just a thought on the Flower of Life.

Whether it is a Veritech or a Valkyrie, Robotech or Macross II, Earth is in danger eitherway. Grab your mecha and fight the good fight.

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Zer0 Kay wrote:
Lt. Holmes wrote:So let's even the odds a bit. Invid Swarm vs the Glitter Boy Legions of Free Quebec. And what the heck, let's toss Triax into the mix, too. Get all the GOOD Earth GBs in on it :)

What Japan and Mutant's in Orbit GBs not good enough to join the group?

no, just not really able to join up with the FQ GB's. Being the FQ guys are a bit "Human Supreamist" they might not like the Mutants from orbit.
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Colonel Wolfe wrote:
Lt. Holmes wrote:So let's even the odds a bit. Invid Swarm vs the Glitter Boy Legions of Free Quebec. And what the heck, let's toss Triax into the mix, too. Get all the GOOD Earth GBs in on it :)

100 Million Flying, Suicidal, Plasma Armed Slugs backed up by one near Supream Being.


a Legion of 5 Million GB's at the Most.

I'll bet on Corg anyday.. it took a Beta to take him out... The RCB & Overlord are nasty, and use Point-blank Mini-missiles...

Don't forget the "near supream being" going from a non-leyline enriched environment to Rifts Earth if magi from other games get x100 damage all her attacks that depend on psionics would become x100. Ouch same go for the Peryton's and the Guardaian (sp?)
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Zer0 Kay wrote:Don't forget the "near supream being" going from a non-leyline enriched environment to Rifts Earth if magi from other games get x100 damage all her attacks that depend on psionics would become x100. Ouch same go for the Peryton's and the Guardaian (sp?)
We covred that part here
I need to re-read my Sentinels, but The Perytons arent really using magic, their powers are Directly linked to Protoculture, and might not be enhanced.
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Eryk Stormbright wrote:when i started this i was just talking about one carrier trasport with the seeds of the FoL. not millions of swarms of invid. as others have said they might or might not be able to sence the FoL thought the different realms. but IF they could i can see them comming.... not sure how they'd get here since the carrier ran into a random Rift. they'd have to find a way to open a new Rift and make sure it opened in the right place, and depending on the timeframe, the Invid might be at war with the masters,REF, or whoever. would they ~really~ have the forces to spare to invade Rifts Earth? i'm sure if there was no wars going on at the time they would invade in a heartbeat. for the PPE and ISP rich planet i'm sure would alter them for the better(or worse, how ever you want to look at it). that and with Earth being the doorway to SO many other realms.... how could anyone pass that up?

On the other hand if they are in a war with the Sentinels or RT Master why shouldn't they try to escape to a relatively uninhabitted planet? So they are... OMFG I just thought of something really terrible for the slugs. They and their armor are created by the regis' supernatural powers. The are SUPERNATURAL creatures. Everything on them would be multiplied by the standard transfer to Rifts DCx100 in most cases it's fine since your going from SDC to MDC but this is already MDC supernatural beings going to a magic enriched earth. If she is a deity type persona then she has an unfair advantage to all the other gods who require worshippers to become stronger...she makes them. Now that 80MDC shock trooper is now an 80x100MDC shock trooper 8000MDC now that is a scary bug. :shock:

Oh when I was derailed by my own scary thought I was going to say; going to be beseiged by supernatural creatures in wilderness areas, if they arrive in an area that is populated by hostiles they will likely run first this would be assuming that the Regis came through with them and is stopping their suicidal slug tendancies. She would run to a relatively uncontested area and start developing equipment to compete in this world.
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The_Spirit wrote:
Lt. Holmes wrote:Actually, this brings up a thought.

Considering how powerful the Regis (and Regent, for that matter) is in a non-magical world like Robotech, imagine how much more powerful she'd be in Rifts Earth?

Sheesh. She would be downright scary on Rifts Earth :)

Didn't someone earlier bring up the point llathat the invid avoid ley lines?
So maybe she'd be waker in a magically strong environment?
Just a thought....

If they avoid leylines it's only because the FoL won't grow near them. They stay near their food supply.
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The_Spirit wrote:Thanks for being civil, wasn't sure if I was going to get a bunch of "that's so stupid " replies...

I can see her getting powerful too, but with her connection to the FoL I was just wondering if what made them weak also made her weak...

...and I don't think she'd want to conquer Rift Earth because it's covered in ley lines and they can't grow near them...

