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Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)
Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 8:43 pm
by taalismn
SRoss wrote:"Today class, we'll be learning to make antimatter from common household chemicals."
"What's good shielding for antiprotons?"
"Several hundred meters of reinforced concrete with tungsten plate sandwich. "
Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)
Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 6:47 pm
by Arnie100
"Who's teaching?"

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)
Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 8:10 pm
by taalismn
Arnie100 wrote:"Who's teaching?"

"So...either way we get our genes scrambled."
"Our genes?! We'll be lucky if our ATOMS aren't scrambled!"
"WWWAAAHHHHHH!!!! I don't want to be free-associated plasma!!!"
Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)
Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 9:18 pm
by SRoss
taalismn wrote:Arnie100 wrote:"Who's teaching?"

"So...either way we get our genes scrambled."
"Our genes?! We'll be lucky if our ATOMS aren't scrambled!"
"WWWAAAHHHHHH!!!! I don't want to be free-associated plasma!!!"
Reges: "
Don't worry little ones! I can do wonders with scrambled genes!"

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)
Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 10:26 pm
by Kargan3033
SRoss wrote:taalismn wrote:Arnie100 wrote:"Who's teaching?"

"So...either way we get our genes scrambled."
"Our genes?! We'll be lucky if our ATOMS aren't scrambled!"
"WWWAAAHHHHHH!!!! I don't want to be free-associated plasma!!!"
Reges: "
Don't worry little ones! I can do wonders with scrambled genes!"

Random MCSH#69 student1: " Given how badly she does her laundry we should be running for the hills. "
Random MCSH#69 student2:" Run away?, you must be a new student, there is no escape from this 666th level of hell. "
Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)
Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 10:03 am
by SRoss
Kargan3033 wrote:SRoss wrote:taalismn wrote:Arnie100 wrote:"Who's teaching?"

"So...either way we get our genes scrambled."
"Our genes?! We'll be lucky if our ATOMS aren't scrambled!"
"WWWAAAHHHHHH!!!! I don't want to be free-associated plasma!!!"
Reges: "
Don't worry little ones! I can do wonders with scrambled genes!"

Random MCSH#69 student1: " Given how badly she does her laundry we should be running for the hills. "
Random MCSH#69 student2:" Run away?, you must be a new student, there is no escape from this 666th level of hell. "
Turret #1: "
Go ahead, try to cross the parking lot."
Turret #2: "
We can see you."

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)
Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 11:38 am
by Arnie100
Annie: "Passing through! Passing through!"
Random MCHS Student #1: "How does she get to leave?!"
Random MCHS Student #2: "Yeah?!"
Turret #1:
<We don't know.>Turret #2:
<We just do what we're programmed to do! (Spots student attempting to flee...) HALT! Or be fired upon!> BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!
Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)
Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 8:36 pm
by taalismn
Arnie100 wrote:Turret #2:
<We just do what we're programmed to do! (Spots student attempting to flee...) HALT! Or be fired upon!> BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!
"Who knew dance class would actually come in handy?"
"THat's like, what? Eighteen automatic dodges in one melee round?"
Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)
Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 9:58 am
by SRoss
taalismn wrote:Arnie100 wrote:Turret #2:
<We just do what we're programmed to do! (Spots student attempting to flee...) HALT! Or be fired upon!> BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!
"Who knew dance class would actually come in handy?"
"THat's like, what? Eighteen automatic dodges in one melee round?"
Deploying Mortars...>
Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)
Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 12:59 pm
by Arnie100
<Deploy the sharks with lazers NOW!>
Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)
Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 4:44 pm
by taalismn
Arnie100 wrote:<Deploy the sharks with lazers NOW!>
"And you said the fish carcasses with grenades in them wouldn't come in handy."
Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)
Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 7:09 pm
by Arnie100
<Deploy the Fembots wearing skimpy bikinis!>
Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)
Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 7:21 pm
by taalismn
Arnie100 wrote:<Deploy the Fembots wearing skimpy bikinis!>
"Immediate survival comes first! Sex later...if we survive!"
Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)
Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 7:57 pm
by SRoss
Deploy the Invid Princesses.>
Males Students:

