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Re: Is it time the CS finally loses one?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 11:37 am
by Killer Cyborg
Blue_Lion wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:Blue Lion, please quote the post where you believe that I made that claim.

You are under the misunderstanding I was not talking to you specifically. Most of what I said was directed at Subjugator. He was using your link to say that hand made can not be mass produced.

Oh, okay; I'll explain.

The way that message forums work as a rule is that when you quote another person, especially at length, it is assumed that your response is directed at that person, not at the world at large, and certainly not at an entirely different specific poster.
If you intend to deviate from this standard pattern of interaction, the only way to avoid causing confusion is to state that your response isn't directed at the person that you're quoting.

Re: Is it time the CS finally loses one?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 11:44 am
by Killer Cyborg
Blue_Lion wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:Also, quote the place where you believe that

I already a had. Sorry I am speaking general.

Since I was kind enough to repost my link to the Encyclopedia Britannica for your benefit, would you be good enough to repost the place where you thought that "machine made" was being held up as a necessary component, for my benefit?

Re: Is it time the CS finally loses one?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 11:49 am
by Blue_Lion
Blue_Lion wrote:
Subjugator wrote:
Kagashi wrote:So sum up the past 20 or so posts:

1) You cannot mass produce something that his hand made.
2) Mass production involves assembly lines of specifically trained/specialized people/machines that makes one part of the product and passes it down to the next person/machine for them to make their portion of the product.
3) Palladium uses the description of being hand made, while also claiming many items are mass produced. The RUE TW rules indicate that they are all hand made. Leaving the conclusion that they simply misused the word.
4) Regardless, there ARE many TW items which are made with the same features and in mass quantities.

Kagashi has summed it up correctly.


As I said I was not specifically talking to you, my fault for not saying names.
These are the type of comments I was countering.

This is the same reply I quoted earlier and was the line of thought I was trying to counter.
As you can see the main person I was talking to Was Subjugator.

I reposted right after the post that you just replied to. That was the second time I posted it this is the third.

Re: Is it time the CS finally loses one?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 11:53 am
by Blue_Lion
Killer Cyborg wrote:
Blue_Lion wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:Blue Lion, please quote the post where you believe that I made that claim.

You are under the misunderstanding I was not talking to you specifically. Most of what I said was directed at Subjugator. He was using your link to say that hand made can not be mass produced.

Oh, okay; I'll explain.

The way that message forums work as a rule is that when you quote another person, especially at length, it is assumed that your response is directed at that person, not at the world at large, and certainly not at an entirely different specific poster.
If you intend to deviate from this standard pattern of interaction, the only way to avoid causing confusion is to state that your response isn't directed at the person that you're quoting.

The thing was is you quoted my counter to some one else's line of thought so do to the fact I usually post quickly while watching hulu and lack of specific names led to the misunderstanding so it is my fault.

Re: Is it time the CS finally loses one?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 11:55 am
by Killer Cyborg
Blue_Lion wrote:
Blue_Lion wrote:
Subjugator wrote:
Kagashi wrote:So sum up the past 20 or so posts:

1) You cannot mass produce something that his hand made.
2) Mass production involves assembly lines of specifically trained/specialized people/machines that makes one part of the product and passes it down to the next person/machine for them to make their portion of the product.
3) Palladium uses the description of being hand made, while also claiming many items are mass produced. The RUE TW rules indicate that they are all hand made. Leaving the conclusion that they simply misused the word.
4) Regardless, there ARE many TW items which are made with the same features and in mass quantities.

Kagashi has summed it up correctly.


As I said I was not specifically talking to you, my fault for not saying names.
These are the type of comments I was countering.

This is the same reply I quoted earlier and was the line of thought I was trying to counter.
As you can see the main person I was talking to Was Subjugator.

I reposted right after the post that you just replied to. That was the second time I posted it this is the third.

Ah, thank you.
My confusion must stem from the fact that the post you're quoting doesn't actually hold up "machine made" as a key factor, nor even mention that term.

Re: Is it time the CS finally loses one?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 11:56 am
by Killer Cyborg
Blue_Lion wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:
Blue_Lion wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:Blue Lion, please quote the post where you believe that I made that claim.

You are under the misunderstanding I was not talking to you specifically. Most of what I said was directed at Subjugator. He was using your link to say that hand made can not be mass produced.

Oh, okay; I'll explain.

The way that message forums work as a rule is that when you quote another person, especially at length, it is assumed that your response is directed at that person, not at the world at large, and certainly not at an entirely different specific poster.
If you intend to deviate from this standard pattern of interaction, the only way to avoid causing confusion is to state that your response isn't directed at the person that you're quoting.

The thing was is you quoted my counter to some one else's line of thought so do to the fact I usually post quickly while watching hulu and lack of specific names led to the misunderstanding so it is my fault.


Re: Is it time the CS finally loses one?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 12:14 pm
by Blue_Lion
Killer Cyborg wrote:
Blue_Lion wrote:
Blue_Lion wrote:
Subjugator wrote:
Kagashi wrote:So sum up the past 20 or so posts:

1) You cannot mass produce something that his hand made.
2) Mass production involves assembly lines of specifically trained/specialized people/machines that makes one part of the product and passes it down to the next person/machine for them to make their portion of the product.
3) Palladium uses the description of being hand made, while also claiming many items are mass produced. The RUE TW rules indicate that they are all hand made. Leaving the conclusion that they simply misused the word.
4) Regardless, there ARE many TW items which are made with the same features and in mass quantities.

Kagashi has summed it up correctly.


As I said I was not specifically talking to you, my fault for not saying names.
These are the type of comments I was countering.

This is the same reply I quoted earlier and was the line of thought I was trying to counter.
As you can see the main person I was talking to Was Subjugator.

I reposted right after the post that you just replied to. That was the second time I posted it this is the third.

Ah, thank you.
My confusion must stem from the fact that the post you're quoting doesn't actually hold up "machine made" as a key factor, nor even mention that term.

They are claiming that mass produced can not be hand made. But it was never a requirement that hand made can not be mass produced. If the hand make work is done in steps passing between stations and is done people it could be mass produced. In addition many of the parts used by TW are from normal tech so they can machine the parts and call it hand made because the final assembly/enchanting is done by a person more so than a machine.

By saying that it can not be hand made the are basically saying that it has to count as machine made.
I am curious thou I am having trouble where I said that it was. Looking at my post I seam to be saying that hand made could meet the requirements, I am having trouble finding where I used the argument with the term of machine made was being held up.

I think it is probably my poor posting style causing issues to over flow.

