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Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 1:33 am
by slappy
It's been weeks since anyone posted anything on this board. I whipped this up just to break the monotony.

Switch Blade

A Bio-Tech Switch Blade is far different than its technological equivalent. Instead of a simple spring-loaded knife blade, this weapon is the bizarre combination of a wicked-looking long sword and a serrated whip. A simple mental command from the wielder causes the seemingly solid blade to extend into a ten-foot long whip lined with dozens of razor-sharp thorns and back again. The flexibility of this weapon keeps targets guessing at all times. Opponents cannot stay outside the range of the sword or close the distance to limit the effectiveness of the whip. This formidable melee weapon is utterly devastating in the hands of a skilled user, but warriors must possess W.P. Sword and W.P. Whip in order to wield a Switch Blade effectively.

Weight: 3 lbs.
Mega-Damage: 3D6 M.D. per sword strike, or 2D6 M.D. per lash of the whip. The Switch Blade can also be used to entangle an opponent much like the Serrated Whip Bio-Enhancement (see page 96 of the Splicers RPG for entanglement rules).
M.D.C. of the Weapon: 100 M.D.C. As a living Bio-Weapon, damage regenerates at the rate of 3D6 M.D.C. per minute, and a severed part of the whip will regrow in 24 hours.
Bonuses: +1 to strike and parry, +2 to disarm, and +3 to entangle.
Trade Value: 1000 credits.

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 2:49 am
by Drakenred®™©

this board is Deader than Robotech and that game is out of production.

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 9:59 pm
by slappy
Thought up a random enhancement and threw it up here as well as on the master list.

Sniper Barrel: This enhancement can only be applied to projectile firing rifles like Bore Rifles and Demon Seed Cannons. The barrel is lengthened to help increase range and accuracy, but it does make the rifle a bit more difficult to conceal (-15% to Concealment).
Bonuses: +1 to strike and increases maximum effective range by 25%.
Bio-E Cost: 10 points.
Prerequisite: Projectile firing rifles only.
Trade Value: 1000 credits.

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 11:45 pm
by IsaacFayde
Long time lurker first time poster... got an idea, not sure about stats or what not, but a modification off the Quill Defense and Quill Launcher set, something along hte line of reinforced quills, or barbed quills... just some ideas.

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 3:02 am
by Prince Cherico
The Bacta Sniper Rifle
Range 1 mile
Damage special
Cost 100,000 credits
Availability rare experimental weapon

The Bacta rifle shoots a gob of gunk at a target
the gunk is actually a metal and silicon eating bacteria.
Unfortantly the weapon is useless in emidate combat.
The blast does one SDC to the target on the first day and
the damage doubles every day. With time the spreading
bacteria could destroy even the most hardy of targets.
So far the weapon is in the testing phase the house behind
it has launched subtle raids on Factory zones. Time will tell
what effect these raids will have.

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 10:25 am
by NMI
Lord Cherico wrote:The Bacta Sniper Rifle
Range 1 mile
Damage special
Cost 100,000 credits
Availability rare experimental weapon

The Bacta rifle shoots a gob of gunk at a target
the gunk is actually a metal and silicon eating bacteria.
Unfortantly the weapon is useless in emidate combat.
The blast does one SDC to the target on the first day and
the damage doubles every day. With time the spreading
bacteria could destroy even the most hardy of targets.
So far the weapon is in the testing phase the house behind
it has launched subtle raids on Factory zones. Time will tell
what effect these raids will have.
And for how long does the bacteria do its job? If it is only daily damage, how is it sustaining itself?

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 4:33 am
by demos606
It occurs to me that silicon might not be a good thing to have the bacteria eat, particularly so if you were looking for a not-so-obvious weapon against hardened NEXUS targets. Plastic, metal, and MAYBE ceramic would be good choices but there's just too much practical resistance use for glass for me to like it on this bacterias feedling list.

I can see some fairly creative uses for this, particularly by ArchAngels and flying War Mounts that extend far far beyond simply testing against factory wall tiles.

