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Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 3:45 pm
by say652
And proud, my cousin mutated into a Robot. Ten generations of cross breeding mutants has done interesting effects...

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 4:03 pm
by SRoss
Later... In the Detention Hall...

Sarah, chalk in hand, writing over and over on the blackboard...

I will not chase the Hall monitor up a tree, and bite him... I will not chase the Hall monitor up a tree, and bite him... I will not chase the Hall monitor up a tree, and bite him... I will not chase the Hall monitor up a tree, and bite him... I will not chase the Hall monitor up a tree, and bite him... I will not chase the Hall monitor up a tree, and bite him... I will not chase the Hall monitor up a tree, and bite him... I will not chase the Hall monitor up a tree, and bite him... I will not chase the Hall monitor up a tree, and bite him... I will not chase the Hall monitor up a tree, and bite him... I will not chase the Hall monitor up a tree, and bite him... I will not chase the Hall monitor up a tree, and bite him...

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 4:15 pm
by say652
Sitting at a local tavern, Sebastian sipped a strong drink slowly.
.."so then the damn kid bit me, I didn't want to get fired for batting up a kid....needless to say I spent three hours up a tree!"

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 4:17 pm
by taalismn
say652 wrote:Sitting at a local tavern, Sebastian sipped a strong drink slowly.
.."so then the damn kid bit me, I didn't want to get fired for batting up a kid....needless to say I spent three hours up a tree!"

"Sir, we're still waiting on the rabies test results..."

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 4:21 pm
by taalismn
say652 wrote:According to my union rep, all experimental hours are billed at double overtime and 16 hours of vacation is accumulated per session.
Also my insurance company replaced the motorcycle.

Here is my paperwork for my comp case, I have anxiety and require smoking this acrid smelling tobacco that makes me hungry.....

"Cute. He actually thinks his union has any authority at MCHS#69.....What happened to the last union rep that came around here?"
"The one who disappeared? Or the one who fled to the Vatican, in hopes 'the evil couldn't reach him there'?"

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 4:55 pm
by SRoss
taalismn wrote:
say652 wrote:According to my union rep, all experimental hours are billed at double overtime and 16 hours of vacation is accumulated per session.
Also my insurance company replaced the motorcycle.

Here is my paperwork for my comp case, I have anxiety and require smoking this acrid smelling tobacco that makes me hungry.....

"Cute. He actually thinks his union has any authority at MCHS#69.....What happened to the last union rep that came around here?"
"The one who disappeared? Or the one who fled to the Vatican, in hopes 'the evil couldn't reach him there'?"

"By the way, your Hall Monitor uniform arrived." :mrgreen: (Hands Sabastian a Red Shirt.

Karno: "Hey it even plays the Hall Monitor theme."

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 5:34 pm
by Arnie100
Random MCHS Student #1: "I'm so glad I'm not a hall monitor..."
Random MCHS Student #2: "Why?"
Random MCHS Student #1: "You see what's happening to the new guy? It's only been a couple of days..."
Random MCHS Student #2: "You're to be him."

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 6:00 pm
by taalismn
Arnie100 wrote:Random MCHS Student #2: "You're to be him."

"Not until the Physics Club powers up their model black hole."

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 9:30 pm
by Alpha 11
say652 wrote:Using the electric motor setting in his Jump Bike, Mr Snow patrolled the many halls. Wearing his preferred cargo pants, a sleeveless t shirt with his multioptics visor on top of his head.

He looked more like a wandering Mercenary than a Hall Guardian.

Guess he decided to go with that job.

taalismn wrote:
say652 wrote:Using the electric motor setting in his Jump Bike, Mr Snow patrolled the many halls. Wearing his preferred cargo pants, a sleeveless t shirt with his multioptics visor on top of his head.

He looked more like a wandering Mercenary than a Hall Guardian.

At least until the walls started humming, his bike started levitating, then suddenly and unexpectedly hit 90 gees of acceleration.....

"So at that speed what happens to anything organic?"
"Well, depending on how tough he is, and whether he lied on his personnel file, he either becomes a glowing ionized tracer trail or he gets to see what a hypersonic bullet feels like before hitting a mountainside."

:lol: :lol:

say652 wrote:Several miles later removing himself from a crater, smoking clothes and bike vaporized.

Mr Snow, relatively unhurt prepared his workman comp case.....

