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Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 9:35 pm
by say652
80lb Rock Hammer.
Iron Head infused with Diamonds and Obsidian tapered to a sharp edge.

Handle Four and half foot Reinforced Silver Short Staff,
The last foot and a half of weapon offer yet another silver blade, and chained Kursira Gama the long hooked chain is eighteen feet long.
And detaches for off hand use while using the Rock Hammer itself or remains attached to use the weapons weight to ensnare.

Kusira Gama 6D6 damage.

Both weapons +3 Strike + 6 parry +8 Damage.
Hammer and Handle 600sdc.
Chain and Kama 360sdc.

Master Crafted Hu2 weapon.

Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 10:06 pm
by Hotrod
say652 wrote:80lb Rock Hammer.
Iron Head infused with Diamonds and Obsidian tapered to a sharp edge.

Handle Four and half foot Reinforced Silver Short Staff,
The last foot and a half of weapon offer yet another silver blade, and chained Kursira Gama the long hooked chain is eighteen feet long.
And detaches for off hand use while using the Rock Hammer itself or remains attached to use the weapons weight to ensnare.

Kusira Gama 6D6 damage.

Both weapons +3 Strike + 6 parry +8 Damage.
Hammer and Handle 600sdc.
Chain and Kama 360sdc.

Master Crafted Hu2 weapon.

HU master crafting is not allowed, so you get no bonuses from that; the smith must be a canon Palladium Fantasy smith. Also, please give book references for your design that justify the damage of 10D6. Also, please re-explain or show a link to a picture of what you're using; it's a bit confusing as to what attaches and detaches where, and I don't know what a Kusira gama is.

As it stands, your weapon has 30 points for damage (pending your justification), no bonuses for the HU master crafting, +1 for the silver, +2 for the attached chain's special ensnare attack, and +2 for the extra attached weapon (assuming it's a canon addition). That's 35 points!

Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist 1-Ha

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 10:23 pm
by Prysus
Hotrod wrote:Question for the group: Which of the dwarvish bonuses stack? Can one make a blunt weapon that is both +4 to parry AND +2 to strike and parry AND +4 to damage (for a combined hex master crafted bonus of +12 to parry and +4 to strike and +8 to damage?)?

Greetings and Salutations. I just realized this question had never been fully addressed.
kiralon wrote:I don't think so otherwise you would be able to combine the +1 +2 +3 and +4
and I don't think you would be able to take the +2 to Strike and parry and the + 3 to parry either, but that's because the blurb talks about superior balance, that's why my entry didn't have +4 strike +6 parry and +8 damage, but if we want to use suicidal once off weapons use the hex dwarves to forge grodnelite javelins as the grodnelite javelins do 7d6+6 damage as a base

For the record, I agree with kiralon, for the exact same reasons (and thought so without needing to see his post). For some reason, I had thought there was a ruling stating that this would be the case, but upon reviewing the thread I realized there was none. As such, I will now submit a revised Shield of Everlasting Light.

The Shield of Everlasting Light

The City of Kor, within the Yin-Sloth Jungles, suffered from a plague of Vampires. The Master Vampire leading the attack was a former Dwarven Runesmith. His former skills and training as a Runesmith allowed him to sense any rune weapon, holy weapon, and magic spells in the area. This allowed him to evade hunting parties, or even lead them into traps. With the city in great peril, the priests prayed to their gods for guidance. Finally, the gods of Dragonwright decreed that in exchange for the priests forging four holy swords, each named and dedicated to one of the Dragon-Gods, the four dragons would bestow upon them a weapon that can save them from their plight.

Upon the completion of the four holy weapons, the priests were granted a Lantern Shield with unusual properties. The shield was lightweight and able to cut through enemies unlike any other, yet held not magic. The lack of magic allowed the weapon to be used to approach the Master Vampire without alerting him to the impending doom approaching. A Titan Palladin was charged with the task. The hope was that by saving the town from the Vampires with the aid of the Dragon-Gods, that this would help bring in more followers to the Cult of Dragonwright and make it one of the greastest temple cities ever built!

Lantern Shield: 2D6, Giant Size (+1D6), Black Metal (x2; for 6D6 total).

Natural Bonuses: +1 on Initiative, and +3 to Parry.

Hexmaster: +4 to strike and +4 to parry, +6 to parry, and +8 to damage (using "Sword" bonuses). ((If possible, I'd also include the extra +2 to parry and strike, and +4 to parry for all four levels, and +6 to damage, +4 to damage, and +2 to damage for all four levels of damage. Depending on where you decide to draw the line. :P)).

Note: If allowable, I'd Hexmaster the shield separately using "Blunt" options. The picture in Compendium of Weapons & Armor (so I'm basing it directly off of a by the book image) indicates at least 3 spikes (two are designed for parrying, and one for attacking). They could get maxed as well. However, since these bonuses won't get factored into the point total, it's kind of pointless to mention.

Now we'll start to have some fun ...

The main sword is forged out of Black Metal and then coated in Silver. The black metal's damage isn't based on contact, so the silver shouldn't interfere. This makes it invulnerable to all but magic and lightweight, while the silver can hurt Vampires, Werebeasts, and others with a similar vulnerability.

One of the defensive spikes will be crafted from a unicorn horn. This could allow the user to draw upon the P.P.E. (while keeping it not magical itself). Note: The ability to draw on the P.P.E. is technically just for Beyond the Supernatural and Rifts. However, I can't find a logical reason it doesn't work in Palladium Fantasy, and it makes it more fun. Note: If it won't affect anything, silver coat this as well. This isn't needed, but will help keep a more consistent color theme than a mish-mash otherwise.

The gauntlet and shield will be made from Zandragal's blood. A suit of red metal armour would be impervious to damage (not vulnerability at all listed, not even to magic). At the very least, it would have S.D.C. x3 (which can be important since otherwise shields take damage). Note: The way I've personally always envisioned the ability to be invulnerable yet still have an S.D.C. rating is that the item can become bent and warped out of shaped, but the material itself is still intact. Therefore it just needs to get crafted back into place.

The other defensive spike is forged from White Metal. We don't know what this does, but as it's listed as more powerful I figure this should be worth at least one point (maybe more). Note: If it won't affect anything, silver coat this as well. This isn't needed, but will help keep a more consistent color theme than a mish-mash otherwise. Note: If it won't affect anything, silver coat this as well. This isn't needed, but will help keep a more consistent color theme than a mish-mash otherwise.

The attack spike (center shield, designed for bashing) is forged from Kym-nark-mar's blood. This allows it to cut through armour as if not there (though the armour still takes damage as well).

There is of course the ability to hold the lantern.

Across the center of the shield is emblazoned a Cross (the Kym-nark-mar's spike at the exact center, to add a bit of look, but since it's transparent won't affect the visual either) to help repel both Vampires, Faerie Folk, and others so held at bay by the symbol. Note: I do not believe that a Cross would be considered a "Mystic" symbol, but you might rule that it's akin to the Protection symbol. This design is to take advantage of a symbol that Vampires and Faerie Folk avoid due to their natures, not any magical properties or traits of the symbol itself. But may be removed if necessary.

The Cross would probably be painted in silver, giving the shield a very Silver and Red color scheme. This has no bearing on anything other than appearance.

And to further add to the munchkin the weapon out (I had avoided this initially on principle alone, but I had considered it):

On the knuckles of the gauntlet are four one (1) karate nuggets/stones (think the Infinity Gauntlet) made from Xanthine (20 P.P.E., all the better for that Palladin).

Note: I see no reason to include Gantrium as it is only indestructible, and I already have two items that are such and this adds no advantage unless it's enchanted (which is not allowed).

Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 10:32 pm
by say652
Three section staff, iron, silver and stone.

Three nine foot staves 3D6 damage.
Required ps24.
Reach 24 feet 3D6+ps.

Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist 1-Ha

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 10:38 pm
by Hotrod
Prysus wrote:[justify]
Hotrod wrote:Question for the group: Which of the dwarvish bonuses stack? Can one make a blunt weapon that is both +4 to parry AND +2 to strike and parry AND +4 to damage (for a combined hex master crafted bonus of +12 to parry and +4 to strike and +8 to damage?)?

Greetings and Salutations. I just realized this question had never been fully addressed.
kiralon wrote:I don't think so otherwise you would be able to combine the +1 +2 +3 and +4
and I don't think you would be able to take the +2 to Strike and parry and the + 3 to parry either, but that's because the blurb talks about superior balance, that's why my entry didn't have +4 strike +6 parry and +8 damage, but if we want to use suicidal once off weapons use the hex dwarves to forge grodnelite javelins as the grodnelite javelins do 7d6+6 damage as a base

For the record, I agree with kiralon, for the exact same reasons (and thought so without needing to see his post). For some reason, I had thought there was a ruling stating that this would be the case, but upon reviewing the thread I realized there was none. As such, I will now submit a revised Shield of Everlasting Light.

The Shield of Everlasting Light

The City of Kor, within the Yin-Sloth Jungles, suffered from a plague of Vampires. The Master Vampire leading the attack was a former Dwarven Runesmith. His former skills and training as a Runesmith allowed him to sense any rune weapon, holy weapon, and magic spells in the area. This allowed him to evade hunting parties, or even lead them into traps. With the city in great peril, the priests prayed to their gods for guidance. Finally, the gods of Dragonwright decreed that in exchange for the priests forging four holy swords, each named and dedicated to one of the Dragon-Gods, the four dragons would bestow upon them a weapon that can save them from their plight.

Upon the completion of the four holy weapons, the priests were granted a Lantern Shield with unusual properties. The shield was lightweight and able to cut through enemies unlike any other, yet held not magic. The lack of magic allowed the weapon to be used to approach the Master Vampire without alerting him to the impending doom approaching. A Titan Palladin was charged with the task. The hope was that by saving the town from the Vampires with the aid of the Dragon-Gods, that this would help bring in more followers to the Cult of Dragonwright and make it one of the greastest temple cities ever built!

Lantern Shield: 2D6, Giant Size (+1D6), Black Metal (x2; for 6D6 total).

Natural Bonuses: +1 on Initiative, and +3 to Parry.

Hexmaster: +4 to strike and +4 to parry, +6 to parry, and +8 to damage (using "Sword" bonuses). ((If possible, I'd also include the extra +2 to parry and strike, and +4 to parry for all four levels, and +6 to damage, +4 to damage, and +2 to damage for all four levels of damage. Depending on where you decide to draw the line. :P)).

Note: If allowable, I'd Hexmaster the shield separately using "Blunt" options. The picture in Compendium of Weapons & Armor (so I'm basing it directly off of a by the book image) indicates at least 3 spikes (two are designed for parrying, and one for attacking). They could get maxed as well. However, since these bonuses won't get factored into the point total, it's kind of pointless to mention.

Now we'll start to have some fun ...

The main sword is forged out of Black Metal and then coated in Silver. The black metal's damage isn't based on contact, so the silver shouldn't interfere. This makes it invulnerable to all but magic and lightweight, while the silver can hurt Vampires, Werebeasts, and others with a similar vulnerability.

One of the defensive spikes will be crafted from a unicorn horn. This could allow the user to draw upon the P.P.E. (while keeping it not magical itself). Note: The ability to draw on the P.P.E. is technically just for Beyond the Supernatural and Rifts. However, I can't find a logical reason it doesn't work in Palladium Fantasy, and it makes it more fun. Note: If it won't affect anything, silver coat this as well. This isn't needed, but will help keep a more consistent color theme than a mish-mash otherwise.