Re: Is it time the CS finally loses one?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 12:15 pm
by Shark_Force
@ killer cyborg:

if you happen to have the xiticix digger write-up at hand, i believe it mentions that the digger is capable of using it's resin to get the weapons started. the final process does require the queen, but the diggers are in fact capable of doing some portion of the labour (precisely how much is unclear, however). by your definition, i believe the xiticix still meet the requirements for "mass production".

likewise, for techno-wizards, it is entirely possible for them to hire non-TW assistants to speed up the work. those assistants need to have appropriate skills themsevels (vehicle skills for working on vehicles, etc), and so while it isn't explicitly stated that they're doing work on it then passing it off to someone else (the TW) to do the next step, it is heavily implied.

but, to be fair, i suppose what i mainly meant was that some places seem to produce extremely large quantities of magical goods at a sufficient rate to provide for entire military organizations (or equivalent) just as effectively as technology is capable of doing. whether they do that using mass production as the encyclopedia defines it or some other way is rather beside the point (though for what it's worth, those places do seem to be producing large numbers of identical products).

the main point i was trying to address was the claim that magical societies are incapable of producing sufficient quantities of magical goods to equip all of their people (ie not just the ones that have the knowledge and can use magic) like technology can. the claim has been made at least a few times that magic is limited by the fact that only a few people know it and are able to use it. my main point was that the splugorth have made billions of power lord and overlord armour for the kydians (and who knows how many bio-wizardry and TW weapons and items to use or sell), the xiticix have made (hundreds of) millions of TW weapons, the manoans have outfitted their regular army with TW equipment exactly like any tech nation equips their troops with technological weapons, etc.

again, whether they use mass production as defined in the encyclopedia is not 100% clear. what is clear is that they are capable of producing large numbers of these items rapidly, and maintaining them.

Re: Is it time the CS finally loses one?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 12:38 pm
by flatline
Shark_Force wrote:again, whether they use mass production as defined in the encyclopedia is not 100% clear. what is clear is that they are capable of producing large numbers of these items rapidly, and maintaining them.

I don't understand why any possible distinction between "made in large numbers" and "mass produced" matters at all to the topic of this thread.


Re: Is it time the CS finally loses one?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 1:21 pm
by Blue_Lion
flatline wrote:
Shark_Force wrote:again, whether they use mass production as defined in the encyclopedia is not 100% clear. what is clear is that they are capable of producing large numbers of these items rapidly, and maintaining them.

I don't understand why any possible distinction between "made in large numbers" and "mass produced" matters at all to the topic of this thread.


They should not mater. As long as they can produce the large numbers needed that meets Mass produced for the intents of a debate.

Re: Is it time the CS finally loses one?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 1:42 pm
by Killer Cyborg
Shark_Force wrote:@ killer cyborg:

if you happen to have the xiticix digger write-up at hand, i believe it mentions that the digger is capable of using it's resin to get the weapons started. the final process does require the queen, but the diggers are in fact capable of doing some portion of the labour (precisely how much is unclear, however). by your definition, i believe the xiticix still meet the requirements for "mass production".

Thank you for your thorough reply. :ok:

Here's what I can find:
XI 49
Diggers, with the help of Workers operating under their explicit direction, use full strength resin to make MDC melee weapons. Most are hand-held weapons, but fighting class Xiticix, particularly Super-Warriors and the older Warriors, often have the Digger augment their natural MDC exoskeleton with Mega-Damage resin plating as well as have resin cast weapons (blades, spikes, and barbs) applied directly to their bodies.

The queen doesn't seem to be involved, which is a shame because that would indicate that the xiticix melee weapons are magical in nature, which would go a long way toward answering the question of how they are able to inflict mega-damage.

With this passage, we see that Diggers can direct workers to help in making the melee weapons, but we can't tell if the process is somewhat assembly-line, or if it's more akin to an overseer helping guide hand-crafters with their individual projects.

P. 47 states that Diggers:
are also responsible for... the manufacturing of the infamous resin-based melee weapons (swords, spears, and so on.) Of course, the Diggers don't do all this work by themselves. They command a legion of Workers to assist them in their tasks.

Again, it doesn't describe what kind of direction is being done, nor what kind of production methods are used.

In order for it to be proper mass production, though, there would have to be a standardization of parts. When crafting a Xiticix Long Sword, for example, one bug would have to craft the pommel, another the hilt, another the guard, another the blade, and so forth.
Which I still believe seems pretty unlikely.

Under the Xiticix Young Queen description (XI 62), it states:
Only the Queens, with the help of the Diggers, psionically (and magically?) make the long-range weapons, including the TK rifle, TK pistol, Spike Shooters, and the Resin Spitter rifle. Nobody knows how this process works but assumes it must involve psionics and perhaps the syphoning of magic energy...
...Presumably, only the Queens can (magically or psionically?) create a firing mechanism and PPE power source while the Diggers make the physical weapon.

Okay, THIS seems to be the kind of thing that you were referring to.
I don't believe that there are enough steps (or machines, etc) for this to really count as mass production, though. For a true assembly line, you need to have a variety of stations in which interchangeable parts are assembled into the end product, moving down the line from one worker to the next until completion.

In this case, you have one bug making most of the product, and another bug putting the finishing touches on it.
I don't think that's really the same thing, because it's basically what techno-wizards often do in general.
With the original Techno-Wizards, for example, they could take any laser pistol and convert it to work off of magic instead of electricity.
The weapon would have been manufactured by somebody else, but the Techno-Wizard would take that weapon, and create a PPE power source and a magical mechanism for that power source to interface with the rest of the weapon.
But I wouldn't think that the TW Laser Pistol could be claimed to have been "mass produced," simply because one person added some features to a device that another person made.

likewise, for techno-wizards, it is entirely possible for them to hire non-TW assistants to speed up the work. those assistants need to have appropriate skills themsevels (vehicle skills for working on vehicles, etc), and so while it isn't explicitly stated that they're doing work on it then passing it off to someone else (the TW) to do the next step, it is heavily implied.

A Techno-Wizard (like the one above) will likely be able to create weapons (like TW Laser Pistols) a lot faster if he doesn't have to physically build the body of the laser pistol itself. Same with many techno-wizardry devices.
That kind of assistance doesn't necessarily mean that TW items produced by that technique are mass produced, though, which is my primary point in this conversation.
"Mass production" is a specific term with a specific meaning.

As I've already mentioned, I do believe that mass production of Techno-Wizardry IS possible. It simply requires the right set-up.

but, to be fair, i suppose what i mainly meant was that some places seem to produce extremely large quantities of magical goods at a sufficient rate to provide for entire military organizations (or equivalent) just as effectively as technology is capable of doing. whether they do that using mass production as the encyclopedia defines it or some other way is rather beside the point (though for what it's worth, those places do seem to be producing large numbers of identical products).

I overall agree, except:

1. We don't know that they can produce magical goods as fast as technology can produce technological goods*.
What we know is that hundreds of millions of xiticix can produce over an unknown period of time, enough weapons to equip 1/3+ of their warriors with magical weapons.
But we also know that the Coalition is able to produce millions of suits of power armor, millions of rifles, millions of suits of armor, millions of sky cycles, millions of grenades, etc. etc. etc. with a much, much lower overall population.
Likewise, the Splugorth might produce a LOT of magical items... but they have entire planets supporting them.
And we know that the defenders of Tolkeen had enough magical weapons to outfit most of their army... but their army was a LOT smaller than the Coalition's.
Overall, the fact that there are large amounts of magical weapons produced does not mean that the production methods are as fast or as efficient.

