E.B.S.I.S. - Eastern Baltic Soveriegn Independant States

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Re: E.B.S.I.S. - Eastern Baltic Soveriegn Independant States

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rawiron1 wrote:During the Invid times the Rooskies would manage to keep a few spy/gps/comms satellites up and launch more to keep tabs on the pesky Invids and maintain contact with rebel forces and the remains of surviving bases and governments (ex: China). Their super carriers would fake their own deaths during the invasion by launching a smoke missile barrage into the water, submurging to maximum depth, and shutting down all systems. Invid can operate under water but how often do you see them do it? They don't like it. The non-protculture driven super carriers would cruise the world spying on Invid, supplying arms, forging new alliances, launching some small raids. Invid don't have much of a reason to patrol the seas. The carriers stay away from shores. The Invid usually only patrol at low and slow speed. Plenty of time for EWR to pick them up and allow the ships to go all stop and submerge. Rooskie submarines would also cruise the oceans in support of these missions. The Rooskie navy is only 10% of its Global CIVIL War size by this time. But still a force to recon with with 2 super carriers, 11 subs, and a few dozen small and medium sized support ships. They also have 5 shuttles (2 RDF and 3 unarmed SC type for orbital shuttle runs if needed)..

Never underestimate what you can do with an upgraded Typhoon supersub. :bandit:
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Re: E.B.S.I.S. - Eastern Baltic Soveriegn Independant States

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the problem with such powerful non-UEG entities is that the show just doesn't support them. and if they were actively supporting anti-UEG groups the UEG is just gonna steamroller them with loyal zentreadi (early reconstruction) or Human troops (ASC period). a few orbital strikes to take out all the military bases, then sweep in and take out the rest.

Breetai had a million ships, he had to have had hundreds left at least after taking down dolza, meaning millions of UEG allied zentreadi. and we see the ASC throwing away hundreds of warships and thousands of mecha in nearly every episode. any entity with a military able to support those kinds of losses isn't going to find a bunch of neo-soviets any kind of threat. and will be able to swat them like a fly if they start to be an irritant.
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Re: E.B.S.I.S. - Eastern Baltic Soveriegn Independant States

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man I really really love this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!U rock !!! i am so humble by your work man!!keep on it!!
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Re: E.B.S.I.S. - Eastern Baltic Soveriegn Independant States

Unread post by Chris0013 »

What about making the prototype veritech from Strikeforce as a production veritech for the EBSIS after 2020?

Early designs for the Alpha that were brought over by a disgruntled mecha designer who felt he was not appreciated.....he does not actually take the hard data just his knowledge and sells his services to the EBSIS around 2017 and the fighter goes into production around 2021 / 2022.
I know it is a little extreme to advocate the death penalty for stupidity...but can't we just remove all the warning labels and let nature take it's course???
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Re: E.B.S.I.S. - Eastern Baltic Soveriegn Independant States

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actually i was thinking of having them produce a model of the VF-1, with their own particular flair regarding additional systems. not only would this give a chance to have some VF-1 vs. bioroid fights, but it helps explain why VF-1's can be flying over the region after the invid leave.
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Re: E.B.S.I.S. - Eastern Baltic Soveriegn Independant States

Unread post by Chris0013 »

Are you looking at changing it cosmetically or and alternate route to the VF-1R in regards to advances and upgrades to the main design?

and let's talk EBSIS plate armor for infantry.
I know it is a little extreme to advocate the death penalty for stupidity...but can't we just remove all the warning labels and let nature take it's course???
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Re: E.B.S.I.S. - Eastern Baltic Soveriegn Independant States

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Chris0013 wrote:Are you looking at changing it cosmetically or and alternate route to the VF-1R in regards to advances and upgrades to the main design?

not sure.
I'd considered making it about 20% larger, to reflect reverse engineered technology and design. if i do that, i'm tempted to steal the VF-0 Phoenix artwork from Macross Zero.. but i really want to avoid taking mecha or vehicle art from non-robotech related sources.. :|

definately alternate upgrade route than the VF-1R. the -1R in the RPG basically looks to have took early ASC era tech, applied it to the VF-1 to improve performance and protection, then added an extra headgun for some reason.

