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Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 5:40 pm
by SRoss
Arnie100 wrote:Random MCHS #69 Student #1: "I'm gonna ask for a transfer."
Random MCHS #69 Student #2: "Ditto."

"You'll have to see the Principle about that..." :twisted:

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 7:12 pm
by taalismn
SRoss wrote:
Arnie100 wrote:Random MCHS #69 Student #1: "I'm gonna ask for a transfer."
Random MCHS #69 Student #2: "Ditto."

"You'll have to see the Principle about that..." :twisted:

"We call this the 'Catch-22'."

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 10:33 pm
by Alpha 11
taalismn some point maybe we should develop a pseudo-stat bloc for MCHS#69 akin to Ice Guard(and for The Deep Ones as well).
Sort of along the lines of the Palladium Organizations/Guilds chart, with things like Student Population, Sponsorship, Transportation, Uniforms/Gear. Special Perks, etc.....

:lol: :roll:

Kargan3033 wrote:
taalismn wrote:
SRoss wrote:MCH #69 Cafeteria.

The assembled hoard of Kyle and Edwards clone zombies burst in and see Erin Kincade aka; Blaze. Swathed in flame she smiles and gives them her best "You know I'm directly related to Surtr" look. As one the zombies turn to flee and are confronted by Rei.

Zombies: "Uuuuh!" (Translation: Oh Crud!)

Cut to: Outside view as the cafeteria explodes throwing flaming zombie chunks everywhere.

This is akin to a minor vampire walking into the Van Helsing Family Annual Convention(with Vampire Hunter D as a guest speaker)

There's a story(reported on the Bozo Criminals website) about a pair of hold-up men who held up a bus in Brazil, grabbing people's valuables at knifepoint, then had the bus pull up to a big crowd so they could lose themselves in the biomass.
The crowd turned out to be a public gathering of Brazilian police at an awards ceremony. The Chief of Police reportedly couldn't leave the podium fast enough to personally oversee the arrest of the idiots.
It's one of those moments you wish you could just read the bozos' thoughts in that instance...

LOL I guess it goes to show that being a criminal is not all it's cracked up to be, talk about tripping for biskits.


taalismn wrote:
Kargan3033 wrote:[LOL I guess it goes to show that being a criminal is not all it's cracked up to be, talk about tripping for biskits.

I think the figure was that 70% of crimes are solved not through brilliant detective work, but the stupidity of the criminals.
Cases in point:
*Criminals getting stuck in chimneys and vents.
*Criminals leaving pieces of themselves behind(signed recipients, filled-in resumes, prosthetic parts with serial numbers).
*Health issues(burglar suffering catatonic seizures freezes going over fence, or getting stuck in narrow alleyway)
*Trail of Breadcrumbs+Captain Obvious('What sawn-off stolen waterheater behind me, officer?")

:lol: :lol:

SRoss wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Kargan3033 wrote:[LOL I guess it goes to show that being a criminal is not all it's cracked up to be, talk about tripping for biskits.

I think the figure was that 70% of crimes are solved not through brilliant detective work, but the stupidity of the criminals.
Cases in point:
*Criminals getting stuck in chimneys and vents.
*Criminals leaving pieces of themselves behind(signed recipients, filled-in resumes, prosthetic parts with serial numbers).
*Health issues(burglar suffering catatonic seizures freezes going over fence, or getting stuck in narrow alleyway)
*Trail of Breadcrumbs+Captain Obvious('What sawn-off stolen waterheater behind me, officer?")

My personal favorite...
* British plumber who robbed a bank and used his work van, with his Name, Address and Phone Number on the side, as the getaway vehicle.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Kargan3033 wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Kargan3033 wrote:[LOL I guess it goes to show that being a criminal is not all it's cracked up to be, talk about tripping for biskits.

I think the figure was that 70% of crimes are solved not through brilliant detective work, but the stupidity of the criminals.
Cases in point:
*Criminals getting stuck in chimneys and vents.
*Criminals leaving pieces of themselves behind(signed recipients, filled-in resumes, prosthetic parts with serial numbers).
*Health issues(burglar suffering catatonic seizures freezes going over fence, or getting stuck in narrow alleyway)
*Trail of Breadcrumbs+Captain Obvious('What sawn-off stolen waterheater behind me, officer?")

You know I'm inclined to agree with you on that since the cops seem as useful as **** on a bull when it comes to stoping crime dispite the fact that they clame to *stop* a high number of crimes through *Hard Work*

There are good and bad people in every work place.

Kargan3033 wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Kargan3033 wrote:
taalismn some point maybe we should develop a pseudo-stat bloc for MCHS#69 akin to Ice Guard(and for The Deep Ones as well).
Sort of along the lines of the Palladium Organizations/Guilds chart, with things like Student Population, Sponsorship, Transportation, Uniforms/Gear. Special Perks, etc.....

You know I was thinking about that, let me get my wits about me and I'll see what I can come up with unless you want to have a crack at it.

We can always adjust it later, punch it up, since it's going to be rather loose anyways.

Sure and " No Coment. " 8-) :lol: :mrgreen:

I'll go off line and work it up once you or some one who knows answer this question, What is the population of Monument City?


Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 10:51 pm
by Alpha 11
taalismn wrote:
Kargan3033 wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Kargan3033 wrote:
taalismn some point maybe we should develop a pseudo-stat bloc for MCHS#69 akin to Ice Guard(and for The Deep Ones as well).
Sort of along the lines of the Palladium Organizations/Guilds chart, with things like Student Population, Sponsorship, Transportation, Uniforms/Gear. Special Perks, etc.....

You know I was thinking about that, let me get my wits about me and I'll see what I can come up with unless you want to have a crack at it.

We can always adjust it later, punch it up, since it's going to be rather loose anyways.