2. Most magical weapons are NOT identical products, especially when it comes to Techno-Wizardry.
A Techno-Wizard wanting to add the feature "Impervious to Flame" to a suit of body armor could use any number of different types of body armor, ranging from old-fashioned SDC mail to a suit of Heavy Dead Boy armor. Two suits of TW armor with this same feature aren't going be anything close to identical if they start with different components, as TW devices very often do.
More importantly, even if you start with the exact same chief component, the end results are incredibly unlikely to be identical unless specific effort was put forth to make the product identical.
If you have two Techno-Wizards, and each of them have a suit of Bushman armor, and each of them wants to add the feature of "Impervious to Fire" to the armor, there are countless variations on the theme as to how they would accomplish this goal. One wizard might paint the armor red, and attach a small fire extinguisher to the armor, in addition to the gems and wires and such. The other wizard might paint the armor blue, and attach part of a lawn sprinkler to the armor somehow. Techno-Wizardry is, as a rule, a craft.
Furthermore, there are other factors involved, such as the spellcaster level that the device uses, which make it virtually impossible for two TW devices to be identical unless they were specifically crafted to be that way.
For example, if they were mass produced.

*Leaving out for the moment that magical goods ARE a kind of technological good by strict definition of "technology."

the main point i was trying to address was the claim that magical societies are incapable of producing sufficient quantities of magical goods to equip all of their people (ie not just the ones that have the knowledge and can use magic) like technology can.

I have neither supported nor denied that claim, nor even really noticed it being made.
I have simply pointed out that assembly lines are a kind of technology, and that "mass production" is a specific term that does not typically apply to magical items in the Rifts setting.

Re: Is it time the CS finally loses one?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 1:56 pm
by Killer Cyborg
flatline wrote:
Shark_Force wrote:again, whether they use mass production as defined in the encyclopedia is not 100% clear. what is clear is that they are capable of producing large numbers of these items rapidly, and maintaining them.

I don't understand why any possible distinction between "made in large numbers" and "mass produced" matters at all to the topic of this thread.


1. First and foremost because words mean things.
If people were tossing out the phrase "civil war," claiming that the CS/Tolkeen war was a "civil war," then they'd be wrong, even if they failed to see any distinction between a "civil war" and "a war between civilizations."
Or, perhaps, especially for that reason.
And in such a case, it would be important for everybody in the conversation to understand the meaning of the terms that they were attempting to use.

2. Mass production is a highly efficient means of producing items. Production output is a very important deciding factor in competition, so when discussing (for some reason) the relative advantages and disadvantages of magic and technology versus each other, production output is a very important factor.
One of the main benefits of mass production is that the workers themselves have to possess very little skill or education. This means that any one worker is easily replaced if necessary, without any real effect on production.
Craft production, on the other hand, requires that each crafter have a specific skillset, and/or education, and/or talent.
In the case of magic, your overall production is going to be limited by the number of mages that you have.
In the case of mass production in general, your overall production is going to be limited by the overall population that you have.

Since the original topic was whether or not it made sense for the Coalition to suffer a major loss against an opponent, and since the Coalition's chief advantage come from a combination of high technology, mass production, and a high population, it seems to make some sense to discuss the kind of advantage that this provides them over their enemies.

Re: Is it time the CS finally loses one?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 3:39 pm
by Blue_Lion
Killer Cyborg wrote:
flatline wrote:
Shark_Force wrote:again, whether they use mass production as defined in the encyclopedia is not 100% clear. what is clear is that they are capable of producing large numbers of these items rapidly, and maintaining them.

I don't understand why any possible distinction between "made in large numbers" and "mass produced" matters at all to the topic of this thread.


1. First and foremost because words mean things.
If people were tossing out the phrase "civil war," claiming that the CS/Tolkeen war was a "civil war," then they'd be wrong, even if they failed to see any distinction between a "civil war" and "a war between civilizations."
Or, perhaps, especially for that reason.
And in such a case, it would be important for everybody in the conversation to understand the meaning of the terms that they were attempting to use.

2. Mass production is a highly efficient means of producing items. Production output is a very important deciding factor in competition, so when discussing (for some reason) the relative advantages and disadvantages of magic and technology versus each other, production output is a very important factor.
One of the main benefits of mass production is that the workers themselves have to possess very little skill or education. This means that any one worker is easily replaced if necessary, without any real effect on production.
Craft production, on the other hand, requires that each crafter have a specific skillset, and/or education, and/or talent.
In the case of magic, your overall production is going to be limited by the number of mages that you have.
In the case of mass production in general, your overall production is going to be limited by the overall population that you have.

Since the original topic was whether or not it made sense for the Coalition to suffer a major loss against an opponent, and since the Coalition's chief advantage come from a combination of high technology, mass production, and a high population, it seems to make some sense to discuss the kind of advantage that this provides them over their enemies.

Umm those benefits are not always true. For many task skill may not be important but with some things that get mass produced there has been an increase in the need for skilled workers.
*Example the workers that maintain the equipment at the factory would need to have the skill set to maintain it. This is becoming more of the case as humans labor on the line is replaced with robot arms so production goes up but so does the requirement of skill in the workers.(We are advancing assembling lines to the point where the people on them are starting to need highly specialized skills.)

The primary benefit of mass production is the high output at reduced cost. (other factors such as standardization of product are done to meet the high output(the goal) and to reduce cost(increase profit.)

How Mass production affects the worker is that one worker does not do the whole task himself.

It is possible to hand craft something and still mas produce it. IE it goes down a line and each person does a step in the process. John screws the Circuit board in place, bob inserts a chip into the board, Tommy places the Jewels, Fred attaches the wires, then Jen Channels the PPE to enchant it. (Yes that is an over simplified example but it gets to the point each of those steps could be done by hand.)

You are looking at the issue from the point of view that is limiting. Hand made does not always mean that it can not be mass produced. Craft made typically one worker does all the work, Mass produced is the labor is not all done by one person.

Re: Is it time the CS finally loses one?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 4:04 pm
by Nightmask
It's really simple, some people think that Mass Production is somehow tied to technology, they don't like the idea that something magical can be mass produced so they are insisting that magical items aren't and can't be mass-produced by twisting definitions to try and tie them only to non-magical products when that's simply not so. So even though there are mass-produced magic items in Rifts they insist that they aren't really mass-produced even though they are.

Re: Is it time the CS finally loses one?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 4:20 pm
by Killer Cyborg
Blue_Lion wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:
flatline wrote:
Shark_Force wrote:again, whether they use mass production as defined in the encyclopedia is not 100% clear. what is clear is that they are capable of producing large numbers of these items rapidly, and maintaining them.

