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Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2021 7:46 pm
by Omegasgundam
I'm still getting 'Wall of Text' problems, which is what I think is scaring people off. If things were better formatted for easier reading, I think you would get more attention. As for the actual content, I looks reasonable for what its said to be. You have an interesting take on fast character generation, which is worth turning into a more general system in its own thread. That might up the amount of recognition and attention you get.

I'm personally ambivalent on nearly all MDC conversions of older vehicles and equipment for one reason or another, but that's not just your stuff. It more that simple metal fatigue would have caused all of it to be write offs before they could be converted (2050s), so you may as well start from scratch. But at least you're using actually sensible designs unlike the abominations that Palladium calls tanks, and arm them with weapons that aren't pee shooters.


Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2021 8:23 pm
Omegasgundam wrote:I'm still getting 'Wall of Text' problems, which is what I think is scaring people off. If things were better formatted for easier reading, I think you would get more attention. As for the actual content, I looks reasonable for what its said to be. You have an interesting take on fast character generation, which is worth turning into a more general system in its own thread. That might up the amount of recognition and attention you get.

I'm personally ambivalent on nearly all M.D.C conversions of older vehicles and equipment for one reason or another, but that's not just your stuff. It more that simple metal fatigue would have caused all of it to be write offs before they could be converted (2050s), so you may as well start from scratch. But at least you're using actually sensible designs unlike the abominations that Palladium calls tanks, and arm them with weapons that aren't pee shooters.

I am humble by your words just this wall of word been knocking me down been try to figure a better way i just don't how i keep trying
Most are older vehicles and equipment which are found in palladium books and converting are stopping gap they seem able to hold there own but they can be taken down like a GB BOOM Gun an example show how powerful they are a tank with a 120 MM tank rifle can either 1d6x10 M.D.C and range in real world 4.7 miles ( and that single shot it possible to fire dual shot doing 2d6x10 M.D.C );while a GB BOOM 3d6x10 M.D.C in two miles and cant move a a Pre-rifts tank can move with standard 288 M.D.C main body can add extra armors from 100 to 200 M.D.C while GB has 770 M.D.C in 2050 era sadly there no 130MM tank rifle my guess would be 2d4x10 single shot a dual shot 4d4x10 MM tank rifle are just an example
now does this make good sense IDK I just guessing and looking for rules with the GAME.A 200 MM tank rifle would do 2d6x10 M.D.C are use a reference point.

NOTE: Update

you can upgrade manage of 120 MM round from an M.D.C to the following
from 6d6 M.D.C to VARIES ROUND TYPES !! FROM AP,HE, HEAT TO DU Rounds 1d6x10 M.D.C
1D6X10 M.D.C to the following 2D4X 10 M.D.C VARIES ROUND TYPES !! FROM AP,HE, HEAT TO DU Rounds
2D4X10 M.D.C to the following 2D6X10 M.D.C VARIES ROUND TYPES !! FROM AP ,HE, HEAT TO DU Rounds
THE MAX 2D6X10 M.D.C to the following FROM AP, HE, HEAT 4D4X10 M.D.C ROUND TYPES BUT 3D6 X10 DU Rounds

goggle it range "ABRAHAM 120 TANK RIFLE RANGE"


Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2021 8:40 pm
by Omegasgundam
There's a spoiler option in the full editor.
Like this.

Between on the second row of BBCode options. You highlight the section you want to be compacted, and you can't put a spoiler in a spoiler, but it'll make things less painful. It also adds a line below the spoiler, so you you don't need to add one yourself.

Similarly, the List option (not the List=) in the first row might also be useful for keeping things tidy. This is the format I use for weapons, so cut and rename sections as needed.
    Range: blah
      1st Ammo type
      2nd Ammo type
    Damage: blah
      1st Ammo type
        Bust Size 1
        Burst Size 2
      2nd Ammo type
        Bust Size 1
        Burst Size 2
    Rate of Fire: ECHH or whatever
    Payload: Effectively Unlimited or whatever
    Bonuses: blah

As an example of a vehicle template, use this.
Type: Model Designation and Name

Class: Something (Main Battle Tank or Infantry Fighting Vehicle for example)

Crew: # (Positions)

Troop/Passengers: If any.

MDC/Armor by Location:

    Driving on the ground: x mph (x km), maybe more if its a hover vehicle like altitude
    Flying: if a flyer
    Underwater: Can manage x mph (x km/x knots), down to x ft (6x m)
    Range: Something

    Height: x ft (x m)
    Width: x ft (x m)
    Length: x ft (x m)
    Weight: Something
    Cargo: Something
    Power System: Something

Market Cost: something

Systems of Note:
    Standard (RE) (Vehicle type) Systems


Bonuses: If any.

Weapons Systems:
    1) Weapon 1: Fluff
      Range: blah
        1st Ammo type
        2nd Ammo type
      Damage: blah
        1st Ammo type
          Bust Size 1
          Burst Size 2
        2nd Ammo type
          Bust Size 1
          Burst Size 2
      Rate of Fire: ECHH or whatever
      Payload: Effectively Unlimited or whatever
      Bonuses: blah

    2) Weapon 2: Fluff
      Range: blah
        1st Ammo type
        2nd Ammo type
      Damage: blah
        1st Ammo type
          Bust Size 1
          Burst Size 2
        2nd Ammo type
          Bust Size 1
          Burst Size 2
      Rate of Fire: ECHH or whatever
      Payload: Effectively Unlimited or whatever
      Bonuses: blah

Other Stuff: If any.

Open this post in reply and copy the format to another document that you work on. I suggest putting the Crunch parts in a Spoiler, while leaving the Fluff in full. Give me a few minutes and I'll get something for OCCs as well.


Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2021 8:53 pm
Omegasgundam wrote:There's a spoiler option in the full editor.
Like this.

Between on the second row of BBCode options. You highlight the section you want to be compacted, and you can't put a spoiler in a spoiler, but it'll make things less painful. It also adds a line below the spoiler, so you you don't need to add one yourself.

Similarly, the List option (not the List=) in the first row might also be useful for keeping things tidy. This is the format I use for weapons, so cut and rename sections as needed.
    Range: blah
      1st Ammo type
      2nd Ammo type
    Damage: blah
      1st Ammo type
        Bust Size 1
        Burst Size 2
      2nd Ammo type
        Bust Size 1
        Burst Size 2
    Rate of Fire: ECHH or whatever
    Payload: Effectively Unlimited or whatever
    Bonuses: blah

As an example of a vehicle template, use this.
Type: Model Designation and Name

Class: Something (Main Battle Tank or Infantry Fighting Vehicle for example)

Crew: # (Positions)

MDC/Armor by Location:

    Driving on the ground: x mph (x km), maybe more if its a hover vehicle like altitude
    Flying: if a flyer
    Underwater: Can manage x mph (x km/x knots), down to x ft (6x m)
    Range: Something

    Height: x ft (x m)
    Width: x ft (x m)
    Length: x ft (x m)
    Weight: Something
    Cargo: Something
    Power System: Something

Market Cost: something

Systems of Note:
    Standard (RE) (Vehicle type) Systems


Bonuses: If any.

Weapons Systems:
    1) Weapon 1: Fluff
      Range: blah
        1st Ammo type
        2nd Ammo type
      Damage: blah
        1st Ammo type
          Bust Size 1
          Burst Size 2
        2nd Ammo type
          Bust Size 1
          Burst Size 2
      Rate of Fire: ECHH or whatever
      Payload: Effectively Unlimited or whatever
      Bonuses: blah

    2) Weapon 2: Fluff
      Range: blah
        1st Ammo type
        2nd Ammo type
      Damage: blah
        1st Ammo type
          Bust Size 1
          Burst Size 2
        2nd Ammo type
          Bust Size 1
          Burst Size 2
      Rate of Fire: ECHH or whatever
      Payload: Effectively Unlimited or whatever
      Bonuses: blah

Other Stuff:

Open this post in reply and copy the format to another document that you work on. I suggest putting the Crunch parts in a Spoiler, while leaving the Fluff in full.



Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2021 8:56 pm
by Omegasgundam
Example O.C.C Format
O.C.C Stats
Alignment: Any

Attribute Requirements: Stuff

Bonuses: If any

MOS: Select one of the following
    EOD/Demolitions Expert
    Foot Soldier
    Point Man
    Heavy Weapons
    Vehicle Crewman

O.C.C Skills: x skills +x MOS +x related, x total, x secondary
    Language (Native): 98
    Literacy (English): 95
    Other stuff

O.C.C Related Skills: Select X at level 1, +X additional learned skill at levels X and stuff.
    Communications: X
    Domestic: X
    Electrical: X
    Espionage: X
    Horsemanship: X
    Mechanical: X
    Medical: X
    Military: X
    Physical: X
    Pilot: X
    Pilot Related: X
    Rogue: X
    Science: X
    Technical: X
    WP: X
    Wilderness: X

Secondary Skills: Select X at level 1, gain 1 additional skill at levels X

Standard Equipment: Stuff

Equipment Available Upon Assignment: Stuff

Money: x in savings, base salary is x credits per month. Soldiers are provided with full room, board, and medical treatment.

Cybernetics: None to start, (local standards on mods).

I suggest fooling around with the BBCode in the PMs with Preview for a while. It doesn't like large and heavy coded messages, but you can figure out how things work there.


Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2021 10:06 pm
COOL !!! will try in RIFTS NAAT !!!as test run


Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2021 10:07 pm
Omegasgundam wrote:Example O.C.C Format
O.C.C Stats
Alignment: Any

Attribute Requirements: Stuff

Bonuses: If any

MOS: Select one of the following
    EOD/Demolitions Expert
    Foot Soldier
    Point Man
    Heavy Weapons
    Vehicle Crewman

O.C.C Skills: x skills +x MOS +x related, x total, x secondary
    Language (Native): 98
    Literacy (English): 95
    Other stuff

O.C.C Related Skills: Select X at level 1, +X additional learned skill at levels X and stuff.
    Communications: X
    Domestic: X
    Electrical: X
    Espionage: X
    Horsemanship: X
    Mechanical: X
    Medical: X
    Military: X
    Physical: X
    Pilot: X
    Pilot Related: X
    Rogue: X
    Science: X
    Technical: X
    WP: X
    Wilderness: X

Secondary Skills: Select X at level 1, gain 1 additional skill at levels X

Standard Equipment: Stuff

Equipment Available Upon Assignment: Stuff

Money: x in savings, base salary is x credits per month. Soldiers are provided with full room, board, and medical treatment.

Cybernetics: None to start, (local standards on mods).

I suggest fooling around with the BBCode in the PMs with Preview for a while. It doesn't like large and heavy coded messages, but you can figure out how things work there.

thank you will try it


Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2021 4:06 pm
by Zer0 Kay
Um. Reservist and active duty can be called on to respond to natural disaster relief. Just not by the governor. The G has to ask the PotUS to recognize a state of emergency and then the PotUS can send in the military.


Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2021 5:03 pm
Zer0 Kay wrote:Um. Reservist and active duty can be called on to respond to natural disaster relief. Just not by the governor. The G has to ask the PotUS to recognize a state of emergency and then the PotUS can send in the military.

Agreed with you on this
also did read the US Army / Army reserve solider National guard O.C.C not much ?


Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2021 2:00 pm
US Nation guard or / US Army / Army reserve solider National guard or In RIFTS the Foot soldier or guardsmen
Future rifts books guardsmen/Foot solider O.C.C.

Part 1

Our mission makes us different. Unlike the other branches, Guard Soldiers can be deployed by the governors of their resident states to support communities stricken by natural disasters like floods and hurricanes. Guard Soldiers can also be deployed by the president of the United States to defend our country or support our allies overseas. This dual role for the Guard is what makes us unique.

Both Guard Soldiers and Army Reserve Soldiers train one weekend per month and two weeks every summer. Both Guard Soldiers and Army Reserve Soldiers can be called into full-time service to support Army combat missions. The main difference is that Guard Soldiers serve a dual mission. They can be called on by their state governor or the federal government. Reserve Soldiers do not have a state mission and cannot be called to respond to floods and hurricanes, for example.

from Army recruiter before the fall

US national guardsmen/Army reserve solider /Foot solider O.C.C.

Abilities & Bonuses:

1. O.C.C. Modifiers:

+3D6+12 to S.D.C.
+1 to initiative.
+1 to pull punch.
+1 to strike. HAND TO HAND
+1 to roll with impact.
+1 to save vs Horror Factor at levels 1, 3, 6, 9 and 12. 2.


Bonus from Genetics Engineering Augmentation:

Remember that genetic engineering and human augmentation were the rage during the Golden Age of Science. That means 90% of the last two generations to join military were genetically "tweaked" in specific areas. These are not super-soldiers, but ordinary human beings who were modified and improved as a gestating fetus by parents who could afford the best for their children.
Pick one set of genetic bonuses or roll percentile for random determination.
01-10% +1D4 to I.Q. and +2 to M.E.
11-30% +2 to I.Q. and +1D4 to M.E.
31-55% +1D6 to P.S. and +1D4 to P.E.
56-75% +1D4 to P.S. and +1D6 to Spd.
76-00% +1D4+2 to P.B. and +1D4 to physical attribute of choice.


These sets of skills are areas of specialization. They may be combat oriented or some other area of expertise. These are in addition to O.C.C. Skills, O.C.C. Related Skills and Secondary Skills and reflect U.N paramilitary methods and organizational structure
Select one of the following areas of specialty or roll percentile to make a random determination. If the random method is used and the character does not have the required minimum attribute, select skills that will bump it up to the required amount, adjust a few attributes to meet the minimum, or roll again. All M.O.S. skills are in addition to O.C.C. and other skills. Note: The Communications Expert can use non-combat robot probes and the Point Man can use all types of robots from Combat Drones and Hounds to probes. The exact robots made available to him will depend on the assignment. The EOD Expert will have one or more weapons replaced with explosives, including 1-4 Fusion Blocks.

3.Best MOS AND Special Aptitude Bonuses

instead of rolling 3d6 you can roll the following table
• 01-11% Brainy:
• 13-26% Strong-willed:
• 27-39% Charismatic:
• 40-51% Physically Strong:
• 52-65% Fast Reflexes and high
• 66-78% Great Endurance:
• 79-88% Pretty Boy/girl: model
• 89-00% Fast as Lightning:

01-11% Brainy :
I.Q . 1D6+18.
M.E.1D6+12. ,
M.A 1D4+ 10
P.S. 1D6+9
P.P 1D4+9
P.E 1D4+8
P.B 1D6+9
Spd 1D6+11
Your best O.C.C is Technical officer

13-26% Strong-willed:
I.Q. 1D6+ 11
M.E. ID6+ 19.
M.A 1D6+9.
P.S. ID6+9.
P.P ID4+13.
P.E. ID6+10.
P.B 1D6+9.
Spd 1D6+8.
Your best O.C.C. is infantry/Military Specialist/or robot Ace

27-39% Charismatic:
I.Q. 1D6+ 10.
M.E 1D6+9.
MA 1D6+18
P.S 1D4+ 10.
P.P 1D4 + 10.
P.E. 1D6+8.
P.B. 1D6+14.
Spd 1D6+9.
Your best O.C.C. is Technical Officer and, Military Specialist

40-51% Physically Strong:
M.E. 1d4+10.
M.A 1D6+10.
P.S 1D6+19
P.P 1D4+12
P.E. 1D5+15
P.B 1D6+12.
Spd 1D6+11.
Infantry /Grunt or Military Specialist

52-65% Fast Reflexes and high
I.Q. 1d4+10.
M.E. 1d6+9.
M.A. 1d6+8.
P.S . 1d6+9.
P.P 1d6+19.
P.E 1d6+9.
P.B. 1d6+10.
Spd 1D6+17
Your best O.C.C. is Giant robot Pilot. ,A.C.E Pilot , or a Technical Officer specializing in Electronics. Mechanical Engineering or Medicine surgery.

66-78% Great Endurance:
I.Q . 1D4+9.
M.E. 1d6+14.
M.A. ID6+8.
P.S. 1d6+9.
P.P ID6+9.
P.E. 1D6+19.
P.B. 1d6+19.
Spd 1d6+ 12
Your best O.C.C. is Pilot Ace, Giant robot/power armored Pilot, or Grunt/infantry.

79-88% Pretty Boy/girl: model
I.Q 1d4+ 10.
M.E. 1d6+8.
M.A 1d6+ 15.
P.S . 1d66+ 11.
P.P 1d6+8.
P.E. 1d6+9.
P.B. 1d4+20.
Spd 1d6+9.

Your best O.C.C. is Technical Officer and Military Specialist

89-00% Fast as Lightning:
I.Q .1D4+9.
M.E. 1d6+9.
M.A. 1d6+8.
P.S 1d6+9.
P.P 1d6+14.
P.E 1d6+10.
P.B 1d6+ 10.
Spd 2D6+20
Your best O.C.C. is Pilot giant robot, power armored ACE, Military Specialist

3.Special Aptitude Bonuses Table

if roll a 11, 22, 33,44,55,66 and so one add only a second Special Aptitude, the most two !!!

Sure Shot :
+1d4 to strike with all types of projectile and weapons systems . From pistol s and energy rifles to weapons used by robot. Furthermore the usual penalties for being off balance, moving, etc and half. Does not apply to missiles

Natural robot Ace/or fix or rotor wing
+5% to Pilot skill and +10% to Specialty Natural robot Ace/or fix or rotor wing (one specific robot which the character pilot better than any other). Also +1d4 on initiative. + 1d4 to parry and +1d4 to pull punch when piloting any type of robot or power armored pick one.

21-30 %
Giant robot/or power armor Ace:
+5% to giant robot skill and +10% to one giant robot type (one specific robot which the character pilots better than any other: his or her Favorite) .Also + 1 on Perception Rolls. + 2 to dodge and + 3 to roll with impact when piloting any type of giant robot.

High Perception and Solid gut Instincts:
+1d4 on Perception Rolls. Roll 1d4 once when the character is first created in front of the Game Master to determine what this bonus is from that time forward and +1d4 initiative

41 to 50%
Quick Reaction Time:
+1d6 on initiative. Roll 1d6 dodge ,add 1d4 P.P,ADD 1d6 auto-parry once in front of the Game Master when the character is first created to determine what this bonus is from that time forward

Strongman :
+1d6+4 to P.S. attribute and + 2 to pull punch. Add Height 1d10 inches, add weight 5d4%

Fast Learner and Jack of Many Trades:
Select one extra M.O.S. but without benefit of the usual bonuses for it. Note if I.Q was is 18 or higher add two MOS !! Also if IQ 18 or higher add onetime bonus

Quick Reflexes:
+ 1 attack per melee and + 2 to Auto-dodge ,1d6 +1 initiative , AND add 1d6 P.P once in front of the Game Master when the character is first created to determine what this bonus is from that time forward,

Fearless :
+ 1D6+2 to save Horror Factor. However as a result, the character may also be a hot shot who take s foolish risks and daring chances.

1d6+2 M.A. this character is especially likable and affable

O.C.C. Skills:

The following skills are in addition to the ONE M.O.S. selected below.
Athletics (General)
Climbing (+10%)
Forced March
Swimming (+10%),
Language: English or native area (+10%)
Language: One of choice (+15%).
Literacy: Native Language; +20%
Mathematics: Basic (+5%)
Military Etiquette (+15%)
Pilot: Hovercraft (Ground)
Hovercycles, Sky cycles
Rocket Bikes (+10%),
Radio: Basic (+10%)
W.P. Energy Rifle
W.P. Knife
Hand to Hand: Basic,
which can be changed to Expert at the cost of one Secondary Skill. Martial Arts and Hand to Hand: Commando are not available to the Infantry Soldier.

O.C.C. Related Skills:

Instead of the usual range of skills available, the Soldier selects one of the following M.O.S. skill bundles, below, based on the character’s area of interest, work and specialty. Note:
There is such a large range of Soldier M.O.S. skill packages, that rather than list them here, they are described at the end of this O.C.C. description. It is important to note that most M.O.S. programs have attribute requirements and may grant additional bonuses. Combat Animal Handler Combat Engineer Communications Specialist EOD/Demolitions Specialist Field Medic

Infantry Soldier M.O.S. descriptions:

Pick one.

• NUMBER 1 Infantryman:
• NUMBER 2 Infantryman:Melee Specialist
• NUMBER 3 Motorized Rifleman
• NUMBER 4 Rifleman
• NUMBER 5 Combat Engineer:
• NUMBER 6 Marksman/sniper
• NUMBER 7 Communications Specialist
• NUMBER 8 Pig Man Specialist
• NUMBER 9 Missiles Ballistic operator
• NUMBER 10 Point Man
• NUMBER 11 Scout
• NUMBER 12 Militray Specialist Branch or MS )News Correspondent/ recruiter
• NUMBER 13 Sailor
• NUMBER 14 Naval Infantryman
• NUMBER 15 Rotor/VTOL /STOL wing Air support
• NUMBER 16 fix wing Aviator
• NUMBER 17 Tank pilots
• NUMBER 18 Cyber Combat Handler
• NUMBER 19 Giant size Robot pilots
• NUMBER 20 Power armor pilots
• NUMBER 21 Drone operator
• NUMBER 22 Transportation Specialist
• NUMBER 23 EOD/Demolitions Specialist
• NUMBER 24 Field Combat Medic
• NUMBER 25 Field Engineer
• NUMBER 26 (MS) Research Specialist
• NUMBER 27 Spy or Undercover Agent
• NUMBER 28 Intelligence & Reconnaissance
• NUMBER 29 (MS) Electronic Intelligence
• NUMBER 30 (MS) Man-Hunter (MS)
• NUMBER 31 (MS) Sabotage & Harassment
• NUMBER 32 Robot Specialist Glitter boy

NUMBER 1 Infantryman:
No requirements. M.O.S.
+2D6 to S.D.C.,
+1 on Perception Rolls regarding finding protective cover.
Additional Cybernetics/Bionics:
None at first, may receive cybernetic or bionic repairs to serious physical injury.
M.O.S. Skills:
First Aid (+5%)
Find Contraband (+6%)
Land Navigation (+10%)
Salvage (+5%)
Physical: One of choice,
Upgrade First Aid to Paramedic (+ 1 0%).
Law: General (+1 0%)
Pilot: One of choice, any except Robots and Power Armor (+10%).
W.P.: three additional Modern
W.P. of choice (any)

NUMBER 2 Infantryman:Melee Specialist
No requirements. M.O.S.
+2D6 to S.D.C.,
+1 on Perception Rolls regarding finding protective cover.
+4 strike/ parry from the 6 W.P. Ancient picked
NOTE: Martial arts / Assassin hand to hand only back attack /rear attacks times 3 only
Additional Cybernetics/Bionics:
None at first, may receive cybernetic or bionic repairs to serious physical injury.
M.O.S. Skills:
First Aid (+5%)
Command Robots (any, but usually Combat Hound, Pup Scout or Probes)
Find Contraband (+6%)
Law: General (+1 0%)
Land Navigation (+10%)
Physical: One of choice,
Pilot: One of choice, any except Robots and Power Armor (+10%).
W.P.: two additional Modern
W.P. Ancient pick 6 of choice (any)

NUMBER 3 Motorized Rifleman
No requirements. M.O.S.
+2D6 to S.D.C.,
+1 on Perception Rolls regarding finding protective cover.
Additional Cybernetics/Bionics:
None at first, may receive cybernetic or bionic repairs to serious physical injury.
M.O.S. Skills:
Weapon systems (+10%)
Command Robots (any, but usually Combat Hound, Pup Scout or Probes)
Detect Ambush (+25%)
Find Contraband (+6%)
First Aid (+5%)
Law: General (+1 0%)
Land Navigation (+10%)
Salvage (+5%)
Physical: two of choice,
Pilot: three of choice, any except Robots and Power Armor (+10%).
Pilot Related two
W.P.: 3 additional Modern (any)

NUMBER 4 Rifleman
No requirements. M.O.S.
+2D6 to S.D.C.,
+1 on Perception Rolls regarding finding protective cover.
Additional Cybernetics/Bionics:
None at first, may receive cybernetic or bionic repairs to serious physical injury.
M.O.S. Skills:
Salvage (+5%)
Command Robots (any, but usually Combat Hound, Pup Scout or Probes)
Detect Ambush (+35% can go over 99% but add penalties GM call )
Detect Concealment (+25%)
Find Contraband (+6%)
First Aid (+5%)
Land Navigation (+10%)
Law: General (+1 0%)
Physical: two of choice,
Pilot: two of choice, any except Robots and Power Armor (+10%).
Recognize Weapon Quality (+25%)
W.P. Rifles
W.P. Handguns
W.P.: 3 additional Modern (any)

NUMBER 5 Combat Engineer:
Requires I.Q. of 11 or greater.
M.O.S. Bonuses:
+1D6 to S.D.C.
+1 to I.Q. attribute.
Additional Cybernetics/Bionics:
Schematic Sensor Hand, Tool Hand, Tool Mechanic’s Arm and Cyberlink Vehicle Interface.
M.O.S. Skills:
Demolitions (+10%)
Demolitions Disposal (+20%)
Excavation (+10%)
Military Fortification (+10%)
Trap Construction (+20%)
Field Armorer & Munitions (+10%).
Trap and Mine Detection (+10%)
Law: General (+1 0%)
Pilot: two of choice, any except Robots and Power Armor (+10%).
Pick (5 skills ) five skills either Mechanical Skills or Science Skills or Technical Skills
Reduce Secondary Skills by half :

NUMBER 6 Marksman/sniper :
Requires a P.P. of 12 or higher.
M.O.S. Bonuses:
+1 to M.E. attribute, +2 to strike on Called Shots,
+2 on Perception Rolls regarding judging distance, wind, the difficulty of the shot and finding a target. Additional Cybernetics/Bionics:
Multi-Optic Eye and Motion Detector.
M.O.S. Skills:
Camouflage (+10%)
Command Robots (any, but usually Combat Drones, Pup Scout or Probes)
Detect Concealment (+10%)
Detect Ambush (+10%)
Law: General (+1 0%)
Prowl (+20%)
Recognize Weapon Quality (+25%)
Weapon Systems (+ 10%)
Pilot: two of choice, any except Robots and Power Armor (+10%).
W.P. Automatic Pistol AND Revolver ( ADD + 10)
W.P.: two additional Modern

NUMBER 7 Communications Specialist:
Requires an I.Q. of 10 or higher.
M.O.S. Bonuses:
+1D6 to S.D.C.,
+1 to Perception Rolls
+30% to Radio Skills :
Basic skill; use this bonus instead of the bonus listed under O.C.C. Skills.
Additional Cybernetics/Bionics:
One additional communication Cybernetic Enhancement
(such as Finger Jack, Video Eye or Radio Transmitter).
M.O.S. Skills:
Basic Electronics (+10%)
Communication: One skill of choice (+10%).
Electronic Countermeasures (+15%)
Salvage (+5%)
Laser Communications (+20%)
T.V./Video or Surveillance (+15%)
Three Communications
Computer Operation
Computer Programming

NUMBER 8 Pig Man Specialist:
Requires a P.S. of 14 and P.E. of 12 or higher.
M.O.S. Bonuses:
+2D6 to S.D.C.,
+1 to P.S.,
+1 to strike with rifles, machine-guns, rail guns and similar modern, long range weapons.
Additional Cybernetics/Bionics:
If light cyborg Sound Filtration System and Shoulder Weapon Mount/Clamps.
M.O.S. Skills:
Recognize Weapon Quality (+15%)
Sensory Systems (+5%)
W.P. Heavy
M.D. Weapons
W.P. Heavy Military Weapons
W.P.: 4 Modem of choice (modern ).
Weapon Systems (+20%)

NUMBER 9 Missiles Ballistic operator ?anti Amour :
Requires an M.E/P.S . of 12 or higher.
M.O.S. Bonuses:
+1 to strike with missiles fired from a vehicle,
+1 to strike an incoming missile in flight.
No penalties from a moving vehicle
+3 to strike with any missiles fired. Not riding a vehicle
On top of that if still prone add +2 to strike
Additional Cybernetics/Bionics:
Cyberlink Vehicle Interface,
Radar Sensor,
M.O.S. Skills:
Navigation (+10%)
NBC Warfare (+10%)
Weapon Systems (+10%)
W.P. Heavy M.D. Weapons
Pick 3 Weapon Proficiencies (Modern)

NUMBER 10 Point Man
Requires an I.Q. of 9 and P.S or higher.
M.O.S. Bonuses:
+2D4 to S.D.C.
+1 to P.E.,
+2 to Perception Rolls regarding terrain condition and terrain that could be used for ambush and traps, and detecting ambushes, camouflage or traps.
Additional Cybernetics/Bionics:
Clock Calendar,
Directional Sound Amplification Finger,
Sound Amplification Ear implant,
and choice of either one Multi-Optic Eye or Wide-Angle Vision.
M.O.S. Skills:
Detect Ambush (+15%)
Detect Concealment (+15%)
Land Navigation (+14%)
Prowl (+10%)
Tailing (+15%)
Pick four Weapon Proficiencies (Modern)

NUMBER 11 Scout:
M.O.S. Skills:
Horsemanship: any
Outdoorsmanship (+15%)
Track and Trap Animals (+15%)
Veterinary Science (+10%)
Detect Ambush (+15%)
Detect Concealment (+15%)
Land Navigation (+14%)
Prowl (+10%)
Tailing (+15%)
Wilderness Survival
Land Navigation (+10%)
Pilot: One of choice, any except Robots and Power Armor (+10%).
Climbing +15
W.P. Net
W.P. Rope
Pick 2 Wilderness skills
Pick 3 Weapon Proficiencies (Ancient)
Pick 3 Weapon Proficiencies (Modern)
add 2 Language, Foreign: One of choice (+10%).
Reduce Secondary Skills to 4 :

NUMBER 12 Militray News Correspondent/ recruiter :
Requires an I.Q. of 12 or higher and an M.A. of 11 or higher.
M.O.S. Skills:
+10% Charm/Impress
+10% Trust/Intimidate regardless of M.A. attribute.
Additional Cybernetics/Bionics:
One additional communication cybernetic enhancement (such as Video eye or Radio Transmitter), and two Hidden Storage Compartments.
M.O.S. Skills:
Cryptography (+10%)
History: Pre-Rifts (USA , only) (+5%),
pick one. Law (General) (+10%)
Law - Loopholes (+8%)
Lore: Demons and Monsters (+10%)
Lore: Magic (+10%)
Public Speaking (+15%).
Pick 2 Weapon Proficiencies (Modern)

NUMBER 13 Sailor
P.E. of 10 or higher.
M.O.S. Skills:
+1D6 to S.D.C.
+5% to Swimming skill.
Additional Cybernetics/Bionics:
One lung implant of choice (usually Oxygen Storage Cell) and Depth Gauge.
M.O.S. Skills:
Navigation (+10%)
Pilot Boat: Motor, Race and Hydrofoil (+15%)
Pilot Boat: Ships (+5%)
SCUBA (+15%)
W.P.: two of choice

NUMBER 14 Naval Infantryman:
P.E. of 10 or higher.
M.O.S. Skills:
+1D6 to S.D.C.
+5% to Swimming skill.
Additional Cybernetics/Bionics:
One lung implant of choice (usually Oxygen Storage Cell) and Depth Gauge.
M.O.S. Skills:
First Aid (+5%)
Find Contraband (+6%)
Land Navigation (+10%)
Salvage (+5%)
Physical: One of choice,
Upgrade First Aid (+ 1 0%).
Law: General (+1 0%)
Navigation (+10%)
Pilot: One of choice, any except Robots and Power Armor (+10%).
Pilot Boat: Motor, Race and Hydrofoil (+15%)
Pilot Boat: Ships (+5%)
SCUBA (+15%)
W.P.: Modern three additional Modern
W.P. : Ancient of choice (any)
Reduce Secondary Skills by half :

NUMBER 15 Rotor/VTOL /STOL wing Air support :
M.O.S. Bonuses:
+1 to dodge in flight
+15% to perform evasive maneuvers, stunts and emergency landings.
Additional Cybernetics/Bionics:
Bionic hand or forearm with
Cyberlink Vehicle Interface, Radar Sensor, Gyro-Compass and Speedometer.
M.O.S. Skills:
Basic Mechanics (+5%)
Navigation (+10%)
Pilot: 2 ANY
Pilot Related Pick ALL
Pilot: Jet Pack (+15%)
Pilot: Hover Vehicles (+10%).
Military: Combat Helicopter (+35%)
Military: Jet Fighters ( +25%)
Helicopter - +25%
Hover Craft - (+15%)
Combat Driving

NUMBER 16 fix wing Aviator Pilot:
M.O.S. Bonuses:
+1 to dodge in flight
+15% to perform evasive maneuvers, stunts and emergency landings.
Additional Cybernetics/Bionics:
Bionic hand or forearm with
Cyberlink Vehicle Interface, Radar Sensor, Gyro-Compass and Speedometer. M.O.S. Skills:
M.O.S. Skills:
Basic Mechanics (+5%)
Navigation (+10%)
Pilot: Hover Vehicles (ground +10%).
Military: Jet Fighters (+35%)
Pilot: Jet Aircraft (+15%)
Pilot: Jet Fighter (+20%)
Pilot: Jet Pack (+25%)
Pilot: 2 ANY
Pilot Related PICK ALL

NUMBER 17 Tank pilots
M.O.S. Bonuses:
+1 to strike with main canon ,
+1 to strike an incoming missile in flight with any secondary weapon/culpa systems .
+2 to strike any missiles fired.
can fire 1d4x10+10 beyond ballistic weapons only no rail gun ,missile or energy weapon systems
Additional Cybernetics/Bionics:
Cyberlink Vehicle Interface,
Radar Sensor,
M.O.S. Skills:
Navigation (+10%)
NBC Warfare (+10%)
Pilot: Tanks and APCs (+15%; ).
Pilot: Hover Vehicles
Combat Driving Pilot:
Weapon Systems (+10%)
Pick 3 Weapon Proficiencies (Modern)
W.P. Heavy M.D. Weapons

NUMBER 18 Cyber Combat Handler
M.O.S. Bonuses:
+2 on Perception Rolls regarding animals, their health and behavior, including whether they are scared, hurt, aggressive, about to attack, willing to be submissive, back off or run off if given the opportunity, and so on.
Additional Cvbernetics/Bionics:
Four additional cybernetic optical or/and radio/jaw enhancement.
The soldier is assigned
one Cybernetically expect dogs can be or up 10 (1d10)
• Falcon
• Dog
• Horse
(G.M.’s discretion OR TYPE animal with reason )
Breed Dogs/Animal (specific) (+15%)
full cyborg dog ... -747975910
in action to standard M.D.C stat
fully armed add 75 M.D.C
main body is 70 M.D.C small size dog add 50 M.D.C
main body is 80 M.D.C medium size dog 100 add M.D.C
main body is 90 M.D.C large size (normal ) dog add 120 M.D.C
main body is 100 M.D.C largest size (normal ) dog add 150 M.D.C
look below
https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca88777 ... CRWKyVJTr4
M.O.S. Skills:
Falconry (New! +10%), pick one.
Horsemanship: any USA /Canada/South America or Europe
(+10%; can be upgraded to Horsemanship: Cossack at the cost of two Secondary Related Skill.)
M.O.S. Skills:
Camouflage +10
Detect Ambush+15
Detect Concealment +10
Trap/Mine Detection +10
Wilderness Survival +15
Pilot Related Skills +10
Outdoorsmanship Track and Trap Animals (+15%)
Veterinary Science (+10%)
W.P. Net
W.P. Rope
Can be even partial or light brog

NUMBER 19 Giant size Robot pilots
M.O.S. Bonuses:
Add +1 to all !!to favorite.
Add + 20 % one time
Make delicate handling /maneuvers for Giant size Robot +20 % in situations and even prowl base 50%
M.O.S. Skills:
Excavation & Rescue (+1 0%)
Pilot: Robots Basic (+20%)
Pilot: Robot Combat Elite:
Pilot: Robot Combat Elite
Pilot: 2 ANY
Pilot Related Pick ALL
Land Navigation (10%)
Read (& Operate) Sensory Equipment (+ 1 5%)
Pick 3 Weapon Proficiencies (Modern)
W.P. Heavy
W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons (rail guns included)

NUMBER 20 Power armor pilots
M.O.S. Bonuses:
Add +1 to all !!to favorite.
Can push speed flight only by 1d4x10% for 2d4 melee
M.O.S. Skills:
Pilot: Power Armor Basic (+9%)
Pilot: Power Armor Combat Elite:
Pilot: Jet Packs (+20%)
Pilot: Helicopter or Jet Aircraft and VOTL (+ 1 6%).
Pilot: 2 ANY
Pilot Related Pick ALL
Parachuting (+ 1 5%)
Navigation (+20%)
Land Navigation (+20%)
Read (& Operate)
Sensory Equipment (+ I 0%)
W.P. Heavy
W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons (rail guns included)
Pick 3 Weapon Proficiency (Modern)

NUMBER 21 Drone operator
M.O.S. Bonuses:
Small drones size have prowl 80 + 1% per level + 3 to all
Medium drones size 70 + 2% per level + 2 to all
Large drones size 60 + 3% per level + 1 to all
Can add spd by 1d4x10% to all
M.O.S. Skills:
Radio: Basic (+25%)
Radio: Scramblers (+10%)
Surveillance Systems (+25%)
T.V./Video (+25%)
Weapon Systems (+10%)
Computer Operation (+25%)
Computer Programming (+25%)
Basic Mechanics - (+10%)
Weapon Systems - (+25%)
Navigation (+25%)
Read (& Operate) Sensory Equipment - (+25%)
Basic Electronics (+25%)
Computer Repair (+25%)
Tracking (people) (+25%) (+25%)
Detect Ambush (+10%)
Pick 2 Weapon Proficiencies (Modern)
Reduce Secondary Skills to four :
Command Robots Drones: look below for details
Knowledge in the operation, deployment and strategic use of Army reconnaissance and combat drones robots like the Combat Drone (like Skelebot), Dog Drone (an example Chaos earth book main book) , Pup Scout (Chaos earth book main book) , Spider Probe(Chaos earth book main book) , and Flying Drone/Probe (Chaos earth book main book) . 1-10 robots are assigned to Escort/ assist/attack/patrol ,investigate area or protect the individual who commands it/them. Base Skill: Not applicable
CAN BE LIGHT CYBORG ID6 cybernetic implants of choice OR Partial or full Borg
Starts with ID6 cybernetic implants of choice. No LD. chip to avoid identification as a agent by the enemy. If a partial cyborg ( 12% are), the agent will have one or two bionic arms with I D4+2 different built-in capabilities (sensors, finger camera, weapons, etc.) for each, a bionic eye and even a pair of bionic legs

NUMBER 22 Transportation Specialist:
Requires P.E. and P.P. of at least 9.
M.O.S. Bonuses:
+1 to dodge while driving
+5% to perform evasive maneuvers, stunts, rams and emergency crashes.
can have connection with Black market GM Call 2d6 one time use 1d6 mid level and 1d4 high level
30% own favor to character for each one
10% big favor to each connection
05% crime group own favor to character for each one
02% crime organization own 1d4 favor to character for each one
01% crime organization own 1d10 favor to character for each one
Additional Cybernetics/Bionics:
Bionic hand or forearm with
Cyberlink Vehicle Interface,
M.O.S. Skills:
Combat Driving Pilot: Automobile
Combat Driving Pilot: Motorcycles & Snowmobiles (+15%)
Pilot: Hover Vehicles (+10%; ).
Pilot: Tanks and APCs (+10%; ).
Pilot: Truck (+10%)
Pilot six additional pilot skill (+20%; ).

NUMBER 23 EOD/Demolitions Specialist
Requires an I.Q. of 10 and a P.P. ,P.S of 12 or higher.
M.O.S. Bonuses:
+1D6 to S.D.C.,
+1 to M.E. and P.P. attribute,
+1 to roll with impact,
+2 to Perception Rolls regarding explosives and traps, their level of complexity, ease or difficulty to deactivate/defuse, level of danger/damage/power, range of collateral damage, whether the maker was an amateur or expert (like himself) and similar.
Additional Cybernetics/Bionics:
Schematic Sensor Hand,
Radiation Sensor and Macro-Eye Laser.
M.O.S. Skills:
Basic Electronics (+10%)
Demolitions (+20%)
Demolitions Disposal (+15%)
Demolitions: Underwater (+14%)
Munitions Expert (the Munitions part,
only, from the skill Field Armorer and Munitions Expert, +10%).
Trap and Mine Detection (+10%)

NUMBER 24 Field Combat Medic:
Requires an I.Q. and a P.P. of 10 or higher.
M.O.S. Bonuses:
+1 to I.Q. and +2 on Perception Rolls regarding the severity of injuries, the best and most immediate repair/ surgery or treatment, stability of the patient, and at levels 4 and 8, treatment from this Field Medic to those in a coma/death situation provides the patient with a cumulative bonus of +5% to save vs coma and death (+10% when the Field Medic is at level 8 experience).
Additional Cybernetics/Bionics:
Macro-Eye Laser,
Molecular Analyzer,
Finger Laser Scalpel and Wrist/Palm Needle.
M.O.S. Skills:
Brewing: Medicinal (+5%)
Cybernetic Medicine Field Surgery (+14%)
Medical Doctor (+5%)
Pathology (+10%)
Xenology (+5%),
Pick 2 Weapon Proficiencies (Modern)

NUMBER 25 Field Engineer:
M.O.S. Bonuses:
M.O.S. Skills:
Basic Electronics (+ 1 5%)
Command Robots (any/all)
Computer Operation (+20%)
Electricity Generation (+ 1 0%)
Excavation & Rescue (+ 1 5%)
Jury-Rig (+20%)
Math: Advanced (+ 1 5%)
Mechanical Engineer (+ 1 5%)
Military Fortification (+ 1 5%)
Salvage (+20%)
Read (& Operate) Sensory Equipment (+20%)
Trap/Mine Detection (+20%)
Reduce Secondary Skills by half :

NUMBER 26 Research Specialist
M.O.S. Bonuses:
+1D6 to S.D.C.,
+1 to M.E. attribute,
+1 to roll with impact,
M.O.S. Skills:
Computer Programming
(+ 1 5%) Computer Hacking
(+ 1 0%) Cryptography (+20%)
Forgery (+1 5%)
Lore: Three of choice (+1 5% each).
Photography (+ 1 5%)
TV/Video (+1 0%)
TWO Communications
Espionage skill of choice (+ 1 0%).
Research (+20%)
Language, Foreign: 1d4+1of choice (+10%).
Reduce Secondary Skills by half :

NUMBER 27 Spy or Undercover Agent
M.O.S. Bonuses:
+2D6 to S.D.C.,
+1 to M.E. and +2 P.P. attribute,
+2 to roll with impact,
M.O.S. Skills:
Command Robots (probes/Drones and Pups only)
Disguise (+20%) Interrogation (+ 12%)
Imitate Voices and Impersonation (+14%)
Prowl (+1 0%) Seduction (+13%)
Streetwise (+ 14%)
Surveillance Systems (and Tailing) (+ 1 5%)
Tracking (+ 1 0%) or Concealment (+ 12%) FOR Undercover Agent PICK ONE /spy get both
Undercover Agent Language, Foreign: two of choice (+10%)
Spy Agent Language, Foreign: : 1d4+1of choice (+20%)
Spy GET BOTH Tracking AND Concealment

NUMBER 28 Intelligence & Reconnaissance
M.O.S. Bonuses:
+2D6 to S.D.C.,
+1 to M.E. and P.P. attribute,
+2 to roll with impact,
M.O.S. Skills:
Camouflage (+ 1 5%)
Command Robots (probes only)
Detect Ambush (+ 1 0%)
Detect Concealment (+ 1 5%)
Find Contraband (+1 6%) Land Navigation (+1 6%)
Prowl (+1 0%)
Tracking (+20%)
Wilderness Survival (+20%)
Wilderness Skill: One of choice (+1 5%) Intelligence
Reconnaissance GET FOUR Wilderness Skill: 4 of choice (+1 5%)
Pilot two any no robots or power armor
Language, Foreign: two of choice (+10%).

NUMBER 29(MS) Electronic Intelligence
M.O.S. Bonuses:
+2D6 to S.D.C.,
+1 to M.E. attribute,
M.O.S. Skills:
Basic Electronics (+ 1 5%)
Basic Mechanics (+ 1 0%)
Command Robots (any, though usually probes and one Hound)
Computer Hacking (+20%)
Computer Programming (+ 1 5%)
Electronic Countermeasures (+20%)
Read ( & Operate) Sensory Equipment (+ 1 5%)
Surveillance Systems (and Tailing) (+ 1 5%)
TV/Video (+20%)
Cryptography (+ 1 5%)
Language, Foreign: 1d6+1 of choice (+10%).
Reduce Secondary Skills by half :

NUMBER 30 Man-Hunter (MS)
M.O.S. Bonuses:
+2D6 to S.D.C.,
+1 to M.E. and P.P. P.S and +3 P.E attribute,
+4 to roll with impact,
M.O.S. Skills:
Command Robots (any)
Land Navigation (+20%)
Recognize Weapon Quality
(+ 1 5%) Sharpshooting
Prowl (+1 5%)
Tracking (+20%)
W.P. Bolt-Action Rifle
W.P. : four of choice (any)
Starts with ID4 cybernetic implants of choice. No LD. chip to avoid identification as a agent by the enemy.
If a partial cyborg ( 12% are), the agent will have one or two bionic arms with I D4+2 different built-in capabilities (sensors, finger camera, weapons, etc.) for each, a bionic eye and even a pair of bionic legs.

NUMBER 31 (MS) Sabotage & Harassment:
M.O.S. Bonuses:
+2D6 to S.D.C.,
+1 to M.E.,P.P. ,P.E and P.S attribute,
+2 to roll with impact,
M.O.S. Skills:
Camouflage (+20%)
Command Robots (all)
Computer Programming (+ 1 0%)
Find Contraband (+ 1 0%)
Demolitions (+20%)
Demolitions: Underwater (+20%)
Demolitions Disposal (+1 5%)
Escape Artist (+ 1 5%)
Forgery (+20%)
Nuclear, Biological & Chemical Warfare (+ 1 5%)
Reduce Secondary Skills by half :
Starts with I D4 cybernetic implants of choice. No LD. chip to avoid identification as a agent by the enemy. If a partial cyborg ( 5% are), the agent will have one or two bionic arms with ID4+2 different built-in capabilities (sensors, finger camera, weapons, etc.) for each, a bionic eye and even a pair of bionic legs.

