bielmic wrote:You would normally have a point but those three decades of experience didn't matter for squat on the other two most recent crowdfunding projects or any of the other 20 or so failed to deliver RPG titles of 2013.
Yep, inexperience with the field of tabletop war-gaming is not something they can use to excuse having missed their release targets with terrifying thoroughness. On the other hand, if Ninja Division is willing to kick inferior-quality product out the door and say "in our opinion as professionals in this field, this is good enough for release", is that really Palladium's fault?
bielmic wrote:Palladium doesn't need any other companies' help to screw up royally. They've been doing that on their own for the past two decades.
When did I say they did? My whole argument is, I suppose, essentially that Palladium found a partner who has helped them screw up massively in new and outrageous ways.
Larry A wrote:In other words, if I don't have such iron clad proof that I can either blackmail Kevin for everything he owns and/or send him to prison for life for criminal activities, then nothing detrimental can be said about Palladium Books.
No, and I'd greatly appreciate it if you stopped with the
Reductio ad absurdum.
What I said there was that, unless you have actual proof that Palladium is the one making the miniatures instead of Ninja Division, it makes no sense to blame Palladium for the quality of the miniatures they were not the designers of. If Ninja Division, a partnership of two miniatures companies, thought the minis that you find to be of such offensively poor quality were good enough for release, is that Palladium's fault? It seems somehow unfair to say that it is. After all, Kevin and co. are not experts on tabletop gaming, and nothing that crosses Kevin's desk hasn't already been signed off on by Ninja Division.
Larry A wrote:Guess what boyo! It is 100% Palladium's fault. Definitely and Irrefutably. Unless you have a shred of evidence that replaces Palladium as Project Lead with their name on the front.
This has been billed as a partnership from the word go, not as Ninja Division being in Palladium's employ.
One of the (many) reasons there's almost no sympathy for the upset backers from anyone who isn't also one of the backers is that it seems to be being used as a vehicle for expressing personal grievances with Palladium more than actually expressing discontent with the quality of the work being done. Denying the responsibility of the other parties involved robs your complaints of most of their legitimacy.
Kryptt wrote:If it fails the rest of the gaming community outside of PB already see PB as the ones who bungled this great opportunity along with the morons at ND.
That's kinda my point,
Larry is saying Palladium bungled this
alone, and that Palladium should bear sole responsibility for it. Pretty much all I'm saying here is that any coherent and rational assessment of the situation by someone who ISN'T a backer or determined to vilify Palladium is going to find Ninja Division to be as much, if not more, responsible for the quality issues because they're professional miniatures studios who really ought to be better than this amateur hour nonsense. Palladium should get some flak for rubber-stamping 'em, but the greater share of the blame should belong to the studio responsible for the concept and production design.
The "if you're not ready to crucify Palladium, you're defending it" attitude is not helping anyone take the backers seriously. (Well, at least among people who normally take the backers seriously... which I can't say has ever applied to me.)