I don't understand why any possible distinction between "made in large numbers" and "mass produced" matters at all to the topic of this thread.


1. First and foremost because words mean things.
If people were tossing out the phrase "civil war," claiming that the CS/Tolkeen war was a "civil war," then they'd be wrong, even if they failed to see any distinction between a "civil war" and "a war between civilizations."
Or, perhaps, especially for that reason.
And in such a case, it would be important for everybody in the conversation to understand the meaning of the terms that they were attempting to use.

2. Mass production is a highly efficient means of producing items. Production output is a very important deciding factor in competition, so when discussing (for some reason) the relative advantages and disadvantages of magic and technology versus each other, production output is a very important factor.
One of the main benefits of mass production is that the workers themselves have to possess very little skill or education. This means that any one worker is easily replaced if necessary, without any real effect on production.
Craft production, on the other hand, requires that each crafter have a specific skillset, and/or education, and/or talent.
In the case of magic, your overall production is going to be limited by the number of mages that you have.
In the case of mass production in general, your overall production is going to be limited by the overall population that you have.

Since the original topic was whether or not it made sense for the Coalition to suffer a major loss against an opponent, and since the Coalition's chief advantage come from a combination of high technology, mass production, and a high population, it seems to make some sense to discuss the kind of advantage that this provides them over their enemies.

Umm those benefits are not always true.

Very, very little is ALWAYS true.

It is possible to hand craft something and still mas produce it. IE it goes down a line and each person does a step in the process. John screws the Circuit board in place, bob inserts a chip into the board, Tommy places the Jewels, Fred attaches the wires, then Jen Channels the PPE to enchant it. (Yes that is an over simplified example but it gets to the point each of those steps could be done by hand.)

That's "assembly by hand," not "hand crafting."
"Hand crafted" means MADE by hand.
Circuit boards and chips and such generally aren't made.

You are looking at the issue from the point of view that is limiting.

Address the post, not the poster.

Re: Is it time the CS finally loses one?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 4:21 pm
by eliakon
Nightmask wrote:It's really simple, some people think that Mass Production is somehow tied to technology, they don't like the idea that something magical can be mass produced so they are insisting that magical items aren't and can't be mass-produced by twisting definitions to try and tie them only to non-magical products when that's simply not so. So even though there are mass-produced magic items in Rifts they insist that they aren't really mass-produced even though they are.

Its even simpler. Some people don't like the actual dictionary definition of the word Mass Production as 'being produced in mass' and want it instead to mean exclusively the alternative meaning 'produced on an assembly line by machines'
Generally this is called Equivocation,
Equivocation – the misleading use of a term with more than one meaning (by glossing over which meaning is intended at a particular time).[28]

So people are using Mass Production, then picking and choosing which parts of the definition they want to use, and arguing that since a specific magic item is not shown, in canon, to be produced by a process that meets every version of every definition that it is not really mass production.
Never mind that 1) Canon explicitly says that mass production IS used (which means that part of the argument is saying that the books are actually wrong, and should be dismissed as a source, but ONLY for magic) and 2) that there is no similar support provided for anything ELSE to be mass-produced in the same way (I have yet to see a canon citation that the CS actually uses mass production for instance. By the logic being used, since there is no canon support for it, then all CS production must be one-off.) and 3) that it has been demonstrated that at least some of the TW facilities in question DO use mass-production as defined in this argument (assembly lines, parts passed from one worker to another, ect).
Which makes me think that the argument is not that magic can not be mass produced, but instead something else.

Re: Is it time the CS finally loses one?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 4:38 pm
by Killer Cyborg
eliakon wrote:
Nightmask wrote:It's really simple, some people think that Mass Production is somehow tied to technology, they don't like the idea that something magical can be mass produced so they are insisting that magical items aren't and can't be mass-produced by twisting definitions to try and tie them only to non-magical products when that's simply not so. So even though there are mass-produced magic items in Rifts they insist that they aren't really mass-produced even though they are.

Its even simpler. Some people don't like the actual dictionary definition of the word Mass Production as 'being produced in mass' and want it instead to mean exclusively the alternative meaning 'produced on an assembly line by machines'
Generally this is called Equivocation,
Equivocation – the misleading use of a term with more than one meaning (by glossing over which meaning is intended at a particular time).[28]

Since I've been repeatedly posting the definitions of "mass production," I don't see how that could be called "misleading."
I've been VERY straightforward.

And it's not that I "don't like the dictionary definition." It's that the dictionary definitions that some people have been using are incomplete and/or inaccurate, as demonstrated by the plethora of other, more thorough sources that I've posted.
Not to mention OTHER dictionary definitions of the same term: ... ss-produce
to manufacture (goods) to a standardized pattern on a large scale by means of extensive mechanization and division of labour ... production
the process of producing large quantities of goods by using machines

http://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.c ... ss-produce
to produce goods in large quantities, using machinery
produced in large numbers using machinery, so that each object is the same and can be sold cheaply
when products are made in large numbers by machines so that they can be sold cheaply

And so forth.
Don't pretend that there's only ONE dictionary definition of the term, and don't pretend that "the" dictionary definition is the most accurate definition.

So people are using Mass Production, then picking and choosing which parts of the definition they want to use, and arguing that since a specific magic item is not shown, in canon, to be produced by a process that meets every version of every definition that it is not really mass production.

Which people?

Never mind that 1) Canon explicitly says that mass production IS used (which means that part of the argument is saying that the books are actually wrong, and should be dismissed as a source, but ONLY for magic)

Well, it states that mass production is used to make hand-crafted goods.
Subbie put forth the argument that it's impossible by definition for that to happen.
(I haven't weighed in on that one)

and 2) that there is no similar support provided for anything ELSE to be mass-produced in the same way (I have yet to see a canon citation that the CS actually uses mass production for instance.

I guess you missed when I pointed out the SB1r quote earlier...?

3) that it has been demonstrated that at least some of the TW facilities in question DO use mass-production as defined in this argument (assembly lines, parts passed from one worker to another, ect).

Wait... when and how was it demonstrated that some of the TW facilities use assembly lines and such...?

Re: Is it time the CS finally loses one?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 4:39 pm
by Subjugator
Blue_Lion wrote:
Subjugator wrote:
Kagashi wrote:So sum up the past 20 or so posts:

1) You cannot mass produce something that his hand made.
2) Mass production involves assembly lines of specifically trained/specialized people/machines that makes one part of the product and passes it down to the next person/machine for them to make their portion of the product.
3) Palladium uses the description of being hand made, while also claiming many items are mass produced. The RUE TW rules indicate that they are all hand made. Leaving the conclusion that they simply misused the word.
4) Regardless, there ARE many TW items which are made with the same features and in mass quantities.

Kagashi has summed it up correctly.


As I said I was not specifically talking to you, my fault for not saying names.
These are the type of comments I was countering.

This is the same reply I quoted earlier and was the line of thought I was trying to counter.
As you can see the main person I was talking to Was Subjugator.