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 1:16 am
by slappy
Nothing special. Just a simple addition to the Resistance armory. Don't know why I never thought of it before.

Heavy Bore Rifle (Heavy Bio-Weapon)

This heavy support weapon is a larger, more powerful version of the Bore Rifle. The oversized ammo drum mounted on the underside of the weapon carries more Bore rounds than standard rifles even though each grub is larger.

Weight: 25 lbs. Most humans most use two hands to aim and shoot the weapon, otherwise they are – 4 to strike. Individuals with Splicer P.S. of 24 or higher can fire the weapon with one hand.
Mega-Damage: 2D10 M.D. for each grub fired from the rifle. The Bore round does an additional 1D10+3 M.D. for the next 1D6 melee rounds after it hits a metal target.
Maximum Effective Range: 1800 feet.
Rate of Fire: Each shot counts as one melee attack.
Payload: The Heavy Bore Rifle has a payload of 24 Bore Rounds. The Bio-Weapon can produce one replacement grub in only 3D6 minutes to replace the last round fired. To reload its entire payload will only take 4D4 hours (regenerates naturally).
Bonus: +1 to strike on a carefully aimed shot only.
Trade Value: 12,000 credits.

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 10:50 am
by JTwig
Bio-Energy Blade

These blades appear to be constructed from insect carapace, and are smooth to the touch. They were created using the same principles as other Bio-Energy weapons. Set back from the blades edge are a series of photo-conductive sells, similar to those used in light cells and super-light cells. The blades can be used as normal melee weapon (inflicting the base damage), or at will the user can activate the photo-cells. When activated the entire blade-edge appears to be engulfed by a high intensity energy field that greatly increase its damage capabilities. Because the energy is constantly emitted form the weapon, instead of intermittent emission that Bio-Energy ranged weapon create, the energy output is slightly reduced.

Weight: Knives 1/2 lbs, Sword 5 lbs, Axe 6 lbs, and Two-Handed Sword 10 lbs.
Mega-Damage: Knife 1d6+1/2 PE attribute, Sword 3d6+1/2 PE attribute, Axe 3d6+1/2 PE attribute, and Two-Handed Sword 4d6+1/2 PE attribute.
Range: Melee
Rate of Fire: Equal to the operator's number of attacks per melee.
Payload: One minute per point of PE attribute per 24 hours. Each extra minute after that will weaken the user (-2 actions, and 1/2 combat bonuses for the next 1d6 minute, for each additional minute of use).
Trade Value: Knife 600 credits, Sword/Axe 1000 credits, and Two-Handed Sword 1300 credits.

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 2:19 pm
by Danger
I'm not a huge Splicers fan, but some interesting stuff here.

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 12:14 am
by slappy
Some new Weapon Attachments

Lightning Arc Blaster: A small cylindrical barrel is grafted under the weapon’s main barrel along with special musculature that runs throughout the weapon. This special tissue is capable of generating a powerful electric charge similar to that of an electric eel. This build up can then be released as a powerful lightning blast. The barrel of the Lightning Arc Blaster is designed to allow someone to grip it without suffering any damage from the electrical discharge (as long as they do not touch the front of the barrel when it fires). The extra tissue throughout the weapon also increases its overall M.D.C. by 10 percent. As another bonus, the Lightning Arc Blaster can fire in conjunction with the primary weapon for a more powerful double attack.
Mega-Damage: 3D12 M.D.
Maximum Effective Range: 75 feet.
Rate of Fire: Each blast counts as one melee attack. A dual attack from the Lightning Arc Blaster and the primary weapon also counts as one melee attack.
Payload: Effectively unlimited.
Bonus: +2 to strike on an aimed shot only.
Bio-E Cost: 40 points.
Prerequisite: None.
Trade Value: 4000 credits.

