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Re: Invented Spells
Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2019 8:59 pm
by taalismn
Mlp7029 wrote:Makeover.
For those mornings when you realize you're late for work, you forgot to do this week's laundry, and you've got that big meet-and-greet first thing at work.
![Big Grin :D](./images/smilies/biggrin.gif)
Re: Invented Spells
Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2019 2:39 am
by torjones
Mlp7029 wrote:Makeover
Level: Three
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent.
Saving Throw: None.
P.P.E.: Ten
This useful spell creates a complete makeover for a voluntary subject, including cosmetics, hair, clothes. It even polishes teeth and eliminates plaque. Changes are as permanent as those made in a beauty salon. The degree of style in the tailoring is determined by a skill test against either the caster’s Cosmetology or Disguise or Wardrobe & Grooming. Use of this spell in the performance of the previous skills gives a +20% on the skill performance.
Useful and possibly fun spell, but wouldn't a duration of Instant be more appropriate? Permanent implies that the magic remains for a significant period of time, maintaining the look, which would be interesting in its own right, ripe for plenty of RP abuse. A duration of instant seem to be more in keeping with your intended flavor text, the ephemeral - there, done, gone - nature of the spell, at least as far as the text seems to describe it.
Re: Invented Spells
Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2019 5:11 pm
by Father Goose
taalismn wrote:Sex Magnet(Invocation)
Level: 10
Type: Invocation
Range: 50 ft +20 ft per level of experience
The effect radiates out 10 ft per level of experience from the target.
Duration: 15 minutes per level of experience
Saving Throw: Standard for those of the same gender as the target, -4 for those of the opposite gender, -2 for those of the same general species-type as the target(such as, for humans, elves, dwarves, and ogres), +2 for those not of the same species/general type as the target.
PPE Cost: 60
Though regarded as the holy grail of virgin and single mages, Sex Magnet was actually formulated as a CURSE. Cast on a subject, it makes them unknowingly virtually irresistable to others as a potential conjugal partner. Those entering the area of effect and failing to save versus the magic will become instantly attracted to the subject and incredibly turned on, growing increasingly frustrated and stupid-crazy in their approaches to the target. Though stopping short of physically harming the subject of their affections, the collateral victims of this spell may engage in very public displays of affection, hugging, kissing, serenading, begging, pleading, proposing, disrobing, fighting with others also affected, stropping themselves against the target, and generally acting like love-starved buffoons.
I can definitely see the applications of this as a curse!
![Big Grin :D](./images/smilies/biggrin.gif)
This is potentially devastating if used appropriately, and can make for a great "distraction" spell too. "Quick, mage, make that guard a Sex Magnet so we can slip past while he's being mobbed!"
I like it.
Re: Invented Spells
Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2019 7:15 pm
by Slight001
Father Goose wrote:taalismn wrote:Sex Magnet(Invocation)
Level: 10
Type: Invocation
Range: 50 ft +20 ft per level of experience
The effect radiates out 10 ft per level of experience from the target.
Duration: 15 minutes per level of experience
Saving Throw: Standard for those of the same gender as the target, -4 for those of the opposite gender, -2 for those of the same general species-type as the target(such as, for humans, elves, dwarves, and ogres), +2 for those not of the same species/general type as the target.
PPE Cost: 60
Though regarded as the holy grail of virgin and single mages, Sex Magnet was actually formulated as a CURSE. Cast on a subject, it makes them unknowingly virtually irresistable to others as a potential conjugal partner. Those entering the area of effect and failing to save versus the magic will become instantly attracted to the subject and incredibly turned on, growing increasingly frustrated and stupid-crazy in their approaches to the target. Though stopping short of physically harming the subject of their affections, the collateral victims of this spell may engage in very public displays of affection, hugging, kissing, serenading, begging, pleading, proposing, disrobing, fighting with others also affected, stropping themselves against the target, and generally acting like love-starved buffoons.
I can definitely see the applications of this as a curse!
![Big Grin :D](./images/smilies/biggrin.gif)
This is potentially devastating if used appropriately, and can make for a great "distraction" spell too. "Quick, mage, make that guard a Sex Magnet so we can slip past while he's being mobbed!"
I like it.
The only complaint I have is that it's likely to **** off the LGBT+ers as being biased... Perhaps it should detect the 'victims' orientation, preferences, and take that into account rather then just assume everyone is hetero?
Re: Invented Spells
Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2019 8:55 pm
by taalismn
Slight001 wrote:[
The only complaint I have is that it's likely to **** off the LGBT+ers as being biased... Perhaps it should detect the 'victims' orientation, preferences, and take that into account rather then just assume everyone is hetero?
Or perhaps the caster can specify which genders are turned on, or leave it open-ended for 'EVERYBODY wants to make love to the target'.
Though, in that case, a bonus on the saving throw for sexual orientation might be a good idea, if the person so targeted is the opposite of your normal preference in a partner.
Re: Invented Spells
Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2019 11:03 pm
by Slight001
taalismn wrote:Slight001 wrote:[
The only complaint I have is that it's likely to **** off the LGBT+ers as being biased... Perhaps it should detect the 'victims' orientation, preferences, and take that into account rather then just assume everyone is hetero?