whereas looking at the kinds of avionics and systems available to the baltics in the 1990's for reverse engineering include some nifty toys from both soviet and NATO sources that the VF-1 doesn't use. (mainly due to the lack of concrete info the show's creators would have had back in the time macross was made.) for example the soviets have been using a helmet mounted display and sight since the 1970's (the ZSh-5 / Shchel-3UM), and NATO has had access to to the American HMD since the 1980's (DASH II and JHMCS), and the EBSIS ought to be able to improve on either. toss in an updated cockpit from what we see in the show and some other avionics upgrades (like say a switch to the swedish TIDLS datalink (deployed 1980's), which unlike the US's Link-16 system in common use around the world is not only realtime, but has higher bandwith and capable of sensor fusion . [Link-16, which is standard on even the F-22 and has been in use since the 1980's, has a 12 second delay in transmissions, an order of magnitude less bandwidth, and isn't capable of performing sensor fusion..just targeting/tracking info exchange) the command/control networking in the current RPG is very similar to the Link-16 system..])
and let's talk EBSIS plate armor for infantry.

mainly looking for a good bit of art. the old RPG's ebsis armor is a bit of an eyesore IMO
Last edited by glitterboy2098 on Sat Mar 03, 2012 12:33 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: E.B.S.I.S. - Eastern Baltic Soveriegn Independant States

Unread post by Chris0013 »

glitterboy2098 wrote:
Chris0013 wrote:Are you looking at changing it cosmetically or and alternate route to the VF-1R in regards to advances and upgrades to the main design?

not sure.
I'd considered making it about 20% larger, to reflect reverse engineered technology and design. if i do that, i'm tempted to steal the VF-0 Phoenix artwork from Macross Zero.. but i really want to avoid taking mecha or vehicle art from non-robotech related sources.. :|

definately alternate upgrade route than the VF-1R. the -1R in the RPG basically looks to have took early ASC era tech, applied it to the VF-1 to improve performance and protection, then added an extra headgun for some reason.

whereas looking at the kinds of avionics and systems available to the baltics in the 1990's for reverse engineering include some nifty toys from both soviet and NATO sources that the VF-1 doesn't use. (mainly due to the lack of concrete info the show's creators would have had back in the time macross was made.) for example the soviets have been using a helmet mounted display and sight since the 1970's (the ZSh-5 / Shchel-3UM), and NATO has had access to to the American HMS version since the 1980's (DASH II and JHMCS), and the EBSIS ought to be able to improve on either.

and let's talk EBSIS plate armor for infantry.

mainly looking for a good bit of art. the old RPG's ebsis armor is a bit of an eyesore IMO

I agree w/ keeping away from non-RT sources. I would see about maybe changing the head on the EBSIS Valk to something like the one on the Strikeforce VT if you can for art purposes. Then do an avionics upgrade.

I like the idea of the original EBSIS plate armor as it is already there to use (per se) and just make it a parallel development to the ASC armor. It may be an eyesore....but it is supposed to do a job....not look pretty.
I know it is a little extreme to advocate the death penalty for stupidity...but can't we just remove all the warning labels and let nature take it's course???
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Re: E.B.S.I.S. - Eastern Baltic Soveriegn Independant States

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glitterboy2098 wrote:actually i was thinking of having them produce a model of the VF-1, with their own particular flair regarding additional systems. not only would this give a chance to have some VF-1 vs. bioroid fights, but it helps explain why VF-1's can be flying over the region after the invid leave.

yes we can put a E.B.S.I.S
in Robotech RPG 2nd Edition - The Shadow Chronicles Manga size page 297 "interdiction " right bottom columns to page 298 and unidentified unit say inn broken English ( BIG HINT) THEY U.E.E.F violated air space!!! OH my A.U.L maybe or E.B.S.I.S OR rouge nation
Last edited by ZINO on Sat Mar 03, 2012 1:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: E.B.S.I.S. - Eastern Baltic Soveriegn Independant States

Unread post by Jefffar »

That also gives them Conbats as an option.
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Re: E.B.S.I.S. - Eastern Baltic Soveriegn Independant States

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Jefffar wrote:That also gives them Conbats as an option.