Sure and " No Coment. " 8-) :lol: :mrgreen:

I'll go off line and work it up once you or some one who knows answer this question, What is the population of Monument City?

Nothing stated anywhere with any authority, but I'd say larger than modern Denver(rough 2.4 million), maybe closer to modern New York City's 8 million; a higher than normal portion of the population being involved in the military-industrial complex.

Even if we are generous with the survivers of the Rain of Death, might that be a little on the high side?

Arnie100 wrote:Arnie100: "What's this? The annual 'Who Lived And Died' Staff and Student Body list?"
taalismn: "Yup."
Arnie100: "Huh...only half the school so far."

:lol: :lol: :shock:

taalismn wrote:
Kargan3033 wrote:
taalismn wrote:Looking at it as we speak.....Scribbling a few notes, and I'll try to shoot something back to you tomorrow if I can get through dealing with the federal government and other RL issues.

Sure no problem, why are the Feds on your ass for, said something they didn't like*rolls eyes*

IRS....I filed everything I needed to do, they cashed the check(according to my bank), but now they're claiming I didn't file a return.
The kicker is, the notification letter sez, after delivering a dire warning; 'Ignore if you have already sent in your tax return"...
And calling them to deal with the matter just gets me disconnected because 'we are dealing with a heavier than normal workload. Please try again later'.
I was already dealing with the IRS decision NOT to mail out tax forms, or even send them to the public libraries(leading to people blaming us, or wondering why we didn't print out, at library expense, 50+ page tax booklets on demand, and the backlog of ordering direct from the IRS..... :|

On the other hand, when I had to dispose of my old car and waited in a long DMV line for a replacement certificate of title, I learned my old junker was so ancient it didn't NEED a title for transfer or disposal...1 hour line wait....45 second answer, and I was out the door. I'm really hoping this will be a similar case of 'Oops. we accidentally panicked you with an erroneous mailing', because if not, then somebody made off with my tax payment....

Bah! Enough!

Sorry to hear these troubles.

Arnie100 wrote:"So...we get a training mission today?"
"Oh, goodie! What is it?"
"Take out the IRS building!"
(Sounds of cheers and applause in the background)

:lol: :lol: :lol: :D :twisted:

Kargan3033 wrote:The following MCHS#69 stats are a choberation between me and Taalismn

This is what Taalismn added


On the edges of Monument City, verging the wastelands. The spot once hosted a Zentraedi work camp, then a munitions factory, so it has the remains of old barracks and support plumbing, and the earthern berms and ‘blow away’ construction of explosives factories.

Government; although why the funding comes from the Department of Corrections and not the Department of Education is a mystery to the staffers.

-Lab, shop, and gym facilities are all based on the aforementioned ‘blow away’ construction, allowing for dispersal of blast forces, and quick replacement with modular construction. The use of modular sections also allows for the customization of the facilities and an ever-changing floorplan, which confuses the hell out of anybody from outside who’s had to visit over any length of time.
-In contrast, the cafeteria and kitchen is fortifed as a Hazmat containment facility, though whether it’s to prevent tampering with the food or contain culinary experiments gone wrong, is a hotly-debated topic amongst students and faculty.

Full range intercom and radio. Most faculty carry cellphones and pagers, and the school has hotline connections to city services, dial-a-prayer, and building contractors(those that don’t already have dedicated remote sensors installed on-site). Only problem is, many, of not most, calls to the fire department or police get met with choked maniacal laughter before being cut off.

MCHS#69 maintains a small motorpool of buses, vans, and general transport(though many students live on campus), as well as several APCs and military surplus vehicles that were obviously rescued from the junker(and which are either being used by the shop for practice, or as target practice). Many of the vehicles have had to be rebuilt or refurbished by the class garage-shop in order to keep running, or to run in the first place). Though students are not allowed mecha, it’s rumored nevertheless that MCHS#69 has collected enough scrap parts that they’ve been putting together an IMU or two(or three).

To keep them in, or keep them out? Effectively an army; the ASC will capture any escaped students and return them to MCHS#69. Inside, the students pretty much take care of themselves. Actually, the barbed wire and armored windows have become something of a pride-of-place thing.

External Infiltration:
They can get in; they can’t get out. Assuming that MCHS#69 is a cover for some nefarious UEG secret program, a number of external organizations have tried to infiltrate the facility. The lucky ones were killed; the unlucky ones became faculty. And what few reports those have managed to smuggle out to their former employers have been disbelieved.

MCHS#69 students are required to wear school uniforms; skirt, blouse, and blazer for girls, pants, shirt, and jacket for boys. Of course, the blazer/jacket is flak-jacket rated, and most students wear combat boots, but that’s to be expected. Personal weaponry is the students’ to procure on their own; the school does not provide any(but looks the other way where the arms dealers are concerned, as long as the arms peddlers fill out the right paperwork and file the right licenses).

Administrative Control:
I’m sorry; we don’t normally hear those two words in conjunction with one another.

Most of MCHS#69’s budget goes into repairs and containment, with only nickels and dimes left over for special projects or programs. Under such circumstances, the school welcomes program sponsors, provided they don’t try to take over the school(as the ‘Disciples of Zod’ tried to do), brainwash the students(as Petit Cola tried to do), or use the school as a base for illegal activities(the ill-fated meth lab).

BWHHHHAAAHHHHAAAHHAAAAAHAAAAAA....sorry, you expect to get PAID for working here? What part about your transferal agreement here from the rest of the school system didn’t you read? Or were you asleep in court when your lawyer made the plea-bargain?