Or perhaps the caster can specify which genders are turned on, or leave it open-ended for 'EVERYBODY wants to make love to the target'.
Though, in that case, a bonus on the saving throw for sexual orientation might be a good idea, if the person so targeted is the opposite of your normal preference in a partner.
Might not be a bad idea... gods my brain is still getting used to this mindset. I blame my niece for this. I was perfectly happy being my closet/passive sexist self before she started calling my out on it.
Re: Invented Spells
Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2019 8:59 pm
by taalismn
Slight001 wrote:[
Might not be a bad idea... gods my brain is still getting used to this mindset. I blame my niece for this. I was perfectly happy being my closet/passive sexist self before she started calling my out on it.
Some days I'd just rather talk to my (gender-neutral) furniture....
Re: Invented Spells
Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2019 9:03 pm
by Father Goose
taalismn wrote:Slight001 wrote:[
Might not be a bad idea... gods my brain is still getting used to this mindset. I blame my niece for this. I was perfectly happy being my closet/passive sexist self before she started calling my out on it.
Some days I'd just rather talk to my (gender-neutral) furniture....
Perhaps you could create a "Communicate with Furniture" spell to facilitate.
Re: Invented Spells
Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2019 9:11 pm
by taalismn
Father Goose wrote:Perhaps you could create a "Communicate with Furniture" spell to facilitate.
I think that's covered by 'Object Read'.
Re: Invented Spells
Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2019 12:56 am
by Father Goose
taalismn wrote:Father Goose wrote:Perhaps you could create a "Communicate with Furniture" spell to facilitate.
I think that's covered by 'Object Read'.
Nah, Object Read is sterile, clinical, boring. Think "imbues an inanimate object with voice and personality for the duration of the spell such that it can carry on a conversation." Maybe give it mental attributes that are variable, so sometimes it's an intelligent conversation, and sometimes it's like talking to your drinking buddies after a 30 pack.
Re: Invented Spells
Posted: Thu May 23, 2019 9:46 pm
by Mack
Animal Voyeur
This mini-ritual allows the caster to experience what a nearby animal senses. It is effectively a reduced version of Astral Projection, where the caster's consciousness leaves his own body and rides along with an animal. The caster sees, hears, smells, feels, and tastes what the animal experiences. If the animal has any psychic or other unique senses, the caster will also experience those. However, the caster has no control over the animal and is limited to merely observing. This spell is limited to animals, and does not work on monsters or the supernatural.
To activate this spell, the caster must meditate while concentrating on the animals around him. After 1D4 melees, he can attempt a connection to an animal of his choice. However, many animals will be spooked by the connection and instinctively resist it (roll a save versus magic). Mages who frequently connect to the same animal, such as a favorite pet, will find this resistance greatly reduced (GM's discretion).
Many mages find this spell useful in wilderness areas for detecting threats or scouting an area, even if they can't direct the animal.
Level: 3
Type: Invocation
Range: 50 feet, plus 10 feet per level of experience to establish connection. No range restriction after the connection is made.
Duration: 5 minutes per level of experience
Savin Throw: Standard save versus magic. GMs may choose to give the caster a bonus against frequently used animals, or eliminate it completely.
PPE: 8
Re: Invented Spells
Posted: Sat May 25, 2019 9:16 pm
by taalismn
Mack wrote:Animal Voyeur
This mini-ritual allows the caster to experience what a nearby animal senses.
Many mages find this spell useful in wilderness areas for detecting threats or scouting an area, even if they can't direct the animal.
"So....what can you tell us about the place?"
"Not much, except that the guy's got some NASTY mousetraps."
Re: Invented Spells
Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2019 3:27 pm
by gaby
It a Ritural that allow the caster to Unruseted any Metal weapon or armor.
:Cost 4 P.p.e
Do you PFrpg,s book that have Magic weapon attribute about impervious to rust
Re: Invented Spells
Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2019 1:08 am
by taalismn
gaby wrote:Unrusted
It a Ritural that allow the caster to Unruseted any Metal weapon or armor.
:Cost 4 P.p.e
Do you PFrpg,s book that have Magic weapon attribute about impervious to rust
There's an existing canon spell, Earth Warlock, 6th level, 'Mend Metal' that handles this quite well already. Works on SDC and MDC metals too.
Admittedly, it can only be cast by Earth Warlocks, but I'd house rule a version could be learned by regular mages, albeit at TWICE the PPE cost and HALF the amount of metal per level of experience that can be affected to keep it fair.
Rune weapons don't rust, and we can probably assume that most enchanted weapons and armor don't either. Even the Earth Elemental magic spell Rust doesn't affect magic armor and weapons, so we can safely assume that those objects are impervious to normal oxidation as well.