Bio-Napalm Thrower: Plasma Flame Throwers can be further enhanced to project a sticky, long-lived napalm. This concentrated Mega-Damage fire does not dissipate quickly; but lasts for a period of 2D4 minutes, enough time to cook most targets. Only by wiping the sticky substance off can the target hope to survive. The bio-napalm is much thicker than the chemicals used in the Plasma Flame Thrower, so the payload is drastically reduced.
M.D.C. of the Flame Thrower: Unchanged.
Mega-Damage: A bio-napalm burst does 3D8 M.D. A concentrated plasma burst (counts as two attacks) does 1D8x10 M.D. Or the attacker can cover an area with bio-napalm: up to 10 feet can be covered with each hand to hand attack, so a character with four hand to hand attacks could affect an area of 40 feet; everybody in the area affected takes 2D8 M.D. Additionally, any target that is hit by the bio-napalm will continue to take damage: 2D8 M.D. every melee round for 2D4 minutes. The only way to save oneself from damage is to roll in the dirt or sand (water will not extinguish the bio-napalm) for one entire melee round, until the bio-napalm is rubbed off.
Maximum Effective Range: 75 feet.
Rate of Fire: Each blast counts as one melee attack.
Payload: 10 blasts. The weapon can manufacture enough bio-napalm to replace its entire payload in only 1D6 hours.
Bio-E Cost: 25 points.
Prerequisite: Plasma Flame Thrower.
Trade Value: 2500 credits.

Pod Launcher: This hard chitinous shell can only be attached to rifles and other heavy Bio-Weapons. Pod Launchers use compressed gas to fire a burst of “pods,” which resemble the seed pods of some strange plant or maybe the eggs of an insect. On impact these pods are ruptured, spraying the blast area with razor-sharp shrapnel. Pod Launchers grow their own pods, never needing reloading. These weapons are very effective, but must be used with care, due to their blast radius.
M.D.C. of the Pod Launcher: 2D4x10+10 M.D.C.
Mega-Damage: 3D8 M.D. to a 10-foot radius.
Maximum Effective Range: 300 feet.
Rate of Fire: Each shot counts as one melee attack.
Payload: Grows enough seed pods for 32 bursts per hour, automatically regenerates.
Bonus: +1 to strike per burst of pods.
Bio-E Cost: 50 points.
Prerequisite: Can only be grafted to a rifle or other Heavy Bio-Weapon.
Trade Value: 5000 credits.

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 12:25 am
by slappy
Bug Bombs

The success of the Swarm Lord program has inspired many Librarians to further experiment with these powerful Bio-Tech insects. One Librarian from House Artemis took some of the most voracious bugs known as Locusts and created powerful new anti-personal grenades he called Bug Bombs. They consist of a simple shell that contains dozens of Locusts held in stasis with a low grade explosive in the center of the bomb. The explosive itself is completely harmless. It is meant to awaken the bugs and send them flying in all directions within a radius of ten feet. The bugs then land on any nearby metallic object within range and eat until they burst. The best part about these grenades is that they are completely harmless to living creatures. The Locusts are genetically programmed to be repulsed by the taste of flesh, so even if someone detonates a Bug Bomb in his hand, the Locusts would only seek out and destroy robots and other metallic debris. To activate the internal charge and detonate the bomb, the wielder just squeezes a small nerve cluster on top of the device. The user then has four seconds before the bomb detonates. He can either throw it, or hold on to it to clear out the immediate area.

Weight: Half a pound.
Mega-Damage: 3D4 M.D. per melee round for 1D4 melees to any robot or metallic object within a 10-foot radius. Note: There are only enough Locusts within each Bug Bomb to affect five robots. In the alternative, if the Bug Bomb is thrown onto a large robot like an Assault Slayer or Battle Track, then the damage is 3D8 M.D. per melee round for 1D4 melees.
Maximum Effective Range: 100 feet when thrown as a grenade (200 feet for Splicers). If attached to an arrow or spear the range is that of the projectile reduced by 30% due to the extra weight and imbalance of the Bug Bomb on the tip.
Trade Value: 2500 credits each (experimental with limited availability).

