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Re: Pro-Wrestling in Rifts

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 5:45 pm
by taalismn
frogboy wrote:
wyrmraker wrote:These are excellent ideas. Thank you all for the wonderful ideas, guys. I'm still working out what a 1-ton borg with a 30 Robotic PS will do for damage in real combat using the wrestling maneuvers, but the show stuff will be awesome. I have so many ideas that I'm going to inflict on my players. The guy playing the borg is the one who thought it up, and when he returns from the wilderness, there'll be some awesome surprises waiting for him in the ring.

Heck some wrestle mania would be a nice diversion from a typical mission, and a fun way to make some credits as well.

Or pick up some unusual injuries ("Whattya mean I can't shoot him!? He beat me into the ground with my own leg!!! That WASN'T in the script!") and the occasional obsessed enemy("I was ROBBED by that crooked judge's decision! You paid him off, I know it!!! I'm to %*$%$*& you up for that!") or obsessed fans("HEY! Mister Monstro! Can I have your autograph again!?"(this said when the PCs are trying to sneak by a CS outpost)).

Re: Pro-Wrestling in Rifts

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 9:23 pm
by taalismn
Also beware the occasional oddball local champion with the unusual fighting style, or the creation of the local eccentric cyberdoc(s) put into the ring to see how it performs:
"Egad, I can't believe how they whaled on me!"
"That's putting it a bit harshly, don't you think?"
"No, I mean they sicced a WHALE on me! A genuine honest to goodness bionic sperm whale came marching up into the ring!!! That thing TROUNCED me!"
"It was a fluke."
"No, that thing hammered me! Nothing lucky about it!"
"No, I mean it was a fluke. That bionic tail. You couldn't get out of its way fast enough. That's why you got beat so badly."

Re: Pro-Wrestling in Rifts

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 4:57 pm
by Mech-Viper Prime
I can see Pro-Wrestling in rifts beening much like today, flashly moves , mic work and showmanship and a complete "work"

Re: Pro-Wrestling in Rifts

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 3:14 pm
by taalismn
Mech-Viper Prime wrote:I can see Pro-Wrestling in rifts beening much like today, flashly moves , mic work and showmanship and a complete "work"

Only without the need, in many cases, for ludicrous costuming.
"Aw man, look at that funky mask that guy's wearing! Whattya mean he ain't wearing a mask...?"

"This is the proud Fighting Uniform of the Aggressively Proud People's Republic of Bakalapona! Gaze upon it and be AWED! Before I royally trounce the varlets who dare enter the Ring of Sacred Combat with me!"
"Dude, the day-glo green vest doesn't go with the magenta tartan parachute pants or the black and white wingtip sneakers. And what is THAT you're wearing on your head?!"