Re: Invented Spells
Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2019 1:24 am
by The Oh So Amazing Nate
I need a spell! Or at least I need a forum dweller to track one down for me please. This spell allows the character to never become physically lost. They always know where they are, where they're going, and the best route to get there. This same power or an Associated power allows them to locate anything within a set distance that will grow with experience. Does such a spell already exist? Could someone point me and its general direction? Thank you
Re: Invented Spells
Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2019 7:18 am
by taalismn
The Oh So Amazing Nate wrote:I need a spell! Or at least I need a forum dweller to track one down for me please. This spell allows the character to never become physically lost. They always know where they are, where they're going, and the best route to get there. This same power or an Associated power allows them to locate anything within a set distance that will grow with experience. Does such a spell already exist? Could someone point me and its general direction? Thank you
I don't think there is one. There might be some OCCs(especially in the Rifter, I believe there was a Psychic traveller) who might have innate directional skills, but a general spell? One would have to be invented.
And finding anything within a set distance? That's a whole other can of magical worms.....would one have to have a sample of the object being sought? Previous familiarity with it? And I imagine it would be PPE-expensive because of its scope. The psychic power Object Read and the Temporal spell Remote Viewing might have some application to finding objects' general whereabouts(if you can recognize their surroundings) but they tend to be rather vague and fuzzy on that.
Re: Invented Spells
Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2019 9:46 pm
by taalismn
Circle of Enchanted Sleep(Ritual)
Level: 9
Type: Ritual
Range: Touch
Duration: (Lesser) 1 month per level of experience
(Greater) 5 years per level of experience
Saving Throw: (Lesser) Standard
(Greater) None
PPE Cost: (Lesser) 50
(Greater) 300
Circle of Enchanted Sleep is a rirual that puts the subject into a state of stasis. The caster draws a mystic circle(woth chalk, charcoal, ink, or other material) around the subject(typically restrained in the case of involuntary spell-subjects) and casts the spell, whereupon the person or being in the circle lapses into a deep sleep. This comatose state is so profound that the subject does not age, does not require food, water, exercise, and only a hundredth of the amount of air they would normally use while under the spell’s influence. The spell provides no otheer form of protection to the subject, so the Cicle is best set up in a secure location, such as a locked room, cave, or cell, where the sleeper is safe from the elements and disturbance.
Breaking the circle(easy enough to do; a simple swipe of a shoe can disturb the media used to draw the circle) breaks the spell, waking the subject within. Typically the awakened person will be loggy and disoriented, as if waking from a deep sleep(which they have) and be at HALF all skill proficiencies, and bonuses for 1d4 melees for every month they were under the influence of the Circle.
Note that mages and psychics do NOT regain spent PPE/ISP as per sleep rules while under the influence of a Circle of Enchanted Sleep, and must recharge their PPE/ISP through normal rest and meditation.
Re: Invented Spells
Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2019 4:22 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
taalismn wrote:Circle of Enchanted Sleep(Ritual)
Level: 9
Type: Ritual
Range: Touch
Duration: (Lesser) 1 month per level of experience
(Greater) 5 years per level of experience
Saving Throw: (Lesser) Standard
(Greater) None
PPE Cost: (Lesser) 50
(Greater) 300
Circle of Enchanted Sleep is a rirual that puts the subject into a state of stasis. The caster draws a mystic circle(woth chalk, charcoal, ink, or other material) around the subject(typically restrained in the case of involuntary spell-subjects) and casts the spell, whereupon the person or being in the circle lapses into a deep sleep. This comatose state is so profound that the subject does not age, does not require food, water, exercise, and only a hundredth of the amount of air they would normally use while under the spell’s influence. The spell provides no otheer form of protection to the subject, so the Cicle is best set up in a secure location, such as a locked room, cave, or cell, where the sleeper is safe from the elements and disturbance.
Breaking the circle(easy enough to do; a simple swipe of a shoe can disturb the media used to draw the circle) breaks the spell, waking the subject within. Typically the awakened person will be loggy and disoriented, as if waking from a deep sleep(which they have) and be at HALF all skill proficiencies, and bonuses for 1d4 melees for every month they were under the influence of the Circle.
Note that mages and psychics do NOT regain spent PPE/ISP as per sleep rules while under the influence of a Circle of Enchanted Sleep, and must recharge their PPE/ISP through normal rest and meditation.
Aren't lesser and greater spells normally learned at different spell levels?
Re: Invented Spells
Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2019 6:09 pm
by taalismn
Stone Gargoyle wrote:[]Aren't lesser and greater spells normally learned at different spell levels?
I considered it, but since this is the same spell, only with a short and a long duration, depending on how much power you pump into it at the onset, being the only differences, I figured grouping it under the same spell/level made more sense.
But questioned that way, that would hint that it would make more sense to simply state 'x PPE per X duration', wouldn't it?
Or maybe I would have to add a few features to a 'Greater' Circle of Sleep like 'Automatically dusts and removes cobwebs off the sleeper'?
![Big Grin :D](./images/smilies/biggrin.gif)
Re: Invented Spells
Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2019 9:36 pm
by Mack
The Oh So Amazing Nate wrote:I need a spell! Or at least I need a forum dweller to track one down for me please. This spell allows the character to never become physically lost. They always know where they are, where they're going, and the best route to get there. This same power or an Associated power allows them to locate anything within a set distance that will grow with experience. Does such a spell already exist? Could someone point me and its general direction? Thank you
There's a Combat Magic spell that's similar. Merc Adventures, p10.