...but if she did, she might avoid destroying places that where near ley lines(Lazlo, Tolkeen,Atlantis etc...) as long as they avoided the FoL, since they can't grow near ley lines any way...
While destroying The CS/NGR etc, as A potential threat(They would go out of their was(well the CS anyway the NGR just might find it self facing the Gargoyle and their new allies invid(who then turn and destroy the Gargoyles :lol: )
As the CS definitely wouldn't stand for their presence but the other places might be willing to stay inside their cities if it meant avoiding annihilation maybe?
Just a thought.... :oops:

They'd probably destroy the Gargoyles first then enslave the NGR.
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Colonel Wolfe wrote:She has a Homocidal Anti-Human Streak a mile Wide? Humans are Children of the Shadow... her Invid are the Children of the Light! Shes a Religious nut-job Crossed with Adolf Hitler. Even thou the "shadow children" on Rifts earth have no Prorotcuture powered stuff... She'd still Want to remove them because the FOL is in the Area... and they are in the Way.
Genisis pit stuff... sure, Dragons would make awesome items for her Alchemy and Elnlightned Evoultion... as Rand Called her a "dragon-lady" she could very well become something much more powerful then that...
Her Humans form is not nesicarily her True form... is she Hooked up with.. The Mechinoids... killed the Stage 5 off... and offred to help Exterminate all Humanoids... She'd have a perfect bed buddy... who were Also betrayed by the "Shadow" in their History.

If she was truely anti human then she would have slaughterd all humans and used her Invid to cultivate the FoL as they did on their original planet instead of dealing with all the possible rebellions that humans often do because we treasure our freedom and hate oppression.
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Zer0 Kay wrote:If she was truely anti human then she would have slaughterd all humans and used her Invid to cultivate the FoL as they did on their original planet instead of dealing with all the possible rebellions that humans often do because we treasure our freedom and hate oppression.

You forget about the Whole problem with her Children and the Atmosphere on earth. and the fact the Huge pincer Claws and the hands on the Mauler arent very good at picking tiny delicate seeds. She is Anti-human in the extream, to the point of enslaving the entire populus for 10+ years, using them for what she needs, the she was going to Butcher all but a Small percentage, who would remain Slaves until their Death. He Children were Supeior to all Humans, and she thought humanitys time on earth was over. Several time in the Show both the Regis and Corg say how humanity will soon be Extinct.
As for the humna sLiking "Freedom" and hating Oppression... Re-watch "The Lost City" The humans of that town Try to Kill scott and Rand by sending them in to a Area Full of Invid. even after Scott and Rand survive...
Towns Folk: "Nobody here wanted your Robotech expeditionary force, If it weren’t for you soldiers, we’d still be living in peace!"
Scott: "Don’t you realize that without any kind of resistance, you’ve got no hope? You’re going to sit back and let the Invid keep control of the Earth?"
Towns folk: "Fighting the Invid only aggravates the situation. All we want is to live in peace, even if it means doing without freedom."
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The Artist Formerly wrote:Here's how this would work out. Splynncryth would smite the hell out of the Invid and their leader. Ol' one eye has body guards who are packing more firepower then her by a factor of ten. He's got magic resources she can't even begin to touch, Psionics she can't compete with and he has technology that is so far advanced beyond the RCB that it wouldn't even begin to match up. He's got troops that as loyal to him as the Invid are to her, only his guys are smart. She has a numbers advantage but I doubt it would pay off, he's got a lot of troops himself and they are man of uh, bug, much better at war, better equiped and have access to resources the Invid couldn't hope to match.

Her messing in any significant way with his sales and gambling operations would not be taken lightly. The end result would be that the Invid would be a new slave race for the Sploogies and Splynny would be the sole possesor of the secrets of Protoculture (after he Bio-Wizard Tortured them out of her).

1) Splynncryth isn't omnipotant he does not know what happens over the entire planet nor would he venture crossing over CS and Xiticix territory if they happen to become deposited in oh Canada or Alaska

2) When magi travel from PFRPG, Nightspawn, HU or BtS (relatively magic drained worlds) what happens to their powers? That's right their damage or protection becomes multiplied by 100 so that it goes from SDC to MDC. Robotech if it has any leylines (which has been argued by some) is just as devoid of magic energy as those mentioned and the Regis, Perytonians and Guardans all do MD with their powers already not to mention the invid and their mecha are psionicly created., hence they too are supernatural in nature.