The gauntlet and shield will be made from Zandragal's blood. A suit of red metal armour would be impervious to damage (not vulnerability at all listed, not even to magic). At the very least, it would have S.D.C. x3 (which can be important since otherwise shields take damage). Note: The way I've personally always envisioned the ability to be invulnerable yet still have an S.D.C. rating is that the item can become bent and warped out of shaped, but the material itself is still intact. Therefore it just needs to get crafted back into place.

The other defensive spike is forged from White Metal. We don't know what this does, but as it's listed as more powerful I figure this should be worth at least one point (maybe more). Note: If it won't affect anything, silver coat this as well. This isn't needed, but will help keep a more consistent color theme than a mish-mash otherwise. Note: If it won't affect anything, silver coat this as well. This isn't needed, but will help keep a more consistent color theme than a mish-mash otherwise.

The attack spike (center shield, designed for bashing) is forged from Kym-nark-mar's blood. This allows it to cut through armour as if not there (though the armour still takes damage as well).

There is of course the ability to hold the lantern.

Across the center of the shield is emblazoned a Cross (the Kym-nark-mar's spike at the exact center, to add a bit of look, but since it's transparent won't affect the visual either) to help repel both Vampires, Faerie Folk, and others so held at bay by the symbol. Note: I do not believe that a Cross would be considered a "Mystic" symbol, but you might rule that it's akin to the Protection symbol. This design is to take advantage of a symbol that Vampires and Faerie Folk avoid due to their natures, not any magical properties or traits of the symbol itself. But may be removed if necessary.

The Cross would probably be painted in silver, giving the shield a very Silver and Red color scheme. This has no bearing on anything other than appearance.

And to further add to the munchkin the weapon out (I had avoided this initially on principle alone, but I had considered it):

On the knuckles of the gauntlet are four one (1) karate nuggets/stones (think the Infinity Gauntlet) made from Xanthine (20 P.P.E., all the better for that Palladin).

Note: I see no reason to include Gantrium as it is only indestructible, and I already have two items that are such and this adds no advantage unless it's enchanted (which is not allowed).

The question was more of a "what's book legal?" than "should this be legal for the competition?"

I don't think most GM's would allow that kind of smithing bonus stack, and although the book doesn't spell that out directly, it seems strongly implied.

Therefore, for a smith's bonuses, you can stack one type of damage with one type of parry and/or strike bonus. That's my interpretation of the book rules, and I'm sticking to it. Your original bonuses will apply in this case.

The xanthine gives you +1 more point. Gantrium also allows for faster PPE recovery, which grants another +1 point. That would take you to 51, I think.

Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 10:41 pm
by Hotrod
say652 wrote:Three section staff, iron, silver and stone.

Three nine foot staves 3D6 damage.
Required ps24.
Reach 24 feet 3D6+ps.

Please read over the original post. Damage must be intrinsic to the weapon. If the weapon requires an unusually high P.S., I don't think I can allow it at all. Even if I do, I can't include the P.S. bonuses, because they're not intrinsic to the weapon.

In any case, this entry would be worth 10 points. 9 for the damage and 1 for the ability to hurt vampires/undead.

Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist 1-Ha

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 10:50 pm
by Prysus
Hotrod wrote:The question was more of a "what's book legal?" than "should this be legal for the competition?"

I don't think most GM's would allow that kind of smithing bonus stack, and although the book doesn't spell that out directly, it seems strongly implied.

Therefore, for a smith's bonuses, you can stack one type of damage with one type of parry and/or strike bonus. That's my interpretation of the book rules, and I'm sticking to it. Your original bonuses will apply in this case.

Greetings and Salutations. I'm quite fine with that ruling, but I will say some of the other submissions included those types of bonuses and were allowed (though no one did it nearly as bad as I tried to do it :P).

Hotrod wrote:The xanthine gives you +1 more point. Gantrium also allows for faster PPE recovery, which grants another +1 point. That would take you to 51, I think.

Now here's another question for you. The Lantern Shield is a weapon, but it's also a shield. Does that shield aspect provide a bonus? The weapon design (with the two spikes) are also designed to trap an opponent's blade (noted in the Compendium of Weapons, Armour, & Castles). Any type of special bonus there? :D

Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist 1-Ha

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 11:13 pm
by Hotrod
Prysus wrote:
Hotrod wrote:The question was more of a "what's book legal?" than "should this be legal for the competition?"

I don't think most GM's would allow that kind of smithing bonus stack, and although the book doesn't spell that out directly, it seems strongly implied.

Therefore, for a smith's bonuses, you can stack one type of damage with one type of parry and/or strike bonus. That's my interpretation of the book rules, and I'm sticking to it. Your original bonuses will apply in this case.

Greetings and Salutations. I'm quite fine with that ruling, but I will say some of the other submissions included those types of bonuses and were allowed (though no one did it nearly as bad as I tried to do it :P).

Hotrod wrote:The xanthine gives you +1 more point. Gantrium also allows for faster PPE recovery, which grants another +1 point. That would take you to 51, I think.

Now here's another question for you. The Lantern Shield is a weapon, but it's also a shield. Does that shield aspect provide a bonus? The weapon design (with the two spikes) are also designed to trap an opponent's blade (noted in the Compendium of Weapons, Armour, & Castles). Any type of special bonus there? :D

Regarding the bonus addition, feel free to point out where folks have gone overboard for Rules Lawyer points.

As for the lantern shield, no, it doesn't get extra points for being a shield, no it doesn't get extra stuff for the spikes (maybe for different attack options with those spikes, if one is silver and another is highly toxic to animal XXX, for instance). The lantern itself should be worth +1 point; I don't recall if I put it in there or not.

Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist 1-Ha

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2015 11:15 pm
by kiralon
Prysus wrote:Now here's another question for you. The Lantern Shield is a weapon, but it's also a shield. Does that shield aspect provide a bonus? The weapon design (with the two spikes) are also designed to trap an opponent's blade (noted in the Compendium of Weapons, Armour, & Castles). Any type of special bonus there? :D

That would probably be a bonus to disarm of +2, well that's what I'd give it.

Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 12:49 am
by Glistam
I only skimmed quickly through the earlier weapons, so if this is a similar weapon to something someone already made I apologize.

Sword Shield
A parrying weapon made of a small shield protecting the forearm to which is fitted a blade or spike that extends out over the back of the hand. (Compendium of Weapons, Armor & Castles, pages 22 and 66)

This unique weapon started as a bark shield granted by the Millenium Tree of the Glade (Eastern Territory, page 66). It was then presented to the master craftsmen of Northolme known as the Hex (Eastern Territory, page 80) with a challenge to turn it into a viable weapon. Drawing on ancient weapon types they turned it into a Sword Shield using their finest materials and skills of craftsmanship.

Weapon Stats

DAMAGE: 2D8+20
    Base Damage: 1D8+2
    Dwarven Made High Quality Damage bonus: +4
    Hex Craftsmanship: "...all bonuses are doubled!"
    Forged from Black Metal: "does double damage"

    Base Initiative Bonus: +0
    "High Quality" Initiative Bonus: +1
    Hex Craftsmanship: "...all bonuses are doubled!"

    Base Parry Bonus: +0
    "High Quality" Parry Bonus: +3
    Dwarven Made High Quality Parry Bonus: +2
    Hex Craftsmanship: "...all bonuses are doubled!"

    Base strike bonus: +0
    Dwarven Made High Quality Strike Bonus: +2
    Hex Craftsmanship: "...all bonuses are doubled!"

Additional notes:
  1. As a Millennium Tree shield, it can be used to parry magic energy attacks, such as dragon's breath, lightning bolt, fire ball and similar spells. A successful parry means the shield blocked the attack and absorbed the damage. The shield only suffers a third of the damage it absorbs, but it also already takes reduced damage from these attacks (same resistance as noted under the tree bark armor).
  2. The weapon is noted as a "thrust" weapon due to the blades being the primary method of damage. However, as a shield, page 60 of the main book notes a 1D4 damage attack is available (not called a "shield bash," but a reasonable conclusion). As a Millennium Tree item, this should do ×3 damage versus vampires.
  3. If it's going to do ×3 damage to vampires as per the wand and stave features, then I can argue would regenerate all damage done to it after 24 hours unless reduced to 0 S.D.C. (per feature #5 on page 66 of Eastern Territory).
  4. Coating the weapon blades in silver give it all the properties and benefits that silver weapons typically bestow, so of course we'll do that here as well.

I certainly feel like I could've done at least a little better with this, but I ultimately wanted to make a weapon I could actually give to a character I would play, and who could actually use it. I think as far as W.P. usage goes, an argument could be made that any of the following W.P.'s could be used: W.P. Sword, W.P. Blunt, and/or W.P. Shield.

Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 6:54 am
by Hotrod
Glistam wrote:I only skimmed quickly through the earlier weapons, so if this is a similar weapon to something someone already made I apologize.

Sword Shield
A parrying weapon made of a small shield protecting the forearm to which is fitted a blade or spike that extends out over the back of the hand. (Compendium of Weapons, Armor & Castles, pages 22 and 66)

This unique weapon started as a bark shield granted by the Millenium Tree of the Glade (Eastern Territory, page 66). It was then presented to the master craftsmen of Northolme known as the Hex (Eastern Territory, page 80) with a challenge to turn it into a viable weapon. Drawing on ancient weapon types they turned it into a Sword Shield using their finest materials and skills of craftsmanship.

Weapon Stats

DAMAGE: 2D8+20
    Base Damage: 1D8+2
    Dwarven Made High Quality Damage bonus: +4
    Hex Craftsmanship: "...all bonuses are doubled!"
    Forged from Black Metal: "does double damage"

    Base Initiative Bonus: +0
    "High Quality" Initiative Bonus: +1
    Hex Craftsmanship: "...all bonuses are doubled!"

    Base Parry Bonus: +0
    "High Quality" Parry Bonus: +3
    Dwarven Made High Quality Parry Bonus: +2
    Hex Craftsmanship: "...all bonuses are doubled!"

    Base strike bonus: +0
    Dwarven Made High Quality Strike Bonus: +2
    Hex Craftsmanship: "...all bonuses are doubled!"

Additional notes:
  1. As a Millennium Tree shield, it can be used to parry magic energy attacks, such as dragon's breath, lightning bolt, fire ball and similar spells. A successful parry means the shield blocked the attack and absorbed the damage. The shield only suffers a third of the damage it absorbs, but it also already takes reduced damage from these attacks (same resistance as noted under the tree bark armor).
  2. The weapon is noted as a "thrust" weapon due to the blades being the primary method of damage. However, as a shield, page 60 of the main book notes a 1D4 damage attack is available (not called a "shield bash," but a reasonable conclusion). As a Millennium Tree item, this should do ×3 damage versus vampires.
  3. If it's going to do ×3 damage to vampires as per the wand and stave features, then I can argue would regenerate all damage done to it after 24 hours unless reduced to 0 S.D.C. (per feature #5 on page 66 of Eastern Territory).
  4. Coating the weapon blades in silver give it all the properties and benefits that silver weapons typically bestow, so of course we'll do that here as well.

I certainly feel like I could've done at least a little better with this, but I ultimately wanted to make a weapon I could actually give to a character I would play, and who could actually use it. I think as far as W.P. usage goes, an argument could be made that any of the following W.P.'s could be used: W.P. Sword, W.P. Blunt, and/or W.P. Shield.

