(Thanks to Thinyser for his suggestions and hard-stats for the molecular adhesion line option. If your PC gets nailed with that particular device, please show your appreciation to him.

YoncaTech Trapnoid Spider Apprehension Unit The pirate’s voice over the general comm channel was practically gloating.
“Now, now, kind sentient beings! I imagine you think your nice tricked-out little hidey-hole will allow you to hold out and maybe turn the tables on me lads, but if I can have your attention to just outside your weapons turrets, I think you’ll see some very good reasons why further resistance is del-let-terious to your cause!”
Reluctantly the besieged company security agents turned to the external monitors. There, crawling into view of the viewports, came a dozen dark arachnoid shapes, their long legs skittering them over the hull of the captured starliner. Visible in the large transparent abdomens were several forms recognizable as other passengers, now stripped naked and shackled, expressions of terror visible on their faces as they stared through the plastisteel that was the only thing standing between them and cold unforgiving hard vacuum.
“As you can see, you’re best off surrendering to me lads and I’ll walk all those reasons back into my warm safe ship! Continue to put up a fight and, well, any deaths are on YOUR heads...” The Trapnoid is an arachnoid configuration robot drone designed for the capture and transport of living beings. Used singly or in hordes, the robots can be unleashed to track down and take down fugitives, hostages, or live specimens. The spider-like design of the ‘bot alone is often enough to induce feelings of fear and panic in its target prey, and the sight of a horde of them climbing up a building or over barricades has sent even hardened criminals with warrants on their heads into paroxysms of terror.
The Trapnoid resembles a large spider, with eight legs, a fanged head, and a large abdomen. The robot is armored in slick, dark, ceramic armor that is tough enough to shrug off most small arms fire. The eight legs give the ‘bot a high degree of mobility, while molecular grippers give it the ability to climb over obstacles, up the sides of buildings and ships, and clamper over most barriers with ease. The head contains an array of vibro-mandibles, laser cutters, and stun weapons for cutting through obstacles and subduing prey. Once the robot has tracked down and subdued its target, the stunned/restrained prisoner is transfered to a reinforced holding cage in the large abdomen pod. This cage’s walls can be rendered transparent to show its prisoner, or opaqued to help induce sensory deprivation(though some operators use this feature to parade their captives for the media or other observers).
While rumor sometimes has this spider-like robot design ascribed to a long-extinct arachnoid species, it is actually a more recent design of the Kittani, working for the Splugorth arms merchant Yongrrllyth. Naturally, many systems on the Trapnoid are knockoffs of other peoples’ work, in keeping with Yoncatech’s unspoken policy of keeping development costs down by ripping off others’ copyrights. Yongrrllyth is more than happy to encourage the ‘spider race connection’ if it boosts the sales and prestige for the design.
Though outlawed in the CCW due to restrictions on certain kinds of autonomous robots, the Trapnoid is available on the open market elsewhere where local law permits. The Trapnoid has been bought up openly by bounty hunters, some law enforcement organizations, and some research groups for trapping animals, but the ‘bots have also been acquired by various criminal groups, shadow organizations, and pirates. Though violently opposed to anything Splugorth, the TGE’s Imperial Security Agency has acquired a few as well through third parties, using them on the sly against the FWC, sending the drones to track down known rebels(or their dependents).
Type: YT-CR-14 Trapnoid
Class: Robot Drone, Apprehension/Capture Unit
Crew: Robot drone; can carry one prisoner
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 240
Prisoner Cage 100
Head/Sensor Array 80
Legs(8) 60 each
Height: 6 ft
Width: 4 ft; legs can extend out to 16 ft wide
Length: 8 ft
Weight: 1,000 lbs
Cargo: The capture pod can hold a human-sized prisoner of up to 7 ft tall(may have to be curled up to fit inside the roughly spheroid cage) or up to 800 lbs of cargo.
Physical Attributes of Note:
I.Q.: 11
P.S.: (Robotic) 40
P.P.: 18
Powerplant: Nuclear Micropack with 15 year energy life
Speed:(Running) 100 MPH
(Climbing) Thanks to the molecular adhesion pads on its feet, the Trapnoid can scamper up vertical surfaces and cling to overheads very easily.
(Leaping) Can leap 12 ft up/15 ft across from a standing position. +10 ft with a running start.
(Flying) Not possible
(Flying-Space) Fully capable of operating in space, but must cling to a hull or tether.
(Underwater) Limited to running along the bottom at 6 MPH, maximum depth of 1,000 ft.
Market Cost: 8 million credits in the Three Galaxies
Systems of Note:
Standard Robot Systems, plus:
-Standard Robot Audio, plus Amplified Hearing(can also listen through microphones in its legs to vibrations through walls and floors to track its prey).
-Inaudoble Frequency Transmission---The Traponoid can communicate with other Trapnoids(the ‘bot is smart enough to coordinate attacks with other units) via radio or by sonic frequencies inaudible to the human ear. Those with amplified earing often report hearing a hissing or buzzing from the ‘bots as they close in.
-Standard Robot Optical, plus Thermographic Imaging, Passive Night Vision/Low-Light, IR/UV Optics, Telescopic, and Video Recording.
-Motion Detector--500 ft range
*Molecular Analyzer---Gives the Trapnoid the ability to track by scent; 80%.
*Molecular Adhesion Pads----These allow the Trapnoid to climb walls and ceilings, and walk on hulls with ease.
*Bio-Sign Monitors---System used to monitor the health of prisoners. Some systems are rigged to anesthetize prisoners via IV or aerosol chemical agents.
