Starship designs...

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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by taalismn »

Paladin Steel ‘Kepler’ Intersystem Light Transport
“Doesn’t look like much, but she’ll get you to Mars and back a helluva lot faster than any Hohlman Transfer!”

The captain of the tug Vulture Seven was still panting hoarsely as he hard-landed in the helmsman’s chair and slapped his hands across the helm controls, setting off a chorus of electronic protests as he overrode several dozen procedural protocols and safety checklists. The screaming memories of what he’s just experienced and the cries of fear of his crewmen ringing over the ship-comm, however, made the tinny whines of annoyed electronic systems an insignificance.
“Cast off! Now! Now!”
Beside him he could hear the medical officer chanting under his breath.
The mass of the giant derelict space cruiser loomed large in the screens of the little salvage tug, slowly moving away from the camera point of view as the two ships drifted apart after the hard disconnect. As the captain watched horrified, the ancient ship’s hull began to twist and deform, portions of it cracking, stretching and moving like iron filings in a magnetic field, moving TOWARDS the tug, seeking to make contact again, to take hold of his ship in tentacles of tainted metal...
“-thatshipisEVILcan’tyousee?!EVIL!PUREEVIL!!!Didjalisten?NO!It’s EVI-”
Through the hull structure the captain could hear the sudden hammering of the rail gun turrets and the hum of the lasers discharging. He could see parts of the demon-ship’s deformed hull glow and shatter, but the tendrils kept on their advance on the tug. At their current speed, those abominations would make contact well before the -Vulture Seven’s- main drives could kick in.
In desperation the captain reached over and threw the switches on the docking mags, reversing their function.
When the ring of powerful electromagnets around the spherical ship’s equator went active, the tendrils of animated metal fragments suddenly dispersed, blown away as if by a strong wind. The two metal ships fairly flew apart in a show of mutual repulsion, the salvage tug thrown starward, the haunted space cruiser tumbling towards the gas giant.
“Gears! Give me full engine power before that damn thing gets its legs under it!!! We need immediate boost NOW!!!”
Some days it was just better to stay home.

The ‘Kepler’-class ILT is a scaled-up long-range space-capable derivation of the Paladin Steel ‘Cavorite’ GMR Aerodyne. The Kepler shares the same spheroid hull, but is considerably larger, and propelled wholly by contragravity drive(its station-keeping thrusters are too small and weak to provide anything other than orbital maneuvering). Aside from a few obvious station-keeping and attitude thrusters, and possible glowing bands around the hull, the ships have no obvious engines; the contra-gravity generators allow them to move without obvious reaction efflux, and in any direction. This makes the ships very easy to handle, especially during hovering and docking/landing maneuvering, though the internalized CG system is not capable of the same high speeds as more conventional lay-out vessels with exposed external CG drive emitters. The ships are fully at home in space and in atmosphere, as long as the CG-field is operating.
Internally, the Kepler has ten decks around a central lift/service trunk. The bridge is typically located near the top of the sphere, though some buyers route the controls to a lower deck position for improved visibility during planetary operations. The payload decks are modular and reconfigurable for passengers(mass transit seating or cabins) or cargo( standardized containers or bulk items). Many passenger- and yacht-conversions use the lower decks as large lounges, with wraparound holodisplays or armored window-ports.
Keplers are NOT meant for combat operations(the standard model comes without any sort of forceshielding), but having been designed by Rifts Earth engineers, the Keplers have been provided with at least a basic self-defense capability and fairly heavy armor, plus upgradeable with additional weaponry and shield generators. Of course, more than a few have been called upon to serve as gunships and light combatants.
Keplers were designed from the onset to be compatible with the Brunel Heavy Transport, the latter vessel being able to carry five Keplers in place of its heavy cargo pods. This allows the Kepler to be carried via interstellar FTL to other star systems for sale or work by a Brunel ‘drayhorse’ or mothership.
Keplers are quickly becoming a common sight around PS/ASI interstellar facilities, becoming the interplanetary workhorse of choice for many duties. They are used for interplanetary/interorbital shuttling, light transport, scientific monitoring, prospecting, and other similar duties. They have acquired something of a reputation as ‘spacegoing Liberty Ships’ or ‘system trampers’ among PS/ASI/GNE crews, given their growing popularity and ease of operation.
Against existing designs in the Three Galaxies, such as the Bullock-class orbital tug, ASI has an uphill battle selling the Kepler, but a low price, high degree of modification, and a range of options are begining to pull sales up.

Type: PS-CGILT-C400 Kepler
Class: Intersystem Light Transport
Crew: 5, plus 1-20 passengers in cargo mode, 1-180 passengers in ‘bus’ mode.
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 4,000
Bridge 800
Point Defense Laser Turrets(8) 100 each

Height: 180 ft in diameter
Width: 180 ft in diameter
Length: 180 ft in diameter
Weight: 1,000 tons
Cargo: If configured for cargo, can carry up to 800 tons
If configured for passengers, can still carry 120 tons of cargo(dedicated space)

Powerplant: Nuclear Fusion w/ 25 year energy life
Speed:(Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 3, transatmospheric
(Sublight) Mach 4
(Kitsune Values: 20% of light speed; Accelerates/decelerates at 0.4% of light speed per melee)
(FTL) Not possible(see Variants)
(Underwater)---The Kepler CAN be equipped to travel underwater, for an extra 24 million credits. Underwater speed of 15 MPH, maximum depth of 4,000 ft

Bonus: The Kepler is agile enough that it has a +1 to Dodge, and stable enough that it gets a +5% to piloting rolls in normal space and atmospheric maneuvering.

Cost: 15 million credits in the Three Galaxies, 2-5 times that in the Rifts Earth solar system.
Systems of Note:
Standard Spacecraft Systems, plus:

*Full Sensor Suite---Specialized sensor pallets include radiation detectors and counters, spectrographic analysis devices, gravitic sensors, electromagnetic activity readers, and optics packages.
*Long Range Radar---Phased Array Search and Early Warning Radars---Maximum Resolution Range of 300,000 miles. Navigational array has a range of 1 million miles.
*Laser Targeting-------100,000 miles
*Communications Suite:---Long Range Radio and Video
*Laser Communications ---Tactical (i.e. ship-to fighter/shuttle)Range: 50,000 miles
*Optical Tracking Clusters----These are transparent blisters fitted with gimbal-mounted high-resolution visible-light/IR/UV optical telescopes that continually scan the arc of sky before them. Linked to the navigational arrays and other tracking sensors, and to a series of highly-sophisticated near-AI search and discrimination software systems, these sensors attempt to detect objects that have low radar returns/sensor signatures, such as stealthed vehicles, iceballs, or asteroids. The high-tech equivalent of the man in the crow’s nest with a pair of binoculars.

Weapons Systems:
1)Point Defense Lasers(8)---- Four PDLs can be mounted on the Kepler’s ‘equator’ and two at each ‘pole’ in rings around them.
Range: 5,000 ft in atmosphere, 4 miles in space.
(Kitsune Values: 4 miles in atmosphere, 400 miles in space)
Damage: 2d6x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: 4 times per melee
Payload: Effectively unlimited

*Weapons Turrets----The Kepler can be equipped with up to ten weapons turrets...a heavy turret mounted axially at each ‘pole’ of the sphere, and four smaller turrets mounted on each hemisphere of the main body.
What follows is just a sampling of the many different available configurations available; many Keplers get customized to customer special orders before even leaving the factory, while others have been extensively ‘kitbashed’ by enterprising mechanics and TWizards after purchase.

Polar Turret(Lower hull, retractable)---This turret deploys out of a central well at the poles of the ship, and has a full 360-degree arc of fire. Costs 60,000 credits each turret and has 200 MDC. Can accommodate ONE weapon up to Medium Class.
a) Mini-Missile Launcher---50 MMs
b) Short Range Missile Pod----24 SRMs
c) Medium Range Missile Pod---12 MRMs
d) Long Range Missiles---4 LRMs may be carried
e) Forcefield Generator---+400 MDC

Light Turrets(1-8)--- These are smaller weapons turrets, mounted around the equator and hemispheres of the ship, each with 100 MDC, and costing about 10,000 credits each. Can accommodate ONE weapon up to Light Class.
a) Mini-Missile Launcher---24 MMs
b) Short Range Missile Pod----12 SRMs
c) Medium Range Missile Pod---6 MRMs
d) Long Range Missiles---1 LRM may be carried
e) Forcefield Generator---+100 MDC

*Additional Armor--Up to 600 MDC of additional armor can be added; 10,000 credits per 10 MDC.
Laser Ablative armor is also available at TWICE normal armor cost. This material is ceramic-based, and lasers do HALF damage; variable-frequency lasers do NOT readjust to compensate on this stuff.

*Forcefield Generator---Standard Naruni-style knockoff Forcefields:
a)Light Forcefield---- 100 MDC--- 800 credits
b) Medium Forcefield---- 150 MDC--- 1.2 million credits
c) Heavy Forcefield---- 240 MDC--- 2.4 million credits
d) Superheavy Forcefield---- 320 MDC--- 3 million credits
Note: All forcefields regenerate at 5% per melee
Additional forcefield generators can be added, taking up a weapons turret slot OR 10 tons of cargo space/capacity.

*Enhanced Sensors---The sensor range can be beefed up to 50% in terms of range and effectiveness for 100,000 credits

*Heavy Sensor Array---This adds a large two- or four-vaned radar array to the upper polar end of the Kepler. These arrays can detect incoming ships at 400,000 miles and can pick up FTL wakes as far away as 13 light years.
Cost: 13 million credits

TW Options
Like the Cavorite before it, the Kepler has caught the affection of the Techno-Wizardry community, who have suggested a variety of different modifications for it. Though no formal TW modifications have yet been offered for the Kepler, PS has made provision for their later addition, offering TW PPE Generators/Accumulators against future need.
In addition to the features below, I suggest looking at Coalition Wars One: Siege on Tolkeen, pgs 68-72, for other systems that can be added. Stealth features are particularly popular, as well as LeyLine Engines(wizards love to ‘float’ these things along ley-lines).

*PPE Battery and Generator---Stores and recovers PPE from the environment, and keeps all your TW gadgetry powered up!
PPE Capacity:(Light)----200 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 10 PPE per hour, 20PPE/hour at a leyline, 40 PPE/hour on a nexus
(Medium)-----300 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 10 PPE per hour, 40 PPE/hour at a leyline, 80 PPE/hour on a nexus
(‘Wizard’)----400 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 14 PPE per hour, 50 PPE/hour at a leyline, 100 PPE/hour on a nexus
(‘Sorcerer’)--- 600 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 20 PPE per hour, 60 PPE/hour at a leyline, 120 PPE/hour on a nexus
Cost:(Light)----500,000 credits
(Medium)-----1 million credits
(‘Wizard’)----2 million credits
(‘Sorcerer’)---- 3 million credits

*Spell Shield---This weaves a network of PS’s new EctoFiber Magic Superconductor in and around the Kepler’s hull, producing a sort of magic ‘Faraday Cage’ that shields it from most magic attacks. This is ALWAYS on; a permanent feature of the craft.
Effects: Effectively INVULNERABLE to Magic energy attacks and mind control spells. All crew are +6 to save versus possession, and magic sensors are -2 to spot/detect/discern the craft
The ship can, however, still be affected by indirect attacks like magically summoned wind to blow it around, meteorites, and other natural forces that are summoned, then directed at or near the protected vessel.
Cost: Currently available ONLY to PS/GNE and its allies; costs 12 million credits to produce.

*PS-CGATF-C400---Tug conversion, sporting a thickened ring around the sphere hull’s waist/equator, holding shock-absorbing panels and electromagnetic clamps. The upper polar mount carries a large gantry crane-arm(250 MDC, Robotic P.S. of 50, and a 200 ft extension reach), while the lower polar station holds a short range tractor beam emitter(----Effectively rated for 1,000 tons dead weight, but can be used for imparting small changes in momentum/direction to ships/structures several times that mass. Range: 15,000 ft, usable in space only). Provision is made for up to 25 passengers under normal conditions(typically construction/repair techs, or hazmat technicians), 200 under rescue cramming. Cargo is typically given over to spare parts, rescue gear, tools, and repair robots. Usually unarmed, but can be fitted with the full complement of PDS and secondary turrets, especially when engaged in battlefield salvage operations or when operating in warzones/pirate-infested space. The ‘Ringmaster’ or ‘MiniSaturn’ is a common sight in Paladin Steel/Aegis Stellar Industries’ larger shipyards and asteroid mining operations.

* PS-CGFTLT-C420---FTL version of the Kepler, capable of making 2 light years per hour. Costs 30 million credits

* PS-CGFTLT-C430---An FTL ‘yacht’ conversion of the Kepler with both an improved FTL and normal space drive. It can be distinguished immediately from its stablemates by the ‘fan’ of eight drive vanes around its larger drive system(the focal array has 1,000 MDC). It sacrifices about a third of its cargo/passenger capacity for the larger drive systems, but can now hit normal space speeds of Mach 7, and 5 light years per hour. Costs 44 million credits

* PS-CGM-M410----A handful of Keplers were converted into ‘system monitors’ for the defense of the Ambercirn facilities. These ships were essentially cored, the axial heavy turrets replaced entirely by the mounting for a massive Eight-Inch Six-Barrel Rail Gun Gatling. This massive weapon was first fitted as the main armament of the Sangu-class destroyers, and earned a reputation as a ‘Kitty Spanker’ for its ability to shatter Arkhon vessels. The Kepler’s cargo holds were converted to magazine stowage for the massive weapons.
Range: 20 miles in atmosphere, 40 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 20 miles in atmosphere, 20,000 miles in space)
Damage:(Armor-Piercing Long Rod Penetrator)---- 5d6x10 MD to 40 ft radius per single shot
(High Explosive)---4d6x10 MD to 50 ft blast radius
(Plasma)-----2d4x 50+30 MD to 80 ft radius
Rate of Fire: Six shots per melee
Payload: Has 1,200 rds ready to fire

* PS-CGAAE-M412--- Anti-missile/fighter picket intended for convoy escort and space station protection. In addition to a full complement of PDLs, all eight weapons stations fitted with rapid-fire guns, the CGAAE-M412 has had its cargo bays outfitted as missile launch batteries, carrying Short or Medium Range Missiles.
-Missile Launchers(4)---SRM or MRM:
(Short Range Missiles)Volleys of 1-20, payload of 800(!) missiles per launch bay
(Medium Range Missiles) Volleys of 1-10, payload of 400(!) missiles per launch bay
-Decoy Launchers(4)----Launches releases a nanotech swarm of active jamming pods and decoys that are programmed to emulate a spacecraft’s sensor signature, or, at the very least, bury enemy tactical communications in ‘white noise’.
Effective Range: 25 mile jamming radius
Duration: 5 minutes per pod-spray
Effects: Jams radio signals(75% chance of jamming military band command-guidance ordnance), and 60% chance of deflecting ordinary missiles.
Payload: 18 swarm packs per launcher
-Anti-Missile Chaff Launchers(4)----Launch canisters of metal chaff or laser reflective ‘sand’: chaff has a 50% chance of distracting standard missiles, reducing laser damage by HALF, and doing 2d6 MD damage to any ships flying through the cloud, the cloud covering a 500 ft area and lasting 75 seconds(5 melee rounds), while the sand covers a 660 ft wide area fir 5 melee rounds, reduces laser damage by HALF, and does 4d6 MD to anything flying at high speed through it. Launchers have a range of 8,000 ft in space, and have 50 canisters each.

* PS-CGM-PM411---A variant rumored to have been created as part of a special ops mission, meant to bait an alien battleship that had been raiding convoys into a trap. The Keplers in question were fitted with concealed racks for heavy nuclear torpedoes intended to give enemy vessels a ‘faceful of blam’(in the words of one engineer).
-Heavy Nuclear Torpedoes --- PS Long Lance II Nuclear Missile---This is an SLBM-sized nuclear weapon that takes up the same space as SIX smaller LRMs.
NOTE: PS combat doctrine FORBIDS the use of strategic nuclear devices against planetary targets, without full authorization and coded permission from the top echelons of High Command(fortunately, as few ships carry Long Lances or strategic nuclear weapons, there have been few chances to test this doctrine).
Range: 1,000 miles(4,000 miles in space)
Damage: 2d4 x 1,000 MD to a 4.6 mile destruction radius
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1,2,3,4, or 5
Payload: 18 missiles

(Option) PS Long Lance IV---The Long Lance IV is the next generation heavy anti-spacecraft missile from PS, and was developed after the abysmal failure of most of the launched Long Lance IIs to reach the target during the Dreadnought Crisis . This SLBM-sized weapon is smarter, heavier, and carries its own ECM and countermeasures decoy launchers to give it a better chance of penetrating a target’s defenses.
Range: 1500 miles(6,000 miles in space)
Damage: 2d4 x 1,000 MD to a 4.6 mile destruction radius
*ECM----The missile has its own expert system and EW transmitters for jamming enemy radar, as well as evading their sensors. The missile is -6 for guided weapons to strike. 60% chance of evading radar detection to begin with.
*Flare/Chaff Launchers(1, 6 bundles)
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 16 missiles
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by taalismn »

Aegis Stellar Industries ‘Chimbane’ Heavy Attack Ship
(Based on the Douglas Model 1186 VSA studies from 1948--
(Aka ‘Chim’, ‘StickFighter’, ‘Nova-Sled’, ‘Chicken-Perch’)

“Okay, we’ve gotten reliable intelligence that a slaver dreadnought is going to be starting its run on the Leeside worlds, starting from its entry point in the Darius Hypercorridor. They’re obviously hoping to take advantage of the CCW’s distraction and the withdrawal of regular Fleet units from this region of space. Not even those amazons in the Devia Sector know of this, so there’s little chance of it being a trap meant to bait in victims. No slaves aboard yet, so that gives us a good opportunity to hit the thing early and hard without fear of collateral damage. We know the what, the when, and the where, so when they come out of hyper, we stand a good chance of being ready and waiting to take advantage of their sensor confusion. We hit the behemoth hard enough with cruise missiles and kinetic kill spitballs, and even their vaunted disintegrator beams will have little time to react and work.
We got one shot at this. We succeed, we’ll have taken a goliath piece of slaver scum out of existence and struck a blow for freedom. That’s why we’re turning to you people. You know Sleds, and you know how to fly them hard in combat, and you know how to best use them. If anybody can pull this off, it’s you and yours.
Good hunting. Bag us a big one.“

The Chimbane(named for an ancient type of spear) is ASI’s design for a heavy fighter/strike craft designed to hit capital ships and planetary targets.
It is readily evident to the casual observer that the Chimbane is really two ships in one; a small sleek two-man fighter perched atop a massive attack sled. The attack portion of the composite craft is long and sleek, with a long protruding dagger-prow, split V-tail, twin swiveled nacelles on side wings holding additional engines and weapons, with a thick central pylon faced in the leading edge with navigation and targeting sensors, and a trailing edge showing the venting for a powerful C-G drive generator. Mounted atop this pylon is the small, sleek, arrow-like crew cabin, complete with its own CG-drive, short-range FTL propulsion unit, and light armament.
The Chimbane is meant to use its massive speed to power in past enemy defenses and deliver its warload of cruise missiles or kinetic bombs, then dash back out. Crews are taught to use rapid acceleration, and either a sudden braking maneuver or a peel-off ‘toss’ to lend additional speed to deployed ordnance, using the fighter’s own impressive speed to add power to kinetic strikes. If that isn’t possible, however, the crew cabin/fighter can detach and peel off to escape, leaving the attack section to self-destruct or, if still flyable, set to make a final kamikaze run on the target.
The Chimbane has been compared by history-minded pilots to a torpedo bomber or a manned missile in concept. While possessing an impressive throw-weight of ordnance, the Chimbane relies on a standoff attack and lacks the overall agility for close-in maneuvering, but to ensure best results in an attack, often must make a terminal approach, exposing itself to intense defensive fire.
The Chimbane has a few operational problems; its large size means that it cannot effectively be embarked aboard smaller carriers(or if it is, it is often at the expense of the capability of carrying other fighters and small craft). Despite the large size(nearly a third longer than the CCW Proctor) and its FTL drive, the Chimbane is ill-suited for long-duration missions; its command module is quite small and uncomfortable for extended periods of time on patrol/station. The large ship also handles poorly in atmosphere in dogfighting maneuvers; smart pilots will not pursue into an atmosphere or attempt to engage targets in-atmo. Nevertheless, for its heavy firepower and speed, the Chimbane is well-liked by its crews.
The Chimbane has thus far ONLY been encountered with PS/ASI forces in the Three Galaxies; none have yet been seen deployed in the Rifts Earth Solar System.

Type: PS/ASI-AFB-29 Chimbane
Class: Heavy Aerospace Fighter/Strike Vehicle
Crew: 2
MDC/Armor by Location:
(Attack Section)
Main Body 1,400
Wings/Nacelles(2) 460 each
Variable Forcefield 300 per side(1,800 total)
(Escape Fighter)
Main Body 400
Reinforced Crew Compartment 200
Forcefield 200
Height: (Attack Section) 24 ft
(Escape Fighter) 7 ft
Width: (Attack Section) 42 ft
(Escape Fighter) 22 ft
Length: (Attack Section) 125 ft
(Escape Fighter) 67 ft
Weight: (Attack Section) 250 tons
(Escape Fighter) 13 tons
Cargo: Small space behind pilot’s seat for survival pack and sidearm.
Powerplant: Nuclear Fusion w/ 20 year energy life
(Attack Section)
(Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 3; transatmospheric.
(Sublight) Mach 13
(Kitsune Values: 50% of light speed; Accelerates/decelerates at 1.3% of light speed per melee)
(FTL) 6 light years per hour
(Underwater) Not Possible

(Escape Fighter)
(Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 3; transatmospheric.
(Sublight) Mach 8
(Kitsune Values: 40% of light speed; Accelerates/decelerates at 0.8% of light speed per melee)
(FTL) 4 light years per hour
(Underwater) Not Possible
Market Cost: 18 million credits
Systems of Note:
Standard Starfighter Systems, plus:

*Active Sensor Jamming---This is a powerful jamming suite that . Unlike passive stealth, however, sensor-equipped opponents will KNOW something is out there, they just can’t get an accurate fix on its exact whereabouts.

Weapons Systems:
1)Bomb/Missile Bay---Mounted in the forward fuselage ahead of the hull ‘pedestal’ is a large payload bay with a 60,000 lb capacity
a) Long Range Missiles----16

b) Cruise Missiles----8

c) Kinetic Bombs---These are meant for attacking stationary targets like planets and large space stations
*43,000-lb ‘Special’ Bomb-----Designed to be ‘lobbed’ for maximum kinetic impact, the super-heavy bomb does 1d8x1,000 MD to 250 ft blast radius, and can penetrate up to 500 ft of earth(300 ft of rock or concrete), for attacking bunkers or undercutting larger structures.

*Light Kinetic Penetrator Module ---Works similar to a WWII ‘Earthquake Bomb’. Kinetic weapons have the advantage of leaving little or no radiation to contaminate a battlefield or potential postwar acquisition. The LKP module actually carries three separate RVs on a maneuverable ‘bus’ stage, allowing three separate targets to be hit, or a single target to be bracketed. Each RV does 1d6x100 MD to a 100 ft radius and can penetrate up to 250 ft of loose soil(100 ft of rock or concrete)

*Fuel Air Explosive Munition---A single warhead(no multiple warheads) non-nuclear area of effect weapon that disperses a cloud of volatile fuel droplets in a mist over the target area, then ignites it in a rapidly propagating explosion. Besides thermal damage, the real damage from this weapon comes in the massive overpressure shockwave that it creates, capable of forcing its way into open ducts and vents, and imploding vehicles and bunkers. Also known as a ‘Daisy Cutter’, it is often used to simultaneously secure and clear landing zones of obstacles(both sentient and material). The heavy FAEM carried by the Chimbane can do 4d6x10 MD to a 500 ft radius, plus 3d6x10 MD to everything else in a 3,000 ft ft radius. Those caught within the blast radius are also likely (01-88%) likely to be bowled over by the blast and stunned, if not worse....

*ElectroMagnetic Pulse Weapon---Designed to knockout unprotected electronics and power distribution networks, exploding at high altitude for maximum effect. Up to four of these weapons can be carried on a common ‘bus’ by the Chimbane.
Damage: 5d6x10 MD to 100 ft blast radius
EM effects: Used against unshielded power grids(such as cities and towns), the particle blast has a 99% chance of knocking down electrical systems, including vehicles, in an 100-mile radius of the point of detonation. Unprotected computers and other hardware not protected by surge protectors, and hooked into the common power grid, may still be affected up to a hundred miles or more away by power surges through the power lines.
The EMP is less effective against shielded systems such as those on space structures(25%) and military systems(10% for surface military vehicles), which are hardened against radiation.

*Shipkiller Missile----This is an attempt to make a ‘giant-killer’ by using nuclear cluster munition technology. When the independently targeted tactical nuclear charges disperse just short of the target vessel, then surround it before detonating, their multi-vector plasma jets can peel open a small warship. This weapon has been approved for use ONLY in space.
Range: 800 miles in space
Damage: Swarmhead--A Swarmhead is a new type of munition that fires a cluster of twenty plasma-nuclear warhead ‘skeets’. These ‘skeets’ deploy airburst fashion about 60 ft up off the ground(or 6,000 ft in space), then deploy short range fast-scan targeting sensors. If a target is detected in the limited scope of the sensors, the warhead orients itself, and fires like a shaped charge, sending a powerful jet of superheated plasma lancing into, and through the target. A Swarmhead plasma jet does 2d6x10 MD to a 3 ft blast radius(so all 50 shells firing on a single target would do 2d6x500 MD!)
The initial focusing explosion also does a fair amount of concussion damage to the surrounding area, though this is considerably less than the critical damage inflicted by the plasma jet. The concussion does 6d6 MD to an 160 ft blast radius
Rate of Fire: Single shot
Payload: One missile with 50 submunitions

*PS Long Lance II Nuclear Missile---This is an SLBM-sized nuclear weapon that takes up the same space as SIX smaller LRMs.
NOTE: PS combat doctrine FORBIDS the use of strategic nuclear devices against planetary targets, without full authorization and coded permission from the top echelons of High Command(fortunately, as few ships carry Long Lances or strategic nuclear weapons, there have been few chances to test this doctrine).
Range: 1,000 miles(4,000 miles in space)
Damage: 2d4 x 1,000 MD to a 4.6 mile destruction radius
Payload: One missile

(Option)TW Breaching System(optional)---This can be fitted to any LRM missile prior to firing. Despite its high-PPE installation cost, the system is popular because it allows PS’s relatively low-tech missiles to penetrate high-tech energy shielding, and deliver a surprise knockout blow! Uses the Energy Disruption spell to penetrate enemy defenses. If facing a known magic-using enemy, this system may be enhanced with Dispel Magic Barrier. The system(values taken from Siege on Tolkeen 1, pg. 69) costs 495 PPE to install, 20 PPE to activate per minute of operation.

(Option) PS Long Lance IV---The Long Lance IV is the next generation heavy anti-spacecraft missile from PS, and was developed after the abysmal failure of most of the launched Long Lance IIs to reach the target during the Dreadnought Crisis . This SLBM-sized weapon is smarter, heavier, and carries its own ECM and countermeasures decoy launchers to give it a better chance of penetrating a target’s defenses.
Range: 1500 miles(6,000 miles in space)
Damage: 2d4 x 1,000 MD to a 4.6 mile destruction radius
*ECM----The missile has its own expert system and EW transmitters for jamming enemy radar, as well as evading their sensors. The missile is -6 for guided weapons to strike. 60% chance of evading radar detection to begin with.
*Flare/Chaff Launchers(1, 6 bundles)
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: One missile

2) Modular Weapons Nacelles(2, 2 slots each)---The attack section sports two wing-mounted weapons nacelles with two modular slots for weaponry. Typically, these weaponry are configured for self-defense against fighters and missiles, but they can be used in a secondary strike role. Unless otherwise noted, each hardpoint slot can hold ONE of the following:
a) G-Cannon
Range: 1.5 miles (2,500 m) in atmosphere, 6 miles (10,000 m) in space (Kitsune Values: 6 miles in atmosphere, 600 miles in space)
Damage: 2d4x10 MD per single cannon firing
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

b) Pulse Laser
Range: 2 miles in atmosphere, 4 miles in space (Kitsune Values: 4 miles in atmosphere, 400 miles in space)
Damage: 6d6x10 MD per single cannon firing
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

c) Ion Cannon
Range: 1.5 miles in atmosphere, 3 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 3 miles in atmosphere, 300 miles in space)
Damage: 1d4x100 MD per single cannon firing
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

d) Particle Beam Cannon
Range: 1.3 miles in atmosphere, 2.6 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 2.6 miles in atmosphere, 260 miles in space)
Damage: 1d6x100 MD per single cannon firing
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

e) Mini-Missiles---48 shot pod, volleys of 1-12

f) Short Range Missiles---12 shot pod, volleys of 1-6

g) Medium Range Missiles---6 shot pod, volleys of 1-6

h) Long Range Missiles---1 per hardpoint

i) Tachyon Scatter-gun
Range: 1.5 miles (2,500 m) in atmosphere, 6 miles (10,000 m) in space w/ 3 mile wide arc*
(Kitsune Values: 6 miles in atmosphere, 600 miles in space)
* Scatter width is reduced to 1/4th in atmosphere
Damage: 2d4x10 MD per single cannon firing
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

j) Decoy Cluster Launcher---Each pod carries three different kinds of decoys:
The first is simple sensor-reflective chaff and thermo-flares. These countermeasures are inexpensive and very effective against lower-end targeting systems and sensor equipment(such as that used by nations equivalent to the Coalition States on Rifts Earth), but are ineffectual against more advanced technology.
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
In space, anything flying at high speed through the cloud will take 2d6 MD +1d6 MD per every 100 miles of speed over 670 MPH.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 36

The second system releases a nanotech swarm of active jamming pods and decoys that are programmed to emulate a spacecraft’s sensor signature, or, at the very least, bury enemy tactical communications in ‘white noise’.
Effective Range: 25 mile jamming radius
Duration: 5 minutes per pod-spray
Effects: Jams radio signals(75% chance of jamming military band command-guidance ordnance), and 60% chance of deflecting ordinary missiles.
Payload: 9 swarm packs

The third system uses modified grav-pack drives and signal projectors to create a moving pattern of sensor signatures. The grav-pack mini-missile drives can go for 10 minutes before self-destructing, and can either be remotely directed or run a preset pattern.
Effective Speed: Mach 6
Duration: 10 minutes per pod
Effects: The decoys have a 70% chance of fooling enemy sensor operators and expert systems. They are are also +2 to enemy sensor-guided munitions to strike, increasing the chance that the missiles will elect to pursue the ‘louder’ sensor signature(the missile rolls to strike for both the original ship and each decoy deployed....highest to strike roll determines which target the missile(s) go after).
Payload: 6 decoys are carried, and can be deployed singly, or in ‘packs’ of 1-3.