NUMBER 32 Robot Specialist Glitter boy :
M.O.S. Bonuses:
+2D6 to S.D.C.,
+1 to P.P. attribute,
+2 to roll with impact,
Add + 2 dodge/roll/strike range weapons of any kind from that Robot Vehicle.
Add 1d4+ years to age
Add +10 % to all ground robot vehicles.
M.O.S. Skills:
Advanced Math (+ 1 0%)
Basic Electronics (+20%)
Command Robots (all)
Locksmith (+20%)
Mechanical Engineer (+ 10%)
Pilot: Robots Basic
Pilot: Robot
(choose one specific type; any add +35 can over 99% but add penalties )
Robot Mechanics (+25%)
Weapons Engineer (+ 10%)

Secondary Skills:

Select 12 skill from the Secondary Skill list on page 300 of Rifts® Ultimate Edition at levels 1, 3, 7, 9 and 12. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get any bonuses, other than a possible bonus for having a high I.Q. All Secondary Skills start at base level.

Standard Equipment:

Military I.D. and ration card, standard body armor, one weapon per W.P. and six E-Clips per weapon, one Vibro-Knife or Vibro-Sword, two signal flares, two smoke grenades, two fragmentation grenades, silver-plated survival knife (2D4), flashlight, distancing binoculars, utility belt, gun holster for side arm, additional air filter and gas mask, walkie-talkie, canteen, water purification tablets, anti-radiation pills, four standard uniforms, one dress uniform, pocket-sized silver cross signal mirror, utility belt, backpack and bedroll.

Naval or light Body Armor
Army Combat Armor


[spoiler][color=#FF0000]Naval or light Body Armor

The constant dangers of Rifts Earth are such that Navy personnel are not safe even inside an armored juggernaut. To protect its people, the Navy has issued a version of the combat armor commonly used in pre-Rifts days. This body armor is lighter and more comfortable than the Marine 's combat armor which is issued to all combat personnel, but it can mean the difference between life and death for a Navy sailor. The armor consists of a fully padded body suit with a helmet; not required on duty except while under threat of attack. The armor has special flotation devices that add +5% to swimming rolls and serves as a life jacket. It has all the features common to modem body armor (see Rifts RPG, page 209).
• M.D.C.: 65
• Weight: 2 lbs (5 kg)
• Excellent Mobility; no penalties on the performance of prowl and other physical skills such as gymnastics.
• Maximum Depth: 1000 feet (305 m); ruptures at greater depths.
• Market Cost: 40,000 credits outside Salvation and Refuge Bases .
This is one of the items not commonly traded or sold outside Army .

Army Combat Armor
This heavy body armor has some superficial similarities to 20th Century helmets and flack jackets, but it has the addition of a faceplate/mask, can be made airtight in an instant, and has life support, as well as a built-in radio, insulation, and all features common to environmental body armor (as listed in Rifts Ultimate Ed., p. 267). Comes in many colors olive green, forest-jungle camouflage pattern, and beige brown desert camouflage pattern. Combat armor is manufactured at both bases .
• M.D.C.: 110
• Weight: 10 Ibs (9.5 kg)
• Good Mobility: - 5% on the performance of prowl and other physical skills such as gymnastics.
• Maximum Depth: 2000 feet (6 10 m)
• Market Cost: 60,000 credits outside Refuge and Salvation Bases. knock-offs (see Rifts Mercenaries for details about Iron Heart) are double weight Mobility, Depth 1000

Equipment Available Upon Assignment:

Any vehicle in which the character is trained, additional weapons, energy clips, medical kit, tool kit, portable computer, portable language translator, cameras, surveillance equipment, explosives (including fusion blocks), and has low to mid-level military clearance. Note: Availability of equipment and resources may be dependent upon the local commander, supply stock, location, casualties and combat conditions.

The foot soldiers gets a roof over his head, food, clothing, access to vehicle storage, hangars, maintenance areas, medical care and all other basic needs provided for free as part of his/her pay. The Infantry Soldier starts as a Private with a monthly salary starting at 1,100 credits a month.

Cybernetics and Bionics:
Cybernetic and Bionic Enhancement:

Though the Infantry themselves usually reserve the designation for partial cyborgs, light, full conversion cyborgs, many Infantry Soldiers can be classified as Light cyborgs Machines or partial conversion cyborgs due to the extensive bionic reconstruction they undergo. Approximately 25% of infantry soldiers receive bionic augmentations for approximately 40-50% of their bodies, making them partial cyborgs. Another 15% of infantry soldiers are full conversion cyborg classified as Light cyborgs. The remaining 50% of the infantry start out as completely human with only 6 cybernetic implants of choice. Of course, injuries in combat may substantially increase the amount of bionic augmentation a soldier ultimately ends up with.
Infantry soldiers who receive 55% or more bionic conversion usually stay in the military for life or a long stretch of 30-50 years of service.
01-50% Human Infantry Soldiers: No bionics,light borg but has 1D4 cybernetic implants (clock calendar, etc.).

51-85% Partial Cyborg Infantry Soldier only 6 cybernetic implants

55-80% of the soldier’s body has been Light cybernetically enhanced.
• One Headjack and one Finger Jack.
• Cyberlink Vehicle Interface.
• Two Sensor/Communication System implants of choice.
• Reinforced endo-skeleton and body frame (20 M.D.C. to 80 M.D.C )
• Full leg conversion. Speed: 45 (30 mph/48 km), can leap 10 feet (3 m) high or 12 feet (3.7 m) lengthwise from a standing start or double that with a short run. Each leg has 60 M.D.C. and each foot has 18 M.D.C.
• One bionic arm (40 M.D.C.) and hand (12 M.D.C.) with one forearm and one hand weapon. The P.S. and the P.P. of the bionic arm are 18.
• Lung implants: Gas Filtration System and Oxygen Storage Cell.

86-00% Full Conversion Light Cyborg :
The Infantry soldier is a full conversion cyborg. See the Military Grade


Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2021 5:04 pm
by Omegasgundam
Looking much better. There's some bits with the skills that amount to clashes with my personal preferences, but that's minor. The largest issue I have is the proportion of cybernetics and bionics. My feeling was that the US was much more conservative that some others (and that's not including Russia), but again that's personal preference.


Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2021 6:14 pm
Omegasgundam wrote:Looking much better. There's some bits with the skills that amount to clashes with my personal preferences, but that's minor. The largest issue I have is the proportion of cybernetics and bionics. My feeling was that the US was much more conservative that some others (and that's not including Russia), but again that's personal preference.

cool thank you so much!!!
I will post detail information on each M.O.S but don't have the time


Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 9:29 pm
by ZINO ... -413134851

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca88777 ... IhZOxoxjwU


Military Cyber Combat -Humanoid Called Jellyfish O.C.C.
Light Full Conversion Cyborg

Statistics for Military cyber-Humanoids

Size & Shape:
Completely human size !!! Or whatever natural appearance is suitable for the character' s race. Likewise, skin, hair, etc., are all natural-looking and even cosmetic cybernetics are usually avoided

M.D.C. of Main Body:
300 M.D.C for this 'Borg.

M.D.C. of Limbs:
All start at half of the possible maximum amount of M.D.C. for the Cyborg O.C.C., i.e.,
helmet 65 (1)
Head 50 (1)
bionic hands (5) 60 M.D.C ,
bionic Arms(5) 60 M.D.C ,
Bionic leg (2) 92 M.D.C .
Additional M.D.C. may be purchased at any time (provided a facility is available)
throughout the character' s lifetime.

Arms & Hands(10)
Maximum Attributes: P.S. & P.P. but the maximum is 20. Souped-Up Bionics goes up to 24 .
Weapons & Features Possible:
• per Hand: Two (three if small and not weapons) or a multi-system sensor hand.
• per hand Wrist: One.
• per hand Knuckles: One each.
• per hand Fingers: One weapon or other feature (sensor, camera, etc.) per each digit.
• Forearm: one , typically concealed that’s 10 total!!!.

Retractable Forearm Vibro/energy -BIade Shields (10) : that 10 total
An M.D.C. forearm plate with a retractable vibro-blade.
A detachable flashlight
Vibro-Blade : 2D6 M.D.C and energy base 1d4+8 total 1d6x10 M.D.C for both and detachable

• Shoulder & Upper Arm: Zero.
Legs & Locomotion : Humanoid in configuration.
Maximum Speed Attribute :
the maximum is 132 (90 mph ). Souped-Up Bionics SPD 108 MPH
Can leap 6 feet ( 1 .8 m) high and 12 feet (3 .6 m) across Normal
Souped-Up Bionics Can leap 7 feet high and 14 feet ) across;
increase by 20% with a running start Souped-Up Bionics increase by 40%.
Can leap 10 feet ( 1 .8 m) high and 16 feet (3 .6 m) across

Other Leg Attributes:
P.S. & P.P. maximum is 20. Souped-Up Bionics 24

Weapons & Features Possible: Concealed

Available Cyborg Armor Types :
Tends to avoid known "cyborg" armor because it reveals their true nature, instead the Cyber-Humanoid uses conventional body armor. However, the character could wear any light or medium cyborg armor or heavy human armor or combat armor.

Special Body Armor/Deep-Sea Environmental Body Armor
Medium cyborg armor
that is designed to withstand underwater depths . Often a completely contained environmental suit that plugs into existing cybernetic armor and systems.
• 185 M.D.C.

• Good Mobility

• Maximum Depth Tolerance: 2 miles

•The exoskeleton adds the following bonuses to the attributes :
+10 to P.S
+10 to spd, and reduces the rate of fatigue by 95 %

• Underwater:
The micro-thruster system propels the power armor underwater or a surfaced (semi-submerged) at a speed of 60 mph (96.5 kmph; 5 1 . 6 knots) !
Depth Gauge & Alarm :
An internal implant that can calculate depth. A digital counter can indicate the exact depth via internal audio or HUD system and make warning sounds when the character is within 2 miles maximum depth tolerance
Remaining Body Options for Cyber-Humanoid. Bionicand/or Cybernetic Implants & Features:

• Micro-Aerial Jet Thrusters: ( must have fighter pilot skills in order to use )
small power supply usually implanted to boost the main for drops at 85,000 feet can fly speed 400 MPH max height 20,000 feet

These are implants, sensors, optics, audio systems and other features that can be applied to bionic limbs

the human body,
clock calendar,
radio system,
modular connector unit,
cosmetics, and in addition to the following below .
already built in systems
Penalties of conversion:
Simulated sense of touch, while a remarkable 96%, is less than a human. No prowl penalty, even wearing heavy body armor.

Built in systems look below
1. Bionic gills look below
2. Bionic lung with gas filter & oxygen storage cell
3. Built-in language translator
4. Built-in loudspeaker
5. Built-in radio receiver & transmitter
6. Built-in depth gauge
7. Clock calendar
8. Gyro-compass
9. optional Concealed energy-clip hand or arm port ( 1 per each arm)
10. Modulating voice synthesizer
11. Multi-optic eyes
12. Radar (short range)
13. Rear optics in the back of the head
14. Universal headjack with amplified hearing and sound filtration
15. Sonar
16. Echo-location system

the following can be on Armour or cyborg systems
Sound Suppression System:

This is an advanced version of some pre-Rifts measures used to control sound pollution. A sound emitter
is built alongside the skin of the cyborg (will only work if the ' borg is wearing light M.D.C. armor; heavy cyborg armor will muffle the emitter). The emitter then sends out sound waves in exactly the opposite
frequencies as the noises made by the ' borg, neutralizing them. Human ears cannot sense the sounds; additionally, special rubber soles and joints contribute to the reduced sound: the common prowl penalty is eliminated when using these two systems.

Restrictions: none . +20 to prowl

Artificial Gills:
gills can be implants or built into partial and full conversion borgs. Gills are usually placed in the neck or rib cage, or just below the ribs. They enable the recipient of the implant to remove oxygen
from the water like a fish and breathe underwater for indefinite periods
of time.

Basically underwater radar. It can identify and track up to 24 targets simultaneously and has a range of two miles ( 3 . 2 km) .

Sonic Echo-Location :
A bionic system similar to that of the dolphin. This bionic mechanism is not as sensitive as the dolphin ' s and is used to determine distance and depth underwater, and to "see" in total darkness by creating a sound picture. When in total darkness, the cyborg suffers from none of the usual penalties from blindness and canmaneuver and fight as normal . B se level of proficiency: 78% +1% per level in accurately gauging distance, depth and shapes ; Range : 6000 feet .

Conceal Back up Underwater thruster system ( on cyborg only ):
one rear area and one per hip one rear total three
The thruster system propels the power armor underwater or a surfaced (semi-submerged) at a speed of 30mph depth 2 miles !

Conceal Back up micro-Aerial Jet Thrusters: ( must have fighter pilot skills in order to use, on cyborg only )
small power supply usually implanted to boost the main drps at 8,000 feet can fly speed 120 MPH max height 2000 feet

strength/signals of computer and communication implants; increases
the clarity of sound and increase range by 25 %

Radio & Scrambler Implant
An implant
with organic circuitry developed by the military that enables the user
to interface with a specially modified radio through mental control.
For most cyborgs, the shortwave radio will be housed in a compartment
on the armored back. It has a range of 1 00 miles ( 1 60 km) , can
broadcast on 800 frequencies and automatically scrambles and decodes
all transmissions. It can also send scrambled and coded messages

Signal Booster
small power supply usually implanted to boost the strength/signals of computer and communication implants; increases the clarity of sound and increase range by 25 % Usually built into a sensor hand or prosthetic with hair-like sensor wires that are actually tiny motion detector sensors.
However, a motion detection sensor system may be implanted in the arm, leg or head with sensor wires hidden among the human hair. Provided the sensor wires are not covered (the arm or leg with the detector must be bare), the system will work to measure noticeable movement near the character. The reliability of the detector is quite limited, but can be used to accurately assess wind direction and wind speed, and to detect the rapid approach of large moving objects, such as a vehicle, aircraft, power armor etc., whose rap id approach or large size causes a disturbance in the air. A motion detector is especially useful in the dark because the speeding object must usually be within 500 feet (152 m) to create a detectable air current. Likewise, the motion sensor will detect the movement of somebody/thing moving nearby, within 40 fe et (12 m), but only if the sensor user is motionless or barely moving itself.
The sensor can also detect sudden changes in air current and pressure caused by somebody opening a door or window, and can estimate speed of travel when inside an open-air (or open window) vehicle

Additional Hand and Arm(10) hand to hand
A pair of additional hands and arms
can be attached to the reinforced rib cage just below the usual pair. The second set of limbs are a bit smaller and lighter than the normal full body replacements, but are still quite formidable additions

A pair of arms and hands add one attack, strike and parry that 5 pairs or 10 arms
per melee and a bonus of + 5 to attacks ,strike and parry to the character's overall
combat skills. The arm ' s individual attribute bonuses apply only to that arm and not the character' s accumulative combat abilities. A single hand and arm pair adds only a bonus of + 1 to attacks ,strike and parry for every two arms

Amplified Hearing

A system of tiny sound amplifiers, microphones and receivers are built into the ear canal, enabling the character to hear almost inaudible sounds at 100 yards/meters away.
At 75 feet (22.9 m), sounds as quiet as one decibel, softer than
a whisper, can be heard.
At 150 feet (45.8 m), sounds as quiet as 10 decibels, a whisper,
can be heard clearly.
At 360 feet (110 m), sounds in the normal conversation range of
30 decibels can be heard as if the character was standing only a few
feet away. This is the maximum range for eavesdropping on conversations;
only sounds 70 decibels or louder can be accurately heard
and location pinpointed from 500 to 1000 feet away (152.4 m to
304.8 m).
The amplified hearing also enables the character to accurately
estimate the distance and location of the sound source, and recognize
specific sounds and voices at a base skill of 35% plus 5% per level
of experience. Bonuses: +1 to parry, +2 to dodge, +6 on initiative.
Note: Background noise, such as other conversations, traffic,
machine noise, etc., as well as closed doors and wall, will decrease
the range and clarity of what can be heard. GMs use your discretion

The Decibel Scale

20 decibel sound is 10 times louder than a 10 decibel sound, 30
decibels is 100 times louder than 10 decibels and 40 decibels is 1000
times louder. One decibel is the smallest difference between sounds
detectable by the human ear.
10 decibels: a light whisper
20 decibels: a quiet conversation
30 decibels: a normal conversation
40 decibels: light traffic
50 decibels: loud conversation
60 decibels: shouting
70 decibels: heavy traffic
80 decibels: loud noise like subway train, rock conceit
90 decibels: very loud, thunder or explosion
100 decibels: jet take-off; temporarily deafening (2D4 seconds).
140 decibels: Sonic boom; painful, temporarily deafening (2D4 minutes).

Legs for Leaping

bionic legs specifically designed for leaping and
quick movement (dodging). Can leap 15 feet (4.6 m) high and 30 feet (9. 1 m) lengthwise.
Increase by Double if combined with booster jets in the legs.
Bonus: + 2 to Auto dodge and + 1 on initiative when attempting a dodge or leap of any kind. with booster jets in the legs+ 4 to Auto dodge and + 2 on initiative

Motion Detector
Six maximum large. Nothing obvious.

Multi-Optics eyes or eyes with as many as three enhanced optic features each. The often referred to HUD or picture in picture display feature comes standard with all bionic eyes and does not count as one of the three selections. HUD is not standard in cybernetic eyes and not possible in Bio-System eyes.

Ears :




Cosmetics (general body) :
12 , but usually none other than disguises and beauty enhancing features

Ten one per arms

None. Average body weight is 100-200 pounds Additional appendages are not acceptable unless the real life creature the Cyber-Humanoid is impersonating has them.

Military Combat Cyber-Humanoid O.C.C.

O.C.C. skills:
Speaks Native Language (+25%).
One other Language of choice (+20%).
1D4 other spoken Language
Literacy in one (+ 1 5%).
Math: Basic (+ 1 0%)
Radio: Basic (+ 1 0%)
Land Navigation (+ 1 0%)
Disguise (+ 1 5%)
Intelligence (+ 1 0%)
Escape Artist (+ 1 0%)
Prowl (+ 1 5%)
Paramedic (+ 1 0%)
Imitate Voices & Impersonation (+ 1 2%)
Computer Operation(+ 1 5%)
Seduction (+ 1 0%)
Dance (+ 1 0%)
Streetwise (+5%)
Swimming: (+ 1 5%)
S.C.U.B.A(+ 1 5%)
Camouflage (+5%)
Pilot skill of choice pick 5 (+ 1 0%); excluding robot and power armor skills.
W.P. 1D6 Ancient Weapon of choice.
W.P. 1D4 Modem Weapon of choice.
Hand to Hand: Commando

NOTE If pick up W.P. Sharpshooting: Sharp shooting Borgs are limited to only one.

1. The Sharpshooter's "Called" Shot
2. Quick Draw
3. Trick Shooting
• Can shoot over his shoulder
• Accurately shoot while riding
• Shoot accurately
• Dodge,
• Ricochet shot

O.C.C. Related Skills:

Select 18 other skills, plus select one additional skill at levels 3, 6, 9, and 1 2 . All new skills start at level one Proficiency.

Communications: Any (+ 10%).
Cowboy: None.
Domestic : Any.
Electrical: Basic Electronics only (+5%).
Espionage: Forgery and Tracking only (+5%).
Horsemanship: General only.
Mechanical: Basic Mechanics and Automotive only (+5%).
Medical: First Aid only (+5%).
Military: Any.
Physical: Any that are still appropriate.
Pilot: Any (+5%); except robot, power armor.
Pilot Related: Any.
Rogue: Cardsharp, Concealment, Palming, Streetwise (any), and Ventriloquism only.
Science: Any.
Technical: Any (+5%).
W.P. : Any
Wilderness: Any

Secondary Skills:

The character also gets to select 10 secondary skills from the list, excluding those marked "None," at level one and one additional skill at levels 4, 8, and 12.
These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parentheses. All secondary skills start at the base skill level

Standard Equipment:

Light to medium M.D. C. body armor,
set of fashionable clothing, set of traveling clothes, tinted goggles or sunglasses, air fIlter, flashlight, cigarette lighter, pocket mirror, small portable tool kit or first-aid kit, language
translator (unless built-in) or pocket computer, two utility belts, sleeping bag, backpack or duffle bag, two small sacks, ID4 large sacks, a canteen and some personal items.


One for each W.P. skill, and 1D10 additional E-Clips/ammo clips for each.
Armor: Bushman Body Armor
similar body armor with around 60-70 M.D.C. No vehicle to start.

Bionics & Cybernetics:

Full conversion cyborg with all basic features and ALWAYS starts with two Cyber-Disguise features
and Modulating Voice Synthesizer. As for additional items, he or she gets as many as half the total number of possible bionic features listed in the opening under Statistics for Cyborgs.


Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 4:34 pm
by Omegasgundam
Mhm. This is the sort of thing that almost everybody with the tech would make at some point or another. While not appropriate (or cost effective) for the battlefield there are no shortage of covert ops where it would be far more effective than a normal human.

As a note, you don't need to spoiler the small sections (Secondary Skills and after).


Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 5:24 pm
Omegasgundam wrote:Mhm. This is the sort of thing that almost everybody with the tech would make at some point or another. While not appropriate (or cost effective) for the battlefield there are no shortage of covert ops where it would be far more effective than a normal human.

As a note, you don't need to spoiler the small sections (Secondary Skills and after).

ok thank you getting the hang of this


Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 7:18 pm
by Omegasgundam
ZINO wrote:
Omegasgundam wrote:Mhm. This is the sort of thing that almost everybody with the tech would make at some point or another. While not appropriate (or cost effective) for the battlefield there are no shortage of covert ops where it would be far more effective than a normal human.

As a note, you don't need to spoiler the small sections (Secondary Skills and after).

ok thank you getting the hang of this

At the very least I can expect to be able to actually READ everything you post on the page, which is an improvement.


Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 8:42 pm
Omegasgundam wrote:
ZINO wrote:
Omegasgundam wrote:Mhm. This is the sort of thing that almost everybody with the tech would make at some point or another. While not appropriate (or cost effective) for the battlefield there are no shortage of covert ops where it would be far more effective than a normal human.

As a note, you don't need to spoiler the small sections (Secondary Skills and after).

ok thank you getting the hang of this

At the very least I can expect to be able to actually READ everything you post on the page, which is an improvement.

have you seen
page 7
The Foot solider O.C.C.
In RIFTS North America and Europe Foot soldier, THE guards men ,THE guards , Guardians or Peace keeper
that has 40 M.O.S


Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2021 6:18 pm
Thank you for your emails I will post more later on need time


Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2022 4:23 pm
OK I am back working on drafts thank you for your emails but please vote that all I ask some have seen without logging
It ok but log in if-then make an account it's free !!!


Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2022 12:21 am
Weapons Of ArmTech

Note Please

roll a one (1) weapon blow up!! Roll 2 (two)gun jam ,3(three) gun jam,4(four) gun jam,5 ( five) MISS on a D20 OR 1D20 TO strike !!!for all weapons 18 or better double damage
Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
This will tell you the type of weapon can fire per attack
There is going S.D.C ROUND AND M.D.C ROUND you can only have one type of rounds not combine both either using S.D.C ROUND OR M.D.C ROUND both damage per round will be posted
The one posted will be high-end M.D.C ROUND if you can go lower Damage yes you can ther is some that will say Phase world mean not found in rifts earth and may be brought to Rifts earth
Effective Range:
This is how far these weapons can go mind you this base and general information
How many rounds are in that weapon systems

M9 Beretta:
The Beretta M9, officially the Pistol, Semiautomatic, 9mm, M9, is the designation for the Beretta 92FS semi-automatic pistol used by the United States Armed Forces. The M9 was adopted by the United States military as their service pistol in 1985.
The 92FS won a competition in the 1980s to replace the M1911A1 as the primary sidearm of the U.S. military, beating many other contenders, and only narrowly defeating the SIG Sauer P226 for cost reasons. It officially entered service in 1990. Some other pistols have been adopted to a lesser extent, namely the SIG P228 pistol, and other models remain in use in certain niches.
The M9 was scheduled to be replaced under a United States Army program, the Future Handgun System (FHS), which was merged with the SOF Combat Pistol program to create the Joint Combat Pistol (JCP). The JCP was renamed Combat Pistol (CP), and the number of pistols to be bought was drastically cut back. The U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps are replacing the M9 with the SIG Sauer M17 and M18.[11]

Colt Style 9mm Pistol:
The pistol that would eventually be named the Colt Commander was Colt's Manufacturing Company's candidate in a U.S. government post-World War II trial to find a lighter replacement for the M1911 pistol that would be issued to officers. Requirements were issued in 1949 that the pistol had to be chambered for 9 mm Parabellum and could not exceed 7 inches in length or weigh more than 25 ounces.[2]
Candidates included Browning Hi-Power variants by Canada's Inglis and Belgium's Fabrique Nationale, and Smith & Wesson's S&W Model 39. Colt entered a modified version of their M1911 pistol that was chambered for 9 mm Parabellum, had an aluminum alloy frame, a short 4.25-inch barrel, and a 9-round magazine. In 1950, Colt moved their candidate into regular production. It was the first aluminum-framed large frame pistol in major production and the first Colt pistol to be originally chambered in 9 mm Parabellum. The first year's production included 45 ACP and 38 Super chamberings.[2]
In 1970, Colt introduced the all-steel "Colt Combat Commander", with an optional model in satin nickel. To differentiate between the two models, the aluminum-framed model was renamed the "Lightweight Commander".[2]

Rate of fire (ROF): varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

3D6 S.D.C.
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D per single shot.
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D per single shot.
Effective Range: 150 feet (45.7 m).
Payload: 15 shot clip.

45 caliber Pistol:

The .45 ACP (not to be confused with .45 colt) cartridge is a very popular caliber due to its low velocity and relatively high stopping power. This caliber is associated most with the Colt M1911, logically, as ACP literally means 'Automatic Colt Pistol'. However, there are many more guns and variations on the M1911 that are chambered in .45 ACP. This list does not list all of them, just ones that have links to pages on Wikipedia, for further inquiry.

Effective Range: 150 feet (45.7 m).
Rate of fire (ROF): varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double-tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

Damage: 4D6 S.D.C.

5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D phase world tech
Payload: 7 or 13 shot ammo clip.

10mm Colt Delta Elite:

The Delta Elite is credited as being the first firearm produced by a major manufacturer to chamber the 10mm.[2] The ill-fated[clarification needed] Bren Ten sparked a genuine interest in the 10mm round with outdoorsmen and as a defense round.

The pistol was dropped from production in 1996 due to lackluster sales and the availability of smaller pistols with higher magazine capacities chambered in .40 S&W.[3]

Colt announced the re-introduction of the Delta Elite at the 2008 SHOT Show. This new generation is generally similar to the previous version. The "new" Delta Elites will be manufactured with the traditional barrel/bushing arrangement. Colt Customer Service stated they had a lack of acceptable accuracy problem with the "bull" bushingless barrel setup. That was the cause of the delay in the Delta Elite's production schedule. The new Delta Elite pistol was released March 31, 2009.[

Rate of fire (ROF): varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

4D6 S.D.C.
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D
Effective Range: 150 feet (45.7 m).
Payload: 9 or 15 shot clip.

.357 Magnum Revolver
.357 Magnum Revolver Pistol:

The .357 Smith & Wesson Magnum, .357 S&W Magnum, .357 Magnum, or 9×33mmR as it is known in unofficial metric designation, is a smokeless powder cartridge with a .357-inch (9.07 mm) bullet diameter. It was created by Elmer Keith, Phillip B. Sharpe,[2] and Douglas B. Wesson[2][3] of firearm manufacturers Smith & Wesson and Winchester.[4][5] The .357 Magnum cartridge is notable for its highly effective terminal ballistics.

The .357 Magnum cartridge is based upon Smith & Wesson's earlier .38 Special cartridge. It was introduced in 1935, and its use has since become widespread. This cartridge began the "Magnum era" of handgun ammunition.[6] The "Magnum era" began with the .375 H&H rifle cartridge, spreading to handguns with the .357 Magnum.

Rate of fire (ROF): varies For M.D.C

Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

Damage: 4D6+2 S.D.C.

5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.
Effective Range: 150 feet (45.7 m).
Payload: 6 or 13 shot clips

.41 Magnum Revolver:


In 1963, Elmer Keith and Bill Jordan, with some help from Skeeter Skelton, petitioned Smith & Wesson, Remington, and Norma to produce a pistol and ammunition in .41 caliber which would fall between the extant .357 Magnum and .44 Magnum cartridges in ballistic performance, and at the same time address perceived shortcomings with those loads.[1] While as early as 1955 Keith had suggested a new, medium-powered ".41 Special" cartridge, this idea was passed over in favor of the higher-powered "Magnum" option, and the Special survives only as a custom wildcat cartridge, bearing roughly the same relation to the .41 Remington Magnum as the .38 Special does to the .357 Magnum and as the .44 Special does to the .44 Magnum.[2]

The .357 Magnum suffered from restricted terminal ballistic effectiveness in the early 1960s, as jacketed hollow point bullets were not yet commonly available, and the manufacturer's standard loadings consisted of simple lead bullets. The powerful .44 Magnum, primarily a heavy hunting round, was considered overkill for police use, generating too much recoil for control under rapid fire. In addition, the revolvers chambered for the .44 were considered too large, bulky, and heavy for police to carry.[1][3]

Keith's original vision called for dual power levels in the .41, a heavy magnum load pushing a 210-grain (14 g) JHP at a muzzle velocity of 1,300–1,400 feet per second (ft/s), and a milder police loading which was to send a 200-grain (13 g) downrange at around 900 ft/s.[1][3]

These plans went awry due to an ongoing fascination in the firearms community with high-powered cartridges; Remington was swayed by this community's influence and instead of following Keith's blueprint, chose to emphasize the performance of the new cartridge. As a result, the .41 "Magnum" load was released at an advertised 1,500 ft/s, and even the "light" police loading was introduced with a 210 grain lead "warmed up" to about 1,150 ft/s. However, the police load as delivered was regarded as overpowered by most law enforcement agencies, many of whom were still using .38 Special revolvers.[1][3]

Additionally, Smith & Wesson had simply adapted their large N-frame revolvers for the new cartridge, which did not address size and weight concerns.[1][4] The Model 58, targeted for the law enforcement market, was introduced on July 10, 1964. Weighing 41 ounces, the Model 58 compared unfavorably with other revolvers available at the time, such as Smith's own 34 ounce Model 10 in .38 Special.

These combined factors mostly eliminated the .41 Magnum from consideration for its intended market as a law enforcement firearm, although it continued to be touted as such and was adopted by a few law enforcement agencies. Ultimately, the greater round capacities of most semi-automatic, magazine fed handguns has eclipsed the traditional six-shot revolver for law enforcement work, though revolvers in general are still more prevalent in the field.

Smith & Wesson produced a high-end, premium revolver in .41 Magnum, the Model 57, almost identical to the .44 Magnum-chambered Model 29.[1] Magnum Research's Desert Eagle division produced a .41 Remington Magnum in their semi-automatic Mark VII. Sturm Ruger began producing their Blackhawk series single-action revolver in the mid-1960s in .41 Magnum and is still in production today.

A couple of manufacturers have produced lever-action rifles chambered in .41 Magnum. Marlin produced four variants of its Model 1894, including the 1894S (20 in barrel, blued, straight stock), 1894FG (20 in barrel, blued, pistol-grip stock), 1894SS LTD (16 in barrel, stainless steel, straight stock) and 1894 CCL (20 in octagonal barrel, blued, straight stock.) However, they no longer offer any model chambered for it. Henry Repeating Arms introduced a .41 Magnum variant of their Big Boy Steel model in 2016.

Rate of fire (ROF): varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

Damage: 5D6 S.D.C
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D

Effective Range:
180 feet (54.8 m).
6 round cylinder.

.44 Magnum Revolver:

The .44 Remington Magnum, also known as .44 Magnum or 10.9x33mmR, is a rimmed, large-bore cartridge originally designed for revolvers and quickly adopted for carbines and rifles. Despite the ".44" designation, guns chambered for the .44 Magnum round, and its parent, the .44 Special, use 0.429 in (10.9 mm) diameter bullets.[2] The .44 Magnum is based on the .44 Special case but lengthened and loaded to higher pressures for greater velocity and energy.

Famously called "the most powerful handgun [cartridge] in the world" by Clint Eastwood in Dirty Harry, the .44 Magnum has since been eclipsed in power by the .454 Casull, .460 S&W Magnum, .480 Ruger, .50 Action Express, and .500 S&W Magnum; nevertheless, due in part to more manageable recoil it has remained one of the most popular commercial large-bore magnum cartridges.

6D6 S.D.C.
Mega-Damage: Notes/SINGLE ROUNDS
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D

Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

Effective Range:
180 feet (54.8 m).
6 round cylinder.

.38 Smith & Wesson and Colt Revolver:

The round was first introduced in 1877 for use in the S&W .38 Single Action.[1] As standard for the era, it featured heeled bullet with the same diameter of bullet and case neck equal to .38 inch; later versions discarded the feature and downsized the bullet, but the designation didn't change.

After World War I, the British military sought to replace pre-war revolvers with easier to handle weapons. Webley demonstrated a lighter version of their Mk III revolver with modified .38 S&W ammunition, firing a heavy 200-grain (13 g) bullet. It received favorable reports, and the revolver was accepted in principle.

As Webley had used the .38 S&W cartridge dimensions for their revolver, and the cartridge length was fixed by the size of the cylinder of the revolver (the same as for the wider .455), Kynoch produced a cartridge with the same dimensions as the .38 S&W but with 2.8 grains (0.18 g) of "Neonite" nitrocellulose powder and a 200 grain (13.0 g) bullet. In tests performed on cadavers and live animals, it was found that the lead bullet, being overly long and heavy for its calibre, become unstable after penetrating the target, somewhat increasing target effect. The relatively low velocity allowed all of the energy of the cartridge to be spent inside the human target, rather than the bullet passing through. This was deemed satisfactory and the design for the cartridge was accepted as the ".38/200 Cartridge, Revolver Mk I".

After a period of service, it was realized that the 200 gr (13 g) soft lead bullet could arguably contravene the Hague Conventions, which outlawed the use of bullets designed so as to "expand or flatten easily in the human body". A new cartridge was therefore adopted as "Cartridge, Pistol, .380 Mk II" or ".380 Mk IIz", firing a 180 gr (11.7 g) full metal jacket bullet. The .38/200 Mk I loading was retained in service for marksmanship and training purposes. However, after the outbreak of war, supply exigencies and the need to order readily available and compatible ammunition, such as the .38 S&W Super Police, from U.S. sources forced British authorities to issue both the .38/200 Mk I and MkII/IIz cartridges interchangeably to forces deploying for combat.[2]

The Cartridge S.A. Ball Revolver .380 inch Mark II and Cartridge S.A. Ball Revolver .380 inch Mark IIz cartridge were theoretically phased out of British service in 1963, when the 9×19mm semi-automatic Browning Hi-Power pistol was finally issued to most British and Commonwealth forces.

Colt Revolver:

The .38 Long Colt, also known as .38 LC, is a black powder cartridge introduced by Colt's Manufacturing Company in 1875. In 1892, it was adopted as a standard military pistol cartridge by the United States Army for the Colt M1892 revolver. The metric designation for the .38 Long Colt is 9.1×26mm. It is slightly more powerful than the .38 Short Colt, also known as .38 SC. The original .38 SC and .38 LC differ in case length, bullet diameter, weight, and design and are not interchangeable; however, modern production .38 SC ammunition is now loaded with a smaller, internally-lubricated bullet which can be fired from firearms chambered in .38 LC or .38 Special. The modern .38 LC can be fired from .38 Special firearm, but not from a firearm designed for the .38 SC, since the case length is too long.[2]

Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

2D6+2 S.D.C.
Mega-Damage: Notes/SINGLE ROUNDS
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D

Effective Range:
120 feet (36.5 m).
6 round cylinder.

9mm round

The 9×19mm Parabellum (also known as 9mm Parabellum or 9mm Luger) is a rimless, tapered firearms cartridge.

Originally designed by Austrian firearm designer Georg Luger in 1901,[6] it is widely considered the most popular handgun and submachine gun cartridge due to its low cost and extensive availability.[7][8][9] It is a standard cartridge for NATO forces as well as in many non-NATO countries.

Since the cartridge was designed for the Luger semi-automatic pistol, it has been given the designation of 9mm Luger by the Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers' Institute (SAAMI)[10] and the Commission Internationale Permanente pour l'Epreuve des Armes à Feu Portatives (CIP).[2]

A 2007 US survey concluded that "about 60 percent of the firearms in use by police are 9mm [Parabellum]" and credited 9×19mm Parabellum pistol sales with making semiautomatic pistols more popular than revolvers.[11

9mm Submachine-gun:
Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

3D6 S.D.C. per single shot
6D6 per three round short burst
Mega-Damage:Notes/SINGLE ROUNDS

5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D
Effective Range:
650 feet (198 m).
Payload: 30 round magazine.

9mm Ingram Submachine-gun:
Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

4D6 S.D.C. per single shot,
1D4x10 per three round short burst.

5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D
Effective Range:
650 feet (198 m).
30 or 50 round magazine.

9mm Uzi Submachine-gun:
Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

3D6 S.D.C. per single shot
6D6 per three round short burst.

5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D
Effective Range:
600 feet (183 m). Payload: 30 or 50 round magazine.

9mm Mini-Uzi Submachine-gun:
Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

2D6 S.D.C. per single shot
4D6 per three round short burst.

5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D
Effective Range:
500 feet (152 m).
15 or 30 round magazine.

5.6mm round
The 5.6×39mm, also known in the U.S. as .220 Russian, is a cartridge developed in the late 1950s for deer hunting in USSR as well as 100 meter running deer competitions. It fires a 5.6mm projectile from necked down 7.62×39mm brass. It was later adopted by Finland, and by around 1965 was being produced by SAKO and Lapua. When it was introduced to the United States, Sako, and later Lapua, brass was stamped ".220 Russian".

Soviet 5.6×39mm cartridges were loaded with smokeless powder VT (винтовочный пироксилиновый порох ВТ), as well as Soviet 7.62×54mmR and 9×53mmR hunting cartridges[4]

The 7.62×39mm is the parent case for the .220 Russian, .22 PPC, 6mm PPC, 6mm ARC, and the 6.5mm Grendel cartridges.

5.6mm Bolt-Action Sniping Rifle:
Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks
5D6 S.D.C. per single shot.

5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D
Effective Range:
2000-2400 feet
Payload: 8-16 round magazine.
Stats vary slightly with , specific weapon models and manufacturers.

7.6mm round
7.6mm Sniping Rifle:
Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double-tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

6D6 S.D.C. per single shot.


5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D
Effective Range:
2200-2800 feet
8-16 round magazine.
Note: Stats vary slightly with specific weapon models and manufacturers.

5.56mm Assault Rifle:
Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

3D6 S.D.C. per single shot
6D6 per three round short burst.
5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D
5d6x10 S.D.C OR 3 M.D
Effective Range:
1200 feet (366 m). Payload: 20 to 50 round magazine.

5.56mm M16A2 Assault Rifle:
Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

3D6 S.D.C. per single shot
6D6 per three round short burst.
5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D

Effective Range:
1900 feet (579 m).
20, 30 or 50 round magazine.

7.56mm Assault Rifle:

The 7.62 mm caliber is a nominal caliber used for a number of different cartridges. Historically, this class of cartridge was commonly known as .30 caliber, the imperial unit equivalent, and was most commonly used for indicating a class of full-power military main battle rifle (MBR) cartridges. The measurement equals 0.30 inches or three decimal lines, written .3″ and read as three-line.[1]

The 7.62 mm designation refers to the internal diameter of the barrel at the lands (the raised helical ridges in rifled gun barrels). The actual bullet caliber is often 7.82 mm (0.308 in), although Soviet weapons commonly use a 7.91 mm (0.311 in) bullet, as do older British (.303 British) and Japanese cartridges

7.56mm Assault Rifle:
Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

5D6 S.D.C. per single shot
1D6x10 per three round short burst.
5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D
Effective Ranse:
1600 feet (488 m).
30 to 50 round magazine.

7.56mm AK-47 Assault Rifle:

The AK-47, officially known as the Avtomat Kalashnikov (Russian: Автомат Калашникова, lit. 'Kalashnikov's automatic [rifle]'; also known as the Kalashnikov or just AK), is a gas-operated assault rifle that is chambered for the 7.62×39mm cartridge. Developed in the Soviet Union by Russian small-arms designer Mikhail Kalashnikov, it is the originating firearm of the Kalashnikov (or "AK") family of rifles. After more than seven decades, the AK-47 model and its variants remain the most popular and widely used rifles in the world.

The number "47" refers to the year the rifle was finished. Design work on the AK-47 began in 1945. It was presented for official military trials in 1947, and, in 1948, the fixed-stock version was introduced into active service for selected units of the Soviet Army. In early 1949, the AK was officially accepted by the Soviet Armed Forces[9] and used by the majority of the member states of the Warsaw Pact.

The model and its variants owe their global popularity to their reliability under harsh conditions, low production cost (compared to contemporary weapons), availability in virtually every geographic region, and ease of use. The AK has been manufactured in many countries, and has seen service with armed forces as well as irregular forces and insurgencies throughout the world. As of 2004, "of the estimated 500 million firearms worldwide, approximately 100 million belong to the Kalashnikov family, three-quarters of which are AK-47s".[4] The model is the basis for the development of many other types of individual, crew-served and specialised firearms

Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

5D6 S.D.C. per single shot
1D6x10 S.D.C. per three round short burst.
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
Effective Range:
1000 feet (305 m).
30 round magazine or 60 round drum.

A machine gun is a fully automatic, rifled autoloading firearm designed for sustained direct fire with rifle cartridges. Other automatic firearms such as assault rifles and automatic rifles are typically designed more for firing short bursts rather than continuous firepower, and not considered machine guns.

As a class of military kinetic projectile weapon, machine guns are designed to be mainly used as infantry support weapons and generally used when attached to a bipod or tripod, a fixed mount or a heavy weapons platform for stability against recoils. Many machine guns also use belt feeding and open bolt operation, features not normally found on other infantry firearms.

Machine guns can be further categorized as light machine guns, medium machine guns, heavy machine guns, general purpose machine guns and squad automatic weapons

.30 Caliber Light Machine-Gun:

A light machine gun (LMG) is a light-weight machine gun designed to be operated by a single infantryman, with or without an assistant, as an infantry support weapon. LMGs firing cartridges of the same caliber as the other riflemen of the same combat unit are often referred to as squad automatic weapons.

While early light machine guns fired full-powered rifle cartridges, modern light machine guns often fire smaller-caliber rifle cartridges than medium machine guns – generally the same intermediate cartridge fired by a service's standard assault rifle – and are usually lighter and more compact. Some LMGs, such as the Russian RPK, are modifications of existing designs and designed to share the same ammunition. Adaptations to the original rifle generally include a larger magazine, a heavier barrel to resist overheating, a more robust mechanism to support sustained fire and a bipod.

A light machine gun is also defined by its usage as well as its specifications: some machine guns – notably general-purpose machine guns – may be deployed either as a light machine gun or a medium machine gun. Deployed on a tripod and used for sustained fire, it is a medium machine gun; if deployed with a bipod with the operator in a prone position and firing short bursts, it is a light machine gun.

Light machine guns are also designed to be fired from the hip or on the move as a form of suppressive fire intended to pin down the enemy. Marching fire is a specific tactic that relies on this capability.

Lighter modern LMGs have enabled them to be issued down at the fireteam level, with two or three at the section/squad level.
Ammunition feed
Many light machine guns (such as the Bren gun or the M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle) were magazine-fed. Others, such as the Hotchkiss M1922, could be fed either from a belt/strip or from a box magazine. Modern light machine guns are designed to fire smaller caliber rounds and, as such, tend to be belt-fed (from a container attached to the gun) or from a detachable high-capacity drum magazine, but some, such as the FN , will also accept standard rifle magazine feeding as an auxiliary measure when belted ammunition has been exhausted.

Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

5D6 S.D.C. per single shot
3D6x10 S.D.C. (equal to 1 M.D.) per 10 round burst.

5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D
Effective Range:
3000 feet (914 m).
200, 300 or 600 round disintegrating belt or belt fed drum.

7.62mm Medium Machine-Gun:

The 12.7mm 6P50 infantry machine gun on 6T7 infantry tripod or 6U6 universal mount is designed to engage enemy light armored vehicles, fire weapons and manpower at ranges up to 2,000 meters and destroy air targets at slant ranges up to 1,500 meters. The 12.7mm 6P50 machine gun is an automatic belt-fed weapon.

Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

6D6 S.D.C. per single shot
4D6x10 S.D.C. (equal to 1D4 M.D.) per 10 round burst.
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D
Effective Range: 3000 feet (914 m).
Payload: 200, 300 or 600 round disintegrating belt or belt fed drum.

50 Caliber Heavy Machine-Gun:
The .50 Browning Machine Gun (.50 BMG, 12.7×99mm NATO and designated as the 50 Browning by the C.I.P.[1]) is a .50 in (12.7 mm) caliber cartridge developed for the M2 Browning heavy machine gun in the late 1910s, entering official service in 1921. Under STANAG 4383, it is a standard service cartridge for NATO forces as well as many non-NATO countries. The cartridge itself has been made in many variants: multiple generations of regular ball, tracer, armor-piercing (AP), incendiary, and saboted sub-caliber rounds. The rounds intended for machine guns are made into a continuous belt using metallic links.