+1 Munchkin point. You're the first to use Millennium wood in the design (here comes another wave of revisions).
However, the way you're calculating damage seems off. the 2D8 is fine, but by my calculation, the additive factor should be 12, not 20 (double the natural +2, double the dwarven quality +4, add them together). Additionally, the Hex doubling only applies to the dwarven-quality bonuses, not the "natural/quality bonuses" from the compendium. The same applies for the rest of the bonuses.

In summary, your weapon should be 2D8+12 to damage, +1 to initiative, +7 to parry, and +4 to strike. You get another +2 for the ability to parry those energy attacks, +1 for the silver/wood ability to hurt the undead, +1 for its regeneration capability, and +1 for its extra damage vs vampires.
That's 8+12+1+7+4+2+1+1+1=37 points!

Oh, and thanks for the formatting, too. I don't have a point category for presentation, but that's one of the nicer-looking entries I've seen.

Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 10:39 am
by ShadowLogan
Hotrod wrote:You're the first to use Millennium wood in the design (here comes another wave of revisions).

I might be wrong, but doesn't the use of Millennium wood result in a magic item? (granted we are using Dragon Blood)

Also I recently compiled the H/M/Sw/K headings in my copy of "Weapons & Armor" (I skipped Spear and Polearms as I think they are mostly two handed and not necessary to be considered, I plan to add them later) into a database. Here is what I found, in terms of the absolute best mix of Dam/Dex/Parry/Sym for a one-handed weapon in these categories you have to go with a Dam of 3, Dex of 0, Parry 3, and a Sym of 2. You can get better Dam/Sym scores, but that usually means the expense of one or more of the other 3. Base items where: Longsword, Han-Dachi, Ninjatao, Tashi, Spartha swords (European, 3 Japanese, Roman) with the odd ball Maquahuilt club (Aztec edged club). The main difference in these items then is their reach and mass, otherwise you can basically sub in one of these types for the other. Polearm/spears might change the mix (interestingly the Lance is 2-handed in W&A) when added in, not sure about other related books in the line might contribute.

Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 11:06 am
by Prysus
ShadowLogan wrote:
Hotrod wrote:You're the first to use Millennium wood in the design (here comes another wave of revisions).

I might be wrong, but doesn't the use of Millennium wood result in a magic item? (granted we are using Dragon Blood)

Greetings and Salutations. First, no revisions coming from me. While nice, it's really not that beneficial. Also, I only try to revise on ideas I'd have come up with if knowing the source existed (such as Hexmaster). I avoided Crystal Magic (because I knew of it, and never thought to include it until drewkitty ~..~ brought it up, so I didn't feel right in using it).

Second, most Millennium items are magic, but there's a few that are left unmentioned. The Bark Shield is one of those, so it could be arguably non-magical. Granted, he then took two abilities from the magical section (the ability to do x3 damage, and the ability to regenerate are both from the magic items section). So really the only ability the Bark Shield had on its own is the ability to parry dragon breath weapons and other energy attacks.

Note: I hadn't realized that other shields (or characters in general) couldn't parry those at all. I always figured it was just the -10 rule. But after looking, seems they can't. I'm rather shocked that a tower shield (for example) can't defend against such things. But that's Palladium for you. So I learned this is something that shields can NOT normally do in Palladium, which can be useful in the future (if Kevin ever gives me the green light on one of my other book ideas).

ShadowLogan wrote:Base items where: Longsword, Han-Dachi, Ninjatao, Tashi, Spartha swords (European, 3 Japanese, Roman) with the odd ball Maquahuilt club (Aztec edged club). The main difference in these items then is their reach and mass, otherwise you can basically sub in one of these types for the other.

Sounds about right. I went through the book page by page and came up with a similar realization (granted, I may have missed an extra sword or two because I was just doing at a quick glance).

ShadowLogan wrote:Polearm/spears might change the mix (interestingly the Lance is 2-handed in W&A) when added in, not sure about other related books in the line might contribute.

Hmm ... so I pulled out my Weapons & Armour book. Is the big "T" mean two-handed? Makes sense, but I couldn't find any official declaration. Yeah, that is odd. In the big Compendium of Weapons, Armour, & Castles (as well as the PF2 main book) it's one-handed.

Setting that aside, I did come to another realization about the Lance. When it was first introduced it was using the Dwarven craftsmanship bonuses from Pole Arm. Since in the Compendium it lists Pole Arms and Spears as the same damage category (they still have separate categories, but you look to the same damage rating table for both), I never really questioned it. Long, bladed edge with a shaft ... overall similar. So I proceeded with the concept that uses Pole Arm bonuses without real question.

Then I read a post by kiralon and started doing some more looking. Spears do NOT use the Pole Arm craftsmanship bonuses in the main book. They use the Blade Weapons bonuses (same as Swords and Knives). This can be discovered in the PF2 main book on page 271. If we look at the Kobold section (I know, who looks there when we can just look at the Dwarven better bonuses, right?), we see a list under the Blade Weapons heading that includes Spears. So while this wouldn't affect it's natural bonuses, it would alter it's Hexmaster bonuses (by about 6 points, which is a pretty big hit).

That's all for now. Farewell and safe journeys to all.

P.S. Even though I can get rule lawyer points for it (which is darn tempting), I will not go back and mention the other submissions with varying bonuses (as previously mentioned). At the time of their submission, there had been no official ruling for this contest (and the book never clearly states it's not possible, though it's implied). As such, they'd have been legal at the time, and I see no reason to go back for them. Only if I see new submissions with said bonuses will I now comment. That is all.

Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 12:00 pm
by ShadowLogan
Yes the capital "T" is referenced as being for two-handed. On pg20 in W&A it is noted in the "OTHER" heading. This includes notes of interest about the weapon (geographic location for ex), but also includes if it is two-handed or not (if it is "T", if not nothing). Basically the "Other" column has the entire line to work with, where the others try to cram themselves all into one line.

Back on topic: here are 3 more submissions based on W&A.
Mugdar Crusher
Base Weapon: Mugdar (W&A pg23, 0.7m, 6.3kg)
Construction Notes: The basic Mugdar club is made of Black Metal with lead weights lined with silver inlaids for use against undead done by Dwarven Hex Master with maximum parry in mind. (Note I am not alloying, I am layering the materials).
Damage: 4d10 +1d10 Giant size x2 Black Metal +8 Damage Hex =10d10+8
Bonuses: +7 parry (+6 Hex, +1 natural, I avoided a strike/parry bonus because raw parry results works out to a higher score).
Feature Uses: a known excercise aide (seriously look it up), Silver inlaids allow extra damage to those vulnerable to silver
PS Requirement: 10 (normal) due to the excessive mass.
Note: W&A allows some flexibility in what the Damage code means, I am choosing 1d10 because of the extra mass. Typical dice is d4/d6, since this is more massive I am going with d8/d10 for the extra mass, as it has the highest damage code I am then assigning it to the d10 slot. This thing is heavy by the way, the typical Halfted weapon has a mass of ~1.6kg in W&A, this has 6.3kg before considering giant-size modifiers. I can see going down to a D8 die code per Dam-point or multiple smaller dice per dam point.

Super Sized Chakram (intended more as a "fun experiment" than indending to be a serious contender)
Base Weapon: Chakram (W&A pg 29, W&Athrowing disk, Blade?)
Construction Notes: Chakram throwing disk constructed of Black Metal, inlaid with silver, and taken to the max by a Dwarven Hex Master (treating it as a blade weapon) for balance (improved strike/parry, the improved balance should also translate to improve throwing accuracy I would think).
Damage: 1d4 Base (too light to use normal dagger damage IMHO) +1d4 Giant x2 Black Metal +8 Dwarf Hex =4d4+8
Base Bonuses: +2 Init, +5 Strike, +6 Strike when thrown, +3 Parry (treating it as a blade weapon, applying natural modifiers from W&A that is why the Parry bonus is so low even after max Hexing)
-1/2 weight and invulnerable to all but magic from Black metal
-giants can use it as clothing to conceal its nature (hat/visor, as jewelry, etc) or just be helpful (like a visor)
-normal size sentients (ie human size) have been known to pass the time by turning it into a hoola-hoop, and a few brave souls are even able to use it as a weapon using ZERO Hands with the thing in motion, spinning around their waist/arm/leg to do damage
-silver inlaids in construction (improved damage to those vulnerable to silver)

Augmented Tebutje Club
Base Weapon: Tebutje (W&A pg24)
Construction Notes: The Tebutje is described as a "shark tooth club" (from the South Pacific), the teeth are attached to a wooden club. The Club is replacing the wood with Black Metal from Styphon's blood and coating natural shark teeth used in its construction with Silver. Fake teeth shaped from the glass product of the blood of Kym-nark-mar are also used in construction. The two different type of shark teeth are then attached in an alternating pattern of silver/Kym-nark-mar by use of rope/string. All of this was done by a Dwarven Hex master who also enhanced the quality of the weapon in terms of maximum damage and balance/weight capacity.
Damage: 2d6 (base, assuming 1-Dam = 1d6) +1d6 (giant) x2 Black metal +8 Dwarf smith/Hex = 6d6+8
Init +2 (Base), Strike: +1 (Base), Parry: +7 (+1 Base +6 Dwarf Smith/Hex), Thrown: +1 (Base)
Features: Black Metal: 1/2 Weight, invulnerable to all but magic, double the SDC. Kym-nark-mar: unbreakable, will cut through any natural material. Those vulnerable to silver take extra damage
Note: while doing a bit of research online to learn how it is put together I found some that say it can be used as a sword. If that is allowed to be treated as a blade and not blunt instrument, then it receives a +4 Strike from Dwarf Smith/Hex, but reduces the Parry Bonus for Dwarf Smith/Hex to +4 (instead of the +6, for a net gain of +2pts). This is one of 2 Halfted weapons that can cut as its attack type (the other is essentially a smaller version of the Tebutje), which is very common among blades in W&A (Swords and Knives) so a case could be made to use the sword modifiers and not blunt.

Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist 1-Ha

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 12:35 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Hotrod wrote:The xanthine gives you +1 more point. Gantrium also allows for faster PPE recovery, which grants another +1 point. That would take you to 51, I think.

You might want to review all the entries about gantrium, even yours, for this once to tally up the final scores.

Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 12:44 pm
by say652
35 points, May be competitive if all are rescored.

Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Challenge: Best Non-Alchemist 1-Ha

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 12:48 pm
by Prysus
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
Hotrod wrote:The xanthine gives you +1 more point. Gantrium also allows for faster PPE recovery, which grants another +1 point. That would take you to 51, I think.

Only enchanted Gantrium gives a faster PPE recovery....and no enchantments are allowed.

You might want to review all the entries, even yours, for this once to tally up the final scores.

Greetings and Salutations. I was going to comment the same thing, but after looking at it that's debatable.

"Enchanted jewelry made of Gantrium allows it's wearer to cast spells at only half of their usual P.P.E. cost!"

This one tells us that it must be enchanted for half the P.P.E. cost. The next sentence reads: "Moreover, keeping any quantity of Gantrium on one's person allows them to recover P.P.E. at twice the usual rate ..."

There's no mention of it needing to be enchanted here, merely "any quantity of." The part about forging in magical fire to make it indestructible as well as the notes on the armor also doesn't mention it needing to be enchanted. In fact, the P.P.E. cost would be normal, not half, indicating that this is NOT enchanted. Now I personally don't care, that point won't help me much. In fact, losing the point would make it a nice round and even 50. With that said, this will all be left to the judge. Farewell and safe journeys.

Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 12:50 pm
by Prysus
Greetings and Salutations. Here's an entry just for fun.