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)
Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 8:37 pm
by Arnie100
Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)
Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 5:49 pm
by taalismn
"Summer is ending."
"Winter is coming."
"And this means anything to us? We've been trying to kill each other all summer! How is this any different from the rest of the academic year?"
"Full time teachers are back. More alcohol."
Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)
Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 9:39 pm
by SRoss
taalismn wrote:"Summer is ending."
"Winter is coming."
"And this means anything to us? We've been trying to kill each other all summer! How is this any different from the rest of the academic year?"
"Full time teachers are back. More alcohol."
Winter at MCH #69, where the White Walkers build a wall to protect them from US."
Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)
Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 11:17 pm
by Arnie100
Random MCHS Student #1: "It's gonna be cold again, isn't it?"
Random MCHS Student #2: "I feel sorry for the Ice Guard guys."
Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)
Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 9:07 pm
by SRoss
Hild: "
Why am I having to go to this school?"
Nova: "
Punishment for being a pain in Yggdrasil's butt."
Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)
Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 7:36 pm
by SRoss
Right this moment... in Defence Against Dark Arts
The new girl is writing on the chalk board. I will not summon god-like entities in class. Over and over again...
Hild: (Tossing down the chalk) "
Ahh what the hell."
Cut to Trigon exploding through the roof of the school.
Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)
Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2017 11:27 pm
by SRoss
Elsewhere in the school.
Mantis: (Almost prayer like) "
I believe, Shinji will be mine, all mine."
Female population of MCH #69: "
We believe, it is time to get your ass kicked!"
Shinji: "I wonder if it's too late to transfer?" 
Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)
Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2017 11:49 am
by taalismn
"Damn it, I HAD Shinji...but I had to sell him to afford my textbooks....."
"Ah, you DO realize this is a public school, not college...they provide free textbooks."
Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)
Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2017 4:04 pm
by Arnie100
taalismn wrote:"Damn it, I HAD Shinji...but I had to sell him to afford my textbooks....."
"Ah, you DO realize this is a public school, not college...they provide free textbooks."
Tenchi: "At least they haven't found me yet!"
Rabid Female Student: "There he is, girls!"

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)
Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2017 3:27 pm
by taalismn
"Miss LaBelle will not be in this month as your substitute teacher; she's attending to more...lucrative...child care positions."
Student:"...what poor adolescents is she inflicted on now?"
Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)
Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2017 2:02 pm
by SRoss
Random Student #1: "
Marvel and Capcom vs MCH #69 for Shinji and Tenchi!"
Random Student #2: "
Wow, that sounds like a cool idea for a fighting game."
Random Student #1: "
Yeah, right, a fighting game..."
Tenchi: "I wonder if we could hide out with Corg?"
Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)
Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2017 3:41 pm
by Arnie100
SRoss wrote:Random Student #1: "
Marvel and Capcom vs MCH #69 for Shinji and Tenchi!"
Random Student #2: "
Wow, that sounds like a cool idea for a fighting game."
Random Student #1: "
Yeah, right, a fighting game..."
Tenchi: "I wonder if we could hide out with Corg?"
Shinji: " way! I heard she's babysitting the Regess' kids!"
Tenchi: "I don't know who to feel sorry for...Corg or the Invid..."
Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)
Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2017 8:24 pm
by taalismn
SRoss wrote:Random Student #1: "
Marvel and Capcom vs MCH #69 for Shinji and Tenchi!"
Random Student #2: "
Wow, that sounds like a cool idea for a fighting game."
Random Student #1: "
Yeah, right, a fighting game..."
Tenchi: "I wonder if we could hide out with Corg?"
"It doesn't help that every time we get buzzed through the security doors to another section of the school, the PA cries out 'LEVEL 5, BEGIN FIGHT!'."
"You noticed that, did you?"
Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)
Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2017 11:24 pm
by Arnie100