3) Light Pulse Lasers(3, two nose mounted, one tail mounted )---Mounted in the command module/escape fighter, these weapons provide some point defense when the two craft are joined, and provide some measure of self-defense if the fighter has to detach.
Range: 1 mile in atmosphere, 2 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 2 miles in atmosphere, 200 miles in space)
Damage: 1d6x10 MD per single cannon blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited

4) Ramming Attack---As a last resort, the Chimbane can use itself as a weapon, accelerating to top speed and flying into the target(ideally, the crew escape before terminal approach).
Damage: Equivalent to a Massdriver strike

Auxiliary Craft: None, unless you count the Escape Fighter

It has been suggested by some that the Chimbane could be immediately modified by replacing the current two-man escape fighter with a larger and more capable craft, such as a modified two-seater StarTiger fighter with FTL module. Trials with such a fitting have thus far proven inconclusive as to any advantages, though they are still ongoing(so currently the Chimbane is produced with the existing AFB-29B-1 module detailed above.
Currently the only major variant of the Chimbane is the AFB-29XLR:

*PS/ASI-AFB-29XLR “Flying Gun’----A ‘direct fire’ variant that replaces the nose and missile/bomb bay with a heavy energy weapon;
a) Heavy Laser
Range: 8 miles in atmosphere, 16 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 16 miles in atmosphere, 16,000 miles in space)
Damage: 1d4x1,000 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: 1 shot per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

b) Heavy Ion Cannon---Relatively low powered, but excellent effects against electronics
(ionization rules courtesy of Henning Rogge)
Range: 6 miles in atmosphere, 12 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 12 miles in atmosphere, 12,000 miles in space)
Damage: 1d4x100 MD per blast
In addition to physical damage, the cannon does EM damage. Percentage of EM damage is determined in relation to target’s main body((damage/main body)x100=percentage). For every 10% of damage from main body in ion damage, target will be -1 to strike, parry. and dodge. In space target acceleration will be reduced by 15%, in atmosphere top speed will be reduced by 15%. Roll once on critical hit charts in Phazeworld or Conversion book as appropriate.
If target takes 60% of main body in ion damage, ship or vehicle will be disabled completely. All weapon, navigation, and other systems will shut down and need to be repaired/replaced to work again/reboot.
Does NO damage against non-mechanical/electronic targets.
The ion cannon is equally effective against bionics
Rate of Fire: THree times per melee
Payload: Effectively unlimited

c) Particle Beam Cannon
Range: 5 miles in atmosphere, 10 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 10 miles in atmosphere, 10,000 miles in space)
Damage: 1d6x1,000 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: 1 shot per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by taalismn »

Kera-Tech is the intellectual property of Raven.
Kitsune Values are the creation of Kitsune

Paladin Steel Ranger-class Cruiser/Combat Transport

“Didja hear about the next-gen upgrades to the Ranger class? I heard from my pal on Henry Hudson Wheel that they’re going to install techwizard crystal brain matrices with a clone program of a Shemarrian in the Rangers, oh yeah, and give them magic teleporters and leyline Rift drives. And I heard over at Alpha Two that they bought a whole crapperload of Kera-Tech drop pods for the Marines! I tell ya, we’re going to be INVINCIBLE next fiscal year!”
----William Muzzy, Paladin Steel Stelmarine

“These ships really, REALLY, worry me...they’re smart, they got good weapons, high performance drives, I-Fields, and generally the best the Alliance has to offer, short of buying out-of-system. They really can’t enter an atmosphere, but frankly they DON’T have to, because they can do more damage up in orbit, than cruising around in atmosphere. But what really worries me about them is that PS designed these things with planetary attack missions in mind...not exploration or transport, but planetary surveillance, hit, and run...and who, I ask you, were they planning to attack when they laid these things down? Somebody’s not telling us everything over in Burlington....”
---Captain Guissepe Asto, Cyberdyne Space Watch.

“Yeah, I was with the Falklands when they made the drop to stop that bugger queen threatening the Ares’ farmlands in Mariner Valley. Ants all over the place, and popping up faster than the ‘Vid were able to burn them down. The Falklands was detailed to help our new green-blooded friends, so we burned into orbit, assessed the situation, and took action. Now you’re thinking, what can a company of homo sap grunts do that a regiment of armored proto-mechies can’t? Well, we set down a grid work of penetrator probes and used seismic readings and deep radar scans to map out the ants’ tunnels...located the central chambers, then dropped a few buses worth of earthquake and magma RVs, and collapsed the whole ridge on top of them tighter than a car crusher...anything dug its way out of THAT we hosed with plasma.”
----Dale Gore, Paladin Steel Stelmarine; PSS Falklands, assigned 15th ‘Blackbirds’ Aerospace Regiment

“Are you kidding me? Trust my life to THAT deathtrap? It’s bigger than a Warshield, with half the armor and armament...the thing steers like a meatbeast, and because it’s so frakkin’ BIG everyone automatically assumes it’s the fleet flag! Combat Transport my ass, it’s a tin-plated coffin, it is!”
----Thomas VarBergen, ex-CAF Marine.

“When cruising in the Three Galaxies, and not wanting to show off that we’re really a warship, we frequently use the camouflage panels to mount various ads to better press home the idea that we’re just a harmless merchie going about our business.
Of course, when we clear for action, the ad displays get turned off, but still, we’re probably the only military service to make money from renting advertising space on our hulls.”
---Captain Aotum Crywll, GNESS Tokugawa Yoshimune

The Ranger-class Cruiser is a late-model heavily armed and armored jack-of-all trades ‘task ship’.....sometimes called an ‘enforcer ship’ for its role in applying specialized corporate security muscle where PS and GNE interests are at stake. Though the Ranger doesn’t carry many crew members, its sophisticated artificial intelligence systems, coupled with its fearsome array of hardware, and the elite caliber of its small contingent of soldiers, make it easily the equivalent of many larger or more heavily-crewed vessels(though it’s still rather under gunned by Three Galaxies’ standards). The Ranger is definitely designed with the multi-environment, even galactic or interdimensional, troubleshooting campaign in mind. If one or two Rangers can’t deal with a situation, PS usually sends in a fleet.
The Ranger is a no-nonsense, robust design that incorporates proven design philosophies with advanced, cutting-edge technologies. In terms of its overall design, the Ranger-class would appear to be the ‘missing link’ between the ‘spaceborne’/built classes of PS spacecraft, and the ‘new generation’ designs incorporating more advanced Galactic technology. The array of systems on these ‘combat transports’ is staggering, with more advanced data-gathering instrumentation than many dedicated scientific research vessels(many Ranger missions are less combat ones, and more surveillance operations). Multiple redundancy automation, life support, and detection systems make these vessels easy and reliable to run, and have earned them the nicknames of ‘Brain Ships’(rumors of the use of the brain-patterns, or brains, of ex-Stelmarine spacers, are categorically denied by PS). In the hands of an intelligent crew, or worse yet, an inspired one, the Ranger is a truly dangerous opponent for all its ponderous size.
The Ranger has a basic angular hull configuration that resembles a stock Three Galaxies’ medium cargo transport, with an array of reconfigurable external plates and panels that can be shifted about to alter the ship’s appearance as much as 40% and change its sensor signature, concealing the warship underneath. The interior of the Ranger-class can be modified to a variety of troop, cargo, and equipment configurations, courtesy of the modular-frame structure forward of the sensor fins and engineering decks, known as the ‘boxcar section’. Though not as easily accessed as the modular pods of the PS space-borne ‘erector sets’, on account of the need to remove , replace, and re-align the armor plating and stealth coating, the main payload bays can be more easily modified by a shipyard to met mission needs than a more conventional construction vessel. Rangers have thus been configured as troop carriers, munitions ships, VIP transports, command carriers, and special high-security cargo carriers, carrying all manner of precious cargoes from metal specie and strategic minerals to thermal-stellar nuclear warheads and stasis-tubed refugees. The ships have also been used as convoy escorts or ‘Q-ships’, frequently traveling disguised as regular merchantmen, until attacked, when their hull panels and plates slide aside to reveal their weaponry.
While impressive by Rifts Earth standards, by Galactic yardsticks the Ranger’s armament is rather light for a ship of its size. Well aware of that, Ranger crews are advised to spot an enemy first , using the ship’s advanced sensors, and use whatever advantage time and distance affords them to avoid contact with a more powerful opponent. So far, PS’s ships have managed to avoid direct confrontations, as few are unwilling to test the battleworthiness of the Ranger in a toe-to-toe slug-match against alien battlecruisers or battleships.
While the first Rangers were laid down at the enormous Valiant Station facility in Rifts Earth orbit, large scale production of the ships has also commenced at the Amberjin yards in the Three Galaxies, where the majority of these ships are built(given the less immediately hostile environment). The exact number and disposition of Ranger-class vessels is unknown; both GNEAS Space Force and Paladin Steel Security are reluctant to publicize their complements and movements, but it is known that a Ranger, possibly several, make regular runs between Rifts Earth (PS-Space) Orbit, and the facility at Amberjin in the Three Galaxies continuum, possibly involved in the Crystal Trade or in transfers of advanced technology. It is also rumored that all Rangers are under the direct control of Paladin Steel Security, rather than Vermont Free State Space Force Aerospace Command, with individual ships attached to the VSFSFAC on an as-need basis. This makes tracking the deployment and distribution of Rangers all the more difficult.
Rumors of an upscaled ‘Super Ranger’ Heavy Cruiser/’Pocket Battleship’ on the drawing board have been circulating, but it is largely believed that these are based on erroneous out-dimension sightings or confusion with prototype vessels in development.

Type: PSS-FFS-17
Class: Medium Space Cruiser/Combat Transport
Date of Introduction: 119 PA
Crew: 90
(Can carry up to 500 troops if the cargo bays are converted to life support facilities...a standard mixed combat complement would have 250 troops and 4-6 additional shuttles to deploy them)
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 45,000
Bridge 8,000
Main Engines(2) 12,000 each
Heavy Particle Beam Cannons(2) 1,200 each
Heavy Laser Arrays(2) 600 each
Heavy Rail Guns(4) 500 each
Heavy Long-Range Missile Launcher 600
Medium Range Missile Bay 500
Point Defense Turrets(12) 100 each
Lateral Cargo/Bay Hatches(4, 2 each side) 400 each
Hangar Bay 12,000
Communications/Sensor Fins(2) 10,000 each
Forward Sensor Array 9,000
Lateral Sensor Fins(4) 1,000 each
(Variable Forcefield) 1,500 each side(9,000 total)

Height: 220 ft
Width: 280 ft
Length: 830 ft
Weight: 178,000 tons
Cargo: The Ranger’s cargo bays have a capacity of 1.2 million cubic meters of available space/20,000 ton capacity
Powerplant: Nuclear Fusion, w/ 30 year energy life
(Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 3; rarely enters an atmosphere or gravity well of more than .5 gee.
(Sublight) Mach 10!
(Kitsune Values: 60% of light speed; Accelerates/decelerates at 1% of light speed per melee)
(FTL) 4 light years per hour
(Underwater) Not possible

Market Cost: NOT FOR SALE!!! Exclusive to Paladin Steel/Aegis Stellar Industries.
Systems of Note:
*Full Sensor Suite---Specialized sensor pallets include radiation detectors and counters, spectrographic analysis devices, gravitic sensors, electromagnetic activity readers, and optics packages.
*Long Range Radar---Phased Array Search and Early Warning Radars---Maximum Resolution Range of 4 million miles
*Long Range Surface Imaging Radar---When the terrain below is unknown, the Rangers can use powerful surface-mapping radar to trace the contours of the land below, and transmit updated 3-D contour maps to the troops. Deep penetrating radar can be used to detect subterranean tunnel systems, caves, building foundations, and buried objects.
*Gravitic Sensors----55 million mile range
*Neutrino Detection----55,000 mile range
*Tachyon Radar---3 million miles

*Communications Suite:---Long Range Radio and Video
*Transmission Interception and Decryption Capability---The Ranger’s ‘long ears’ can tap in on enemy communications and decode their security ciphers, the “Blind Fire’ system can triangulate enemy positions from their radio messages, and the ‘Guard Rail III’ system can even hack wireless modem and wireless computer networks.

*Laser Communications ---Tactical (i.e. ship-to fighter/shuttle)Range: 200,000 miles.--For tight-beam communications, ship to ship, or ship/surface. The Laser can even be modulated to the blue-green for communicating with submerged vehicles

*Optical Tracking Clusters----These are transparent blisters fitted with gimbal-mounted high-resolution visible-light/IR/UV optical telescopes that continually scan the arc of sky before them. Linked to the navigational arrays and other tracking sensors, and to a series of highly-sophisticated near-AI search and discrimination software systems, these sensors attempt to detect objects that have low radar returns/sensor signatures, such as stealthed vehicles, iceballs, or asteroids. The high-tech equivalent of the man in the crow’s nest with a pair of binoculars.

*High Resolution Optics---Another surface surveillance system, for producing high-resolution optical imagery of the planetary surface. Includes thermographic optics for detecting heat sources and missile launch plumes.

*Radiation Detectors---Detect the presence of radiation, from the trace emissions of nuclear powerplants to nuclear explosions

*EM Shielding---Using special electromagnetic radiation shielding, saves on the need for bulky metal or water radiation shielding.

*EW Suite and Stealth ---Using performance data acquired from their trade partners PS has been able to fit the Ranger with a number of advanced (for their technology, that is) stealthing features, such as an electronic ‘blanket’ to reduce telltale EM emissions from the drive systems, and wavelength-specific hull-surface ‘smart’ materials that allow the buried sensor arrays to look ‘out’, while hopefully deflecting/absorbing most of the incoming hostile sensor radiations. The ship is also hulled in special ‘smartskin’ paneling that can be configured to detect and absorb(or at least distort) radiation and laser scans.
In ‘stealth’ mode, the Ranger has a 95% chance of evading detection by passive sensors, and an 80% chance of evading active sensors. Sensor-guided weapons are -5 to strike the Ranger with its ‘cloak’ up.
Engaging the ‘stealth mode’, however, reduces drive efficiency, by as much as 20%, and should the hull take 30% or more overall damage, the ‘smartskin’ paneling is rendered ineffective, reducing stealth bonuses by HALF.
The Ranger also mounts a more conventional EW suite for jamming enemy communications and targeting systems. Communications Jamming has a 5,000 mile range, is 95% effective against civilian systems, and is 65% effective against more sophisticated channel-jumping military communications suites. Missiles and guided weapons are -4 to strike.

*Tractor Beams(2)----Effectively each rated for 2,000 tons dead weight, but can be used for imparting small changes in momentum/direction to ships/structures several times that mass. One emitter is mounted at the hangar bay, the other in the prow.
Range: 5 miles in space(NOT usable in atmosphere)
(Kitsune Values: 5,000 miles in space).

Weapons Systems:
1)Heavy Particle Beam Cannons(2)---The main EW teeth of the Ranger are these twin PBCs, the design of which was acquired through PS’s extraterrestrial connections. In addition to doing direct megadamage, the neutral particle beams also adversely affect electrical systems and power grids. One side-effect of this last fire mode is auroras over the afflicted targets, as the particle beams interact with the planetary magnetic fields, adversely affecting radio transmissions and electromagnetic navigation systems.
Note that the particle beam CANNOT fire through the Interface protecting(isolating?) Rifts Earth, nor is the EM mode effective through intense magnetic fields.
Range: 45 miles in atmosphere, 70 miles in space
(Kitsune Values)70 miles in atmosphere, 70,000 miles in space
Damage: 5d6x100 MD per blast at full offensive power mode.
The particle beam also has a more innocuous mode that does NO damage, but does enhanced EM damage.
EM effects: Used against unshielded power grids(such as cities and towns), the particle blast has a 99% chance of knocking down electrical systems, including vehicles, in an 80-mile radius(30 miles when in full power offensive mode) of the point of aim. Unprotected computers and other hardware not protected by surge protectors, and hooked into the common power grid, may still be affected up to a hundred miles or more away by power surges through the power lines.
The beam is less effective against shielded systems such as those on space structures(25%) and military systems(10% for surface military vehicles), which are hardened against radiation.
Against spacecraft, it acts in the same manner as an Ion Cannon, doing damage as follows:
5d6x100 EMP damage(special) per blast
Shields take 1/4 damage from EM blasts
Does NO PHYSICAL damage to hull, but attacks the electrical systems:
For every 10% of total main body MDC damage inflicted on a target by Disruptor Cannon fire, the target will be -1 to strike, parry(if applicable), and Dodge. Acceleration will be reduced by 15%.
At 60% or more main body damage from disruptor blasts, the ship is disabled completely.
Rate of Fire: Once per melee
Payload: Effectively unlimited

2)Heavy Laser Cannon(2)---Twin lateral arrays for burning other spaceborne targets. The Ranger arrays differ from the standard cannon fitted to ships like the Cimmerian, in that the lasers are also capable of firing at a lower-powered, but equally-long-ranged, power level, for faster rate of fire, without straining the recharge cycle between shots. This system was developed after PS ships reported, on three separate occasions, being fired on by Arkhon and other alien vessels with cruise-missile type munitions. These weapons often managed to anticipate and avoid the close-defense laser grid, or were able to spew unavoidable fragmentation clouds at the limits of interception by the smaller system. To counter, PS engineers geared the longer-ranged heavy lasers to a faster-cycling lower power mode able to ‘burst’ fire.
Range: 8 miles in atmosphere,16 miles in space
(Kitsune Values)16 miles in atmosphere, 16,000 miles in space
Damage:(Maximum Power)2d6x100 MD per blast. 6d6x100 MD for a triple burst
(Low Power Mode)4d6x10 MD per blast. 12d6x10 MD for a triple burst
Rate of Fire: Four times per melee at maximum power load
Up to Ten times per melee at lower power.
Payload: Effectively unlimited

3)Heavy Rail Guns(4) (Dorsal and Ventral)(4x2). These double-barreled weapons provide the Ranger with the ability to chew up incoming fighters, light vessels, and missiles with a swarm of near-relativistic velocity projectiles.
Range: 5 miles in atmosphere, 10 miles in space
(Kitsune Values)10 miles in atmosphere, 10,000 miles in space
Damage:1d4x100 MD per 80 rd burst. 2d4x100 MD per dual burst
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 32,000 rds(400 bursts) per cannon before needing reloading. Additional ammunition can be stored as cargo and moved to magazines in 15 minutes.

Later models of the Ranger would be refitted with the Scimitar II-Style G-Cannons--- similar, but more powerful, ‘Scimitar-GGuns’.
Range: 5 miles in atmosphere, 10 miles in space
(Kitsune Values)10 miles In atmosphere, 10,000 miles in space
Damage: 1d6x100 MD per 80 rd burst. 2d6x100 MD per dual burst
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 32,000 rds(400 bursts) per cannon before needing reloading. Additional ammunition can be stored as cargo and moved to magazines in 15 minutes.

4)Heavy Long-Range Missile Launcher---The long range teeth of the Ranger-class, this multiple array, linear accelerator missile launcher uses an electromagnetic catapult to release missiles from large diameter, rather than use a pre-sized launch tube, allowing it to fire bundled clusters of smaller missiles(though long range missiles are standard) or larger-diameter weapons like the Long Lance II and IV Space Missiles, allowing the ship to act as an impromptu missile cruiser if necessary.
Furthermore, it is common practice for Rangers to fire missiles equipped with shield disruption systems, the better to penetrate the forcescreening of enemy vessels.
Range: Varies by missile type(speed and range x4 in space)
(Kitsune Values: 3,400 miles in atmosphere, 1,800,000 miles in space)
Damage: Varies by missile type
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1, 2, 4, 5, or 6, up to 4 times per melee
Payload: 120 LRMs, Additional missiles may be stored in the cargo holds and reloaded within 30 minutes(1 ton of cargo per 12 missiles)

(Option) PS Long Lance II Nuclear Missile---This is an SLBM-sized nuclear weapon that takes up the same space as SIX smaller LRMs.
NOTE: PS combat doctrine FORBIDS the use of strategic nuclear devices against planetary targets, without full authorization and coded permission from the top echelons of High Command(fortunately, as few ships carry Long Lances or strategic nuclear weapons, there have been few chances to test this doctrine).
Range: 1,000 miles(4,000 miles in space)
Damage: 2d4 x 1,000 MD to a 4.6 mile destruction radius
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1,2,3,4, or 5, once per melee
Payload: Varies...A Long Lance II takes up six tons of cargo space

(Option)TW Breaching System(optional)---This can be fitted to any LRM missile prior to firing. Despite its high-PPE installation cost, the system is popular because it allows PS’s relatively low-tech missiles to penetrate high-tech energy shielding, and deliver a surprise knockout blow! Uses the Energy Disruption spell to penetrate enemy defenses. If facing a known magic-using enemy, this system may be enhanced with Dispel Magic Barrier. The system(values taken from Siege on Tolkeen 1, pg. 69) costs 495 PPE to install, 20 PPE to activate per minute of operation.

(Option) PS Long Lance IV---The Long Lance IV is the next generation heavy anti-spacecraft missile from PS, and was developed after the abysmal failure of most of the launched Long Lance IIs to reach the target during the Dreadnought Crisis . This SLBM-sized weapon is smarter, heavier, and carries its own ECM and countermeasures decoy launchers to give it a better chance of penetrating a target’s defenses.
Range: 1500 miles(6,000 miles in space)
Damage: 2d4 x 1,000 MD to a 4.6 mile destruction radius
*ECM----The missile has its own expert system and EW transmitters for jamming enemy radar, as well as evading their sensors. The missile is -6 for guided weapons to strike. 60% chance of evading radar detection to begin with.
*Flare/Chaff Launchers(1, 6 bundles)
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: Varies...A Long Lance IV takes up eight tons of cargo space

5)Medium Range Missile Bays(2)---Two smaller missile bays designated for anti-fighter and ASAT defense.
Range: Varies by missile type(speed and range x4 in space)
(Kitsune Values: 160 miles in atmosphere, 80,000 miles in space)
Damage: Varies by missile type
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1, 2, 4, 5, or 10, up to four times per melee.
Payload: 100 missiles per launcher, 200 missiles total, reloading from the cargo hold takes 1d6 minutes(1 ton of cargo per 24 missiles)

6)Orbital Bombardment (THOR) Reentry Vehicle Launcher---One of the most lethal surface assault weapons in the Ranger’s arsenal is the THOR system, that uses special reentry vehicle buses and warheads to attack surface targets from orbit. These MIRVs can be used to deploy sensor clusters, deep probes, and even mobile probe robots, but their real purpose is to deploy warheads.
Warhead options include tactical nuclear, chemical, mine, EMP, kinetic-kill, and TW weapons. Most RVs consist of a 1 ton ‘bus’ with 5 separate, independently targeted warheads. If so desired, before launch, the weapons officers can have the MIRV ‘bus’ fitted with less than the full complement of five MIRVs, in order to conserve the expensive MIRV warheads, or to tailor the weapon for ‘surgical’ strikes. The Space Force has studied various strategies and tactics for the effective use of these weapons, including leaving them in orbit as ‘sleepers’ to deploy at a remote signal, sensor trigger, or preprogrammed interval, as a ‘spoiler’ attack or decoy.
If PS ever found a way to deploy these weapons through the Interface, they could seriously cripple the Coalition and other powers with a single barrage of these warheads. Against the airless Moon and its deep-buried lunar fortresses, they are much less effective.
Supposedly, strategic nuclear warheads are also in the PS arsenal, but given PS’s stance on strategic nuclear weaponry on planetary surfaces, this seems unlikely.
Range: Orbit to surface
Damage: Varies by weapon type

*Light Kinetic Penetrator---Works similar to a WWII ‘Earthquake Bomb’. Kinetic weapons have the advantage of leaving little or no radiation to contaminate a battlefield or potential postwar acquisition. This weapon type actually carries five separate RVs on a maneuverable ‘bus’ stage. Each RV does 5d6x10 MD to a 40 ft radius

*Heavy Kinetic ‘Smasher’--- A single-shot warhead(no multiple warheads) weighing 12 tons. Hits with considerably greater velocity and kinetic energy. Does 1d6x100 MD to a 90 ft radius, and does DOUBLE damage to any fixed-foundation structures in a 200 ft radius, due to ground shock.

*Fuel Air Explosive Munition---A single warhead(no multiple warheads) non-nuclear area of effect weapon that disperses a cloud of volatile fuel droplets in a mist over the target area, then ignites it in a rapidly propagating explosion. Besides thermal damage, the real damage from this weapon comes in the massive overpressure shockwave that it creates, capable of forcing its way into open ducts and vents, and imploding vehicles and bunkers. Also known as a ‘Daisy Cutter’, it is often used to simultaneously secure and clear landing zones of obstacles(both sentient and material). The heavy FAEMs carried by the Ranger’s drop pods can do 4d4x10 MD to a 500 ft radius, plus 3d6x10 MD to everything else in a 3,000 ft ft radius. Those caught within the blast radius are also likely (01-88%) likely to be bowled over by the blast and stunned, if not worse....

*ElectroMagnetic Pulse Weapon---Designed to knockout unprotected electronics and power distribution networks, exploding at high altitude for maximum effect.
EM effects: Used against unshielded power grids(such as cities and towns), the particle blast has a 99% chance of knocking down electrical systems, including vehicles, in an 100-mile radius of the point of detonation. Unprotected computers and other hardware not protected by surge protectors, and hooked into the common power grid, may still be affected up to a hundred miles or more away by power surges through the power lines.
The EMP is less effective against shielded systems such as those on space structures(25%) and military systems(10% for surface military vehicles), which are hardened against radiation.

TW Weapons---Based on the work done between Paladin Steel and its allies, strategic TechnoWizardry weapons are a safer, more ‘morally acceptable’ alternative to vaporizing enemy cities with nuclear weapons. TW warheads also have certain advantages against magic-vulnerable opponents.
The downside is that strategic TW weapons are hellishly expensive in both the crystal matrices needed to hold the weapons-grade spells, and the high-level mage talent needed to produce and empower them.
Still, PS produces and deploys a wide variety of these weapons, just in case.

*TW Disharmonize---Actually more of an airburst weapon that deploys thousands of small individual grenade-sized TW ‘skeet’ warheads over a wide area, that fall to an appropriate altitude for maximum effect, then explode, causing no initial physical damage, but sowing massive chaos throughout both military forces and civilian populations. Tremendously expansive in terms of magic energy investment, and relatively short-term in its effects, it nevertheless can be an effective weapon in disrupting an enemy’s defenses in advance of a raid or troop landing.
Each MIRV can carry up to 200 ‘skeets’ each
The carrier shell is designed as an airburst weapon(300-1,000 ft up), with the dispersal charge firing the skeets out on wide arc frisbeeing trajectories to cover a maximum area of effect. Each submunition skeet affects a 500 ft radius(some overlap is unavoidable), and effects last 50 minutes. Everyone caught in the area of effect must save versus magic or else lose HALF their attacks per melee, lose initiative, and be -20% to perform all skills. Furthermore
The beauty of this weapon is that the mage-munition officer or loader, if one is available, can , simply by touching the shell before loading and launching, and uttering a safing incantation(Magic telepathy or psionic telepathy will also do the trick), fuze the weapon to affect ONLY enemy soldiers...KNOWN allies are UNAFFECTED by the magic! Of course, if no such trained combat mage or psychic is available , then the ‘generic’ shell will affect EVERYONE in the area of effect.
Needless to say, however, at 150 PPE per submunition, these weapons are awfully expensive.

*TW Magma Weapon(RV)---Modified River of Lava spell, that creates a pool 450 ft in diameter instead, that lasts 15 minutes. If deployed in shallow water it lasts only 7 minutes and does HALF damage, but creates huge bubbles, kills local sea life, and produces a massive cloud of superheated steam that blinds anyone on the surface, fouls up thermographic imaging systems, and creates a belching sonar static that can screw up passive sonar systems in the area.

*TW Tsunami Weapon(RV)---Designed for attacking coastal targets,this weapon deploys up to 5 independently targeting RVs that each generate a tidal wave.
Each warhead creates a tidal wave roughly 150 ft high, 3,000 ft long, lasts 15 melees, reach as far as 450 ft inland, and does 4d6x10 MD per melee. Also has a 75% chance of capsizing any ships it catches.
Note: This weapon is INEFFECTIVE unless aimed at a sizable body of water, such as an ocean, large lake, or deep river.

*TW Hurricane Weapon(RV)----Ocean-attack weapon, but can also be used against large lakes. Each MIRV creates a massive sea storm that covers a 120 ft area, 100-150 mph winds, and 30 ft high waves. Does 3d6x10 MD per melee to large structures, and 1d6 MD to anyone caught out in the open. Effects last 15 minutes.

*TW Maelstrom Weapon(RV)---Another ocean-attack weapon, for attacking shipping and submarine warships/installations. Like the Tsunami Weapon, the ‘bus’ can deploy up to 5 independently targeting RVs that each generate a sizable whirlpool in any large body of water they are aimed at.
Whirlpools are 120 ft wide, lasts 15 minutes, and does 1d4x10 MD to anything caught in its center, 2d6x10 MD per melee to large ships, and 1d6x100 MD to hem if they get submerged or if the whirlpool ‘breaks the ship’s back’.

*TW Earthquake Weapon(RV)---Each warhead acts as a 15th level Elemental Earthquake spell; 3500 ft area of effect, doing 2d6x100 MD per melee, for fifteen melees. Generates a fissure 900 ft long, doing damage to everything within 600 ft on either side of it. A full spread of Earthquakers can destroy a county.

*TW Stormfront Weapon(RV)---Airburst warheads that unleash multiple Tornadoes(one per warhead), and an accompanying Summon Storm, all equivalent to the 15th level Elemental Warlock Spells.
Tornadoes are 100 ft in diameter, last 15 minutes, and do 3d6x10 MD per melee to anything caught by them, and an additional 2d6x10 MD to anything hurled out. Wood, clay, and stone structures take 4d6x10 points of damage(SDC or MDC), and trees are uprooted in one melee round. The tornadoes will also randomly wander about in a half-mile area before dispersing.
The storm element creates a drenching, obscuring downpour that drops 4 inches of rain per hour, does 1-6 points of structural S.D.C. per half hour, immobilizing floods, and reduces visibility to near zilch; storm covers a 14 mile area, and lasts 7 hours

Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-20
Payload: 80 free-fall RVs. Additional RVs may be carried as cargo(one RV ‘bus’ weighs 1 ton)

7)Point Defense Turrets(12)---These are standard CCW-pattern dual laser/mini-missile launchers that have been installed fro close-in defense.
Range: (Lasers) 4,000 ft in atmosphere/2 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 2 miles in atmosphere /200 miles in space)
(Mini-Missiles) 1 mile in atmosphere/2 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 2 miles in atmosphere/ 100 miles in space)
Damage:(Lasers) 1d6x10 MD per blast
(Mini-Missiles) Varies by Missile Type
Rate of Fire:(Lasers) EGCHH, or auto-fire; 6 attacks per melee
(Mini-Missiles) Volleys of 1-8
Payload: (Rail Gun) Effectively Unlimited
(Mini-Missiles) 32 mini-missiles per turret; additional mini-missiles can be carried as cargo(typically takes 2d6 minutes to reload from the holds).
(Option)---The Mini-Missile launcher component of these turrets can be modified to fire the “S-Sting” ‘Smart Mini-Missile -----The S-Sting(for ‘Space Stinger’) is an attempt to adapt the guidance systems and accuracy of the ‘Black Talon’ L-SAM to a space-based missile. The missile resembles a rather stubby cylinder with a blunt-nosed optical cluster and protruding verniers(extend after launching), owing to the fact that the vacuum of space negates the need for streamlining the weapon.
Note that the ‘S-Sting’ has only limited effectiveness in an atmosphere....HALF bonuses in a thin atmosphere and weak gravity well like Mars’, and NO bonuses, and HALF range in a thick atmosphere and standard gravity like Earth’s.
Range: 4 miles in atmosphere, 32 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 4 miles in atmosphere/ 400 miles in space)
Damage: 2d6x10 MD to a 15 ft blast radius
Bonuses: +7 to strike
Cost: 10,000 credits per missile

8 ) Mine/Killsat Launcher---To defend itself against space-borne opponents, or to deny local space to other vessels, the Ranger has the ability to seed space with a small orbital/free space minefield or killer satellites. The mine launcher can also deploy dedicated surface surveillance and communications satellites.
Payload: 60 mines, 20 satellites(additional ordnance may be carried and reloaded from the cargo bays)
Damage: Varies by weapon deployed
*Space Mine---A freefloating explosive war satellite...Various types exist, including stealth ‘sneakmines’, ASAT ‘limpets’, and enhanced EMP models, but the standard anti-ship version carries a powerful nucleonic charge that does 2d6x100 MDC to a 600 ft radius
Damage: Typically equal to a Cruise Missile warhead

*Orbital Net Mine---This weapon unfurls into a 10-kilometer(5 mile)-wide free-floating hexagon of high tensile-strength megadamage fibers. Any vessel hitting this net at high speed takes damage roughly equivalent to the UWW’s infamous ‘Death Cloud’ weapon.
Damage: Any ship flying into the net will take 4d6MD times its Mach Speed. Multiple the damage by 10 for ships weighing 10,000-40,000 tons, by 20 in the 41,000-100,000 ton range, and by 100 if more than 100,000 tons.
The net is virtually impossible to detect on radar and ships are -6 to dodge, while larger ships are -8!

