Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...
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Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...
Nearing 5000 backers and closing in on 1.3 million! I'm kind of stun that we got this far over 1 million.
Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...
$644 for my final. $1,441,892 for the KS. 5,339 backers. I think we did a very good job. Better then I thought we would.
- Shawn Merrow
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Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...
Seto Kaiba wrote:But with only ~5,000 backers worldwide, I wouldn't be optimistic about the game's lifespan.
Keep in mind that due to significant extra costs incurred by international backers, many of those Showdown and Reckless tiers may represent 1, 2 or many different backers at once. Yes, there was one... individual in the comments going on and on about having 2 full recklesses and a bunch of add ons to himself, but given the average funding per backer, I suspect that's the vast minority.
For example, my friends and I represent 1 of those Reckless pledges, but account for at least 8 players (3 backers and 5 others who'll likely end up playing with us and our figures). Even if the game is a flop world wide, as long as my crew enjoys playing it, I'm not terribly worried.
Tiree wrote:Remember - I am buying all mine used for 20 bucks and getting all the same ones you have!
With an ebay rating over 500 (presented simply as context that I've put said market to use as a buyer and a seller heavily over the last decade), I'll say that gambling such a thing may or may not work out in your favour. Given the raw size of a sizable collection (Battle Cry+) and the extra effort needed to protect pre-built figures (which can be fragile), even if you found 100+ figures for $20, it'd probably be another giant chunk of cash on S&H for a box that size and all the materials.
And that assumes that it's easy to find. If people are right that the game ends up tanking, I imagine many of the boxes/figures may end up getting shelved on display by fans who like just having them around. Countless people in the comments mentioned wanting these figures for decades, I doubt that a large portion of them will be dumping them constantly onto Ebay. A deal may show up now and then, for sure, but scarcity alone might keep the price higher as likeminded individuals all try to pounce when they do show up.
And finally, that means I'll have had those figures for 5 years. Assuming the game is enjoyable enough to play regularly, that alone will be priceless to me. You can watch the prices go lower, biding your time, while we'll be re-enacting battles in the series, or testing to see if (terrain, player skill, luck and tactics pending) a single fully kitted out Destroid squad can stand off against a simply silly number of battlepods (my money is on the MAC II).
Anyway, I'm glad that the campaign did as well as it has.
While I voted for the Showdown tier in the above poll (it was the most accurate of the options for my personal contribution), my aforementioned group of 3 represents:
5 "Battle Cry" boxes
3 MAC II's
2 packs of Armoured Battloids
1 Booster Sled
1 pack of Destroids
1 pack of Male Power Armour
1 pack of Gnerls
And another $20 to be determined once the pledge manager goes out.
Between those we should be able to field pretty much any combination we can imagine, only lacking 7 figures from the campaign at my count (which we can pick up at retail if necessary).
As someone who regularly plays a skirmish (read: smaller scale) table top miniatures game called Malifaux, where a single 'crew' starter box is around $30-35, and I know that's a mere fraction of what it costs to build even a basic army in some of the more popular games like the various flavours of WH, a couple hundred bucks apiece and only a few dollars per mini isn't exactly a problem.
And hey, worst case scenario, our contribution (along with that of thousands of others) are what got the project this far along (at least, this quickly), so when you end up buying a full collection for mere pennies on the dollar, it'll be because there were fans willing to cough up the cash up front in the first place.
So... you're welcome.

- Knight
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Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...
Forar you rock
and I agree with you
I went for the show down plus extras cash add
due to the fact I have A LOT of players so this
and need foe kids and my kids as well plus me
VF, destriods , zentardi as well add ghost and the experimental units epic