The Yin-Yang Swords*

A Long Sword that is half black and half white. Though this may at first appear merely an unusual color scheme, there is more to this weapon than first meets the eye. There's a locking mechanism in the handle that, with a proper release, allows the two magnetized blades to separate into two swords!

The first is made of Black Iron (+2 damage, double S.D.C., and half damage from ordinary fire, holds edge 10x longer than ordinary steel) and the other is made from White Iron (negates the first 20 points of damage inflicted to the blade when targeted, +1 to strike). While the two metals cannot be fused together, this weapon is not truly fused by used side by side.

The blades are magnetized to help hold them together, though the handle does most of the work. However, the blades do not line up perfectly, allowing an edge of Black Iron to hang over on one side and an edge of White Iron on the other. This allows the wielder to choose which edge to attack with (for a strike bonus or damage bonus) when the two blades are interlocked together as one.

Damage: 2D6, +2 (Black Iron), +8 (Hexmaster). Total: 2D6+10.

Initiative: +2 (Natural). Total: +2.
Strike: +1 (Natural), +1 (White Iron), +4 (Hexmaster). Total: +6.
Parry: +2 (Natural), +4 (Hexmaster). Total: +6.

Special Features:
1. Design: Can separate into two separate swords (great for Paired Weapons).
2. Black Iron: Double S.D.C.
3. Black Iron: Half damage from ordinary fire.
4: Black Iron: Holds edge 10x longer.
5: White Iron: Negates the first 20 points of damage (if targeted).

* Note: yes, I realize the term "Yin and Yang" isn't really a Palladium Fantasy term. With that said, I just liked how it fit the concept of the sword so I went with it anyways.

Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 3:44 pm
by Prysus
ShadowLogan wrote:@Prysus
Yes the capital "T" is referenced as being for two-handed. On pg20 in W&A it is noted in the "OTHER" heading. This includes notes of interest about the weapon (geographic location for ex), but also includes if it is two-handed or not (if it is "T", if not nothing). Basically the "Other" column has the entire line to work with, where the others try to cram themselves all into one line.

Greetings and Salutations. Appreciate it. With your help I did find the reference. Good to know. Now, with that said, and despite how much I don't want to be that guy ... that Mugdar really did set off all sorts of red flags in my poor little mind.

ShadowLogan wrote:Mugdar Crusher
Base Weapon: Mugdar (W&A pg23, 0.7m, 6.3kg)
Damage: 4d10 +1d10 Giant size x2 Black Metal +8 Damage Hex =10d10+8
Note: W&A allows some flexibility in what the Damage code means, I am choosing 1d10 because of the extra mass. Typical dice is d4/d6, since this is more massive I am going with d8/d10 for the extra mass, as it has the highest damage code I am then assigning it to the d10 slot. This thing is heavy by the way, the typical Halfted weapon has a mass of ~1.6kg in W&A, this has 6.3kg before considering giant-size modifiers. I can see going down to a D8 die code per Dam-point or multiple smaller dice per dam point.

I'm going to state now allowing any vague numbers to be filled in by whatever figures we pick will be a dangerous ruling. Even more so when those numbers are picked to be almost twice as good as the most powerful weapons otherwise (the highest damage values are 4D6 otherwise and is saved for only a few of the larger two-handed weapons, and you picked 4D10!).

Note: For those curious, the Compendium lists it as 3D6 (which puts it at 8D6 after enhancements). Granted, the Compendium also lists it as a two-handed weapon. However, I will admit that Weapons & Armour does NOT list it as a two-handed weapon, which to me would make it fair game for a one-hander (even if I believe this is only an oversight, it would be good rules lawyering to use it). In the end, since Weapons & Armour says it's up to the "gamemaster" to decide the value, and neither one of us is the G.M. of this contest, that would fall upon Hotrod to decide.

ShadowLogan wrote:Construction Notes: Chakram throwing disk ...

And you do realize that you just admitted it's a throwing weapon, not a melee weapon, right?

Note: Damage in the Compendium for this one is as vague as the smaller books. I'd personally guess 1D6, but I admit I'm just guessing as well. But, upon further thought, the Frying Pan is listed with a higher damage category, and in PF2 that's 1D6. Of course, the Frying Pan is listed in the same damage category as the Bo Staff and Quarter Staff (both are 2D6 in the PF2 main book) as well as Nunchaku (which is 2D4 in PF2 and the Compendium). So ... okay, at this point trying to figure it out is just making my head hurt. :P

ShadowLogan wrote:Augmented Tebutje Club
Base Weapon: Tebutje (W&A pg24)
Damage: 2d6 (base, assuming 1-Dam = 1d6) +1d6 (giant) x2 Black metal +8 Dwarf smith/Hex = 6d6+8

I actually like this weapon. I'd considered the same weapon and doing something similar, but always felt too lazy and unmotivated to make it work and still feel worth my time.

Note: Compendium also has this listed at 1D8. That beefs up to 4D8. Again, Hotrod can decide whatever he wants. This one doesn't even bother me, and I wouldn't have given it a second glance (unless someone requested it) had it not been for that Mugdar.

Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 4:10 pm
by Hotrod
ShadowLogan wrote:Mugdar Crusher
Base Weapon: Mugdar (W&A pg23, 0.7m, 6.3kg)
Construction Notes: The basic Mugdar club is made of Black Metal with lead weights lined with silver inlaids for use against undead done by Dwarven Hex Master with maximum parry in mind. (Note I am not alloying, I am layering the materials).
Damage: 4d10 +1d10 Giant size x2 Black Metal +8 Damage Hex =10d10+8
Bonuses: +7 parry (+6 Hex, +1 natural, I avoided a strike/parry bonus because raw parry results works out to a higher score).
Feature Uses: a known excercise aide (seriously look it up), Silver inlaids allow extra damage to those vulnerable to silver
PS Requirement: 10 (normal) due to the excessive mass.
Note: W&A allows some flexibility in what the Damage code means, I am choosing 1d10 because of the extra mass. Typical dice is d4/d6, since this is more massive I am going with d8/d10 for the extra mass, as it has the highest damage code I am then assigning it to the d10 slot. This thing is heavy by the way, the typical Halfted weapon has a mass of ~1.6kg in W&A, this has 6.3kg before considering giant-size modifiers. I can see going down to a D8 die code per Dam-point or multiple smaller dice per dam point.

I have no way of checking the compendium numbers, or their guidelines. 4D10 seems a bit steep considering that the most-damaging 2-handed swords in P2E only do 3D6. Frankly, 4D6 seems excessive. My inclination is to DQ this interpretation. Anyone else with the Compendium care to weigh in?
If it is legit, then we have 50 +8 for damage, 7 for the parry bonus, +2 for the black metal (lightness and immune to normal damage), +1 for the silver coating, and... and I don't know if a P.S. requirement should DQ an entry, since this is about the weapon itself, not the hand that wields it.

The exercise aid is cool, but you could make that argument about nearly any and every melee weapon out there. Sorry, no bonus.

If I allowed this entry, then its score would be 68 points. However, I'm going to say no, at least for now. Prysus, care to weigh in?
EDIT: he beat me to it. My GM ruling on this weapon's damage is that its base damage is 2D6 based on googling it and comparing it to the weapon chart in P2E for blunt weapons.

I will award a munchkin point, though.

ShadowLogan wrote:Super Sized Chakram (intended more as a "fun experiment" than indending to be a serious contender)
Base Weapon: Chakram (W&A pg 29, W&Athrowing disk, Blade?)
Construction Notes: Chakram throwing disk constructed of Black Metal, inlaid with silver, and taken to the max by a Dwarven Hex Master (treating it as a blade weapon) for balance (improved strike/parry, the improved balance should also translate to improve throwing accuracy I would think).
Damage: 1d4 Base (too light to use normal dagger damage IMHO) +1d4 Giant x2 Black Metal +8 Dwarf Hex =4d4+8
Base Bonuses: +2 Init, +5 Strike, +6 Strike when thrown, +3 Parry (treating it as a blade weapon, applying natural modifiers from W&A that is why the Parry bonus is so low even after max Hexing)
-1/2 weight and invulnerable to all but magic from Black metal
-giants can use it as clothing to conceal its nature (hat/visor, as jewelry, etc) or just be helpful (like a visor)
-normal size sentients (ie human size) have been known to pass the time by turning it into a hoola-hoop, and a few brave souls are even able to use it as a weapon using ZERO Hands with the thing in motion, spinning around their waist/arm/leg to do damage
-silver inlaids in construction (improved damage to those vulnerable to silver)

If you can give me a valid melee W.P. for the Chakram, then I'll accept it. Otherwise, my inclination is to treat this like a thrown weapon only, DQing it.
The image of a weaponized hula hoop is hilarious, by the way.
ShadowLogan wrote:Augmented Tebutje Club
Base Weapon: Tebutje (W&A pg24)
Construction Notes: The Tebutje is described as a "shark tooth club" (from the South Pacific), the teeth are attached to a wooden club. The Club is replacing the wood with Black Metal from Styphon's blood and coating natural shark teeth used in its construction with Silver. Fake teeth shaped from the glass product of the blood of Kym-nark-mar are also used in construction. The two different type of shark teeth are then attached in an alternating pattern of silver/Kym-nark-mar by use of rope/string. All of this was done by a Dwarven Hex master who also enhanced the quality of the weapon in terms of maximum damage and balance/weight capacity.
Damage: 2d6 (base, assuming 1-Dam = 1d6) +1d6 (giant) x2 Black metal +8 Dwarf smith/Hex = 6d6+8
Init +2 (Base), Strike: +1 (Base), Parry: +7 (+1 Base +6 Dwarf Smith/Hex), Thrown: +1 (Base)
Features: Black Metal: 1/2 Weight, invulnerable to all but magic, double the SDC. Kym-nark-mar: unbreakable, will cut through any natural material. Those vulnerable to silver take extra damage
Note: while doing a bit of research online to learn how it is put together I found some that say it can be used as a sword. If that is allowed to be treated as a blade and not blunt instrument, then it receives a +4 Strike from Dwarf Smith/Hex, but reduces the Parry Bonus for Dwarf Smith/Hex to +4 (instead of the +6, for a net gain of +2pts). This is one of 2 Halfted weapons that can cut as its attack type (the other is essentially a smaller version of the Tebutje), which is very common among blades in W&A (Swords and Knives) so a case could be made to use the sword modifiers and not blunt.

You're doubling the damage from 1D6 twice, but I don't understand why. My own interpretation would be to go with Prysus and have its base damage be 1D8. Pending your explanation, your total is 18+8+2+1+7+1+1+1+2+1=42 points!

+3 Rules Lawyer Points to Prysus for his Compendium fact-checking.

Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 4:17 pm
by Prysus
Hotrod wrote:You're doubling the damage from 1D6 twice, but I don't understand why.

Greetings and Salutations. The damage value is listed at 2. So if you assume that each value equals 1D6, then a value of 2 would be 2D6. He then added that Giant Size (3D6), and doubled it from Black Metal (6D6). Overall, seems a reasonable value to guess (since he too doesn't own the Compendium) and the difference between that and the D8 is only by 2 points. Farewell and safe journeys.

Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 4:22 pm
by Hotrod
Prysus wrote:
Greetings and Salutations. Here's an entry just for fun.

The Yin-Yang Swords*

A Long Sword that is half black and half white. Though this may at first appear merely an unusual color scheme, there is more to this weapon than first meets the eye. There's a locking mechanism in the handle that, with a proper release, allows the two magnetized blades to separate into two swords!

