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Re: Starship designs...

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 11:56 pm
by Aramanthus
Sounds good. I am looking forward to seeing your ships here on the board. I hope you don't mind if I use them in my game.

Re: Starship designs...

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 5:02 am
by sagajr

Guardian Mk. IV. / Champion class Heavy Escort Frigate

This class of escort frigate has been in service for over 1,000 years in the less developed regions of the Three Galaxies, the Guardian is a workhorse vessel, used in every role from policing to convoy escort. Designed to provide cover and escort duties to the convoys and fleets traveling through dangerous space, in both war and peace.

The first appearance of the Guardian class dates back to the foundation of the Golgan Republic. During the early, agressive expansion of the Golgan Empire, these ships were rays of hope to many independent worlds who try to withstand these agressors' military might. There were countless stories in those days where the ship had major role (depending on storyteller, sometimes as a hero of the defenders or as a victim of the glorious Golgan Armada).

Nowadays no one knows who built the first ships, some says their original creators massacred by the glorious Golgan fleet (a popular Golgan propaganda), while other rumors connect these ships to a small kingdom, ruled by powerful cyborgs, who later will be become one of the founding members of the Central Alliance (the similarities between this class and several other classes of ships serves in the Central Alliance is undeniable).

Whoever created the blueprints, made sure to spread quickly within the ranks of the enemies of the Golgans. Till this day, these venerable ships are the backbone of many independent navies in the less developed regions, and even the great powers - like the CCW or the TGE - know and use this class in their fleets in small numbers (usually used by member races of these powers not the main fleets).

Since the release of the first variant of this venerable class went through a number of developments. The fourth version has faster drives (both in STL and FTL), better armament (the aging autocannons and weak laser cannons replaced with modern guns), better sensors, electronic warfare systems and more comfortable accommodation.

The armament of the Guardian Mk. IV. tends to be optimized for dealing with small vessels like corsairs and fighters. This class is armament-heavy, with eight medium gun turrets, sixteen point defense turrets, 10 missile launchers and carry several fighters as additional firepower in their sizeable hangar (use up 20% of the internal space and located in the ventral side of the ship). The lack of heavier guns compensated by the large number of smaller weapon systems and considerable amount of missiles.

The ship is well-behaved, remarkable in terms of performance, and although the crew quarters are little cramped (most of the crew members housed in double cabins) the vessel is easy to operate and spacer-friendly. Designed with ease of upgrade in mind, it seems likely that the Guardian will be in service for many centuries to come.

The Naruni Enterprises sells an upgraded knock-off variant throughout the known regions. This upgraded ship was renamed to Champion. On this design the ion engines were replaced to faster contra-gravity drives, half of the defense turrets were replaced to Plasma Cartridge machine guns, the shields replaced by newer and stronger types. All guns have +2 to Strike bonus and all carried crafts are NE products.

Model Type: HEF-G Mk. IV
Vehicle Type: Escort Frigate
Crew: 90 (including fighter pilots and a security detachment of 20 soldiers; the ship can be run by 20 crew members)
Passengers: Up to 10 additional passangers

M.D.C. by location:
Bridge – 1,500
Engines – 2,550
Hangar – 1,500
Hangar Door – 1,130
Outer Hull (100 square feet) – 230
Interior bulkheads (100 square feet) – 30
Airlocks (5) – 230 each
Communication system – 380
FTL communication system – 750
Sensors (6) – 380 each
Landing gears (12) – 150 each
Contra-gravity Cannon Turrets (4) – 450 each
Particle Beam Cannon Turrets (4) – 450 each
Defense Turrets (16 or 8 ) – 360 each
Plasma Cartridge Machinegun Turrets (8, Champion only) – 250 each
Long Range Missile Launchers (2) – 600 each
Medium Range Missile Launchers (8 ) – 400 each
[1]Main Body – 7,500
[2]Variable Shields – 1,000 per side (6,000 total) for the Guardian; 1,500 per side(9,000 total) for the Champion
[1] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will put the ship out of commission. All internal systems will shut down, including life support and internal gravity. The ship itself will be a floating wreck.
[2] Shield regenerate at the rate of 30% (1,800 M.D.C.) per melee for the Guardian; 2,700 M.D.C. for the Champion

Driving on the Ground: Not Possible.
Sublight: Using both engines the maximum speed is 10 Mach. Using only the ion drives limits the maximum speed to 6 Mach while using only the contra gravity drive limits the maximum speed to 4 Mach. The maximum speed of the Champion is 12 Mach.
FTL propulsion: Contra-gravity drive with 4 (5 for the Champion) light-years per hour maximum speed.
Atmospheric Propulsion: Maximum speed is 500 mph (800 kph), can enter and leave an atmosphere because flight system is by contra grav.
Maximum Range: Has supplies for crew members and passengers for one year.

Statistical Data:
Length: 350 feet (106.75 meters).
Height: Total height is 150 feet (45 meters) including the bridge section and the antennaes, the main hull is 100 feet (30.5 meters) high
Width: Total width is 150 feet (45 meters), the main hull is 100 feet (30.5 meters) wide
Weight: 7,500 metric tons fully loaded
Power System: Fusion with 25 year life span.
Fuel: 500 tons
Fuel consumption: 111 lbs (50 kg) per Mach per hour
Cargo: 1,100 tons (90'x75'x15'), 1,500 tons for the Champion (same sized cargo hold).
Market Cost: 350 million for a new ship (carried craft not included). Older and slower (lower maximum speed, M.D.C. and shields by 20%, jammers range lowered to one half) version of this vessel can be purchased for 225 million credits to respectable goverments.
The NE Champion can be purchased for 450 million credits without onboard crafts or 1 billion credits (discount) with a small combat shuttle (Stallion class knock off with full contra-gravity drive), 6 Broadsword fighters, 6 Fire Eater fighters and 10 Enforcer Power Armors.
Refuelling cost: 500 credits for 1 ton of Hydrogen fuel

Weapon Systems:
Contra Gravity cannon turrets (4):
Mounted one on starboard, port, dorsal and ventral side of the ship. Designed to take down enemy bombers and fighters at long range.
Range: 20 miles (32 km) in space, 10 miles (16 km) in atmosphere
Mega Damage: 4D6x10 M.D.C. each.
Rate of Fire: Up to 6 per melee
Payload: The ship carries enough ammunition for 500 attacks by each cannon (additional ammunition enough for 4,500 attacks carried in the cargo hold, reloading takes 1D4 minutes).

Particle Beam Cannon turrets (4):
Mounted on dorsal and ventral hardpoints, these guns complement the ship main contra-gravity cannons, providing additional long range firepower against bombers and fighters.
Range: 20 miles (32 km) in space, 10 miles (16 km) in atmosphere
Mega Damage: 4D6x10 M.D.C. each.
Rate of Fire: Up to 6 per melee
Payload: Effectively unlimited

Defense turrets (16, 8 for Champion):
Weapon system is used for anti-missile, anti-power armor, and anti-star fighter roles. Weapons system has no minuses to hit fighters and small targets and each turret can rotate 360 and has a 180 arc of fire. Each mount can be controlled by a dedicated gunner or separate gunner program (5 Attacks per Melee, +4 to Strike, +2 to Initiative). Each cannon able to switch between concentrated mode and diffuse fire option.
Range: 5 miles (8 km) in space and 2.5 miles (4 km) in an atmosphere.
Mega Damage: 2D6x10 M.D.C. each in concentrated mode or 2D6 M.D.C. to everything in a 60 feet cone up to half range.
Rate of Fire: 5 when controlled by gunnery program, or up to 12 when used by a dedicated gunner.
Payload: Effectively Unlimited.

Plasma Cartridge machinegun turrets (8, Champion only):
Weapon system is used for anti-power armor, and anti-star fighter roles. Weapons system has no minuses to hit fighters and small targets and each turret can rotate 360 and has a 180 arc of fire. Each mount can be controlled by a dedicated gunner or separate gunner program (5 Attacks per Melee, +4 to Strike, +2 to Initiative).
Range: 2.5 miles (4 km) in space and 1.25 miles (2 km) in an atmosphere.
Mega Damage: 5D4x10 M.D.C. each per 20 round burst (burst fire only)
Rate of Fire: 5 when controlled by gunnery program, or up to 12 when used by a dedicated gunner.
Payload: 10,000 rounds per turret (500 bursts). Another 50,000 cartridges per gun stored in the cargo hold. Reloading takes 1D6 minutes.

Long range Missile Batteries (2):
Mounted on the front side of the ship, these launchers gives the ship moderate anti-ship firepower and the ability to do bombardment type attacks.
Range: As per missiles
Mega-Damage: varies with missile type
Rate of Fire: Each can fire missiles one at a time or in volleys of 2, 4, 8, 12 or 24 missiles (48 missiles if both launchers combined)
Payload: 48 missiles loaded in each launcher. 216 additional missiles stored in separate cargo hold for each missile launcher, but reloading launcher from this hold takes 1D4 minutes.

Medium Range Missile Launchers (8):
Medium range missile launchers mounted on starboard and port side of the ship. The missiles gives additional firepower against small targets (like fighters and power armors) and useful against targets immune to energy weapons. The battery can launch on multiple targets each at the same time. The weapon mounts are normally controlled from the bridge but can be fired by .
Range: As per missiles
Mega-Damage: varies with missile type
Rate of Fire: Each can fire missiles one at a time or in volleys of 2, 4, 8 or 16 missiles
Payload: 48 each launcher. 288 additional missiles stored for each missile launcher in a separate cargo hold, but reloading launcher from cargo hold takes 1D4 minutes.

Noteable systems:
Sensory System – Extended range sensory system with 400,000 miles (640,000 km) range, +20% bonus to sensory skill rolls, resistant against jamming attacks (lower the attacker Electronic Countermeasures skill by 20%), able to track and identify up to 250 targets at the same time and detect FTL movement within 5 light-years range.
Communication System – Military grade, hardened (lowers the negative modifier of the communication jamming attacks by 10%) communication system with 350,000 miles range (560,000 km). FTL communication system use contra-gravity field communicators with 50 light-years range (the communication wave has a speed of 50 light-years per hour)
ECM system – A combination of sensor jamming devices, radio-pulse flares and old-fashioned chaff dispensers. When active, these systems impose a -20% penalty to anyone trying to target the protected vessel using the Weapon Systems skill, and cause missiles to lose any targeting bonus (only affect smart missiles, no effect against dumb fire variants and rockets). The attacker (gunners and smart missiles) are -3 to Strike the target protected by ECM systems.
ECCM system – Lowers the negative modifier caused by an enemy ECM system by 10% and lowers the negative Strike modifier to -1 instead of the standard -3 caused by an enemy ECM attack.
Hardened systems – The ship electronic systems are reinforced against jamming type attacks. Lower the attacker Electronic Countermeasures skill by 20% (cumulative with the sensory system resistance).
Jamming Set – The jamming set can focus its emissions to overload enemy sensors and controlling systems. This gives the ship an electronic attack capability and requires Electronic Countermeasures skill roll. A successful roll suppresses enemy sensors for 3D4 rounds (45 to 180 seconds). While suppressed, the enemy gunners attack precision and attack rate lowered (-3 to Strike, loses one attack), the pilots response time increased and their ship controlling skills are weakened temporary (loses one attack, -10% to all piloting skill rolls and -3 to Dodge rolls) due to electronic system disturbances. The jamming set has a range of 10,000 miles (16,000 km) and able to jam up to 15 targets at a time (need to roll separately for all).
Communication Jamming System – The communication jamming system is designed for scrambling enemy communications (-60% to any communication skill based rolls for the enemy/foreign ships, failed communication roll means cancelled video communication and even the audio messages are hard to understand). Scrambles all foreign communications within 10,000 miles (16,000 km) range.
Stealth Coating – Paramilitary grade stealth coating (same as those found on the runners ships, -40% to Read Sensors skill when the ship is standing still, and -20% to Read Sensors skill when the ship is moving.). When the ship loose 25% of its maximum M.D.C., the detection difficulty modifiers are lowered to one half. Loosing 50% or more of its M.D.C., means the detection difficulty is lowered to one quarter of its starting value, while loosing more than 75% of the hull M.D.C. makes the stealth coating virtually useless (grants only 1/10th of its basic detection difficulty value).
Ramscoop – An electromagnetic scoop intended to capture interstellar hydrogen molecules for fuel and reaction mass. Ramscoop system reloads 0.1 ton of reaction mass for fusion and ion drive per 15 minutes in atmosphere. Needs 60 minutes to reloads 0.1 ton of reaction mass near planets or in gas/star clouds and needs 6 hours to gather 0.1 ton of fuel in interstellar space. Wolfen planets are notorious to ban these systems in their atmosphere.

Carried crafts:
10 space capable power armors
1 small shuttle (like the Stallion class)
6 to 12 fighters depending on the fighter size. Up to 6 Katana/Shadow Bolt sized crafts or up to 8 Flying Fang/Black Eagle/Draygon Star Hawk or up to 10 NE Broadsword/NE Fire Eater/Draygon Dragon Fang or up to 12 Scorpion/Jesstra sized ships. The hangar internal height is 20 feet.

The advanced ion drive system gives the ship excelent acceleration (4 Mach per melee) in space and better handling (+10% to pilot skill rolls). The Champion use the same acceleration rate as the Guardian and have the +10% pilot skill bonus both in space and atmosphere.

Feel free to use any of my creations if you find them useful.

Re: Starship designs...

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 7:39 am
by KLM
I would edit the age of the class to 1200 or even 2000 years, instead of 200 - it is supposed to be older than the Proctor, for example.

Also, a bit more about the origins of the vessel would be good.

Just my two virtual cents. (Szerintem. :gumicsirke: :P )


Re: Starship designs...

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 12:27 am
by Aramanthus
That is a very cool ship. Thank you for allowing us to use them. Just one thing I noticed is in the Statistical area of the ship at the last line. Hidrogen is spelled Hydrogen.

Re: Starship designs...

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 3:46 am
by sagajr

Aramanthus, KLM:
Corrected the grammar errors I made (I hope I made no more mistakes). Additional background information added to the Guardian class.
Now I go back and work on the background information of the scout/survey ship. :)

Re: Starship designs...

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 6:05 am
by sagajr

Observer Mk. V. class Long Range Scout Ship

The Observer class ships are relics of the past, were designed and built by the Noros after the Ironee incident in the spirit of peaceful approach. The ship was designed for expeditions to strange or far-off worlds in search of adventure, make peaceful first contact with new races and to do science research or exploration. In practice the ship supports a wide variety of activities from scientific expeditions to treasure hunts or even salvage missions.

Nowadays these ships are typically operated by corporations or governmental and exploration agencies (TWIA agents in the CCW, especially Noros, prefer these ships over newer designs). While these ships have little commercial use, they usually end up as yachts for those who can afford them or serve as scout ships in the hands of private outfitters.

This particular ship class is one of the oldest designs still in use at the Three Galaxies, thanks to its price, low maintenance cost, reliability and the semi-luxurious interior. All these features can keep this class on the market to this day. Since their first appearance, this class has undergone some changes. Most of its interior remain untouched, but the engines, FTL drive, communication system and the sensors underwent several improvements to reach its present performance. Many knock-offs and refit packages were made by various shipwright companies through the known space, but non of them could reach the popularity of the original ship.

The Observer was designed to operate by two to five people. Its eight staterooms, the gym, the sauna, science lab, well equipped sickbay are all equipped with adequate amenities to give everyone on the board the feeling as if they would be in a hotel.

The pacifist approach of the builders reflected in the armament and the defense systems of this ship. The originial ship design carries self-defense armament only, but the growing threat of the TGE and piracy finally persuaded the builders to incorporate stronger, offensive weapons (the main cannon and the missile launcher). The strong shields and engines help to avoid hopeless combat situiations and quickly move away the ships from dangerous situations.

Those few ships which found their way into military service refitted with additional systems, like sensor and communication jamming sets, better stealth coating and even better sensors. Used for monitor enemy movements and activities.

Model Type: LRPSV-O Mk. V.
Vehicle Type: Long Range Reconnaisance/Science ship
Crew: 5 (can be run by 2)
Passengers: Up to 5 additional people

M.D.C. by location
Bridge – 500
Engines – 500
Hangar – 500
Hangar Door – 350
Outer Hull (100 square feet) – 65
Interior bulkheads (100 square feet) – 15
Airlock – 100
Communication system – 130
Sensor domes (6) – 130 each
Landing gears (4) – 60 each
Medium Particle Beam Cannon (1) – 500
Automated Defense Turrets (4) – 250 each
Medium Range Missile Launcher – 400
[1]Main Body – 2,500
[2]Basic Shield – 10,000
[3]FTL communication system (the sensor dish like attachment on top of the hangar) – 250
[1] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will put the ship out of commission. All internal systems will shut down, including life support and internal gravity. The ship itself will be a floating wreck.
[2] Shield positions cannot be varied. Shield regenerates 25% per melee (2,500 per melee)
[3] Depleting the M.D.C. of this communication device put the FTL communication out of commission.