Okay, who are you replying to in this comment, since you said you weren't talking to me but then said you were talking to me?


Re: Is it time the CS finally loses one?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 4:42 pm
by Subjugator
Blue_Lion wrote:
Subjugator wrote:
Blue_Lion wrote:So you are claiming the Kittani do not produce PA?

No. I am not. Why do you keep saying all Kittani armor is bright blue?

The armor states when it is finished-so then they first thing the do is produce the armor normally then goes to the next step to get its TW features and enchantment. You are trying to support you point by being nitpicky to make it impossible standard to meet.

It doesn't say they mass produce the magical effects. Where does it say it's mass produced?


So you do not require normal tech to say it mass produced but that any magical part must say it is.

But it does fallow the definition of Assembly line where an unfinished product is passed on to a worker to work on the next step.

Passing what would ordinarily be a finished product on to another for further enhancement does not mean the enhancements are mass-produced.

If you build a Subaru WRX to ordinary specifications (mass-produced) and then hand it off to a group of technicians to turn it into a professional rally racing car, the professional rally racing care that is the end product is not mass produced.


Re: Is it time the CS finally loses one?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 4:46 pm
by Subjugator
Blue_Lion wrote:Actually looking at the definition of hand made from dictionaries. That summery does not match the definition of Mass produced taken from Multiple dictionary. So you are placing higher requirement than the term Mass produces requires for most of its meanings.

I misspoke there. I should have corrected him and said it cannot be an individually crafted item. Please consider my words to have been modified to address that.

Basing your whole argument off the definition from one sight. Wiki a sight that can not be used as a reference in many academic institutes and does not match the common definition which only says it requires that allot is made often with machines. (So the common definition does not require it be made with machines.)

I'm not. There are other sites that mention the requirements we are discussing.

Basically I am saying that Wiki does not match common definition that I found in quick research so I am rejecting it as a source to provide requirements for the term Mass Produced.

Well, given that when I modified my usage it was to address the technical definition (and not the common one), and I specified such, I daresay it should be easily understood as such. Similarly, when I use the term 'organic' I use it in the technical sense (unless otherwise specified). The technical definition of organic (as within chemistry) is that the item in question contains carbon; yes, that means that Coca Cola is organic and pure water is not.


Re: Is it time the CS finally loses one?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 4:58 pm
by eliakon
Killer Cyborg wrote:
eliakon wrote:
Nightmask wrote:It's really simple, some people think that Mass Production is somehow tied to technology, they don't like the idea that something magical can be mass produced so they are insisting that magical items aren't and can't be mass-produced by twisting definitions to try and tie them only to non-magical products when that's simply not so. So even though there are mass-produced magic items in Rifts they insist that they aren't really mass-produced even though they are.

Its even simpler. Some people don't like the actual dictionary definition of the word Mass Production as 'being produced in mass' and want it instead to mean exclusively the alternative meaning 'produced on an assembly line by machines'
Generally this is called Equivocation,
Equivocation – the misleading use of a term with more than one meaning (by glossing over which meaning is intended at a particular time).[28]

Since I've been repeatedly posting the definitions of "mass production," I don't see how that could be called "misleading."
I've been VERY straightforward.

And it's not that I "don't like the dictionary definition." It's that the dictionary definitions that some people have been using are incomplete and/or inaccurate, as demonstrated by the plethora of other, more thorough sources that I've posted.
Not to mention OTHER dictionary definitions of the same term: ... ss-produce
to manufacture (goods) to a standardized pattern on a large scale by means of extensive mechanization and division of labour ... production
the process of producing large quantities of goods by using machines

http://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.c ... ss-produce
to produce goods in large quantities, using machinery
produced in large numbers using machinery, so that each object is the same and can be sold cheaply
when products are made in large numbers by machines so that they can be sold cheaply

And so forth.
Don't pretend that there's only ONE dictionary definition of the term, and don't pretend that "the" dictionary definition is the most accurate definition.

I am not pretending anything. What I am saying is that the definition does not require that it be build solely by machines. People can do some of the work, You can use hand tools.

Killer Cyborg wrote:
eliakon wrote:So people are using Mass Production, then picking and choosing which parts of the definition they want to use, and arguing that since a specific magic item is not shown, in canon, to be produced by a process that meets every version of every definition that it is not really mass production.

Which people?

That would be the whole argument here in a nut shell

Killer Cyborg wrote:
eliakon wrote:Never mind that 1) Canon explicitly says that mass production IS used (which means that part of the argument is saying that the books are actually wrong, and should be dismissed as a source, but ONLY for magic)

Well, it states that mass production is used to make hand-crafted goods.
Subbie put forth the argument that it's impossible by definition for that to happen.
(I haven't weighed in on that one)

That still doesn't deal with the problem of the SoT1 mention, nor the Three Galaxies reference, nor Arnzo, nor my demonstration of the Venetian arsenal (which is cited repeatedly as an example of mass production of ships AND used hand labor and hand tools)
Simply dismissing ONE example, of eight does nothing to 'prove' anything, it just simply brings things down to seven points. And that's even if subie is RIGHT. I contend that since it says Hand MADE not hand CRAFTED it could simply mean that they require people to build, and not robots (you know like the difference between Fords Model-T plant and Fords F-150 Plant)

Killer Cyborg wrote:
eliakon wrote:and 2) that there is no similar support provided for anything ELSE to be mass-produced in the same way (I have yet to see a canon citation that the CS actually uses mass production for instance.

I guess you missed when I pointed out the SB1r quote earlier...?

All that proves is that Archie uses mass production. It doesent prove the CS does (I am using the same logic, that since it does not explicitly say the CS uses mass production just that his mass production is better that the CS, then they don't to demonstrate the double standard that is being applied to magic)

Killer Cyborg wrote:
eliakon wrote:3) that it has been demonstrated that at least some of the TW facilities in question DO use mass-production as defined in this argument (assembly lines, parts passed from one worker to another, ect).

Wait... when and how was it demonstrated that some of the TW facilities use assembly lines and such...?

Arnzo describes how the vehicle assembly facility works. Which was why I provided the citation. In that description it mentions "everything is constructed on an assembly line" (Arnzo page 54, bullet point 36)

And then there is the simple statements in SoT that some of the weapons are Mass-Produced. Not "mass produced by hand" which can be interpreted as being miss used, but simply "mass produced" full stop.

Re: Is it time the CS finally loses one?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 4:59 pm
by Blue_Lion
Killer Cyborg wrote:
Blue_Lion wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:
flatline wrote:
Shark_Force wrote:again, whether they use mass production as defined in the encyclopedia is not 100% clear. what is clear is that they are capable of producing large numbers of these items rapidly, and maintaining them.

I don't understand why any possible distinction between "made in large numbers" and "mass produced" matters at all to the topic of this thread.