The .50 BMG cartridge is also used in anti-materiel rifles. A wide variety of ammunition is available, and the availability of match grade ammunition has increased the usefulness of .50 caliber rifles by allowing more accurate fire than lower quality rounds.[3]

n response to the need for new anti-aircraft weaponry during World War I, John Browning developed the .50 BMG. He wanted the round to be used in a machine gun, and wanted the machine gun to be based on a scaled-up version of the M1917 Browning.[4]

The development of the .50 BMG round is sometimes confused with the German 13.2 mm TuF, which was developed by Germany for an anti-tank rifle to combat British tanks during WWI and against aircraft. According to the American Rifleman: "Actually, the Browning .50 originated in the Great War. American interest in an armor-piercing cartridge was influenced by the marginal French 11 mm design, prompting U.S. Army Ordnance officers to consult Browning. They wanted a heavy projectile at 2700 feet per second (f.p.s.), but the ammunition did not exist. Browning pondered the situation and, according to his son John, replied, 'Well, the cartridge sounds pretty good to start. You make up some cartridges and we'll do some shooting.'"[5]

The American Rifleman further explains that development was "[r]eputedly influenced by Germany's 13.2x92 mm SR (.53-cal.) anti-tank rifle" and that then "Ordnance contracted with Winchester to design a .50-cal. cartridge. Subsequently, Frankford Arsenal took over from Winchester, producing the historic .50 BMG or 12.7x99 mm cartridge. The Army then returned to John Browning for the actual gun. Teamed with Colt, he produced prototypes ready for testing and, ironically, completed them by Nov. 11, 1918—the Great War's end."[5]

The round was put into use in the M1921 Browning machine gun. This gun was later developed into the M2HB Browning which with its .50 caliber armor-piercing cartridges went on to function as an anti-aircraft and anti-vehicular machine gun, capable of penetrating 0.9 inches (23 mm) of face-hardened armor steel plate at 200 meters (220 yd),[6] 1 inch (25 mm) of rolled homogeneous armor at the same range,[7] and 0.75 inches (19 mm) at 547 yards (500 m).[8]

During World War II the .50 BMG was primarily used in the M2 Browning machine gun, in both its "light barrel" aircraft mount version and the "heavy barrel" (HB) version on ground vehicles, for anti-aircraft purposes. An upgraded variant of the M2 Browning HB machine gun used during World War II is still in use today. Since the mid-1950s, some armored personnel carriers and utility vehicles have been made to withstand 12.7 mm machine gun fire, restricting the destructive capability of the M2. It still has more penetrating power than lighter weapons such as general-purpose machine guns, though it is significantly heavier and more cumbersome to transport. Its range and accuracy, however, are superior to light machine guns when fixed on tripods, and it has not been replaced as the standard caliber for Western vehicle-mounted machine guns (Soviet and CIS armored vehicles mount 12.7×108mm NSVs, which have similar dimensions to .50 BMGs).

Decades later, the .50 BMG was chambered in high-powered rifles as well.[4] The Barrett M82 .50 caliber rifle and later variants were developed during the 1980s and have upgraded the anti-materiel power of the military sniper.[4] A skilled sniper can effectively neutralize an infantry unit by eliminating several targets (soldiers or equipment) without revealing his precise location. The long range (over one mile) between firing position and target allows time for the sniper to avoid enemy retaliation by either changing positions repeatedly, or by safely retreating.

Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

1D6x10 S.D.C. per single shot
1D6x100 S.D.C. (equal to 1D6 M.D.) per 10 round burst.
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 S.D.C OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 S.D.C OR 5 M.D phase world tech
1D6X100 S.D.C OR 1D6 M.D phase world tech

Effective Range:
6000 feet (1828 m).to 4.7 miles
300, 600 or 1200 round disintegrating belt or belt fed drum.

50 Caliber Six Barrel Machine-Gun or a Minigun:

The M134 Minigun is an American 7.62×51mm NATO six-barrel rotary machine gun with a high rate of fire (2,000 to 6,000 rounds per minute).[2] It features a Gatling-style rotating barrel assembly with an external power source, normally an electric motor. The "Mini" in the name is in comparison to larger-caliber designs that use a rotary barrel design, such as General Electric's earlier 20 mm M61 Vulcan, and "gun" for the use of rifle ammunition as opposed to autocannon shells.

"Minigun" refers to a specific model of weapon that General Electric originally produced, but the term "minigun" has popularly come to refer to any externally powered rotary gun of rifle caliber. The term is sometimes used loosely to refer to guns of similar rates of fire and configuration, regardless of power source and caliber.

The Minigun is used by several branches of the U.S. military. Versions are designated M134 and XM196 by the United States Army, and GAU-2/A and GAU-17/A by the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy.

Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

2D6x10 S.D.C. per single shot
2D6x100 S.D.C. (equal to 2D6+3 M.D.) per 10 round burst.


5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 S.D.C OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 S.D.C OR 5 M.D phase world tech
1D6X100 S.D.C OR 1D6 M.D phase world tech

a brust of all 6 barrels is possble 100 fire there a danager of jaming or expolsong due to heat if fire more than once ,never recomended to fire at MAX ROF the most is 80 rounds

Effective Range:
8000 feet (2438 m). Payload: 300, 600 or 1200 round disintegrating belt or belt fed drum.

40 mm Grenade Launcher (attaches to assault rifle):

The M203 is a single-shot 40 mm under-barrel grenade launcher designed to attach to a rifle. It uses the same rounds as the older stand-alone M79 break-action grenade launcher, which utilizes the high-low propulsion system to keep recoil forces low.

ince grenade launchers require relatively low internal pressure and only a short barrel, a lightweight launcher can be mounted under the barrel of a traditional rifle; this type of device is referred to as an under-barrel grenade launcher (UBGL).[10][11] This reduces the weight the soldier must carry by eliminating the grenade launcher's buttstock and makes the grenade launcher available for use at a moment's notice. Underbarrel 40mm grenade launchers generally have their own trigger group; to fire, one simply changes grips, disengages the safety, and pulls the trigger. In Western systems, the barrel slides forward or pivots to the side to allow reloading; most fire a 40×46mm grenade cartridge.[12] Soviet/Russian launchers are instead loaded from the muzzle, with the cartridge casing affixed to the projectile in the style of a mortar shell. For aiming, underbarrel grenade launchers typically use a separate ladder, leaf, tangent or quadrant sight attached to the launcher or the rifle, either to one side of the handguard or on top of the handguard in between the iron sights. Modern launchers often have the option of mounting more sophisticated aiming systems, such as ballistic rangefinders and day / night sights.

As with the M79, the concept of mounting a dedicated grenade launcher to a service rifle has its roots in the Special Purpose Individual Weapon program; though the experimental Colt XM148 grenade launcher had been produced earlier, it had proved too problematic to adopt. One AAI submission for SPIW mounted a "simple" single-action, single-shot breech-loading underbarrel grenade launcher in lieu of the required semi-automatic multi-shot device. With refinement, this was adopted as the M203 grenade launcher in 1968.[13] A variety of lengths of M203 are available along with numerous parts kits to fit it to various rifles aside from the AR15 pattern weapons it was designed for.

More modern Western grenade launchers address some of the shortcomings of the M203, such as the sliding breech limiting the weapon's ability to load outsize projectiles and the lack of factory-fitted sight mounts, with designs like FN Herstal's ELGM and Heckler & Koch's AG36 featuring a swing-out breech to provide better access, integral sight mounts, and built-in support for standalone conversion. A variant of the latter weapon, the M320 Grenade Launcher Module, was salvaged from the failed XM8 program and adopted in 2008 as the US military's replacement for the M203.[14]

Soviet development of an underbarrel launcher for the AK rifle series began in 1966 and in 1978 produced the GP-25, a muzzle-loading device for the AK-74 rifle using a mortar-like grenade round which functions by venting its propellant through holes in the base; this is a variation of the high-low system used by Western rounds, with the base of the projectile acting as the high-pressure chamber and the launcher's barrel acting as the low-pressure chamber. Further developments led to the GP series of grenade launchers.

A number of experimental weapon systems have attempted to produce combination weapons which consist of a permanently attached grenade launcher and a carbine assault rifle, often with the rifle mounted underneath the launcher, most notably the XM29 OICW,[15] but so far the only such weapon to reach full production is the S&T Daewoo K11, adopted in limited numbers by the South Korean military.[16]
2D4x10 S.D.C.

single shot
Explosive round 1d10 M D.C
H.E 5D4 M D.C
H.E.A.T 5D6 M.D.C
A.P round 4d6 M.D.C
Tear gas
Knock our gas
Effective Range: 1200 feet (366 m).
Payload: Single shot.

40mm Multiple Grenade Launcher: SINGLE ROUNDS ONLY
A grenade launcher[1][2][3] is a weapon that fires a specially-designed large-caliber projectile, often with an explosive, smoke or gas warhead. Today, the term generally refers to a class of dedicated firearms firing unitary grenade cartridges. The most common type are man-portable, shoulder-fired weapons issued to individuals, although larger crew-served launchers are issued at higher levels of organisation by military forces.[4]

Grenade launchers can either come in the form of standalone weapons (either single-shot or repeating) or attachments mounted to a parent firearm, usually a rifle. Larger crew-served automatic grenade launchers such as the Mk 19 are mounted on tripods or vehicles.

Some armored fighting vehicles also mount fixed arrays of short range, single-shot grenade launchers as a means of defense.

Israeli Border Guard with a Federal M201-Z 37mm riot gun

The earliest examples of standalone grenade launchers in the modern sense were breech-loading riot guns designed to launch tear gas grenades and baton rounds, such as the Federal Riot Gun developed in the 1930s. One of the first examples of a dedicated breech-loading launcher for unitary explosive grenade rounds was the M79 grenade launcher, a result of the American Special Purpose Individual Weapon program (specifically the 40×46mm grenade round developed during Project NIBLICK,[8] applying the German-developed high–low system to produce manageable recoil). The goal for the M79 was the production of a device with greater range than a rifle grenade but more portable than a mortar.[9] Such single-shot devices were largely replaced in military service with underbarrel grenade launchers, removing the need for a dedicated grenadier with a special weapon. Many modern underbarrel grenade launchers can, however, also be used in standalone configurations with suitable accessories fitted; this is of particular preference for groups using submachine guns as their primary armament, since it is rarely practical to mount an underbarrel launcher on such a weapon. Single shot launchers are also still commonly used in riot control operations.

Heavier multi-shot grenade launchers like the ARWEN 37 are used as tear gas and smoke projectors in riot control, while military launchers like the Milkor MGL are used to provide heavy sustained firepower to infantry; most such devices, dating back to the Manville machine-projector, use a revolver-style cylinder, though a handful of pump-action weapons built like oversized shotguns, such as the China Lake grenade launcher and GM-94, also exist. Magazine-fed semi-automatic designs such as the Neopup PAW-20 and XM25 CDTE have also been created for military use, using smaller rounds (respectively 20 and 25mm) for purposes of practicality in terms of the size of the magazine, and reduced collateral damage compared to 40mm rounds.

2D4x10 S.D.C.
Effective Range:
1200 feet (366 m).
Single shot.

The effective range for all shotguns is 150 feet (45.7 m).
Buckshot and similar fragmentation rounds will spray a 3 foot (0.9 meter) area. A sawed-off shotgun has a dramatically reduced barrel size which increases the width of the buckshot "spray" (covers a 1.5 m/5 foot area), but reduces the effective range to 60 feet (18 m).

Semi-automatic/self-loading or full Auto shotguns can fire a three-round burst that acts as a short burst, but it is -1 to strike.

Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

Typical Damage:
4D6 S.D.C. for Buckshot (scatters to cover a 3 ft/0.9 m area at 30 feet/9.1 m and a 10 feet/3 m area at 60 feet/18.3 m);
5D6 S.D.C. for solid slug.
NOTE: For a variety of specific S.D.C.
M.D.C Damage:

Buckshot 3D6 M.D
solid slug 1D4X10

weapons of the 20th and 21st Century, see the Compendium of Contemporary Weapons sourcebook with 700 weapons listed, stated out and illustrated, plus body armor, grenades, EOD, mortars, and select armored vehicles.

The 20 mm caliber
is a common firearm bore diameter, typically used to distinguish smaller-caliber weapons, commonly called "guns", from larger-caliber "cannons" (e.g. machine gun vs. autocannon). All 20 mm cartridges have an outside projectile (bullet) diameter and barrel bore diameter of 0.787 inches (20.0 mm). These projectiles are typically 75 to 127 mm (3–5 in) long, cartridge cases are typically 75 to 152 mm (3–6 in) long, and most are shells, with an explosive payload and detonating fuze.

Weapons using this caliber range from anti-materiel rifles and anti-tank rifles to aircraft autocannons and anti-aircraft guns.
A 20×102 mm round (2nd from left) with .50 BMG rounds, golf ball, and a stick of 168-pin SDRAM computer memory

Twenty-millimeter-caliber weapons are generally not used to target individual soldiers, but against targets such as vehicles, buildings, or aircraft.
Types of ammunition

High explosive (HE)
High explosive incendiary (HEI)
Armour-piercing (AP)
Semi-armor-piercing high explosive incendiary (SAPHEI)
Armor-piercing discarding sabot (APDS)
High-explosive fragmentary tracer (HEF-t)
Penetrator with enhanced lateral effect (PELE)
Target practice - inert projectile (i.e., PGU-27A/B).[1] Used for training. (TP)
Target practice tracer - inert projectile with tracer material in base for visual trajectory tracking (i.e., PGU-30A/B). (TP-T)

20 mm weapons

type: Common cartridges 20 x 102 mm, 20x138mmB
Metric equivalent20 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.787 in
Anti-material rifle and auto cannon caliber, from this these heavy calibers

5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 S.D.C OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 S.D.C OR 5 M.D phase world tech
1D6X100 S.D.C OR 6 M.D 1D6 M.D phase world tech
2D4X100 S.D.C OR 8 M.D or 2D4M.D phase world tech
2D6X100 S.D.C OR M.D or 12MD 2D6 M. D phase world tech
4d4x100 S.D.C M.D or 16 M.D phase world tech
5D4 X100 S.D.C OR 5d4M.D phase world tech

Metric equivalent 24.13 mm
Typical bullet diameter0.950 in
Common cartridges.950 JDJ
Mega-Damage: Notes/SINGLE ROUNDS
.950 JDJ is the only known cartridge beyond .79 caliber to be used in a rifle

5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 S.D.C OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 S.D.C OR 5 M.D
1D6X100 S.D.C OR 1D6 M.D phase world tech
2D4X100 S.D.C OR 2D4M.D phase world tech
2D6X100 S.D.C OR 2D6 phase world tech
4D4X100 S.D.C OR 4D4 M.D phase world tech
5D4 X100 S.D.C OR 5d4M.D phase world tech

30 mm caliber
is a specific size of autocannon ammunition. Such ammunition includes NATO standard 30×113mmB, 30×173mm (STANAG 4624), and 35x228mm NATO rounds, Soviet 30×165mm, 30x210mmB, and 37×250mm, Yugoslav 30x192mm, and Czechoslovak 30x210mmCz rounds which are widely used around the world.

The depleted uranium penetrator of a 30×173 mm round used in the GAU-8

30 mm ammunition
is typically not used against personnel, but rather as an anti-materiel or armor-piercing round. Rounds of this size can be effective against lightly armored vehicles as well as fortified bunkers. 30 mm is also a popular caliber for shipboard close-in weapons systems, such as the Russian AK-630 and Dutch Goalkeeper CIWS.

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation use their 30 mm weapons in a variety of vehicles, including the Su-25 attack aircraft, Mi-24 helicopter, Mi-28 attack helicopter, Ka-50 attack helicopter, and the BMP-2, BMP-3, and BTR-90 infantry fighting vehicles. The most modern anti-aircraft gun systems in use by Russia are 30 mm. The U.S. military uses 30 mm weapons in their A-10 Thunderbolt II and AH-64 Apache helicopter. It was going to be used in the Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle until the project was cancelled.
Types of 30 mm ammunition
30 mm ammunition generally comes in three varieties: armor-piercing (AP), high-explosive (HE), and target practice (TP) rounds. Both AP and HE cartridges commonly possess incendiary or tracer characteristics.

Mega-Damage: Notes/SINGLE ROUNDS
1D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 S.D.C OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 S.D.C OR 5 M.D
1D6X100 S.D.C OR 1D6 M.D
2D6X100 S.D.C OR 2D6 phase world tech
4D4X100 S.D.C OR 3D6 M.D phase world tech
5D4 X100 S.D.C OR 5d4M.D phase world tech
5D6 X100 S.D.C OR 5d6M.D phase world tech

Golden Age Ammunition Golden Age
operates four munitions plants that produce every conceivable type of ammunition, from S.D.C. types to Mega-Damage rounds and explosives. Two of these recently opened in Huntsville as part of the new marketing strategy. The oldest two are located in Guntersville where for decades the largest factory has been making old S.D.C. pistol, rifle, shotgun and machine-gun cartridges in most standard calibers.

.22 caliber, 15 credits — damage 2D4 S.D.C. .
Mega-Damage: 5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D

.32 A.C.P. caliber, 20 credits — damage.2D6 S.D.C.
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D

.32 Long, 30 credits damage 3D6 S.D.C. .
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D

.38 caliber, 30 credits — damage.3D6 S.D.C.
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D

.38 Power caliber, 40 credits — damage.4D6 S.D.C.
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D

.45 A.C.P., 42 credits — damage.4D6 S.D.C.
Mega-Damage: Notes/SINGLE ROUNDS
Handgun .45 calibers, .451 jacketed bullets and .452 cast lead bullets
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D phase world tech

.41 Magnum, 50 credits — damage.5D6 S.D.C.
Mega-Damage: Notes/SINGLE ROUNDS
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D

.44 Magnum, 60 credits — damage.6D6 S.D.C.
Mega-Damage: Notes/SINGLE ROUNDS
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D

.357 Magnum, 45 credits — damage.4D6+2 S.D.C.
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D

9mm & 7.65mm (pistol), 32 credits — damage.3D6 S.D.C.

5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D

10 mm (pistol), 40 credits — damage.4D6 S.D.C.
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D

5.56mm (rifle), 50 credits — damage.5D6 S.D.C.

3D6 S.D.C. per single shot
6D6 per three round short burst.

5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D

7.52 mm (rifle), 55 credits — damage.5D6 S.D.C.
5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D

7.62mm (rifle), 45 credits — damage.4D6 S.D.C.
Mega-Damage:Notes/SINGLE ROUNDS
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D

.30 caliber (rifle), 42 credits — damage
5D6 S.D.C. per single shot
3D6x10 S.D.C. (equal to 1 M.D.) per 10 round burst.
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D

.50 caliber (rifle), 55 credits
Damage: 1D6x10 S.D.C. per single shot
1D6x100 S.D.C. (equal to 1D6 M.D.) per 10 round burst.
Mega-Damage:Notes/SINGLE ROUNDS
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 S.D.C OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 S.D.C OR 5 M.D phase world tech
1D6X100 S.D.C OR 1D6 M.D phase world tech

7.62 Medium Machine-gun, 200 credits —
damage 6D6 S.D.C. per single round.
Mega-Damage: Notes/SINGLE ROUNDS
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D

.30 Caliber Machine-gun, 150 credits —
damage 5D6 S.D.C. per single round.

1D6x10 per three round short burst.
Mega-Damage:Notes/SINGLE ROUNDS
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D

.50 Caliber Machine-gun, 300 credits —damage
Damage: 1D6x10 S.D.C. per single shot
1D6x100 S.D.C. (equal to 1D6 M.D.) per 10 round burst.
Mega-Damage:Notes/SINGLE ROUNDS
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 S.D.C OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
5D10 X10 S.D.C OR 5 M.D phase world tech
1D6X100 S.D.C OR 1D6 M.D phase world tech

Recoil address

Recoil in the golden age where Armtech had it under control very little to none in side arms or pistols or revolvers, Bolt-Action Sniping Rifle, Assault Rifle: But not so for heavy weapons .Aslo take account that some will have requirements that are lower end weapon systems that are removed for varies reason
10mm Colt Delta Elite:
.41 Magnum Revolver:
.357 Magnum Revolver
.357 Magnum Revolver Pistol:
.41 Magnum Revolver:
.44 Magnum Revolver:
.38 Smith & Wesson and Colt Revolver: Colt Revolver:
9mm Submachine-gun:
9mm Ingram Submachine-gun:
9mm Uzi Submachine-gun:

5.6mm round
5.6mm Bolt-Action Sniping Rifle:

7.56mm Assault Rifle:
7.56mm AK-47 Assault Rifle:

The Shotguns have their own rules please look

Heavy Weapons that are mounted unless used handheld weapon than my be supernatural or Robot PS regular humans can hold and fire due to recoil
.30 Caliber Light Machine-Gun:
7.62mm Medium Machine Gun:
50 Caliber Heavy Machine-Gun:
50 Caliber Heavy Machine-Gun:
50 Caliber Six Barrel Machine-Gun or a Minigun:
The 20 mm caliber
24.13 mm caliber
30 mm caliber

Damage per single round.

Dum Dum
(handmade, black market, any caliber), add 150 credits to the cost of the box and +1D4 to S.D.C. damage per round.

Mega-Damage add 1d6 per round

Full Metal Jacketed,
add 30 credits to cost of the box and +1 to damage per round.
+1 per round flesh, non flesh +3 per round

Hollow Point,

add 40 credits — +1 damage per round/bullet.
+3 per round flesh, non flesh +1 per round

Teflon (armor piercing, not available to the public), add 100 credits to the cost of the box and +2 damage per round/bullet.
+1 per round flesh, non-flesh +2 per round

Exploding S.D.C. Shell
(not available to the public), add 300 credits to the cost of the box and +2D6 to S.D.C. damage per round.
Exploding M.D.C. Shell
1D6 per round

Tracer Cartridge
add +1 to strike, 45 credits — no damage.
Mega-Damage none

40mm Grenade Cartridge, 900 credits (per 100).
single shot only
Explosive round 1d10 M D.C blast radius 10 feet per round
H.E 5D4 M D.C blast radius 5 feet per round
H.E.A.T 5D6 M.D.C blast radius 5 feet per round
A.P round 4d6 M.D.C blast radius none
SMOKE blast radius 10 feet per round
Tear gas blast radius 20 feet per round
Knock our gas blast radius 20 feet per round


Field Gun Cleaning Kit:
A complete cleaning kit contained in its own pouch. 50 credits.

Flash Suppressor:
An attachment that fits over a gun barrel to mask the muzzle flash during firing. Characters within 100 feet (30.5 m) of a suppressed shot have only a 25% chance of seeing it. Outside of that, suppressed shots are not visible. Cost: 400 for pistol or submachine-gun or 900 for a rifle. Note: Combined silencers and flash suppressors cost 1,000 credits for pistol or submachine-gun or 2,000 credits for a rifle, but reduce the weapon's range by 25%.

Gun Repair Kit:
This is a 4 pound (1.8 kg) gun repair kit. Each tool is fitted into a separate loop and there's plenty of room for spare bolts, screws, springs and cleaning rods. Contained in a 12 inch by 8 inch by 2 inch (30x20x5 cm) case. Can be attached to a harness or worn over the shoulder with strap, which is included. 250 credits.


Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2022 11:01 am
The M.D.C 40 MM ( varies design ) is a rapid-fire, heavy weapon originally designed as an anti-armor and anti-fortification weapon, but is versatile enough to be used for riot control (firing heavy rubber shells doing 1D4 S.D.C. damage or gas and smoke grenades). Since the Coming of the Rifts, this weapon has proven ideal against demons, monsters, and attacks by drones and animated dead attacking en masse. Best suited for cyborgs and humans with a P.S. of 10 or higher. Its big drum holds 6 rifle grenades that can be fired one at a time or in bursts of two, three, four, or all. Used primarily by the Military Specialist, Special Forces, and the Heavy Weapons Pigman.
12 lbs (16.2 kg) fully loaded;
3 lbs (3 kg) without the grenades and ammo drum.
Explosive round 1d10 M D.C blast radius 10 feet per round
H.E 5D4 M D.C blast radius 5 feet per round
H.E.A.T 5D6 M.D.C blast radius 5 feet per round
A.P round 4d6 M.D.C blast radius none
SMOKE blast radius 10 feet per round
Tear gas blast radius 20 feet per round
Knock our gas blast radius 20 feet per round

Rate of Fire:
Single shot or burst 2 ,4 or all 6 counting as one melee attack.
Effective Range:
1600 feet (488 m).this can be direct fire or indirect fire mortar style shoots

6 grenades. One or two additional loaded drums are usually carried in a satchel or backpack. Individual grenades can be carried in any number and in any variety lose in a bag, backpack, satchel, or carrying case.


Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2022 9:33 am
Not everyone is a soldier this was so much fun to play

Chaos Earth ArmTech
ArmTech Civilian Employees staff OCC

Cook (+25%)
Identify Plants and Fruits (+10%)
Preserve Food (+10%)
W.P. Knife

(General Practitioner)
Biology (+15%)
Chemistry (+15%)
Pathology (+15%)
Medical Doctor (+35%)

Gambler (Hustler)
Gambling: Standard (+20%)
Gambling: Dirty Tricks (+25%)
Palming (+15%)
Streetwise (+10%)
Hacker (cyberhacker)
Computer Operation (+20%)
Computer Hacking (+15%)
Computer Programming (+10%)
Cyberjacking (+25%)
pick one skill and +10%

History consultant
Archaeology (+ 10%)
History: (+15%)
History: Architectural (+ 10%)
Literature: Classical (+ 10%)
Research (+15%)
Technical Writing (+15%)
pick one skill and +10%

ArmTech Cycle patrol (later motorcycle gangs no ArmTech Militia Trainee Member )
Hand to Hand: Basic
Pilot: Hovercycle (+30%)
Roadwise: Rogue (+20%)
W.P. Shotgun
W.P. Automatic Pistol and one More W.P
Gets ArmTech Militia Trainee Member
pick one skill and +10%

Photography (+15%)
Research (+15%)
Tailing (+10%)
Writing (+20%)
Mechanical Engineer
Basic Electronics (+ 10%)
Mathematics: Advanced (+20%)
Mechanical Engineer (+30%)
Professional Certification
pick one skill and +10%

ArmTech Nurse
Chemistry: Pharmaceutical (+10%)
First Aid (+10%)
Field Surgery (+5%)
Paramedic (+10%)
pick one skill and +10%

ArmTech Office Worker
Business & Finance (+10%)
Professional Certification
Technical Writing (+10%)
Writing (+10%)

ArmTech Rancher
Animal Husbandry (+20%)
Lore: Cattle & Animals (+20%)
Herding (+15%)
Horsemanship: General (+15%)
pick one skill and +10%

Militia Member
Hand to Hand: Basic
Pilot: Hover Vehicle (+30%)
Wilderness Survival (+20%)
W.P. Rifle and W.P. Automatic Pistol

ArmTech Militia Trainee Member
Hand to Hand: Basic
Pilot: Hover Vehicle (+30%)
Wilderness Survival (+20%)
W.P. Rifle
W.P. Automatic Pistol
pick one skill and +10%

Civilian O.C.C.

Attribute Requirements: None; this O.C.C. embodies common people of all stripes. Survivors of the Great Cataclysm are roughly evenly split between male and female.

Starting S.D.C.: 2D6+12
augmentation was the rage during the Golden Age of Science. That means 70% of the last two generations to join NEMA or the US military/ ArmTech were genetically "tweaked" in specific areas. These are not super-soldiers, but ordinary human beings who were modified and im-proved as a gestating fetus by parents who could afford the best for their children.
Pick one set of genetic bonuses or roll percentile for random determination.
01-10% +1D4 to I.Q. and +2 to M.E.
11-30% +2 to I.Q. and +1D4 to M.E.
31-55% +1D6 to P.S. and +1D4 to P.E.
56-75% +1D4 to P.S. and +1D6 to Spd.
76-00% +1D4+2 to P.B. and +1D4 to physical attribute of

O.C.C. Skills: These are basic, everyday skills known by people
of virtually every profession. If a Professional Skill duplicates
one of the below, use the higher of the two bonuses; do
not combine them.

Language: Native
Language: Foreign
Literacy: Native Language
Computer Operation (+ I0%)
Mathematics: Basic (+10%)
Pilot: Hovercraft: Ground (+5%)
Hand to Hand Combat: None. Any combat skill must be learned as a Professional, O.CC Related or Secondary Skill.

O.C.C Related Skills: Select five other skills from those available below, with the given bonuses, if any. Add one additional skill at levels 2, S, 8, 11 and 14. All new skills start at level one proficiency.

OCC Related Skills for the Civilian O.CC.

are typically supportive or in some way tangential to the character's profession, or else are skills in which the character has some type of formal study. This list contains only the skills most commonly
practiced by ordinary people during the Golden Age; other, more advanced or rarer skills are typically Professional Skills. As the character progresses after the Coming of the Rifts, skills other than those included below may become available as O.CC. Related or Secondary Skills for the average Civilian
(such as Excavation & Rescue, Lore: Magic or W.P. Energy Pistol). Take note of the suggested limitations for skill selection listed in the optional rules for character building found elsewhere in this sourcebook.
pick one skill and +15% for each category one time only

Performance, Public Speaking, Radio: Basic,
Sign Language and T.V./ video only (+5%).

Cooking ,Dance, Play Musical Instrument, Sing and Wardrobe
& Grooming only (+5%).

Basic Electronics and Computer Repair only (+5%).

Espionage: None.

Horsemanship: General only.

Any except for Armorer/Field Armorer, Vehicle Armorer, Weapons Engineer and Weapon Systems. (Unless MOS ArmTech Militia Trainee Member , Militia Member , ArmTech Cycle patrol)

Medical: Animal Husbandry and First Aid only.

Military: Parachuting only.

Any except for Hand to Hand: Assassin and Hand to Hand: Commando.

Any, except for Fighter Jet, Power Armor, Robot and Tank pilot skills. (Unless MOS ArmTech Militia Trainee Member , Militia Member , ArmTech Cycle patrol)

Pilot Related: None.

Gambling: Standard, Gambling: Dirty Tricks and Seduction only.

Science: Any.

Technical: Any.

W.P.: Any except for Torpedo,
(Unless MOS ArmTech Militia Trainee Member , Militia Member , ArmTech Cycle patrol)
Heavy Energy Weapons and Sharpshooting.

Wilderness: None. Wilderness survival for MOS ArmTech Militia Trainee Member , Militia Member , ArmTech Cycle patrol.

Secondary Skills:

The character also gets six Secondary Skills at first level of experience, plus one at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and
15. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parentheses. All new skills start at level one proficiency. pick one skill and +10% one time

Standard Equipment:

Other than the clothes on his or her back, standard equipment could be anything. Those traveling
or at work when the Apocalypse struck may have nothing but what they were carrying in their pockets. Those at home might have access to a lot of clothes and some basic amenities, at least at first. On the first day of the cataclysm, a good portion of Civilians had access to a hovercraft (though many used public transportation), or occasionally a car or a motorcycle, and most had ID6 changes of clothes, a warm coat or jacket, a handheld computer communicator and very little else of use. Game Masters and players should work together to determine what is or is not reasonable, based on the


At the time of the Great Cataclysm, the resources of the common person varied greatly. On average, a working adult had roughly 3d6x1000 credits in currency on-hand when the Great Cataclysm began. He or she would also have 6d6x1000 credits readily available in a financial institution, though that is not likely accessible. With credits rapidly devaluing in most of North America, the average citizen has
next to nothing in terms of currency, and likely only 1d6x5O credits worth of tradable goods

Cybernetics and Bionics:

None under normal circumstances. But some people with medical problems ranging from arthritis to
organ failure might have a few cybernetic systems, but never augmentations; the cybernetics just replaced the basic function of a natural organ or bodily system.


Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2022 4:20 pm
by ZINO ... -801865218 ... -801865085
All-purpose Modular Combat Body Armor or APMCBQ 1

To protect its soldier, it has issued a version of the padded and Flex amour combat armor commonly used in pre-Rifts days. This body armor is lighter and more comfortable than the soldier's combat armor which is issued to all combat personnel, but it can mean the difference between life and death for a is considered a lightweight armor for its M.D.C capacity.
The armor consists of a fully Heavy armored padded bodysuit with a helmet; not required on duty except while under threat of attack. The armor has special flotation devices that add +5% to swimming rolls and serves as a life jacket. It has all the features common to modern body armor (see Rifts RPG, page 209). but it has the addition of a faceplate/mask, can be made airtight in an instant, and has life support, as well as a built-in radio, insulation, and all features common to environmental body armor (as listed in the Rifts RPG, page 209).
Comes in any or olive green, forest-jungle camouflage pattern, and beige-brown desert camouflage pattern. Marine Combat armor is manufactured at both bases.

• M.D.C.: 65 Add on plate 25 or55
• helmet, arms, legs, backpack are 45 M.D.C. can Add on plates 25 to 55
• two extra optics on the helmet (look at the pic above)
• Weight: 5 lbs
• Excellent Mobility; -5% on the performance of prowl and other physical skills such as gymnastics.
• Maximum Depth: 1000 feet (305 m); ruptures at greater depths.
• Full EVA
• Market Cost: 40,000 credits


Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2022 7:14 pm
by ZINO ... -292577237

US Heavy Combat Armor

This heavy body armor has some superficial similarities to 21st
Century helmets and body armor with flak jackets, but it has the addition of a faceplate/mask, can be made airtight in an instant, and has limited life support, as well as a built-in radio, insulation, and limited environmental body armor but high protection base for combat.
Comes in olive green, forest-jungle camouflage pattern, and beige-brown desert camouflage pattern. Combat armor is manufactured at both bases . this is Army base armor.
• M.D.C.: 95
• M.D.C.: helmet 45, arms, legs, backpack are 65 Add on plates 35 or 45
• Internal Combat vest 35 M.D.C
•flak jackets ( external only )85
• Weight: 15 lbs (9.5 kg)
• Good Mobility: -5% on the performance of prowl and other physical skills such as gymnastics.
• two extra optics helmet
• Maximum Depth: no possible
• Market Cost: 30,000 credits


Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2022 8:17 pm
by ZINO ... -364941368
this Euro Heavy Combat Modular Combat Armor

this had added option of basic light EXO robotic PS and PP add 10 and turn to MDC PS table ... -351977983
US Heavy Combat Modular Combat Armor

this had added option of basic light EXO robotic PS and PP add 8 and turn to MDC PS table triple the cost for both with this feature

US and Euro Heavy Combat Modular Combat Armor

This heavy body armor has some superficial similarities to 21th
Advance Century Heavy helmets and Heavy flak jackets, but it has the addition of a Heavy face plate/mask, can be made airtight in an instant, and has life support, as well as a built-in radio, insulation, and all features common to environmental body armor (as listed in the Rifts RPG, page 209).
Comes in olive green, forest-jungle camouflage pattern, and beige-brown desert camouflage pattern. Combat armor is manufactured at both bases (as are all energy weapons).
• M.D.C.: 80
• M.D.C.: helmet 35 US and Euro 45, arms, legs, backpack are 75 Add on plates 45 or 65
• Internal Combat vest 35 M.D.C
• External flak jackets 85
• Weight: 12 lbs (9.5 kg)


Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2022 7:58 pm
by ZINO ... -913892616

M9 Beretta Twin Barrel pistol:
The Beretta M9, officially the Pistol, Semiautomatic, 9mm, M9, is the designation for the Beretta 92FS semi-automatic pistol used by the United States Armed Forces. The M9 was adopted by the United States military as their service pistol in 1985.
The 92FS won a competition in the 1980s to replace the M1911A1 as the primary sidearm of the U.S. military, beating many other contenders, and only narrowly defeating the SIG Sauer P226 for cost reasons. It officially entered service in 1990. Some other pistols have been adopted to a lesser extent, namely the SIG P228 pistol, and other models remain in use in certain niches.
The M9 was scheduled to be replaced under a United States Army program, the Future Handgun System (FHS), which was merged with the SOF Combat Pistol program to create the Joint Combat Pistol (JCP). The JCP was renamed Combat Pistol (CP), and the number of pistols to be bought was drastically cut back. The U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps are replacing the M9 with the SIG Sauer M17 and M18.[11]

Rate of fire (ROF): varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

3D6 S.D.C.
6D6 S.D.C. BASE Damage dualshot

5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3 M.D per single shot. (COUNTS AS ONE ATTACK )

1d6 dual M.D single shot
Brust a 1d6 round table
Two round burst 2d6 M.D
Four round burst 4d6
Six round burst 6d6
Eight round burst 8d6
Ten round burst 1d6x10

Effective Range: 150 feet (45.7 m).
Payload: 15 shot clip has two clip
NOTE : NONE, Due to 9 MM round been light low to no roil it been chosen over . 45 ACP without the need to develop a more powerful round.


Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2022 9:25 pm
by ZINO ... -913896848

this is twin-barrel Assault Rifle weapon systems

5.56mm Assault Rifle: or 6.8 mm round
Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

3D6 S.D.C. per single shot
6D6 per three-round short burst.
6D6 S.D.C.
1D6X10 per SIX round short burst.

5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D
Two round burst 1d4 M.D
Four round burst 2d4 M.D
Six round burst 2d6 M.D
Eight round burst 3d6 M.D
Ten round burst 5d4 M.D
20 round burst 1d4x10 M.D
30 round burst 1d6x10 M.D

Effective Range:
1900 feet (579 m).
20, 30 , 50,50,80 round magazine.

7.62mm Assault Rifle:
Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

Damage: S.D.C. round

7.62mm (rifle), 45 credits — damage.4D6 S.D.C.
7.62mm (rifle), 45 credits — damage.8D6 S.D.C.

Mega-Damage: M.D round
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3 M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D

TWIN BARREL Damage M.D.C 1d4 M.D
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3 M.D
Two round burst 1d6 M.D
Four round burst 2d6 M.D
Six round burst 6d6 M.D
Eight round burst 8d6 M.D
Ten round burst 1d6 x10 M.D

1d4 round table
Two round burst 4d4 M.D
Four round burst 4d8 M.D
Six round burst 1d4x10+8 M.D
Eight round burst 1d6x10 M.D
Ten round burst 2d4 x10 M.D

Effective Range:
3000 feet
20, 30 , 50,50,80 round magazine.

30 caliber Beowulf Assault Rifle:
Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

30 caliber (rifle), 45 credits — damage.5D6 S.D.C.( I think )
30 caliber (rifle), 45 credits — damage.1d6x10 S.D.C. ( I think )

5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D

1d6 or 1d4 M.D pick one
1d6 M.D
Two round burst 2d6 M.D
Four round burst 4d6 M.D
Six round burst 6d6 M.D
Eight round burst 8d8 M.D
Ten round burst 1d6x10 M.D

1d4 M.D
Two round burst 2d8 or 1d8 M.D
Four round burst 4d8 M.D
Six round burst 1d4x10+8 M.D
Eight round burst 8d8 M.D
Ten round burst 2d4x10 M.D

Effective Range:
2000 feet
20, 30 , 50,50,80 round magazine.

50 caliber Beowulf Assault Rifle:
Rate of fire (ROF):
varies For M.D.C
Revolvers single shot or double tap only
Blot rifle (some are calling these scouts rifles )single shot or double tap only
Semi auto / Blot rifle double tap or four round a shots only
Full Auto /assault rifle single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 80 rounds
Full Auto /all machine guns single shot or double tap or fire 4 round , 6 rounds ,8 rounds ,10 rounds etc max 100 rounds but cost two attacks

50 caliber (rifle), 45 credits — damage. 6D6 S.D.C.( I think )
50 caliber (rifle), 45 credits — damage.2d4x10 S.D.C. .( I think )
1D6x100 S.D.C. (equal to 1D6 M.D.) per 10 round burst.

5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D

TWIN BARREL Damage M.D.C 1d6 or 1d4 M.D pick one
1d6 M.D
Two round burst 2d6 M.D
Four round burst 4d6 M.D
Six round burst 6d6 M.D
Eight round burst 8d8 M.D
Ten round burst 1d6x10 M.D

1d8 M.D
Two round burst 2d8 M.D
Four round burst 4d8 M.D
Six round burst 1d4x10+8 M.D
Eight round burst 8d8 M.D
Ten round burst 2d8x10 M.D

Effective Range:
4000 feet

20, 30 , 50,50,80 round magazine.


Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2022 11:19 pm
The Mark I AGIS ... -848209082

The Mark I The first in the series is the Mark I . this particular cyborg body is extremely human Is a basic cyborg body with enhanced reflexes. The unit is not much bigger than a standard human and is relatively easy to conceal or pass off as body armor. It retains the original face of the person who is augmented, and a natural looking artificial skin can make the individual seem completely human. This makes it very popular among those who cherish their humanity and/or like to disguise their true nature. Of course, this model doesn't come with any built-in weapon systems, arm mounts, or any other telltale cybernetic appliances. Another advantage to this model of the cyborg is that it is relatively inexpensive for massive production in western markets of the North American and Canada which it looks for. Unlike Europe, the Pacific, Asia, Central America, South America, Africa, and Russia don’t mind looking non-human look.

Mark I
Model Type:
Mark I Class: Full Conversion Cyborg
M.D.C. by Location
* Head (1) — 35 (reinforced add 20)
Helmet (1) 65
* Hands (2) — 15 each
Arms (2) — 45 each base
Legs (2) — 100 each base
** Main Body — 150 base

* The head, although retaining the original face and brain (often the eyes, tongue, voice and other features of the human head), is reinforced in order to provide the 35 M.D.C. Target-ing the head and hands requires a "called shot" and even then the shooter is -4 to strike.

** Reducing the main body to zero M.D.C. means it is shattered, riddled with holes, leaking vital fluids and incapable of movement or speech. However, the internal life support systems will keep the 'Borg's brain alive for 4D6 hours before it fails and the brain dies.

Note: The human shape and proportions MARK I cyborg can wear conventional body armor like any normal human.

Speed Running:

Speed Factor 132, or 90 mph (148 km).
Can max out to 200MPH
Leaping: 20 feet (6 m) high or lengthwise; double with a running start.

Flying: not capable of flight, but is suitable for use with a jet pack.

Statistical Data Size:
Human Height:
Usually about 6 feet, 4 inches (roughly 1.9 m).

Weight: 200 lbs.

Bionic Physical
Base Attributes: Robot P.S.: 20, P.P: 22, Spd: 132.
Max Attributes Robot P.S.: 48, P.P: 28

Power System:
Nuclear, average life of 25 years. Cost: 3.6 million to 3.9 million credits.
Add 100,000 credits for human-looking skin covering.

Standard Bionic Features:
Bionic Lung
Amplified hearing:
+1 to parry,
+2 to dodge,
+3 to initiative.
Sound filtration system
Clock calendar/computer/gyro compass

Multi-optic eyes: +1 to strike.
Quick draw holsters (2); +1 on initiative.

Head jack
Climbing Cord Combat Computer:

+1 on initiative,
+1 to dodge,
+1 to disarm,
+2 to pull punch,
+2 to roll with punch, fall, or impact.

Weapon Systems:
has no built-in weapon systems.

Special Bonuses:
Any skills that require a high dexterity or reflexes, such as piloting, lock picking, palming, etc., gain a bonus of +10%.

Additional Features
Sound suppression system rifts Japan page 88

Cybernetics and Bionics:
The character has Partial Bionic Reconstruction and 10 bionic features or cybernetic sensors.

AI systems
Allow to use both hands as independent actions adding two extra attacks. This dumb AI system has the ability to negate juicer and Crazy combat rolls
If Cyborg's head had it blown off AI systems takes over to retreat or self-destruct
Use heavy Fusion Block

Horror/Awe Factor 12
When finding out it was a Cyborg
Or when SDC weapons bounce off

Reinforce Cyborg stats the same but doubled M.D.C
Main Body
Add 100 lds

Sound Suppression System:
This is an advanced version of some pre-Rifts measures used to control ~ound pollution. A sound emitter is built alongside the skin of the cyborg (will work if the 'borg is wearing M.D.C. too, will be muffled by the emitter). The emitter then sends out sound waves in exactly the opposite frequencies as the noises made by the 'borg, neutralizing them. Human ears cannot sense The sounds: additionally. special rubber soles and joints contribute to the reduced sound: (the common prowl penalty is eliminated when using these two systems! Restrictions: The 'borg must be moving or climbing slowly (a speed of 15 maximum); sudden movements will bring back the full -40% penalty. And the character can wear the M.D.C. armor.

Skills use special Forces

Radio: Basic ( + 10%)
Radio: Scramblers ( + 10%)
Cryptography ( + 10%)
Basic Math ( + 20%)
Literacy: One of choice ( + 10%)
Languages: Two of choice ( + 20%)
Intelligence ( + 15%)
Pick Locks ( + 10%)
Disguise ( + 10%)
Forgery ( + 5%) Prowl ( + 10%)
Computer Operations ( + 5%)
W.P. Energy Pistol
W.P. 6 of choice
Hand to Hand: Basic Hand to Hand: Basic can be changed to Hand to Hand: Expert at the cost of one "other" skill, or to Hand to Hand: Martial Arts at the cost of two "other" skills.

O.C.C. Related Skills:
Select six other skills.
Plus select two additional skills at level three, two at level six, one at level nine, and one at level twelve. All new skills start at level one proficiency.
Communications: Any ( + 10%)
Domestic: Any ( +5%)
Electrical: Any
Espionage: Any ( + 5%)
Mechanical: Any
Medical: Paramedic only.
Military: Any
Physical: Any
Pilot: Any
Pilot Related: Any
Rogue: Any ( + 6%)
Science: Math and chemistry only
Technical: Any
W.P.: Any.
Wilderness: Any ( + 5%)

Secondary Skills:
The character also gets to select 8 secondary skills from the previous list. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parentheses. All secondary skills start at the base skill level. Also, skills are limited (any, only, none) as previously indicated in the list.

Standard Equipment:

Black fatigues or jump suit (for prowling at night) and a small wardrobe. Portable compact disc recorder/player and headphones, video disc player, portable language translator, hand-held computer and micro-printer, 35 mm camera (still photos) and a dozen discs of film, disc camera (moving pictures) with a dozen discs of film, micro-film camera (fits in the palm of the hand), pen flashlight, large flashlight, backpack, knapsack, utility belt, ammo-belt, canteen, sunglasses and goggles, walkie-talkie radio, air filter, gas mask, and lock picking tools

Can include just about anything. Starts with a survival knife (1D6 S.D.C. damage),
two energy weapons of choice with four E-clips for each, plus select three S.D.C. weapons of choice.
Body armor(M.D) can be of any type, but tends to use lightweight armor (no or low prowl penalties) or concealed Armor or any

Starts with 2D6 x 1000 credits as 1d6 x1000 per level max 8d6x1000 and 1D10 x 1000 in black market items.


Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2022 11:36 am
by ZINO ... -548394436

Mark II is another,
predominately human-sized, human -looking cyborg, except that it is designed for quick draws and has four lightning fast arms. This deadly cyborg can be quite deadly, because the extra pair of arms gives it an extra melee attack and the combat computer enables the 'Borg to draw and fire four (light) weapons simultaneously. However, unlike the future Gunslinger O.C.C., the cyborg can split its attacks between two to four different targets and the firing of each pair of weapons counts as one melee attack/action each (i.e. four weapons drawn — one with each hand — counts as two melee attacks/actions). This cyborg package is more costly, but larger and slightly more armored. When a MARK II comes to town, one word comes to mind...Duck!
this uses dumb AI system built in which will be lost .