Invented Spells
Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 10:26 am
by BeJimmieplach
Ive been working on and am employing the use of spells for defending myself that at its core functions like a mirror in that when something unwanted is directed toward what is protected it will be reflected and sent back to the casters.
My question being would something like this be breaking the code?
Re: Invented Spells
Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2019 12:36 pm
by zerombr
Are we talking about the heart of glass spell?
Re: Invented Spells
Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2020 1:14 am
by torjones
For your consideration and comment, from a recent game I played in:
Level: 3
Type: Invocation
Range: 25' +5'/caster level
Duration: 2 minutes per caster level
Saving Throw: None
PPE: 5
Effects: Turns any campfire into a miniature fireworks display. Quality of display dependent on character's Performance skill. Fireworks display is sufficiently large enough and high enough above the fire to be viewed by everyone that is within the spells range centered on the campfire.
Remove Fizz
Level: 1
Type: Invocation
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: None
PPE Cost: 2
Effects: Causes carbonated liquids, such as sodas, seltzers, and sparkling wines, to instantly go flat, even in sealed cans and bottles. Can render a gallon of carbonated liquid(provided it’s in the same container) per level of experience instantly flat.
Level: 1
Type: Invocation
Range: Touch
Target: one inanimate container
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: None
PPE Cost: 2 for CO2, 3 for N2
Effects: Causes non-carbonated liquids, such as water, teas, coffees, etc., to instantly become carbonated, even in sealed cans and bottles. Can render a gallon of non-carbonated liquid(provided it’s in the same container) per level of experience instantly start fizzing. Caster determines how much carbonation is added, but physics still applies, so colder beverages can hold more carbonation than warmer ones.
Level: 3
Type: Invocation
Range: 5' or 2 by Touch
Target: one inanimate container
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: None
PPE Cost: 8
Effects: Cleans and sanitizes one inanimate container, making it safe for food or water storage or other applications that requires a sterile container.
Re: Invented Spells
Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 10:18 pm
by taalismn
torjones wrote:For your consideration and comment, from a recent game I played in:
Remove Fizz
Pyrotchnics looks good, though I think there are several similar spells on this thread.
Remove Fizz...I KNOW I did and posted a spell that does this, along with a Denature Alcohol spell that earned me the fear and hatred of a reader.
Carbonate....Yes, there was also a carbonate spell or at least a soda creation spell.
Sanitize---I can see this as a more thorough(add PPE-expensive) version of Cleanse
Re: Invented Spells
Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2020 3:46 am
by torjones
taalismn wrote:torjones wrote:For your consideration and comment, from a recent game I played in:
Remove Fizz
Pyrotchnics looks good, though I think there are several similar spells on this thread.
Remove Fizz...I KNOW I did and posted a spell that does this, along with a Denature Alcohol spell that earned me the fear and hatred of a reader.
Carbonate....Yes, there was also a carbonate spell or at least a soda creation spell.
Sanitize---I can see this as a more thorough(add PPE-expensive) version of Cleanse
fair point, I didn't exactly go back through all 31 pages of this thread to find out if these had been done similarly. 31 pages is a lot to go through.
Yeah, I created these for a LLW who had a serious brewing hobby. (took brewing as a double skill) Sanitize as a spell was basically cleanse turned to the brewing hobby. I'm not sure why I came up with Pyrotechnics for this character, but it was fun.
Re: Invented Spells
Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2020 1:15 am
by taalismn
Because fireworks are a great distraction if you don't ant to get in hot water for nuking somebody. THey're also good for comedy scenes(firefight in. a fireworks warehouse? What could POSSIBLY go wrong?"). They've long been associated with magic in literature, so making them -actual- magic makes sense. Even Gandolf the Gray messed around with fireworks.
Re: Invented Spells
Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 9:04 pm
by taalismn
Cess-Dump (aka Latimer’s Aerial Latrine Gust, Bogger’s Brown Storm Burst)(Invocation)
Level: 6th
Type: Invocation
Range: 50 ft per level of experience, and the area affected is 10 ft in diameter+5 ft per level of experience.
Duration: Rain lasts 1 melee per level of experience; the material persists for 15 minutes per level of experience(after which it evaporates), and the smell lingers for 1d4 hours.
Saving Throw: Dodge the rain(-2 to dodge)(see below)
PPE Cost: 25
This spell causes a rain of sludgy, brown, sticky, odious...material.... to fall on the targeted area, falling at a rate of 1d4 inches per melee. The matter streaks hard surfaces and stains porous materials, and smells horrible(those without air filters or closed breathing gear make a roll versus magic or become nauseous(-1 on initiative, -2 to strike, parry, and dodge, HALF Speed, and -15% to skill performance for 1d6 minutes. Those with enhanced smell senses will suffer penalties 50% greater and temporarily lose any tracking abilities) from the cesspool stench. Even after thorough washing, removing the offending material, the stink remains(although subsequent rolls are at +2). A Cleanse or Negate Magic spell will completely remove the effects of this spell.