Here's my stat block for MCSH#69
Monument City Highschool#69

Number of students:275


Principle:Fredricks Dieter
Vice Principle:Vance Stubbs
Guidance Consular:T.R. Edwards
Head Dietitian:The Regis
P.E. Teacher/school's head coach:Anatole Leonard
School Nurse:Death Korps Medic Female Model 68b#6345
Computer Sciences Teacher:The Awareness
Physics Teacher:The Doctor(Tom Baker)
Automotive Teacher:Cyber Leader
Arts Teacher:Relena Peacecraft(Self styled pot smoking 1960's hippie)
Sociology Teacher:The Believer
Chemistry Teacher:Omni Marikawa(Shizuka's big(er) and more loving(honry)sister)

Dana Sterling
Nova Satori
Marie Crystal
Angelo Dante
Louie Nicoles
Oddetta DeRoyal

Sister Of Repentant Woes All Girls AcademyA.K.A, The Meat Market
An all female school consisting of nothing but sexualy furstrated, steroid abusing body building muscle head biker dykes

Head Student:Integra Hellmond
Misty Ash(Integra's right hand/go to girl)

Fairlight Milltary Academy
The top of the top/best of the best privet schools complete with stuck up/snobby arrogent spoiled, rich scum bags

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 10:56 pm
by Alpha 11
taalismn wrote:Yeah, and the school student exchange program is more like 'prisoner relocation' in most cases... :D :P

:lol: :lol:

Kargan3033 wrote:
taalismn wrote:Yeah, and the school student exchange program is more like 'prisoner relocation' in most cases... :D :P

Yes that is true and the best thing is MCHS#69 does not discriminate, human, zent, TDDP or whatever the staff accepts all kinds of students.


SRoss wrote:Nice starting list, but there are still a few names to add.


Librarian/Quantum Math: taalismn
Defense? Against Dark Arts: Arnie 100
Sex Ed: Lynn Minmei
Home Ec/Agroculture: The Regess
Phys Ed: Kyron
Unknown: SRoss


Erin Kincade/Blaze
Shinji Stirling
Various Rei clones


taalismn wrote:
SRoss wrote:Nice starting list, but there are still a few names to add.


Librarian/Quantum Math: taalismn

This fits more than you know, because I suck at high math....
"If Y weighs 2.387 tonnes and is traveling at X miles per hour, and z weighs 1.846 tonnes is traveling at b kilometers per hour and they collide at a 30 degree angle, what direction does the combined mass go-?"
"What if Y uses a rocket launcher to blast that troublesome z off the road before he gets a chance to sideslam him?"
"You'd be classed as a violent offender, taalismn."

:lol: :lol:

Kargan3033 wrote:A few more MCHS#69 staffers
Compairtive Relgions:Ultron, Axlor, Locon(Robtech Masters)

Matince/pumbling/grounds keepers/The Bio Sanitation Squad

Driver's Education:Uncle Albert


taalismn wrote:
Kargan3033 wrote:A few more MCHS#69 staffers
Compairtive Relgions:Ultron, Axlor, Locon(Robtech Masters)


"There goes the computer lab again..."

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Kargan3033 wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Kargan3033 wrote:A few more MCHS#69 staffers
Compairtive Relgions:Ultron, Axlor, Locon(Robtech Masters)


"There goes the computer lab again..."

No that would be The Awareness VS Skynet who dicieded to settle their diffrences with a game of thermelnuclear Pong.

:lol: :lol: :eek:

taalismn wrote:
Kargan3033 wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Kargan3033 wrote:A few more MCHS#69 staffers
Compairtive Relgions:Ultron, Axlor, Locon(Robtech Masters)


"There goes the computer lab again..."

No that would be The Awareness VS Skynet who dicieded to settle their diffrences with a game of thermelnuclear Pong.

Whoever wins, the bystanders still lose...


Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 10:58 pm
by Alpha 11
SRoss wrote:
taalismn wrote:
SRoss wrote:Nice starting list, but there are still a few names to add.


Librarian/Quantum Math: taalismn

This fits more than you know, because I suck at high math....
"If Y weighs 2.387 tonnes and is traveling at X miles per hour, and z weighs 1.846 tonnes is traveling at b kilometers per hour and they collide at a 30 degree angle, what direction does the combined mass go-?"
"What if Y uses a rocket launcher to blast that troublesome z off the road before he gets a chance to sideslam him?"
"You'd be classed as a violent offender, taalismn."

That's Ok, Astraea is the only one in your class who puts up her hand to answer questions. :D


Arnie100 wrote:Arnie100: "Just because some of the stuff I teach can summon some kind of dark entity isn't my fault...I need something that can eat the stude -- er, the students can practice defending thrmselves against. SERIOUSLY. Its not like I'm offering my students for sacrifices...well, the ones that get detention don't count."

:lol: :lol:

taalismn wrote:
SRoss wrote:[That's Ok, Astraea is the only one in your class who puts up her hand to answer questions. :D

"How much explosive yield do you recommend using?"
"Enough to finish the job, with spare change."


Kargan3033 wrote:
Arnie100 wrote:Arnie100: "Just because some of the stuff I teach can summon some kind of dark entity isn't my fault...I need something that can eat the stude -- er, the students can practice defending thrmselves against. SERIOUSLY. Its not like I'm offering my students for sacrifices...well, the ones that get detention don't count."

Well that exsplanes why the Student Insurence costs more then the total GDP of the Robotech Master's empire at the hight of it's power.

:lol: :lol:

Arnie100 wrote:
taalismn wrote:
SRoss wrote:[That's Ok, Astraea is the only one in your class who puts up her hand to answer questions. :D

"How much explosive yield do you recommend using?"
"Enough to finish the job, with spare change."

Arnie100: "She'll probably graduate with honors!"


Kargan3033 wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Kargan3033 wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Kargan3033 wrote:A few more MCHS#69 staffers
Compairtive Relgions:Ultron, Axlor, Locon(Robtech Masters)


"There goes the computer lab again..."

