New Achilles Heel

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Sensitive :cry: : This character is unable to take any form of criticism well. At the slightest provocation (save vs insanity @ -3), the character will burst into tears, and be unable to take any action for 1d4+2 minutes. In addition, the character's Mental Endurance is halved, and has no bonuses vs. mental attacks (even if their powers or abilities would otherwise grant it) while they are crying.
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

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Roscoe Del'Tane wrote:Sensitive :cry: : This character is unable to take any form of criticism well. At the slightest provocation (save vs insanity @ -3), the character will burst into tears, and be unable to take any action for 1d4+2 minutes. In addition, the character's Mental Endurance is halved, and has no bonuses vs. mental attacks (even if their powers or abilities would otherwise grant it) while they are crying.

Oh, that is too funny. :lol:
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Unread post by Prince Cherico »

Hyperactive ditz

The charater has an advanced form of ADD when the charater
talks he often shifts the subject goes on tangents and can forget
what he was originally talking about. the charater has -5% to all
non physical skills and hes also very iratating
Svartalf- if Cherico were a character created in a point game system, he'd have all his scores in geeky skills and his youtube and weird net stuff schticks all paid through a a Terminal Bad Luck (with more nasty GM intervention) disadvantage, and probably an Uncouth (can not have social skills) disad as well...
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
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Slick Rick: The characters feet are incredibly slick, inflicting a penalty of -20% to maintain balance (to be rolled once every five minutes, or each time they change directions), and when they slip, they loose one action and are -2 on all combat rolls for the melee. In addition, there is a good chance, 1-65%, that they will have dropped anything they were carrying in their arms at the time (and they will most likely have made one God-Almight-Racket). On the plus side, double base speed and increase S.D.C. by 15 (padding due to being knocked around so much). The speed increase would be 15% if they have speed powers, but is not both.
The slickness even works through the characters shoes/slippers/boots/whatever. So no trying to weasel around this, the only way to completely avoid it is to either avoid being on your feet, or to chop them off. If you do cut them off, if you get mechanicle replacements, those too are afflicted by the slickery nature of this Heel.

Luddite: The character has NO clue on how to use technology more advanced than a screwdriver or an old-fashioned hand drill (the kind you have to twist yourself). Any attempt to use a computer, or anything hooked up to one, is done at -65%, and it takes THREE times as long. Old fashioned vehicles are fine, as are modern cars and trucks, so long as its a stick shift; and if they dont try and use the radio or anything, they should be fine. If they fail their technology roll, something bad happens, the computer screen blows up, their credit cards de-magnitize, the battery in their cell phone goes dead, etc. ect. (GM's use your discretion to cause maximum annoyance and frustration)
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

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Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Roscoe Del'Tane wrote:Sensitive :cry: : This character is unable to take any form of criticism well. At the slightest provocation (save vs insanity @ -3), the character will burst into tears, and be unable to take any action for 1d4+2 minutes. In addition, the character's Mental Endurance is halved, and has no bonuses vs. mental attacks (even if their powers or abilities would otherwise grant it) while they are crying.

Oh, that is too funny. :lol:
dont :lol: he's sensitive :D
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Sentient Power Source: The characters power source comes from a living energy field co-inhabiting their body, and they are the ones who control the use of the powers. The SEF doesn't tend to understand things like 'civillian identy', and 'non-lethal force', if it sees a threat to its host, it will use any and all abilities to protect itself. So if Captain Avenger is about to get clonked on the back of the head by a mugger while in his civies, his SEF might decide to fry the mugger with the Avengers EE: Plasma. The hero will most likely need to keep his SEF happy happy, so good guys with an evil SEF might have to go kick a kitten or something after a bout of heroics, and vice versa.

Roll for M.E., M.A., and I.Q. for the Sentient Energy Field, use these to roll play the conversations with the character. The two can communicate, but the character is the only one who can 'hear' and understand what the SEF is 'saying'. GM's, feel free to use this to harass your players as much as possible, have the SEF offer comments and sugestions on every situation, asking questions at the most innapropriate times. IF the SEF is feeling abused or ignored, it can shut off all super powers and abilities, causing 1 Hit Point of damage every five minutes the powers are gone. If they decide to punish their partner, it jumps to 1d4 H.P. a melee round.

