Electrical Damage

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Stone Gargoyle
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Re: Electrical Damage

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Axelmania wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:And there are no electrical shock effects or anything.

I figure for a more rounded concept you'd pick other powers like "Control Static" or "Electrical Field"
That would certainly be one way to do it, but I wanted realism without having to waste extra selections to get it.
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Re: Electrical Damage

Unread post by Whiskeyjack »

I like the over all rework, but there are some things nagging me personally with the ability.

Stone Gargoyle wrote:2. Electrical Attacks: The character is able to shoot electrical energy from his fingers or eyes. The electricity is shocking, so when hit by an attack, flesh and blood opponents have a 01-50% chance of being knocked down, losing initiative and one melee attack/action. Machines hit by the electricity will overload, being rendered useless for 1d6 minutes, including robots and power armor as well as electric drills and computers.

50% chance of knockdown is way too high. Also, is this applied to ALL electrical attacks? For comparison in Rifts, a hit from a supernaturally strong character doing 100 points MD would only have a 40% chance of knockdown.
Machines should also have a percentage chance of shutting down, not just being automatic. This aspect is way over powered in any high tech setting, allowing a character to just lay waste to entire armies.

Stone Gargoyle wrote:A) Electrical Ray: This is the character's most powerful blast.
Range: 100 feet (30.5 m) + 20 feet (6 m) per level of experience.
Damage: 1D6x10+2 per level of experience, plus the chance of knockdown and the machine disruption.
Duration: Instant
Attacks per Melee: Each blast counts as one melee attack/action.
Bonus: +2 to strike with electrical ray

C) Lightning Bolt: The character can release streams of electricity in the form of lightning. Whatever is directly hit by the lightning bolt takes full damage. Everything within 5 feet (1.52 m) per level of experience of the intended target takes 2D6 points of damage. Plus the chance of knockdown and machine disruprion for everything taking damage from the bolt.
Range: 300 feet (91.5 m) + 30 feet (9 m) per level of experience, plus 5 foot radius around strike point.
Damage: 5D6 +2 points of damage per level of experience to main target, plus 2D6 damage to everything in range. Plus chance of knockdown and machine disruption.
Duration: Instant
Attacks per Melee: Equal to the character’s hand to hand attacks/actions.
Bonus: +3 to strike.

These two seem redundant. I would just combine the two. Keep the damage at 1D6x10+2 per level, increase the range to the lightning bolt (or higher, like 1000' + 100' per level, it is lightning).

Stone Gargoyle wrote:3. Electrical Travel: The character becomes a being of pure electrical energy, making it possible for him to travel through electrical conductive materials at supersonic speed or travel through the air as lightning.

A) Line Transit: The character can travel along wires and cables at a rate of one mile per melee action but is limited in this form of travel by the need for wires to travel throgh. He also requires an outlet/exit point, such as a receiver, open telephone line, modem, electrical outlet, etc. If someone is touching the exit point, they will take 2D6 damage and have a 01-50% chance of being knocked down, losing initiative and one melee attack/action.
The effective range on this is 300 miles; attempting to travel further than that requires a navigation roll- Base Skill: 55% +4% per level of experience (-5% penalty for every 300 miles of distance). A failed roll means that the character emerges 3-18 miles from his target location (roll 3D6 to determine the distance). If the location is unfamiliar, he is in a strange place and does not know where he is until he can get out and ask directions. The character will need to find out where he is before he can try again.
The character can also use this ability to hide inside wiring and machines, and he can potentially overload a machine while inside it, overloading it for 1D6 minues.
Range: 300 miles (1600 km) before needing to navigate; effectivelly unilimited.
Duration: Can remain in wiring indefinitely and can even occupy machines in this manner
Damage: None, but the character can choose to do 2D^ damage upon exiting to anyone holding the exit point (as in a phone or electrical outlet
Attacks per Melee: Counts as two melee attacks/actions to enter or exit wiring
Note: Furthermore, because the character is actually inside a computer, he can engage in physical combat and use all of his abilities in cyberspace (See Galaxy Guide™ sourcebook for further details).

B) Electric Flight: The individual can transform into a bolt of living energy and rocket himself short distances.
Maximum Range: One mile (1.6 km, max. speed 300 mph, min. speed 200mph. A full speed body block or ram at this speed does 1D4X10 damage and has a 01-50% chance of knocking the target down, making them lose initiative and one melee attack/action. It will also overload machines if hitting them, making them lose function for 1D6 minutes.
Duration: One melee (15 seconds)
Damage: None except from ramming/collisions, or will overload machines if passing closer than 5 feet from them (losing function for 1D6 minutes)
Attacks per Melee: Counts as two melee attacks/actions
Note: This is not Flight: Energy, so the character cannot hover over the ground. Nor can the character regulate his speed.

This I would give as an either or. Pick at creation which ability you want. Again though, the knockdown rules needs to come in line with other damages. 1D4x10 should be giving a 10% chance of knockdown. Maybe a 15% bonus due to the electrical nature if hitting flesh.

Stone Gargoyle wrote:5. Other Abilities and Bonuses:
Character has a Horror Factor of 14
+15% to computer and electrical skills

I kind of agree on the computer aspect raised earlier. Being able to turn into electricity shouldn't allow you to operate a computer better. But wiring/electrical based skills? 100%.

Any chance you've ever taken a stab at rewriting the Gravity Powers? My son has these in our current game and they are a massive headache to incorporate into the game.
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Stone Gargoyle
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Re: Electrical Damage

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Whiskeyjack wrote:I like the over all rework, but there are some things nagging me personally with the ability.