Driving on the Ground: Not Possible.
Sublight: Using both engines the maximum speed is 12 Mach. Using only the ion drives or only the contra-gravity drives limits the maximum speed to 6 Mach
FTL propulsion: Contra-gravity Drive with 5 ligh-years per hour maximum speed.
Atmospheric Propulsion: Maximum speed is Mach 2 (1,483 mph / 2,372.8 kph), can enter and leave an atmosphere because flight system is by contra grav.
Maximum Range: The ship carries enough supplies to sustain its crew and passengers (10 people total) for 12 months.

Statistical Data:
Length: 171 feet (52 meters).
Height: Total height is 35 feet (10.68 meters) including turrets and landing gears
Width: 85 feet (26 meters)
Weight: 2,000 metric tons with fully loaded cargo hold
Power System: Fusion with 25 year life span.
Fuel: 50 tons
Fuel consumption: 111.1 lbs (50 kg) per Mach per hour
Cargo: 50 tons (25'x20'x15')
Market Cost: 150 million for the basic ship (shuttle included),military variants sold for at least 175 million credits. Used ships can be purchased for 75 million credits but lower all M.D.C. by 20%.
Refuelling cost: 500 credits for 1 ton of Hydrogen fuel

Weapon Systems:
Medium Particle Beam Cannon:
Medium range particle beam cannon mounted on the right (starboard) side. Its size usually enough to frighten away the average pirates and raiders. When used in combat this cannon is able to destroy or cripple small ships (shuttles and small sub-capital ships) with a few shots. The gun has a 90 degree arc fire.
Range: 15 miles (24 km) in space, 7.5 miles (12 km) in atmosphere
Mega Damage: 8D6x10 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Up to 5 per melee
Payload: Effectively unlimited

Automated Defense Turrets (4):
A combined weapon system (combination of a light particle beam cannon and a light contra-gravity cannon) that used for self defense. The turrets has no minuses to hit fighters and small targets and each turret can rotate 360 and has a 180 arc of fire. Each mount is controlled by a separate gunner program (5 Attacks per Melee, +4 to Strike, +2 to Initiative). Each cannon able to switch between concentrated mode and diffuse fire option.
Range: 10 miles (16 km) in space and 5 miles (8 km) in an atmosphere.
Mega Damage: 2D6x10 M.D. each in concentrated mode or 2D6 M.D. to everything in a 60 feet cone up to half range. Contra-gravity guns do 2D6x10 M.D. each. Both cannons can fire together doing 4D6x10 M.D. damage
Rate of Fire: 5.
Payload: Effectively Unlimited for the particle beam, enough ammunition for the gravity guns for 2,000 attacks.

Medium Range Missile Launcher:
High salvo capacity medium range missile launcher, mounted on the front side of the ship, above the bridge. This weapon can launch missiles on multiple targets (up to 4) at the same time. The weapon normally controlled by the pilot or co-pilot or a dedicated gunner.
Range: As per missiles
Mega-Damage: varies with missile type
Rate of Fire: Can fire one missile at a time or volleys of 2, 4, 8, 16 or 32 missiles
Payload: 128 missiles loaded launcher. Another 256 missiles stored in a special holding area, but reloading launcher from this hold takes 1D4 minutes.

Noteable systems:
Sensory System – Extended range sensory system with 700,000 miles (1,120,000 km) range and 5 light-years Ftl detection. +30% bonus to sensory skill rolls, resistant against jamming attacks (lower the attacker Electronic Countermeasures skill by 20%) and able to track and identify up to 500 objects at the same time. The military variant's sensor ranges increased to 800,000 miles (1,280,000 km).
Communication System – Enhanced system with 350,000 miles (560,000 km) range. Contra-gravity field communicaton system (with 25 light-years range) installed on the ship.
ECM system – A combination of sensor jamming devices, radio-pulse flares and old-fashioned chaff dispensers. When active, these systems impose a -20% penalty to anyone trying to target the protected vessel using the Weapon Systems skill, and cause missiles to lose any targeting bonus (only affect smart missiles, no effect against dumb fire variants and rockets). The attacker (gunners and smart missiles) are -3 to Strike the target protected by ECM systems.
ECCM system (military variants only) – Lowers the negative modifier caused by an enemy ECM system by 10% and lowers the negative Strike modifier to -1 instead of the standard -3 caused by an enemy ECM attack.
Hardened systems – The ship electronic systems are reinforced against jamming type attacks. Lower the attacker Electronic Countermeasures skill by 10% (cumulative with the sensory system resistance).
Jamming Set (military variants only) – The jamming set can focus its emissions to overload enemy sensors and controlling systems. This gives the ship an electronic attack capability and requires Electronic Countermeasures skill roll. A successful roll suppresses enemy sensors for 3D4 rounds (45 to 180 seconds). While suppressed, the enemy gunners attack precision and attack rate lowered (-3 to Strike, loses one attack), the pilots response time increased and their ship controlling skills are weakened temporary (loses one attack, -10% to all piloting skill rolls and -3 to Dodge rolls) due to electronic system disturbances. The jamming set has a range of 5,000 miles (8,000 km) and able to jam up to 15 targets at a time (need to roll separately for all).
Communication Jamming System (military variants only) – The communication jamming system is designed for scrambling enemy communications (-60% to any communication skill based rolls for the enemy/foreign ships, failed communication roll means cancelled video communication and even the audio messages are hard to understand). Scrambles all foreign communications within 5,000 miles (8,000 km) range.
Stealth Coating – Civilian grade stealth coating (-30% to Read Sensors skill when the ship is standing still, and -15% to Read Sensors skill when the ship is moving.). When the ship loose 25% of its maximum M.D.C., the detection difficulty modifiers are lowered to one half. Loosing 50% or more of its M.D.C., means the detection difficulty is lowered to one quarter of its starting value, while loosing more than 75% of the hull M.D.C. makes the stealth coating virtually useless (grants only 1/10th of its basic detection difficulty value).
Ramscoop – An electromagnetic scoop intended to capture interstellar hydrogen molecules for fuel and reaction mass. Ramscoop system reloads 0.1 ton of reaction mass for fusion and ion drive per 15 minutes in atmosphere. Needs 60 minutes to reloads 0.1 ton of reaction mass near planets or in gas/star clouds and needs 6 hours to gather 0.1 ton of fuel in interstellar space. Wolfen planets are notorious to ban these systems in their atmosphere.

Carried crafts:
1 mini shuttle (carry up to 6 people including the pilot and up to 2.5 tons of cargo, weak contra-gravity drive with 5 Mps maximum speed in space and 1 Mach in atmosphere, 300 M.D.C., no weapons, no shield).

The advanced ion drive system gives the ship excellent acceleration (4 Mach per melee) in space and better handling (+20% to pilot skill rolls). Military variants have additional bonuses to Initiative (+2) and have a military grade stealth coating (-60%/-30% to Read Sensors skill to detect the ship).

Re: Starship designs...

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 4:15 pm
by taalismn
Oh yeah! Wonderful to hear the roar of engines in this thread again! :ok:

Re: Starship designs...

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 6:02 am
by sagajr
Jackal class light destroyer and the Raider class pirate ship

The Jackal class light destroyers served the Wolfen Empire long before the Kreeghor emerged and crushed their dreams, hope and unity. Despite of their former vast numbers, nowadays this class is a rare sight and not used even by their creators (who discarded it long ago for the better Hunter class destroyers). Although they should pronounce a word, because several pirate factions still use a modernized variant of this aging design.

On paper, a Jackal ship was a formidable fighting vessel, but the reality is less impressive. Crew accommodation was cramped, making the ship rather uncomfortable to live in and therefore wearing on the crew. Only the captain had a single cabin while the rest of the crew housed in bunkrooms. The machinery was very badly laid out and as a result routine operations were awkward and labor-intensive, and damage control was almost impossible.

Overall, the Jackal was a half-baked design that suffers from too many compromises and too short a development period. However, the Wolfen Imperial Navy had invested a great deal in these ships and placed huge orders as soon as the designs were ready. With so many on order or in service, it was likely that those that survive would be refitted to remove the worst of its defects and that the class would eventually emerged as something worth keeping in service.

The class was equipped with both energy and missile armament. Unfortunately while the energy weaponry was perfectly adequate for its role, although less numerous than would be liked, the missile launch and magazine feed systems had caused problems from the start.

The missile magazine and feed systems were extremely prone to breakdown and there had been occasions where missiles had detonated in the feed system due to the design. As a result of this, most commanding officers shut down the feed system and manually reloaded the launchers (to reload the light turret mounted missile launchers, the reloader team must went outside). This was obviously not that practical in combat, so the ship effectively only had the missiles that could actually be stored in the launcher itself for combat use.

Other than these flaws the ship operated as normal for its mission, but the flaws had resulted in higher than average losses for the class and a general hatred of it among their crew. If a little space would have been freed up to reconfigure the interior of the ship along with some modernization, this class would have become a decent fighting vessel but this never happend. As soon as the new technologies had allowed, the navy replaced this class with the newer Hunter class destroyers.

The Jackals remained in service for a short time after the release of the Hunter, but most of these ships were disassembled, destroyed in combat, lost (due to unforeseen malfunctions and problems) or were stolen.

Several ships found their way into the hands of various pirate factions who have redesigned these ships over time. The original ship undergone many refits and upgrades and still be produced in several hidden shadow ports (pirate owned space ports and small shipwright bases).

The pirates replaced the fuel consuming old fusion drives to newer ones, replaced the space consuming old systems to modern, smaller ones. The ship reactor was modified to produce more energy, the whole accommodation section of the ship was redesigned to be more comfortable and finally the armament and shields underwent the overdue upgrades and changes.

The new ship operated by smaller crew. The designers found enough space to add more cabins (the crew housed in two person cabins and the captain had a single person cabin), a workshop, a small sickbay, a larger dining room and even two recreation rooms. The bigger free interior space ease the maintenance and damage control, lowered the required time and price to perform these tasks. Weapon engineers solved the reload mechanism problems, replaced the old weapons with higher performance new ones and replaced the old turrets with a more complex combined system. The reinforced armor plates and the variable shields greatly increased the ship protection.

Model Type: WIN-J / Raider
Vehicle Type: Light Destroyer
Crew: 40 / 20
Passengers: 0 / 10 (boarding team) and up to 10 person in holding cells

M.D.C. by location (Jackal / Raider):
Bridge – 700 / 850
Engines – 910 / 1,100
Cargo bay door – 350 / 430
Outer Hull (100 square feet) – 90 / 140
Interior bulkheads (100 square feet) – 10 / 10
Wings (2) – 250 / 400
Airlocks (2) – 100 / 150 each
Communication system – 180 / 210
FTL communication system – - / 420
Sensors (2) – 180 / 210 each
Landing gears (3) – 90 / 110 each
Main Cannon Turrets (2) – 300 / 480 each
Defense Turrets (8) – 80 / 120 each
Anti-ship Torpedo Launchers (2) – 800 / 800 each
[1]Main Body – 3,500 / 4,250
[2]Shields – Basic shield 6,000 / Variable shield 6,000
[1] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will put the ship out of commission. All internal systems will shut down, including life support and internal gravity. The ship itself will be a floating wreck.
[2] Shield regenerate at the rate of 25% (1,500 M.D.C.) per melee for the Jackal, and 30% (1,800 M.D.C.) for the Raider.

Driving on the Ground: Not Possible.
Sublight: Maximum speed is 13 Mach.
FTL propulsion: 1 light-year per hour for the Jackal, 3.5 light-years per hour for the Raider.
Atmospheric Propulsion: Cruising speed in atmosphere is Mach 2.5, maximum speed is Mach 4.5. The ship use fusion rockets to leave atmosphere.
Maximum Range: Has supplies for crew members and passengers for three months.

Statistical Data:
Length: 230 feet (70.15 meters).
Height: 60 feet (18.3 meters).
Width: Wingspan is 110 feet (33.55 meters), the main hull is 60 feet (18.3 meters) wide
Weight: 2,750 metric tons fully loaded
Power System: Fission (nuclear) with 20 year life span.
Fuel: 500 tons
Fuel consumption: 278 lbs (125 kg) per Mach per hour. The fusion rockets use up 2.5 tons of fuel to move the ship from surface to the space (leave orbit). The drive system of the Jackal consumes 50% more fuel.
Cargo: 250 tons. Volume and size of the cargo hold is 30,250 cubic feet/856.6 cubic meters, 55'x55'x10' (16.78x16.78x3.05 meters).
Market Cost: 125 million credits for a used Jackal in working conditions, 200-300 million for a Raider (depends on the buyer and the additional modifications and additional systems built into the ship)
Refuelling cost: 500 credits for 1 ton of Hydrogen fuel

Weapon Systems:
Old Particle Beam Cannon turrets (2, Jackal class only):
Mounted on the front half of the ship on dorsal and ventral hardpoints, these guns are the ship's main cannons. Designed to engage larger targets, like other sub-capital ships and large shuttles. The lack of modern combat computers of the original design, these guns suffer a -2 to Strike modifiers when try to shoot down fighters, -4 to Strike when shooting power armors or missiles.
Range: 20 miles (32 km) in space, 10 miles (16 km) in atmosphere
Mega Damage: 5D6x10 M.D. each.
Rate of Fire: Up to 6 per melee
Payload: Effectively unlimited

Contra-gravity Cannon turrets (2, Raider class only):
Mounted on the front half of the ship on dorsal and ventral hardpoints, these new guns replace the old particle beam cannons. The newer design, the better combat computer allow this cannons to lock on even such a small targets like power armors, but the missiles are too fast for these guns (-2 to Strike to shoot down missiles).
Range: 20 miles (32 km) in space, 10 miles (16 km) in atmosphere
Mega Damage: 8D6x10 M.D. each.
Rate of Fire: Up to 6 per melee
Payload: Enough ammo stored in each turret for 500 attacks. Additional ammo (enough for additional 2,500 attacks per turret) stored in the cargo hold. Reloading the turrets from this hold takes 1D4 minutes

Old Defense turrets (8, Jackal only):
This combined weapon system (combiantion of a twin laser cannon and short range missiles) system is used for anti-missile, anti-power armor, and anti-star fighter roles. Each turret can rotate 360 and has a 180 arc of fire. Each mount can be controlled by a dedicated gunner or remote controlled from the bridge.
Range: 5 miles (8 km) in space and 2.5 miles (4 km) in an atmosphere or as per missile.
Mega Damage: 2D6x10 M.D. or as per missile
Rate of Fire: Up to 12 per melee for guns, one missile at a time or in volleys of 2, 4 or 8 missiles.
Payload: Effectively Unlimited. 16 missiles per turret, additional 96 missiles per turret hold in a special missile storage, but reloading the launchers from this hold takes 2D6 minutes and there is a 50% chance for failure (the reloading mechanism lock down and the launchers can only reloaded from the outside).

New Defense turrets (8, Raider only):
Redesigned, updated point defense and attack turrets. The old laser cannons replaced to particle beam cannons with diffuse options, the SRM launcher remains and additional MRM launchers installed to the turrets. The problems of the reloading mechanism eliminated by the engineers, but during reload the turret are inoperable (for safety reasons).
Range: 5 miles (8 km) in space and 2.5 miles (4 km) in an atmosphere or as per missile.
Mega Damage: 3D6x10 M.D. each in concentrated mode or 3D6 M.D. to everything in a 60 feet cone up to half range or as per missile
Rate of Fire: Up to 12 per melee for guns, one missile at a time or in volleys of 2, 4 (maximum for MRM launchers) or 8 missiles
Payload: Effectively Unlimited. 32 short range missiles and 4 medium range missiles per turret, additional 256 short range missiles and 32 medium range missiles per turret hold in a special missile storage. Reloading the launchers from this hold takes 1D6 minutes.

Anti-ship torpedo launchers (2):
Mounted on the sides (starboard and port side) of the ship, these launchers gives the ship heavy, short range anti-ship firepower and the ability to do bombardment type attacks. These heavy torpedoes are the predecessors of the modern cruise missiles. The Raiders may fire special boarding torpedoes instead of the normal ones. These torpedoes use kinetic force together with some explosives to breach the hull of the target ship. After the breach, the front of the torpedo opens and release its passenger into the breached ship. Each torpedo may hold one person (no larger than a wolfen in body armor) and his/her equipment (hand weapons, rifle, grenades etc.).
Range: 250 miles in atmosphere, 500 miles in space, speed is 15 Mach (Mach 5 in atmosphere)
Mega-Damage: 4D4x100 M.D. for standard torpedo, 5D4x10 M.D. for breaching torpedo.
Rate of Fire: Each can fire missiles one at a time or in volleys of 2, 4, or 8 missiles (16 missiles if both launchers combined)
Payload: 8 missiles loaded in each launcher. 48 additional missiles stored in separate cargo hold for each missile launcher (96 total), but reloading launcher from this hold takes 1D6 minutes. In case of Jackal there is a 50% chance for failure (the reloading mechanism lock down and the launchers can only reloaded from the outside), but no such problems in Raiders. Each torpedo weights 2 tons, 5 feet (1.5 m) wide and high and 10 feet (3 m) long. The ship carries 40 boarding torpedoes (same size but weights only 1 ton).