3) After she captures some of that technology and learns to duplicate he has no chance. What is worse than someone who can make rune weapons with his followers souls? Someone who learns how to make rune weapons with her followers souls and can replace that follower in a thought. She doesn't have to use the unthinking slug stages she could use the human stages maybe even higher evolved stages, maybe she decides she is the highest evolutionary form and starts to make completely devoted copies of herself. Or maybe Rifts ends up with Vorlons via evolved Invid.
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Colonel Wolfe wrote:
The Artist Formerly wrote: Splynncryth would smite the hell out of the Invid and their leader. Ol' one eye has body guards who are packing more firepower then her by a factor of ten. He's got magic resources she can't even begin to touch, Psionics she can't compete with and he has technology that is so far advanced beyond the RCB that it wouldn't even begin to match up.

I agree with everything up to the Psionics Part... The Regis is based on a No-Magic world, and has a Psionic limti greater then anything in Rifts... Unlimited ISP, her Alchmey is greater in some way then any magic.

Using the conversion of PFRPG power to Rifts... her MindBolts Maxx out at 2D6x100MDC, and can do it 3 times per Melee. Since she the Equivelant of a Minor Intelligence... convert her HP & SDc to MD... giving her 1,500,000 MDC in her Energy form. 5000 MDC forcefrild...

but were Also talking the ever Grey Conversion Area.... Like Deamons in Palladium wiht sevaral hundred HP's that become MDc in Rifts? would it be the same for her? Psychic Powers are Amplified by the Rifts... do hers Follow the SDC to MDC conversion (as per a Psi-sword)? He powers are greta on a Wolrd with no Magic.. would they become much Greater on Rifts that had Mega-Magic?

Nah she'll be the only supernatural being that goe in reverse she'll have PDC that is Pico. :sarcasm:

Worse thought if rather than AI she is a Deity by G&D book the more worsippers you have the more power so she goes from RT to Rifts becomeing superpowerfull with the magic influx but then she starts mass producing her worshippers. Akin to Xiticix led by a god, except she doesn't have to wait that long for her offspring to hatch.
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Zerebus wrote:Nothing quite like a deity who mass produces his/her own worshippers...

Dang you said it before I posted but I posted before I read your post...does that even make sense.
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Colonel Wolfe wrote:
Zerebus wrote:Nothing quite like a deity who mass produces his/her own worshippers...

Exactly... she is very much Like a god... shes even a Religious Zealot against the "Shadow"...

She also Pre-dates Rifts, and theres was no reason for Palladium to Place a Lable on her... "Fairy", "Deamon", "God", or "Creature of Magic"... she Fits all of them and none of them... her true form is a Ball of Psionic Energy, that Descimates Cities and Continents.

She descimates cities continents and all manner of ships...the scary thing is she can do it selectively (based on the anime showing her leaving Reflex point and blowing away the big nukes but not the ships...also a good point against your anti-human streak) passing through two targets, destroying one and not another.
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Rabid Southern Cross Fan wrote:
glitterboy2098 wrote:except you don't build a 5 million or so ship fleet with hundreds of millions of troops unless you expect to fight SOMEONE.

so it's still either the invid or unknown group A.

Well.....5 million ships would kick the ever loving crap out of the Invid. They simply would have no chance against a force that size. Besides, the series itself tells us the answer:

eps. #29 The Robotech Masters

Bioroid Terminator: My lords, we may have found Zor's battlefortress.

Masters Triumvirate: Good!

Bioroid Terminator: Furthermore, my lords, a routine scan of the 4th Quadrant indicates a large discharge of protoculture mass.

Master #1: There are two possibilities: Either the Disciples of Zor have found the abandoned protoculture factory and have begun a new offensive against our Zentraedi warriors or the Invid have beaten us to the prize and now control the production of protoculture.

Master #2: I believe that is highly unlikely. All logic circuits suggest that the Invid have no knowledge of the whereabouts of Zor's battlefortress at this time.

Master #3: Then we must assume that the Zentraedi have indeed found the protoculture factory, ensuring a future for our Robotechnology.

Master #1 But, only if they were able to capture the ship intact.

Master #2 My only fear would be that Zor's Disciples may have mastered the inner secrets of Robotech and were able to defeat Dolza's vast armada.

Master #3 One ship against 4 million? Most unlikely. Nearly impossible.

Master #1 If they could invert the Robotech barrier system, an overload could possibly Dolza's entire fleet.

Master #3 In order to do that, Zor's Disciples would have to know as much about that Robotech ship as we.

