rawiron1 wrote:During the Invid times the Rooskies would manage to keep a few spy/gps/comms satellites up and launch more to keep tabs on the pesky Invids and maintain contact with rebel forces and the remains of surviving bases and governments (ex: China). Their super carriers would fake their own deaths during the invasion by launching a smoke missile barrage into the water, submurging to maximum depth, and shutting down all systems. Invid can operate under water but how often do you see them do it? They don't like it. The non-protculture driven super carriers would cruise the world spying on Invid, supplying arms, forging new alliances, launching some small raids. Invid don't have much of a reason to patrol the seas. The carriers stay away from shores. The Invid usually only patrol at low and slow speed. Plenty of time for EWR to pick them up and allow the ships to go all stop and submerge. Rooskie submarines would also cruise the oceans in support of these missions. The Rooskie navy is only 10% of its Global CIVIL War size by this time. But still a force to recon with with 2 super carriers, 11 subs, and a few dozen small and medium sized support ships. They also have 5 shuttles (2 RDF and 3 unarmed SC type for orbital shuttle runs if needed)..
Never underestimate what you can do with an upgraded Typhoon supersub.