The first is made of Black Iron (+2 damage, double S.D.C., and half damage from ordinary fire, holds edge 10x longer than ordinary steel) and the other is made from White Iron (negates the first 20 points of damage inflicted to the blade when targeted, +1 to strike). While the two metals cannot be fused together, this weapon is not truly fused by used side by side.

The blades are magnetized to help hold them together, though the handle does most of the work. However, the blades do not line up perfectly, allowing an edge of Black Iron to hang over on one side and an edge of White Iron on the other. This allows the wielder to choose which edge to attack with (for a strike bonus or damage bonus) when the two blades are interlocked together as one.

Damage: 2D6, +2 (Black Iron), +8 (Hexmaster). Total: 2D6+10.

Initiative: +2 (Natural). Total: +2.
Strike: +1 (Natural), +1 (White Iron), +4 (Hexmaster). Total: +6.
Parry: +2 (Natural), +4 (Hexmaster). Total: +6.

Special Features:
1. Design: Can separate into two separate swords (great for Paired Weapons).
2. Black Iron: Double S.D.C.
3. Black Iron: Half damage from ordinary fire.
4: Black Iron: Holds edge 10x longer.
5: White Iron: Negates the first 20 points of damage (if targeted).

* Note: yes, I realize the term "Yin and Yang" isn't really a Palladium Fantasy term. With that said, I just liked how it fit the concept of the sword so I went with it anyways.

Cool concept! However, high-strength magnets that can be turned on and off require electricity, which is beyond canon Palladium Fantasy's ability. +1 munchkin point, but your entry is DQ'd.

Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 4:23 pm
by Hotrod
Prysus wrote:
Hotrod wrote:You're doubling the damage from 1D6 twice, but I don't understand why.

Greetings and Salutations. The damage value is listed at 2. So if you assume that each value equals 1D6, then a value of 2 would be 2D6. He then added that Giant Size (3D6), and doubled it from Black Metal (6D6). Overall, seems a reasonable value to guess (since he too doesn't own the Compendium) and the difference between that and the D8 is only by 2 points. Farewell and safe journeys.

Ok then, the entry stands as is. Another +1 Rules Lawyer Point for Prysus.

Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 5:47 pm
by ShadowLogan
Hotrod wrote:You're doubling the damage from 1D6 twice, but I don't understand why. My own interpretation would be to go with Prysus and have its base damage be 1D8. Pending your explanation, your total is 18+8+2+1+7+1+1+1+2+1=42 points!

No actually am I not. The Damage Code in W&A has a value of 2, "assuming 1-Dam = 1d6" a dam value of 2 would be 2d6.

I see Prysus answered.

Hotrod wrote:I have no way of checking the compendium numbers, or their guidelines. 4D10 seems a bit steep considering that the most-damaging 2-handed swords in P2E only do 3D6. Frankly, 4D6 seems excessive.

First the base weapon has a mass of 6.3kg, that is x3.88 more than the average weapon mass in all of W&A for this category (yes I actually did the math) and certainly more than any of the 4d6 weapons in PF2E main book. I think due to the mass difference a d10 might be stingy actually. If we increase the dice used for average (d4 or d6) and round DOWN it would be x3 higher putting it into d12/d20 territory however palladium tends doesn't scale that way so it would probably look more like a d8/d10. I should note that this is a RARE case in the book, it is one of only 2 weapons this massive, a few more come close (between 3-4kg), and probably one of the only ones to qualify as "1-handed" per the book.

One thing I was considering due to the excessive mass, was to treat it as receiving the giant bonus as normal size since giant weapons are described as x3-5 more massive, and then giving it another giant bonus for being actual giant size. Even assuming 1-dam =1d6, the weapon has a 4-rating and per W&A is a one-handed weapon, that works out to 5d6 before actual giant size (10d6 with black metal). If you want I'll resubmit it in this configuration. I am open to discussing the damage value.

W&A pg20 "For example the gamesmaster may choose to evaluate a weapon with a damage rating of one by using a four-sided die, a weapon rated at two with a six-sided die, a rating of three with an eight-sided die, and so on; or s/he may choose to use the damage number as a multiple of four, six, or eight-sided dice."

Hotrod wrote:If you can give me a valid melee W.P. for the Chakram, then I'll accept it. Otherwise, my inclination is to treat this like a thrown weapon only, DQing it.
The image of a weaponized hula hoop is hilarious, by the way.

WP: Knife or Sword for melee (depending on size). If you hold the disk in hand (it is more of a ring than a solid disk), you could use it as a knife/sword. The Indian Katar (knife) or Pata (sword) place the blade of the weapon in line with the forearm instead of perpendicular when held (like a Katana, or longsword, etc)

Though to use it as a weaponized hula-hoop I think would require something like the dance skill or specially created WP. This after all was more intended as a fun thought experiment than a serious bid.

Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 7:57 pm
by Hotrod
Before I get back to responding to more-recent posts, I have two apologies to issue. My conscience has been gnawing at me over the Grodnelite Javelin, and one particularly good argument that Vek made. The javelin does its damage by explosions, not by poking, and so the poking damage bonuses should not apply. I made a lame argument in defense of Kiralon's entry, which I shouldn't do as a judge.

I apologize to Vek. -1 Awesome Point for me, +1 Rules Lawyer Point for him.

I also must remove the damage bonus from hex mastercrafting from Kiralon's entry. This reduces his point total from 54 points to 46. It also opens the challenge lead wide open for the last two days of entries.

I should have made the correct assessment of the Grodnelite weapon up front the first time, and I failed to do so. I apologize to Kiralon. -1 more Awesome Point for me.

Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 8:49 pm
by kiralon
Lol, my answer to that would be an extra sharp pointy end would penetrate further before building up the required pressure to explode, if you want to know what I mean get a thin sliver of glass, the sharper it is the further it will stick into your foot before breaking, grodnelite would be the same, the sharper it was the further in it would get (and more damage of course) before going pop, but that would only work against materials that it was harder than like flesh.

However even though pretty much every dm that I know would allow the player to use the weapon in melee the book does say it can't be so I DQ myself anyway

Good Luck everyone else, may the munchkin be with you.

Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 9:23 pm
by Hotrod
ShadowLogan wrote:
Hotrod wrote:You're doubling the damage from 1D6 twice, but I don't understand why. My own interpretation would be to go with Prysus and have its base damage be 1D8. Pending your explanation, your total is 18+8+2+1+7+1+1+1+2+1=42 points!

No actually am I not. The Damage Code in W&A has a value of 2, "assuming 1-Dam = 1d6" a dam value of 2 would be 2d6.

I see Prysus answered.

Hotrod wrote:I have no way of checking the compendium numbers, or their guidelines. 4D10 seems a bit steep considering that the most-damaging 2-handed swords in P2E only do 3D6. Frankly, 4D6 seems excessive.

First the base weapon has a mass of 6.3kg, that is x3.88 more than the average weapon mass in all of W&A for this category (yes I actually did the math) and certainly more than any of the 4d6 weapons in PF2E main book. I think due to the mass difference a d10 might be stingy actually. If we increase the dice used for average (d4 or d6) and round DOWN it would be x3 higher putting it into d12/d20 territory however palladium tends doesn't scale that way so it would probably look more like a d8/d10. I should note that this is a RARE case in the book, it is one of only 2 weapons this massive, a few more come close (between 3-4kg), and probably one of the only ones to qualify as "1-handed" per the book.

One thing I was considering due to the excessive mass, was to treat it as receiving the giant bonus as normal size since giant weapons are described as x3-5 more massive, and then giving it another giant bonus for being actual giant size. Even assuming 1-dam =1d6, the weapon has a 4-rating and per W&A is a one-handed weapon, that works out to 5d6 before actual giant size (10d6 with black metal). If you want I'll resubmit it in this configuration. I am open to discussing the damage value.

W&A pg20 "For example the gamesmaster may choose to evaluate a weapon with a damage rating of one by using a four-sided die, a weapon rated at two with a six-sided die, a rating of three with an eight-sided die, and so on; or s/he may choose to use the damage number as a multiple of four, six, or eight-sided dice."

Hotrod wrote:If you can give me a valid melee W.P. for the Chakram, then I'll accept it. Otherwise, my inclination is to treat this like a thrown weapon only, DQing it.
The image of a weaponized hula hoop is hilarious, by the way.

WP: Knife or Sword for melee (depending on size). If you hold the disk in hand (it is more of a ring than a solid disk), you could use it as a knife/sword. The Indian Katar (knife) or Pata (sword) place the blade of the weapon in line with the forearm instead of perpendicular when held (like a Katana, or longsword, etc)

Though to use it as a weaponized hula-hoop I think would require something like the dance skill or specially created WP. This after all was more intended as a fun thought experiment than a serious bid.

Regarding the Chakram, I read its wiki. None of its techniques sounded even remotely like any melee w.p. in the canon game, and it's described as a throwing weapon up front. It remains DQ'd. It's awesome to ponder using the weapon with the dance skill, though. +1 awesome point for that. Someone should put that in a movie.

Regarding the Mugdar, weight isn't everything when it comes to damage. Speed can be a much stronger factor, per the Kinetic Energy = .5*mass*velocity^2 equation. If mass was the big factor, then sledgehammers would be the kings of melee. The highest-damage weapon in P2E is the Volge, a 2-handed pole arm with a big, wicked blade at the end. If I had to pick between getting skewered/chopped in half by that or smacked with a very heavy, but very wide piece of exercise equipment, the choice would be obvious.

The highest 1-handed blunt damages in P2E are 2D6, and many look just like the Gada (the weapon upon which the Mugdar exercise clubs I see when I google it is based). However, since I have no access to Weapons and Armor or the Compendium, I'll give you some benefit of the doubt and allow a damage rating of 4D4. That's not quite as good as the 2-handed version in the Compendium, but better than any 1-handed blunt weapon in P2E. That gets you 20 points as your baseline for damage instead of 50, and a respectable total of 38 points.

You also get +1 Rules Lawyer Point for finding and using a legal loophole to take what is considered a 2-hander in one book and interpret it as a 1-hander using another.

Finally, your point total for the tebutje club is confirmed at 42 points. +1 Rules Lawyer Point for successfully justifying that creation.

Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 9:40 pm
by eliakon
I think the melee weapon that is being thought of is the Wind and Fire Wheel
A weapon that I rather like to use in several games.

Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 10:40 pm
by Glistam
Hotrod wrote:
Glistam wrote:I only skimmed quickly through the earlier weapons, so if this is a similar weapon to something someone already made I apologize.

Sword Shield
A parrying weapon made of a small shield protecting the forearm to which is fitted a blade or spike that extends out over the back of the hand. (Compendium of Weapons, Armor & Castles, pages 22 and 66)

This unique weapon started as a bark shield granted by the Millenium Tree of the Glade (Eastern Territory, page 66). It was then presented to the master craftsmen of Northolme known as the Hex (Eastern Territory, page 80) with a challenge to turn it into a viable weapon. Drawing on ancient weapon types they turned it into a Sword Shield using their finest materials and skills of craftsmanship.

Weapon Stats

DAMAGE: 2D8+20
    Base Damage: 1D8+2
    Dwarven Made High Quality Damage bonus: +4
    Hex Craftsmanship: "...all bonuses are doubled!"
    Forged from Black Metal: "does double damage"

    Base Initiative Bonus: +0
    "High Quality" Initiative Bonus: +1
    Hex Craftsmanship: "...all bonuses are doubled!"

    Base Parry Bonus: +0
    "High Quality" Parry Bonus: +3
    Dwarven Made High Quality Parry Bonus: +2
    Hex Craftsmanship: "...all bonuses are doubled!"