Mark II

Model Type: CSLNGR Mark II Class: Full Conversion Cyborg ... -432911809

M.D.C. by Location

* Head (1) — 45 (reinforced)
* Hands (4) — 15 each
Arms (4) — 60 each
Vibro-Blades (2; retractable) — 50 each
Legs (2) — 120 each
** Main Body — 190

* The head, although retaining the original face and brain (often the eyes, tongue, voice and other features of the human head), is reinforced in order to provide the 45 M.D.C.

Targeting the head and hands requires a "called shot" and even then the shooter is -4 to strike.

** Reducing the main body to zero M.D.C. means it is shattered, riddled with holes, leaking vital fluids and incapable of movement or speech. However, the internal life support systems will keep the 'Borg's brain alive for 4D6 hours before it fails and the brain dies.

Note: The close to human shape and proportions means the Super Slinger can wear body armor designed for large humans and D-bees, and modified for its four arms.

Speed Running:
Speed Factor 132, or 90 mph (148 km).
Leaping: 20 feet (6 m) high or lengthwise; double with a running start.
Flying: The MARK II is not capable of flight, but is suitable for use with a jet pack.

Statistical Data Size:
Large, tall human.
Height: Usually about 6 feet, 8' inches to 7 feet (roughly 2.1 m).

Weight: 300 lbs.
Bionic Physical Attributes:

P.S.: 22, P.P: 24, Spd: 132.
Max P.S 48 and speed 200 MPH

Power System:
Nuclear, average life of 25 years.
Cost: 5.6 million credits.

Add 10,000 credits for human-looking skin covering.
Standard Bionic Features:
Four bionic arms
(+4 attack per melee) able to attack four different targets and count as one attack
Bionic Lung
Amplified hearing: +1 to parry, +2 to dodge, +3 to initiative.
Sound filtration system Clock calendar/computer/gyro compass
Multi-optic eyes: +1 to strike.
Quick draw holsters in legs (2); +3 on initiative.

Fingerjack in one hand. Laser finger (1D6 M.D.; 300 ft/91.5 m range) on one hand.

Energy-Clip arm port (1) on one arm.
Headjack Climbing Cord Retractable
Vibro-Sabres in the forearms of one pair of arms.
Combat Computer:
+1 on initiative,
+1 to dodge,
+1 to disarm,
+2 to pull punch
+2 to roll with punch, fall or impact.

AI systems
Allow to use both hands as independent actions adding two extra attacks. This AI system has the ability to negate juicer and Crazy combat rolls
If Cyborg's head had it blown off AI systems take over to retreat or self destruct
Use heavy Fusion Block ... -535773708

Horror/Awe Factor 12
When finding out it a Cyborg
Or when SDC weapons bounce off

Reinforce Cyborg stats the same but M.D.C double
Main Body
Add 100 Lds

Sound Suppression System:
This is an advanced version of some pre-Rifts measures used to control ~ound pollution. A sound emitter is built alongside the skin of the cyborg (will work if the 'borg is wearing M.D.C. too, will be muffled by the emitter). The emitter then sends out sound waves in exactly the opposite frequencies as the noises made by the 'borg, neutralizing them. Human ears cannot sense The sounds: additionally. special rubber soles and joints contribute to the reduced sound: (the common prowl penalty is eliminated when using these two systems! Restrictions: The 'borg must be moving or climbing slowly (a speed of 15 maximum); sudden movements will bring back the full -40% penalty. And the character can wear the M.D.C. armor.

Weapon Systems:

Vibro-Sabres (4, inflict 3D6 M.D. each).

Special Bonuses:
Any skills that require a high dexterity or reflexes, such as piloting, lock picking, palming, etc., gain a bonus of +2%, and +1 on initiative and +2 to parry. ... -761851898
or four Vibro blades
all Vibro blades double the damage and range and two arms
weight 200 lds


Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2022 3:22 pm
Corporate Survivalist /Corporate Prepper O.C.C.

Corporate Survivalist an example ... -478333403

Corporate Prepper an example ... -915694503

Attribute Requirements: None. 65% are males, 35% females.

Starting S.D.C.: 3D6+12

augmentation were the rage during the Golden Age of Science. That means 70% of the last two generations to join US military were genetically "tweaked" in specific areas. These are not super-soldiers, but ordinary human beings who were modified and im-proved as a gestating fetus by parents who could afford the best for their children.

Pick one set of genetic bonuses or roll percentile for random determination.
01-10% +1D4 to I.Q. and +2 to M.E.

11-30% +2 to I.Q. and +1D4 to M.E.

31-55% +1D6 to P.S. and +1D4 to P.E.

56-75% +1D4 to P.S. and +1D6 to Spd.

76-00% +1D4+2 to P.B. and +1D4 to physical attribute of


O.C.C. Skills:

Most Preppers of the Golden Age had day jobs, in order to pay their daily bills and put money into preparations but Corporate Survivalist train in keeping and help staff alive in case of emergency in wilderness like working overseas and wilderness areas But Corporate Prepper train in maintaining base of operations when light go out. The Corporate Prepper train to keep alive as many people require by the company .So money and resources were made available in of natural disaster

or nuclear war which ArmTech was ahead of the game. It gave safety to Survivalist and Prepper families jobs. ArmTech and other companies that followed this allowed to survive longer than other .Because of they are better trained and supported .

The Free time was spent acquiring goods and skills for survival before and after the fall was vital. There is a wide range of kinds of Preppers, some fanatically prepared for the end of days.

ArmTech wasn't the only one company in the USA /Canada and in Europe. In Europe in case of invasion like Russia or worst nuclear war. In the USA /Canada main reason worst nuclear war or some unforeseen calamity which no one saw the coming of the rifts .

Corporate Survivalist

Language: Native (optional speak 1d4 )
Language: Foreign
Literacy: Native
Computer Operation (+ 15%)
Cook (+15%)
First Aid (+15%)
Land Navigation (+20%)
Prowl (+25)
Mathematics: Basic (+10%)
Radio: Basic (+5%)
Wilderness Survival (+25%)
Select one Domestic Skill (+10%)
Select three Piloting skill (+5%) (no power armored )
Military Fortification (+5%)
Select two modern and one melee Weapon Proficiency
Hand to Hand: Expert ONLY

Corporate Prepper

Language: Native
Language: Foreign
Literacy: Native
Computer Operation (+ 15%)
Cook (+15%)
First Aid (+15%)
Land Navigation (+20%)
Mathematics: Basic (+10%)
Radio: Basic (+5%)
Wilderness Survival (+25%)
Select one Domestic Skill (+10%)
Select two Piloting skills (+5%) (no power-armored )
Military Fortification (+5%)
Select one modern and one melee Weapon Proficiency
Hand to Hand: Expert ONLY

OCC Related Skills:

Select 4 other skills from those available below, with the given bonuses, if any. Add one additional skill at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and IS. All new skills start at level one proficiency.

roll or pick one
1)Ex-military infantry add 1d4+1W.P add six Military add 1d8 levels

2)Ex military medical add 4d6+1% if paramedics change to doctor with requirements add two Military add 1d8 levels

4)Ex military tech add five Military or communications skills add
1d8 levels

5)Ex military pilot pick 1d4 any piloting all navigation add two Military 1d8 levels

7)Retire law enforcement pick two additional WP
Add plus +10%

8 ) Retire EMS pick 4 piloting, any medical +15% to all skills

9)Corporate Survivalist Extraction / Corporate Survivalist escort
piloting 1d6 add+20% to all
Rogue skills add 1d4+1 skills add +25 %

10)Corporate Prepper
EX Military
6 Military or Espionage skills add+25 %
W.P 1d4+1

11) Corporate Prepper
Retire Medical Doctor add 1d8 years
Requires an I.Q. and P.P. of 11 or higher. Advanced Mathematics (+10%)
Brewing (+15%)
Biology (+15%)
Pathology (+10%)
Field Surgery (+15%)
Holistic Medicine
Chemistry: Analytical (+5%) Medical Doctor (+5%)

Basic Electronics (+15%)
Command Robots (any/all) Computer Operation (+20%)
Electricity Generation (+10%)
Excavation & Rescue (+15%)
Jury-Rig (+20%)
Math: Advanced (+15%)
Mechanical Engineer (+15%)
Military Fortification (+15%)
Salvage (+20%)
Read (& Operate) Sensory Equipment (+20%)
Trap/Mine Detection (+20%

Electronic Countermeasures (+10%),
Optic Systems (+ 10%),
Radio: Scramblers (+10%),

Surveillance Systems (+10%),
Sign Language and T.V./Video (+10%)

Domestic: Any (+10%).

Basic Electronics (+10%),
Computer Repair.

Detect Ambush (+15%)
Detect Concealment (+15%) .

Horsemanship: General only.

Aircraft Mechanics (+15%),
Automotive Mechanics (+15%),
Basic Mechanics (+15%),
Locksmith and Munitions Expert (+15%) only.

Animal Husbandry (+15%),
Brewing (+10%),
Holistic Medicine (+15%)
Paramedic (+10%) only


Camouflage (+15%),
Find Contraband, Weapons & Cybernetics (+15%),
Military Fortification (+15%),
Recognize Weapon Quality (+15%)
Trap Construction (+10%) only.

Physical: Any (+15%),

Pilot: Any. (+15%)no robots or power amour
Pilot Related: Any
Navigation and Read & Operate Sensory (+15%)
Equipment only (+10%).

Concealment (+10%),
Find Contraband, Weapons & Cybernetics (+15%),
Prowl (+15%)
Streetwise (+10%)

Chemistry (+15%)
Mathematics: Advanced (+10%)

Technical: Any (+5%).

W.P.: Any.

Wilderness: Any (+10%).

Secondary Skills:

The character also gets 6 Secondary Skills at first level of experience, plus one at levels 4, 6,8 and 13. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parentheses. All new skills start at level one proficiency.

Standard Equipment:

In the world of Chaos Earth the Survivalist / Prepper will have many suit of S.D.C. armor, a M.D.C. armored vest (4d6 M.D.C. light ) and M.D.C. armored, an S.D.C. rifle or shotgun with 6D6x I00 rounds, an S.D.C. handgun with 2D6x 100 rounds M.D.C Conceal weapons at all times a survival knife, a pocket knife or pocket toolkit, an S.D.C. and M.D.C. cutting torch, half a

dozen sets of fatigues or other utility clothes, a complete set of medical supplies (bandages, antiseptic, antibiotics, etc.), batteries, hand saw and axe, a portable generator, an assortment of books in hard copy and on disk (may be a few volumes or an entire library) and an impressive assortment of survival gear, usually collected into a bug out bag that is mobile (bedrolls, backpack, compass, maps, water purification filters, etc.) Worth 4D6x 100000 credits.

These Corporate Survivalist /Corporate Prepperhave set up personal caches and hideouts, however they know there may come a time when it's safer to bug out then stay put, even if that means abandoning
years' worth of provisions and gear. Prepper has a several Bug out Bag, set, and ready to roll the moment that they need to take off and escape a myriad of dangers. The Preppers can pick a location in North America that he or she has a stockpile of gasoline, batteries, weapons, ammunition, medical supplies, food stores and fresh water to last them (and their family, if they have one) for 5d4+10 years. Keep in mind that due to circumstances the Prepper might need to bug out and leave behind supplies. Due to popular video media during the Golden Age, the Nebraskan Prepper made .


Most Preppers have spent the majority of their cash/ credits on Prepping. But Corporate Survivalist /Corporate Prepperhave may have 6D6xl,000,000 in valuables on them, carried as cash, gold, and credits.

Cybernetics and Bionics:

Cybernetics are limited to medical and emergency-type systems such as lung filter, oxygen storage cell, Geiger counter, and other augmentation to help one survive in an inhospitable environment.

Note: Corporate Survivalist /Corporate Prepperhave will be an expert at locating supplies and sniffing out valuables wherever they might travel.

Experience Table:
Use militia O.C.C from Chaos Earth on page


Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2023 6:49 pm
been working on new O.C.C. for chaos earth and reusing some vehicles
just need time


Posted: Sun May 21, 2023 10:07 pm
P.M.C Operator or Military Operator

P.M.C Operator or Military Operator are the ghost before the fall of mankind or the great 2098
22 /12.They were able get N.E.M.A from Canada to the tip of south America behind the scenes . P.M.C Operator or Military Operator work months to years to head in the right direction from big picture to micro picture to establish what we know now before the fall ,they went even the edge of the solar system under cover and improved their skills. They were the legends of cyborg to juicer. They were elite only USA was ahead of ANYTHING power bloc or superpowers were ,Russian ,Chinese , Japanese , Germans ,India and even Great Britain .They Became ghost in the Chaos Earth. There were 8000 in earth only 3000 were operating the 5000 were in cryo-sleep. These help N.E.M.A survive they were the last to fall 290 years or so it seems. They held a position in the west not knowing they were guarding and waiting. Just one could be equal to a S.A.M.A.S. now imagine a squad. They held a base called during the fall Bunkers hill, this was the rally point but sadly P.M.C Operator or Military Operator didn’t have the intel but held for more than 300 years. They did the impossible, they by some miracle a massive US army Marine and large PMC with civilians were transported via rifts 300 plus year into the lap of P.M.C Operator or Military Operator. With the help of this army trying to get to Bunker , what no one from P.M.C Operator or Military Operator was that there was a total of seven bunker hill !! And bunker hill or bunker hill 1 was just the tip of the icebergs !! it Gave hope to those that live thru that hell of 300 years for the last 500 P.M.C Operator or Military Operator that were left and allies or trainee P.M.C Operator or Military Operator they were 300 as well .

P.M.C Operator or Military Operator were up to date with the new world that these New arrivals from the golden age of man, they know the coalition could be taken down but holding was keep .They saw the coalition to deep into the population and would fall apart trying to make like old US Government and the worst they saw the republican not helping only making worst to accidentally creating the coalition something the P.M.C Operator or Military Operator knew better.

Bunker hill 2 to 7 are fully operational and been getting recruits to from Man of Arms, Civilians and P.M.C Operator or Military Operator too. They with N.A.A.TS and allies they gotten an edge if they engage over the coalition ,if the coalition ever knew they would tremble in fear just 100 can slow the coalition down as a demonstration of their abilities.

P.M.C Operator or Military Operator were known to take down nation replace anything that USA needed and the formation was done by P.M.C Operator or Military Operator !!

Attribute Requirements: P.S. 10, P.P. 10, I.Q. 10.
O.C.C. Bonus:
+2 on initiative,
+2 to roll with impact or fall,
+2 to pull punch.
+1 I.Q
18 years old ADD 1D6 +3Years staring level 1
Life span is 240 years of age

Rifts Earth Militia /Para-Military O.C.C

Attribute Requirements:
A good P.S. and P.E., a fighting spirit, readiness to help and a willingness to follow orders. 60% are male, 40% female.

• 1- Bonus from Genetics Engineering Augmentation
• 2- Best MOS AND Special Aptitude Bonuses
• 3- Special Aptitude Bonuses Table

1 Bonus from Genetics Engineering Augmentation:
Remember that genetic engineering and human augmentation were the rage during the Golden Age of Science. That means 70% of the last two generations to join Rifts Earth Militia /Para-Military O.C.C are genetically "tweaked" in specific areas. These are not super-soldiers, but ordinary human beings who were modified and improved as a gestating fetus by parents who could afford the best for their children.
Pick one set of genetic bonuses or roll percentile for random determination.
01-10% +1D4 to I.Q. and +2 to M.E.
11-30% +2 to I.Q. and +1D4 to M.E.
31-55% +1D6 to P.S. and +1D4 to P.E.
56-75% +1D4 to P.S. and +1D6 to Spd.
76-00% +1D4+2 to P.B. and +1D4 to physical attribute of
If you roll double numbers like 11,22,33,44 add a one time additional roll and NOT Pick one set of genetic bonuses

illegally Genetics Engineering Augmentation if roll a 11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88,99,00 get to reroll one more time and get plus 6 and plus 4 and pls 2 to a attribute and not combine that 12 unless GM allows it being is S.D.C
if I.Q is 24 add 1 M.O.S PER Add one MO.S. PER Every 2 points IQ

2- Best MOS AND Special Aptitude Bonuses

instead of rolling 3d6 you can roll the following table

• 01-11% Brainy:
• 13-26% Strong-willed:
• 27-39% Charismatic:
• 40-51% Physically Strong:
• 52-65% Fast Reflexes and high
• 66-78% Great Endurance:
• 79-88% Pretty Boy/girl: model
• 89-00% Fast as Lightning:

01-11% Brainy:
I.Q . 1D6+18.
M.E.1D6+12. ,
M.A 1D4+ 10
P.S. 1D6+9
P.P 1D4+9
P.E 1D4+8
P.B 1D6+9
Spd 1D6+11
Your best O.C.C is Technical officer

13-26% Strong-willed:
I.Q. 1D6+ 11
M.E. ID6+ 19.
M.A 1D6+9.
P.S. ID6+9.
P.P ID4+13.
P.E. ID6+10.
P.B 1D6+9.
Spd 1D6+8.
Your best O.C.C. is infantry/Military Specialist/or pilot

27-39% Charismatic:
I.Q. 1D6+ 10.
M.E 1D6+9.
MA 1D6+18
P.S 1D4+ 10.
P.P 1D4 + 10.
P.E. 1D6+8.
P.B. 1D6+14.
Spd 1D6+9.
Your best M.O.S.. is Technical Officer and, Military Specialist

40-51% Physically Strong:
M.E. 1d4+10.
M.A 1D6+10.
P.S 1D6+19
P.P 1D4+12
P.E. 1D5+15
P.B 1D6+12.
Spd 1D6+11.
Infantry /Grunt or Military Specialist

52-65% Fast Reflexes and high
I.Q. 1d4+10.
M.E. 1d6+9.
M.A. 1d6+8.
P.S . 1d6+9.
P.P 1d6+19.
P.E 1d6+9.
P.B. 1d6+10.
Spd 1D6+17
Your best M.O.S. is Giant robot Pilot. ,A.C.E Pilot , or a Technical Officer specializing in Electronics. Mechanical Engineering or Medicine surgery.

66-78% Great Endurance:
I.Q . 1D4+9.
M.E. 1d6+14.
M.A. ID6+8.
P.S. 1d6+9.
P.P ID6+9.
P.E. 1D6+19.
P.B. 1d6+19.
Spd 1d6+ 12
Your best M.O.S. is Pilot Ace, Giant robot/power armored Pilot, or Grunt/infantry.
Add 1d6x10 S.D.C ADD double H.P .triple P.P.E

79-88% Pretty Boy/girl: model
I.Q 1d4+ 10.
M.E. 1d6+8.
M.A 1d6+ 15.
P.S . 1d66+ 11.
P.P 1d6+8.
P.E. 1d6+9.
P.B. 20+1d4+1
Spd 1d6+9

Your best M.O.S.. is Technical Officer /Skills and Military Specialist OR Model

89-00% Fast as Lightning:
I.Q .1D4+9.
M.E. 1d6+9.
M.A. 1d6+8.
P.S 1d6+9.
P.P 1d6+14.
P.E 1d6+10.
P.B 1d6+ 10.
Spd 2D6+20
Your M.O.S. is Pilot giant robot, power armored ACE, Military Specialist

3 Special Aptitude Bonuses Table

if roll a 11, 22, 33,44,55,66 and so one add only a second Special Aptitude, roll only

Sure Shot :
[spoiler]+1d4 to strike with all types of projectile and weapons systems . From pistols and energy rifles to weapons used by robot. Furthermore the usual penalties for being off balance, moving, etc and half. Does not apply to missiles
get W.P Sharpshooter no penalties.

Natural robot Ace/or fix or rotor wing
+5% to Pilot skill and +10% to Specialty Natural robot Ace/or fix or rotor wing (one specific robot which the character pilot better than any other). Also +1d4 on initiative. + 1d4 to parry and +1d4 to pull punch when piloting any type of robot or power armored pick one.
W.P Sharpshooter in robot or power armored.

21-30 %
Giant robot/or power armor Ace:
+5% to giant robot skill and +10% to one giant robot type (one specific robot which the character pilots better than any other: his or her Favorite) .Also + 1 on Perception Rolls. + 2 to dodge and + 3 to roll with impact when piloting any type of giant robot.
W.P Sharpshooter in robot or power armored.

High Perception and Solid gut Instincts:
+1d6 on Perception Rolls. Roll 1d6 once when the character is first created in front of the Game Master to determine what this bonus is from that time forward and +1d6 initiative roll one time

41 to 50%
Quick Reaction Time:
+1d6 on initiative. Roll 1d6 dodge, add 1d4 P.P,ADD 1d6 auto-parry once in front of the Game Master when the character is first created to determine what this bonus is from that time forward

Strongman :
+1d6+4 to P.S. attribute and + 4 to pull punch. Add Height 1d10 inches, add weight 5d4%

Fast Learner and Jack of Many Trades:
Select one extra M.O.S. but without benefit of the usual bonuses for it. Note if I.Q was is 18 or higher add two M.O.S.!! Also, if IQ 18 or higher add one-time bonus are allowed and for every 3above 24 get additional M.O.S . but without benefit Only I.Q max 2 M.O.S

Quick Reflexes:
+ 1 attack per melee and + 2 to Auto-dodge ,1d6 +1 initiative, AND add 1d6 P.P once in front of the Game Master when the character is first created to determine what this bonus is from that time forward,
W.P Sharpshooter

Fearless :
+ 1D6+2 to save Horror Factor. However, as a result, the character may also be a hot shot who take s foolish risks and daring chances.
ADD 1D6+1 to M.E and P.E

1d6+3 M.A. this character is especially likable and affable.
Awe factor if high P.B add 1d4. Base 10
Group 8+1 per 3 level max level 12
Individual 10 add +1 per 3 level max level 12
If high P.S male get plus 1 that 16 or better
If high P.B male get plus 1 that 16 or better Female +3


Combat Awareness
•Ability to fight and strike even when moving and off balance. No penalty to strike when moving!

•This awareness lets the soldier know the very instant a targeting computer or radar locks on, the moment he falls into the crosshairs of a gun, when a trigger is about to be squeezed, when an energy cell charges to fire, or a cybernetic muscle tenses or a turret begins to turn. More than that though, the soldier can actually feel the weapons and war machines as they come on-line or are drawn to be used against him. It's as if he can see them as clearly as the weapon being pointed in his face.

•+3 on initiative against attacks from modern guns and machines (bionics, robots, etc.), and +6 against artificial intelligences and computers like drones and automated defense systems

•+4 to Automatic Dodge against tech

•Add two extra attacks

Determine Psionics NONE!

O.C.C. Skills:

All get the following
Radio: Basic ( + 10%)
Literacy: Choice of one ( + 10%)
Computer Operation ( + 5%)
Intelligence ( + 15%)
Pilot: 1 Robots and 1 Power Armor
Pilot: Robots and Power Armor Combat: Elite
Pilot Tank ( + 10%)
Weapon Systems ( + 15%)
Read Sensory Equipment ( + 10%)
Command Robots (any)
Land Navigation (+20%)
Recognize Weapon Quality (+15%)
Prowl (+15%)
Tracking (+20%)
W.P. Bolt-Action Rifle
W.P.: Two of choice (any)
W.P. Energy Pistol
W.P. Energy Rifle
Hand to Hand: Expert
Hand to Hand: Expert can be changed to Hand to Hand: Martial
Arts at the cost of one "other" skill (or assassin if selfish or evil alignment).


Pick one M.O.S roll a 3d6 one time unless otherwise

1. Communications Operator
2. EOD/Demolitions Operator
3. Enhance soldier Operator
4. Soldier Operator
5. Point Man Operator
6. Heavy Weapons Operator
7. Transportation Operator
8. Medic Operator
9. Electronic Intelligence Operator
10. Assassin Operator
11. Scouts Operator
12. Sabotage & Harassment Operator
13. Robot Specialist Operator
14. Fire & Rescue Operator
15. Engineer Operator
16. Mechanical / Electrical Operator
17. Pilots Operator
18. Urban Operator

Communications Expert

Literacy : 1D4+1 Native Tongue (+ 10%)
Computer Operation (+ 15%)
Basic Electronics (+ I 0%)
Electronic Countermeasures (+ 15%)
Optic Systems
Surveillance Systems (+ 1 4%)
Radio: Basic (+20%)
Cryptography (+ 1 5%) an extra Language (+ 1 5%).
Sensory Equipment (+20%)
TV Video
Computer Programming (+ I 0%)
Add 6 skills from Communication, Technical, Espionage

EOD/Demolitions Expert:

Requires an I.Q. of 1 0 and a P.P. of
12 or higher.

Basic Electronics (+20%)
Basic Mechanics (+ 1 5%)
Demolitions (+ 1 5%)
Demolitions Disposal (+20%)
Demolitions: Underwater (+ 1 0%)
Trap/Mine Detection (+ 1 0%)
W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons
add 8 skills with requirement added Espionage and Military

Enhance Soldier or Super Soldier
illegally Genetics Engineering Augmentation
get plus 6 to one attribute and plus 4 to one attribute and PS 2 to a attribute and not combine that 12 unless GM allows it being is S.D.C add 1d6x10 SDC
Language: Native Tongue at 92%.
Language: Other: Two of choice (+ 1 0%).
Acrobatics (+ 1 5%)
Climbing (+20%)
Land Navigation (+5%)
Pilot: Two of choice (+ 1 0%).
Radio: Basic (+ 1 0%)
Recognize Weapon Quality (+ 1 0%)
Swimming (+ I 0%)
W.P. Knife
W.P. Energy Pistol
Wilderness Survival (+5%)
W.P. Energy Rifle
W.P. : Two of choice (any).
special gear look be Standard Equipment:

Retired Soldier / Soldier

Forced March
Land Navigation (+5%)
Physical : 4 of choice.
Pilot: 1d6 of choice (+ 1 0%); no robot or Power Armor
W.P. : 4 Ancient Weapon of choice.
W.P. : 4 Modem Weapon of choice.
get special gear look be Standard Equipment:

Point Man:
Requires an I.Q. of 9 or higher; a high P.P.
and Spd. are helpful.
Detect Ambush (+ 1 5%)
Detect Concealment (+ 1 0%)
Intelligence (+ 1 5%)
Land Navigation (+ 1 4%)
Prowl (+ 1 0%)
Surveillance Systems/Tailing (+ 1 5%)
Wilderness Survival (+ 1 0%)
add 6 skills Rogue, and Wilderness

Heavy Weapons :

Requires a P.S. of 1 4 and a P.E. of
12 or higher.

Recognize Weapon Quality (+20%)
Weapon Systems (+ 1 0%)
W.P. Rifles
W.P. Heavy Military Weapons
W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons (including rail guns)
W.P. 1d8 of choice (any)
two Demolition skills (+5%).
Enhance Soldier or Super Soldier get special gear look be Standard Equipment

Transportation Specialist
Basic Mechanics (+ I O%) .
Combat Driving (+5%)
Navigation (+ 1 0%)
Pilot: Automobile (+ 1 0%)
Pilot Motorcycle (+20%)
Pilot: Hover Craft (ground)
Hovercycle (+ 1 5%)
Pilot: Tanks & APCs (+ 1 0%)
Pilot: Trucks (+ 1 0%)
Pilot: 1d4 of choice (+ 1 0%),
add 6 skills with requirement added Mechanical , Technical , Horsemanship, Weapon
Proficiencies and Pilot Related

Medic: Requires an I.Q. and P.P. of I I or higher.
Brewing (+5 %)
Biology (+ 1 5%)
Field Surgery (+ 1 5%)
Medical Doctor (+5%)
Pathology (+ 1 0%)
Chemistry (+ 1 0%)
Sewing (+ 1 0%)
Add any 6 skills from Medical Skills, Science Skills, Technical Skills

Electronic Intelligence

Basic Electronics (+15%)
Basic Mechanics (+10%)
Command Robots
(any, though usually probes and one Hound)
Computer Hacking (+20%)
Computer Programming (+15%)
Electronic Countermeasures (+20%)
Read (& Operate) Sensory Equipment (+15%)
Surveillance Systems (and Tailing) (+15%)
TV/Video (+20%)
Cryptography (+15%)
add 6 skills with requirement added Espionage, Communication and Military


Command Robots (any)
Land Navigation (+20%)
Recognize Weapon Quality (+15%)
Sharpshooting or Sniper
Prowl (+15%)
Tracking (+20%)
W.P. Bolt-Action Rifle
W.P.: 1d4+1 of choice (any)
Pick 9 skills with requirement added Espionage. Military. Medical and Rogue
Hand to Hand ( selfish or evil alignment )
Enhance Soldier or Super Soldier get special gear look be Standard Equipment:

Bonuses: +3D6+ 10 to physical S.D.C., + 1d to P.S. and
P.E. attributes, + 1 on initiative, +3 on Perception Rolls, +2 to roll with
impact, +2 to save vs poison and disease, + 1 0% to save vs Coma &
Death, and + 1 to save vs Horror Factor at levels 2, 4, 6, 9, 1 2 and 1 5
Athletics (General)
Cooking (+ 1 5%)
Climbing (+20%)
Fishing (+ 1 5%)
Horsemanship: General (+20%)
Identify Fruits and Plants (+20%)
Land Navigation (+20%)
Pilot: Motorcycle (+ 1 4%) Q! Hovercycle (+ 1 0%) Q! Horsemanship:
Exotic; pick one.
Prowl (+ 1 5%)
Radio: Basic (+ 1 0%)
Track Animals (+20%)
Wilderness Survival (+20%)
W.P. Knife
W.P. Ancient and/or Modem : Three of choice
Add 6 skills from Rogue , Horsemanship , Cowboy ,and Wilderness
Enhance Soldier or Super Soldier get special gear look be Standard Equipment:

Sabotage & Harassment
Camouflage (+20%)
Command Robots (all)
Computer Programming (+10%)
Find Contraband (+10%)
Demolitions (+20%)
Demolitions: Underwater (+20%)
Demolitions Disposal (+15%)
Escape Artist (+15%)
Forgery (+20%)
Nuclear, Biological & Chemical Warfare (+15%)
Add 6 skills with requirement added Espionage , Military , and
Enhance Soldier or Super Soldier get special gear look be Standard Equipment:

Robot Specialist
Advanced Math (+10%)
Basic Electronics (+20%)
Command Robots (all)
Locksmith (+20%)
Mechanical Engineer (+10%)
Pilot: Robots Basic
Pilot: Robot or Power Armor Elite (choose one specific type; any)
Robot Mechanics (+25%)
Weapons Engineer (+10%)
add 6 skills with requirement added Mechanical and Technical

Rescue OPS
Basic Electronics (+15%)
Basic Mechanics (+15%)
Computer Operation (+15%)
Demolitions (+20%)
Excavation & Rescue (+20%)
Jury-Rig (+15%)
Mining (+15%)
Paramedic (+20%)
Nuclear, Biological, & Chemical Warfare (+15%)
Read (& Operate) Sensory
add 6 skills from Rogue, Technical Skills, Military Skills, and Science Skills


Basic Electronics (+15%)
Command Robots (any/all) Computer Operation (+20%)
Electricity Generation (+10%)
Excavation & Rescue (+15%)
Jury-Rig (+20%)
Math: Advanced (+15%)
Mechanical Engineer (+15%)
Military Fortification (+15%)
Salvage (+20%)
Read (& Operate) Sensory Equipment (+20%)
Trap/Mine Detection (+20%)
add 6 skills Science , Mechanical Technical and Rogue

Mechanical and Electrical Operator

Language: Native Tongue at 92%.
Language : Other: One of choice (+20%).
Basic Math (+20%)
Computer Operation (+ 1 0%)
Computer Repair (+ 1 0%)
Electrical Engineer (+20%)
Find Contraband (+ 1 5%)
Jury-Rig (+20%)
Mechanical Engineer (+20%)
Pilot: Three of choice (+ 1 5%)
Radio: Basic (+ 1 5%)
Sensory Equipment (+20%)
Weapons Engineer (+ 1 5%)
W.P. Blunt
W.P. Modem: One of choice.
add 6 skills Mechanical, Electrical and Communication
Enhance Soldier or Super Soldier get special gear look be Standard Equipment:

Elite Robot / Power Armor Elite Pilots M.O.S.

Excavation & Rescue (+10%)
Pilot: Power Armor Basic (+10%)
Pilot: Power Armor Combat Elite:
Pilot: Robots Basic (+20%)
Pilot: Robot Combat Elite:
Pilot: Robot Combat Elite: Mastiff (including the "Big Dog").
Land Navigation (10%)
Read (& Operate) Sensory Equipment (+15%)
W.P. Heavy
W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons (rail guns included).
add 6 skills with requirement added Weapon Proficiencies, Pilot, Pilot Related, and Physical

Urban specialist

Literate in Native Language (+ 1 5%).
Language : Native Tongue at 92%.
Language : Other: One of choice (+ 1 0%).
Barter (+ 1 5%)
Computer Operation (+ 1 5%)
Streetwise (+20%)
Tailing (+20%)
Pilot: Automobile (+ 1 0%)
Pilot: Bicycle (+20%)
Pilot: Motorcycle (+ 1 5%)
Pilot: Hovercycle (+ 1 0%)
Math : Basic (+ 1 0%)
W.P. : One of choice
add 6 skills Rogue, Pilot, Pilot Related, Physical, Weapon
Proficiencies, Mechanical, and Technical Skills
Enhance Soldier or Super Soldier get special gear look be Standard Equipment:

O.C.C. Related Skills:

Select 10 other skills, but at least two must be selected from espionage. Plus select two additional skills at level two, level three, level six, at level nine, and at level twelve. Communications: Any ( + 10%)
Domestic: Any
Electrical: Any
Espionage: Any ( + 10%)
Mechanical: Any ( + 5%)
Medical: Paramedic only.
Military: Any
Physical: Any
Pilot: Any
Pilot Related: Any ( + 5%)
Rogue: Any ( + 8%)
Science: Math and chemistry only ( + 10%)
Technical: Any ( + 5%)
W .P. : Any
Wilderness: Any

Secondary Skills:

The character also gets to select 6 secondary skills from the previous list. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parentheses. All secondary skills start at the base skill level. Also, skills are limited (any, only, none) as previously indicated in the list.

Standard Equipment:

A suit of personalized, light or heavy mega-dam-age body armor, including Coalition armor. A set of dress clothing, and a set of camouflage clothing for covert operations. Also a gas mask and air filter, tinted goggles, and an NG-S2 Basic Survival Pack. Owns either 1 robot vehicle or one suit of power armor, one energy handgun and rifle, three additional weapons of choice, 1D6 grenades, hand-held computer, robot medical kit, IRMSS, grappling hook, pair of handcuffs, and 50 feet (15.2 m) of rope. At the G.M.'s option, this character may have a suit of light and quick power armor, ideally with flight capabilities.

Enhance Soldier or Super Soldier get special gear

This is a unique lightweight armor that is grafted right to the skin. The armor plates are less than an eighth of an inch thick and form fitted around the contours of the body. Cyber-Armor is only grafted to the chest, shoulders, spine,shoulder blades, and thighs for two reasons. One, the body needs to breathe through skin pores and secondly, additional armor would greatly impair movement
"Cyber-Armor" that is fused to his body Armor Rating: 17. Any attacker's roll to strike that falls at 17 or less, hits the Cyber-Armor. However, any roll of 18 or higher bypasses the armor and hits the armor body, doing full damage. This is why all soldiers wear exterior suits of armor. Cyber-Armor is intended only to provide additional protection and give the soldiers an extra edge in combat. Negates Natural; rolls of 18,19 only.

M.D.C. by Location:
Called Mark1 cyber
Head -45
Shoulders (2) — 50 each
Back Shoulder Blades (2) — 120 each
Forearms (2) — 60 each
Thigh/Upper Leg (2) –100 each
main body — 190 M.D.C.
Get 1d6 M.D per level.
Nano machines can repair up to 50% lost of M.D
Can get more from M.D.C structures.
NO body heat is given out
Add 1d4 to P.S
Full EVA systems
Can wear any type of body amour as well
adds 5 pounds to body weight
Add +2 to P.S

updated model Called Mark II cyber
will have force field 420 M.D.C

Sound Suppression System:
This is an advanced version of some pre-Rifts measures used to control sound pollution. A sound emitter is built alongside the skin of the cyborg ( The emitter then sends out sound waves in exactly the opposite frequencies as the noises made by the 'borg, neutralizing them. Human ears cannot sense the sounds: additionally. special rubber soles and joints contribute to the reduced sound: (he common prowl penalty is
eliminated when using these two systems!
Add+15 to prowl

Bypass systems
metal detectors, Xray’s, and cat scan and similar medical equipment

Can have up to 1D6 cybernetic implants of player's choice, including black market items
Or built into Cyber-Armor

The character starts off with 1D6 x 10000 in credit, and has a
black market item that will garner another 1D6 x 10000 credits.’

Can have up to 1D6 cybernetic implants of player's choice, including black market items
Or built into Cyber-Armor



Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2023 12:40 pm
I am repairing my computer in best buy so hopefully I be back with more stuff to share in a week at best


Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2023 1:23 am
so sorry been
and getting ready for New York Comic Con getting ready very little time.
I done a few cosplay if interested to see let me know what i cosplay let me know ?


Posted: Sun May 05, 2024 2:17 pm
Chaos Earth Teen Survivor O.C.C ... 1017067602

Sadly the lost of was massive especially in adults protecting their children many, many die and those children would have to step up. These children and teenager were from all walk of life the fall from Rifts was massive, sadly the children were safe to an extended in High schools or new stronger foundations . The parent were at home or working then the event happen .Many parent die before even try to get to family members ,those that were able to try were face with infrastructure destroy or block and then Monster from the Rifts this was massive .No way all could make to save their children very few did !! These that were force to run to hill and save their family but their were many that took as many as they could .These groups later establish a places to and stay fight and/or run to if need be . Many were lost later some join other infight, and some became massive place of shelter to any and all. Other become like the coalition human only. But Teen were force to step up as adults or gangs or military outfits to survive in Chaos Earth

Attributes: LOOK BELOW

Any, but tend to be heroic characters of a good or Unprincipled alignment

O.C.C. Bonus:
1 to save vs Horror Factor
P.P.E. Base Points for Player Characters
Teenager (13-19 years old) 1D8+5 P.P.E.;
Level of Experience
Common look below

Includes Alignment, Attributes, Hit Points & Education
skill Modifier
roll 1D6.

1 Drop out
Modifier gets -1d10% on skills.
2 Normal
All modifier Gets 5% to all skills
3 Master skills
All modifier Gets 10 % to all skills.
4 Honor student.
All modifier Gets 15% to all skills.
5 High honor student
All modifier Gets 20% to all skills.
6 High honor student base college level
All modifier Gets 25% to all skills
Drop out Modifier
Table toll as a MOS pick 9 skills unless Child: (13 years old get 1d4+1 ). older 14 + then 2d4+1 skills can mix and match pick specific
Domestic Skills
Horsemanship Skills
Horsemanship Skills
Physical Skills
Pilot Skills
Rogue Skills
Science Skills
Technical Skills Weapon Proficiencies: Ancient
Weapon Proficiencies: Modern

Bonus from Genetics Engineering Augmentation:
Remember that genetic engineering and human augmentation were the rage during the Golden Age of Science. That means 90% of the last two generations to join military were genetically "tweaked" in specific areas. These are not super-soldiers, but ordinary human beings who were modified and improved as a gestating fetus by parents who gave the best for their children. It was very common by this time this allow them to survive better than their parents .
Pick one set of genetic bonuses or roll percentile for random determination.
01-10% +1D4 to I.Q. and +2 to M.E.
11-30% +2 to I.Q. and +1D4 to M.E.
31-55% +1D6 to P.S. and +1D4 to P.E.
56-75% +1D4 to P.S. and +1D6 to Spd.
76-00% +1D4+2 to P.B. and +1D4 to physical attribute of choice.

instead of rolling 3d6 you can roll the following table
• 01-11% Brainy:
• 13-26% Strong-willed:
• 27-39% Charismatic:
• 40-51% Physically Strong:
• 52-65% Fast Reflexes and high
• 66-78% Great Endurance:
• 79-88% Pretty Boy/girl: model
• 89-00% Fast as Lightning:

01-11% Brainy :
I.Q . 1D6+18.
Add 1d4 in general skills or specific area except Physical.

13-26% Strong-willed:
M.E. ID6+ 19.

27-39% Charismatic:
MA 1D6+18
P.B. 1D6+14.

40-51% Physically Strong:
P.S 1D6+19 all but

52-65% Fast Reflexes and high
P.P 1d6+19.

66-78% Great Endurance:
P.E. 1D6+19.

79-88% Pretty Boy/girl: model
P.B. 1d4+20.

89-00% Fast as Lightning:
P.P 1d6+14.
Spd 2D6+20

3.Special Aptitude Bonuses Table
if roll a 11, 22, 33,44,55,66 and so one add only a second Special Aptitude, the most two !!!

Skill Modifiers

Optic Systems — 30%+5%
Radio: Basic — 50%+5%
Radio: Scramblers — 35%+5%
Surveillance Systems — 30%+5%
T.V/Video — 35%+5
Domestic Skills
Brewing — 25%/30%+5%
Cook — 35%+5%
Dance — 30%+5%
Fishing — 40%+5%
Gardening — 35%+5%
Play Musical Instrument — 35%+5%
Recycle — 30%+5%
Sewing — 40%+5%
Sing — 35%+5%
Electrical Skills
Basic Electronics — 30%+5%
Computer Repair — 30%+5%
Electrical Engineer — 35%+5%
Electricity Generation — 50%+5%
Robot Electronics — 35%+5%

Espionage Skills
Detect Ambush — 30%+5%
Detect Concealment — 25%+5%
Disguise — 25%+5%
Escape Artist — 30%+5%
Imitate Voices & Impersonation — 36%/16%+4%
Intelligence — 32%+4%
Pick Locks — 30%+5%
Pick Pockets — 25%+5%
Sniper (+2 to strike on an aimed shot)
Tracking (people) — 25%+5%
Wilderness Survival — 30%+5%

Mechanical Skills
Armorer/Field Armorer — 40%+5%
Automotive Mechanics — 60%+3%
Basic Mechanics — 40%+5%
Locksmith — 35%+5%
Mechanical Engineer — 30%+5%
Robot Mechanics — 30%+5%
Vehicle Armorer — 30%+5%
Weapons Engineer — 30%+5%
Weapon Systems — 40%+5%

Medical Skills
Animal Husbandry — 56%+4%
Brewing — 25%/30%+5%
First Aid — 45%+5%
Holistic Medicine — 20%+5%
Paramedic — 40%+5%
Military Skills
Armorer/Field Armorer — 40%+5%
Camouflage — 20%+5%
Command Robots/Drones 60%+3%
Demolitions — 60%+3%
Demolitions Disposal — 60%+3%
Demolitions: Underwater — 56%+4%
Find Contraband,
Weapons & Cybernetics — 26%+4%
Military Etiquette — 35%+5%
Military Fortification — 30%+5%
Parachuting — 40%+5%
Recognize Weapon Quality — 25%+5%
Trap Construction — 20%+4%
Trap/Mine Detection — 20%+5%

Physical Skills
No Hand to Hand Combat Skill
Hand to Hand: Basic
Hand to Hand: Expert
Hand to Hand: Martial Arts
Acrobatics (varies)
Athletics (General)
Body Building & Weightlifting
Climbing — 40%/30%+5%
Gymnastics (varies)
Prowl — 25%+5%
Swimming — 50%+5%
S.C.U.B.A. — 50%+5%
Pilot Skills
Automobile — 60%+2%
Bicycling —60%+3%
Boat: Motor & Hydrofoil — 55%+5%
Boat: Sail Type — 60%+5%
Boat: Ships — 45%+5%/44%+4%
Combat Driving
Hover Craft (Ground) — 50%+5%
Hovercycle — 70%+3%
Jet Packs — 42%+4%
Kayaking — 50%+5%
Motorcycle — 60%+4%
Power Armor Basic — 56%+3%
Robot Basic — 56%+3%
Submersibles — 60%+3%
Tanks & APCs — 50%+3%
Tracked Vehicles — 54%+4%
Truck — 56%+4%
Water Scooters — 50%+5%
Water Skiing & Surfing — 40%+4%

Pilot Related Skills
Navigation — 40%+5%
Read (& Operate) Sensory Equipment — 30%+5%
Weapon Systems — 40%+5%

Rogue Skills
Cardsharp — 24%+4%
Computer Hacking — 20%+5%
Concealment — 20%+4%
Find Contraband, Weapons & Cybernetics — 26%+4%
Gambling (Standard) — 30%+5%
Gambling (Dirty Tricks) — 20%+4%
Palming — 20%+5%
Pick Locks — 30%+5%
Pick Pockets — 25%+5%
Prowl — 25%+5%
Safe-Cracking — 20%+4%
Seduction — 20%+3%, plus attribute bonuses.
Streetwise — 20%+4%
Streetwise: Drugs — 25%+5%
Ventriloquism — 16%+4%

Science Skills
Astronomy — 30%+5%
Astrophysics — 35%+5%
Botany — 40%+5%
Chemistry — 50%+5%
Chemistry: Analytical — 35%+5%
Mathematics: Basic — 72%+3%
Mathematics: Advanced — 64%+2%
Oxygen Systems — 58%+4%

Technical Skills
Advanced Fishing — 30%+5%
Art — 35%+5%
Breed Dogs — 40%/20%+5%
Computer Operation — 60%+3%
Computer Programming — 50%+3%
Cyberbanking — 50%+3%
Excavation & Rescue — 40%+5%
Gemology — 25%+5%
General Repair & Maintenance — 45%+5%
History — 60/40%+4%
Jury-Rig — 25%+5%
Language, Native — 88%+1%
Language, Foreign — 60%+3%
Law (General) — 35%+5%
Literacy, Native Language — 86%+1%
Literacy, Foreign Language — 50%+3%
Lore: Cattle & Animals — 30%+5%
Lore: Cities — 25%+5%
Lore: Demons & Monsters — 25%+5%
Lore: Faerie — 25%+5%
Lore: Indians — 25%+5%
Lore: Magic — 25%+5%
Lore: Mythology — 30%+5%
Lore: Psychic & Psionics — 25%+5%
Lore: Religion — 50%+3%
Masonry — 40%+5%
Mining — 35%+5%
Photography — 35%+5%
Recycle — 30%+5%
Research — 40%+5%
Rope Works — 30%+5%
Salvage — 35%+5%
Undersea Salvage — 30%+5%
Whittling & Sculpting — 30%+5%
Writing — 25%+5%
Weapon Proficiencies (Ancient)
W.P. Archery & Targeting
W.P. Battle Axe
W.P. Blunt
W.P. Bola
W.P. Bow & Arrow
W.P. Chain
W.P. Crossbow
W.P. Forked
W.P. Grappling Hook
W.P. Knife
W.P. Mouth Weapons
W.P. Net
W.P. Paired Weapons
W.P. Pole Arm
W.P. Shield
W.P. Slingshot
W.P. Small Thrown Weapons
W.P. Spear
W.P. Staff
W.P. Sword
W.P. Trident
W.P. Whip
Weapon Proficiencies (Modern)
W.P. Revolver
W.P. Automatic Pistol
W.P. Bolt-Action Rifle
W.P. Automatic and Semi-Automatic Rifles
W.P. Submachine-Gun
W.P. Flamethrower
W.P. Grenade Launcher
W.P. Harpoon & Spear Gun
W.P. Heavy Weapons
W.P. Energy Pistol
W.P. Energy Rifle
W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons

Wilderness Skills
Boat Building — 25%+5%
Carpentry — 25%+5%
Dowsing — 20%+5%
Hunting (SPECIAL)
Identify Plants & Fruits — 25%+5%
Land Navigation — 36%+4%
Preserve Food — 25%+5%
Roadwise — 26%+4%
Skin & Prepare Animal Hides — 30%+5%
Spelunking — 35%+5%
Track Animals — 20%+5%
Track & Hunt Sea Animals 35%/25% +5%
Wilderness Survival — 30%+5

Modifiers varies with and are added !!