Fusion Beam:
Not an actual weapon system, but every fusion drive can be used as an ad-hoc weapon. By redirecting large amount of energy and reaction mass through the fusion drives and focusing it, the ship able to create a short range, devastating fusion beam that cuts through most known materials within seconds. This procedure do high stress for the engines and cannot perform frequently. After each fire there is 5% chance (cumulative) for failure. If the failure strikes, the engines shut down and cannot used until recalibrated and repaired (this takes several hours). Using this attack in atmosphere cause severe enviromental damage around the impact area (extreme heat, fire). The beam can be fired backward.
Range: 1 mile (1.6 km) in space for every ton of reaction mass used to improve attack range. Half range in atmosphere.
Mega-Damage: 5D6x10 M.D. for every ton of reaction mass used for damage. Additional 5D6 M.D. to everything within 50 feet diameter around the impact point per ton of reaction mass used for damage.
Rate of Fire: Once per every other melee.
Payload: Depends on the volume of the reaction mass.

Noteable systems:
Sensory System – The original Jackals have an old, short range (200,000 miles / 320,000 km) sensory system along with the ability for detecting FTL movement within 1 light-year.
The Raiders come with extended range sensory system with 400,000 miles (640,000 km) range, +10% bonus to sensory skill rolls, resistant against jamming attacks (lower the attacker Electronic Countermeasures skill by 20%), able to track and identify up to 100 targets at the same time and detect FTL movement within 2 light-years range.
Communication System – The still serving Jackals have an obsolate, short range communication system with 200,000 miles (320,000 km) range. No Ftl communication system.
The Raiders usually equipped with better communication system with 300,000 miles range (480,000 km) together with a weak FTL communication system that use contra-gravity field communicators with 5 light-years range (the communication wave has a speed of 5 light-years per hour)
ECM system (both variants) – A combination of sensor jamming devices, radio-pulse flares and old-fashioned chaff dispensers. When active, these systems impose a -20% penalty to anyone trying to target the protected vessel using the Weapon Systems skill, and cause missiles to lose any targeting bonus (only affect smart missiles, no effect against dumb fire variants and rockets). The attacker (gunners and smart missiles) are -3 to Strike the target protected by ECM systems.
ECCM system (both variants) – Lowers the negative modifier caused by an enemy ECM system by 10% and lowers the negative Strike modifier to -1 instead of the standard -3 caused by an enemy ECM attack.
Hardened systems (Raiders only) – The ship electronic systems are reinforced against jamming type attacks. Lower the attacker Electronic Countermeasures skill by 20% (cumulative with the sensory system resistance).
Jamming Set (both variants, but half range for Jackals) – The jamming set can focus its emissions to overload enemy sensors and controlling systems. This gives the ship an electronic attack capability and requires Electronic Countermeasures skill roll. A successful roll suppresses enemy sensors for 3D4 rounds (45 to 180 seconds). While suppressed, the enemy gunners attack precision and attack rate lowered (-3 to Strike, loses one attack), the pilots response time increased and their ship controlling skills are weakened temporary (loses one attack, -10% to all piloting skill rolls and -3 to Dodge rolls) due to electronic system disturbances. The jamming set has a range of 5,000 miles (8,000 km) and able to jam up to 10 targets at a time (need to roll separately for all).
Communication Jamming System (both variants, but half range for Jackals) – The communication jamming system is designed for scrambling enemy communications (-60% to any communication skill based rolls for the enemy/foreign ships, failed communication roll means cancelled video communication and even the audio messages are hard to understand). Scrambles all foreign communications within 5,000 miles (8,000 km) range.
Stealth Coating (both) – Paramilitary grade stealth coating (same as those found on the runners ships, -40% to Read Sensors skill when the ship is standing still, and -20% to Read Sensors skill when the ship is moving.). When the ship loose 25% of its maximum M.D.C., the detection difficulty modifiers are lowered to one half. Loosing 50% or more of its M.D.C., means the detection difficulty is lowered to one quarter of its starting value, while loosing more than 75% of the hull M.D.C. makes the stealth coating virtually useless (grants only 1/10th of its basic detection difficulty value).
Ramscoops (both) – Two wingtip mounted electromagnetic scoops intended to capture interstellar hydrogen molecules for fuel and reaction mass. A single ramscoop system reloads 0.1 ton of reaction mass for fusion and ion drive per 15 minutes in atmosphere. Needs 60 minutes to reloads 0.1 ton of reaction mass near planets or in gas/star clouds and needs 6 hours to gather 0.1 ton of fuel in interstellar space. Wolfen planets are notorious to ban these systems in their atmosphere.
Independent arificial gravity system with gravity compensation (both) – This old system create a gravity field that can be varied from 0 to 2G within the ship. Gravity compensation negates up to 90% of felt acceleration.

Carried crafts:
None. One telescopic docking port with retractable clamps built on the lower side of the ship to able to accept and connect with shuttles.

The fusion drive system gives the ship superior acceleration (9 Mach per melee, half in atmosphere) and better handling (+20% to pilot skill rolls, +2 to dodge) both in space and atmosphere.

Re: Starship designs...

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 6:11 pm
by taalismn
Again, excellent work. :ok:
Nice to see the dust being blown off the landing pads. 8)

Re: Starship designs...

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 12:16 am
by Aramanthus
Another pair of excellent ships. I like them alot. Please keep them coming!

Re: Starship designs...

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 6:12 am
by sagajr

Stiletto class Short Range Fighter

The Stiletto class fighter is a limited range, scaled down, lighter and more maneuverable version of the famous Broadsword fighter made by the Hartigal Combine (competitor for the Naruni Enterprises).

The smaller frame, the lighter armor and the poor armament easily mislead most opposing forces. In the hands of a skilled pilot, the Stiletto is a fearsome little machine that fly circles around them and finally kill them. Anyone who underestimate this fighter, recieve an unpleasant surprise.

Instead of a pricey reactor, this class use onboard, rechargeable batteries that store the required energy for all systems, including onboard electronics, shield and weapon systems. While this is a step back in some ways, provides several advantages.
The batteries of the fighter are easily rechargeable aboard larger vessels, from any power source or can be replaced within minutes when needed. The batteries (unlike the reactor) lower the maintenance time and price of this class, and makes the ship popular among pirates, defense forces or colonies isolated from major supply lines.
The recharge time of these batteries varies between an hour to several hours depends on the remaining charge of the batteries and the free reactor capacity of the recharger. Replacing the batteries takes 1D4 minutes for skilled mechanics with the proper tools (double the required time when the proper tools are not available) or 3D4 minutes for unskilled personnel.
However, these batteries uses an older, less efficient design and cannot store the energy more than 168 hours.

This ship is ideal for garrison duties, to serve as onboard defense fighter that hold up the attackers long enough to scramble the larger and better fighters to engage the enemy. Thanks to its low price and small size (smaller than a Scorpion class fighters), any bigger ship may store more Stilettos than any other fighter crafts (the only exceptions are the Golgan Jesstra and the Kittani Transformable Robot fighter).

The Naruni Enterprises would not look kindly on this new fighter, which steal the possible buyers of their own Broadsword fighters. Raids and other sabotage attempts frequently launch by their agents (sometimes by themselves, but most of the time hire mercenaries to do the dirty work) against the convoys and storehouses of the Hartigal Combine to prevent the proliferation of the new craft and discourage the customers.

Model Type: HC-F1
Vehicle Type: Short Range Defense Fighter
Crew: 1

M.D.C. by location:
Cockpit – 150
Reinforce crew compartment – 150
Engines – 70
Mini missile launchers (2) – 50 each
Landing gears (3) – 10 each
Laser Cannons (4) – 80 each
[1]Main Body – 375
[2]Shields – Basic shield 1,000
[1] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will put the ship out of commission. The ship itself will be a floating wreck.
[2] Shield regenerate at the rate of 25% (250 M.D.C.) per melee. Total amount of shield power is 5,000 M.D.C.

Driving on the Ground: Not Possible.
Sublight: Maximum speed is 15 Mach. Contra-gravity drives.
FTL propulsion: None.
Atmospheric Propulsion: Cruising speed in atmosphere is Mach 3, maximum speed is Mach 6. Able to leave atmosphere due to contra-gravity drive.
Maximum Range: The onboard life support system sustain the pilot for one day.

Statistical Data:
Length: 37.5 feet (11.44 meters).
Height: 7.5 feet (2.29 meters).
Width: 22.5 feet (6.86 meters).
Weight: 7.5 metric tons fully loaded
Power System: Batteries, enough to maintain maximum speed for 3 hours.
Cargo: Minimal (sidearm, survival kit, spare clips for the sidearm)
Market Cost: 17.5 million credits. When a customer buy a dozen or more, the price is lowered to 15 million per craft.

Weapon Systems:
Light Laser Cannons (4):
The designers of the Hartigal Combine replace the plasma cannons and the rail guns of the Broadsword with these light laser cannons. Their combined is more than enough to destroy most fighters and power armors with a few strikes.
Range: 3 miles (4.8 km) in space, 1.5 miles (2.4 km) in atmosphere
Mega Damage: 1D6x10 M.D. each or 4D6x10 M.D. when shooting all cannons together.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of combined hand to hand attacks.
Payload: 3,000 shots total or 750 combined shots
Bonus: +1 to Strike.

Wing mounted mini missile launchers (2):
Extended capacity mini missile launchers. Used for anti-fighter and bombardment purposes.
Range: As per mini missile type
Mega-Damage: As per mini missile
Rate of Fire: Each can fire missiles one at a time or in volleys of 2, 4, 8 or 16 missiles (32 missiles if both launchers combined)
Payload: 64 missiles per launcher (128 missiles total)

Noteable systems:
Sensory System – Standard sensory system with 300,000 miles / 480,000 km range.
Communication System – Standard communication system with 300,000 miles range (480,000 km).
ECM system – A combination of sensor jamming devices, radio-pulse flares and old-fashioned chaff dispensers. When active, these systems impose a -20% penalty to anyone trying to target the protected vessel using the Weapon Systems skill, and cause missiles to lose any targeting bonus (only affect smart missiles, no effect against dumb fire variants and rockets). The attacker (gunners and smart missiles) are -3 to Strike the target protected by ECM systems.
ECCM system – Lowers the negative modifier caused by an enemy ECM system by 10% and lowers the negative Strike modifier to -2 instead of the standard -3 caused by an enemy ECM attack.
Hardened systems – The ship electronic systems are reinforced against jamming type attacks. Lower the attacker Electronic Countermeasures skill by 10%.

Superior acceleration (reach maximum speed within 15 seconds), excellent handling (+10% to pilot skill rolls, 2 to Dodge and +2 Dog-fight rolls).


Falcon class Strike Fighter

The Falcon class was created about 50 years ago by the designers of a small company (seated in the Central Alliance), to be the new fighter of the Central Alliance. When the company failed to gain the contract (the salesmen of the Naruni Enterprises did everything to prevent this, and marketed their own crafts), the board of directors decide to made the ship available to the public, to lower the losses and to recover the money they invested in the fighter.

The two seater Falcon class strike fighter was made to engage and destroy sub-capital and light capital ships from safe distance and nullify the threat they posed.

The hull is streamlined making it ideal for the bombing of ground based targets and allow the fighter to attack enemy ships hiding in gas giants. Since the vessel has no point defenses (unlike similar sized bombers), it relies on its thick armor to allow it to deliver a strike then withdraw as fast as possible.

The onboard power plant of this fighter is capable of providing a decent amount of energy, but there is little agility in the compact form. Endurance is low also and enough fuel is provided for only 20 hours of operations before it needs to return to its carrier. This class is less agile than the similar sized fighters and this is a disadvantage that the smaller, more maneuverable fighters able to exploit easily.

To compensate this, the Falcon carry large amount of short range missiles and try to shoot down incoming fighters before they pose a serious risk. If this proves insufficient, the Falcon triggers its FTL drive system and leave the combat zone.

This strike fighter soon become popular among the independent defense forces and the various mercenary companies. The company salesmen maintain contact with their customers and listen to their suggestions. Several minor modifications have been done on the ship due to the responses and suggestions. The latest modified ships may carry missile container or cruise missile on its pylons. The modification can be performed on older crafts for a little additional cost and gives the ship more firepower.

Model Type: GA-HF1
Vehicle Type: Heavy Strike Fighter
Crew: 2

M.D.C. by location:
Cockpit – 170
Reinforce crew compartment – 150
Engines – 160
Landing gears (3) – 30 each
Wings (missile launchers) (2) – 200 each
Optional Missile containers/Cruise missile launcher (4)– 25 each
GR-1000 cannon (1) – 200
Laser Cannons (4) – 120 each
[1]Main Body – 700
[2]Shields – 1,800
[1] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will put the ship out of commission. The ship itself will be a floating wreck.
[2] Shield regenerate at the rate of 30% (540 M.D.C.) per melee.

Driving on the Ground: Not Possible.
Sublight: Using both engines the maximum speed is 11 Mach. Using only the ion drives limits the maximum speed to 6 Mach, while using only the contra-gravity drives limits the maximum speed to 5 Mach
FTL propulsion: 1 light-year per day.
Atmospheric Propulsion: Maximum speed is Mach 2 (1,483 mph / 2,372.8 kph), can enter and leave atmosphere due to its contra grav flight system.
Maximum Range: The onboard life support system sustains its crew for two days.

Statistical Data:
Length: 60 feet (18.3 meters).
Height: 13 feet (3.96 meters).
Width: 30 feet (9.15 meters)
Weight: 27.5 metric tons
Power System: Fusion with 25 year life span.
Fuel: 1.2 ton
Fuel consumption: 22.2 lbs (10 kg) per Mach per hour
Cargo: Minimal (enough to store two survival kits, 2 sidearms, some tools and several spare clips for the weapons)
Market Cost: 55 million credits for trustworthy customers.
Refuelling cost: 500 credits for 1 ton of Hydrogen fuel

Weapon Systems:
GR-1000 Cannon (1):
Double-barreled variant of the famous GR-1000 contra-gravity cannon. Used to engage targets from long range and do strafing attacks against large targets.
Range: 16 miles (25.6 km) in space and 8 miles (12.8 km) in an atmosphere.
Mega Damage: 4D6x10 M.D. per burst
Rate of Fire: Up to six time per melee.
Payload: Carries enough ammo for 1,000 attacks.

Laser Cannons (4):
Extended range light HI laser cannons complement the main GR cannon. Their individual performance is low but their combined firepower cuts through most light defenses.
Range: 10 miles (16 km) in space, 5 miles (8 km) in atmosphere
Mega Damage: 1D6x10 M.D. each or 4D6x10 M.D. when shooting all cannons together.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of combined hand to hand attacks.
Payload: Effectively unlimited.

Wing mounted missile launchers (2):
Two different missile launchers housed in each wings. The wing itself equipped with an internal short range missile launcher system and carries three long range missiles in separate launcher on wingtip mount. The short range missiles serves as an anti-fighter and anti-power armor weapon while the long range missiles usually used as bombardment armament or as an ati-ship weapon.
Range: As per mini missile type
Mega-Damage: As per missile
Rate of Fire: Each can fire missiles one at a time or in volleys of 2, 4, 8 or 10 missiles (20 missiles if both launchers fires short range missiles combined). One long range missile at a time or a volleys of 2, 4 or 6 missiles total.
Payload: 30 short range missiles and three long range missiles per wing (60 SRM and 6 LRM total)

Optional Missile Containers or Cruise Missiles (4 in any possible combination):
Additional, external weapon system carried on top and bottom mounted pylons of each wing. Each missile container holds 4 long range missiles or 8 medium range missiles (cannot be mixed). A high tech buckshot for ships of the line. Cannot used against targets closer than 5 miles (8 km). The newer and the upgraded variants may carry missile container or a single cruise missile on its pylons.
Range: As per mini missile type
Mega-Damage: As per missile
Rate of Fire: Each can fire missiles one at a time or in volleys of 2, or 4 missiles (for the containers). Cruise missiles can be fired by one at a time or a volley of 2 or 4 missiles (if the ship carries more than one cruise missile)
Payload: 4 long range missiles or 8 medium range missiles per container or one cruise missile per pylon.