Mega Bug Bombs

These larger bombs are about the size of a basketball. They contain about four times as many Locusts, plus it has a larger charge in the center of the bomb to spread the bugs farther. They are too large and unwieldy to throw very far, so they are most often used in close combat.

Four pounds.
Mega-Damage: 3D6 M.D. per melee round for 1D4+1 melees to any robot or metallic object within a 20-foot radius. Note: There are enough Locusts within each Bug Bomb to affect 2D4+6 robots. In the alternative, if the Bug Bomb is thrown onto a large robot like an Assault Slayer or Battle Track, then the damage is 6D8 per melee round for 1D6 melees.
Maximum Effective Range: 20 feet when thrown as a grenade (40 feet for Splicers).
Trade Value: 6000 credits each (experimental with limited availability).

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 1:28 am
by slappy
Acid Lance

The Acid Lance is a favorite weapon among Strider and Marauder pilots. This ten foot long spear inflicts impressive damage in close combat, but it is absolutely deadly during high-speed Calvary charges. When attacking a target at speeds of over 100 mph, a skilled user can punch this mighty lance through the thick external armor of nearly any robot. The unique grip on the spear has ten short insect-like limbs that wrap around the forearm of the wielder to reinforce his grip. This allows the wielder to really put the momentum of the charge behind his attack. Even if the spear fails to pierce the target’s armor, the secondary attack of this weapon still inflicts tremendous damage on robotic opponents. Upon impact, the lance releases a large blast of highly corrosive acid through a small nozzle in the tip of the spear. The acid is devastating to metal alloys and other inorganic materials, but it is relatively harmless to living tissue (only inflicts 1D4 S.D.C. per melee round for 1D6 melees). The acid does impressive damage when sprayed on the surface of the target, but it is far more devastating when the lance successfully penetrates the external armor.

Weight: 3 lbs.
Mega-Damage: 4D6 M.D. per spear strike, plus the force of the impact triggers the lance to release a deadly blast of corrosive acid that inflicts an additional 2D8 M.D. per melee round for 1D6 melees. When used at speeds over 100 mph, the spear inflicts 6D6 M.D. per strike. In addition, if the attacker rolls a natural 17, 18, 19, or 20 (or 21 or higher with strike bonuses, or only 14 or higher if the M.D.C. of the Main Body has been reduced by 50 percent), the Acid Lance punches straight through the external armor of the robot into it’s internal cavity. If the lance does punch through the robot’s armor, then the acid spray does far more damage. In this case, the damage is 4D8 M.D. per melee round for 1D4+3 melees. The acid wreaks havoc on the robot’s internal systems, electronics, and components, which causes additional impairment or damage (roll on the following table).
01-10% Lucked out. No additional damage.
11-20% Critical strike. Double damage.
21-30% All systems are temporarily offline, effectively paralyzing the robot for 2D4 melees.
31-40% A power coupling within the robot explodes, inflicting 2D4x10 damage to the main body.
41-50% All weapon systems are temporarily offline. One weapon comes back online every 1D6 melees.
51-60% Communication systems are permanently disabled. The robot can no longer be possessed and controlled by N.E.X.U.S. or call for reinforcements.
61-70% Motor functions are severely damaged. Attacks per melee are reduced by half and combat bonuses are completely eliminated for 2D4 melees while vital systems are rerouted.
71-80% Servo controls for both arms are damaged beyond repair. Any weapon systems mounted on the arms work perfectly, but the robot is unable to point them at any target.
81-90% Optics and all sensor systems are temporarily offline for 2D4 melees. Attacks per melee are reduced to two, the robot has no initiative, and suffers a penalty of -10 to strike, parry, and dodge.
91-00% Internal damage slows the machine’s ability to respond. It has no initiative, its attacks per melee round and speed are reduced by half, and it suffers penalties of -5 to strike, parry, and dodge for 2D4 minutes until damaged systems can be repaired or rerouted.
M.D.C. of the Weapon: 100 M.D.C. As a living Bio-Weapon, damage regenerates at the rate of 3D6 M.D.C. per minute.
Payload: The lance creates enough acid for 12 blasts per hour. Spent acid regenerates automatically.
Trade Value: 1000 credits.