1. First and foremost because words mean things.
If people were tossing out the phrase "civil war," claiming that the CS/Tolkeen war was a "civil war," then they'd be wrong, even if they failed to see any distinction between a "civil war" and "a war between civilizations."
Or, perhaps, especially for that reason.
And in such a case, it would be important for everybody in the conversation to understand the meaning of the terms that they were attempting to use.

2. Mass production is a highly efficient means of producing items. Production output is a very important deciding factor in competition, so when discussing (for some reason) the relative advantages and disadvantages of magic and technology versus each other, production output is a very important factor.
One of the main benefits of mass production is that the workers themselves have to possess very little skill or education. This means that any one worker is easily replaced if necessary, without any real effect on production.
Craft production, on the other hand, requires that each crafter have a specific skillset, and/or education, and/or talent.
In the case of magic, your overall production is going to be limited by the number of mages that you have.
In the case of mass production in general, your overall production is going to be limited by the overall population that you have.

Since the original topic was whether or not it made sense for the Coalition to suffer a major loss against an opponent, and since the Coalition's chief advantage come from a combination of high technology, mass production, and a high population, it seems to make some sense to discuss the kind of advantage that this provides them over their enemies.

Umm those benefits are not always true.

Very, very little is ALWAYS true.

It is possible to hand craft something and still mas produce it. IE it goes down a line and each person does a step in the process. John screws the Circuit board in place, bob inserts a chip into the board, Tommy places the Jewels, Fred attaches the wires, then Jen Channels the PPE to enchant it. (Yes that is an over simplified example but it gets to the point each of those steps could be done by hand.)

That's "assembly by hand," not "hand crafting."
"Hand crafted" means MADE by hand.
Circuit boards and chips and such generally aren't made.

You are looking at the issue from the point of view that is limiting.

Address the post, not the poster.

Lets see if a dresser has 12 parts, and 12 people hand makes the parts and then several people assemble the parts. That would be hand made?

Re: Is it time the CS finally loses one?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 5:10 pm
by Blue_Lion
Subjugator wrote:
Blue_Lion wrote:
Subjugator wrote:
Blue_Lion wrote:So you are claiming the Kittani do not produce PA?

No. I am not. Why do you keep saying all Kittani armor is bright blue?

The armor states when it is finished-so then they first thing the do is produce the armor normally then goes to the next step to get its TW features and enchantment. You are trying to support you point by being nitpicky to make it impossible standard to meet.

It doesn't say they mass produce the magical effects. Where does it say it's mass produced?


So you do not require normal tech to say it mass produced but that any magical part must say it is.

But it does fallow the definition of Assembly line where an unfinished product is passed on to a worker to work on the next step.

Passing what would ordinarily be a finished product on to another for further enhancement does not mean the enhancements are mass-produced.

If you build a Subaru WRX to ordinary specifications (mass-produced) and then hand it off to a group of technicians to turn it into a professional rally racing car, the professional rally racing care that is the end product is not mass produced.


If the enchantment is a step in the process of mass production then yes it does. It is not optional but something that all suits of this PA go threw.
Remember how an assembly line works that a product passes between stations with each station doing one stage of producing the product, in some cases this includes transferring between plants.

Let me ask you this would you demand the same high standards to prove a none magical suit of PA was mass produced?

Re: Is it time the CS finally loses one?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 5:23 pm
by Killer Cyborg
Blue_Lion wrote:if a dresser has 12 parts, and 12 people hand makes the parts and then several people assemble the parts. That would be hand made?

Better example!

Offhand, I would say that yes, that would be "handmade."
It's hard to say for certain, because it's hard to find a really solid definition of "handmade."

Re: Is it time the CS finally loses one?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 5:29 pm
by Killer Cyborg
Here's an odd thought:

If a priest fills a bottle with water, then blesses the water, making Holy Water... would it be accurate to say that the Holy Water was "handmade?"

Re: Is it time the CS finally loses one?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 5:55 pm
by eliakon
Blue_Lion wrote:
Subjugator wrote:
Blue_Lion wrote:
Subjugator wrote:
Blue_Lion wrote:So you are claiming the Kittani do not produce PA?

No. I am not. Why do you keep saying all Kittani armor is bright blue?

The armor states when it is finished-so then they first thing the do is produce the armor normally then goes to the next step to get its TW features and enchantment. You are trying to support you point by being nitpicky to make it impossible standard to meet.

It doesn't say they mass produce the magical effects. Where does it say it's mass produced?


So you do not require normal tech to say it mass produced but that any magical part must say it is.

But it does fallow the definition of Assembly line where an unfinished product is passed on to a worker to work on the next step.

Passing what would ordinarily be a finished product on to another for further enhancement does not mean the enhancements are mass-produced.

If you build a Subaru WRX to ordinary specifications (mass-produced) and then hand it off to a group of technicians to turn it into a professional rally racing car, the professional rally racing care that is the end product is not mass produced.


If the enchantment is a step in the process of mass production then yes it does. It is not optional but something that all suits of this PA go threw.
Remember how an assembly line works that a product passes between stations with each station doing one stage of producing the product, in some cases this includes transferring between plants.

Let me ask you this would you demand the same high standards to prove a none magical suit of PA was mass produced?

The answer to that is "no" the standard that has been provided to prove that the CS uses mass production is that the SB1 "SB1r, p. 11
Furthermore, his superior robot designs and mass production capabilities can beat the coalitions any day of the week" which is allowed to infer that just because Archie's designs and capabilities beat the coalitions, that the coalition thus must use mass production. Its a double standard.

Re: Is it time the CS finally loses one?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 5:57 pm
by eliakon
Killer Cyborg wrote:
Blue_Lion wrote:if a dresser has 12 parts, and 12 people hand makes the parts and then several people assemble the parts. That would be hand made?

Better example!

Offhand, I would say that yes, that would be "handmade."
It's hard to say for certain, because it's hard to find a really solid definition of "handmade."

So if we don't have a solid definition of what handmade is...then how do we know when it is a disqualifier for being used in mass-production?

Re: Is it time the CS finally loses one?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 6:07 pm
by Tor
Killer Cyborg wrote:Presumably, only the Queens can (magically or psionically?) create a firing mechanism and PPE power source while the Diggers make the physical weapon.

Okay, THIS seems to be the kind of thing that you were referring to.
I don't believe that there are enough steps (or machines, etc) for this to really count as mass production, though. For a true assembly line, you need to have a variety of stations in which interchangeable parts are assembled into the end product, moving down the line from one worker to the next until completion.

In this case, you have one bug making most of the product, and another bug putting the finishing touches on it.

This appears an unnecessarily narrow view of the phrase mass production. IMO even if one person made a whole lot of the same thing, that would be mass production. It also only takes 2 to make an assembly line.

Killer Cyborg wrote:The weapon would have been manufactured by somebody else, but the Techno-Wizard would take that weapon, and create a PPE power source and a magical mechanism for that power source to interface with the rest of the weapon.
But I wouldn't think that the TW Laser Pistol could be claimed to have been "mass produced," simply because one person added some features to a device that another person made.