Re: Invented Spells
Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 10:35 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
*chuckles* mean
So you created a "Smells just like a farm the week the fields are being fertilized" spell.
Does the 7th or 8th level version of this spell Just called fertilize fields?
Or it could be called "down wind of the dairy farm just after all the cows take their dumps".
(yep lives near to a few. So knows from personal exp.)
Re: Invented Spells
Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 10:51 pm
by taalismn
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:*chuckles* mean
So you created a "Smells just like a farm the week the fields are being fertilized" spell.
Does the 7th or 8th level version of this spell Just called fertilize fields?
Or it could be called "down wind of the dairy farm just after all the cows take their dumps".
(yep lives near to a few. So knows from personal exp.)
I probably should note that the 'material' doesn't have any actual fertilizer value...It just looks and smells like ...well, proof that what you suspected about the world was true all along.
But yeah, there's a range of more elaborate names for this spell;
Symon's Scatological Downpour, Brosby's Excremental Fan Blast, Gust of Goo, Heavn's Bowel Mover, etc...
Imagine, though, casting on a confined an elevator.....
Of course, I'll eventually apply this to a TW device...what do you think would be an appropriate stone element for it? Mudstone? Or copelite?
Re: Invented Spells
Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 12:04 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Maybe there are some down wind penalties too.
Re: Invented Spells
Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 2:05 pm
by The Oh So Amazing Nate
taalismn wrote:But yeah, there's a range of more elaborate names for this spell; Symon's Scatological Downpour, Brosby's Excremental Fan Blast, Gust of Goo, Heavn's Bowel Mover, etc...
I'm not sure if I should be proud of or disappointed and you for not calling this spell simply "**** storm"
Re: Invented Spells
Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 5:36 pm
by taalismn
Bullet Blessing (Invocation)
Level: 9th
Type: Invocation
Range: Touch or 5 ft to enchant the projectile
Duration: The enchantment last 15 minutes per level of experience
Saving Throw: None to bless the ammunition. Target gets a save versus the magic empowering the ammunition, but on a successful save still takes HALF damage.
PPE Cost: 45 per projectile
A Light spell created specifically to endow modern ammunition with paranormal-slaying ability. Targets normally immune to physical attacks will take FULL damage from the blessed bullets.
Note: Grenades and other explosives CANNOT be empowered by this spell. The ammunition must be a direct fire projectile of inert/solid construction(including composite alloy rounds). Also U-rounds(and acrively radioactive projectiles) CANNOT be enchanted with this spell.
This spell is available only to priest OCCs.
Hellseeker (Invocation)
Level: 4
Type: Invocation
Range: Touch or 5 ft to enchant the projectile
Duration: The enchantment last 5 minutes per level of experience
Saving Throw: None. The intended target can still attempt to dodge, however
PPE Cost: 10 per enchanted projectile
Priests and clerics of Light(Good alignment) can cast this spell at HALF cost
Cast on a projectile, this spell gives the weapon a bonus of + 3 to strike beings of supernatural evil.
Note: The Evil version of this spell, which is +3 to strike beings of supernatural good, is known as Eclipseblight.
Note 2: This spell can be cast on bullets, arrows, spears, catapult stones, and even freefall/’smart’ bombs, but NOT on self-propelled missiles/rockets.
Re: Invented Spells
Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 10:47 am
by Stone Gargoyle
taalismn wrote:Bullet Blessing (Invocation)
Level: 9th
Type: Invocation
Range: Touch or 5 ft to enchant the projectile
Duration: The enchantment last 15 minutes per level of experience
Saving Throw: None to bless the ammunition. Target gets a save versus the magic empowering the ammunition, but on a successful save still takes HALF damage.
PPE Cost: 45 per projectile
A Light spell created specifically to endow modern ammunition with paranormal-slaying ability. Targets normally immune to physical attacks will take FULL damage from the blessed bullets.
Note: Grenades and other explosives CANNOT be empowered by this spell. The ammunition must be a direct fire projectile of inert/solid construction(including composite alloy rounds). Also U-rounds(and acrively radioactive projectiles) CANNOT be enchanted with this spell.
This spell is available only to priest OCCs.
Hellseeker (Invocation)
Level: 4
Type: Invocation
Range: Touch or 5 ft to enchant the projectile
Duration: The enchantment last 5 minutes per level of experience
Saving Throw: None. The intended target can still attempt to dodge, however
PPE Cost: 10 per enchanted projectile
Priests and clerics of Light(Good alignment) can cast this spell at HALF cost
Cast on a projectile, this spell gives the weapon a bonus of + 3 to strike beings of supernatural evil.
Note: The Evil version of this spell, which is +3 to strike beings of supernatural good, is known as Eclipseblight.
Note 2: This spell can be cast on bullets, arrows, spears, catapult stones, and even freefall/’smart’ bombs, but NOT on self-propelled missiles/rockets.
What about something to cast on armor to make hitting it do damage to a supernatural evil character, or to make the gauntlets do +3 strikes? Looks good though.