and I agree with you
I went for the show down plus extras cash add
due to the fact I have A LOT of players so this
and need foe kids and my kids as well plus me
VF, destriods , zentardi as well add ghost and the experimental units epic
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
- Knight
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Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...
SO what now
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...
Now we wait.
I believe their latest update notes that in the next couple weeks (after Amazon Payments gets the money to PB/ND?) the survey will be sent out to get a basic idea of what people want. Following that there'll be a month period where the Pledge Manager will be available, during which time you'll be able to specify exactly what you want your funding to go towards, and even add funding to it in order to get things you want above and beyond that amount (as I understand it, you can go UP, but cannot go down at all, so add more only if you're certain you absolutely must have X or Y or Z extra).
Then they begin mass production of books and dice and figures and boxes and decals and whatnot, then it all gets packed up and shipped around to distribution centers and shipped out to us backers. Their target for the campaign is December 2013, KS himself said in the latest Murmur that he hoped to have the boxes in our hands in Oct or Nov (if it's on time I'll be happy and impressed, delays are practically par for the course with big and successful KS campaigns). Early and I'll be simply ecstatic (and might even ease back on my "Palladium? More like PalLATEium" cutting wit. But having been a fan of one form or another for a decade and a half, it's not said with much venom, more a wistful sigh.
I believe their latest update notes that in the next couple weeks (after Amazon Payments gets the money to PB/ND?) the survey will be sent out to get a basic idea of what people want. Following that there'll be a month period where the Pledge Manager will be available, during which time you'll be able to specify exactly what you want your funding to go towards, and even add funding to it in order to get things you want above and beyond that amount (as I understand it, you can go UP, but cannot go down at all, so add more only if you're certain you absolutely must have X or Y or Z extra).
Then they begin mass production of books and dice and figures and boxes and decals and whatnot, then it all gets packed up and shipped around to distribution centers and shipped out to us backers. Their target for the campaign is December 2013, KS himself said in the latest Murmur that he hoped to have the boxes in our hands in Oct or Nov (if it's on time I'll be happy and impressed, delays are practically par for the course with big and successful KS campaigns). Early and I'll be simply ecstatic (and might even ease back on my "Palladium? More like PalLATEium" cutting wit. But having been a fan of one form or another for a decade and a half, it's not said with much venom, more a wistful sigh.
Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...
ZINO wrote:SO what now
We wait for the goods to arrive.
Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...
Probably want to get a book or something. Even if they hit the earliest optimistic goal, we're gonna be a while. 4.5 to 6.5 months for 'early', 7.5 for 'on time', 8+ for "no surprises here".
Again, a lot of big campaigns have had delays. I'm ecstatic KS is so optimistic he'd risk dropping the dreaded, jinx-powered word "Early" down, but when you're making and shipping literally hundreds of thousands of figures, any number of things can go wrong. Ship gets delayed by bad weather, container gets impounded, paper work gets lost, factory has an emergency, whatever the reason, it can become days or weeks or months tacked on.
Now, assuming they all really do hope to get things out in Oct/Nov, December might have just been their estimate (Oct/Nov) with 1-2 months tacked on to ensure they had a lot of wiggle room in case a major issue came up, a contingency plan built into the timeline.
Again, a lot of big campaigns have had delays. I'm ecstatic KS is so optimistic he'd risk dropping the dreaded, jinx-powered word "Early" down, but when you're making and shipping literally hundreds of thousands of figures, any number of things can go wrong. Ship gets delayed by bad weather, container gets impounded, paper work gets lost, factory has an emergency, whatever the reason, it can become days or weeks or months tacked on.
Now, assuming they all really do hope to get things out in Oct/Nov, December might have just been their estimate (Oct/Nov) with 1-2 months tacked on to ensure they had a lot of wiggle room in case a major issue came up, a contingency plan built into the timeline.
- Knight
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Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...
Forar wrote:Probably want to get a book or something. Even if they hit the earliest optimistic goal, we're gonna be a while. 4.5 to 6.5 months for 'early', 7.5 for 'on time', 8+ for "no surprises here".
i hope we get the marine books at least I have all the robotech saga
Forar wrote:Now, assuming they all really do hope to get things out in Oct/Nov, December might have just been their estimate (Oct/Nov) with 1-2 months tacked on to ensure they had a lot of wiggle room in case a major issue came up, a contingency plan built into the timeline.
I really hope so
now got to find a store that do paint and glue them too I suck at this part man
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...
By "get a book" I meant "grab reading material". As in, go to your bookshelves and start on a lengthy series, because we have a lot of time to kill until it comes out. 
As for the miniatures, it's really not that bad, at least in my experience. I picked up my first miniatures game a year and a half ago, a skirmish game (read: small scale battles, roughly 5 to 10 figures per player, rather than the dozens apiece of some of the larger scale games) called Malifaux. Building pewter miniatures, priming and painting them as someone who otherwise hasn't picked up a brush since elementary school was daunting, but I slowly built up a palette of ~15 colours, and just take it one model at a time. Sometimes I paint it up based on the 'standard' images of the figures in their books and on their boxes, sometimes I pick a theme for a crew and run with it. For example, I have a heavily robot based crew painted up like various Iron Man armour suits. It makes me very happy.
Wyrd (the company that makes Malifaux) moved from Pewter figures to Plastic earlier this year, and I found that again a bit daunting. The detail has improved greatly, but at the same time the figures come in more pieces, each of which has to be cut from the 'sprue' of extra plastic, trimmed, glued, and then the whole thing gets primed and painted as normal.
I imagine the Robotech figures will similarly need to be cut, trimmed and assembled, but it's not like you're building a model car or anything, and hopefully the size of the figures (40-60mm bases, as opposed to the 30mm based figures I'm used to) will make it a snap.
Of course, assembling 100-200 figures (as those who bought a Battle Cry or Showdown + add ons may have to do) will feel overwhelming at first, but on the up side there are only so many different types, so eventually it'll just become a matter of repeating the build procedure for each veritech, each battlepod, each destroid, etc. Some minor variations (where possible) to put them in slightly different poses (if you desire to do so, nothing wrong with having them similar/the same either) and just take 'em at a reasonable pace. This certainly won't be a game where you crack it open and are ready to play in a few hours, but at the same time that has advantages as well. Remember, there is the Skirmish variant, that uses roughly half the model count or so, meaning that people can learn the game with smaller units while building up towards those bigger 300/600/whatever point games that I'm sure many of us are looking forward to.
Admittedly, getting a quality paint job done isn't easy, especially for a beginner, but if you were looking to 'source the work out', it might be worth it to save some cash by trying to assemble on your own and inquire about local painters and their rates to start filling in your army. Personally, even knowing the job won't be amazing, I'll be doing the work myself. Just can't afford the hundreds or thousands of dollars it would cost to get the collection done up even semi-professionally.