Conbats option?
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Re: E.B.S.I.S. - Eastern Baltic Soveriegn Independant States

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Yeah. the adventure hook lists Conbats as an alternative to the VF-1 for the unknown eastern power.
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Re: E.B.S.I.S. - Eastern Baltic Soveriegn Independant States

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that plot hook is set up so you could not only run it using just that book (Conbats), but take your pick of who those people are.
personally i just love the idea of it being remnant members of my EBSIS coming out of hiding and trying to reestablish things.
Last edited by glitterboy2098 on Sun Mar 04, 2012 2:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: E.B.S.I.S. - Eastern Baltic Soveriegn Independant States

Unread post by Arnie100 »

Hey glitterboy, have you thought about using this as an EBSIS variable fighter? Would be interesting...

http://img607.imageshack.us/img607/5024 ... ermode.gif

http://img687.imageshack.us/img687/4681 ... idmode.gif
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Re: E.B.S.I.S. - Eastern Baltic Soveriegn Independant States

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Jefffar wrote:Yeah. the adventure hook lists Conbats as an alternative to the VF-1 for the unknown eastern power.

sprryb thuoght he wrote combat LOL
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Re: E.B.S.I.S. - Eastern Baltic Soveriegn Independant States

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Does the EBSIS (or what ever you want to call the anti-UEG) need to match the UEG Military capability for capability to be an actual threat to them? Do they really need the "cool" super-high tech VT or would they take the simpler and more robust non-transformable path?
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Re: E.B.S.I.S. - Eastern Baltic Soveriegn Independant States

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The Batlic States/EBSIS are not anti-UEG. they are very much pro-UEG.
it's just that the baltic States, as intact members of the pre-war UEG, consider the group formed by the SDF-1 crew, and which turns into the ASC, as 'pretenders', not the 'real UEG', which would be headed up by the suriving pre-war national governments (in other words the baltic states)

the point of contention between the EBSIS and the north american groups formed by the SDF-1 crew is basically whether the military or civilian side of the pre-war global government represents the legitimate line of succession. for the SDF-1 crew, their existance as the last organized survivors from the united earth defense force lets them claim to be the legitimate successor. for the EBSIS, their existance as the the last organized survivors of the pre-war civilian governments lets them claim to be the legitimate successor.

had the two sides agreed on how the post-war government should run, they'd have joined together. but with a military oriented, heavily controlled society forming on the north american side, and a freedom oriented loosely controlled society on the european side...they just couldn't agree. that the north american side looked to be going down a route leading to a controlling socialist state, like that the Baltics had worked hard to get away from since before the global war, didn't help either.
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Re: E.B.S.I.S. - Eastern Baltic Soveriegn Independant States

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The EBSIS kinda strikes me as the Dutch in NATO...They're pretty loose and free-spirited and do things their own way, though if pressed to the wall, they're as fierce as anybody(moreso in the EBSIS's case, because they're not relying on NATO/UEDF/ASC to back them up).

Have you considered simply using modified booster packs as satellite launch vehicles? For small disposable satellites? We already know that the various VF booster systems are easily portable, and if the EBSIS could set up their own production lines for the units, using them for multiple purposes would be a plus in terms of economy.
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Re: E.B.S.I.S. - Eastern Baltic Soveriegn Independant States

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actually i'd thought about using Zentreadi cargo pods as cheap heavy lift vehicles. still trying to determine if pulling the reactionless drive units and building SLMH fusion powered custom launch boosters around them would be doable and better than just running the pods directly..
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Re: E.B.S.I.S. - Eastern Baltic Soveriegn Independant States

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glitterboy2098 wrote:actually i'd thought about using Zentreadi cargo pods as cheap heavy lift vehicles. still trying to determine if pulling the reactionless drive units and building SLMH fusion powered custom launch boosters around them would be doable and better than just running the pods directly..