9) Countermeasure Launchers(2)---Two small bays are dedicated to deploying countermeasures. Though mainly based on systems in use by the Orbital powers of Rifts Earth, and thus decidedly crude by Three Galaxies standards, these decoy systems can still prove effective, or at least distracting at critical moments.
Range: Typically launch out to 10 miles or more from the ship under the initial expulsion charge.
-Ballute Decoy---This is an inflatable metallic balloon-form meant to be highly visible to enemy radar and optics. A small maneuvering drive (equivalent to a heavy Manned Maneuvering Unit) gives the decoy some capacity to micmic a ship’s normal movement.
-Wild Weasel---A more maneuverable version of the above, but the WW relies not on passive sensor reflection but on active emissions to fool enemy sensors. The WW is more robust, and can ape a more vigorous range of maneuvers on the part of the ship it’s supposed to be imitating. Effective Speed: Mach 6
Duration: 10 minutes per pod
Effects: The decoys have a 70% chance of fooling enemy sensor operators and expert systems. They are also +2 to enemy sensor-guided munitions to strike, increasing the chance that the missiles will elect to pursue the ‘louder’ sensor signature(the missile rolls to strike for both the original ship and each decoy deployed....highest to strike roll determines which target the missile(s) go after).

-Smart Chaff--- Jams radio signals(75% chance of jamming military band command-guidance ordnance), and 60% chance of deflecting ordinary missiles.

-Laser Aerosol---Laser Aerosol Clouds are chancy; they impede the lasers of the ship they’re supposed to be shielding as readily as those of the attackers, and the cloud does not move with the ship if maneuvers are necessitated(it will continue moving and expanding in a straight line until it completely dissipates).
Rate of Fire:
Payload: Each CM array holds 50 Ballute decoys, 20 maneuvering decoys(“Wild Weasels”), 100 ‘Smart Chaff’ canisters, 50 laser aerosol canisters

Auxiliary Craft:
1-8 Light Shuttles( Typically modified Dragonflies) or 1-4 Heavy Shuttles(such as the AAST-4 Condor or AAST-6 Gannet)

The relative spaciousness and modular nature of many of the systems aboard the Rangers allows for relatively quick and easy modification and the addition of new systems. This allows the Ranger to be quickly upgraded or reconfigured for specific missions fairly easily.
Listing all the different permutations of systemry is fairly impossible(and largely classified by the GNE for security reasons). However, among the options either operational or under consideration:

*TW Teleporter---A variant of the Starship TW Multiplexor under development, this magic device requires the installation of shipboard TW PPE Generators: 4 PPE Generators and regenerates at 50 PPE per hour(200 PPE per hour total). Each also has an adjacent PPE Battery Bank, that can hold up to 500 PPE each(2,000 PPE total).
The Teleporter itself requires a homing signal to lock on to, either deployed by drone probe or a ground agent. The system has a range of over 100,000 miles, and allows fir the instantaneous teleport of up to three people at the cost of 80 PPE(cheap, but then again, the base spell PPE cost has been HALVED by the TW apparatus). Though only three people can be teleported at a time, this system allows for covert insertion of operatives from orbit, without the obvious use of shuttlecraft or reentry pods.

As noted above, the large cargo capacity of the Ranger’s main bays allows it to be quickly refitted for a variety of purposes, typically with standardized modular pallets, including pressurized living quarters and control centers. Additional weaponry is rarely fitted, but then again, PS is very reluctant to list all the possible configurations possible in its own special ‘security force’ vessels.

As more advanced Galactic technologies become available to PS/ASI, it is expected that the Rangers will undergo periodic upgrades and refits(the modular nature of much of the design was laid down in anticipation of this).

*PSS-FFS/SCV-17C---Space Carrier version of the Ranger, with the holds modified to carry up to 20 aerospace fighters

*PSS-FFS/CG-17D(L)---A ‘heavy gun’ cruiser variant that sacrifices any troop carrying capacity to mount two large laser cannons in coaxial mounts in the forward hull.
1) Heavy Laser Cannon(2)
Range: 30 miles in atmosphere, 90 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 90 miles in atmosphere, 90,000 miles in space)
Damage: 1d4x1,000 MD per blast
2d4x1,000 MD for both cannon firing on the same target simultaneously
Rate of Fire: Once per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

*PSS-FFS/CG-17D(L)-M---Another ‘heavy gun’ variant that sacrifices troop carrying capacity for a ‘broadside’ of massed extended range heavy lasers, similar to the lateral arrays, but in fixed ‘bank’ mountings, in the main holds.
1) Heavy Laser Cannon(16, 8 each side)
Range: 8 miles in atmosphere,16 miles in space
(Kitsune Values)16 miles in atmosphere, 16,000 miles in space
Damage:(Maximum Power)2d6x100 MD per blast. 6d6x100 MD for a triple burst
(Low Power Mode)4d6x10 MD per blast. 12d6x10 MD for a triple burst
Rate of Fire: Four times per melee at maximum power load
Up to Ten times per melee at lower power.
Payload: Effectively unlimited

*PSS-FFS/G-17E---A heavy missile carrier variant that sacrifices hangar and cargo space to mount several modular batteries of long range and cruise missiles, or PS’s ‘Long Lance’
1) Heavy Missile Bays(4)---Up to four modular missile launchers can be mounted in the cargo bays, firing out of their former doors.
a) Long Range Missiles
Range: Varies by missile type(speed and range x4 in space)
(Kitsune Values: 3,400 miles in atmosphere, 1,800,000 miles in space)
Damage: Varies by missile type
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-12 each launcher , up to four times a melee
Payload: 120 LRMs, Additional missiles may be stored in the cargo holds and reloaded within 30 minutes(1 ton of cargo per 12 missiles)

(Option)TW Breaching System(optional)---This can be fitted to any LRM missile prior to firing. Despite its high-PPE installation cost, the system is popular because it allows PS’s relatively low-tech missiles to penetrate high-tech energy shielding, and deliver a surprise knockout blow! Uses the Energy Disruption spell to penetrate enemy defenses. If facing a known magic-using enemy, this system may be enhanced with Dispel Magic Barrier. The system(values taken from Siege on Tolkeen 1, pg. 69) costs 495 PPE to install, 20 PPE to activate per minute of operation.

b) Cruise Missiles
Range: Varies by missile type(speed and range x4 in space)
(Kitsune Values: 3,400 miles in atmosphere, 1,800,000 miles in space)
Damage: Varies by missile type
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1, 2, 4, 5, or 10
Payload: 40 missiles

c) Heavy Nuclear Torpedoes --- PS Long Lance II Nuclear Missile---This is an SLBM-sized nuclear weapon that takes up the same space as SIX smaller LRMs.
NOTE: PS combat doctrine FORBIDS the use of strategic nuclear devices against planetary targets, without full authorization and coded permission from the top echelons of High Command(fortunately, as few ships carry Long Lances or strategic nuclear weapons, there have been few chances to test this doctrine).
Range: 1,000 miles(4,000 miles in space)
Damage: 2d4 x 1,000 MD to a 4.6 mile destruction radius
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1,2,3,4, or 5
Payload: Varies...A Long Lance II takes up six tons of cargo space

(Option) PS Long Lance IV---The Long Lance IV is the next generation heavy anti-spacecraft missile from PS, and was developed after the abysmal failure of most of the launched Long Lance IIs to reach the target during the Dreadnought Crisis . This SLBM-sized weapon is smarter, heavier, and carries its own ECM and countermeasures decoy launchers to give it a better chance of penetrating a target’s defenses.
Range: 1500 miles(6,000 miles in space)
Damage: 2d4 x 1,000 MD to a 4.6 mile destruction radius
*ECM----The missile has its own expert system and EW transmitters for jamming enemy radar, as well as evading their sensors. The missile is -6 for guided weapons to strike. 60% chance of evading radar detection to begin with.
*Flare/Chaff Launchers(1, 6 bundles)
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: Varies...A Long Lance IV takes up eight tons of cargo space
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by taalismn »

(TW Sensors and ranges by Kitsune)

Paladin Steel/Aegis Stellar Industries ‘Aurora’ Aerospace Frigate
(aka ‘Light Spear’, ‘Star Chaser’)
“Ever seen a squadron of Auroras at work tearing down on a target? It’s like a big handful of really big and really sharp throwing knives moving at near-light speed. Only the knives can flip and dodge in mid-flight, and those ain’t glints of light off the blades, they’re gigawatt pulse lasers stabbing out.”

“As an escort, the Aurora shows that it can go just about anywhere our contracts oblige us to travel, and insure our convoys get us there. The speed and agility of these ships allows them to intercept pirates, while their magical systems allow them to counter even magic-using opposition with a good chance of successfully beating them back. That all means good business, because people are more likely to order from a company, even if it doesn’t supply the most advanced or powerful products, that insures that its customers will get their orders on time, and not simply write off pirated shipments as well-insured risks or ‘shrinkage’.”
---Troan LaMange, ASI Shipping Director.

“This is ASI’s rapier, a heart-striker, an assassin’s blade. It’s quick and it’s sharp and it’s more dangerous than it has a right to be, coming from an upstart company with barely ten years of existence behind it. It shows what fresh perspectives, creative minds, and an unhealthy obsession with firepower, or a pessimistic view of the future of affairs in the Three Galaxies, can turn out.”
----Gedro Nasshini, defense analyst for Jainyz’s Warship Guide.

The ‘Aurora’ is another in Paladin Steel’s ‘New Generation’ of more advanced, small, fast, atmosphere-capable stellar warships. Intended to act as the far-ranging fast attack elements of the GNESF, screening the slower-moving, but still hard-hitting, ‘flying erector sets’ of the first generation fleet initiatives, these warcraft show both the design influence and technological exchanges of PS’s contacts in the Three Galaxies.
The Aurora was inspired, in no small degree, by PS engineers’ studies of various Three Galaxies craft such as the Hunter-class destroyer and Scimitar frigate. However, the design has also benefitted from PS’s growing experience with advanced drive systems, and the original ‘destroyer’ designation has been expanded in the Aurora’s case to include exploration and long range recon duties.
The ‘Aurora’ has a sleek, triangular plan, swept wings and angled ramscoops streaming back from a long, graceful forward hull and sharp-pointed conical nose. The bridge is buried deep inside the nose, and multiple sensor arrays are either concealed inside radiation-transparent blisters, or fold inside armored housings. The ‘Aurora’ has a small amidships hangar deck and launch bay, capable of holding a handful of small craft; not enough to allow the ship to act as a carrier, but sufficient for recon missions. The bay is modular, and can be outfitted for other purposes, such as cargo, weapons/science modules, and other systems, allowing the Aurora to be quickly refitted for various purposes.
In addition to a reinforced hull and battlescreening(by now becoming standard with Paladin Steel-built military spacecraft), the Aurora is covered in laser-ablative armor(especially important, since combat experience has shown that PS’s ceramic-composite formulation has a slight advantage in dispersing the energies of Arkhon tribeam weaponry). Another innovation is the installation of a grid of high-capacity braided ectofiber throughout the hull to help insulate the ship from abnormally active magical energies(including magical attacks), facilitate the recharging of the ship’s TW systems, and detect paranormal energies(including naturally invisible beings and energy lifeforms). When in magic-rich environments, or when under sorcerous attack, the hull of the Aurora actually glows an eerie blue-green, causing the ship class to live up to its name.
The Aurora’s weapons complement is built around long range....knowing how light their ships are, Aurora crews prefer to keep opponents as far away as possible. To that end, the ship carries a large magazine of long range missiles(that can be replaced/supplemented with special purpose ranged space mines, tactical recon drones, and scientific investigation probes). A brace of long range lasers and particle beam cannon gives the ship a mid-range bite, while PS-standard close-in laser defense arrays provide antimissile and anti-fighter coverage at close range. The Aurora also typically goes to space with a flight of four aerospace fighters and a squad of space-capable power armors for further tactical support.
Despite the added expense, Techno-Wizardry systems have been added as both complement and backup to the technological systems. TW enhancements typically emphasize added defense against paranormal threats, increased sensitivity to paranormal phenomenon, and stealth(by using processes not subject to conventional detection and countermeasure methods).
Though small for its size, the Aurora has a very efficient hybrid drive system, capable of high speed ‘torch sprinting’ or slower fuel efficient cruising. The inclusion of ram scoops and advanced gas filtration systems that allow the ship to skim nebular clouds or convenient gas giants, and harvest, purify, and collect its own hydrogen fuel, can allow the small ship to out-range other vessels in the same size class. The hybrid drive system is also designed with multi-environment operations in mind; the ship can operate in deep space, dense atmosphere, and underwater, with equal ease and efficiency.
If there is one outstanding complaint about the Auroras to date, it is that they are so compact that spacers complain about ‘submariner living conditions’.....In order to fit many of the systems in, many items (such as sick bay body scanners or living quarter bunk-pods) have been specially built to order to ergonomically fit into the allotted space. This ship-specific fitting design makes re-provisioning and resupply of damaged equipment a difficult proposition, as not all PS/ASI space supply depots may have stocks of the necessary gear on hand. Using standard-issue equipment in place of the special gear is possible, but may take up more space than is comfortable for the crew.
The Aurora has been recently introduced to the Space Arm of the GNE’s military. Four(VFSS Strato, VFSS Nimbus, VFSS Umbra, and VFSS Aurora) have already been completed, with twelve more on order. The ships first in service have already earned reputations for being excellent ‘Coast Guard’ ships, racing out of the Earth/Moon system to rescue stranded spacers, and policing nearspace against pirates.
Relatively small, inexpensive, and easier to produce than a capital unit, the Aurora and its stable mates give Paladin Steel/Aegis Stellar Industries a quick, flexible, and readily adaptable stellar naval unit that can be produced in numbers to fill out the GNE’s space force needs, and which can be easily modified for commercial sale.
With the new production facilities at ASI-Amberjin opening up, the better access to high technology, advanced materials, and low-cost industrial tooling, the Aurora is expected to be produced, and appear, in greater numbers.

Type:PS/ASI-PSS-ADS-FFG-21 Aurora
Class: Fast Aerospace Scout Frigate
Date of Introduction: 116 P.A.
Crew: 75 +20 passengers/Marine contingent
MDC/Armor By Location:
Main Body 6,200
Bridge 2,000
Hangar/Payload Bay 1,200
Main Energy Cannon(1) 1,600
Secondary Long Range Laser Cannon(4) 280 each
Medium Particle Beam Lances(4) 300 each
Long Range Missile Launchers(2) 480 each
Point Defense Turrets(6) 100 each
Wings(2) 1,200 each
Ramscoops(2) 1,000 each
(Variable Forcefield) 5,000 each side(30,000 total)

*Note: The Aurora uses a specially formulated composite laser-resistant armor; lasers do HALF damage to its hull. Arkhon tri-cannon do 10% less damage to the material.

Height: 60 ft
Width: 300 ft
Length: 500 ft
Weight: 8,000 tons
Cargo: 400 tons
If not carrying small craft, the Hangar Bay can be refitted into a cargo hold able to accommodate up to 600 tons
Powerplant: Nuclear Fusion w/ 25 year energy life
Speed:(Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 6(can escape the atmosphere)
(Sublight) Mach 15 (typically cruises at Mach 10)
(Kitsune Values: 60% of light speed; Accelerates/decelerates at 1.5% of light speed per melee)
(FTL) 5 light years per hour
(Underwater) Fully capable of operating underwater, and can move at up to 100 MPH underwater, maximum depth 1 mile.
Cost: Produced exlusively for ASI/PS, and affiliates. Would cost 450 million credits if made available on the open market.
Systems of Note:
*Full Sensor Suite---Specialized sensor pallets include radiation detectors and counters, spectrographic analysis devices, gravitic sensors, electromagnetic activity readers, and optics packages.
*Long Range Radar---Phased Array Search and Early Warning Radars---Maximum Resolution Range of 4 million miles
*Communications Suite:---Long Range Radio and Video
*Laser Communications ---Tactical (i.e. ship-to fighter/shuttle)Range: 200,000 miles
*Optical Tracking Clusters----These are transparent blisters fitted with gimbal-mounted high-resolution visible-light/IR/UV optical telescopes that continually scan the arc of sky before them. Linked to the navigational arrays and other tracking sensors, and to a series of highly-sophisticated near-AI search and discrimination software systems, these sensors attempt to detect objects that have low radar returns/sensor signatures, such as stealthed vehicles, iceballs, or asteroids. The high-tech equivalent of the man in the crow’s nest with a pair of binoculars.

*EM Shielding---Using special electromagnetic radiation shielding, saves on the need for bulky metal or water radiation shielding.

*ECM----- A powerful communications and sensor jamming suite. Communications Jamming has a 5,000 mile range, is 95% effective against civilian systems, and is 75% effective against more sophisticated channel-jumping military communications suites. Missiles and sensor-guided weapons are -6 to strike.

*Electronic Cloaking----Special hull panels and EW antennae can distort or deflect radar beams and Em-spectrum sensor radiations, giving the ship limited stealth capabilities(more effective/efficient cloaking may be accomplished through the installation of special mission modules in the cargo/hanger bay). These systems give the ship a 70% chance of going undetected, and sensor-guided weapons are -4 to strike, but the active component of the jamming may be detected in itself, giving the vessel’s presence away.

*Bussard Ramscoops---Mounted like jet air intakes in the leading edge of the outer ‘wing’/main body, are magnetic intakes, normally protected in combat by armor shutters, for taking in interstellar hydrogen deflected safely into them by the navigational deflectors. In this way, on long range missions, the ship can replenish its hydrogen fuel supplies, ‘grazing’ off of hydrogen rich patches of space, cometary gas tails, or the upper atmosphere of gas giants, and extend its fuel supply by as much as 40%. Note that this system is not as efficient as tanking up from a dedicated tanker and fuel processing plant, due to contaminants in the gases also scooped up, which diminish the efficiency of the fusion process.

*Ectofiber Insulation Grid
-Magical Attacks do HALF damage/effect

*ORACLE Mk V---Omni-diRectional Aura Classification and Locator Electronics---A TW development of the SNARLS PPE Scanner, this system consists of a series of advanced Technowizardry scanner systems(TW optic mounts, static crystal PPE meters, and whatnot) stationed around the ship, feeding into a central computer system with special TW-derived interface program algorithms. The system is designed to detect incoming magical/paranormal attacks and alert the crew to them(hopefully in time to allow them to take defensive measures). Linkage to the Ectofiber Grid has increased the sensitivity and effectiveness of this system.
See Aura: Slightly different than the spell in that it can scan an entire target such as a ship or station. The enchantment can be used to target a single individual but only have one tenth normal range when being used in that matter. Costs 60 P.P.E. per activation due to extended range. Range: 1,000 miles (1,610 kilometers) in space and 1 mile (1.6 kilometers) in an atmosphere. Effects / Abilities: Gives an approximate count of the number of life forms onboard. Gives the average level of experience, highest level of experience, and lowest level of experience [Given in these terms: Low (1-3), medium (4-7), high (8th and up).] Tells if there is any magic onboard. Gives if there are any psychics onboard (Mind Block will prevent detection), Gives a general count on the amount of P.P.E. the target has (basically the P.P.E. of the crew and any devices which store P.P.E.). Detects if there is any kind of possession. Finally sees if the crew or ship has any unusual aberrations.
• See the Invisible Sensors: The ships has several special optical and other sensor systems with see the invisible on them. Same as spell and used at will (requires no P.P.E. to activate). Range: 2,000 miles (3,220 kilometers) in space and 2 miles (3.2 km) in an atmosphere. Effects / Abilities: Can see forces, objects, and creatures which can turn invisible, or are invisible. Can also see vaporous beings and astral bodies.
• Sense Magic: The ship has sensors which the give the ability to detect active magic. Similar to spell and used at will (requires no P.P.E. to activate). Range: 200,000 miles (322,000 kilometers) in space and 200 miles (320 km) in an atmosphere. Effects / Abilities: detects the presence of magic if within detection range of ship and gives bearing on magic and basic range although not exact position. Detects active enchantments but will not generally detect spell casters in general.
• Sense Rifts: Ship has sensors which effectively allow Rifts to be detected. The system can be (requires no P.P.E. to activate). Range: 500,000 miles (805,000 kilometers) in space and 500 miles (805 km) in an atmosphere. Effects / Abilities: Detects the presence of Rifts (including those created by Rifts Drives) and unlike when detecting magic gives position very accurately.

Magical Systems:
The Aurora has benefitted immensely from PS’s experience with the TW-enhanced systems of its GMR skyships.....thanks to improvements in TechnoWizardry design and production, the earlier and cumbersome systems have been refined and made smaller and more efficient.
The Aurora carries 4 PPE Generators and regenerates at 50 PPE per hour(200 PPE per hour total). Each also has an adjacent PPE Battery Bank, that can hold up to 500 PPE each(2,000 PPE total), and recharges/absorbs energy at 100 PPE per 24 hours, plus it accepts any surplus from the generators during low demand times.
All TW Generators have been retro-fitted with a Ley Line Storm Defense System that automatically locks down the generators and shields them during leyline storm activity. Though leyline storms are rare in open space, the existance of solar leylines means that they DO exist, and can be quite severe.

*TW Ball Lightning Weapons System(4 node-projectors)
This is an experimental system, more than anything else, to test the suitability of magic spell weapons to the deep space environment, and pre-dated the later, more efficient, Heavy Multiplexors and low-loss Ectofiber cabling. The weapons fire bolts of eldritch lightning, that often appear to swirl and spin about the ship’s hull before dashing off to hit the target.
Range: 6,000 ft in atmosphere, 60,000 ft in space
(Kitsune Values: 10 miles in atmosphere, 10,000 miles in space)
Damage: 4d6x10 MD per blast, +4 to strike
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: Conditionally Unlimited; each shot drains 60 PPE from the reserves

*Impervious to Energy( 80 PPE per activation, duration of 5 minutes per activation)

*Star Light(24 PPE per activation, duration of 20 minutes per activation)
Causes the starship to glow brightly in a 2,000 ft diameter sphere, making it impossible for anyone to get a hard optical lock on the spacecraft or parts of it. Similarly, radar and other sensors cannot able to make out anything inside the area of the sphere(only the sphere itself). Vampires, most undead, and other creatures vulnerable to sunlight will take 2d6x10 points of damage if exposed directly to the light and face a Horror Factor of 19 even if not.

*Expel Demons(35)---This is an internal defensive system, incorporated into wards around major areas of the ship, such as the engines, bridge, and sickbay...It CANNOT work outside of the ship. Fear of supernatural beings teleporting aboard ship and taking control has been a great fear of GNE crews, from their naval experience(as one salty put it; “Ain’t nothing worse than being on a ship of the Possessed... nowhere to run, damn few places to hide, and damn little time to do anything else.”), and thus PS has made this system fairly standard on its ships.

Other ‘internal’ systems that have been tested as both centrally powered systems and emergency PPE-Battery-powered systems, include Sheltering Force(ideal for emergency vac-shelters), Air Bubble, Globe of Daylight, Breath Without Air, Extinguish Fire, Ice(great for temporarily sealing hull breeches), and Mend the Broken.

Weapons Systems:
1) Axial Heavy Laser Cannon(1)---Running the length of the Aurora is a powerful long range laser cannon that gives the ship a powerful long range sting. In order to bring it to bear on a target, however, the ship itself must be aimed, as the emitter in the bow only has a 60-degree arc of movement.
Range:(Palladium) 16 miles in atmosphere/ 80 miles in space
(Kistune)16 miles in atmosphere/ 16,000 miles in space
Damage: 1d4x1,000 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: Twice per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Panalty: Designed for engaging capital ships; -7 to strike fighter-sized targets

2)Long Range Missile Launchers(2)---Mounted under the wings in armored launch modules, these are the main long range weaponry of the Auroras.
Range: Varies by Missile Type(Long Range)(speed and range x4 in space)
(Kitsune Values: 3,400 miles in atmosphere, 1,800,000 miles in space)
Damage: Varies by Missile Type(Long Range)
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-8
Payload: 64 per launcher(128 total)
Additional missiles may be carried as cargo;1 ton of cargo per 12 missiles

In the alternative, cruise missiles may be carried; 24 per launcher(48 total if both pods are so fitted).

2)Secondary Long Range Laser Cannon(4)----Nose-mounted photonic cannon
Range:(Palladium) 8 miles in atmosphere/ 16 miles in space
(Kitsune) 8 miles in atmosphere/ 8,000 miles in space
Damage: 1d4x100 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: Four times per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

3) Medium Particle Beam Lances(4)----Wing-mounted heavy energy weapons. Their wing-mounting is in pivoted nacelles that allow the weapons to fire in both the forward and rear arcs of the ship.
Range:(Palladium) 4 miles in atmosphere/ 8 miles in space
(Kitsune)4 miles in atmosphere/ 4,000 miles in space
Damage: 2d4x100 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: Four times per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

4) Point Defense Turrets(6)---The Aurora is designed with modular point defense turrets; ASI is testing to see which weapons are the most effective.
a)---These are standard CCW-pattern dual laser/mini-missile launchers that have been installed for close-in defense.
Range: (Lasers) 4,000 ft in atmosphere/2 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 2 miles in atmosphere /200 miles in space)
(Mini-Missiles) 1 mile in atmosphere/2 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 2 miles in atmosphere/ 100 miles in space)
Damage:(Lasers) 1d6x10 MD per blast
(Mini-Missiles) Varies by Missile Type
Rate of Fire:(Lasers) EGCHH, or auto-fire; 6 attacks per melee
(Mini-Missiles) Volleys of 1-8
Payload: (Lasers) Effectively Unlimited
(Mini-Missiles) 32 mini-missiles per turret; additional mini-missiles can be carried as cargo(typically takes 2d6 minutes to reload from the holds).
(Option)---The Mini-Missile launcher component of these turrets can be modified to fire the “S-Sting” ‘Smart Mini-Missile -----The S-Sting(for ‘Space Stinger’) is an attempt to adapt the guidance systems and accuracy of the ‘Black Talon’ L-SAM to a space-based missile. The missile resembles a rather stubby cylinder with a blunt-nosed optical cluster and protruding verniers(extend after launching), owing to the fact that the vacuum of space negates the need for streamlining the weapon.
Note that the ‘S-Sting’ has only limited effectiveness in an atmosphere....HALF bonuses in a thin atmosphere and weak gravity well like Mars’, and NO bonuses, and HALF range in a thick atmosphere and standard gravity like Earth’s.
Range: 4 miles in atmosphere, 32 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 4 miles in atmosphere/ 400 miles in space)
Damage: 2d6x10 MD to a 15 ft blast radius
Bonuses: +7 to strike
Cost: 10,000 credits per missile

b) Rail Gun PDS
Range: 6,000 ft in atmosphere, 2 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 2 miles in atmosphere/ 200 miles in space)
Damage: 2d4x10 MD per 60 rd burst
Rate of Fire: 6 attacks per melee
Payload: 12,000 rds per gun(200 bursts each)
Radar Targeting Bonus: +3 to strike

c) Ion Cannon PDS
Range: 6,000 ft in atmosphere, 2 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 2 miles in atmosphere/ 200 miles in space)
Damage: 3d4x10 MD per shot
Rate of Fire: 4 times per melee
Payload: Effectively unlimited

d)Particle Beam PDS
Range: (Palladium)1 mile in atmosphere, 4 miles in space
(KItsune Values: 2 miles in atmosphere, 200 miles in space)
Damage: 2d6x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH(auto-fire is six times per melee)
Payload: Effectively unlimited

e) Pulse Laser PDS
Range: 6,000 ft in atmosphere, 2 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 2 miles in atmosphere/ 200 miles in space)
Damage: 2d4x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: Effectively unlimited

Auxiliary Craft:(Standard Complement)
2 Aerospace Fighters
1 Shuttle


4 Aerospace Fighters/Robots

In keeping with the PS/ASI philosophy of keeping their options open, the Aurora has been configured with integral upgradability as future developments allow. The ship’s hangar bay has been designed to be as modular as possible. If mission needs demand it, the ship can sacrifice its small craft complement in order to accommodate a special cargo or systems module(such as an extendable sensor boom, twin heavy semi-external cannon mounts, or advanced lab module) in the hangar bay spaces. In such cases where a special module is required, and at least basic small craft capability is also required, the Aurora can ‘piggyback’ a heavy fighter or shuttlecraft, docked to an external hardpoint/airlock connection, though this craft will be nearly impossible to service from the mothership during the course of normal operations.
Other options include swapping out some of the energy weapons for alternate rail- and projectile weapon types, giving the Auroras a better chance against energy-shielded enemies such as the Arkhons.

-Modular Hangar Bay
a) Cargo Module---Can hold an additional 400 tons of cargo

b) Passenger Module---Life support and accommodations for up to 50 people(100 people under cramped conditions).

c) Sensor Module---A specialized sensor pallet for more advanced scientific, tactical, or strategical recon missions can be fitted in the bay. Depending on the specific type of instruments, all that may be required is to open the bay doors to let the instruments ‘see’ out, or a sensor antennae/mast may be extended and unrolled for operations.

d) Medium Laser Cannon Module
Range: 8 miles in atmosphere, 16 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 16 miles in atmosphere, 16,000 miles in space)
Damage: 2d6x100 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: 4 shots per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

e) Medium Particle Beam Module
Range: 7 miles in atmosphere, 14 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 14 miles in atmosphere, 14,000 miles in space)
Damage: 4d4x100 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: 3 shots per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

f) Rail Gun Module---Twin gun turret mounting.
Range: 10 miles in atmosphere, 40 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 40 miles in atmosphere, 40,000 miles in space)
Damage:1d4x100 MD per 80 rd burst, 2d4x100 MD for both cannons firing simultaneously
Rate of Fire:ECHH
Payload: 32,000 rds(400 bursts) per cannon

g) Heavy Missile Bay----Holds 480 Short Range Missiles, OR 240 Medium Range Missiles, OR 80 Long Range Missiles, OR 40 Cruise Missiles

h)Heavy Nuclear Torpedoes --- A rotary launcher for heavy nucleonic space combat missiles, either the Long Lance II or IV. Massive destruction(meant to compensate for the less advanced guidance and propulsion), but limited payload.
-PS Long Lance II Nuclear Missile---This is an SLBM-sized nuclear weapon.
NOTE: PS combat doctrine FORBIDS the use of strategic nuclear devices against planetary targets, without full authorization and coded permission from the top echelons of High Command(fortunately, as few ships carry Long Lances or strategic nuclear weapons, there have been few chances to test this doctrine).
Range: 1,000 miles(4,000 miles in space)
Damage: 2d4 x 1,000 MD to a 4.6 mile destruction radius
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1,2,3,4, or 5.
Payload: Payload of 5 missiles. A Long Lance II takes up six tons of cargo space.

(Option) PS Long Lance IV---The Long Lance IV is the next generation heavy anti-spacecraft missile from PS, and was developed after the abysmal failure of most of the launched Long Lance IIs to reach the target during the Dreadnought Crisis . This SLBM-sized weapon is smarter, heavier, and carries its own ECM and countermeasures decoy launchers to give it a better chance of penetrating a target’s defenses.
Range: 1,500 miles(6,000 miles in space)
Damage: 2d4 x 1,000 MD to a 4.6 mile destruction radius
*ECM----The missile has its own expert system and EW transmitters for jamming enemy radar, as well as evading their sensors. The missile is -6 for guided weapons to strike. 60% chance of evading radar detection to begin with.
*Flare/Chaff Launchers(1, 6 bundles)
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-4
Payload: Payload of 4 missiles. A Long Lance IV takes up eight tons of cargo space.

i)Plasma Torpedo Launcher---PS/ASI doesn’t like to advertize that they have the technology for this weapon, believed to have been developed by the Shemarrian Star Nation, in part due to the fact that they don’t want to jeopardize the still tentative relationship with the SSN(in fact, it’s the other way around; the SSN got the basis for the PTL from PS/ASI, from research into Mechanoid plasma weaponry!).
Range: 25 miles in atmosphere, 100 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 100 miles in atmosphere, 100,000 miles in space)
Damage: 2d4x100 MD to a 100 ft blast radius per missile
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-8 plasma bolts. Three volleys per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

j)Heavy Tachyon ScatterGun
Range: 5 miles (2,500 m) in atmosphere, 10 miles (10,000 m) in space w/ 6 mile wide arc*
(Kitsune Values: 5 miles in atmosphere, 5,000 miles in space)
*Width are reduced to 1/4th in atmosphere
Damage: 1d6x100 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: EPCHH
Payload:Effectively Unlimited

k) Heavy Forcefield Generator---Adds more powerful shielding; effectively DOUBLES shield strength. Generator comes with its own dedicated powerplant.
(Variable Forcefield) 10,000 each side(60,000 total)

l) Starship TW Multiplexor---This is still considered to be an experimental system available only to a few vessels and crews. This option fits the bay with four extra PPE generators that effectively DOUBLE the Aurora’s PPE capacity(4 PPE Generators and regenerates at 50 PPE per hour(200 PPE per hour total). Each also has an adjacent PPE Battery Bank, that can hold up to 500 PPE each(2,000 PPE total, 4,000 PPE counting the existing integral PPE generators on the ship) and a large TW Spell Projection Array.
The current model of Starship Multiplexor can carry up to six separate spells, typically of high-level space spells(See Rifts: Fleets of the Three Galaxies). Still, however, this weapons system gives the Aurora a SERIOUS magical bite lacking even in many UWW warships.
-Space Dust(150 PPE per activation, duration of 10 hours per activation, 500 mile range---500,000 mile Kitsune range, and 100 mile radius)
-Solar Flare(250 PPE per activation, duration of 1d6 hours +5 hours per activation, 1,200 mile range---120,000 mile Kitsune range )
-Summon Meteor Shower(150 PPE per activation, duration of 10 minutes per activation, 3 mile range---300 mile Kitsune range)
-Summon Ion Storm--Can generate up to a Level/Magnitude 5 ion storm (150-250 PPE per activation, duration of 1d6x10 minutes per activation, 10 mile range---1,000 mile Kitsune range)
-Gravity Well(550 per activation, duration of 50 minutes per activation, 400 mile range---40,000 mile Kitsune range, 100 mile radius )
-Create Nebula(500 per activation, duration of 10 hours per activation, 20 mile range---2,000 mile Kitsune range, 5 mile diameter)

A few of the MAJOR variants under consideration(or in the early stages of conversion/construction) are as follows:

*PSS-ADS-FFG-21C---This is the export model being offered for sale in the Three Galaxies. The FFG-21C lacks the TW systemry and Ectofiber Insulation Grid, but adds extra forceshielding(+500 MDC per side), has a somewhat less powerful engine(maximum speed of Mach 9) and markets for 400 million credits.

*PSS-ADS-FFG-21D---This variant mounts a powerful particle beam cannon in place of the axial laser cannon, sacrificing range for damage.
Range:(Kitsune) 12 miles in atmosphere/ 60 miles in space
(Palladium) 60 miles in atmosphere/ 60,000 miles in space
Damage: 1d6x1,000 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: Twice per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Panalty: Designed for engaging capital ships; -7 to strike fighter-sized targets

*PSS-ADS-FFG-21F---Variant mounting a powerful plasma torpedo launcher in the nose.
It also mounts two nose tractor beams that help direct the plasma bolt to its target.
Range: 25 miles in atmosphere, 100 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 100 miles in atmosphere, 100,000 miles in space)
Damage: 2d4x1,000 MD to a 100 ft blast radius per missile
Rate of Fire: Two shots per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited

*PSS-ADS-FFG-21S---A ‘stealth’ variant constructed with radar- and sensor-absorbing materials in its hull, and a number of specialized features meant to minimize its sensor signature. While not capable of true invisibility and total sensor stealth, the advanced systems available to this ship do dramatically reduce its sensor signature, albeit at nearly 50% higher cost.
Bonuses: The vessel has a 95% chance of avoiding detection by conventional means. Sensor-guided weaponry have a -5 to Strike the vessel.

*”Perseid-Delta-class Heavy Fighter” ----Roheryn-, a vessel belonging to the Masaki-Mustangas(a bounty hunter couple with suspected links to Aegis Stellar Industries) has recently appeared in the Three Galaxies. Though listed as a ‘ modified Perseid-Delta-class Heavy Fighter’, no record exists of a comparable design by that name, and many analysts suspect the ship is really a heavily modified Aurora hull. While the Masaki-Mustangas have been reticent about revealing details of their ship, given that only two crewmembers(the Masaki-Mustangas themselves) have ever been seen around the vessel, it can be safely assumed the ship is likely heavily automated and run by a sophisticated A.I. of some sort. Other assumed modifications include a pair of ion disruptor cannons replacing the wing particle beam weapons, a heavily reinforced brig(for holding captured bounties) and a substantially beefed-up drive system allowing faster pursuit(and escape) speeds.
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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by Aramanthus »

These are all some fantastic ships. Thank you for sharing them with us. Please keep them coming.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

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Re: Starship designs...

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Darkmax wrote:Guys! This is 4 crafts I have come up with. Please give me some comment. I have not come up with either names or stats, 'cos I'm no good at that. I'll live that to you guys.

i think web site down
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Re: Starship designs...

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Due to continuing postal problems (like lost package/unreliability of the Magyar Posta aka. the Hungarian Postal Service), I put our ship creation rules (made by KLM and I) here.

This is a ruleset to be used for the spaceships of the Three Galaxies. It works best with average tech level ships, ranging from small shuttles to gigantic carriers. However, with a little effort one can design (or more like translate his designs into game statistics) bigger ships on different technological levels, be they primitive ships without CG propulsion or an advanced supercapital from the Core.

Any average tech level ship created by the rules are at the same power level (size, damage, MDC) as the canon ships.
The rule set include example (the CAF Warshield), optional rules (higher STL speed, using FTL drives for intra system travels, longer weapon ranges), many special features and much more.

Any C&C (comments & Critique) are welcome.
My Flickr phostostream with pictures of various ships and deckplans:
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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by taalismn »

On quick read-through; looks beautiful!
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"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Starship designs...

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Hi there!

taalismn wrote:On quick read-through; looks beautiful!

Thank you - btw, I am the one to be blamed for grammatical errors.

But still, one of the most basic rules for survival on any planet is never to upset someone wearing black leather - This is why protesters against the wearing of animal skins by humans unaccountably fail to throw their paint over Hell's Angels.
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Small font: use ctrl+c and copy it, so you can read. But since it is in small fonts, it is not important. I am not a NE salesperson.
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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by Aramanthus »

It is very interesting. I will have to try it out.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

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Re: Starship designs...

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Aramanthus wrote:It is very interesting. I will have to try it out.

If you have any questions about the rules, I'll try to answer them.
My Flickr phostostream with pictures of various ships and deckplans:
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Re: Starship designs...

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I know you will. And I appreciate that about the two of you.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by taalismn »

Aramanthus wrote:It is very interesting. I will have to try it out.

And by all means, when you've created something, feel free to post it(or a modified version of it, if it's a custom job with features you don't want to reveal the to general player pool) here. :wink:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by Aramanthus »

I wouldn't care about that. I don't mind sharing things like that with all of you.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Starship designs...

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Ardent class modular Frigate ... otostream/

The ship started its carreer a little more than 300 years ago, as a testbed vessel. It was utilized by the Naruni Enterprises (was designed by one of their subsidiary which was later assimilated by the NE) to test their new shield and weapon systems along with their experimental drive systems. As a testbed vehicle, the ship was built to be durable, easy to maintain with modular interior and engines, but it was a large ship which was eventually led to the disappearance of this ship. The NE research and development section had used this vessel for only a decade, but they decided to discard it for a self designed, more advanced and smaller construction (two centuries later, this new, advanced design became one of their most commonly seen ship, the Audit Ship). The plans slowly vanished from the minds of their owner, resting in a drawer, waiting for the re-emergence.

Nearly three centuries passed since those days. The separation of the Hartigal Combine (from the Naruni Enterprises) led to the change in ownership of many older plans when the Hartigal Combine left its parent company and took many production facilities and uncountable blueprints with them. The full technical readout and blueprint of the Ardent class ship was one of the many plans which changed its owner and was gathered by the young rival.

As tension had grown between these two companies, the Hartigal Combine's own armed forces (Hartigal Security Solutions) found themselves in a dire situation. They didn't have enough space vessels to protect and spread the company's products, to implement rescue operations and gather payment from the captious customers. It seemed obvious to find resolve to the problems in the existing plans. After a minor revision and update, the Ardent class frigate was ready for production and later became one of the most popular design on the market.

The large size of this ship traced back to its space consuming, heavy weight internal safety systems which was rarely seen on other ships. Both the original and the revised designs were used layered bulkheads and compartmentalization, combined with a unique modular life support system (every facility and living area has its own, separate support systems and batteries, which increase its size and mass significantly), assures maximum crew survival in case of hull breachings. On numerous occasions, salvage craft retrieved Ardent debris and found live crew members on board. Compartmentalization has one major drawback, this defense system takes up an inordinate amount of space (takes up about 40% of the useable internal space). As a result, the Ardent class is one of the largest frigate class vessels.

The commanding bridge of the Ardent class is another exception to the basic rules of the frigate design. Unlike all other similar sized ships, the Ardent was not equipped with standard sized bridge. All ships from this class come with small bridge which were designed for 5 people. Like any other small bridges across the Three Galaxies, the Ardent's command section can be separated from the ship and can be launched as a small lifeboat with limited range and life span (contra gravity engines with 10 Mach/Mps maximum space speed, enough energy for the engines for 24 hours of continous use at maximum speed and life support for 5 people for 1 week).

The original ship was designed to be driven by fusion drive system only, but this system was revised during the upgrade. Several designers drew the attention of others to the disadvantages of this powerful engine type. They reminded their fellow designers to the enviromental damage that may have been caused by the fusion drives which might have lowered the number of the potential customers. These were the reasons why they decided to use a combination of a powerful ion drive system and a weaker contra-gravity drive system, This second solution was the solve of the atmospheric propulson's problem which operated without causing enviromental damage. This combination gave excellent speed, easy maintenance and the desired reliability to the ship. However, the modular design of the vessel allowed the designers and the owners to replace the ion system to fusion drives or upgrade the whole slower than light engine section to contra-gravity system (the HSS prefers the cg engines).

A patented, dedicated computer controlled landing gear system which makes its ground pressure equal to that of the human foot, built into the lower side of the ship, replacing the original landing gears. So the ship is able to land in those hard to get places without the need for a dedicated landing platform.

The revised ship got an external docking port (with magnetic clamps to hold the docked craft) on its top side which served as an external landing area for small shuttles (any small shuttle can link up with the frigate and travel along with the larger ship, using the larger craft as a carrier).

Various equipment can be placed into the (100x62x25 feet or 155,000 cubic feet/4,398 cubic meters) hangar section, to help the ship to serve in many different tasks, be it anything from patrol duty to planetary drop ship operations, rescue or transportation of precious cargo.

The hangar is usually used by 4 fighters (Fire Eater or smaller, all can be launched within 30 seconds) and 10 space capable power armors (used by the onboard marines). However, the ship can be used as an oversized landing craft. In this case the former hangar bay looks like military barracks without any comfortable features (the vehicles are close to each other, the soldiers are sitting in foldable military seats during the travel, they eat pre-prepared food and they use mobile freshers). The hangar is large enough to hold 4 APCs, 60 power armors, 40 rocket bikes and 160 troopers. The ship cannot maintain its extra troops in healthy condition more than 1 week (the onboard air, food, water supply lasts longer but the lack of comfort and support facilities cause problems).

If the hangar bay left empty, the ship may act as an armed, low capacity freighter. In this case the size of the cargo hold can be increased by 155,000 cubic feet (4,398 cubic meters) and its capacity can be increased by 500 tons.

The armament of the ship was designed to be interchangeable. Customers can choose from two different main weapon systems (can be replaced later, but it costs money), and select from three different turret weapon options (as above, can be changed later, but this costs money). The only built in, non changeable weapon systems are the missile launchers. Two long range missile launcher systems and four medium range missile systems built into the frame. The lack of heavy anti-ship capital class missile system lowers the cost considerably and allows the ship to carry a larger supply of missiles.

The rest of the ship's interior is dedicated to provide as much comfort as possible for crew and passengers. The crew members quartered in cabins, but the passengers and the captain accommodate in staterooms. Inside the ship the customers can find a military style sick bay and a large room for 10 inpatients, 4 large recreation rooms, a laundry, a briefing room (ideal for trials, consultations and meetings), two large kitchens with roomy mess halls, multiple freshers, 2 large workshops and 4 large, squad sized (10 people capacity) escape pods/life boats. The whole interior living areas, corridors and facilities were designed to be comfortable even for large creatures (10 feet high or smaller species find the interior areas comfortable).

The last cost-cutting solution can be found at the reactor room aboard this ship. Unlike most of the other frigate and destroyer class ships, the Ardent use a cheap, short life span nuclear fission reactor. This can be replaced by a more advanced, lighter and smaller fusion reactor for a mere 10 million credits. The reactor is supplemented by large amount of batteries to operate most systems even if the reactor shuts down.

Over the years (the ship came to the markets about 20 years ago), the ship has become popular among various goverments, who find that they can easily modify the ship for their needs. Up until this day, the Hartigal Combine has sold about 4,000 ships to various goverments and factions, not countig the corporate designs serves under the command of the HSS, and this number continues to rise due to the high demand.

The Hartigal Security Solutions uses a different variant of this design. The corporate design uses advanced (stronger and lighter) materials (increase all M.D.C. values by 50%), uses stronger shields (increase shields M.D.C. value by 50%) and reactor, has a full contra-gravity system (14 Mach/Mps maximum speed in space, 4.5 Mach in atmosphere), faster firing main armament (+1 Attack per Melee), and larger cargo hold (increase cargo capacity to 1,000 tons and the size of the cargo hold is tripled). This variant of the ship is not available at the commercial market and used exclusively by the HSS. To prevent any hijack attempts, the HSS ships are equipped with a special self-destruct mechanism.

Model Type: HC-AF
Vehicle Type: Modular frigate
Crew: 40, including officers. All ship systems could be run by 10 people without problem; the full crew complement is designed to have enough people to handle four work shifts. In an emergency, the ship can be run entirely by the bridge crew (5 people), but attacks per melee and bonuses for all weapon systems are halved and other problems and breakdowns occur.
Troop Capacity: The standard configuration is equipped to handle a marine force of 30 troops (including pilots for the carried crafts, marines for boarding/defense and a security detail).
Passengers: Standard and the rescue configuration accept 10 additional passengers and up to 5 captives.

M.D.C. by location:
[1]Main Bridge – 1,000
Engines (4) – 1,000 each
Hangar Door (large) – 1,000
*Hangar bay – 1,000
**Outer Hull (100 square feet) – 115
Interior bulkheads (100 square feet) – 25
Airlocks (4) – 200 each
Communication system and FTL communication system – 1,000
Sensors (6) – 500 each
[2]Landing Gears (2) – 500 each
Main Cannons (2) – 700 each
Turrets (8) – 350 each
Long Range Missile Launchers (2) – 600 each
Medium Range Missile Launchers (4) – 300 each
[3]Main Body – 4,500
[4]Variable Shield – 7,500 total (1,250 per side)
[1] Destroying the bridge will eliminate the main computer and the controls.
[2] Destroying more than three of the landing gear will make it impossible for the ship to touch down, even to just deploy troops.
[3] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body means the ship is knocked out of service and in tatters. Life support is on auxiliary power, all major systems are out and the ship is adrift, unable to fight or move under its own power. However, the missile launchers each have their own power supply and can still continue to fire. The ship itself will be a floating wreck.
[4] Variable shield system, regenerate at the rate of 30% (2,250 M.D.C. total) per melee.
* The placement of the hangar bay makes it almost impossible to attack and damage directly. If an attacker wants to damage the hangar bay, he must destroy the hangar bay doors before he cause any damage directly to the bay.
** Punching holes in the hull will cause the damage control system to automatically seal off whatever compartment has
been exposed to vacuum.

Driving on the Ground: Not Possible.
Sublight: The ship's maximum speed is 12 Mach when use both drives. Ion drive's maximum speed is 8 Mach. Contra-gravity drive's maximum speed limited to 4 Mach.
FTL propulsion: Contra-gravity, 5 light-years per hour maximum speed.
Atmospheric Propulsion: Mach 2 using CG drive only. Maximum underwater speed is 100 mph (160 kmh).
Maximum Range: 85 people total for 12 months.
Fuel Consumption: 0.05 tons per Mach per hour (0.4 ton per hour on maximum speed) for ion engines.
Fuel Capacity: 200 tons

Statistical Data:
Length: 294 feet (89.7 meters).
Height: 63 feet (19.2 meters). Maximum height (landing gears extended) is 70 feet (21.35 meters)
Width: 196 feet (59.8 meters) total, 92 feet (28.1 meters) for the main body
Weight: 8,000 metric tons
Power System: Fission with 25 year life span.
Cargo: 350 metric tons. Size of the cargo hold is 25,000 cubic feet (700 cubic meters). A separate cargo bay (25 tons capacity, 5,000 cubic feet volume) dedicated to store the ammo for the carried crafts. With empty hangar, the total cargo area extended to 180,000 cubic feet (5,100 cubic meters) and 850 tons capacity.
Market Cost: 300 million credits (including the chosen armament) without carried crafts.
Replacement/Interchangeable Systems Cost:
Fusion drives cost +25 million credits, increase the fuel consumption to 0.125 tons per Mach per hour (1 ton per hour on maximum speed).
Full contra gravity drive engines cost +100 million credits for the engines and a stronger reactor.
Replacing the Fission reactor to Fusion reactor (with 40 years life span) cost an additional 10 million credits.
Refueling cost: 500 credits per ton

Weapon Systems:
Main Cannons (2):
Regardless of their type, these forward facing, side mounted cannons used against other ships and installations. The targeting system of the contra gravity cannons are inaccurate against small targets (-2 to Strike against fighters, -4 to Strike against power armors and -6 to Strike missiles), but accurate against targets larger than 100 feet (+2 to Strike). HI lasers are more accurate (no modifiers against fighters, -2 to Strike power armors and -4 to Strike missiles, +4 to Strike any targets larger than 100 feet). The weapons are controlled from the bridge by a gunner. The customer choose from two different gun types (contra gravity or HI laser).

Type 1.: HI Laser Cannon:
Range: 20 miles (32 km) in space, 10 miles (16 km) in atmosphere
Mega Damage: 2D4x100+200 M.D. per cannon.
Rate of Fire: Up to three times per melee per cannon.
Payload: Effectively Unlimited.

Type 2.: Contra Gravity Cannon:
Range: 30 miles (48 km) in space, 15 miles (24 km) in atmosphere
Mega Damage: 1D6x100+100 M.D. per cannon.
Rate of Fire: Up to four times per melee per cannon.
Payload: Each cannon equipped with enough ammo for 250 attacks. Additional ammo for each cannon (enough for additional 1,250 attacks) stored in separate cargo hold. Realoading from this hold takes 1D4 minutes

Turrets (8 total):
Regardless of their type, these weapons used to shoot down any incoming enemy target. All turrets has been equipped with advanced combat computer (-2 to Strike against missiles, +2 to Strike against everything else) and an accurate automatic gunnery program (5 Attack per Melee, +3 to Initiative, +4 to Strike). Each turret can rotate 360 and has a 180 arc of fire. Each mount is controlled by a separate gunner or the gunnery program or remote controlled from a security station. The customer choose from three different gun types (contra gravity, plasma cartridge autocannon, particle beam).

Type 1.: Contra Gravity Turret:
Range: 15 miles (24 km) in space and 7.5 miles (12 km) in an atmosphere.
Mega Damage: 3D6x10 M.D. per burts per turret (burst fire only).
Rate of Fire: Up to six times per melee
Payload: Each turret equipped with enough ammo for 750 attacks. Additional ammo for each turret (enough for 3,000 attacks) stored in separate cargo hold. Realoading from this hold takes 1D4 minutes.

Type 2.: Plasma Cartridge Autocannon Turret:
Range: 10 miles (16 km) in space and 5 miles (8 km) in an atmosphere.
Mega Damage: 5D6x10 M.D. per burts per turret (burst fire only).
Rate of Fire: Up to six times per melee
Payload: Each turret equipped with enough ammo for 500 attacks. Additional ammo for each turret (enough for 2,000 attacks) stored in separate cargo hold. Realoading from this hold takes 1D4 minutes.

Type 3.: Particle Beam Turret:
Range: 12 miles (19.2 km) in space and 6 miles (9.6 km) in an atmosphere.
Mega Damage: 4D6x10 M.D. per turret in focused mode or 4D6 M.D. to everything within a 25 feet wide area up to half range
Rate of Fire: Up to six times per melee
Payload: Efectively unlimited

Long Range Missile Launchers (2):
Long range missile launchers, placed on the „wing” sections of the ship (faced forward). This weapon can launch missile volleys on multiple targets (up to 8 ) at the same time. The weapon normally controlled by the dedicated gunner or controlled from the bridge via remote control. The missile launcher systems are equipped with advanced combat computer (+2 to Strike).
Range: As per missiles
Mega-Damage: varies with missile type
Rate of Fire: Can fire one missile at a time or volleys of 2, 4, 8, 12 or 24 missiles per launcher
Payload: 72 missiles loaded launcher. Another 720 missiles stored in a special holding area for each launcher, but reloading launcher from this hold takes 1D6 minutes.

Medium Range Missile Launchers (4):
Medium range missile launchers, strategically placed on the hull. This weapon can launch missile volleys on multiple targets (up to 8 ) at the same time. The weapon normally controlled by the dedicated gunner or controlled from the bridge via remote control. The missile launcher systems are equipped with advanced combat computer (+2 to Strike).
Range: As per missiles
Mega-Damage: varies with missile type
Rate of Fire: Can fire one missile at a time or volleys of 2, 4, 8, 16 or 32 missiles per launcher
Payload: 96 missiles loaded launcher. Another 960 missiles stored in a special holding area for each launcher, but reloading launcher from this hold takes 1D4 minutes.

Optional Fusion Beam (only for ships equipped with fusion engines):
Not an actual weapon system, but every fusion drive can be used as an ad-hoc weapon. By redirecting large amount of energy and reaction mass through the fusion drives and focusing it, the ship able to create a short range, devastating fusion beam that cuts through most known materials within seconds. This procedure do high stress for the engines and cannot perform frequently. After each fire there is 5% chance (cumulative) for failure. If the failure strikes, the engines shut down and cannot used until recalibrated and repaired (this takes several hours). Using this attack in atmosphere cause severe enviromental damage around the impact area (extreme heat, fire). The beam can be fired forward or backward (not the same time).
Range: 1 mile (1.6 km) in space for every ton of reaction mass used to improve attack range. Half range in atmosphere.
Mega-Damage: 5D6x10 M.D. for every ton of reaction mass used for damage. Additional 5D6 M.D. to everything within 50 feet diameter around the impact point per ton of reaction mass used for damage.
Rate of Fire: Once per every other melee.
Payload: Depends on the volume of the reaction mass.

Noteable systems:
Sensory System – Extended range sensory system with 600,000 miles (960,000 km) range and 5 light-years FTL detection. +20% bonus to sensory skill rolls, resistant against jamming attacks (lower the attacker Electronic Countermeasures skill by 20%) and able to track and identify up to 250 objects at the same time.
Communication System – Enhanced system with 350,000 miles (560,000 km) range. Contra-gravity field communicaton system (with 100 light-years range) installed on the ship.
ECM system – A combination of sensor jamming devices, radio-pulse flares and old-fashioned chaff dispensers. When active, these systems impose a -20% penalty to anyone trying to target the protected vessel using the Weapon Systems skill, and cause missiles to lose any targeting bonus (only affect smart missiles, no effect against dumb fire variants and rockets). The attacker (gunners and smart missiles) are -3 to Strike the target protected by ECM systems.
ECCM system – Lowers the negative modifier caused by an enemy ECM system by 20% and lowers the negative Strike modifier to -2 instead of the standard -3 caused by an enemy ECM attack.
Hardened systems – The ship electronic systems are reinforced against jamming type attacks. Lower the attacker Electronic Countermeasures skill by 20% (cumulative with the sensory system resistance).
Jamming Set – The jamming set can focus its emissions to overload enemy sensors and controlling systems. This gives the ship an electronic attack capability and requires Electronic Countermeasures skill roll. A successful roll suppresses enemy sensors for 3D4 rounds (45 to 180 seconds). While suppressed, the enemy gunners attack precision and attack rate lowered (-3 to Strike, loses one attack), the pilots response time increased and their ship controlling skills are weakened temporary (loses one attack, -10% to all piloting skill rolls and -3 to Dodge rolls) due to electronic system disturbances. The jamming set has a range of 10,000 miles (16,000 km) and able to jam up to 20 targets at a time (need to roll separately for all).
Communication Jamming System – The communication jamming system is designed for scrambling enemy communications (-60% to any communication skill based rolls for the enemy/foreign ships, failed communication roll means canceled video communication and even the audio messages are hard to understand). Scrambles all foreign communications within 10,000 miles (16,000 km) range.
Stealth Coating – Para-military grade stealth coating (-40% to Read Sensors skill when the ship is standing still, and -20% to Read Sensors skill when the ship is moving.). When the ship loose 25% of its maximum M.D.C., the detection difficulty modifiers are lowered to one half. Loosing 50% or more of its M.D.C., means the detection difficulty is lowered to one quarter of its starting value, while loosing more than 75% of the hull M.D.C. makes the stealth coating virtually useless (grants only 1/10th of its basic detection difficulty value).
Cybernetic Control Jacks – Gunners who have universal headjack system are able to connect with the weapon system equipped with cybernetic control jacks. While connected to the gun, the reactions and the precision of the user increased (+1 to Initiative and +1 to Strike).
Damage Control – The onboard facilities, the damage control teams and the repair crew can restore 400 M.D.C. worth of structural damage per day as long as they have enough raw materials and spare parts to perform this job.
Ramscoop – Electromagnetic scoop intended to capture interstellar hydrogen molecules for fuel and reaction mass. Ramscoop system reloads 0.1 ton of reaction mass for fusion and ion drive per 15 minutes in atmosphere. Needs 60 minutes to reloads 0.1 ton of reaction mass near planets or in gas/star clouds and needs 6 hours to gather 0.1 ton of fuel in interstellar space. Wolfen planets are notorious to ban the use of these systems in their atmosphere.

Carried crafts:
4 squad sized lifeboats (10 person capacity each)
Internally – 10 space capable power armors and 4 small fighters or 160 soldiers, 4 APCs, 40 rocket bike equivalents and 60 power armors.
Externally – 1 small shuttle

Excellent acceleration (8 mach per melee in space, 1 Mach per melee in atmosphere), excellent handling(+10% to pilot skill rolls, +2 to dodge, +1 to initiative).
Last edited by sagajr on Fri May 25, 2012 9:16 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Starship designs...

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Comet class Strike Cruiser ... hotostream

Encouraged by the success of their frigate design, the Hartigal Combine's staff decided to create a larger ship to conquer new segments of the market and to gather more profit than their competitor, the Naruni Enterprises. These plans led to the born of a new ship (based on the Ardent class frigate), which soon became popular among the various factions of the Three Galaxies. The Comet became another success story of the company's portfolio and it has become one of the most popular and demanded product which was made by the Hartigal Combine.

The Comet class strike cruiser became a ship that trapped between two roles. On one hand, it wants to be a space superiority vessel, capable of taking on any enemy that gets in its way. On the other, it is a ground support craft which is able to provide orbital fire support to ground troops and gives supporting fire to any assault operations.

As a typical strike cruiser, the Comet is moderately armored, fast, maneuverable and armed to the teeth. The engine system is built into the sleek frame of this ship, it uses the same principles which can be found on the Ardent class frigate. The extra internal security and safety measures, which are used aboard the Ardent (compartmentalization and layered bulkheads along with the special life support system and the additional batteries), found there way into this large vessel.
The ship is able to enter into atmosphere and to land on surface, but rarely do the latter. Most of the time the ship only enter into atmosphere to replenish its Hydrogen supply through its built in fuel scoops.

To compensate its weaker hull and armor, this class of ships are equipped with strong shield system. Another reason for the stronger shields are the fact that this ship is not designed for close range, toe to toe fight against large vessels or large fleet formations without the help of additional friendly forces.

Unlike its smaller sister, the Ardent, the ship's main armament is not designed to be interchangeable. The built in weapon configuration consists two long range, retractable HI laser cannon turrets, a long range, spinal mounted heavy contra-gravity cannon and four high salvo capacity long range missile launchers. The lack of the heavier cruise missile made this design unique, compared to most other cruiser designs. According to some critics, this lowers the damage dealing capability of the ship, but increased salvo capacity long range missile launchers are able to overwhelm any defense and destroy most targets easily. However, the significantly smaller price of the ship and the still impressive firepower of the missile launchers were able to convince the majority of the critics.

Secondary armament consists medium range missile launchers and extended range contra-gravity cannon turrets for hit and run strikes, backed up with tertiary armament of lighter particle beam cannon turrets for defensive purposes.
These tertiary turrets, just like the secondary contra-gravity cannon turrets, are equipped with auto turret options (controlled by gunnery program), can be remote controlled from the security stations and have cybernetic control jacks. All other weapon systems are equipped with above average quality combat computers and enhanced targeting systems to help the gunners to perform accurate strikes against their targets from long distance.

Hanger bays take up much of the free space on the ship for both its extensive fighter and light gunboat/bomber operations, which allows it to cover a wide area of space around a planet or to provide additional firepower to fight against enemy ships. Every ship carries 36 fighter crafts, 6 bombers, 4 small shuttles (2 boarding shuttles and 2 general purpose shuttles) and one assault shuttle (bring marines, their equipments and vehicles to the surface and serve them as a mobile base). Space is also given over to a large contingent of marines (along with their vehicles and power armors), who are carried to perform surface attacks or to board enemy ships.

Ship's sensors are able to detect enemy forces from longer range than standard military sensors. This gives the ship more time to properly prepare the arrival of the enemy forces (provide sufficient time to engage its FTL drive to escape or scramble and launch its onboard forces for combat), lower time requirement of a system/planetary scan.
Short range communications suite is top of the range (galactic average military standard), but long range communication uses an older contra-gravity field system which is cheaper, but slower and shorter ranged than the newer, widely used tachion transmitting array.

Although this class has large crew, accomodation and onboard facilities, corridors are comfortable even for large sized races and cyborgs (up to 10 feet high). Most of the crew members accommodated in cabins, but the ship has 50 staterooms, reserved for the captain, officers and passengers. These cruisers also have a fully staffed medical center (able to treat 100 inpatient or severly injured people) including operating rooms and labs.

Nowadays about 1,000 Comets serve in various faction's naval forces, not counting that ships which are used by the Hartigal Security Solutions. The highest concentration of these vessels occur in Central Alliance's fleet (about 400 ships, forms the backbone of their naval forces) and if rumors be believed, dozens of these ships will be found their way to the TGE (used by the Secret Service and Invicible Guardsman), about a hundred of them are used by various members of the CCW, another hundreds serve in various independent defense forces throughout the Three Galaxies and several dozens are used by the FWC.

Ships which are operated by the Hartigal Security Solutions, are called corporate designs. These ships use advanced materials and systems (smaller, stronger, but more expensive systems). Corporate variant comes with stronger hull (all locations have 50% more M.D.C.), stronger shields (60,000 M.D.C. Total), stronger reactor, full contra gravity engine system, and their guns fire faster (+1 Attack per melee for the three main guns). These advanced systems freed up a lot of space and lowered the systems mass. This extra space and mass increase both the capacity of the cargo and cargo bay size by 50%.

Model Type: HC-SC
Vehicle Type: Strike Cruiser
Crew: 320, including officers. All ship systems could be run by 80 people without problem; the full crew complement is designed to have enough people to handle four work shifts. In an emergency, the ship can be run entirely by the bridge crew (10 people), but attacks per melee and bonuses for all weapon systems are halved and other problems and breakdowns occur.
Troop Capacity: The ship is equipped to handle a marine force of 320 troops (240 marines for security/boarding operations/surface attacks and 80 pilots).
Passengers: 30 additional passengers and up to 30 captives.

M.D.C. by location
[1]Main Bridge – 6,500
Engines (4) – 5,000 each
Hangar – 6,000
Hangar Door (large) – 3,000
Hangar Door (small) – 1,500
*Outer Hull (100 square feet) – 750
Interior bulkheads (100 square feet) – 150
Airlocks (8) – 400 each
Communication system and FTL communication system cluster (on the bottom side of the ship) – 2,500
Sensors (6) – 1,250 each
[2]Landing Gears (12) – 750 each
Contra-Gravity Cannon – 2,000
Retractable Particle Beam Cannon Turrets (2) – 1,500 each
Secondary Contra-Gravity Cannon Turrets (8) – 400 each
Defense Turrets (16) – 160 each
Long Range Missile Launchers (2) – 1,000 each
Medium Range Missile Launchers (8) – 600 each
[3]Main Body – 30,000
[4]Variable Shield – 45,000 total (7,500 per side)
[1] Destroying the bridge will eliminate the main computer and the controls, but the ship can be controlled from the engineering section deep inside the ship. The secondary control system is less sensitive and is -2 to strike and dodge. It also takes 1D6 melee rounds for engineering to take control of the vessel, during which the ship is helpless.
[2] Destroying more than six of the landing gear will make it impossible for the ship to touch down, even to just deploy troops.
[3] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body means the ship is knocked out of service and in tatters. Life support is on auxiliary power, all major systems are out and the ship is adrift, unable to fight or move under its own power. However, the missile launchers each have their own power supply and can still continue to fire. The ship itself will be a floating wreck.
[4] Shield regenerates 30% per melee (13,500 M.D.C. total per melee total)
*Punching holes in the hull will cause the damage control system to automatically seal off whatever compartment has been exposed to vacuum.

Driving on the Ground: Not Possible.
Sublight: Maximum speed is 12 Mach (4 Mach from CG drives and 8 Mach from Ion)
FTL propulsion: Contra-gravity Drive with 5 ligh-years per hour maximum speed.
Atmospheric Propulsion: Mach 1 (741.5 mph / 1,186.4 kph) using CG drive only.
Maximum Range: The ship maintain it's crew and passengers (700 people total) for 2 years.
Fuel Consumption: 0.5 ton per Mach per hour (4 tons per hour on maximum speed)
Fuel Capacity: 2,000 tons

Statistical Data:
Length: 882 feet (269 meters).
Height: 189 feet (57.65 meters) for the main body including engines, 200 feet (61 meters) total height with extended landing gears
Width: 651 feet (198.6 meters) total with extended turrets (588 feet with retracted turrets), 277 feet (84.5 meters) for the main body
Weight: 150,000 metric tons with fully loaded cargo hold
Power System: Fusion with 50 year life span.
Cargo: 12,500 tons, 1,250,000 cubic feet (about 35,400 cubic meters). A separate cargo bay dedicated to store the ammo for the carried crafts (500 tons).
Market Cost: 2.75 billion for a new ship without carried crafts.
Refueling cost: 500 credits per ton

Weapon Systems:
Contra-Gravity Cannon:
Spinal mounted, heavy cannon were designed to fire enemies front and behind of the ship (not the same time). There are two ammo feed system (the gun can be fed from both ends) installed, along with a pair of acceleration rails, which run as long as the ships' hull. The weapon is a scaled down, less destructive version of the fearsome mass driver cannon. This gun accelerates a single, 300 lbs projectile when fired. The targeting system of these cannons are inaccurate against small targets (-4 to Strike against fighters, -6 to Strike against power armors and -10 to Strike missiles) and accurate against targets larger than 100 feet (+2 to Strike). The weapon is controlled by a separate gunner.
Range: 100 miles (160 km) in space, 50 miles (80 km) in atmosphere
Mega Damage: 5D6x100 M.D. per attack or 5D6x100 M.D. to the target if hurled planetside with an additional 5D6x10 M.D. to everything within 250 feet around the impact point.
Rate of Fire: Up to twice (two times) per melee
Payload: The weapon loaded enough ammo for 125 attacks total. Additional ammo (enough for 500 attacks) stored in special cargo hold. Realoading from this hold takes 2D4 minutes.

Retractable HI Laser Cannon Turrets (2):
Turret mounted, retractable, dual barreled HI laser cannons used against sub-capital vessels and installations. The targeting system of these cannons are inaccurate against small targets (-2 to Strike against fighters, -4 to Strike against power armors and -6 to Strike missiles) and accurate against targets larger than 100 feet (+2 to Strike). The turrets can rotate 360 and has a 180 arc of fire. The weapon is controlled by a separate gunner.
Range: 100 miles (160 km) in space, 50 miles (80 km) in atmosphere.
Mega Damage: 2D4x100+200 M.D. each or 4D4x100+400 M.D. for a dual shot per turret.
Rate of Fire: Up to three times per melee per cannon or three dual shots per turret.
Payload: Effectively Unlimited.

Secondary Contra-gravity Cannon Turrets (8):
Longer ranged and more devastating version of the famous GR-1000 cannon. Used to shoot down incoming bombers, light sub-capital ships and to destroy targets immune to energy attacks from long range. These cannons has been equipped with advanced combat computer (-2 to Strike against missiles, no bonus against power armors, +2 to Strike against everything else) and an accurate automatic gunnery program (5 Attack per Melee, +3 to Initiative, +4 to Strike). Each turret can rotate 360 and has a 180 arc of fire. Each mount is controlled by a separate gunner or the gunnery program or remote controlled from a security station.
Range: 30 miles (48 km) in space and 15 miles (24 km) in an atmosphere.
Mega Damage: 5D6x10 M.D. per burts per turret (burst fire only).
Rate of Fire: Up to six times per melee
Payload: Each turret equipped with enough ammo for 500 attacks. Additional ammo (enough for 2,000 attacks for each turret) stored in special cargo hold. Realoading from this hold takes 1D4 minutes.

Defense Turrets (16):
Retractable, combined weapon system (combination of a particle beam cannon and a short range missile launcher system) designed against small attack ships, power armors and missiles. Each turret equipped with advanced targeting computers (+2 to Strike against every target), accurate automatic gunnery program (6 Attack per Melee, +3 to Initiative, +5 to Strike) and can rotate 360 and has a 180 arc of fire. Each mount can be controlled by a separate gunner. Or the gunnery program or controlled from any security station. The particle beam cannon can be switch between focused and diffuse mode. These retractable cannons scattered around the ship's hull to provide optimal defense against incoming threats.
Range: 10 miles (16 km) in space and 5 miles (8 km) in an atmosphere for the laser cannon / as per missile for the launchers.
Mega Damage: 3D6x10 M.D. each for the particle beam cannon in focused mode or 3D6 M.D. to a 25 feet wide area up to half range or as per missile type
Rate of Fire: Equal to the total number of hand to hand attacks of the gunner / one missile at a time or volleys of 2, 4, 8 or 16 missiles per turret
Payload: Effectively Unlimited for the particle beam, 64 missile in each turret and another 640 missiles per turret stored in a special cargo hold (reloading launcher from this hold takes 1D6 minutes).

Long Range Missile Launchers (4):
High salvo capacity long range missile launchers, placed on the „wing” sections of the ship (two launchers faced forward, the remaining two faced toward the back fire arc of the ship). This weapon can launch missile volleys on multiple targets (up to 16) at the same time. The weapon normally controlled by the dedicated gunner or controlled from the bridge via remote control. The missile launcher systems are equipped with advanced combat computer (+2 to Strike).
Range: As per missiles
Mega-Damage: varies with missile type
Rate of Fire: Can fire one missile at a time or volleys of 2, 4, 8, 16, 24, 48 or 96 missiles per launcher
Payload: 288 missiles loaded launcher. Another 960 missiles stored in a special holding area for each launcher, but reloading launcher from this hold takes 1D6 minutes.

Medium Range Missile Launchers (8):
High salvo capacity medium range missile launchers, strategically placed on the hull. This weapon can launch missile volleys on multiple targets (up to 8) at the same time. The weapon normally controlled by the dedicated gunner or controlled from the bridge via remote control. The missile launcher systems are equipped with advanced combat computer (+2 to Strike).
Range: As per missiles
Mega-Damage: varies with missile type
Rate of Fire: Can fire one missile at a time or volleys of 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 or 64 missiles per launcher
Payload: 192 missiles loaded launcher. Another 640 missiles stored in a special holding area for each launcher, but reloading launcher from this hold takes 1D4 minutes.

Noteable systems:
Sensory System – Extended range sensory system with 650,000 miles (1,040,000 km) range and 6 light-years FTL detection. +20% bonus to sensory skill rolls, resistant against jamming attacks (lower the attacker Electronic Countermeasures skill by 20%) and able to track and identify up to 500 objects at the same time.
Communication System – Enhanced system with 350,000 miles (560,000 km) range. Contra-gravity field communicaton system (with 100 light-years range) installed on the ship.
ECM system – A combination of sensor jamming devices, radio-pulse flares and old-fashioned chaff dispensers. When active, these systems impose a -20% penalty to anyone trying to target the protected vessel using the Weapon Systems skill, and cause missiles to lose any targeting bonus (only affect smart missiles, no effect against dumb fire variants and rockets). The attacker (gunners and smart missiles) are -3 to Strike the target protected by ECM systems.
ECCM system – Lowers the negative modifier caused by an enemy ECM system by 20% and lowers the negative Strike modifier to -2 instead of the standard -3 caused by an enemy ECM attack.
Hardened systems – The ship electronic systems are reinforced against jamming type attacks. Lower the attacker Electronic Countermeasures skill by 20% (cumulative with the sensory system resistance).
Jamming Set – The jamming set can focus its emissions to overload enemy sensors and controlling systems. This gives the ship an electronic attack capability and requires Electronic Countermeasures skill roll. A successful roll suppresses enemy sensors for 3D4 rounds (45 to 180 seconds). While suppressed, the enemy gunners attack precision and attack rate lowered (-3 to Strike, loses one attack), the pilots response time increased and their ship controlling skills are weakened temporary (loses one attack, -10% to all piloting skill rolls and -3 to Dodge rolls) due to electronic system disturbances. The jamming set has a range of 20,000 miles (32,000 km) and able to jam up to 40 targets at a time (need to roll separately for all).
Communication Jamming System – The communication jamming system is designed for scrambling enemy communications (-60% to any communication skill based rolls for the enemy/foreign ships, failed communication roll means canceled video communication and even the audio messages are hard to understand). Scrambles all foreign communications within 20,000 miles (32,000 km) range.
Stealth Coating – Para-military grade stealth coating (-40% to Read Sensors skill when the ship is standing still, and -20% to Read Sensors skill when the ship is moving.). When the ship loose 25% of its maximum M.D.C., the detection difficulty modifiers are lowered to one half. Loosing 50% or more of its M.D.C., means the detection difficulty is lowered to one quarter of its starting value, while loosing more than 75% of the hull M.D.C. makes the stealth coating virtually useless (grants only 1/10th of its basic detection difficulty value).
Cybernetic Control Jacks – Gunners who have universal headjack system are able to connect with the weapon system equipped with cybernetic control jacks. While connected to the gun, the reactions and the precision of the user increased (+1 to Initiative and +1 to Strike).
Damage Control – The onboard facilities, the damage control teams and the repair crew can restore 2,000 M.D.C. worth of structural damage per day as long as they have enough raw materials and spare parts to perform this job.
Ramscoops – Electromagnetic scoops intended to capture interstellar hydrogen molecules for fuel and reaction mass. Ramscoop system reloads 0.5 ton of reaction mass for fusion and ion drive per 15 minutes in atmosphere. Needs 60 minutes to reloads 0.5 ton of reaction mass near planets or in gas/star clouds and needs 6 hours to gather 0.5 ton of fuel in interstellar space. Wolfen planets are notorious to ban the use of these systems in their atmosphere.

Carried crafts:
Aerospace vehicles:
36 Fighters (Katana sized or smaller).
6 Bombers/Gunships (Draygon Nova Star sized or smaller, up to 50 tons weight)
4 Small Shuttles
1 Assault Shuttle (anything smaller than the CAF Assault shuttle or the Rain of Death shuttle)
40 Space capable Power Armors
48 Lifeboats (10 person capacity escape boats/pods)
Surface vehicles:
40 Infantry Power Armors
40 Small Aerial Vehicles (similar to the CS rocket bikes)
4 Hover APC (NE Aggressor Mark II. sized or smaller)
2 Heavy Hover APC (NE Pathfinder sized)
8 Light Hover Tanks (NE Carnivore sized)
4 Heavy Hover Tanks (NE Juggernauth sized)

Very good acceleration (6 Mach/Mps per melee in space, 1 Mach per melee in atmosphere). +10% to all pilot skill checks, +1 to Dodge.
Last edited by sagajr on Wed May 02, 2012 8:25 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by taalismn »

Beautiful! :ok:
Hartigal doesn't get enough love in my opinion, so it's good to see somebody in their corner.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Starship designs...

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Comet class Strike Cruiser
wow !!! N1
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: Starship designs...

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Skirmish class Light Carrier
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: Starship designs...

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Dagger class Light Interceptor
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: Starship designs...

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Stallion class multi-enviroment light shuttle family NICE
Privateer class Transport Ship and the Mercenary class Assault Transport VERY NICE!!
Guardian Mk. IV. / Champion class Heavy Escort Frigate WOW
Observer Mk. V. class Long Range Scout Ship VERY VERY GOOD
Jackal class light destroyer and the Raider class pirate ship OMG!!!
Falcon class Strike Fighter wow again!!!
Paladin Steel/Aegis Stellar Industries Assegai Light Cruiser DAME AWESOME !!!!
Abyssal Dragon Battleship OH GOD OH GOD WOW AWESOME!!
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by Aramanthus »

I agree. I am glad to see the new vessels for the Hartigal Combine. Thank you for their construction.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

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Re: Starship designs...

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Order of Saint Vuusha VuuRann Emergency Rescue Transport
“Hmph....Looks bad down there...Looks like somebody cut loose with either rapid deployment construction nano or terrain-reshaping magic...Typical ‘dark fortress’ design....lots of pizzazz, constant upkeep to keep it from falling apart under its own weight...which it’s doing right that mountain ridge it’s sitting on is honeycombed from all that mass drawn up...not exactly the most stable of footings...But there’s innocent people down there, a lot of them trapped by collapsing rock...Brother Marchusa? Get us as close as you can inside those spires, then float in on local A-G...DON’T hit the main drivers unless you absolutely have to! Any additional atmo-turbulence is likely to bring that all down around us. Brother Gelmo, rig the tractor beam for repulsion...we’ll be wanting to push any infalls AWAY from us, but be ready to reverse and draw up if we have to pull back in a hurry. Brothers, are we ready? Harnesses ready, rescue packs on? Good. Take us in as close as you can to the closest cluster of life signs!”

The Order of Saint Vuusha(aka the Mamazu Monks) is a no-profit galactic organization dedicated to extending humanitarian aide to worlds that need it. The Order accepts anybody into its ranks, but it is primarily made up, occupationally, of ex-soldiers, and species-wise of the Squilb people. These orange-clad ‘rescue monks’ are making names for themselves, showing up at planetary disasters and war zones to render assistance where needed.
The Order of Vuusha uses a variety of donated craft in their relief work, but one type of ship is particularly common enough to become a signature of the Order. The oblong bright-orange ships of the VuuRann class are the favored ride of the Monks of the Order for their toughness and reliability under some of the most trying conditions.
The VuuRann transports started life as General Galactic’s GH-700 Landing Barge, originally in service with the CAF as a troop landing boat. GH-700s served the armies of the CCW for over sixty years, until the gradually changing patterns of warfare called for landing craft that were more heavily armed than the GH-t700s could be modified to. So the CAF replaced the GH-700 with the SAS-12, and began putting the de-mobbed older ships up for sale for scrap or conversion. The Mamazu Monks determined that the old assault shuttles met their needs for a rugged quick-response craft able to handle dangerous environs, and they subsequently bought up most of the old ships. Heavily armored, with powerful engines to allow all-weather, all-environment operations, the roomy GH-700s were perfect for the Order’s purposes, as the ships could survive just about most any disaster situation the Order was going to be dropping into.
The Order subsequently had the GH-700s overhauled. An FTL drive system was grafted to the ships, adding a distinct ‘hump’ to their hulls, and the signature bright orange color scheme adopted. Rescue gear replaced most of the military equipment associated with weaponry and fire control, though most of the troop compartment gear was retained, being of proven tough standards. A near-sentient Medical Assistance Database computer was installed, overseeing a compact field hospital module in the passenger bay. Several adaptive life support systems, capable of supplying the atmospheric requirements of most humanoids and commonly known lifeforms have been installed in the cabin as well(even if the main cabin air cannot be breathed by a rescuee, their spacesuit or life-tent can still be hooked up for air and power).
Though General Galactic ceased production of the GH-700 several decades ago, it continues to produce spare parts for those vessels still operating in the Reserves and in the Order’s ranks. There is some discussion, however, of General Galactic licensing limited production of the GH-700 VuuRann version to a smaller yard/concern like WZT Shipyards, for the Order.
Type: GG/OoV-GH-700(Vr) Landing Barge
Class: Light Transport
Crew: 3 +80 passengers
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 2,800
Bridge/Cockpit 800
Engines 1,400
Forcefield 1,000
Height: 50 ft
Width: 50 ft
Length: 90 ft
Weight: 250 tons
Cargo: 100 tons
Powerplant:Advanced Nuclear Fusion w/ 60 year energy life
(Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 3; transatmospheric.
(Sublight) Mach 9
(Kitsune Values: 30% of light speed; Accelerates/decelerates at 0.9% of light speed per melee)
(FTL) 4 light years per hour
(Underwater) Can land and take off from water, but cannot operate underwater.
Market Cost: 38 million credits
Systems of Note:
Standard Starship Systems, plus:
*Universal Docking Port---W/ extendable docking tunnel.

*Light Tractor Beam Projector-----This tractor beam projector can handle 500 tons, and has a range of 10 miles.

*Pilot-Assist Computer---Since the Rescue Monks often must operate in treacherous conditions such as bad weather or turbulent atmospheric conditions, the shuttles have been fitted with a pilot assist system that gives a +15% to piloting rolls, and +20% if trying to hover stationary in rough conditions.

*Medical Assist Computer---Rescue shuttles carry a comprehensive onboard medical database on most of the better-known species of the Three Galaxies. This will give the medics a +5%(against any penalties) to treat patients whose species they are unfamiliar with. The MAC can even give a tutorial, talking novices through basic medical procedures with the available equipment(effectively gives a First Aid skill of 50%). The Order regularly updates these systems to keep up with changes in bay equipment and new species.

*Environmental Decontamination Gear---The hatchways of the rescue shuttles and several cabinets inside are fitted with regularly updated decontamination gear for cleaning rescue crews and patients of toxic hazards they may have been exposed to, such as radiation, toxins, and pathogens. The door automatics generally have a 75% chance of successfully cleaning away such hazards; for better results in situations of known environmental hazard, more elaborate procedures are recommended.

*Rescue Hoists---The rescue shuttle mounts three rescue hoists; one in the rear belly hatch, and one on each lateral hatch. Each hoist has a two ton lift capacity, and 850 ft of line.

Weapons Systems:
1) Pulse Laser Turrets(2)---The VuuRanns retain two light weapons turrets for self-defense and for debris clearance. They are typically fitted with light pulse lasers as follows:
Range: 1.2 miles in atmosphere, 2.2 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 2.2 miles in atmosphere, 220 miles in space)
Damage: 1d4x10 MD oer blast
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by Aramanthus »

I like it. I hope we can have a pic someday when you have a chance to catch your breath.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Starship designs...

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D’Tandoran/Order of Saint Vuusha Dalan-class Carrier

“As much as I hate to say it because it makes me sound like I no longer care, but I HATE patrolling near the TGE/CCW border; any rescue call becomes an exercise in tiptoing over landmines and triggerhappy military patrols. The official border is nebulous, and either side takes to any large starship rushing into the region as an excuse to go to military thrust, weapons hot. I’ve been stopped, and demands issued to prepare to be boarded, by BOTH sides, when we’re on our way to an emergency beacon, not knowing if it’s a colony in trouble, a spacer sucking their last hours of air, or what. Worse yet, I suspect both the CCW and the TGE lay out false signals to see who responds!”

The D’Tandoran Confederation is a small and loose alliance of predominately Kankoran- and Ratling-populated planets in the Dnoshii region of the Corkscrew Galaxy. About three hundred years ago, the worlds of the Confederation lapsed into a period of internecine fighting, as planets seceded from the union along various pre-Confed ethnic and nationalist lines. Fighting was particularly violent, with atrocities and tragedies waged by virtually all sides, and even the enlightened Confederationists trying to hold the star systems together were tainted by the madness of war. When the Confederation finally managed to put down the last of the would-be secessionists and the numerous terrorist splinter cells they spawned, peace was restored, not so much by force of arms as by sheer exhaustion and a dawning revulsion at the cost of the war. The Confederation was sick and tired of fighting, and ultimately had nothing but heavy debt, massive rebuilding, and a generation of dispirited and war-weary ex-soldiers to show for it...and the warships they fought in.
When the Order of Saint Vusshan came to the D’Tandoran Confederation seeking to acquire some of their surplus transports for their own humanitarian work, the Confed did them better. The D’Tandoran gave the monks some of their heaviest warships and their crews, pledging them to the service of rescue and relief work.
The Dalans started their life as Confederation D’Arg-class battlecruisers, ships roughly equivalent to the CCW Warshield in capabilities, but some 50% larger, owing to the Confederation’s less advanced technologies. These ships have a long spindle-like configuration, their length broken by armatures for sensory and weaponry mounts. The ships have been re-commissioned for peaceful purposes by stripping out all but their point defense weaponry. Space originally allocated to heavy weaponry has been now apportioned to carrying relief supplies and rescue gear. The drive systems have been overhauled with more powerful, longer-ranged, FTL drives, for the required far-ranging relief missions of the Order. The sensors and communications have been beefed up for long range work, picking up on distant emergency situations and faint distress beacon calls. Provision has been made for the carriage of large rescue shuttles(especially the VuuRann Emergency Response Transport, eight of which are carroed externally on hardpoints that once supported heavy weapons turrets) and launches; the ships fairly swarm with an assortment of small craft used in search and rescue operations. Being designed for combat operations, the Dalans are tough, with reinforced hulls, making them well-suited for going into crisis areas and survive environments that would prove hazardous to most civilian craft.
Today, Dalan Carriers serve as mobile depots and resupply points for the Order’s VuuRann transports, allowing the short range ships to be out on patrol against crisis situations, and reducing their response time. They often patrol colonial zones and busy shipping lanes, watchful for distress calls. Dalans are also a common(and welcome) sight in various rim wars, the neutral-flagged vessels picking through war zones rescuing survivors regardless of their side in the conflict.
The main shortcomings of the class are that even with their size, their accommodations for large numbers of casualties are inadequate, making them ill-suited for rsponding to planetary emergencies. Under such circumstances, the Dalan will act as a shuttle platform or mobile staging area, its complement of small craft shuttling patients and evacuees out to other supporting vessels waiting outside the crisis zone.

Type: DTC-CG47 Dalan Carrier
Class: Heavy Cruiser, Emergency Rescue Response Vessel
Crew: 440+80 flight crew and up to 700 passengers/refugees/patients. Up to 1,400 can be carried under crowed conditions.
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 65,000
Bridge 4,000
Thruster Block 5,000
Sensory/Communications Arrays(4) 500 each
Point Defense Turrets(16) 250 each
Tractor Beam Projectors(8) 250 each
Hangar Bays(2) 1,000 each
Variable Forcefields 6,000 per side, 36,000 total
Height: 180 ft
Width: 350 ft
Length: 900 ft
Weight: 190,000 tons
Cargo: 60,000 tons, plus an additional 40,000 tons can be carried as externally mounted podded supplies.
Powerplant: Nuclear Fusion w/40 year energy life
(Atmosphere) Not Possible
(Sublight) Mach 9
(Kitsune Values: 60% of light speed; Accelerates/decelerates at 0.0% of light speed per melee)
(FTL) 6 light years per hour
(Underwater) Not Possible
Market Cost: 5 billion credits
Systems of Note:
Standard Starship Systems, plus:

*Docking Collars(8)---These points originally held massive gun turrets/weapons mounts. Now they support docking and servicing hardpoints for the Dalan’s complement of eight VuuRann Emergency Response Transports.

*Tractor Beam Projectors(8)---The Dalan Carriers mount eight tractor beam projectors....four on the forward module and four aft...for handling cargo pods and securing the ship during docking maneuvers. Each tractor beam projector can handle 1,000 tons, and has a range of 7 miles(Kitsune Values: 7,000 miles).

*Onboard Medical Facilities---The Dalans feature extensive decon- and quarantine-equipped onboard medical facilities that are the equivalent of a planet- or station-side hospital and are capable of handling most medical emergencies. Features include force-shielded quarantine wards, selective gravity plating in the wards, regeneration tanks, and stasis-storage facilities.

Weapons Systems:
1) Point Defense Lasers(16)---All weaponry but basic point defense turrets have been stripped from the Dalans, and those have been upgraded to the latest standard to insure the medical ships’ safety from errant rocks, space mines, and missile fire.
Range: 4 miles in atmosphere, 8 miles in space
(Kitsune Values: 8 miles in atmosphere, 800 miles in space)
Damage: 3d6x10 MD per laser; up to six cannons can be brought to bear on a single target
Rate of Fire: EGCHH(or six shots per melee under computer control)
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Bonuses: The laser PDS have a +4 to strike courtesy of the extensive fire control systems tied in, coordinating close defense.

Auxiliary Craft:
8 VuuRann Emergency Response Transports
6 Heavy Shuttles
4 Tugs
20 EVA Pods
1-8 additional light shuttles or fighter craft
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Very nice vessel. I think that they need a hospital ship for the fleet. That way they can handle the various emergencies.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by taalismn »

Aramanthus wrote:Very nice vessel. I think that they need a hospital ship for the fleet. That way they can handle the various emergencies.

The Dalan's more of a carrier, not a hospital transport....sometime I'll have to toss out a few liner conversions, modular hospital pods, or purpose-built medical ships. Most sci-fi rescue vessels tend to be inadequate to the task of dealing with what they stumble across(demonically possessed starships, alien-tech enhanced psychotics, hostile alien lifeforms, mutated viruses, etc...).
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by Aramanthus »

I agree. A specially made hospital ship would need an escort unless it was of a military version.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Starship designs...

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Aramanthus wrote:I agree. A specially made hospital ship would need an escort unless it was of a military version.

A specially-designed hospital ship, especially one designed for dealing with xeno-medical situations would, IMHO, require the following design considerations:

*Quarantine Facilities....Independently equiped and powered, virtually a vessel section onto itself, that could be easily jettisoned in event of a biohazard situation, BEFORE the pathogen/parasite breaks isolation...
*Speed---The ability to get where it needs to
*Defenses---comprehensive and capable without making it a potential warship.
*Onboard vaccine/medicine manufacturing ability....because you can't wait six months for a specialized medication available only from a specific manufacturer all the way over in another galaxy, and if a whole PLANET needs aspirin, you wanna be able to provide it.
*Adaptive Wards---Because of various species' special needs, or special treatments.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Starship designs...

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Star Cottages of Venyar
“There just isn’t anything like getting up in the morning, brewing up a cup of tea, settling down to read the paper, opening the window shutters, or maybe stepping out onto the porch, breakfast in hand, and watching the stars flit by.”

The Star Cottages of Venyar are eccentric little pleasurecraft that resemble quaint little wooden cottages flitting through space...because they ARE quaint little wooden cottages flitting through space.
The Star Cottages originated on the backwater world of Venyar, a small, pleasant, temperate world with a modestly high ambient PPE level. For centuries, the planet was claimed as a retreat and resort by mages who came to the world from a dimensional rift from an alternate universe; later, other mages and magic users began immigrating from the UWW. Venyar was never so much a colony as a getaway location; the Mages came to Venyar to rest, relax, recoup their energies, and depressurize before returning to the apparently very hectic realm they called home. During their stay on Venyar, they’d raise small summer cottages and mini-palatial estates, gather in communities, socialize with other mages in what was apparently neutral ground, attend community get-togethers to take part in seminars, compare notes, and revisit their spirituality. Of course, there was also ample time to drink, flirt, party, and just laze around. The outside world was generally kept at bay by the powerful magics of the Mages, though occasionally they’d agree to a consultation or other work for outsiders(for a fee, of course).
It is said that when Venyar’s sun suddenly threatened to explode, courtesy of a wandering nebula flooding the system with interstellar gas that threatened to accelerate the star’s fusion processes, the Mages were reluctant to abandon their cozy little retreat communities and happy little hovels. Instead, they made what was best in their comfortable little retreats mobile, making their cottages into magic spacecraft, and lofting away before the lethal solar flares. They’ve since wandered the Megaverse, occasionally gathering again with other Star Cottages, linking together to form neighborhoods like they did on Venyar, especially on worlds with high ambient PPE levels or spectacular natural phenomena.
A Star Cottage resembles exactly that; a small, ramshackle and primitive cottage of wood, brick, and clapboard, often with such adornments as wooden gingerbread, brick chimneys, porches, bright paint jobs, even a fringe of rock, dirt, and lawn around the base of them. Each SC is different. Internally, most have about 6-10 rooms, all generally small and quite cozy, and 1-2 floors, and a shallow basement/crawlspace and equally cramped attic space.
Construction is mainly of mystical wood, still very much living; it is claimed that the SCs are made from Dreamwood(a spacegoing variant of the terrestrial Millennium Tree) or some related species. In addition, megadamage transformed wood, magically worked stone and brick, and even some metal goes into the rest of the construction. Magical life support keeps the houses warm and cool against interstellar cold, glare, and alien environments, atmospheric forcefields keep the air fresh and in the structure’s bounds, instead of leaking out. Other magical processes recycle and refresh water supplies, screen out radiation, and maintain a steady gravity inside.
Star Cottages are powered and propelled by magic; when active, the magic propulsion serves as both drive and protection; the structure is surrounded by a glowing disc- or spheroid field(it’s possible that the effect is related to the same processes as the Gorang Gravitic Field propulsion system). The field allows the structure to hover, enter and leave aymospheres and garvity wells, fly at FTL speeds, and in some cases even travel between universes.
While Star Cottages are generally unarmed(with regards to starship-grade weaponry), most, if not all, possess magical protections, some of which can be quite powerful. Their owners and quests also tend to be high-level magic users or other paranormals.
The stats presented below are for a general basic Star Cottage; however, no two are alike, and depending on the owners, the built-in capabilities can vary wildly(some Star Cottages have been reported demonstrating Temporal Magic, others Phase Fields, yet others sport Eyes of Eylor). Furthermore, Star Cottages tend to be packed with all sorts of odds and ends, much of it magical in nature(magical clocks, animated servitor furniture, energy-renewing beds, Dimensional Pocket Refrigerators, etc...). While this should make Star Cottages natural targets for such magic-seeking enemies as the Dark Covens, some of that accumulated magical gear can serve quite ably in a pinch to help protect the SC from being seized.
It is unknown how many SCs there really are; some reports say as few as 400, other reports as many as 400,000.
SCs are typically passed by inheritance through families and are rarely available to outsiders. When they are, they command high prices indeed. It is rumored, though, that there ARE new SCs available through new construction, though suchlike are as expensive as buying an older Star Cottage. Star Cottages have been reported to be seen housing Prometheans, Dragons, Lizard Mages, even a Temporal Raider! Thraxus reportedly tried to acquire one, but has thus far failed to secure one of these vessels/mobile homes.
Type: Star Cottage
Class: Spaceborne Mobile Home
Crew: Hold 4-10 people comfortably
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 1,500+2d8x100
Compartmentalized Rooms(4-20, depending on SC size) 80+2d10x10 each
Mystic Forcefield 1,000
Height: Typically 20-30 ft tall, depending on the number of floors(no more than three or four)
Width: Typically 30-80 ft
Length: Typically 30-80 ft
Weight: All told, between 20 and 100 tons
Cargo: Typically enough space for 4-8 tons(or up to triple that if crammed conditions apply).
Powerplant: Magic and solar electric(see options)
(Atmosphere) Hover to Mach 3; transatmospheric.
(Sublight) Mach 7
(Kitsune Values: 20 % of light speed; Accelerates/decelerates at 0.7% of light speed per melee)
(FTL) 4 light years per hour
(Underwater) Not possible.
Market Cost: Estimated at 90-200 million credits
Systems of Note:
*Radiation and Re-Entry Shielding(automatic)
*Life Support(automatically recycles and renews the air, though it starts getting rather musty without regular replacement)
*Living Ship----SCs are arguably lifeforms; they are possessed of semi-sentience, can regenerate damage, carry out basic maneuvers on their own(3 actions/attacks per melee on their own), and cast spells(see below).
-Regeneration---Repairs general hull damage at 1d6x10 MD per hour, DOUBLE on a ley line, TRIPLE on a ley line nexus
*Spell Casting---All SCs can cast a number of spells, either to respond to danger or to reinforce standing spells already in effect:
-PPE Reservoir----700 PPE battery capacity; recharges at 20 PPE per hour, 60 PPE/hour at a leyline, 120 PPE/hour on a nexus
Standard Spells:(all equivalent to 10th level)
*Magic Homing Beacon(3)
*Detect Magic Homing Beacon(4)
*Distress Call(6)
*Hide in Space(15)
*Magic Tether(5 in space, 8 in atmosphere)
*Seal Leak(5)
*Magic Hull Patch(6)
*Magic Escape Bubble(7)
*Create Drinkable Water(8)

Weapons Systems: None standard, but the more paranoid or security conscious owners have been known to fit their mobile homes with TW weaponry, often disguised as some innocent feature on the house.

Auxiliary Craft:
Star Cottages are small enough to qualify as small craft in their own right, but most will have provision for 1-2 attached small vehicles, like a space sled, ground car, or personally flyer, plus 1-10 Wingboards, hovercycles, or other personal craft

Options/Special Features:
Because Star Cottages vary, they typically have 1d4 of the following special features(or more, depending on the owners):

*Eyes of Eylor---It’s unknown where or how the Mages of Venyar got them, but somehow they have a source of Eyes of Eylor...or organisms very like them. Many Star Cottages sport both large and small Eyes, incorporated into various sun, planetary, and flower motifs in the architecture. 6d6 of any size.

*Sanctuary---The Star Cottage is permeated with Light energy that has the same effect on supernatural evil creatures as a Holy vulnerability. Similarly, the atmosphere inside is cozy and comforting; healing spells are 25% more effective with regards to effect, duration, and saving rolls, and people with insanities are +3 to resist lapsing into their insanity.

*Symbiotic Plant Growth---Besides the already existing lifeform that is the Star Cottage itself, many SCs are drapped with alien plantlife that has been adapted to some purpose, mainly providing additional life support and food production, but may have other powers as well. These can take the form of a garden planted on whatever soil is around the base of the SC, in hanging planters under the eaves, creeping vines wrapped around parts of the structure, or lichens on the roof.
In game terms, the symbiotic plants can provide enough food for 1d6 people per day, or can be written up as the symbiotes in Powers Unlimited 2.

*Auxiliary Power Unit---Many SCs mount a tank-like auxiliary fusion power system that provides backup energy, and can run additional purely technological systems like variable forcefields, backup FTL/Drive systems, and weaponry. The reactor type most commonly used is a gaseous-core reactor housed in an armored exterior pod(700 MDC).
Such power systems do not apparently interfere with the ‘normal’ magic and technowizardry.
In an emergency the pod can be ejected clear of the SC, and can be set to explode(does 1d6x100 MD to a 100 ft blast radius and generates a spectacular temporary mini-nebula).

*Dimensional Drive---This allows the SC to travel between alternate universes.

*Disguise Field---The SC can change its appearance to that of any similarly-sized domicile, asteroid, or small spacecraft, but CANNOT render itself invisible. Only by coming in physical contact with the illusion can the disguise be revealed to casual observation.

*Invisibility Generator---Allows the SC to render itself invisible from observers, in atmosphere as well as space, masking the SC from all sensors. Being magic in nature, however, it can still be detected by magical means.

*Far-Sense---The equivalent of capital ship long range sensors.

*Solar Roofs---Solar panels on the roofs provide extra power. As long as the SC is in direct sunlight, any lasers attached to the house powergrid, and any light-based spells cast, have 25% more range/damage/duration.

*Temporal Stasis---The SC and its occupants can be ‘frozen’ in time, with the added benefit of rendering the contents of the stasis field effectively impervious to all conventional attack. The period of stasis MUST be declared in advance BEFORE it is invoked. The Stasis Field can be re-invoked in as little as a second if the SC ‘owner’ or ‘captain’ is ready(spend 2 APMs before invoking the first stasis activation to prepare to invoke a second one).

*Internal Dimensional Folding---The SC is actually larger on the inside than it is on the outside, possessing up to 25% more space internally than its outside dimensions would suggest, or 1d4 extra rooms that shouldn’t exist.

* Time Bubble---Anybody in the house stops aging as long as they stay in/on the SC. Once they leave the sanctuary of the ship, biological aging resumes as normal.

*Phase Fields---Some Star Cottages have been reported as deploying what appears to be Phase Fields, similar to those found on the Star Ghost fighters! Presumably, these Star Cottages are either owned by or affiliated with Prometheans.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Cool. I am always happy to see new starships.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by sagajr »


Nice new ships taalismn (especially the rescue ship)! :ok:

Mule class Transport Ship

The Mule class transport is fairly typical of old transport classes within the Three Galaxies. The company which produced these ships does not exist anymore, yet many other companies still produce this design and its knock-offs. As a fairly generic design the Mule can carry out a number of supply missions with little difficulty. This range have made the ship a mainstay of several merchant and transportation companies around the Three Galaxies.

Mule class transport ship was an instant commercial success on the market when it was introduced about two thousand years ago and was quickly adopted by all the major shipping companies as their standard transport. The design was so popular and successful that it was licensed to, or stolen by, many different manufacturers in the Three Galaxies over the years.

Despite being designed for the commercial market, large number of them were purchased for use as military transports. Typically these ships would be used in support role, transporting supplies, rather than as part of an invasion fleet. Unlike many later designs (which use non-reaction mass engines), the Mule had a large fuel supply, which allowed the ship to operate for long periods of time without resupplying.

Mules were very popular when they were first introduced. Large numbers of these vessels were purchased by many of the larger shipping companies and remained popular with large shipping companies up untill today. The low price of the Mule and its cheaper operating expenses, made this vessel more favourable than most other cargo hauler designs and increased its popularity in less developed areas, where its large cargo bays and large fuel supply were of great value.

At one time, long time ago, the Mule class was considered state of the art, although still slower than the military vessels of the same period. Compared to modern vessels, these ships are painfully slow. They are far slower than modern merchant designs. Power is provided by a cheap, yet durable fission reactor.
With its fuel efficient ion drives and slow contra-gravity engine, the ship was capable of breaking orbit from planets and travel between planets at low speed. They have slow acceleration which makes them easy to catch by any other spacecrafts. In spite of their size and mass, all Mule class ships are able to land on planet surface and carry their vast amount of various cargoes directly to their customers.

These ships were originally designed for a crew of 80, but modifications over the past several hundred years have reduced the crew requirement of most Mules to 36 personnel (can be operated by only 12 people). The interior of the ship were equipped with several different recreation rooms, a small medical station, a laundry, a big kitchen and a mess hall, a small security station, several workshops and maintenance stations. All accommodation, facilities, internal space (corridors, crawlways, lifts, etc.) were designed to support huge crew members (like the seljuk), too.

Like most other trade ships, the Mule is virtually unarmed. The design carries a few weapons, but none of them are powerful enough to inflict damage on other medium sized vessels. For self defense, the Mule has a good assortment of light weapons, able to fend off several light pirate ships. Similarly, the ship is only lightly armored, possess just enough armor protection to survive light skirmishes, meteorite impacts or a rough docking.
Usually the Mules also carries six small fighters (for self defense) and a small shuttlecraft or up to four space tugs. These small crafts are carried in the small hangar section of the Mule (upper back section of the ship).

The original Mule used a sectional cargo system with static storage cabinets set aside for liquid, solid, food stuffs, and even a special bay to accomodate extendable construction devices. The designers later changed the 'smart modularity' for the cargo compartment, replaced the specific bays to connection points which connected with a vacuum sealing system. This allowed for walls of any variety to be placed in any desired configuration with vacuum pressure sealing the joints between the various plating. The specially designed cargo bays were all interconnected with the ability to be isolated in the event of an emergency such as a fire, or catastrophic failure of any one of the bays caused by hull breech or explosions. This smart modularity would become the standard cargo system, it was used for centuries to come.

Another unique feature of the Mule's cargo bays that they were fully automated and self loading. Fully computerized, this self loading system was a cargo team's dream. It reduced, the manpower normally assigned to the bays, to none. The crew could handle the loading without taking on extra members just for working the cargo bays.

A patented, dedicated computer controlled landing gear system which makes its ground pressure equal to that of the human foot, built into the lower side of the ship, replacing the original landing gears. So the ship is able to land in those hard to get places without the need for a dedicated landing platform.

Many corporations and large workshops offer update packages for this venerable and reliable ships. For additional price, the ship owner could upgrade the shield system (replace the basic shield with a stronger, 12,000 M.D.C. variable shield), increase maximum speed up to 8 Mach/Mps in space or double the ship's atmospheric speed. Others, like the Bigger Guns for Bigger Runs, offer various additional armament. Some of the aformentioned corporations have specialized to enhance the ion drive system's fuel consumption (decrease the fuel consumption to one half), handling (increase pilot rolls) and/or acceleration.

Model Type: McT
Vehicle Type: Medium Transport
Crew: 36. All ship systems could be run by 12 people without problem; the full crew complement is designed to have enough people to handle three work shifts. In an emergency, the ship can be run entirely by the bridge crew (5 people), but attacks per melee and bonuses for all weapon systems are halved and other problems and breakdowns occur.
Passengers: Up to 4 additional passengers.

M.D.C. by location:
[1]Main Bridge – 4,500
Engines – 3,000
Hangar Door (70x30 feet) – 1,500
*Hangar bay – 2,000
**Outer Hull (100 square feet) – 350
Large Cargo Bay Doors (40x80 feet, 2) – 2,500 each
Small Cargo Bay Doors (15x30 feet, 2) – 1,500 each
Interior bulkheads (100 square feet) – 100
Airlocks (6) – 300 each
Communication system – 1,500
Sensors (6) – 1,000 each
[2]Landing Gears (16) – 1,000 each
Laser Turrets (4) – 200 each
Mini Missile Turrets (4) – 200 each
Medium Range Missile Launchers (4) – 300 each
[3]Main Body – 22,500
[4]Basic Shield – 10,000 total

[1] Destroying the bridge will eliminate the main computer and the controls, but the ship can be controlled from the engineering section deep inside the ship. The secondary control system is less sensitive and is -2 to strike and dodge. It also takes 1D6 melee rounds for engineering to take control of the vessel, during which the ship is helpless.
[2] Destroying more than eight of the landing gear will make it impossible for the ship to touch down, even to just deploy troops.
[3] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body means the ship is knocked out of service and in tatters. Life support is on auxiliary power, all major systems are out and the ship is adrift, unable to fight or move under its own power. However, the missile launchers each have their own power supply and can still continue to fire. The ship itself will be a floating wreck.
[4] Non-variable shield system, regenerate at the rate of 25% (2,500 M.D.C. total) per melee.
* The placement of the hangar bay makes it almost impossible to attack and damage directly. If an attacker wants to damage the hangar bay, he must destroy the hangar bay doors before he cause any damage directly to the bay.
** Punching holes in the hull will cause the damage control system to automatically seal off whatever compartment has
been exposed to vacuum.

Driving on the Ground: Not Possible.
Sublight: The ship's maximum speed is 5 Mach when use both drives. Ion drive's maximum speed is 4 Mach. Contra-gravity drive's maximum speed limited to 1 Mach.
FTL propulsion: Contra-gravity, 2.5 light-years per hour maximum speed.
Atmospheric Propulsion: 150 mph (240 kph) using CG drive only.
Maximum Range: 40 people total for 18 months.
Fuel Consumption: 1 ton per Mach per hour (4 ton per hour on maximum speed) for ion engines.
Fuel Capacity: 2,000 tons

Statistical Data:
Length: 850 feet (259 meters).
Height: 175 feet (53.4 meters).
Width: 425 feet (129.6 meters)
Weight: 275,000 metric tons
Power System: Fission with 50 year life span.
Cargo: 200,000 metric tons total. Size of the two large cargo holds are 28,250,000 cubic feet (about 800,000 cubic meters) total. Size of the two smaller cargo holds are 1,059,500 cubic feet (30,000 cubic meters) total.
Market Cost: 800 million credits.
Refueling cost: 500 credits per ton
Upgrade packages: +1 Mach/Mps speed (up to 8 Mph or Mach) in space cost 75 million credits and increase the fuel consumption by 1 ton. Atmospheric speed increase cost 10 million credits per +25 Mph up to 300 Mph. Shield replacement cost 75 million credits (including reactor enhancement), fuel consumption upgrade cost 25 million credits per 1 Mach/Mps maximum space speed. Acceleration upgrade cost 5 million credits per every additional 0.5 Mach/Mps per melee, while the enhanced handling cost 2 million credits per every +1% pilot skill roll (up to +10%).

Weapon Systems:
Medium Range Missile Launchers (4):
Medium range missile launchers, strategically placed on the hull. This weapon can launch missile volleys on multiple targets (up to 4) at the same time. The weapon normally controlled by the dedicated gunner or controlled from the bridge via remote control.
Range: As per missiles
Mega-Damage: varies with missile type
Rate of Fire: Can fire one missile at a time or volleys of 2, 4 or 8 missiles per launcher
Payload: 24 missiles loaded launcher. Another 72 missiles stored in a special holding area for each launcher, but reloading launcher from this hold takes 1D4 minutes.

Laser Turrets (4):
These weapons used to shoot down any incoming enemy target. All turrets has been equipped with combat computer and an accurate automatic gunnery program (4 Attack per Melee, +2 to Initiative, +3 to Strike). Each turret can rotate 360 and has a 180 arc of fire. Each mount is controlled by a separate gunner or the gunnery program or remote controlled from the security station or from the brigde.
Range: 5 miles (8 km) in space and 2.5 miles (4 km) in an atmosphere.
Mega Damage: 3D6x10 M.D. per turret.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the total number of hand to hand attacks of the gunner
Payload: Effectively unlimited.

Mini Missile Launcher Turrets (4):
These weapons used to shoot down any incoming enemy target. All turrets has been equipped with combat computer and an accurate automatic gunnery program (4 Attack per Melee, +2 to Initiative, +3 to Strike). Each turret can rotate 360 and has a 180 arc of fire. Each mount is controlled by a separate gunner or the gunnery program or remote controlled from the security station or from the brigde.
Range: As per missiles
Mega-Damage: varies with missile type
Rate of Fire: Can fire one missile at a time or volleys of 2, 4, 6, 12 or 24 missiles per launcher
Payload: 48 missiles loaded launcher. Another 120 missiles stored for each launcher, but reloading takes 1D4 minutes.

Noteable systems:
Sensory System – Standard range sensory system with 300,000 miles (480,000 km) range and 2 light-years FTL detection. +5% bonus to sensory skill rolls and able to track and identify up to 48 objects at the same time.
Communication System – Standard system with 250,000 miles (400,000 km) range. No FTL comm system.
ECM system – A combination of sensor jamming devices, radio-pulse flares and old-fashioned chaff dispensers. When active, these systems impose a -20% penalty to anyone trying to target the protected vessel using the Weapon Systems skill, and cause missiles to lose any targeting bonus (only affect smart missiles, no effect against dumb fire variants and rockets). The attacker (gunners and smart missiles) are -3 to Strike the target protected by ECM systems.
Hardened systems – The ship electronic systems are reinforced against jamming type attacks. Lower the attacker Electronic Countermeasures skill by 10% (cumulative with the sensory system resistance).
Damage Control – The onboard facilities, the damage control teams and the repair crew can restore 600 M.D.C. worth of structural damage per day as long as they have enough raw materials and spare parts to perform this job.
Ramscoops – Electromagnetic scoops intended to capture interstellar hydrogen molecules for fuel and reaction mass. Ramscoop system reloads 0.2 ton of reaction mass for fusion and ion drive per 15 minutes in atmosphere. Needs 60 minutes to reloads 0.2 ton of reaction mass near planets or in gas/star clouds and needs 6 hours to gather 0.2 ton of fuel in interstellar space. Wolfen planets are notorious to ban the use of these systems in their atmosphere.

Carried crafts:
6 small fighters (Scorpion, Broadsword, Fire Eater or similar sized craft).
1 small shuttle or 4 space tugs (moving containers and cargo crates in outer space)
10 small escape pods (4 people capacity each)

Very weak acceleration (1 Mach in space, 100 mph in atmosphere), weak maneouvering (-5% to all pilot rolls).
Last edited by sagajr on Wed May 02, 2012 8:27 am, edited 2 times in total.
My Flickr phostostream with pictures of various ships and deckplans:
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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by sagajr »

Ranger class Light Cruiser

Light cruisers popular combat ships within the Human Alliance Navy. While other Navies usually use and maintain vast amount of frigates and destroyers, the Human Alliance Admirality organizes their fleets around the cooperation of numerous corvettes and light cruisers. The light fleet elements within the Human Alliance Navy use two to four corvettes and a light cruiser to patrol territory, perform anti-smuggler or anti-piracy duties and to harass enemy fleet formations, while most other navies use 3-6 frigates/destroyers for the same tasks, sometimes along with a cruiser.

Although these light vessels have their own disadvantages, they can be manufactured en masse at low cost, carry more firepower than a destroyer squadron and withstand more punishment than multiple smaller ships yet remain cheap. In contrast to their heavier cousins, this light cruiser is not designed to serve in the main battle line. They don’t last long against the heavier elements of an enemy fleet, yet last longer than any frigate or destroyer. However, most raiding ships would still back off from a light cruiser unless they were sure of their superior firepower and mobility.

While these ships are not made for toe to toe fight against other cruisers, they do however make for excellent harassers, patrol ships and escorts. A squadron of light cruisers, with or without their corvette escorts, can easily outflank an enemy force and perform raids and distraction attacks against the enemy’s slower and more ungainly vessels. They are also well suited for commanding an escort fleet. Light cruiser sees a lot of action both during a war or peace time.

Being a fine example for the light cruiser class of ships, the result of the cooperation between the Galactic Ship Corporation/Galactic Armory and the Human Alliance, the aging Ranger class has been stretching the boundaries of the light cruiser design. It is a 300 years old design which underwent a small modernization to remain the same nimble and reliable vessel, which is well loved by the personnel who have so far served on the board one.

All Ranger class light cruisers are equipped with powerful, high speed contra-gravity engines, above average quality maneouvering system and military grade FTL drive. The mobility is granted by these systems, shame most of the frigates and destroyers which are used by most navies. Since the ship design is not streamlined, Rangers has poor atmospheric performance and can not land on planet's surface (no landing gears), but may land on large water surfaces.

Ship's sensors are able to detect enemy forces from longer range than standard military sensors and the front mounted sensor spines increase the sensory system's sensitivity. Short range communications suite is top of the range (galactic average military standard), but long range communication uses an older contra-gravity field system which is cheaper, but slower and shorter ranged than the newer, widely used tachion transmitting array.

It has no single power plant, the power requirements are supplied by several smaller plants instead, each one designed to provide energy to a specific type of system; maneuver drives, weapons and general ships systems. This allows the power plants to be turned off when those particular systems are not used in order to extend operation time, but use up more internal space.

Its main weapon armament consists six HI laser turrets and two long range missile launchers. These weapons are strong enough to obliterate any frigate sized target without problem, to damage an attacking frigate/destroyer squadron from safe distance or to damage other cruisers/lightly armored targets. Secondary and tertiary armament consists six medium range missile launchers, sixteen defense turrets (combination of particle beams and contra-gravity cannon) and six mini missile launchers.

Defensive turrets on the Ranger are equipped with auto turret options (controlled by gunnery program) and can be remote controlled from the bridge or from one of the two security stations. All guns are equipped with above average quality combat computers and enhanced targeting systems to help the gunners.

Ship's hanger bay is small, barely have enough space to carry a small fighting force of two medium sized fighters and four light fighters. These vehicles extend both the offensive and defensive capability of the cruiser during combat and extend the area, which the Ranger monitors.

Accomodation and facilities, corridors and maintenance tunnels are comfortable even for large sized races (up to 9 feet high). Most of the crew members are accommodated in cabins (each crew member has its own cabin), but the ship has multiple staterooms (25), reserved for the captain, officers and passengers. These cruisers also have a fully staffed medical center (able to treat 50 inpatient or severly injured people) including operating rooms and a single laboratory. The ship's interior are equipped with multiple recreation rooms (gyms, cantins, sauna, library), two large mess halls, multiple workshops, several briefing/conference rooms, two security stations, a separate CIC (larger bridges contain CIC, but this ship uses smaller bridge and needs separate CIC room) and a high capacity laundry.

Still in production by the Galactic Armory, a little more than four thousand Rangers serve in various naval forces nowadays. The highest concentration of these vessels occur in Human Alliance's fleets, however, several hundred of them are used by various members of the CCW. Unknown quantity serve in various independent defense forces throughout the Three Galaxies and unknown numbers of these ships are used by the FWC or captured by pirates.

The Human Alliance Navy use a sub-variant of this class to serve as a dedicated anti-fighter platform in their carrier battlegroups and carrier task forces. These variants are abandon most of their anti-ship firepower (utilize only two HI laser cannon turrets) to gain more anti-fighter firepower (equipped with eight additional defense turrets, two additional medium range missile launchers and two additional mini missile launchers). This sub-variant become the worst nightmare of enemy pilots. Even a single Ranger sub-variant can literally lay waste to entire formations of fighters and bombers.

Model Type: GA-LC
Vehicle Type: Light/Patrol Cruiser
Crew: 114, including officers. All ship systems could be run by 38 people without problem; the full crew complement is designed to have enough people to handle three work shifts. In an emergency, the ship can be run entirely by the bridge crew (5 personnel), but attacks per melee and bonuses for all weapon systems are halved and other problems and breakdowns occur.
Troop Capacity: The ship is equipped to handle an armed force of 36 troops (24 marines and 12 pilots).
Passengers: 10 additional passengers.

M.D.C. by location
[1]Main Bridge – 4,500
Engines (4) – 2,000 each
Hangar – 3,000
Hangar Door – 1,500
*Outer Hull (100 square feet) – 750
Interior bulkheads (100 square feet) – 75
Airlocks (8) – 450 each
Communication system and FTL communication system– 2,000
**Sensor spines (8) – 750 each
Sensor domes (6) – 750 each
Laser Cannon Turrets (6) – 750 each
Defense Turrets (16) – 400 each
Long Range Missile Launchers (2) – 900 each
Medium Range Missile Launchers (6) – 200 each
Mini Missile Launchers (6) – 150 each
[2]Main Body – 22,500
[3]Variable Shield – 24,000 total (4,000 per side)

[1] Destroying the bridge will eliminate the main computer and the controls, but the ship can be controlled from the engineering section deep inside the ship. The secondary control system is less sensitive and is -2 to strike and dodge. It also takes 1D6 melee rounds for engineering to take control of the vessel, during which the ship is helpless.
[2] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body means the ship is knocked out of service and in tatters. Life support is on auxiliary power, all major systems are out and the ship is adrift, unable to fight or move under its own power. However, the missile launchers each have their own power supply and can still continue to fire. The ship itself will be a floating wreck.
[3] Shield regenerates 30% per melee (7,200 M.D.C. total per melee total)
*Punching holes in the hull will cause the damage control system to automatically seal off whatever compartment has been exposed to vacuum.
** Each sensor spine gives +2.5% to sensory roll checks (+20% total). Destroying any of the spines lower the total sensory bonus by 2.5%.

Driving on the Ground: Not Possible.
Sublight: Maximum speed is 10.5 Mach
FTL propulsion: Contra-gravity Drive with 5 ligh-years per hour maximum speed.
Atmospheric Propulsion: Mach 1 (741.5 mph / 1,186.4 kph) using CG drive.
Maximum Range: The ship maintain it's crew and passengers (160 people total) for 2 years.

Statistical Data:
Length: 500 feet (152.5 meters).
Height: 125 feet (38.1 meters).
Width: 80 feet (24.4 meters).
Weight: 30,000 metric tons with fully loaded cargo hold
Power System: Multiple Fusion reactors, all with 50 year life span.
Cargo: 1,500 tons, 106,000 cubic feet (about 3,000 cubic meters). A separate cargo bay dedicated to store the ammo for the carried crafts (50 tons capacity).
Market Cost: 1.6 billion for trustworthy governments (costs only 1.2 billion for the Human Alliance). Older variants can be purchased for 30% cheaper, but all M.D.C. values must be lowered by 20%, speed limited to 8 Mach/Mps, FTL speed limited to 4 ligh-years per hour, all gun's range and rate of fire lowered by 25%.

Weapon Systems:
HI Laser Cannon Turrets (6):
Turret mounted, rapid fire laser cannons used against sub-capital vessels and installations. The targeting system of these cannons are inaccurate against small targets (-2 to Strike against fighters, -4 to Strike against power armors and -6 to Strike missiles), but accurate against targets larger than 100 feet (+2 to Strike). The turrets can rotate 360 and has a 180 arc of fire. Each turret is controlled by a separate gunner.
Range: 24 miles (38.4 km) in space, 12 miles (19.2 km) in atmosphere
Mega Damage: 2D4x100+200 M.D. per turret.
Rate of Fire: Up to four times per melee per turret.
Payload: Effectively Unlimited.

Defensive Turrets (16):
Dual barrelled light turrets, each equipped with one contra-gravity cannon and one particle beam cannon. Used to shoot down incoming fighter from long range. These cannons has been equipped with enhanced combat computer (+1 to Strike against everything) and an accurate automatic gunnery program (5 Attack per Melee, +3 to Initiative, +4 to Strike). Each turret can rotate 360 and has a 180 arc of fire. Each mount is controlled by a separate gunner or the gunnery program or remote controlled from a security station. The particle beam cannon can be switch between focused and diffuse mode.
Range: 12 miles (19.2 km) in space and 6 miles (9.6 km) in an atmosphere.
Mega Damage: 3D4x10+30 M.D. per burts for the contra-gravity gun, 3D4x10+30 M.D. in focused mode for the particle beam cannon or 3D4+3 M.D. to a 25 feet wide area up to half range. Combined blast (concetrated mode particle beam) do 5D6x10 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the gunner (dual blast counts as a single attack), but no more than eight times per melee.
Payload: Each turret equipped with enough ammo for 750 attacks. Additional ammo (enough for 3,000 attacks for each turret) stored in special cargo hold. Realoading from this hold takes 1D4 minutes. Effectively unlimited or the particle beam cannons.

Long Range Missile Launchers (2):
Long range missile launchers, placed on the two sides of the ship's front section. This weapon can launch missile volleys on multiple targets (up to 16) at the same time. The weapon normally controlled by the dedicated gunner or controlled from the bridge via remote control.
Range: As per missiles
Mega-Damage: varies with missile type
Rate of Fire: Can fire one missile at a time or volleys of 2, 4, 8, 16, 24 or 48 missiles per launcher
Payload: 144 missiles loaded into the launcher. Another 960 missiles stored for each launcher, but reloading takes 1D6 minutes.

Medium Range Missile Launchers (6):
Each missile launchers can launch missile volleys on multiple targets (up to 4) at the same time. The weapon normally controlled by the dedicated gunner or controlled from the bridge via remote control.
Range: As per missiles
Mega-Damage: varies with missile type
Rate of Fire: Can fire one missile at a time or volleys of 2, 4, 8, 16 or 32 missiles per launcher
Payload: 96 missiles loaded into the launcher. Another 640 missiles stored for each launcher, but reloading takes 1D4 minutes.

Mini Missile Launchers (6):
Mini missile launchers strategically placed on the hull. Used against missile volleys, fighters and power armors and as a back-up weapon system against FTL boarding attacks. The weapon normally controlled by the dedicated gunner or remotely controlled from the bridge.
Range: As per missiles
Mega-Damage: varies with missile type
Rate of Fire: Can fire one missile at a time or volleys of 2, 4, 8, 16 or 32 missiles per launcher
Payload: 128 missiles loaded into the launcher. Another 960 missiles stored for each launcher, but reloading takes 1D4 minutes.

Noteable systems:
Sensory System – Extended range sensory system with 600,000 miles (960,000 km) range and 5 light-years FTL detection. +20% bonus to sensory skill rolls, resistant against jamming attacks (lower the attacker Electronic Countermeasures skill by 15%) and able to track and identify up to 400 objects at the same time.
Communication System – Enhanced system with 350,000 miles (560,000 km) range. Contra-gravity field communicaton system (with 100 light-years range) installed on the ship.
ECM system – A combination of sensor jamming devices, radio-pulse flares and old-fashioned chaff dispensers. When active, these systems impose a -20% penalty to anyone trying to target the protected vessel using the Weapon Systems skill, and cause missiles to lose any targeting bonus (only affect smart missiles, no effect against dumb fire variants and rockets). The attacker (gunners and smart missiles) are -3 to Strike the target protected by ECM systems.
ECCM system – Lowers the negative modifier caused by an enemy ECM system by 20% and lowers the negative Strike modifier to -2 instead of the standard -3 caused by an enemy ECM attack.
Hardened systems – The ship electronic systems are reinforced against jamming type attacks. Lower the attacker Electronic Countermeasures skill by 15% (cumulative with the sensory system resistance).
Jamming Set – The jamming set can focus its emissions to overload enemy sensors and controlling systems. This gives the ship an electronic attack capability and requires Electronic Countermeasures skill roll. A successful roll suppresses enemy sensors for 3D4 rounds (45 to 180 seconds). While suppressed, the enemy gunners attack precision and attack rate lowered (-3 to Strike, loses one attack), the pilots response time increased and their ship controlling skills are weakened temporary (loses one attack, -10% to all piloting skill rolls and -3 to Dodge rolls) due to electronic system disturbances. The jamming set has a range of 10,000 miles (16,000 km) and able to jam up to 40 targets at a time (need to roll separately for all).
Communication Jamming System – The communication jamming system is designed for scrambling enemy communications (-60% to any communication skill based rolls for the enemy/foreign ships, failed communication roll means canceled video communication and even the audio messages are hard to understand). Scrambles all foreign communications within 10,000 miles (16,000 km) range.
Stealth Coating – Military grade stealth coating (-60% to Read Sensors skill when the ship is standing still, and -30% to Read Sensors skill when the ship is moving.). When the ship loose 25% of its maximum M.D.C., the detection difficulty modifiers are lowered to one half. Loosing 50% or more of its M.D.C., means the detection difficulty is lowered to one quarter of its starting value, while loosing more than 75% of the hull M.D.C. makes the stealth coating virtually useless (grants only 1/10th of its basic detection difficulty value).
Damage Control – The onboard facilities, the damage control teams and the repair crew can restore 1,250 M.D.C. worth of structural damage per day as long as they have enough raw materials and spare parts to perform this job.

Carried crafts:
2 Medium Fighters (Katana sized or smaller) and 4 Light Fighters (Scorpion sized or smaller).
16 Lifeboats (10 person capacity escape boats/pods)
2 external docking ports for small shuttlecrafts

Good acceleration (4 Mach per melee in space, 1 Mach per melee in atmosphere), good maneouvering (+1 to Dodge, +5% to all pilot rolls). No maneouvering bonus in atmospheric conditions.
Last edited by sagajr on Sat May 26, 2012 6:30 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by taalismn »

Thanks, sagajr .
Your own posts look very good, well-formatted, and comprehensive. I like the Mule; it looks stubborn and stodgy and bursting with galaxy-crawl adventure, and the Ranger has that CCW Warshield vibe about in this ship is still stiff competition.
Overall, :ok: :ok:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by sagajr »


Thank you taalismn.

Tortoise class Salvage and Rescue ship

There are many types of salvage ships, of which the Tortoise class is one of the smallest and most common (nearly all spaceports and space stations have at least a pair of this ship class or its knock-off variants).

It was designed originally for use by shipping corporations to recover stranded merchant vessels, the Tortoise class has found its way into government and private use since then. Even the various naval forces purchased an undisclosed number to recover some of its lighter non-combat ships, while many Exploration Corps and Scout Services operate them as part of their repair fleet, and many others have been put to use at starports as recovery vessels (working in conjunction with dedicated rescue ships).

Several ships have been purchased by individuals. While most private owners are legitimate (most of the time), many are no better than pirates (and some, in fact, are pirates) and some pirate bands use stolen Tortoise class ships to haul badly damaged prey back to base. Note, however, that a Tortoise, by itself, is undergunned and quite slow, this makes it an unlikely choice as a solo pirate ship.

The ships of the Tortoise class have the capability to repair most disabled ships, and can carry any ship up to 10,000 tons (enough to carry any destroyer or frigate class starship and most light trader ships like the Merchantman) in addition to their internal cargo and still maintain FTL speed. In most cases, the captain will try to repair a damaged ship while using his large complement of technicians and shop facilities, since carrying a ship with the external cradle seriously reduces the ship’s already low performance.

The top deck of this ship class carries the bridge, four small lifeboats, a small security room and two utility shuttles (in a small dock). The second deck houses eight cabins (six single occupancy, two double occupancy), one large recreation room (lounge) and the first level of the engineering section. Third deck is equipped with ten additional cabins (five single and five double occupancy), a galley, the kitchen and the second level of the engineering section.

The frontal (neck) section of the fourth deck carries the sensory and the communication systems, while the rest of this level dedicated to the rescued personnel and carries the sickbay (for 10 inpatients), five cabins (double occupancy), three bunkrooms, a single laundry and two recreation rooms (cantin and holo movie room). The bunkrooms utilized on the ship are subsized and designed to hold 10 people each.

Most of the fifth and sixth decks are the cargo bay level (a total of 12 small lifeboats are placed on these cargo levels) except the neck section, where the ship carries its workshops, a metallurgy lab, five cabins (for the mechanics and lab personnel) and the FTL drive. Located on the corners of the cargo hold, the ship carries its four special landing gears which can be used as external cradle machinery to connect with and move other ship(s). Each cradle clamps up to 2,500 metric tons of another vehicle onto the hull. That vehicles which are carried in this way, aren't counted against the ship's internal spaces, but they are not protected by the ship's armor or its shields.

With its powerful ion drives and slow contra-gravity engine, the ship is capable of breaking orbit from planets and travel between planets. They have slow acceleration which makes them easy to catch by any other spacecrafts. All Tortoise class ships are able to land on planet surface even when carries a larger ship, but in this case, they cannot land until the release of the carried craft. However, if it carries more than 5,000 tons in addition to its internal cargo capacity, the ship will slow down (both in STL and FTL and halves the FTL operation range) to one half of its maximum speed.

Unlike modern FTL systems, the Tortoise's FTL engine is based on an old-fashioned contra-gravity FTL drive which have high FTL speed, but only limited operation range (25 light-years operation range). After reach its limit, the FTL drive shuts down and need recalibration (can be done in 4 hours by a skilled technican) and cool down period (usually 12 hours). This is not a problem in case of a starport or starbase owned ship, but most private owner make changes on the FTL system, double or triple the operation range or simply replace the old-fashioned drive with a slower but „limitless” modern one.

These ships are designed for a crew of 35, but can be operated by only 10 people. All accommodation, facilities, internal spaces (corridors, crawlways, lifts, etc.) are designed to support large crew members (like wolfen or kreeghor), too.

Like most other civilian ships, the Tortoise is virtually unarmed. The design carries a few weapons, but none of them are powerful enough to inflict serious damage on other vessels. For self defense, the ship has a good assortment of light weapons, able to fend off several light pirate ships. Similarly, the ship is only lightly armored, possess just enough armor protection to survive light skirmishes, meteorite impacts or a rough docking. Usually the Tortoise also carries two utility shuttlecrafts (30x12x10 feet, 12.5 tons, 8 Mach/Mps maximum speed in space or Mach 2 in atmosphere, 12 hours operation time – runs on batteries – carries up to 16 people and up to 2.5 tons of cargo, it is equipped with a single pulse laser, a weak towing beam with 10% performance of the Tortoise's beam and weak basic shield) to carry its repair and rescue crew to their target or acts as additional lifeboats in case of emergency.

Model Type: SRV
Vehicle Type: Light Transport/Salvage Vessel
Crew: 35. All ship systems could be run by 10 people without problem; the full crew complement is designed to have enough people to handle three work shifts. In an emergency, the ship can be run entirely by the bridge crew (5 people), but attacks per melee and bonuses for all weapon systems are halved and other problems and breakdowns occur.
Passengers: Up to 40 additional passengers.

M.D.C. by location:
[1]Main Bridge – 1,000
Engines (2) – 750 each
Hangar Door – 300
Hangar bay – 750
Cargo Bay Doors (2) – 750 each
*Outer Hull (100 square feet) – 100
Interior bulkheads (100 square feet) – 25
Airlocks (4) – 150 each
Communication system – 500
Sensors – 500
[2]Landing Gears/external cradles (4) – 500 each
Laser Turrets (2) – 150 each
Missile Launchers (2) – 150 each
Toing Beams Turret – 250
[3]Main Body – 3,000
[4]Basic Shield – 5,000 total

[1] Destroying the bridge will eliminate the main computer and the controls, but the ship can be controlled from the engineering section deep inside the ship. The secondary control system is less sensitive and is -2 to strike and dodge. It also takes 1D6 melee rounds for engineering to take control of the vessel, during which the ship is helpless.
[2] Destroying more than two of the landing gear will make it impossible for the ship to touch down, even to just deploy troops.
[3] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body means the ship is knocked out of service and in tatters. Life support is on auxiliary power, all major systems are out and the ship is adrift, unable to fight or move under its own power. However, the missile launchers each have their own power supply and can still continue to fire. The ship itself will be a floating wreck.
[4] Non-variable shield system, regenerate at the rate of 25% (1,250 M.D.C. total) per melee.
* Punching holes in the hull will cause the damage control system to automatically seal off whatever compartment has
been exposed to vacuum.

Driving on the Ground: Not Possible.
Sublight: The ship's maximum speed is 6 Mach when use both drives. Ion drive's maximum speed is 4 Mach. Contra-gravity drive's maximum speed limited to 2 Mach.
FTL propulsion: 5 light-years per hour maximum speed, 25 light-years operation range (50 light-years range total).
Atmospheric Propulsion: 250 mph (400 kph) using CG drive only.
Maximum Range: 75 people total for 9 months.
Fuel Consumption: 0.1 tons per Mach per hour (0.4 ton per hour on maximum speed) for ion engines.
Fuel Capacity: 500 tons

Statistical Data:
Length: 180 feet (54.9 meters).
Height: 65 feet (19.83 meters) 75 feet (22.85 meters) with extended landing gears
Width: 70 feet (21.35 meters)
Weight: 5,000 metric tons
Power System: Fusion with 25 year life span.
Cargo: 1,500 metric tons total (usually spare parts). Size of the cargo hold is 60,000 cubic feet (about 1,680 cubic meters) total.
Market Cost: 125 million credits for a new ship, 85 million credits for a used one (lower all M.D.C. by 10%, lower life support supplies to 6 months).
Refueling cost: 500 credits per ton

Weapon Systems:
Towing Beam Turret:
Mounted on the bottom of the neck section, this special contra-gravity beam designed to bring closer target object to the ship or push away space debris from the front of the ship. Not an actual weapon, just a modified contra-gravity generator which able to focus its power to catch, hold and move (slow down or speed up) other objects within its range. Powerful enough to pull or push any objects up to 1,000 tons or hold them still. Able to slow down incoming objects by 2 Mach per melee or speeds up an object to 5 Mach speed (in space, 1 Mach in atmosphere) within 30 seconds.
Range: 10 miles (16 km) in space, 5 miles (8 km) in atmosphere.
Mega-Damage: None.
Rate of Fire: Up to twice per melee.
Payload: Effectively unlimited.

Laser Turrets (2):
These weapons used to shoot down any incoming enemy target. All turrets has been equipped with combat computer and an accurate automatic gunnery program (4 Attack per Melee, +2 to Initiative, +3 to Strike). Each turret can rotate 360 and has a 180 arc of fire. Each mount is controlled by a separate gunner or the gunnery program or remote controlled from the brigde.
Range: 5 miles (8 km) in space and 2.5 miles (4 km) in an atmosphere.
Mega Damage: 3D6x10 M.D. per turret.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the total number of hand to hand attacks of the gunner
Payload: Effectively unlimited.

Mini Missile Launchers (2):
These weapons used to shoot down any incoming enemy target. Each mount is controlled by a separate gunner or remote controlled from the brigde.
Range: As per missiles
Mega-Damage: varies with missile type
Rate of Fire: Can fire one missile at a time or volleys of 2, 4, 6, 12 or 24 missiles per launcher
Payload: 48 missiles loaded launcher. Another 120 missiles stored for each launcher, but reloading takes 1D4 minutes.

Noteable systems:
Sensory System – Extended range sensory system with 400,000 miles (640,000 km) range and 2 light-years FTL detection. +15% bonus to sensory skill rolls and able to track and identify up to 60 objects at the same time.
Communication System – Standard system with 250,000 miles (400,000 km) range. No FTL comm system.
ECM system – A combination of sensor jamming devices, radio-pulse flares and old-fashioned chaff dispensers. When active, these systems impose a -20% penalty to anyone trying to target the protected vessel using the Weapon Systems skill, and cause missiles to lose any targeting bonus (only affect smart missiles, no effect against dumb fire variants and rockets). The attacker (gunners and smart missiles) are -3 to Strike the target protected by ECM systems.
Hardened systems – The ship electronic systems are reinforced against jamming type attacks. Lower the attacker Electronic Countermeasures skill by 10% (cumulative with the sensory system resistance).
Damage Control – The onboard facilities, the damage control teams and the repair crew can restore 600 M.D.C. worth of structural damage per day as long as they have enough raw materials and spare parts to perform this job.
Ramscoops – Electromagnetic scoops intended to capture interstellar hydrogen molecules for fuel and reaction mass. Ramscoop system reloads 0.2 ton of reaction mass for fusion and ion drive per 15 minutes in atmosphere. Needs 60 minutes to reloads 0.2 ton of reaction mass near planets or in gas/star clouds and needs 6 hours to gather 0.2 ton of fuel in interstellar space. Wolfen planets are notorious to ban the use of these systems in their atmosphere.

Carried crafts:
2 utility shuttles ( ... hotostream )
16 small escape pods (4 people capacity each)
4 EVA pods/Light Power Armors

Weak acceleration (1 Mach in space, 100 mph in atmosphere), weak maneouvering (-5% to all pilot rolls). Towing/carrying more than 50% of its maximum capacity (5,000 ton or more) lower the acceleration to 0.5 Mach/Mps per melee in space, 50 mph per melee in atmosphere and cause handling problems (-10% to all pilot rolls).
Last edited by sagajr on Thu May 10, 2012 10:53 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by taalismn »

Again, another wonderfully realized vessel with adventure possibilities.
"Do we HAVE to salvage the haunted-looking spaceship/spacestation?"
"Yes! We do! Now don't forget your bright red vest, so we can more easily see you!"
"Why does it have to be red?! Couldn't we get ones a Or bright yellow?"
"Because bright red was on sale! They were used, but they're perfectly usable! Didn't even fade the fabric when they washed the bloodstains out!"
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by sagajr »


Thank you taalismn. :)

Questor class Exploration/Escort ship

As one of the commonly seen ships in known space, these light ships are simple, reliable and robust. Spares are fairly easy to come by, and the vessel is tolerant to alterations. In addition to the conventional applications as a reconnaissance vessel, these ships are often used as VIP transports or personal yachts for polity leaders. Their engine performance, while unimpressive by military standards, makes them useful in a raiding or escort role. Small, fairly cheap, and reasonably economical to operate, these ships have become a workhorse for all the private, government and military fleets; some are even encountered in commercial use (unusual, thanks to its low capacity cargo hold, but sometimes it happens).

Most of the private owned ships are actually former Exploration Service or Police vessels are either purchased as surplus from the government or are assigned for the private use of former scouts and police officers. Some are also used to deliver diplomatic teams, carry survey teams for salvage operations and as system defence craft. Some small navies have experimented with using them as light combat vessels, usually without much success. However, the pirates found this rugged, easy to maintain vessel useful in their ragtag fleets, even as an attack ship.

The interior of the ship divided into two parts. The frontal section has a roomy cockpit was designed for two personnel, four cabins (two single occupancy, two double occupancy), one small lounge, one auto-chef, one small workshop and a small sickbay (treat up to two people, was equipped with an auto-doc, wasn't designed to perform surgery). Sensors, communication devices and most of the avionics were placed before and around the cockpit.

The back side of the ship houses two team sized escape pods (from outside their launch bay looks like two smaller booster attachments), the cargo hold (sealed from the rest of the ship by an airlock) and the engineering section.
Cargo hold door has extension panels for use as boarding ramp; it may also be locked in a horizontal position. When horizontal, it shelter the space underneath; with the addition of drapes or lightweight side panels, this space can be used as an office, a small shop or field workshop/field kitchen (if the proper equipment is carried on board).

Its contra-gravity engine has good acceleration which makes it easier to catch other spacecrafts like smuggler ships or to flee from dangerous situations. All ships of this class are able to land on planet surface and able to land on water or submerge into it (depth tolerance is 1,000 feet). To enhance further the performance of this ship, the designers incorporate a reaction mass booster system. This system able to accelerate the ship to its maximum speed in no time and increase its speed further. The boosters use their own fuel supply (2.5 tons) which run out after six hours operation time. Two boosters are placed on the back side of the ship, one on both sides of the cargo hold.

FTL system on this ship uses civilian grade drive which is somewhat slow when compared to military designs, but still fast enough for a civilian or para-military craft. More than enough to catch most pirates and smugglers within a planetary system or leave dangerous (combat) zones within seconds. Its speed is more than enough for any scout ship, however, some captains, who use their ships as couriers, replace or upgrade this drive to faster ones.

These ships are designed for a crew of 3, but can be operated by only 2 people without problem. All accommodation, facilities, internal spaces are designed to support large crew members (like wolfen or kreeghor), too.

The ship has a short lifespan, fusion reactor and enough backup batteries to maintain maximum STL speed (plus up to 6 hours on maximum FTL speed) and all systems operational (except guns and shields which are equipped with their own batteries) for 24 hours even with shut down reactor. Shields have their own battery backup system and able to maintain low shield power (800 M.D.C.) for 6 hours. Like the shield system, each gun is equipped their own batteries which are provide enough energy for 2 minutes of uninterrupted fire.

Unlike most other civilian ships, the Questor is rather heavily armed. The design carries three turreted weapon systems and three missile launcher systems. However, none of them are powerful enough to inflict serious damage on larger vessels, but strong enough to fend off multiple light crafts. Similarly, the ship is well armored, possess enough armor protection to survive skirmishes against several small targets (like fighters), but on their own, these ships have no chance against real military ships, not even light ones (like corvettes).

The main reason behind the popularity of this class (and similar ships are produced by many corporations), is its easily modifiable interior. The designers left a small area within the ship (15x10x10 feet) empty for future upgrades and modifications (on non modified ships this area usually serve as additional storage area). Even most of the interior accomodation and facilities are modular designs which made this ship customisable. By investing a small amount of money and work hours, even the crew are able to perform major overhaul or reconstruction on this ship. This led to the born of many sub-variants and contributed the rapid spread of this ship type.

Model Type: LEV
Vehicle Type: Light Exploration/Escort Vessel
Crew: 3, but can be run by only 2 people without problem.
Passengers: Up to 3 additional passengers.

M.D.C. by location:
[1]Reinforced cockpit – 500
Engine – 500
[2]Boosters (2) – 250 each
Cargo Bay Door – 750 each
*Outer Hull (100 square feet) – 75
Interior bulkheads (100 square feet) – 20
Airlocks (2) – 150 each
**Foldable Wings (4) – 100 each
Communication system – 250
Sensors – 250
[3]Landing Gears (4) – 200 each
Heavy Turret – 300
Light Turrets (2) – 200 each
Light Missile Launchers (2) – 150 each
Heavy Missile Launcher – 250
[4]Main Body – 1,500
[5]Basic Shield – 2,500 total

[1] Destroying the cockpit will eliminate the main computer and the controls, automatic distress signal switch on, but the ship is helpless.
[2] Destroying one booster lower the maximum speed to 9 Mach/Mps when the pilot engage the booster system. Losing both boosters make this system unusable until repaired.
[3] Destroying more than two of the landing gear will make it impossible for the ship to touch down without further structural damage.
[4] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body means the ship is knocked out of service and in tatters. Life support is on auxiliary power, all major systems are out and the ship is adrift, unable to fight or move under its own power. However, the missile launchers each have their own power supply and can still continue to fire. The ship itself will be a floating wreck.
[5] Non-variable shield system, regenerate at the rate of 30% (660 M.D.C.) per melee.
* Punching holes in the hull will cause the damage control system to automatically seal off whatever compartment has
been exposed to vacuum.
** Destroying two small wing halves the atmospheric bonuses of the ship. Destroying all wings negate all bonuses to pilot rolls, dog-fight and Dodge in atmosphere.

Driving on the Ground: Not Possible.
Sublight: The ship's maximum speed is 8 Mach without the boosters. The boosters increase the maximum speed to 10 Mach.
FTL propulsion: 3 light-years per hour maximum speed.
Atmospheric Propulsion: Maximum speed is 2 Mach, cruising speed is 500 Mph (800 kph). Maximum underwater speed is 75 Mph (120 kph).
Maximum Range: 6 people total for 6 months.

Statistical Data:
Length: 80 feet (24.4 meters).
Height: 17 feet (5.2 meters) for the main body, 25 feet (7.6 meters) with extended landing gears
Width: 60 feet (18.3 meters)
Weight: 250 metric tons
Power System: Fusion with 15 years life span.
Cargo: 60 metric tons total. Size of the cargo hold is 25x20x15 feet (7.6x6.1x4.5 meters).
Market Cost: 55 million credits for a new ship, 40 million credits for a used one (lower all M.D.C. by 20%, lower life support supplies to 3 months).
Refueling cost of the booster: 5000 credits
Most popular upgrades are the following:
Basic stealth coating (-40% to Read Sensors skill when the ship is standing still, and -20% to Read Sensors skill when the ship is moving) cost 2.5 million credits.
Speed increase upgrade cost 1.5 million for a +1 Mach/Mps maximum speed or cost 5 million credits for a +2 Mach/Mps maximum speed.
FTL drive upgrades costs 7.5 million credits for 4 light-years per hour maximum speed or costs 20 million credits (this include the cost of a stronger reactor, too) for 5 light-years per hour maximum speed.

Weapon Systems:
Heavy Turret:
Variable focus particle beam weapon system, located on the top of the ship. This manned turret designed to scare away or damage stronger opponents. Accurate (+2 to Strike against all targets), but slow firing weapon. May be controlled from the bridge, but in this case the gun locked in forward position and fire with lower accuracy (lose its +2 to Strike bonus). The turret can rotate 360 and has a 180 arc of fire
Range: 12 miles (19.2 km) in space and 6 miles (9.6 km) in an atmosphere.
Mega Damage: 4D6x10 M.D. in focused mode, 4D6 M.D. to everything in a 50 feet wide area up to one-third range in diffuse/scatter mode.
Rate of Fire: Up to five times per melee.
Payload: Effectively unlimited.

Light Turrets (2):
Mounted on port and starboard side on the ship, these light particle beam cannons are designed to act as primary defense armament against incoming missiles and light attack crafts. Both turrets has been equipped with combat computer and an accurate automatic gunnery program (4 Attack per Melee, +2 to Initiative, +4 to Strike). Each turret can rotate 120 and has a 90 arc of fire. Each mount can be controlled by a separate gunner or the gunnery program.
Range: 6 miles (9.6 km) in space and 3 miles (4.8 km) in an atmosphere.
Mega Damage: 3D6x10 M.D. per turret in focused mode, 3D6 M.D. per turret to everything in a 25 feet wide area up to half range in diffuse/scatter mode.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the total number of hand to hand attacks of the gunner
Payload: Effectively unlimited.

Light Missile Launchers (2):
Variable payload missile launchers. Able to carry short range missiles or medium range missiles (not the same time). Placed on the bottom side of the ship, these launchers can be used to shoot down any incoming enemy target. Each mount is controlled from the brigde.
Range: As per missiles
Mega-Damage: varies with missile type
Rate of Fire: Can fire one missile at a time or volleys of 2, 4, 6 or 12 missiles per launcher
Payload: 24 medium range missiles or 48 short range missiles loaded into the launcher. Another 48 medium range missiles or 96 short range missiles stored for each launcher, but reloading takes 1D6 minutes.

Heavy Missile Launcher:
This special missile launcher system was designed to launch long range missiles and small probes (not the same time). The launcher contain 9 launcher tubes. 8 are loaded with long range missiles while the last is loaded with a probe. The probes are designed to scan planet's atmosphere, locate disturbances and anomalies(equipped with limited range – 100,000 miles range – sensory systems, atmosphere analyzers, gravitic sensors).
Range: As per long range missiles, half range for probes
Mega-Damage: varies with missile type
Rate of Fire: Can fire one missile at a time or volleys of 2, 4, 6 or 8 long range missiles or 1 probe per melee
Payload: 24 long range missiles and 3 probes loaded into the launcher. Another 72 long range missiles and 9 probes stored for each launcher, but reloading takes 1D6 minutes.

Noteable systems:
Sensory System – Extended range sensory system with 400,000 miles (640,000 km) range and 2 light-years FTL detection. +20% bonus to sensory skill rolls and able to track and identify up to 60 objects at the same time.
Communication System – Standard system with 250,000 miles (400,000 km) range. No FTL comm system.
ECM system – A combination of sensor jamming devices, radio-pulse flares and old-fashioned chaff dispensers. When active, these systems impose a -20% penalty to anyone trying to target the protected vessel using the Weapon Systems skill, and cause missiles to lose any targeting bonus (only affect smart missiles, no effect against dumb fire variants and rockets). The attacker (gunners and smart missiles) are -3 to Strike the target protected by ECM systems.
Hardened systems – The ship electronic systems are reinforced against jamming type attacks. Lower the attacker Electronic Countermeasures skill by 10% (cumulative with the sensory system resistance).
Stealth Design – While the ship is not equipped with stealth coating, its sleek design and small frame makes it difficult to detect by sensors. Any detection attempts suffer -20% to Read Sensory System skill against this ship.
Damage Control – The onboard facilities, the damage control teams and the repair crew can restore 200 M.D.C. worth of structural damage per day as long as they have enough raw materials and spare parts to perform this job.

Carried crafts:
2 small escape pods (4 people capacity each)
2 EVA pods/Light Power Armors

Good acceleration (4 Mach per melee in space, 1 Mach per melee in atmosphere), exceptional maneouvering (+10% to all pilot rolls, +1 to dog-fight rolls, +1 to dodge, both in space and atmosphere). Active boosters (usable in space only) are accelerate the ship to maximum speed in 15 seconds from standing still position and increase its maximum speed by 2 Mach. The booster carry enough fuel to maintain maximum speed for 6 hours.
Last edited by sagajr on Wed May 02, 2012 8:39 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by taalismn »

Questor: Another ship going to hardcopy in my files. :ok:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by sagajr »


Thank you taalismn. :)


Vigilante class mult-role Corvette

Vigilante class corvettes epitomise the tradition of the Human Alliance Navy. Focuses on maneouverability, intelligence and packs a powerful punch. The Vigilante was the first ship model which have marked the HA's most ambitious modernisation initiative till date. This class focus on tree major aspects of combat: capability to avoid getting hit, capability to see the enemy without being seen and finally the power to knock out with the first punch.

These aims resulted in an aeroplane-looking shape that made it capable of superb agility in atmospheric conditions while its drive system allowed it to turn on a dime in space, marketed it one of the most agile vessels in its tonnage. In addition, it packed a powerful punch with a combination of powerful turreted lasers, strong contra gravity guns and especially its two medium missile launchers. As it was requested by the Navy, it was required to be extremely versatile to meet a broad variety of tasks. In addition, it was the first corvette design which could be launched from the carriers and it was carried by other capital class ships on their exterior.

While its sensors and communication suite are old, these devices are still considered effective. However, the same can not be said about the engines. Both its slower than light, and faster than light engines are considered slow by modern standards. To overcome these problems, but keep down the cost, the designers incorporated two powerful fusion boosters on the basic craft and its variants. These boosters provide the ship additional thrust, increase its average acceleration and maximum speed for limited duration (up to half an hour hours). With this modification, the refitted corvette easily puts many newer vessels to shame. On the other hand, the designers didn't change the slow military FTL drive system, because they didn't find it necessary. The corvettes have already had the ability to connect themselves to larger and faster ships (through their external connection points), which made them to increase their speed, operation time and range.

Vigilante class utilizes a two and a half decked hull design. The upper deck (8 feet high, 21 feet wide and 60 feet long) mounts the ship's small bridge (with four crew stations) and two gunnery stations (each one of these stations controls one turret), an airlock to separate the command section from the rest of the deck, 4 subsized cabins (8 feet wide and 13 feet long each, equipped with foldable bunk beds, a desk, a single chair, two cabinets/lockers and two computer consoles), 2 toilets, 2 showers, while the remaining area serves several different purposes at the same time as a lounge, as a galley and as a medic station (equipped with an auto-chef, a small medical computer and medical supply, a storage cabinet for mess kit). From the lounge the crew can descend to the second (lower) deck on ladder.

This lower deck is bigger than the upper one (10 feet high, 30 feet wide and 65 feet long). The front half of this level contains the life support machinery, the fusion reactor, the batteries, a mini workshop (multiple tools and a maintenance station to monitor the machinery), maintenance crawlway entraces to the wing and the front sections (4 feet wide and high) an airlock to separate the cargo hold from the rest of the deck and the cargo hold (10 feet high, 30 feet wide and 35 feet long).

The insides of the wings and a small area below the frontal section of the upper deck is the half deck. This deck houses the FTL and the STL drives, fuel for the boosters (and the boosters), four contra-gravity cannons and their ammunition, avionics, communication and sensory systems and electronic warfare systems. The missile launchers which are mounted on each wing's lower side are connected with this level, where their reloads and reloading mechanism are incorporated.

On the exterior, both sides of the frontal half deck, the ship carries two additional pods, called mission pods. These are modular, mission specific pods which are able to extend the basic funcions of the ship by carrying additional systems or weapons during a mission.

Two connection points (act as additional airlocks and strong magnetic clapms to grab the other ship) are located on the ship. One on its top side (which led to the lounge) and one on its lower side (led to the cargo hold). The lower side of the wings and the bottom of the frontal half deck contain the landing gears.

The Vigilante class corvette is an aging (already part of the Human Alliance Navy for 300 years), non top of the line, yet reliable and most numerous craft in the Human Alliance Navy. This ship still provides the Alliance Navy the fast moving, heavy hitting assets which need to support the larger warships. Vigilante class vessels can be used as system security enforcers, system guard cutters, reconnaissance vessels and special operations ships, too.

With a relatively low production cost (which is still the twice of its predecessor) the Vigilante could size up to face any other corvettes or frigates. In order to house such versatility, sacrifices had to be made which resulted in a relatively fragile frame (compared to other military ships in its class). Reports showed that thou being a very difficult target to hit in the first place; but when it happens, the Vigilante have a tendency to spring leaks in the hull after the below average standard shielding is down. There are plans on counter this problem with stronger shield systems, but yet nothing is officially determined.

Even so, the Vigilante has already shown its value and outstanding capabilities numerous times and it turned out to be worth every penny. Much like its fellow corvettes, these crafts usually operate in groups of 2-6 for maximal efficiency or in groups of 2-4 led by a (light) cruiser depending on mission.

Consequently, Vigilante class ships benefit from a high range of adaptability that leads to a great degree of variety within the class. In fact there are five major variants for the Vigilante class. The Vigilante-A, Vigilante-E, Vigilante-P, Vigilante-R and Vigilante-S.

This is the attack variant of the standard corvette which was designed for use by the Human Alliance Naval forces, operated from the Navy's terrestrial bases. It can be seen as a quick response unit capable of handling anti-piracy operations, merchant inspection tasks, and general fleet scouting. The Vigilante-A is also found in escort of light-cruisers, heavy cruisers, battlecruisers and other capital ships of the Alliance Navy. Vigilante-A's capable of small-team insertion, do fire support runs for troops, and escort duty for civilian and military transports alike, moreso than their larger, heavier armed frigate cousins. Its mission bays are loaded with long range missiles (48 missiles per bay, 12 shot salvoes) or cruise missiles (12 cruise missiles, 4 shot salvoes) or bombs (96 LRM bombs or 24 CRM bombs, up to 24/8 bomb salvoes).

Electronic Warfare variant of the standard corvette. One of the ship's mission bay is loaded with an ECM bubble generator, while the other mission bay is equipped with additional communication and sensor jammers.
The ECM bubble generator which is incorporated in this variant is able to expand the standard ECM's range to 500 miles. Within this bubble, all enemy suffer the penalties provided by the ECM system (lower to hit chances and lower targeting system's skill percentage) regardless of their target.
In addition to the above-mentioned, the ranges of the communication jammer system and the sensor jammer system are doubled.

Vigilante-P is usually used by Police forces and Private Security Services. On this variant, most of the military grade armament and the stealth coating were replaced. All its strong kinetic guns were changed to GR-500 cannons (2D6x10 damage, 8 miles range, enough ammo for 2,000 bursts per cannon), its two heavy turrets were changed to lighter ones (half damage, same range and rate of fire) and its missile launchers carry fewer missiles and shoot smaller salvoes (16 shot salvoes and half missile payload).
Rather, the Vigilante-P is designed to catch, stop, and inspect merchant ships, seize and store un-lawful cargo and law-breaking crews or to scout and mark derelict ships in deep space. To achieve these goals, this variant gets additional living space (its total crew is 10 people, 6 armed troopers or police officers for boarding/customs jobs and 4 flight crew, the size of the lounge on the upper level is reduced to make room for an additional cabin), special sensors are able to scan the interior of a small vessel from safe distance, to find hidden compartments and contrabands (longer ranged variant – with 5 miles range – of the same scanner which is integrated into the NE-Enforcer power armor) and extended range communication devices.

This is the Reconnaissance variant of the Vigilante class. R sub-types are equipped with stronger and more sensitive sensors (800,000 miles, +30% to all sensory equipment rolls), better stealth coating (+10% to the detection difficulty regardless its speed), excellent communication devices (increase communication ranges by 50%) and more batteries (to maintain its full capability during ghost missions, when the main reactor is switched off to help the ship avoid detection). Mission bays are loaded with small probes (5,000 miles range in space, 500 miles range in atmosphere, standard but encripted communication system 16 probes total, 8 in each bay along with the extra sensory devices) to gather information and send it to the hidden ship.

The popularity of the basic design finally attracted the attention of the civilians, corporations and rich individuals. Army surplus variant of the standard corvette is a cheaper, weaker or just a stripped off military variant of the basic design. Stealth coating, military shielding and armor plates are stripped off from this variant (no stealth coating, lower all M.D.C. values by 20%, lower shield M.D.C. and recharge by 25%), just like the sensor and communication jammers and the ECCM system. Armament is changed to the same which can be found on the P variant. Communication and sensory system remain untouched (which make this ship popular among explorers and scouts). The mission bays are reconfigured to act as additional cargo space (increase cargo hold volume by 10% and the capacity by 25 tons).

Model Type: HA-CV
Vehicle Type: Multi-role corvette
Crew: 6, but can be run by only 2 people without problem.
Passengers: Up to 2 additional passengers (or no passengers in case of P variant).

M.D.C. by location:
[1]Bridge – 500
Engine – 500
[2]Boosters (2) – 250 each
Cargo Bay Door – 500 each
*Outer Hull (100 square feet) – 75
Interior bulkheads (100 square feet) – 25
Connection points (2) – 250 each
**Foldable Stabilization Fins (4) – 100 each
Communication system – 250
Sensors – 250
[3]Landing Gears (3) – 200 each
Turrets (2) – 300 each
Contra-gravity cannons (4) – 300 each
Medium Range Missile Launchers (2) – 250 each
Mission pods (2) – 250 each
[4]Main Body – 2,000
[5]Variable Shield – 2,400 total

[1] Destroying the bridge will eliminate the main computer and the controls, automatic distress signal switch on, but the ship is helpless.
[2] Destroying one booster lower the maximum speed to 10 Mach/Mps when the pilot engage the booster system. Losing both boosters make this system unusable until repaired.
[3] Destroying more than two of the landing gear will make it impossible for the ship to touch down without structural damage.
[4] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body means the ship is knocked out of service and in tatters. Life support is on auxiliary power, all major systems are out and the ship is adrift, unable to fight or move under its own power. However, the missile launchers each have their own power supply and can still continue to fire. The ship itself will be a floating wreck.
[5] Variable shield system, regenerate at the rate of 25% (600 M.D.C. total) per melee.
* Punching holes in the hull will cause the damage control system to automatically seal off whatever compartment has
been exposed to vacuum.
** Destroying two fins halves the atmospheric bonuses of the ship. Destroying all wings negate all bonuses to pilot rolls, dog-fight and Dodge in atmosphere.

Driving on the Ground: Not Possible.
Sublight: The ship's maximum speed is 8 Mach without the boosters. The boosters increase the maximum speed to 12 Mach for up to 30 minutes.
FTL propulsion: 3.5 light-years per hour maximum speed.
Atmospheric Propulsion: Maximum speed is 3 Mach, cruising speed is 1 Mach.
Maximum Range: 8 people total for 1 month. Not designed for extended operations.

Statistical Data:
Length: 90 feet (27.5 meters).
Height: 20 feet (6.1 meters) for the main body, 25 feet (7.5 meters) with opened fins during flight.
Width: 95 feet (29 meters)
Weight: 1,000 metric tons
Power System: Fusion with 20 years life span.
Cargo: 275 metric tons. Size of the cargo hold is 35x30x10 feet (10.6x.9.15x3.05 meters) or 10,500 cubic feet.
Refueling cost of the boosters: 5000 credits
Market Cost: „A” variant cost 125 million credits for the Human Alliance (double price to other trustworthy governments), „E” and „R” variants costs 175 million for the Human Alliance (double price for other trustworthy governments). 150 million for the P variant. 85 million for the S variant.

Weapon Systems:
Turrets (2):
Double-barreled HI laser cannon turrets, located on the lower front and the upper back area of the ship. These remote controlled turrets are designed to destroy or damage stronger opponents. Accurate (+2 to Strike against all targets), but slow firing weapon. The turrets can rotate 360 and has a 180 arc of fire. Basic automatic gunnery programs could control the turrets in case of emergency (3 Attacks per Melee, +2 to Strike, +1 to Initiative).
Range: 15 miles (24 km) in space and 7.5 miles (12 km) in an atmosphere.
Mega Damage: 4D6x10+10 M.D. per single blast, 1D4x100+100 M.D. per dual blast per turret.
Rate of Fire: Up to ten single blasts or five double blasts per turret.
Payload: Effectively unlimited.

Contra-gravity cannons (4):
Mounted on the wings, these kinetic cannons are designed to act as primary frontal firing armament effective against most small and large targets. All cannons are equipped with combat computer and provide +2 to Strike modifier to the main gunner.
Range: 12 miles (19.2 km) in space and 6 miles (9.6 km) in an atmosphere.
Mega Damage: 5D4x10 M.D. per cannon, 1D4x100 M.D. for two cannons or 2D4x100 M.D. when all cannons fire the same target together.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the total number of hand to hand attacks of the gunner
Payload: Each cannon loaded with enough ammunition to shoot 1,500 bursts (6,000 attacks total).

Medium Range Missile Launchers (2):
Located on the lower side on each wing, these launchers can be used to shoot down any incoming enemy target. Each mount is controlled from the brigde by the main gunner or the captain.
Range: As per missiles
Mega-Damage: varies with missile type
Rate of Fire: Can fire one missile at a time or volleys of 2, 4, 8, 16 or 32 missiles per launcher
Payload: 64 medium range missiles loaded into the launcher. Another 96 medium range missiles stored for each launcher, but reloading takes 1 minute (the missiles stored in the wing close to the launchers).

Noteable systems:
Sensory System – Extended range sensory system with 650,000 miles (1,040,000 km) range and 5 light-years FTL detection. +15% bonus to sensory skill rolls, resistant against jamming attacks (lower the attacker Electronic Countermeasures skill by 15%) and able to track and identify up to 200 objects at the same time.
Communication System – Enhanced system with 350,000 miles (560,000 km) range. Contra-gravity field communicaton system (with 50 light-years range) installed on the ship.
ECM system – A combination of sensor jamming devices, radio-pulse flares and old-fashioned chaff dispensers. When active, these systems impose a -20% penalty to anyone trying to target the protected vessel using the Weapon Systems skill, and cause missiles to lose any targeting bonus (only affect smart missiles, no effect against dumb fire variants and rockets). The attacker (gunners and smart missiles) are -3 to Strike the target protected by ECM systems.
ECCM system – Lowers the negative modifier caused by an enemy ECM system by 20% and lowers the negative Strike modifier to -2 instead of the standard -3 caused by an enemy ECM attack.
Hardened systems – The ship electronic systems are reinforced against jamming type attacks. Lower the attacker Electronic Countermeasures skill by 15% (cumulative with the sensory system resistance).
Jamming Set – The jamming set can focus its emissions to overload enemy sensors and controlling systems. This gives the ship an electronic attack capability and requires Electronic Countermeasures skill roll. A successful roll suppresses enemy sensors for 3D4 rounds (45 to 180 seconds). While suppressed, the enemy gunners attack precision and attack rate lowered (-3 to Strike, loses one attack), the pilots response time increased and their ship controlling skills are weakened temporary (loses one attack, -10% to all piloting skill rolls and -3 to Dodge rolls) due to electronic system disturbances. The jamming set has a range of 5,000 miles (8,000 km) and able to jam up to 40 targets at a time (need to roll separately for all).
Communication Jamming System – The communication jamming system is designed for scrambling enemy communications (-60% to any communication skill based rolls for the enemy/foreign ships, failed communication roll means canceled video communication and even the audio messages are hard to understand). Scrambles all foreign communications within 5,000 miles (8,000 km) range.
Stealth Coating – Military grade stealth coating (-60% to Read Sensors skill when the ship is standing still, and -30% to Read Sensors skill when the ship is moving.). When the ship loose 25% of its maximum M.D.C., the detection difficulty modifiers are lowered to one half. Loosing 50% or more of its M.D.C., means the detection difficulty is lowered to one quarter of its starting value, while loosing more than 75% of the hull M.D.C. makes the stealth coating virtually useless (grants only 1/10th of its basic detection difficulty value).
Damage Control – The automated onboard damage control system together with the crew can restore 250 M.D.C. worth of structural damage per day as long as they have enough raw materials and spare parts to perform this job.

Carried crafts:
2 EVA suits/Light Power Armors

Good acceleration (4 Mach per melee in space, 1 Mach per melee in atmosphere), exceptional maneouvering (+5% to all pilot rolls, +1 to dog-fight rolls, +1 to dodge, both in space and atmosphere). Active booster accelerate the ship to maximum speed in 15 seconds from standing still position and increase its maximum speed to 12 Mach. The booster system carry enough fuel to maintain increased maximum speed for 30 minutes.
Last edited by sagajr on Wed May 02, 2012 8:41 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by taalismn »

You're developing a nice stable of starships here, sagajr.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Starship designs...

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I just trying to bring some variety to the game and give new vessels to the hands of players and game masters (with varying success). :wink:

My next project (the stats are ready, but I need to write its background, which is always the hardest part for me) will be a corporate/civilian long range science/scout ship.
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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by GaredBattlespike »


Here is a secret document taken from the TGE files by Resistance members and translated into Gal 4:
FILE # TGE-II-9746213-5X

Estimates on Unknown Agressors Frigate Analog:
Length: 150 meters/ 487.5 feet
Height: 45 meters/ 146.25 feet
Width: 45 meters/ 146.25 feet
Mass: Unknown
Hull Composition: Unknown
Propulsion: Unknown
Maximum Speed: As TGE Frigate
FTL/Speed: Yes/Unknown
Crew: Unknown, best guess; 30-50 depending on the size of the crewmembers
1) Spinal Mounted Mass-Driver/Rail Gun (x 1); Range: Unknown (Hit TGE vessel at 1,000 km),Damage: 5D6 (X 10) MD, SLOW Rate of fire, approx 1 shot every 15 seconds
2) Laser Batteries (X 4): Range: Unknown (Hit TGE vessel at 5,000 feet), Damage: 2D6 (X 10)
3) Anti-Matter Cannons (X 2,each in turrets; 1 top-mounted, 1 bottom-mounted), Range: Unknown (Hit TGE vessel at 2,000 feet), Damage: 4d8 (X 10), Fails to damage Force Fields at all, but un-shielded vessels took heavy damage.
4) Missile Launchers (X 10: all in turrets), Launches Long Range Missiles, but stopped firing missiles after only 10 volleys!
5) NEW Long Range Missile: Anti-Matter Warhead: Damage: 1D4 (X 100) MD !!!
Estimated MDC of target:
Main Body failed after recieving approx 2,400 MD
Force Field failed after only approx 500 MD
Spinal Rail Gun stopped firing after taking approx 500 MD
Hangar-Bay Doors (X 3) Failed after taking approx 750 MD
Note: Carries 6 Fightercraft between 3 bays

File# TGE-II 9759690-5X

Esitmates on Unknown Agressors Destroyer Analog:
Length: 195 meters/634 feet
Width: 50 meters/162.5 feet
Height: 55 meters/179 feet
Mass: Unknown
Propulsion: Unknown
Maximum Sub-Light Speed: Aproximately 25% FASTER than TGE Destroyer
FTL Speed: Unknown
Crew: Unknown (Aproximately 45-90 depending the size of crewmembers)
1) Spinal Mounted Mass-Driver/Rail Gun (x 1); Range: Unknown (Hit TGE vessel at 1,000 km),Damage: 5D6 (X 10) MD, SLOW Rate of fire, approx 1 shot every 15 seconds
2) Laser Batteries (X 6): Range: Unknown (Hit TGE vessel at 5,000 feet), Damage: 2D6 (X 10)
3) Anti-Matter Cannons (X 2,each in turrets; 1 top-mounted, 1 bottom-mounted), Range: Unknown (Hit TGE vessel at 2,000 feet), Damage: 4d8 (X 10), Fails to damage Force Fields at all, but un-shielded vessels took heavy damage.
4) Missile Launchers (X 10: all in turrets), Launches Long Range Missiles, but stopped firing missiles after only 16 volleys!
5) NEW: Long Range Missile: Anti-Matter Warhead: Damage: 1D4 (X 100) MD !!!
6) NEW: Mine Layer: Drops a series of exlosive mines in the ships wake, each mine causes only 6D6 MD, however, these mines are typically tightly packed, causing most vessels of Frigate size to hit anywhere from just one to as many as twelve.
Estimated MDC of target:
Main Body failed after recieving approx 3,000 MD
Force Field failed after only approx 750 MD
Spinal Rail Gun stopped firing after taking approx 600 MD
"Save ARCHIE, save the world..."
-Sigging of rungok-
-Scenario 2-
(Demon 1):Woah, the hell happened to you?
(Demon 2):got my ass kicked by some guy with a knife and a handgun
(Demon 1):What? you gotta be kidding me!
(Demon 2):Thats what i was thinking...

anapuna wrote:
i rarely play a mage, but when i do... i do what GaredBattlespike does.

or i am a TW.
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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by taalismn »

G, looks good but needs a little more fluff to flesh them maybe an informal 'Fighters' Notes' from Resistance Fighters who have encountered them and what they think about them....maybe some strengths and weaknesses, or a description of what these things look like from the target's perspective; "These ####ers are immediately distinguishable by having six fins, three forward, three aft, and they all got fry-lasers!", etc....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by sagajr »


Firehawk Multi-role Fighter

Though centuries old design, the Firehawk is possibly the most successful and numerous non-military fighter craft which have ever been produced. Shortly after its presentation, the Firehawk quickly became to traders, mercenaries and privateers which the Tommy gun was to early 20th century Chicago on Earth and became the quintessential symbol of the adventurers. A favourite among the reputable civilians and disreputable factions (like pirates) the Firehawk was cheap, fast, agile and surprisingly well armed. Its combination of speed and agility along with its variable payload of missiles was made this fighter craft a threat to be reckoned with in any situation.

In its early days, the Firehawk earned the reputation of one of the best all-purpose dogfighters on the market. Being one of the most cost efficient and effective fighter, almost everyone wanted at least a squadron or two on its own side in close combat situations. Since those days, virtually all fighters from this class have been replaced by newer crafts, but an excess of these venerable and versatile fighters still see combat in the various Planetary Defense Force squadrons or in the hands of the mercenary groups and pirate gangs.

After decades of revision, this fighter class still in production (by many independent manufacturers, black market and shadow ports/pirates), comparable to the standard military fighter crafts and will continue to serve for the foreseeable future, as it continues to be an effective asset.

A well-maintained Firehawk incorporates a balance of speed, weaponry, armor and shielding, not particularly excelling in any one area, but proficient enough in each of them to make the ship extremely flexible and well-rounded. While it wasn't originally designed with capital ship strikes in mind, these fighters can be effective in eliminating light and medium sub-capital vessels (like frigates and destroyers) with appropriate missile loadout, and in assisting with strikes against heavier ships.

It features a large cockpit (even large wolfen and kreeghor pilots find this cockpit acceptable), a special lifepod system, four light energy cannons (forward firing), variable missile payload (standard loadout includes 4 medium range missiles, 8 short range missiles and 16 mini missiles), automatic self-defense turret, decent contra-gravity engine, fusion boosters (afterburners) with ample fuel reserves for tactical maneouvering, good quality maneouvering drives, a short lifespan fusion reactor, above average sensors, basic electronic warfare systems, average shielding, light armor and finally, a rechargeable FTL system (able to reach and maintain 10c speed – ten times the speed of light – for an hour, then need six hours to recharge) which makes this ship an excellent first response intra system combat craft and long range patrol fighter.

In case of extreme damage to the main hull, the cockpit can be ejected and double as a lifepod. The emergency life supports are capable of sustaining a pilot awake and alert for three days before the pilot is put into a state of suspended animation. From there, if the pilot isn't still recovered, they can be kept alive for approximately two weeks, after which the power systems shut down and because of this the occupant dies.

Theoretically every Firehawk is capable of holding its own in virtually any combat situations, but a closer examination reveals the gaps. While the ship's flat profile makes it difficult to hit at even close range, but if it is attacked from the top or bottom side, this fighter will present a wider profile, which can be exploited by enemy pilots. In addition to the previous, its all-rounder nature can be used against it. Modern light and medium fighters can use their better agility to gain tactical advantage over the slower Firehawk, while heavier fighters can use their superior firepower and survivability to take advantage of the Firehawk's mediocre shielding and armor.

Model Type: FH-F
Vehicle Type: Multi-role fighter
Crew: 1. No passengers.

M.D.C. by location:
[1]Cockpit/Escape pod – 250
Engine – 200
Wings (2) – 200 each
[2]Boosters (2) – 100 each
[3]Landing Gears (3) – 25 each
Mini turret – 50
Particle Beam Cannons (4) – 100 each
Missile Pylons (8 total, 4 per wing) – 25 each
Optional Heavy Pylons (4 total, 2 per wing) – 40 each
[4]Main Body – 450
[5]Variable Shield – 1,200 total

[1] Destroying the cockpit will eliminate the main computer and the controls, kills the pilotand render the ship helpless.
[2] Destroying one booster lower the maximum speed to 10 Mach/Mps when the pilot engage the booster system. Losing both boosters make this system unusable until repaired.
[3] Destroying more than two of the landing gear will make it impossible for the ship to touch down without structural damage.
[4] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body destroys the propulsion system and causes the escape pod to eject.
[5] Variable shield system, regenerate at the rate of 25% (300 M.D.C. total) per melee.

Driving on the Ground: Not Possible.
Sublight: The ship's maximum speed is 9 Mach without the boosters. The boosters increase the maximum speed to 11 Mach. Able to enter and leave atmosphere without problems.
FTL propulsion: 10c (ten times of the speed of light) for up to one hour. Recharge in 6 hours.
Atmospheric Propulsion: Maximum speed is 4 Mach, cruising speed is 1.5 Mach.
Life Support: 3 days.

Statistical Data:
Length: 60 feet (18.3 meters).
Height: 11 feet (3.3 meters) total including extended landing gears, 9 feet (2.7 meters) for the main body.
Width: 40 feet (12.2 meters)
Weight: 15 metric tons
Power System: Fusion with 10 years life span.
Cargo: Minimal (about 100 pounds/45 kg). Enough to store a sidearm, five E-clips, basic tools and a survival kit.
Refueling cost of the boosters: 1,250 credits
Market Cost: 37.5 million credits for a new ship, 30 million for knock-offs or used ships (lower hull M.D.C. by 10%, maximum basic speed is 8 Mach/Mps, maximum speed with boosters is 10 Mach/Mps or negate all bonuses gained from good maneouvering and lower acceleration to 3 Mach/Mps per melee).
Popular Upgrades Cost:
Stronger, extended lifespan fusion reactor (25 years) cost 4 million credits, but the extra mass negates the maneouvering bonuses (a necessary upgrade to take the faster cg drive, without enhanced drives the extra power lower the recharge time of the FTL drive to 2 hours)
Faster contra-gravity drive (+1 Mach/Mps maximum speed in space) cost 3 million credits;
Heavy pylons cost 250,000 credits each
Short range communication jammer system cost 1 million credits
Short range sensor jammer system cost 1 million credits.

Weapon Systems:
Particle Beam Cannons (4):
Two cannons are mounted on each wing. These extended range particle beam cannons are designed to act as primary frontal firing armament effective against most small and large targets. All cannons are equipped with combat computer and provide +1 to Strike modifier to the main gunner.
Range: 4 miles (6.4 km) in space and 2 miles (3.2 km) in an atmosphere.
Mega Damage: 1D4x10+10 M.D. per cannon or 4D4x10+40 M.D. (or 5D4x10) when all cannons fire the same target together.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the total number of hand to hand attacks of the gunner
Payload: Effectively unlimited.

Miniature laser cannon turret, located on the upper back side of the ship, behind the cockpit. This automated (+3 to Strike, 4 attacks per melee) defensive weapon system is able to destroy incoming missiles and annoy enemy pursuers during dogfight maneouvers. The turret can rotate 360 and has a 180 arc of fire.
Range: 2 miles (3.2 km) in space and 1 mile (1.6 km) in an atmosphere.
Mega Damage: 6D6 M.D. per blast.
Rate of Fire: Up to four times per melee.
Payload: Effectively unlimited.

Missile Pylons (8 total, 4 per wings):
Located on the lower side on each wing, these pylons are the carrier of the fighter's variable missile armament. Each one of these pylons can be equipped with a single medium range missile or four short range missiles or 8 mini missiles.
Range: As per missiles
Mega-Damage: varies with missile type
Rate of Fire: Can fire one missile at a time or volleys of 2 or 4 missiles (per pylon).
Payload: 1 medium range missile or 4 short range missiles or 8 mini missiles per pylon.

Heavy Pylons (Optional, maximum 2 per wings, 4 total):
These heavier variant pylons placed on the upper side of the wings and able to carry and launch heavier missile payload. Each heavy pylon can mount a single long range missile or two medium range missiles(no mini or short range missiles).
Range: As per missiles
Mega-Damage: varies with missile type
Rate of Fire: Can fire one missile at a time or volleys of 2 missiles (per pylon).
Payload: 1 long range missile or 2 medium range missiles per pylon.

Noteable systems:
Sensory System – Extended range sensory system with 350,000 miles (560,000 km) range, no FTL detection. +5% bonus to sensory skill rolls, resistant against jamming attacks (lower the attacker Electronic Countermeasures skill by 5%) and able to track and identify up to 100 objects at the same time.
Communication System – Standard system with 300,000 miles (480,000 km) range. No FTL communication system.
ECM system – A combination of sensor jamming devices, radio-pulse flares and old-fashioned chaff dispensers. When active, these systems impose a -20% penalty to anyone trying to target the protected vessel using the Weapon Systems skill, and cause missiles to lose any targeting bonus (only affect smart missiles, no effect against dumb fire variants and rockets). The attacker (gunners and smart missiles) are -3 to Strike the target protected by ECM systems.
Hardened systems – The ship electronic systems are reinforced against jamming type attacks. Lower the attacker Electronic Countermeasures skill by 10% (cumulative with the sensory system resistance).
Optional Jamming Set – The jamming set can focus its emissions to overload enemy sensors and controlling systems. This gives the ship an electronic attack capability and requires Electronic Countermeasures skill roll. A successful roll suppresses enemy sensors for 1D4 rounds (15 to 60 seconds). While suppressed, the enemy gunners attack precision and attack rate lowered (-3 to Strike, loses one attack), the pilots response time increased and their ship controlling skills are weakened temporary (loses one attack, -10% to all piloting skill rolls and -3 to Dodge rolls) due to electronic system disturbances. The jamming set has a range of 100 miles (160 km) and able to jam up to 2 targets at a time (need to roll separately for all).
Optional Communication Jamming System – The communication jamming system is designed for scrambling enemy communications (-30% to any communication skill based rolls for the enemy/foreign ships, failed communication roll means canceled video communication and even the audio messages are hard to understand). Scrambles all foreign communications within 100 miles (160 km) range.
Stealth Coating – Low-tech stealth coating (-40% to Read Sensors skill when the ship is standing still, and -20% to Read Sensors skill when the ship is moving.). When the ship loose 25% of its maximum M.D.C., the detection difficulty modifiers are lowered to one half. Loosing 50% or more of its M.D.C., means the detection difficulty is lowered to one quarter of its starting value, while loosing more than 75% of the hull M.D.C. makes the stealth coating virtually useless (grants only 1/10th of its basic detection difficulty value).

Advantages and disadvantages:
Excellent acceleration (5 Mach per melee in space, 2 Mach per melee in atmosphere), good maneouvering (+5% to all pilot rolls, +1 to dog-fight rolls, +1 to dodge). Active booster accelerate the ship to maximum speed in 15 seconds from standing still position and increase its maximum speed to 11 Mach. The booster system carry enough fuel for 30 minutes usage.
Lower stealth capability to one half (ie. -20% to Read Sensors skill when standing still and -10% when moving) on fighters which ones are equipped with additional missiles (carried on the heavy pylons). Negate all maneouvering bonuses if the ship equipped with stronger reactor.
Last edited by sagajr on Thu Jul 12, 2012 7:45 am, edited 4 times in total.
My Flickr phostostream with pictures of various ships and deckplans:
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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by taalismn »

sagajr wrote:Greetings!

Firehawk Multi-role Fighter

Though centuries old design, the Firehawk is possibly the most successful and numerous non-military fighter craft which have ever been produced. Shortly after its presentation, the Firehawk quickly became to traders, mercenaries and privateers which the Tommy gun was to early 20th century Chicago on Earth and became the quintessential symbol of the adventurers. .

"Ah....when you were evaluating the defenses of this planet, you DID factor in the civilian-owned starfighter-grade spacecraft, didn't you? DIDN'T YOU?! BECAUSE WE GOT WHAT LOOKS LIKE THE WHOLE FREAKIN' GSFCA* OUT THERE RIDING DOWN OUR THROATS!!!!!"

*Galactic Star Fighter Collectors' Association---A civilian organization dedicated to collecting old and private ownership-legal star fighters. THey've been criticized in the past for questionable ownership of questionably legal military hardware, smuggling, and ownership of more-than-prop armaments(defenders claim they deal only in 'authentic hardware' to make their restorations all the more true to original).
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by GaredBattlespike »

taalismn wrote:G, looks good but needs a little more fluff to flesh them maybe an informal 'Fighters' Notes' from Resistance Fighters who have encountered them and what they think about them....maybe some strengths and weaknesses, or a description of what these things look like from the target's perspective; "These ####ers are immediately distinguishable by having six fins, three forward, three aft, and they all got fry-lasers!", etc....


I agree. I'll start on that soonest.
"Save ARCHIE, save the world..."
-Sigging of rungok-
-Scenario 2-
(Demon 1):Woah, the hell happened to you?
(Demon 2):got my ass kicked by some guy with a knife and a handgun
(Demon 1):What? you gotta be kidding me!
(Demon 2):Thats what i was thinking...

anapuna wrote:
i rarely play a mage, but when i do... i do what GaredBattlespike does.

or i am a TW.
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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by DhAkael »

taalismn wrote:Paladin Steel/Valiant Station ‘SunChaser’ Multipurpose Light Aerospace Corvette

Been looking for a decent ship for Dark Myk's Jullianne (Pg. 104 Mutants in Orbit).
I've given him several over the course of the campaign... he's always one to keep ahead of fashion and the tech-curve.
I think I've found the basis for the Julianne MK-IV :D :demon: :nuke: :ok:
Just...hmmm; what pods / systems to throw in?
Well, with all the Arkon-tech he's stolen / scavanged over the last couple of years (game time) he'd have no problem paying for stuff.

And the PC's in the campaign have conviently broken the perception filter around Sol-Space for the mutt -ahem- I mean "Gentleman Freebooter, privateer and canind of action", so time for him to warm up that FTL system he's had lying fallow, neh?
Bind the body to the opened mind
Bind the body to the opened mind

I dream of towers in a world consumed
A void in the sentient sky
I dream of fissures across the moon
Leaves of the lotus rise

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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by taalismn »

DhAkael wrote:
taalismn wrote:Paladin Steel/Valiant Station ‘SunChaser’ Multipurpose Light Aerospace Corvette

Been looking for a decent ship for Dark Myk's Jullianne (Pg. 104 Mutants in Orbit).
I've given him several over the course of the campaign... he's always one to keep ahead of fashion and the tech-curve.
I think I've found the basis for the Julianne MK-IV :D :demon: :nuke: :ok:
Just...hmmm; what pods / systems to throw in?
Well, with all the Arkon-tech he's stolen / scavanged over the last couple of years (game time) he'd have no problem paying for stuff.

And the PC's in the campaign have conviently broken the perception filter around Sol-Space for the mutt -ahem- I mean "Gentleman Freebooter, privateer and canind of action", so time for him to warm up that FTL system he's had lying fallow, neh?

Do you want the complimentary free fuzzy dice or the pinetree air freshener to hang off the command console with your purchase?
(Does the happy dance upon making a sale)
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by DhAkael »

taalismn wrote:
DhAkael wrote:
taalismn wrote:Paladin Steel/Valiant Station ‘SunChaser’ Multipurpose Light Aerospace Corvette

Been looking for a decent ship for Dark Myk's Jullianne (Pg. 104 Mutants in Orbit).
I've given him several over the course of the campaign... he's always one to keep ahead of fashion and the tech-curve.
I think I've found the basis for the Julianne MK-IV :D :demon: :nuke: :ok:
Just...hmmm; what pods / systems to throw in?
Well, with all the Arkon-tech he's stolen / scavanged over the last couple of years (game time) he'd have no problem paying for stuff.

And the PC's in the campaign have conviently broken the perception filter around Sol-Space for the mutt -ahem- I mean "Gentleman Freebooter, privateer and canind of action", so time for him to warm up that FTL system he's had lying fallow, neh?

Do you want the complimentary free fuzzy dice or the pinetree air freshener to hang off the command console with your purchase?
(Does the happy dance upon making a sale)

Fuzzy dice... since Dark Myk, being a greyhound and all... pine freshener is contraindicated.
Bind the body to the opened mind
Bind the body to the opened mind

I dream of towers in a world consumed
A void in the sentient sky
I dream of fissures across the moon
Leaves of the lotus rise

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Re: Starship designs...

Unread post by taalismn »

DhAkael wrote:[Fuzzy dice... since Dark Myk, being a greyhound and all... pine freshener is contraindicated.

Right....likewise no extra aerosol air sweetener in the toilets. Gotcha. And we can lay off on the canned 'new car smell'.
Though we may go a little heavy on the wax and upholstery polish.
Send your guy to our accessory shop for a 10% discount on Paladin Steel/Aegis Stellar Industries gear. 20% if he tells the salesbeings 'DhAkael sent me'.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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