As for the miniatures, it's really not that bad, at least in my experience. I picked up my first miniatures game a year and a half ago, a skirmish game (read: small scale battles, roughly 5 to 10 figures per player, rather than the dozens apiece of some of the larger scale games) called Malifaux. Building pewter miniatures, priming and painting them as someone who otherwise hasn't picked up a brush since elementary school was daunting, but I slowly built up a palette of ~15 colours, and just take it one model at a time. Sometimes I paint it up based on the 'standard' images of the figures in their books and on their boxes, sometimes I pick a theme for a crew and run with it. For example, I have a heavily robot based crew painted up like various Iron Man armour suits. It makes me very happy.
Wyrd (the company that makes Malifaux) moved from Pewter figures to Plastic earlier this year, and I found that again a bit daunting. The detail has improved greatly, but at the same time the figures come in more pieces, each of which has to be cut from the 'sprue' of extra plastic, trimmed, glued, and then the whole thing gets primed and painted as normal.
I imagine the Robotech figures will similarly need to be cut, trimmed and assembled, but it's not like you're building a model car or anything, and hopefully the size of the figures (40-60mm bases, as opposed to the 30mm based figures I'm used to) will make it a snap.
Of course, assembling 100-200 figures (as those who bought a Battle Cry or Showdown + add ons may have to do) will feel overwhelming at first, but on the up side there are only so many different types, so eventually it'll just become a matter of repeating the build procedure for each veritech, each battlepod, each destroid, etc. Some minor variations (where possible) to put them in slightly different poses (if you desire to do so, nothing wrong with having them similar/the same either) and just take 'em at a reasonable pace. This certainly won't be a game where you crack it open and are ready to play in a few hours, but at the same time that has advantages as well. Remember, there is the Skirmish variant, that uses roughly half the model count or so, meaning that people can learn the game with smaller units while building up towards those bigger 300/600/whatever point games that I'm sure many of us are looking forward to.
Admittedly, getting a quality paint job done isn't easy, especially for a beginner, but if you were looking to 'source the work out', it might be worth it to save some cash by trying to assemble on your own and inquire about local painters and their rates to start filling in your army. Personally, even knowing the job won't be amazing, I'll be doing the work myself. Just can't afford the hundreds or thousands of dollars it would cost to get the collection done up even semi-professionally.
- sirkermittsg
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Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...
I pledged zero. I sent palladium kickstarter money for Lemuria and my name did not appear in the book as promised. I sent money last year for Northern Gun I and II.... neither of which have been published yet and it's been something like 10 months since thouse fund raisers?
I am concerned about delivery upon promises. I support Palladium, but I sure wish they would keep the first promises before making new ones. I still love their games and nothing is gonna change that.
I am concerned about delivery upon promises. I support Palladium, but I sure wish they would keep the first promises before making new ones. I still love their games and nothing is gonna change that.
- Knight
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Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...
Forar wrote:By "get a book" I meant "grab reading material". As in, go to your bookshelves and start on a lengthy series, because we have a lot of time to kill until it comes out.
ops sorry thanks for the head up man!!!

Forar wrote:I imagine the Robotech figures will similarly need to be cut, trimmed and assembled, but it's not like you're building a model car or anything, and hopefully the size of the figures (40-60mm bases, as opposed to the 30mm based figures I'm used to) will make it a snap.
I wish they were snap on thank man
Forar wrote:Of course, assembling 100-200 figures (as those who bought a Battle Cry or Showdown + add ons may have to do) will feel overwhelming at first, but on the up side there are only so many different types, so eventually it'll just become a matter of repeating the build procedure for each veritech, each battlepod, each destroid, etc. Some minor variations (where possible) to put them in slightly different poses (if you desire to do so, nothing wrong with having them similar/the same either) and just take 'em at a reasonable pace. This certainly won't be a game where you crack it open and are ready to play in a few hours, but at the same time that has advantages as well. Remember, there is the Skirmish variant, that uses roughly half the model count or so, meaning that people can learn the game with smaller units while building up towards those bigger 300/600/whatever point games that I'm sure many of us are looking forward to.
dame I didn't think about that
Forar wrote:Admittedly, getting a quality paint job done isn't easy, especially for a beginner, but if you were looking to 'source the work out', it might be worth it to save some cash by trying to assemble on your own and inquire about local painters and their rates to start filling in your army. Personally, even knowing the job won't be amazing, I'll be doing the work myself. Just can't afford the hundreds or thousands of dollars it would cost to get the collection done up even semi-professionally.
hell no I will pony up to $200 if must
I suck man at paint want good quality paint job done
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...
No worries! I'm a contingency kinda guy, and like to view both the smaller details and larger scope that can make up a given issue, situation, etc.
I'm not a professional painter, but it might be worth it to start shopping around, both online (Craigslist, etc) and local gaming shops to see what painters might be available, and what they charge for their services. I've heard of some who charge per figure, others who charge per hour, or some mix between.
According to the backer created pledge calculator, a Showdown contains 192 models. A few add ons later, that's 200 plus. Whether it's per model, per hour or a combination, that's a LOT of figures, even for a very fast painter. If you add in assembly and/or "basing" (putting the figures on thematic bases, makes them look like they're standing on rubble or in a field or the deck of the SDF-1) it can get very expensive very quickly. Even a merely decent job might be costly based purely on the raw hours and materials necessary.
Not to deter you from this route, I totally understand hoping to get someone else to help out, and with luck (since your location notes you as being in New York) you'll be able to find some talented local artists who'll work at a rate you can afford.
But I can't even begin to imagine what a quality job will cost all told.
Might be able to spread it out over time, get a squad done now and then, but even at half an hour per figure, that's still 100'ish hours of work! And unless the person works for less than minimum wage, presumably they'll want to be compensated for that time and those materials.
Best of luck!
ZINO wrote:hell no I will pony up to $200 if must
I suck man at paint want good quality paint job done
I'm not a professional painter, but it might be worth it to start shopping around, both online (Craigslist, etc) and local gaming shops to see what painters might be available, and what they charge for their services. I've heard of some who charge per figure, others who charge per hour, or some mix between.
According to the backer created pledge calculator, a Showdown contains 192 models. A few add ons later, that's 200 plus. Whether it's per model, per hour or a combination, that's a LOT of figures, even for a very fast painter. If you add in assembly and/or "basing" (putting the figures on thematic bases, makes them look like they're standing on rubble or in a field or the deck of the SDF-1) it can get very expensive very quickly. Even a merely decent job might be costly based purely on the raw hours and materials necessary.
Not to deter you from this route, I totally understand hoping to get someone else to help out, and with luck (since your location notes you as being in New York) you'll be able to find some talented local artists who'll work at a rate you can afford.
But I can't even begin to imagine what a quality job will cost all told.
Might be able to spread it out over time, get a squad done now and then, but even at half an hour per figure, that's still 100'ish hours of work! And unless the person works for less than minimum wage, presumably they'll want to be compensated for that time and those materials.