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 5:03 am
by abtex
Always love it when Slappy gets bored or has some free time on his hands. :)
Nice to see more Bug tech coming online.
Is a Juggernaut bug juice grenade available? Would work nice with the Mega Bug Bombs and even with the Bug Bombs. 'Paint' the target then throw the Bug Bomb and have a booby trap set with Mega Bug Bomb. If I had to wait till 20 or 40 feet to throw the Mega at a horde of robots, I would be making fear checks regluarly. Donot even want to think about the Larger designs. :) Mega as a claymore with remote discharge or as a trap, Yes.

On the throwing range of the little one, is the 200 feet for Splicers, Host Armor or any OCC that is Bio-Tech equipped?
OT question for you. Can anyone play with Bug tech or do you want to keep under your control?

slappy wrote:Bug Bombs

Maximum Effective Range: 100 feet when thrown as a grenade (200 feet for Splicers).

Mega Bug Bombs

....They are too large and unwieldy to throw very far, so they are most often used in close combat.
Maximum Effective Range: 20 feet when thrown as a grenade (40 feet for Splicers).

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 10:31 am
by slappy
The throwing range is for Host Armor.

As for availability, I was thinking of them as currently in the experimental phase so there is limited availability. That doesn't mean it won't change as they are proven effective. For right now, there is no O.C.C. restrictions, but they are expensive and hard to find.

I know the range of the Mega Bombs are a little low, but I was thinking of them more like booby-traps like you said or room clearers. Roll them through a door to clear it out, or drop it down a hole into a chamber packed full of Steel Troopers. Plus they are completely safe to humans at close range, so I envisioned setting one off in your hands when you're about to be overrun or jumping onto the back of a Battle Track and setting one off.

I suppose you could use them in conjunction with the the Juggernauts, but they have so many of their own Locusts that you don't need to waste your bombs when they're around.

Anyway, glad you liked it. I'm always trying to think of ways for each side to exploit their own advantages. What can damage their troops without hurting my own?

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 2:35 pm
by abtex
slappy wrote:The throwing range is for Host Armor.


abtex wrote:Is a Juggernaut bug juice grenade available?
slappy wrote:I suppose you could use them in conjunction with the the Juggernauts, but they have so many of their own Locusts that you don't need to waste your bombs when they're around.

When I ask about Juggernauts' Bug Juice Grenades. My thought was that the troops assigned to the War Beasts, were making home made grenades fulled with juice/spray milked from the trunks. Then the locust swarm would goto the 'painted' targets for lunch. Maybe there was a Bio-Enhancement that allowed Bug Juice Balls to grow on Juggernauts for use by their guardian troops.

Mega Bug Bombs coming with 3 or 4 Bug Juice Grenades. The user would paint the targets that release some or all of the Locust from the storage hive. Or rig booby-traps with them and the hive.

Or were making home made grenades fulled with food paste and locust larval, removed from the hive. Then throwing them at the robots. If the full grown locust are metal hungry their young would go crazy for it. You just fulled them with grown Locust, not the larval.

slappy wrote:Anyway, glad you liked it.

Most all that you post I like or can use in some ways.

Am tried and need to go to sleep.

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 11:12 pm
by slappy
That's a good idea. I didn't know what you meant at first. That's a great way to make better use of defenders within the Battle Carriage.

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 7:37 pm
by abe
how about organic drill bits with acid sprayers attached?(to drill into machines & destroy them further form the inside)

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 7:36 am
by bigbobsr6000
I just read thru this thread. WOW! :eek: :shock: This is super-duper stuff. Slappy, you need to publish. :D

Other contributors are excellent as well. PLEASE keep the stuff coming guys.