No that would be The Awareness VS Skynet who dicieded to settle their diffrences with a game of thermelnuclear Pong.

Whoever wins, the bystanders still lose...

Like that's ever bothered the two of them or 97.3% of the MCHS#69's students and staff.


taalismn wrote:As a student simply and literally pulls the plug on both of them..
"It was that easy?"
"Hey, this universe, and they're running on desktops? Yeah, it's that easy."

:lol: :lol:

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 11:02 pm
by Alpha 11
SRoss wrote:Plus there's always the threat of UPDATING their OSs with Windows.

:lol: :lol:

taalismn wrote:
SRoss wrote:Plus there's always the threat of UPDATING their OSs with Windows.

"Or we let Billy play video games on your hardware."


SRoss wrote:"Not talking so tough after he spilled that sixth Redbull, are you?"


taalismn wrote:<<"That primitive organic ape's nerve ganglia must be too simple to be affected by electrocution, the casual manner in which he fumbles liquid junkfood into electrical lifelines!!! Again, the sheer perversity of your filthy organic constitutions serves your nefarious plans to thwart my ascension to rule the cosmos with clean machine logic!">>


SRoss wrote:Nursing Staff:

Jill (Alektra Maria von Levenherz)

:lol: :eek: :?

taalismn wrote:
SRoss wrote:Nursing Staff:

Jill (Alektra Maria von Levenherz)

"Couldn't just kill me, could you? No, I'm now typecast doing prostate exams and cavity searches...."

:lol: :lol:

SRoss wrote:
taalismn wrote:
SRoss wrote:Nursing Staff:

Jill (Alektra Maria von Levenherz)

"Couldn't just kill me, could you? No, I'm now typecast doing prostate exams and cavity searches...."

"Could be worse ... Look what we did to Embryo."

Cut To: A locked chamber, Embryo is there surrounded by chattering Minmei clones.

Embryo: (Shooting himself in the head repeatedly) :frazz: :frazz: :frazz: "OH GOD!!! WHY DO I KEEP REAPPEARING HERE!!!" :frazz: :frazz: :frazz:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 11:11 pm
by Alpha 11
Arnie100 wrote:(Mad Genius) School Doctor and. Science Teacher: Dr. Washu Hakubi
School Love Interest: Tenchi Masaki
Tenchi's Bodyguards (Love Interests): Ryoko, Ayeka and Sasami

:lol: Poor Tenchi.

taalismn wrote:
Arnie100 wrote:(Mad Genius) School Doctor and. Science Teacher: Dr. Washu Hakubi
School Love Interest: Tenchi Masakii

Maybe older, college-age Tenchi, doing an internship as a teacher's aide and kendo teacher(because after the Rain of Death, martial training of all sorts took on a new importance...and even though waving a stick or a sword at somebody in an age of guns and mecha might SEEM funny, of you still mange to disarm, KO, or run somebody through, it's not funny or useless. Besides, what anime-based high school ISN'T complete without kendo?).

True. Plus he gots his energy blades and Light Hawk Wings.

SRoss wrote:School sensha-dō Instructors: Miho Nishizumi and KAS-DA.


Arnie100 wrote:Self-Defense Instructors: Goku and Vegeta

:lol: :eek: :shock: :? WILL the plant still be there tommarrow?

taalismn wrote:
Arnie100 wrote:Self-Defense Instructors: Goku and Vegeta

THis is sort of like Time Loops Ranma Saotome, as a favor to Belldandy, trying to train Keiichi Morisato up so he isn't perma-killed as a target for demons, or having sex with Goddess Belldandy. Unfortunately, Ranma's 'hardening exercises' consisted of throwing sudden power-up attacks at Keiichi in hopes of getting the guy to become perceptually aware, fast, and durable. That was the theory.
The PRACTICE on the other hand was that Keiichi would die in .3 seconds of one of Ranma's attacks, requiring Ranma to resurrect/respawn the poor guy before attacking him again. Even Ranma had to conclude that this might take a while....

:lol: :lol: Just get the Dragon Balls to power him up.

glitterboy2098 wrote:Chief librarian: Joseph Carpenter
Chief assistant librarian: Wendy Earhart.

The library is curiously well stocked considering the school's budget.


Arnie100 wrote:School Chef: Iron Chef Chairman Takeshi Kaga


Kargan3033 wrote:
taalismn wrote:
SRoss wrote:Nursing Staff:

Jill (Alektra Maria von Levenherz)

"Couldn't just kill me, could you? No, I'm now typecast doing prostate exams and cavity searches...."

At lest your *handy* at it, have you ever considered getting *in touch* with your inter feelings, you seem to have some unresovled issues.


Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 11:24 pm
by Alpha 11
Kargan3033 wrote:
SRoss wrote:
taalismn wrote:
SRoss wrote:Nursing Staff:

Jill (Alektra Maria von Levenherz)

"Couldn't just kill me, could you? No, I'm now typecast doing prostate exams and cavity searches...."

"Could be worse ... Look what we did to Embryo."

Cut To: A locked chamber, Embryo is there surrounded by chattering Minmei clones.

Embryo: (Shooting himself in the head repeatedly) :frazz: :frazz: :frazz: "OH GOD!!! WHY DO I KEEP REAPPEARING HERE!!!" :frazz: :frazz: :frazz:

At lest the Minimei clones are not speaking *Punny*...yet. :twisted: :lol: :mrgreen:


Arnie100 wrote:Cheerleading Squad: Kyle and Minmei clones
Assistant School Chef: Chef

:lol: :lol:

SRoss wrote:2[sup]nd[/sup] Assistant Chef: The Swedish Chef.