:lol: :shock: It's going to be a long school year for him.

taalismn wrote:"HE SURVIVED! :D *SQUEE!* :D I HAVE A NEW GUINEA PIG!!!"

Ah, being munchkin only means everybody else doesn't have to hold back. :twisted:

Washu, right? :eek: :lol:

SRoss wrote:
taalismn wrote:"HE SURVIVED! :D *SQUEE!* :D I HAVE A NEW GUINEA PIG!!!"

Ah, being munchkin only means everybody else doesn't have to hold back. :twisted:

Sarah: "Hmmm, I wonder, what if we convert the hallway from a Mass Driver into a Reflex Cannon?"

:eek: :shock: :? :badbad:

taalismn wrote:
SRoss wrote:
taalismn wrote:"HE SURVIVED! :D *SQUEE!* :D I HAVE A NEW GUINEA PIG!!!"

Ah, being munchkin only means everybody else doesn't have to hold back. :twisted:

Sarah: "Hmmm, I wonder, what if we convert the hallway from a Mass Driver into a Reflex Cannon?"

"Stay where you are, Mister Snow, we want to try something."

:lol: RUN!!!!!!!!!

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 9:31 pm
by Alpha 11
Arnie100 wrote:Edwards: "At least they found someone new to torment!"
Kyle: "Shut up before they notice us!"

:lol: :twisted: To late.

say652 wrote:If you want someone really powerful to experiment on I know a guy....

Do tell.

taalismn wrote:
say652 wrote:If you want someone really powerful to experiment on I know a guy....

"Mr. Snow, we frown on volunteering your Fourth Wall counterpart for in-thread activities. He looks rather fragile for what the Physics Class seems to have in mind...."


say652 wrote:According to my union rep, all experimental hours are billed at double overtime and 16 hours of vacation is accumulated per session.
Also my insurance company replaced the motorcycle.

Here is my paperwork for my comp case, I have anxiety and require smoking this acrid smelling tobacco that makes me hungry.....

:lol: :lol:

SRoss wrote:"Well we have no tobacco, but there's plenty of Flower of Life and used Hookahs lying around."

:lol: :eek: :shock: :?

say652 wrote:I got a prescription for catnip sir.


SRoss wrote:
say652 wrote:I got a prescription for catnip sir.

Sarah: "CAT!?!" :x


say652 wrote:And proud, my cousin mutated into a Robot. Ten generations of cross breeding mutants has done interesting effects...

:lol: :lol:

SRoss wrote:Later... In the Detention Hall...

Sarah, chalk in hand, writing over and over on the blackboard...

I will not chase the Hall monitor up a tree, and bite him... I will not chase the Hall monitor up a tree, and bite him... I will not chase the Hall monitor up a tree, and bite him... I will not chase the Hall monitor up a tree, and bite him... I will not chase the Hall monitor up a tree, and bite him... I will not chase the Hall monitor up a tree, and bite him... I will not chase the Hall monitor up a tree, and bite him... I will not chase the Hall monitor up a tree, and bite him... I will not chase the Hall monitor up a tree, and bite him... I will not chase the Hall monitor up a tree, and bite him... I will not chase the Hall monitor up a tree, and bite him... I will not chase the Hall monitor up a tree, and bite him...

:lol: :lol:

say652 wrote:Sitting at a local tavern, Sebastian sipped a strong drink slowly.
.."so then the damn kid bit me, I didn't want to get fired for batting up a kid....needless to say I spent three hours up a tree!"


Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 9:33 pm
by Alpha 11
taalismn wrote:
say652 wrote:Sitting at a local tavern, Sebastian sipped a strong drink slowly.
.."so then the damn kid bit me, I didn't want to get fired for batting up a kid....needless to say I spent three hours up a tree!"

"Sir, we're still waiting on the rabies test results..."


taalismn wrote:
say652 wrote:According to my union rep, all experimental hours are billed at double overtime and 16 hours of vacation is accumulated per session.
Also my insurance company replaced the motorcycle.

Here is my paperwork for my comp case, I have anxiety and require smoking this acrid smelling tobacco that makes me hungry.....

"Cute. He actually thinks his union has any authority at MCHS#69.....What happened to the last union rep that came around here?"
"The one who disappeared? Or the one who fled to the Vatican, in hopes 'the evil couldn't reach him there'?"