Notice that the Masters don't KNOW that the SDF-1 is on the Earth. They believe it is, meaning they were out of contact with Dolza. Also, they state Invid could control protoculture production, not have kicked Dolza's arse. They are worried about a group called The Disciples of Zor, with whom they are/or have been at war with (begun a new offensive against the Zentraedi).

Some dismiss the DoZ as meaning simply the humans of the Earth. It isnt because they say 'a new offensive'. Its clear, however, that the DoZ probably don't have technology quite as sophisticated as the Masters. They likely have older tech about on par with the Zentraedi....meaning no inertialess propulsion, shipboard wormholes, biotech ship components and the other exotic technology the Masters are shown to possess in Robotech. It would also appear that they lack shields as well.

In all likelyhood, the DoZ are Zentraedi-strain humans or could even be Zentraedi that are controlled by ancient Zor humans (since Tirol appears to be where the Masters are 'from', though all humans HAVE to be originally descended from Earth humans. The Masters are a subspecies of Homo Sapiens).

What the heck RT Master can be out of comm with the Zents but the Pionneer mission can't be out of comm with SC? I thought the RT Masters were supposed to have the higher technology.

You sure we're not descendants of them?
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Zerebus wrote:I must admit that even with the Regis' all powerful "vaporize everything in my path as I arrive or leave" attack wouldn't be enough to dent the Zentraedi main fleet; her path simply isn't large enough.

Who said she can't steer when she's doing it? Nothing like an annhilation beam that has an intelligence steering it.
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Colonel Wolfe wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:
Lt. Holmes wrote:So let's even the odds a bit. Invid Swarm vs the Glitter Boy Legions of Free Quebec. And what the heck, let's toss Triax into the mix, too. Get all the GOOD Earth GBs in on it :)

What Japan and Mutant's in Orbit GBs not good enough to join the group?

no, just not really able to join up with the FQ GB's. Being the FQ guys are a bit "Human Supreamist" they might not like the Mutants from orbit.

Mutants from Orbit is the name of the book not necessarily the type of pilot. Besides how would they know what was piloting the GB?
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
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Colonel Wolfe wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:Don't forget the "near supream being" going from a non-leyline enriched environment to Rifts Earth if magi from other games get x100 damage all her attacks that depend on psionics would become x100. Ouch same go for the Peryton's and the Guardaian (sp?)
We covred that part here
I need to re-read my Sentinels, but The Perytons arent really using magic, their powers are Directly linked to Protoculture, and might not be enhanced.

Yeah I know I was posting as I read because if I don't I forget what I was going to say.
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
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Colonel Wolfe wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:If she was truely anti human then she would have slaughterd all humans and used her Invid to cultivate the FoL as they did on their original planet instead of dealing with all the possible rebellions that humans often do because we treasure our freedom and hate oppression.

You forget about the Whole problem with her Children and the Atmosphere on earth. and the fact the Huge pincer Claws and the hands on the Mauler arent very good at picking tiny delicate seeds. She is Anti-human in the extream, to the point of enslaving the entire populus for 10+ years, using them for what she needs, the she was going to Butcher all but a Small percentage, who would remain Slaves until their Death. He Children were Supeior to all Humans, and she thought humanitys time on earth was over. Several time in the Show both the Regis and Corg say how humanity will soon be Extinct.
As for the humna sLiking "Freedom" and hating Oppression... Re-watch "The Lost City" The humans of that town Try to Kill scott and Rand by sending them in to a Area Full of Invid. even after Scott and Rand survive...
Towns Folk: "Nobody here wanted your Robotech expeditionary force, If it weren’t for you soldiers, we’d still be living in peace!"
Scott: "Don’t you realize that without any kind of resistance, you’ve got no hope? You’re going to sit back and let the Invid keep control of the Earth?"
Towns folk: "Fighting the Invid only aggravates the situation. All we want is to live in peace, even if it means doing without freedom."

Wasn't talking about humans in anime the real world or even in Rifts.

After watching RT:NG I thought the Regis was a real evil B but then I realized if she really detested humans when she left she could have destroyed all the ships leave the missiles and destroy all the remaining population on the planet. She didn't so she doesn't hate humans. She may see them as a lesser species a means to a goal and they may become extinct because she was planning on Terraforming, or would that be Opterraforming, Earth which would kill off all humans not because she is neccessarily evil but because that is the best way for her kind to survive. It's probably akin to us exterminating rodents, we don't do it because we're evil we do it because if we don't there are so many thing that could happen.
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Zer0 Kay wrote: Wasn't talking about humans in anime the real world or even in Rifts.