Re: Invented Spells
Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 9:32 pm
by taalismn
Stone Gargoyle wrote:What about something to cast on armor to make hitting it do damage to a supernatural evil character, or to make the gauntlets do +3 strikes? Looks good though.
I just may pursue that. Maybe a 'Touch of Darkness' or 'Angelbane' for the evil characters out there.
![Twisted Evil :twisted:](./images/smilies/icon_twisted.gif)
Re: Invented Spells
Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2020 9:10 pm
by taalismn
Level: 7
Type: Invocation/Ritual
Range: Touch
Duration: (Invocation) 30 minutes per level of experience
(Ritual) 5 days per level of experience
Saving Throw: None
PPE Cost:(Invocation) 36
(Ritual) 180
This spell works on the premise that most of solid matter is, at the atomic level, empty space. The mage can thus intermesh small non-living objects into other objects and materials and temporarily leave them there, typically to hide them.
Renders up to 5 lbs. of material, plus 1 pound per level of experience, can be interposed.
When the interpose spell runs out, the concealed object simply pops out the side of the concealing object/material.
The limitations of this spell are as follows:
-Living beings CANNOT be interposed, though nonliving objects CAN be interposed inside living beings.
-Radioactive and magic materials CANNOT be interposed
-The interposed object CANNOT exceed the size of the surrounding object.
Interposed objects can be detected by the following means:
-Smashing the surrounding material will cancel the spell and reveal the interposed object.
-The interposed objects will have a slight magic trace detectable by those sensitive to magic or using magic-detecting means.
-The interposed objects will have combined weight.
-Phase Adepts can instantly spot interposed objects and can access them using Phase powers such as Spacial Distortion: Self.
Curse: Darkthought’s Depressing Damnation(Evocation/Ritual)
(aka ‘Baddayh’s Black Bird of Unhappiness’, ‘Progmann’s Protracted Pity-Party’)
“It’s all just escapism, every day. I must face it; I have no future.”
Level: 6
Type: Invocation/Ritual
Range: 100 ft per level of experience cast as an evocation, 5 miles per level of experience cast as a ritual.
Duration: 3 days per level of experience if cast as an evocation, 3 MONTHS per level of experience cast as a ritual
Saving Throw: Standard for the evocation, -5 for the ritual
PPE Cost: 20 for the evocation, 200 for the ritual.
The target of this curse is afflicted with acute depression that badgers them throughout their day. Nagging feelings of guilt, repressed anger and self-loathing, and a general melancholy rob the victim of the full joy of their favorite activities, appreciation of good days, and overall happiness. Listlessness and a flagging interest in enjoyable activity are also symptoms of this curse. The victim will seize on any personal shortcoming(perceived or otherwise) as cause to feel particularly depressed about. Long term effects include increasingly rash and self-destructive behavior and suicidal thoughts. Victim will be -1 on initiative, -1 to MA and ME, -3% to skill rolls, and -1(-5 for the ritual) to save versus any other insanity-inducing experiences suffered while under the influence of the curse.
The ritual requires a sample of the intended target, such as a strand of hair, a fingernail clipping, or personal possession, and lasts longer.
Mages and psychics will immediately recognize the depression for what it is; magically imposed, but those without mystic or psionic senses will not be able to identify the curse and its effects.
Re: Invented Spells
Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 4:59 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
The Mobile Stable of Galrohrim
This magical artifact is rumored to be from this world. But when the elvish shining horse host is searched for it can not be found by any mission to find them.
The Stable looks like model of a small covered corral type stable with three to six enclosed stalls. The occupants can not be seen from the outside, but there is a lantern (smaller than a candle’s worth of light) that lights up. Inside the stable looks much like it does on the outside…just full sized. Looking out from the inside anyone just sees verdant plains to one side of the door/gate and forest to the other side of the door/gate, but there is a barrier that does not let anyone climb over the railings of the corral railings of the stable. The scenery is just an illusion for the sanity of the occupants. But the occupants don;’t need to go out, the stalls provide food &water that is needed by whoever sleeps in them. The only way to look outside the Stable is to look through the peephole in the door.
The eaves of the inside of the stable are runic markings with each apparent rafter that when they are wetted with blood of someone, saying the person’s true name with each wetting, make that person the master of the stable. When the stable is set down and the stable’s master intends to go in, a door/gate with a peephole in it appears full sized in front of the stable. the Stable master can let anyone inside they choose. Once the door closes with the master inside, the only way to open it is from the inside.
Once inside, any animal will be put under a geas to see the Stable master as their master. This will least till the magic is dispelled or a remove curse is used on the animal. This magic typically does not work on people, sentients, but if the person is wounded, unconscious or otherwise incapacitated they will have to make a save vs magic 16 to avoid being placed under the same geas also. However, people have a chance every 1d6 days (roll each time, a new day starts at noon-time local) to save vs magic to break the geas. Whoever is inside the Stable is also subject to the effects of the Sanctuary spell for the duration they are in the Stable. The Stable master is unaffected by the sanctuary spell effects just like the caster isn’t when it is cast as a magic spell.