:lol: :lol: :lol:

SRoss wrote:
taalismn wrote:
say652 wrote:According to my union rep, all experimental hours are billed at double overtime and 16 hours of vacation is accumulated per session.
Also my insurance company replaced the motorcycle.

Here is my paperwork for my comp case, I have anxiety and require smoking this acrid smelling tobacco that makes me hungry.....

"Cute. He actually thinks his union has any authority at MCHS#69.....What happened to the last union rep that came around here?"
"The one who disappeared? Or the one who fled to the Vatican, in hopes 'the evil couldn't reach him there'?"

"By the way, your Hall Monitor uniform arrived." :mrgreen: (Hands Sabastian a Red Shirt.

Karno: "Hey it even plays the Hall Monitor theme."


Arnie100 wrote:Random MCHS Student #1: "I'm so glad I'm not a hall monitor..."
Random MCHS Student #2: "Why?"
Random MCHS Student #1: "You see what's happening to the new guy? It's only been a couple of days..."
Random MCHS Student #2: "You're to be him."


taalismn wrote:
Arnie100 wrote:Random MCHS Student #2: "You're to be him."

"Not until the Physics Club powers up their model black hole."

:lol: :eek: :shock: :? They must be throwing a lot of cash their way if they can do that.

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 10:39 pm
by taalismn
No, they're doing it on a shoestring budget, so they have to cut corners safety measures.

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 4:15 am
by guardiandashi
say652 wrote:Sitting at a local tavern, Sebastian sipped a strong drink slowly.
.."so then the damn kid bit me, I didn't want to get fired for batting up a kid....needless to say I spent three hours up a tree!"

umm depending on the tree there is a good chance it wouldn't have stopped "Sarah"

(mutant Wolf Dogboy, with supernatural PS (in the 40's) supernatural PE (also around 40 I think) and she is over 7ft tall

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 3:12 pm
by SRoss
guardiandashi wrote:
say652 wrote:Sitting at a local tavern, Sebastian sipped a strong drink slowly.
.."so then the damn kid bit me, I didn't want to get fired for batting up a kid....needless to say I spent three hours up a tree!"

umm depending on the tree there is a good chance it wouldn't have stopped "Sarah"

(mutant Wolf Dogboy, with supernatural PS (in the 40's) supernatural PE (also around 40 I think) and she is over 7ft tall

It didn't, that's why she's in the detention hall. 8-)

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 3:22 pm
by SRoss
Dante Sister #1: (Sharpening her spear) "I still can't believe Tenchi wouldn't go out with us." :-(

Dante Sister #2: (Polishing her breast plate) "Sisters, perhaps Tenchi considers us too young?"

Dante Sister #3: (Unknotting her bola) "Maybe, we should start with a male more in our age group?"

Dante Sisters #4 thru 12: (Various tasks) "Excellent idea sister!" :mrgreen:

Elsewhere, at his locker, Magruder felt a growing sense of dread...

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 4:41 pm
by Arnie100
Tenchi: "At least they're after someone else."
Ryohko: "No one will get past us!"
Ayeka: "You're OURS, Tenchi!"
Tenchi: "Oh, boy." :nh:

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 7:38 pm
by taalismn
SRoss wrote:[

Elsewhere, at his locker, Magruder felt a growing sense of dread...

"Now YOU get to feel what blunt force cranial trauma is like..."

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 9:38 pm
by Alpha 11
taalismn wrote:No, they're doing it on a shoestring budget, so they have to cut corners safety measures.

:lol: :eek: :shock: :?

guardiandashi wrote:
say652 wrote:Sitting at a local tavern, Sebastian sipped a strong drink slowly.
.."so then the damn kid bit me, I didn't want to get fired for batting up a kid....needless to say I spent three hours up a tree!"

umm depending on the tree there is a good chance it wouldn't have stopped "Sarah"

(mutant Wolf Dogboy, with supernatural PS (in the 40's) supernatural PE (also around 40 I think) and she is over 7ft tall

Have to agree.