And if the SEF decides to leave, well by golly they can do that do, stripping the character off all powers, locking them out from getting powers from other means, and reducing their H.P. permanantly by half. Leaving is only possible if they have punished their 'partner' more than 6 times in the last four months, and causes extreme agony, leaving them writhing in pain, screaming and foaming at the mouth, most likely scartching and clawing at their own flesh. Outsiders will be baffled, as not even the most indepth medical scans, magic spells, or psyionic probes will reveal the SEF, and it isn't visible to the naked eye either...
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

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62. Achilles heel: Black out
The character blacks out when his SDC is gone for the next 2D6 minutes the player lose control and what happens it up to the GM. He could go into a rage, run, or be randomly transported hundreds of miles. Whatever the effect it does not have to be the same each time! Putting the player in “new” role playing situations each time.

63. Achilles heel: Mini Max
The character is only 1D4+6” tall and about 1.5 lbs always he runs in feet not yards and other disadvantages do to size, he cannot have any powers that cause him to shrink but growth is ok. He is +20% prowl, +6 dodge and is -5 strike and -1o parry large objects and opponents. PS is unchanged but SDC and HP are half.

64. Achilles heel: Power by Association
The character gains his power from an item (like the crazy hero). However, the twist is that the item must be with in 10 feet of him or his powers fade and any damage to the items is done to his HP directly. If the item is destroyed, the character losses his powers for 1D4 weeks and goes on a vision quest for new power items. This item in normal with normal SDC.

65. Achilles heel: Soul Anchor
The character is a normal person until the super form is taken. When the form is taken there is a mystical chain connecting him to the spot he transformed at, this chain is 100’ long and the character cannot leave that radius to do so he must power down. The chain is not physical and will pass through buildings and objects. If the character runs at the end of the chain he will be fling back 20’ from the end and fighting at the out stretched end of the chain can cause penalties (GMs discretion).

I think soul anchor is my new Fav.
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Unread post by Prince Cherico »

Unlucky in love
when ever the charater loves some one there their significant
other always has somthing fundamentally wrong, chances are
if his SO isnt a raving loon then shes ploting his demise has some
horrible disease or a superpowered evil side
Svartalf- if Cherico were a character created in a point game system, he'd have all his scores in geeky skills and his youtube and weird net stuff schticks all paid through a a Terminal Bad Luck (with more nasty GM intervention) disadvantage, and probably an Uncouth (can not have social skills) disad as well...
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
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Roscoe Del'Tane
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Power of Three: The character has enhanced senses, not quite super human, but at least twice as good as a normal persons, but it has a catch. As the name implies, the charcter can only have three senses working at one time, the other two simply don't exist/function in the slightest. This means if the character has speech, hearing, and sight, their sense of touch is as if they were one step away from being numb across their whoel body, and their taste-buds were non-existant.

To switch senses, the character has to concentrate for a full thirty seconds (two melee rounds) and they can choose the three they need. During this period of concentration, they can take no action of any kind, and cannot perform any skills or use any abilities, everything is focused on opening the mental pathways that their senses flow through. In addition, all attacks aimed at the person while conentrating either do an extra die of damage, or the attacker gets a natural +3 to strike (due to the character making such a good target).
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

"Jack! You've debauched my sloth!" - Steven Matrin

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Roscoe Del'Tane wrote:Power of Three: The character has enhanced senses, not quite super human, but at least twice as good as a normal persons, but it has a catch. As the name implies, the charcter can only have three senses working at one time, the other two simply don't exist/function in the slightest. This means if the character has speech, hearing, and sight, their sense of touch is as if they were one step away from being numb across their whoel body, and their taste-buds were non-existant.

To switch senses, the character has to concentrate for a full thirty seconds (two melee rounds) and they can choose the three they need. During this period of concentration, they can take no action of any kind, and cannot perform any skills or use any abilities, everything is focused on opening the mental pathways that their senses flow through. In addition, all attacks aimed at the person while conentrating either do an extra die of damage, or the attacker gets a natural +3 to strike (due to the character making such a good target).