This makes me think of THIS: http://www.astronautix.com/lvs/pegvtovl.htm
Reshape the bottom of the lander to form an aeroplug and rig the SLMH jets around the rim...
But modified FASTPack boosters could make for good quick disposable sat launchers from the battlefield.
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Re: E.B.S.I.S. - Eastern Baltic Soveriegn Independant States

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rawiron1 wrote:I
As far as surviving Zen ships we got that covered. Several hundred to patrol the solar system and Earth's orbit launching laser and missile bombardments during operations such as in the Congo Campaign. But such blasting is frowned appon and used as a last resort on the already battered planet. The rest are evetually melted down to build the SC and the SDF-3. Their 'culture is used to replentish Earth's supplies and fuel the SDF-3.


One thing I'm fond of in Macross 2 is the fact that the city is built inside old Zentraedi ships linked by roadways and skywalks(this is kinda glossed over in the anime as we rarely see exterior shots of the city, but the art and the Macross 2 Deckplans book shows this very nicely). I can see northern cities doing something similar.
The downside is, unless the wrecks are buried or disguised eventually, either the Masters or the Invid see these hunkered down warships and use them for orbital target practice.
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Re: E.B.S.I.S. - Eastern Baltic Soveriegn Independant States

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rawiron1 wrote:All missiles use blast frag warheads, have ECCM, and flare rejection logic. All launchers have day/night firing capability, IFF, and laser range finders.

You are on patrol in your MiG-29 or VF-1A, etc. when your systems detect a SAM launch while you are on patrol at 5,000ft at 600mph. Better hope the bad guy doesn't roll a natural 20 because that little missile could ruin your day on the critical striked tables. You are too low and slow to out-run it. Gotta dodge or shoot.

Oik....ya, time to go gerwalk and hide behind some trees(if you're lucky to have trees around)...
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Re: E.B.S.I.S. - Eastern Baltic Soveriegn Independant States

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i would request that this thread be kept mainly to discussion of details from or for my baltic states version of the EBSIS.. mainly to avoid confusing people. all this discussion of the different ways people have handled the old RPG's neo-soviet EBSIS can get rather confusing at times for me..imagine what people just reading the thread must feel. :wink:

feel free to take discussions of non-baltic states EBSIS to it's own thread if you want. certainly i can't claim exclusiveness to the idea of preserving that acronym.
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working on anything new ?
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Re: E.B.S.I.S. - Eastern Baltic Soveriegn Independant States

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ZINO wrote:working on anything new ?

recovering from midterms. i've been trying to get some work done on my rifts book first, as well.
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Re: E.B.S.I.S. - Eastern Baltic Soveriegn Independant States

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glitterboy2098 wrote:
ZINO wrote:working on anything new ?

recovering from midterms. i've been trying to get some work done on my rifts book first, as well.

Good luck on those(the midterms, I mean). It's all fun and games, but academics come first. :)
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Re: E.B.S.I.S. - Eastern Baltic Soveriegn Independant States

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glitterboy2098 wrote:
ZINO wrote:working on anything new ?

recovering from midterms. i've been trying to get some work done on my rifts book first, as well.

take your time man
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Re: E.B.S.I.S. - Eastern Baltic Soveriegn Independant States

Unread post by Arnie100 »

glitterboy2098 wrote:
ZINO wrote:working on anything new ?

recovering from midterms. i've been trying to get some work done on my rifts book first, as well.

YOU'RE doing a Rifts book? This should be good! What's the subject, if I may ask?
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Re: E.B.S.I.S. - Eastern Baltic Soveriegn Independant States

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Arnie100 wrote:
glitterboy2098 wrote:
ZINO wrote:working on anything new ?

recovering from midterms. i've been trying to get some work done on my rifts book first, as well.