Noteable systems:
Sensory System – Military grade sensory system with 350,000 miles / 540,000 km range.
Communication System – Standard communication system with 300,000 miles range (480,000 km).
ECM system – A combination of sensor jamming devices, radio-pulse flares and old-fashioned chaff dispensers. When active, these systems impose a -20% penalty to anyone trying to target the protected vessel using the Weapon Systems skill, and cause missiles to lose any targeting bonus (only affect smart missiles, no effect against dumb fire variants and rockets). The attacker (gunners and smart missiles) are -3 to Strike the target protected by ECM systems.
ECCM system – Lowers the negative modifier caused by an enemy ECM system by 10% and lowers the negative Strike modifier to -1 instead of the standard -3 caused by an enemy ECM attack.
Hardened systems – The ship electronic systems are reinforced against jamming type attacks. Lower the attacker Electronic Countermeasures skill by 20%.
Jamming Set – The jamming set can focus its emissions to overload enemy sensors and controlling systems. This gives the ship an electronic attack capability and requires Electronic Countermeasures skill roll. A successful roll suppresses enemy sensors for 3D4 rounds (45 to 180 seconds). While suppressed, the enemy gunners attack precision and attack rate lowered (-3 to Strike, loses one attack), the pilots response time increased and their ship controlling skills are weakened temporary (loses one attack, -10% to all piloting skill rolls and -3 to Dodge rolls) due to electronic system disturbances. The jamming set has a range of 2,500 miles (4,000 km) and able to jam up to 3 targets at a time (need to roll separately for all).
Communication Jamming System – The communication jamming system is designed for scrambling enemy communications (-30% to any communication skill based rolls for the enemy/foreign ships, failed communication roll means cancelled video communication and even the audio messages are hard to understand). Scrambles all foreign communications within 2,500 miles (4,000 km) range.

Bonuses and negatives:
Excellent acceleration (11 Mach per melee in space, half in atmosphere). Equipped with up to two containers/cruise missiles the ship become less agile (-1 to dog-fight rolls, and -5% to pilot skill rolls) three or four missile containers/cruise missiles lower the agility further (-2 to dog-fight rolls, -10% pilot skill rolls).

Re: Starship designs...

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 7:40 pm
by taalismn
Good incorporation of design flaws and limitations. 8)
My only complaints thus far have been nitpicks about lack of spellchecking in earlier posts, and grammar disagreements(singular/plural disagreements seem to abound). Polish those up and these would look outright professional!

Re: Starship designs...

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 11:57 pm
by Aramanthus
Those are some sweet fighters. I also like the built in flaws in the description. Please keep up the excellent work.

I need to find a small starship capable of FTL. I want something that can carry a expanded squad of special forces and their equipment. Any recommendations would be handy. Right now my brain is extrememly tired. I hoping someone can help me. I really need it by Thursday. After finding it I plan on adding mods to it from the Rifter. I plan on using it on Saturday when I am back home for my game. My players are going to love it. And if people want I could post it here with the mods I'm going to do to it. And if I can make use of this thread all the better.

Re: Starship designs...

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 3:43 am
by sagajr
I need help to overcome my insufficient English skills and correctly write the descriptions. Anyway, I try to find someone who check my descriptions and correct the mentioned errors.
Edit: All ship descriptions (except the latest, fighter descriptions) reviewed and corrected.

How large is this expanded squad (and what kind of equipment they have)? You can always use the Runner Ship from the PW book for a job like that. That is large enough to hold even small vehicles and carry several squads.

Or use the military variant of my Stallion (carry 30 troopers in body/exoskeleton armor and 10 power armored troopers). You can equip it with contra-gravity FTL drive (4 light-year per hour). This modification on the Mi variant cost 16 million credits (including the stronger reactor) but reduce the size and capacity of the cargo hold (20'x15'x10' size, and up to 7.5 tons capacity).

If you want something larger, inconspicuous, that serves as a mobile base of operation and carry all the troops and their equipment, then the typical Merchantman is a good platform to modify (if you want to use it in covert operations).

Or use the Mercenary from my creations. A little large (smaller than a Merchantman), but looks like a simple trade ship. Well defended, able to carry a full company to any battlezone. With some additional modification, this ship may transport fewer soldiers in relative comfort, can be equipped for longer missions (extend the life support capacity) and hold many vehicles and other equipments.

If you want, you can modify the Observer to carry more troops (the following modification decrease the onboard supplies to 2 months). Replace the staterooms with cabins to free up enough internal space to incorporate 4 bunkrooms (each designed for 12 people), a fresher block (toalets and shovers) and increase the size of the cargo hold by 50% (the cargo capacity remain the same). The cargo area able to store up to 40 power armors along with their spare parts and ammo, fill in 80% of the available storage space.

Re: Starship designs...

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 8:37 am
by KLM
Hi there!

Aramanthus wrote:I need to find a small starship capable of FTL. I want something that can carry a expanded squad of special forces and their equipment. Any recommendations would be handy. Right now my brain is extrememly tired. I hoping someone can help me.

Aside from sagajr's recommendation, the Proctor long range fighter/light frigate from DMB2 is also a good candidate, with cargo hold sacrificed
for more living space and maybe a small PA hangar.

Also, there is Carl Gleba's Cargo Runner and Cargo Hopper with deckplans and with a "special forces" variant from myself:



Re: Starship designs...

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 9:35 pm
by taalismn
sagajr wrote:taalismn:
I need help to overcome my insufficient English skills and correctly write the descriptions. Anyway, I try to find someone who check my descriptions and correct the mentioned errors. .

I need to improve my reading skills; I suddenly saw your Country of Origin. In which case, your writing is commendable for its technical effort. :D

Re: Starship designs...

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 12:21 am
by Aramanthus
Actually the enlarged special forces team is the bad guys. And the problem with Carl's beautiful work is that I can't down load it. I really want to be able to print it out at work. The bad guys are Sunja strike team who are after the heros. I really could still use some ideas. I'll have to spend time looking tomorrow after work.

Re: Starship designs...

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 2:24 am
by KLM
Hi there!

Aramanthus wrote:Actually the exxlarged special forces team is the bad guys.

Just a matter of perspective :P

And the problem with Carl's beautiful work is that I can't down load it. I really want to be able to print it out at work.

My browser has a "print" (and print preview) item in the File menu...

The bad guys are Sunja strike team who are after the heros. I really could still use some ideas. I'll have to spend time looking tomorrow after work.

If they are Sunaj assasins and the profile is "stealth strike" (ie. like in the case of that mysterious wreck in Pakistan,
at the site of Osama bin Laden's death), the Dragon Dreadnought from Atlantis, with FTL and maybe shields...

Being a really evil GM, the craft can have a spatial (space spells from Fleets!) and a techno wizard on board, and a few
enchantments. Maybe even a sploogie High Lord for those roles and a dozen Eyes of Eylor.


Re: Starship designs...

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 2:53 am
by sagajr

I recommend the Dragon Dreadnought for the Sunaj (with a little modification, like FTL drive and shields) or the Raider class shuttle from the Fleets of the Three Galaxies book (with FTL drive and shields).

The only drawback is the well-known appearance and origin of these ships.

If you want something different (and not afraid to complement the drawings and information), then go to the following site:
Here you find some interesting deckplans and ships that give you ideas. You can write stats for these ships and modify/redraw them if you want.

Another inspirational ship (deckplan only, no stats) could be the following: ... 430509.jpg

Re: Starship designs...

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 5:52 pm
by Aramanthus
Good suggestions, but I want the Sunja to be totally under cover. The player might actually spot the Dragon dreadnaught. Even with any stealth on the DD. I guess I'll have to look around. Thank you for your help.

Re: Starship designs...

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 6:12 pm
by taalismn
sagajr wrote:Greetings!

I recommend the Dragon Dreadnought for the Sunaj (with a little modification, like FTL drive and shields) or the Raider class shuttle from the Fleets of the Three Galaxies book (with FTL drive and shields).

The only drawback is the well-known appearance and origin of these ships.

If you want something different (and not afraid to complement the drawings and information), then go to the following site:
Here you find some interesting deckplans and ships that give you ideas. You can write stats for these ships and modify/redraw them if you want.

Another inspirational ship (deckplan only, no stats) could be the following: ... 430509.jpg

My opinion is that the Sunaj when traveling by mundane means like spacecraft go the proper ninja route; they don't travel in anything that looks like anything a stereotypical ninja spaceship would look like. That having been said, they'll fly mundane -looking commercial craft...with major drive upgrades, uber-powerful sensors, a one-shot-one-kill weapon system or two, and interior stealthing to hide all the extras packed inside from outside detection. If they have to go specialized stealth recon they'll travel in stuff that looks like it came off a CCW or TGE slip, the better to confuse opposition forces if they're ever detected. If the task doesn't require specialized spacecraftt but on demand individual transport, most Sunaj will steal a ship for a particular mission, something that the authorities wouldn't look too hard for, then throw it down a black hole, dive it into a sun, or sell the dismantled parts across a few dozen sectors afterwards.

Re: Starship designs...

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 11:03 pm
by glitterboy2098
taalismn wrote:Oh yeah! Wonderful to hear the roar of engines in this thread again! :ok:

yes, the wonderful sound of silence! :lol:

Re: Starship designs...

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 12:07 am
by Aramanthus
That is the idea I was going to go with Taalismnn. I was hoping that one of the ships from here on this thread could have been their ship. I was going to modify it at home tonight and print it up at work tomorrow. I don't have a printer at this time. So I can't print squat here at my place for the time being. Oh well. I'll just have to wing it. I was hoping to have some real stats. I will check this thread during the day at work before I leave for my home town after work. If any of you have any suggestions please state which page and which vessel on the thread and I'll print it up after looking at it. I do trust you all.

Re: Starship designs...

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 10:24 am
by sagajr

Wildfang class Destroyer

Another veteran of the wars between the old Wolfen Empire and the Kreeghor Dominion. The Wildfangs are still in the service of the Consortium and several other stellar kingdoms.

These ships were built to complement the Hunter class destoryers and to fight against enemies who immune to energy weapons (splugorth minions and other supernatural threats). To achive these goals, the designers took the frame of the Hunter class which proved itself in many battles, and modified it.

The outlines of the ship virtually remained the same, just the belly mounted hangar became smaller, which made the ship lower and a little bit lighter. Unlike the exterior, the interior of the ship underwent a complete redesign. The designers replaced the whole armament, reinforced the armor plates with additional layers, incorporated more crew accomodation and onboard facilities, extended the life support capacity, replaced the high performance anti-matter reactor with a weaker, cheaper and more reliable fusion one. The hangar capacity reduced to a single small shuttle and 20 power armors.
The sensory systems, the electronic warfare devices, the communication system and the engines (both the sublight and the faster than light engines) remained untouched.

An experimental modification were made on these ships. The surface of this ship equipped with concealed fire ports, where the onboard power armors shoot the incoming enemies (just like the helicopter door gunners of our own world). The fire ports were large enough to allow the Wildfang's power armored soldiers to lean out and shoot (thereby increased the number of point defense armament).
This experimental addition looked good on paper, but the reality couldn't live up to expectations. On one hand, the concealed fire ports gave the ship additional point defense capability, but on the other hand, these ports weakened the structure of hull and served as easier breach points for the enemy power armor pilots.

The redesigned armament used kinetic weapons almost exclusively. The central particle beam cannon was replaced by a high salvo capacity long range missile launcher. The two, side mounted particle beam cannons were replaced by powerful rail cannons. These cannons were designed to fire enemies front and behind of the ship (not the same time). There are two ammo feed system per "barrel" (each gun can be fed from both ends), but also a pair of acceleration rails, which run almost as long as the ships' hull. These long guns built into the place of the side mounted particle beam cannons.

The secondary armament were designed to serve both defense and attack goals. To achieve this, the designers replaced the Hunter's weak defense laser turrets with better ones and replaced the ammo consuming rail gun turrets with lower tech level autocannon turrets. The laser cannon turrets (the only energy weapon found on this design) were equipped with short range missile launcher system thereby increased the anti-fighter ability of the ship. The low tech medium autocannons were cheap, heavy weight guns which used old, autocannon shells (about the size of a mini missile) which does not require any energy to shoot (unlike the rail guns).

The ship equipped with a small scale, low capacity ammunition factory (one of the onboard workshops modified for this role) and the Wildfang's shuttle is used to gather raw materials. The collected materials are used to make ammunition for the rail cannons and the autocannons (the facility not equipped to be able to create missiles).

Nowadays this ship class can be found in Wolfen and CCW controlled space, but large numbers (most of these ships are refitted Hunter class destroyers) have been scattered through the known space, used by independent defense forces, mercenaries, pirates, police forces and companies as combat, patrol or escort ship. Within the CCW and the Wolfen controlled parts of the known space, these ships are used along with the famous Hunter class destroyers. The fleets are used 3:1 ratio mix, deploying 1 Wildfang for every 3 Hunters.

Refitted Hunter class ships keep their full hangar capacity and their cargo hold area is twice the size and capacity of the Wildfangs.

Model Type: HF-80
Vehicle Type: Destroyer
Crew: 35
Passengers: 20 soldiers (power armored troopers) and up to 5 additional passengers

M.D.C. by location
Bridge – 1,200
Engines – 1,350
Hangar – 900
Hangar Door – 600
Outer Hull (100 square feet) – 200
Interior bulkheads (100 square feet) – 20
Concealed fire ports (20) – 100
Airlocks (4) – 100
Communication system and FTL communication system – 300
Sensors (6) – 300 each
Landing gears (8) – 150 each
Rail Cannons (2) – 1,200 each
Laser Turrets (4) – 280 each
Autocannon Turrets (4) – 200 each
Long Range Missile Launcher – 800
[1]Main Body – 6,000
[2]Variable Shield – 6,000
[1] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will put the ship out of commission. All internal systems will shut down, including life support and internal gravity. The ship itself will be a floating wreck.
[2] Shield regenerates 30% per melee (1,800 M.D.C. per melee total)

Driving on the Ground: Not Possible.
Sublight: Maximum speed is 9.5 Mach
FTL propulsion: Contra-gravity Drive with 4.5 ligh-years per hour maximum speed.
Atmospheric Propulsion: Maximum speed is Mach 1 (670 mph / 1,080 kph)
Maximum Range: The ship carries enough supplies to sustain its crew and passengers (60 people total) for 12 months.

Statistical Data:
Length: 300 feet (91.5 meters).
Height: 65 feet (19.8 meters)
Width: 80 feet (24.4 meters)
Weight: 5,500 metric tons with fully loaded cargo hold
Power System: Fusion with 50 year life span.
Cargo: 400 tons (60'x60'x15')
Market Cost: 300 million to thrustworthy governments (both the wolfen and the GSC – Galactic Ship Company – manufacture this class). Refit packages for a Hunter class destroyer can be purchased on Phase World and made by the BGBR (Bigger Guns for Bigger Runs) company or can be ordered at the GSC. Refit for a Hunter class destroyer cost 25 million credits for a standard ship or 150 million for an army surplus version.

Weapon Systems:
Rail Cannons (2):
Side mounted, slow, heavy kinetic cannons used for anti-ship roles and bombardments. Each cannon able to fire targets in front of the ship or targets behind the ship. The cannons fires a single (unlike the standard rail guns which fires bursts), large and heavy (about the same size and weight as a medium range missile) projectile to medium range.
Range: 25 miles (40 km) in space, 12.5 miles (20 km) in atmosphere
Mega Damage: 5D4x100 M.D. each
Rate of Fire: Once ever other melee (1 shot per 30 seconds)
Payload: 1,000 projectiles for each cannon (2,000 total)

Laser Turrets (4):
A combined weapon system (combination of a powerful, but limited range laser cannon and a short range missile launcher system) that used for attack and defense roles. The laser cannons has no minuses to hit fighters (-2 to hit power armors and -4 to hit missiles) and each turret can rotate 360 and has a 180 arc of fire. Each mount is controlled by a separate gunner.
Range: 5 miles (8 km) in space and 2.5 miles (4 km) in an atmosphere for the laser cannon / as per missile for the launchers.
Mega Damage: 4D6x10 M.D. each for the laser cannon or as per missile type
Rate of Fire: Equal to the total number of hand to hand attacks of the gunner / one missile at a time or volleys of 2, 4 or 8 missiles per turret
Payload: Effectively Unlimited for the particle beam, 64 missile in each turret and another 640 missiles per turret stored in a special cargo hold (reloading launcher from this hold takes 1D6 minutes).

Medium Autocannon Turrets (4):
These autocannons fires bursts of medium, 30mm shells (both the propellant and the bullet incorporated in the shell). Used to shoot down incoming ships and missiles and to destroy targets immune to energy attacks. Unlike the laser cannons, the autocannons has no minuses to hit fighters or smaller targets and each turret can rotate 360 and has a 180 arc of fire. Each mount is controlled by a separate gunner.
Range: 5 miles (8 km) in space and 2.5 miles (4 km) in an atmosphere.
Mega Damage: 2D4x10+10 M.D. for 20 round burts each (burst fire only)
Rate of Fire: Equal to the total number of hand to hand attacks of the gunner
Payload: 20,000 rounds (1,000 bursts) loaded in each turret. Another 100,000 rounds stored in special cargo hold for each gun. Reloading from this hold takes 1D6 minutes.

Long Range Missile Launcher:
High salvo capacity long range missile launcher, mounted on the front side of the ship (in place of the Hunter's main particle beam cannon). This weapon can launch missiles on multiple targets (up to 4) at the same time. The weapon normally controlled by the dedicated gunner or controlled from the bridge via remote control.
Range: As per missiles
Mega-Damage: varies with missile type
Rate of Fire: Can fire one missile at a time or volleys of 2, 4, 8 or 16 missiles
Payload: 64 missiles loaded launcher. Another 640 missiles stored in a special holding area, but reloading launcher from this hold takes 1D4 minutes.