This seems like more of a minor super ability than an achilles heel.
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Mephisto wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Roscoe Del'Tane wrote:Power of Three: The character has enhanced senses, not quite super human, but at least twice as good as a normal persons, but it has a catch. As the name implies, the charcter can only have three senses working at one time, the other two simply don't exist/function in the slightest. This means if the character has speech, hearing, and sight, their sense of touch is as if they were one step away from being numb across their whoel body, and their taste-buds were non-existant.

To switch senses, the character has to concentrate for a full thirty seconds (two melee rounds) and they can choose the three they need. During this period of concentration, they can take no action of any kind, and cannot perform any skills or use any abilities, everything is focused on opening the mental pathways that their senses flow through. In addition, all attacks aimed at the person while conentrating either do an extra die of damage, or the attacker gets a natural +3 to strike (due to the character making such a good target).

This seems like more of a minor super ability than an achilles heel.

I agree, the senses should be normal. They should only be enhanced if assigned as a super power or mutant characteristic.

the senses of all megas is 50% better so if it was left at that it could be ok. but its not really a heel
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Achilles Heel: External Conduit.

This Heel is suitable for any hero with energy manipulation powers.

The superbeing can generate massive amounts of energy within himself, but can only discharge it through a specific type of object or material. The chosen substance must be something that can be worn next to the skin: without direct contact with the object, the hero cannot access his power.

Maybe this 'prop' is a 12 inch length of copper wire wrapped around the arm of the character with Magnetism, a piece of quartz crystal sewn into the headband of a hero to focus his E.E. Light, or anything else that the player and G.M. agree fits the concept.

The item should be common enough to be readily but not immediately available in a typical urban setting (12 inches of copper wire could be bought at a hardware store, but you'd need to be pretty lucky to find it lying randomly on the ground).

Note that the item itself has no special powers, it merely allows the character to access his own energies.

I like this one, because it lets you create a reverse Cyclops: he needs ruby quartz glasses to let his power out! Actually, ruby quartz is too rare...maybe bifocals? Beware the wrath of Bi-clops! :D
Last edited by Senator Cybus on Fri Oct 05, 2007 9:22 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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66. Achilles heel: Supernaturally Weak
The character can only carry his PS in lbs and lift twice his PS. He does normal human punch and kick damage (or by powers) and has 75% less SDC (not 50% more).
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duck-foot wrote:
dragon_blaze_99 wrote:66. Achilles heel: Supernaturally Weak
The character can only carry his PS in lbs and lift twice his PS. He does normal human punch and kick damage (or by powers) and has 75% less SDC (not 50% more).

that should count has 2 achellis heel

He may be right. you can learn a lot from a duck. :-P
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:
duck-foot wrote:
dragon_blaze_99 wrote:66. Achilles heel: Supernaturally Weak
The character can only carry his PS in lbs and lift twice his PS. He does normal human punch and kick damage (or by powers) and has 75% less SDC (not 50% more).

that should count has 2 achellis heel

He may be right. you can learn a lot from a duck. :-P

no i'd just give them one minor Extra but something like a super vision none combat,
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67. Achilles heel: Wither
The characters physical power slowly withering away. Each level after first the character losses 1D8+2 SDC (he still gains his normal HP). Also at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 he loses 1D4 points of PS a total lost range of 5-20 points of PS. This flaw could cut the characters super life short or seriously restrict his field action.

Now this is a super strong flaw!!!! I would give it to a great hero of you city hows an NPC not a character or A character with Massive Damage Capacity from PU3
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Slave to the Rythm

The charater is ether dead or paralized he can only move when
their is music when deprived of music he drops to the floor unable
to move
Svartalf- if Cherico were a character created in a point game system, he'd have all his scores in geeky skills and his youtube and weird net stuff schticks all paid through a a Terminal Bad Luck (with more nasty GM intervention) disadvantage, and probably an Uncouth (can not have social skills) disad as well...
In an RPG with deadly situations that character would have had to be replaced a dozen times over[
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68. Achilles heel: Geas (Irish myth)
First, it is a vow or obligation placed upon a person (usually a hero, such as Cuchulainn in Irish mythology). Traditionally, the doom of the hero comes about due to their violation of such geasan, either by accident, or by having multiple geasan and then being placed in a position where they have no option but to violate one geas in order to maintain another.
Whenever the character fights against his geas he is – 5 initiative, -5 Strike, -6 parry and -8 dodge, he also gives up auto dodge if any and powers are weakened by 25%. If the character ignores the geas 3 times his powers are striped for 24 hours, if the geas is still disregarded after that powers are gone for 30 days, if the character does not right this action after that then his powers will be permanently taken.
Examples of geas, must protect men, women or children in need, must defend the innocent, must not live above ground there are hundreds of ideas but the Gm should make it applicable to his game. The character can sense those that fall under his geas with in this ME in miles.

