mechachap wrote:I think the biggest disappointment with the Haydonites is that they don't seem to pose that big a threat. Plus they seem like a relic of the last decade, when Battlestar Galactica was popular.
That's the thing... the
Robotech: the Shadow Chronicles "movie" is obviously trying very hard to be a middle ground between the
Battlestar Galactica "new" series and the 1984
Macross: Do You Remember Love? movie and failing spectacularly.
If you exclude Palladium's usual copious and inexplicable exaggerations and downgrades, they actually did do quite a number on the UEEF in the movie... before they even fired a shot. By helping the UEEF against the Invid, they not only convinced the UEEF to commit virtually the entire fleet to a single action where they could be easily targeted and destroyed, they were able to plant sabotaged hardware that took every last UEEF ship and fighter out of the fight before it even began.
The practical end result of the Haydonite ploy was that the UEEF's main fleet of ~400 ships suffered significant losses, and the remaining ships and fighters are out of action. The only way the UEEF was able to fight back was to detonate the neutron-s warhead stockpiles on Space Station Liberty, costing them their principal shipyard, R&D facility, and their near-Sol staging ground, plus the many incomplete ships and mecha stored there, and the supplies a fleet needed to operate.
mechachap wrote:The Disciples of Zor, if well written enough, would've made a credible threat. The Masters made it sound like they were one.
But not a NEW threat... the Disciples were just another group of Masters.
Dairugger XV wrote:If the goal is to bring in new fans, it would be better to simply make an "Ultimate Universe" version of Robotech, and hopefully fix some of the issues associated with the original version.
This is not possible due to the nature of
Robotech itself... the intellectual property the series contains is the copyrighted property of other studios. Virtually nothing in the series is actually owned by Harmony Gold, so they would almost be starting from zero in terms of the designs AND story, since Harmony Gold has done everything possible to alienate the owners of the
Macross and
Southern Cross IP.
Dairugger XV wrote:2. Get an animation studio that bloody knows how to do a good job. The CG used was outdated ten years before Shadow Chronicles was released, and watching the fights were BORING AS SIN. All of which I leave at the feet of HG.
When they're paid to do their job well, DR Movie is actually an exceptional studio which has many famous series in its catalog including
Macross Plus,
Sentou Yousei Yukikaze, both
Ghost in the Shell movies,
Bleach, and
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.
The problem is that Harmony Gold's entire budget for the movie (less than $1 million USD) is roughly equivalent to the animation budget for a single 22 minute TV anime episode. RTSC's budget was at full stretch to get even the painfully poor, fourth-rate animation it got.
Good animation... good choreography... good direction... good art design... these things all cost money, money Harmony Gold's own staff admit their senior management doesn't think
Robotech can justify, investment-wise.
Dairugger XV wrote:4. Complete new mecha. While they may visually follow the overall aesthetic of the New Gen mecha, if that is what HG wished, but the new mecha used at the very end would NOT be "Super Shadow Fighters" but genuinely new mecha.
Harmony Gold actually tried to do this... but some designs were obviously canned due to the possibility of legal action from
Macross's owners, and others (like the VF-13 Gamma) do not appear to have survived the approvals process. The whole goal of the movie was to try and
MOSPEADA so it would have appeal on a going-forward basis, the New Generation being at best a distant second to the Macross Saga popularity-wise, so they went with a FAST-pack equipped Alpha as their next best bet.