After watching RT:NG I thought the Regis was a real evil B but then I realized if she really detested humans when she left she could have destroyed all the ships leave the missiles and destroy all the remaining population on the planet. She didn't so she doesn't hate humans.

Did you watch the last episode of NG? did you hear the same Dialog i did? Did you know her Final "assult" barely Destroyed half the Fleet in orbit? She was running for her life, and took a pop shot on her way out.

She may see them as a lesser species a means to a goal and they may become extinct because she was planning on Terraforming, or would that be Opterraforming, Earth which would kill off all humans not because she is neccessarily evil but because that is the best way for her kind to survive.

Inncorect, She was not Terraforming Earth to fit her Children, she was Evolving her Children to replace Humanity.

It's probably akin to us exterminating rodents, we don't do it because we're evil we do it because if we don't there are so many thing that could happen.

Thinking of another Intelligent race as "Rodents" or like is Definatly a Trait of an Evil Person.

I can Give you over a Dozen Quotes by the Invid about humanity. All stateing she was here to Kill us off, mostly becasue we are Children of the "shadow".

1) Directly after Wolffe's Death in Eulogy, she Razes Soilder town to the Ground.
2) Regis when possesing Annie in "Gennisi Pit": "Earthlings, your time on this planet runs short. The age of humans is coming to an end. Now a new era begins on Earth. Humans are transients on the long road of evolution. The Earth is entering an era of domination by another form of life which has traveled a different evolutionary path. Be warned!"
3) she speaks to Rand in a Vison: "All things change…all things die. So it is that we have come from the farthest reaches of the cosmos to regenerate ourselves, to take the Earth from the dying hands of humanity. From the ashes of your people, we shall arise – reborn!"
4)As She Changes Sera and Corg: "You are a prince and princess of our race and shall be known as Corg and Sera. We must begin the mass transformation of our people to the humanoid life form. This form which you have now assumed has been determined to be the most advanced and flexible configuration for survival on this plane"
5) The Invid Discet Dusty Aryes: "That was only where the Invid began their experiments. Apparently, the aliens were studying the functions of my body… trying to get data on the process of human evolution. Piece by piece they replaced my entire right side with protoculture-generated prostheses and organs. The experiment was done without anesthesia…. It was more painful than you could ever imagine."(AKA Torture, and Trait of Evil)
6)Corg: "Sera, I must protest your lenience in dealing with the humans. Our experiments have been completed. It’s time to exterminate them."
7) Corg again: "You’ve known all along that we planned to save only a small percentage of the humans to use as workers on our protoculture farms. The rest have been scheduled for extermination"
8) Corg wastes no time. He assembles his shock troopers and begins a murderous assault on the civilian population. His orders are simple: "Spare no one!"
9) Even Ariel believes humans are lesser beings: "they have a life force that is almost as strong as our own"
10) Regis to Areil "It is the genetic instinct of their species to destroy what they cannot understand."
11)Corg: "This pathetic species cannot be allowed to stand in the way of our future! Sera, your contact with the rebels has made you weak and spineless."

This is 11 Instances where the Invid believe the Humans are Lesser beings, and Should be destroyed.
only 2 Times do any invid speak up for humanity:
Ariel: "I am a new form of life that is a blending of the two. You must believe that the Invid never planned to destroy humanity. We are only trying to find a place we can live in peace and security."
then the Regis says to her: "Ariel, it is true. You are a traitor. Was it you who led these children of the shadow to the Hive?"

Cant Really Trust anything Ariel says at this point, Her own people Consider her a Traitor, Which makes her Opion above highly Suspect.

and Sera: "Forgive me, Regis, but I’ve begun to doubt whether we are any better than they are. You say this species is guilty of murdering and making slaves of their enemies, but how is that any different from what we are doing on this planet?"

and Humans Kill rodents because they are Pests... not so we can replace them on the Evoultionary Chain.
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Zer0 Kay wrote:
Colonel Wolfe wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:
Lt. Holmes wrote:So let's even the odds a bit. Invid Swarm vs the Glitter Boy Legions of Free Quebec. And what the heck, let's toss Triax into the mix, too. Get all the GOOD Earth GBs in on it :)

What Japan and Mutant's in Orbit GBs not good enough to join the group?

no, just not really able to join up with the FQ GB's. Being the FQ guys are a bit "Human Supreamist" they might not like the Mutants from orbit.

Mutants from Orbit is the name of the book not necessarily the type of pilot. Besides how would they know what was piloting the GB?