69. Achilles heel: Vulnerable by day/night
The character changes into an inanimate by day or night the statue looks somewhat like the character and has an AR of 18 and SDC equal to half the HP and SDC of the character, during this time the character is unaware of anything happening around them.

70. Achilles heel: Mega Flaw
The character becomes weaker around other mega beings. This PS, SDC and HP are all halved and he feels dizzy -1 strike, parry and dodge -4 initiative. The happens when the PC is with in 100 ft. of another mega including team mates and other heroes.
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30 more and I'm to my goal of 100 :D but with everyones we are really close i think i will count....

Edit total with out books and rifters 130 :D evil wins
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dragon_blaze_99 wrote:30 more and I'm to my goal of 100 :D but with everyones we are really close i think i will count....

Edit total with out books and rifters 130 :D evil wins

very impressive, Mr. Kotter...:P
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Senator Cybus wrote:Achilles Heel: External Conduit.

This Heel is suitable for any hero with energy manipulation powers.

The superbeing can generate massive amounts of energy within himself, but can only discharge it through a specific type of object or material. The chosen substance must be something that can be worn next to the skin: without direct contact with the object, the hero cannot access his power.

Maybe this 'prop' is a 12 inch length of copper wire wrapped around the arm of the character with Magnetism, a piece of quartz crystal sewn into the headband of a hero to focus his E.E. Light, or anything else that the player and G.M. agree fits the concept.

The item should be common enough to be readily but not immediately available in a typical urban setting (12 inches of copper wire could be bought at a hardware store, but you'd need to be pretty lucky to find it lying randomly on the ground).

Note that the item itself has no special powers, it merely allows the character to access his own energies.

I like this one, because it lets you create a reverse Cyclops: he needs ruby quartz glasses to let his power out! Actually, ruby quartz is too rare...maybe bifocals? Beware the wrath of Bi-clops! :D

Actually, if the material is too common it really isn't a heel, just a condition of the power itself.
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Achiiles Heel: Shy Powers: The hero suffers from a type of stage fright. His powerrs will not work when anyone else is around or he feels like he is being watched.
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Achilles Heel: Loss of Bowel/Bladder Control: Every time the hero uses an activated power, such as Energy Expulsion, he messes himself. Part of the hero's essential gear will be adult diapers.

Achilles Heel: Retarding Powers: Every time the hero uses an activated power, such as Energy Expulsion, his IQ drops by one point. The IQ points are regained at a rate of one point per hour. Bonuses to skills should reflect the loss of IQ points.

Achilles Heel: Excessive Salivation: Use of the hero's power causes him to drrol uncontrollably whole they are active.

Achilles Heel: Temporary Blindness: Every time the hero uses an activated power, such as Energy Expulsion, he loses his vision for the rest of the melee round(loses initiative, reduced to half attacks and suffers a -10 penalty to all combat actions).

Achlles Heel: Arousal: Use of the hero's powers cause an embarrassing and inappropriate sexual response and physical reaction.

Achilles Heel: Maniacal Laughter: Use of the hero's powers causes him to laugh uncontrollably for the time they are active. -40% to prowl

Achilles Heel: Embarassing Power Expression: The activation of the hero's powers is embarassing. They require some sort of embarassing element, whether it be requiring disrobing, production of unpleasant sounds or odors, the use of inappropriate gestures, or are generated from an embarrassing area of the body. As a result, the hero suffers a -4 to initiative.
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Mephisto wrote:Could the Blindness and Arousal combination be called the INXS Heel? :-D

"Don't use your power that way, you're going to go blind..." :lol:
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71. Achilles heel: Energy Aura
The character has a glowing aura when ever using his powers. The aura makes the hero an easy target +5 strike at night/dark and +2 during the day/in light. The aura radiates around the character 1 ft. + 1ft at 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15, the aura prevents the character from physical touching anything the can punch with the aura but cannot operate a computer or give medical help with out turning it off.