Best of luck!
- Knight
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Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...
Forar wrote:No worries! I'm a contingency kinda guy, and like to view both the smaller details and larger scope that can make up a given issue, situation, etc.ZINO wrote:hell no I will pony up to $200 if must
I suck man at paint want good quality paint job done
I'm not a , but it might be worth it to start shopping around, both online (Craigslist, etc) and local gaming shops to see what painters might be available, and what they charge for their services. I've heard of some who charge per figure, others who charge per hour, or some mix between.
According to the backer created pledge calculator, a Showdown contains 192 models. A few add ons later, that's 200 plus. Whether it's per model, per hour or a combination, that's a LOT of figures, even for a very fast painter. If you add in assembly and/or "basing" (putting the figures on thematic bases, makes them look like they're standing on rubble or in a field or the deck of the SDF-1) it can get very expensive very quickly. Even a merely decent job might be costly based purely on the raw hours and materials necessary.
Not to deter you from this route, I totally understand hoping to get someone else to help out, and with luck (since your location notes you as being in New York) you'll be able to find some talented local artists who'll work at a rate you can afford.
But I can't even begin to imagine what a quality job will cost all told.
Might be able to spread it out over time, get a squad done now and then, but even at half an hour per figure, that's still 100'ish hours of work! And unless the person works for less than minimum wage, presumably they'll want to be compensated for that time and those materials.
Best of luck!
that is soooo true man have four guy and one awsome lady that do mini and told and even add to the kick stater too( didnt know they had all VHS of all saga!!!!! ) and well they told 200 to 500 dollar but we are talking Epic professional painter they done warhammer 40K and battletech as well last they even made custem min they are all robotech too !!!!!like the beta and alpha each cost them 200 $!!!!! to make
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...
ZINO wrote:Forar wrote:No worries! I'm a contingency kinda guy, and like to view both the smaller details and larger scope that can make up a given issue, situation, etc.ZINO wrote:hell no I will pony up to $200 if must
I suck man at paint want good quality paint job done
I'm not a , but it might be worth it to start shopping around, both online (Craigslist, etc) and local gaming shops to see what painters might be available, and what they charge for their services. I've heard of some who charge per figure, others who charge per hour, or some mix between.
According to the backer created pledge calculator, a Showdown contains 192 models. A few add ons later, that's 200 plus. Whether it's per model, per hour or a combination, that's a LOT of figures, even for a very fast painter. If you add in assembly and/or "basing" (putting the figures on thematic bases, makes them look like they're standing on rubble or in a field or the deck of the SDF-1) it can get very expensive very quickly. Even a merely decent job might be costly based purely on the raw hours and materials necessary.
Not to deter you from this route, I totally understand hoping to get someone else to help out, and with luck (since your location notes you as being in New York) you'll be able to find some talented local artists who'll work at a rate you can afford.
But I can't even begin to imagine what a quality job will cost all told.
Might be able to spread it out over time, get a squad done now and then, but even at half an hour per figure, that's still 100'ish hours of work! And unless the person works for less than minimum wage, presumably they'll want to be compensated for that time and those materials.
Best of luck!
that is soooo true man have four guy and one awsome lady that do mini and told and even add to the kick stater too( didnt know they had all VHS of all saga!!!!! ) and well they told 200 to 500 dollar but we are talking Epic professional painter they done warhammer 40K and battletech as well last they even made custem min they are all robotech too !!!!!like the beta and alpha each cost them 200 $!!!!! to make
Cool info. Looks like I will be doing them all by myself up here. Not looking forward to it.
- Knight
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Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...
also i went for the show down that is 260 add total 620
i am left with 320
what would the best method to get the max
i starting with battle foam (that 100 dollars) ... 1367704914
any recommendations ?
2x Full color, 90+ page, softcover rulebook
48 Battle Dice
80 color game cards (unit cards, etc)
2x Rick Hunter SE Veritechs
12x VF-1A Veritech Valkyries (in Fighter, Guardian, and Battloid modes) total 36 VF-1A Veritech Valkyries
2x VF-1J "Officer" in all three modes total 6 VF-1J "Officer"
4x Destroids (includes parts to make them Tomahawks, Defenders, or one of each)
36x Regult Zentraedi Battlepods
2x Glaug Officer's Battlepod
1/285th scale, high quality, multi-pose plastic game pieces.
what again Unlocked Stretch Goals lost track help plz
what am i missing
i am left with 320
what would the best method to get the max
i starting with battle foam (that 100 dollars) ... 1367704914
any recommendations ?
2x Full color, 90+ page, softcover rulebook
48 Battle Dice
80 color game cards (unit cards, etc)
2x Rick Hunter SE Veritechs
12x VF-1A Veritech Valkyries (in Fighter, Guardian, and Battloid modes) total 36 VF-1A Veritech Valkyries
2x VF-1J "Officer" in all three modes total 6 VF-1J "Officer"
4x Destroids (includes parts to make them Tomahawks, Defenders, or one of each)
36x Regult Zentraedi Battlepods
2x Glaug Officer's Battlepod
1/285th scale, high quality, multi-pose plastic game pieces.
what again Unlocked Stretch Goals lost track help plz
what am i missing
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
- glitterboy2098
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Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...
sorry, the only time you can pledge is when the kickstarter is open. if you'd pledged even a little during the kickstarter itself you could always tack on extra's when the final manager link arrived in your email, but you can't pledge after the kickstarter ends.