SRoss wrote:
guardiandashi wrote:
say652 wrote:Sitting at a local tavern, Sebastian sipped a strong drink slowly.
.."so then the damn kid bit me, I didn't want to get fired for batting up a kid....needless to say I spent three hours up a tree!"

umm depending on the tree there is a good chance it wouldn't have stopped "Sarah"

(mutant Wolf Dogboy, with supernatural PS (in the 40's) supernatural PE (also around 40 I think) and she is over 7ft tall

It didn't, that's why she's in the detention hall. 8-)

:lol: :lol:

SRoss wrote:Dante Sister #1: (Sharpening her spear) "I still can't believe Tenchi wouldn't go out with us." :-(

Dante Sister #2: (Polishing her breast plate) "Sisters, perhaps Tenchi considers us too young?"

Dante Sister #3: (Unknotting her bola) "Maybe, we should start with a male more in our age group?"

Dante Sisters #4 thru 12: (Various tasks) "Excellent idea sister!" :mrgreen:

Elsewhere, at his locker, Magruder felt a growing sense of dread...

:lol: :lol: :lol: Well, at least the others will get a little break.

Arnie100 wrote:Tenchi: "At least they're after someone else."
Ryohko: "No one will get past us!"
Ayeka: "You're OURS, Tenchi!"
Tenchi: "Oh, boy." :nh:


taalismn wrote:
SRoss wrote:[

Elsewhere, at his locker, Magruder felt a growing sense of dread...

"Now YOU get to feel what blunt force cranial trauma is like..."


Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 3:37 pm
by Arnie100
Random MCHS Student #1: "Just another day in the neighborhood..."
Random MCHS Student #2: "Ayup. Glad those girls don't bother us like that."
Random MCHS Student #1: "Don't you dream about being fought over by beautiful girls?"
Random MCHS Student #2: "THEY don't seem to happy about it."
Random MCHS Student #1: "You got a point."

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 7:59 pm
by taalismn
"Well, after the sex ed lecture, I can rightly say I'm mentally scarred for life...."
"Is it the men or the women who put the chestbursters into you?"

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 12:21 am
by Alpha 11
Arnie100 wrote:Random MCHS Student #1: "Just another day in the neighborhood..."
Random MCHS Student #2: "Ayup. Glad those girls don't bother us like that."
Random MCHS Student #1: "Don't you dream about being fought over by beautiful girls?"
Random MCHS Student #2: "THEY don't seem to happy about it."
Random MCHS Student #1: "You got a point."


taalismn wrote:"Well, after the sex ed lecture, I can rightly say I'm mentally scarred for life...."
"Is it the men or the women who put the chestbursters into you?"

:lol: :lol: I honestly don't want to know...

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 8:15 pm
by taalismn
Alpha 11 wrote:[
:lol: :lol: I honestly don't want to know...

...annnndddd that ignorance is what's going to kill you.... :P

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 8:37 pm
by Arnie100
Random MCHS Student #1: " was sex ed?"
Random MCHS Student #2: :shock:
Random MCHS Student #1: "That bad, huh?"
Random MCHS Student #2: "I think I'm scarred for the rest of my life." (Shudders)

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 8:56 pm
by taalismn
Arnie100 wrote:Random MCHS Student #1: " was sex ed?"
Random MCHS Student #2: :shock:
Random MCHS Student #1: "That bad, huh?"
Random MCHS Student #2: "I think I'm scarred for the rest of my life." (Shudders)

"Maybe having an old artillery captain give the class was not the BEST choice..."
"-load charge, and RAM it home! Screw it closed, lock the breech,open your mouth, and prepare to PULL that lanyard! "
:shock: :eek: :shock:

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 9:29 pm
by Arnie100
Random MCHS Stusent #2: :shock :eek: "Seriously."

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 9:43 pm
by Alpha 11
taalismn wrote:
Alpha 11 wrote:[
:lol: :lol: I honestly don't want to know...

...annnndddd that ignorance is what's going to kill you.... :P

So, either go insane, and I might live, or just get killed, great choices. :roll:

Arnie100 wrote:Random MCHS Student #1: " was sex ed?"
Random MCHS Student #2: :shock:
Random MCHS Student #1: "That bad, huh?"
Random MCHS Student #2: "I think I'm scarred for the rest of my life." (Shudders)

:lol: :lol:

taalismn wrote:
Arnie100 wrote:Random MCHS Student #1: " was sex ed?"
Random MCHS Student #2: :shock:
Random MCHS Student #1: "That bad, huh?"
Random MCHS Student #2: "I think I'm scarred for the rest of my life." (Shudders)

"Maybe having an old artillery captain give the class was not the BEST choice..."
"-load charge, and RAM it home! Screw it closed, lock the breech,open your mouth, and prepare to PULL that lanyard! "
:shock: :eek: :shock:

:lol: :lol: :badbad:

Arnie100 wrote:Random MCHS Student #1: "TOO MUCH INFORMATION."
Random MCHS Stusent #2: :shock :eek: "Seriously."


Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 9:59 pm
by SRoss
"We hired Warren Oates to teach Sex Ed?" :shock:

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 10:14 pm
by Alpha 11
SRoss wrote:"We hired Warren Oates to teach Sex Ed?" :shock:

Sorry, don't get it. :?

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 10:34 pm
by taalismn
SRoss wrote:"We hired Warren Oates to teach Sex Ed?" :shock:

In his Srgt. Hulka role?

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 2:25 am
by guardiandashi
taalismn wrote:
SRoss wrote:"We hired Warren Oates to teach Sex Ed?" :shock:

In his Srgt. Hulka role?

google (or your search of choice) sergeant Hulka stripes, and watch some of the videos you find.... that should be pretty self explanatory.

and somewhere between funny and disturbing depending on your pov

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 5:50 pm
by Arnie100
"This is my rifle, this is my gun. This is for fighting, this is for fun."
:shock: :eek: :oops:

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 7:12 pm
by SRoss
"Umm, what are you doing with the Antigravity Generators from the Macross?"

"Building an arena for the personal combat class." :roll:

"It kinda looks like a Bayblade."

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 7:16 pm
by Arnie100
SRoss wrote:"Umm, what are you doing with the Antigravity Generators from the Macross?"

"Building an arena for the personal combat class." :roll:

"It kinda looks like a Bayblade."

"And the first two in the Arena will be..."
Edwards: "Wait...what?!" :shock:
Kyle: "Its not finished it?"

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 8:00 pm
by taalismn
Arnie100 wrote:
SRoss wrote:"Umm, what are you doing with the Antigravity Generators from the Macross?"

"Building an arena for the personal combat class." :roll:

"It kinda looks like a Bayblade."

"And the first two in the Arena will be..."
Edwards: "Wait...what?!" :shock:
Kyle: "Its not finished it?"

Katnis Everdean: "Hold still..."(*twang*)

Charon. "Robin Hood?"
Edwards: "Guess again." :badbad:

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 8:05 pm
by SRoss
Edwards, Kyle, Karno and Dolza enter the arena...


Team Edwards: (Watching the other team enter) :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 8:15 pm
by Arnie100
Random MCHS Student #1: "So...who do you think'll win?"
Random MCHS Student #2: "Any one not named Edwards and Kyle."

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 9:41 pm
by taalismn
Dolza: "Please, they're all the way across the stadium, out of range of#SPLORCH#
Kyle: "Rail guns. They got really good rail guns."
Edwards:(hiding under a boulder) "You THINK?"

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 10:23 pm
by SRoss
"And what are we learning today?"

"Unlimited resources and a new season of RWBY can inspire much."

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 11:49 pm
by Alpha 11
Arnie100 wrote:"This is my rifle, this is my gun. This is for fighting, this is for fun."
:shock: :eek: :oops:


SRoss wrote:"Umm, what are you doing with the Antigravity Generators from the Macross?"

"Building an arena for the personal combat class." :roll:

"It kinda looks like a Bayblade."

:lol: This could get ugly.

Arnie100 wrote:
SRoss wrote:"Umm, what are you doing with the Antigravity Generators from the Macross?"

"Building an arena for the personal combat class." :roll:

"It kinda looks like a Bayblade."

"And the first two in the Arena will be..."
Edwards: "Wait...what?!" :shock:
Kyle: "Its not finished it?"


taalismn wrote:
Arnie100 wrote:
SRoss wrote:"Umm, what are you doing with the Antigravity Generators from the Macross?"

"Building an arena for the personal combat class." :roll:

"It kinda looks like a Bayblade."

"And the first two in the Arena will be..."
Edwards: "Wait...what?!" :shock:
Kyle: "Its not finished it?"

Katnis Everdean: "Hold still..."(*twang*)

Charon. "Robin Hood?"
Edwards: "Guess again." :badbad:


SRoss wrote:Edwards, Kyle, Karno and Dolza enter the arena...


Team Edwards: (Watching the other team enter) :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

:lol: Ya, they're dead.