72. Achilles heel: Weapon ward
The character cannot use weapons; he cannot learn WP and weapons malfunction around him. If he is holding, a weapon there is a 98% chance that it will back fire for modern weapons doing double damage to the character. Melee and ancient weapons fall apart at touching swords will bend it and bowstrings will break. Magical weapons will not work for him but will not brake doing only 1 point of damage. High technology weapons like vibro swords will not work and will brake. He is also – 10 strike and parry when using weapons (or at least trying to).
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:
Mephisto wrote:Could the Blindness and Arousal combination be called the INXS Heel? :-D

"Don't use your power that way, you're going to go blind..." :lol:

BAKA Hentai :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :D
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Long one

73. Achilles heel: Calorie consumption
Calories measure the amount of energy that is supplied by carbohydrates, fats, and proteins in food. The energy supplied by food is needed for vital body functions like growth, movement, and thought.
• 1,600 calories is about right for many sedentary women and some older adults
• 2,200 calories is about right for most children, teenage girls, active women, and many sedentary men (Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding may need somewhat more.)
• 2,800 calories is about right for teenage boys, many active men, and some very active women
This character requires 10 times the calories for there age and activity level. A character not receiving these amounts of calories becomes extremely weakened. For every 1000 calories below the required amount the character, lose 1 from strike, parry, dodge, roll and pull. For every 5000 calories below, he loses 1 action and 20% of this super abilities power. If the character get only the normal calories for there age and activity level the character is reduce to a normal person losing all powers until the hero takes in double there daily normal intake.
Example: an Active male hero needs 28,000 calories which is equal to 48 1/4 lbs. hamburgers with cheese or equal to 23 12” Meat & Vegetable Pizza.

the cost would be extreme 23 pizzas at say $15=$345
even the burgers 48 at 1.50= $72
so one month of food could be $2160 to $10,000 easy
Calorie tables
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74. Achilles heel: Dark avenger
The characters powers have been given by a evil creature that for some reason cannot strip the powers. So instead it sends a Dark Avenger to harass the Mega, this avenger can attacks at anytime but normal when the hero has little time to spend dealing with it. However the DA is not lethal just extremely annoying, it will slow down, pester and bother the hero. Penalties are -40% to all skills, 1/2 actions, -4 strike, parry and dodge. The appearance of the DA can be anything like shadow crows or rats but they are supernatural in nature with HF of 9 and 10 HP 2 attacks per round that does 1D4 damage. Primarily the evil creature is trying to make the mega change sides and not kill him but if push comes to shove, the force will become lethal.

75. Achilles heel: Heart of a Hero
The mega sees himself as a true hero. Anytime he is forced to run from battle, leave a team mate, hero or civilian behind or is defeated he must make a save Vs. insanity (14) or loses his power for 1D4 days. If the hero fails 3 rolls in a row he must save again Vs. a 16 if this roll fails he loses his powers for another 1D4 weeks and 10% of his total SDC permanently.
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76. Achilles heel: Nine lives
The mega body does not recover well from being defeated. When the character SDC is reduces to zero, he loses 10% on his permanent SDC and 1D4 PB. If the character is reduced to zero or lower HP (and recovers) his SDC is still reduce by 10% but so are his HP and this PB drops by 2 more points. The small up side of this power is the character can survive damage to -50 HP and will heal and normal rates even at -50 with no medical help.
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I like Heart of a Hero.

Achilles Heels: Glad Rags: The hero likes wearing that old worn out shirt and pair of pants, so much so that he incorporates them into his costume, making it that much harder to hide his identity. His clothing is easily torn in battle and provides little protection, yet he would rather wear it than riot gear or other armor.

Achilles Heels: Glazed Eyes: The character's eyes are perpetually glazed over like he is drugged. Suffers a -2 ro Perception and -10% to Detect Concealment and other skills requiring close observation, as well as -2 to all combat moves.
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:I like Heart of a Hero.