No, they're not good enough because they're fugly in the extreme and waaay too munchy for my taste. The FQ GBs are close enough to the source mecha that I can see a clear evolution from the USA G-10. That, and the FQ (and Triax model) GBs look cool and the rest don't :-P

Still, the idea of Invid vs Xiticix would have me terrified. I mean, it'd do the rest of Rifts Earth a world of good because it would suddenly take up the whole effort of the Xiticix race to deal with the interlopers, but just imagine the sort of destruction that would lay in their wake. And that's not even counting what a Rifts-Earth empowered Regis could do. Like I said before, that's a very, very scary thought.
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It comes to Question.

The invid Regis is Looking for the Supream Evolved form of Creature on Earth.

What would be that Creature on Rifts Earth?/

True Atlantean?
The Anchient Gianst that live undergound in South America?
A Dragon?

in Robotech Humans are the Top Dawgs... but what is it on Rifts earth?

(and did anyone ever notice tha Gene-Slpicers Look alot like Robotech Masters?>)
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Colonel Wolfe wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote: Wasn't talking about humans in anime the real world or even in Rifts.


Refering to thirst for freedom. I was saying I wasn't refering to the humans in RT but those (most of those) in the real world or the examples given in Rifts. Though if they don't know their captive (CS citizens ) then they wouldn't.
After watching RT:NG I thought the Regis was a real evil B but then I realized if she really detested humans when she left she could have destroyed all the ships leave the missiles and destroy all the remaining population on the planet. She didn't so she doesn't hate humans.

Did you watch the last episode of NG? did you hear the same Dialog i did? Did you know her Final "assult" barely Destroyed half the Fleet in orbit? She was running for her life, and took a pop shot on her way out.

She may see them as a lesser species a means to a goal and they may become extinct because she was planning on Terraforming, or would that be Opterraforming, Earth which would kill off all humans not because she is neccessarily evil but because that is the best way for her kind to survive.

Inncorect, She was not Terraforming Earth to fit her Children, she was Evolving her Children to replace Humanity.

It's probably akin to us exterminating rodents, we don't do it because we're evil we do it because if we don't there are so many thing that could happen.

Thinking of another Intelligent race as "Rodents" or like is Definatly a Trait of an Evil Person.

I can Give you over a Dozen Quotes by the Invid about humanity. All stateing she was here to Kill us off, mostly becasue we are Children of the "shadow".

1) Directly after Wolffe's Death in Eulogy, she Razes Soilder town to the Ground.
2) Regis when possesing Annie in "Gennisi Pit": "Earthlings, your time on this planet runs short. The age of humans is coming to an end. Now a new era begins on Earth. Humans are transients on the long road of evolution. The Earth is entering an era of domination by another form of life which has traveled a different evolutionary path. Be warned!"
3) she speaks to Rand in a Vison: "All things change…all things die. So it is that we have come from the farthest reaches of the cosmos to regenerate ourselves, to take the Earth from the dying hands of humanity. From the ashes of your people, we shall arise – reborn!"
4)As She Changes Sera and Corg: "You are a prince and princess of our race and shall be known as Corg and Sera. We must begin the mass transformation of our people to the humanoid life form. This form which you have now assumed has been determined to be the most advanced and flexible configuration for survival on this plane"
5) The Invid Discet Dusty Aryes: "That was only where the Invid began their experiments. Apparently, the aliens were studying the functions of my body… trying to get data on the process of human evolution. Piece by piece they replaced my entire right side with protoculture-generated prostheses and organs. The experiment was done without anesthesia…. It was more painful than you could ever imagine."(AKA Torture, and Trait of Evil)
6)Corg: "Sera, I must protest your lenience in dealing with the humans. Our experiments have been completed. It’s time to exterminate them."
7) Corg again: "You’ve known all along that we planned to save only a small percentage of the humans to use as workers on our protoculture farms. The rest have been scheduled for extermination"
8) Corg wastes no time. He assembles his shock troopers and begins a murderous assault on the civilian population. His orders are simple: "Spare no one!"
9) Even Ariel believes humans are lesser beings: "they have a life force that is almost as strong as our own"
10) Regis to Areil "It is the genetic instinct of their species to destroy what they cannot understand."
11)Corg: "This pathetic species cannot be allowed to stand in the way of our future! Sera, your contact with the rebels has made you weak and spineless."