Noteable systems:
Sensory System – Extended range sensory system with 500,000 miles (800,000 km) range and 5 light-years Ftl detection. +10% bonus to sensory skill rolls, resistant against jamming attacks (lower the attacker Electronic Countermeasures skill by 10%) and able to track and identify up to 150 objects at the same time.
Communication System – Enhanced system with 350,000 miles (560,000 km) range. Contra-gravity field communicaton system (with 25 light-years range) installed on the ship.
ECM system – A combination of sensor jamming devices, radio-pulse flares and old-fashioned chaff dispensers. When active, these systems impose a -20% penalty to anyone trying to target the protected vessel using the Weapon Systems skill, and cause missiles to lose any targeting bonus (only affect smart missiles, no effect against dumb fire variants and rockets). The attacker (gunners and smart missiles) are -3 to Strike the target protected by ECM systems.
ECCM system – Lowers the negative modifier caused by an enemy ECM system by 10% and lowers the negative Strike modifier to -1 instead of the standard -3 caused by an enemy ECM attack.
Hardened systems – The ship electronic systems are reinforced against jamming type attacks. Lower the attacker Electronic Countermeasures skill by 10% (cumulative with the sensory system resistance).
Jamming Set – The jamming set can focus its emissions to overload enemy sensors and controlling systems. This gives the ship an electronic attack capability and requires Electronic Countermeasures skill roll. A successful roll suppresses enemy sensors for 3D4 rounds (45 to 180 seconds). While suppressed, the enemy gunners attack precision and attack rate lowered (-3 to Strike, loses one attack), the pilots response time increased and their ship controlling skills are weakened temporary (loses one attack, -10% to all piloting skill rolls and -3 to Dodge rolls) due to electronic system disturbances. The jamming set has a range of 10,000 miles (16,000 km) and able to jam up to 15 targets at a time (need to roll separately for all).
Communication Jamming System – The communication jamming system is designed for scrambling enemy communications (-60% to any communication skill based rolls for the enemy/foreign ships, failed communication roll means cancelled video communication and even the audio messages are hard to understand). Scrambles all foreign communications within 10,000 miles (16,000 km) range.
Stealth Coating – Military grade stealth coating (-60% to Read Sensors skill when the ship is standing still, and -30% to Read Sensors skill when the ship is moving.). When the ship loose 25% of its maximum M.D.C., the detection difficulty modifiers are lowered to one half. Loosing 50% or more of its M.D.C., means the detection difficulty is lowered to one quarter of its starting value, while loosing more than 75% of the hull M.D.C. makes the stealth coating virtually useless (grants only 1/10th of its basic detection difficulty value).

Carried crafts:
1 small shuttle, 20 power armors

Excellent acceleration (reach maximum speed within 15 seconds).

Re: Starship designs...

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 12:08 pm
by taalismn
Another excellent design. :)

Re: Starship designs...

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 12:18 pm
by Aramanthus
I agree. I like your designs. Please keep them coming.

Re: Starship designs...

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 12:39 pm
by Aramanthus
I found what I was looking for it was over on the PS thread. The "Sunchaser Corvette". It is prefect for my needs.

Re: Starship designs...

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 3:10 pm
by taalismn
Aramanthus wrote:I found what I was looking for it was over on the PS thread. The "Sunchaser Corvette". It is prefect for my needs.

I didn't post the Sunchaser here? I thought I did.
No matter; you found it. :D

Re: Starship designs...

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 11:24 am
by sagajr

Skirmish class Light Carrier

The Skirmish class, was originally a Human Alliance design (long before the foundation of the CCW) that was never put into production. This class designed to be a cheap, expendable stand-in to the more expensive (and far less numerous) fleet carriers. After the commissioning board decided to go with an alternative design the specifications and blueprints were sold to GSC (Galactic Ship Corporation). The GSC sat on the schematics for many years before deciding upon a way to make some money from the class.

When first built, these ships were considered incredible vessels but by most modern standards, they are considered completely obsolete. The class is battleworthy, though not extremely so. Skirmish class vessels are not equipped for anti-ship engagements and is supposed to stay back out of the main combat or protected by a ring of escort vessels. Their main, dual-purpose (used for offensive and defensive tasks) armament is designed to damage light ships that come too close and to shoot down incoming bombers. Seven medium powered, but slow cannons and eight medium range missile launcher dedicated for this task. Their defensive systems – medium armor plates, strong shields and twenty four, retractable particle beam turrets combined with short range missile launchers – considered adequate even by modern standards.

Sensors are adequate and the communications suite is top of the range. Low maneuverability and low speed is of course the norm. Armament's fire control is adequate at best, and prone to strange glitches. However, this is overcome by switching in one of the many multiply-redundant backups.

One of the real advantage (over its price) of this class is its large hangars which are able to hold more fighter crafts than any other similar light carrier designs. Four fighter squadrons (48 fighters) and one bomber/gunship squadron (12 bombers/gunships) serves aboard this vessel along with eight shuttles. Each hangar section large enough to hold virtually any fighter except the largest ones (like the Draygon Nova Star fighter or the Star Ghost), which carried in separate, larger hangars (hangars 9-14 and 23-28).

The small shuttles stored and launcher from the hangars placed on the top side of the ship. Four shuttles dedicated to refuelling tasks. These shuttles are constantly looking for Hydrogen sources (fuel for the ion drives of the carrier), gather and refine Hydrogen then transport it to the carrier. Two shuttles serves as light cargo craft and sometimes used as miner ships to gather raw materials for the onboard ammunition factory. The remaining two shuttles are armed to the teeth and armored. Designed for boarding and rescue military operations (performed by the marine contingent of the ship). Finally the ship carry 60 power armors (40 space capable and 20 infantry types) used by the marines and the onboard security forces.

Skirmishes are somewhat crew-intensive due to lack of automation, so although they are cheap to buy for planetary navies, they are not that cheap to operate. Many examples have been converted or have had part of their armament decommissioned or undergone various upgrades or automation to reduce manpower requirements.

Although this class has large crew, the accomodation and onboard facilities are comfortable even for large sized crew members (10 feet high or smaller species find this design quite comfortable). Most of the crew members accommodated in cabins, but the ship has 20 staterooms reserved for the captain, the commanding officers and the passengers. These light carriers also have a fully staffed medical center (able to treat 125 severly injured people) including operating rooms, several briefing rooms and enough restrooms to hold the crew morale high. A separated, small section within this class was dedicated to ammunition production (autocannon ammo only, cannot produce missiles). When sufficient raw materials are available, this section is able to produce 50,000 rounds per day.

Nowadays the Skirmish class ships are one of the oldest ships still serves in the various fleets and relatively common sight in the less developed regions of the Three Galaxies. Numerous ships used by independent defense forces, mercenaries, pirates, police forces and sometimes even by companies as leader of their patrol or escort fleets. The older, junkier ones were being used as support ships, or glorified fighter ferries.

Model Type: GSC-LC1
Vehicle Type: Light Carrier
Crew: 480 (including 80 person security detachment)
Passengers: 80 marines (20 power armored, 60 in heavy body armor for boarding operations), 120 pilots and up to 20 additional passengers

M.D.C. by location
Main Bridge – 4,500
Forward Secondary Bridge – 4,500
Engines – 3,500
Upper Hangar (shuttle hangars) – 2,250
Lower Hangar sections (2, starboard side, port side) – 4,500 each
Hangar Doors (36) – 1,500 each
Outer Hull (100 square feet) – 680
Interior bulkheads (100 square feet) – 90
Airlocks (8) – 200
Communication system and FTL communication system cluster (on top of the bridge) – 2,250
Sensors (6) – 1,200 each
Dual Laser Turrets (5) – 900 each
Dual Heavy Autocannon Turrets (2) – 600 each
Heavy Autocannon Turrets (8) – 300 each
Defense Turrets (24) – 100 each
Medium Range Missile Launchers (8) – 460
[1]Main Body – 22,500
[2]Variable Shield – 15,000 total (2,500 per side)
[1] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will put the ship out of commission. All internal systems will shut down, including life support and internal gravity. The ship itself will be a floating wreck.
[2] Shield regenerates 30% per melee (4,500 M.D.C. total per melee total)

Driving on the Ground: Not Possible.
Sublight: Maximum speed is 8 Mach
FTL propulsion: Contra-gravity Drive with 4 ligh-years per hour maximum speed.
Atmospheric Propulsion: None. Not designed for atmospheric fly.
Maximum Range: The ship maintain its crew and passengers (700 people total) for 12 months.
Fuel Consumption: 0.5 ton per Mach per hour (4 tons per hour on maximum speed)
Fuel Capacity: 2,500 tons

Statistical Data:
Length: 600 feet (183 meters).
Height: 110 feet (33.8 meters) for the main body, 190 feet (57.95 meters) total height including bridge and antennaes
Width: 240 feet (73.2 meters)
Weight: 40,000 metric tons with fully loaded cargo hold
Power System: Fusion with 50 year life span.
Cargo: 5,000 tons total in two cargo holds (500x100x20 feet each). An additional small, separate cargo bay dedicated to store the ammo for the carried crafts (20 reloads for each combat ship).
Market Cost: 1.2 billion (without the carried crafts).
Refueling cost: 500 credits per ton

Weapon Systems:
Dual Laser Cannon Turrets (5):
Turret mounted, dual barreled laser cannons used against sub-capital vessels. The targeting system of these cannons are inaccurate against small targets (-2 to Strike against fighters, -4 to Strike against power armors and -6 to Strike missiles). Each turret can rotate 360 and has a 180 arc of fire. Each mount is controlled by a separate gunner.
Range: 20 miles (32 km) in space, 10 miles (16 km) in atmosphere
Mega Damage: 1D6x100 M.D. each
Rate of Fire: Up to four times per melee
Payload: Effectively unlimited.

Dual Heavy Autocannon Turrets (2):
These autocannons fires bursts of heavy, 40mm shells (both the propellant and the bullet incorporated in the shell). Used to shoot down incoming ships and missiles and to destroy targets immune to energy attacks. Just like the laser cannons, the autocannons has been eqipped with an aging combat computer and a little bit inaccurate(-1 to Strike against fighters, -2 to Strike against power armors and -4 to Strike against missiles). Each turret can rotate 360 and has a 180 arc of fire. Each mount is controlled by a separate gunner. The guns mounted on the frontal top side of the ship.
Range: 10 miles (16 km) in space and 5 miles (8 km) in an atmosphere.
Mega Damage: 1D6x100 M.D. for 80 round burts per turret (burst fire only)
Rate of Fire: Up to four times per melee
Payload: 40,000 rounds (500 full bursts) loaded in each turret. Another 400,000 rounds stored in special cargo hold for each gun. Reloading from this hold takes 1D6 minutes.

Heavy Autocannon Turrets (8):
Single-barreled variant of the above mentioned autocannon turret. Used to shoot down incoming fighters and missiles. The particle beam cannons has no minuses to hit fighters or power armors, but not designed to shoot down incoming missiles (-2 to Strike against missiles). Each turret can rotate 360 and has a 180 arc of fire. Every mount is controlled by a separate gunner. Four guns placed behind the bridge on the top side, the remaining four mounted on the bottom side of the carrier.
Range: 10 miles (16 km) in space and 5 miles (8 km) in an atmosphere.
Mega Damage: 5D6x10 M.D. for 40 round bursts per turret (only fire bursts)
Rate of Fire: Equal to the total number of hand to hand attacks of the gunner
Payload: 20,000 rounds (500 bursts) loaded in each turret. Another 200,000 rounds stored in special cargo hold for each gun. Reloading from this hold takes 1D6 minutes.

Defense Turrets (24):
Retractable, combined weapon system (combination of a particle beam cannon and a short range missile launcher system) designed against small attack ships, power armors and missiles. The particle beam cannons has no minuses to hit small targets and each turret can rotate 360 and has a 180 arc of fire. Each mount is controlled by a separate gunner. Each cannon can be switch between focused and diffuse mode. These retractable cannons scattered around the ship's hull to provide optimal defense against incoming threats.
Range: 5 miles (8 km) in space and 2.5 miles (4 km) in an atmosphere for the laser cannon / as per missile for the launchers.
Mega Damage: 2D6x10 M.D. each for the particle beam cannon in focused mode or 2D6 M.D. to 60 feet cone up to half range / as per missile type
Rate of Fire: Equal to the total number of hand to hand attacks of the gunner / one missile at a time or volleys of 2, 4, 8 or 16 missiles per turret
Payload: Effectively Unlimited for the particle beam, 64 missile in each turret and another 640 missiles per turret stored in a special cargo hold (reloading launcher from this hold takes 1D6 minutes).

Medium Range Missile Launchers (8):
High salvo capacity medium range missile launchers, strategically placed on the hull. This weapon can launch missile volleys on multiple targets (up to 8) at the same time. The weapon normally controlled by the dedicated gunner or controlled from the bridge via remote control.
Range: As per missiles
Mega-Damage: varies with missile type
Rate of Fire: Can fire one missile at a time or volleys of 2, 4, 8, 16 or 32 missiles per launcher
Payload: 96 missiles loaded launcher. Another 960 missiles stored in a special holding area, but reloading launcher from this hold takes 1D4 minutes.

Noteable systems:
Sensory System – Extended range sensory system with 600,000 miles (960,000 km) range and 5 light-years Ftl detection. +20% bonus to sensory skill rolls, resistant against jamming attacks (lower the attacker Electronic Countermeasures skill by 20%) and able to track and identify up to 500 objects at the same time.
Communication System – Enhanced system with 350,000 miles (560,000 km) range. Contra-gravity field communicaton system (with 50 light-years range) installed on the ship.
ECM system – A combination of sensor jamming devices, radio-pulse flares and old-fashioned chaff dispensers. When active, these systems impose a -20% penalty to anyone trying to target the protected vessel using the Weapon Systems skill, and cause missiles to lose any targeting bonus (only affect smart missiles, no effect against dumb fire variants and rockets). The attacker (gunners and smart missiles) are -3 to Strike the target protected by ECM systems.
ECCM system – Lowers the negative modifier caused by an enemy ECM system by 10% and lowers the negative Strike modifier to -2 instead of the standard -3 caused by an enemy ECM attack.
Hardened systems – The ship electronic systems are reinforced against jamming type attacks. Lower the attacker Electronic Countermeasures skill by 15% (cumulative with the sensory system resistance).
Jamming Set – The jamming set can focus its emissions to overload enemy sensors and controlling systems. This gives the ship an electronic attack capability and requires Electronic Countermeasures skill roll. A successful roll suppresses enemy sensors for 3D4 rounds (45 to 180 seconds). While suppressed, the enemy gunners attack precision and attack rate lowered (-3 to Strike, loses one attack), the pilots response time increased and their ship controlling skills are weakened temporary (loses one attack, -10% to all piloting skill rolls and -3 to Dodge rolls) due to electronic system disturbances. The jamming set has a range of 20,000 miles (32,000 km) and able to jam up to 40 targets at a time (need to roll separately for all).
Communication Jamming System – The communication jamming system is designed for scrambling enemy communications (-60% to any communication skill based rolls for the enemy/foreign ships, failed communication roll means cancelled video communication and even the audio messages are hard to understand). Scrambles all foreign communications within 20,000 miles (32,000 km) range.
Stealth Coating – Para-military grade stealth coating (-40% to Read Sensors skill when the ship is standing still, and -20% to Read Sensors skill when the ship is moving.). When the ship loose 25% of its maximum M.D.C., the detection difficulty modifiers are lowered to one half. Loosing 50% or more of its M.D.C., means the detection difficulty is lowered to one quarter of its starting value, while loosing more than 75% of the hull M.D.C. makes the stealth coating virtually useless (grants only 1/10th of its basic detection difficulty value).

Carried crafts:
48 Fighters (anything smaller than a Draygon Nova Star).
12 Bombers/Gunships (Star Ghost sized or smaller, 50 tons or lighter)
4 Tanker Shuttles (small shuttles with ramscoop and are able to transport 30 tons Hydrogen)
2 Military Shuttles (small, armed shuttles for boarding or rescue operations)
2 Cargo Shuttles (small shuttles, 30 tons capacity)
40 Space capable Power Armors
20 Infantry Power Armors (for boarding/commando operations)
40 squad sized (10 people capacity) lifeboats

Advantages and disadvantages:
Good acceleration (4 Mach per melee), weak deceleration (1 Mach per melee). The ion drives are not designed for quick maneuvers and stunts. All pilot skill rolls suffers -10% modification and the evasive actions penalized by 1 point (-1 to Dodge).

Re: Starship designs...

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 11:51 am
by taalismn
Another excellent addition to your portfolio.

Re: Starship designs...

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 6:33 am
by KLM
Hi there!