All fauna, and maybe some flora, are healed +1d6 HP/SDC for each hour they are inside the Stable. However, those that are in a coma are stabilized within a quarter hour of being taken in the stable. then when stabilized they begin receiving the healing provided by the stable. The only thing actively disallowed, like they are barred and teleported away, from the Stable are insects of all sorts, and any parasites that might be on or within anything brought into the stable.
If the Stable is somehow crushed, it will renew itself 1d4 SDC per hour till it is whole again. However, the Stable uses the Stable Master’s life force to renew itself, so the Stable Master will not be able to heal normally till the Stable is done renewing itself. Those that were inside the Stable when it was crushed will not be able to get out till it is fully renewed. The Stable has load bearing capacity the same as a small house. So if a giant were to step on it it, it would be like a human stepping on a lego.
GM Notes: Mutant animals from Heroes Unlimited, After the Bomb, TMNT and from Rifts: Lonestar are all people. Even if they still look like animals.
Arguments can be made that if there was an aquatic version of this (very likely), that dolphins, the mammals, are people to. They talk to each other and have names that they use for themselves.
The Galrohrim are elves that live on a continent that has already been swept clean of the Old Ones’ influences by the Wall of Purity. From the other side is know as the Black Wall. Which is why no-one on the detailed side of the PF world knows about them.
Re: Invented Spells
Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 9:36 pm
by taalismn
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:The Mobile Stable of Galrohrim
I like it. Though it's not a spell, but an artifact(we really should have a separate thread for magic artifacts), it's a good prize for treasure seekers.
Re: Invented Spells
Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 11:37 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
taalismn wrote:drewkitty ~..~ wrote:The Mobile Stable of Galrohrim
I like it. Though it's not a spell, but an artifact(we really should have a separate thread for magic artifacts), it's a good prize for treasure seekers.
I think tried to start a magic item/object thread a couple..few?..years ago and no-one posted to it. so it didn't get stickied.
Re: Invented Spells
Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 12:49 am
by taalismn
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:[
I think tried to start a magic item/object thread a couple..few?..years ago and no-one posted to it. so it didn't get stickied.
Ah. That might explain why I haven't posted any non-PS magic items on the magic forums.
And most other folks tend tp post their magic hardware either in company- or setting-specific threads rather than the general magic section.
Re: Invented Spells
Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 8:13 pm
by taalismn
(Thanks to Drewkitty for his constructive critiques on duration for this spell)
*Curse: Water Attractant(Invocation)
Level: 9
Type: Invocation
Range: 10 ft +10 ft per level of experience. The victim will draw water from a 20 ft radius, +10 ft per level of experience, around them.
Duration: 12 hours per level of experience(24 hours per level of experience if cast by a Water Warlock)
Saving Throw: Standard
PPE Cost: 45
This is a Minor Curse with an Elemental component to it; it effectively makes the target prone to getting WET. Any opportunity that arises to soak the victim, water will find a way. If walking by a water sprinkler, the water will turn on or the pipe will spontaneously break, dousing the person. Drink bottles will burst and spurt in their hands. If a waiter is carrying a glass of water nearby, the glass will go tumbling and soak the person. Fire hydrants will pop as the person goes by, soaking them. Umbrellas and foul weather gear(short of full diving suits or EBA) will leak just enough to make the wearer miserably wet. Water balloons and squirt guns are +1d4 to strike the person. Marine animals swimming nearby will feel compelled to splash the target if they’re within reach. Water Elementals will attack the cursed person first. Even trying to cross a stream, puddle, or small body of water, the victim has to make a d20 roll under their P.P. to avoid falling in unless the bridge/crossing has good enough guide-ropes/guardrails to catch the person.
For obvious reasons, Palladium vampires HATE this spell.
Note: This spell only works with reasonably clean water(fresh or sea), and not other liquids, or even sewage.
Re: Invented Spells
Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 8:44 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
One thing I noticed was that it does not have the same duration as the spell curses in the canon spell lists. Those spell curses have a duration of 24 hours per level.
I would not of noticed this if AxeM hadn't asked this question in this forum.
Re: Invented Spells
Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 11:37 pm
by taalismn
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:One thing I noticed was that it does not have the same duration as the spell curses in the canon spell lists. Those spell curses have a duration of 24 hours per level.
I would not of noticed this if AxeM hadn't asked this question in this forum.
I figured that given the external nature of the curse(most other general curses seem to work from the inside out, messing with the victim's mind or body), it would be shorter duration for 45 PPE. , but with you citing precedent, and the curse being linked to Elemental Water....I'm prepared to go with 12 hours per LE at 45 PPE for the indignity of being splashed, drenched, and toppled into water, or do you think it would be more effective at 24 hrs/le?
Re: Invented Spells
Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 11:52 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
if you look at yours and luck curse, they are sort of the's just that yours is more focused. Sort of like 'if any bad thing dealing with water is already going to happen, its going to to happen to the person your curse is on.
I would go with 12 hours per level if cast by anyone other then a water warlock, and 24 hours /L if cast by a water warlock.