    Base strike bonus: +0
    Dwarven Made High Quality Strike Bonus: +2
    Hex Craftsmanship: "...all bonuses are doubled!"

Additional notes:
  1. As a Millennium Tree shield, it can be used to parry magic energy attacks, such as dragon's breath, lightning bolt, fire ball and similar spells. A successful parry means the shield blocked the attack and absorbed the damage. The shield only suffers a third of the damage it absorbs, but it also already takes reduced damage from these attacks (same resistance as noted under the tree bark armor).
  2. The weapon is noted as a "thrust" weapon due to the blades being the primary method of damage. However, as a shield, page 60 of the main book notes a 1D4 damage attack is available (not called a "shield bash," but a reasonable conclusion). As a Millennium Tree item, this should do ×3 damage versus vampires.
  3. If it's going to do ×3 damage to vampires as per the wand and stave features, then I can argue would regenerate all damage done to it after 24 hours unless reduced to 0 S.D.C. (per feature #5 on page 66 of Eastern Territory).
  4. Coating the weapon blades in silver give it all the properties and benefits that silver weapons typically bestow, so of course we'll do that here as well.

I certainly feel like I could've done at least a little better with this, but I ultimately wanted to make a weapon I could actually give to a character I would play, and who could actually use it. I think as far as W.P. usage goes, an argument could be made that any of the following W.P.'s could be used: W.P. Sword, W.P. Blunt, and/or W.P. Shield.

+1 Munchkin point. You're the first to use Millennium wood in the design (here comes another wave of revisions).
However, the way you're calculating damage seems off. the 2D8 is fine, but by my calculation, the additive factor should be 12, not 20 (double the natural +2, double the dwarven quality +4, add them together). Additionally, the Hex doubling only applies to the dwarven-quality bonuses, not the "natural/quality bonuses" from the compendium. The same applies for the rest of the bonuses.

In summary, your weapon should be 2D8+12 to damage, +1 to initiative, +7 to parry, and +4 to strike. You get another +2 for the ability to parry those energy attacks, +1 for the silver/wood ability to hurt the undead, +1 for its regeneration capability, and +1 for its extra damage vs vampires.
That's 8+12+1+7+4+2+1+1+1=37 points!

Oh, and thanks for the formatting, too. I don't have a point category for presentation, but that's one of the nicer-looking entries I've seen.

Thanks! I had the Hex craftsmanship double the Dwarven-crafted damage bonus of +4 to +8, added it to the base weapon damage (making it 1D8+10), then applied the Black Metal "double damage" bonus. Since there was no rule I saw which specified in what order those modifiers and bonuses should be applied, I chose the order most beneficial to my end result. Also, I respect your final judgement on the Hex bonuses, but the information I found in the book on the Hex craftsmanship simply says "...all bonuses are doubled!" By that logic, I doubled the compendium bonuses as well in my entry.

Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 5:50 am
by Hotrod
In the Blacksmith description of Northern Hinterlands, the process of creating items is described in detail. The bonuses from this process (for dwarves, kobolds, Jotan, and Kiridin barbarians) are added one at a time. Therefore, the base damage of a black metal weapon should be doubled first; that's intrinsic to the metal. Then the dwarven skill-based bonuses can be added in. The hex can add in twice as much bonus as a normal dwarf blacksmith. That's the method of calculating bonuses that I've used throughout this challenge.

Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 8:57 am
by ShadowLogan
Hotrod wrote:Speed can be a much stronger factor, per the Kinetic Energy = .5*mass*velocity^2 equation.

I do get that, and that is why I think resulting dice should be a high value die. A more massive object doesn't need as much velocity to get comparable KE. Assuming a 6.3kg object and a 2kg object, the 6.3kg object needs ~56.4% the velocity for comparable energy. Assuming the wielder puts as much velocity into both objects, s/he would be delivering x3.15 more KE with the more massive object than the lighter one.

Since the vast majority of the objects in the PF2E table are similar in mass that we are considering to establish baseline damage codes, the more massive object should be doing more damage since there is nothing to gauge how fast they are moving.

Hotrod wrote: None of its techniques sounded even remotely like any melee w.p. in the canon game, and it's described as a throwing weapon up front.

Will point out that per PF2E pg269, a Frying Pan is under the Miscellaneous Heading which is described as "Miscellaneous (no W.P. Bonuses)". So if the Frying Pan is allowed even w/o the applicable WP, then there is no reason the Chakram needs it either for melee combat.

Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 10:10 am
by Hotrod
ShadowLogan wrote:
Hotrod wrote:Speed can be a much stronger factor, per the Kinetic Energy = .5*mass*velocity^2 equation.

I do get that, and that is why I think resulting dice should be a high value die. A more massive object doesn't need as much velocity to get comparable KE. Assuming a 6.3kg object and a 2kg object, the 6.3kg object needs ~56.4% the velocity for comparable energy. Assuming the wielder puts as much velocity into both objects, s/he would be delivering x3.15 more KE with the more massive object than the lighter one.

Since the vast majority of the objects in the PF2E table are similar in mass that we are considering to establish baseline damage codes, the more massive object should be doing more damage since there is nothing to gauge how fast they are moving.

Hotrod wrote: None of its techniques sounded even remotely like any melee w.p. in the canon game, and it's described as a throwing weapon up front.

Will point out that per PF2E pg269, a Frying Pan is under the Miscellaneous Heading which is described as "Miscellaneous (no W.P. Bonuses)". So if the Frying Pan is allowed even w/o the applicable WP, then there is no reason the Chakram needs it either for melee combat.

Kinetic energy increases by the square of the velocity, or by a simple multiplication of the weight. Therefore, velocity matters a lot more than weight. Additionally, the cross-sectional area is important. Assuming that a wielder can put no more speed behind a 4-pound object than he can with a 12-pound object belies physical reality. Spreading out the impact over a very wide area (as seems to be the case with the google image search I did) would tend to lessen the damage. I get what you're saying, but if this damage value isn't provided in canon, then the damage value I stated earlier is what I'll accept for points.

Nice hair-splitting on the Frying Pan, but the Frying Pan is not described specifically as a throwing weapon, while the Chakram is. If I allowed the Chakram, then I'd have to allow ballista ammunition, shuriken, arrows, bows, crossbows, slings, blunderbusses, and anything else that can be used, however awkwardly, to smack, cut, poke, or chop someone else. Additionally, I remember reading in one of Palladium's books that W.P. Blunt might apply to some of the miscellaneous weapons (I don't recall the exact reference, though).

Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H LAST

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 8:05 pm
by Veknironth
Well, for the Millenium bark, I was thinking about using it in some way be realized it would be magic. A lot of the items that come from the tree state that they are magic or magical right in the description, but the shield does not (ET p 66). That's a point in favor of the shield NOT being magic. However, that shield is listed under the heading "Magical Bark & Leaves", which makes it seem magical (also p.66).

Further, on page 64 there is item #11. The title of this is "Magic Items and gifts" and the first sentence of this says "In addition to its own unique powers, the Tree can give gifts of magic from its back and branches to those it deems worthy." So, it really seems that the bark shield is magic, which would explain why you can parry dragon breath with it and not with normal shields.

"Stonewood doesn't help much either as it adds only 1d6 damage, but takes away so much on Parry/Strike."

Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H LAST

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 8:09 pm
by kiralon
my last day rejoinder for the grodnelite was going to be
as a melee weapon doing area effect damage it will always do its damage to the wielder and the target for a total of
16d6+12 damage (maybe +16 maybe not from hexing)
couldn't help myself ;) tee hee hee

Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H LAST

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 8:29 pm
by Hotrod
Veknironth wrote:Well, for the Millenium bark, I was thinking about using it in some way be realized it would be magic. A lot of the items that come from the tree state that they are magic or magical right in the description, but the shield does not (ET p 66). That's a point in favor of the shield NOT being magic. However, that shield is listed under the heading "Magical Bark & Leaves", which makes it seem magical (also p.66).

Further, on page 64 there is item #11. The title of this is "Magic Items and gifts" and the first sentence of this says "In addition to its own unique powers, the Tree can give gifts of magic from its back and branches to those it deems worthy." So, it really seems that the bark shield is magic, which would explain why you can parry dragon breath with it and not with normal shields.

"Stonewood doesn't help much either as it adds only 1d6 damage, but takes away so much on Parry/Strike."

Right you are. +1 Rules Lawyer Point, and the Millennium Bark Shieldsword is DQ'd.

Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H LAST

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 8:32 pm
by Hotrod
kiralon wrote:my last day rejoinder for the grodnelite was going to be
as a melee weapon doing area effect damage it will always do its damage to the wielder and the target for a total of
16d6+12 damage (maybe +16 maybe not from hexing)
couldn't help myself ;) tee hee hee

After I changed the subject to LAST DAY, I realized that I had it ending on the 15th, but really, there are about 28 hours still remaining right now. As long as you get entries in by midnight on the 15th in whatever time zone I have on these boards, I'll consider it.

Doing damage to the wielder is an impressively bold shenanigan. +1 munchkin point. that said, my ruling is, unsurprisingly, no.

Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H LAST

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 8:34 pm
by Veknironth
Well, for the Godnelite edge isn't the problem so much as it being so fragile. With only 1-3 SDC, the item isn't sturdy enough to hold the edge and allow for a cut or penetration. That hampers the cutting, but really helps the exploding.

"It's why I had my Fire Sand in glass, so it would be held together but would be in a very breakable container."

Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H LAST

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 8:52 pm
by kiralon
Veknironth wrote:Well, for the Godnelite edge isn't the problem so much as it being so fragile. With only 1-3 SDC, the item isn't sturdy enough to hold the edge and allow for a cut or penetration. That hampers the cutting, but really helps the exploding.

"It's why I had my Fire Sand in glass, so it would be held together but would be in a very breakable container."

Id stick a black iron sharp pointy on the end to be blasted through the opponent when it explodes, or just have black iron blades inside the grodnelite. I have played with the idea of making claymore mines out of it to surprise the hell out of the pc's

Hotrod wrote: Doing damage to the wielder is an impressively bold shenanigan. +1 munchkin point. that said, my ruling is, unsurprisingly, no.

lol, I am so going to have to try to convince one of my players to use it in hth combat.

Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H LAST

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 10:26 pm
by Hotrod
There's a scene in Mad Max: Fury Road in which a Warboy essentially does a leap attack with two explosive javelins on his way to Valhalla. It's what made me decide to accept Kiralon's submission in the first place.

Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 7:32 am
by Prysus
Hotrod wrote:
Prysus wrote:Greetings and Salutations. Here's an entry just for fun.

The Yin-Yang Swords*

A Long Sword that is half black and half white. Though this may at first appear merely an unusual color scheme, there is more to this weapon than first meets the eye. There's a locking mechanism in the handle that, with a proper release, allows the two magnetized blades to separate into two swords!

The first is made of Black Iron (+2 damage, double S.D.C., and half damage from ordinary fire, holds edge 10x longer than ordinary steel) and the other is made from White Iron (negates the first 20 points of damage inflicted to the blade when targeted, +1 to strike). While the two metals cannot be fused together, this weapon is not truly fused by used side by side.

The blades are magnetized to help hold them together, though the handle does most of the work. However, the blades do not line up perfectly, allowing an edge of Black Iron to hang over on one side and an edge of White Iron on the other. This allows the wielder to choose which edge to attack with (for a strike bonus or damage bonus) when the two blades are interlocked together as one.

Damage: 2D6, +2 (Black Iron), +8 (Hexmaster). Total: 2D6+10.