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 11:50 pm
by Alpha 11
Arnie100 wrote:Random MCHS Student #1: "So...who do you think'll win?"
Random MCHS Student #2: "Any one not named Edwards and Kyle."

:lol: :lol:

taalismn wrote:Dolza: "Please, they're all the way across the stadium, out of range of#SPLORCH#
Kyle: "Rail guns. They got really good rail guns."
Edwards:(hiding under a boulder) "You THINK?"


SRoss wrote:"And what are we learning today?"

"Unlimited resources and a new season of RWBY can inspire much."

:lol: :ok: Saw the first episode of the new season, and loved it! For those who haven't seen it, here it is!: ... -chapter-1

If you want to see it from the beginning, then first, here is the trailer to it, and yes, the trailer does have some tie ins to the series:

And here is season one episode one! ... -episode-1

Enjoy! :D

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 4:08 pm
by SRoss

Through one door comes the Roombas, in centre of the arena appear, Annie, Rory, Hotaru and Ikaros.

Teams Edwards and EShemerrian: :eek: :eek: :eek: :badbad:

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 4:23 pm
by Arnie100
Random MCHS Student #1: "This is gonna be a slaughter!"
Random MCHS Student #2: "Miss LaBelle's gonna hug those EShemerrians to itty bitty pieces!"

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 6:24 pm
by taalismn
Arnie100 wrote:Random MCHS Student #1: "This is gonna be a slaughter!"
Random MCHS Student #2: "Miss LaBelle's gonna hug those EShemerrians to itty bitty pieces!"

EShemarrian Chieftain: "Quick, Tinker, kludge up a plushie Warmount! Something to take her attention off us!"
EShemarrian Tinker: "You expect me to come up with a completely new Warmount on the battlefield?! I'm an engineer, not a mira-"
EShemarrian Chieftain: "She will hug us and squeeze us and call us George. Our dignity will be in tatters, we will be the laughingstock of the Shemarrian Nation."
EShemarrian Tinker: "-one fluffy fuzzy custom Warmount coming right up!"

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 6:50 pm
by SRoss
taalismn wrote:
Arnie100 wrote:Random MCHS Student #1: "This is gonna be a slaughter!"
Random MCHS Student #2: "Miss LaBelle's gonna hug those EShemerrians to itty bitty pieces!"

EShemarrian Chieftain: "Quick, Tinker, kludge up a plushie Warmount! Something to take her attention off us!"
EShemarrian Tinker: "You expect me to come up with a completely new Warmount on the battlefield?! I'm an engineer, not a mira-"
EShemarrian Chieftain: "She will hug us and squeeze us and call us George. Our dignity will be in tatters, we will be the laughingstock of the Shemarrian Nation."
EShemarrian Tinker: "-one fluffy fuzzy custom Warmount coming right up!"

Random MCHS Student #1: "I don't know what she's going to call THAT, but I'm terrified!" :shock:
Random MCHS Student #2: "Desperation truly is the twisted mother of invention..." :shock:

Kyle: "Did they just stuff Dolza full of memory foam and cover him in pink fur!?!"

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 6:51 pm
by taalismn
"So, what are you calling your creation? A Lupizor? A Terrabitt?"
Tinker: "Decoy. Expendable."

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 7:16 pm
by Arnie100
EShemerrian #1: "I'm gonna be SICK." :frazz: :puke:
EShemerrian #2: :shock: "DITTO."
Corg: :eek: "That is just SO wrong...even for HER."
Annie: "CORGIE-POO! You came to watch me!"
Corgie-Poo: "DAMMIT!"
Edwards and Kyle: "Corgie-Poo?!"
Corgie-Poo: "SHUT UP."

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 8:00 pm
by taalismn
EShemarrian Warchief: "Okay, we DID lose that match, but we escaped with our dignity more or less intact. Your decoy served valiantly and well, and we were able to extract ourselves from the arena with as much grace as a not-fighting-retreat and subsequent calling of the match allows, and I'm already getting e-mail from the Tribes congratulating us on losing with honor and not blaming us one bit for the actions we took."

(Seriously, you think even Chibi-Annie's going to see the Shemarrians as cute and cuddly? Sisterly, maybe, but not squeezably soft. The Shemarrians have had enough experience with the Kildren of the Lollipop fringe tribe that they know how to avoid the 'Snuggly Attack', which the Lollipops KNOW absolutely MORTIIFIES the more serious-minded Shemarrians, which is why they use it so often. But, over-exposure starts building certain immunities....)

