by an Invid ambush on a seeding mission. His battlefortress, a Border Fleet vessel - Makross class monitor is sent to Earth. Invid steadily but surely closing on Imperial core systems. (574300 I.C.)
July, 1999 C.E (Renaissance Age)Zor's battlefortress arrives & crashes on Earth.
Sep, 1999 C.E (Renaissance Age)Robotech Masters authorize Dolza to use 'any means necessary' to recapture Zor's Fortress. (574800 I.C.)
April 19, 2011 C.E (Renaissance Age)A peace agreement is reached between SDF-1 Macross & Breetai Kridanik's 1 million strong ships of Adoclass Imperial Fleet. Dolza's Grand Fleet (Gorg BoDolza) arrives in the solar system, leaving the entire Imperium virtually undefended. Dolza's fleet is annihilated.
Oct, 2014 C.ERobotech Masters & Imperial Armada depart Tyrol for Earth. Border Fleet units are recalled to defend the Imperium core systems from possible Invid incursions.
2014 - 2015 C.EProtoculture crises hits the entire Imperium, anarchy & violent riots erupted in every major Imperium worlds. Tyrolian Border Fleet units forced to depart from their nearly powerless ships & establish permanent terrestrial bases under orders from Triumvirate planetary Governors.
2015 – 2022 C.EEarth launches Expeditionary Fleet to pave the way for Gloval Initiative Plan 2014 – large scale deep space colonisation mission & to locate Masters’ homeworld.
2016 - 2021 C.EInvid formally declares Crusade against Robotech Imperium, swiftly reoccupying Optera. Invid forces launch all out assault against well entrench Tyrolian & Zentraedi Borderers they encounters on every Imperium coreworlds & colonies.
Imperium coreworlds & outlying colonies sever commo links for fear of Invid reprisals. Invid crusade intensifies, cutting large swath of destruction through out the Imperium & Invid initiate large scale massacre against any surviving Triumvirate colonists.
Atleast two minor outlying Imperium colonies escaped Invid detection, the desperate 8 million Triumvirate colonists & 125,000 Border Fleet personnels relocate to an abandon Disciples of Zor’s military base deep in an asteroid star system (known as Pirate’s Cluster) outside Imperium borders now controlled by the Invid.
2022 C.EThe overly spent Invid horde finally invades Tyrol, conquering it swiftly. Only 280 million Tyrolian natives survived the initial invasion. Planetary wide massacre by Invid Regent forces stopped cold as internal rift between Invid Supreme Monarchs deepens. Invid Scientist Tesla appointed to become Invid Occupation Governor on Invid-occupied Tyrol.
Regent, deprived of 2/3rds of Invid piloted mechanized forces loyal to Regess, embarks on Inorganic terror units development to supplement his depleted manpower following the losses suffered during Invid crusades against Robotech Empire.
Eventual separation of the two halves of entire Invid forces, those loyal to Regess (Invid Scientific community, 2/3rd of Invid piloted mechanized forces & entire Invid Royalists castes) & those loyal to Regent (Invid Fleet Commanders & entire fledgling Invid Armada, independent Invid Brains & their Inorganic garrisons, third tier Invid Scientists & independent Invid Field Commanders alongside their mechanized forces).
Triumvirate colonists & their Borderers hiding out at Pirate’s Cluster take to space pirating in order to survive, striking against Invid protoculture supply runs. These space pirates also raiding abandoned Zentraedi bases in outlying sectors for supplies.
SDF-3 launches with her complement of 6 Valivarre-class escort vessels (mimicking Tyrolian Border Forces’s Task Force) from Earth & join the Expeditionary fleet already engaged in the search of Tyrol, marking the beginning of Pioneer Mission.
2023 – 2029 C.ERegent proceeds to conquer the Sentinels worlds, in the opposite order with which they are liberated, with the last being Karbarra. Establishment of Invid garrison on major Sentinels’ worlds.
Space pirates begin forcibly conscripted Zentraedi stragglers & Zentraedi rogues - who escaped from Dolza’s fleet destruction on Sol System - whom they encountered during long-forays raids. These space pirates learn of Humanity existence & begin daringly conducting raids to Terran off-world colonies, even reaching Sol-system on several raiding occasions.
EF established anti-piracy taskforce with infamous EF Special Forces unit, Wolfe Pack & UES Valivarre commanded by Captain Kazianna Hesh to deal with space pirate’s threats.
Pioneer Mission searches the Galaxy for the Robotech Masters' empire. En route they encounter a number of adversaries, all humanoid / Tyroloid in origin, such as micronized Zentraedi, pirates, & report these encounters back to the United Earth Government via Space Station Liberty, explaining why in the early part of the 2nd Robotech War, the United Earth Defence Forces alternately mistakes the Masters for all of the above.
Expeditionary Fleet discovers more abandoned Robotech automated factories & Robotech Repair Satellites, alongside Imperium fringe colonies which yields only Imperium ruins. Efforts are made to colonise these worlds & turning abandoned automated factories into EF colonies & logistical bases. Still more children born in this period on the EF fleet, number of Terran & micronised Zentraedi colonists slowly growing on EF colony-worlds & deep space installations.