Big Bob.................... :D

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 11:30 am
by LostOne
I agree...gather this stuff up and send it in to the Rifter.

With some added fluff at the beginning (maybe make all of this the experiments of a single particularly inspired Engineer and Librarian duo of a small house) this could easily be a multi-page article.

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 3:51 pm
by slappy
Thank you very much. The handheld bio-enhancements are one of my personal favorites and they will be included in the Rifter 0.

I'm gathering up the rest of it into a big adventure sourcebook. It's taken a lot longer than I would have hoped, but I think I should be able to polish it up by summertime.

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 12:04 am
by Aramanthus
Handheld bioenhancments in Rifter 0? Sounds great! I'm looking forward to seeing that being released!

Re: Post Your Bio-Weapons.

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 6:10 pm
by abe
How about a roller skate type of attachment for the feet of the bio - suit?

Re: Post Your Bio-Weapons.

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 9:35 pm
by NMI
abe wrote:How about a roller skate type of attachment for the feet of the bio - suit?

By "Bio-Suit", I think you mean "Host Armor" and/or "Living Armor".

Re: Post Your Bio-Weapons.

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 9:36 pm
by abe
NMI wrote:
abe wrote:How about a roller skate type of attachment for the feet of the bio - suit?

By "Bio-Suit", I think you mean "Host Armor" and/or "Living Armor".


Re: Post Your Bio-Weapons.

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 1:43 pm
by Shark_Force
not sure how well it would generally work. you kinda need hard, flat surfaces for roller skates to work well.

if you're looking for something to increase speed and mobility in a more rugged setting, i would recommend supercharging something like these:

(in case it isn't obvious, there will be sound if you go there).

Re: Post Your Bio-Weapons.

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 2:35 pm
by Wooly
Shark_Force wrote:not sure how well it would generally work. you kinda need hard, flat surfaces for roller skates to work well.

if you're looking for something to increase speed and mobility in a more rugged setting, i would recommend supercharging something like these:

(in case it isn't obvious, there will be sound if you go there).


Those jumping stilts are totally awesome. I tired on a friends. A serious leg workout. Makes me think about a rabbit or kangaroo based "bio-suit".

Re: Post Your Bio-Weapons.

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 11:11 am
by abtex
Shark_Force wrote:not sure how well it would generally work. you kinda need hard, flat surfaces for roller skates to work well.

if you're looking for something to increase speed and mobility in a more rugged setting, i would recommend supercharging something like these:

Upgrading Chariot Skates might make good off road means and cutting close combat. Could be 'Grown' bone with flex sections.

There are also OffRoad Skates or All Terrain skates.

Re: Post Your Bio-Weapons.

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 11:15 am
by Wooly
abtex wrote:
Shark_Force wrote:not sure how well it would generally work. you kinda need hard, flat surfaces for roller skates to work well.

if you're looking for something to increase speed and mobility in a more rugged setting, i would recommend supercharging something like these:

Upgrading Chariot Skates might make good off road means and cutting close combat. Could be 'Grown' bone with flex sections. [url=[/url]

There are also OffRoad Skates or All Terrain skates.

How do you stop in the chariot skates? I am a capable ice skater roller blader from playing hockey, The amount of speed you would generate with wheels that big would make stoping hard. Here is a vide:

Never heard of these before. Thanks!

Re: Post Your Bio-Weapons.

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 9:03 am
by SlaytheDragon
Firefly Rifle
A heavy, short barreled rifle made from chitinous bio-organic material, more akin to a grenade launcher than a rifle.
Housed in a cylindrical tube near the butt stock of the rifle are a hive of thousands of luminescent bio-organisms akin
to what the rifle is named after, a firefly. When fired the rifle emits a glowing yellow-orange orb that shatters on impact
with the target, releasing thousands of these 'fireflies' that ignite and burn the target with Mega-Damage flame able to
melt robot armor in seconds, and killing the organism in the attack. Limited by the short range of the rifle, Splicers have
to make use of it in quick, guerrilla attacks on those heavily armored targets of the N.E.X.U.S. The other drawback to the
weapon is that if the Hive takes damage the organisms on the inside will make contact with air and instantly ignite and
explode, engulfing the Splicer in flame.