Achilles Heels: Glad Rags: The hero likes wearing that old worn out shirt and pair of pants, so much so that he incorporates them into his costume, making it that much harder to hide his identity. His clothing is easily torn in battle and provides little protection, yet he would rather wear it than riot gear or other armor.

Achilles Heels: Glazed Eyes: The character's eyes are perpetually glazed over like he is drugged. Suffers a -2 rolls Perception and -10% to Detect Concealment and other skills requiring close observation, as well as -2 to all combat moves.

thanks and Glazed eyes is good, glad Rags should have a little more penalty to it
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dragon_blaze_99 wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I like Heart of a Hero.

Achilles Heels: Glad Rags: The hero likes wearing that old worn out shirt and pair of pants, so much so that he incorporates them into his costume, making it that much harder to hide his identity. His clothing is easily torn in battle and provides little protection, yet he would rather wear it than riot gear or other armor.

Achilles Heels: Glazed Eyes: The character's eyes are perpetually glazed over like he is drugged. Suffers a -2 rolls Perception and -10% to Detect Concealment and other skills requiring close observation, as well as -2 to all combat moves.

thanks and Glazed eyes is good, glad Rags should have a little more penalty to it

Yeah, but I was not sure what to add for penalties. I like the premise but was unsure how it would affect the hero. Any suggestions?
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:
dragon_blaze_99 wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:I like Heart of a Hero.

Achilles Heels: Glad Rags: The hero likes wearing that old worn out shirt and pair of pants, so much so that he incorporates them into his costume, making it that much harder to hide his identity. His clothing is easily torn in battle and provides little protection, yet he would rather wear it than riot gear or other armor.

Achilles Heels: Glazed Eyes: The character's eyes are perpetually glazed over like he is drugged. Suffers a -2 rolls Perception and -10% to Detect Concealment and other skills requiring close observation, as well as -2 to all combat moves.

thanks and Glazed eyes is good, glad Rags should have a little more penalty to it
maybe unsure of himself when wearing other clothing -15% on skills -1 action -2 strike, parry and dodge.

Yeah, but I was not sure what to add for penalties. I like the premise but was unsure how it would affect the hero. Any suggestions?
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Let me try this again:

Achilles Heels: Glad Rags: The hero likes wearing that old worn out shirt and pair of pants, so much so that he incorporates them into his costume, making it that much harder to hide his identity. His clothing is easily torn in battle and provides little protection, yet he would rather wear it than riot gear or other armor.
When not wearing his favorite duds into battle, the hero suffers anxiety, making him -2 to initiative, -1 to all combat moves, and his powers are cut to half power lvel, limiting duration, range and damage to half normal.

How is that?
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:Let me try this again:

Achilles Heels: Glad Rags: The hero likes wearing that old worn out shirt and pair of pants, so much so that he incorporates them into his costume, making it that much harder to hide his identity. His clothing is easily torn in battle and provides little protection, yet he would rather wear it than riot gear or other armor.
When not wearing his favorite duds into battle, the hero suffers anxiety, making him -2 to initiative, -1 to all combat moves, and his powers are cut to half power lvel, limiting duration, range and damage to half normal.

How is that?
perfect!!!!!! i was doing a similar Heel called security blanket.
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77. Achilles heel: Jinn Descendant
The character is “inflicted” with an overwhelming compulsion to respond to any individual’s statement that begins, “I wish….” They will not act outside of the boundaries of their alignment, but they will do as much as possible to fulfill or assist that person to achieve their desire.

78. Achilles heel: Atlas Complex
The character literally has the weight of the world, emotionally at least, on his shoulders. This person feels responsible for any failure, even if they could not have prevented it, or if it was caused by another person’s actions. They never forgive themselves any personal failure; excuses are acceptable for others but not this guy. An event like the Bloody Monday riots would likely overload this character to the extent that they would try to kill themselves by taking on far to powerful of opponents or alternately try to perform single-handedly the duties of their fallen comrades insisting that they need no other help as a way of atoning for their failure.

79. Achilles Heel: Nymph

The character requires a certain amount of positive social interaction with the opposite sex in order to maintain their abilities. For every D6 hours, they require 10 minutes of interaction wherein the guy/girl must be charmed completely. Or, their abilities are halved and at that point they require 20 minutes of interaction to regain them fully. If they continue to fail (solitary confinement etc) they lose all access to their abilities until the have the undivided attention of a member of the opposite sex for D6+2 hours.