This is 11 Instances where the Invid believe the Humans are Lesser beings, and Should be destroyed.
only 2 Times do any invid speak up for humanity:
Ariel: "I am a new form of life that is a blending of the two. You must believe that the Invid never planned to destroy humanity. We are only trying to find a place we can live in peace and security."
then the Regis says to her: "Ariel, it is true. You are a traitor. Was it you who led these children of the shadow to the Hive?"

Cant Really Trust anything Ariel says at this point, Her own people Consider her a Traitor, Which makes her Opion above highly Suspect.

and Sera: "Forgive me, Regis, but I’ve begun to doubt whether we are any better than they are. You say this species is guilty of murdering and making slaves of their enemies, but how is that any different from what we are doing on this planet?"

and Humans Kill rodents because they are Pests... not so we can replace them on the Evoultionary Chain.

Are we not pests to them (and yes I am ignoring everything else :P, but at least I'm admitting it, not saying that you do that just pointing it out)? Hmm, much better saves the time of having to terraform the planet, change yourselves. Of coures the other problem with terraforming the planet is that it would kill off all the plants that the FoL spores are growing on.
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
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Lt. Holmes wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:
Colonel Wolfe wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:
Lt. Holmes wrote:So let's even the odds a bit. Invid Swarm vs the Glitter Boy Legions of Free Quebec. And what the heck, let's toss Triax into the mix, too. Get all the GOOD Earth GBs in on it :)

What Japan and Mutant's in Orbit GBs not good enough to join the group?

no, just not really able to join up with the FQ GB's. Being the FQ guys are a bit "Human Supreamist" they might not like the Mutants from orbit.

Mutants from Orbit is the name of the book not necessarily the type of pilot. Besides how would they know what was piloting the GB?

No, they're not good enough because they're fugly in the extreme and waaay too munchy for my taste. The FQ GBs are close enough to the source mecha that I can see a clear evolution from the USA G-10. That, and the FQ (and Triax model) GBs look cool and the rest don't :-P

Still, the idea of Invid vs Xiticix would have me terrified. I mean, it'd do the rest of Rifts Earth a world of good because it would suddenly take up the whole effort of the Xiticix race to deal with the interlopers, but just imagine the sort of destruction that would lay in their wake. And that's not even counting what a Rifts-Earth empowered Regis could do. Like I said before, that's a very, very scary thought.

Kay but you still didn't answer about Japans models.
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
BEST IDEA EVER!!! -- The Galactus Kid
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Colonel Wolfe wrote:It comes to Question.

The invid Regis is Looking for the Supream Evolved form of Creature on Earth.

What would be that Creature on Rifts Earth?/

True Atlantean?
The Anchient Gianst that live undergound in South America?
A Dragon?

in Robotech Humans are the Top Dawgs... but what is it on Rifts earth?

(and did anyone ever notice tha Gene-Slpicers Look alot like Robotech Masters?>)

OK again in RT the top evolved species would be perfectly obident copies of herself.

On RE remember it's only the form not the powers of. Uh maybe another AI aside from herself. Hey you have multiple eyes multiple manipulation limbs. I dunno there is something superior to humans when one can see and do more at one time.
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
BEST IDEA EVER!!! -- The Galactus Kid
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Zer0 Kay wrote:
OK again in RT the top evolved species would be perfectly obident copies of herself.
ummm, No, she was Evolving on to the top Creature on Earth... on Rt Earth, that is Human. What her real form is anything. she Appears huaman liek to be able to relate to her new Simulagents.

On RE remember it's only the form not the powers of. Uh maybe another AI aside from herself. Hey you have multiple eyes multiple manipulation limbs. I dunno there is something superior to humans when one can see and do more at one time.
Not Nessicarly, she is a Master bio-Wizard, alchemist, and Psionic. She could Clone the Abilities.
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On RE remember it's only the form not the powers of. Uh maybe another AI aside from herself. Hey you have multiple eyes multiple manipulation limbs. I dunno there is something superior to humans when one can see and do more at one time.

hmm.. the regis is Uber-Psionic (a few steps above master psi.)

so, you can reasonably assume Psionic Awareness (Don't even NEED eye's, you just Know whats there. think of it like a high powered version of the Blind Slugorth slave women's power (i forget the race name).
and with Telekinises, you can manipulate anything you want physically.
add to this Telemechanics, and you have the regis' basic powers.
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glitterboy2098 wrote:
On RE remember it's only the form not the powers of. Uh maybe another AI aside from herself. Hey you have multiple eyes multiple manipulation limbs. I dunno there is something superior to humans when one can see and do more at one time.

hmm.. the regis is Uber-Psionic (a few steps above master psi.)

so, you can reasonably assume Psionic Awareness (Don't even NEED eye's, you just Know whats there. think of it like a high powered version of the Blind Slugorth slave women's power (i forget the race name).
and with Telekinises, you can manipulate anything you want physically.
add to this Telemechanics, and you have the regis' basic powers.