"You go first..."
Random MCHS Student #2:

" way." (Turns and runs the other way...)
Random MCHS Student #1: "COWARD! WAIT FOR ME!"
Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)
Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2017 1:17 pm
by taalismn
Roomba#1: <You just like screwing with the meatbag central processors, don't you?">
Roomba#2:(jacked into the school PA system) <"Oh yeeaaaaaahhhhh.">
Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)
Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2017 1:27 pm
by Arnie100
Roomba #1:
<"What next?>"Roomba #2: (Still jacked into the P.A. system...)
"<Ladies...Tenchi and Shinji are currently hiding in the broom closet nearest the boy's bathroom...>"Tenchi and Shinji: (Inside broom closet...)

"Oh, S**T." (Sound of hundreds of footsteps pounding in their direction...)

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)
Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2017 1:42 pm
by taalismn
Ranma/SM xover fic 'Heir to the Empire', Princess ChibiUsa delivers a backhanded and damning criticism of Tenchi as 'cute, but a real @$$hole'....this, while begging her grandma for permission to KEW the Jurian enclave in Japan.
Bear in mind this is a TEENAGE Chiba-Usa, who's been given, for hinted reasons of competency(in addition to nepotism), a DREADNAUGHT.
Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)
Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2017 4:01 pm
by SRoss
taalismn wrote:Ranma/SM xover fic 'Heir to the Empire', Princess ChibiUsa delivers a backhanded and damning criticism of Tenchi as 'cute, but a real @$$hole'....this, while begging her grandma for permission to KEW the Jurian enclave in Japan.
Bear in mind this is a TEENAGE Chiba-Usa, who's been given, for hinted reasons of competency(in addition to nepotism), a DREADNAUGHT.
Sarah bites down deep into Chun-Li's leg.
Roomba: (Still jacked into the PA)
Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)
Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2017 5:14 pm
by Arnie100
Roomba #2: (Still jacked into the P.A....)
<"And now for a break! Chef is having a special on the Chef's Special! Enjoy! Next Match: Ryoko Vs. Ayeka Vs. Sasami! FIGHT!!>" Roomba #1:
<"You're enjoying this too much. You know that?>"(Meanwhile...)
Random MCHS Student #1: "Chef Special?!"

Random MCHS Student #2: "That should be classified as a biological weapon of mass destruction!"
Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)
Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2017 11:24 pm
by Kargan3033
SRoss wrote:Elsewhere in the school.
Mantis: (Almost prayer like) "
I believe, Shinji will be mine, all mine."
Female population of MCH #69: "
We believe, it is time to get your ass kicked!"
Shinji: "I wonder if it's too late to transfer?" 
Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)
Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2017 11:29 pm
by Kargan3033
Arnie100 wrote:Roomba #1:
<"What next?>"Roomba #2: (Still jacked into the P.A. system...)
"<Ladies...Tenchi and Shinji are currently hiding in the broom closet nearest the boy's bathroom...>"Tenchi and Shinji: (Inside broom closet...)

"Oh, S**T." (Sound of hundreds of footsteps pounding in their direction...)

On a scale of terra tonnage what would you rate Unit-01's AT field in comparison to the total lust of the sexually frustrated female students of MCHS#69?
Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)
Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2017 11:40 pm
by taalismn
Kargan3033 wrote:Arnie100 wrote:Roomba #1:
<"What next?>"Roomba #2: (Still jacked into the P.A. system...)
"<Ladies...Tenchi and Shinji are currently hiding in the broom closet nearest the boy's bathroom...>"Tenchi and Shinji: (Inside broom closet...)

"Oh, S**T." (Sound of hundreds of footsteps pounding in their direction...)

On a scale of terra tonnage what would you rate Unit-01's AT field in comparison to the total lust of the sexually frustrated female students of MCHS#69?
It's a toss up because you have to factor in the fact that, with the way sex ed is taught at MCHS#69, a substantial percentage of the female student body are now utterly repulsed by the thought of ANY sort of sex, hetero, homo, robo, inanimate, or whatever.
Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)
Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2017 11:46 pm
by Kargan3033
taalismn wrote:Kargan3033 wrote:Arnie100 wrote:Roomba #1:
<"What next?>"Roomba #2: (Still jacked into the P.A. system...)
"<Ladies...Tenchi and Shinji are currently hiding in the broom closet nearest the boy's bathroom...>"Tenchi and Shinji: (Inside broom closet...)

"Oh, S**T." (Sound of hundreds of footsteps pounding in their direction...)

On a scale of terra tonnage what would you rate Unit-01's AT field in comparison to the total lust of the sexually frustrated female students of MCHS#69?
It's a toss up because you have to factor in the fact that, with the way sex ed is taught at MCHS#69, a substantial percentage of the female student body are now utterly repulsed by the thought of ANY sort of sex, hetero, homo, robo, inanimate, or whatever.
I suppose the same could be said about the male students.
*In the newly reconstructed Vatican a shadow cabal of hidden figure ate watching the students's reactions to the sex ed classes in MCSH#69*
" Just as planed. "
Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)
Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2017 10:09 am
by SRoss
Kargan3033 wrote:SRoss wrote:Elsewhere in the school.
Mantis: (Almost prayer like) "
I believe, Shinji will be mine, all mine."
Female population of MCH #69: "
We believe, it is time to get your ass kicked!"
Shinji: "I wonder if it's too late to transfer?" 
Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)
Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2017 10:13 am
by SRoss
Kargan3033 wrote:taalismn wrote:Kargan3033 wrote:Arnie100 wrote:Roomba #1:
<"What next?>"Roomba #2: (Still jacked into the P.A. system...)
"<Ladies...Tenchi and Shinji are currently hiding in the broom closet nearest the boy's bathroom...>"Tenchi and Shinji: (Inside broom closet...)

"Oh, S**T." (Sound of hundreds of footsteps pounding in their direction...)

On a scale of terra tonnage what would you rate Unit-01's AT field in comparison to the total lust of the sexually frustrated female students of MCHS#69?
It's a toss up because you have to factor in the fact that, with the way sex ed is taught at MCHS#69, a substantial percentage of the female student body are now utterly repulsed by the thought of ANY sort of sex, hetero, homo, robo, inanimate, or whatever.
I suppose the same could be said about the male students.
*In the newly reconstructed Vatican a shadow cabal of hidden figure ate watching the students's reactions to the sex ed classes in MCSH#69*
" Just as planed. "
See Table-kun, you're safe now..."
Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)
Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2017 1:19 pm
by Arnie100
Random Female Student #1: "But Tenchi and Shinji are the only boys we want!"
Random Female Student #2: "Yeah! The other boys are just so...plain compared to those two!"
Rest of the female students:

Male Student Population (Other then Tenchi and Shinji...)

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)
Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2017 7:58 pm
by SRoss
PA: <NEXT BOUT! Sonya Blade and Ms Marvel vs The Sisters of Cle err Repentia! Fight!>
Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)
Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2017 5:13 pm
by Arnie100
Random Male Student #1: "At least we're safe..."
Random Male Student #2: "You think I wanna be stuck inside a locker with YOU?!"
Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)
Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2017 6:48 pm
by Kargan3033
Arnie100 wrote:Random Female Student #1: "But Tenchi and Shinji are the only boys we want!"
Random Female Student #2: "Yeah! The other boys are just so...plain compared to those two!"
Rest of the female students:

Male Student Population (Other then Tenchi and Shinji...)