First I have to confess, that Sagajr routinely asks me to correct his desings - especially the description - before posting,
but being a lazy and occupied pig, I cannot do it in time... :oops:

sagajr wrote:Wildfang class Destroyer
The two, side mounted particle beam cannons were replaced by powerful rail cannons. These cannons were designed to fire enemies front and behind of the ship (not the same time). To achieve this, the designers built together two rail gun cannons (thereby created a long, middle-fed gun that fire forward or backward). These long guns built into the place of the side mounted particle beam cannons.

One little correction: the rail guns are actually fed from both ends, ie. there are two ammo feed system per "barrel", but also a pair of
acceleration rails, which run almost as long as the ships' hull.

So, I suggest a longer range (like 30 miles in space, as per "basic" Palladium rules) and the "both ends" feed system only raises module
space and weight requirement by 20%.


Re: Starship designs...

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 9:47 am
by sagajr
The description section about the rail cannon is corrected.
The range has been increased to 25 miles. I think the 30 miles range is too much for a medium weapon system (especially because this ship and its armament was designed the same time when the Hunter class was created). A modernized version may have a gun with that range but its too good for the original design.

Re: Starship designs...

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 4:25 pm
by taalismn
Upgrades are up to well-heeled PCs, I guess, who can't afford (or don't know enough) to buy a newer, better ship with more upgrade potential.
Sometimes you just CAN'T shoehorn that massdriver cannon you got cheap into that old hulk you found/inherited(might make more sense to throw the SHIP at whatever you want pulverized).

Re: Starship designs...

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 12:19 am
by Aramanthus
I promise to read them tomorrow after work. I'm am really tired.

Re: Starship designs...

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 6:17 pm
by taalismn
zedjagder wrote:
taalismn wrote:Upgrades are up to well-heeled PCs, I guess, who can't afford (or don't know enough) to buy a newer, better ship with more upgrade potential.
Sometimes you just CAN'T shoehorn that massdriver cannon you got cheap into that old hulk you found/inherited(might make more sense to throw the SHIP at whatever you want pulverized).

However, it can be oh so much fun to try and "shoehorn" a battleship class weapon into a scoutship...not to mention the look of suprise on the face of your oppenent when they realize you are absolutly nuckin futs and that you both are about to die as that jury rigged mass driver cannon goes critical and atomizes the both of you! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh yeah...that last blast...but it's easier to shoehorn in a cruise missile or two and their launch gear...standoff weapon that MIGHT allow you to survive the experience if you can launch it(and the other guy's point defense can't stop it).

Re: Starship designs...

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 6:36 pm
by Aramanthus
And if you add some external disposable launchers on your ship you could really increase the intial missile launch.

Re: Starship designs...

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 4:30 am
by sagajr

Dagger class Light Interceptor

Dagger class light interceptor design is construted by the Hartigal Combine and is marketed against the newest, high performance fighters like CCW's Black Eagle, the Bushi Federation's Katana or all the fighters made by the Draygon Industries. Unlike the aformentioned ships, this class has many advantages compared to them. Its small, sleek and stealthy frame, which is designed to withstand high pressure and many different harsh environments, provides significant benefits in many areas for this new fighter. Not to mention that these fighter crafts are one of the smallest and cheapest fighters on the market.

This fighter class is very lightly armored when compared to most other fighters, and unlike its larger competitors, does not mount a variable shield system. Instead of a strong, but costly variable shield system, these fighters are equipped with the cheaper basic force field. This means that in combat situations, pilots usually prefer to rely the ship's impressive maneuverability, instead of shields, to avoid damage.

As far as the interceptor's contra-gravity engines, they are high speed, energy efficient designs. The ship is streamlined for much better atmospheric performance which makes it a highly effective ground attack fighter. Its multi-environment, pressure resistance hull allows this small fighter to move and wait in high pressure enviroment (underwater or the upper regions of a gas giant) and launch their attacks from there.

The Dagger class is armed with six extended range point defense laser cannons and a mini missile launcher. While none of the mounted laser cannons are as powerful as the average lasers mounted on most modern fighters, these cannons has extended range and their combined firepower easily surpasses the performance of most of the heavier cannons. Another outstanding feature of these cannons that they can operate underwater and other dense enviroments.
Additionally to the cannons the ship is equipped with a belly mounted, high capacity mini missile launcher, which give the ship basic, short range kinetic firepower.
Over the mini missile launcher, these ships carries four light missile hard points, mounted under its wings. Each one carry a single medium range missile or four short range missiles. With these missiles the ship able to serve in many roles, but most of the time these ships used as anti-fighter and anti-bomber crafts.

However, even this outstanding performance and low price seems little compensation for all the disadvantages of the Dagger class.
The miniaturization and the energy efficient designs, used in many systems of this class, are increase the maintenance time of the ship, and increase the difficulty of the repairs (-10% to any repair attempts).
The lack of advanced electronic warfare systems (like jammers and ECCM systems) lowers the ship's combat performance. Its main armament (the cannons) are worthless against foes who are immune to energy attacks and has very short range in atmosphere. Another flaw of the guns are their low rate of fire. While they have excellent range for a point defense gun (in space), their maximum rate of fire is limited to 40 shots per minute which is little more than half of the standard rate of fire of the average point defense gun.

Although only five years have passed since the ship has been introduced in the market, designers of the Hartigal Combine work hard to overcome all these aformentioned disadvantages and improve the ship's performance further. There have been some partial results, which are available in the form of five different, external auxiliary pods. Pod types one and two can be set up on any missile pylons, pod types three and four occupies both pylons of one wing, while pod type five replaces the belly mounted missile launcher.
Type one pods gives the ship limited jamming ability, type two pods provides limited communication jamming ability. Type three pods lowers the negative effects of enemy ECM system (works like an ECCM system), type four pods are shield enhancers which amplifies the basic shield strength. Type five pods gives the ship slow, limited range faster-than-light speed (usually used to shorten travel times within a planetary system and extend the patrol area).

Model Type: HC-I1
Vehicle Type: Aerospace Interceptor
Crew: 1

M.D.C. by location:
Cockpit – 150
Reinforce crew compartment – 125
Engines – 100
Landing gears (3) – 10 each
Missile Launcher (1) – 80
Light Missile pylons (4)– 5 each
Laser Cannons (6) – 80 each
Optional Auxiliary pod – 25
[1]Main Body – 450
[2]Basic Force Field – 900
[1] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will put the ship out of commission. The ship itself will be a floating wreck.
[2] Non variable shield system, regenerate at the rate of 25% (225 M.D.C.) per melee.

Driving on the Ground: Not Possible.
Sublight: Maximum speed is 16.5 Mach.
FTL propulsion: None without auxiliary pod, 1 AU per sec for up to two hours (the batteries need two hours recharge time).
Atmospheric Propulsion: Maximum speed is Mach 8 (5,932 mph / 9,491.2 kph), can enter and leave an atmosphere. Maximum underwater speed is 150 mph (240 kph), maximum depth tolerance is 5,000 feet (1,525 m).
Maximum Range: The onboard life support system sustains the pilot for two days.

Statistical Data:
Length: 30 feet (9.15 meters).
Width: 20 feet (6.1 meters).
Height: 8 feet (2.44 meters)
Weight: 7.5 metric tons
Power System: Fusion with 25 year life span.
Cargo: Minimal (enough to store one survival kit, 1 sidearm, some tools and several spare clips for the weapon)
Market Cost: 35 million credits. Pod one and two costs 500,000 credits each, pod three and four cost 1.5 million credits each, while pod five cost 2 million credits.

Weapon Systems:
Light Laser Cannons (6):
Extended range point defense HI laser cannons with low rate of fire, built into the nose and the wings of the fighter.
Range: 4.5 miles (7.2 km) in space, 2.25 miles (3.6 km) in atmosphere
Mega Damage: 1D4x10+5 M.D. each or 6D4x10+30 M.D. when shooting all cannons together (counts as one attack).
Rate of Fire: Up to 10 per melee per cannon (or 10 combined attacks total).
Payload: Effectively unlimited.

Belly mounted missile launcher (1):
The belly mounted launcher equipped with mini missile launcher system. The missiles serves as an anti-fighter and anti-power armor weapon.
Range: As per mini missile type
Mega-Damage: As per missile
Rate of Fire: Can fire missiles one at a time or in volleys of 2, 4, or 8 missiles.
Payload: 48 mini missiles

Light missile pylons (4):
Two missile pylons placed under each wing to carry additional missile armament. Each missile pylon may hold 1 medium range missile or 4 short range missiles.
Range: As per missile type
Mega-Damage: As per missile
Rate of Fire: Each can fire missiles one at a time or in volleys of 2 or 4 missiles per pylon
Payload: 1 medium range missile or 4 short range missiles per pylon

Noteable systems:
Sensory System – Military grade sensory system with 350,000 miles / 540,000 km range.
Communication System – Standard communication system with 300,000 miles range (480,000 km).
ECM system – A combination of sensor jamming devices, radio-pulse flares and old-fashioned chaff dispensers. When active, these systems impose a -20% penalty to anyone trying to target the protected vessel using the Weapon Systems skill, and cause missiles to lose any targeting bonus (only affect smart missiles, no effect against dumb fire variants and rockets). The attacker (gunners and smart missiles) are -3 to Strike the target protected by ECM systems.
Hardened systems – The ship electronic systems are reinforced against jamming type attacks. Lower the attacker Electronic Countermeasures skill by 20%.
Stealth Design – While the ship is not equipped with stealth coating, its sleek design and small frame makes it difficult to detect by sensors. Any detection attempts suffers -20% to Read Sensory System skill against this ship. If the ship carries missiles on its pylons, lower this modifier to -10%.
Type One Auxiliary Pod – The jamming set can focus its emissions to overload enemy sensors and controlling systems. This gives the ship an electronic attack capability and requires Electronic Countermeasures skill roll. A successful roll suppresses enemy sensors for 1D4 rounds (15 to 60 seconds). While suppressed, the enemy gunners attack precision and attack rate lowered (-2 to Strike, loses one attack), the pilots response time increased and their ship controlling skills are weakened temporary (loses one attack, -10% to all piloting skill rolls and -3 to Dodge rolls) due to electronic system disturbances. The jamming set has a limited range of 100 miles (160 km) and able to jam up to 2 targets at a time (need to roll separately for all). Multiple pods equipped on the same ship increase the jamming range (+25 miles per additional systems) and the number of targets affected at a time (+1 per additional system).
Type Two Auxiliary Pod –This system is designed for scrambling enemy communications (-30% to any communication skill based rolls for the enemy/foreign ships, cancel video communication and even the audio messages are hard to understand). Scrambles all foreign communications within 100 miles (160 km) range. Additional pods increase the affected range by +25 miles (40 km) by every additional pod installed.
Type Three Auxiliary Pod – Special system designed to counter the negative effects of the opponent's ECM system. Compensate 10% Weapon System skill negative modifier and compensate 1 point of negative Strike modifier caused by the enemy ECM system. Two pods increase the compensation to 15% and 2 points of negative Strike modifier.
Type Four Auxiliary Pod – Strengthen the basic shield by 300 M.D.C., but cannot enhance the shield's regeneration rate. Two pods strengthen the shield by 600 M.D.C.
Type Five Auxiliary Pod – Gives the ship slow, limited range FTL feature. The maximum speed is limited to 1 Astronomical Unit per second (92,955,630 miles or 150,000,000 km per second). Maximum operation time limited at two hours.

Superior acceleration (able to reach maximum speed within 15 seconds), excellent manouvering and handling(+15% to pilot skill rolls, +2 to Dodge, +2 to Initiative, +1 to Strike, +2 to Dog-fighting rolls) both in space and atmosphere.

Re: Starship designs...

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 7:41 pm
by taalismn
Works for me! :ok:

Re: Starship designs...

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 11:50 pm
by Aramanthus
Very nice. I like it. I hope that there is more still coming.

Re: Starship designs...

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 12:20 am
by Aramanthus
Have you read the entire thread? There is so many ships on here it is not funny. If your haven't read them all.

Re: Starship designs...

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 5:04 am
by KLM
Hi there!

Sagajr and I just made one, and it is on "the desk" of Palladium - the results of
it are above, from his keyboard.

Frankly, it is said to be too long (a few large tables and many examples and
extra options in it), and more regretfully, I do not have time to work on it...

At least sagajr has both time and endurance.


Re: Starship designs...

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 1:45 pm
by sagajr

Wayfarer class Light Freighter

The Wayfarer class light freighter – a rugged, well-engineered craft – was originally designed by the Skaa for their Kreeghor masters to serve them as multi-enivroment, light, multi-purpose ship, but the ship's slow speed and weak armament was found no positive responses among the navy captains.
Nevertheless, the ship was not forgotten and found its use in the hands of the TGE's agents and merchants as well as the mercenary and pirate factions. Till this day, this class is one of the most popular craft originated from the TGE and used by many factions and various races throughout the known space.

These ships has several special features which made them unique in the lines of the light freighters. The first one is the looks. The Kreeghor's organic design style can be recognized on this vessel – a deliberate planning made by the Skaa to earn the respect of their masters. Its sleek, rounded, curved hull is full with bumps. These bumps conceals and holds many of the ship's electronic systems and sometimes used as smuggler compartments by the less law-abiding captains. No straight lines, sharp angles can be found on this ship.

Another special feature is its capability of landing on water surfaces then floating on it and landing on ocean floors or sea beds up to a depth of 10,000 feet. While underwater, the ship's primary thrust and maneuverability are supplied by a special underwater propulsion engine.
Before travelling underwater, the ship must re-pressurize the interior atmosphere and reconfigure the shield system. When travelling in space, the vessels design is intended to to keep pressure and atmosphere in; when underwater, the interior air pressure and hull bracing must be altered to keep water and pressure out. The shield system must be adjusted to withstand the awesome pressures of ocean depth. In this configuration the shield cannot be used as a defensive field, only the armor layers protect the vessel from damage (ie no shield protection in underwater enviroments).

The third unique feature of these ships are their high ceiling. The average interior ceiling is 14 feet. Even the largest Wolfen, Kreeghor or Skaa found these ships comfortable. Like the ceiling, the interior accomodations and onboard facilies are extra large sized. However, there are only 6 cabins (each one is 375 square feet area with a small fresher and toilet) built into the ship. Two of these cabins are singly occupied, the remaining four designed for two people. There is a small (by galactic standard) medical room wich able to handle up to 2 people at a time and have a single medical bed. A single recreation room is incorporated (sometimes double as a dining room) too, but no kitchen can be found on the ship. The food services are provided by an autochef, a small, pre programmed food preparatory device with limited menu selection.
The cargo hold, the largest open space within the ship, and the small onboard workshop can be found in the back side of the ship, between the engines (combination of ion engines and contra-gravity drives), over the fuel tank and under the underwater propulsion system.

The last, and probably the most popular, special feature of these ships are their low maintenance and easily modifiable interior. Their vast internal space, the modular onboard devices are easily replacable, modifiable components made this ship one of the most wanted civilian craft in the galaxies.

However, the deficiencies should not be forgotten. These ships use slow, reaction mass engines (specifically ion drives) which are cheap but require a constant supply of fuel. The onboard ramscoop system use an older design and its performance is not sufficient.
The original designe use a very slow contra-gravity drive system to allow the ship to leave the atmosphere and the atmospheric flight. This give the ship only a basic, slow atmospheric speed.
The armament looks good in paper, but in reality sometimes proves to be weak and short ranged against the average pirate fighters.
The lack of onboard escape capsules or pods is another flaw of this design which can only be remedied by cargo hold reduction.

The Skaa engineers at the shipyards of Veripin System are finally made an improved version of this venerable craft. They replaced the space consuming ion drives and the weak cg drive by a more powerful contra-gravity system. Throw out the fuel tank and the inefficient ramscoop system, recalibrate the shield system, improved the atmospheric speed of the ship, increased the maximum FTL speed and replaced the old fusion reactor by a stronger one (to serve the energy consuming contra-gravity drives and the stronger shields). The changes increased the cargo capacity of the ship by 50 tons (a welcomed change for the merchant captains).

Model Type: CC-1450
Vehicle Type: Multi-enviroment light freighter
Crew: Three but can be operated by a single pilot
Passengers: Up to 7 additional people (10 people total, including the crew)

M.D.C. by location:
Bridge – 400
Engines – 350
Cargo Hold Door (1, lower back side of the ship) – 500
Outer Hull (100 square feet) – 50
Interior bulkheads (100 square feet) – 15
Airlocks (2) – 100
Communication system – 300
Sensors (2 large sensor spikes, 4 small domes) – 250 each for the spikes, 150 each for the domes
Landing gears (6) – 10 each
Laser cannon (1) – 300
Concealed Missile Launchers (2) – 150 each
Retractable Light turrets (2) – 150 each
[1]Main Body – 2,000
[2]Force Field – 2,000 or 2,500 for the modernized variant
[1] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will put the ship out of commission. The ship itself will be a floating wreck.
[2] Special shield system, regenerate at the rate of 25% (500 M.D.C.) per melee, non variable shield.