Not really telemechanics though because all of the Invid equipment is organically based.
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
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Colonel Wolfe wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:
OK again in RT the top evolved species would be perfectly obident copies of herself.
ummm, No, she was Evolving on to the top Creature on Earth... on Rt Earth, that is Human. What her real form is anything. she Appears huaman liek to be able to relate to her new Simulagents.

On RE remember it's only the form not the powers of. Uh maybe another AI aside from herself. Hey you have multiple eyes multiple manipulation limbs. I dunno there is something superior to humans when one can see and do more at one time.
Not Nessicarly, she is a Master bio-Wizard, alchemist, and Psionic. She could Clone the Abilities.

I thought she was looking for the highest evolutionary form? If she is then why isn't she the highest? Now I could understand if she's tried before and failed to create a duplicate of herself. Even if she is a ball of energy I see Vorlons. Funny how The Vorlons (creatures of the light) fight against the Shadows in B5 eh? Although the Humans aren't children of the shadow there.

OK Good Point.
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
BEST IDEA EVER!!! -- The Galactus Kid
Holy crapy, you're Zer0 Kay?! --TriaxTech
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[quote="Zer0 Kay']
On RE remember it's only the form not the powers of. Uh maybe another AI aside from herself. Hey you have multiple eyes multiple manipulation limbs. I dunno there is something superior to humans when one can see and do more at one time.
Not Nessicarly, she is a Master bio-Wizard, alchemist, and Psionic. She could Clone the Abilities.[/quote]

I thought she was looking for the highest evolutionary form? If she is then why isn't she the highest? Now I could understand if she's tried before and failed to create a duplicate of herself. Even if she is a ball of energy I see Vorlons. Funny how The Vorlons (creatures of the light) fight against the Shadows in B5 eh? Although the Humans aren't children of the shadow there.

OK Good Point.[/quote]

After Watching B5, and Re-watching New Gen... I thought it funny that the Humans Were Using "Shadow Tech"... and the SDF-3 Kids were Psychis in the novels... in B5 it took a Psy to pilot the Shadow ships.

She was looking for the Highest Form, but She also Mimiced Things besides form, All of her Simulagents experinced Emotion, something thats not nessicarly Tied to a Physical form.
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Colonel Wolfe wrote:[quote="Zer0 Kay']
On RE remember it's only the form not the powers of. Uh maybe another AI aside from herself. Hey you have multiple eyes multiple manipulation limbs. I dunno there is something superior to humans when one can see and do more at one time.
Not Nessicarly, she is a Master bio-Wizard, alchemist, and Psionic. She could Clone the Abilities.

I thought she was looking for the highest evolutionary form? If she is then why isn't she the highest? Now I could understand if she's tried before and failed to create a duplicate of herself. Even if she is a ball of energy I see Vorlons. Funny how The Vorlons (creatures of the light) fight against the Shadows in B5 eh? Although the Humans aren't children of the shadow there.

OK Good Point.[/quote]

After Watching B5, and Re-watching New Gen... I thought it funny that the Humans Were Using "Shadow Tech"... and the SDF-3 Kids were Psychis in the novels... in B5 it took a Psy to pilot the Shadow ships.

She was looking for the Highest Form, but She also Mimiced Things besides form, All of her Simulagents experinced Emotion, something thats not nessicarly Tied to a Physical form.[/quote]

For B5- Shadow ships don't require psykers to fly the shadows chose to use them as a new weapons system not as a pilot of the ship unless your talking about the human shadow tech. The shadows fear psychers. They (psychers) were created by the Vorlons genetically manipulating all the races that have psy powers. The Vorlons had used psychers as willing weapons in the last war and the Shadows were trying to turn it back on them. The reason the Narn didn't have that many psychers was because the Shadows had been on their planet before and killed most of them shallowing out that part of the gene pool.

Back on topic...kinda. You didn't answer my question so why is she not the top evolutionary form? She is energy based in her natural form but if she needs to interact with the physical world around her she can change into any form she needs. How is that not an excellent "form"? She also shows emotion.
:thwak: you some might think you're a :clown: but you're cool in book :ok: :thwak:--Mecha-Viper
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Zer0 Kay is my hero. --Atramentus
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