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 8:09 pm
by Arnie100
taalismn wrote:EShemarrian Warchief: "Okay, we DID lose that match, but we escaped with our dignity more or less intact. Your decoy served valiantly and well, and we were able to extract ourselves from the arena with as much grace as a not-fighting-retreat and subsequent calling of the match allows, and I'm already getting e-mail from the Tribes congratulating us on losing with honor and not blaming us one bit for the actions we took."

(Seriously, you think even Chibi-Annie's going to see the Shemarrians as cute and cuddly? Sisterly, maybe, but not squeezably soft. The Shemarrians have had enough experience with the Kildren of the Lollipop fringe tribe that they know how to avoid the 'Snuggly Attack', which the Lollipops KNOW absolutely MORTIIFIES the more serious-minded Shemarrians, which is why they use it so often. But, over-exposure starts building certain immunities....)

Annie: "Oh, poo." (With a pout and still cradling George-Dolza loke a baby)
George-Dolza: (Sobbing uncontrollably) "Just kill me. PLEASE."

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 8:42 pm
by taalismn
Honestly, even chibi-chubby-Annie's got her moments of frightening maturity. In canon she's looking for a Great Romance(although she may not understand exactly what that means), and she is, after all, a survivor(there are moments in the OA when she makes a wink-wink-nudge-nudge to affirm that she knows what she's doing---especially when she confesses to Rook that 'she knows what it's like, being sought after by men'...or words to that effect, just to get a smile out of Rook). Unless Cosmic Power has completely corrupted her and blown her mind into thinking she can have a Happy Second Childhood, I see her as going Washuu---adopting physical ages as she sees fit, and especially if it takes people offguard or annoys the tar out of them.

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 9:40 pm
by Alpha 11

Through one door comes the Roombas, in centre of the arena appear, Annie, Rory, Hotaru and Ikaros.

Teams Edwards and EShemerrian: :eek: :eek: :eek: :badbad:


Arnie100 wrote:Random MCHS Student #1: "This is gonna be a slaughter!"
Random MCHS Student #2: "Miss LaBelle's gonna hug those EShemerrians to itty bitty pieces!"

:lol: :lol:

taalismn wrote:
Arnie100 wrote:Random MCHS Student #1: "This is gonna be a slaughter!"
Random MCHS Student #2: "Miss LaBelle's gonna hug those EShemerrians to itty bitty pieces!"

EShemarrian Chieftain: "Quick, Tinker, kludge up a plushie Warmount! Something to take her attention off us!"
EShemarrian Tinker: "You expect me to come up with a completely new Warmount on the battlefield?! I'm an engineer, not a mira-"
EShemarrian Chieftain: "She will hug us and squeeze us and call us George. Our dignity will be in tatters, we will be the laughingstock of the Shemarrian Nation."
EShemarrian Tinker: "-one fluffy fuzzy custom Warmount coming right up!"

:lol: :lol: :lol: And she better do it REAL quickly.

SRoss wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Arnie100 wrote:Random MCHS Student #1: "This is gonna be a slaughter!"
Random MCHS Student #2: "Miss LaBelle's gonna hug those EShemerrians to itty bitty pieces!"

EShemarrian Chieftain: "Quick, Tinker, kludge up a plushie Warmount! Something to take her attention off us!"
EShemarrian Tinker: "You expect me to come up with a completely new Warmount on the battlefield?! I'm an engineer, not a mira-"
EShemarrian Chieftain: "She will hug us and squeeze us and call us George. Our dignity will be in tatters, we will be the laughingstock of the Shemarrian Nation."
EShemarrian Tinker: "-one fluffy fuzzy custom Warmount coming right up!"

Random MCHS Student #1: "I don't know what she's going to call THAT, but I'm terrified!" :shock:
Random MCHS Student #2: "Desperation truly is the twisted mother of invention..." :shock:

Kyle: "Did they just stuff Dolza full of memory foam and cover him in pink fur!?!"

:lol: :lol: :lol:

taalismn wrote:"So, what are you calling your creation? A Lupizor? A Terrabitt?"
Tinker: "Decoy. Expendable."

:lol: :lol: