cobra73 wrote:so, in summary, how to get the Titan to the ground: 1) aerospace shuttle like the one on the Sentinels comic. 2) modified Garfish. 3) modified Crusader. 4) modified Crabpot (from the imai files) 5) drop it directly from orbit. 6) give up and find a smaller vehicle. 7) they magically appear on the ground (like the AT-ATs)
1) Could work with smaller size 2) Best bet right now. Would be interesting if the modified Garfish is also a command unit as the eyes in the sky for the GMU. 3) Not a good idea even if they have it not fold up like it. Way to big of a target. 4) Could work too as a disposable way of dropping it from high orbit. 5) Another viable option like in Mass Effect (though low orbit would be better than high). 6) Would be great economic wise for the UEEF. 7) Don't diss the AT-AT's they do have dedicated dropships for them (Sadly only seen in extended universe do we see them).
cobra73 wrote:so, in summary, how to get the Titan to the ground: 1) aerospace shuttle like the one on the Sentinels comic. 2) modified Garfish. 3) modified Crusader. 4) modified Crabpot (from the imai files) 5) drop it directly from orbit. 6) give up and find a smaller vehicle. 7) they magically appear on the ground (like the AT-ATs)
1) Could work with smaller size 2) Best bet right now. Would be interesting if the modified Garfish is also a command unit as the eyes in the sky for the GMU. 3) Not a good idea even if they have it not fold up like it. Way to big of a target. 4) Could work too as a disposable way of dropping it from high orbit. 5) Another viable option like in Mass Effect (though low orbit would be better than high). 6) Would be great economic wise for the UEEF. 7) Don't diss the AT-AT's they do have dedicated dropships for them (Sadly only seen in extended universe do we see them).
On 7. I like how parenthetically you start speaking like Yoda. Do you know why the releases were 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9? Because in charge of production Yoda was.
you some might think you're a but you're cool in book --Mecha-Viper BEST IDEA EVER!!! -- The Galactus Kid Holy crapy, you're Zer0 Kay?! --TriaxTech Zer0 Kay is my hero. --Atramentus The Zer0 of Kay, who started this fray, Kept us laughing until the end. -The Fifth Business (In loving Memory of the teleport thread)
cobra73 wrote:so, in summary, how to get the Titan to the ground: 1) aerospace shuttle like the one on the Sentinels comic. 2) modified Garfish. 3) modified Crusader. 4) modified Crabpot (from the imai files) 5) drop it directly from orbit. 6) give up and find a smaller vehicle. 7) they magically appear on the ground (like the AT-ATs)
1) Could work with smaller size 2) Best bet right now. Would be interesting if the modified Garfish is also a command unit as the eyes in the sky for the GMU. 3) Not a good idea even if they have it not fold up like it. Way to big of a target. 4) Could work too as a disposable way of dropping it from high orbit. 5) Another viable option like in Mass Effect (though low orbit would be better than high). 6) Would be great economic wise for the UEEF. 7) Don't diss the AT-AT's they do have dedicated dropships for them (Sadly only seen in extended universe do we see them).
On 7. I like how parenthetically you start speaking like Yoda. Do you know why the releases were 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9? Because in charge of production Yoda was.
Actually that was a brain fart on my part. Haven't had anything to eat all day. Hunger starts messing with my head and all.
Actually the garfish doesn't even need to be modified much. Canon has the garfish's lower bays as a mission specific module system, the module attached by a universal docking system. The science ship version of the garfish is just a garfish with a science module. Etc.
So any garfish should be able to carry a GMU with their docking strip. The GMU just has to be carried facing 'sideways' relative to the ship. (so that the Garfish's anti-ship turret isn't in the way)
Last edited by glitterboy2098 on Fri Nov 13, 2015 10:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Author of Rifts: Deep Frontier (Rifter 70) Author of Rifts:Scandinavia (current project) * All fantasy should have a solid base in reality. * Good sense about trivialities is better than nonsense about things that matter. -Max Beerbohm Visit my Website
cobra73 wrote:so, in summary, how to get the Titan to the ground: 1) aerospace shuttle like the one on the Sentinels comic. 2) modified Garfish. 3) modified Crusader. 4) modified Crabpot (from the imai files) 5) drop it directly from orbit. 6) give up and find a smaller vehicle. 7) they magically appear on the ground (like the AT-ATs)
1) Could work with smaller size 2) Best bet right now. Would be interesting if the modified Garfish is also a command unit as the eyes in the sky for the GMU. 3) Not a good idea even if they have it not fold up like it. Way to big of a target. 4) Could work too as a disposable way of dropping it from high orbit. 5) Another viable option like in Mass Effect (though low orbit would be better than high). 6) Would be great economic wise for the UEEF. 7) Don't diss the AT-AT's they do have dedicated dropships for them (Sadly only seen in extended universe do we see them).
On 7. I like how parenthetically you start speaking like Yoda. Do you know why the releases were 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9? Because in charge of production Yoda was.
Actually that was a brain fart on my part. Haven't had anything to eat all day. Hunger starts messing with my head and all.
So when you need a Snickers your head shrinkgs turns green and grows big pointy ears and you become wise and speak... Inversely?
you some might think you're a but you're cool in book --Mecha-Viper BEST IDEA EVER!!! -- The Galactus Kid Holy crapy, you're Zer0 Kay?! --TriaxTech Zer0 Kay is my hero. --Atramentus The Zer0 of Kay, who started this fray, Kept us laughing until the end. -The Fifth Business (In loving Memory of the teleport thread)
I like star wars as much as the next guy, its just that this discussion reminds me of a similar one i saw on a star wars website. I have seen the "cargo barges" you mentioned, however with disney trying to make everyone forget about the extended universe, they're back where they started.
As for the Garfish i distinctly remember a garfish variant called Marathon class over at the Reference Guide, maybe that could be useful.
And Southern Cross, its your game, fan project, etc, so use the option that you like.
Rabid Southern Cross Fan wrote:Don't see why the dropship from the comics couldn't be adapted....
Oh, absolutely... It just sucks. It smacks of three fingers and spiky hair, done or designed in such a WA to save time drawing. Instead of designing something awesome or at least cool, since it was only going to be in a few frames. Instead of being something fans go back to and say I want stats on THAT. It becomes an unimportant, mostly unknown and vaguely remembered... Brick. Even the Imperial AT-AT drop ship had more details.
you some might think you're a but you're cool in book --Mecha-Viper BEST IDEA EVER!!! -- The Galactus Kid Holy crapy, you're Zer0 Kay?! --TriaxTech Zer0 Kay is my hero. --Atramentus The Zer0 of Kay, who started this fray, Kept us laughing until the end. -The Fifth Business (In loving Memory of the teleport thread)
Zer0 Kay wrote:Instead of designing something awesome or at least cool, since it was only going to be in a few frames.
Eh, at least it looks semi-functional. It's reminescent of the Red Photon Zillion Air-Carrid (which leads me to believe it may have actually been a Sentinels preproduction design) as well as the Z GundamGaruda-class transport. It just needs a little touching up to be better (folding wings for storage would be an improvement I think).
Zer0 Kay wrote:Instead of designing something awesome or at least cool, since it was only going to be in a few frames.
Eh, at least it looks semi-functional. It's reminescent of the Red Photon Zillion Air-Carrid (which leads me to believe it may have actually been a Sentinels preproduction design) as well as the Z GundamGaruda-class transport. It just needs a little touching up to be better (folding wings for storage would be an improvement I think).
Looks more like a transport ship than a dropship. In one of the panels it showed Battle Pods and full grown Zent's that are dwarfed by the landing bay/ramp. No way the SDF-3 could carry multiple ships like that. At best just one and that would have to hang off of it like the Crusader.
Jeffar wrote:I seem to recall mention of a specially modified Horizon-T in the old Sentinals RPG book, but I'm not sure it would have enough payload capacity to haul the GMU.
That might be a campaign thing as I recall, the Garfish in 1E Sentinels book is said to be the standard transport for the GMU.
Did anyone else catch how huge the Garfish was supposed to be in the 1E Sentinels book? I love that besides the 9 Alphas and 96 Cyclone Riders, it also carried 6 - 8 Destroids as a standard load, including either a MAC II or MAC III. And they could carry a Titan as well.
glitterboy2098 wrote:The mega road trucks were a comic creation. They were never part of canon robotech. It is notable that aftermath and its spin off sdf Mordecai were non canon even in the old robotech continuity before the great cleanup hg did
Not to mention that Bruce Lewis' behavior on the internet at the time was a real sore spot with the company and the fans.
Chronicler wrote:Looks more like a transport ship than a dropship. In one of the panels it showed Battle Pods and full grown Zent's that are dwarfed by the landing bay/ramp. No way the SDF-3 could carry multiple ships like that. At best just one and that would have to hang off of it like the Crusader.
That would be true if I were talking about the nonsense that passes for the GMU in the RPG now. However, I am talking about the finalized artwork version, which is significantly smaller (and is in fact shown on the cover of The Sentinels Book 2: Dark Powers).