Author of Rifts: Deep Frontier (Rifter 70)
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Author of Rifts:Scandinavia (current project)

* All fantasy should have a solid base in reality.
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- glitterboy2098
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Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...
model wise they'd just be a VF-1J and VF-1S. you were really just paying for the special card giving their unique stats, and i suspect once the game comes out and people receive their kickstarter stuff, you could easily ask someone here to share the information on those cards so you can use them in play. for that matter, they may show up in the game proper, just with different stats than the kickstarter versions (probably a different set of special abilities)
IIRC, the Khyron and Miriyia figures were going to be unique (in having removable canopy's that would expose the pilot inside), but their stats should be in the game proper.
IIRC, the Khyron and Miriyia figures were going to be unique (in having removable canopy's that would expose the pilot inside), but their stats should be in the game proper.
Author of Rifts: Deep Frontier (Rifter 70)
Author of Rifts:Scandinavia (current project)

* All fantasy should have a solid base in reality.
* Good sense about trivialities is better than nonsense about things that matter.
-Max Beerbohm
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Author of Rifts:Scandinavia (current project)

* All fantasy should have a solid base in reality.
* Good sense about trivialities is better than nonsense about things that matter.
-Max Beerbohm
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Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...
IIRC, the Rick VF-1J and Roy VF-1S are unique sculpts, not just standard veritechs with special game cards.
"Cuando amanece se van a inflictir, duros castigos y oscuros tormentos, a los que ni quieren ni dejan vivir" -'Posada de los Muertos'
Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...
Actually, I believe they said that the character cards will all come with the box, so you can use Rick or Roy or Miriya without having the unique sculpts. That's all they are, special poses, and for Roy the Skull insignia is a part of the model itself, but it's not like you can't play with Rick leading a squad if you didn't get in on the KS.
I didn't keep tabs on Zombicide or whatnot, but the standard thing these days seems to be that as long as you got in on the campaign itself (in this case, pledged at least the $15 tier) you can increase that amount and get higher tiers/more add ons accordingly.
For those that missed it entirely, the next step would be talking to ND, and see if they are willing to help. If not (rules, regulations, logistical issues, whatever) then my next course of action would be to see if any friends backed the campaign, and see if you can't just give them cash to buy an extra Battle Cry / add ons, etc as you so desire and can afford. Split the S&H costs (if any) and it could even work out better for both of you.
I didn't keep tabs on Zombicide or whatnot, but the standard thing these days seems to be that as long as you got in on the campaign itself (in this case, pledged at least the $15 tier) you can increase that amount and get higher tiers/more add ons accordingly.
For those that missed it entirely, the next step would be talking to ND, and see if they are willing to help. If not (rules, regulations, logistical issues, whatever) then my next course of action would be to see if any friends backed the campaign, and see if you can't just give them cash to buy an extra Battle Cry / add ons, etc as you so desire and can afford. Split the S&H costs (if any) and it could even work out better for both of you.
Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...
Hope you get a good answer from ND.
Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...
Hell_Rider wrote:Yes, I contacted ND on FB this morning.. I also contacted Palladium book and Kevin.. I hope someone will answer me. I totally missed the KS because I discovered it only the may 22th... (just one day after the end !!! arrghhh!!!) I live in France and I don't have any friends who pledged.. For the moment the only solution would be to do a late plede or ask to someone on a french forum who has pledged to buy an extra Battly cry for me.
I think you got it with the last one if you can find someone who did. And hay, maybe you can hock up with some of the guys in Europe the next time an Open House happens and come over with them.
Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...
So, Seto Kaiba, any words on the final total from the KS?
Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...
I don't believe they'll know until Monday at the earliest.
Amazon Payments spends literally 2 weeks collecting from those they couldn't get in the hours following the campaign's conclusion and then hands over the lump sum of what they've managed to get.
Amazon Payments spends literally 2 weeks collecting from those they couldn't get in the hours following the campaign's conclusion and then hands over the lump sum of what they've managed to get.
Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...
I was meaning his thoughts on it. Haven't seen him since the last KS day.
- übermensch
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Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...
He's just sulking, err *celebrating* privately because the Kickstarter was a success 
I really hope Palladium/ND releases some plans for The Masters and New Gen before year-end.

