Alpha 11 wrote:And of course, because of HG, we will never see an office release here, in the USA in English dub. For most of that stuff, anyways.
Yep... and that's the real tragedy of Robotech's continued existence. As long as Harmony Gold's got that tiny, nostalgia-driven audience who continue to support it no matter what, they're never going to let go of it or the dubious trademarks keeping them from having to compete on a level playing field against an infinitely more competent group of companies whose work often leads the industry in quality.
Mercifully, it seems that Bandai has at least started to realize there's money in doing an end-run around Harmony Gold's ghetto-ization of western Macross fans, and has started to include English subtitles (and in one memorable case, the English dub track) in new Macross home video releases.
glitterboy2098 wrote:given macross DYRL was made an "in universe movie" for the main timeline, would macross II also be an "in universe film/ova" as well? (would certainly explain some of the music appearing in macross 7 in the 'battle of the bands' bit..)
That's a favorite fan theory that does the rounds every now and again... but no official word has come in either way. Mind you, there's a lot more Macross II music in there than you think. Most of the non-Fire Bomber music in Macross 7 is right off the Macross II OSTs. The only real exceptions were the song performed by Alice Holiday, and the ones performed by Emilia Jenius in the movie. Every time we see a character turn on the radio or we see a song on TV that isn't from one of those performers, it's off the Macross II soundtracks.
Macross II: Deck Plans Volume 2: Error Harder
Some Words from the Publisher (Page 5)
If this maniac survives, he may pursue a quest for power become the new Emperor?) or seek revenge against the despicable humans and Zentran traitors who destroyed Lord Emperor Ingues and brought dishonor to the Marduk people.
A normal Mardook shipmaster becoming the Emperor would be difficult, considering that Ingues wasn't a man by any conventional definition. He was a technorganic computer who enjoyed a lifespan far above what a mortal could expect... at least a few hundred thousand years, or even functional immortality as long as his ship remained intact. After all, Gorg Boddole Zer was over 120,000 when his mobile fortress was destroyed by the united UN Spacy-Zentradi-Meltrandi fleet.
Also, what traitors? The Mardook's Zentradi forces have no free will and the Zentradi serving in the UN Forces were never involved with the Mardook.
UN Spacy Corvette
This is another head-scratcher... the kanji on the line art reads Standard Battleship.
The third smallest ship in the UN Spacy arsenal (the smaller ones being the Command and the Escort Carriers), the Corvette's design was strongly influenced by both Zentran and Meltran ship design.
Er... No. The UN Spacy's standard battleship is one of the smallest ships in its arsenal, but it's still a fair deal larger than the Zentradi picket ships at ~700-800m long. It's still one of the smallest ships that the UN Spacy can bring to the table, being about 2/3 the size of a Gloria or Heracles-type ship.
Although not powerfully armed, the Corvette serves as a ship of the line in the UN Spacy fleet.
For its size, the standard battleship can punch WAY above its weight... being that it's armed with turrets comparable to the Zentradi battleship's, in considerable profusion for its size, and also the same anti-ship missile launchers as its larger bretheren. It was, after all, designed to fight and destroy Zentradi ships...
Weapons Systems
Not sure how, but they didn't even count the turrets in the art correctly... the standard battleship has a total of fourteen large converging beam cannon turrets and four large anti-warship missile launchers with thermonuclear reaction warheads for its primary armament, it's packin' a hell of a lot of heat. And that's not counting any fighters or destroids it's carrying. There's also a variant in the line art that has one of the Thuverl Salan-class battleship's large spinal gun turrets mounted at the front of the gun decks amidships for a little extra bombardment punch.
UN Spacy Battleship
Yep, this one's actually right... the Gloria is a fleet command battleship, and one modeled upon the Meltrandi Army's 4 kilometer long version of same, though admittedly about 1/4th scale. (~1,100m)
The Battleship, although smaller than the Command Ship, is even more powerful in terms of raw firepower.
Actually, they're both battleships... the Heracles actually probably outguns the Gloria by a fair bit thanks to its heavy converging beam cannon in the bow. The Gloria also has a large-scale beam cannon like that, but it's much smaller, comparable to the one in the bow of the Queadol Magdomilla-class Zentradi fleet command battleship. Still, like the other human ships, this is one "little" ship that can punch WAY above its weight class.
UN Spacy Command Carrier
UN Spacy Large Battleship.
The Command Ship is typical of the new generation of spacecraft built by the UN Spacy in the aftermath of the first Zentran invasion in the early 21st century.
Actually, it's not... it's typical of the new generation of spacecraft built for the UN Spacy using a mixture of Human, Zentradi, and Meltrandi overtechnology after the devastating Zentradi invasion of 2054. That ship, and the others like it, are a good deal more advanced than the human-built ships of the years right after the first space war, which were largely just improved versions of the wartime starship classes, with the designs adjusted for the realities of large-scale space warfare.
These ships aren't small, either... both the Gloria and the Heracles are loosely based upon the starship designs of the Meltrandi Army, being a scaled-down version of the fleet command battleship and not-so-scaled-down version of the Meltrandi gun destroyer that the Macross was built around.
The Command Ships combine the functions of a battleship and a fighter carrier.
So... exactly like literally every other ship, then? It's a rare ship in either Macross timeline that isn't fitted out to carry at least a couple fighters in addition to whatever its other fleet role is.
Weapons Systems
We don't actually know a heck of a lot about how this one is armed, beyond the obvious super dimension energy cannon that makes up the bow and the visible quartet of anti-warship missile launchers near the stern. It's a safe bet that it has the usual assortment of converging beam cannon turrets on the hull to use against other warships.
Zentran Flagship
Zentradi Army Nupetiet Vergnitzs-class fleet command battleship.
By far the biggest ship of the UN Spacy, the flagship-class Zentran vessel is - except for the SDF-1 Macross - one of the most powerful ships in the universe.
Actually, it's a distant second to the Macross Cannon-class gunships, each of which was built using FOUR of these massive battleships to form its anti-fleet heavy converging beam cannon system. Also, in terms of raw firepower, the Macross-class super dimension fortress is lucky to break even against a Nupetiet Vergnitzs-class ship's more copious complement of guns and larger heavy converging beam cannon system... and both are massively outclassed by the Macross Cannon-class gunships, which are themselves massively outclassed by the Mobile Fortresses used by the Zentradi, Meltrandi, and, also, the Mardook... which have main gun firepower hundreds of thousands of times that of either ship.
Contrary to what the book says, the ship's interiors were not extensively redesigned at all... the miclone crew quarters were simply stuck wherever there was spare room, and in a ship that size there is a HUGE amount of spare room.
The UN Spacy version of the flagship retains all the qualities of the first design plus some improvements, especially in armor and armament. Only three of them are left, and they are used as long-range mobile bases.
The UN Spacy-modified version of the Nupetiet Vergnitzs-class isn't described as having had any kind of changes to its armor or armament... just fittings for a miclone crew and fixtures to launch the Valkyrie II from. Most of the UN Spacy's technological improvements in weaponry were copied from ships like this, after all.
There are a LOT more than three of these ships left too... the UN Spacy possessed far more of these in their forces than would ordinarily exist in a Zentradi fleet of similar size. They had a couple dozen of 'em, not counting the ones that were modified into gun systems for the Macross Cannon-class gunships.
Zentran Carrier
Zentradi Army Quiltra Queleual-class Landing Ship
All these changes have left much less room for mecha compared to the old version, which carried more than 25,000 of them.
Same notes as before... Palladium's counts are MASSIVELY exaggerated. In all likelihood, this ship never carried more than a few hundred battle pods since the average Zentradi crew size was only 1,500 in the Boddole Zer fleet.
The modifications are unlikely to have had any significant effect on the ship's carrying capacity, and its armor and armament were likely completely unchanged unless we count the possible addition of reaction warheads for its existing missile launchers.
Weapon Systems
This ship has no "main gun" type system... and is fairly lightly armed for its size, being the only Zentradi ship with an official weapons count of just 17 beam gun turrets and 96 defensive missile launchers.
The Mardook section comes next.