Stone Gargoyle wrote:2. Electrical Attacks: The character is able to shoot electrical energy from his fingers or eyes. The electricity is shocking, so when hit by an attack, flesh and blood opponents have a 01-50% chance of being knocked down, losing initiative and one melee attack/action. Machines hit by the electricity will overload, being rendered useless for 1d6 minutes, including robots and power armor as well as electric drills and computers.

50% chance of knockdown is way too high. Also, is this applied to ALL electrical attacks? For comparison in Rifts, a hit from a supernaturally strong character doing 100 points MD would only have a 40% chance of knockdown.
Machines should also have a percentage chance of shutting down, not just being automatic. This aspect is way over powered in any high tech setting, allowing a character to just lay waste to entire armies.
I was going by the percentages and chances presented in other powers. I might have to rework them though, as they are a bit overpowered as is.

Whiskeyjack wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:A) Electrical Ray: This is the character's most powerful blast.
Range: 100 feet (30.5 m) + 20 feet (6 m) per level of experience.
Damage: 1D6x10+2 per level of experience, plus the chance of knockdown and the machine disruption.
Duration: Instant
Attacks per Melee: Each blast counts as one melee attack/action.
Bonus: +2 to strike with electrical ray

C) Lightning Bolt: The character can release streams of electricity in the form of lightning. Whatever is directly hit by the lightning bolt takes full damage. Everything within 5 feet (1.52 m) per level of experience of the intended target takes 2D6 points of damage. Plus the chance of knockdown and machine disruprion for everything taking damage from the bolt.
Range: 300 feet (91.5 m) + 30 feet (9 m) per level of experience, plus 5 foot radius around strike point.
Damage: 5D6 +2 points of damage per level of experience to main target, plus 2D6 damage to everything in range. Plus chance of knockdown and machine disruption.
Duration: Instant
Attacks per Melee: Equal to the character’s hand to hand attacks/actions.
Bonus: +3 to strike.

These two seem redundant. I would just combine the two. Keep the damage at 1D6x10+2 per level, increase the range to the lightning bolt (or higher, like 1000' + 100' per level, it is lightning).
Yeah, I was thinking of making it just one Energy Expulsion ability and leave it at that. Again, I will have to spend time on it and come up with something.

Whiskeyjack wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:3. Electrical Travel: The character becomes a being of pure electrical energy, making it possible for him to travel through electrical conductive materials at supersonic speed or travel through the air as lightning.

A) Line Transit: The character can travel along wires and cables at a rate of one mile per melee action but is limited in this form of travel by the need for wires to travel throgh. He also requires an outlet/exit point, such as a receiver, open telephone line, modem, electrical outlet, etc. If someone is touching the exit point, they will take 2D6 damage and have a 01-50% chance of being knocked down, losing initiative and one melee attack/action.
The effective range on this is 300 miles; attempting to travel further than that requires a navigation roll- Base Skill: 55% +4% per level of experience (-5% penalty for every 300 miles of distance). A failed roll means that the character emerges 3-18 miles from his target location (roll 3D6 to determine the distance). If the location is unfamiliar, he is in a strange place and does not know where he is until he can get out and ask directions. The character will need to find out where he is before he can try again.
The character can also use this ability to hide inside wiring and machines, and he can potentially overload a machine while inside it, overloading it for 1D6 minues.
Range: 300 miles (1600 km) before needing to navigate; effectivelly unilimited.
Duration: Can remain in wiring indefinitely and can even occupy machines in this manner
Damage: None, but the character can choose to do 2D^ damage upon exiting to anyone holding the exit point (as in a phone or electrical outlet
Attacks per Melee: Counts as two melee attacks/actions to enter or exit wiring
Note: Furthermore, because the character is actually inside a computer, he can engage in physical combat and use all of his abilities in cyberspace (See Galaxy Guide™ sourcebook for further details).

B) Electric Flight: The individual can transform into a bolt of living energy and rocket himself short distances.
Maximum Range: One mile (1.6 km, max. speed 300 mph, min. speed 200mph. A full speed body block or ram at this speed does 1D4X10 damage and has a 01-50% chance of knocking the target down, making them lose initiative and one melee attack/action. It will also overload machines if hitting them, making them lose function for 1D6 minutes.
Duration: One melee (15 seconds)
Damage: None except from ramming/collisions, or will overload machines if passing closer than 5 feet from them (losing function for 1D6 minutes)
Attacks per Melee: Counts as two melee attacks/actions
Note: This is not Flight: Energy, so the character cannot hover over the ground. Nor can the character regulate his speed.

This I would give as an either or. Pick at creation which ability you want. Again though, the knockdown rules needs to come in line with other damages. 1D4x10 should be giving a 10% chance of knockdown. Maybe a 15% bonus due to the electrical nature if hitting flesh.
I think it's more believable to have both, but I do admit there needs to be more limitations put on them. Let me think on it.

Whiskeyjack wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:5. Other Abilities and Bonuses:
Character has a Horror Factor of 14
+15% to computer and electrical skills

I kind of agree on the computer aspect raised earlier. Being able to turn into electricity shouldn't allow you to operate a computer better. But wiring/electrical based skills? 100%.
I was going with what others had come up with. Maybe I'll lower the bonus to computer skills and raise the bonus to electrical skills.

Whiskeyjack wrote:Any chance you've ever taken a stab at rewriting the Gravity Powers? My son has these in our current game and they are a massive headache to incorporate into the game.
I can take a look at it. There are numerous powers that need to be rewritten. Kinda sad, isn't it? I'll look at them and see what I can do.
"SG, you are a limitless fountain of Butt-Saving Advice. You Rock, Stone and Concrete." ~ TrumbachD
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