01-10% Child: (13). years old
Spell Modifiers:
As a child, the character does not yet have the strength. roll on the Child's Spell Modifier Table.
Child Attributes:
I.Q. 1D4+5,
M.E. 1D6+4 (+2 for girls),
M.A. 2D6,
P.S. 2D4+3,
P.P. 1D6+2, (+3 for girls),
P.E. 2D4+2,
P.B. 2D4+3,
Spd. 2D6+2

Starting P.P.E.: 6D6+30
Hit Points: 1D6+6. S.D.C.: 2D4 (boy), 1D6 (girl); the combined Hit Points and S.D.C. +24
Education & Skills:
Basic Math,
Literacy: Native Language (typically English or Spanish),
Computer Operation,
two Domestic Skills of choice or the
Physical skills of Running
Climbing, all at the base skill level.
Skills start at level one and advance with experience; no bonuses apply. Children tend to look toward older, bigger people to help take care of them. Experience Level Penalty: Needs to accumulate an extra 2000 points to make each new level.

Early Teens

15-16 years old (1D4+12). Teen Attributes:
I.Q. 2D6+2,
M.E. 2D6 (+1D6 for girls),
M.A. 2D6,
P.S. 1D6+4 (+1D6 for boys),
P.P. 2D6,
P.E. 2D6,
P.B. 2D6,
Spd. 3D6+6.
Add bonuses at Late Teens.
Hit Points: 2D6+3. S.D.C.: 2D6 (+4 for boys +2 Girls ); the combined Hit Points and S.D.C.

Education & Skills:
Basic Math (+1D6%),
Literacy: Native Language (typically English or Spanish),
Land Navigation (+2%),
Bicycling (+4%),
Pilot Automobile (-5%),
Computer Operation (+10%),
Hand to Hand Combat: Basic,
two Science or Technical skills of choice,
two Domestic skills of choice
r the Physical skills of Running
Skills start at level one and advance with experience. Bonuses apply only where indicated. Experience Level Penalty: Needs to accumulate an extra 1200 points to make each new level.
Late Teens:
17 or 18 or 19 years old (pick one). All bonuses are added to the die rolls of the Early Teen. Attribute Bonuses:
I.Q. +2,
M.E. +2,
M.A. +1,
P.S. +2 girls (+4 for boys),
P.P. +1, (+4 for girls),
P.E. +2,
P.B. +2,
Spd. +1D4.
Starting P.P.E.: 5D6+12.

Hit Points Bonus: +1D6. S.D.C.
+1D6 (+6 for athletic boys); the combined Hit Points and S.D.C. +6
Education & Skills.
Child: (1d4 +1). years old then 2d4+1 skills
Basic Math (+1D6%),
Literacy: Native Language (typically English or Spanish), Land Navigation (+4%),
Bicycling (+6%),
Pilot Automobile and one additional Pilot skill of choice
(conventional vehicles including Boats, Motorcycle, Hovercycle, Hover Craft, Water Skiing and Water Scooters),
Computer Operation (+12%),
Hand to Hand Combat: Basic,
two Science or three technical skills of choice,
three Domestic skills of choice
three Physical skills of choice (excluding Acrobatics and Boxing).
Skills start at level one and advance with experience. Bonuses apply only where indicated. Experience Level Penalty: Needs to accumulate an extra 600 points to make each new level.

all get
+1 to save vs magic, +3 to save vs Horror Factor, +1 to save vs possession. .
O.C.C. Skills for Teens:
Mainly common skills known to most human survivors of Chaos Earth. Note: look above
Write Native Language (typically English or Spanish in the US, English or French in Canada and Spanish and English in Mexico) at 86% +1% per level of experience.
Basic Math (+10%)
Climbing (+10%)
Land Navigation (+5%)
Lore: Demons & Monsters (+10%)
Hand to Hand: Basic (can be upgraded to Expert for the cost of two O.C.C. Related Skills or Martial Arts for the cost of three).
O.C.C. Related Skills
Note: See the Age Modifier Table for characters under the age of 20. look above
Select an additional 2d4+1 (if 20 or older than 10) from any of the available categories listed below.
Communications: Any (+5%).
Domestic: Any (+10%).
Electrical: Basic Electronics and Computer Repair only.
Espionage: None.
Mechanical: Automotive (+5%) and Basic Mechanics (+5%)
Medical: First Aid only.
Military: None.
Physical: Any, except Acrobatics and Boxing. Pilot: Any conventional vehicle.
Pilot Related: None.
Rogue: Any.
Science: Advanced Math (+5%), Chemistry (+5%) and Astronomy (+10%) only.
Technical: Any (+5%).
W.P.: Any Ancient
Wilderness: Dowsing, Land Navigation, Road wise, Spelunking and Wilderness Survival only.
Secondary Skills for Teens :
The character gets one Secondary Skill at levels 1, 4, 8, and 12. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parenthesis. All start at the base skill level and normal restrictions applies.

.Special Aptitude Bonuses Table
if roll a 11, 22, 33,44,55,66 and so one add only a four max Special Aptitude, the most two !!!

Sure Shot :
+1d4 to strike with all types of projectile and weapons systems . From pistol
and energy rifles to weapons used by robot. Furthermore the usual penalties for being off balance, moving, etc and half. Does not apply to missiles

Natural robot Ace/or fix or rotor wing
+5% to Pilot skill and +10% to Specialty Natural robot Ace/or fix or rotor wing (one specific robot which the character pilot better than any other). Also +1d4 on initiative. + 1d4 to parry and +1d4 to pull punch when piloting any type of robot or power armored pick one.

21-30 %
Giant robot/or power armor Ace:
+5% to giant robot skill and +10% to one giant robot type (one specific robot which the character pilots better than any other: his or her Favorite) .Also + 1 on Perception Rolls. + 2 to dodge and + 3 to roll with impact when piloting any type of giant robot.

High Perception and Solid gut Instincts:
+1d4 on Perception Rolls. Roll 1d4 once when the character is first created in front of the Game Master to determine what this bonus is from that time forward and +1d4 initiative

41 to 50%
Quick Reaction Time:
+1d6 on initiative. Roll 1d6 dodge ,add 1d4 P.P,ADD 1d6 auto-parry once in front of the Game Master when the character is first created to determine what this bonus is from that time forward

Strongman :
+1d6+4 to P.S. attribute and + 2 to pull punch. Add Height 1d10 inches, add weight 5d4%

Fast Learner and Jack of Many Trades:
Select one extra M.O.S. but without benefit of the usual bonuses for it. Note if I.Q was is 18 or higher add two MOS!! Also, if IQ 18 or higher add one time bonus

Quick Reflexes:
+ 1 attack per melee and + 2 to Auto-dodge ,1d6 +1 initiative , AND add 1d6 P.P once in front of the Game Master when the character is first created to determine what this bonus is from that time forward,

Fearless :
+ 1D6+2 to save Horror Factor. However as a result, the character may also be a hot shot who take s foolish risks and daring chances.

1d6+2 M.A. this character is especially likable and affable

Standard Equipment:
Most survivors of the initial cataclysm have only the clothes on their backs and a few items they sal-vage or scavenge. includes an air filter, leather jacket or something fashionable, a pair of gloves, a pair of combat boots or sneakers, several pairs of socks, sun-glasses, 1D4+4 sets of clothing, a winter coat, belt, backpack, survival knife (does 1D6 S.D.C. damage) or pocket knife (1D4 S.D.C. damage), pocket computer, small paper note-book, 1D6 markers and one mechanical pencil, flashlight, disposable cigarette lighter, utility belt, canteen, and may have an S.D.C. firearm but only if a W.P. was selected for it.
Starts with 1D6x100 credits worth of tradeable goods. Probably doesn't have a job and relies on scavenging, gambling and trading of goods or their magical services for food, room and board, supplies, etc. Anarchist and evil characters may actively engage in robbery, mugging and raiding. Good characters pool their resources and work together, they may also follow and try to help NEMA and other heroes and adventurers, whether they want their help or not. These children adopted or hired by a community outside NEMA control will provide for the basic needs and share with them whatever resources the community has to dole out. These children looking for fame and wealth may demand a particular type of payment, reward, and/or services under the threat of leaving, as well as demand the respect and accolades of those they claim to serve and protect. Many These children see themselves as "Robin Hood" types who steal from bad guys (bandits, monsters, etc.) and give to them-selves, sharing with others they like or choose to help. Many others see themselves as superheroes and others as the new order meant to take over and rule the world. There are, of course, many other shades of characters from generous heroes to foulest villains.
None !!!
Perceived Allies:
This will vary dramatically from individual to individual or gang to gang. In most cases there is an adult friend or family member who the youngster trusts and con-fides in. For some, it is one or both parents, for others a big brother or sister, or Aunt or Uncle. In other cases, it may be a teacher, NEMA soldier or different type of sorcerer to a friendly neighbor or a vagabond scavenger. These children Independent (i.e. kids and teens), youth gangs, and D-Bees may be counted among the individual's allies. Those of good alignment or who seek to help people and/or to restore hu-man civilization or battle evil/monsters will consider NEMA troops to be trusted authority figures, friends and allies even if they don't have personal contact with anyone specific within the organization.

Perceived Enemies:
Youngsters tend to be idealistic and have a black and white, "them and us," outlook and Chaos Wizards are no different. Thus, demons, monsters, Necromancers, and other practitioners of dark or alien magic are regarded as the enemy to be driven away and/or destroyed. Raiders, bandits, slavers and other evildoers who prey on innocent people (especially children and families) are also seen as the enemy.


Posted: Sun May 05, 2024 2:20 pm
Chaos Earth Teen Survivor O.C.C
PART TWO ... 1022414510

Size of group
Step One: The Size and Orientation
Step Two: Mercenary Company Features
B. Outfits
C. Equipment
D. Vehicles
E. Weapons, Power Armor & Bots
F. Communications
G. Internal Security
H. Permanent Bases
I. Intelligence Resources
K. General alignment of personnel
L. Criminal Activity
M. Reputation/Credentials

Step One: City Size
1. Hamlet.
A small community of no more than 50 people. The hamlet generally has very few resources and can offer little to passing travelers, other than a warm place to sleep, a little food, and maybe some hospitality.
60 POINTS are available, plus an additional 10 POINTS to spend on criminal activity and 10 POINTS for Natural Re-sources.
2. Village.
This is generally the largest that wilderness com-munities ever get, ranging up to around 250 inhabitants. It's likely that modern weaponry is used, but facilities for repairs and the like will be primitive at best. The village will be similar to the hamlet in terms of resources.
120 POINTS are available, plus an additional 10 POINTS for technology and 10 POINTS for attitude towards outsiders.
3. Town. At 2000 people, a town is what most weary travel-ers look for during their journeys. While there's no guarantee that a town is any better equipped than a village or hamlet, the odds are considerably better that it will be. A community of this size usually resembles the towns of the Old West, with a main street and not many other roads.
180 POINTS are available, plus an additional 10 POINTS for laws and law enforcement and 10 POINTS for notable businesses.

4. Small City.
Few communities ever reach this plateau in growth. Cities of this size almost certainly have some "edge," whether it be technology, magic, valuable natural resources, etc. They are likely to trade regularly with other communities and probably have a few villages and hamlets that depend on them for support.
240 POINTS are available, plus 20 POINTS to be distributed between technology and/or magic and 10 POINTS for nota-ble businesses.

5. City. rare
The communities of Los Alamo, Juarez and Kingsdale all fall into this category. They are bustling centers of people and will be known stops for travelers, mercenaries, and other groups. It is likely that expeditions are launched from cit-ies, as they are the best places for gathering provisions and sup-plies.
300 POINTS are available, plus 20 POINTS for notable business and 20 POINTS for wealth.
6. Metropolis. In the decimated planet of Rifts Earth, few communities ever reach 100,000 or more inhabitants. There just aren't that many people. Nearly all of the cities of this size are famous (or infamous) for their advanced civilizations. Most of the major population centers of the Coalition States, as well as Lazlo and Tolkeen, fall into this category.
500 POINTS are available, plus 20 POINTS for military and 20 POINTS for laws and law enforcement.
NOTE: The city and metropolis are probably the two categories that GM's will want to "fudge" a little. It would be almost impossible to "buy" all of the notable businesses that undoubtedly exist in a large city with the somewhat limited points provided. The other categories, however, still work pretty well.

combat Group or war party
1. Small-time Company or Squad
60 POINTS are available, plus an additional 10 POINTS for vehicles and 10 POINTS for weapons. Note: The additional 10 points must be
applied only to those specific features. Additional points can be spent from the general point pool. Organization designers can spend the general points (in this case, 60) wherever they desire.
2. Minor Company.
95 POINTS are available, plus add an additional 10 POINTS for equipment and 10 POINTS for vehicles

3. Free Company
145 POINTS are available, plus 10 POINTS for vehicles, 10 POINTS for outfits, and 10 POINTS for weapons.

4. Large Company
200 POINTS are available, plus 10 POINTS for vehicles and 20 POINTS for budget

5.Mercenary Army
300 POINTS are available, plus 20 for budget or weapons and 20 for outfits
6. Large Mercenary Army
500 POINTS are available plus 20 for vehicles and 20 for budget

A. Sponsorship
1. NONE. Independent Operative
2. Secret
3. Criminal. Small-Time Bandits
4. Criminal. Organized Crime
5. Government OLD CIA or NSA or US Government

A. Sponsorship
1.NONE. Independent Operative:

The company is owned and operated by the mercenaries themselves. The owners could be the leader or leaders (officers), or maybe every single merc is a shareholder. The objective of the company is to make money, and the owners are respon-sible for upkeep and payment of non-owners. All the money left after expenses is divided among the owners/shareholders. He (they) answer to no one and go where they please. Add 10 points wherever desired

2. Secret.
Most of the members have no idea who is really behind the organization, or what hidden motives there might be in their assignments. The group is given clients and may be told not to sell their services to certain potential clients. The features and equipment of the company are paid for by the mysterious benefactor.

Add 10 Points in Equipment, 10 Points in Outfits, and 10 Points wherever desired. Keep in mind that the members don't know who they are working for or toward what purpose. The characters may find themselves given assignments they do not want, or told to do things that may compromise their morals (especially if the sponsoring agency is corrupt or evil). G.M.s should take advantage of this as a continuing story subplot.
3. Criminal. Small-Time Bandits:
The mercs are actually a band of brigands who will engage in criminal acts whenever they cannot find gainful employment, or when crime is more profitable than military service. Their mercenary reputation is used as a cover for illicit activities from smuggling to looting battlefields to outright banditry. Add 10 Points to Criminal Activity and 10 Points wherever desired

4. Criminal. Organized Crime:
The company is a big-time crime outfit engaged in everything listed in number three but on a larger and more covert scale. This mercenary company may only pretend to sell its services to an employer and tend to betray those who hire them whenever it is convenient. Their goals have little to do with warfare, but with the acquisition of power and wealth for their organization. The Thugees of India and the Ninja of Japan are examples of two ancient sects of criminal specialists and assassins for hire, but who represented a powerful organization in their own right.
Add 20 Points to Intelligence Resources, 20 Points to Criminal Ac-tivity, and 10 Points wherever desired.
5. Front . CIA or NSA or US Government Alien
The company is secretly sponsored by an official government, usually one of the smaller kingdoms, and is covered by the government's legal framework. This was a common practice in Earth's history. When a government could not make war directly on another, it often equipped private armies who would then take offensive action. In the sea, they were known as privateers. Frequently, the merc company is used as a covert form of aid to an ally at war (rather than send official troops to the aid of the ally and risking that nation getting involved in a war it doesn't want). The government secretly hires (or arranges the hiring of the army) and supplies the merc company, which is then sent to aid their ally.
In other cases, the mercenary company may be a source of revenue for the government, maybe even the most important money-maker for the kingdom! Instead of exporting normal goods or services, the nation is offering its warriors as hirelings to other, non-threatening, kingdoms. This is likely to be troops of professional soldiers who are predominately good and anarchist in nature and who live by a military code of ethics; they are not necessarily evil or heartless destroyers (but they can be).
Add 20 Points in Outfits, 20 Points in Equipment, and 20 Points wherever desired

B. Outfits
Uniforms and body armor that the Free Company distributes among members. Uniforms may not be mandatory among all but the largest armies.

B. Outfits
Uniforms and body armor that the Free Company distributes among members. Uniforms may not be mandatory among all but the largest armies.
1. None.
The characters are responsible for their own clothing and armor. Officers have to make or buy their own insignias or badges of office, if any. No replacements of any kind are• available. Company Cost: None.
2. Utility Outfits.
The company has a standard uniform for all personnel. This is typically an inexpensive one-piece coverall, jump suit or shirt, pants and jacket. The shirt and jacket may have a simple emblem or insignia denoting membership in this particular group. Mem-bers must provide their own body armor but can paint it in the same colors and use the official insignia (if there is one). The company has plenty of replacements, in standard sizes, and also provides free laundry service. Company Cost: 5 Points.

7. Open Wardrobe.
In addition to a basic uniform, a complete range of clothing, uniforms and costumes are available. Standard uniforms are made up of light M.D.C. padded armor (30 to 40 M.D.C.); officers may have the heavier composite and/or plate types. Other individual members can purchase heavier armor at their own expense. Company Cost: 10 Points.
8. Specialty Clothing.
Standard uniforms are provided as well as medium mega-damage body armor (usually 40-55 M.D.C.), with heavy armor (60-80 M.D.C.) available for elite assault units and officers. Special gear, such as SCUBA/diving suits and equipment, radiation suits, and contamination suits, are also available. Availability, replace-ment suits and repairs are reasonably good. Company Cost: 20 Points.
9. Gimmick Clothing.
A full range of uniforms and body armor, plus concealed body armor (such as Triax "Plain Clothes" armor), specialty suits and helmets with advanced electronic, communications, homing devices, optics and surveillance gadgets are available. Light exoskeleton battle armor/power armor may be provided to high ranking officers and special operatives. Availability, replacement suits and re-pairs are reasonably good. Company Cost: 30 Points.
10. Unlimited Clothing.
High quality uniforms with flashy insignias/ emblems and mega-damage armor of all kinds are available (rare and exotic items are the only exceptions). Standard armor is equivalent to Dead Boy heavy armor (80 M.D.C.). Common types of light power armor and/or magic armor and clothing are available to high ranking officers and elite troops. Specialty outfits and forgeries (used for infiltration) can be requested and provided within 1D4 + 1 days. Excellent availability, replacements suits and repairs for common items, good availability for the expensive and uncommon items. Company Cost: 50 Points

C. Equipment

This describes the general equipment and supplies provided free of charge by the owners/commanders of the mercenary company. Replace-ment of any lost or damaged equipment is usually automatic. Special Note: Unlike other categories, it is possible to pay points to purchase more than one of the following equipment features. For example, by spending 15 points, a company would provide both electronic (#3) and medical (#4) equipment as described below.

1. None.
The characters are responsible for buying and replacing their own equipment. Company Cost: None.
2. Cheap Gear.
Each character has a commonly available energy rifle, sidearm (energy or not), three clips for each weapon, a survival knife and up to 5,000 credits' worth of equipment available at the start of an operation. Damaged or lost items may not be easily replaced, especially expensive things like cybernetic implants or heavy weapons. Company Cost: 2 Points.

3. Electronic Supplies and Good Gear.
One cybernetic implant (if desired) and good quality gear is provided. Available equipment includes sensors, communications, computers, translators, recorders, video, camera, surveillance, basic cybernetic implants and miscellaneous equipment; up to 25,000 credits' worth of items per mercenary soldier. This will always include communications gear, a vital element of milit-ary operations. Company Cost: 5 Points.
4. Medical Equipment.
First-aid and paramedic type equipment and pharmaceuticals are available. Includes antibiotics, painkillers, anesthetic, protein healing salve, sodium pentathlon (truth serum), dosimeter, E.K.G. and E.E.G. machines, portable lab, bio-scan, oxygen, all commonly available robot medical kits (RKM, IRMSS, Computer dispenser, etc.) and two basic life support units. Plus a budget of 750,000 for emergencies requiring hospitalization and cybernetic organs or prosthetics. Company Cost: 10 Points.
5. Medical Clinic.
The company is equipped with full medical facilities equal to a small medical clinic. A full-time doctor (M.D. or Holistic) and one psychic healer are on staff and assisted by four nurses and two paramedics. In addition, the company has an emergency medical budget of 1D4 + 2 million credits for cybernetics and hospitalization. There is also a small veterinary facility for any combat, riding or work animals. Replacement of lost or damaged equipment is automatic, but the total amount of medical equipment can never exceed 10 million credits. Company Cost: 20 Points.
6. Magic
Technologies None or limited

7. High-Tech Augmentation (Bionics, Juicers, Crazies):

This company's emphasis is on high-tech augmentation. 30% will be either full conversion borgs or juicers, 20% will be headhunters or partial reconstruction borgs and 10% will be crazies, juicers or other high-tech creations (including mutants, D-bees/aliens or foreign technology). Company Cost: 40 Points
8. Unlimited Equipment.
The company is a high-tech operation equipped with high quality electronics, computers, communication sys-tems, sensors, optics, cybernetics, bionics and all equipment needed for the operation and logistics of the company. High ranking officers and special elite troops can have a personal vehicle of choice and 1D4 + 2 cybernetic implants (conventional and black market); 10% are partial reconstruction borgs, juicers, crazies or robots.
In addition, there is a superb mobile mini-hospital that can accommo-date as many as 40 patients, has six life support systems, three surgery rooms and one cybernetic surgery unit (cybernetics can be repaired and replaced safely). Two medical doctors, one psychic healer, two cyber-docs, eight paramedics and twelve nurses comprise the medical staff. Plus one million credits' worth of common cybernetic items in stock and an emergency medical fund of 20 million credits. Company Cost: 50 points.

C. Vehicles

8.Transportation provided by the company to the characters. Also in-cludes information on the company's fleet of vehicles.

1. None.
Can you run? Fly? Swim? We hope so, because you're not going to get any kind of ride from the company. Company Cost: None.

2. Basic Transportation.
this would be commercial low M.D.C. or S.D.C
The company has just enough vehicles to accommodate its needs. A third are horse-drawn wagons, a third are trucks and motor-home trailers, and the remaining third are old hover trucks and used military jeeps and other heavy-duty vehicles. Transports are usually unarmed and unarmored (i.e., they are low M.D.C. or S.D.C. structures) and are not expected to see combat — not if they plan to survive! The company will cover ground slowly, due to the poor quality of their transports. Company Cost: 3 Points.
3. Fleet Vehicles.
The company maintains a fleet of trucks, trailers, motor-homes, and light Armored-Personnel Carriers (APCs; 4D4 x 10 M.D.C. main body). They are fairly new and well-maintained. Half the hover and all terrain vehicles have one light laser or machinegun weapon (1D6 or 2D4 M.D. per blast; 2000 feet/610 range). The other half are not outfitted for combat and serve only as a means of transpor-tation. In addition, individual characters of officer rank will be assigned their own personal hover car, hover cycle, jeep or land rover (all with one or two weapon mounts). An expense account of 500,000 creditsis set up for special travel needs (such as hiring additional transportation, fuel and repairs). Company Cost: 10 Points.

4. Combat Cars.
this would fall law Enforcement and N.E.M.A or customs M.D.C. vehicles LOOK AT GAW
As above, but ALL vehicles are outfitted for combat! 70% have mega-damage armor and light to medium weaponry (machinegun, beam weapons, mini-missiles). 10% are heavy combat vehicles such as tanks and heavily armored vehicles, and 10% are aerial combat vehicles such as the Sky King, helicopters and jet packs. If the merc outfit uses magic, up to 20% can be techno-wizard or other type of combat vehicle. Company Cost: 20 points.
5. Specialty Vehicles.
this would fall under PMC customs M.D.C. AND law Enforcement
This fleet contains a number of specially designed vehicles, and most vehicles are military or paramilitary. This includes 2D4 heavy robots or tanks, 3D6 medium or light robots or tanks, and two dozen suits of powered armor with flight capabilities. 20% of all other more conventional vehicles are outfitted with additional armor ( + 30% of the normal armor), special sensory (radar), electrical (computer), surveillance (camera and bugs), and security systems (locks and alarms) worth about 100,000 credits each. 70% are outfitted with short-range radios (6 mile range/9.6 km). Also, a variety of conventional vehicles and luxury vehicles (for officers) are available. Air support exists in the form of 4D4 air vehicles (typically Sky King or similar; half that number if combat jets are available). All vehicles are of top quality, heavy-duty construction and constantly maintained (ten million credits budget). A team of mechanics is employed full-time and includes: one techno-wizard (if the company has no bias against magic), 2D4 operators (with robotics and weapon system skills), 12 mechanics, and 12 assistant mechanics. Company Cost: 30 Points.
6. Unlimited Vehicles. Military grade S.D.C to M.D.C vehicles look at GAW TO Irin Heart vehicles ,Rifts undersea vehicles
Any existing vehicle is available, including tanks, robots, aircraft, jet packs, and techno-wizard vehicles. This in-cludes 3D4 + 4 heavy robots or tanks, 3D6 + 6 medium or light robots or tanks, and four dozen suits of powered armor with flight capabilities. 50% of all conventional vehicles are outfitted with additional armor ( + 50% more than normal armor; robots not included), special sensory, electrical, surveillance, security and weapons systems, or may be mod-ified to techno-wizard systems. Up to 500,000 credits may be spent on an important vehicle. Common, insignificant vehicles such as motorcycles, jeeps, land rovers, and small A.T.V. trucks and cars are automatically replaced. All vehicles are outfitted with short-range radios (6 mile range/9.6 km) and about 25% with long-range radios. The full-time staff of mechanics is double that of number five. Company Cost: 50 Points.

D. Weapons, Power Armor & Bots
The actual weaponry issued to both line soldiers and specialty troop-ers. They include powered armor suits, robots and combat vehicles (cumulative with the Vehicles entry, above).

1. None.
Members of the company are expected to provide their own weapons and equipment, and fend for themselves when it comes to repairs. Company Cost: None

2. Basic Equipment.
Members provide most of their weapons, but simple repairs, spare parts and reloads/bullets/rail gun ammo and re-charging of E-Clips are provided by the company. A simple and inexpensive assault weapon is provided as standard issue (something equivalent to an NG-L5 laser rifle). Company Cost: 5 Points.
3. Basic Weaponry.
All members are issued one common type of energy rifle and an energy pistol or vibro-blade (only 10% are heavy weapons like particle beams and plasma ejectors). 10% of the group will be issued some type of common/inexpensive powered armor. One combat robot will be available for every 20 line soldiers. Company Cost: 10 Points.
4. Advanced Weaponry.
As above, but all members are also issued grenades, and 1-in-5 have a heavy weapon (particle beam rifle, plasma weapon, rail gun, missile or grenade launcher, etc.). 20% of the group will be issued power armor suits (30% if light and/or very cheap suits
are used), plus one combat robot or tank for every 10 line soldiers. Weapons are all of good quality (unless quantity is stressed over quality) and damaged or lost items are immediately repaired or replaced (20 million credit budget). Company Cost: 20 Points.

5. Extensive Weaponry:

High-quality energy weapons are issued to all personnel, including 1D4 grenades, energy rifle, and energy sidearm (pistol or other). 40% have heavy weapons including missile launchers, rail guns, particle beam and plasma weapons, etc. 30% of the group will be issued powered armor suits (50% if very cheap suits are used). At least a company of 3D6 + 6 assault robot vehicles or tanks will be on service with full crews, or one fighting vehicle for every 5 line soldiers, whichever is greater. Techno-wizard and alien/D-bee equipment may also be available. All weapons are of the highest quality and damaged or lost items are immediately replaced or repaired. E-clips are recharged as quickly as possible and ammunition is readily available (35 million credit budget). Company Cost: 40 Points

6. Maximum Firepower:

The unit is as well-armed, soldier by soldier, as any outfit on the planet. Weapons of all kinds, including explosives, heavy and special weapons are available. There is even limited availability of magic and techno-wizard items (roughly enough for 10 to 20% of the troops). 60% of the soldiers are issued a suit of good quality power armor and heavy weapons, plus there is a robot vehicle or two tanks for every 5 line soldiers. Ammunition is plentiful. Weapons and equipment are of the best quality and damaged or lost items are immediately repaired or replaced (50 million credit budget). Company Cost: 60 Points

E. Communications
This is a measure of how good the communications network and devices are in the agency.

1. None.
Characters must buy their own and/or relate messages by word of mouth. Company Cost: None.
2. Basic Service.
The company has one long-range, wide band radio (500 mile/804 km range), one portable language translator and a walkie talkie (3 mile/4.8 km range) in each vehicle. No scramblers or bug detectors available. Company Cost: 2 Points.
3. Secured Service.
Two long-range radios, all personnel have a walkie-talkie or other short-range type radio, all with scramblers, six language translators, two mini-radar systems, one PC-3000 pocket com-puter, and a portable video camera and player. Company Cost: 10 Points.
4. Full Range System.
Every tent and major vehicle is equipped with a short-range (6 mile/9.6 km) radio and language translator, plus there are four long-range radios on line, and all personnel have a short-range walkie-talkie available to them. All radios have scrambler capabilities and one of the long-range radios has a laser booster system that doubles its range (1000 miles/1600 km). All senior officials have a full size computer as well as the PC-3000 and a language translator, other officials have only the PC-3000. Soldiers have reasonable access to a variety of commercial audio and video disk recorders and players.
A public announcement system is wired throughout the camp, and a full sound and video recording studio trailer monitors and controls the music and announcements piped through the PA system. Two full-time communications specialists, two electrical engineers and five assistants are on staff. All equipment is good quality and well maintained. Company Cost: 15 Points

F. Internal Security
This is the level of internal infiltration that the company is vulnerable to. Note that this is the only thing that prevents spies and intruders from already having been placed in the organization. Enemy agents, moles, "turned" employees and supernatural interlopers can only be prevented with high levels of internal security. Note: This is the security provided to the company while it is out "in the field" while on a campaign.
1. None.
No security, anyone can walk in or out and company members are not screened or given background checks. No supernatural safeguards other than the characters' own awareness or powers. Company Cost: None.
2. Lax.
A pair of security guards at all main entrances check visitors in and out. A patrol goes around the camp's perimeter. Only the officers' quarters and important vehicles and facilities have locks or alarms. 25% chance of a company member being an infiltrator working for himself or for another organization. No mystic safeguards other than the player characters' own awareness and powers. Company Cost: 2 Points.
3. Tight.
Alert security guards, electronic alarms, and roving patrols secure the company site from intruders. A watch is organized and operates 24 hours a day. In potential combat situations, the whole camp is in a state of readiness (soldiers sleep with their weapons at hand, at least 25% of all company members are "on duty" at all times, etc.). A rigid check of possible employees reduces the chance of enemy infil-trators to 15%.
Supernatural safeguards include security teams familiar with common supernatural and magic occurrences and how to handle them (items such as silver crosses, garlic and holy water are available). The security detail will have at least some psi-stalkers/Dog Boys, or other magic and psychically sensitive soldiers, including at least one magician. Company Cost: 10 Points.

4. Iron-Clad.

Every entrance and exit is under constant video monitoring and guarded by a security team. Besides the precautions outlined in #3, picket lines and outside guard-posts provide a security blanket as far out as several miles around the camp site, including air reconnaissance.
Other security measures include high-quality locks and alarms in all vehicles and facilities, hidden compartments/safes, floodlights, emergency generators, motion detectors, heat sensors, mini-radar, and camera surveillance of areas of importance. Magic wards of alarm or incapacitating magic are strategically placed with an eye toward stopping supernatural infiltration. Magic/supernatural security is otherwise as above. Company Cost: 20 Points

G. Permanent Bases

The mercenary company that has a permanent secure base for the company will select numbers 2-6. Many companies have no permanent base and are nomadic or semi-nomadic groups, travelling around the continent looking for work.

1. None.
The group has no permanent home or fortification to retreat/ go home to or hide out at. They travel around and stay in temporary camps (NOTE: the security in these temporary camps can be as high as the company wishes it to be; see "G" above). Company Cost: None.
2. Partial Headquarters.
The company has a semi-permanent base of operation located on land that they own/claim or have purchased or leased from a nearby community. This facility can be as little as some office space and a few apartments, or several acres of land where vehicles are kept and tents are pitched. The only permanent structures are likely to be a few storage shacks and a run-down looking barracks building. Personnel can stay at this simple facility to recover from wounds, illness, to await their next assignment, or just to relax and rest. Likewise, the characters can engage in training, teaching, recruiting, etc. The entire compound can only hold a maximum of 20% of the total troops at any one time; most of the company is on the road and away from the partial HQ. Company Cost: 2 Points.
3. Headquarters.
The Company owns a large tract of land, usually close to a friendly town or city, where the whole organization can establish camp. There are a few permanent facilities built in the area, such as a saloon, a few sturdy barracks, some storage buildings and a field hospital (none are likely to be mega-damage structures; if they are, they'll have light M.D.C.). The land is primarily a safe place to park one's vehicle and pitch a tent when the company is not involved in a campaign. The government of the nearest civilized area (farm, village, town, city, etc.) is usually friendly and sells supplies and equipment to the troops. Company Cost: 10 Points.
4. Fortified Headquarters.
A permanent headquarters with several permanent buildings, including barracks (enough for half the troops), shooting range, garage (for vehicle and bot repair), meeting hall also with smaller conference room(s), several storage buildings, commissary and arsenal (at least half are light to medium M.D.C. structures). The place is surrounded by a wall or fence, and has a security equivalent to Internal Security #4, above (this applies only to the headquarters, and not to the company when it is on the road). The location can house 80% to 100% of its troops and has enough supplies to last a twelve-month siege. Company Cost: 20 Points.
5. Company Town.
The company owns a whole town! This is usually true only of the larger mercenary companies. The town's facilities are mostly dedicated to serving and entertaining the mercenary company (70% of all town trade is related directly to meeting the company's needs; the remaining revenues may be made up in smuggling, slave trade, weapons manufacturing, tourism and other businesses). The town is heavily fortified. In many cases, all or part of the town is fortified and may be enclosed by protective walls and have several clock, bell or obvious watchtowers (as well as radar dishes and com-munication towers on the roofs of buildings). A permanent home guard equal in size to 40% of the total company force; this guard is not expected to join the mercs on most campaigns and may be made up of 15 former mercenaries who want a (relatively) peaceful billet. Security for the whole town is roughly equivalent to Internal Security #3, with level #4 at most mercenary-operated areas and #5 at vital military points. About two years' worth of food, weapons and supplies for the entire population are stockpiled in several secure spots/caches around the town. Company Cost: 40 Points.

H. Intelligence Resources

These are the types of intelligence-gathering methods and systems available to the mercenary company. This includes scouts, spy networks, and informants. Intelligence is very important for all military operations. Special Note: It is possible to pay points to purchase more than one of the following intelligence resources.

1. None.
The company has no designated scouts or spies, and relies on the talents of individual members. Company Cost: None.
2. Scout Detachment.
The company has formed a scout group to gather information about enemy positions. They are typically wilderness scouts, rangers/huntsmen, knights, psi-stalkers, dog boys or headhunters with wilderness and tracking skills (espionage skills can be very helpful, but are not a requirement). Company Cost: 5 Points.
3. Special Military Operatives.
The company has a team of trained spies. Applicable O.C.C.s include the CS and Triax military specialist, elite robot or power armor pilots, borgs, juicers, crazies, bounty hunters, spies and all of the new O.C.C.s presented in this book. These special operatives are not only used to gather information, but to infiltrate, spy on, sabotage, confuse and engage the enemy in covert operations. Company Cost: 10 Points.
4. Psionic Operatives.
Magicians and psychics are used as scouts, spies and saboteurs. Likely candidates for this position can include the line walker, mystic, temporal raider or wizard, and other practitioners of magic, druids, dragons, faerie folk, creatures of magic, mind melters, mind bleeders, and major and master psychics. Company Cost: 20 Points.

5. D-Bee Specialists.
Similar to #4, except these characters are from another dimension. They must have a background in tracking, wilderness scouting and/or espionage or have unique, superhuman or super-natural powers and may have alien weapons and technology. Such beings may include psi-stalkers, mutant animals, simvan monster-riders, tattooed men, mechanoids, vampires, shape-changers, teleporters, and other beings with strange abilities as described in Rifts Conversion Books, World Books and Sourcebooks (see Atlantis and England in particular). Company Cost: 20 Point.
6. Infiltration Network.
In addition to having 2D4 squads of scouts, 1D4 squads of special military operatives and 1D4 magic and/or psionic operatives, the company has an entire network of secret agents, infiltrate, and moles! There is a 12% chance that the mercs have 1D4 agents in two or more of the Coalition States (excluding Lone Star), Tolkeen, Lazio and 1D4 other major forces/communities on the continent. There is also a 17% chance of having spies among 1D4 + 1 rival mercenary/bandit outfits or enemy organizations. There will be 1D4 "safe houses" or hideouts in each of the infiltrated communities. Furthermore, the mercs know about (20% chance of having dealings with) smugglers, weapon dealers, body-chop-shops, the Black Market and underground organizations operating within each of the infiltrated communities. Note: At the G.M.'s option, there is a 5% chance that a specific low-ranking employee of a rival or criminal organization is working with/for the player characters. Company Cost: 50 Points.

K. Criminal Activity

Mercenaries often have a reputation for engaging in banditry and other criminal acts as well as (or even instead of) military activities. Many companies will engage in the looting of enemy camps, strongholds and allied civilian communities/sympathizers.
The following are some of the special personnel skilled in the criminal arts and who supplement the company's income with illegal services like assassination, blackmail, and coercion. Note: Several of the criminal activities can be purchased and the same activity can be purchased as often as four (4) times.

1. Con Man (1).
An expert fast-talker who fools people into financing wild schemes, granting bad loans, or otherwise parting with their hard-earned money. May also be used to sell substandard weaponry or equipment (useful for moving bad stock the company has somehow acquired). Company Cost: 5 Points.
2. Prostitutes (3).
Ladies of the night who sell sexual favors. They usually serve the company members (which reduces the dangers for soldiers in enemy territory), but may also sell their services to outsiders if the company commander allows it. Prostitutes are also used in blackmail schemes, information gathering and spying. All three have a P.B. attribute of 10 + 2D8, but M.A. is only 6+ 1D6. Company Cost: 5 Points.

3. Cyber-Doc (1).
A cyber-doc and one assistant/nurse illegally practice the science of cybernetic and bionic augmentation. Company Cost: 10 Points.
4. Gang of Robbers.
Travelling some distance away from the com-pany, a gang of 2D4 + 2 thieves and thugs rob isolated houses and communities, or mug people in the alleys and dark shadows. There is a 50% chance that this activity is not officially sanctioned, but is a racket organized by low-level officers, unknown to their superiors. The commonplace. The gang members try not to use the same equipment or uniforms as the company and often wear civilian clothes or other disguises, and carry captured or stolen weapons. Company Cost: 10 Points.
5. Smugglers and Sellers of Contraband.
A travelling mercenary company is an ideal front for smuggling. How many customs inspectors will dare to mess with a small army? Travelling with the company are 1D6 + 2 specialists in smuggling with 1D4 + 3 levels of experience. They buy, sell, and transport scarce, illegal, or dangerous goods; most notably poisons, drugs, pre-rifts artifacts, magic, weapons, cybernetics, bionics and fugitives. They will also protect, hide and deliver secret packages, contraband and information for outside clients (including other crooks, the Black Market, or a government like the Coalition). Most smugglers will have good contacts with the Black Market and can be useful when the company needs to find some illegal or scare commodity. See the new Smuggler O.C.C. elsewhere in this book. Company Cost: 15 Points.
6. Expert Assassin (1).
An evil, 1D4 + 4 level, warrior who specializes in murder; can be any Men of Arms O.C.C., including borgs, crazies, juicers, psi-stalkers, wilderness scouts, and particularly the new master assassin and bounty hunter O.C.C.s. Company Cost: 15 Points.

7. Psychic Enforcer (1).

A psychically powered individual whose job is to enforce the wishes of the commander and the needs of the company. Assignments include torture, interrogation, frightening and hurting people, ferreting out spies, detecting supernatural menaces, working as an elite bodyguard, protection and murder. Typically a 1D4 + 2 level mind melter, mind bleeder (see Rifts Africa) or burster. Company Cost: 15 Points.
8. Special Forces.
In this instance, a pair of super warriors used for special missions such as assault/raids, sabotage, and murder. This group is treated as a special unattached unit under the direct control of the company command. Typically a pair of 1D4 + 3 level crazies, juicers, borgs, or , and a psychic or Chaos mage. Company Cost: 20 Points.

9. Safecracker/Locksmith (1).
A demolitions expert and mechanical engineer who uses his talents to "crack" safes, open security doors, break out of jail, avoid/bypass or disarm security systems and similar feats. See the new safecracker O.C.C. Company Cost: 25 Points
10. Forger (1).
A brigand with a knack for art and forgery. He will use his skills to create false passports, citizen's papers, identity cards, credit cards, invoices, and other documents. This rogue is also familiar with photography and video/film equipment and recording. See the new forger O.C.C. elsewhere. Company Cost: 30 Points

L. Reputation/Credentials
Just what is the reputation of the company? The credentials determine how much respect or fear the characters can command, how much the company can charge for their jobs, etc.
1. Hunted.
The company is rumored to be trouble and/or composed of criminals, cutthroats or fugitives (for any reason, real or trumped up). All members of this mercenary band are viewed with great suspicion by everybody who encounters them. The authorities of several towns and cities are hunting them because they supposedly reneged on a contract, owe money for damages they caused or because they are known scoundrels wanted by the law, the Coalition States or some other kingdom! There is a 1-40% that a hunting party (CS, military, merc, or adventurer), bounty hunter(s), or a messenger spreading word that they are wanted criminals, will show up whenever the company/ characters stays in a town for more than a week.
Most potential employers will see the company as a liability and may not hire them or pay 1D6 x 10% less than normal. Only unscrupulous or desperate employers will pay more for the company's services. Many employers won't hesitate to betray the mercs if it benefits them in any way. Most people will shrug off such betrayal with words like "They had it coming," all because of their unsavory reputation. Company Cost: None.
2. Scoundrels.
The company is viewed with suspicion. They have a reputation for being overly violent and untrustworthy. They may also have a history of being as damaging to their employers as the enemy they were hired to fight. Nobody is actively pursuing the company, but there is a good chance that employers will short-change or betray the mercs if they think they can get away with it. Company Cost: 1 Point.
3. Unknown.
No one has ever heard of the company (usually because it has just been formed). Would-be employers try to be fair and give the company the benefit of the doubt and reasonable pay. However, employers are likely to believe the worst about the company if the information comes from a reputable source. Contracts will be easy to come by, but the pay will not be as high as for better-known armies. Company Cost: 5 Points.
4. Known.
The company has developed a reputation as a reasonably effective unit that gets the job done and keeps its side of the bargain, unless justified to do otherwise. Many employers will be reluctant to betray this company, because doing so will damage their own reputa-tions, may evoke the mercenaries' wrath, and other mercenary com-panies may decide not to work for them. The company will be paid above-average rates for their services (about 20% more than unknown or trouble mercs). Company Cost: 10 Points.
5. Excellent Reputation.
The company has a reputation for being reliable, efficient, and lethal. This reputation is likely to means that the company has rarely lost an engagement, are excellent fighters, rarely fail at their assigned tasks, and may be known for some heroic, impre-ssive or daring feat(s).
The company has a reputation for always fulfilling their contracts and can be trusted by their employers. By the same token, any employer that betrays the company knows that he will be branded as a treacherous fiend, causing most other reputable mercenaries to avoid him like the plague. Furthermore, this mercenary group may decide to teach him a lesson and/or extract justice (and payment) by any means they deem necessary. The company with an excellent reputation commands much more for their services and gets it (50% to 60% more than the average soldier of fortune, but they are worth it!). Company Cost: 25 Points.
The company is known as "one of the best" in the business and have a reputation for being extremely successful, or-ganized, resourceful, dangerous, heroic and/or deadly. They are also recognized as highly trustworthy and reliable. Lesser mercenaries, free-lance troubleshooters and adventurers may hesitate to take up a contract that puts them at odds against this outfit. In fact, 25% will refuse such a contract or flee from combat when they are actually pitted against them (50% chance of fleeing if the "famous" warriors start off strong and/or are beating the tar out of the opposing forces). The rates for a famous mercenary company are among the highest on the market and the leaders rarely engage in haggling or price reduction. If these mercs are as good as their reputation, the employer is acquiring the best there is and winning is almost assured. Double the typical level of pay. Note

If the famous company suffers two or more terrible defeats in combat their reputation will drop to "excellent" or "known." If they lose and show acts of betrayal, cowardice, incompetence or repeatedly appear to be weak or buffoons, their reputation will change to "scoundrels" or the "hunted!"