IMO if you make 2 wilk laser pistols into 2 TW laser pistols, it is now a mass-produced TW device, whether it takes 1 or 2 TWs to do it.

The only thing we know for sure about 'mass' (I assume related to 'en masse') is that there is plurality. Wikipedia merely says "Mass production is the production of large amounts of standardized products" which is not too informative, and I don't see any way to answer how much a 'large' amount is, what is considered 'mass' production for a small village probably would not be to a nation like the CS. Assembly lines are optional for mass production, not necessary. Even a single person can still use assembly-line techniques. IE washing dishes and then drying them in batches instead of washing-then-drying each dish.

Perhaps we would have a better time discussing what goes above and beyond 'job production' or 'batch production'? *shrug* Still seems like a lot of gray area.

Killer Cyborg wrote:"Mass production" is a specific term with a specific meaning.
From whom or where have we gotten a definition that's actually specific? Far as I know it's like discussing which races or robots are tall or heavy enough to qualify as 'massive'

Killer Cyborg wrote:Most magical weapons are NOT identical products, especially when it comes to Techno-Wizardry. A Techno-Wizard wanting to add the feature "Impervious to Flame" to a suit of body armor could use any number of different types of body armor, ranging from old-fashioned SDC mail to a suit of Heavy Dead Boy armor. Two suits of TW armor with this same feature aren't going be anything close to identical if they start with different components, as TW devices very often do.

True, and a blacksmith could make different weapons or mass-produce the same kind of weapon. A factory can export a single product or export multiple products. TWs being able to make different ItF armors doesn't mean they can't mass-produced ItF Plastic Man armors. I'm not sure what's being argued about.

Killer Cyborg wrote:If you have two Techno-Wizards, and each of them have a suit of Bushman armor, and each of them wants to add the feature of "Impervious to Fire" to the armor, there are countless variations on the theme as to how they would accomplish this goal. One wizard might paint the armor red, and attach a small fire extinguisher to the armor, in addition to the gems and wires and such. The other wizard might paint the armor blue, and attach part of a lawn sprinkler to the armor somehow. Techno-Wizardry is, as a rule, a craft.

and some smiths might paint their armor differently or use different oils to lubricate their armor or use differently treated leather to wrap the handles, minor product variation doesn't negate the idea of mass-production

Ford mass-produced a car with a spring-tab that was too short and then replaced it with a slightly longer one without telling anybody or changing the name of the part or car, could define it as different things or recognize as same car with minor-but-important change, subjective where to draw the line on grouping.

Killer Cyborg wrote:there are other factors involved, such as the spellcaster level that the device uses, which make it virtually impossible for two TW devices to be identical unless they were specifically crafted to be that way. For example, if they were mass produced.
I would think all TWs would have an idea of 1st level strength if they wanted to tailor it to that. They might even recognize higher levels in terms of multipliers.

Killer Cyborg wrote:If people were tossing out the phrase "civil war," claiming that the CS/Tolkeen war was a "civil war," then they'd be wrong, even if they failed to see any distinction between a "civil war" and "a war between civilizations." Or, perhaps, especially for that reason.

Well, kinda depends on a matter of perspective. If the United States was never officially dissolved and the Coalition States or Tolkeen never officially seceded from it, then wouldn't they both be American citizens, albeit both for the most part utterly ignorant of that technicality?

If dropping the modern meaning and looking at the issue civility then one could argue that it is oxymoronic and that wars are inherently uncivil, something Biomancers might like.

Cloudy etymology there, something to do with Latin's bellum civile, seems clear to mean 'related to citizens' or something. Although when inter-citizen conflict becomes a 'war' is confusing to me.

Re: Is it time the CS finally loses one?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 6:19 pm
by Killer Cyborg
Tor wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:Presumably, only the Queens can (magically or psionically?) create a firing mechanism and PPE power source while the Diggers make the physical weapon.

Okay, THIS seems to be the kind of thing that you were referring to.
I don't believe that there are enough steps (or machines, etc) for this to really count as mass production, though. For a true assembly line, you need to have a variety of stations in which interchangeable parts are assembled into the end product, moving down the line from one worker to the next until completion.

In this case, you have one bug making most of the product, and another bug putting the finishing touches on it.

This appears an unnecessarily narrow view of the phrase mass production. IMO even if one person made a whole lot of the same thing, that would be mass production. It also only takes 2 to make an assembly line.

Feel free to cite any relevant sources.

Killer Cyborg wrote:The weapon would have been manufactured by somebody else, but the Techno-Wizard would take that weapon, and create a PPE power source and a magical mechanism for that power source to interface with the rest of the weapon.
But I wouldn't think that the TW Laser Pistol could be claimed to have been "mass produced," simply because one person added some features to a device that another person made.

IMO if you make 2 wilk laser pistols into 2 TW laser pistols, it is now a mass-produced TW device, whether it takes 1 or 2 TWs to do it.

Then you don't understand mass production.
I refer you back to any of the previous encyclopedia entries on the subject that I have posted.

Re: Is it time the CS finally loses one?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 6:20 pm
by Killer Cyborg
eliakon wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:
Blue_Lion wrote:if a dresser has 12 parts, and 12 people hand makes the parts and then several people assemble the parts. That would be hand made?

Better example!

Offhand, I would say that yes, that would be "handmade."
It's hard to say for certain, because it's hard to find a really solid definition of "handmade."

So if we don't have a solid definition of what handmade is...then how do we know when it is a disqualifier for being used in mass-production?

You'd have to ask somebody who posed that theory.

Re: Is it time the CS finally loses one?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 6:23 pm
by Killer Cyborg
eliakon wrote:Let me ask you this would you demand the same high standards to prove a none magical suit of PA was mass produced?

The answer to that is "no" the standard that has been provided to prove that the CS uses mass production is that the SB1 "SB1r, p. 11
Furthermore, his superior robot designs and mass production capabilities can beat the coalitions any day of the week" which is allowed to infer that just because Archie's designs and capabilities beat the coalitions, that the coalition thus must use mass production. Its a double standard.[/quote]

Judging different amounts of evidence differently isn't a double-standard. It's just a standard.

BTW, if you like, I'm sure we can find other, more direct evidence that the CS uses mass production.
As I said earlier.

Re: Is it time the CS finally loses one?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 6:28 pm
by Blue_Lion
eliakon wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:
Blue_Lion wrote:if a dresser has 12 parts, and 12 people hand makes the parts and then several people assemble the parts. That would be hand made?

Better example!

Offhand, I would say that yes, that would be "handmade."
It's hard to say for certain, because it's hard to find a really solid definition of "handmade."

So if we don't have a solid definition of what handmade is...then how do we know when it is a disqualifier for being used in mass-production?

