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Re: Best characters

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 11:18 am
by Jerell
Whoa! :lol: Are we doing real on-topic post now? I always did like the Venture bros. Good stuff that.

Well if I'm going to get on topic, I may as well get on with it too. I had a mostly average stats save for a high MA and decent PB, human mercenary tank commander named Ragnahild that was lot's of fun, and had lot's of character. And that character to me was my "best."

Re: Best characters

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 4:03 pm
by SamBell
anapuna wrote:
SamBell wrote:
Akashic Soldier wrote:
SamBell wrote:Well I don't rememeber a 100% cuz I made him years ago, but he was from
Heroes unlimited and he had super strength, and sonic speed and some eugenic stuff and some minor abilities. And he didnt do much with his life, before becoming a champion of light he dedicated his life to becoming stronger (much like atlas) and so he basically had all physical skills that bumbed him up. And people question me ALL the time how his stats got so high. And I really REALLY wish I rememebered how they got there exactly, sometimes I doubt it myself lol, but I assure you I don't cheat. He is 100% legit. I swear. I just cannot remember the details. He does however have the ability to play the bass guitar and sing very well at a skill level at about 87%. (he was in a band with a dragon juicer named Abel and a Pogtal giant named Grümmok). Also he had exploits where he met Sheaogorath, yes from Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, The Shivering Isle. But yeah I'm sorry I dont remember the details.

*Breaks the 4th wall and looks at the audience*


Seriously, I don't follow?

umm you need more pinky pie in your diet. google pinky pie and look for a picture of a pony staring down the audience IE you! you will get the image.

I still don't follow, I may seem a little dense, but idk what a pink pony has to do with my character. Sooo. Lol

Re: Best characters

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 4:26 pm
by Mech-Viper Prime

Re: Best characters

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 4:34 pm
by SamBell
Mech-Viper Prime wrote: here read this sambell

I know what the fourth wall is, I just don't get the audience thing

Re: Best characters

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 4:36 pm
by Killer Cyborg
SamBell wrote:
Mech-Viper Prime wrote: here read this sambell

I know what the fourth wall is, I just don't get the audience thing

Don't worry about it.

Re: Best characters

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 4:42 pm
by SamBell
Killer Cyborg wrote:
SamBell wrote:
Mech-Viper Prime wrote: here read this sambell

I know what the fourth wall is, I just don't get the audience thing

Don't worry about it.

Okay lol. But is my character purdy good?

Re: Best characters

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 5:23 pm
by SamBell
Killer Cyborg wrote:
SamBell wrote:
Mech-Viper Prime wrote: here read this sambell

I know what the fourth wall is, I just don't get the audience thing

Don't worry about it.

I won't.

Re: Best characters

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 6:19 pm
by Ziggurat the Eternal
sounds like sambells character was made with the immortal category of heros unlimited out of one of the powers unlimited books.

it's easily the stupidest, most munchkin, and unbalanced category ever. eugenics is pretty bad too.

all around, i'd call bs on the character. and never allow it in my game.

especially since having high mdc isn't worth much without the ability to get things done. I'd also like to call bs on the spd. i've done calculations, and its real, really, really hard to get a spd that high without cheating the rules.

that all said, my best character was the one with the least combat ability and power in a group of super humans. a mere latent psionic human. whom everyone was afraid of, and had the nickname Demon Lord. he was a nice guy too. just scary.

Re: Best characters

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 6:49 pm
by SamBell
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:sounds like sambells character was made with the immortal category of heros unlimited out of one of the powers unlimited books.

it's easily the stupidest, most munchkin, and unbalanced category ever. eugenics is pretty bad too.

all around, i'd call bs on the character. and never allow it in my game.

especially since having high mdc isn't worth much without the ability to get things done. I'd also like to call bs on the spd. i've done calculations, and its real, really, really hard to get a spd that high without cheating the rules.

that all said, my best character was the one with the least combat ability and power in a group of super humans. a mere latent psionic human. whom everyone was afraid of, and had the nickname Demon Lord. he was a nice guy too. just scary.

So yeah my characters legit

Re: Best characters

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 9:56 pm
by Colt47
Jerell wrote:Whoa! :lol: Are we doing real on-topic post now? I always did like the Venture bros. Good stuff that.

Well if I'm going to get on topic, I may as well get on with it too. I had a mostly average stats save for a high MA and decent PB, human mercenary tank commander named Ragnahild that was lot's of fun, and had lot's of character. And that character to me was my "best."

When your character looks like a normal human and turns a pair of unconcious flooper bandits into impromptu nun-chucks to get out of a bandit camp I can't really think of anything else to compare it to.

Re: Best characters

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 1:37 am
by kogwar
A new one i made a titan with amnesia who now goes by the name of Paul Bunyon woke up and was found by some loggers and so (like handcock in the movie) took on the name.

Re: Best characters

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 4:26 am
by Zer0 Kay
I.Q.: 30
M.E: 26
M.A.: 24
P.S.: 20/40SN
P.P.: 25/33SN
P.E.: 16/34SN
P.B.: 18/28
Spd.: 12/34
Flying: 60
M./S.D.C.: 802 / 554 HP 248 (Rifts HP 248 + SDC 554 = MDC 802)
see 4000' in dark, physical attacks do 1/2 damage, heat & fire do 1/2 damage, 60% chance to blind opponents if your viewed in bright sun light.
H.F.: capped 16 no cap 52

Re: Best characters

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 12:18 pm
by Jerell
Colt47 wrote:
Jerell wrote:Whoa! :lol: Are we doing real on-topic post now? I always did like the Venture bros. Good stuff that.

Well if I'm going to get on topic, I may as well get on with it too. I had a mostly average stats save for a high MA and decent PB, human mercenary tank commander named Ragnahild that was lot's of fun, and had lot's of character. And that character to me was my "best."

When your character looks like a normal human and turns a pair of unconcious flooper bandits into impromptu nun-chucks to get out of a bandit camp I can't really think of anything else to compare it to.

:lol: That IS funny. Although a dragon doing housework would be amusing also.