N. Government
1. Anarchy.
This community really isn't a community at all. Most residents are scattered miles away from each other, with the only common bond being some kind of supply depot some-where in the middle. Cost: None.
2. Oppressive Dictator.
The ruler of this town is a selfish or evil despot who controls every aspect of the city. The people are heavily taxed and the law is generally "might makes right". On the upside, the dictator will want to take care of his property and will defend the town from hostile invaders. Cost: 5 points.

3. Commune.
The inhabitants of this community live in a free society. Everyone is considered equal, and disputes are han-dled by a group of elders. While this might sound idyllic, this form of government usually ends up being conquered by outside invaders, as the residents are often disordered and poorly trained. Cost: 10 points.

4. Benevolent Dictator.
While this city is still ruled by a dic-tator or monarch, he/she is honestly concerned about the welfare of the citizens. The laws are fair, but harsh, and the members of the military/police are usually given only a slap on the wrist if they commit crimes. Cost: 20 points.
5. Aristocratic Republic.
This town is controlled by a highly selective group who may or may not care about the needs of the people. Democracy exists, but only in the aristocracy or oligarchy. In other words, less than 25% of the general populace has a say in the running of the community. This government often changes to some other form relatively quickly. Cost: 30 points.
6. Democracy.
In this city, all citizens are given an equal say in the government. The system might be republican in nature (elected officials) or be a true democracy, with all citizens voting on all issues. Cost: 50 points

O. Natural Resources

Unlike other categories, several different natural resources can be bought to give a different feel to the community.
1. None.
This community has few or no resources at all. It exists purely as a result of outside resources. Cost: None
2. Small Body of Water.
Water in any quantity can be a great asset to a town. A small body of water can be a small sized river, a large pond, or a spring. Small bodies of water won't be able to support trade, but will supply food and power. Cost: 10 points
3. Forest.
This community is located near or in a forest. It will rely on the timber industry as a source of income and most inhabitants will be experienced woodsmen. Cost: 15 points.

4. Agriculture.
Nearly all towns farm, but a community with this resource farms a lot. The surrounding countryside for miles will be devoted to growing crops. A river or some other source of water is needed to make an agricultural community survive. Cost: 15 points

5. Large Body of Water.
A large body of water is considered by most city planners to be a free road to mass trade. A large river, lake or coastal location can become a frequent stop on shipping routes. Cost: 20 points.
6. Mineral. This city has the good fortune of being located near a large mineral deposit. Whether it be coal, gold, or some-
thing else, this community relies on mining for a large chunk of its revenue. Cost: 30 points.
Petroleum Products. This is an invaluable resource in the time of the Rifts. Most people can't afford nuclear power, so pe-troleum is used as a major source of fuel. Communities with ac-cess to oil can become wealthy overnight, with people flocking to them to trade. Of course, this has its downside, as greedy in-vaders may seek to take over the oil fields. Cost: 50 points.

P. Location

1. Wilderness.
Sure, you're in the middle of nowhere, but you rarely have any problems with neighbors (there aren't any) and no one ever attacks you. Cost: None.

2. Aggressive Neighbors.
A city with aggressive neighbors is bound to have constant conflicts and skirmishes. On the upside, inventions are fueled by conflict and the city may have some kind of technological or mystical revolution. Cost: 5 points, but add 5 points to technology or magic
3. Active Rift.
Being near a rift can be a major boon, or a major pain. Magic users will welcome the extra energy and power, while magic phobes (e.g. the Coalition) will do everything in their power to destroy the rift and everything that comes out of it. Cost: 10 points, but add 5 points to magic level
4. Monster Zone.
As with most other locations, being near a monster zone has its ups and downs. The monsters can be used for a variety of things and might just turn out not to be monsters at all. However, supremacist communities will despise every monster and kill them on sight. Cost: 10 points, but add 5 points to magic level.

5. Harbor.
To acquire this option, the community must be set along a large body of water. Having a natural harbor can be a very lucky break. Ships will stop at the harbor for rest and re-pairs, bringing with them items for trade. On the other hand, pi-rates may see the town as a great place to take over and use as a base of operations. Cost: 20 points, but add 10 points to natural resources

6. Trade Route.
Every community wants to be located near a defined trade route, as trade is the means to gain wealth. Optimally, this city has something to provide to traders, whether it be a good rest stop or having some tradable goods. Cost: 45 points, but add 15 points to wealth and 10 points to either technology or magic

Q. Pre-Rifts History
This measures the number of Pre-Rifts artifacts or technology that the city may have. Simply because the town is sitting on an archaeological find doesn't mean it's using the technology to its fullest potential. The community could be sitting on a treasure trove and not even know it.

1. None.

This town was built nowhere near a Pre-Rifts city and thus has no chance of benefiting from any discoveries. Cost: None
2. Small Town.
A community located near the ruins of a small city is less likely to find fantastic new technology, but may come into the possession of books (from a library or school), some artifacts, and a sense of history. Cost: 10 points.

3. Liberal Arts College. [/b
Similar to number 2, this kind of find provides only knowledge, as opposed to weapons or fantas-
tic technology. The inhabitants of the community are likely to gain an appreciation for science and the arts and might parlay their discovery into a cultural revolution. Cost: 10 points

4. University.
Discovering a Pre-Rifts university is the stuff dreams are made of! These institutions of higher learning gener-ally had numerous colleges specializing in engineering fields, computers, the sciences and liberal arts. If a town can struggle through the maze of "edu-speak" and techno-babble that sur-rounds the university's treasures, the town can advance its tech-nological level by leaps and bounds. Cost: 20 points

5. Military Base/bunker .
Jackpot! Pre-Rifts military bases hold un-told treasures. Anything from weapons to nuclear generators to working vehicles, power armor and robots could exist in these ruins. Roll or choose from the following table.
if roll ,11,22,33 ,44,55 please add another roll
01-20 - Communications Outpost. A small station set up to collect satellite data and relay it to other posts. A communication outpost will have a large amount of high-tech comput-ers and radio equipment. Cost: 15 points
21-40 - Air Base. This base is likely to have combat air-craft, cargo planes, flight capable power armor and high-tech communications gear. Cost: 20 points.
41-60 - Army Base. The ruins of this post will have vehi-cles, advanced weapons, power armor, and robots. Cost: 25 points.
61-80 - Naval Base. Obviously, this base must be located along a relatively major body of water. Ruins of this nature could have anything from small patrol boats to huge carriers, submarines or aircraft. Cost: 20 points for ruined ships, 30 points for seaworthy ships.
81-00 - Military Center. Some Pre-rifts towns, like Colo-rado Springs, Colorado, were home to numerous different military bases. Such locations will have benefits from any or all of the previous bases. Cost: 50 points
Major Metropolis. Through some quirk, this city was mostly spared the brunt of the nuclear attacks and natural disas-ters and managed to not be turned into a pile of radioactive rub-ble. Finds like this come along once in a dragon's lifetime and could have universities, military bases, industrial plants and other technological sites. Cost: 75 points

R. Attitude Towards Outsiders

1. Reclusive Xenophobes.

These people hate and fear all out-siders and react by trying to remove themselves from all outside influences. If the community is invaded (defined as anyone who doesn't belong coming to town) the residents will react violently and attack. Cost: None

2. Aggressive Isolationists.

At first glance, this seems like a contradiction in terms, but this is the way many isolationist handle outsiders. The Coalition is a perfect example of this. They react to undesirables by attacking and destroying them. The war against Tolkeen is only the most recent instance of this policy in action. Cost: 5 points

3. Wary.
The inhabitants of this community are suspicious of non-residents. They are likely to overcharge, be close-mouthed, and suspect outsiders of being evil and dishonest. Cost: 10 points

4. Neutral.
Communities that take this attitude are generally subjected to a large transient population, like traders or other travelers. They are viewed as a necessary fact of life and might even be considered friends, but they are still outsiders. On an

S. Attitude Towards Outsiders
1. Reclusive Xenophobes.

These people hate and fear all outsiders and react by trying to remove themselves from all outside influences. If the community is invaded (defined as anyone who doesn't belong coming to town) the residents will react violently and attack. Cost: None

2. Aggressive Isolationists.
At first glance, this seems like a contradiction in terms, but this is the way many isolationist han-dle outsiders. The Coalition is a perfect example of this. They re-act to undesirables by attacking and destroying them. The war against Tolkeen is only the most recent instance of this policy in action. Cost: 5 points

3. Wary.
The inhabitants of this community are suspicious of non-residents. They are likely to overcharge, be close-mouthed, and suspect outsiders of being evil and dishonest. Cost: 10 points

4. Neutral.
Communities that take this attitude are generally subjected to a large transient population, like traders or other travelers. They are viewed as a necessary fact of life and might even be considered friends, but they are still outsiders. On an ideological level, all people are equal, but the villagers maintain a superior air. Cost: 20 points

5. Open Arms.
Outsiders are welcomed as total equals. As a matter of fact, the community has a high turnover rate, with people coming and going constantly. Cost: 45 point

T Racism
1. Racial Supremacists.

The Coalition typifies communities with this attitude. The town is made up of predominantly one race and members of any other race are considered worthless, if not attacked as monsters. Cost: None
2. Slave Owners.

This city uses members of other races as slaves. Abuse and mistreatment is commonplace and killing of slaves is completely legal, if a bad investment. The denizens of Atlantis hold this attitude. Cost: 5 points
3. Second Class Citizens.
The inhabitants of this community are rather diverse, but one group is dominant. They hold all of the power and look down on the others. the sub-races have some rights, but will always be discriminated against. Cost: 10 points

4. Coexistence.
This is a very unusual situation. Several dif-ferent races all live in the same area, yet retain their autonomy. Trade goes on between the different groups and they would come to the aid of the others, but the situation is somewhat simi-lar to present-day Europe. Cost: 25 points

5. Total Equality.
In communities that have this attitude, all people are treated as equals, regardless of race, species or beliefs. Lazio typifies this view. Cost: 45 points

U. Power Source
1. None.
This village expects the inhabitants to provide their own sources of power and heat. Cost: None

2. Basic Water.
This is basically the same as number one, except the town has developed simple hydro-power, like water wheels for certain businesses, or methods of irrigation. Cost: 3 points

3. Coal

This fossil fuel is utilized for the creation of power. Each building still has its own furnace, but the town sells coal, as opposed to the residents being required to cut their own wood. Cost: 5 points

4. Oil/Natural Gas.
A town with this resource has a central power plant with power lines linking the buildings to provide electricity. Cost: 10 points

5. Nuclear.
Nuclear power is one of the most efficient sources of power for a wilderness community, but it's expensive to acquire and maintain and potentially dangerous if something goes wrong. Cost: 35 points

6. Alternative Fuel.
This could take the form of solar power, advanced hydro-electric, or some other unique form of power. These forms have their advantages in being relatively cheap, but they usually don't provide much energy for the maintenance costs and are susceptible to destruction by invaders. Cost: 35 points

Other Information of Note
Each mercenary company should have a name; traditionally, the name includes the team leader's last name. Most will also have a logo/insignia, and banners. It's a good idea to come up with an owner/
commander, the commanding officers, and a few other key characters. Remember that interesting mercenaries, officers, medics, special operatives (like smugglers and spies) and other personnel can make the company and adventuring much more interesting. Mercenary companies, like all groups of people, will have a network of personal relationships, from respect and love to envy and hatred. The more colorful the detail, the greater the atmosphere.
A modern military Army "squad" is 10 soldiers. A squad can be sent on reconnaissance, seek and destroy missions, sabotage, escort, guard duty or "Special Operations." A mercenary squad (6 to 10 Soldiers of Fortune) can operate as a reconnaissance, etc. squad for a larger outfit, or as an independent, small mercenary force. On Rifts Earth, even a handful of warriors can wield a great diversity and amount (sometimes staggering) of power.


A modern military Army "platoon" has 40 troops typically divided into four squads of 10 soldiers each.
A modern military Army "company" has 160 troops divided into four platoons (40 soldiers) with four squads per platoon.
A modern military Army "battalion" has 640 troops, one H.Q and four or more companies.
A modern military Army "brigade" has 1920 troops, one H.Q and three or more battalions.
A modern military Army "division" has 5760 troops, one H.Q and three or more brigades.


Posted: Sat May 11, 2024 4:44 pm
Chaos Earth Child Solider O.C.C

part two


Posted: Sat May 18, 2024 9:47 pm
Chaos Earth Child solider

Chaos Earth Teen Survivor O.C.C

Listen I Don’t want to do this……. we have no choice.
Said the commander.

You and I know we lost so many men getting the civilian here
Said the Admin of underground base.

Did any of our personal many?
Ask the commander.

Yes, ……….but only 35 %.
Said the Admin of underground base.

It seems that we are not facing Nuclear war but something completely different event . Something no human being ever through of.

Said the Admin of underground base.

We have base personnel at 86 %.
The rest is at or above 100%, which is good.
Our population is 70% Teen or children sadly many parents didn’t’ survive or have not made. It has been over 6 months now. ………………So here how we should work it out.
We need man power and sadly because we western unlike the soviets, or African or Asia
We don’t put children to military training or survival schools. But You saw the video feed it started in South America two or one nuclear explosion then those line show up in minutes hit worldwide. And in minutes everything fell apart!!! We are losing badly if this keep up human will see a extinction level event like the dinosaurs!!!
So, we need to show the parents that money is out the window and we still can survive this. By adding personal the children we can train them in in six months to one year for those close adulthood from 16 to 19 years old with is 45% the rest are 15 to 13 years old .this bring us to 80% manpower with additional 25 % up in one to two years and with help of the other bunkers and maybe just maybe salvage gear as well .

We must show what is out there for the few parents that are with us and let them stop just focusing only on their family members but to the whole community. There is other area that we can cover as well with in the bunker as well. This way they see that safety is no longer here or any where ,It only a matter of time before we fall or stand together .let show them what happen to the other two bunkers ,money doesn’t guarantee anything now. Let me do this, and we can.

Said the Admin of underground base.

If you pull this off I back, you up on this .
Said the commander

The Child solider was never a new thing that happen, Chaos Earth Child solider
Still existed in Pre-Rifts earth mainly In Africa, Middle East, Asia and Pacific islands. But there was a twist these were train to be Child soldier. These become a rise more and more during Pre-rifts and later Chaos Earth. From black site to non-sanction operations to government or P.M.C, warlords etc. But stay mainly out of Western made Child solider train equip and ready but for if USA loss massive amount of troops compared to the partial equip ( unless by foreign government , black site ,non-sanction ,Terrorist organizations ,Para military groups to government front). Teenagers turn soldiers not by war but due to Chaos Earth.

PMC TYPE ... 1009891797 ... -766452920

high tech Militia or NSA or FBI/PMC ... 1009888663 ... 1009888677

US Government Draft ... -983098854 ... -729009284

civilian Militia or Post Rifts ... -447015832

partial / Light cyborg high tech Militia or PMC non sanction operations ... 1012475179 ... 1013621190

Militia ... -825782406

Modifiers varies with and are added !!

01-10% Child: (13). years old
Communications Expert yes
EOD/Demolitions Expert no
Soldier/Grunt yes
Point Man/Scout yes ADD+15 physical
Pigman/Heavy Weapons no
Transportation Specialist no
Medic no

Skill Modifiers:
As a child, the character does not yet have the strength. roll on the Child's Spell Modifier Table.
Child Attributes:
I.Q. 1D4+5,
M.E. 1D6+4 (+2 for girls),
M.A. 2D6,
P.S. 2D4+3,
P.P. 1D6+2, (+3 for girls),
P.E. 2D4+2,
P.B. 2D4+3,
Spd. 2D6+2

Starting P.P.E.: 6D6+30
Hit Points: 1D6+6. S.D.C.: 2D4 (boy), 1D6 (girl); the combined Hit Points and S.D.C. +24
Skill Modifiers:
Education & Skills: 1d4+1
Basic Math,
Literacy: Native Language (typically English or Spanish),
Computer Operation,
two Domestic Skills of choice or the
Physical skills of Running
Climbing, all at the base skill level.
Skills start at level one and advance with experience; no bonuses apply. Children tend to look toward older, bigger people to help take care of them. Experience Level Penalty: Needs to accumulate an extra 2000 points to make each new level.
Early Teens

Communications Expert yes
EOD/Demolitions Expert no
Soldier/Grunt yes
Point Man/Scout yes
Pigman/Heavy Weapons yes
Transportation Specialist yes
Medic yes

15-16 years old (1D4+12). Teen Attributes:

I.Q. 2D6+3,nine or higher add 1d6
M.E. 2D6 (+1D6 for girls),
M.A. 2D6, (+1D4 for girls),
P.S. 1D6+4 (+1D6 for boys),
P.P. 2D6,
P.E. 2D6,
P.B. 2D6, (+1D6 for girls),
Spd. 3D6+6.
Add bonuses at Late Teens.
Hit Points: 2D6+3. S.D.C.: 2D6 (+6 for boys +4 Girls ); the combined Hit Points and S.D.C.

Skill Modifiers:
Education & Skills: 2d4
Basic Math (+1D6%),
Literacy: Native Language (typically English or Spanish),
Land Navigation (+2%),
Bicycling (+4%),
Pilot Automobile (-5%),
Computer Operation (+10%),
Hand to Hand Combat: Basic,
two Science or Technical skills of choice,
two Domestic skills of choice
two Physical skills
Skills start at level one and advance with experience. Bonuses apply only where indicated. Experience Level Penalty: Needs to accumulate an extra 1200 points to make each new level.
Yes to all
Communications Expert
EOD/Demolitions Expert
Point Man/Scout
Pigman/Heavy Weapons
Transportation Specialist

Late Teens:
17 to 19 years old (pick one). All bonuses are added to the die rolls of the Early Teen. Attribute Bonuses: [/b]

I.Q. +3,
M.E. +2,
M.A. +1,
P.S. +2 girls (+4 for boys),
P.P. +1, (+4 for girls),
P.E. +2,
P.B. +2, (+1D6 for girls),
Spd. +1D4.

Hit Points Bonus: +1D6. S.D.C.
+1D6 (+6 for athletic boys); the combined Hit Points and S.D.C. +6
Skill Modifiers:
skills (2d4 +1). years old then 2d4+1 skills
Basic Math (+1D6%),
Literacy: Native Language (typically English or Spanish), Land Navigation (+4%),
Bicycling (+6%),
Pilot Automobile and one additional Pilot skill of choice
(conventional vehicles including Boats, Motorcycle, Hovercycle, Hover Craft, Water Skiing and Water Scooters),
Computer Operation (+12%),
Hand to Hand Combat: Basic,
two Science or three technical skills of choice,
three Domestic skills of choice
three Physical skills of choice
Skills start at level one and advance with experience. Bonuses apply only where indicated. Experience Level Penalty: Needs to accumulate an extra 600 points to make each new level.

all get the following
+1 to save vs magic, +3 to save vs Horror Factor, +1 to save vs possession. .

Write Native Language (typically English or Spanish in the US, English or French in Canada and Spanish and English in Mexico) at 86% +1% per level of experience.
Basic Math (+10%)
Climbing (+10%)
Land Navigation (+5%)
Lore: Demons & Monsters (+10%)
Hand to Hand: Basic (can be upgraded to Expert for the cost of two O.C.C. Related Skills or Martial Arts for the cost of three).
All get Starting P.P.E.: 5D6+12.

Attribute Requirements: look below,

Level of Skill
Common look below

01-20 % Normal
All modifier Gets 5% to all skills
21- 40 % Master skills
All modifier Gets 10 % to all skills.
41 -60% Honor students.
All modifier Gets 15% to all skills.
61 – 81% High honor student
All modifier Gets 20% to all skills.
80 – 00% High honor student base college level
All modifier Gets 25% to all skills

Bonus from Genetics Engineering Augmentation:

Remember that genetic engineering and human augmentation were the rage during the Golden Age of Science. That means 90% of the last two generations to join military were genetically "tweaked" in specific areas. These are not super-soldiers, but ordinary human beings who were modified and improved as a gestating fetus by parents who gave the best for their children. It was very common by this time this allow them to survive better than their parents .
Pick ONLY one set of genetic bonuses or roll percentile for random determination.
01-10% +1D4 to I.Q. and +2 to M.E.
11-30% +2 to I.Q. and +1D4 to M.E.
31-55% +1D6+3 to P.S. and +1D4 to P.E.
56-75% +1D4+3 to P.S. and +1D6 to Spd.
76-00% +1D4+2 to P.B. and +1D4 to physical attribute of choice.

instead of rolling 3d6 you can roll the following table DUE TO AGE

• 01-11% Brainy:
• 13-26% Strong-willed:
• 27-39% Charismatic:
• 40-51% Physically Strong:
• 52-65% Fast Reflexes and high
• 66-78% Great Endurance:
• 79-88% Pretty Boy/girl: model
• 89-00% Fast as Lightning:

01-11% Brainy :
I.Q . 1D6+18.
Get additional 1d6 Secondary Skills/ general skills only or 4 specific area except Physical. The player also get to choose a second MOS as well But the Maximum MOS is three with Secondary Skills:
There is also a only a 5%plus to all skills and IQ Bonus as well to all skills. Note in addition 1d6 skills Secondary Skills.

13-26% Strong-willed:
M.E. 1D6+ 19.

27-39% Charismatic:
MA 1D6+18
P.B. 1D6+14.

40-51% Physically Strong:
P.S 1D6+19 all
52-65% Fast Reflexes and high
P.P 1d6+19.
66-78% Great Endurance:
P.E. 1D6+19.
add 1d4x10 S.D.C
add 3d6 Hit points
79-88% Pretty Boy/girl: model
P.B. 1D6+19.
89-00% Fast as Lightning:
P.P 1d6+14.
Spd 19+6
Any 1d6 Physical ANY add 15% but not Body Building & Weightlifting Or Wrestling

Special Aptitude Bonuses Table
if roll a 11, 22, 33,44,55,66 and so one add only a second Special Aptitude, the most two !!!

MOS table

Select one of the following areas of specialty or roll percentile to make a random determination. If the random method is used and the character does not have the required minimum attribute, select skills that will bump it up to the re-quired amount, adjust a few attributes to meet the minimum, or roll again. All M.O.S. skills are in addition to O.C.C. and other skills. Note: The Communications Expert can use non-combat robot probes and the Point Man can use all types of robots from Combat Drones and Hounds to probes. The minimum
exact robots made available to him will depend on the assignment. The EOD Expert will have one or more weapons re-placed with explosives, including 1-4 Fusion Blocks

MOS table
Communications Expert ... 1007839396

EOD/Demolitions Expert ... -974781810

Soldier/Grunt ... -353146114 ... -782700750

Point Man/Scout ... -157032891 ... -113640771 ... -653852244

Pigman/Heavy Weapons ... -885695428 ... -798211127

Transportation Specialist ... -138975014

Medic ... -986564039 ... -980016572 ... -949706471

01-15% Communications Expert
Basic Electronics (+10%)
Command Robots (probes only)
Electronic Countermeasures (+10%)
Optic Systems or Surveillance Systems (+10%)
Radio: Basic (+20%)
Radio: Scramblers (+10%)
Read (& Operate) Sensory Equipment (+20%)
TV/Video or Computer Programming (+10%)

16-25% EOD/Demolitions
Expert: Requires an I.Q. of 10 and a P.P. of 12 or higher.
Basic Electronics (+20%)
Basic Mechanics (+15%)
Demolitions (+10%)
Demolitions Disposal (+15%)
Demolitions: Underwater (+8%)
Trap Construction
NBC Warfare (+5%)
W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons
26-50% Soldier/Grunt
Salvage (+5%)
Land Navigation (+8%)
One Physical skill of choice.
One Pilot skill of choice (+5%).
Upgrade First Aid to Paramedic (+10%).
Law: General (+10%)
W.P. Ancient of choice.
W.P. Modern of choice.
51-65% Point Man/Scout: Requires an I.Q. of 9 or higher; a high P.P. and Spd. are helpful.
Detect Ambush (+15%)
Detect Concealment (+10%)
Command Robots (any, but usually Combat Hound, Pup Scout or Probes)
Find Contraband (+6%)
Intelligence (+15%)
Land Navigation (+14%)
Prowl (+10%)
Surveillance Systems/Tailing (+15%)
Wilderness Survival (+10%)
W.P. Automatic Assault Rifle
Automatic Pistol
66-80% Pigman/Heavy Weapons: ... 1007839396
Requires a P.S. of 22 and a P.E. of 12 or higher.
Command Robots (one or two Combat Drone or Combat Hound to help carry heavy ammo drums, weapons and gear. Basically, function as the second man in a two-man fire team
Government use N.E.M.A , High Tech militia or PMC can use or other from rifts or custom design
Recognize Weapon Quality (+25%)
Weapon Systems (+10%)
W.P. Automatic Pistol
W.P. Heavy Weapons
W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons (including rail guns)
W.P. One of choice (any).
81-90% Transportation Specialist
Basic Mechanics (+10%)
Navigation (+10%)
Pilot: Automobile (+20%)
Motorcycle (+20%)
Pilot: Hover Craft (ground)
Hovercycle (+20%)
Pilot: Tanks & APCs (+20%)
Pilot: Trucks (+15%)
Pilot: Helicopter or Airplane (+15%)
Pilot: One of choice (+10%), excluding robots/power armor.
91-00% Medic:
Requires an I.Q. and P.P. of 11 or higher.
advanced Mathematics (+10%)
Brewing (+5%)
Biology (+5%)
Pathology (+10%)
Field Surgery (+5%)
Holistic Medicine
Chemistry: Analytical (+5%)
Medical Doctor (-5%) yes negative
O.C.C. Skills:
These are in addition to M.O.S. and reflect basic training.
ath: Basic
Military Etiquette (+20%)
Radio: Basic (+5%)
Computer Operation (+10%)
First Aid (+10%)
General Athletics
Climbing (+10%)
W.P. Knife (includes Vibro-Knives)
W.P. Energy Pistol
W.P. Energy Rifle
Hand to Hand: Basic, which can be changed to Expert at the cost of one "O.C.C. Related Skill" or Martial Arts (or Assassin if evil) for the cost of two skill selections.
O.C.C. Bonus:

+ 1 to save vs Horror Factor
P.P.E. Base Points for Player Characters Teenager (13-19 years old) 1D8+5 P.P.E.;

O.C.C. Related Skills: look above.
Either 1d4 or 2d4 0r 2d4+1
Communications: None.
Domestic: Any.
Electrical: Basic only.
Espionage: None, other than possible M.O.S. skills. Horsemanship: Any.
Mechanical: Automotive and Basic Mechanics only.
Medical: None, other than possible M.O.S. skills.
Military: Any (+10%), except Command Robots, Trap Construction and Trap Detection, unless provided under an M.O.S.
Physical: Any, except Acrobatics.
Pilot: Basic vehicle types only; the average grunt does not know how to drive a tank.
Pilot Related: None, other than possible M.O.S. skills. Rogue: Any.
Science: Advanced Math (+5%) and Astronomy only. Technical: Any (+5%).
W.P.: Any, except Sharpshooting.
Wilderness: Land Navigation and Wilderness Survival only.
Secondary Skills:
The character also gets two Secondary Skills at levels one, five, ten, and fifteen. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parentheses. All start at the base skill level and nor-mal restrictions apply.
Standard Equipment:

M.D.C fatigues and M.D.C dress uniform, standard M.D.C. body armor, standard M.D. conventional weapons or LSR-250 Laser Rifle or LGR-360 laser rifle, conventional S.D.C. assault rifle and grenade launcher combo, PLP "Police Special" laser pistol, four extra E-Clips for each and one power pack, two smoke grenades, one tear gas grenade, two explosive grenades, three flares, one Vibro-Knife (officers get a Knife and Saber), survival knife (1D6 S.D.C.), utility belt, canteen, First Aid medical kit, pocket computer, flashlight, disposable cigarette lighter, air filter & gas mask, walkie-talkie, and some personal items. Robots are available only to a couple specific M.O.S.s and the exact number (usually one or two) and type varies de-pending on the mission. Sometimes Command may decide
that no robots are necessary or available, other times they may provide more than usual, especially if the team faces stiff opposition.
Additional weapons, heavy weapons, explosives, gear and vehicles may be made available for special and specific assignments. The "team" or "squad" will usually have one ba-sic military vehicle, such as a truck, jeep or hover jeep, available to it or some means of transportation provided. However, many assignments, including reconnaissance, city patrols and rescue missions, are on foot and may cover miles and miles of territory.
The soldier gets a roof over his head, food, clothing, and all other basics provided for free as part of his employment benefits, as well as access to offices and military facilities. Monthly salary was 1,800 credits, plus combat pay, but the cataclysm makes available funds scarce. Under the circumstances, the character only has access to basic equipment and services, whatever special gear NEMA can muster for special missions (sometimes nothing) and pay is one tenth normal (180 credits a month), mainly as an incentive for morale. Character starts off with 5D6x100 credits.
Cybernetics: limited
typically has a identification implant (under the skin of the forearm or/and back of the neck), bio-comp self-monitoring system, gyro-compass and clock calendar implants.


Posted: Thu May 23, 2024 10:27 pm
WAR Child

Part four

Before chaos earth

Well just drop from space watchful eye but only three made it Control.
Said astronaut Williams.
Event was by man made; we force to leave station and drop in the middle of Africa Control.

This is Control you are in hot zone we will have in less then one a temporary sub orbit satellite just for then in two hours a geo-sat but for get what you need move north ASAP!!over

You target force to drop in that area you are now
Please be advised …. move now !!


We are getting on move now are groups are here Over
Said astronaut Williams.

There a few chinse operations as well as Russian there are many gangs’ bandits and warlords head north
There is small UN outpost they will meet u halfway point
But hurry we seen many heat signature there some who help heading north
This was no accident.
Destroy what you can leave area.

Control Over

We been in the move north and destroy drop carpel Over
Said astronaut Williams.

After 2 hours

Control Over

Said astronaut Williams.

They were resting but did not realize that a large group of Militia working with UN outpost was able to reach them. This Militia went down stream and was able to reach the astronauts. Still when all clear up for there was a moment that the astronauts were caught.

Still when clear they were allies and late contacted Control. After six hours of stay away from many infrared signature told by control. It led to climbing a cliff where there 39 Allied militia and 36 additional on top of cliff

This is control are you able to see from south of your position heavy activity ,over.
Said control.

Yes it seem there infighting about five miles we can it
Said astronaut Williams.

As Williams could hear from militia
Please no green flares over and over via the translator

astronaut Williams. Ask why.
All reply Tikoloshe, Tikolosh, Tokoloshe, Tokolotshe, Thokolosi, or Hili

Williams didn’t understand ,he was told all faction had to in fight and stop these small demons under five feet tall
Then there was massive amount of fission block explosion left and right
That when several faction fired green flares and did the militia

Why are you given away our position !!!!
Said astronaut Williams.

If we don’t the other faction will think w are allies with demons and not good
Three guides will go with you, the rest will stay and hold the line we have high ground and holding base to climb cliff will slow them down.
These demons want bounty so they kill Russian troops, Chinese troop , any PMC , militia and village in their path
They love jungle or urban areas!! Close quarter combat they hate deserts so RUN NOW!!

As they all ran using ex suits they move but before leaving seen massive amount of explosion mainly fusion bombs ,sadly anyone that sadly was never heard from again. Their several factions involved. They were chines, Russian, gangs’, bandits, warlords and theirs allies militia as well but the one that came on top were the Tikoloshe, Tikolosh, Tokoloshe, Tokolotshe, Thokolosi, or Hili they all had their own infamous name but all work together as one .They move under the jungle canopy not seen well in satellite , as locus they move .But they escape to UN out post where US forces were there along side Un Combat troops and their allies militia .None capture during their attempt just cybernetic wreckage was left .

It was later found out chines, Russian, warlords were in a biding who can capture them ,And to bring to that faction . The bounty kept going up and up till it reach a whopping 3 million credits per head alive and unharmed astronaut.

This the saddest and darkest part where technology is used wrong on children in war torn countries and warlord state as well as terrorist groups to black station or non-sanction operations. Places like Africa, Middle east and Asia. This even meant hiring by small PMC groups as cannon folder or false flag operations. These were countries like China, Russia, middle eastern countries. Sadly, as well when chaos earth happens there were few who either by force or desperation join these were made as well but had better condition in some area of western countries!!!

In Africa they are called many names Tikoloshe, Tikolosh, Tokoloshe, Tokolotshe, Thokolosi, or Hili due to dwarf-like. They attack in packs ,fast deadly not a care in the world to get what they want done .Even if they have to die for the pack to win this makes them deadly in jungle to Urban combat .Their small size throws off IFF and other of due to size due to this making first strike to infantry deadly or man size power amour .Their size allow some advantages able to carry up to three time due to size and weight. ... -422979185
normal war child

Modifiers varies with and are added !! ... -830119959

mainly high P.P and P.S for close combat

Child: (12 to 19). years old ... -491291644

small child for urban combat or jungle setting high in PP or SPD

As a child, the character does not yet have the strength. roll on the Child's Spell Modifier Table.

Child Attributes:
I.Q. 1D6+5,
M.E. 1D6+5 (+3 for girls),
M.A. 2D6,
P.E. 2D4+2,
P.B. 1D4
Spd. NA

Pick one
Child: (12 - 14). years old
Hand to Hand: Replace Expert to Basic , only

P.P.E.: 1d4 all
Hit Points: 1D6+6. S.D.C.: 2D6 (boy), 1D6 (girl);

15-16 years old (1D4+12). Teen Attributes
Hit Points: 2D6+3. S.D.C.: 3D6 (+6 for boys +4 Girls );

17 to 19 years old
Hit Points Bonus: +4D6. S.D.C.
+1D6 (+6 for boys);

Education & Skills:
Basic Math,
Literacy: Native Language
Computer Operation,
two Domestic Skills of choice
reed Dogs — 40%/20%+5%
Climbing, all at the base skill level.
Skills start at level one and advance with experience; no bonuses apply.

. ... -489009648

small child for urban combat

O.C.C Skills
Math: Basic (+10%)
Radio: Basic (+10%)
Land Navigation (+15%)
Wilderness Survival (+10%)
Climbing (+5%)
General Repair & Maintenance (+15%)
Read Sensory Equipment (+10%)
Pilot skill of choice (+10%); excluding robot and power armor skills.
W.P. Energy Rifle
W.P. One Ancient Weapon of choice.
W.P. One Modern
Energy Weapon of choice.
Hand to Hand: Expert, only

O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 1D4+1 other skills,

plus select one additional skill at levels 3, 6, 9, and 12. All new skills start at
level one proficiency. ... -441936958
small child for urban combat

Communications: Any (+10%).
Cowboy: None.
Domestic: Any.
Electrical: None.
Espionage: Intelligence and Detect Concealment. Detect Ambush, Detect Concealment, Escape Artist, Pick Locks, Pick Pockets, Sniper, Tracking (people), Wilderness Survival
Horsemanship: General only.
Mechanical: None.
Medical: First Aid and Brewing only (+5%).
Military: Field Armorer & Munitions Expert, Camouflage, Field Armorer & Munitions Expert, Find Contraband, Military Etiquette,,, Parachuting, Trap/Mine Detection ONLY
Physical: Any that are still appropriate.
Pilot: Any (+5%); except robot, power armor, and military.
Pilot Related: Any.
Rogue: Computer Operation, Computer Programming, Computer Hacking, Find Contraband (+10%), Ventriloquism (+5%), Concealment, Gambling, Palming, Pick Locks, Pick Pockets, Streetwise, Tailing, and Prowl only.
Science: Astronomy, Biology and Advanced Math only.
Technical None
W.P.: Any.
Wilderness: Any. ... -488832504
similar to city Rat
Secondary Skills:
The character also gets to select 1d4 secondary skills from the list, excluding those marked "None," at level one and one additional skill at levels 4, 8, and 12.
These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parentheses. All secondary skills start at the base skill level. ... -838218111

child mercenary called the pack

Standard Equipment:
Light to medium M.D.C. body armor, M.D.C poncho 25 or M.D.C cloak 30 M.D.C, tinted goggles 10 M.D.C , air filter 10 M.D.C, flashlight, cigarette lighter, pocket magnifying glass, pocket mirror, 100 feet(30.5 m) of heavy cord or cable, small portable tool kit, language translator (unless built-in), two utility belts, knapsack, backpack, four small sacks, 1D4 large sacks, and two canteens and some personal items. Weapons: Survival knife and

typical partial 'Borg sees only 40-55% of his body replaced by synthetic parts, the rest remains human. Ironically, these human parts of-ten become spectacularly important to the partial 'Borg, some-times to the point that one may wonder

one for each W.P. skill, and four additional E-Clips/ammo clips for each, plus 6 flares.
LE-B1 Light Espionage Armor: 135 M.D.C.
Slave Armor: 70 M.D.C.
No vehicle to start. ... -651943284
Augmented war child mainly heavy weapons [/spoiler}

Statistics for Partial Cyborgs

Money: Varies mainly from bunties share equally

Bionics & Cybernetics: ... -387986436

Melee combat war child
Starts with a pair of bionic legs and one or two (player's choice) bionic arms. As for additional items, he or she gets as many as half the total number of possible bionic features listed in the opening under Statistics for Partial Cyborgs. HOWEVER, if the character only takes one third that number (round down), it means he/she has savings in the amount of 400,000 credits that can be applied to other bionic improvement in the way of M.D.C. and increased at-tributes, or saved for repairs and upgrades in the future
• Size & Shape

M.D.C. of Limbs:
All start at half of the possible maximum amount of M.D.C. for the Partial Cyborg O.C.C., i.e., a bionic hand starts at 25 because the range is 20-50, a bionic leg 45 M.D.C. because the range is 35-90. Additional M.D.C. may be purchased at any time (provided a facility is available) throughout the character's lifetime.
Hand: 20-50 M.D.C
Forearm Arm: 10-50 M.D.C.
Forearm Weapon: 20-40 M.D.C.
Upper Arm: 30-70 M.D.C
Foot: 15-20 M.D.C
Leg: 35-90 M.D.C.
Head: 30-90 M.D.C.
Main Body Partial Reconstruction:
Requires body armor to protect one's flesh and blood body. Essentially, the main body isn't bionic, it remains flesh and blood. Can wear light bionic armor or conventional body armor.
Higher Cybernetic Limits
Thus, they could have attribute maximums as high as P.S. 30, P.P. 26, and Speed 200

Weapons & Features Possible
• Hand: one if small and not weapons
• Wrist: One.
• Knuckles: One each.
• Fingers: One weapon or another feature (sensor, camera, etc.) per each digit.
• Forearm: Two, typically a forearm blaster and a concealed weapon, often a pair of retractable forearm Vibro-Blades and medium or light range weapon IF heavy then one no melee weapons .
• Shoulder & Upper Arm: two small non-weapon feature Legs & Locomotion:
Typically, human or humanoid in configuration, though other possibilities are available (see Bionics section for options).
•Maximum Speed Attribute: Starts with a speed of 35 (25 mph/40 km), but the maximum is 58 (40 mph/64 km). Can leap 10 feet ) high and 20 feet across; increase by 50 % with a running start. A partial cyborg cannot tolerate the strain of anything faster, and there would be painful complications.

Only full conversion cyborgs can have higher stats. Cost: 1,500 credits per point above 35. Other Leg Attributes: P.S. & P.P. start at 12, but the maximum is 20. Cost: 2,000 credits per point above 12.
• Foot: Clawed toes and blades only (similar to the hand and applicable to kick attacks only

•Leg: Two weapon systems and one small compartment, or 3-5 compartments of varying sizes and/or other features, like sensors, hooks, etc.
Available Cyborg Armor Types
LL-SB Light Labor Slave Borg Armor: 70 M.D.C.
• Head: Six maximum, 3-4 if large.
• Eyes: Multi-Optics eyes or eyes with as many as three enhanced optic features each. The often referred to HUD or picture in picture display feature comes standard with all bionic eyes and does not count as one of the three sections. HUD is not standard in cybernetic eyes and not pos-sible in Bio-System eyes.
• Ears: Three.
• Mouth/Jaw: Two.
• Neck: Two.
•Chest: Two.
Cosmetics (general body) limited

Penalties of Partial Reconstruction:
Simulated sense of touch is a mere 10%. Prowl is difficult and suffers a penalty of -10%. Likewise, skills like surgery and pick pockets or locksmith are also - 5%. The average weight combined with the average body is 150-225 pounds and CAN 2D4 inches to original height.


Posted: Thu May 23, 2024 10:37 pm
PART FIVE ... -838218111

Location Africa
As a child, the character does not yet have the strength. roll on the Child's Spell Modifier Table.
Pick one
Child Attributes:
I.Q. 1D6+5,
M.E. 1D6+5 (+3 for girls),
M.A. 2D6,
P.E. 2D4+2,
P.B. 1D4
Spd. NA

Child: (12 - 14). years old
P.P.E.: 1d4 all
Hit Points: 1D6+6. S.D.C.: 2D6 (boy), 1D6 (girl);

15-16 years old
(1D4+12). Teen Attributes
Hit Points: 2D6+3. S.D.C.: 3D6 (+6 for boys +4 Girls );

17 to 19
years old
Hit Points Bonus: +4D6. S.D.C.
+1D6 (+6 for boys);

Education & Skills:
Basic Math,
Literacy: Native Language
Computer Operation,
two Domestic Skills of choice
Breed Dogs — 40%/20%+5%
Climbing, all at the base skill level.
Skills start at level one and advance with experience; no bonuses apply.


O.C.C Skills
Math: Basic (+10%)
Radio: Basic (+10%)
Land Navigation (+15%)
Wilderness Survival (+10%)
Climbing (+5%)
General Repair & Maintenance (+15%)
Read Sensory Equipment (+10%)
Pilot skill of choice (+10%); excluding robot and power armor skills.
W.P. Energy Rifle
W.P. One Ancient Weapon of choice.
W.P. One Modern
Energy Weapon of choice.
Hand to Hand: Expert, only
O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 1D4+1 other skills,
plus select one additional skill at levels 3, 6, 9, and 12. All new skills start at
level one proficiency.
O.C.C. Related Skills:
Select 1D4+1 other skills,
plus select one additional skill at levels 3, 6, 9, and 12. All new skills start at
level one proficiency.

Communications: Any (+10%).
Cowboy: None.
Domestic: Any.
Electrical: None.
Espionage: Intelligence and Detect Concealment. Detect Ambush, Detect Concealment, Escape Artist, Pick Locks, Pick Pockets, Sniper, Tracking (people), Wilderness Survival
Horsemanship: General only.
Mechanical: None.
Medical: First Aid and Brewing only (+5%).
Military: Field Armorer & Munitions Expert, Camouflage, Field Armorer & Munitions Expert, Find Contraband, Military Etiquette,,, Parachuting, Trap/Mine Detection ONLY
Physical: Any that are still appropriate.
Pilot: Any (+5%); except robot, power armor, and military.
Pilot Related: Any.
Rogue: Computer Operation, Computer Programming, Computer Hacking, Find Contraband (+10%), Ventriloquism (+5%), Concealment, Gambling, Palming, Pick Locks, Pick Pockets, Streetwise, Tailing, and Prowl only.
Science: Astronomy, Biology and Advanced Math only.
Technical None
W.P.: Any.
Wilderness: Any.

Secondary Skills:
The character also gets to select 1d4 secondary skills from the list, excluding those marked "None," at level one and one additional skill at levels 4, 8, and 12.
These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parentheses. All secondary skills start at the base skill level
Standard Equipment:
Light to medium M.D.C. body armor look below , M.D.C poncho 25 or M.D.C cloak 30 M.D.C, tinted goggles 10 M.D.C , air filter 10 M.D.C, flashlight, cigarette lighter, pocket magnifying glass, pocket mirror, 100 feet(30.5 m) of heavy cord or cable, small portable tool kit, language translator (unless built-in), two utility belts, knapsack, M.D.C backpack, four small sacks, 1D4 M.D.C large sacks, and two canteens and some personal items. Weapons: Survival knife

typical partial 'Borg sees only 40-55% of his body replaced by synthetic parts, the rest remains human. Ironically, these human parts of-ten become spectacularly important to the partial 'Borg, some-times to the point that one may wonder.

one for each W.P. skill, and four additional E-Clips/ammo clips for each, plus 6 flares.
Look below
No vehicle to start.

Statistics for Partial Cyborgs

Money: mainly Bounties

Bionics & Cybernetics:
Starts with a pair of bionic legs and one or two (player's choice) bionic arms. As for additional items, he or she gets as many as half the total number of possible bionic features listed in the opening under Statistics for Partial Cyborgs. HOWEVER, if the character only takes one third that number (round down), it means he/she has savings in the amount of 400,000 credits that can be applied to other bionic improvement in the way of M.D.C. and increased at-tributes, or saved for repairs and upgrades in the future

• Size & Shape

M.D.C. of Limbs: All start at half of the possible maximum amount of M.D.C. for the Partial Cyborg O.C.C., i.e., a bionic hand starts at 25 because the range is 20-50, a bionic leg 45 M.D.C. because the range is 35-90. Additional M.D.C. may be purchased at any time (provided a facility is available) throughout the character's lifetime.
Hand: 20-50 M.D.C
Forearm Arm: 10-50 M.D.C.
Forearm Weapon: 20-40 M.D.C.
Upper Arm: 30-70 M.D.C
Foot: 15-20 M.D.C
Leg: 35-90 M.D.C.
Head: 30-90 M.D.C.
Main Body Partial Reconstruction:
Requires body armor to protect one's flesh and blood body. Essentially, the main body isn't bionic, it remains flesh and blood. Can wear light bionic armor or conventional body armor.

Weapons & Features Possible
• Hand: one if small and not weapons
• Wrist: One.
• Knuckles: One each.
• Fingers: One weapon or another feature (sensor, camera, etc.) per each digit.
• Forearm: Two, typically a forearm blaster and a concealed weapon, often a pair of retractable forearm Vibro-Blades and medium or light range weapon IF heavy then one no melee weapons .
• Shoulder & Upper Arm: two small non-weapon feature Legs & Locomotion:
Typically, human or humanoid in configuration, though other possibilities are available (see Bionics section for options).
•Maximum Speed Attribute: Starts with a speed of 35 (25 mph/40 km), but the maximum is 58 (40 mph/64 km). Can leap 10 feet ) high and 20 feet across; increase by 50 % with a running start. A partial cyborg cannot tolerate the strain of anything faster, and there would be painful complications.