Driving on the Ground: Not Possible.
Sublight: The original ship's maximum speed is 9 Mach when use both drives. Ion drive's maximum speed is 8 Mach. Contra-gravity drive's maximum speed limited to 1 Mach. The modernized variant use powerful contra-gravity drives only (maximum speed is 9 Mach).
FTL propulsion: Contra-gravity, 3 light-years per hour maximum speed. The modernized variant's maximum speed is 4 light-years per hour
Atmospheric Propulsion: The original design's maximum speed is Mach 1 (741.5 mph / 1,186.4 kph), while the modernized variant's maximum speed is Mach 4 (2,966 mph / 4,745.6 kph) can enter and leave an atmosphere. Maximum underwater speed is 100 mph (160 kmh).
Maximum Range: The ship maintain its crew and passengers (10 people total) for 3 months.
Fuel Consumption (old desing): 0.05 ton per Mach per hour (0.4 tons per hour on maximum speed)
Fuel Capacity (old design): 40 tons

Statistical Data:
Length: 130 feet (39 meters).
Height: 25 feet (7.6 meters). Maximum height (landing gears extended) is 32 feet (9.7 meters)
Width: 40 feet (12.2 meters)
Weight: 400 metric tons
Power System: Fusion with 20 year life span.
Cargo: 100 metric tons for the old variant, 150 tons for the modernized variant. Size of the cargo hold is 40x25x15 feet / 12.2x7.6x4.5 meters regardless the ship variant.
Market Cost: 30 million credits for the old variants, 45 million credits for the modernized variants. Upgrades performed on the Veripin shipyards cost only 10 million credits and takes 2 days.
Refueling cost: 500 credits per ton for the old variant

Weapon Systems:
Laser Cannon(1):
Strong, long ranged laser cannon placed under the bridge section. Used for long range, precision attacks against fighters and light ships. Not designed to shoot down incoming missiles (-2 to Strike against missiles, +1 to Strike against fighters or larger targets). Able to fire even in underwater enviroments (halve the atmospheric range).
Range: 10 miles (16 km) in space, 5 miles (8 km) in atmosphere
Mega Damage: 4D6x10 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Up to six times per melee
Payload: Effectively unlimited.

Retractable Light Turrets(2):
Retractable, short ranged defense turrets armed with autocannons. Thanks to their special design and ammunition, these guns able to fire underwater enviroments (gun range is only 1/4th of the atmospheric range). One cannon mounted on the top of the ship and the other one placed on the bottom side of the ship.
Range: 5 miles (8 km) in space, 2.5 miles (4 km) in atmosphere
Mega Damage: 3D6x10 M.D. per standard(40 round) burst each.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the total number of hand to hand attacks of the gunner.
Payload: 20,000 rounds for each turret (500 bursts). Additional 40,000 rounds (total) stored in the cargo hold. Reloading from this hold takes 2D4 minutes. Each special cartridge cost 10 credits, while standard ammunition cost only 2.5 credits each.

Concealed missile launchers (2):
Concealed missile launchers placed on the front side of the ship, between the bridge and the frontal sensor spikes. Each launcher is equipped with short and medium range missiles or torpedoes.
Range: As per mini missile type
Mega-Damage: As per missile
Rate of Fire: Can fire missiles one at a time or in volleys of 2, 4, or 6 missiles per launcher (one type at a time).
Payload: 24 short range missiles and 12 medium range missiles loaded in each launcher. Additional 96 short range missiles and 48 medium range missiles stored in a special cargo hold. Reloading from this hold takes 1D6 minutes.

Noteable systems:
Sensory System – Standard sensory system with 300,000 miles / 480,000 km range.
Communication System – Standard communication system with 300,000 miles range (480,000 km).
ECM system – A combination of sensor jamming devices, radio-pulse flares and old-fashioned chaff dispensers. When active, these systems impose a -20% penalty to anyone trying to target the protected vessel using the Weapon Systems skill, and cause missiles to lose any targeting bonus (only affect smart missiles, no effect against dumb fire variants and rockets). The attacker (gunners and smart missiles) are -3 to Strike the target protected by ECM systems.
Stealth Design – While the ship is not equipped with stealth coating, its sleek design makes it difficult to detect by sensors. Any detection attempts suffers -20% to Read Sensory System skill against this ship.
Ramscoop (old variants only) – An electromagnetic scoop intended to capture interstellar hydrogen molecules for fuel and reaction mass. Ramscoop system reloads 0.1 ton of reaction mass for fusion and ion drive per 30 minutes in atmosphere. Needs two hours to reloads 0.1 ton of reaction mass near planets or in gas/star clouds and needs 12 hours to gather 0.1 ton of fuel in interstellar space. Wolfen planets are notorious to ban these systems in their atmosphere.

Standard acceleration (2 mach per melee in space, 1 Mach per melee in atmosphere, 100 Mph per melee underwater), above average handling(+10% to pilot skill rolls) both in space, atmosphere and underwater enviroments. Easy to modify and repair (+15% repair skill rolls when modify or maintenance this ship).

Re: Starship designs...

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 8:11 pm
by taalismn
Paladin Steel Nao Deep Space Mercantile Transport ... img173.jpg

“Greetings, Sentients! I am Merchant-Lieutenant Drala Geswold of the New Hampshire Agricultural Trading Collective, and we come to your world in hopes of doing business! We seek no trouble, only the opportunity to put before you a humble assortment of goods and garner your interest in bargaining with us! We come with products from farflung ports of call, fabrics, foodstuffs, agricultural machinery, personal electronics, and samples of more items in the event you deem us worthy of repeat business!
If you would but indicate where we can land, my ship -The Basket of Goodness- shall set down and we can get down to business! Rest assured , our selection is great, and our prices are fair!”

“What do we have left for trade goods after THAT fiasco?”
“Well, we have an assorted shipment of readi-foods from YumYum Foods. Eight hundred tons of lizard meat.”
“’Cup-o-Dinosaur’, heh?”
“’Heats in its own cup’. Allosaur Soup, Duckbill Burgerettes in Gravy, Shellback Stroganoff, and Sauropod Stew with Veggies. Yum.”
“Yum-yum. I’m tempted to keep those for our use if we run short of supplies. However, let’s see if we can’t make some sales before we go dipping into our merchandise just to get by.”

“Out by Calsena, we had to use about a dozen Naos as troop carriers for the drop on that pirate outpost that had been giving us trouble. Let our converted missile-ships lead formation and let the bandits think we were a convoy that had lost its way. When they closed, we gave them a faceful of missile. Even though they were expecting escorts, we still bagged a good portion of their in-system space arm. Then, while our warships and fighters were tangling with the survivors, we dropped our troop-pods and unleashed several companies of power armor and robots right outside their ground base doors. All courtesy of the Merchant Marine!“

The ‘Nao’(named for an early Portugese sailing vessel type) is a short- to mid-range interstellar transport meant for quick manufacture and low cost sales, while remaining high-capacity and multipurpose.
The Nao has some similarities to early Foraker Aerospace designs(not entirely impossible, as PS/ASI’s connections to WZTechyards may have given them access to the common domain designs held in their archives), but has been updated with more modern technologies. The Nao has a roughly rectangular design, with a semi-circular prow attached to a blocky midsection, two large engineering sections with triple-venturi’ed engines in each on each side, a rear utilities hull, and the cargo bay slung underneath. While the engines may be arguable more vulnerable to attack in the lateral nacelles, their positioning means that BOTH sections must be taken out to rob the ship of propulsion. Furthermore, the straddling position of the engines allows for greater stability when operating in a gravity well, as thrust can be more effectively vectored around the center of gravity. The lower hull positioning of the main cargo bay also allows for easier unloading, particularly of ‘roll-on/roll-off’ cargoes like vehicles. The semi-circular prow can be detached/ejected from the rest of the ship to act as an escape vehicle. A rear-mounted topside ‘spoiler’ is in reality a communications and sensor tower. A small hangar bay is located at the rear of the ship behind the rear horizontal clamp for the cargo pod, and also permits the crew, whose quarters are in the midsection, an alternate escape route to running forward to the bridge pod.
Naos do not come standard with armament, but they do have proviso for up to six weapons emplacements in the upper hull, plus the cargo pod can be exchanged for a variety of missile launcher modules and gun platforms. The Nao really isn’t meant as a warship, though; it carries only standard armor and a regular forcefield. Even with upgrades, the Nao can’t stand up long in heavy combat against purpose-built warships, but it can serve ably as low cost combat support.
Simple, inexpensive, and reliable, the Nao is aimed at smaller mercantile concerns and local short-range interstellar routes. Aegis Stellar Industries assembles a lot of these vessels, and they are good sellers on the market among those seeking a good basic ship.
Type: PS/ASI- SC07 Nao
Class: Medium Multipurpose Interstellar Transport
Crew: 25+ capacity for up to 50 passengers
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 4,000
Bridge/Forward Hull 2,000
Main Communications/Sensor Array 700
Engines(6, 3 each side) 800 each
Hangar Bay 800
Cargo Pod 1,000
Forcefield 2,000
Height: 40 ft (90 ft w/ cargo pod)
Width: 160 ft
Length: 550 ft
Weight: 13,000 tons
Cargo: 500 tons internally in the main hull
Standard Cargo Pod has 6,000 ton capacity(Cargo Pod is roughly 250 ft long by 40 ft tall by 50 ft wide)
Powerplant: Nuclear Fusion w/ 50 year energy life
(Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 3; transatmospheric.
(Sublight) Mach 7
(Kitsune Values: 20% of light speed; Accelerates/decelerates at 0.7% of light speed per melee)
(FTL) 4 light years per hour
(Underwater) Not possible
Market Cost: 75 million credits
Systems of Note:
Standard Starship Systems, plus:
*Ejectable Escape Module---The entire front end of the ship can eject to become a lifeboat. The semi-circular section is streamlined for atmospheric re-entry.

*Escape Pods---Standard model escape pods are located in vertical launch cells in the midsection, as well as in the rear hangar bay/engineering section.

*Rear Hangar Deck---A small hanger facility able to accommodate a pair of small shuttles, light aerospace fighters, EVA work modules, or a scoutship.

Weapons Systems: None standard, but comes with provision for up to six weapons stations(up to Medium class, as described in Rifts Dimension Book Six, Three Galaxies, pgs 127-129), one forward, one aft, and two on each wing.
Also see Options for pod-mounted weaponry.

Auxiliary Craft:
2 shuttles

The modular cargo pod of the Nao allows the lower hull to be replaced with a variety of different cargo modules, including liquid storage tanks, mini-fac pods, habitation modules, and even weapons pods and hangar bay pods.
A few examples are as follows:

*Passenger Pod---Has the extra life support and accommodations to house up to 150 people comfortably, 300 if cramped. Alternately, the pod can instead be used for luxury accommodations for a much smaller number of occupants. Has emergency life support for two weeks or more(depending on life support layout) if detached from the ship.

*Aero-Transporter Pod---This is a pod outfitted to be dropped from orbit, that can make re-entry, planet fall, and even fly itself to its final landing point. It can deploy six gimbaled thrusters(300 each) and a low-power anti-gravity system to propel itself at a modest speed of 400 MPH. Onboard nuclear power of 15 year duration, or it can be powered by a super solar electric system and solar panels on its top and sides.

*Carrier Pod---Has provision to service up to 6 aerospace fighters, each with its own launch bay.

*Missile Launcher Pod----A combat module, meant to convert the Nao into a stop-gap warship. The module is built around a battery of long range missile launchers, with several medium- and short-range batteries for close-in defense.
a) Long Range Missile Launchers(1)
Range: Varies by missile type(speed and range x4 in space)
(Kitsune Values: 3,400 miles in atmosphere, 1,800,000 miles in space)
Damage: Varies by missile type
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-10
Payload: 120 LRMs

b) Medium Range Missile Launchers(2)
Range: Varies by missile type(speed and range x4 in space)
(Kitsune Values: 160 miles in atmosphere, 80,000 miles in space)
Damage: Varies by missile type
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-20
Payload:60 missiles per launcher, 120 total, reloading from the cargo hold takes 1d6 minutes(1 ton of cargo per 24 missiles)

c)Short Range Missile Launchers(2)
Range: Varies by Missile Type
(Kitsune Values: 10 miles in atmosphere, 500 miles in space)
Damage:Varies by Missile Type
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-20
Payload: 100 missiles per launcher, 200 total

*Gunship Pod---This is an armored pod(2,000 MDC) fitted with multiple gunnery stations meant for close support or anti-fighter/missile picket duty.
a) Medium Range Missile Launchers(4)
Range: Varies by missile type(speed and range x4 in space)
(Kitsune Values: 160 miles in atmosphere, 80,000 miles in space)
Damage: Varies by missile type
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-20
Payload:60 missiles per launcher, 240 total, reloading from the cargo hold takes 1d6 minutes(1 ton of cargo per 24 missiles)

b) Mini-Missile Launchers(4)
Range:Varies by Missile Type
(Kitsune Values: 2 miles in atmosphere, 100 miles in space)
Damage:Varies by Missile Type
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-10
Payload: 320 missiles each

c) 40mm Rail Guns(4)
Range: 2.6 miles in atmosphere, 6 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 6 miles in atmosphere, 600 miles in space)
Damage:(Proximity Fuzed Fragmentation) 3d6 MD to 15 ft blast radius
(Armor Piercing Tracer) 5d6 MD single shot
(High Explosive Tracer) 4d6 MD to 10 ft blast radius
Rate of Fire: EPCHH, single shots or bursts of 1-5 shots
Payload: 500 rds per gun

d) 100mm MB Massdriver Cannon(PS-MDJ100M)(2)
Weight: 9,000 lbs(4.5 tons)
Range:(Direct Fire APFSDSDU) 27,000 ft (5.4 miles) in atmosphere, 11 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 11 miles in atmosphere, 1,100 miles in space)
Damage: High Explosive(HE)---- 1d6x10 MD to 20 ft radius
High Explosive Anti-Tank(HEAT)---- 2d6 x10 MD to 10 ft radius
Fragmentation--- 2d6x10 MD to 30 ft radius
Plasma-----3d6x10 MD to 35 ft radius
(APFSDSDU)(Armor Piercing Fin Stabilized Discarding Sabot Depleted Uranium) 4d6x10 MD out to 11,000 ft, 2d6x10 MD out to maximum range
Rate of Fire: Four per melee
Payload:100 mm AP shell weighs 25 lbs( 80 shots per ton)
Each cannon has 550 rds readily available to it.

e)Pulse Lasers(6)
Range: 2 miles in atmosphere, 4 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 4 miles in atmosphere, 400 miles in space)
Damage:2d6x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

*Heavy Laser Pod---This armaments pod mounts three medium laser cannons arranged in a fixed forward position, plus an independent power plant, cooling, and targeting gear.
Range: 8 miles in atmosphere, 16 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 16 miles in atmosphere, 16,000 miles in space)
Damage: 2d6x100 MD per blast per single cannon, 6d6x100 MD for all three cannons firing simultaneously
Rate of Fire: 4 shots per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

*Heavy Ion Gattler---This is a quad array of heavy ion cannon, firing in a fixed forward attitude.
Range: 8 miles in atmosphere, 16 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 16 miles in atmosphere, 16,000 miles in space)
Damage: 2d4x100 MD per blast per single cannon, 8d4x100 MD for all four cannons firing simultaneously
The ion blasts can also be ‘shotgun spread’, doing HALF normal damage to everything in a 30-degree arc out to HALF normal range.
Rate of Fire: 4 shots per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

*PS/ASI- SC07B---An up-engined model that crams the six engines into power-booster nacelles, three to a pod(each pod has 2,700 MDC), on each ‘wing’. The more powerful engines can boost the Nao up to Mach 9.7 in space(Kitsune Values: Can now hit speeds of 50% of light, and accelerate/decelerate at .97% of light speed per melee). Sometimes called a ‘burner’, ‘astro-clipper’, or ‘zhoomer’, the SC07B markets for 82 million credits.[

Re: Starship designs...

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 10:10 pm
by taalismn
zedjagder wrote:Swewt, a warship disguised as a caro vessel! I plan to take full adgantage of this design! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Yep, Paladin Steel(or Aegis Stellar Industries, as it's known in the Three Galaxies) likes multi-purpose modular vessels, since it allows it to sell the same vessel type and lots of options for different purposes. It also allows them to quickly arm their mercantile fleet/ship pool for self-defense, making the most of their as-yet limited resources and technology(compared to bigger guys like General Galaxy, Wolfpack Armaments, and Naruni Enterprises).

Re: Starship designs...

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 7:35 pm
by taalismn
Made some necessary corrections to the Nao with regards to weapons range. Quality is Job 1.1.

Re: Starship designs...

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 12:18 am
by Aramanthus
They are both very cool ships. I like them both. Sometime during deer season I have to find time to create something.

Re: Starship designs...