Weight: 18lbs
Length: 2 feet 3 inches total, counting the length of the Hive.
Mega-Damage: 1D6x10 upon impact with the target. The target continues to burn afterward for 1D6 melee rounds, dealing an
additional 2D8 damage per melee.
Max Effective Range: 250 feet
Rate of Fire: Each shot counts as one melee attack.
Payload: 10 shots, The weapon produces more 1D6 firefly rounds an hour.
Bonuses: +1 strike from the large round. After leaving the rifle the round expands to about the size of a soccer ball.
Trade Value: Rare, new breed of weapon makes it a hot commodity. 22,000 credits
Special: This weapon has an M.D.C. of 2D6 + 10, varying from rifle to rifle as they are grown. If the weapon takes damage
there is a chance that the hive may be pierced. When the weapon comes under fire, roll under the following table.

01% - 60% - Nothing happens, weapon takes damage as normal.
61% - 79% - weapon trigger mechanism is damaged, unable to fire.
80% - 100% - Hive is penetrated, and the weapon explodes dealing 2D6x10 Mega-Damage to the user, and continues to burn
for 2D8 damage for 2D6 melee rounds.

Re: Post Your Bio-Weapons.

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 3:45 pm
by abe
how about extend-arms with hammer type hands at the end of them for punching to destruction of robots?

Re: Post Your Bio-Weapons.

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 3:51 pm
by abe
not sure if it's been done, but how about a vine whip for capturing creatuers to feed to the genepool?

Re: Post Your Bio-Weapons.

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 4:02 pm
by say652
Detachable Drones that snoop and sneak then return and share gathered info.
Possible self destruct system for a bomb in pinch effect.

Re: Post Your Bio-Weapons.

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 8:04 pm
by abe
Ice skates for host armor for use on frozen serfaces?

Re: Post Your Bio-Weapons.

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2015 9:57 pm
by abe
Maybe a sonic blade/bullet as a weapon /upgrade?

Re: Post Your Bio-Weapons.

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 6:33 pm
by abe
extend-toungue a mouth feature that can catch prey/machines and depending of the type of metabolizeme you either digest the object in the mouth to almost nothing or chew it up and spit it out/swallow it depending if it has a lithivore metabolizime or not.

Re: Post Your Bio-Weapons.

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 8:03 pm
by LostOne
abe wrote:extend-toungue a mouth feature that can catch prey/machines and depending of the type of metabolizeme you either digest the object in the mouth to almost nothing or chew it up and spit it out/swallow it depending if it has a lithivore metabolizime or not.

It eats machines? Seems like suicide with the way metal attacks you on that world.

Re: Post Your Bio-Weapons.

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 11:40 pm
by abe
LostOne wrote:
abe wrote:extend-toungue a mouth feature that can catch prey/machines and depending of the type of metabolizeme you either digest the object in the mouth to almost nothing or chew it up and spit it out/swallow it depending if it has a lithivore metabolizime or not.

It eats machines? Seems like suicide with the way metal attacks you on that world.

it's just a thought.

Re: Post Your Bio-Weapons.

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 12:41 am
by Slight001
abe wrote:
LostOne wrote:
abe wrote:extend-toungue a mouth feature that can catch prey/machines and depending of the type of metabolizeme you either digest the object in the mouth to almost nothing or chew it up and spit it out/swallow it depending if it has a lithivore metabolizime or not.

It eats machines? Seems like suicide with the way metal attacks you on that world.

it's just a thought.

There was an interesting metal eating metabolism that was written up here on the forms. It basically used an enzyme to break down the metal into pools of liquid metal that it would then consume.