I really hope Palladium/ND releases some plans for The Masters and New Gen before year-end.
Akashic Soldier wrote:I'm sorry über.
- Seto Kaiba
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Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...
Alpha 11 wrote:So, Seto Kaiba, any words on the final total from the KS?
I was meaning his thoughts on it. Haven't seen him since the last KS day.
What? Can't a man take a vacation anymore?
übermensch wrote:He's just sulking, err *celebrating* privately because the Kickstarter was a success
Ah, "success"... it's such a relative term, isn't it?
For a successful franchise, "success" might mean something like selling out your entire product run in preorder, holding the dominant position in the industry, or just making roughly enough money to put a down payment on that nice skull-shaped volcano doom fortress off the coast. Robotech, as a virtual nonentity in the industry it claims it created, obviously tends to declare great success for much smaller achievements.
Was the Robotech RPG Tactics Kickstarter a success by the (low) standards of the Robotech franchise? Yes. It's not unexpected. The Tactics Kickstarter was Macross merchandise by any other name... not coincidentally, far and away the most popular of Robotech's three sagas, the only one of Robotech's component shows that had success in its homeland, and the linchpin of all Robotech merchandising and sequel efforts. It was a given that the remaining Robotech fans would throw as much money at it as they could. The IMPORTANT question is whether the game will have any enduring success, or whether it'll be quietly killed off once they're done milking the Macross Saga for some quick cash the way the Masterpiece Collection and Super-Poseable lines were.
The answer is yet to come... and will likely be a while in coming. Don't touch that dial, kiddies. - Home of the Macross Mecha Manual
Zer0 Kay wrote:Damn you for anticipating my question. I've really got to unfoe you, your information is far more valuable than my sanity when dealing with your blunt callousness.
- übermensch
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Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...
Seto Kaiba wrote:Alpha 11 wrote:So, Seto Kaiba, any words on the final total from the KS?
I was meaning his thoughts on it. Haven't seen him since the last KS day.
What? Can't a man take a vacation anymore?
No vacations when we need our dose of pessimism, or "reality" as you call it.
Seto Kaiba wrote:übermensch wrote:He's just sulking, err *celebrating* privately because the Kickstarter was a success
Ah, "success"... it's such a relative term, isn't it?
By any objective yardstick for measuring Kickstarters, the RRT Kickstarter was a success. You are right, it remains to be seen what Palladium can parlay that success into. I think a Kickstarter for Masters Saga would be appropriate. If there's no interest, it won't happen.
Akashic Soldier wrote:I'm sorry über.
Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...
Seto Kaiba wrote:Alpha 11 wrote:So, Seto Kaiba, any words on the final total from the KS?
I was meaning his thoughts on it. Haven't seen him since the last KS day.
What? Can't a man take a vacation anymore?

And thanks for your input. And ya, it remains to be seen. I guess we will really know once we get to the Masters sage.
- Seto Kaiba
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Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...
übermensch wrote:I think a Kickstarter for Masters Saga would be appropriate. If there's no interest, it won't happen.
Therein lies a big problem... the Macross Saga was more or less a guaranteed sell, because the Macross Saga is the one bit that actually consistently moves merchandise. The New Generation Saga is a distant second place, according to the polling data and merchandise sales figures Harmony Gold's spent the last decade-plus accumulating. The Masters Saga... well... it doesn't bear considering. Harmony Gold has, in the past, explicitly refused to develop new Masters Saga merchandise, and cited the saga's unpopularity (and the resulting lack of interest) as their reason why. Several fans I know have had "robust exchanges of views" with current and former Harmony Gold staffers about this. - Home of the Macross Mecha Manual
Zer0 Kay wrote:Damn you for anticipating my question. I've really got to unfoe you, your information is far more valuable than my sanity when dealing with your blunt callousness.
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Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...
Seto Kaiba wrote:Harmony Gold has, in the past, explicitly refused to develop new Masters Saga merchandise, and cited the saga's unpopularity (and the resulting lack of interest) as their reason why. Several fans I know have had "robust exchanges of views" with current and former Harmony Gold staffers about this.
Mostly because of the damning with faint praise attitude of HG and its staff....

Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...
Seto Kaiba wrote:übermensch wrote:I think a Kickstarter for Masters Saga would be appropriate. If there's no interest, it won't happen.
The Masters Saga... well... it doesn't bear considering. Harmony Gold has, in the past, explicitly refused to develop new Masters Saga merchandise, and cited the saga's unpopularity (and the resulting lack of interest) as their reason why. Several fans I know have had "robust exchanges of views" with current and former Harmony Gold staffers about this.
Can't polish a turd.
Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...
"Turd" is uncalled for, especially from an RP and tactics game standpoint, where the breadth and scope of the designs in the series give the players all sorts of cool toys to play with.
"Turd" is uncalled for, especially from an RP and tactics game standpoint, where the breadth and scope of the designs in the series give the players all sorts of cool toys to play with.
"Cuando amanece se van a inflictir, duros castigos y oscuros tormentos, a los que ni quieren ni dejan vivir" -'Posada de los Muertos'
Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...
ArmySGT. wrote:Can't polish a turd.
Actually, if you watch Mythbusters...
- Seto Kaiba
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Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...
Rabid Southern Cross Fan wrote:Mostly because of the damning with faint praise attitude of HG and its staff....
Yeah, though they seem pretty determined to believe that anything Southern Cross-based is doomed to failure, which manifested itself in all sorts of ways in the new work they've done since the reboot. From an objective standpoint, I can't honestly find much fault with their conclusion, though it does screw over the fans of that particular part of the series.
ArmySGT. wrote:Seto Kaiba wrote:The Masters Saga... well... it doesn't bear considering. Harmony Gold has, in the past, explicitly refused to develop new Masters Saga merchandise, and cited the saga's unpopularity (and the resulting lack of interest) as their reason why. Several fans I know have had "robust exchanges of views" with current and former Harmony Gold staffers about this.
Can't polish a turd.
Forar's got your number there, man. Mythbusters did prove that one can not only polish a turd, one can lend said turd a high-gloss finish through effort alone. (Mythbusters #113 "End with a bang".)
Personally, I find I'm kinder to Southern Cross now that I know WHY it was such a mess... Murphy's law set the lower bound there, and blessed the project generously with meddling executives and a target demographic that didn't even exist yet (and wouldn't for another twelve years or so).
Sgt Anjay wrote:"Turd" is uncalled for, especially from an RP and tactics game standpoint, where the breadth and scope of the designs in the series give the players all sorts of cool toys to play with.
True enough, but the reason(s) for Harmony Gold's pessimistic outlook are founded less in the potential applications of the material and more in the fanbase's demonstrated apathy or antipathy for that particular chapter of Robotech, as has been expressed in merchandise sales, fan polls, television ratings, and so on. The potential is there, for the RPG and tactics game... it's just a question of whether it can shine through the majority's long-held tendency to avoid the Masters Saga in animation and general merchandising. (Of course, Tommy's official stance on that saga is not helping matters...) - Home of the Macross Mecha Manual
Zer0 Kay wrote:Damn you for anticipating my question. I've really got to unfoe you, your information is far more valuable than my sanity when dealing with your blunt callousness.
- glitterboy2098
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Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...
Seto Kaiba wrote:True enough, but the reason(s) for Harmony Gold's pessimistic outlook are founded less in the potential applications of the material and more in the fanbase's demonstrated apathy or antipathy for that particular chapter of Robotech, as has been expressed in merchandise sales, fan polls, television ratings, and so on.
you mean merchandise that doesn't exist, the polls heavily slanted towards Macross Saga, Television ratings for a show that only showed Macross Saga in most of it's airings, etc?
they've never given Master's Saga a fair chance from day one.
Author of Rifts: Deep Frontier (Rifter 70)
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Author of Rifts:Scandinavia (current project)

* All fantasy should have a solid base in reality.
* Good sense about trivialities is better than nonsense about things that matter.
-Max Beerbohm
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Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...
Hell_Rider wrote:Alpha 11 wrote:Hell_Rider wrote:Yes, I contacted ND on FB this morning.. I also contacted Palladium book and Kevin.. I hope someone will answer me. I totally missed the KS because I discovered it only the may 22th... (just one day after the end !!! arrghhh!!!) I live in France and I don't have any friends who pledged.. For the moment the only solution would be to do a late plede or ask to someone on a french forum who has pledged to buy an extra Battly cry for me.
I think you got it with the last one if you can find someone who did. And hay, maybe you can hock up with some of the guys in Europe the next time an Open House happens and come over with them.
Well, I hope I'll be able to do like that, but it's not easy because I don't have any friends who pledged. So I'll have to find someone I don't know in real life and trust him..
What are Open House?