Only full conversion cyborgs can have higher stats. Cost: 1,500 credits per point above 35. Other Leg Attributes: P.S. & P.P. start at 12, but the maximum is 20. Cost: 2,000 credits per point above 12.
Side Effects
there a 30% of getting bad /Rush job roll and yes it can be fix but bat half the cost
Roll on the expanded table for side effects every time an implant or bionic item is installed or repaired at a disreputable Body-Chop-Shop (which is easily one third to half).
No serious problems, although suffered from unnecessary aches and bruises for 1D4 weeks after the operation.
Minor, but unnecessary scarring. Will heal with little trace within 3D6 weeks; until then, reduce P.B. by 1D4 points.
Neurological or chemical side effect or incapacitation. The subject of the cybernetic enhancement/surgery suffers from dizziness and headache for 2D6 weeks after the installa-tion; penalties are -4 on initiative, -5% on all skills and reduce speed by 10%. There is nothing that can be done to fix this other than wait till it passes.
Permanent and unnecessary scarring. Reduce P.B. attribute by one point.
A specific, non-life-threatening implant or bionic part malfunctions on a regular basis, often at the most inopportune times. This means the long-range listening capabilities of an Amplified Ear fails (can't hear anything softer than 40 deci-bels or hearing cuts out completely for 2D4 melee rounds), or the range is halved or there is interference — a swishing or crack-ling sound, perhaps, that impairs the hearing. Reduction of bo-nuses from the cyber-item may also be applicable (reduce by half or zero when malfunctioning).
A vital prosthetic, organ, weapon or bionic piece of equipment periodically malfunctions. Reduce its abilities, speed, bonuses, range, and/or damage by half for 1D6 minutes. May be prone to failure when under increased stress or at regular intervals (i.e., every 6 or 12 or 32 hours, or some such).
Faulty Hardware: Prosthetics are a bit stiff, reduce P.P. of that unit by one. Implants and sensors are not quite up to full efficiency, reduce ranges, percentile levels, and abilities by 10%. Targeting system may be off instead, provides no bonuses whatsoever, and if really bad, may be -1 to strike, -1 to disarm and/or -1 on initiative.
Faulty hardware: Chronic stiffness in joints for prosthetic limbs. Legs: Speed is 10% less than what the character paid for and -1 to dodge. Arms and/or hands: P.P. is 10% less than what the character paid for and -1 to parry or -5% to skills requiring manual dexterity and athleticism.
91-95%: Chronic Weapon Problem: Slight hesitation before firing, -1 on initiative, or there may be a 1D4+1 second delay in getting data readings and between radio transmissions.
Chronic pain, reduce P.E. by one point, and S.D.C. by 1D4. Permanent penalty unless 50% or more of the cybernetic/bionic components of the character are removed and re-placed

• Foot: Clawed toes and blades only (similar to the hand and applicable to kick attacks only

•Leg: Two weapon systems and one small compartment, or 3-5 compartments of varying sizes and/or other features, like sensors, hooks, etc.

Armor Types
Available Cyborg Armor Types
LL-SB Light Labor Slave Borg Armor: 70 M.D.C.
• Head: Six maximum, 3-4 if large.
• Eyes: Multi-Optics eyes or eyes with as many as three enhanced optic features each. The often referred to HUD or picture in picture display feature comes standard with all bionic eyes and does not count as one of the three sections. HUD is not standard in cybernetic eyes and not pos-sible in Bio-System eyes.
• Ears: Three.
• Mouth/Jaw: Two.
• Neck: Two.
•Chest: Two.

only THE PACK have this systems but can be acquired
Neural Aggression Modulator Control (NAMC):
The Neural Aggression Modulator Control is a brain implant in the animal and in its assigned field operative/soldier. The NAMC does more than make the bionic animal subservient to that person, it make the animal see him as one of its own kind. In the case of pack and herd animals like horses and canines, the animal sees its human or cyborg companion as the pack leader and is completely subservient to him. More than that, just being around that individual makes the animal feel calm, safe and happy. This gives the creature’s “assigned human” close to absolute control over the animal. It will follow him into a blazing inferno, a hail of gunfire and follows commands, even when frightened, angry or injured. The Neural Aggression Modulator Control has even proven effective in maintaining influence and control over wild animals notorious for being difficult to tame and domesticate such as bears, falcons, hawks and eagles. Large predatory felines like snow leopards and alien animals from beyond the Rifts are being considered for the next phase in experimentation in this area.

This is a unique system in that it has components built into a human cyborg and the cyborg animal(s) he controls with it. This is unique in that it has been experimenting with augmenting animals with cybernetics and bionics. Much like human cyborgs, body parts of the animal are replaced with bionics, making it a tough and deadly M.D.C. companion and attack animal. This comes with a number of potential hazards, particularly in controlling the now Mega-Damage beast. The answer is the NAMC system wired into the brain of the cyborg animal. The NAMC stimulates the pleasure center of the animal’s brain just by it hearing its handler’s voice, while other tones and voice commands trigger aggression, pain receptors or reduces aggression to calm the creature down, all via the revolutionary NAMC. Each cyborg animal - up to four per handler - is attuned to its human handler, including the tones of his or her voice, scent, and other characteristics so that the animal accepts the handler without hesitation as its alpha leader or mate. The NAMC influence can be used to keep the animal calm under fire and override its fight or flight instincts, to run through fire, attack with instant and maximum aggression, and so on.
There is considerable debate as to whether this process and the NAMC is unfair and cruel to the animals, but that’s another matter. The animals have proven to be reliable companions, scouts and guard and attack animals, and suitable on creatures that are not normally domesticated, such as mountain lions, bears, and eagles.
The human cyborg can communicate via spoken word or radio transmission. Each module has a unique electronic signature and radio frequency, requiring that all animals linked to it match. This prevents enemies from trying to use captured or stolen cyborg animals and retrain them for their own use; it won’t work. The animals only obey their handler and a backup person. This is still a very dangerous experiment, and though cyborg animals have proven to be very obedient to their initial handler and able to follow his commands very well, like a highly trained performance animal, they are not easily re-calibrated to a new handler and reap severe damage when they go off-line and on a rampage.
Bonuses: Animals are very obedient and responsive to their designated handler. The animal typically gets the following bonuses
regardless of type: +1 attack per melee, +1 on initiative, +1 to strike and dodge

Cosmetics (general body) limited

Penalties of Partial Reconstruction:
Simulated sense of touch is a mere 10%. Prowl is difficult and suffers a penalty of -10%. Likewise, skills like surgery and pick pockets or locksmith are also - 5%. The average weight combined with the average body is 150-225 pounds and CAN 2D4 inches to original height.

Standard Equipment:
Light to medium M.D.C. body armor, M.D.C poncho 25 or M.D.C cloak 30 M.D.C, tinted goggles 10 M.D.C , air filter 10 M.D.C, flashlight, cigarette lighter, pocket magnifying glass, pocket mirror, 100 feet(30.5 m) of heavy cord or cable, small portable tool kit, back up language translator (unless built-in), two utility belts, knapsack, backpack, four small sacks, 1D4 large sacks, and two canteens and some personal items. Weapons: Survival knife and
typical partial 'Borg sees only 40-55% of his body replaced by synthetic parts, the rest remains human. Ironically, these human parts of-ten become spectacularly important to the partial 'Borg, some-times to the point that one may wonder

one for each W.P. skill, and four additional E-Clips/ammo clips for each, plus 6 flares.


LE-B1 Light Espionage Armor: 1
35 M.D.C. leader and commanders will this
Slave Armor:
70 M.D.C. rest and M.D.C clothing

Homemade M.D.C. Armor
very common will have 1d6
Homemade or piecemeal armor (also referred to as "hodgepodge" armor) is typically composite armor made from M.D.C. animal hides and bone, and pieces salvaged from modern armor or specially ordered. Salvage pieces are typically ceramic or alloy vambraces, helmets, and arm, shoulder, leg and chest plates. Unfortunately, homemade armor usually looks it, and is never environmental armor (has none of the usual features noted previously). However, some customized homemade armor looks very nice and may have a more traditional or classical "knight" design and styling.
• M.D.C. Range: 30-45 for light armor;
50-65 for medium armor.
70 – 90 Heavy armor is possible.
• Weight: 25-35 pounds (11.2 to 15.7 kg).
Fair mobility; a penalty of -10% applies to the skills prowl, climb, swim, acrobatics, and gymnastics.
• Cost: 8,000 credits. Good availability even in wilderness regions.

Trapper Body Armor
A high-tech, non-environmental body armor worn by hunters, trappers, loggers and other "working" individuals who must spend time away from the relative protection of their village or city, and who want a light, mobile suit. The armor resembles a suit of quilted or padded armor with chest plates, and forearm plates with elbow protection. The thighs and lower legs are also protected by plates and each arm has a retractable
Vibro-Blade is built into the forearm vambrace, which is used for self-defense or work.
• M.D.C.: 55
• Weight: 10 pounds (4.5 kg)
• Vibro-Blades inflict 2D4 M.D. each.
• Superior mobility, no penalties! • Cost: 12,000 credits. Excellent availability
No vehicle to start.

7.56mm AK-47 Assault Rifle:
The AK-47, officially known as the Avtomat Kalashnikov (Russian: Автомат Калашникова, lit. 'Kalashnikov's automatic [rifle]'; also known as the Kalashnikov or just AK), is a gas-operated assault rifle that is chambered for the 7.62×39mm cartridge. Developed in the Soviet Union by Russian small-arms designer Mikhail Kalashnikov, it is the originating firearm of the Kalashnikov (or "AK") family of rifles. After more than seven decades, the AK-47 model and its variants remain the most popular and widely used rifles in the world.

The number "47" refers to the year the rifle was finished. Design work on the AK-47 began in 1945. It was presented for official military trials in 1947, and, in 1948, the fixed-stock version was introduced into active service for selected units of the Soviet Army. In early 1949, the AK was officially accepted by the Soviet Armed Forces[9] and used by the majority of the member states of the Warsaw Pact.

The model and its variants owe their global popularity to their reliability under harsh conditions, low production cost (compared to contemporary weapons), availability in virtually every geographic region, and ease of use. The AK has been manufactured in many countries, and has seen service with armed forces as well as irregular forces and insurgencies throughout the world. As of 2004, "of the estimated 500 million firearms worldwide, approximately 100 million belong to the Kalashnikov family, three-quarters of which are AK-47s". The model is the basis for the development of many other types of individual, crew-served and specialized firearms
5D6 S.D.C. per single shot or 1D6x10 per three round short burst.
Solid slug rounds
Heavy Solid slug rounds
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D PER ROUND reduce range by 30%

Hyper Velocity rounds
Double the range.

Effective Range:
1000 feet (305 m).
30 round magazines
50 round magazines
60 round magazines
Gun Repair Kit:
This is a 4 pound (1.8 kg) gun repair kit. Each tool is fitted into a separate loop and there's plenty of room for spare bolts, screws, springs and cleaning rods. Contained in a 12 inch by 8 inch by 2 inch (30x20x5 cm) case. Can be attached to a harness or worn over the shoulder with strap, which is included. 250 credits.

RPG-7 An old standby of guerrilla and third world forces across the planet, the RPG-7 is another ancient weapon reproduced . It is a simplistic, unsophisticated weapon that consists of a launcher and trigger assembly, and a range-finding optical sight with passive nightvision sight (2000 foot/610 m range) for nighttime use. When fired, large knife-like fins spring out from the rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) round to stabilize it in flight. The system is reasonably accurate when there are no crosswinds, but because the RPGs are "dumb," or unguided, they are erratic in windy conditions (-2 to strike). It was decided to reproduce this weapon because it is durable, reliable and effective against S.D.C. fortifications and does light Mega-Damage. The weapon can withstand the extreme cold of arctic conditions, the humidity of the jungle and the hot, dusty conditions of a desert environment. Moreover, the RPG-7 MARKII weapon is simple to operate, any right-handed individual can be taught to use it in less than an hour (note that gas generated from rocket launch is vented through a hole on the left side of the launcher, which inflicts 3D6xlO S.D.C'/1 M.D. to the head of anyone attempting left-handed firing) and is inexpensive to make.

Weight: 17 Ibs (7.7 kg).
2D4xl0 S.D.C. for fragmentation to a 20 foot (6.1 m) blast radius,
1d4x100 S.D.C. (equal to 104 M.D.) for Armor-Piercing/HEA T,
4D6 M.D. for a Light Explosive Mega-Damage rocket-grenade
6D6 M.D. for a High Explosive Mega-Damage rocket-grenade.
1d4x10 M.D. plasma warhead light
1d5x10 M.D. plasma warhead heavy
Rate of Fire: One shot per melee round; reloadable.
Effective Range: 3000 feet (914 m).
Payload: One.
A trained operator can reload the weapon in just under one melee round, meaning that the RPG-7 can be reloaded and fired once every melee round. A two-man team with one designated person to reload can fire the weapon twice per melee round, the act of reloading taking two melee actions plus one action to aim and fire.
Cost: 20,000 credits for the launcher.
S.D.C. Fragmentation RPG:
100 credits., High Explosive (104 M.D.): 180 credits, or M.D. Plasma RPG (4D6 M.D.): 350 credit

Fusion Blocks.
A fusion block is a little square case about the size of a hand-held computer. On top of the block is a small keypad for programming the time of detonation. An automatic 30 second delay is built into each fusion bomb as a safety feature to avoid instant detonation
Mega-Damage: There are three types of fusion block bombs.
Type One: ID4x lO M.D . weighs 8 Ibs (3.6kg).
Type Two: 2D6x l 0 M.D.; weighs 12 Ibs(5.4 m).
Type Three: 4D6x l 0 M.D.C. weighs 16 Ibs(7. 1 kg).
Blast radius: Contained to a 10-foot (3 m) diameter.
Effective Range: Fusion blocks are made for placement, not throwing, or shooting. However, one can try throwing the explosive; typical range is ID6x lO feet (3- 8 m); blocks are not aerodynamic.

Money: varies GM

Cyborg Canine Stats

The following stats are for the standard cybernetic dog. Specific weapons and bionic features may vary a bit from animal to animal. These are base of Russian design when using Back-Mounted Energy Weapon.
Class: Enhanced Cybernetic Animal - Light Machine.
Crew: One trained and domesticated canine; typically a large breed dog, but sometimes a medium-sized canine. Common breeds are described above.
M.D.C. by Location:
* Head - 80
Legs (4) - 50 each
Tail - 5
* Back-Mounted Ion or Laser Blaster - 50
** Main Body - 90
* A single asterisk denotes a target that is small and difficult to hit. A called shot is required and even then the attacker is -3 to strike. Destroying the head of the cyborg will kill the animal.
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will effectively destroy the animal.
Running: 90 mph (144 km) maximum and tires at one-third the usual amount. Dogs like to run, but trained cyborg dogs resist that impulse and stay with their human partner/pack master until commanded otherwise.
Leaping: Bionic legs allow the dog to leap 10 feet (3 m) high and up to 25 feet (7.6 m) lengthwise. Increase height or distance by 50% with a running start of at least 60 mph (96 km).
Not possible.

Water Capabilities:
Swim on the surface at 24 mph (38.4 km). No underwater capabilities.
Statistical Data:

Varies w
ith breed. Below is the average size of large breed canine Cyborgs.
Height: 2 feet, 6 inches to 3 feet (0.8 to 0.9 m) to the shoulders. Width: One foot, 6 inches (0.5 m).
Length: 4-5 feet from snout to rump (1.2 to 1.5 m). Tail is additional.
Weight (Full Conversion Cyborg): 300-400 pounds (135 to 180 kg).
Physical Attributes for Full Cyborg/Light Machine:
Robot P.S. 20.
Robot P.P. 20.
Speed: See above.
Natural Abilities:
Prowl 40%,
Swimming 75%,
track by smell 65% (+10% for hunting breeds),
identify specific odors (such as machine oil, explosives, Brodkil) 60%, and +10% to identify and track common or strong scents (such as food, blood, animals, specific known monsters/D-Bees), leaping and pounce attack.
Partial cyborg dogs, as well as bears and horses, retain their abilities to sense the presence of the supernatural as well as werebeasts within a 600 foot (183 m) radius, and respond by growling, barking, howling, or behaving in a nervous manner.
Trained cyborg dogs bark twice, stand up and point, while snarling and growling. The sensing ability of full cyborg canines is greatly diminished by their machine conversion, but can still sense the supernatural at a distance of 200 feet (61 m). Perhaps needless to say, cyborg canines and bears are used to hunt, bring down and guard against the supernatural.
Damage in Melee Combat :
2D6 S.D.C. from a restrained bite,
1D6 M.D. full strength bite,
1D4 M.D. from pouncing attack and body block/ram.
Both have an 80% likelihood of knocking down opponents weighing less than 1,000 pounds (450 kg).
Victims knocked down lose initiative and one melee attack, plus they are vulnerable to further biting and claw attacks by the animal while knocked down on the ground; the animal has initiative and the person on the ground is -1 to parry and dodge.
Also see Bionic Jaws under Weapon Systems, below for other types of attacks.
Attacks per Melee:
+2 on initiative,
+3 to strike and pounce,
+4 to dodge due to innate ability,
Robot P.P. and NAMC implant,
+3 to disarm
+3 to pull bite.
Power System:
Nuclear with a 15 year life.
Black Market Cost:
300,000 credits for partial cyborg. 570,000-650,000 credits for a full conversion Light Machine.
Bionic Features: All enhanced dogs have the following enhancements:
1. Optic Nerve Video Implant (includes audio).
2. Cyber-Camera Eye with Telescopic capability.
3. Passive Nightvision.
4. Thermal-Imager.
5. Built-In Radio Receiver & Transmitter Headjack.
6. Molecular Analyzer.
6. Bionic Lung with Gas Filter and Oxygen Storage Cell
7. One Internal Storage Compartment; typically holds a pistol and an E-Clip, or a Vibro-Knife (1D4 M.D.), or two hand grenades, or a small tool kit and similar items. These can only be accessed by the animal’s human partner or a recognized teammate/ally.
8. Two Cyber-Nano-Robot Repair Systems.
Weapon Systems for Full Conversion Cyborg Canine:
1. Bionic Jaws:
Though the mouth and head are carefully preserved, they are reinforced and augmented. The teeth lined jaws are powerful enough to inflict light
Mega-Damage: Primary Purpose: Hunting, Attack and Defense.
Range: Melee combat.
1D6 M.D. per full strength bite
2D6 S.D.C./ Hit Points from a restrained bite intended to serve as a serious warning that does light damage.
Capture Bite:
1D6 M.D., but once the canine cyborg has a good hold on the target, it continues to hold on and tug so that the individual is compromised, off-balance and encumbered (the weight of an angry, snarling and tugging cyborg dog). This is the classic dog pulling at the pant leg or sleeve of a person, or the leg of an animal or the arm or leg, weapon, backpack,
belt or dangling strap of an enemy combatant. While the cyborg dog is locked on and pulling, its victim cannot use the limb that is being held onto, and is being pulled at and shaken making any attempts at gunfire -4 to strike and equal to shooting wild, -4 to dodge, reduce speed by half (or less depending on the victim being held) and skill performance is -30%. The trained animal knows the point of this attack is to hold the enemy and keep him from doing anything. This means it will try to pull the enemy away from any devices, vehicles or people, and sounds like a wild beast ready to rip him to shreds if he fights back. Any victim who stops struggling gets the cyborg to stop growling, but the cyber-dog will not let go until its human partner tells it to do so.
The only way to escape the dog’s grip is to inflict enough damage to it that the dog lets go or to have a greater P.S. than the cyborg canine and pry its jaw open. However, prying the jaws open only provokes the cyborg hound to bite at the hands or go for the throat. If attacked, the cyborg dog will let go and attack, going for the weapon or the hand holding it in an attempt to pull it out of the hand or make the assailant drop it. Or the canine repositions to attack and hold onto some other part of its opponent’s body where he cannot easily hit, kick or shoot at it. Dogs are smart and will take evasive action and attack from behind or the sides. And if it sees a kill shot - e.g. a chance to bite a vital spot like the neck or groin - it will take it. Note: The cyborg canine is trained to let go and retreat when the M.D.C. of its head or main body has 20% or less remaining.
2. Back-Mounted Energy Weapon: (this is Russian design)
Many, but not all, canine Light Machines have either a light ion or laser blaster built into its back. In both cases, the weapon rises up from its low profile position on the back to fire forward above the animal’s head or to the side in front of the dog. However, it can rotate 360 degrees to fire to the sides and even behind the canine; 30 degree, up and down arc of fire. The weapon system is either remotely operated by the animal’s assigned soldier or set to function with the Gromeko Friend and Foe Identification computer which engages to fire upon clearly defined and recognized enemies (three attacks per melee round). Note: The weapon turret includes a video camera built under the barrel so the animal’s handler can see in whatever direction the weapon is pointed, as well as seeing what the animal sees. 2,000 foot (610 m) range with 2x and 8x telescopic zoom.
Primary Purpose: Defense.
Range: Ion Blaster:

500 feet (152 m).
Laser: 1,000 feet (305 m).
Ion Blaster: 3D6 M.D. per single blast.
Laser: 2D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire:
When fired remotely by the animal’s assigned soldier partner, each attack counts as one of the soldier’s own melee attacks.
Reliable range for the transmission of optical data from the animal cyborg and the firing of the weapon remotely is five miles (8 km) in forest and urban settings; 10 miles (16 km) in open territory like the steppes, 2 miles (3.2 km) in mountains or underground.
FFI firing: As many as three times per melee round (15 seconds) when the weapon is set to fire upon targets identified by the Gromeko Friend and Foe Identification computer, with the failsafe of not firing unless the target confirmation is at least 97%. If there is any
In both cases, the firing of the back-mounted weapon is in addition to the canine’s own number of attacks or melee actions. This means the weapon can be shooting while the dog is running, leaping, dodging, and so forth. Since the remote operator sees everything the cyborg dog sees, as well as wherever the gun is pointing, operating the weapon feels rather like playing in a video game. This also means the remote operator can issue commands and warnings to the animal and lay covering fire for the animal’s escape if necessary. This is another reason it is important for the soldier and animal to train together and develop a bond, so that the “human partner” values the canine and does not direct it on suicide runs and foolish ventures. In a strange way, the two function as a true team and that cyborg dog is as much a fellow, brother in arms as any soldier in the squad. This bond of friendship, trust, and camaraderie is vital for maximum efficiency in the field of battle and especially delicate operations such as commando raids, prison breaks and search and rescue missions in which stealth and discretion are required. The dog and its human partner must trust each other completely.
Let’s use a prison break for example: The cyborg dog can carry on its back or side, a low-profile saddlebag style pack with two or more pouches slung over its back. There is an appropriate space between the strap on the pack so as to not impede the use of the bionic weapon located on the dog’s back. Inside the pack is vital gear like lock picking tools, explosives, a flash grenade, Vibro-Knife, radio, etc., to help make the jail break possible. The items are kept small and simple as to not get snagged or stuck on underbrush or fencing the dog may need to squeeze through or dig under. Once it has delivered its jail break gear, it can escort and protect the escapees, or create a distraction while they make good their escape. Or the cyborg dog can attack key enemy personnel to give the escapees a better chance, before making its own retreat.
Every step of the way, the soothing voice of the dog’s human partner is guiding it along: “Stop.” “Go low.” “Go around. Left.” “Stop, your other left. Good boy, Bandit.” “Waaaait.” “Look right.” “Look left.” “Clear. Okay, slow and quiet, forward.” “Good, Boy.” “Can you follow Lieutenant Hansen’s scent?” “That’s it. Good, boy.” “What is it?” “Stop. Go back.” “Good nose, Bandit. The Molecular Analyzer indicates munitions” (or fuel, or blood, or dead bodies, or whatever the case). “Good to know.” “Deliver the package to the Lieutenant.” “Good boy, Bandit.” “Point. Head down.” “Steady.” “Firing the laser.” “Your job is done, Bandit. Come home to base camp.” Or escort the lieutenant out and bring him to base camp, or engage in further reconnaissance, and similar instructions and functions.
Payload: Effectively

2.B Back-Mounted system is a Non-Russian

Cybernetic Hyenas

Look above at link.

The following stats are for the standard cybernetic Hyenas . Specific weapons and bionic features may vary a bit from animal to animal.

Class: Enhanced Cybernetic Animal - Light Machine.

Crew: One trained and domesticated canine; typically a large breed dog, but sometimes a medium-sized canine. Common breeds are described above.

M.D.C. by Location:
* Head - 120
Legs (4) - 60 each
Tail - 5
* Back-Mounted - 100
** Main Body - 150
* A single asterisk denotes a target that is small and difficult to hit. A called shot is required and even then the attacker is -3 to strike. Destroying the head of the cyborg will kill the animal.
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will effectively destroy the animal.

Running: 90 mph (144 km) maximum and tires at one-third the usual amount. Dogs like to run, but trained cyborg dogs resist that impulse and stay with their human partner/pack master until commanded otherwise.

Bionic legs allow the dog to leap 10 feet (3 m) high and up to 25 feet (7.6 m) lengthwise. Increase height or distance by 50% with a running start of at least 60 mph (96 km).
Flying: Not possible.

Water Capabilities:
Swim on the surface at 24 mph (38.4 km). No underwater capabilities.

Statistical Data:
Varies with breed. Below is the average size of large breed canine Cyborgs.

Height: 2 feet, 6 inches to 3 feet (0.8 to 0.9 m) to the shoulders.
Width: One foot, 6 inches (0.5 m).
Length: 4-5 feet from snout to rump (1.2 to 1.5 m). Tail is additional.
Weight (Full Conversion Cyborg): 150 to 200 pounds
Physical Attributes for Full Cyborg/Light Machine:
Robot P.S. 30.
Robot P.P. 24.
Speed: See above.
Natural Abilities:

Prowl 40%,
Swimming 75%,
track by smell 65% (+10% for hunting breeds),
identify specific odors (such as machine oil, explosives, Brodkil) 60%, and +10% to identify and track common or strong scents (such as food, blood, animals, specific known monsters/D-Bees), leaping and pounce attack.
Partial cyborg dogs, as well as bears and horses, retain their abilities to sense the presence of the supernatural as well as were beasts within a 600 foot (183 m) radius, and respond by growling, barking, howling, or behaving in a nervous manner.
Trained cyborg dogs bark twice, stand up and point, while snarling and growling. The sensing ability of full cyborg canines is greatly diminished by their machine conversion, but can still sense the supernatural at a distance of 200 feet (61 m). Perhaps needless to say, cyborg canines and bears are used to hunt, bring down and guard against the supernatural.

Damage in Melee Combat (Full Cyborg):
2D6 S.D.C. from a restrained bite,
1D6 M.D. full strength bite,
4D6 M.D. Heavy strength bite
1D4X10+8 M.D. power bite counts as two attacks
2D4X0 M.D. from power pouncing attack and body block/ram.

Both have an 90% likelihood of knocking down opponents weighing less than 2,000 pounds (
Victims knocked down lose initiative and one melee attack, plus they are vulnerable to further biting and claw attacks by the animal while knocked down on the ground; the animal has initiative and the person on the ground is -1 to parry and dodge.
Also see Bionic Jaws under Weapon Systems, below for other types of attacks.

Attacks per Melee:

+2 on initiative,
+3 to strike and pounce,
+4 to dodge due to innate ability,
Robot P.P. and NAMC implant,
+3 to disarm
+3 to pull bite.

Power System:
Nuclear with a 15-year life.

Bionic Features: All enhanced dogs have the following enhancements:
1. Optic Nerve Video Implant (includes audio).
2. Cyber-Camera Eye with Telescopic capability.
3. Passive Nightvision.
4. Thermal-Imager.
5. Built-In Radio Receiver & Transmitter Headjack.
6. Molecular Analyzer.
6. Bionic Lung with Gas Filter and Oxygen Storage Cell
7. One Internal Storage Compartment typically holds a pistol and an E-Clip, a Vibro-Knife (1D4 M.D.), two hand grenades, a small tool kit and similar items. These can only be accessed by the animal’s human partner or a recognized teammate/ally.
8. Back-Mounted Bay as number 7 but can carry more E-Clip, a Vibro-Knife , hand grenades, a small tool kit and similar items. These can only be accessed by the animal’s human partner or a recognized teammate/ally.
9. Two Cyber-Nano-Robot Repair Systems.
Weapon Systems for Full Conversion Cyborg Canine:
10.Horror factor 13

1. Bionic Jaws:
Though the mouth and head are carefully preserved, they are reinforced and augmented. The teeth lined jaws are powerful enough to inflict light Mega-Damage: Primary Purpose: Hunting, Attack and Defense.
Melee combat.
look above as well
1D6 M.D. per full strength bite
2D6 S.D.C./ Hit Points from a restrained bite intended to serve as a serious warning that does light damage.

Capture Bite:
1D6 M.D.,
but once the canine cyborg has a good hold on the target, it continues to hold on and tug so that the individual is compromised, off-balance and encumbered (the weight of an angry, snarling and tugging cyborg Hyenas). This is the classic dog pulling at the pant leg or sleeve of a person, or the leg of an animal or the arm or leg, weapon, backpack, belt or dangling strap of an enemy combatant. While the cyborg Hyenas is locked on and pulling, its victim cannot use the limb that is being held onto and is being pulled at and shaken making any attempts at gunfire -4 to strike and equal to shooting wild, -4 to dodge, reduce speed by half (or less depending on the victim being held) and skill performance is -30%. The trained animal knows the point of this attack is to hold the enemy and keep him from doing anything. This means it will try to pull the enemy away from any devices, vehicles or people, and sounds like a wild beast ready to rip him to shreds if he fights back. Any victim who stops struggling gets the cyborg to stop growling, but the cyber-dog will not let go until its human partner tells it to do so.
The only way to escape the Hyena’s grip is to inflict enough damage to it that the dog lets go or to have a greater P.S. than the cyborg Hyenas and pry its jaw open. However, prying the jaws open only provokes the cyborg Hyenas to bite at the hands or go for the throat. If attacked, the cyborg dog will let go and attack, going for the weapon or the hand holding it in an attempt to pull it out of the hand or make the assailant drop it. Or the Hyenas repositions to attack and hold onto some other part of its opponent’s body where he cannot easily hit, kick or shoot at it. Hyenas are smart and will take evasive action and attack from behind or the sides. And if it sees a kill shot - e.g. a chance to bite a vital spot like the neck or groin - it will take it. Note: The cyborg Hyenas is trained to let go and retreat when the M.D.C. of its head or main body has 20% or less remaining.

2.B Back-Mounted system is a Non-Russian

3. fusion block
Fusion Blocks.
A fusion block is a little square case about the size of a hand-held computer. On top of the block is a small keypad for programming the time of detonation. An automatic 30 second delay is built into each fusion bomb as a safety feature to avoid instant detonation
Mega-Damage: There are three types of fusion block bombs.

Type Three: 4D6x l 0 M.D.C. weighs 16 Ibs(7. 1 kg).
Blast radius: Contained to a 10-foot (3 m) diameter.
Effective Range: Fusion blocks are made for placement, not throwing, or shooting. However, one can try throwing the explosive; typical range is ID6x lO feet (3- 8 m); blocks are not aerodynamic.


The following stats are for the standard cybernetic dog. Specific weapons and bionic features may vary a bit from animal to animal.

Class: Fully Enhanced Cybernetic Animal -
One trained and domesticated canine; typically a large breed dog, but sometimes a medium-sized canine. Common breeds are described above.
M.D.C. by Location:
* Head - 120
Legs (4) - 50 each
Tail - 5
* conceal Back-Mounted - 50
** Main Body - 150
* A single asterisk denotes a target that is small and difficult to hit. A called shot is required and even then the attacker is -3 to strike. Destroying the head of the cyborg will kill the animal.
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will effectively destroy the animal.

Running: 200 mph maximum and tires at one-third the usual amount. Dogs like to run, but trained cyborg dogs resist that impulse and stay with their human partner/pack master until commanded otherwise.
Leaping: Bionic legs allow the dog to leap 10 feet (3 m) high and up to 25 feet (7.6 m) lengthwise. Increase height or distance by 50% with a running start of at least 60 mph (96 km).
Flying: Not possible.
Water Capabilities:
Swim on the surface at 24 mph (38.4 km). No underwater capabilities.

Statistical Data:
Varies with breed. Below is the average size of large breed canine Cyborgs.
Height: 2 feet, 6 inches to 3 feet (0.8 to 0.9 m) to the shoulders. Width: One foot, 6 inches (0.5 m).
Length: 4-5 feet from snout to rump (1.2 to 1.5 m). Tail is additional.
Weight (Full Conversion Cyborg): 300-400 pounds (135 to 180 kg).
Physical Attributes for Full Cyborg/Light Machine:
Robot P.S. 30.
Robot P.P. 24.

Speed: See above.
Natural Abilities:
Prowl 40%,
Swimming 75%,
track by smell 65% (+10% for hunting breeds),
identify specific odors (such as machine oil, explosives, Brodkil) 60%, and +10% to identify and track common or strong scents (such as food, blood, animals, specific known monsters/D-Bees), leaping and pounce attack.
Full cyborg dogs, as well as bears and horses, retain their abilities to sense the presence of the supernatural as well as werebeasts within a 600 foot (183 m) radius, and respond by growling, barking, howling, or behaving in a nervous manner.
Trained cyborg dogs bark twice, stand up and point, while snarling and growling. The sensing ability of full cyborg canines is greatly diminished by their machine conversion, but can still sense the supernatural at a distance of 200 feet (61 m). Perhaps needless to say, cyborg canines and bears are used to hunt, bring down and guard against the supernatural.

Damage in Melee Combat
2D6 S.D.C. from a restrained bite,
1D6 M.D. full strength bite,
2D6 M.D. Heavy strength bite
4D6 M.D. power bite counts as two attacks
6D6 M.D. from power pouncing attack and body block/ram.
Both have an 80% likelihood of knocking down opponents weighing less than 1,000 pounds (450 kg).
Victims knocked down lose initiative and one melee attack, plus they are vulnerable to further biting and claw attacks by the animal while knocked down on the ground; the animal has initiative and the person on the ground is -1 to parry and dodge.
Also see Bionic Jaws under Weapon Systems, below for other types of attacks.

Attacks per Melee:

+2 on initiative,
+3 to strike and pounce,
+4 to dodge due to innate ability,
Robot P.P. and NAMC implant,
+3 to disarm
+3 to pull bite.

Power System:
Nuclear with a 15 year life
Black Market Cost:
300,000 credits for partial cyborg. 570,000credits for a full conversion Light Machine.

Bionic Features: All enhanced dogs have the following enhancements:

1. Optic Nerve Video Implant (includes audio).
2. Cyber-Camera Eye with Telescopic capability.
3. Passive Nightvision.
4. Thermal-Imager.
5. Built-In Radio Receiver & Transmitter Headjack.
6. Molecular Analyzer.
6. Bionic Lung with Gas Filter and Oxygen Storage Cell
7. One Internal Storage Compartment; typically holds a pistol and an E-Clip, or a Vibro-Knife (1D4 M.D.), or two hand grenades, or a small tool kit and similar items. These can only be accessed by the animal’s human partner or a recognized teammate/ally.
8. Two Cyber-Nano-Robot Repair Systems.
9. Horror factor 10

Weapon Systems for Full Conversion Cyborg Canine:

1. Bionic Jaws:
Though the mouth and head are carefully preserved, they are reinforced and augmented. The teeth lined jaws are powerful enough to inflict light Mega-Damage: Primary Purpose: Hunting, Attack and Defense.
Melee combat.
1D6 M.D. per full strength bite
2D6 S.D.C./ Hit Points from a restrained bite intended to serve as a serious warning that does light damage.

Capture Bite:
1D6 M.D.,
but once the canine cyborg has a good hold on the target, it continues to hold on and tug so that the individual is compromised, off-balance and encumbered (the weight of an angry, snarling and tugging cyborg dog). This is the classic dog pulling at the pant leg or sleeve of a person, or the leg of an animal or the arm or leg, weapon, backpack,
belt or dangling strap of an enemy combatant. While the cyborg dog is locked on and pulling, its victim cannot use the limb that is being held onto, and is being pulled at and shaken making any attempts at gunfire -4 to strike and equal to shooting wild, -4 to dodge, reduce speed by half (or less depending on the victim being held) and skill performance is -30%. The trained animal knows the point of this attack is to hold the enemy and keep him from doing anything. This means it will try to pull the enemy away from any devices, vehicles or people, and sounds like a wild beast ready to rip him to shreds if he fights back. Any victim who stops struggling gets the cyborg to stop growling, but the cyber-dog will not let go until its human partner tells it to do so.
The only way to escape the dog’s grip is to inflict enough damage to it that the dog lets go or to have a greater P.S. than the cyborg canine and pry its jaw open. However, prying the jaws open only provokes the cyborg hound to bite at the hands or go for the throat. If attacked, the cyborg dog will let go and attack, going for the weapon or the hand holding it in an attempt to pull it out of the hand or make the assailant drop it. Or the canine repositions to attack and hold onto some other part of its opponent’s body where he cannot easily hit, kick or shoot at it. Dogs are smart and will take evasive action and attack from behind or the sides. And if it sees a kill shot - e.g. a chance to bite a vital spot like the neck or groin - it will take it. Note: The cyborg canine is trained to let go and retreat when the M.D.C. of its head or main body has 20% or less remaining.

2. Back-Mounted system is a Non-Russian

3.Pre-Rifts measures used to control sound pollution.

Sound emitter is built alongside the skin of the cyborg . The emitter then sends out sound waves in exactly the opposite
frequencies as the noises made by the 'borg, neutralizing them. Human ears cannot sense The sounds: additionally. special rubber soles and joints contribute to the reduced sound: (he common prowl penalty is eliminated when using these two systems! Restrictions: The 'borg must be moving or climbing slowly (a speed of 15 maximum); sudden movements
will bring back the full not bring penalty. And the this unit can wear the light 55 M.D.C or medium 90 M.D.C. armor

Dog Spikes.
One of the Dog Pack' s patented images is spikes. This is largely a stylistic gimmick to evoke a feeling of f ear and power. Spiked collars, are all available in a large variety of different styles.
Damage for all spikes is S.D.C./Hit Point damage. The spiked gloves are weighted
"sap gloves" and add ID6+1 S.D.C. damage .


2D6 M.D.; OR 4D6 Front Paws ALL FOUR Paws 8d6 count as one attack!!! or parrying (+ 3 bonus) and slashing.

Fusion Blocks.
A fusion block is a little square case about thesize of a hand-held computer. On top of the block is a small key pad for
programming the time of detonation . An automatic 30 second delay is built into each fusion bomb as a safety feature to avoid instant detonation

Mega-Damage : There are three types of fusion block bombs.
Type Three: 4D6x l 0 M.D.C. and costs 8,000 credits; weighs 16 Ibs(7. 1 kg).
Blast radius: Contained to a 10 foot (3 m) diameter.
Effective Range : Fusion blocks are made for placement, ... -538912321
Guard dog

Note: The following stats are for the standard cybernetic dog. Specific weapons and bionic features
The following stats are for the standard cybernetic dog. Specific weapons and bionic features may vary a bit from animal to animal.

Enhanced Cybernetic Animal - Light Machine.

One trained and domesticated canine; typically a large breed dog, but sometimes a medium-sized canine. Common breeds are described above.

M.D.C. by Location:

* Head - 80
Legs (4) - 60 each
Tail - 5
* Back-Mounted Ion or Laser Blaster - 50
** Main Body – 90
Armor 175
* A single asterisk denotes a target that is small and difficult to hit. A called shot is required and even then the attacker is -3 to strike. Destroying the head of the cyborg will kill the animal.
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will effectively destroy the animal.

Running: 200 mph maximum and tires at one-third the usual amount. Dogs like to run, but trained cyborg dogs resist that impulse and stay with their human partner/pack master until commanded otherwise.
Leaping: Bionic legs allow the dog to leap 10 feet (3 m) high and up to 25 feet (7.6 m) lengthwise. Increase height or distance by 50% with a running start of at least 60 mph (96 km).
Flying: Not possible.
Water Capabilities: Swim on the surface at 24 mph (38.4 km). No underwater capabilities.

Statistical Data:
Varies with breed. Below is the average size of large breed canine Cyborgs.
Height: 2 feet, 6 inches to 3 feet (0.8 to 0.9 m) to the shoulders. Width: One foot, 6 inches (0.5 m).
Length: 4-5 feet from snout to rump (1.2 to 1.5 m). Tail is additional.
Weight (Full Conversion Cyborg): 300-400 pounds (135 to 180 kg).

Physical Attributes for Full Cyborg/Light Machine:
Robot P.S. 20.
Robot P.P. 20.
Speed: See above.

Natural Abilities:

Prowl 40%,
Swimming 75%,
track by smell 65% (+10% for hunting breeds),
identify specific odors (such as machine oil, explosives, Brodkil) 60%, and +10% to identify and track common or strong scents (such as food, blood, animals, specific known monsters/D-Bees), leaping and pounce attack.
Partial cyborg dogs, as well as bears and horses, retain their abilities to sense the presence of the supernatural as well as werebeasts within a 600 foot (183 m) radius, and respond by growling, barking, howling, or behaving in a nervous manner.
Trained cyborg dogs bark twice, stand up and point, while snarling and growling. The sensing ability of full cyborg canines is greatly diminished by their machine conversion, but can still sense the supernatural at a distance of 200 feet (61 m). Perhaps needless to say, cyborg canines and bears are used to hunt, bring down and guard against the supernatural

Damage in Melee Combat
2D6 S.D.C. from a restrained bite,
1D6 M.D. full strength bite,
1D4 M.D. from pouncing attack and body block/ram.
Both have an 80% likelihood of knocking down opponents weighing less than 1,000 pounds (450 kg).
Victims knocked down lose initiative and one melee attack, plus they are vulnerable to further biting and claw attacks by the animal while knocked down on the ground; the animal has initiative and the person on the ground is -1 to parry and dodge.
Also see Bionic Jaws under Weapon Systems, below for other types of attacks.

Attacks per Melee:

+2 on initiative,
+3 to strike and pounce,
+4 to dodge due to innate ability,
Robot P.P. and NAMC implant,
+3 to disarm
+3 to pull bite.

Power System:
Nuclear with a 15 year life

Black Market Cost:
300,000 credits for partial cyborg. 570,000
credits for a full conversion Light Machine.

Bionic Features: All enhanced dogs have the following enhancements:
1. Optic Nerve Video Implant (includes audio).
2. Cyber-Camera Eye with Telescopic capability.
3. Passive Nightvision.
4. Thermal-Imager.
5. Built-In Radio Receiver & Transmitter Headjack.
6. Molecular Analyzer.
6. Bionic Lung with Gas Filter and Oxygen Storage Cell
7. One Internal Storage Compartment; typically holds a pistol and an E-Clip, or a Vibro-Knife (1D4 M.D.), or two hand grenades, or a small tool kit and similar items. These can only be accessed by the animal’s human partner or a recognized teammate/ally.
8. Two Cyber-Nano-Robot Repair Systems.
Horror factor 13

Weapon Systems for Full Conversion Cyborg Canine:

1. Bionic Jaws:
Though the mouth and head are carefully preserved, they are reinforced and augmented. The teeth lined jaws are powerful enough to inflict light Mega-Damage: Primary Purpose: Hunting, Attack and Defense.
Range: Melee combat.
1D6 M.D. per full strength bite
2D6 S.D.C./ Hit Points from a restrained bite intended to serve as a serious warning that does light damage.

Capture Bite:
1D6 M.D.,
but once the canine cyborg has a good hold on the target, it continues to hold on and tug so that the individual is compromised, off-balance and encumbered (the weight of an angry, snarling and tugging cyborg dog). This is the classic dog pulling at the pant leg or sleeve of a person, or the leg of an animal or the arm or leg, weapon, backpack,
belt or dangling strap of an enemy combatant. While the cyborg dog is locked on and pulling, its victim cannot use the limb that is being held onto, and is being pulled at and shaken making any attempts at gunfire -4 to strike and equal to shooting wild, -4 to dodge, reduce speed by half (or less depending on the victim being held) and skill performance is -30%. The trained animal knows the point of this attack is to hold the enemy and keep him from doing anything. This means it will try to pull the enemy away from any devices, vehicles or people, and sounds like a wild beast ready to rip him to shreds if he fights back. Any victim who stops struggling gets the cyborg to stop growling, but the cyber-dog will not let go until its human partner tells it to do so.
The only way to escape the dog’s grip is to inflict enough damage to it that the dog lets go or to have a greater P.S. than the cyborg canine and pry its jaw open. However, prying the jaws open only provokes the cyborg hound to bite at the hands or go for the throat. If attacked, the cyborg dog will let go and attack, going for the weapon or the hand holding it in an attempt to pull it out of the hand or make the assailant drop it. Or the canine repositions to attack and hold onto some other part of its opponent’s body where he cannot easily hit, kick or shoot at it. Dogs are smart and will take evasive action and attack from behind or the sides. And if it sees a kill shot - e.g. a chance to bite a vital spot like the neck or groin - it will take it. Note: The cyborg canine is trained to let go and retreat when the M.D.C. of its head or main body has 20% or less remaining.

2.B Back-Mounted system is a Non-Russian

3.Pre-Rifts measures used to control sound pollution.
Sound emitter is built alongside the skin of the cyborg . The emitter then sends out sound waves in exactly the opposite
frequencies as the noises made by the 'borg, neutralizing them. Human ears cannot sense The sounds: additionally. special rubber soles and joints contribute to the reduced sound: (he common prowl penalty is eliminated when using these two systems! Restrictions: The 'borg must be moving or climbing slowly (a speed of 15 maximum); sudden movements
will bring back the full not bring penalty. And the this unit can wear the light 55 M.D.C or medium 90 M.D.C. armor

Dog Spikes.

One of the Dog Pack' s patented images is spikes. This is largely a stylistic gimmick to evoke a feeling of f ear and power. Spiked collars, are all available in a large variety of different styles.
Damage for all spikes is S.D.C./Hit Point damage. The spiked gloves are weighted
"sap gloves" and add ID6+1 S.D.C. damage .

2D6 M.D.; OR 4D6 Front Paws ALL FOUR Paws 8d6 count as one attack!!!
for parrying (+ 3 bonus) and slashing.