80. Achilles Heel: Indelible Blood

The character has a strange flaw; any item, living or inanimate that their blood touches or falls on, is permanently stained and retains its vibrant hue. Concrete for example would bear this stain all they way through in that spot; only by destruction of the tissue or area of this effect can this marker be removed. Also, due to the practical applications for such a substance 1 fluid ounce of the character’s blood is worth 100,000 dollars. If discovered the character could easily end up a “cash cow” or someone’s experiment to recreate their blood’s unique characteristics. They cannot donate blood and any transfusions must be from a universal donor or the character goes into shock.
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81. Achilles Heel: Weekend Warrior
" TGIF it's Power Guy time"
The characters powers are limited to the 60 hours span from noon on Friday to midnight Sunday. From Monday to noon Friday the character is normal with normal stats and may not even know if the weekend warrior (however the warrior always knows of lesser form), the characters weekend escapades my cause problems from Monday to Friday that as a normal person he cannot deal with.
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82. Achilles Heel: Arch Nemesis
The character has an Arch Nemesis how he/she is obsessed with, the character will spent much of his time tracking and hunting said villain, if the nemesis is show on T.V or internet the hero runs of to combat them no mater what he is doing at the time including battling other villains. All this is normal hero villain archetype the flaw is the hero and villain are immune to each others super abilities and the super brawls between the two tend to lead to a great amount of destruction all around them do to this odd flaw. At some point the local heroes, law enforcement and the PC own team will try to stop the two from fighting at all. The two are also link in life and death if one dies so does the other. Why this supernatural connection exists is up to the player and or the GM. The villain should be equal or greater skill/level and a mega with the same Flaw!
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83. Achilles Heel: Chakra points
The characters seven chakra points are the key to his super human abilities hitting these point will cause extra damage (double) and the corresponding power will turn off for 1D4 minutes. Each of the characters powers must be tied to one or more chakra points that make sense to both the player and GM. For ease of use all the powers can be tied to all seven points but reduce the power shut off time to 1D4 melees. The chakra points are small target requiring a called shot at -3 to strike.
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84. Achilles Heel: “White” Knight
The characters powers are controlled by how clean he is, if the character gets covered by dirt or grim his powers fade in proportion so if 10% of the character and his clothing are covered his powers fade by 10%. The powers say weakened until the character has a chance to clean him and his clothing.
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8 new heels and on comments at all.... is there something wrong with them
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Thanks Mephisto but its getting harder and harder to come up with them so feed back is nice
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I like the chakra one. Where did you ever get the idea to use chakras? :roll:
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Stone Gargoyle wrote:I like the chakra one. Where did you ever get the idea to use chakras? :roll:
I dont know some guy post a chakra power :P :lol:
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I like the weekend warrior one, too. Perfect for a supersoldier in the National Guard. :lol:
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hey SG one of my players is using your Background Thoughts flaw for a non mega character and the first game was great super fun flaw to run thanks
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dragon_blaze_99 wrote:hey SG one of my players is using your Background Thoughts flaw for a non mega character and the first game was great super fun flaw to run thanks

Yeah, it just seems like a no brainer.
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Achilles Heel: Dolly Reliance:
The hero is unsure of himself when not holding his favorite toy or object; -15% on skills -1 action -2 strike, parry and dodge.
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O.K this one is a little out there but I think it would be great fun.

85. Achilles Heel: Jacked-In
The character is a normal person who controls his hero identity via a first person shooter or 3/4 view fighting game. He views thing as if it is a video game and my not know that he is transformed into the hero and it is not a game! In addition, if someone else gets control of the game the Hi jacks the characters physical body. The player my save Vs mind control every 10 minutes to try to break free. The Hi jacked character can not control his transformation and some could find out the ID of said hero when they transform him back.
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Prince Cherico wrote:Virgenity based powers

If the charater loses his virginity he loses his powers

ok Prince I know you posted this back a bit but i need so verification.

is this Virginity as in body only or chastity as in mind, body, spirit and thought. Just asking because if its chastity we have to make a new evil alignment for you :D

thanks Dragon_blaze
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