2029 C.ERobotech Masters & Imperial Armada arrived in Sol-System & immediately cut off contact with Space Station Liberty, proceeds to attack Earth. 2nd Robotech War begins. EF lost contact with UEF in Sol-system soon after.
EF, engaged with remnants of the space pirates (Zentraedi Borderers), notices the loss of signal & Adam Rheinhardt, commander of Pioneer Mission sends Carpenter's Tokugawa-class carrier ship, UES Hannibal to investigate.
UEDF on besieged Earth reestablishes contact with Liberty, & sends distress call to EF. UES Hannibal arrives at Earth & is destroyed.
EF locates Pirate’s Cluster asteroid star system. Plenipoteniary Council approved Col. Thomas Riley Edwards & his Ghostrider Taskforce to strike deep into the pirate’s den & destroy the space pirates. The space pirates ambushed the EF strike force which almost nearly annihilated before Pioneer Mission flotilla arrived in-system for assistance. EF Fleet Admiral, Supreme Cmmdr Breetai Kridanik initiates ‘Mynmay Operation’ & successfully contaminated the space pirates (Zentraedi Borderers & Triumvirate colonists refugees). EF Zentraedi Minister of Affairs, Exedore Formo brokered peace treaties with the reformed space pirates.
Invid Tesla promoted as Regent’s Supreme Scientist, departs Tyrol & collected Sentinels specimens along his jaunt across the 4th Quadrant sector for Invid scientific & evolutionary research. Invid Obsim becomes new Invid Occupation Governor on Tyrol.
Regess & her loyalists Invid faction, departs from 4th Quadrant to parts unknown. In retaliation, Regent elects new mate, an Invid sub-queen as his new Regess.
2030 C.EPioneer Mission (SDF-3 & 6 Valivarre class-escorts) is supplemented by former Borderers units (Makross class Monitor & 6 Seron Thoun escorts). Furnished with Tyrol coordinates, the combined Pioneer Mission & Borderer fleet folds there, immediately engaged in hostile contact with unidentified hostile aliens there.
Message arrives on Tyrol requesting help from the EF to fight the Masters. The Plenipotentiary Council orders a relief expedition to be sent as soon as possible.
Additional EF fleet reinforcement arrived in Valivarre system & begins to liberate Tyrol from the Invid. EF receives Liberty's distress call, but is unable to return because of its heavy naval commitment at Tyrol. EF achieves space supremacy, freeing up ships to send back to Earth. Two waves of vessels including Transport 85 Squadron & the infamous Wolff Pack are sent.
United Earth Forces embattled fleet links up with vessels from EF reinforcement for the final two naval battles for Earth. 2nd Robotech War ends as Imperial Armada soundly defeated in phyrric victory by UEF. Invid Sensor Nebula in Sol-System detected protoculture emission from Earth & FoL spores which are spreading across Earth surface.
Invid are finally identified as the enemy entrenched on Tyrol, UEG on Earth is notified via Liberty. Aware of the Invid threat now, Earth authorizes the EF to fight the Invid, hoping to keep them from going to Earth.
2031 C.ESentinels captives stages mutiny aboard Tesla’s ship, captures him as hostage & taken over the ship command. Establishment of Sentinels militia & eventual arrival at Tyrol. Hasty alliances are made between EF High Command, Sentinel & Zentraedi Borderers to address the Invid threat still entreched in Tyrol.
EF lands troops on Tyrol, terrestrial & surface military campaign to liberate Tyrol begins. Pioneer Mission Commander, Col. Adam Rheinhardt dies during liberation of Tiresia. GhostRider Taskforce under Gen. TR Edwards captured Invid Brain in secret operation. Mop up operations will take 3 Earth Standard months in Tyrol eventual liberation from Invid units. Eventual surrender of Invid Obsim, former Invid Governor of Tyrol to EF High Command
Tiresia Base is completed & staffed by EF troops. Massive relief effort for the Tyrolian citizenry begins. Plenipotentiary Council & EF are asked by Tyrol's citizenry to administrate their world.
Regent sends Invid reinforcement to Tyrol but after heavy engagement, the Invid support fleet is defeated but SDF-3 is damaged in the fight & is left unable to fold.
Early in this period, the Regess arrives at & conquers Earth. Survivors & refugees from the Invid Invasion escaped from Earth to deep space in mass evacuation oversees by EF & SCA personnels. Liberty is folded out from Sol-System shortly thereafter.
Resettlement of the 8 million Triumvirate colonists refugees to Tyrol & reestablishment of Tyrolian Border Fleet personnel of 125,000 men as Tyrolian Republican Guard. New Tyrol Republic is established.
New Zarkopolis City is established at Rylac region on Tyrol by former Zentraedi Borderers. Many Zentraedi émigrés, both EF micronised Zentraedi personnels & colonists relocate there in order to reconnect to Zentraedi way of life.
