eliakon wrote:I know that's what you WANT it to say. But the book just says that they can be targeted. Its a separate clause from the following section about ALSO targeting things that are protoculture powered.
I know a consistent process is supposed to be a desirable thing in the business world, but I find little merit in your process consistently having no connection to objective reality. Have you not
read this book? Seriously. The very first sentence there indicates that those sensors aren't locking onto those mecha specifically, but ANYTHING that is using ("powered by") or emitting ("generating") protoculture energy. It then goes on to list the mecha as a collection of examples of those craft which use protoculture energy systems.
If they're using protoculture energy, then by definition they are protoculture powered.
Only a torturous abuse of grammar fit to make the most optimistic English professor weep could get around that one.
eliakon wrote:Again, only if you choose to interpret this this way. Once again, reading the whole post would probably help.
Reading more than that one sentence would probably help you and the other people who're trying to posit that those mecha are detectable understand the error of your argument, but that doesn't seem to be forthcoming.
eliakon wrote:Again that is only if you choose to read the PTS sensor as 1) only targeting things with protoculture as their primary power and 2) ignore the rest of the comment here about an unidentified subsystem that keeps them on the list
For one, that's grossly inconsistent with how the Palladium game system actually works. For two, it's inconsistent with a literal reading of the text of the rules.
eliakon wrote:No point 1 is different because it IS different. the SC camp views the word "and" as an important separator making the PTS target two different things, protocultured powered items AND the list.
Read the bloody book.
"The protoculture targeting system locks onto any target that is actively using and emitting protoculture energy. This would apply to the Alpha, Beta, Cyclone, Veritech Fighters, [...]"In order to be using and emitting protoculture energy, the mecha MUST contain protoculture energy generation systems such as protoculture-driven engines, furnaces, reactors, cells, or other generator technology. That's per the rules on the preceding pages. If they're using protoculture energy they're powered by protoculture. No protoculture systems are present among their stats, so inserting some would have to be a house rule... one inconsistent with Harmony Gold's official stance that those mecha DO NOT USE PROTOCULTURE, PERIOD.
eliakon wrote:The M/SC camp views this as a pointless distinction. I would humbly suggest that THE MAIN POINT OF CONTENTION IS PROBABLY IMPORTANT.
Because this is, thanks to the preceding sentence, a statement of "A and A". It literally says (in short) "targets that are using protoculture power and protoculture-powered technology". The difference is between ice and frozen water.
eliakon wrote:Again changing the books is a house rule.
Which is exactly what the crowd arguing against you is not doing... you're asserting that a protoculture power system MUST EXIST in direct contradiction to the stats, and taht those mecha are detectable DESPITE not having that technology when the rule clearly states the only things detected are those using and emitting protoculture energy (aka "Protoculture powered").
Jefffar wrote:Metal Detectors can be triggered by anything that generates a strong enough electromagnetic field, not just metal.
Plastic doesn't normally do that, hence the example. Fusion doesn't generate protoculture energy, per the rules as written, so it should not be detectable to protoculture sensors... and isn't, per the rules as written.
Jefffar wrote:And we are explicitly told that the PTS works on UEDF and ASC mecha.
No, we're told the PTS works on anything that is using and emitting protoculture energy... in short, anything that is either a protoculture power source or contains same. It asserts that the UEDF and ASC mecha fit into that category when, per their individual and later-printed rules, they do not.
You guys keep ignoring the WHY that we're explicitly given, which is also conveniently WHY the rule doesn't apply to those mecha per their official stats.