Fusion Blocks.

A fusion block is a little square case about thesize of a hand-held computer. On top of the block is a small key pad for
programming the time of detonation . An automatic 30 second delay is built into each fusion bomb as a safety feature to avoid instant detonation

Mega-Damage : There are three types of fusion block bombs.
Type Three: 4D6x l 0 M.D.C. and costs 8,000 credits; weighs 16 Ibs(7. 1 kg).
Blast radius: Contained to a 10 foot (3 m) diameter.
Effective Range : Fusion blocks are made for placement,

Cyborg Birds of Prey

Crew: One falcon, hawk or eagle.

Eagle ... 1014954726 ... -966957936 ... -963404813

hawk ... -991837604

falcon ... -965134666

Class: Enhanced Cybernetic Animal - Ultra-Light Machine.
falcon, hawk or eagle.

Eagle ... 1014954726 ... -966957936 ... -963404813

hawk ... -991837604

falcon ... -965134666

In the latter case, it is almost always the steppe eagle found through the steppe, desert and semi-desert habitats of Eastern Europe, Russia, Mongolia, Asia and India.
M.D.C. by Location:
* Wings (2) - 10 each (18 for eagle)
* Legs and Talons (2) - 15 each (18 for eagle)
* Head - 12 each (15 for eagle)
** Main Body - 20 (40 for eagle)
* A single asterisk denotes a target that is small and difficult to hit. A Called Shot is required and even then the attacker is -3 to strike a stationary bird, and -5 to strike any small, specific targets on the bird when flying.
Destroying the head of the cyborg kills the animal.
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body kills the animal.

Running: 5 mph (8 km). The bird is generally not suited to walking long distances and prefers to fly.
Leaping: As per normal for that species of bird; typically a foot (0.3 m) without taking flight.

A partially augmented bird of prey flies as usual for that animal and does not have M.D.C., making it a more fragile operative. On average, the flying speed of most ordinary, small, birds of prey varies between 20-50 mph (32 to 80 km), with maximum speed for only short periods and average speed at about 30 mph (48 km). Diving speed is usually three times their maximum speed (120 mph/192 km), but again, for a few minutes, not sustained flight. Eagles area 40% faster. Bionic augmentation changes all of tha
A falcon or hawk full conversion cyborg of any breed now has a sustainable flying speed of 50 mph (80 km) without fatigue, and a dive speed of 200 mph (320 km) with the assistance of a small thruster behind each upper leg. The thrusters can also be used for short bursts of speed that last 1D4+3 melee rounds (60- 105 seconds) to attack or flee at 200 mph (320 km).
A full conversion steppe eagle cyborg now has a sustainable flying speed of 80 mph (128 km) and a dive speed of 300 mph (480 km) with the assistance of small thruster behind each upper leg. The thrusters can also be used for short bursts of speed that last 1D4+8 melee rounds (2-3 minutes) to attack or flee at 300 mph (480 km)

Underwater Capabilities:

Statistical Data:

Size (bionic):
Varies with the type of animal.
18 inches (46 cm) tall, wingspan: 2 feet, 6 inches to 3 feet, 8 inches (0.8 to 1.1 m).

One foot (0.3 m) tall; wingspan: 3-4 feet (0.9 to 1.2 m).

Steppe Eagle:
2-3 feet (0.6 to 0.9 m);
wingspan: 7 feet (2.1 m).
Weight (Full Conversion Cyborg):

Falcons and Hawks:
10 pounds (4.5 kg). Steppe Eagle: 35 pounds (16 kg).

Physical Attributes for Full Cyborg/
Robot P.S. 13.
Robot P.P. 18.
Speed: See above.

Damage in Melee Combat (Full Cyborg):
1D6 S.D.C. from a restrained talon strike or bite,
2D6+3 S.D.C. with a full-strength talon strike,
4D6+4 S.D.C. with a diving talon strike but counts as two melee attacks. Note: Does M.D. with Vibro-Talons.
Steppe Eagle Falcons and Hawks Vibro-Talon’s dive attack 2d6x10 M.D.C at 200 MPH +6 to strike COUNTS AS TWO Attack!!

Attacks per Melee:
Four (includes NAMC bonus).

+15% to Climbing skill,
+2 on initiative,
+3 to strike and dodge due to Robot P.P. and NAMC implant. Includes NAMC bonuses.

Natural Abilities:
Nightvision 400 feet (122 m),
Prowl 80% (negated when thrusters are used),
track by smell at 46%,
track by sight 80%. Eagle 95%
Steppe Eagle 2 mile vision

Power System:
Internal electrical battery. This system provides power to all cybernetic and bionic enhancements for up to 960 hours. When not in use, small solar panels on the back are deployed to recharge the system. This has proven to be extremely effective and cost efficient. There is an E-Clip port for emergency backup which can power all systems for an additional 48 hours per E-Clip. This system can be removed to keep the weapon systems deactivated while allowing the animal limited autonomy.
Black Market/ Market Cost: 70,000 credits for partial cyborg. 390,000 credits for a full conversion Ultra-Light Machine.

Bionic Features: Common to cyborg Birds of Prey, plus the weapon systems that follow.
1. Cyber-Camera Eye (60 mile/96 km transmission range) with Telescopic capabilities (see Rifts® Ultimate Edition, page 50).
2. Optic Nerve Video Implant (see Rifts® Ultimate Edition, page 50).
3. Bionic booster jets (see Speed).
4. Fold-Out Solar Panel Recharging System.
5. Concealed E-Clip port.
6. Multi-System Eye Sockets (2).
7. Built-in Radio Transmitter & Receiver (5 miles/8 km).

Cyborg Bird of Prey Weapon Systems:

1. (2):Each foot has a set of Vibro-Talons used to slash and claw at enemies.
Primary Purpose: Close combat.
Range: Melee range.
All counts as one attack
Falcons and Hawks: 1D4 M.D. per talon strike, +2 M.D. from a diving attack.
Steppe Eagle: 2D4 M.D. per talon strike, +4 M.D. from a diving attack.
Dive attack look above.

2. Deployable Explosive Charges (2):
The animal can be told to carry a small bag or pouch holding one explosive designed to explode on impact in each talon. This is a little dangerous as the explosive will go off if accidentally dropped; 50% chance whenever the bird is attacked by another flying predator, monster, huntsman or enemy taking no chances. Also drops the explosive when it opens its talons to attack or depend itself or its handler, which could injure or kill fellow soldiers or innocent people. For these reasons, this tactic is only used in remote areas or extreme situations.
A safer, similar tactic is for the cyborg bird of prey to drop a message, radio, 1-2 E-Clips, flares, tools or piece of equipment, a bottle of water, first aid kit and similar items small enough for it to handle in flight.
Primary Purpose: Strategic Demolition.
Range: Melee range or dropped. The animal must be on or above the target.
Mega-Damage: 5D6 M.D. to everything in a 3 foot (0.9 m) radius.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or both at the same time.
Payload: Two; one per leg.

The Neural Aggression Modulator Control is a brain implant in the animal and in its assigned field operative/soldier. The NAMC does more than make the bionic animal subservient to that person, it make the animal see him as one of its own kind. In the case of pack and herd animals like horses and canines, the animal sees its human or cyborg companion as the pack leader and is completely subservient to him. More than that, just being around that individual makes the animal feel calm, safe and happy. This gives the creature’s “assigned human” close to absolute control over the animal. It will follow him into a blazing inferno, a hail of gunfire and follows commands, even when frightened, angry or injured. The Neural Aggression Modulator Control has even proven effective in maintaining influence and control over wild animals notorious for being difficult to tame and domesticate such as bears, falcons, hawks and eagles. Large predatory felines like snow leopards and alien animals from beyond the Rifts are being considered for the next phase in experimentation in this area.
Neural Aggression Modulator Control (NAMC): This is a unique system in that it has components built into a human cyborg and the cyborg animal(s) he controls with it. The Sovietski is unique in that it has been experimenting with augmenting animals with cybernetics and bionics. Much like human cyborgs, body parts of the animal are replaced with bionics, making it a tough and deadly M.D.C. companion and attack animal. This comes with a number of potential hazards, particularly in controlling the now Mega-Damage beast. The answer is the NAMC system wired into the brain of the cyborg animal. The NAMC stimulates the pleasure center of the animal’s brain just by it hearing its handler’s voice, while other tones and voice commands trigger aggression, pain receptors or reduces aggression to calm the creature down, all via the revolutionary NAMC. Each cyborg animal - up to four per handler - is attuned to its human handler, including the tones of his or her voice, scent, and other characteristics so that the animal accepts the handler without hesitation as its alpha leader or mate. The NAMC influence can be used to keep the animal calm under fire and override its fight or flight instincts, to run through fire, attack with instant and maximum aggression, and so on.
There is considerable debate as to whether this process and the NAMC is unfair and cruel to the animals, but that’s another matter. The animals have proven to be reliable companions, scouts and guard and attack animals, and suitable on creatures that are not normally domesticated, such as mountain lions, bears, and eagles.
The human cyborg can communicate via spoken word or radio transmission. Each module has a unique electronic signature and radio frequency, requiring that all animals linked to it match. This prevents enemies from trying to use captured or stolen cyborg animals and retrain them for their own use; it won’t work. The animals only obey their handler and a backup person. This is still a very dangerous experiment, and though cyborg animals have proven to be very obedient to their initial handler and able to follow his commands very well, like a highly trained performance animal, they are not easily re-calibrated to a new handler and reap severe damage when they go off-line and on a rampage. Note: The use of cyborg animals is usually reserved for animal handlers, scouts and Special Forces. The implants are a form of M.O.M./ Crazy technology developed before the Great Cataclysm.

Animals are very obedient and responsive to their designated handler. The animal typically gets the following bonuses
regardless of type: +1 attack per melee, +1 on initiative, +1 to strike and dodge


Posted: Thu May 23, 2024 10:51 pm
Part Six ... -992401256

Professional trained War Child

small child for urban combat assassination and Combat war child back by unknown groups
These are well trained and get the best gear mainly from Orphan homes at a very young age few leave those that do are hunted .These are extremely well connected Black market as well

As a child, the character does not yet have the strength. roll on the Child's Spell Modifier Table.

Child Attributes:
I.Q. 1D6+5,
M.E. 1D6+5 (+3 for girls),
M.A. 2D6,
P.E. 2D4+2,
P.B. 1D4
Spd. NA

Pick one
Child: (12 - 14). years old
P.P.E.: 1d4 all
Hit Points: 1D6+6. S.D.C.: 2D6 (boy), 1D6 (girl);

15-16 years old (1D4+12). Teen Attributes
Hit Points: 2D6+3. S.D.C.: 3D6 (+6 for boys +4 Girls );

17 to 19 years old
Hit Points Bonus: +4D6. S.D.C.
+1D6 (+6 for boys);

Education & Skills:
Basic Math,
Literacy: Native Language
Computer Operation,
two Domestic Skills of choice
Breed Dogs — 40%/20%+5%
Climbing, all at the base skill level.

O.C.C Skills
Math: Basic (+10%)
Radio: Basic (+10%)
Land Navigation (+15%)
Wilderness Survival (+10%)
Climbing (+5%)
General Repair & Maintenance (+15%)
Read Sensory Equipment (+10%)
Pilot skill of choice (+10%); excluding robot and power armor skills.
W.P. Energy Rifle
W.P. 3 Ancient Weapon of choice.
W.P. 4 Modern
Energy Weapon of choice.
Hand to Hand: Expert, only
O.C.C. Related Skills

Select 5 other skills,
: plus select one additional skill at levels 3, 6, 9, and 12. All new skills start at
level one proficiency.

Communications: Any (+10%).
Cowboy: None.
Domestic: Any.
Electrical: None.
Espionage: Intelligence and Detect Concealment. Detect Ambush, Detect Concealment, Escape Artist, Pick Locks, Pick Pockets, Sniper, Tracking (people), Wilderness Survival
Horsemanship: General only.
Mechanical: None.
Medical: First Aid and Brewing only (+5%).
Military: Field Armorer & Munitions Expert, Camouflage, Field Armorer & Munitions Expert, Find Contraband, Military Etiquette,,, Parachuting, Trap/Mine Detection ONLY
Physical: Any that are still appropriate.
Pilot: Any (+5%); except robot, power armor, and military.
Pilot Related: Any.
Rogue: Computer Operation, Computer Programming, Computer Hacking, Find Contraband (+10%), Ventriloquism (+5%), Concealment, Gambling, Palming, Pick Locks, Pick Pockets, Streetwise, Tailing, and Prowl only.
Science: Astronomy, Biology and Advanced Math only.
Technical None
W.P.: Any.
Wilderness: Any.

Secondary Skills:
The character also gets to select 4 secondary skills from the list, excluding those marked "None," at level one and one additional skill at levels 4, 8, and 12.
These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parentheses. All secondary skills start at the base skill level
Standard Equipment:
Light to medium M.D.C. body armor, M.D.C poncho 25 or M.D.C cloak 30 M.D.C, tinted goggles 10 M.D.C , air filter 10 M.D.C, flashlight, cigarette lighter, pocket magnifying glass, pocket mirror, 100 feet(30.5 m) of heavy cord or cable, small portable tool kit, language translator (unless built-in), two utility belts, knapsack, backpack, four small sacks, 1D4 large sacks, and two canteens and some personal items. Weapons: Survival knife and

typical partial 'Borg sees only 40-55% of his body replaced by synthetic parts, the rest remains human. Ironically, these human parts of-ten become spectacularly important to the partial 'Borg, some-times to the point that one may wonder

one for each W.P. skill, and four additional E-Clips/ammo clips for each, plus 6 flares.
LE-B1 Light Espionage Armor: 135 M.D.C.
Slave Armor: 70 M.D.C.
No vehicle to start.

Statistics for Partial Cyborgs

Bionics & Cybernetics:
Starts with a pair of bionic legs and one or two (player's choice) bionic arms. As for additional items, he or she gets as many as half the total number of possible bionic features listed in the opening under Statistics for Partial Cyborgs. HOWEVER, if the character only takes one third that number (round down), it means he/she has savings in the amount of 400,000 credits that can be applied to other bionic improvement in the way of M.D.C. and increased at-tributes, or saved for repairs and upgrades in the future

• Size & Shape
M.D.C. of Limbs: All start at half of the possible maximum amount of M.D.C. for the Partial Cyborg O.C.C., i.e., a bionic hand starts at 25 because the range is 20-50, a bionic leg 45 M.D.C. because the range is 35-90. Additional M.D.C. may be purchased at any time (provided a facility is available) throughout the character's lifetime.
Hand (2): 50 M.D.C
Forearm Arm (4): 50 M.D.C.
Forearm Weapon (4): 50 M.D.C.
Upper Arm (4) :70 M.D.C
Foot (2): 20 M.D.C
Leg (2): 100 M.D.C.
Head: 90 M.D.C.
Main Body Partial Reconstruction: will have Cyber-Armor: can still wear body armor.
Requires body armor to protect one's flesh and blood body. Essentially, the main body isn't bionic, it remains flesh and blood. Can wear light bionic armor or conventional body armor.
Higher Cybernetic are standard issued
Thus, they could have attribute maximums as high as P.S. 30, P.P. 26, and Speed 200

Weapons & Features Possible
• Hand: one if small and not weapons
• Wrist: One.
• Knuckles: One each.
• Fingers: One weapon or another feature (sensor, camera, etc.) per each digit.
• Forearm: Two, typically a forearm blaster and a concealed weapon, often a pair of retractable forearm Laser Knife (look below four total)and medium or light range weapon IF heavy then one no melee weapons .
• Shoulder & Upper Arm: two small non-weapon feature Legs & Locomotion:
Typically, human or humanoid in configuration, though other possibilities are available (see Bionics section for options).
•Maximum Speed Attribute: Starts with a speed of 35 (25 mph/40 km), but the maximum is 58 (40 mph/64 km). Can leap 10 feet ) high and 20 feet across; increase by 50 % with a running start. A partial cyborg cannot tolerate the strain of anything faster, and there would be painful complications.
•Cyber-Armor: A.R. 16. A The Cyber-Armor has a 90 total M.D.C. and adds 10 pounds (4.5 kg) to body weight can regenerate 6d6 per hour
•Cyber-Disguise Type AA-I:
•Cyber-Disguise Type ASH Supplemental:
•Finger Gun:
•Finger jack

• Foot: Clawed toes and blades only (similar to the hand and applicable to kick attacks only

•Leg: Two weapon systems and one small compartment, or 3-5 compartments of varying sizes and/or other features, like sensors, hooks, etc.
Available Cyborg Armor Types
LL-SB Light Labor SlaveBorg Armor: 70 M.D.C.
• Head: Six maximum, 3-4 if large.
• Eyes: Multi-Optics eyes or eyes with as many as three enhanced optic features each. The often referred to HUD or picture in picture display feature comes standard with all bionic eyes and does not count as one of the three sections. HUD is not standard in cybernetic eyes and not pos-sible in Bio-System eyes.
• Ears: Three.
• Mouth/Jaw: Two.
• Neck: Two.
•Chest: Two

Cosmetics (general body)

Penalties of Partial Reconstruction:
Simulated sense of touch is a mere 10%. Prowl is difficult and suffers a penalty of -10%. Likewise, skills like surgery and pick pockets or locksmith are also - 5%. The average weight combined with the average body is 150-225 pounds and CAN 2D4 inches to original he

Will have full access to Rifts® Bionics Source book
Commercial Cybernetics
Commercial Cybernetic Sensors & Implants
Commercial Cosmetic Cybernetics
Black Market Cybernetics
Rare & Foreign Cybernetics
NO Techno-Wizard Bionics

Rare weapons systems

Laser Knife
The laser knife grew out of the technology used for the laser scalpel. Adventurers wanted a hand to hand weapon that was more powerful than the average Vibro-Blade. The laser knife was the first attempt at this. The laser knife projects a stable laser field eight inches (0.21 m) from the generator hilt. The laser is projected in the visible light spectrum and resembles a magic energy blade or psi-sword. It is still considered experimental and sold with no warranty and a warning about safety.
Weight: 1 lb (0.45 kg)
Mega-Damage: 1d4x10 M.D. per strike of the weapon
Rate of Fire: As per hand-to-hand attacks.
Effective Range: Hand-held like any knife; cannot be thrown (automatic shut off feature).
Note: The laser knife cannot be used to parry any type of attack; it cuts everything it touches.
Payload: 30+1D4x10 minutes per standard E-Clip; unpredictable duration. Unless connected to main power supply

Beehive & Blinder Laser Grenades

The Beehive and Blinder are "electronic" grenades that are designed to use laser technology instead of standard chemical explosive technology. The Beehive is designed as an offensive grenade that fires 40 single laser beams out to a 30-foot (9 m) radius from the detonation point. The Blinder is intended for riot control, anti-terrorism and as a means to incapacitate or distract an opponent.

: 12 ounces (0.35 kg)
S.D.C. of the Grenade: 20 points; A.R. 10
Beehive Grenade. Every individual caught in the blast takes 3D6 M.D. Giant-sized individuals take 5D6 M.D. and vehicles the size of a car or bigger take 1D6x10 M.D.
The Blinder Grenade is designed not to injure, but to blind both men and electronics. The high intensity light beams blind anybody without protective eye covering and happens so fast
that it circumvents light adjusting goggles and visions. Victims are blinded for 1D4 melee rounds, -8 to strike, parry and dodge, no initiative and lose two melee attacks, after which the vision is obscured with a dot of light for an additional 2D4 melee round; -1 on initiative, -4 to strike, parry and dodge, and lose one melee attack/action. Even those in power armor or vehicles with spe-cial light shielding should be momentarily distracted for 1D6 seconds, lose initiative and one melee action. All cameras and optics are also blinded by the sudden intense light (temporarily don't work) but come back on line in 1D4 melee rounds (15-60 Seconds).
Radius of Effect:
30 feet (9 m). The entire blast lasts about 1.5 seconds.
Rate of Fire:
One can be thrown at a time; each tossing of a gre-nade counts as one melee action.
Effective Range:
120 feet (122 m); double with supernatural P.S.
Payload: One charge/effect per grenade, although if it can be recovered,.

"Double Dealer"

has become a very popular weapon throughout simply because it takes an already fine weapon and makes it better. It has taken the popular laser rifle and added a 40 MM automatic grenade launcher. The laser provides range and accuracy, the grenade launcher provides area effect firepower. The laser E-Clip fits in the handle (takes standard or long clips), but also has the added feature of a second E-Clip housing in the top, butt end of the weapon which can also take a short or long clip. The grenade magazine fits into the lower housing in front of the trigger. A folding stock provides additional stability.
Weight: 3 lbs
Laser: 1d6x10 M.D. per single shot.
Grenade: 40 MM look below .
Rate of Fire: Laser: Standard (single shot, ).
40 mm Grenade launcher: Each shot counts as a melee action.
Effective Range:
Laser: 2000 feet (610 m).
Grenade Launcher: 500 feet (152 m
Payload: Laser:
40 shots with a long E-Clip which comes standard with the weapon;
80 with two long clips.
Grenade Launcher: Eight; two in the chamber and a six grenade magazine.
Bonus to Strike: +1 to strike on an aimed shot.

Grenade: 40 MM Damage:S.D.C
1D4x100 S.D.C.
1d4x100 S.D.C or 1d4MD
single shot HE 3D6 M D.C
Heavy Explosive rounds air burst 10 feet per round

Daul 6D6 M.D
Triple 1D6X10 M.D
quad fire 2D6 X10 M.D
Blast radius 5 per round

Heavy Explosive Anti Armor Tank rounds
Single shot HEAT 5D6 M.D.C
Daul 1D6X10 M.D
Triple 2d4x10+10M.D
quad fire 2d6x10 M.D

Armor Piercing Rounds

By pass armor hit cockpit compartment if None then to crew/pilots by 10% per round
Single shot AP round 4d6 M.D.C
Daul 1d4x10+8 M.D
Triple 1d6x10 +12 M.D
quad fire 2d4x10 M.D.

Single shot SMOKE 10 feet radius per round
Single shot Flare 1000 feet per round
Single shot Tear gas 100 feet per round
Single shot Knock our gas 10 feet per round
Single shot Flash bang 10 feet per round

Effective Range:
4921 feet direct fire
7286 feet indirect fire

K-9 Companion
A robot dog designed to be both a companion and helper. Most are programmed to behave like a real dog; bark, growl or snarl when the bot detects danger, and bark or howl in warning. Unlike the robot horse, the artificial dog typically comes with a life-like covering of fur, padding and musculature. The companion can perform a variety of combat and noncombat duties, ranging from hunting/tracking, fetching, herding animals (a big attraction in the west), guarding/warning and attack. Fairly intelligent, it can follow relatively complex orders and recognizes its owner and up to 64 of its owner's friends, associates and enemies.

K-9 Special Features:

Extra armor:
Add 30% to all M.D.C. for the deluxe, armored model, but also add 30% to the cost.
Voice recognition and response (talks): 100,000 credits.
Two small secret compartments can be built into the robot dog. Small compartments are half the size of a cigar box or roughly the size of a videocassette box. Cost: 1200 for each. Ex-cellent for holding small valuables, pistols, grenades, flares, an extra canteen, and so on.
K-9 Weapon Options:
Weapon extras are rarely part of the basic package and always cost extra. Full price applies even during sales. All weapons tend to be small and unobtrusive to avoid looking too obvious.
Chemical Spray:
Built into the mouth. Basically the same as the cyborg unit, only with double the payload. Cost: 45,000 credits plus cost of the chemicals.
Ion Blaster (head):
2D6 M.D. or 4D6 from a dual system.
Range is 600 feet (183 m),
payload is effectively unlimited.
Cost: 32,000 credits each. Typically built into the eyes or along the muzzle. As many as two, one on each side of the muzzle or in the eyes, can be installed.
Light Laser
(head): 1D6 M.D. or 2D6 from a dual system.
Range is 1200 feet (366 m);
payload is effectively unlimited.
Cost: 15,000 credits each.
Typically built into the eyes (reduce range by 20%) or along the muzzle. As many as two, one on each side of the muzzle (or in each eye socket), can be installed.
Model Type: K-9R-1100 Class: Robot Dog
M.D.C. by Location
Head — 50
Legs (4) — 50 each
*Main Body — 120
* Destruction of the main body will destroy the bot. Destruction of the head shuts it down. Destroying one leg will hobble the robot and reduce speed and leaping distance and height by 33%
Running: Maximum speed of 40 mph (64 km).
Leaping: 12 (3.6 m) high and 25 feet (7.6 m) lengthwise, with a
running start.
Flying: Not applicable.
Underwater Capabilities: The robot can function in/under water,
able to walk along the bottom of the sea at about 25% its normal
running speed, or swim at a speed of 3 mph (4.8 km or 2.6
knots). Maximum Depth is 500 feet (152.4 m)
Statistical Data

Height: Usually about 3 feet (0.9 m) at the top of the head.
Width: 1.6 feet (0.5 m)
Length: Approximately 3-4 feet (0.9 to 1.2 m).
Weight: 150 lbs.
Color: Varies with the breed.
Attributes of Note:
Robot P.S. 22, P.P. 20, P.B. 10 (15 with hide),
Spd 59;
equivalent I.Q. 9.
Power System:
Nuclear, average life of 15 years.
Can carry up to 500 pounds (225 kg) and can pull up to 1000 pounds (450 kg).
2.5 million; sometimes on sale for 10-20% less.
Special Sensors:
Keen polarized color vision, passive nightsight
(1600 ft/488 m range), plus amplified hearing, ultra ear, and
molecular analyzer in nose, all basically the same as the
bionic counterparts.
K-9 Companion Skill Program:
Land navigation,
track animals,
herd cattle, and swim,
all at 90%;
plus track humanoids 75%,
climb 70%/0%,
prowl 70%.
Weapon Systems:
None to start.
Combat Notes:
Attacks per Melee Round: Three
+2 on initiative, +3 to strike, +1 to parry, +3 to dodge
when running, and +2 to roll with punch, fall or impact.
Restrained Bite Strike: 6D6 S.D.C.
Full Strength Bite: 2D4 M.D.
Power Bite: 3D6 M.D. but counts as two melee attacks.
Claw Strike: 1D4 M.D.
Running Body Block/Leaping Tackle: 1D4 M.D.
Head Butt: 2D6 S.D.C.
Fusion Blocks.
A fusion block is a little square case about the size of a hand-held computer. On top of the block is a small keypad for programming the time of detonation. An automatic 30 second delay is built into each fusion bomb as a safety feature to avoid instant detonation
Mega-Damage: There are three types of fusion block bombs.
Type One: ID4x 1O M.D . weighs 8 Ibs (3.6kg).
Type Two: 2D6x l0 M.D.; weighs 12 Ibs(5.4 m).
Type Three: 4D6x l0 M.D.C. weighs 16 Ibs(7. 1 kg).
Blast radius: Contained to a 10-foot (3 m) diameter.
Effective Range: Fusion blocks are made for placement, not throwing, or shooting. However, one can try throwing the explosive; typical range is ID6x lO feet (3- 8 m); blocks are not aerodynamic


Posted: Thu May 23, 2024 10:52 pm
Part seven ... -651943284

Heavy war child

mainly are found in Africa or Asia as heavy support units use M.D.C clothing or some type of body armor.
As a child, the character does not yet have the strength. roll on the Child's Spell Modifier Table.

Child Attributes:
I.Q. 1D6+5,
M.E. 1D6+5 (+3 for girls),
M.A. 2D6,
P.E. 2D4+2,
P.B. 1D4
Spd. NA

Pick one
Child (12 - 14):. years old
P.P.E.: 1d4 all
Hit Points: 1D6+6. S.D.C.: 2D6 (boy), 1D6 (girl);

15-16 years old (1D4+12). Teen Attributes
Hit Points: 2D6+3. S.D.C.: 3D6 (+6 for boys +4 Girls );

17 to 19 years old
Hit Points Bonus: +4D6. S.D.C.
+1D6 (+6 for boys);

Education & Skills:
Basic Math,
Literacy: Native Language
Computer Operation,
two Domestic Skills of choice
reed Dogs — 40%/20%+5%
Climbing, all at the base skill level.
Skills start at level one and advance with experience; no bonuses apply.


O.C.C Skills
Math: Basic (+10%)
Radio: Basic (+10%)
Land Navigation (+15%)
Wilderness Survival (+10%)
Climbing (+5%)
General Repair & Maintenance (+15%)
Read Sensory Equipment (+10%)
Pilot skill of choice (+10%); excluding robot and power armor skills.
W.P. Energy Rifle
W.P. One Ancient Weapon of choice.
W.P. One Modern
Energy Weapon of choice.
Hand to Hand: Expert, only
O.C.C. Related Skills:
Select 1D4+1 other skills,
plus select one additional skill at levels 3, 6, 9, and 12. All new skills start at
level one proficiency.
O.C.C. Related Skills: Select 1D4+1 other skills,
plus select one additional skill at levels 3, 6, 9, and 12. All new skills start at
level one proficiency.

Communications: Any (+10%).
Cowboy: None.
Domestic: Any.
Electrical: None.
Espionage: Intelligence and Detect Concealment. Detect Ambush, Detect Concealment, Escape Artist, Pick Locks, Pick Pockets, Sniper, Tracking (people), Wilderness Survival
Horsemanship: General only.
Mechanical: None.
Medical: First Aid and Brewing only (+5%).
Military: Field Armorer & Munitions Expert, Camouflage, Field Armorer & Munitions Expert, Find Contraband, Military Etiquette,,, Parachuting, Trap/Mine Detection ONLY
Physical: Any that are still appropriate.
Pilot: Any (+5%); except robot, power armor, and military.
Pilot Related: Any.
Rogue: Computer Operation, Computer Programming, Computer Hacking, Find Contraband (+10%), Ventriloquism (+5%), Concealment, Gambling, Palming, Pick Locks, Pick Pockets, Streetwise, Tailing, and Prowl only.
Science: Astronomy, Biology and Advanced Math only.
Technical None
W.P.: Any.
Wilderness: Any.
Secondary Skills:
The character also gets to select 1d4 secondary skills from the list, excluding those marked "None," at level one and one additional skill at levels 4, 8, and 12.
These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parentheses. All secondary skills start at the base skill level
Standard Equipment:
Light to medium M.D.C. body armor, M.D.C poncho 25 or M.D.C cloak 30 M.D.C, tinted goggles 10 M.D.C , air filter 10 M.D.C, flashlight, cigarette lighter, pocket magnifying glass, pocket mirror, 100 feet(30.5 m) of heavy cord or cable, small portable tool kit, language translator (unless built-in), two utility belts, knapsack, backpack, four small sacks, 1D4 large sacks, and two canteens and some personal items. Weapons: Survival knife and

typical partial 'Borg sees only 40-55% of his body replaced by synthetic parts, the rest remains human. Ironically, these human parts of-ten become spectacularly important to the partial 'Borg, some-times to the point that one may wonder

one for each W.P. skill, and four additional E-Clips/ammo clips for each, plus 6 flares.
Slave Armor: 70 M.D.C.
No vehicle to start.

Statistics for Partial Cyborgs

Money: limited by bounties or mission or organization
Bionics & Cybernetics:
Starts with a pair of bionic legs and one or two (player's choice) bionic arms. As for additional items, he or she gets as many as half the total number of possible bionic features listed in the opening under Statistics for Partial Cyborgs.

• Size & Shape
M.D.C. of Limbs: All start at half of the possible maximum amount of M.D.C. for the Partial Cyborg O.C.C., i.e., a bionic hand starts at 25 because the range is 20-50, a bionic leg 45 M.D.C. because the range is 35-90. Additional M.D.C. may be purchased at any time (provided a facility is available) throughout the character's lifetime.
Hand: 20-50 M.D.C
Forearm Arm: 10-50 M.D.C.
Forearm Weapon: 20-40 M.D.C.
Upper Arm: 30-70 M.D.C
Foot: 15-20 M.D.C
Leg: 35-90 M.D.C.
Head: 30-90 M.D.C.
Main Body Partial Reconstruction:
Requires body armor to protect one's flesh and blood body. Essentially, the main body isn't bionic, it remains flesh and blood. Can wear light bionic armor or conventional body armor.
Higher Cybernetic Limits for partial cyborgs but maybe leader
Thus, they could have attribute maximums as high as P.S. 30, P.P. 26, and Speed 200

Weapons & Features Possible
• Hand: one if small and not weapons
• Wrist: One.
• Knuckles: One each.
• Fingers: One weapon or another feature (sensor, camera, etc.) per each digit.
• Forearm: Two, typically a forearm blaster and a concealed weapon, often a pair of retractable forearm Vibro-Blades and medium or light range weapon IF heavy then one no melee weapons .
• Shoulder & Upper Arm: two small non-weapon feature Legs & Locomotion:
Typically, human or humanoid in configuration, though other possibilities are available (see Bionics section for options).
•Maximum Speed Attribute: Starts with a speed of 35 (25 mph/40 km), but the maximum is 58 (40 mph/64 km). Can leap 10 feet ) high and 20 feet across; increase by 50 % with a running start. A partial cyborg cannot tolerate the strain of anything faster, and there would be painful complications.

Only full conversion cyborgs can have higher stats. Cost: 1,500 credits per point above 35. Other Leg Attributes: P.S. & P.P. start at 12, but the maximum is 20. Cost: 2,000 credits per point above 12.

• Foot: Clawed toes and blades only (similar to the hand and applicable to kick attacks only

•Leg: Two weapon systems and one small compartment, or 3-5 compartments of varying sizes and/or other features, like sensors, hooks, etc.
Available Cyborg Armor Types
LL-SB Light Labor Slave Borg Armor: 70 M.D.C.
• Head: Six maximum,
• Eyes: Multi-Optics eyes or eyes with as many as three enhanced optic features each. The often referred to HUD or picture in picture display feature comes standard with all bionic eyes and does not count as one of the three sections. HUD is not standard in cybernetic eyes and not pos-sible in Bio-System eyes.
• Ears: Three.
• Mouth/Jaw: Two.
• Neck: Two.
•Chest: Two.
(general body) limited.
Penalties of Partial Reconstruction:
Simulated sense of touch is a mere 10%. Prowl is difficult and suffers a penalty of -10%. Likewise, skills like surgery and pick pockets or locksmith are also - 5%. The average weight combined with the average body is 150-225 pounds and CAN 2D4 inches to original height

Fusion Blocks.

A fusion block is a little square case about the size of a hand-held computer. On top of the block is a small keypad for programming the time of detonation. An automatic 30 second delay is built into each fusion bomb as a safety feature to avoid instant detonation
Mega-Damage: There are three types of fusion block bombs.
Type One: ID4x lO M.D . weighs 8 Ibs (3.6kg).
Type Two: 2D6x l 0 M.D.; weighs 12 Ibs(5.4 m).
Type Three: 4D6x l 0 M.D.C. weighs 16 Ibs(7. 1 kg).
Blast radius: Contained to a 10-foot (3 m) diameter.
Effective Range: Fusion blocks are made for placement, not throwing, or shooting. However, one can try throwing the explosive; typical range is ID6x lO feet (3- 8 m); blocks are not aerodynamic.


Posted: Thu May 23, 2024 10:55 pm
part eight

High Tech War Child

Mainly used as Government or High End mercenary groups front worldwide to cover tracks using children disabled or orphans’ children. These work with a major or minor factions or are independent that have been around the block and have many black market connection as well

Location middle East, Russian area in civil unrest , and all of Asia but worldwide ... 1015167658 ... 1026764824 ... 1026760811 ... 1015167658 ... 1030213651 ... 1030206180
Chaos earth High Tech war Child
As a child, the character does not yet have the strength. roll on the Child's Spell Modifier Table.

Child Attributes:
I.Q. 1D6+5,
M.E. 1D6+5 (+3 for girls),
M.A. 2D6,
P.E. 2D4+2,
P.B. 1D4
Spd. NA

Pick one
Child: (12 - 14). years old
P.P.E.: 1d4 all
Hit Points: 1D6+6. S.D.C.: 2D6 (boy), 1D6 (girl);

15-16 years old (1D4+12). Teen Attributes
Hit Points: 2D6+3. S.D.C.: 3D6 (+6 for boys +4 Girls );

17 to 19 years old
Hit Points Bonus: +4D6. S.D.C.
+1D6 (+6 for boys);

Education & Skills:
Basic Math,
Literacy: Native Language
Computer Operation,
two Domestic Skills of choice
reed Dogs — 40%/20%+5%
Climbing, all at the base skill level.
Skills start at level one and advance with experience; no bonuses apply.


O.C.C Skills
Math: Basic (+10%)
Radio: Basic (+10%)
Land Navigation (+15%)
Wilderness Survival (+10%)
Climbing (+5%)
General Repair & Maintenance (+15%)
Read Sensory Equipment (+10%)
Pilot skill of choice (+10%);
W.P. Energy Rifle
W.P. four Ancient Weapon of choice.
W.P. three Modern
Energy Weapon of choice.
Hand to Hand: Expert, only
O.C.C. Related Skills:
Select 5 other skills,
Plus select one additional skill at levels 3, 6, 9, and 12. All new skills start at
level one proficiency.
Communications: Any (+10%).
Cowboy: None.
Domestic: Any.
Electrical: None.
Espionage: Intelligence and Detect Concealment. Detect Ambush, Detect Concealment, Escape Artist, Pick Locks, Pick Pockets, Sniper, Tracking (people), Wilderness Survival
Horsemanship: General only.
Mechanical: None.
Medical: First Aid and Brewing only (+5%).
Military: Field Armorer & Munitions Expert, Camouflage, Field Armorer & Munitions Expert, Find Contraband, Military Etiquette, Parachuting, Trap/Mine Detection ONLY
Physical: Any that are still appropriate.
Pilot: Any (+5%); except robot, power armor, and military.
Pilot Related: Any.
Rogue: Computer Operation, Computer Programming, Computer Hacking, Find Contraband (+10%), Ventriloquism (+5%), Concealment, Gambling, Palming, Pick Locks, Pick Pockets, Streetwise, Tailing, and Prowl only.
Science: Astronomy, Biology and Advanced Math only.
Technical None
W.P.: Any.
Wilderness: Any.
Secondary Skills:
The character also gets to select 4 secondary skills from the list, excluding those marked "None," at level one and one additional skill at levels 4, 8, and 12.
These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in parentheses. All secondary skills start at the base skill level

No vehicle to start.

Statistics for Partial Cyborgs

varies GM but if working with front 1d4 million credit and run away stash 2d4 million credit
Independent look at reputation below
Bionics & Cybernetics:
Starts with a pair of bionic legs and one or two (player's choice) bionic arms. As for additional items, he or she gets as many as half the total number of possible bionic features listed in the opening under Statistics for Partial Cyborgs. HOWEVER, if the character only takes one third that number (round down), it means he/she has savings in the amount of 400,000 or 1d4x1,000,000 credits starting save that can be applied to other bionic improvement in the way of M.D.C. and increased at-tributes, or saved for repairs and upgrades in the future

• Size & Shape

M.D.C. of Limbs:
All start at half of the possible maximum amount of M.D.C. for the Partial Cyborg O.C.C., i.e., a bionic hand starts at 25 because the range is 20-50, a bionic leg 45 M.D.C. because the range is 35-90. Additional M.D.C. may be purchased at any time (provided a facility is available) throughout the character's lifetime.
Hand: 50 M.D.C
Forearm Arm: 50 M.D.C.
Forearm Weapon: 40 M.D.C.
Upper Arm: 70 M.D.C
Foot: 20 M.D.C
Leg: 90 M.D.C.
Head: 90 M.D.C.
Main Body Partial Reconstruction:
Requires body armor to protect one's flesh and blood body. Essentially, the main body isn't bionic, it remains flesh and blood. Can wear light bionic armor or conventional body armor.
Higher Cybernetic Limits for partial cyborgs is standard issued
Thus, they could have attribute maximums as high as P.S. 30, P.P. 26, and Speed 200
• Head: Six maximum, starts 3 if large.
• Eyes: Multi-Optics eyes or eyes with as many as three enhanced optic features each. The often referred to HUD or picture in picture display feature comes standard with all bionic eyes and does not count as one of the three sections. HUD is not standard in cybernetic eyes and not possible in Bio-System eyes.
• Ears: Three.
• Mouth/Jaw: Two.
• Neck: Two.
•Chest: Two.
Cosmetics (general body)
Penalties of Partial Reconstruction:
Simulated sense of touch is a mere 5%. Prowl is difficult and suffers a penalty of -5%. Likewise, skills like surgery and pick pockets or locksmith are also - 5%. The average weight combined with the average body is 100- 200 pounds and CAN 2D4 inches to original height at ant time .

Weapons & Features Possible
• Hand: one if small and not weapons
• Wrist: One.
• Knuckles: One each.
• Fingers: One weapon or another feature (sensor, camera, etc.) per each digit.
• Forearm: Two, typically a forearm blaster and a concealed weapon, often a pair of retractable forearm Vibro-Blades and medium or/and light range weapon IF heavy then one no melee weapons.
• Shoulder & Upper Arm:
two small non-weapon feature Legs & Locomotion:
Typically, human or humanoid in configuration, though other possibilities are available (see Bionics section for options).
•Maximum Speed Attribute: Starts with a speed of 35 (25 mph/40 km), but the maximum is 58 (40 mph/64 km). Can leap 10 feet high and 20 feet across; increase by double with a running start. A partial cyborg cannot tolerate the strain of anything faster, and there would be painful complications.
•Horror/Awe factor 14

• Foot: Clawed toes and blades only (like the hand and applicable to kick attacks only

•Leg: Two weapon systems and one small compartment, or 3-5 compartments of varying sizes and/or other features, like sensors, hooks, etc.

Standard Equipment:
Light to medium M.D.C. body armor, M.D.C poncho 25 or M.D.C cloak 30 M.D.C, tinted goggles 10 M.D.C , air filter 10 M.D.C, flashlight, cigarette lighter, pocket magnifying glass, pocket mirror, 100 feet(30.5 m) of heavy cord or cable, small portable tool kit, back up language translator (unless built-in), two utility belts, knapsack, backpack, four small sacks, 1D4 large sacks, and two canteens and some personal items. Weapons: Survival knife and

typical partial 'Borg sees only 40-55% of his body replaced by synthetic parts, the rest remains human. Ironically, these human parts of-ten become spectacularly important to the partial 'Borg, some-times to the point that one may wonder

one for each W.P. skill, and four additional E-Clips/ammo clips for each, plus 6 flares.
LE-B1 Light Espionage Armor: 135 M.D.C.
Available Cyborg Armor Types
LL-SB Light Labor SlaveBorg Armor:
0 M.D.C. low level troops
Light Espionage Armor:
155 M.D.C. squad leaders and second in command or high level squad

In addition to available Rifts® Bionics Sourcebook
Commercial Cosmetic Cybernetics
Commercial Cybernetic Sensors & Implants
Commercial Cybernetics
Cybernetic Lung Implants
Bio-Systems for the Head
Bio-System Eyes
Appendages, Prosthetics & Bone
Black Market/ Black Market Specialty Cybernetics
• Climb Cord
• Cyber-Armor
• Cyber-Disguises
• Cyber-Stinger
• DNA Analyzer
• Finger Vid Camera
• Finger Gun
• Garrote Wrist Wire
• Knuckle Spikes
• Spy Audio Transmitter
Can have of the above equipment from other war child’s
Fusion Blocks.
A fusion block is a little square case about the size of a hand-held computer. On top of the block is a small keypad for programming the time of detonation. An automatic 30 second delay is built into each fusion bomb as a safety feature to avoid instant detonation
Mega-Damage: There are three types of fusion block bombs.
Type One: ID4x lO M.D . weighs 8 Ibs (3.6kg).
Type Two: 2D6x l 0 M.D.; weighs 12 Ibs(5.4 m).
Type Three: 4D6x l 0 M.D.C. weighs 16 Ibs(7. 1 kg).
Blast radius: Contained to a 10-foot (3 m) diameter.
Effective Range: Fusion blocks are made for placement, not throwing, or shooting. However, one can try throwing the explosive; typical range is ID6x lO feet (3- 8 m); blocks are not aerodynamic.

Use Rifts® Mercenaries pages 16 to 18

there are three groups of High Tech WAR CHILD
group number one Independent mean lone wolf operative
group number two freelance are a group of operatives with massive budget that can rival a small countries
group number three working with government or foreign agency
Reputation/Credentials roll 1d6
1. Hunted get -1d6x10% pay
2. Scoundrels -1d4x10% pay
3. Unknown-1d4x10%
4. Known standard pay
5. Excellent Reputation add 1d4x10%
6. Famous add 2d6x10 pay

Special Budget roll 1d6
1. None zero
2. Nickles and Dimes 1d10 x100,000
3. Small Potatoes 1,000,000
4. Large Loans 1d4 millions
5. Big Bucks 2d6 millions
6. Mega Bucks 6d6 millions



Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2024 10:43 pm
I am working on a few things that I want to post in Pre Rifts Middle war


Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2025 5:03 pm
so sorry for the delay working on the following
for Pre-Rifts Middle Wars 2031

1. Iran Partial Cyborg
2. Iran Cyber-Humanoid O.C.C.
3. tank Walker
4. Handheld weapons
5. 5.56mm M16A2 Assault Rifle:
6. 7.56mm Assault Rifle:
7. 7.56mm AK-47 Assault Rifle
8. Heavy weapons
9. 40mm Shells
10. 15mm Anti-Infantry Machine Gun
11. 40 MM Automatic Grenade Launcher
12. 40 MM Super-Grenade Launcher
13. Mini- Missile Launcher
14. Short Range Missile Launcher
15. Fire & Forget Medium Missile Launcher
16. Javelin-Missile
17. Heavy weapon table for cailber rounds
18. LAW Missile Launcher
19. RPG-70
20. Howitzer
21. Mortars
22. 7.62 mm Cupola Machine-gun
23. Cupola Rail Gun
24. Box Style Mini-Missile Launchers
25. 20mm Gatling Cannon:
26. XM-134 7.62 mm Mini-Gun:
27. Modified XM-3 2.7 inch Rocket Launchers :
28. .50 Caliber Machine-Gun
29. Tube Mini-Missile Launcher
30. MP-10 Caseless Pistol (S.D.C.)
31. MP-23A Caseless SMG
32. Revolving Grenade Launcher
33. Quad Man-Portable Multiple Mini-Missile Launcher
34. Plasma Flame Thrower
35. Multi-Purpose Rifle