- Seto Kaiba
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Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...
glitterboy2098 wrote:you mean merchandise that doesn't exist, the polls heavily slanted towards Macross Saga, Television ratings for a show that only showed Macross Saga in most of it's airings, etc?
They had merchandise for the Masters Saga... I should know, I'm one of the few blokes who actually bought it. My α Tactics Armored Corps mug is sitting right up next to my Mars Colony mug and SDF-1 Macross mug. They didn't, based on their own explanations, get into premium collectables like the Masterpiece Collection or super-poseable figurines because sales for the other Masters Saga merchandise were poor and, when polled, most of the fanbase was ambivalent toward the saga as a whole. I've been through their poll archives a fair bit, and I didn't honestly think they were slanted... though that might just be a matter of individual perspective between us. Harmony Gold is demonstrably biased towards Macross because it's what sells, so I wouldn't entirely rule the possibility out. As far as television ratings go, the Masters Saga did get left out several times... but in many cases the Masters Saga's poor ratings were what got the series canceled in airings abroad, such as in Australia, and in the American Toonami run in the 90s. Usually the series as a whole just gets dumped into an unfavorable time slot and forgotten.
glitterboy2098 wrote:they've never given Master's Saga a fair chance from day one.
Honestly, I think they did give it a fair chance initially... but they probably weren't surprised when it did poorly. The original show did get canceled in Japan, after all. - Home of the Macross Mecha Manual
Zer0 Kay wrote:Damn you for anticipating my question. I've really got to unfoe you, your information is far more valuable than my sanity when dealing with your blunt callousness.
Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...
Hell_Rider wrote:Alpha 11 wrote:
You don't know what the Open House is?!?!?!?!? Is were for 4 days people come from literally all over the world, though mostly US, with some people form Canada, and Europe, to the Palladium building in Detroit Mich. and play games all those days! There is also talks with the writers and artiest. You can even go up to Kevin and talk to him and he will sign your books for you. He also runs a couple of games during those 4 days. Its a great time had by all! The bad news is that there wasn't one this year, nor it looks like there will be one next. So hopefully we will have one in 2015. I know several guys come over form Germany the two times I went in 2010 and 2012, the last two that were held. So if there is one in 15, you might be able to met with them and come over as a group.
Thanks for your explain.And no I didn't knew it before.. Maybe one day I'll be able to come to detroit, who knows^^
Seriously try to come. You will not regret it. And look at it this way, you have almost 2 years to save for the 2015 one if they have one that year.
Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...
Hell_Rider wrote:Well, it's seems complicated for me to get a Battle Cry.. When I think that I discovered it just one day after the end of KS... arrrggghhh !
I don't understand why Palladium are not doing like some others (Zombicide, Myth, etc.) and don't allow late pledge..? ... Itemid=183
Did you miss out completely and wish you could have participated? Keep your eyes on the Palladium Website and these Weekly Updates. We are looking into ways to allow you to participate for a limited time. No promises, but give us some time to see if we can get you included.
Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...
Forar wrote:Hell_Rider wrote:Well, it's seems complicated for me to get a Battle Cry.. When I think that I discovered it just one day after the end of KS... arrrggghhh !
I don't understand why Palladium are not doing like some others (Zombicide, Myth, etc.) and don't allow late pledge..? ... Itemid=183Did you miss out completely and wish you could have participated? Keep your eyes on the Palladium Website and these Weekly Updates. We are looking into ways to allow you to participate for a limited time. No promises, but give us some time to see if we can get you included.
Hell_Rider wrote:ok, I'll watch for it if they do it again ^^
Well, it's seems complicated for me to get a Battle Cry.. When I think that I discovered it just one day after the end of KS... arrrggghhh !
I don't understand why Palladium are not doing like some others (Zombicide, Myth, etc.) and don't allow late pledge..?
Well, you might get your wish after all.

- glitterboy2098
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Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...
odds are they'll do a megaversal inside type thing.. instead of pledging, you buy a preorder with a set mix of product.
Author of Rifts: Deep Frontier (Rifter 70)
Author of Rifts:Scandinavia (current project)

* All fantasy should have a solid base in reality.
* Good sense about trivialities is better than nonsense about things that matter.
-Max Beerbohm
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Author of Rifts:Scandinavia (current project)

* All fantasy should have a solid base in reality.
* Good sense about trivialities is better than nonsense about things that matter.
-Max Beerbohm
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Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...
Hell_Rider wrote:Alpha 11 wrote:Forar wrote:Hell_Rider wrote:Well, it's seems complicated for me to get a Battle Cry.. When I think that I discovered it just one day after the end of KS... arrrggghhh !
I don't understand why Palladium are not doing like some others (Zombicide, Myth, etc.) and don't allow late pledge..? ... Itemid=183Did you miss out completely and wish you could have participated? Keep your eyes on the Palladium Website and these Weekly Updates. We are looking into ways to allow you to participate for a limited time. No promises, but give us some time to see if we can get you included.Hell_Rider wrote:ok, I'll watch for it if they do it again ^^
Well, it's seems complicated for me to get a Battle Cry.. When I think that I discovered it just one day after the end of KS... arrrggghhh !
I don't understand why Palladium are not doing like some others (Zombicide, Myth, etc.) and don't allow late pledge..?
Well, you might get your wish after all.
YESSSSS !!!! I really hope that Battle Cry pledge will be available! Maybe they heard my calls^^ I have to admit that I wrote everywhere I could to get a late pledge^^
I would not be surprised if you weren't the only one.
Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...
Hell_Rider wrote:Sure, I would not be surprised too..^^
Hopefully there will be a lot of late comers like you. Every little bit counts.
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Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...
No value for 3200 units of stupidity on my part, so I voted 3500 
I just hope I actually end up playing it, unlike all the other games I keep buying

I just hope I actually end up playing it, unlike all the other games I keep buying

Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...
Bad_Syntax wrote:No value for 3200 units of stupidity on my part, so I voted 3500
I just hope I actually end up playing it, unlike all the other games I keep buying
I'm kind of like that with my PS3 games. Got a bunch of them but don't really play them. Though I do want to, just never seem to find the time.
Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...
I'm the same way with my Steam backlog.
Luckily most of those were bought for a fraction of their price at the time, and most of those were already discounted or indie games to begin with.
It's still a giant pile of gaming, however.
It has led to a rather firm stance on waiting for sales and/or price drops. You can tell when I'm excited for something because I actually pay full price for it.
Luckily most of those were bought for a fraction of their price at the time, and most of those were already discounted or indie games to begin with.
It's still a giant pile of gaming, however.
It has led to a rather firm stance on waiting for sales and/or price drops. You can tell when I'm excited for something because I actually pay full price for it.
Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...
Forar wrote:I'm the same way with my Steam backlog.
Luckily most of those were bought for a fraction of their price at the time, and most of those were already discounted or indie games to begin with.
It's still a giant pile of gaming, however.
It has led to a rather firm stance on waiting for sales and/or price drops. You can tell when I'm excited for something because I actually pay full price for it.
Kind of the same myself.
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Re: Robotech® RPG Tactics Ur pledged is...
so anyone heasrd any news ????
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe