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Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 6:55 am
by gaby
Uncle Remus are you Here?

Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 8:01 pm
by JuliusCreed
gaby wrote:AH group of 6 Entertainers in colorful costumes entre,A Bowman,Acrobat,Jugger,Female Jester,A Woman in short toga with a fur cape and Prestidigitor,How do you do this fair Day Good Sir,(Said the Woman in the Toga)I am Bonnie Mistresses of Beasts and my five friends here are part of a Circus heading to Western Empire,We need some Weapons that can pass off as are Show,s equipment,so we can defent are sleves fron Bandits,Monsters and Western Nobles if they do not like are Show.
We have some Gold or Maybe we Pay by puting on a show for You?

A loud clattering is heard from the back followed by a litany of curses in a dozen different languages that would make the most black-hearted fiend of the pits blush with embarrassment before the old man emerges from the backroom with a pleasant smile and twinkling eyes. As the curtain swishes closed behind him he seems to give a little backward kick resulting in high pitched squeal and the scrabbling of claws across the hardwood floor. With a polite nod to the lady, he steps around the counter, extending a hand in time to catch his staff as it gently floats into his grasp.
"A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Lady Bonnie... my deepest apologies for not tending to you sooner... I was a bit... tied up..." He suddenly stabs his staff down at the floor with a quick jerk, the sound of wood sharply punching into something squishy punctuated with another high pitched squeal as a glimpse of a mottled purple tentacle retracts behind the curtain again. "So... weapons of self defense relatively disguised as circus equipment... I think I can help you with that...... how about........"

Combat Juggling Pins: Appearing as ordinary wooden juggling pins, these items are sold in sets of 3. Specially balanced and weighted, they add a +5% bonus to the users Juggling skill. As an added bonus, upon command, spikes spring out from the thick bulb end making a sort of Morning Star type weapon. Another variation causes the same end to burst into flames for added damage or entertainment value. Damage is 1d6 per pin, 2d6 for the spiked version when activated or 3d6 for the flaming version. Cost: Spike Pins; 15,000 for a set of 3 Flaming Pins; 25,000 for a set of 3

Lapel Flower: A dangerous variation on a classic clown joke, a sweet smelling flower worn on the lapel of one's outfit that can be used to squirt water into a victim's face. This version is decidedly more deadly as the flower squirts out a variety of other substances such as acid, poisons, gases and even flames. Range is limited to only 10 feet, but it is +4 to strike due to the inconspicuous nature of the device. Damage is 2d6 per melee for 4 melees for acid, 4d6 for poison (successful save versus Lethal Poison for half damage), or 3d6 for the flamethrower-like fire blast. Gas types can be either knockout/sleep (Save vs Spell magic for no effect) or Poison (2d6 dmg, save vs Non-Lethal poison for no damage) and affect a 10 foot area in front of the user rather than being fired at a single target. One Lapel Flower can be enchanted with up to 2 types of attack mode and all can be used in the classic sense of spraying water into the victims face as well. Cost: 100 for the base flower (Water only, magically unlimited supply). Additional costs include 5000 gold for Acid or Poison, 8000 for Gas (KO/Sleep or Poison), and 10,000 for Flame Blast. Each attack mode type may be used up to 3 times per 24 hour period.

Dazzling Costume: A brilliantly decorated outfit of any type, from acrobat's leotards to a ringmaster's suit to ordinary peasant's clothes, upon command the suit erupts in a blinding display of light and color (Think a hundred flashbulbs going off in a hall of mirrors with a couple disco balls hanging up) everyone within a 10 foot radius of the wearer saves vs Spell Magic or is blinded by the display for 1d6 melee rounds (-10 to Strike Parry and Dodge). Anyone making the save will still find it difficult to focus on the wearer and will be -4 to strike them in Hand to Hand combat. Opponents outside of the radius and using thrown/missile weapons however enjoy a +2 to Strike the wearer with any weapon thrown/fired at the wearer. The suit may be activated twice per 24 hour period for a duration of 4 melee rounds. Cost: 6000 per outfit (Special: This enchantment can also be placed on a suit of armor for 10,000 gold)

Commander's Lash: A uniquely subtle weapon, it appears as an ordinary bullwhip about 8 to 10 feet long. It does normal damage for the weapon type (2d6). Its power is activated, not when the weapon strikes, but rather when the whip is cracked over the head of the intended victim and a simple command is given such as "Stop!", "Attack!", "Run Away!", "Lay Down!" "Roll Over!", etc. When using this power, the wielder's MA is temporarily increased to 22 or gets a +4 bonus to MA if the wielder's MA is 21 or higher. Victims must roll against the Trust/Intimidate percentile of the temporary MA to save against the whip's power. Failing the save results in immediate obedience of the command given. Even making the save results in the victim losing Initiative and 1 attack/action as they hesitate for a moment, even starting to obey the command given before regaining composure and continuing to attack. Those obeying the wielder will follow the given command for 4 melee rounds before recovering their wits. Cost: 15,000 gold

Sadly this is all I have for the moment, but a thorough perusal of my other wares may give you some ideas of other things you could use. I would highly recommend such items as Seekers, Rope of the Python, BOOM-erangs, and several others. If there's anything else I can get for you, please, ask away! I'll see what I can do for you!

Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 9:27 am
by gaby
A Long Bowman,walks in,He see a Old Man,trying to put a big Book on a high Shlef,he go to help,Hallo,Sir My old Bow,breaked when I Hunting some very dangerust games,I got out alive.I am
looking for a Bow with some Kick,and maybe a back up weapon do you have anything?

Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 9:25 pm
by JuliusCreed
gaby wrote:A Long Bowman,walks in,He see a Old Man,trying to put a big Book on a high Shlef,he go to help,Hallo,Sir My old Bow,breaked when I Hunting some very dangerust games,I got out alive.I am looking for a Bow with some Kick,and maybe a back up weapon do you have anything?

The old man smiles appreciatively for the help and listens to the request, nodding slowly with a contemplative expression. "I don't get too many requests for bows around here. Not many think they can be enchanted very effectively. but believe me you've come to the right place. Have a look..."

Speedloader: An enchantment specifically tailored for bows and crossbows. When the enchanted weapon is drawn and fired another arrow or bolt is automatically nocked and drawn from the wielder's quiver. The wielder MUST have arrows or bolts available for this enchantment to work. no ammunition means no effect. in game terms, this enchantment adds 4 to the wielder's rate of fire with the weapon. Cost: 20,000 gold

Ram Bow: Comes in Short Bow and Long Bow versions and are specially enchanted to cause the arrows they fire to explode on impact. Any arrows fired from these bows, unless magically Indestructible, are destroyed in the blast. Damage from the explosion is 5d6 for the Short Bow and 1d6x10 for the Long Bow. Both types have a blast radius of only 3 feet. On the down side, this power cannot be 'turned off' so it's not very good for a stealthy kill and can really eat up the wielder's gold in arrow costs. Cost: Short Bow; 40,000 gold, Long Bow;75,000 gold

Pegasus Bow: An enchanted bow, usually in the form of an ornate longbow with a handgrip carved in the shape of a horse's head while the recurve arms of the bow appear to be a pair of wings. These also occassionaly appear in Short Bow form and have been seen in Crossbow form, but this is very rare. (On a side note, the crossbow version of this appears as a normal crossbow with the body of the weapon carved to look like a pegasus in full gallop with the bow mounted across its shoulders, the bolt firing along its back and out through the snout) Aside from being a very beautifully crafted weapon, the Pegasus bow is also enchanted to do an extra die of damage for its weapon type (Short bow: 2d6, Long Bow: 3d6, Crossbow: 2d6 light, 3d6 heavy) and doubles the wielder's normal range. Cost: 30,000 gold for Short Bow and Light Crossbow, 35,000 for Heavy Crossbow, 40,000 for Long Bow

The Dragon Bow: Carved from actual Dragon bone, this weapon only comes in Long Bow and Short Bow styles. Both types are Indestructible and make the wielder resistant to damage from both Fire and Cold. (1/2 damage) Very powerful, both types require a minimum PS of 17 to even draw, do double the normal damage for their type, (2d6 for Short Bow, 4d6 for Long Bow) and are +3 to Strike. The only real downside is the fact that it is carved from Dragon bone which may arouse the anger of more than a few of the noble beasts. Cost: 50,000 gold Short Bow, 80,000 gold Long Bow

"As for a 'back up weapon or two, I'd recommend looking through a few of the previous posts and seeing if anything catches your fancy or, if you have something a bit more specific in mind, let me know and I'll see what I can do for you." With a slight grin he settles into his rocking chair, wincing slightly as a few joints creak in protest and settles back with a relieved sigh. "Is there anything else i can get for you, sir?"

Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 8:09 am
by gaby
Thanks,I take the speedloader,here 20,000 gold,I will look for Back up weapons.

Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 12:21 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
A hooded man with a staff enters, looking discretely about. "I seek enchanted timepieces," the man whispers, "tho I know they are frowned upon by the religious orders. Mayhap you have something?" The man coughs, blood coming up into his hand. "My time is short, so be quick, would you?"

Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 5:17 pm
by JuliusCreed
Stone Gargoyle wrote:A hooded man with a staff enters, looking discretely about. "I seek enchanted timepieces," the man whispers, "tho I know they are frowned upon by the religious orders. Mayhap you have something?" The man coughs, blood coming up into his hand. "My time is short, so be quick, would you?"

The old man frowns gently, passing a handkerchief to the hooded gentleman before rummaging around behind the counter. "Of course, sir, of course. Timepieces are a rarity though, so the selection I have is quite limited. I can assure you, however, that they are quite effective..."

Stopwatch: A very powerful piece, appearing as an ordinary stopwatch capable of tracking seconds, minutes and hours. When activated, however, everything slows to a stop for exactly 2 melee rounds. Birds stop in mid-flight, as do arrows and other airborne items, people stop moving, speech halts in mid-sentence... literally everything stops moving or acting in any way. Only the user is unaffected and allowed to move freely about. The user is also allowed to alter or change things about during this time... arrows may be redirected toward a new target or simply plucked from the air and dropped on the ground, people may be turned around, repositioned, have items taken away or given to them, (for example, swiping a warrior's sword while he's in mid-swing and replacing it with a bouquet of flowers before turning him around to where he's attacking his comrades) and any other forms of mischief the user can think of, except for attacking or harming another. Any form of attack the wielder makes while the Stopwatch is in effect, no matter how subtle, automatically negates the effect and returns everything to normal. This isn't to say one can't be hurt by the effects of the Stopwatch, (after all, a fired arrow repositioned toward the firer's head will most certainly cause quite a bit of damage) they just can't be hurt while the Stopwatch is working. The Stopwatch may only be activated twice per 24 hour period. Cost: 100,000 gold

Hourglass: This particularly useful item appears as a typical hourglass filled with sand and set in a simple wrought iron frame. It is activated by turning it over and letting the sand fill the lower bulb, a process which takes exactly one hour, During this hour, the user is magically hastened as if affected by the Speed Doubler Rune weapon power (Dragons & Gods pg 232) For the duration of 1 hour, the character's Speed attribute is doubled and he enjoys a +2 to Initiative and 1 additional attack per melee. The effect wears off in precisely one hour and the character returns to normal. The affects of the Hourglass may be activated twice per 24 hour period. Cost: 50,000 gold (Special note: This particular item is rather fragile being made of glass, and has only 15 SDC with an effective AR of 6. If it is destroyed the item is rendered worthless and can only be repaired by magical means. Repairing an Hourglass costs approximately 15,000 gold, takes about 1 week and requires every shard of glass and grain of sand from the ORIGINAL item)

Sands of Time: An incredibly rare device consisting of a small hourglass (fits in the palm of the hand) fitted into a solid gold frame. One end of the frame is set with a small diamond, the other with a polished onyx. The device is activated by touching either the diamond or the onyx, each inducing a different effect.
Touching the onyx causes time around the user to suddenly reverse, events playing themselves backward around him for the duration of 1 melee round. Afterward, time will restart forward again with the events playing out exactly as they did before, people performing the same actions, saying the same thing, etc. The only one unaffected is the user, who may now alter the events as they play out because he knows what is going to happen already. The moment he alters a certain event, the timestream has changed and other events will change right along with it.
Touching the diamond causes time to suddenly fast forward for 1 melee round, giving the user a glimpse of what is going to happen in the immediate future. At the end of the round, everything snaps back and time resumes as normal with the user retaining the memory of the immediate events, allowing him to take whatever precautions he sees fit to prepare such as warning his allies, readying a weapon, locking a door and so on.
Each of these particular powers allows a bit of the sand to drain from the hourglass. The item may be used as long as sand remains in the glass. Each hourglass contains enough sand for it to be activated up to 8 times, after which the hourglass is useless until it is refilled. Refilling the hourglass with the mystic Sand of Time can only be done at a select few Alchemists in the world. (roughly 5% chance that any particular Alchemist is able to, except old Uncle Remus, of course :D ) Cost: 150,000 gold for the Sands of Time item, refills cost 50,000 gold) Special Note: DO NOT activate/touch the diamond and the onyx at the same time! Doing so will destroy the hourglass and cause any Sand within to be lost and wasted and the entire item to be irreparably destroyed! You have been warned!

That's about all I have at the moment... is there anything else i can get for you, sir?

Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 6:32 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
"The Stopwatch could be quite useful", the man says, tossing down the requested amount, plus 20,000 gold more. "I do, however, require something that will extend my life, perhaps, and slow my degeneration." The man carefully removes a glove and shows the decayed skin beneath. "I shall die if I am unable to stop this curse upon myself..."

Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 1:17 am
by pblackcrow
A centaur clad in heavily damaged armor enters the shop, muttering in Elven "An odd place for an Alchemist shop to be sure in such a small township as this." Sees that the shop keep is busy. So has a look around the shop first at the arrows, than bows, and then at the armor.

Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 11:57 am
by JuliusCreed
Stone Gargoyle wrote:"The Stopwatch could be quite useful", the man says, tossing down the requested amount, plus 20,000 gold more. "I do, however, require something that will extend my life, perhaps, and slow my degeneration." The man carefully removes a glove and shows the decayed skin beneath. "I shall die if I am unable to stop this curse upon myself..."

The old man eyes your hand with a grim expression, thoughtfully rubbing at his chin as he considers a moment. "I see... Well then my good sir, I'm afraid you have but one alternative... and a dangerous one it is at that..."
Sands of Time: Yes, I know they were mentioned earlier and their capabilities were explained at length. What I have failed to mention is a little known secret that I am passing on to you. The Sands, as you know, are capable of extraordinary feats in the manipulation of time when exposed to certain mystic stimuli, such as the diamond and onyx gems set in the hourglass it's sold in. What most don't know is that, if used carefully and with the proper administration, they can confer Immortality... sort of. That is to say, as long as you carefully follow the instructions I give you, which must be done on a daily basis at the exact same time every day... you cannot die. At least not by any natural means. Diseases and curses will also remain in effect, but are held in a sort of stasis, still afflicting the user with whatever damage and effects they have incurred so far, but progressing no further as long as the "ritual' is completed every day. You can however, still be killed in a violent manner, such as getting hacked to pieces or shot through the head. But if there is any disease, poison or, luckily for you, mystic wasting curse, involved, it will be held in check and allow you to live. Interested? The cost, buy the way, is a mere 50,000 gold pieces for the Sands... the details of the ritual... for you, I'll throw in as an added bonus.
The old man casts a glance to the Centaur as he enters with a kindly smile, politely holding up a hand in acknowledgement with a short nod as a rather deep voice races unbidden through the new customer's mind saying "My apologies, noble sir... I shall tend to you shortly. Please, feel free to browse..."

Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 12:18 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
The hooded man scratches his head and moves aside for the centaur. "But you said the Sands of Time were 150,000 gold, or is it just the glass itself that costs so much, with the sands themselves being less?" The old man fumbles through his coin purse, measuring out the additional coins as he waits for the old man to provide the details of the ritual.

Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 6:00 pm
by pblackcrow
The centaur will nod, go to the horse armor, and than back to the bows.

Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 2:01 am
by JuliusCreed
Stone Gargoyle wrote:The hooded man scratches his head and moves aside for the centaur. "But you said the Sands of Time were 150,000 gold, or is it just the glass itself that costs so much, with the sands themselves being less?" The old man fumbles through his coin purse, measuring out the additional coins as he waits for the old man to provide the details of the ritual.

With a soft smile and nod he takes the payment and hands him a small vial filled with a softly glowing golden sand. "Aye, the glass is where the bulk of the cost comes from, particularly from the materials and cost of enchantments necessary to make it work. The sand itself is relatively cheap, but like any good salesman, it's a matter of keeping a customer coming back for more.:D The ritual is pretty simple really... a pinch of this sand held under your tongue for one hour, preferably during meditation or, at the most, light activity. After that hour, the life extending enchantment is in effect for 23 hours. During this time you will be impervious to the effects of aging and disease, whether natural or magically induced, such as with your curse. After that, the ritual must be repeated again at precisely the same time for the same length of time. You have enough in this vial to go for about a month, give or take a day. depends on how much you use per day. If the ritual is not repeated at precisely the same time after 23 hours, you will not be able to use the sand's life extending effects again for 1 month. Any questions?"

Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 2:05 am
by JuliusCreed
pblackcrow wrote:The centaur will nod, go to the horse armor, and than back to the bows.

The old man glances to the centaur with a welcoming smile and a slight bow. "Good evening, noble sir, and welcome to the Emporium of the Arcane. I'm sorry about making you wait, business dealings and all as you could see. What is it I can do for you, my patient friend?"

Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 2:18 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
JuliusCreed wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:The hooded man scratches his head and moves aside for the centaur. "But you said the Sands of Time were 150,000 gold, or is it just the glass itself that costs so much, with the sands themselves being less?" The old man fumbles through his coin purse, measuring out the additional coins as he waits for the old man to provide the details of the ritual.

With a soft smile and nod he takes the payment and hands him a small vial filled with a softly glowing golden sand. "Aye, the glass is where the bulk of the cost comes from, particularly from the materials and cost of enchantments necessary to make it work. The sand itself is relatively cheap, but like any good salesman, it's a matter of keeping a customer coming back for more.:D The ritual is pretty simple really... a pinch of this sand held under your tongue for one hour, preferably during meditation or, at the most, light activity. After that hour, the life extending enchantment is in effect for 23 hours. During this time you will be impervious to the effects of aging and disease, whether natural or magically induced, such as with your curse. After that, the ritual must be repeated again at precisely the same time for the same length of time. You have enough in this vial to go for about a month, give or take a day. depends on how much you use per day. If the ritual is not repeated at precisely the same time after 23 hours, you will not be able to use the sand's life extending effects again for 1 month. Any questions?"
The hooded man takes a quill and scroll of parchment from a hidden pocket in his sleeve, a small mouse crawling out of the sleeve with it. The hooded man quickly feeds the mouse a scrap of cheese from a pouch on his belt (the scroll and quill floating in front of him as he does so as he mouths an incantation) before moving to write down the instructions. "At these prices, I am unsure how long I will be able to endure, but it is something." He cinches up his coin purse and places it back into the folds of his robes before returning the quill and scroll to their respective places, then making his way out with the support of his staff, the mouse riding on his shoulder. "A life savings for perhaps another year or two at best," he mutters.

Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 6:53 pm
by pblackcrow
The centaur will come up to the old man and say, "Yes, I need somethings. But first, I need to know if you can fashion some amulets or rings that can change us into human for as long as we have them on? So that we can go into a town that is owned or populated by humans and not be treated like we carry the plague or have slavers jump us or some inn keeper put us in the stables. Honestly, the only people who treat us fairly are the Elves. And most humans think of them as being stuck up! But, oh well, next I need a bow, I like the looks of the recurved bow with the bronze snakes on the ends of it (Turkish bow)...But it must almost match my strength (PS is 23) to be of use to me. Also some 11 lightning, 15 sleep, 15 stun, 5 exploding, 3 extinguish fire, 5 net, 13 carpet of adhesion, 2 magical rope arrows, 1 magic grappling hook, and 5 energy disruption. Can you make 60 armor piercing silver arrow heads with increased damage and the arrow shaft hollowed out to inject a mixture of wolvesbane oil, powdered silver, and garlic oil on impact? I need the spell greater healing taught to me, if you have the time. And is there any chance of getting regenerating leather armor? I tire of replacing armor at least once every week, it seams."

Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 7:02 pm
by pblackcrow
"Oh, and little thin glass 4 oz bottles of powdered silver...we need 30 of them. 5 for each of us. We will be in town for about 10 days. Are you coming to the banquette that is going to be tomorrow? To thank us for killing the vampires and werewolves."

Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 11:07 pm
by JuliusCreed
The old man listens to the centaur's list, nodding sagely with every item mentioned and turning toward the shelves with a considering look as arrows begin floating through the air to the counter, arranging themselves in neat little rows by type as they are named followed by a selection of rings, charms and bracelets dancing their way to the centaur to hover and twist around his head while the old man begins perusing the selection of bows.
"The arrows aren't a problem except for the 60 hollow silver armor piercers. Those will take a day or two to get put together, at least to your specifications. The magic grappling hook I can do, but i have a couple different options for that..."

Climber's Companion: Appearing as a standard iron grappling hook of unremarkable design, it is activated by speaking the command word "grabbit". At that point it is thrown as any other grappling hook, except that this one needs no rope. Instead it will leave behind a thin trail of dim blue light connecting the hook to the thrower's hand. This beam of light may be used by others to climb as though it were a rope so long as the thrower remains standing on the ground. The thrower need not climb the light as all he must do is utter the command "goinupp" which will cause the beam of light to retract back to the hook, carrying the thrower and up to 300 extra pounds of weight. May be activated up to 5 times per 24 hour period or used as a regular grappling hook (rope not included) as often as you wish. Cost: 3000 gold

Grappling Arrow/Bolt: Arrows or crossbow bolts of solid steel construction and enchanted to be indestructible, they are tipped with a special arrowhead that transforms into a gripping claw on impact, biting deep into wood, stone, even metal, and holding fast with a strength equivalent to a PS of 40. A small loop is set near the head of the arrow large enough for a rope to be threaded through, allowing the user to fire ropes into virtually any surface for climbing. The arrow is capable of supporting up to 1000 pounds of weight, but ropes attached to them may not be able to handle such heavy loads, so one must be cautious. To retrieve the arrow from the surface it is fired into, one simply speaks the command "lettigo". Damage if used as a weapon is standard for type. (1 or 2d6) Cost: 35,000 gold

"As for amulets or rings that can turn you to human form, yes, I have them, but, no they won't work for as long as you wear them. The best I can do for you there is up to 24 hours. However, if you don't mind my saying, I can recommend one of my specialties... Changeling Chew... You can find several different varieties right over here. Sadly, the list does not include a Human variety... They're just so darn diverse in appearance it's difficult to get the blend right... but pretty much any other race is available. And make sure you read the warning label on it, too."
He makes a selection from the bows and presents it to the centaur, a sturdy recurved bow carved like a serpent, embossed in bronze and silver and tightly strung with a golden cord. Giving the string a gentle tug, he smiles and hands it to him with a smile. "I think you'll find this bow to your liking. A good strong pull, I think you may even have a problem drawing it yourself at first, so take your time getting used to it. The strength of the pull will transfer your strength to the arrow for more damage. Next, regenerating armor... Hmmmm... Well, yes as a matter of fact I do have something like that. Sof, Hard and studded Leather armor, all with standard AR and SDC and capable of regenerating 10 SDC every 30 minutes. This particular enchantment costs 20,000 gold, but the armor can have only one additional enchantment placed on it. Of course, considering what you've asked me for earlier, I must warn you, it won't change shape with you. The vials of powdered silver, right down that aisle there. Guaranteed to shatter on impact so be careful how you store them. And last but not least, teaching you a greater healing spell..." He lofts a brow with a dubious eye as he sweeps his gaze over him. "I'm afraid I only teach spells to proven magi... Wizards, Summoners, Diabolists... and I'm afraid you strike me not as a mage, but as a hunter. If you are truly a mage, perhaps you could regale me with the details of where you were taught, who taught you and maybe even give a little demonstration of your knowledge as proof of your skills. Then, maybe I could teach you. And, depending on just how powerful of a healing spell you want to be taught, it could take anywhere from 10 days to a month. Anything else i can do for you?"

Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 2:00 am
by pblackcrow
The second of the arrows please. 24 hours...hummm, and how many times can they be used before needing to be recharged? I guessed as much on the armor...But full suit then the matching for the horse minus the neck and head. Also, what all types of exotic leathers might you have?

"True, I am a hunter, but I assure you sir I am also a wizard. A magus, much like humans, come in all shapes, sizes, and sadly in my experience mannerless beasts. I was taught by an elven wizard that journeyed with my tribe for 6 years, whom you might know as L'loyd of what is now Khembell; but what was in his day known as Khemloch of the Old Kingdom. I hear that he now owns land and a tower to the south. And if it is a demonstration you require." he reaches into his belt pocket pulls out a feather, "See this black crows feather?", handing it to the old man to look at, "At your leisure, please lay it on the floor." After the old man does this, he will mutter, barely audible, the spell increase weight. "Now, pick up the feather, but be careful...I don't want you to strain yourself, that is why I only increased the weight to 30lbs. I could have increased it to 500. We only have 10 days to spend here to rest and recoop. So, if I haven't learned the spell by then give me 3 scrolls and I will try to learn it on my own. The spell is a level 8 spell, I hear of it's use by the Wisdom guild to heal internal and external wounds (see rifts book of magic page 121)"

Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 9:45 pm
by JuliusCreed
pblackcrow wrote:The second of the arrows please. 24 hours...hummm, and how many times can they be used before needing to be recharged? I guessed as much on the armor...But full suit then the matching for the horse minus the neck and head. Also, what all types of exotic leathers might you have?

"True, I am a hunter, but I assure you sir I am also a wizard. A magus, much like humans, come in all shapes, sizes, and sadly in my experience mannerless beasts. I was taught by an elven wizard that journeyed with my tribe for 6 years, whom you might know as L'loyd of what is now Khembell; but what was in his day known as Khemloch of the Old Kingdom. I hear that he now owns land and a tower to the south. And if it is a demonstration you require." he reaches into his belt pocket pulls out a feather, "See this black crows feather?", handing it to the old man to look at, "At your leisure, please lay it on the floor." After the old man does this, he will mutter, barely audible, the spell increase weight. "Now, pick up the feather, but be careful...I don't want you to strain yourself, that is why I only increased the weight to 30lbs. I could have increased it to 500. We only have 10 days to spend here to rest and recoop. So, if I haven't learned the spell by then give me 3 scrolls and I will try to learn it on my own. The spell is a level 8 spell, I hear of it's use by the Wisdom guild to heal internal and external wounds (see rifts book of magic page 121)"

"The armor piercers can only be used once each before needing a refill, but it's easy to do that... the arrowhead can be removed from the shaft easily enough to accomodate. I realize that a single use before needing to be refilled may seem inconvenient, but the hollowed shaft is rather thin in order to keep the weight down and not cause any problems with range adjustments." He gives a wry grin as he bends over and easily picks up the feather with a soft chuckle, hefting it in his hand. "30 pounds, 500 pounds, it makes no real difference, I recognize an Increase Weight incantation when I hear one. Thus, yes, I can teach you the spell. Normally it would take around 2 weeks to teach you, but considering your time constraints, I think we can manage something. You won't be getting much rest and recouperation time in, unfortunately, since we're going to have to give you the Express Training... twice the study in half the time... but we should be able to get it taught to you in about 8 days. Will there be anything else?"

Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 4:09 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
A young lady with black hair, dressed in black studded leather and having a raven on her shoulder, enters. "Might I inquire what you have for writing utensils and parchment? My father is old and cannot hold a quill anymore, so I was wondering... Oh, I'm terribly sorry," she says, suddenly noticing the centaur with the old man.

Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 10:05 pm
by pblackcrow
JuliusCreed wrote:
pblackcrow wrote:The second of the arrows please. 24 hours...hummm, and how many times can they be used before needing to be recharged? I guessed as much on the armor...But full suit then the matching for the horse minus the neck and head. Also, what all types of exotic leathers might you have?

"True, I am a hunter, but I assure you sir I am also a wizard. A magus, much like humans, come in all shapes, sizes, and sadly in my experience mannerless beasts. I was taught by an elven wizard that journeyed with my tribe for 6 years, whom you might know as L'loyd of what is now Khembell; but what was in his day known as Khemloch of the Old Kingdom. I hear that he now owns land and a tower to the south. And if it is a demonstration you require." he reaches into his belt pocket pulls out a feather, "See this black crows feather?", handing it to the old man to look at, "At your leisure, please lay it on the floor." After the old man does this, he will mutter, barely audible, the spell increase weight. "Now, pick up the feather, but be careful...I don't want you to strain yourself, that is why I only increased the weight to 30lbs. I could have increased it to 500. We only have 10 days to spend here to rest and recoop. So, if I haven't learned the spell by then give me 3 scrolls and I will try to learn it on my own. The spell is a level 8 spell, I hear of it's use by the Wisdom guild to heal internal and external wounds (see rifts book of magic page 121)"

"The armor piercers can only be used once each before needing a refill, but it's easy to do that... the arrowhead can be removed from the shaft easily enough to accomodate. I realize that a single use before needing to be refilled may seem inconvenient, but the hollowed shaft is rather thin in order to keep the weight down and not cause any problems with range adjustments." He gives a wry grin as he bends over and easily picks up the feather with a soft chuckle, hefting it in his hand. "30 pounds, 500 pounds, it makes no real difference, I recognize an Increase Weight incantation when I hear one. Thus, yes, I can teach you the spell. Normally it would take around 2 weeks to teach you, but considering your time constraints, I think we can manage something. You won't be getting much rest and recouperation time in, unfortunately, since we're going to have to give you the Express Training... twice the study in half the time... but we should be able to get it taught to you in about 8 days. Will there be anything else?"

"Um, no, I meant on the rings, talismans, or amulets of human metamorphosis...How many times can they be used with out having to come back to recharge them? I know the arrows are a one time use thing. Trust me, we use enough of them. We were robbed of the ones that we had this afternoon by highwaymen while we slept. And yes, there is another thing." Comes over to the counter and lays a large seemingly empty sack upon it and dumps it out. 1 werewolf's paw, 3 werewolves tails, a werewolfs entire hind quarters tail included (clearly cut off in one clear blow), 2 heads of master vampires (He will tell you that the younger looking one is supposedly of a 25,011 years old one at least that was what he claimed and he was a wizard, semi low level but quite an arsenal of spells, and the other was a 1,181 years old vampire that was a summoner), 35 staked hearts of a vampires all were restaked with thornwood stakes once they were cut out, and the final 2 were with at least 25 little silver spikes in them, bones of 2 imps, 1 lasea dead (dead from drinking that which did not agree with him...holy water.), an incubus' torso to above the knees in a red with black bloodyed Speedo. "All the rest of the bodies were destroyed with a powerful cremation bond fire ritual. Shall we talk price?"

Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 7:07 pm
by JuliusCreed
The old man nods to the young lady in black with a welcoming smile, gesturing slightly to a chair that saunters around behind her for her to sit in before turning back to the centaur's 'trophy bag', mumbling softly to himself as he peruses the contents. "Ah I see... my mistake. The rings and charms will work on a day on, day off basis... transformed for one day, normal the next and so on and so forth, hence my recommendation of using the Changeling Chew. As long as that stuff is in your mouth, you'll stay in your new form. As for a price for this stuff, let's see... werewolf paws and tails I can use for a couple different things. The hindquarters of one here I can use for the paws and tail attached, but you'd need to bring me an entire skin to get any serious net value from it... I can give you 60,000 for that lot" sweeping them to the side he looks over the Vampire heads. "The heads here are in pretty good shape. The skulls and tongues should prove rather valuable at the very least. 25,000 for them." Glancing to the pile of hearts with a critical eye, he slowly passes a hand over them, picking at them like someone searching for ripe fruit. "Quite a surprising haul on these. More often than not the heart turns to dust with the rest of the body when a Vampire is staked. Of course, that usually depends on the overall age of the Vampire anyway. I'm guessing most of these were quite young. I'll go 70,000 for the whole pile." He looks over the Imp bones with a slow smile, picking at them almost like a vulture and nods. "No question here... 225,000 gold for this, 10,000 for the Lasae and the Incubus..." he looks over the remains with a rather distasteful raise of the brow, apparently at its taste in undergarments. "... let's settle him at around 200,000. So, for the entire lot here we have a grand total of.... 590,000 gold. Heck, I'll bring it up to an even 600,000. Call it a finder's fee." He gives a friendly smile as he offers his hand. "Do we have an accord, my noble friend?"

Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 7:21 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
The young lady sits, trying to hold her mouth to keep vomit from spilling forth as she is nauseated by the remains.

Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 10:37 pm
by JuliusCreed
Stone Gargoyle wrote:The young lady sits, trying to hold her mouth to keep vomit from spilling forth as she is nauseated by the remains.

The old man notes the rather squeamish expression on the lady's face and raises a brow, a bucket quickly sliding across the floor to bump into the chair beside her as a soft towel floats into her lap. "My apologies, my dear. This will only take a moment longer before getting cleared up and I'll be right with you. Please, help yourself to some of that tonic on the table beside you. It should settle your stomach straightaway." He nods to the end table that gallops up beside her bearing a tiny vial filled with a clear liquid next to a small silver plate of rather tasty looking cookies, offering a kindly smile before turning back to the business at hand with the centaur.

Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 2:11 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
JuliusCreed wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:The young lady sits, trying to hold her mouth to keep vomit from spilling forth as she is nauseated by the remains.

The old man notes the rather squeamish expression on the lady's face and raises a brow, a bucket quickly sliding across the floor to bump into the chair beside her as a soft towel floats into her lap. "My apologies, my dear. This will only take a moment longer before getting cleared up and I'll be right with you. Please, help yourself to some of that tonic on the table beside you. It should settle your stomach straightaway." He nods to the end table that gallops up beside her bearing a tiny vial filled with a clear liquid next to a small silver plate of rather tasty looking cookies, offering a kindly smile before turning back to the business at hand with the centaur.

The young lady downs the vial of tonic quickly, noting with satisfaction its settling properties, and then reaches over to nibble on the cookies.

Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 11:55 pm
by JuliusCreed
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
JuliusCreed wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:The young lady sits, trying to hold her mouth to keep vomit from spilling forth as she is nauseated by the remains.

The old man notes the rather squeamish expression on the lady's face and raises a brow, a bucket quickly sliding across the floor to bump into the chair beside her as a soft towel floats into her lap. "My apologies, my dear. This will only take a moment longer before getting cleared up and I'll be right with you. Please, help yourself to some of that tonic on the table beside you. It should settle your stomach straightaway." He nods to the end table that gallops up beside her bearing a tiny vial filled with a clear liquid next to a small silver plate of rather tasty looking cookies, offering a kindly smile before turning back to the business at hand with the centaur.

The young lady downs the vial of tonic quickly, noting with satisfaction its settling properties, and then reaches over to nibble on the cookies.

The old man approaches with a charming smile, bowing slightly as he gestures around the shop. "My lady, welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane. I am Uncle Remus. My apologies for your wait and I do hope you're feeling better. What can I get for you today?"

Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 1:36 am
by pblackcrow
JuliusCreed wrote:The old man nods to the young lady in black with a welcoming smile, gesturing slightly to a chair that saunters around behind her for her to sit in before turning back to the centaur's 'trophy bag', mumbling softly to himself as he peruses the contents. "Ah I see... my mistake. The rings and charms will work on a day on, day off basis... transformed for one day, normal the next and so on and so forth, hence my recommendation of using the Changeling Chew. As long as that stuff is in your mouth, you'll stay in your new form. As for a price for this stuff, let's see... werewolf paws and tails I can use for a couple different things. The hindquarters of one here I can use for the paws and tail attached, but you'd need to bring me an entire skin to get any serious net value from it... I can give you 60,000 for that lot" sweeping them to the side he looks over the Vampire heads. "The heads here are in pretty good shape. The skulls and tongues should prove rather valuable at the very least. 25,000 for them." Glancing to the pile of hearts with a critical eye, he slowly passes a hand over them, picking at them like someone searching for ripe fruit. "Quite a surprising haul on these. More often than not the heart turns to dust with the rest of the body when a Vampire is staked. Of course, that usually depends on the overall age of the Vampire anyway. I'm guessing most of these were quite young. I'll go 70,000 for the whole pile." He looks over the Imp bones with a slow smile, picking at them almost like a vulture and nods. "No question here... 225,000 gold for this, 10,000 for the Lasae and the Incubus..." he looks over the remains with a rather distasteful raise of the brow, apparently at its taste in undergarments. "... let's settle him at around 200,000. So, for the entire lot here we have a grand total of.... 590,000 gold. Heck, I'll bring it up to an even 600,000. Call it a finder's fee." He gives a friendly smile as he offers his hand. "Do we have an accord, my noble friend?"

"Couldn't we all just get 2 and there by eliminating the need for wait? Yes ummm, the incubus was the...ummm, shall we say "play thing" and guard of the summoner. The bodies of vampires turn to dust after staking? :?: Uh yeah, when exposed to sunlight they will or bone fire of purification they will. But 600k is a fair price, um how much for the everything? I would like to settle all debts while I am quite sober. Um, in fact could you please hold on to that money for me until I'm ready to leave town? I have a bit of a gambling problem when I drink. And I would like that in Merchants' Guild Bank notes or script, please. It is a lot easier to carry then all those coins. And could I get the rest what ever is left in 5 100s, 3 500s, and the rest in 1,000s notes please? One last thing, if you have it...Gruunor leather armor. Its hide has got to be tough as all get out. We fought one 8 days ago and it was VERY hard to kill! We didn't think to skin it though. It's regrettable, but true. I will need 1 full human suites with a slightly longer skirt then normal and 1 horse back. On the horse, can you please put silver spikes on it?"

Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 12:36 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
JuliusCreed wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
JuliusCreed wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:The young lady sits, trying to hold her mouth to keep vomit from spilling forth as she is nauseated by the remains.

The old man notes the rather squeamish expression on the lady's face and raises a brow, a bucket quickly sliding across the floor to bump into the chair beside her as a soft towel floats into her lap. "My apologies, my dear. This will only take a moment longer before getting cleared up and I'll be right with you. Please, help yourself to some of that tonic on the table beside you. It should settle your stomach straightaway." He nods to the end table that gallops up beside her bearing a tiny vial filled with a clear liquid next to a small silver plate of rather tasty looking cookies, offering a kindly smile before turning back to the business at hand with the centaur.

The young lady downs the vial of tonic quickly, noting with satisfaction its settling properties, and then reaches over to nibble on the cookies.

The old man approaches with a charming smile, bowing slightly as he gestures around the shop. "My lady, welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane. I am Uncle Remus. My apologies for your wait and I do hope you're feeling better. What can I get for you today?"
The young lady looks up, putting the cookie aside and gets a quite serious expression on her face. "Well,, as I began to explain, my father is old and cannot hold a quill anymore, and he is going blind as well. He has a hard time writing and reading for himself, but the stubborn fool insists on doing these things for himself. I have tried to hire a scribe for him, but he has fired each one I have employed in that task. I was wondering if there might be some sort of enchanted parchment or quill that I could get him as a gift which might allow him to read and write more easily, perhaps a singing quill or psychic paper. I must sound silly to you, but I am looking to magic where all else so far has failed. Can you help me?"
Somewhat feeling exasperated, the young lady finishes her cookie and pets the bird's feathers while awaiting a response.

Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 2:26 pm
by JuliusCreed
Stone Gargoyle wrote:The young lady looks up, putting the cookie aside and gets a quite serious expression on her face. "Well,, as I began to explain, my father is old and cannot hold a quill anymore, and he is going blind as well. He has a hard time writing and reading for himself, but the stubborn fool insists on doing these things for himself. I have tried to hire a scribe for him, but he has fired each one I have employed in that task. I was wondering if there might be some sort of enchanted parchment or quill that I could get him as a gift which might allow him to read and write more easily, perhaps a singing quill or psychic paper. I must sound silly to you, but I am looking to magic where all else so far has failed. Can you help me?"
Somewhat feeling exasperated, the young lady finishes her cookie and pets the bird's feathers while awaiting a response.

The old man listens carefully to the young lady's story, nodding sagely a moment before smiling brightly. "I believe I can help you, my dear. It sounds to me like your father is a very proud type of person, not prone to showing weakness, no matter how trivial it may be. I imagine if I gave you anything that would do the work for him, as much as he may love you, he may reject your gift outright. Thus, you need something that will help him, without appearing to help him." With a wry grin he rummages under the counter a moment to produce a long flat box covered in tooled leather. Blowing the dust off of it, he flips the lid back to reveal....

The Scribe: A mystic pen appearing as a beautifully crafted quill made up of a large golden feather, easily 12 inches in length, and an engraved silver writing tip. Similar to a Quill of Literacy in function, the Scribe doesn't actually do the writing for the user, but rather translates what he wants to write onto the page regardless of what it is he is actually writing. Basically, as long as the user is wanting to, say, write a letter to his mother, he could literally just scribble illegible garbage onto the page and it would appear as exactly what the writer wants to put down on paper. Essentially, it eliminates the need for one to be literate in order to write. Its only limitation is that it will only write in whatever languages the writer knows, at least on a speaking level. If the writer can't say it in a particular language, he can't write it either. Cost: 15,000 gold. (A bit on the pricey side because the primary component is the freely given feather of a Kukulkan Dragon.)

Setting the box to the side, he draws out another of similar design and smaller construction. "And to help with your father's reading problem..." he opens the lid with a grin to show her....

Specs: A rather stylish looking pair of simple reading glasses constructed from a pair of small oval shaped crystals polished to a brilliantly clear finish and set into a platinum wire frame. When worn, they allow the user to read any written language as per the Eyes of Thoth spell (PFRPG pg 196) including runes and magic symbols. Caution: For some odd reason, every pair of these I make is automatically cursed with Headaches (PFRPG pg 263 for details) Luckily, however, the curse does NOT take effect unless the item is used for more than 2 hours at a time. If worn for more than 2 hours at a stretch, the curse comes into full effect with all associated penalties. To break the curse, one must simply remove the glasses and not use them for a full hour. During this hour, the user still suffers from the effects of the curse, but afterward the pain and penalties fade and the glasses may be safely used again for another 2 hours. Any attempts to remove the curse from the item itself WILL FAIL and have a 30% chance of actually destroying the glasses per attempt. Cost: 5000 gold (The Headaches curse drives the price down a bit, but it's still a rather uncommon enchantment)

Setting the smaller box beside the first, he looks to the lady with a charming smile. "I think these might be just what your father needs. Unless, of course, you have something else in mind?"

Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 12:00 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
The young lady accepts both eagerly, paying out the gold required. "I shall give him these, then, and see if they do the trick. If not, I may be back. The curse of headaches does concern me, though, so I shall make sure to mention that to him when giving him the Specs."

Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 7:32 pm
by JuliusCreed
Stone Gargoyle wrote:The young lady accepts both eagerly, paying out the gold required. "I shall give him these, then, and see if they do the trick. If not, I may be back. The curse of headaches does concern me, though, so I shall make sure to mention that to him when giving him the Specs."

The old man nods with a kindly smile, taking the gold with an almost dismissive gesture. "I wouldn't worry too much about the curse. All you've really got to do is wear them for just under 2 hours, take a five minute break and then go right back to reading again for the same amount of time. It's more like a warning thing to let you know to take a break now and again. I certainly hope they help, either way. Is there anything else I can get for you?"

Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 1:11 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
JuliusCreed wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:The young lady accepts both eagerly, paying out the gold required. "I shall give him these, then, and see if they do the trick. If not, I may be back. The curse of headaches does concern me, though, so I shall make sure to mention that to him when giving him the Specs."

The old man nods with a kindly smile, taking the gold with an almost dismissive gesture. "I wouldn't worry too much about the curse. All you've really got to do is wear them for just under 2 hours, take a five minute break and then go right back to reading again for the same amount of time. It's more like a warning thing to let you know to take a break now and again. I certainly hope they help, either way. Is there anything else I can get for you?"
The young lady ponders a minute. "My raven familiar is quite handy to have, but there are times when I would like to have him as a person who could use weapons to aid me in battle. Is there anything you could provide that would allow him to take a humanoid form at times and allow him to fight by my side?"

Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 7:43 pm
by JuliusCreed
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
JuliusCreed wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:The young lady accepts both eagerly, paying out the gold required. "I shall give him these, then, and see if they do the trick. If not, I may be back. The curse of headaches does concern me, though, so I shall make sure to mention that to him when giving him the Specs."

The old man nods with a kindly smile, taking the gold with an almost dismissive gesture. "I wouldn't worry too much about the curse. All you've really got to do is wear them for just under 2 hours, take a five minute break and then go right back to reading again for the same amount of time. It's more like a warning thing to let you know to take a break now and again. I certainly hope they help, either way. Is there anything else I can get for you?"
The young lady ponders a minute. "My raven familiar is quite handy to have, but there are times when I would like to have him as a person who could use weapons to aid me in battle. Is there anything you could provide that would allow him to take a humanoid form at times and allow him to fight by my side?"

He considers thoughtfully for a long moment, brow furrowing deeply as he ponders. "Turning your familiar into a humanoid is easy. A simple metamorphosis charm can do that. The problem lies in giving it a humanoid mentality. Basically, taking away its bird brain and temporarily replacing it with a human mind. That is something a bit beyond even my vaunted capabilities... to a point." The old man grins wickedly with a mischievous grin. "There is, however, one thing that can be done. It won't be easy or cheap. And... well, there's this thing I need to make it happen. Interested?"

Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 8:59 pm
by JuliusCreed
pblackcrow wrote:
JuliusCreed wrote:The old man nods to the young lady in black with a welcoming smile, gesturing slightly to a chair that saunters around behind her for her to sit in before turning back to the centaur's 'trophy bag', mumbling softly to himself as he peruses the contents. "Ah I see... my mistake. The rings and charms will work on a day on, day off basis... transformed for one day, normal the next and so on and so forth, hence my recommendation of using the Changeling Chew. As long as that stuff is in your mouth, you'll stay in your new form. As for a price for this stuff, let's see... werewolf paws and tails I can use for a couple different things. The hindquarters of one here I can use for the paws and tail attached, but you'd need to bring me an entire skin to get any serious net value from it... I can give you 60,000 for that lot" sweeping them to the side he looks over the Vampire heads. "The heads here are in pretty good shape. The skulls and tongues should prove rather valuable at the very least. 25,000 for them." Glancing to the pile of hearts with a critical eye, he slowly passes a hand over them, picking at them like someone searching for ripe fruit. "Quite a surprising haul on these. More often than not the heart turns to dust with the rest of the body when a Vampire is staked. Of course, that usually depends on the overall age of the Vampire anyway. I'm guessing most of these were quite young. I'll go 70,000 for the whole pile." He looks over the Imp bones with a slow smile, picking at them almost like a vulture and nods. "No question here... 225,000 gold for this, 10,000 for the Lasae and the Incubus..." he looks over the remains with a rather distasteful raise of the brow, apparently at its taste in undergarments. "... let's settle him at around 200,000. So, for the entire lot here we have a grand total of.... 590,000 gold. Heck, I'll bring it up to an even 600,000. Call it a finder's fee." He gives a friendly smile as he offers his hand. "Do we have an accord, my noble friend?"

"Couldn't we all just get 2 and there by eliminating the need for wait? Yes ummm, the incubus was the...ummm, shall we say "play thing" and guard of the summoner. The bodies of vampires turn to dust after staking? :?: Uh yeah, when exposed to sunlight they will or bone fire of purification they will. But 600k is a fair price, um how much for the everything? I would like to settle all debts while I am quite sober. Um, in fact could you please hold on to that money for me until I'm ready to leave town? I have a bit of a gambling problem when I drink. And I would like that in Merchants' Guild Bank notes or script, please. It is a lot easier to carry then all those coins. And could I get the rest what ever is left in 5 100s, 3 500s, and the rest in 1,000s notes please? One last thing, if you have it...Gruunor leather armor. Its hide has got to be tough as all get out. We fought one 8 days ago and it was VERY hard to kill! We didn't think to skin it though. It's regrettable, but true. I will need 1 full human suites with a slightly longer skirt then normal and 1 horse back. On the horse, can you please put silver spikes on it?"

The old man nods a bit with a smile. "Of course, you could get 2 rings and eliminate the need for waiting easily enough, but it's not quite as cost effective. One of the metamorphosis rings comes in at about 150,000 gold each, thus requiring an expenditure of 300,000 gold per individual requiring them. On the other hand, a single dose of Changeling Chew will work for as long as the user keeps the dose in his mouth for a cost of only 2000 gold per person... 4 to 6000 if they decide to change back a couple times. A much better bargain I think. As for the cost of everything, barring the cost of the rings and the Chew until we can finalize a decision there, we're looking at a grand total, so far, of.... about 250,000 gold. Which leaves another 350,000 gold to use to decide on a metamorphosis type and then you'll be all set. Settling the remainder in Merchant's Guild notes won't be a problem at all... I'll just need to know which guild first off... quite a few competing out there you know... and as for Grunnor leather armor... there is no such thing. A grunnor is actually a giant insect, thus its skin is actually a chitinous exoskeleton, not actual skin that can be tanned like leather. Now of course grunnor chitin CAN be made into armor and is quite sturdy as such, but it's more equivalent to Plate armor rather than leather. Its biggest advantage is being lighter than steel plate while being just as strong after being properly treated and formed. Basically, Grunnor chitin can be made into a suit of plate armor with identical AR and SDC and only half of the movement penalties. SO, all we really need to figure out now is... Metamorphosis Rings or Changeling Chew?"

Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 12:25 am
by pblackcrow
JuliusCreed wrote:
pblackcrow wrote:
JuliusCreed wrote:The old man nods to the young lady in black with a welcoming smile, gesturing slightly to a chair that saunters around behind her for her to sit in before turning back to the centaur's 'trophy bag', mumbling softly to himself as he peruses the contents. "Ah I see... my mistake. The rings and charms will work on a day on, day off basis... transformed for one day, normal the next and so on and so forth, hence my recommendation of using the Changeling Chew. As long as that stuff is in your mouth, you'll stay in your new form. As for a price for this stuff, let's see... werewolf paws and tails I can use for a couple different things. The hindquarters of one here I can use for the paws and tail attached, but you'd need to bring me an entire skin to get any serious net value from it... I can give you 60,000 for that lot" sweeping them to the side he looks over the Vampire heads. "The heads here are in pretty good shape. The skulls and tongues should prove rather valuable at the very least. 25,000 for them." Glancing to the pile of hearts with a critical eye, he slowly passes a hand over them, picking at them like someone searching for ripe fruit. "Quite a surprising haul on these. More often than not the heart turns to dust with the rest of the body when a Vampire is staked. Of course, that usually depends on the overall age of the Vampire anyway. I'm guessing most of these were quite young. I'll go 70,000 for the whole pile." He looks over the Imp bones with a slow smile, picking at them almost like a vulture and nods. "No question here... 225,000 gold for this, 10,000 for the Lasae and the Incubus..." he looks over the remains with a rather distasteful raise of the brow, apparently at its taste in undergarments. "... let's settle him at around 200,000. So, for the entire lot here we have a grand total of.... 590,000 gold. Heck, I'll bring it up to an even 600,000. Call it a finder's fee." He gives a friendly smile as he offers his hand. "Do we have an accord, my noble friend?"

"Couldn't we all just get 2 and there by eliminating the need for wait? Yes ummm, the incubus was the...ummm, shall we say "play thing" and guard of the summoner. The bodies of vampires turn to dust after staking? :?: Uh yeah, when exposed to sunlight they will or bone fire of purification they will. But 600k is a fair price, um how much for the everything? I would like to settle all debts while I am quite sober. Um, in fact could you please hold on to that money for me until I'm ready to leave town? I have a bit of a gambling problem when I drink. And I would like that in Merchants' Guild Bank notes or script, please. It is a lot easier to carry then all those coins. And could I get the rest what ever is left in 5 100s, 3 500s, and the rest in 1,000s notes please? One last thing, if you have it...Gruunor leather armor. Its hide has got to be tough as all get out. We fought one 8 days ago and it was VERY hard to kill! We didn't think to skin it though. It's regrettable, but true. I will need 1 full human suites with a slightly longer skirt then normal and 1 horse back. On the horse, can you please put silver spikes on it?"

The old man nods a bit with a smile. "Of course, you could get 2 rings and eliminate the need for waiting easily enough, but it's not quite as cost effective. One of the metamorphosis rings comes in at about 150,000 gold each, thus requiring an expenditure of 300,000 gold per individual requiring them. On the other hand, a single dose of Changeling Chew will work for as long as the user keeps the dose in his mouth for a cost of only 2000 gold per person... 4 to 6000 if they decide to change back a couple times. A much better bargain I think. As for the cost of everything, barring the cost of the rings and the Chew until we can finalize a decision there, we're looking at a grand total, so far, of.... about 250,000 gold. Which leaves another 350,000 gold to use to decide on a metamorphosis type and then you'll be all set. Settling the remainder in Merchant's Guild notes won't be a problem at all... I'll just need to know which guild first off... quite a few competing out there you know... and as for Grunnor leather armor... there is no such thing. A grunnor is actually a giant insect, thus its skin is actually a chitinous exoskeleton, not actual skin that can be tanned like leather. Now of course grunnor chitin CAN be made into armor and is quite sturdy as such, but it's more equivalent to Plate armor rather than leather. Its biggest advantage is being lighter than steel plate while being just as strong after being properly treated and formed. Basically, Grunnor chitin can be made into a suit of plate armor with identical AR and SDC and only half of the movement penalties. SO, all we really need to figure out now is... Metamorphosis Rings or Changeling Chew?"

Rings. The Eastern Merchant Guild. Exo/leather/whatever. It can be worn by mages, and is harder than common leather...right? The others will be in here later to sell their "trophies"...Powdered mummy, head of a mummy immortalis, a couple of magical sword, etc.

Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 9:58 pm
by JuliusCreed
pblackcrow wrote:Rings. The Eastern Merchant Guild. Exo/leather/whatever. It can be worn by mages, and is harder than common leather...right? The others will be in here later to sell their "trophies"...Powdered mummy, head of a mummy immortalis, a couple of magical sword, etc.

With a quick nod he sets a small wooden box on the counter as a suit of Grunnor chitin armor saunters out of the back room to stand next to the centaur. "Rings it is then, my good man... how many will you be needing, or are your companions coming in to buy their own sets? and yes, the armor is considerably harder than leather, though it does weigh a tad more, but not enough to really be a bother. As I said before, it is essentially equal to a full suit of plate armor in respects of protection (AR:17 SDC:160), but only weighs in at about 30 pounds, at least for a human sized suit. There are still some movement penalties because it is still essentially a plate armor suit and therefor rather stiff, but the lighter weight offsets them by about half (-5% prowl, -10% climb and swim).So, assuming you're buying rings only for yourself and the suit of armor, plus everything else already listed... we have a grand total of.... 552,000 gold. Leaving you with 48,000 gold for yourself in Eastern Merchant Guild notes, 5 of them worth 100, 3 worth 500 and the rest in 1000's. Will there be anything else for you, good sir?"

Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 12:32 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
JuliusCreed wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
JuliusCreed wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:The young lady accepts both eagerly, paying out the gold required. "I shall give him these, then, and see if they do the trick. If not, I may be back. The curse of headaches does concern me, though, so I shall make sure to mention that to him when giving him the Specs."

The old man nods with a kindly smile, taking the gold with an almost dismissive gesture. "I wouldn't worry too much about the curse. All you've really got to do is wear them for just under 2 hours, take a five minute break and then go right back to reading again for the same amount of time. It's more like a warning thing to let you know to take a break now and again. I certainly hope they help, either way. Is there anything else I can get for you?"
The young lady ponders a minute. "My raven familiar is quite handy to have, but there are times when I would like to have him as a person who could use weapons to aid me in battle. Is there anything you could provide that would allow him to take a humanoid form at times and allow him to fight by my side?"

He considers thoughtfully for a long moment, brow furrowing deeply as he ponders. "Turning your familiar into a humanoid is easy. A simple metamorphosis charm can do that. The problem lies in giving it a humanoid mentality. Basically, taking away its bird brain and temporarily replacing it with a human mind. That is something a bit beyond even my vaunted capabilities... to a point." The old man grins wickedly with a mischievous grin. "There is, however, one thing that can be done. It won't be easy or cheap. And... well, there's this thing I need to make it happen. Interested?"
"I am interested, so long as it will not bring my familiar to any harm."

Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 11:37 pm
by pblackcrow
JuliusCreed wrote:
pblackcrow wrote:Rings. The Eastern Merchant Guild. Exo/leather/whatever. It can be worn by mages, and is harder than common leather...right? The others will be in here later to sell their "trophies"...Powdered mummy, head of a mummy immortalis, a couple of magical sword, etc.

With a quick nod he sets a small wooden box on the counter as a suit of Grunnor chitin armor saunters out of the back room to stand next to the centaur. "Rings it is then, my good man... how many will you be needing, or are your companions coming in to buy their own sets? and yes, the armor is considerably harder than leather, though it does weigh a tad more, but not enough to really be a bother. As I said before, it is essentially equal to a full suit of plate armor in respects of protection (AR:17 SDC:160), but only weighs in at about 30 pounds, at least for a human sized suit. There are still some movement penalties because it is still essentially a plate armor suit and therefor rather stiff, but the lighter weight offsets them by about half (-5% prowl, -10% climb and swim).So, assuming you're buying rings only for yourself and the suit of armor, plus everything else already listed... we have a grand total of.... 552,000 gold. Leaving you with 48,000 gold for yourself in Eastern Merchant Guild notes, 5 of them worth 100, 3 worth 500 and the rest in 1000's. Will there be anything else for you, good sir?"

"Is that with of or with out the regenerative capability? And are you able to put 2 inch silver spikes or blades down the spine on the horse section? The werewolves have a habit of jumping on me, I wish to discourage that." he says and quite whimsically laughs. "Altogether there are 4 centaurs, a wolfen (who was being mistaken for a werewolf by some stupid humans and decided to join our pack), and an the most resent member an elf (who lost his family to vampires.) So...we will need 8 more rings. But they will be paying for them. I was the first one to see the shop."

Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 1:17 pm
by JuliusCreed
pblackcrow wrote:
JuliusCreed wrote:
pblackcrow wrote:Rings. The Eastern Merchant Guild. Exo/leather/whatever. It can be worn by mages, and is harder than common leather...right? The others will be in here later to sell their "trophies"...Powdered mummy, head of a mummy immortalis, a couple of magical sword, etc.

With a quick nod he sets a small wooden box on the counter as a suit of Grunnor chitin armor saunters out of the back room to stand next to the centaur. "Rings it is then, my good man... how many will you be needing, or are your companions coming in to buy their own sets? and yes, the armor is considerably harder than leather, though it does weigh a tad more, but not enough to really be a bother. As I said before, it is essentially equal to a full suit of plate armor in respects of protection (AR:17 SDC:160), but only weighs in at about 30 pounds, at least for a human sized suit. There are still some movement penalties because it is still essentially a plate armor suit and therefor rather stiff, but the lighter weight offsets them by about half (-5% prowl, -10% climb and swim).So, assuming you're buying rings only for yourself and the suit of armor, plus everything else already listed... we have a grand total of.... 552,000 gold. Leaving you with 48,000 gold for yourself in Eastern Merchant Guild notes, 5 of them worth 100, 3 worth 500 and the rest in 1000's. Will there be anything else for you, good sir?"

"Is that with of or with out the regenerative capability? And are you able to put 2 inch silver spikes or blades down the spine on the horse section? The werewolves have a habit of jumping on me, I wish to discourage that." he says and quite whimsically laughs. "Altogether there are 4 centaurs, a wolfen (who was being mistaken for a werewolf by some stupid humans and decided to join our pack), and an the most resent member an elf (who lost his family to vampires.) So...we will need 8 more rings. But they will be paying for them. I was the first one to see the shop."

With a wry chuckle he gives a reassuring nod, gesturing slightly as the armor gives a bit of a catwalk turn, including a little bit of flair as though showing itself off to its new owner. "Aye, it includes both the regeneration and the silver blades down the spine. It may sound like an overly low cost, but that's mostly because a> you've been such a good customer and b> you're bringing in a bit of extra business for me. I figured you might as well get a bit of a discount for that. I only ask that you do 2 things for me... first... don't tell anyone else about the discount. It tends to attract a lot of folks looking for a handout. Second... do try and keep that gambling addiction of yours under control. Debt will kill you as sure as a sword to the belly and take a torturously longer time doing it." With a good-natured laugh he waves a hand, the chitin armor coming to your side and the rest of the items wrapping themselves up in neat little packages on the counter. "Good luck and good hunting, friend centaur. I hope to see you again soon."

Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 2:40 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
The young lady with the raven waits for the old man to conclude his other business. "Yes, only if it will not harm my familiar," she muses, looking about the shop. "You never said how much for the metamorphosis charm, either..."

Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 7:17 pm
by JuliusCreed
Stone Gargoyle wrote:The young lady with the raven waits for the old man to conclude his other business. "Yes, only if it will not harm my familiar," she muses, looking about the shop. "You never said how much for the metamorphosis charm, either..."

The old man considers a moment with a thoughtful expression. "A standard human metamorphosis charm comes in at about 95,000 gold and has a duration of 30 minutes per activation, 2 activations per day. The option I'm offering... well, technically, it won't harm your familiar. What I'm suggestiong is afflicting him with a variant of the curse of Lycanthropy and turning him into a Wereraven. In this particular instance, since it is the animal form receiving the curse, the animal form would be his natural form. He would have a secondary form as a... well, it's kind of hard to explain, but I suppose "harpy-like" would be the most fitting description. Just with a male appearance rather than a female and, I hope, a much more attractive appearance. of course He would still suffer all the usual drawbacks one goes through with Lycanthropy; vulnerability to silver, involuntary shape shifting during the full moon and all that rubbish. But, during those rough times he could flit from your shoulder, change into his "harpy form" and assist you in combat with the added bonus of having a slightly advanced intelligence level compared to a metamorphosized bird." He gives a warm smile, lacing his fingers in front of him as he tilts his head to the side a bit. "However, as I said, to make this happen, there is this thing I need... the spittle of a true Lycanthrope... not someone suffering from the curse, but the real McCoy. Werewolf, weretiger, werebear, werepanther... it makes no difference what kind the stuff comes from, as long as it comes from a true Lycanthrope." He parts his hands to reveal a tiny crystal vial with a silver stopper. "Fill this vial with Lycanthrope spittle, return it to me, and you'll have your "new and improved" familiar. Still interested or will you be settling for a human metamorphosis charm and having a bird-brained combat companion?"

Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 3:41 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
JuliusCreed wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:The young lady with the raven waits for the old man to conclude his other business. "Yes, only if it will not harm my familiar," she muses, looking about the shop. "You never said how much for the metamorphosis charm, either..."

The old man considers a moment with a thoughtful expression. "A standard human metamorphosis charm comes in at about 95,000 gold and has a duration of 30 minutes per activation, 2 activations per day. The option I'm offering... well, technically, it won't harm your familiar. What I'm suggestiong is afflicting him with a variant of the curse of Lycanthropy and turning him into a Wereraven. In this particular instance, since it is the animal form receiving the curse, the animal form would be his natural form. He would have a secondary form as a... well, it's kind of hard to explain, but I suppose "harpy-like" would be the most fitting description. Just with a male appearance rather than a female and, I hope, a much more attractive appearance. of course He would still suffer all the usual drawbacks one goes through with Lycanthropy; vulnerability to silver, involuntary shape shifting during the full moon and all that rubbish. But, during those rough times he could flit from your shoulder, change into his "harpy form" and assist you in combat with the added bonus of having a slightly advanced intelligence level compared to a metamorphosized bird." He gives a warm smile, lacing his fingers in front of him as he tilts his head to the side a bit. "However, as I said, to make this happen, there is this thing I need... the spittle of a true Lycanthrope... not someone suffering from the curse, but the real McCoy. Werewolf, weretiger, werebear, werepanther... it makes no difference what kind the stuff comes from, as long as it comes from a true Lycanthrope." He parts his hands to reveal a tiny crystal vial with a silver stopper. "Fill this vial with Lycanthrope spittle, return it to me, and you'll have your "new and improved" familiar. Still interested or will you be settling for a human metamorphosis charm and having a bird-brained combat companion?"
The young lady extends her hand to accept the vial. "I am never one to back down from a challenge, and I am sure there are werecreatures enough in these lands to make finding one not THAT difficult. However, should I find one and bring back more than just the spittle, are there any parts you are willing to pay for to make this more worth my while?" She thinks a moment. "No chance that you have any werecreature spittle in stock, is there? Don't suppose anyone has traded you THAT in a while, though."

Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 11:15 pm
by pblackcrow
"I shall be back in the morning to get started on the spell." "I'm quite sorry about the scene that you had to witnessed, Madam. And I wish you a fair day."

Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 11:26 pm
by JuliusCreed
Stone Gargoyle wrote:
JuliusCreed wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:The young lady with the raven waits for the old man to conclude his other business. "Yes, only if it will not harm my familiar," she muses, looking about the shop. "You never said how much for the metamorphosis charm, either..."

The old man considers a moment with a thoughtful expression. "A standard human metamorphosis charm comes in at about 95,000 gold and has a duration of 30 minutes per activation, 2 activations per day. The option I'm offering... well, technically, it won't harm your familiar. What I'm suggestiong is afflicting him with a variant of the curse of Lycanthropy and turning him into a Wereraven. In this particular instance, since it is the animal form receiving the curse, the animal form would be his natural form. He would have a secondary form as a... well, it's kind of hard to explain, but I suppose "harpy-like" would be the most fitting description. Just with a male appearance rather than a female and, I hope, a much more attractive appearance. of course He would still suffer all the usual drawbacks one goes through with Lycanthropy; vulnerability to silver, involuntary shape shifting during the full moon and all that rubbish. But, during those rough times he could flit from your shoulder, change into his "harpy form" and assist you in combat with the added bonus of having a slightly advanced intelligence level compared to a metamorphosized bird." He gives a warm smile, lacing his fingers in front of him as he tilts his head to the side a bit. "However, as I said, to make this happen, there is this thing I need... the spittle of a true Lycanthrope... not someone suffering from the curse, but the real McCoy. Werewolf, weretiger, werebear, werepanther... it makes no difference what kind the stuff comes from, as long as it comes from a true Lycanthrope." He parts his hands to reveal a tiny crystal vial with a silver stopper. "Fill this vial with Lycanthrope spittle, return it to me, and you'll have your "new and improved" familiar. Still interested or will you be settling for a human metamorphosis charm and having a bird-brained combat companion?"
The young lady extends her hand to accept the vial. "I am never one to back down from a challenge, and I am sure there are werecreatures enough in these lands to make finding one not THAT difficult. However, should I find one and bring back more than just the spittle, are there any parts you are willing to pay for to make this more worth my while?" She thinks a moment. "No chance that you have any werecreature spittle in stock, is there? Don't suppose anyone has traded you THAT in a while, though."

He chuckles a moment as she takes the vial, gently shaking his head. "You may be surprised at some of the stuff people bring in here. But then, considering the centaur's bag o' parts you saw emptied on my counter not too long ago, you may very well not. As for your question, I only need the spittle to take care of what you need. I am, however, more than capable of paying you for any other... parts... you may happen to bring in, as well. As for already having any in stock..." he gives a sly wink with a wry grin "... well, milady, if I did, it's likely I wouldn't be asking you to retrieve some for me now would I?" With a slight bow and a gentle wave, the door behind her opens with a soft creak. "Good luck on your hunt, my lady. I eagerly await your return."

Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 7:02 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
JuliusCreed wrote:He chuckles a moment as she takes the vial, gently shaking his head. "You may be surprised at some of the stuff people bring in here. But then, considering the centaur's bag o' parts you saw emptied on my counter not too long ago, you may very well not. As for your question, I only need the spittle to take care of what you need. I am, however, more than capable of paying you for any other... parts... you may happen to bring in, as well. As for already having any in stock..." he gives a sly wink with a wry grin "... well, milady, if I did, it's likely I wouldn't be asking you to retrieve some for me now would I?" With a slight bow and a gentle wave, the door behind her opens with a soft creak. "Good luck on your hunt, my lady. I eagerly await your return."
"Good day, and thank you again for the pen and specs. I will be back hopefully within the month with the spittle."

Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 1:37 am
by JuliusCreed
Hey everybody! It's your dear old Uncle Remus with an exciting new item on the shelves for all you faithful customers out there... and even for a few of you new arrivals, too! Check this out....

Match Sticks
An interesting new twist on the Transformable Weapons line, Match Sticks appear as ordinary looking sticks you could pick up from the ground with a few arcane symbols carved into them. However, when it comes into physical contact with a melee weapon of any kind, the Match Stick temporarily transforms into an exact duplicate of the weapon for up to one hour. Every detail of the weapon copied is identical to the original, including appearance, quality, and any inherent bonuses from high quality weapons such as Dwarven or Kobold quality weapons. As an added bonus, a Match Stick can even copy magical weapons and their enchantments with the singular exception of Rune weapons. Thus, if a Match Stick comes into contact with a sword enchanted to spit fireballs, the Match Stick becomes an identical sword that is also capable of spitting fireballs. Unfortunately, magic weapons can only be copied a maximum of 5 times before the Match Stick breaks and no longer functions. There is no limit to the number of times a normal weapon can be copied, including high quality weapons. And yes, a Match Stick can be used to parry in combat, transforming into an identical copy of the parried weapon on contact. (unless the Match Stick has already been previously transformed) Duration of the transformation is 1 hour, after which it automatically reverts back to its original form. In any form, whether as a normal weapon or a magical one, a Match Stick counts as a magical weapon for the purpose of determining damage to creatures that are only harmed by magic. And finally, only melee weapons can be copied. No siege engines, bows, crossbows or arrows. Spears and Javelins may be copied however, and thrown, but it will not return unless it's a copy of a magical one enchanted to do so. If used as a weapon itself 1> it only inflicts 1d4 damage and 2> if parried, it will copy whatever weapon parries it. Cost: 5000 gold

There you have it folks, a brand spanking new Uncle Remus exclusive... or at least I hope it is. :D Either way, thanks for stopping by and come back again anytime! Oh and remember folks, the holidays are coming up fast... make Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane your first stop for all your magical holiday needs... Look for Black Friday specials after Thanksgiving at the Emporium near you!

Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 7:03 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
The young lady with the raven enters, looking around for the old man. She carries a large sack with remains in it and holds a vial in the crook of one hand. Setting the vial of spittle down, she begins to unload the sack, which contains the skin of a werepanther, its skull and all four of its claws. It is a small specimen, perhaps being a child of its kind.

Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 3:24 pm
by JuliusCreed
Stone Gargoyle wrote:The young lady with the raven enters, looking around for the old man. She carries a large sack with remains in it and holds a vial in the crook of one hand. Setting the vial of spittle down, she begins to unload the sack, which contains the skin of a werepanther, its skull and all four of its claws. It is a small specimen, perhaps being a child of its kind.

The old man glances up and smiles brightly, a brow lofting consideringly as the sack is unloaded, nodding his approval of the contents before picking up the vial and inspecting it closely. With a satisfied smile he sets it to the side and begins sorting through the remains. "Well done, young lady, well done. A marvelous specimen you have here. Werepanther, rather young, probably less than 10 years. I imagine it's parents are rather disappointed." he chuckles softly, sweeping the remains to the side and taking up the vial. "Good sample of lycanthrope spittle here. Almost no impurities. it should suffice for my needs." With a slight gesture, a silver cage appears on the counter, the door swinging open with a soft creak of hinges. "If you'll please place your familiar in here, I'll see to the transformation right away. You will be able to reclaim him in three days. I can assure you he will be quite safe and sound, though not without a slight measure of... discomfort. Nothing that will kill him, I can assure you, but the first transformation is always rather traumatic." He smiles reassuringly as he turns to the remains. "As for these, I'm guessing you'll be wanting a price for them... The skin is relatively whole, full skull and all claws... quite impressive. All told, I can safely say... 10... no, 15,000. The skin being relatively whole makes for quite a prize really." He smiles and offers a hand. "Do we have an accord?"

Re: Welcome to Uncle Remus' Emporium of the Arcane

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 3:57 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
JuliusCreed wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:The young lady with the raven enters, looking around for the old man. She carries a large sack with remains in it and holds a vial in the crook of one hand. Setting the vial of spittle down, she begins to unload the sack, which contains the skin of a werepanther, its skull and all four of its claws. It is a small specimen, perhaps being a child of its kind.

The old man glances up and smiles brightly, a brow lofting consideringly as the sack is unloaded, nodding his approval of the contents before picking up the vial and inspecting it closely. With a satisfied smile he sets it to the side and begins sorting through the remains. "Well done, young lady, well done. A marvelous specimen you have here. Werepanther, rather young, probably less than 10 years. I imagine it's parents are rather disappointed." he chuckles softly, sweeping the remains to the side and taking up the vial. "Good sample of lycanthrope spittle here. Almost no impurities. it should suffice for my needs." With a slight gesture, a silver cage appears on the counter, the door swinging open with a soft creak of hinges. "If you'll please place your familiar in here, I'll see to the transformation right away. You will be able to reclaim him in three days. I can assure you he will be quite safe and sound, though not without a slight measure of... discomfort. Nothing that will kill him, I can assure you, but the first transformation is always rather traumatic." He smiles reassuringly as he turns to the remains. "As for these, I'm guessing you'll be wanting a price for them... The skin is relatively whole, full skull and all claws... quite impressive. All told, I can safely say... 10... no, 15,000. The skin being relatively whole makes for quite a prize really." He smiles and offers a hand. "Do we have an accord?"
The young lady looks concerned for a moment, but shrugs off her fear quickly. She takes his hand in a firm handshake, saying, "I suppose some discomfort is to be expected. And, yes, 15,000 is acceptable." She draws her hand back and begins stroking the bird to calm it. After smoothing the bird's feathers, she hands him over before removing the sack at her belt to accept the money for the werepanther.