Grayson Bloodstone: " Thank the dark gods for such a small mercy, now I can do my science in peace, let's here the basic theory of hyper accelerated neutrons is to use 13th dimensional phase shifts... "
Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)
Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2017 7:24 pm
by SRoss
Kargan3033 wrote:Arnie100 wrote:Random Female Student #1: "
But Tenchi and Shinji are the only boys we want!"
Random Female Student #2: "
Yeah! The other boys are just so...plain compared to those two!"
Rest of the female students:
Male Student Population: (Other then Tenchi and Shinji...)

Grayson Bloodstone: "
Thank the dark gods for such a small mercy, now I can do my science in peace, let's here the basic theory of hyper accelerated neutrons is to use 13th dimensional phase shifts..."
At that moment Cammie goes flying through Grayson's experiment, detonating the lab.
Charon: (Looking at Grayson and Cammie)

Nope, don't wanna know!"

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)
Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2017 8:54 pm
by Kargan3033
SRoss wrote:Kargan3033 wrote:Arnie100 wrote:Random Female Student #1: "
But Tenchi and Shinji are the only boys we want!"
Random Female Student #2: "
Yeah! The other boys are just so...plain compared to those two!"
Rest of the female students:
Male Student Population: (Other then Tenchi and Shinji...)

Grayson Bloodstone: "
Thank the dark gods for such a small mercy, now I can do my science in peace, let's here the basic theory of hyper accelerated neutrons is to use 13th dimensional phase shifts..."
At that moment Cammie goes flying through Grayson's experiment, detonating the lab.
Charon: (Looking at Grayson and Cammie)

Nope, don't wanna know!"

Grayson Bloodstone:*looks at Charon* " Ok then how about you sent me back, you see if I don't get the Kryolite neutron absorbers in place at my ruined experiment you will be getting a lot of unwanted company. "
Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)
Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2017 11:52 pm
by SRoss
Kargan3033 wrote:SRoss wrote:Kargan3033 wrote:Arnie100 wrote:Random Female Student #1: "
But Tenchi and Shinji are the only boys we want!"
Random Female Student #2: "
Yeah! The other boys are just so...plain compared to those two!"
Rest of the female students:
Male Student Population: (Other then Tenchi and Shinji...)

Grayson Bloodstone: "
Thank the dark gods for such a small mercy, now I can do my science in peace, let's here the basic theory of hyper accelerated neutrons is to use 13th dimensional phase shifts..."
At that moment Cammie goes flying through Grayson's experiment, detonating the lab.
Charon: (Looking at Grayson and Cammie)

Nope, don't wanna know!"

Grayson Bloodstone:*looks at Charon* "
Ok then how about you sent me back, you see if I don't get the Kryolite neutron absorbers in place at my ruined experiment you will be getting a lot of unwanted company."
Charon sends him back using the Kyle/Edwards Express Route.
Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)
Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2017 11:56 pm
by Arnie100
Edwards: "Yes! We have something named after us!"

Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)
Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2017 12:30 am
by SRoss
Arnie100 wrote:Edwards: "
Yes! We have something named after us!"
Grayson: "
Isn't this just a cannon pointed at the ceiling?"
Charon: (Lighting the fuse) "
Your point?"
Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)
Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2017 1:22 am
by Arnie100
SRoss wrote:Arnie100 wrote:Edwards: "
Yes! We have something named after us!"
Grayson: "
Isn't this just a cannon pointed at the ceiling?"
Charon: (Lighting the fuse) "
Your point?"

"Oh, S**!"
Re: Monument City Highschool #69(open humor thread)
Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2017 1:35 pm
by Kargan3033
Arnie100 wrote:SRoss wrote:Arnie100 wrote:Edwards: "
Yes! We have something named after us!"
Grayson: "
Isn't this just a cannon pointed at the ceiling?"
Charon: (Lighting the fuse) "
Your point?"

"Oh, S**!"
Grayson: " well if anything that was an interesting study of ballistic arcs, now to get to work. "
*Looks at his ruined science classroom*
Grayson: " Damn, someone stole my hyper neutron accelerator, well I hope they enjoy the feeling of total body irradiation. "