Seto wrote:In theory, yes... though it's worth noting that that weird AGACs/Defender hybrid is said to use a protoculture reactor rather than a protoculture cell-based system. The Alpha's protoculture cell generator may pose other difficulties, mechanically. (Then there's the RPG's slightly worrying implication that converting hardware from one type of power system to another is extremely dangerous...)
Not quite. While the Ares had the SLMH reactor replaced with a PC reactor (the same as the Windowmaker), they both still run off PC Cells (8 each, 4 and 14days respectively). So we have the PC cells acting more like gas-tanks for a PC reactor rather than the site where the "magic" happens. This also would be consistent with the way the Cyclone ('cycle mode) appears in POV shots in NG#2/Ep62 of the sensor and "Curtain Call" refueling port depiction (VR-041).
Seto wrote:WRT the text of the RPG and so on... Corg appears to have been right. The bio-emulator is amplifying and/or tweaking the emissions of a protoculture cell, rather than producing an entirely artificial signature.
The basic point though is not necessarily if the Bio-Emulator was creating a synthetic signature. The basic point is if it is possible under any circumstance to have a synthetic signature. The only place it gets discussed in the show is in connection to the HDBE.
Seto wrote:though since cyclones were at least as common as the Alpha fighters, you'd have to wonder why they wouldn't.
There could be a min. size for the actual Shadow Device that prevents the system from being crammed into such a small platform with the available technology of the UEEF (Haydonites may not want to share everything). Plus the Cyclone has little room for internal growth, unlike the other mecha, so it may not be as forgiving with new hardware installation (and the hardware might have certain placement requirements to).
Seto wrote:They don't seem to even CONSIDER any passive applications of the stuff in the Invid sensing rules in either the core book or New Gen book.
There may not be any real passive applications of the stuff that don't result in an active PC energy signature though. Consider how many different ways (in general) that there are to detect the release/use of energy (not all apply to all circumstances, and by no means is this a complete list):
-visible light
-heat, IR
-radioactive particles (neutrons, gamma rays, X-rays, etc)
-flow of electrons (which will cause electric/magnetic fields to be created)
-pressure waves/movement
-radio waves, microwaves
-formation of new compounds (fuel cell, internal combustion engine) or atomic atoms (fusion/fission)
Until we can characterize what the emission that is actually detected, "active" PC can really mean anything including non-consumption uses. Now some of these can be characterized similar to the dialogue, while others can't (re: HDBE and SD descriptions in 85ep).
Seto wrote:I suppose this could mean that protoculture power systems have to "excite" a raw protoculture fuel into a state where it can discharge its bio-energy, and that what the Invid "see" isn't really the process of generation itself, but rather some kind of characteristic frequency given off by protoculture in that discharge state... like a running generator that isn't supplying current to anything.
Which is what I am getting at. We really do no know what the Invid actually are seeing as "active PC energy", so we really do not know what qualifies as "active PC energy". The characteristic frequency may not even require a permanent discharge of energy (ex. in combustion/nuclear fuel), merely the transfer of energy through it (ex. flow of electrons in a wire) since BY THE RULES some/all PC-Energy Clips are rechargeable.
Nightmask wrote:No, what it points to is that all it takes is what amounts to a trivial amount of energy drain for an active system (such as turning it on so it's 'hot' as it were) to start generating a protoculture signature from something that runs on protoculture.
In the near term the usage is trivial, but in the LONG TERM the amount of energy consumed should matter, but game mechanically it is not accounted for.
Nightmask wrote:There's also no reason to think SLMH still requires some protoculculture, if it did some mention would be made of it. Instead though mention is made of trying to NOT make use of protoculture and switch to an alternative fuel source, you're hardly switching if you still have to use it, that's more of a hybrid fuel system and would require specific mention to accept the existence of it.
Actually there is. SLMH in the real world requires massive amount of pressure if the SLMH is pure Hydrogen (theory predicts creating alloys reduces the required pressure). SLMH only seems to have become possible coincidentally with the arrival and development of RTnology, so PC may be involved in the process. It would also allow one to stretch their supply of PC.
It would also explain why the UEEF didn't simply switch back to SLMH fuel long ago for mecha to get the same benefits as Shadow Tech gives pure PC fuel to Invid Sensors.
As far as mentioning it, you'll notice that SLMH mecha types are specifically identified on the "apply" list for the Invid PC Sensor. So either those mecha use PC in some other fashion, have a "false positive" (coincidence), or SLMH involves PC. Individually a GM can go with any one of these 3 as an explanation for why these supposed PC-free platforms register based on the available information in the RPG and TV series (where SLMH is a figment of the RPG)
Nightmask wrote:We also don't have any reason to think there are 'false-positives' either,
Except the TV series pretty much tells us that a synthetic signature is possible, which can lead to a "false positive".