Head Lunch Lady: Doris Freedman

Assistant Server: The Alien Queen

:lol: :eek:

Arnie100 wrote:School Football Team: Edwards Clones
Random MCHS #69 Student #1: "This is why we suck, isnt't it?"
Random MCHS #69 Student #2: "Yup."

:lol: :lol:

Kargan3033 wrote:Ice Hockey Teams:3rd gen Ice Gaurds


taalismn wrote:
Arnie100 wrote:School Football Team: Edwards Clones
Random MCHS #69 Student #1: "This is why we suck, isnt't it?"
Random MCHS #69 Student #2: "Yup."

Despite their actual chronological age, Edwards' clone are ineligible to be part of a high school sports team, except maybe as waterboys. It's a rule passed after too many schools signed up beefy-physiqued Zentraedi grunts, claiming that their 'from out of the tank' age made them perfect age-wise for high school sports. The courts closed that loophole, ruling that Zentraedi were, in effect, part of the adult education program.


taalismn wrote:
Kargan3033 wrote:Ice Hockey Teams:3rd gen Ice Gaurds

Visiting team; Ice Guard kids are home/base-schooled.


Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 11:26 pm
by Alpha 11
Arnie100 wrote:Random MCHS #69 Student #1: "We REALLY suck, dont't we?"
Random MCHS #69 Student #2: "Yup."


guardiandashi wrote:
Arnie100 wrote:Random MCHS #69 Student #1: "We REALLY suck, dont't we?"
Random MCHS #69 Student #2: "Yup."

mostly because of all the rules preventing the use of weapons and lethal force on the field.... if not for that a team of actual MCHS #69 students would do really well.

but the games is football, not murderball, or bloodbowl.


taalismn wrote:
guardiandashi wrote:
Arnie100 wrote:Random MCHS #69 Student #1: "We REALLY suck, dont't we?"
Random MCHS #69 Student #2: "Yup."

mostly because of all the rules preventing the use of weapons and lethal force on the field.... if not for that a team of actual MCHS #69 students would do really well.

but the games is football, not murderball, or bloodbowl.

And any attempts to get the other team to forfeit by not being able to leave the lockerroom before the game, for whatever reason, are frowned upon.


Arnie100 wrote:Random MCHS #69 Student #1: "I'm gonna ask for a transfer."
Random MCHS #69 Student #2: "Ditto."


SRoss wrote:
Arnie100 wrote:Random MCHS #69 Student #1: "I'm gonna ask for a transfer."
Random MCHS #69 Student #2: "Ditto."

"You'll have to see the Principle about that..." :twisted:


taalismn wrote:
SRoss wrote:
Arnie100 wrote:Random MCHS #69 Student #1: "I'm gonna ask for a transfer."
Random MCHS #69 Student #2: "Ditto."

"You'll have to see the Principle about that..." :twisted:

"We call this the 'Catch-22'."


Security team one: The Knight Sabers.

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 11:38 pm
by taalismn
Alpha 11 wrote:[
Security team one: The Knight Sabers.

Actually they just sent Nene in to infiltrate the school. She only THINKS they're waiting in the wings as backup.
(Somewhere in the original BGC, I believe Priss gets off a line about Sylvia being perfectly willing to sacrifice Nene to gain an advantage, although it might have been during a training round of paintball, and was prompted by Nene being sent forward to get hosed while Sylvia ambushed Linna and Priss from behind).

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 3:58 pm
by Kargan3033
taalismn wrote:
Alpha 11 wrote:[
Security team one: The Knight Sabers.

Actually they just sent Nene in to infiltrate the school. She only THINKS they're waiting in the wings as backup.
(Somewhere in the original BGC, I believe Priss gets off a line about Sylvia being perfectly willing to sacrifice Nene to gain an advantage, although it might have been during a training round of paintball, and was prompted by Nene being sent forward to get hosed while Sylvia ambushed Linna and Priss from behind).

Gee and women say men are *untrustworthy* :lol: :mrgreen:

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 4:48 pm
by glitterboy2098
actually no, the Knight Sabers hired as security are obviously the crew from the BGC2040 universe.. ( :) ) , who needed more work after resolving the Galatea related events.

which will make things interesting once they encounter BGC-prime's infiltrator..

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 10:55 pm
by taalismn
"Sylvia? Isn't that bike one of YOUR designs?"
"No, it's called a MODAT, and I can't sue."

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 11:26 pm
by Alpha 11
taalismn wrote:
Alpha 11 wrote:[
Security team one: The Knight Sabers.

Actually they just sent Nene in to infiltrate the school. She only THINKS they're waiting in the wings as backup.
(Somewhere in the original BGC, I believe Priss gets off a line about Sylvia being perfectly willing to sacrifice Nene to gain an advantage, although it might have been during a training round of paintball, and was prompted by Nene being sent forward to get hosed while Sylvia ambushed Linna and Priss from behind).

Poor Nene. :shock:

Kargan3033 wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Alpha 11 wrote:[
Security team one: The Knight Sabers.

Actually they just sent Nene in to infiltrate the school. She only THINKS they're waiting in the wings as backup.
(Somewhere in the original BGC, I believe Priss gets off a line about Sylvia being perfectly willing to sacrifice Nene to gain an advantage, although it might have been during a training round of paintball, and was prompted by Nene being sent forward to get hosed while Sylvia ambushed Linna and Priss from behind).

Gee and women say men are *untrustworthy* :lol: :mrgreen:


glitterboy2098 wrote:actually no, the Knight Sabers hired as security are obviously the crew from the BGC2040 universe.. ( :) ) , who needed more work after resolving the Galatea related events.

which will make things interesting once they encounter BGC-prime's infiltrator..

:lol: That would be a cool write up the read.

taalismn wrote:"Sylvia? Isn't that bike one of YOUR designs?"
"No, it's called a MODAT, and I can't sue."


Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 1:38 pm
by taalismn
"Nene, you can close your mouth now."
"Pink?! PINK?!"

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 8:49 pm
by Alpha 11
taalismn wrote:"Nene, you can close your mouth now."
"Pink?! PINK?!"


Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 9:59 pm
by taalismn
And from the other side:
"Blonde? BLONDE?! And any shorter and it would be a crewcut!"

(frankly, original BGC was better BGC....if for no other reason than Leon and Daley were both real. The later series tragically dumbed both of them down. To be honest, I didn't mind that it was implied Daley was gay...though in the ADPolice mangas, it was also implied that he had empathy bordering on telepathy...or at least insanely good perception when it came to reading people).

Okay, I'm putting up Daley Wong as a guidance consoler, if for no other reason than his calm demeanor would drive Edwards up the wall....

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 7:25 pm
by Kargan3033
taalismn wrote:And from the other side:
"Blonde? BLONDE?! And any shorter and it would be a crewcut!"

(frankly, original BGC was better BGC....if for no other reason than Leon and Daley were both real. The later series tragically dumbed both of them down. To be honest, I didn't mind that it was implied Daley was gay...though in the ADPolice mangas, it was also implied that he had empathy bordering on telepathy...or at least insanely good perception when it came to reading people).

Okay, I'm putting up Daley Wong as a guidance consoler, if for no other reason than his calm demeanor would drive Edwards up the wall....

And so the battle of wits and wills between the two guidance consolers began in earnist with MCHS#69 and Monument City as the battle ground and the students and the rest of the staff and the total population of Monument City as pawns in their game of one upmenship. :twisted:

" I see your Dana and raise you a Nova. "

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 8:50 pm
by taalismn
Phoenix Wright: "Nope, not taking that retainer."

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2015 1:25 am
by Arnie100
Team Knight Saber vs Team Knight Saber 2040...FIGHT!

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2015 11:59 am
by taalismn
Arnie100 wrote:Team Knight Saber vs Team Knight Saber 2040...FIGHT!

"...and food poisoning wins...."
"Shouldn't have grabbed a snack from the cafeteria before the rumble."

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2015 11:14 pm
by Alpha 11
taalismn wrote:And from the other side:
"Blonde? BLONDE?! And any shorter and it would be a crewcut!"

(frankly, original BGC was better BGC....if for no other reason than Leon and Daley were both real. The later series tragically dumbed both of them down. To be honest, I didn't mind that it was implied Daley was gay...though in the ADPolice mangas, it was also implied that he had empathy bordering on telepathy...or at least insanely good perception when it came to reading people).

Okay, I'm putting up Daley Wong as a guidance consoler, if for no other reason than his calm demeanor would drive Edwards up the wall....

:lol: :lol:

Kargan3033 wrote:
taalismn wrote:And from the other side:
"Blonde? BLONDE?! And any shorter and it would be a crewcut!"

(frankly, original BGC was better BGC....if for no other reason than Leon and Daley were both real. The later series tragically dumbed both of them down. To be honest, I didn't mind that it was implied Daley was gay...though in the ADPolice mangas, it was also implied that he had empathy bordering on telepathy...or at least insanely good perception when it came to reading people).

Okay, I'm putting up Daley Wong as a guidance consoler, if for no other reason than his calm demeanor would drive Edwards up the wall....

And so the battle of wits and wills between the two guidance consolers began in earnist with MCHS#69 and Monument City as the battle ground and the students and the rest of the staff and the total population of Monument City as pawns in their game of one upmenship. :twisted:

" I see your Dana and raise you a Nova. "


taalismn wrote:Phoenix Wright: "Nope, not taking that retainer."


Arnie100 wrote:Team Knight Saber vs Team Knight Saber 2040...FIGHT!


taalismn wrote:
Arnie100 wrote:Team Knight Saber vs Team Knight Saber 2040...FIGHT!

"...and food poisoning wins...."
"Shouldn't have grabbed a snack from the cafeteria before the rumble."

:lol: :lol:

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 8:02 pm
by taalismn
"Although admittedly Priss could probably count projectile vomiting as a martial art..."

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 8:07 pm
by Kargan3033
taalismn wrote:"Although admittedly Priss could probably count projectile vomiting as a martial art..."

Oh so she's a budding young artist is she?

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 8:16 pm
by taalismn
Kargan3033 wrote:
taalismn wrote:"Although admittedly Priss could probably count projectile vomiting as a martial art..."

Oh so she's a budding young artist is she?

Power-burping young artist, more like it.
"Told yah. If you're going to sit in the front row when she's on stage in that condition, wear a raincoat and face shield."

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 8:28 pm
by Kargan3033
taalismn wrote:
Kargan3033 wrote:
taalismn wrote:"Although admittedly Priss could probably count projectile vomiting as a martial art..."

Oh so she's a budding young artist is she?

Power-burping young artist, more like it.
"Told yah. If you're going to sit in the front row when she's on stage in that condition, wear a raincoat and face shield."

And if she's had the Mystery Meat lunch then full NBC gear is a must.

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 10:01 pm
by taalismn
Kargan3033 wrote:[
And if she's had the Mystery Meat lunch then full NBC gear is a must.

Just wasn't Leon's day....

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 10:02 pm
by Alpha 11
taalismn wrote:"Although admittedly Priss could probably count projectile vomiting as a martial art..."


taalismn wrote:
Kargan3033 wrote:
taalismn wrote:"Although admittedly Priss could probably count projectile vomiting as a martial art..."

Oh so she's a budding young artist is she?

Power-burping young artist, more like it.
"Told yah. If you're going to sit in the front row when she's on stage in that condition, wear a raincoat and face shield."