Initiative: +2 (Natural). Total: +2.
Strike: +1 (Natural), +1 (White Iron), +4 (Hexmaster). Total: +6.
Parry: +2 (Natural), +4 (Hexmaster). Total: +6.

Special Features:
1. Design: Can separate into two separate swords (great for Paired Weapons).
2. Black Iron: Double S.D.C.
3. Black Iron: Half damage from ordinary fire.
4: Black Iron: Holds edge 10x longer.
5: White Iron: Negates the first 20 points of damage (if targeted).

* Note: yes, I realize the term "Yin and Yang" isn't really a Palladium Fantasy term. With that said, I just liked how it fit the concept of the sword so I went with it anyways.

Cool concept! However, high-strength magnets that can be turned on and off require electricity, which is beyond canon Palladium Fantasy's ability. +1 munchkin point, but your entry is DQ'd.

Greetings and Salutations. For the record, I didn't mean high strength magnets. The intent was for most of the work keeping the two blades together is through the locking mechanism in the handle (if we can secret compartments that come undone and such, I figured a way to interconnect the handles and release can be done). The magnets are just to help (and weak.enough they can just be pulled apart).

To make it easier for you though, it can be one sword divided down the center (right/left). It's not a top contender and losing a feature won't be a big deal (other than now I don't think it'll end up with a round number :P).

On a side note, main motivation for making this entry is I've been trying to figure out a good way to make the interlocked swords in PF. Something I want to do, but haven't quite figured out the logistics yet. So I don't mind it not working for the contest, but I'd like to figure it out regardless (even if after the contest ends). Farewell and safe journeys.

Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H LAST

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 9:20 am
by ShadowLogan
Hotrod wrote:There's a scene in Mad Max: Fury Road in which a Warboy essentially does a leap attack with two explosive javelins on his way to Valhalla. It's what made me decide to accept Kiralon's submission in the first place.

Tron: Legacy's revamped "Identity Disks" (original solid, sequel they are rings) look like Chakram's. And those are used in melee. So if a Mad Max movie is allowed to influence the judge, other movies should be to. ;)

Re: Mugdar in general.
Do we really know what damage is actually measuring? Is it representative of the FORCE or the KINETIC ENERGY delivered? Or something else altogether. When it comes to measure either we can certainly easily compare them in terms of mass, but the acceleration/velocity involved is not really measured.

Moving on to the last batch of selections.

Giant Pole Arm of Destruction
Base Weapon: Partizan Pole Arm (W&Apg33, one of only 2 1-Handed pole arms in the book, Dam-2, Dex-1, Parry-2, Sym-2)
Construction: The one-handed Partizan Pole Arm is constructed of black metal, inlaid with silver in a spiral patter running the length of the weapon and tipped the smallest practical sized piece of with Kym-nark-mar's glass blood by-product. Done is giant size by a Dwarven Hex Master.
Damage: 2d6 Base (assuming 1-dam = 1d6) +1d6 Giant x2 Black Metal +12 Damage Dwarf Hex = 6d6+12
Bonuses: +2 (base) Init, +5 (1-base, 4-Hex Dwarf) Parry, +4 (4-Hex Dwarf) Strike, +5 Strike Thrown (1-Base, 4-Hex)
-Black metal: 1/2 weight, invulnerable to all but magic, x2 SDC (I know it applies to specifically armor, but since you can target the weapon I would think it would apply here)
-Glass Blood By-Product: for unbreakable (tip only), used for sharpness will cut through any natural material
-Silver, if vulnerable to silver
-can also be used as a walking stick

Have you seen my Broomstick?
Base Weapon: Short Spear (PF2E main book)
Construction: A Short Spear with a wooden shaft. It is topped by a Unicron Horn (screw on/off feature) on the top that is also tipped with Glass Blood By-Product (Kym-nark-mar). At the bottom is well the business end of a broom, no metal. A Dwarven Hex Master has gone to work on balancing the weapon for superior performance and enhancing the Unicron Horn's damage potential (it can be ground to powder, so it can be sharpened/shaped)
Damage: 2d6 mortals, 4d6 supernatural (Rifts Conversion Book 1r pg181, assuming 1:1 damage ratio) +8 Dwarf Hex Master (NOTE: I'm not sure if the giant bonus applies to Unicorn Horn, so this is a normal sized weapon, though if it can use Giant Size statistics please add them in)
Bonuses: +4 Strike, +4 Parry, +1 to Strike when Thrown (?, broom wiskers acting as arrow fletching?)
Feature Notes:
-Magically inclinded characters (females mostly) love to use the "Fly" spell on the weapon to create a means of transport (it has no metal a goal), or to have fun/kick-back with the "Animate Object" spell. More of a selling point here.
-Screw on Unicorn Horn (for added damage)
-Glass Blood By-Product: for unbreakable (tip only), used for sharpness will cut through any natural material
-the broom whiskers used as an attack (cause sneezing from all the dust trapped in the whiskers when shoved in the face region)
-the broom whiskers can be used to blind an opponent by shoving them in the eye region of the face
-of course you also have a fully functioning broom to help clean up the mess after your battles

Sai of Parrying
Base Weapon: Sai (W&Apg31)
Construction: Black Metal (Giant size) Sai constructed by a Dwarven Hex Master for maximum Parry potential and improved damage. The pommel is removable, and is basically a cork that can be popped open allowing one to make a "gas" attack by releasing the contents in the hilt.
Damage (PER CWA&C): 1d10 (or 1d8+2) Base +1d10 Giant (or 1d8) x2 Black Metal +8 Dwarf Hex Damge = 4d10+8 OR 4d8+12 (28/28pts)
Damage (Per W&A assuming 1-dam =1d6): 2d6 Base + 1d6 Giant x2 Black metal +8 Dwarf Hex Damage =6d6+8 (26pts)
Damage (per TMNT/R:J): 1d6 Base +1d6 Giant x2 Black Metal +8 Dwarf Hex Damage = 4d6+8 (20pts)
Bonuses: +2 Init (Base), +1 Strike (Base), +8 Parry (2-base, 6-Dwarf Hex), +1 Strike Throw (Base). Note, yes I know I could take a hit on Parry for a gain on Strike, but the weapon is about being taken to the max in terms of parry (which will not be sacrificed for anything)
-Black metal: 1/2 weight, invulnerable to all but magic, x2 SDC
-TMNT/Rifts Japan mentions use to entangle/pin
-by popping the cork in the hilt, the user can launch a "spray" attack with powder or liquid. Skilled users might get two shots, most though will only get one shot from the payload. The agent contained in the hilt could be a powder or liquid, it can really be anything from magic powders, contact poisons, potions (magic or non-magic), etc. The agent does not have to be used for combat.
Note: I know TMNT & Rifts Japan has the damage as 1d6, but that would be incompatible with the CWA&C damage assignment from W&A. Take your pick on which damage assignment you want to use

Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H LAST

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 10:45 am
by Hotrod

Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H ENDS

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 10:54 am
by Hotrod
Prysus wrote:
Hotrod wrote:
Prysus wrote:Greetings and Salutations. Here's an entry just for fun.

The Yin-Yang Swords*

A Long Sword that is half black and half white. Though this may at first appear merely an unusual color scheme, there is more to this weapon than first meets the eye. There's a locking mechanism in the handle that, with a proper release, allows the two magnetized blades to separate into two swords!

The first is made of Black Iron (+2 damage, double S.D.C., and half damage from ordinary fire, holds edge 10x longer than ordinary steel) and the other is made from White Iron (negates the first 20 points of damage inflicted to the blade when targeted, +1 to strike). While the two metals cannot be fused together, this weapon is not truly fused by used side by side.

The blades are magnetized to help hold them together, though the handle does most of the work. However, the blades do not line up perfectly, allowing an edge of Black Iron to hang over on one side and an edge of White Iron on the other. This allows the wielder to choose which edge to attack with (for a strike bonus or damage bonus) when the two blades are interlocked together as one.

Damage: 2D6, +2 (Black Iron), +8 (Hexmaster). Total: 2D6+10.

Initiative: +2 (Natural). Total: +2.
Strike: +1 (Natural), +1 (White Iron), +4 (Hexmaster). Total: +6.
Parry: +2 (Natural), +4 (Hexmaster). Total: +6.

Special Features:
1. Design: Can separate into two separate swords (great for Paired Weapons).
2. Black Iron: Double S.D.C.
3. Black Iron: Half damage from ordinary fire.
4: Black Iron: Holds edge 10x longer.
5: White Iron: Negates the first 20 points of damage (if targeted).

* Note: yes, I realize the term "Yin and Yang" isn't really a Palladium Fantasy term. With that said, I just liked how it fit the concept of the sword so I went with it anyways.

Cool concept! However, high-strength magnets that can be turned on and off require electricity, which is beyond canon Palladium Fantasy's ability. +1 munchkin point, but your entry is DQ'd.

Greetings and Salutations. For the record, I didn't mean high strength magnets. The intent was for most of the work keeping the two blades together is through the locking mechanism in the handle (if we can secret compartments that come undone and such, I figured a way to interconnect the handles and release can be done). The magnets are just to help (and weak.enough they can just be pulled apart).

To make it easier for you though, it can be one sword divided down the center (right/left). It's not a top contender and losing a feature won't be a big deal (other than now I don't think it'll end up with a round number :P).

On a side note, main motivation for making this entry is I've been trying to figure out a good way to make the interlocked swords in PF. Something I want to do, but haven't quite figured out the logistics yet. So I don't mind it not working for the contest, but I'd like to figure it out regardless (even if after the contest ends). Farewell and safe journeys.

It's a creative idea, I guess I just have a hard time seeing how it could actually work. Any way you split the blade down the axis, the hilt would have to split, too, and holding a sword by a split hilt would be awkward at best. The alternative would be to have a double-wide grip, which would also be weird/awkward.

If I ever do one of these again, I should ask for some diagrams/drawings.

Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H LAST

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 11:36 am
by Hotrod
ShadowLogan wrote:
Hotrod wrote:There's a scene in Mad Max: Fury Road in which a Warboy essentially does a leap attack with two explosive javelins on his way to Valhalla. It's what made me decide to accept Kiralon's submission in the first place.

Tron: Legacy's revamped "Identity Disks" (original solid, sequel they are rings) look like Chakram's. And those are used in melee. So if a Mad Max movie is allowed to influence the judge, other movies should be to. ;)

Re: Mugdar in general.
Do we really know what damage is actually measuring? Is it representative of the FORCE or the KINETIC ENERGY delivered? Or something else altogether. When it comes to measure either we can certainly easily compare them in terms of mass, but the acceleration/velocity involved is not really measured.

Damage is kind of arbitrary, really. human bodies can absorb great amounts of energy if taken the right way. If taken the wrong way, a relatively small amount of damage can be lethal. To use a firearms analogy, though, your argument would indicate that the .45 ACP cartridge should do more damage than a 5.56mm rifle round. I don't want to get in a gun bunny debate, but in real life, the rifle round wins.

As for Tron, I haven't seen that movie, but in the original Tron, which I love, the disks are exclusively throwing weapons. My wife has no interest in seeing the new Tron, and my kids haven't even seen the original yet. That makes me feel sad and less inclined to be generous. Therefore, my totally unbiased and impartial judgment remains unswayed.

Was it as good as the original?