Detect Ambush 75%
Detect Concealment 68%
Land Navigation 68%
Intelligence 89%
Climbing 98%
Tracking 80%
Prowl 76%
Hand to Hand: Expert(equivalent)
The ‘bot is also programmed to recognize thousands of different uniforms, body armor types, personal weapons, insignia, and munitions.
Weapons Systems:
1) Laser Fangs(2)---The two prominent ‘fangs’ of the Trapnoid are really short range lasers, used to cutting through obstacles and gunning down particularly resistant prey(or those protecting it).
Range: 2,000 ft
Damage: 3d6 MD single blast, 6d6 MD double blast(counts as one attack), 1d6x10 MD pulse blast.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
2) Energy Stunners(2)---In keeping with Yoncatech’s policy of copying and ripping off Naruni Enterprise’s designs whenever possible, Yongrrllyth’s Kittani engineers copied these weapons right off NE’s PA E-1000 Enforcer .
Range: 1,000 ft
Damage: Reduces the target’s Speed and Physical Prowess by 3d6 per each blast, plus lose 1 APM and -3 to all combat actions. If either attribute reaches zero, the victim collapses. Effects last 2d6 minutes per blast(half that for beings with P.E.s of 18 or better). Targets in fully sealed body armor can save versus the blasts at 14 or better. Non-supernatural beings save at 12 or better, and even on a failure, take half damage/effect. Supernatural beings are NOT affected by this weapon.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
3) Capture Foam Sprayer---Another NE knockoff is the inclusion of this restraint foam sprayer. The Trapnoid typically uses this weapon to trap a target, then hold them while it stuns the target unconscious, then disarms/strips them, applies additional restraints, then cages them. The Trapnoid also carries a supply of the chemical needed to safely dissolve the foam.
Range: 200 ft
Damage: None. A blast of foam hardens within seconds to have 60 MDC
On a roll to strike for 12 or higher, the spray completely engulfs the target. Targets without a supernatural P.S. of 40 or higher is stuck until released. Stronger beings can break free in 1d6 melee rounds.
Rate of Fire: Two blasts per melee
Payload: 60 applications
4) Vibro-Blades---The legs mount retracting vibroblades along their length. They’re meant mainly for cutting away obstructions and disarming/disarmoring targets.
Range: Melee
Damage:+1d6 MD to melee damage
5) Drug Injector---Fang-like hypos, used for delivering a dose of drugs to
Range: Melee
Damage: 1 SDC going in, plus chemical/drug effects.
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 60 doses of up to ten different chemicals/drugs
Hand to Hand Combat:
Actions/Attacks per Melee: 6
Strike: +4
+2 to strike w/ ranged weaponry
Roll: +2
Restrained Punch/Slap 4d6 SDC
Punch/Jab 2d4 MD
Leap Attack (takes 2 actions) 4d6 MD
Body Block 2d4 MD
*Shock Cage---This electrifies the containment cage; any attempt to break out will result in the prisoner recieving a painful electrical shock;
Light Shock: 1d4 SDC/HP
Moderate Shock: 2d6 SDC/HP
Lethal Zap: 5d6 SDC/HP, plus 01-33% chance of stunning humans, D-bees, and small animals for 1d4 melees, 01-33% against large or inhumanly strong/powerful animals. A successful save means victim takes HALF damage and only lose initiative and one APM.
Stun means -6 to strike, dodge, and parry, plus reduce APMs and Speed by HALF.
Being shocked on the strong/lethal setting for more than 5 times, or once the victim's Hit Points drop below half, means they are knocked unconscious for 2d4 melees. Chance of cardiac arrest as detailed in Rifts: Lone Star, pg. 50.
Ineffective against EBA, power armor, 'bots, and 'borgs.
Cost: +5,000 credits
*Forcefield Cage---More pirated Naruni technology; this is a containment forcefield with 160 MDC.
Cost: +200,000 credits
*Tunable Laser---This modifies the laser fangs to have SDC settings, for times when delivering a painful warning, and not vaporization, is preferable. The laser(s) can be tuned to deliver 1d6, 3d6, or 6d6 SDC damage. Cost: +3,000 credits
*Molecular Adhesion Grapple Launcher---This is affixed to the underside of the abdomen, but can be pitched backwards, over the back of the Trapnoid, or under it, aimed to clear the legs. The device fires a head with a molecular adhesion device attached to a line of ultra-tough braided monofilament line, with a high-speed winch at the anchor end. This device can be used to throw a line across open spans and distances to allow the 'bot to swing across, or to lower itself down shafts and the sides of buildings. In space, it be thrown across to a ship, spacestation, or asteroid, and used to reel the Trapnoid in(or the line can be anchored between two objects and used as a rope-way for others). The launcher can also be used offensively, thrown to tag a target and pull it in. When used such, the Trapnoid has a +1 to strike, while the target, if hit, must either be able to beat the Trapnoid's Robot P.S. to break free(takes about 1d6 melees to do so) and keep from being reeled in, or else must do 60 MD with a cutting weapon or 50 MD with an energy weapon to the adhesion head or line(not easy to do, when taking into account the fact that the Trapnoid is probably simultaneously shooting at the tagged target with its other weapons). The line can also be wrapped around a target, in which case the following penalties apply:-6 to strike and parry and lose 1/2 attacks if wrapping the arms and -6 to dodge and speed lowered to 2 if the legs are wrapped. Same means of escaping apply under these circumstances; beings with a P.S. of 40 or better can break free in 1d6 melees, or they can attempt to cut or blast their way free.
The line can support the 1800lbs of bot and captive 6 times over with a tensile strength of at least 12,000 lbs and has a winch that can pull with 3600 lbs of force. Max speed of winch is 5.
Range: 30 ft(launched under terrestrial gravity conditions). The reel has 4,000 ft of line, allowing for longer distances in space.
Cost: +55,000 credits