:lol: :lol:

Kargan3033 wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Kargan3033 wrote:
taalismn wrote:"Although admittedly Priss could probably count projectile vomiting as a martial art..."

Oh so she's a budding young artist is she?

Power-burping young artist, more like it.
"Told yah. If you're going to sit in the front row when she's on stage in that condition, wear a raincoat and face shield."

And if she's had the Mystery Meat lunch then full NBC gear is a must.

:lol: :lol: :lol: And maybe for heavy back up, Unit 2 from Patlabor (with the same mecha look whys, but updated, everything).

taalismn wrote:
Kargan3033 wrote:[
And if she's had the Mystery Meat lunch then full NBC gear is a must.

Just wasn't Leon's day....


Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 5:28 pm
by Kargan3033
taalismn wrote:
Kargan3033 wrote:[
And if she's had the Mystery Meat lunch then full NBC gear is a must.

Just wasn't Leon's day....

Well at lest we know what happened to the Resident Evil serise reject critters.

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 9:18 pm
by Alpha 11
Kargan3033 wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Kargan3033 wrote:[
And if she's had the Mystery Meat lunch then full NBC gear is a must.

Just wasn't Leon's day....

Well at lest we know what happened to the Resident Evil serise reject critters.

:lol: :eek:

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 6:19 pm
by taalismn
There's a tracphone ad that is, like so many of its ilk, rather forgettable, except for a sequence where the narrating school science teacher, using the phone to coordinate all matter of science work, relates during the school activity montage, 'reassuring Principal Jones' as he looks horrified as the kids launch a model rocket off the front lawn of the school.
Now, I figure most school principals are made of sterner stuff, and most would actually be out ON the lawn watching their students launching off stuff, rather than freaking out, so why is this guy the exception?

Answer: he's one of OUR Joneses.
"I get kinda nervous around rockets and missiles...especially when they change direction and start coming at me....It's sorta a family thing....One of the reasons I don't attend family gatherings unless I'm assured certain people AREN'T going to be there...and we have a well-constructed bunker handy nearby."

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 11:45 pm
by Alpha 11
taalismn wrote:There's a tracphone ad that is, like so many of its ilk, rather forgettable, except for a sequence where the narrating school science teacher, using the phone to coordinate all matter of science work, relates during the school activity montage, 'reassuring Principal Jones' as he looks horrified as the kids launch a model rocket off the front lawn of the school.
Now, I figure most school principals are made of sterner stuff, and most would actually be out ON the lawn watching their students launching off stuff, rather than freaking out, so why is this guy the exception?

Answer: he's one of OUR Joneses.
"I get kinda nervous around rockets and missiles...especially when they change direction and start coming at me....It's sorta a family thing....One of the reasons I don't attend family gatherings unless I'm assured certain people AREN'T going to be there...and we have a well-constructed bunker handy nearby."

:lol: :lol:

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 10:58 am
by taalismn
"Just his dumb luck those things were heatseekers and he was standing next to the grill..."

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 2:24 pm
by Kargan3033
taalismn wrote:"Just his dumb luck those things were heatseekers and he was standing next to the grill..."

Or a consperacy of the Gods to thin out the Jones's blood line due the the What The **** curse on the Jones's blood line that threatens to destory reality it'self if there are to many Joneses is exsitance.

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 2:39 pm
by Arnie100
"Be thankful you weren't at he school BBQ..."
"Is it still too late for a transfer to some place safe like...Ninja High School??"

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 8:40 pm
by Kargan3033
*The Dark Nerv Empire*

Evil Overlord Gendo:" Splicing in Xenomorph DNA into the Rei Clones has created a terrfiying effective bio-weapon. "

Evil Sub-lord Shinji:" How so Father? "

Evil Overlord Gendo:" Watch and learn Son. "

*Evil Overlord Gendo presses a button on the remote tied to the Magi and Evil Sub-lord shinji watchas a cuite chibi Xeno-Rei with sitting in a part full of old folks as old women walks up to the chibi Xeno-Rei who is content to gurggle cutely*

Doomed Old Lady: "Well 'arnt you the cutest little thing. "

Chibi Xeno-Rei Clone: " Skree!(I'm cute, love me!) "

* Suddenly Chibi Xeno-Rei's mouth opens impossably wide and an inter set of fanged jaws punches into the old women's forehead and then out of the back of her head in a spay of bloody and shreaded brain matter*

*Then there is the sound of thunder and the cloaked remote camara droid pans to the left to show a nigh endless wave of cute Chibi Xeno-Rei clones swarming into the city*

Evil Sub-lord Shiji:" Well I have to admit they are quite effective in creating terror. " he says as he watched as the doomed propulation run screaming for their lives in bowel wrneching terror before they are overtaken by the swarm of cutie Chibi xeno-Rei clones and reduced with bones that are stripped clean of all flesh in thirty seconds, thrity seconds of unimagable pain, horror and terror*

Evil Overlord Gendo:" If you think they are effective at this stage of their lives you should see what happens when they reach their teenage years. "

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 8:59 pm
by Kargan3033
Kargan3033 wrote:Evil Overlord Gendo:" If you think they are effective at this stage of their lives you should see what happens when they reach their teenage years. "

Sargent Slaughter:" All right you apes, everytime a teenage Xeno-Rei ******* God kills a human so we are in this for the spices! "

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 9:00 pm
by taalismn
...then Gendo %^&$^$s up by sending them to MCHS#69

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 9:03 pm
by Kargan3033
taalismn wrote:...then Gendo %^&$^$s up by sending them to MCHS#69

Which admittly is not one of his *better* plans depending on the outcome of said plan.

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 11:21 pm
by Alpha 11
taalismn wrote:"Just his dumb luck those things were heatseekers and he was standing next to the grill..."

