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Re: Mysteries of Magic

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 12:52 pm
by UR Leader Hobbes
Ok so when will it ship?

Sorry but it's been so long since a new book has come out I'm half expecting to hear that the printer burned down or that some freak accident of nature is gonna prevent this book from coming out..

So any idea when it will ship?

Re: Mysteries of Magic

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 1:23 pm
by Vidynn
Mark Hall wrote:Dear bas Vidynn,
I am making a special package, just for you! It should arrive in a few days. Please disregard the ticking. It's got a clock in it.

Hugs and Kisses,


hums "return to sender" by Elvis


Re: Mysteries of Magic

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 3:09 pm
by Northern Ranger
First off, congrats Mark. Couldn't have happened to a nicer, more helpful or condescending dude! :ok:

Seriously, this is a huge step. I know you've had a bajillion Rifter Articles (bastard) but an actual book with your name on the title line. That's a dream I myself aspire to someday. Again, congratulations.

Can't afford to buy it right now, but it's going to be ordered in the next two weeks, at least. (Won't even be available for another ONE, so not a in a huge hurry.) As I've stated more times than is probably prudent (I assure you, I am NOT a cyber-stalker :-D ), I'm a huge fan. I look forward to reading this one with great anticipation.


Re: Mysteries of Magic

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 1:48 am
by Stone Gargoyle
I just read an email from Palladium announcing shipment of this book will start on next friday, September 25th.

Re: Mysteries of Magic

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 10:13 am
by Library Ogre
Northern Ranger wrote:First off, congrats Mark. Couldn't have happened to a nicer, more helpful or condescending dude! :ok:

Seriously, this is a huge step. I know you've had a bajillion Rifter Articles (bastard) but an actual book with your name on the title line. That's a dream I myself aspire to someday. Again, congratulations.

Can't afford to buy it right now, but it's going to be ordered in the next two weeks, at least. (Won't even be available for another ONE, so not a in a huge hurry.) As I've stated more times than is probably prudent (I assure you, I am NOT a cyber-stalker :-D ), I'm a huge fan. I look forward to reading this one with great anticipation.


I will probably spend the day I get it with my nose buried in the book, sniffing ink. I love the smell of my name in ink. ;-)


Re: Mysteries of Magic

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 2:56 pm
by Library Ogre
Ninjabunny wrote:
Mark Hall wrote:
Northern Ranger wrote:First off, congrats Mark. Couldn't have happened to a nicer, more helpful or condescending dude! :ok:

Seriously, this is a huge step. I know you've had a bajillion Rifter Articles (bastard) but an actual book with your name on the title line. That's a dream I myself aspire to someday. Again, congratulations.

Can't afford to buy it right now, but it's going to be ordered in the next two weeks, at least. (Won't even be available for another ONE, so not a in a huge hurry.) As I've stated more times than is probably prudent (I assure you, I am NOT a cyber-stalker :-D ), I'm a huge fan. I look forward to reading this one with great anticipation.


I will probably spend the day I get it with my nose buried in the book, sniffing ink. I love the smell of my name in ink. ;-)


Explains why everything that has your signature never leaves the house :P

My printer ink doesn't have cocaine in it, like the ones that come from publishers.

Re: Mysteries of Magic

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 6:34 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
With it at the printer now, I figure the odds are at least 90% likely it will actually ship on time.

Re: Mysteries of Magic

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 11:20 pm
by Yisterwald
Goliath Strongarm wrote:Nexxy, if you still havemy email addy, let me know once it's actually out, so I can go buy it. I haven't been to a game shop in ages, cause I have all the stuff for the game I AM playing.

I'm only buying your book, and then nothing else for PF until OK comes out...

Same here GS. It's been ages since I've made an RPG related purchase -- but t his one gets my dough.

Congratulations, Nexxy. It's been a long time coming...