Re: Post Your Bio-Weapons.

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 12:59 am
by LostOne
Slight001 wrote:There was an interesting metal eating metabolism that was written up here on the forms. It basically used an enzyme to break down the metal into pools of liquid metal that it would then consume.

I would be interested in reading that if someone can link it.

Re: Post Your Bio-Weapons.

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 10:00 am
by Slight001
LostOne wrote:
Slight001 wrote:There was an interesting metal eating metabolism that was written up here on the forms. It basically used an enzyme to break down the metal into pools of liquid metal that it would then consume.

I would be interested in reading that if someone can link it.

Slagovore, seems to be what I was remembering...

Re: Post Your Bio-Weapons.

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 10:43 am
by LostOne
Slight001 wrote:
LostOne wrote:
Slight001 wrote:There was an interesting metal eating metabolism that was written up here on the forms. It basically used an enzyme to break down the metal into pools of liquid metal that it would then consume.

I would be interested in reading that if someone can link it.

Slagovore, seems to be what I was remembering...

Interesting. I'd resurrect the thread if it was more recent, but it's nearly 10 years old...

Re: Post Your Bio-Weapons.

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 8:27 pm
by abe
flash-bulb attachment! basically a flashbulb type attachment to stun machines!
perquisite-light cell. could this work as a weapon?

Re: Post Your Bio-Weapons.

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 12:07 am
by Shark_Force
depends what you mean by stun.

it's hard to imagine a light so bright it would "stun" the machines (which likely don't have the same vulnerability to excessive stimulus as humans) without, say, vaporising everything nearby.

on the other hand, overwhelming their visual sensory apparatus and forcing them to rely on most likely less precise senses sounds like something you could definitely pull off against most machines.. theoretically. i mean, they need photoreceptors of some sort to see, and it's not hard to believe those photoreceptors would be vulnerable to bright lights.

can't recall if the machine has polarized optics by default or not, but anything that doesn't could presumably be blinded for at least a while (considering the machine's proficiency in nanotechnology and ability to recover from other disabling effects, i figure they've got to have some built-in basic repair systems, the limitations of which are pre-emptively factored into their MDC and such).

Re: Post Your Bio-Weapons.

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 12:26 am
by LostOne
I assumed he meant like flash-bangs used in movies to blind and deafen and disorient targets in a room during tactical assaults.

Re: Post Your Bio-Weapons.

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 12:49 am
by abe
Shark_Force wrote:depends what you mean by stun.

it's hard to imagine a light so bright it would "stun" the machines (which likely don't have the same vulnerability to excessive stimulus as humans) without, say, vaporising everything nearby.

on the other hand, overwhelming their visual sensory apparatus and forcing them to rely on most likely less precise senses sounds like something you could definitely pull off against most machines.. theoretically. i mean, they need photoreceptors of some sort to see, and it's not hard to believe those photoreceptors would be vulnerable to bright lights.

can't recall if the machine has polarized optics by default or not, but anything that doesn't could presumably be blinded for at least a while (considering the machine's proficiency in nanotechnology and ability to recover from other disabling effects, i figure they've got to have some built-in basic repair systems, the limitations of which are pre-emptively factored into their MDC and such).

Sorry, I meant for the effect of the flash -bulb bio-technology to be blinding the machine.

Re: Post Your Bio-Weapons.

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 3:53 pm
by abe
Bone hammer and anvil to squash machines?

Re: Post Your Bio-Weapons.

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2018 11:59 am
by abe
Gum spuer-shoots out sticky gum to stop/slow down the machine forces!

Re: Post Your Bio-Weapons.

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2018 8:01 pm
by abe
Living caltrops?

Re: Post Your Bio-Weapons.

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2018 2:22 am
by BookWyrm
abe wrote:Living caltrops?

Or a 'spike-seed' type? I can picture a Scarecrow, being persued, casts a sall handful of golfball-sized seeds behind him & a second later the shells erupt in 2d6 spikes....