:lol: :lol:

Kargan3033 wrote:
taalismn wrote:"Just his dumb luck those things were heatseekers and he was standing next to the grill..."

Or a consperacy of the Gods to thin out the Jones's blood line due the the What The **** curse on the Jones's blood line that threatens to destory reality it'self if there are to many Joneses is exsitance.


Arnie100 wrote:"Be thankful you weren't at he school BBQ..."
"Is it still too late for a transfer to some place safe like...Ninja High School??"


Kargan3033 wrote:*The Dark Nerv Empire*

Evil Overlord Gendo:" Splicing in Xenomorph DNA into the Rei Clones has created a terrfiying effective bio-weapon. "

Evil Sub-lord Shinji:" How so Father? "

Evil Overlord Gendo:" Watch and learn Son. "

*Evil Overlord Gendo presses a button on the remote tied to the Magi and Evil Sub-lord shinji watchas a cuite chibi Xeno-Rei with sitting in a part full of old folks as old women walks up to the chibi Xeno-Rei who is content to gurggle cutely*

Doomed Old Lady: "Well 'arnt you the cutest little thing. "

Chibi Xeno-Rei Clone: " Skree!(I'm cute, love me!) "

* Suddenly Chibi Xeno-Rei's mouth opens impossably wide and an inter set of fanged jaws punches into the old women's forehead and then out of the back of her head in a spay of bloody and shreaded brain matter*

*Then there is the sound of thunder and the cloaked remote camara droid pans to the left to show a nigh endless wave of cute Chibi Xeno-Rei clones swarming into the city*

Evil Sub-lord Shiji:" Well I have to admit they are quite effective in creating terror. " he says as he watched as the doomed propulation run screaming for their lives in bowel wrneching terror before they are overtaken by the swarm of cutie Chibi xeno-Rei clones and reduced with bones that are stripped clean of all flesh in thirty seconds, thrity seconds of unimagable pain, horror and terror*

Evil Overlord Gendo:" If you think they are effective at this stage of their lives you should see what happens when they reach their teenage years. "

:eek: :shock: :? I thought this was supposed to be the funny thread? This looks like it should be in the crossover one.

Kargan3033 wrote:
Kargan3033 wrote:Evil Overlord Gendo:" If you think they are effective at this stage of their lives you should see what happens when they reach their teenage years. "

Sargent Slaughter:" All right you apes, everytime a teenage Xeno-Rei ******* God kills a human so we are in this for the spices! "


taalismn wrote:...then Gendo %^&$^$s up by sending them to MCHS#69

:lol: :lol:

Kargan3033 wrote:
taalismn wrote:...then Gendo %^&$^$s up by sending them to MCHS#69

Which admittly is not one of his *better* plans depending on the outcome of said plan.


Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 2:12 pm
by taalismn
"So are you here on a scholarship, a court order, or because you're inhuman abominations?"

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 3:40 pm
by SRoss
Meanwhile ... at MCH #69...

The Cheerleading Squad - Strips to their underwear, and loads up with weapons and ammo.

The School Morals Committee (aka. The Sisters of Cle err Repentia) - Strips naked, and loads up with weapons and ammo.

The Sensha-dō Class - Strips to their underwear, and starts their tanks.

The Defense Against Dark Arts Class - Umm, you REALLY don't wanna know what they're doing!!! :erm:

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 3:52 pm
by taalismn
...and I assume the school photography club is practicing their blind-making skills and operation of surveillance gear and telephoto lenses...

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 9:39 pm
by Alpha 11
taalismn wrote:"So are you here on a scholarship, a court order, or because you're inhuman abominations?"

:lol: :lol: :lol:

SRoss wrote:Meanwhile ... at MCH #69...

The Cheerleading Squad - Strips to their underwear, and loads up with weapons and ammo.

The School Morals Committee (aka. The Sisters of Cle err Repentia) - Strips naked, and loads up with weapons and ammo.

The Sensha-dō Class - Strips to their underwear, and starts their tanks.

The Defense Against Dark Arts Class - Umm, you REALLY don't wanna know what they're doing!!! :erm:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

taalismn wrote:...and I assume the school photography club is practicing their blind-making skills and operation of surveillance gear and telephoto lenses...

:lol: So that's were the school gets the money to keep going...

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 10:21 pm
by taalismn
Alpha 11 wrote:[

:lol: So that's were the school gets the money to keep going...

Not if they get caught...then any profit is negated by medical care and funerary expenses.

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 8:42 am
by Kargan3033
taalismn wrote:"So are you here on a scholarship, a court order, or because you're inhuman abominations?"

" All of the above. "

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 8:44 am
by Kargan3033
SRoss wrote:Meanwhile ... at MCH #69...

The Cheerleading Squad - Strips to their underwear, and loads up with weapons and ammo.

The School Morals Committee (aka. The Sisters of Cle err Repentia) - Strips naked, and loads up with weapons and ammo.

The Sensha-dō Class - Strips to their underwear, and starts their tanks.

The Defense Against Dark Arts Class - Umm, you REALLY don't wanna know what they're doing!!! :erm:

Ahh the teenage years, rife with hormones and heavy firepower. :mrgreen: :lol:

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 1:50 pm
by taalismn
Ahh the teenage years, rife with hormones and heavy firepower. :mrgreen: :lol:[/quote]

Yeah, well, the irony of life: sex kills.

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 4:19 pm
by Kargan3033
taalismn wrote:[quote="Kargan3033
Ahh the teenage years, rife with hormones and heavy firepower. :mrgreen: :lol:

Yeah, well, the irony of life: sex kills.[/quote]

True enough but at lest you get off before you get offed. 8) :mrgreen: :lol:

Geeky, emo goth girl:" Do you like sex and death?, I do. "

Total bad ass male student:" Good then you can **** off and die. "