New Tyrol Republic holds its first world-wide election, & former Robotech Master Cabell becomes its first Pro-Consul.
2032 – 2038 C.EExpeditionary Council replaces Plenipoteniary Council, & make Tyrol as its base of operations. Expeditionary Force officially renamed as United Earth Expeditionary Forces & undergone internal reorganization.
Point K is established by EF & SCA survivors, & Expeditionary Council learns for certain that the Invid hold Earth. Intermittent contact continues between Point K on Earth & UEEF Mars colony but cease altogether from 2038 onwards.
Sentinels War begins. Sentinels' worlds are liberated in the opposite order in which they are captured, to free the most industrialized & least entrenched worlds first. Sentinels War adopts policy 'UEEF In Air & Space, Sentinels on Surface' during the star-systems hopping missions to liberate Sentinel worlds.
Arrival of UES Marcus Antonius in Valivarre system, loaded with 175,000 Triumvirate clones refugees from 2nd Robotech War. New Tyrol Republic repatriates the clones as its new citizens.
Regent's forces, out of protoculture & over-extended, begin to lose grip on major Sentinels worlds.
Regent sends his emissary in his likeness to Tyrol to negotiate possible peace treaty with EF High Command. Expeditionary Council nearly accepts the offer until the Invid emissary is assassinated by unknown third party.
2035 C.ENew Tyrol Republic becomes Sentinel Confederation signatories.
2038 – 2040 C.EUEEF High Command split because of schism between Edwards' & Hunter's factions. Under pressure from Edwards faction, Expeditonary Council approves reconnaissance mission to Earth to be undertaken.
Reconnaissance missions to Earth begin. The United Earth Expeditionary Force launches its first large scale assault on Reflex Point. The attack fails miserably, resulting in heavy losses for the UEEF 10th Mars Division of First Earth Reclaimation Mission in 2038AD. UEEF High Command learns about the existence of another Invid Monarch, the Regess.
Sentinels War nearly draws to a close. Joint Mop-Up operations begin to clear the Regent's Invid from 4th Quadrant. Tesla links up with remaining Invid faction & starts Invid Civil War on Optera. Regent escaped with his loyal troops.
2041 C.EGen. TR Edwards openly accuse Expeditionary Council for favoritism towards its Sentinels allies rather than the fate of Earth’s humanity under Invid occupation.
Edwards stages a coup on Tyrol & holds the Expeditionary Council & UEEF General Staffs as hostage. The entire GhostRider Taskforce units pledged their loyalty to Edwards’ cause. GhostRider units set up combat positions all around Tiresia & declare martial law all over Tyrol.
UEEF Civil War begins on Tyrol between Edwards & Hunter's faction. Tiresia is heavily devastated during the Invid Inorganics rampage (controlled by Edwards). The Tyrolian Orbital Yard in Tyrol’s orbit is gutted by Edwards’ faction. The Sentinels Expedition return to Tyrol & the combined loyalists rout Edwards' forces.
Regent's flagship arrive in Tyrol orbit & help Edwards escape Valivarre system after crippling the SDF-3. Reinforced with TR Edwards, Regent re-occupy Optera & Tesla flees to parts unknown.
2042 C.ETiresia cityscape is under heavy reconstruction. Expeditionary Council relocates from Tyrol to Space Station Liberty.
The 21st Mars Division arrives at Earth as part of the Second Earth Reclamation Force. The fleet is intercepted before its troops can begin their atmospheric insertion, and is quickly destroyed by the Invid.
The newly refit UES Tokugawa under Captain Grant is ordered to track wayward Edward. The hunt for the UEEF traitor begins.
The heavily damaged Tyrolian Orbital Yard is declared unsalvageable, thus production of new UEEF starships will only resumed after reactivation & refurbishment of new naval production center aboard Robotech Factory Satellite, which will take considerable precious resources.
Sentinels faction pledges to help rebuild UEEF fleet in order for the Final Earth Reclaimation Mission. Haydonite provide assistance in installing Shadow Technology to EF mechas & warships.
2043 C.EUES Tokugawa locates Optera, after massive assault, the ship is destroyed. Both Regent & Breetai die as a result of TR Edward's treachery. Edwards controlled remaining Invid forces on Optera.
Admiral Hunter is on tour aboard Liberty, overseeing the final preparation for Earth Reclaimation Mission. He later launches the final mission to subjugate Edwards & rogue Invid on Optera with recommissioned SDF-3. Edwards dies & remaining Invid threat is wiped out from Optera after extensive UEEF ground operation.
Efforts are now underway for the Earth's liberation against Regess occupation. Support from Mars & other Sol-System colonies paved the way in rebuilding ALuCE Moon Base in preparation for the Reclaimation Mission.
2044 C.ENeutron S missiles incorporated into UEEF fleet. SDF-3 & UES Deukalion fold to Omicron Sector to conduct the top secret missile test.
Remainder of UEEF fleet returns to Earth. SDF-3 fails to join the fleet & considered MIA.
Battle of Reflex Point.