ShadowLogan wrote:Giant Pole Arm of Destruction
Base Weapon: Partizan Pole Arm (W&Apg33, one of only 2 1-Handed pole arms in the book, Dam-2, Dex-1, Parry-2, Sym-2)
Construction: The one-handed Partizan Pole Arm is constructed of black metal, inlaid with silver in a spiral patter running the length of the weapon and tipped the smallest practical sized piece of with Kym-nark-mar's glass blood by-product. Done is giant size by a Dwarven Hex Master.
Damage: 2d6 Base (assuming 1-dam = 1d6) +1d6 Giant x2 Black Metal +12 Damage Dwarf Hex = 6d6+12
Bonuses: +2 (base) Init, +5 (1-base, 4-Hex Dwarf) Parry, +4 (4-Hex Dwarf) Strike, +5 Strike Thrown (1-Base, 4-Hex)
-Black metal: 1/2 weight, invulnerable to all but magic, x2 SDC (I know it applies to specifically armor, but since you can target the weapon I would think it would apply here)
-Glass Blood By-Product: for unbreakable (tip only), used for sharpness will cut through any natural material
-Silver, if vulnerable to silver
-can also be used as a walking stick

Nice find with the 1-handed pole arm. I haven't counted the double SDC for other black metal entries, so I won't start now. Also, walking stick? You could do that with almost any entry around. Not a special property. Also, the Hex bonus to strike does not apply to throwing, so it's only +1 to throw.
18+12+2+5+4+1+1+1+2+1=47 points!

ShadowLogan wrote:Have you seen my Broomstick?
Base Weapon: Short Spear (PF2E main book)
Construction: A Short Spear with a wooden shaft. It is topped by a Unicron Horn (screw on/off feature) on the top that is also tipped with Glass Blood By-Product (Kym-nark-mar). At the bottom is well the business end of a broom, no metal. A Dwarven Hex Master has gone to work on balancing the weapon for superior performance and enhancing the Unicron Horn's damage potential (it can be ground to powder, so it can be sharpened/shaped)
Damage: 2d6 mortals, 4d6 supernatural (Rifts Conversion Book 1r pg181, assuming 1:1 damage ratio) +8 Dwarf Hex Master (NOTE: I'm not sure if the giant bonus applies to Unicorn Horn, so this is a normal sized weapon, though if it can use Giant Size statistics please add them in)
Bonuses: +4 Strike, +4 Parry, +1 to Strike when Thrown (?, broom wiskers acting as arrow fletching?)
Feature Notes:
-Magically inclinded characters (females mostly) love to use the "Fly" spell on the weapon to create a means of transport (it has no metal a goal), or to have fun/kick-back with the "Animate Object" spell. More of a selling point here.
-Screw on Unicorn Horn (for added damage)
-Glass Blood By-Product: for unbreakable (tip only), used for sharpness will cut through any natural material
-the broom whiskers used as an attack (cause sneezing from all the dust trapped in the whiskers when shoved in the face region)
-the broom whiskers can be used to blind an opponent by shoving them in the eye region of the face
-of course you also have a fully functioning broom to help clean up the mess after your battles

The broomstick is hilarious. Trying to use the whiskers as fletching earns you +1 Munchkin Point. I don't think you can giant-size it, though, since you're relying on the unicorn horn.
Damage will count as 2D6, but you'll get a +2 for an anti-supernatural special attack.
6+8+4+4+1. +2 for the anti-supernatural, +2 for the penetrating dragons blood crystal tip, +2 for the dust-in-the-face attack (not effective, but certainly unique!), +1 for its ability to sweep. Total is 30 points!

ShadowLogan wrote:Sai of Parrying
Base Weapon: Sai (W&Apg31)
Construction: Black Metal (Giant size) Sai constructed by a Dwarven Hex Master for maximum Parry potential and improved damage. The pommel is removable, and is basically a cork that can be popped open allowing one to make a "gas" attack by releasing the contents in the hilt.
Damage (PER CWA&C): 1d10 (or 1d8+2) Base +1d10 Giant (or 1d8) x2 Black Metal +8 Dwarf Hex Damge = 4d10+8 OR 4d8+12 (28/28pts)
Damage (Per W&A assuming 1-dam =1d6): 2d6 Base + 1d6 Giant x2 Black metal +8 Dwarf Hex Damage =6d6+8 (26pts)
Damage (per TMNT/R:J): 1d6 Base +1d6 Giant x2 Black Metal +8 Dwarf Hex Damage = 4d6+8 (20pts)
Bonuses: +2 Init (Base), +1 Strike (Base), +8 Parry (2-base, 6-Dwarf Hex), +1 Strike Throw (Base). Note, yes I know I could take a hit on Parry for a gain on Strike, but the weapon is about being taken to the max in terms of parry (which will not be sacrificed for anything)
-Black metal: 1/2 weight, invulnerable to all but magic, x2 SDC
-TMNT/Rifts Japan mentions use to entangle/pin
-by popping the cork in the hilt, the user can launch a "spray" attack with powder or liquid. Skilled users might get two shots, most though will only get one shot from the payload. The agent contained in the hilt could be a powder or liquid, it can really be anything from magic powders, contact poisons, potions (magic or non-magic), etc. The agent does not have to be used for combat.
Note: I know TMNT & Rifts Japan has the damage as 1d6, but that would be incompatible with the CWA&C damage assignment from W&A. Take your pick on which damage assignment you want to use

I like the defensive aspect of this and the multiple damage options from multiple sources. +1 Rules Lawyer Point for all the references.

I'll give you 28 points for damage, 2 points for entangling, 2 points for Black Metal, 2 point for the hidden compartment/spray thingy (though I have a hard time seeing how it would work, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt), for a total of 34 points!

Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H LAST

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 12:23 pm
by ShadowLogan

I'm going to drop the issue.

Hotrod wrote:It's a creative idea, I guess I just have a hard time seeing how it could actually work. Any way you split the blade down the axis, the hilt would have to split, too, and holding a sword by a split hilt would be awkward at best. The alternative would be to have a double-wide grip, which would also be weird/awkward.

I was going to suggest putting hand-guards on the hilts so that in one state the normal hilt becomes the guard/basket-hilt and in the other it is reverse, the problem is you either end up with something like an oversized Katar Dorlicaneh (Pitch fork like) in the joined state, or the blades appear askew separated (could also make it so they are that way joined to).

Still need a locking mechanism though.

What about have the blade come up through the hilt of the other sword? That could leave you with an oversized (in length) hilt/grip. The basic premise is used elsewhere IINM where the blades go into the other's oversized hilt to create a (short) staff. It doesn't allow for bifurcation in the desired way, but it does leave an interlocked sword effect. Presumably the issue of locking them into place has also been solved here and could be adapted.

Hotrod wrote:Was it as good as the original?

I found it a so-so type of movie. Things I liked, and things I didn't like. I wouldn't go out of my way to catch it if its on like the original. The "in the computer outfits" do feel a bit lack luster IMHO compared to the originals, though I think they did a good job replicating the environment. I think you'll probably find more blunt violence in the sequel compared to the original, which tended to mask it as part of the "games". I think the light cycles had a better design in the original than the sequel. Etc. It really depends on what you look for.

Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist 1-H LAST

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 2:03 pm
by Hotrod
ShadowLogan wrote:I was going to suggest putting hand-guards on the hilts so that in one state the normal hilt becomes the guard/basket-hilt and in the other it is reverse, the problem is you either end up with something like an oversized Katar Dorlicaneh (Pitch fork like) in the joined state, or the blades appear askew separated (could also make it so they are that way joined to).

Still need a locking mechanism though.

What about have the blade come up through the hilt of the other sword? That could leave you with an oversized (in length) hilt/grip. The basic premise is used elsewhere IINM where the blades go into the other's oversized hilt to create a (short) staff. It doesn't allow for bifurcation in the desired way, but it does leave an interlocked sword effect. Presumably the issue of locking them into place has also been solved here and could be adapted.

I like the hilt-is-a-sheath-for-a-knife idea, even if that would dramatically alter the balance of the overall sword. There was a Three Musketeers movie back in the 70s in which D'artagnon (not sure about spelling in French) had a sword that could pop a knife-blade out of the bottom of its hilt, allowing for a stabbing action with a hammer-fist-like blow. Of course, this would pose the problem of getting in the way of the tang, but if the grip was a little on the thick side, it might not be an issue. It would require a spring and locking mechanism, though.

You know what might work, though? If the blade of the sword went through the handle of the knife, and vice-versa. I've seen knife pairs like this that sheath inside each other. Pull them apart, and voila! Two knives. If you did that with one long blade jutting out of the bottom of the other handle, then you could use the knife handle for grasping the forward part of the overall sword, allowing for more leverage, or you could pull the dagger/mini sheath off the sword blade and use it as a parrying dagger. Since the dagger would be balanced at the same place as the sword, the balance of the sword would be unchanged with the dagger on or off. It would be slightly heavier with the dagger on, but that would be for a 2-handed grip. A hand-and-a-half or bastard sword would work well for it. The only remaining issue would be that the dagger and/or sword blade would have to be slightly off-center, but the axis of the cut would be the same.

Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist TALLYING

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 9:18 pm
by Hotrod
The actively-scored part of this challenge is now over! I will do a top-to-bottom points review, finish the trophies, and announce winners within the next few days. Feel free to continue discussion and create new weapons, but I will not be actively scoring anymore.

Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist TALLYING

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 9:20 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Hotrod wrote:The actively-scored part of this challenge is now over! I will do a top-to-bottom points review, finish the trophies, and announce winners within the next few days. Feel free to continue discussion and create new weapons, but I will not be actively scoring anymore.

Don't miss the my latest weapon the White Iron Full Moon. Just that you skiped it and went on to score others latests for a whole page of posts.

Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist TALLYING

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 9:21 pm
by say652
Rules are over. Woot woot!

Two thousand pound war hammer.

2D4+1D6 per 100lbs.
20D6+2D4 damage.

Re: Munchkin/Rules Lawyer Chlg: Best Non-Alchemist TALLYING

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 9:29 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
I have a Alchemich Immortal char (rifts) that has lived through the coming of the rifts and has an eclectic colection of melee weapons.
(has been waiting for the close of the contest to post them)

sword (enchanted)--1d6x10md, x2 vs SN, +1S, +2 P&disarm

throwing needles--50 iron & 10 gold & 20 silver---as per poison/drug
throwing spikes--20--1d4
"Ru-Tayan"--an aikuchi with a glossly plain blade and a hitl decorated with silver inlays(nihon knife w/o a gaurd)
{+2init&+1S, +1P, 1D6sd , +1throw}
"<unnamed>"--a Sakin with no decoration(a strait thin suariasn single edged knife w/p a graurd)
{+2init&+1S, 1D6sd , +1throw}
"Face Masher"a freanch desined combat knife with a thrusting blade {dimond cross section} and a heavy knukle gaurd w/braud spikes
{1d6 blade/ 1d6 gaurd, +1 P}
throwing knives(6)--6 identical ulta modern/balenced knives(last of a set of 20 she had made before the coming of the rifts)
{+2 throw}

Sword--"Gregor"-- a Pappenheime with a highly decorated blade and hilt(a strait , cut and thrust sword with hilt consisting of a pair of oval gaurds of perced metal, , recurved quilions, and a knuckle gaurd)[with just the jewles and the metals it is worth a couple million, and to serious collectors it would be priceless]
{+2 init,+2 P, 1d8+2 sd, one handed}

Spear --Food Finder"is a simple bors spear with a shaft made of a dark wood.(a broad leaf shaped head with aa cross piece)[this is a copy of an earlyer spear she had in her posession but this one is made from MDC matirels]
{+2 init& +1 S, +1 P, + 2 throw,  1d8+2 sd}