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 5:13 pm
by taalismn
(special thanks to Henning Rogge for his original contributions to this design)

Brandestoc Fast Destroyer

“What they don’t say is that we did a lot of ‘boarding actions’ of ‘suspicious spacecraft’ when the Brandestocs first entered’s no secret among the Paladins; we were looking to see what the Orbitals were packing in the way of superior technologies that we could acquire and copy...anything that looked interesting was ‘impounded’, quietly examined, and later returned...if we couldn’t return it in the same shape or in one piece, we offered ‘compensation’ and bought off the owners... for the most part it worked, though occasionally we got some proud Indie who’d show off his goods by firing back...that’s when our missile and laser batteries came real handy...”
----Lieutenant Velas Sal, Stelmarine, VFSS Haggman

“It was a whole different ballgame after the Block III we didn’t have to come up close and eyeball-to-eyeball with our targets to nail them...just spot on long range sensors, and POW! That ‘s damn fine shooting!”
---Ensign Calas Grom, VFSS DeSpain

"I have seen these ships from Paladin Steel. They are large, crude and look like something from the last century. But below this look is a solid frame and a well armed design. They don't have used space for large shield systems or an FTL drive, but use the space for weapons and armor. They are a nasty surprise for anyone accustomed to three galaxy style ships."
--- Ramires Telkar, MacKenzie Engineering (Henning Rogge)

The lean, angular, Brandestoc is designed for fast attack and interception, and is typically deployed to perform sneak attacks, reconnaissance, and assault missions, where speed and firepower are paramount. With its raptor-nosed profile, and outswept, swept-forward (non-functional; their main role is as heat sinks and long-range sensor mounts)‘wings’, the Brandestoc is a distinctive and readily identifiable presence in the Rifts Solar System.
Developed from the earlier Athena-class destroyers, the Brandestoc is meant to address that class’s shortcomings with regards to speed and armament. It retains the Athena’s looks; a cross between a grappling hook, with its hooked prow, and a four-winged bird of prey, but is larger and has more room for accommodations. The once thin wing pylons are now thickened armatures ending in armored shell-nacelles, the horizonal ones being long and swept forward, mounting twin laser cannons, the vertical ones thicker, shorter, and more turret-like, mounting dual laser-and-massdriver clusters. The Brandestoc uses many components common to the larger Javelin- and Assegai-class vessels, especially the forward hull ‘pod’, with a shortened rear hull and outrigger weapons mounts.
Armament is heavy and configured around direct-fire weaponry; no less than eight long range lasers and four massdriver cannons are fitted, with an extensive point defense array providing coverage against missiles and fighters. A pair of tech-disruption ion cannons allow the Brandestoc to cripple, but not destroy, other ships for capture, and two missile launch bays allow for the carrying and deployment of long range probes and anti-ship torpedoes.
The Brandestoc continues the Athena’s lack of small craft capcity; the Brandestoc lacks a proper multi-purpose hangar bay, but instead has two small lateral slip-bays for armed boarding pinnaces and a lower hull bay for a shuttlecraft. Rapid-deploy airlock hatches allow for the quick deployment of the ship’s complement of armored Stelmarines and their power armor. However, the limited numbers of embarked troops means that for larger operations, several Brandestocs must combine forces to invest a target, or must be accompanied by a dedicated troop transport(especially if large numbers of prisoners are anticipated).
The Brandestoc uses special high performance engines developed for use in heavier cruisers, that can perform in both a low-emission ‘stealth’ mode, and a high-power ‘hot start’ full-acceleration mode for combat maneuvering. Later models incorporated standard contra-gravity drives with a slower acceleration, but higher possible sustained velocity and FTL capability.
The primary role of the Brandestoc is intercepting and reconnoitering unknown spacecraft and objects, using its high speed and acceleration to chase them down. Brandestocs are also used for long range patrols, using their sustainable high speed to conduct long sweeping arc orbits, and deploying sensor drones to extend their detection range. The speed and firepower come at the traedoff of armor, a loss of protection only partially offset by improved force shielding(However, it should be noted that being of Rifts Earth design, the Brandestoc still manages to mount nearly thirty percent more phsyical armor cladding than the CCW’s Scimitar-class rfrigates, in part due to PS’s as-of-then lacking understanding of forcefield generation technology).
After the Dreadnought Crisis, when Paladin Steel lost two Athena-class destroyers to one-shot kills, the light armor of PS’s destroyer designs was proven to be a major shortcoming, the memory of which lingered over to the Athena’s successor, the Brandestoc. To compensate, PS began a Block II upgrade of the Brandestoc design, starting with the second production batch, fitting them with variable forcefield generators, as soon as Aegis Stellar Industries was able to acquire and replicate the technology. Though the first-generation shields are weak by galactic standards, they are still considered to be better than nothing; although as of 120 PA, not all Brandestocs were refitted yet with the new technology.
Because of the Brandestoc’s ‘lightweight’ status, the design began to fall out of favor with the GNE space forces as the more flexible Auroras began to become more available. Increasingly, the Brandestoc has been relegated to system patrol and defense roles, or to being sold off to PS/ASI/GNE affiliates. In the Three Galaxies it is marketed as a system defense destroyer. Enough Brandestocs have been produced that PS/ASI has seen fit to experiment with the design, producing several variants geared towards specific functions such as minesweeping.
Type: PSS-DDES-12 Brandestoc
Class: Rapid Deployment Space Destroyer
Crew: 48, plus 24 marines
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 7,500
Bridge 2,000
Main Engines(2) 2,000 each
Armatures(4) 1,500 each
Heavy Rail Cannons(2) 200 each
Heavy Laser Cannon(8) 200 each
Missile Launchers(2) 200 each
Point Defense Turrets(14) 80 each
Hangar Bays/Slips(3) 900 each
*(Variable Forcefield)(Block II Upgrades only)
800 per side, (4,800 total)

*Shield Refresh Rate is 5% per melee
Height: 140 ft
Width: 200 ft
Length: 520 ft
Weight: 13,900 tons
Cargo: 200 tons
Powerplant: Nuclear Fusion, w/ 20 year energy life
Speed:(Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 3; transatmospheric.
(Note: The vessel CANNOT make planetary landings without seriously damaging its lower hull; 2d6x100 MD to the lower wing, and main hull. The ship is limited to powered re-entries, hovers, and escapes)
(Sublight) (Fusion Drive---Mrk 1) Mach 16
(Kitsune Values: 30% of light speed; Accelerates/decelerates at 1.6% of light speed per melee)
(Contragravity---Mrk II) Mach 14
(Kitsune Values: 60% of light speed; Accelerates/decelerates at 1.4% of light speed per melee)
(FTL)(Mrk II) 5 light years per hour
(Underwater) Not possible
Market Cost: 360 million credits for the Mrk 1, 460 million credits for the Mrk II
Systems of Note:
*Full Sensor Suite---Specialized sensor pallets include radiation detectors and counters, spectrographic analysis devices, gravitic sensors, electromagnetic activity readers, and optics packages.
*Long Range Radar---Phased Array Search and Early Warning Radars---Maximum Resolution Range of 3.5 million miles
*Laser Targeting-------100,000 miles
*Communications Suite:---Long Range Radio and Video
*Laser Communications ---Tactical (i.e. ship-to fighter/shuttle)Range: 50,000 miles
*Optical Tracking Clusters----These are transparent blisters fitted with gimbal-mounted high-resolution visible-light/IR/UV optical telescopes that continually scan the arc of sky before them. Linked to the navigational arrays and other tracking sensors, and to a series of highly-sophisticated near-AI search and discrimination software systems, these sensors attempt to detect objects that have low radar returns/sensor signatures, such as stealthed vehicles, iceballs, or asteroids. The high-tech equivalent of the man in the crow’s nest with a pair of binoculars.

*EW Suite---Using performance data acquired from the Rum Bay intelligence operation, PS has been able to fit the Brandestoc with a number of advanced (for their technology, that is) stealthing features, such as an electronic ‘blanket’ to reduce tell-tale EM emissions from the drive systems by as much as 60%. Engaging the ‘stealth mode’, however, reduces drive efficiency, by as much as 20%.
The Brandestoc also mounts a more conventional EW suite for jamming enemy communications and targeting systems. Communications Jamming has a 5,000 mile range, is 90% effective against civilian systems, and is 65% effective against more sophisticated channel-jumping military communications suites. Missiles and guided weapons are -4 to strike.

*’Hot Start* Drive Mode(Applicable only to plasma-drive vessels). This refers to special fuel feed and combustion systems that allow the ship to accelerate rapidly, rather than gradually, or to reach high speed for escapes when under fire, allowing the ship to hit accelerations of 3 gs for about 15 minutes. Because of the rapid plasma generation and expulsion, this drive mode also has the side-effect of expelling an expanding ‘plasma smoke ring’ of energetic particles that would show up readily on radiation detectors, but could also be used to confuse enemy sensors(-15% to Sensory Instrument rolls and -4 to strike for guided weapons caught in the 'smoke ring; effects persist for 2d6 melees)(the ring of energized plasma will expand out to 5 miles behind the ship before disipating harmlessly) and even has some limited offensive ability, as the ring of superhot plasma will inflict 5d6 MD to anything in a 1,000 ft radius of the rear half of the accelerating ship.
Unfortunately, ‘Hot Starts’ are not without risks as well; besides the problem of the thermal-radiation plume illuminating the ship, the plasma expansion has a 10% chance per use of straining the magnetic containment and expulsion fields of the plasma drive. A field failure damages the drive coils and reduces speed by as much as 15% until the damage is repaired.

Weapons Systems:
1)Heavy Rail Cannons(4, 2x2)---Mounted on the ends of the two armored vertical armatures, these weapons can pivot for maximum arc of fire.
Range: 10 miles in atmosphere, 40 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 40 miles in atmosphere/ 40,000 miles in space)
Damage:1d4x100 MD per 80 rd burst. 2d4x100 MD for a fual blast from two cannons firing at once.
Rate of Fire:ECHH
Payload: 32,000 rds(400 bursts) per cannon

2)Heavy Laser Cannon(8)---The Brandestoc mounts an impressive array of laser cannons....two on each of the four ‘wing’ armatures, four coupled in the same armatures as the heavy rail cannons. A favorite tactic of Brandestoc crews is to quickly ‘flip’ the ship to bring all the cannon to bear on a target.
Range: 8 miles in atmosphere, 16 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 16 miles in atmosphere, 16,000 miles in space)
Damage: 1d6x100 MD per cannon; a full salvo from all eight on one target does 8d6x100 MD!
Rate of Fire: Twice per melee
Payload: Effectively unlimited

3) Ion “TKO” Cannon(2)-----Mounted in the ‘beak’ of the Brandestoc, hidden behind armored housings and exposed only in combat, are a pair of high-powered ion cannons, used to incapacitate enemy vessels by knocking out their electrical systems, making them vulnerable to boarding and capture. Paladin Steel secretly traded with MacKenzie Arms to acquire these weapons, hoping to surprise any Galactics who came to the Rifts Earth Solar System, looking for easy pickings, and acquire their hardware.
Range: 5 miles in atmosphere, 10 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 5 miles in atmosphere/ 5,000 miles in space)
Damage:(Special) 3d6x100 MD per blast, 6d6x100 MD Dual blast
Shields take 1/4 damage from ion blasts
Does NO PHYSICAL damage to hull, but attacks the electrical systems:
For every 10% of total main body MDC damage inflicted on a target by Ion Cannon fire, the target will be -1 to strike, parry(if applicable), and Dodge. Acceleration will be reduced by 15%.
At 60% or more main body damage from ion blasts, the ship is disabled completely.
Rate of Fire:Once per melee
Payload:Effectively unlimited

4)MRM/LRM Missile Launchers(2)---Mounted in the main hull, just under the KKC turret-pylons, are two multi-configuration LRM/MRM launchers.
Range: Varies by missile type(speed and range x4 in space)
(Kitsune Values: 160 miles in atmosphere, 80,000 miles in space)
Damage: Varies by missile type
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-10
Payload:120 MRMs total, 60 missiles per launcher
OR 60 LRMs total, 30 missiles per launcher, or any combination thereof.

5)Point Defense Lasers(14; one on each weapons armature, two flanking the main engines, 8 on the foreward main hull)---- Standard energy-based PDS.
a) Laser PDS
Range: 1 mile(4 miles in space)
(Kitsune Values: 4 miles in atmosphere/ 400 miles in space)
Damage: 2d6x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited

b)Dual Laser/Mini-Missile Launchers---Alternate fitting introduced with the Mrk IIs. These are standard CCW-pattern dual laser/mini-missile launchers that have been installed for close-in defense. The lasers are less powerful and shorter ranged, but the mini-missiles have volley capability against fighters and missiles. Any or all of the fourteen PDS turrets can be replaced with these turrets in place of the standard lasers.
Range: (Lasers) 4,000 ft in atmosphere/2 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 2 miles in atmosphere /200 miles in space)
(Mini-Missiles) 1 mile in atmosphere/2 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 2 miles in atmosphere/ 100 miles in space)
Damage:(Lasers) 1d6x10 MD per blast
(Mini-Missiles) Varies by Missile Type
Rate of Fire:(Lasers) EGCHH, or auto-fire; 6 attacks per melee
(Mini-Missiles) Volleys of 1-8
Payload: (Lasers) Effectively Unlimited
(Mini-Missiles) 32 mini-missiles per turret; additional mini-missiles can be carried as cargo(typically takes 2d6 minutes to reload from the holds).
(Option)---The Mini-Missile launcher component of these turrets can be modified to fire the “S-Sting” ‘Smart Mini-Missile -----The S-Sting(for ‘Space Stinger’) is an attempt to adapt the guidance systems and accuracy of the ‘Black Talon’ L-SAM to a space-based missile. The missile resembles a rather stubby cylinder with a blunt-nosed optical cluster and protruding verniers(extend after launching), owing to the fact that the vacuum of space negates the need for streamlining the weapon.
Note that the ‘S-Sting’ has only limited effectiveness in an atmosphere....HALF bonuses in a thin atmosphere and weak gravity well like Mars’, and NO bonuses, and HALF range in a thick atmosphere and standard gravity like Earth’s.
Range: 4 miles in atmosphere, 32 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 4 miles in atmosphere/ 400 miles in space)
Damage: 2d6x10 MD to a 15 ft blast radius
Bonuses: +7 to strike
Cost: 10,000 credits per missile

Auxiliary Craft:
1 Shuttle, 2 Armed Pinnaces
Typically 24 Powered Armors

*DDES-12 Mrk 1---In-system destroyer lacking FTL drive(and typically fitted only with the earlier fusion drive system)

*DDES-12 Mark 2---Interstellar destroyer with full contragravity drive systems and FTL capability.

*DDES-12(EW) ---Electronic Warfare variant that sacrifices the rail guns and two laser cannons for additional ECM/EW gear. It is typically used to provide flotilla-level EW support for destroyer and frigate squadrons.
-Jamming Systems---A powerful EW suite that effectively blanket-jams enemy communications and command-directed munitions with 90% effectiveness, Civilian-band communications are 98% jammed, while military communications bands suffer 80% degradation in effectiveness. Radar systems are similarly degraded....they can pick up the emissions, but cannot pinpoint the exact location of the source within the area of disruption. Area of effect: 180,000 mile radius.

-ECM Suite----- The ship has a powerful ECM suite for confusing sensor-guided weapons; -9 to strike

-Particle Scrambler Shield---The modules generate a powerful particle dispersion field that HALVES the damage from ion- and particle-beam weapons in a 100 mile radius, providing blanket coverage for a close-formation squadron.

*DDES-12C---’Customs Cutter’ refit that sacrifices two laser cannons for tractor beam projectors:
-Tractor Beam Projectors(2)---Each tractor beam projector can handle 1,000 tons, and has a range of 25 miles.
The DDES-12C also expands the troop quarters and cargo space to TRIPLE the Marine contingent and expand cargo/contraband seizure space to 1,000 tons capacity.

*DDES-12(MSM) ---Minesweeper variant that removes all main cannon arament but 4 heavy lasers, and instead uses the two vertical axis turrets to house anti-mine gear. These modules deploying a combination of both high intensity scanner systems and LRM drones to remote detonate mines....Also uses ‘ghost’ projectors to create multiple sensor events at a remove from the ship, in hopes of triggering mines’ sensor thresholds. These systems haven proven extremely effective against most mine systems, but have proven only about 75% effective against the most current advanced stealthed CCW and TGE systems.

Re: Starship designs...

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 11:24 am
by Aramanthus
Very nice! I think it is an excellent new addition. The pic is pretty slick!

Re: Starship designs...

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 6:53 pm
by taalismn
Aramanthus wrote:Very nice! I think it is an excellent new addition. The pic is pretty slick!

Thanks. It turned out better than I expected, which is funny because I initially didn't have much regard for the design, whereas several other designs that I really want to favor, nothing has really set in my mind for them visually. :frust: :frust: :frust:

Re: Starship designs...

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 11:55 pm
by Aramanthus
Don't worry you will have a break thru and complete them. Just be patient.