Re: Invented Spells
Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2020 12:46 am
by taalismn
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:if you look at yours and luck curse, they are sort of the's just that yours is more focused. Sort of like 'if any bad thing dealing with water is already going to happen, its going to to happen to the person your curse is on.
I would go with 12 hours per level if cast by anyone other then a water warlock, and 24 hours /L if cast by a water warlock.
Consider it done! Thanks for the feedback!
Re: Invented Spells
Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2020 8:15 pm
by taalismn
*Horde ‘o Fluffy(Ludicrous Magic)
Level: 6
Type: Invocation
Range: 50 ft +10 ft per level of experience
Duration: 3 minutes per level of experience
Saving Throw: Dodge, at -3, -1 for each additional 10 fluffies summoned/sicced.
PPE Cost: 25
Effects: Target will immediately be mobbed by a horde of pastel-furred puppies or bunnies, that will leap all over them attempting to cuddle. Normally, all they’re interested in is snuggling up to the target, but if attacked with intent to harm, they’ll bite back, doing 1 SDC each per melee. Each fluffy has 1 MDC(100 SDC), Spd 16, and P.S. 1. Those caught in a plushie-pile are -2 to initiative, -1 strike, parry, and dodge other attacks, per every 10 flufflies summoned, and must roll under their P.P. to avoid tripping and falling(lose initiative and 1 APM getting back up).
10 fluffies can be summoned per level of experience.
(Optional: For those susceptible to cute things, the Horde o’ Fluffy has a Daw Factor of 13)
Soil Read(Invocation)
Level: 2
Type: Invocation
Range: Self or other by touch
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: Standard when used on another
PPE Cost: 4(1 for Earth Elementalists)
Simply by picking up a handful of soil while casting this spell, the mage can determine the organic/mineral content of it, its ability to retain moisture, and any contaminants that might be in it. A very useful spell for farming, especially if the caster has a Farming or Botany skill, and can determine if the soil is appropriate for growing particular crops. +10% to Farming/Gardening skills.
Re: Invented Spells
Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2020 12:51 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
taalismn wrote:*Horde ‘o Fluffy(Ludicrous Magic)
Level: 6
Type: Invocation
Range: 50 ft +10 ft per level of experience
Duration: 3 minutes per level of experience
Saving Throw: Dodge, at -3, -1 for each additional 10 fluffies summoned/sicced.
PPE Cost: 25
Effects: Target will immediately be mobbed by a horde of pastel-furred puppies or bunnies, that will leap all over them attempting to cuddle. Normally, all they’re interested in is snuggling up to the target, but if attacked with intent to harm, they’ll bite back, doing 1 SDC each per melee. Each fluffy has 1 MDC(100 SDC), Spd 16, and P.S. 1. Those caught in a plushie-pile are -2 to initiative, -1 strike, parry, and dodge other attacks, per every 10 flufflies summoned, and must roll under their P.P. to avoid tripping and falling(lose initiative and 1 APM getting back up).
10 fluffies can be summoned per level of experience.
(Optional: For those susceptible to cute things, the Horde o’ Fluffy has a Daw Factor of 13)
Sounds like this is a good spell for a day-care or pre-school teacher to know, with a few "nanny state" modifications.
Re: Invented Spells
Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2020 8:26 pm
by taalismn
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:[
Sounds like this is a good spell for a day-care or pre-school teacher to know, with a few "nanny state" modifications.
"You wee beaten up by
muppets?.....Did you at least capture one for my kids?"
Re: Invented Spells
Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2020 11:15 am
by drewkitty ~..~
Transform <type of faerie folk> Self into <type ofhumanoid mortal>
Level 8
Range: Self only
Duration: Instant transformation, Special duration
Cost: 40 P.P.E.
This magic changes the faerie that cast this spell into a the mortal type they chose for this spell. When they are transformed they are wearing clothes with the same colorings as their wings and they will look like their faerie selves, but aa the type of humanoid mortal they chose. The spell interacts/draws on with the faeries CoM nature so they can maintain the transformations as long as they want it to last. It only cancels when the caster decides not to be an elf anymore or if they die. If, for some reason, the faerie becomes with child while in elf form, the faerie is stuck till the babe is born.
footnote: Once a humanoid mortal type is picked it cannot be changed later. The faerie mage will need to craft a new spell to be transform into a different type of humanoid mortal.
Re: Invented Spells
Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2020 3:03 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
taalismn wrote:Since I couldn't find a spell to cheaply turn animals into mini-monsters for a TW device I had in mind, I created this Summoning spell:
Summon Shadow Kitten (Invocation)(6th Level)
Level: 6
Found one Page three of Rifter 13.
Re: Invented Spells
Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2020 8:33 pm
by taalismn
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:taalismn wrote:Since I couldn't find a spell to cheaply turn animals into mini-monsters for a TW device I had in mind, I created this Summoning spell:
Summon Shadow Kitten (Invocation)(6th Level)
Level: 6
Found one Page three of Rifter 13.
Thank you. Now either a rival company can conjure up other critters to shoot at people, or I can field another critter-gun.
"BLAM! Platypus to the face!"