YOU'RE doing a Rifts book? This should be good! What's the subject, if I may ask?

see my sig. i've been working with Brandon Aten on it..
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Re: E.B.S.I.S. - Eastern Baltic Soveriegn Independant States

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Very cool. How far along is this project?
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Re: E.B.S.I.S. - Eastern Baltic Soveriegn Independant States

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Aramanthus wrote:Very cool. How far along is this project?

pretty far along. i'm mainly in the 'rewrite older fluff to add newer details' phase of my portions.. my co-writer is busy with several other books, so i'm not sure where he's at.
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Re: E.B.S.I.S. - Eastern Baltic Soveriegn Independant States

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That is cool news. Thank you for keeping abreast of the situation.
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Re: E.B.S.I.S. - Eastern Baltic Soveriegn Independant States

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quick update: the aircraft page is up, though it is not complete. i still have 3-4 others to add, i've just not finished their entries yet.
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Re: E.B.S.I.S. - Eastern Baltic Soveriegn Independant States

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second update: Special munitions page is up.. with two EBSIS gunpods and the 73mm and 125mm missiles systems. i rather like how i handled those..
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Re: E.B.S.I.S. - Eastern Baltic Soveriegn Independant States

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Nice new stuff. Thank you for sharing this update with us. I am looking forward to seeing more new stuff from you.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

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Re: E.B.S.I.S. - Eastern Baltic Soveriegn Independant States

Unread post by taalismn »

glitterboy2098 wrote:second update: Special munitions page is up.. with two EBSIS gunpods and the 73mm and 125mm missiles systems. i rather like how i handled those..

Excellent. Just watch the spelling of 'Flechette'; I've consistantly tripped up and spelled it 'fletchette'(owing to arrow 'fletching'?).
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Re: E.B.S.I.S. - Eastern Baltic Soveriegn Independant States

Unread post by Aramanthus »

I like flechettes. They are very cool. Of course I like fletchings too, since I do have a bow.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

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Re: E.B.S.I.S. - Eastern Baltic Soveriegn Independant States

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tiny update on main ebsis page.. section headings for their history up to the Shadow Chronicles movie.

hopefully once finals are over i'll have some time to convert my notes into more actual content..

i am willing to answer questions if anyone wants to know whats coming up.. not promising a complete answer to all that are asked (anything after the arrival of the Master's is not very detailed yet), but i'll try.
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Re: E.B.S.I.S. - Eastern Baltic Soveriegn Independant States

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big update on the Baltic States history!
2015 to 2019 covered, including a major UEG vs EBSIS shooting war.

questions, comments, flames? :D

note that more information on the Terran legion will be forthcoming. and i'm open to suggestions for a better, less corny name for it.

and i know i said i'd be avoiding bringing in non-robotech stuff.. but the details, timing, and location of the events in the ebsis history just made the use of the seaQuest DSV character too tempting to pass up. consider it a dimensional analog. i'd created the events detailed early on, using real world inspirations. i only grabbed the name (and the pic!) after i realized how similar those were to events described in the seaquest show.. and i do love seaquest.. even if "hide andseek" was one of the late 1st season snoozers..
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Re: E.B.S.I.S. - Eastern Baltic Soveriegn Independant States

Unread post by Jefffar »

Well it could be considered a homage.
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Re: E.B.S.I.S. - Eastern Baltic Soveriegn Independant States

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I know it is a little extreme to advocate the death penalty for stupidity...but can't we just remove all the warning labels and let nature take it's course???
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Re: E.B.S.I.S. - Eastern Baltic Soveriegn Independant States

Unread post by taalismn »

Hot damn! I wholly approve...It's either an homage, or a salvage of good material from mediocrity.
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Re: E.B.S.I.S. - Eastern Baltic Soveriegn Independant States

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new mecha up... building off an idea Chris0013 sent me, and the old LIB art. although Chris0013 suggested this be a remake of the old Recon-destroyer, it has almost as much in common with the old Soldati battloid... it really is it's own thing.

BrSTU Robotics is a real group, it's short for Brest State Technological University, which has a robotics development program doing some really impressive stuff.

the other company, Rossum Universal Robotics, is reference to the old stage play, the same one that gave us the word "robot" for artificial workers.. just me being a geek. since prior to the rain of death, the destroid factory would have been owned by some UEG conglomerate, i figured the compan that frmed up after the bombardment in the EBSIS would pick a new name.
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Re: E.B.S.I.S. - Eastern Baltic Soveriegn Independant States

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glitterboy2098 wrote:new mecha up... building off an idea Chris0013 sent me, and the old LIB art. although Chris0013 suggested this be a remake of the old Recon-destroyer, it has almost as much in common with the old Soldati battloid... it really is it's own thing.


Another fav of mine from one of the best of the 1st Edition expansion books(Return of the Masters being the other). :ok:

And a nice real world tie-in. :D
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Re: E.B.S.I.S. - Eastern Baltic Soveriegn Independant States

Unread post by Arnie100 »

I think the VF-1X (from Robotech: Strike Force) could be the E.B.S.I.S.' attempt at developing a veritech and delivering it to the UEG (rejected in favor of the Alpha and adopted by E.B.S.I.S., perhaps?).
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Re: E.B.S.I.S. - Eastern Baltic Soveriegn Independant States

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the VF-1X is so close in design to an Alpha though, that i'm not comfortable using it for an EBSIS unit. i'd rather either ignore it, or assume it was one of the early "proof of concept" prototypes built during the development of the Alpha airframe. it's not uncommon for the proof of concept airframes to use existing components to cut down on costs. usually once a concept is proven, they spend more time making it look nice and redoing the design to optimum. robotech's modular components would just make this easier.

i've already got a veritech in the works, i just had to kitbash my own art for it. it's pretty much as it looks, a reworked VF-1 using a bit more Russian elements than the regular VF-1. not just aesthetics, but things like Passive electronically scanned arrays (like the one on the SU-27..which not only gives you AESA range and detection ability, but also the ability to fire at up to 4 targets in a single volley, and do radar mapping.. no EMP option though..), rear mounted radars for 360 missile targeting, and so on. the downside is it can't handle space or upper atmosphere very well due to the trade offs in the design, and it can't take advantage of most of the VF-1 veritech special features like FAST packs or Armor packs.

plus frankly, it's 20 years behind the cutting edge of the UEG. far larger than the UEG contemporaries, and rather more fragile than an equivalent sized unit made with UEG 2nd and 3rd generation mecha technologies.
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Re: E.B.S.I.S. - Eastern Baltic Soveriegn Independant States

Unread post by ZINO »

let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: E.B.S.I.S. - Eastern Baltic Soveriegn Independant States

Unread post by Arnie100 »

ZINO wrote:kitbash my own art
awesome !!

I haveta agree with ZINO on that. I definetely DO wanna see that written up! Plus, it would give those Logan pilots something to worry about.

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Re: E.B.S.I.S. - Eastern Baltic Soveriegn Independant States

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the annoying part is that in the timeline i drew up at the start of the project, the Baltics don't field this VF until several years after their major shooting war with the UEG... :cry:

oh well, i left plenty of room for smaller skirmishes.. and it will get to shine against master's Bioroids and Invid..

i'm considering tweaking the timeline to have a partial squadron of this type available during the Bosnian conflict, but i'm wary of making it too easy for the Baltics to develop mecha. though this is more of a Irktusk product...
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Re: E.B.S.I.S. - Eastern Baltic Soveriegn Independant States

Unread post by Arnie100 »

glitterboy2098 wrote:the annoying part is that in the timeline i drew up at the start of the project, the Baltics don't field this VF until several years after their major shooting war with the UEG... :cry:

oh well, i left plenty of room for smaller skirmishes.. and it will get to shine against master's Bioroids and Invid..

i'm considering tweaking the timeline to have a partial squadron of this type available during the Bosnian conflict, but i'm wary of making it too easy for the Baltics to develop mecha. though this is more of a Irktusk product...

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