What if it is not the term Mass-produced but the term hand-made that is being misused.
The intent for the line hand made could be meant to signify that A TW device can not be made by a fully automated process.
Giving the nature of TW it is likely to use many components that are mass produced so is not likely to be 100% hand made.
Giving that the TW device fallows a blue print it should logically be able to mass produce the physical components to the specifications of the blue print.
However the part of chaining the spells and using the PPE to make it TW will always require a TW.

Giving there are several examples of the books saying X or Y TW device is mass produced, and that we have examples of standardized TW devices such as the Sploogy power armor from under seas, it seams to be logical that the physical part of the device could be mass produced and the actual enchanting could be just a station or step on the assembly line. Or even that the devices could be hand assembled.

(I think this debate on can TW be mass produced has just about played itself out. Not much head way is being made and no new material is really being introduced.)

Re: Is it time the CS finally loses one?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 6:35 pm
by eliakon
Killer Cyborg wrote:
eliakon wrote:Let me ask you this would you demand the same high standards to prove a none magical suit of PA was mass produced?

The answer to that is "no" the standard that has been provided to prove that the CS uses mass production is that the SB1 "SB1r, p. 11
Furthermore, his superior robot designs and mass production capabilities can beat the coalitions any day of the week" which is allowed to infer that just because Archie's designs and capabilities beat the coalitions, that the coalition thus must use mass production. Its a double standard.

Judging different amounts of evidence differently isn't a double-standard. It's just a standard.

BTW, if you like, I'm sure we can find other, more direct evidence that the CS uses mass production.
As I said earlier.[/quote]
I would be interested in some better evidence. Because right now it DOES seem to be a double standard.
When a citation from a book is provided that explicitly says that something is mass-produced for TWs (Arnzo, SoT, 3Gs) it is being dismissed as being some how not good enough. But then some how an indirect comparison to someone else is good enough? How is that NOT a double standard?

Re: Is it time the CS finally loses one?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 6:52 pm
by Killer Cyborg
Because, if I understand the reasoning, the same source claims that the items are hand made, and it has been argued that handmade goods cannot also be mass produced.
Since there is no such apparent conflict with the SB1r source, that source does not have that particular issue.

In any case, I have lent some key books to a friend, and can't look up more information at this time.
If anybody else cares to look, I'd suggest SB1, CWC, and RUE, in sections discussing the CS Industry.

Re: Is it time the CS finally loses one?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 7:04 pm
by eliakon
Killer Cyborg wrote:Because, if I understand the reasoning, the same source claims that the items are hand made, and it has been argued that handmade goods cannot also be mass produced.
Since there is no such apparent conflict with the SB1r source, that source does not have that particular issue.

In any case, I have lent some key books to a friend, and can't look up more information at this time.
If anybody else cares to look, I'd suggest SB1, CWC, and RUE, in sections discussing the CS Industry.

RUE says that the items are hand made. Which I might add is NOT a disqualifier in any of the definitions provided so far (As I have stated repeatedly the Venetean Arsanal and Fords Model-T lines used hand tools and hand labor)
SoT 1 simply says mass production (twice)
Three Galaxies says hand labor is used IN mass production
SoT 2 Simply says Mass Production
Arnzo says that they are built on an assembly line
I am pretty sure that if I kept looking through the books I would continue to find additional uses of the word 'mass produce' in relation to magic items/TW.

So trying to dismiss "mass production" by claiming that RUE mis-uses the word (which claim hasn't even been proven!) proves NOTHING when there are still multiple OTHER places that use mass production alone.
And the SB1 quote has the problem that it does not actually state outright that the CS has mass production. Just that Archie has it, and that his mass production is superior to the CS. I find it a double standard that the magic side has to prove that statements like the SoT1 use of Mass Production DONT use hand labor (even though that has never been proven to be definitional incompatible, other than simply claiming such by Sub) but that the Tech side can just use a quote that doesn't even specifically claim that the CS does indeed use mass production to 'prove' its case.
In any case its pretty hard to argue with SoT1 pg 54 "...comparatively inexpensive to mass produce" (a quote I have provided before)
Note the simple "mass produce", note the lack of any qualifiers.

Re: Is it time the CS finally loses one?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 7:35 pm
by Killer Cyborg
Well, take it up with somebody who made that argument, then.

Re: Is it time the CS finally loses one?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 7:52 pm
by Nightmask
[quote="Killer Cyborg"]Because, if I understand the reasoning, the same source claims that the items are hand made, and it has been argued that handmade goods cannot also be mass produced.
Since there is no such apparent conflict with the SB1r source, that source does not have that particular issue.

In any case, I have lent some key books to a friend, and can't look up more information at this time.

It may be argued but the argument fails, being hand-made doesn't prevent something as qualifying as mass-produced. When the US was mass-producing ships during WWII the production of those ships was obviously of a hand-made status and still were mass-produced. The idea that something can't be mass-produced because someone was hands-on in producing some or all of it is simply ridiculous.

Re: Is it time the CS finally loses one?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 7:55 pm
by Killer Cyborg
Uh... Why are ships in WWII "obviously handmade"...?

Re: Is it time the CS finally loses one?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 8:24 pm
by eliakon
Killer Cyborg wrote:Uh... Why are ships in WWII "obviously handmade"...?

Because much of the work was done by hand? Unless your telling me that we used robots to automate the ship production in WWII.
Of course this highlights the whole pointlessness of this argument. The tech side is allowed to use people doing stuff and that's not 'hand made' because they are using tools and machines. But if the mages use tools and machines then some how they are held to a different standard. Either everyone doing things a certain way is mass producing or no-one is. It should ONLY matter the techniques being used and not who is doing it. Either you can have people and hand tools involved or you can't no 'it depends."

Re: Is it time the CS finally loses one?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 8:24 pm
by Nightmask
Killer Cyborg wrote:Uh... Why are ships in WWII "obviously handmade"...?

Because they had to be cut, shaped, and otherwise assembled by people, by hand. No automated factory machinery built those ships they were made by hand in the end and were still obviously a mass-produced item. Just as the clothes from some sweat-shop are still mass-produced even though everything is done by hand save for some of the sewing.

Re: Is it time the CS finally loses one?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 8:26 pm
by Nightmask
eliakon wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:Uh... Why are ships in WWII "obviously handmade"...?

Because much of the work was done by hand? Unless your telling me that we used robots to automate the ship production in WWII.
Of course this highlights the whole pointlessness of this argument. The tech side is allowed to use people doing stuff and that's not 'hand made' because they are using tools and machines. But if the mages use tools and machines then some how they are held to a different standard. Either everyone doing things a certain way is mass producing or no-one is. It should ONLY matter the techniques being used and not who is doing it. Either you can have people and hand tools involved or you can't no 'it depends."

Exactly. Who's doing it and what they're making has no bearing on whether or not something is mass-produced.

Re: Is it time the CS finally loses one?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 8:47 pm
by Mack
This is so far off from a Rifts* discussion that I can't even see Earth from here.

Topic Locked.

*Rifts, you know that reason this forum exists?